DBF. 4KB. bylla higginson, in west shore. ' The whole day long a spider spun . His thread of gold in the glowing sun. With love in his heart and hope in his soul He gathered the strands in one glist'ning whole. With a patient touch and a tender care He boilded his castles, quaint and fair. And never once did his courage tire, In the night's cool dusk or the noonday's fire. Till at last he knew, with a glad relief, That his castle was welded front leaf to . ' leaf, Up in the old sweet apple tree As fair a thing as one cared to see. "This is my dream!" the spider said. As he paused to rest his weary head. "I have worked it out with each golden strand, With a patient heart and a careful hand; "I have faltered never and fainted not, Though the winds were keen and the suns were hot; "I have tenderly set each thread of -gold, I have worked and waited and I have grown old; "And by all the hours and days that were spent, - - ' I have honestly earned this sweet con tent." . A butterfly on listless wing The idle, beautiful, useless thing . Down through the trees in the mellow snn. Trifling the hours while the spider spun, Drummed and drifted, with careless heart, Into the spider s work ot art. That golden fabric that dream com' clete Was broken and hurled at the spiders's feet He tiied to lift, with a trembling hand And a faitin heart, each glittering strand, To weave once more those threads of gold; . .. - But his strength was feeble and he was old; And though he mended and patched with care, His dream was never again so fair. The sweetest dream at a touch will fall Is not life a cobweb we, dreamers, all? My dream? It was pure as the heavens above. Or a child's white soul. My dream was love. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Baa Fraaelsea te Portland. ruuar, 1890, To Portland Leaving: SpearSt. Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. M. as follow Oregon March 1 Santa Koa ' $ State " Oresoo " 3 Columbia " 1" State " Oregon " 2S Columbia. " 28 The eomnan) reserye. the right to change steamers or tail. rig day. t&"So freight will be receded oil morning of sail h g. cet Fruit and Vegetables, and these will not be taken ufu-r 9 a. tu. omen ix ax frakcibco. General Uiu-e, N. 10 Market strwt. Ticket Offices, Koa. 1 and 214 Montgo-aierr street. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO., agents? i Portland to Ham Prancioeo. nunwaRT, 1890. To San Francisco Leavintr Steamship Wharf Port land, at 10 P. M., as follows: State March 8 Oiumii " 0 Santa Kui ' Statu " Orn.'u " 10 Columbia. " SteUi " Orcsson ... " SO Baggage must be checked eitbtr at Ash street dur ing toe day. or Ly the I". C. & B. T. Co. No un checked baggage will be received on the steamers. Legal Notices- Sale of Unclaimed Go ds on Ac:euat of Advances, Stnge, Ec ATOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THF failowiiiir articles described in the schedule hi re to annexed, being Mojier stored for one yrar and over, and renuimug uncla-m d, will be sold at public auction I t the highest bidder for ca-4i, on Saturday, the 26ih day of April. A. D. 1S90, coin nie:.ciug at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at Mood) s Storstre and Forwarding Warchous-, Second street. The Utiles, Orevon. Oulv so much of each mrcel or lot thereof will oe sold as will satufy all chargts against the same tor advances, storage and other necessary expenses: HVHKDCLK. Mrs. Charles P-u-ker, 1 organ and stool; J.imes Rarnes. 1 talile: Charles Klein. 1 mil beddius.': V. S. Conks, 1 set harness-; UaNtesd & Uinu'a.i, 4 pack ages har1'sre; . . mmitio, z eooceniruiors; Sleilim-, t plow.,; rJ. hroejbe, 1 p.uw im! l onn; J. L Tnouiiuon. 4 nacka.-es sawed fcl.ows; J. M Notin 1 hi-a,ter wh.ei. Olsreitc; lWrnett, l case mer chandise; J. W Juhnston, 1 case merchandise; b. Ha ten, 1 bundle uiaiui.a paper; joiiii liu.ii. i butter box, N. P. W heat, 1 box me c:unise; John Koring, 1 pump and natures. ' . Z. F. MOODY, Storage Slid Forwarting Ucri-liant. J. B. CROSSE;.. Auch-neer. chi2-a.r-'B PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WHOLESALE AXD BETA lb Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are nappy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates ol the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni- tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will Convince the Most Skeptical: H.nl.rrwl twnt Chairs, each T Ct 1 CoMoungeS M5 00 n s Oil I Ah Bedroom Sets 23 0C &'""!"