TELEGEAPHIO. STRIKE IIS IS HEW TOBK. r Nkw Yokk, March 10 Two thou3tn i s'lirtraakers went ou a strike ia this city to-day. Many of them ant women, and they demand a Uniterm rate of pay in all the shops. They also want the bosses to provide machines for them to operate. Many bosses have conceded the terms demanded, bnt others are holding out. The pleatmakcrs joined tho shirtmnkers oat of sympathy. A number of pants makers have struck, but the strike will not become general. . Workmen employed on the building of the Temple Court annex stinck to-day. They demand that only union men be employed on the work. THE KALAMAZOO BEBELLION. Kalamazoo, Mich., March 10. The students who had a hearing before the iaculty asked to have those suspended lor abducting two professors reinstated at the end of this term. Tbey expected a reply this moniog, but, receiving none, left for their homes. It looks very much as though tho faculty will reconsider their decision. BRITISH CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA. CniCAOO, Match 10. AJVete Wash ington sptcial says: General Beal, of Washington, ex minister to Austria, has sold his ranch in California to an English syndicate tor $2,000,000, and his con, Truxton Deal, has gone West to close the negotiations and prepare the estate for delivery to the purchasers). Genet al Bva), with General Grant as his comrade, was sent to California in the early days of the gold excitement. Like other officers, l.e located a farm, and unlike moat of them, be kept it until it has become one of the most valuable properties in Cal ifornia, as may be interred by the price at vhich i was sold. CHINESE IMMIGRATION TO CANADA. Ottawa, March 10. This evening the minister of the interior reported to the commons that the to'at cumber ot - Chinese who arrived in Canada trora March 31, 1887, to December 31, 1S80, was 1997, distributed as follows: Van couver 1607, Victoria 333, New Wcst- uiiuibttr 22, Emerson 2, Winnipeg " Port Arthur 2, Ciltton 1, Ottawa 1, Mon treal 8. The amount of fees paid was $82,950: number of certificates granted 3313: number applying to pass on cred entials, 43; passed through in bond, 626. pobt towsbekd southern road. A large meeting of citizens in the opera house was held this evening, in confer ence with II. W. McNeil, maoeger of the Oregon Improvement Company, relative to building a line of railroad from this city to Portland. McNeil said that if certain conditions relative to land dona tions amounting to 1100 acres, valued at 1,000,000, were complied with, he would have the matter placed before the direc -tors for action. He proposed that one fourth of the cash bonus of $100,000 be paid when the first twenty miles was completed, which would be September 1; that the remainder of the road would be built by January 1, and that the balance of the land and money could then be paid to the company. The citizens are highly enthusiastic, and no doaot now exists but that the road wilt be built this year. Work is to commence April 1 and be pushed rapidly forward until completed. Another meet ing will be held to-morrow, and beore Saturday McNeill promises to give def inite information as to the intentions of the company. Land Notice. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Ltsr Ornca at Thk Dallss, Orsook, " Jan sry , vm. Notice ia hereby given that I he following named aettler haa filed notice of hi intention to make final proof ia support of faia claim, and that amid proof will be made before the register and receiver of the U. 8. land office at The Dalles, Or., on March 10, 1890, via: lla.lee W. Rlei, Hd 1785, for the W)4 BV4, and FEtf RE'4 ai d SEX VE Bee. 2S, Tp. 6 8, B. 12 E. Be name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, faia land, viz: 8 E Karris, The Hallos, Or ; 8 O. Blackerby, J. I. West, Lucent B. Kelly. Wapinitia, Or. febl F. A. McloNALD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Ornca at Tua Dalms, Or., January .3, 1890. Va! ice is hereby gWen that the following named aettler baa filed notice of his intention to make Anal proof in support of his claim, and that said pror.f will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on March 10, 1390. viz: Or born h .. Vroman, Hd 791. for the W oW i and SE 54 SW Ji, Seo 18, T 2 N R 12 K. lie name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said -land, viz: j II. Moxfar, fork Lamb, Itobt. Denxmore, John Sluphard, all of Mosicr, Or. F. A. McPONALP, narstr. NOllCU FOU PUBLICATION. Lano Ornca at Ttia Dallss, Ohkgos, February 24, 1610 Notiif i hereby given that the following naraea setter hat lile-l ni'tico i-f his inteution to make final proof in support oi his clsim, and Uat said proof will be made before the revister and receiver at The Daiiea, Oregon, o.l April Ifi, 1.