TWO ( IKEEBS. EI. LA WHEELER" WILCOX. I. So much one thought about the life be yond, He did not drain the waters of his pond; And when deatli laid his children 'neath the sod He called it "the mysterious will of God." He would not strive for wordly gain, not he His wealth, he said, was stored in God's lo be. He kept his mortal body poorly dressed, And talked about the garments of the blessed; And when to his down. Jast sleep he laid him His only mourner gown. begged her widow's II. One was not sure there was a me to come, So made a heaven of his earthly home, He strove for wealth, and with an open hand He comforted the needy in his land, He wore new garments often, and the old Helped many a brother to keep out the cold. He said this life was such a little span Man ought to make the most of it for . man, And when he died, the fortune that he left Gave succor to the needy and berelt. CROOK COUNTY. Items Called From the Columns of the Oehora Kevlew. Several freight teams arrived here the first of the week from The Dalles. They were a month making the round trip. Mail Carrier Baker again failed lost week to eet in with the Harney mail. Crook riyer being cnfordable is the cause assigned. Willamette yalley papers report a very backward season, and say farmers are at least a month behind with their spring seed' wg- Several sheep men will begin shearing as soon as tho weather is warm enongb. Ow ing to their sheep haying the scab, they are compelled to shear early. Some unscrupulous individuals stole a fiuantitv of ice cream, cake and dishes oat of the 'hall last Friday evening after the festival. It is certainly to be regretted that snch things will occur, for it is anything bnt honorable and gives the town an unsavory reputation. Cointy court did little this week exo. pt to allow a few bills and approve the boLds of Howard & Smith for performance of con tract to construct a road around- Rock point on Crooked river. The court wisely decided not to declare the tax roll for 18S9 delin quent. The people of Beaver and Upper Crooked river ai enow seriously inconvenienced by cot having a bridge across Crooked riyer at ' the point where the one was washed away ' last February. The river is not fordabie and they are compelled to come by the desert or liorseheaven in order to reacD town. "If a woman is pretty. To mo 'tis no matter. Be she blonde or brunette. So iho lets ma look at her." An unhealthy woman is rarely, if ever, beautiful. The peculiar diseases to which so many of the sez are subject, are prolific causes of pale sallow faces, blotched with un sightly pimples, dull, lustreless eyes and ema ciated forms. Women so afflicted, can be per-' manently cured Dy usicr ur. nerce s f avorite Prescription; and with the restoration of health comes that beauty which, combined with good qualities of head and heart, makes women an gels or. loveliness. Favorite Prescription Itirinnsii'rrn I hi the only medicine for WARRANTED. zS vH? iT """gnaran tee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction In every case, or money will be refunded. It is a potitiv specific for all thoso painful disor ders, irregularities ana weaanetses wiin wiucn so many women are omictea. Copyright, 1888, by 'WoaXD'S DlS. HxB. ASS"N. DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS Pursly Vegetable I Perfectly Harmless I TTBTEQUAIXD AS A LIVER PIXI - Smallest, Cheapest, Easiest to take. One tiny. Siurar-ooated Pe a ted Pellet a dose. Cures bick neaaacne, unions Heaaacne, ixmstipa- tion. Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all do rangements of the Stomach and Bowels. oenU a Tial, by druggisu. AYleasaxvt Sae and. (ertam C6V)s. CKPUp o-ui.AxT(fpAX and. IVlNlfi ,ectums XAKUFACTUBED BY I. D. HOLDEM, Stockton, Cal. Wholesale by Snipes & Kinersly. Btal hy nil Diugsfets. THK G-ERMANIA CHAS. STUBLIKG, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brande of Imported Lienors, Ale and Porter, and genuine Key n est cigars. A lull line oi CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES, i No. 90 Second street, ThefDalles, Or. THE D.M.FERRY&CO. rho are the lamest Seedsmen in the world-M ' Who are the largest Seedsmen in the world. D. M. t Djtr ft Co's TH intra ted, Descriptive and Priced M L U AN N VAU M J- for 1890 will be mailed FREE te all ap plicants, ana to last season s enstoaaers. US OCHET ma ncr. .raVWH asms; osrn, flower r fitlM StiOj snouio tena ior it. jiaanm A D. M. FERRY ACQ. DETROIT, MrCH. Land Notices KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxo Orncs at Tim PAiLra. Or., April 2, lbUO. NnLire in lierebT civeft that the follow! !U:-namcl settier lias nidi notice of his intention to nutke dual proof in ti'iMtrt if liii claim, and that said proof will oo 111.UIU ufluro tuxisicr uiu ivccvitvr a. jiiv Dalltr, Or., on May 17, lsiw, via: F.ugrne naraonra, D s G10-2, for th e SW4, Sec 6, Tp 5 S, R IS E. lie names the following witnesses to prove his cniiiinnous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laii'i, viz : t J unes Buriingame, O. W. Lucas, J. M. Ledford, Albert Svairrt. ai'. of Warnic, Or. Any per on who desires to protest apainst tne al lowance of such proof, or who knows of iny sub stantial reas on, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the wit nesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in re buttal of tliat submitted by claimant. apl5 F. A. McDONALD. Register. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tux Dai.lsk, Obegos, April 2, 1BD0. Notice is hereby ffiven that the lollowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the rgiter and receiver at lhe Dalles, Oregon, on Mat 17, 1SM0, viz: Jamra liurflnsame, D S MS9. for the NE5 SW'4. KK SEJ4, and SEof KE, m 34, Tp 4 S, K 12 t. lie names the following witnesses to prove bis co;iti;iU3us residence uiou and cultivation of, said land, viz: Lugeue Pammjrs, G. W. Lucas, J. M. Ledford, Al bert naviige, ail of Warnir, Or. Any person who e'esires to prote-t against the al lowance of tuch proof, or who knows of any sub stantlal reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, whv such proof should not be allowed, will be giveu an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cress-examine the wit nesses of said claim-nt, and to otter evidence in re-" buttal of that submitted by claimant. apo F. A. McDONALD. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Office at The Dalles, Or., March 15, 1H80. Notice is hereby (riven that the following earned settler bas filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on April 2&, 1S90. viz: Daniel I. Haddaman. DS 70S5 for the SW NEJ W54 and SEJ SEJ Sec IS Tp 2 Stt U E He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Beiij.min Rothway, William Robinson, Oliver Bouruuiit, Joseph Robinson, ail of Dufur, Or. F. A. McDONALD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Land Office at The Dallks, Ousooir, March 18, 1880. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has flied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be nude before the register and receiver of the V. S. land office at His Dalles, Or., ou May 5th, 1SG0, viz: Kamnel Hnaband, PS. 6651, for the EK. KWJi. Sec. 5, Tp. 2 N , of R. 12 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, raid Land, viz: Amos Root, Charles Philips, William Johnson, Jumes Esterbrook, all of Mosier, Oregon. nich& F. A. McDONaLD, Register. Sale of Unclaimed Goods on Account of Advances, Storage, Eld VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THF Jlj follrwifcg articles described ii the .schedule hereto annexed, being property stored for one year and ever, aui rcmiiinug unclaim d, will be sold at public auction t the highest bidder for ca.h, on Saturday, the 26th day of April, A. D. 1890, com mencing at tha hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at Moody's Storage and Forwarding Warchouai , Second street. The Djlles, Oregon. Oulv so much of rath mrcel or lot thereof will be sold as will satisfy all chargts aga nst the sum j for advances, storage ana otner nocessary expenses: mciieoi;i.k. Mrs. Charles Paker, 1 organ and stool; Jamss B unes, 1 tihle; Charles Klein. 1 roll bedding; V. S. Conks, 1 set harness; lialrteid Jt Hingsaaw, 4 pack- aaes Hardware; ti. B. Heudrie, I coiicentratoiv; H. bleliinL', i plows; 11. Kroei)be, 1 p:ow and 1 drill; J. L. 'rhompsi'D, 4 pacaaes sawed lellows; J. M Noliu 1 henoer whei. Ciareuci Bnruett, 1 case mer chandise; J. W- Johnston, 1 case merchandise; E. liaytcn, 1 uuiMlie uiamua paper; John Lentttz, 1 butter ix, ,x, AI. P. Vt huat, 1 boa nieichanuise; Jchn Koring, 1 pump and fixtures. Z. y. MOODY, Storage and For waning Merchant. J. B. CROSSEN, Auciivnecr. febi2-apr6 Dalles City Water Uonds, Sealed proposils will be receive:! until 2 p. m. Saturday, March 1. 1890, by the Board of Water Commissioners of Dalles Cty, for the purchase of 200 bonds of $500 each, 9100,000 in the aggregate. ?zo,uuu payame in nve years. Jji2510'JO payable in ten cars. '25.000 payable in fifteen years. 1 25,000 payable in twenty years. Each bidder must state the lowest rate of interest at which the bonds will be taken, at not less than their face value, and for cash in hand; interest pay able annually. Bids should be addressed to the Secretary B ard of Water Commissioners, The Dalles, Oregon, and envelopes endorsed Proposal for Witer Bonus. . The commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. M. T. NOLAN, Secietaryof Bowl of Water Co-nmissionera, Th3 Dalles, Oregon. JanZP NEW CITY BRIDGE. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION PASSED TOE Council: It is hereby declared that notice be given inritin? sealed proposals for the construction of a eood and substantial bridsra across Mill Creek on Ninth street. Each proposal to he accompanied with plans, specitications and diag-rams. That said notice he given by publication in the Tiiiss-Mous-taixeir and Watco Sun, newspapers in Dalles City, Oregon, for two successive issues of said papers. That said proposals be filed with the recorder on or before April i9th,ls90, and that after an award shall have been made, the contractor to be required to enter into a written contract and execute a good and sufficient bond to the ctty in doub e the amount of rus pronai. By order of the Common Conncil of Dalles City. GEO. II. KNAGGS, apo-aplO Clerk. Guardian's Notice. Notice is hcrebr oriven that the nndersiimff ha. been appointeu bv the County Court of the State of uregon, lor wasco county. In probate, guardian of the person and estate of Otis S. Savage, Junior, a minor. All persons having c'.aims atrainst sai 1 es- i tate nd minor are hereby notified and reauired to . present them to me at the law office of Coudon & Condon, in Dalles City, Wasco countv. State of Ore gon, with proper vouchers therefor. vatea at Daues City, or., atarcb 6, 1890. Z. F. MOODY, Guardian of the nerson and estate of Otis M. Sav. age. Junior. mch8 Administrator's Notice Notice is hcrebv iriven that I have been annnfnforl administrator of the estate of James J. Rutherford. deceased, bv the Honorable, the Countv Court of Wasco county, Oregon. All persons bavin? claims against said estate are notified to present them with the proper vouchers to me at mv place of residence in The Dalles, in raid county and state within six mouths from Uie date of this notice. O. J. LEWIS, Administrator. Dated The Dalles, March 28, 190. apr5-4w AU citizens desirous of ) avinz their cows herrlerl from and after the first of liaicli can i'0 so ty apply ing at the sttble of W. H. Butts, where narticuiara .iiu iCTuis wui urn wBtie xiiowu. leD17 NOTICE. Ar.y person wishing to purchase flour at the TVi. mond Mill can do so in lots not less than 6 Ibis.; price $4X0 per barrel, subject to alteration. Terms s'.nctiy cam. A. a. CUKTiSS. prop. PAY UP, A LL ACCOUNTS DUE TilE UNDERSIGNED A innt be st ttltd on or lwfnm 11 1 inoo they will be Uoed for collec ioa. E. BECK. CAUTION Take no ihoi tmleta TV. L. ltonglaa' name and bottoms If th deulcr rannot Hiinnlv vnn. send direct to factory, cucloslns aaveruied VV. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR CENTLEMEN. Fine Calf. Tfmrr laeed Ormln auad rnwwl. moor Waterproof: nem in tne wonn. examine nis SS.OO GENniKE HAND-SEWED SHOE, S4.00 HAND-SEWKn WF.I.T KROR. 83.50 TOLICK ASH FARMERS1 SHOE. 3.0O EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. &2.2A A as wnnRTwnMRN'fl UMnira 3.0O and S1.75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. au maoe in congress, Button ana xace. $3 & $2 SHOES lafS " T Vil V LADIES. 1.75 SHOE FOR MISSES. RMt af mtOTH! RMt fttvl.. Rm ItlM... ww. mm wuuie, mv, ,,,,,, wi new, siMta Freinian,Ast. The Dalles,0r. JB. CROSSEN, Anjtloneor. . WsusbisisrtB St, bet. Mala aad Meesj m( - Taa DaUes, Orsgon. Eetrular Auction 8 ales of Real Estate, household r nrmcurs ana ueneral Merenandise. Wedneday ud Watarslar, 11 A.M. legal Notices- SUMMONS. In the Circuit CoTt of the Sta'.e of Oregon, for Wanco county. M. A. Moody, plaintiff, vs Mrs. S. C. Hacan, de fendant. To Mra. S. C. Hagan, defendant: In the name of the State of Ore on, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint of the above name I plaintiff, filed against you in the above entitled suit in said court on or before the 26th dav of May, 1390, that being the first dav of the regnlar term of sai-i court following the expiration of six rousecutive weeks' publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear am) answer, the plaintiff will apply to the cut tor the relief proved foi In his complaint filed herein, towil : for a deer e agaimt vou for the sum of 435.88, bearing interest at the rate of eish per cent, per annum, for the sum of $100 as attorney's fees, f..r the costs and disburse mer.ts of this suit, and for the foreclosn e rf that certain mortgige executed by you jointly with your husband, John H Hairan, now deceased, on the 29th day of August, 1887, to B. Wisiar Morris, on the southeast quT er () of section No. thirty-six (30) in townah.p No. two (2), south of range thirteen (13) east of the Willamette meridian; containing one hundred and sivty (160) acres and situated in Wasco nutnrv. State of Oieiron: which land was owned by you as vour separate property, and included bv you in said mortgage, with oilier lanus belonging to your said husband. Ssid moi tgug was executed by you and vou- husband as aforesaid to secure the pay ment of five c. rtain promissary notes amounting to 6,000 a d the interest thereon, uoignateu as 101- Lnr KntP Ml. one. fe .000: llOte No. tWO. 81 .0 0; note No. three. 