!"!!!'!!!!!... 3 60 Brussels Carpets, per yard 7b iwn.nn u.itnaM 50 I Iiuraiu Carpets, do 21 Lounges I (TCAfil. SEK I J Hi I "M 29 NOTICE. Snipes & flirty, WEATHERCIIOP BULLETIN NO. 1 , Oregon State Weather Bureau m co-opera tion with U. S. Siynal Service, central office. Portland, Oregon. For week ending March 15, 1890: INTRODUCTORY. With this begins the weekly weather crop bulletin of Oregon for 18S0. Arrange- nieuta bave been made with promineut " farmers, representatives of this service and others, in every county of the state to ren ' der weekly reports of the conditions of crops, their progress and prospects, the effects of the weather on them, and, in gen ' . eral, information that will accrue to the - benefit of the farmers, merchants and others. Especial attention has been given to the " selection, of persons to render these reports. For the localities mentioned and the state in general, these bulletins cm be reBed up- - on as being in the train absolutely correct. . t WEATHER. The weather in the forepart of the week was cool, rain or snow was generally expe rienced, lbe temperature rose in latter . part of the week, when warmth and sun ehine prevailed. The temperature since January 1st is much below the average, while the snow and rainfall are above the average. CHOPS. Winter wheat is generally reported in good condition. A few sections report pre vious thawing and freezing weather which had injurious effects, but these reports are confined to limited area. The ground is generally too wet for plow . in?, though in sections plowing is in progress. Tbe snow has generally left, leaving the wheat in good condition, and fair grass for stock. A few flowers are blooming. Fruit and other trees are rapidly approaching the budding season. Some fears are eutertained that the fruit trees may bave been slightly injured by tbe cold winter. . . On March 15, 1889, flowers, pqach, cherry, apple and plum trees were in foil bloom in . most parts of tbe state. 1890 is about three weeks later in the opening of spring. B. 8. Paguk, Observer U. S. Signal Service. Asst. Director Oregon W. B. roRTLixD officer. Ticket Office, First and Oak streets. George S. Tm lor. Ticket Agent. C. . MKLI.EN, T. W. LEE. Gen. Traffic Manager. Cen. Pass. Act BATES OP PASSAGE, (including nie ind berths Cabin, 916 00 titeenge. SS 00 ttcund Trip Unlimited 80 00 TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. By H i) of the SouthernPacificCompany's LIJNK. The MT. SHASTA ROUTE. Qulc-lc -r In Time ttion Any Other ltoute between Portland and San Francisco. Leave Por timid 4 X. M. Pailf. Through Time, 39 Hours. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS TOURIST SLEEPING-CARS, for accomodation of Second-Clas . Faasensrers, attached to Express Trains. Fare from Portland to Sacramento ana San Francisco: Tnlimited 25 First Class. Limited 0 Second Class, Limited .; 16 C Notice is hrrebv given that the follon-ifg described tract of land w:ts bv Uniud States (went du'y is sued and daied at Wathingbiti. 1). C , the 12ih day ot April, A V. lb$5, am? re,ortld in a co county ricmla. Book of Ureils. Voiuuie "J." page MS. ou the 4i.li dav t.f Seiu-uiber, A. 1. 1SS5, to Victor Trirttt, for tlu fol.uaniir described tract of land, to- "The fractiomi nt.rth ha!fof the northeast quarter of section f- ur in township one, and tne river lots numbered one and two i.f sctiin tlurtx -three, and the liver lot uuiubcreU one of section thirtv-fiur in tonnshm two north uf range thirteen east, of Wil lamette meridian, in the district of land subject to safest Oreuoii Citv. Oit-lton, containing one bun dled anil filly-four acres and niiiet-five hundredths of an acre, accorumg lu tiie clBi ul plat ol tne sur vey "I raid lands returned to the general lai;d o:tice lithn huritvor-v:-iientl " lhe above t;act was ttented tn the Minion So- ietvof uie Jlemi-int b;.it"pil t'hurco Julv Ktn, laT-i. Ihe above patent to :he Uethodist tincowl Chnrili nut ith't.uiiiiig. iheauove dscritiiion and q joiaiiona are cojiied from the fia.ent now in uiy osevioii. All iH-raon4 are her-.