-U0. viz: Marlon A (lama, DS f..r the S hf N W qr Sec 28 T 1 N, K 13 E. He name the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vn: Orlam!o Morgan, Robert Mcintosh, Setb Morgan, W. A. Miller, all of The Dalle , Oregon. F. A. UcDONALD, Register. NOTICE FOR- PUBLICATION. Laxd Ornca at Tns Dalles. Or., February 19, IsCO. Notice is hereby given that the fallowing named settlor has filed "notico of hia intention to make final proi-f in support of his claim, and that said pro- will be made before the regbter and receiver of Uie U. S. Und office at The Dalles, Or., on ApiH 12, 1899, viz: JrciM ill. Johraor, Hd. 1731, for the Sfi N W'f, E14 8H, SK'i Sec. Il, Tp. 2 s, R H, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his oontinuons residence upou and cultivation of said laud, viz: Thomas Farghcr, James Le Due, F. M. Thompson, Alvi., Qniiin, Dufur, Oregon. fo.b.3 F. A. MCDONALD. Register. ! STANLEY IS BACK! M h A Ccrloos Frvpbeey. In August, 1857, the Bavarian Allge tneine Zeitung printed a remarkable piop hecy, which had been made by an old hermit many years before. In it the rise of Napoleon III was clearly outlined, as were also the Ausiro Fruspian and the Franco-Prussian wars and the Commune of Paris. He told haw toe deata ot rope nns would occur in 1870 or 1877, and how it would be fol lowed by a Turk-Russian war. being but slightly wrong in either prediction. He said that Germany would have three emperors in one year before the end of the century, which was verified to the letter. He missed it one, at least, in the number of United States Presidents that were to die by assassination, which was remarkable close, to say the least. - He said that when the Twentieth cen tury opened, Manhattan Island and the whole of New York city would be sub merged in the waters of the Hudson, East river and the bay; Cuba will break in two, and the west half and the city of Havana find a watery resting-place. Florida and Lower California are to break loose from the main land and carry their load of humau freight to the bottom of the sea. The twenty-fifth is to be last of the TTaited States Presidents, and Ireland is to be a kingdom and England a republic by the end of the century. The United States are to be divided and San Francisco, Salt Lake City, New Or leans, St. Louis, Washington and Boston are to be made captals. There should be some consolatiou to the Mormon a in this, if not for the other parts of our great Union. To return to Europe. The end ol the cen tury will Bot find neither Italy or France upon the maps, and Berlin will haze been totally destroyed by an earthquake. By the announcement of his safe return to civiliza tion. His adventures and discoveries have been GI:AN1, WONDERFUL. MARVELOUS. The world h 'j, seen nothing like their, before, his thrilling ad vi-ntnrKs. marvelous discoveries, daring exploits, as tounding privations, wonrierful trip across the Dark Continent. UOW HE FOUND EMIN HEY every thing will be included, from his first entrance into Africa to 11' e present time, nveryoouy naau tuo new GENUINE STANLEY BOOK! From Stanley s own writings add dispatches, over 400 of the grandest ami moot wonderful NfcW LN ORA VINOS and COLORED PLATES ever seen in a book of travels.' It has been eagerly awaited, and wid be more s-.nnrht after, make more money for the agent and make it easier than any book issued for the past fifty years. P ( TT I'ffl V I Old and unreliaM raccoon f? oTStan vA J ! I'J 11 ley's travels are being published. Do not be deceived by old books, re hashes and battered plates. We announce this to pr tect ourageuis and tr.e public against the numer ous. Jrorthltss, so-called Stanley Books all ot which are simply o'd books that have been in nse for years, and arc now being oitun-d aj new bocks, with a few paC of new matter added. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE ! Teachers, Tuuuy men nni Ladies, Ministers, Farm ere. Mechanics ai.d Clerks cau cabiiy nmke ftotn 5 to $25 per day, h-j t Ape He nee required. Canvass ing- outfit o'W readr. tend im media lei r for illun trat d ciixaiiaa and terms free, or to secures a pgency at once, send $1 for the outfifand you shall be served first, Money refunded if not satisfactory. Audreea THE HISTORY CO., 723 Uarket street, San Francisco, Cal. KOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE Legal Notice' Sale of Unclaimed Goods on Account of Advances, Storage, Etc. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following: articles described ia the schedule hereto annexed, being property stored for one yax and over, and remaiuiua; unciaim-d, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for eah, on Saturday, the 26th day ot April, A. D. 1890, eem mencinx at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at Moody's Storage and Forwarding- archoua-, Second street. The Dalles, Oregon. Onlv to much of each parcel or lot thereof will be eoM as will satisfy all charges against the same for advances, storage and other necessary expenses: MGHKDCLK. Mrs. diaries Parker, 1 organ and stool; James Barnes, 1 table; Charles Klein, 1 Mil beduintr; V. 8. Conks, 1 set harness; llulstead as Hituttnaw, 4 pack ages hardware; S. B. fKndric, 2 concentrators? H. Stellin?, i plow-; 11. Krocblie, 1 p'ow and 1 drill; J. L. Thompson, 4 packages sawed feliows; J. H Noiiu 1 hetder hel. U:irence 11-irnctt, 1 ease mer chandise; J. W Jnlinstou, 1 case mercliandise; E. Hayten, 1 bundle maiiii'a ler; John Lentits, 1 butter box, N. P. A'hcat, 1 box uieieijinduje; John Korinur, 1 pump and fixtures. Z. F. MOODY, Storage and Porwart log; Merchant. J. B. CKObSEN, Auctioneer. feb22-airo NOTICE. Notice is hereby ffive'i that the followin? described tract of land was by United States patent duly is sued and dated at Washington, D. C , the 12th day of April, A D. 1&S5, ant recordMl in Wasco comity leoonls. Rook of D eds. Volume "J." iwrn btS. ou the 4th day of Sepbmber, A. 1. ItW, to Victor Trivett, for Uu foiiowmir described tract of laud, to- wit: "The fractional north half of the northeast quarter of section four in township one, and the river lots numbered one and two of section ihirt) -three, and the river lot numbered one of section thirty four in townshm two north of ruiere thirteen cait. of Wil lamette meridian, in the dUtrict of lauds subject to sa'e at Oregon Citv, Orrgon, containing oue hun dred and fifty-four acres and ninety.five hundredths of an acre, according to tne omciai p:ar oi tne sur vey of said lands returned to the general land omce l,v the aurvevor-ircneral. ""The above tract was patented to the Miifion So- ietyof the HethoJut E,.isc-ptl Church Julr utn. Ii7j. The above patent to the Methodist Episcopal Cbnreh notwithstanding." '1 he above dascription and quotations are copied from the patent now in my possession. All ersons are her-by notified not to trespass on any ol the above mentioned tract of land or negoti ate for any of the same except with persons holding under the above named patent to Victor Trivett. Dated at The Dalles, Orcgo , March 7, A. D. 1890. C. M. "IHORtiUUKY, mcii8-4t Agent for K. R. Thompson, ct al. PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WHOLISAL.K AND KKTAIIi Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates ol the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us lo sell Furni-' tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. THEs GERM AMI A CHAS. STUBLINC, PROP'R. Wines. Liquors and Cigars Sour Mash and Pioneer Bourbon Whiskies. All brands of Imported Liqnors, Cigare. Ale and Porter, A full line of and genuino Key West a Few of Our Quotations will Convince the Most Sceptical: ...........aia uu 25 Ot ....75 cts ... $ i 00 ITardwood bent Chairs, each I'm 1 1 It nrirani .. Asb Bedsteads .., 3 50 Woven -wire Mattresses 50 Loumres 12 00 (TCAMi AND Eed-lounges . Ash Bedroom Seta . Brussels Carpets, per yard .. Inirraiu Carpeta, do 7t 21 J29 CALIFORNIA WINES AND BRANDIES. 