1.000; note No four, 1,000, and note No. five, 2,000, with iut rest thereon at the rate of eiirht per cent p.-r annu r,a 'd the interest to be paid ou said not quarterly; that the land be ong- 1,11. tl III. t,I LM! HUD J .III, I II. n.lLilllilKbUKU, included in said mortgage to secuie the payment f .aid luibfltnii interest ther ou. was solo atadnun- istra tor's sale by the order of the County Court of the Bute of Oregon for Wasco county, in probate, and the proceed) of said sale and the whole thereof was applied on Saul nous oy oruer oi saiu court, wmeu proceeds paid in iun, saw notes uuoikiim;' w mu two three and four, and a nortion of note N. five, theie still remainela Imlonce unpaid on said note No. five, and interest titer on at the rate of eight per cent per annum, amounting to the sum of S435. 88 at the date of alinr the compla nt in this suit, for which sum this suit is brought, and for the foreclosure cf said mortgage to the extent of the sale of your land hereinbefore described, iucluded by you in - aid murtgage.and the proceeds of such sale to tie appll o to we paym ni oi saiu uamiiev uup iu on said note No. five; and said note No. five provides that in case suit i-bould be inst tuted to collect the same or any portion thereof, that you would pay 8100 as reasonable attorney's fees in said suit, each of said notes being signed by vou. the defendant. Mrs. S. C. Hagan, an J payable to the order of b. Wistar Morri : said note d estimated as note No. five and th i said mortgage securing the payment there.', were duty transxerrea ana assignea to plain tiff, for value, before the commencement of this suit And you will further take notice that snch decree will provide for and dire t the sale of your sail herein described mortgaired premises belonging to you to satisfy the amount of said baian e still due and unpaid on said note No. five, now owned by plaintiff, and secured by sail mortgage and amount ing to 135 88. rincil and interest, to the date of filing the complaint in this tuit, together with $100 as reasonable attorney's fees as provided for in said note No. five, ai;d the costs aui tisbursemei.ts of this suit, and for such otbei relief as may be equita ble. You will also take notice that thi summons is served ud d vou bv publication, in pursuance of au order of the Honorable E. P. Shattuck, Circuit Judge of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of Oregon, el aate April ytn, isjif. aireccing tue puDii cation of the same in the Tihks-Mountaineer for six successive weeks. CONDON 4 CONDON, April 7, I860. Att'ys for Plaintiff. apr!2-6t SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. . The Solicitors Loan and Trust Company, plalntuT, vs. James Beth, Mary Booth, W. F. MeClure, tarah 11. Mcoiure. V. u. Alter. Ada Alter, Kaipn Kogers. jnna n. itogen, i n Hmoouy, j. w. Tav 1 r, Daniel Gridley, E. E. Hall and Jjhn W. Fran cis, defendants. To James Booth, Mary Booth, W. F. MeClure, Sarah H. McCluie, I', il. Alter, Ada Alter, Ralph Rogers, Ju.ia N. Rogers, L'ri Embody, J. W. Taylor. Danied Gridley, E. E. Ha 1 and John W. rrancis, the above named defenda-its: In the name of the State of Oregon y u and each of you are hereby requited to be and appear in the above named court and answer the comp'aint filed against you by the above nmei plaintiff in the bove entitled action, with'n ten days from the date of the service cf this summons upon you, if the same is served in Wasco county, S'ate of Oregon; if the same is served upon you hi any other county in said state, then within twenty days from the date of the service of the same upon you; and if the same is served up.n you by publicatt n, then you are re quired to appear anil answer by the first day of the term of sat I court following the expiration of the time prescribed in tne oruer lor publication thereof. tn-wit: by the 26th day of Muy, 1890. And if vou fail to to answer, judgmei t will be taken against you for waut thereof, and said plaintiff will apply to the said court for the r lkf demanded in tne said ' complaint, which is for judgment airain-t avid de fendants. James Booth and Mary Booth, for $2130 and interest on $2000 thereof at the rate of six per cent per annum, compounded semi annually at the rate of eitrht per cent per annum from July 1, 1S&9; and interest on S10 thereof from July 1, 18S8; on $60 thereof irom January 1, I Mali, and on JtW thereof from July 1, 1889, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and for $-200 attorney's fees and costs and disbursements; and for a decree forever barring and