-by notified not to trexis9 on anv ol the above mentioned tinct of land or negoti ate for anv ol the same except a-ith peiiMiiis lioldin uinier the above named i-atent to Victor inn-ir.. Uuled at The Dalles, Oreo , March 7, A. D. UiO. V. M. THOUSbUKY. mch8-4t Agent for K. K. 'J hompson, et s!. -THE Leadings Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. Citation. TIIIIOTJGII ITJCKETH TO ALL POINTS, Soutli and aet Via. California. In th Connty C nrt of the St-ito of Oregon, for ti-e county of tVaaco. In the matter I the estate of John T. Storrs, de ceits o . itation. To Mary A. Sinrrs n 1 to all oUier persons inter ested in said rsiat -. greeting. In the i awe of lueStateot Oregon, you a e hereby cited and r quirt-d to appe.tr lu me a tu UoU"t of the State of ureaoii, lor the i-numy of Wavo, at the courtroom thereof, at Dalles Ui'V. lit kiiu ii'U.ity. on Monday, the 5ih day of Hay, Ie!M, at 2 o'clock in the afternoou of that aay, uiea ana were to snow cause, if anv lucre be. why an order of sa'e should not b made to sell lot nnui!er ten in iilock number ne ia Trenlt's addition to Dalles City. Waseo county. Oregon, belonviug to said estate to satisfy the ciaiiua again -I the same. witntts tne rjnn. v. n. i nornuury. juuge oi me Issal.1 sau! County Viun. wild um eoaj oi sai I Court am .ed, this 7th day of ilarch, A. D. Altnt: GEO. H. TQOHPSOS. Clerk. mcba-tit Bv J. M. Uuktlsstox, Deiuty. HENET L IFCE, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St,, near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, - . OE G All Work faction Guaranteed to Ulve 8at- HUGH CHRISM AV. W. K. COB80N. Ghrisman (6 Com B. KOEHLEB Mioiacer E.P. R0CK18. Asst. O. F. and fa.. Agt TICKET OF PICKS, City Offloe No. 134. Cor. Tirst and Alder fta. Depot Corner and front Bts. roruana vrevoa Dalles City Water Bonds. M IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE TO TBS North American Review. Arrangements bare be:n mad for tho eoming year which will maintain for the Ketikw its un rivalled position among periodicals, and render it essential to every reader ii America who desires to keep abreast of tbe times. From month to month topics of omm iniing inte'estio every Held of hu man thought and action will be treated of In its pages by representative writers, whose words and Barnes carry authority with them.' The forthcoming volume will be signalized by the discussion of, questions of high public interest by the foremost men of the time, notably by a contro versy on Free Trade and Protection in their bearing upon the development of American Industry and Commerce between the two most famous living statesmen of England and America, TUB RIGHT HON. V7. E. GLADSTONE and HON. JAMES G BLAINE. This discussion, embracing ths most important contributions ever made to an American periodica, will begin in the January number. It is a significant fact as snowing the unparal leled popularity and usefulness cf this periodical and its wide Influence upon public opinion that the circulation of the North Ahsbicax Rsrisw is greater than that of ail other American acd Eug'ish reviews combined. Subscription price, postage prepaid, IS a year. Fealed poposils will be receiveil nntil t p. I Saturday, Marcl. 1. 1890, by the Board of Water Commissioners of Dalles City, for 'tbe purchise of w Douas oi soon eacn, aiuo.oou in tne aggregate. 25,rOU payable in five years. $2bi0"0 payable in ten years. -.-s!oou payable in fifteen years. a-ih.U0U uavable iu twenty eia. Kaeo bidder must state tne lowest rate of interest I at which the bonds will be taken, at m-t less than their lace value, and for cash iu baud: interest pay able annually. Bid should be addiessed to tbe Secretary B ard of Water CuiumuMioners. The Dalles, Oregon, and envelop endorsrd 1toiohi1 for Water nonas. The commissioners reserve tbe ribt to reject any and all bida M. T. NOLAN, hecsetaryof Board of Water Commi snoneni, The Dalles, uregon. janxu hh ii Creiilois. Notice is hereby riven that by an order of the County Court in toe btate of Oregon fur Wanco County, du y made and entered ou tbe 22d dny of November, 18s 7, the undersigned wu duly a- puinted, and