90 SECOND STREET, - - THE DALLES. OREGON. Sniped Ktacrsly, -THE- Cittion. In tht Couuty C urt of the State of Oregon, for the county ot Wasco. In the matter of the estate of John T. Storrr, de ceas d citation. To Mary A. Storrs and to all other persons inter ested in said relate, greeting. In the name of the State ol Oregon, yon a e hereby dteti and required to appear iu the County Court of the State of Oregou, tor the county of Watco, at the courtroom thereof, at liallea City, in said county, on Monday, the 5th day of May, 1S90, at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any tuere be, why an order of sa'e should not be made to sell lot unrotcr ten in Mock number ne in Trovitt's addition to Dalles City. Wasco county, Oregon, beUtfuuur to said estate to satUfy the ciuinis against the same. Witness the Hon. C N. Thoinbury. Judge of the ss.iul said County Curt, with the seal of said Court affiled, this 7th day of March, A. 1). lseo. Attest: GEO. n. THOMPSON. Clerk, mch8-et Br J. At. IIuansoToa, Deputy. Administrator's Notice. . de- In the matter of the estate of Nancy Gaeer, ce sea. Notice is hereby Driven that the undersiirned has filed hi final account iu the abovd matter aoi that alouday, the 6 h day of May, 1899, at the hcur of 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the County Courtroom in the Cuuuty Courthouse in Dalles City, Wasco county. re-on, is the time and place fixed by the honorable, the Couuty Court of said county and state by an order duly made and entered therein on the 4th day of March, ldkl, for the hearing of any objections to said account or the settlement thereof. Dated March 4, 1S9J. W. A. OBAER, Administrator of the estate ot Nancy Uager, de eascd. Dufur & Watkina, attorneys for the administrator, inch&et Dalles City Water Bonds. Lea din ggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. EENEY L KUCK, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, OR O AH Work Bfartion Uoatrsnteed to Ivc Sat. HUGH CHRISMAJJ. W. K. CORSON. Chrisnian ton North American Review. Arrangements have been made for the coming year which will maintain for the Rxvibw its un rivalled position among periodicals, and render it essential to every reader in America who desires to keep abreast of the times. From month to month fcipics of commanding intorest in every field of hu man thought and action will be treated of in its pages by representative writers, whoso words and names carry authority with them. The forthcoming volume will be signalized by the discussion of questions of high public intorest by the foremost men of the time, notably by a contro versy on Free Trade and Protection in their bearing upon the development of American Industry and Commerce between the two most famous living statesmen of England and Amurica, THE RIG HT HOJf. W. E. GLADSTONE and HON. JAMES O. BLAINE. This discussion, embracing the most important contributions ever made to an American periodical. will begin in the January number. It ia a significant fact as showing ths unparal leled popularity and usefulness of this periodical and its wide influence upon pnblic opinion that the circulation of the North Aheeuca.i Rkvikw is greater than that of all other American and English reviews combined. Subscription price, postage prepaid, $5 a year. Sealed proposils will be receive:! until 2 D. SMuntay, March 1. 1S90. by the Board of Water Commissioners of Dalles City, for the purchase of zw oonos oi mju eacn, iuu,ouu in tne aggregate. i:oti.'uu payanie in nve years. $ 26,0l0 payable in ten years. 25,000 payable in fifteen years. . $25,000 payable in twenty years. Each bidder must state the lowest rate of interest at which the bonds will be taken, at nut less than their lace value, and for cash in hand: interest rjav- able annually.- Bids should be ad.ii eased to the Secretary B ard of V) ater Commissioners, The Dalles, Oregon, and envelopes endorsed Proposal for Water ronos. The commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bills. M. T. NOLAN, Seaetaryof Board of Water Commissioners, The ifeuee, Oregon. Jan 29 Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby eiven that bv an order of the County Court in the State of Oregon for Wasco county, cuiy maae ana entered ou tne ZZd aay of novemoer, ia-, tne unaermgnea was duly ap pointed, and is now the duly qualifieJ and acting executrix of the last will and testament of Dania Bolton, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me, witn tne proper voucners tnereior, at the office ot Man Uuutiniiton. The Dalles, Or., wiioin six mont-ns rrom tne uate oi tnis notice. Dated February 8, lfcSK). ELIZABETH J. BOLTON. Executrix oi the last will and testament of Daniel Boi.on, deceased. wklv-febl5 SUCCESSORS TO C.X3. CHB18IAN & SONH, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FANCY GKOCERIES AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Washington and Federal. Have on hand and will sell at the lowest possible prices. Fancy and Staple Groceries and Hill Feed. Highest Ca sh Price fr Coinlry Pioduce. Call and examine prices before Durchaaine- else where. augntf Chrisnian & Corson. 