foreclosing all of said defendant-i of all interest in the land hereinafter described, and foreclosing the mortgage givcu oy saia dames rjootn ana Alary jsootn to saiu piaintin on tne Zdin aay ot f coruory, 1887, to secure the sums aforesaid upon those par cels of lan I in Wasco county, State of Oregon, known and described as the east half and the east half of the southwest quarter of section fifteen f!51. all of section sixteen (18), the east half of section seven teen (17), and the uorthwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-two (22), all in township one l norui oi range lourieen tit; east w . u., con taining 1400 acres more or less. And orderirg said 1 nd sold and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment to plaintiff of the sums aforesaid, and for general reuei. The date of tho order of service by publication in cms suit is aiarcn zy, isn . j. a. ur-iv?, March 29, 1890. Plaintiff's Attorney apro mayu SUM310NS. In the Circuit Court of the State Wasco Countv. of Oregon for The Soficitnrs Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff. vs. James Booth, Mary Booth, W. F. McClore, Sarah H. MeClure, D. G. Alter, Ada Alter, Ralph Rogers. Julia N. Rovers. In Embodv. J. W. Tnv. lor, Dairel Gridley, K. E. Hall and John W. Fran cis, aeienaants. To James Booth, Mary Booth, W. F. MeClure, Sarah H. MeClure. D. G. Alter, Ada Alter, Ralph ,HJScllh v uiu. x,. nu(crs, un Ajuooay, rf. nr. Taylor, Dauiel Gridley, E. F. Hall, and John W. Francis. . U 1 1 . . .1 . mis hivto ivwiw mamiiHiiw; In the name of the State of Oregon yon and each of you are hereby requited to be and ap, ear in the above named court and answer the complaint filed against yon by the above named plaintiff, in the above entitled action within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon you if the same is served in Wasco county. State of Oregon, if the same is served upon you in any other county in said state, wen witnin twenty aava from the date of the service of the same upon you, and if the same is served upen you by publication then you are re quired to appear and answr by the first dav of the term of said court following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order lor publication thereof to-wit: by the 20th day or May, 1890, and if you fail so to answer judgment will be taken against you for wbu. msreoi. am aaio piainun wiu apply to tne said court for the relief demanded in saidjeomplaint, which is for judgment against said defendan s James Booth and Marv Booth fur 821-26 and intcmt . n 2000 thereof at the rate of six per cent, per annum compounded semi-annually at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from July 1st, 1889, and interest at eigro per cent, per annum on Stto thereof from Jan. 1st, 1889, and on (00 thereof from July 1st, 1889; aud for (200 attorneys fees and costs and disburse ments. And for a decree foi ever barring and fore closing all ot said defendants ot all interest in the land hereinafter described, and foreclosing the mort gage given by said James Booth and Mary Booth to eaju piainuu on me zacn aay of f ebruary, 1887, to secure the sums aforesaid upon those parcels of land u n asco county, state oi uregon, known and de scribed as the southwest Quarter of section four u the north half of section nine (9), and the northwest quarter oi section seventeen (17), all in Township ww liwwi oi range fourteen east, w. at., contaiuiuing 640 acres more or less. And nnl.rino said lands sold and the proceeds thereof applied to thepaymeut to plaint.C of the sums aforesaid and ior general reuei. The date of the order for service by publication in una suit is aiarcn :v, isuu. t. d- Cr lOrf, March.29, 1890. - Plaintiff's Attorney. ivuiavif SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for the State ol Oregon, for the iounty oi WSfCO, BS. Annie J. Fitzgerald, plaintiff, vs. Kate Couhhr airs. O. H. Sea vers and William Snyder, Jr., de- Te Kate Coubuj, Mrs, D. B. Searers and William anyaer, Jr., delendants: In the name of the State of Oiejron. yon and each of vou are hereby required to appear and answer uie complaint niea against yon m tne a Do re entitled action within ten days from the date of the servii-e of this summons upon vou. if set ved within this roomy; or u served witnin any other county of this state, then within twenty das from the date of the service of thU summons upon you; and if you fall so w una, ,w wiui. uiereot, tne piainun will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wit: the partition of the life estate of nniiam onjaer in parts (a one-third part) of lots 8 and 9 of block one of Dalles titv proper frontins; about 20 feet on Main street on the n.irUi side there of and bounded on the west by the property owned bythelateO. S.Savaire. This