u now tbe duly quaiinei and actiuy executrix of the hot will and uuit stUHitt f Dnie Bolton, ueceueed. All person hv rig elainn gainst said estate are hereby uolitlrHl present the scute t mo, with the proper vuut-her therrfor, at tne orace wi Mays Hununuton, ine LhUies, or., within six months from the date of thin notice. lated February , lb90. ELIZABETH J. BOLTON. Executrix of the last will and testautent of Daniel lKUion. diiceaiied. wklv-febld Administrator's Notice. SUCCESSORS TO C.22. CHT11SMA.3V & 80NH, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FANCY GROCERIES AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Washington and Federal. liavs on band and will sell at the lowest possible prices. Fancy and Staple Grocenis and Mill reed. liigliest Ca sh Price It County Produce. Call and examine prices before nurchasinz else- wbera. augi7u Chrisman & Corson. 0. D. TAYLOR, C. N. THORN BURT. T. A. HUDSON HrriteFire,Life andAccident INSURANCE IsLoney to I-ioaia. on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all kind or Land business be fore the U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8, np-stairs, U. S. Land Office building. THE DALLES. OREGON. FRUIT I SHADE TREES SMALL 1RUITS, VINES EVERGREENS, sh ubs, roses; ETC. The E-irieit Strawberry known, CLARKE'S :: SEEDLING1 Also, the EVERGREEN, ever bear ing strawberry a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens, JAMES A. VARNEY, Prop. mm BEFOhC The Celebrated French Cure, "ZX!? "APHRODITiNE" nrerS Is Sold on a. POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous disease, or any disorder l Uie pcuerutire or khiis at either is in if from Uie AFTER ex-csie use of stiiiktilanta Tobacco or Oninm or tlirOucli voutbful iudiscrution. over imlulit- eucc, &e sutrb as lwsof Drain Power, Wakeful ness, Heariue; down Pains in tbe Back, Heininal neakness. Hysteria, erous rrnstratiou Mouiru al Emissions. I-encorrhoea. Dizsiness. Weak Mem ory, I.msnf Power and Iinnoteiwy, which it ne- lectc4l often leai to premature out are nun lttsan ity. Price 11.00 a box. 6 boxes lor 5.gu Sent by mail on iwcipt of price. A WlllTTKN tiUAHANTEE fnreTery5.0t order, to refund the money if a lrimimiit cure is not effected. TlioitKands ot testimonials from old and yoim?. of both sexes, permanently cured lr ArNRoniTlNK. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. wasTBUN BRANCH, BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, BOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. 0KB60H Washington Street, in rear ot French Co'i Rank building. THE DAIXES, OREGON. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, 3 East Fourteenth Street, New Tore. Thompson's Addition In ths matter of tbe estate of Nancy Gaffer, de ce sed. Notice is hereby (iren that the undersigned has nieu nu nnai account lu tne aoore matter an-i ttut Monday, Uie otb day of May, 1K99. at tbe hcu - of 11 o'clock a. ni of said day at the County Courtroom in the Cuumy Courthouse in Dalles C ty, Wasco county. Oreun, i tbe time and pljce axed by tbe honorable, the Couuty Coutt of taid county and state by an order duly mvle aud eutered therein on tne stn aay ot siarcn, lor tne bcanng of any oojocuons to sa.a aceuaut or tne settlement tnereoi. Dated aUichs, lsiW. W. A. OBAKB, Administrator of the estate of Naucy tiager, de eased. Dulur fc Watkins, attorneys for the adminii.rator. mcn8St -THE -T0- XFOWEH AND SHCE. ana reason way s woman fa afraid or BJouao U a profound myBtery indeed. It haa never oeen cry cjeariy proven tnaa Ehe la. But some women are constantly In aucb a nerrous, Irritahlo condition that tbo slightest tbinf annoys and startles them. The cause of uuiorranate etate or affairs is vsuallr uerunui'llieut; Km irreyiilarity, some DALLES CITY. . Now Ready for Sale on Easy Terms. Sow is the timeto buy while PRICES ARE LOW. This tract haa been sunreved and plotted In acre , tract with couveitient Btreets and aretiues and ao ! arrantred that purchasers can iftt one block or aer end acre in a body. Tbe kin. I ia comparatively level, soil excellent, water easily obtaiued. location pleasant, beautiful and ey to acceaa and juins the city unmeauueiv on us ease Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. FOR