0. D. TAYLOR, C. N. THORN BURY. T. A. HUDSON. TIIORBIRY k HUDSON, HrriteFire,Life andAccident INSURANCE The New matilla House, TEE DALLES. OREGON HANDLEY & SINNOTT. Proprietors, IkTom-erv to Iioa,3a on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all linds oj Land business be fore the U. S. Land UJJice. Rooms 7 and 8. up stairs, U. S. Land Office building. TUE DALLES, OREGON. FRUIT SHADE TREES SMALL i RUITS, VINES EVERGREENS, SH UBS, ROSES, ETC. The Eiriiest Strawberry known, I J1 THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON Also, tbe EVERGREEN, ever-bear ing strawberry a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens, JA.MES A. VARNEY, Prop. The Celebrated FreucI? Cure, or money re-fumled. BEF0i. "APHRODITINE' Is Sold oh a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to en re an v form of nervous disease, or any disorder rf tlitt GTCtierntivd guns of either ' ...V 1tfl.ull.AP MP. ising from the Mr I Crf exergue use of Stimulants, Tobacco or opium, or through youthful indiscretion, over Indulg ence, itc such as Loss of Brain Power. Wakeful ness. Bearing down I'nins in the llnck. Seminal Vi enltnchs, Hysteria, Nervnns Prostration Nocturn al Emissions. l.ciicorrltcea. Dizziness. Weak Mem' ory.lxissdf Power and iinpotein-y, wliicli if ne- electcd oiteu lead to uretnntiireolil aire ami insan ity, l'rii etl.OO a box. C boxes for I0.UU Scut by man on rocemt oi price. A WKITTKX tiUATtAVTEK fnrevery f5.0C order, to refund the money if a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and Tonne, of both sexes, permanently cured bv APMItoniTisF. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTXUN r.RANCH. BOX 27 PORTLAND, OB BLAKELEY &. HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. OKECflS. Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables Ticket and Baggage Offi.ce of the UNION PACIFIC Railway Company, and Office qf the Western unjon j elegrapn Company, are tn e Hotel. TRAINS DEPART FROM THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 Pi M FOR WALLA WALLA 2:40 P. M. PORTLAND PET & HJffl, Successors to L D. Frxsk deoea Wholesale and Retail Dealers arnessanusaaaiery Vasbincon Street, in rear of French a, Co's Bank building;. THE SAIXES. - OREGON. -THE A constable and two deputies went lo the ranch of ten Italians near Wampum, Pa., on Friday nigbt, to arrest them for stealing a cow. They refused to be ar rested, and Constable Town organized a posse of twenty -fire men. They went back and attempted to force tbe Italians to go to the lock-up, when one of them fired a load from a shotgun into tbe posse. Firing then became general and one It alian was fatally shot. The remainder of the Italians were then overpowered and locked up, but the people of Wampum Tear mat a large mass of their country men working near there will attempt to rescue them. , Bncklen Araics Halve. The best ealve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feve, ores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively vurca pnes, or no pay required, it u guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money I raun-ietl. Price) 25 cents per box. For sale rr Snipes A K inersley. THE Ml AMERICAN REVIEW, 3 East Fourteenth Street, New York. JB. CROSSEK, Aujtioueer, Waaklncton St. bet. Haiti and Meeond. Tbe Dallas, Oregon. Retrular Auction Sa'es of Real Estate, household r urniture and General Merchandise. -Wedneadav and A.M. .NOTICE. Bavins; received orders to dose the Willamette nrancn foundry at tnis place, any person or l errons nwuitr any claims airainst tne same tnat I have con tracted ill please present tlu came to me within iBTiYo-iysirora uate. JOHN LEWIS. Tbs Dalles. Feb. 17, 1SS0. d&wf i,!. 17-mchI $100 Keward. THE A COVE REWARD WILL EE PAID FOK evideuce suSicieut to e ivict the villain or vil- i lains who pu:su:ied two of my fine ijgt funds? uuiauij, nwiu inn. L tl. IAr rE. tt'lilu, March 5, ltM. . luidw n Gnardian's Notice. Kotico is horeby (riven that I he undershrned has been aunointeu br the Countv Court of the State of Oraron, for Wasco county, in probate, guardian of tne person ana estate ot Otis S. Savage. Junior, a minor, ah persons naving claims aeainst ki 1 es tate and minor are henby notified and requi red to I present them to me at the law office of Condon & Condon, in Dalies City, Wasco countv. State of Ore gon, witn proper vouchers therefor. vateu at Dalles