summons is served upon yon and each of yon iu ui,u4.n) m m oruer amy maae nerein on tne 9th day of April, 1890, by Loyal B. Stearns, Judge of the rou-th Judicial District o the State of Oregon. " . wu mu uo MATS m rjOKTlXOTON, apl9-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff. CITATION. In the County Court of the Bt-te of Orezon. for the In the marter of the estate of PWli w r..i.. deceased --Citat on. ' To Mary O Cnstman, Clara R. SpedJen, Ceonre - ... ucii . jaw oz Phoebe M. Dunham, deceased, greetinic In the name cf the State of Oreiron. too an hK. cited and required to appear in the County Court of uie ouue w ureinju, lur ue iooncy OI Vtasco. at uia .1 1 . ... - , ; . ' - w,u . . it.. - AsMiv i l v , i u saia county en Monday, the 4th day of May, 1890, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that dav. then and then in -v. cause, if any there be, why an ordor should not be usue wubuoruiiiK; .lie auuiinuuut jr OI sua estate to wvu uieJoiJowioKueecrioea real esiue nelonfrlns; to said .state, to-wit: A strip or parcel of land S3i feet wide and 100 feet deep of tne east side of lot Ko. il, in Mock No. e, of Laiurhlin's addition to vanes iniy, n a co county, ureyon, situated on the bluff, together with the tenement and hereditaments thereto belomrinir. to pay the claims atrainst aanl a. tate and tne expense ot administering; the same. rtiuieosuiv auu, y. it . i nuruoury, rfllO(re ot the IBI&U..J aaia county uvon, witn the seal of sua ixnu-t arnxsa, tnis sa day ot Annl, A. 1 1890, . Attest: GEO. H. THOMPSON. Clerk. apr$-6t ' " By J. M. Hu.vTtneTos, Deputy. Dissolution Notice. Kotice Is hereby eiron that the partnerahib her tofore eziatins; between C. F. Lauer and J. N. Lnuor nis Deeu atss4iyea oy muttui consent, sr. c F. lauer will ceotinue the business, ami will collect all debts due the late nna and pay all liabilities. C F. LAUER, The Dalles, April 4, 1890. J. N. LAUES. apr6-6t FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS RY. Is the line to Lake TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Iti-l the Dining Car Route. It runs Thr -ugh Ves- tibuled Trains Every Oay m tne year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CAIIS.) Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. Pullman Drawing Koom hieepers ul iaies. Equipineut. TOUBIST SLEEPING CARS, Best that can be constructed, and in winch accoin luodattons are both Free and FuniUheJ tor holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continn. is Line c;ncect!ni wilh Ali Lines, Afibiding Direst and Cn inlerropted Service. Pulman Sleep er reservations car. be secured in ad vance through any agent of the road. TUDnilPU TIP VETO To and from all points InnUUun IIUKtlOin America, England ard Kiuope can Le purchased at any Xiekct otlice of tnis t;omf any Full Information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agt , No. 121 First street, cor. Washington, POUTLAND, OKEUuN 0. D. TAYLOR, Washington Street, in rear of French i Co's Bank building. oc THE DALLES. OREGON. -THE New Zeland Insurance Co. Is one of tho Best in the World Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho oi tne Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCo. i OF NEWARK, N. J. aid policy holders, sines organization, $92,812,907.06 ! Assets, market value S10,g)S6lS04 14 Surplus, N. Y. standard........ 5.512,1X0 81 One of the most solid companies in the United Slates. AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon rem tones ot Washington and Idaho. MONEY LOAN. NOTAET BUSINESS Before starting on a Journey, get an ACCIDENTTICKET. Only ZSc'for $3000 Insurance. Loaning Money foi non-resident a specialty. 8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders. O. r. TAYLOR HENEI L. KUCK, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, ... OB All Work CSnttranteed to CJIve Sat. faction H. GLENN, Is again at his old stand and has on hand I lv IB, FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT. Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, nude to oruer. 3T Contracts for all kinds of buildincs tagen at the lowest npares. Fakr's Golden Fen?ale Pills. For Female Tnwnlar fties: notblnglikethem on the market Sever jau. burcesslully used oy prominent ladies montniy. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed jueusiruatiou. SURE! SAFEI CERTAIN! Don't bo hnmbugged. eave lime. Health, aud mocey; take uooth er. Sent to any address. secure by mall on re ceipt oi price, Ji03. Address, THE APHRO IHEDiCIHE COMPftHY. Western Brcnch, Box 27, xOltTl,ANl. o FOR SALE BY BVAKELY & HOUGHTON. Thompson's Addition -TO- DALLES CITY. Now Ready fir Sale on Easj Terms. Now is the timeto buy while PRICES ARE LOW. This tract has been snrveved and ti!.Ma.1 tn tracts with convenient streets and aremie .n.i arranged that purchasers can iret one block or sev eral acres in a body. The lan 1 is comparatively level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location pleasant, beautiful and easy to access and joins the Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. FOB SALE BY The Dalles Land, and Improvement Co. For artieutars apply at the oBce of the Company rooms and 8, Land Office Building;, The DallesTor. COMB AND SEE. THE PROPERTY. THORNBURY & HUDSON, ap0d&wtf Real Ute Atrentj CNO FOR OUR CATALOOUCaj,. PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS. mm m m mm m sut sa . inwinniirvu9a inu. Eureka Restaurant . . rI9 BUILDING IS FOB REST AND T3K Fixtures therein for sale. Apply to zancna ubu. WILUAMI, Smpefl&Hnersly, -THE- Leadings 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon, C. N. TUOENBCRY. T. A. HUDSON. TIIORNBURY & HUDSON, MeFire,Life andAccident INSURANCE 2vo23.oyr to X-joa-n on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all kinds oj Land business be fore Vie U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8. up-stairs, U. S. Land Office building. THE DALLES, OREGON. FRUIT I SHADE TREES SMALL FRUITS, VINES EVERGREENS, SII UBS, ROSES, ETC. The Etrtieet Strawberry known, CLARKE'S " SEEDLINGI Also, tbe EVERGREEN, ever-bear ing strawberry a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens, JAMES A. VARNET, Prop. The Celebrated French Cure, wtorcnureed "APHR0DIT1NE Is Sold on a. POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous disease, or any disorder rf the cencrutive or gans of. either' BEFOI.E isine fnnn the AFTER exi-csMvu use of Stimulants, Tobacco ur Opium, or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg ence. Ac. MH'h as I.ns of ltrain Power. WakcluN less, bearing down Pains in the Bark, Seminal Wenkness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nortnru al Euiissious. I!iieorrno?a, Dizziness. Wen k Mem ory, Ixissof Tower and linpoteiiry, wliieh if lie- elected often lead to prematureoW aire and insnn- ity. Price 11.00 a box. 6 boxes for to.UO Sunt by muil on receipt ot jtnfe. A wiriTTKN fiUARAKTEE foTevcryJ5.0C order, to refund tlie money if a l'eriiianen cure is not effected. Thousands ot testimonials f mm old and young, of both sexes, permanently cured bv APHKoniTiNK. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WKSTKBN HRANCM. BOX 27 PORTLAND, OE BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR DALLES, OBEKOH. THE G. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FAKGHEB. THOMPSON & FARGHER, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St. Horse -ShOtiing and General Jobbing a specially Prices reasonable and to suit the times. . The Dalles Lumbering COMPANY, Successors to THOS. JOHNS ft CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. Tbjs Dallks, - - Obkooh. bkalbbs is all ktsds of ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material. ALSS Shingles Fence Posts Lime and Hair. MAHTrrACTUBSKS OF DOORS. WINDOWS, BLINDS. Orders from abroad receive prompt attention. PIONEER-:-GROCERY, GEO. RUCH, Proprietor. Northwest comer of Second and Washington sts CHEAPEST place in The Dalles for all kinds of GROCERIES FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW-WARE, &u Toankfnl for favors In the nast. I would resneet follf solicit a continuance of the same. GEOROR RUCH Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. twT" Cash adTsnces made on consign men t. THE DALLES Marble . Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy ai Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. TBS DALLES, OREGON.' Lock Box 218. A WEAK MAN Can now cure himself of Uie deplorable results of .j iuuw, miiu pen'cuj restore on Ttjror ana VI Ulitv sir th. Great Australian Remedy. Th. ra. maiaa e cures oi nopeless eases of Nervous Debil ity and Private Complaints are evervwh.ra tumninir out quickery. Th. Medicine, a physician's (ti-t to wuuennjr niuuaruiyv wiu Da sent tree to those ai Sicted. Address, Da. M. B. TATLOR, lmarlyw 809 Market btrreet, San Francisco. A Perfect ' Face Powder. SSSI D!?r?ssi SIID Ibt,I.IHIS 3 FUUOS Blakeley & Houghton. AND C. T. Dunham. t LATEST PERFUME exquisite cb..t. FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA -BTiAlDSr ' -of ; ALLEN GRANT, Eagle Valley, near Antelope Ewes have sauare ctod on rieht ear and split on left. Wethers . reverse. Horses and cattle branded "R. G." Have sold my horses and cattle, but not my brands. or money rerumleu. The New Umatilla House, THE OAL1XS. OREGON HAND LEY & SINNOTT. Proprietors, THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables Ticket and Baijgaije Office of the UNION PACIFIC Railway Company, and Office oj the Western Ur.lon Telegraph Company, are in e Hotel, X BAIN'S DEPART FB0M THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 Pi M FOR WAIXA WALLA 2:40 P. M. PORTLAND Tents, Wagon . Covers, -A.T THE OLD STVIVD. Country Orders Promptly atsnded to REMOVAL ! Removed to 276 -TEALEB IN- Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. Oil Paintings, Chromos E. F. FITZ xx:a.ix:r in ' 'SwSsMwawSsswlt vJw5TiWlwa, CJ and Groceries. 