SALE BY The Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For ariicu'ars snply st the office of the Company rooms and 8, Land Office Building, The Dalles, or. COME AND bEE.THE PROPERTY. Guardian's Notice. Notice is herebT given that the nndershrned haa been appointeu bv the Couuty .Court of the btate of Urexon, for Wasio county, iu probate, giiardttn of the person and elate of Otis tt. s-atuge. Junior, a minor. All nersons having e.aiuis asaoist sai 1 ea. w i nd minor are hereby notiiied and reuui ied to present them to me as the law office of Coudon Condon, in Dalles City, Waxco eouutr, btate of ure k;ou, with proper voucbers tnerefor. uateu at Danes city, or., slarcb 0. 1390. Z. f. MOODY, Guardian of the person and estate uf Otis s. Saf- age, Junior. mchS Xiand Notloa. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxo Orrica st Tub Dalles. Oa., Februarv 10. 18UO. Notice is hereby risen that tbe following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said pro if will te made before the reybiter and receiver of tbe U. 8. land office at The Dalles, Or., oa Ap.il ax, uw, via; -James) JH. Johnson. Hd. 1781, for the SE N Wtf, EKBnW, SWW 3KJi See. 10, Tp. s 8, R IS, W al. He names the following witnesses to prove his aoonnuous resiueuce upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: Thomas Fargher, James Ls Due, F. H. Thompson, aivis yuiun, xiuur, uregon. tabit F. A. MCDONALD. Register. New Zcland Insurance Co. Is one of the Best la the World Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho of the Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCo. OF NEWARK, N. J. " ' aid policy holders, sin se organisation, . $92,812,907. Q6 ! Assets, market value.......... Surplus, N. T. standard tMV.SSC.'3-M 14 S,5 12,12 SI One ot the most solid companies in tbe .United tales. AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon Territories of Washington and Idalio. Tyth Valley Mercnant and Exchange ROLLER MILL. Flour Kqaal to the Beat. Mill Fee Always on Hand. Satisfaction Guaranteed. sp21 W. M. McCORKLE, Prop. O. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FARUBER. THOMPSON & FARCHER, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St. liorse-Shoint; and General JoboLng a epeeuutj. Prices reasonable and to suit the times. MONEY- LOAN NOTAET BUSINESS Before starting on a Journey, get aa ACCIDEISITTICKET Only ISc'for (3000 Insurance. . Loaning Uoney for non-resident a specialty. 8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders. O. r. TAYLOR THCRNBURY & HUDSON, ap6dwtf Real Estate Agents aome runctional derangement; some distress- Docuo or, it mar be due to inflammation, ul- Bar weakness incident to Eer : lng- or painful mmt or ex ceration or displacement, of somo ot tho Pelvic Tijoera, or to other oraanie lesions peculiar to her sex. Trom whichever cause It mar arise. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is a positive remedVi ao certain in its curative results that its manufacturera sell it, through druggists, under a guaranUt ot jui ki Tuig- sBusiacaion in every ease, or money paia lor it wtu DO promptly rs funacd. As a soothing; and strengthening r. rvi 1 A Vamril. T, lull i " t- . Withdrawal fiDin tie Firm. Notice is herebv tiven u.at Mr. Geo. H.Bennett bns witi-.driiwn fnm the firm of Alur'ariand Jc Frt-ut h. All nute and atiounlK will be i-olki-leil anil all Iih biiitiea wi:l be stuiiied y tbe reniaiuing jriuets. Business will be couiiuued ss uu:il. b.U ITH FRENCH, .. B. Mr-FA BLAND, E. C. TEASE. - NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Lud Ornca at Ths Dalles, Okkoos, February 24, 18110. Notice b hereby siren that the following- settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, snd that said proof will be ihaue before the register and receiver at The uaues, uregon, on April in, noo, viz: aiarioa J. Adams, DS for tbe S hf NW qr Sec S8 T 1 N, K IS E. He names tbe following witnesses to nrove hl enn. tinuous resideuce upou and cultivation of said land. ix: ' Orlando Honnn. Robert Mcintosh. Beth llimn t, . a. nuiw, ait u. i ne italic, ureiron. , F. A. McDONALD, Register. - H. GLENN, Is again at his eld stand and has on hand iu z :tv e FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT. Tanks of all sixes, f torn 1000 to 40,000 gallons, mads tg uraer. other distressing, nerroua symptoms com KBOOJy attcndiuit unon funt?t.nnal and nrcrfiri.a disease of the womb. It induces rereshins; sleep and reUerea ""tfll aoxltfty and do Copjrlijtit, 18G8, by Wokldi Dzs. Hxn. Astu ml - . . . orni uriw Ssassa ivui BIB mil km olMMr And E&s Electrified the World W Contracts for all kinds of bruldinei taaen at tne lowest nrares. Or Young Caitle. Two Short Horn Bu'ls out of the Ciiorab bai d, soi l iu this city October, 18.SS. A) .lv to Sevkit Bro-., at the r Bocktleid ran h, near uacity. letizz-im 03. PIERCE'S PELLETS LazatiTe, or Cathartic according to else at or amujgisu, scnu a nau m are these pot op by jp.M.FERRY&CO. m Who are the largest Seedsmen m the world, " D. If . Faaar ft Co'i Illustrated, Descriplne sod Priced I SD AIiIsUAt I L for 1890 will be mailed FREB loaHap. M n pllcants, and to last seasoa's customers, m wi It is better than .yer. Erery persoo M ' V Bsmg Grdn, Firmer tr Fuld J Sctdt should Knd far ic Address .. D.M.FERRY CO. ' AU eitlxens desirous of h-.Tinir their e ws herded from snd after tbe first of March ean do so by apply, in at the stable of Mull. Batts. wbsre i articu-ars and terms wili be made kuown. . f.bl7 JL , 100 Reward. TIE ABOVE RF.WAKD WI1 L BE PAID FOH evidence su:ficient to eonv.et the Tillam or nl laias who piisoed two of my fine dogs r'unday m imiDj, March -4mi L H. TAFFE. Ctluo, Hatch 5, 1890. Imd&w FOCNp. A light lay hf :se. will be three years old tn ths sprnur; data ni: ne and tail; t roe white feet; ne mark or br nd. 1 he owner can bars him by paying tor the feed and tdrertisiinr. i. P. m 4.TLOCE. Thies Mile. NOTICE. Ar.y reron wishinz to r irehsse flour at the Dia. m"nd ili'l cm ro so in lo s nnt les than fi hbl.. : pri. e it.i 0 rer barrel, subject to slit-ration. Terms tuctii catn. a. it. ULKTltb. cruD NOTICE. There w I be a me I n: i f the EeDuhllcan Oonntv O ntrsl Committee h.- u Saturday, March 22, at 2 p. hi. at in. uouuiy .ojri Acoat to transact necessary bu ines. M. T. NOLAM. Chairman. ENO FOR OUR ATAtOQmu. PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, A' INDIANAPOLIS. INO. I tty PAV np. IX AOCOOSTH DJs. 'lag UNDERSIGNED mast be sitUcd on or befure May 1, 1880. or wtu ne piacea tor couecuoa. e. ilrXK. By the anponncement of bis safe return to civiliza tion. His sdventures and discoveiies have been ORANU. WONDERFUL. MARVELOUS. The world nas seen nuthlng like them before. His thrilling ad ventures, marvt-lous discoveries, dsnne exuloita. as. tounilinr privation, wonrerful trio aero., tha r.rk Continent.: BOW HE FOUND EM IN BE If every thing will be included, from his first entrance into Africa to Ihe present time. Everybody wants the new GENfiNE STANW BOOK! rrom oianiey s own wrltinzs a.td dlsnatches. nrar .w ui mo griiucs ana molt svniienui OLW A- GRAVINOS and COLORE ti PLATES ever se-n in a book of navels. It haa been eagerly aw.ited. and will be more sought after, make more money for the airent and make it easier than anv book. Luiied f ir the past fifty years. P I ITTIftV I 0I1 " nnrelisble accr.unts of Sun- VAU J lUll 1 ler travels are being published. Do not be deceived bv old bu.k. m. hashes and tattered plates. We announce this to pr lect our agents and Uie public against the numer ous, corthkts, so-called Staniev Bonks all of which sre sunpiy o'a hooks tnat nnye been tn use for years. auu are uuw oeing onereu as new OOOaS, WltU a few p&h'el of new matter added. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE ! Teachers. Tonnr men snd Ladies. Ministers. Farm era. Mechanics and Clerks can canity make from t5 to fib per day. No experience required. Canvass ing outfits bow readr. Send immediately for illus. trssea circulars anu terms tree, or to secure sn agency st once, send 1 for the outfit and you shall ne servea niss. sioney reiunaea a not tatiiZactorv. . A a . - - THE HISTORY CO., 723 Market .tnet, San Francisco, Cal. JB. CBOSSEN, . Aujtionaer. IVaaainrtea fit. het . Mala a& Hccaaal. i Th. DaUss. Oregon. Kecoiar Aoetioe Bales ot Beat Estate, li itiisnhuld runuture ana ueasrat MeraDantusp. Wettacadar anal Hatardar, II A. B. OF . ALLEN GRANT, Eagle