uity, or., March 6, 1883. Z. F. MOODY. Guardian of the person and estate of Otis 8. Sav age, junior. mcbs Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby riven that the nnderaiirned hu been, by the County Court of Wasco county, Ore gon, duly appointed administrator of the estate of Martha Ostland. deceased. Therefore, all neraona noiuing ciaiuis against saia estate are nereby noti fied and requested to present the same, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the unbersigned at the law office of Story & Biadshaw at Dalles dry, Oregon, wiihin aix monihs from the date of this notice. Dated at Dalles city, Oregon, D-c. 19, 1SS9. L. P. OSTLAND. Administrator of said estate. Btory at Sradsnaw, attorneys for said estate. Administrators' Notice. Notice is herebv el Ten that the nndarm'imMl la thm amy appointed and qualified adminii-trator or the estate ol i-!w)te M. Dunham, deceased. All per sons baring claims against said estate are hereby nwLiutu m, fmaen. mun, witn proper voucners, t the undersigns . at his office, in Dalles City, Oregon wimuu u uivuhua iruin uns uate. A. R. THOMPSOJf. Admialstrator of tha K.lrn i.r piumIa u linn nam, acceaaeu. Tub ORBaax.Dee. 15th, I8S3 Withdrawal from the Firm. New Zeland Insurance Co. Is ono of the Best in the World Also managers for Oregnn, Washington and Idaho of the Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCo., OF NEWARK, N. J. aid policy holders, sines organisation, $92,812,907.06 ! Assets, market value Surplus, K. T. standard O.S!0.aO4 14 5.313,129 31 One of the most solid companies In the United Stales. AGENTS WANTED for the 8tate of Oregon Auiiwnm im rtawiiiimwu ana xuauo. Tyh Valley Mercnant and Exchange ROLLER MILL. Leather & Shoe Findings, Tents. Wagon Covers. Carriage Trimmings Etc AT THE OLD STAND. Country Orders Promptly atended to marU-td Flour Kqnal to the Best, 31 ill Feed Always on Hand. Satlafaction Guaranteed. sp2l W. M. McCORKLE, Prop. O.T.THOMPSON. A.W. FARUHER. REMOVAL! REMOVAL! Removed to 276 and 278 Second St., THOMPSON & FARGHER. Gsneral Blacksmiths faints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, UbllUIHI UiUUIVdWJIlllOj ARTISTS MATERIALS. JNear Mint buildine, Second Sc. HIP. U' i -ra i -a i Horho.iueaG.r.i jobbing Mouldings ciiiu. Picture Frames, Cor- Prices reasonable and to suit tbe times. MONEY TO- LOAN NOTAEY BUSINESS Before starting; on a Journey, get an ACCIDNTTICKET Only 25c for fSQOO Insurance, loaning; Honey foi non-resident a specialty. 8 per cent; net guaranteed to lenders. o. r. tay lo re All citizens dsiroua of hiving thtr kj.j fr'.nt and alter the Brst of March can do so bv aoniv. IO'' at tile SUilile Of IV. U. flntOl whan urtini. r, ILL w nwn kuuva 10017 . FOUND. A light bay hnrse. pr uura mane ana uu; tureo white feet: no wili be three years old In the mark or brand. The oa-ner can hare him by paying; n H.v KW MM OU.CI J. P. M ATLOCK. Thiee MUe. Not'oe is herebv eiven that Mr Out. IT Rannt has withdrawn from the firm of UrVirl-iwI V'ntnoh All n. tea and ao-ounts will be collected and all lla- oiiitiia win oa assumed l-y tbe remaining partners. m mui w nwuuiua as usual. SMITH FRENCH, . B. MrFA&LAKD, K C. PEAiE Thoiupsou's Addition -TO- h. GLEirar, Is again at his eld stand and has on hand FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT. Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, mads to uruer. O" Contracts for all kinds of timlr1in- 1 . . 1 I . r- aaen as .ne lowest furores. -BRA1VDS- -OF NOTICE. Any person wishinsr to rurchaae flonr at th rvl.. m -iki aim can ao so In lots not lam th .n & Khl. pnee ?4J r barrel, subject to alteration. Terms inc I- csisn. a. tl. VLKTISB. nren. dalles city. ALLEN GRANT, i Now Read j for Sale on Easy Terms. Eagle Valley, near Antelope THE P are these put up by D.M.FERRY&CO. Who are the largest D.M. FnutT&Co' i ia the world. 