38ole Asent for the IMPROVED MONARCH Washins; Uachine,-E C. E. DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. SOLE AGENT FOR GLASSES PAT?.UtYI218T9. Every Pair Pnroliaswd Gnaranteed. t r r m i nr STATIONERY AND CIGARS Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicina uses. . Prescriptions com pounded at all Lours. call and see H00SIER FENCE MACHINE, 0NLY that gives a continuous twist to the wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WOEKS, Durable, Neat, and the H B. HEED, : THE ALLE5, gtrong, Ml Commission and Forwarding Merchant 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, . - (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited ! ! Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage. The Highest Price paid in Cash -N FJBLEI t FBHJIK, Successors to L D. Fbahk dec can Wholesale and Retail Dealers Leather & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings Etc. marlw-td RE3IOVAL I and 278 Second St., and Steel Engravings. GRALD, AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, Schuiilsr's and TuMar As!eWagons9 HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. IJlaclismitlis' Stock. Keeps in stock a full line of Razors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, Trusses, JliotiIler Unices, Chest Protectors Cheapest Fence in tho World Proprietor. OREGON. for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc. General ! Merchandise PR1NZ & NITSCHKE, . VIIOJLESAl.E A!ll 1CKTAII. Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates oi the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will Hardwood bent Chairs, each 75 et Cane Kockers $ 2 00 Ash Bedsteads 8 60 Woven-wire Mattresses 60 Lounges IS 00 CAlAi AND M TZ hi U H I "S-J FISH &L mm Ynm nm GAS PIPES, PLUMBERS' GOODS, PUMPS, fc. We are tbe sole afjeriU for the Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and RAMONA COOK STOVE, which has no equal, and guaranteed to give en tire satisfaction or money refunded. Cor. Second and Washington streets. The Dalles. THE 0R0 FIN0WINE ROOMS, AD. reraXLiUJIfc, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 an Gregorio "Vineyard Co. Aencj All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, ' "Dandelion Tonic." las .Ttaacisco ite Id! SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, - - - PROP'R, BlKEJPsS OX DRAUGHT -:-Columbia Brewery Beer,:-: AND FOB HALU ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. - Also. Uie Yery best Imported Vines, Liquors and Cigars. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., .1. P. IcIMKIY, -ri3AX.x:ii in- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Igent for the Bntterick Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress' Forms, .. The TJnderBiffned bas Added Metallic, Cloth-covered, Berl and Kosewood Casfcets, Diinl Dntian inil Chnn1o Tnlmmtnrfo rf oil HAris!ntfnni! of ths T ftisorf D10e CUiloI nuuco OllU OIUUUUO. llUUlUiilgO Ml OU UWWlUUUil IU UIO XlUUUll auuui sod owns tbs Sloat Elejrant Hesuwe eaat f the ostmatalas) with si) ths latest improwemruts. NO DELAY IN PIsltx sfBasiseas. Third street, three boose, sod adjoining his Haninfr Mill and Wagoa Shop. Place Of Krauaenee. Fourth street, oorner and night. , A. M. WILLIAMS ft Co., SUCCESSORS TO LATH FIRM E. WINGATE Sc CO. r e n e ?a 1 M X COMPLETE LINE OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. HACKS AND BUGGIES. DEALERS IK Fine Upholstered Goods Furnitora, Carp"', alaaliugs. Parlor "U23.d.ertEll2ns, a Spclalt3r. . Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Eta. an be fount at all kourl of ths day or nigU at their Has remored from Second street lo Third BOOKS, : STATIONEEI : AND : MUSIC. 1 3t All mall orders AlUd MtisfHorU ftBd procDpUr - Convince the Most Blceptloal Bed-lonnires . .16 00 . 26 Ob . J 2S a ! Ash Bedroom 8eU Brussels Carpets, per yard . iiurraiu Carpels, ' do BARDON, P.R -:o:- Burgundy 83, Zinfardel 84, Riesling 83, Hock 83, Table ' Claret. WM. MICHELL, UNDEBTA2EB AND to his Business a full line of Black, White, French FILLING ORDERS. iloors east of Giliona, Macallirter D Co'sag-ricttltural wars of Vsshlnirtoa. Can be tun st an boors of ths day ' - , WM. MlUMJjj.L.lj. e r c h an d i se FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Oroameota, wmoow soau, in. place clnuinea. Washington strut, two doors north IS itreot. Ths Leadln- House (or ... and orwtioimn ohmfullj mawm , I M I Swai aTjsT .w DEALERS IN