Valley, near Antelope T- . a twesnave square crop on neht ear and split on left. Wethers reverse. Horses and cattle branded "R. G." Have sold my horses and cattle, but not my Dranas. Fiber's Golden Female Pills. For Fpttim T TriMnl, Ities; nothinalikethem on tbe market. Never jau. successfully nsed by prominent ladies monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. CURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't be bumbngged. Bave Time. Health, uiu money ;iaae no out er. Sent to any address, secure by mail on re ceipt or price, S2.00. Address, THE APHRO MEDICINE GORPANY. Western Branch, Box27,POKxXAKI, OB FOB SALE BY BUAKELT as HOUGHTON. A Perfect Face Powder. nrr-.a a s.sssa.i.i r, , e. nuMHii oitHwi Blaltelay Ss Honshton. AHD ' C. E. Dnslum. m LATEST PERFUME qui.it cheat. FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA The Dalles Lumbering COMPANY, Successors to TB08. JOHNS CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND.' Thx Dalles, ... Obxson. aaiuas n aio. kutss or ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material. ' UM Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hair. asorACToaaas or DOORS. WINDOWS, J3LIISI3S. i Orders trom abroad receive prompt attention. THE:- GERM AN3LA, CHAS. STUBLING. PROP'R. Wines, Liquors and Cigars Sour Mash and Pioneer Bourbon Whiskies All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and Cigars. A fnh liuo of genuine Key West CALIFORNIA WINES AND BRANDIES. 90 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES. OREGON. The New Umatilla House, THS DALLES. OREGON HANDLEY & SINNOTT, Proprietors. THE LARCESTAND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON: Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuablbs Ticket and Baggage OffUe of & ONION PACIFIC Railway Company, and Office of the TRAHTS DEPART FEOM THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 PJ M FOR WALLA WALLA U:40 F. M. PORTLAND FJHIEI & FBBI1K, Snceessors to L D. Pbauk dseeas Wholesale and Retail Dealers pmessaiiiisai to Leather & Shoe Findings, TentsWagon Covers. Carriage Trimmings Etc. ATT THE OLD STAND. Coontrr Orders PrompUr atended to marU-td REMOVAL X REMOVAL X . Removed to 276 and 278 Second St, -TiEALEB IK Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. Oil Paintings, Chroraos and Steel Engravings. E. P. FITS GERALD, MnDilinnlinA and l.t. i r it AGRJ-ULTDRAL MACHISEEY, HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Blacksmiths Stock. Wagon-Makers' Groceries. 0r-Sole Agent (or tbe IMPROVED MONARCH Wasbiiis; lfachine.-GK PIONEER-.-GROCERY.S GEO. RUCH, Proprietor. Northwest corner of Second and Washington sts . CHEAPEST place la Ths Dalies for all kinds ol GROCERIES FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW-WARE, &u. Toankfal (or favors in ths cast. I would respect luursouatacoatinoasesw tne same. GEORGK RUCH C. E. DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. SOLE AONT;rOR SWTACtf BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, U, GLASSES PATfsUUriSiafa. Every Pair Put chased OaarastaerL. Keeps in stock a full lins of Eazors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, , RUBBER GOODS, Trusses, Hlioulder Brucei, Cliest Protnotora JOHH O. ClXUSLB. The Jfbrunfc 1 K0IT3LI EEYIEI OF LIYI2G SUBJECT3 Bf th Fonmott Writtrt In V WoHif. . . THE FORUM has von the highest plac' reached by any periodical ; for it pub lishes articles by more authoritative writers and by more workers along instruc tive lines of activity than any other public.' tion. It contains eleven studies of great subjects every month. It is impartial, giv ing hearings alike to each side. It is flnan cially independent, and it belongs to no seek or party or "interest." It is never sensa tional, but it aims always to be instructive. HART, Ths FoHrm ls of great rsJue to that pert of mTerllMre,rrrkwhlc-h dasls with practical twlltke an4 nt questions. Two seta are hardij enough fur dallr use by students-fre. AUkEO BUSHMILL larvarM. I consider Ths Foatm aa furnlKhlngthe nuwt rotntirent and sympathetic andteaee that a thonghtfol writer can find to address in aoj land. Prof. ALEXANDER WIKCHELL, o ta. eesrstjf e afcSeaa. - Tbi Fount continues to hold Its place as the