1 "The Old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound Bucket, The Moss-covered Bucket," Is Terr likely the on that has conveyed pot, sons to your system trora some old well, whose waters bare become contaminated from sewers, vaults, or percolations from tha aoil. To eradicate these poisons from tha system and save yourself a spell of malarial. typhoid or bilious fever, and to keep tha livor, kidneys and hinge In s healthy and vigorous condition, use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It arouses all tha ex cretory organs into activity, thereby cleans ing and purifying the system, freeing it from all manner or blood-poisons, no matter from what cause they hare arisen. All -" ritinatinr from a torpid or deranged liver, Tlmstrated. Descriotiveand Priced SD ANNUAL or 1090 win dc nuuica r K.c.Bt to ail ap- i Em CTWTnfnCTsV Every pencil . rr 0r Fitid A plicaxnu, and to last is Dcoer saan tuins Garden. JFlowtr dffds Knould avead tor it. Address . . M. FERRY & CO. DETROIT. MKH. r from impure blood, yield to it wonderful eurmttre properties. It rerulates the atom- seo end bowel, promotes the appetite and digestion, and cures Dyspepsia, plaint." and Chronlo Diarrhea. Tetter, Scsema, Erysipelas, Scrofulous Sores) ver Com. Salt-rheum, laint," and Chronlo Diarrhe and Swellings, Enlarged Glands and Tumozsl ipear unaer lis use. olden Mediasi Disco very " ia tha only I and liver medicine, sold br atrnaviaam. under a zMMlUve sjfnstrsnHwa of its tieae. aaaaaBaaaaaaBBK--. ISP mm tinr .r curinar in evorr case, or anoaar ikBld tot ft will ba prompUy returned. MEN D FOR OUR CATALOGUE Ma ORICCS ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Now Is the timeto buy while PRICES ARE LOW. This tract has been snrveved and nlatted In ar tracts with convenient stleeta and avenues mut an arnuiveu mac purcnasers can get one block or aev- aerea ia a oofiy. -ioe tan I H Cuuiparativelv level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location pleasant, beautiful and eisv to accea. and i. ina tl,. v... T ujuucuuiMiiv un uie eaafi. Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. FOB SALE BT The Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For artlculars apply at tteoDceof the Compary JOtns and 8, Lent Office 1 uilding. The Dalles, O.. j COME ANOEE THE rEOPEBTf. THORNBURY & HUDSON, tes nave square croo on lelt. rifrrit v niiu pm on leiu vvetners reverse. Horses and cattle branHeH "R r. Have sold my horses and cattle, but not iuy uiauus. apSUwtf Beal Estate Agents . For Sale. The undersiirned has for sale or to trade, for horaea or cattle, three stallions, viz: One 4 years old, weighs 1-00 pounds. . Oae i rears old, wetrhs 1400 pounds. One 2 years o:d, woietia 14oe poanda. : The above horses are aoun j ia every particular, id are seven .eighths draft stock. Ttacv hd ba seea at my tuna miles oortfcof Dulur. until March ,utw. . it. WGAtAK, uurur, ur Jan. za, 183Q. Faler's Goldei? Female Pills. For Female Irregular lties:uothinKlikethem on the market Xever fail. Kueeessiully used by prominent ladies monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. SW1EISAFE! CERTAIN! Dou't be hnmhnviwt Save Time, Health! auumoney ;take uooth er. Bent to any address, seenre by mail on re ceipt of price, SiOO. Addruss, THE APHRO EIECICINE COfllPflHY, Western Breach, Box27,I"OBTtANl. OR FOB SALE BY BLAKELT HOUGHTON. The Dalles Lumbering COMPANY, Successors to TBOS. JOHNS ft CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. The Dalles, - - Oekgon. DXALWS IB ILL KINDS OF ' ROUGH AND DRESSED.-. Lumber and Builder's Material. AL8S Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hair. MAScrjicTuiisu or DOORS. WINDOWS, 13LHNI3S. Orders from abroad receive prompt attention. nice Poles, Etc. FHEB.- Oil Paintings, Chromos and Steel Engravings. . P. PITZ GERALD, General Merckiife Wagon-Makers' 2TC AGRjqjLTUBAL MACHINERY, Scliuttlcr's and Tnlsular As!e Wagons, HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL Blacksmiths' Stock. antl ly Sole Ajrcnt for the IMPROVED MONARCH Washinc Machine. "6 ?I0NEER-:-GR0CERY, GEO. RUCH, Proprietor. Northwest corner of Second and Washington stt CHEAPEST place in The Dalles for all kinds of GROCERIES FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW-WARE, &u C. E. DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. Job Q. OaiMSI.K. TThe TtsTTrnnr. y - . . 1 10ITHLI UWS OF IMG SUBJECT3 Bf Hit Fonmott WriHft in tt WorU. THE FORtTM has won the highest pltvctj reached by any periodical ; for it pub lishes articles by more authoritative writers and by more workers along instruc tive lines of activity than any other publica tion. It contains eleven studies of great subjects every month. It is Impartial, giv ing hearings alike to each side. It is finan cially independent, and it belongs to no sect or party or " interest. It is never sensa tional, but it aims always to be instructive.! The Foamr Is of rreat value to that part of my collepe work which deals with practical politics and Two seta are haruUjr enough (or uail use bf