foremost of our rnagarinea, (or the variety. the Value, and the weight of iu contributions. THE HEW tOHK TiUES. ' There has come forward no problem of grave importance since TBS FosUH established that has not been discussed in its pages by masters of the subject. An nouncements of forthcoming articles can seldom be made long in advance, for THS Forum's discussions are al ways of problems of present concern. Every such problem that the year 1890 will bring forward will be discussed, whether in politics, or religion, or social science, or practical affairs. The January number will contain a reply by ex-Speaker J. G. Carlisle to Senator Cullom's recent article on "How the Tariil Affects the f armer." THE FORUM PTJBUSHING COMPANY," 253 Fifth Ave., N. Y,' SO Cents a Humbtr. SubtcrlpUantrtetlvtdattklttffiee, $5.00 uYmr., THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, VI. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 Burgundy 83, Zinrandel 84, Eiesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret. an Grefijorio Vineyard Co. Arrenoy. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure, The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try tbe best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." A. L. NEWMAN Has opened a GROCERY ST Rib Corner of Second and Union Stfl. GROCERIES. CANNED GOODS. PROVISIONS. ETC. The groceries will be new and fresh, and such as are demanded in this tnarKet. In connection with the Grocery will supply Bread and Pastry of all kinds. , um, d rancisco jeep SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, PROP'R, IklOJSl'H ON DIIA-UGHX -.--Columbia Brewery Beer,:-: AND FOB e3AX.14 ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, tbe very best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The One Price Cash House, J. P. I COR. SECOND AND COURT STS-. cINEBNT -DAIiX!R IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and bboes, &c Agent for tne Bntterick Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, : . Fim e3Cl 'WM. MIC HELL, VHDEBTASBB- AND Director. THE I.EABIirO Prescription Druggists, 175 Ssoond StxMt, Th Dalles. STATIONERY AND CIGARS Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicina ues. Prescriptions com pounded at all hours. CALL AND Country and Mall Orders will re ceive Prompt Attention. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. tyCmsh advances made on consignment. HOOSIERPENfiTi! WAnTTrrTR. only HACHijot that gives a continuous twist to tbe wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FEICE WOKKS, The Undersigned has Added to his Business a full line of Metallic Cloth-covered, Black, White. French Berl and Rosewood Caskets. Burial Bobes and Shronds. Trimmings of ail descriptions at tne Lowest Prices and owns ths Host Kiegant H ears east f the aaeasitatma with all tbe latest improvements. NO DELAY IK FILLING ORDERS. Plswe ef KnaiaeNe. Third stmt, three doors east ot Qibons. Ilacaliister k Co'sanicnltaral wars boose, and adjoining hie rianlot; Mill and Wafoa Shop. riiwe ef llema-.ncc. Fourth street, oorner of Washlnirton. Can bs e'en at all boors of ths day nieut. ' WM. MIOHELL. THE DALLES Marble . Works, C. J. Smith. Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freight and Agent' Commission. Lock Box 118. THK DALLES, OREGON. A WEAK MAN Can Dow curs himself of the deplorable results of arty abuse, and perrrsur restore Us tlgor sod Ti- taut? er us ureas aostfausa ameaj Tne re markable cures of faopslfss cases of sterrooa Debd. its and Prirate Complsinte us everjrwhere umrsog out quackery. The slsdictnc, a physician's gift so minrf auasaaur.wui aw sent area te laoee Da. M. B. TATLOS. 800 Market Stmet, Ssa Fraactseo. i Address. lmarlyw gtrong. Durable, Neat, and the Cheapest Fence , in the World. H B. REED, Proprietor. . THE DALLES, OREGON. A. I WILLIAMS t Co., SUCCESSORS TO LATE FIRM E. WINGATE & CO. moml Merchan A COUPLET! LINK OF FOREIGN AND D0ME8TI0 Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. HACKS AND BUGGIES. DEALERS IN Fine Upholstered Goods Foanttara, Carpets, atsstlaaa. Parlsr Omamants, Window shades. Etc a, Sfpeclaltsr. aa fnuU tt H Uttrt tftkt tit Mr of tnuinf, Wuskinjwn Strut, (w. deon serf jrvm srnss. asva sua Maw.