students. Wry. ALFRED evSHtcLL current questions. HART, of Hanoi. I consider Ths Foam as furnishing the moat Intelligent and irrmpathetle audience that a thoughtful writer can rind to address in any land. Vo. AUXANDLR HIIMCHEU, of tkt Unlutrtitu of MhkigaM. -. ( Thb Foatrx continues to hold Its place as the foremost of our msgarines, for tha variety,! lb value, and the weight ot iu contributions. ryf W tOKK HUE 3. - There has come forward no problem of grave importance since THS FOBTJIC was established that has not been discussed in its pages by masters of the subject. An nouncements of forthcoming articles can seldom be made long in advance, for Ths Forum's discussions arc always of problems of present concern. Every such problem that the year 1890 will bring forward will be discussed, whether in politics, or religion, or social science, or practical affairs. The January number will contain a reply by ex-Speaker J. O. Carlisle to Senator Cullom's recent article on "How the TariS Affects the Farmer." , . , THE FORUM PUBLISHING COMPANY, 253 Fifth Ave., N. B0 Ctnts a Number. Subscription reeevta' at this effics, $5.00 a rear.. THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, VI. KELLER, Proprietor. SOLE AGENTirOR Keeps in stock a full line of Tnankful for favors in tha taut. I would reanect fully solicit a continuance nf the same. OF.ORGR ItUCH BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, THE LEADING PrescriptioD Druggists 175 Second Street, The Dalles. Razors, Kniyes, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES. .PERFUMES. SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, YE Gl ASSES. O PAT?jivisi87a SHouIder Braces, gwery Pal Pmchaaerl Guaranteed. Oliest l?rotCtorsj STATIONERY AND CIGARS Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicina uses. Prescriptions com pounded at all hours. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 Burgundy 83, Zinfandel 84, Eiesling 83, Hock 83, Tabie Claret. nu GrejfOT-Io Vineynrtl Co. Afrenoy. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic" A. L. NEWMAN Has opened a GROCERY STOHL Corner of Second and Union St. GROCERIES. CANNED GOODS. PROVISIONS. ETC. The groceries will be new and fresh, and such as are demanded in this market JL. BAKERY In connection with the Grocery will supply Bread and Pastry of all kinds. Hall ban, Mmmmm seer SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, - - - PROFR, -:-Columbia Brewery Beer, :-: jjsr iron tSAihz ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, the very best Imported Wines, Liqnors and Cigars. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS,, J. P. IcIIEEST. -DEALEn IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and bhoes, &c Agent for tbe Bntterick Patterns, also for tho Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, Funeral WIVf. MIC HELL. ETAE1E AND JDiiector. Country and Mall Orders will re ceive Prompt Attention. Denny, Rice & Co. Woo! & Commission Mersiiants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. t3TCh advances made on coDiijrnment. call and see HO 0SIEE FENCE MACHINE, 0StT MACHI!fK that gives a continuous twist to the. wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WOKKS, The Undersigned has Added to bis Business a full line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White. French Sen and Rosewood Cas&ets, Burial Rotes and Sbronds. Trimmings of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices and owns Uis Slost Klejrant Hesurae east f the mountain with all tbs latest ImproramrnU. NO DEI AY IN FILLING ORDERS. Plar ef BasnaeKB. Third street, three doors east of Olbons, llaealltster Co's agricultural wars hoase, and adjoining- his Flanina; si ill and Wagon shop. Place Of Residence Fourth street, corner of Washington. Can be ssb at all boors of the day and night. WM. MICHELL. A. I. WILLIAMS & Co., 8CCCESS0B8 TO LATB FIBM- E. WINGATE Ac CO. enerI Merchaiidi ml THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. A Perfect Face Powder. sasssna at SAIIO Blakfilfy sk Hoaghton. ' C. E. EHmhans, m lATtST PERFURSE cxquisitb c.Mf FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA m Lock Box 218. THK DALLES, OREGON. A WEAK MAN Can now cur himself of the deplorable results of earljr abase. Slid perfootljr restore his tigor and vi. taliQr br tha Great Australuui Bemedy. The re markahle avrea of hopeless eases oC Mervooa Debil ity and PriTata Oosoplaiata are rarrwhere stamoinr out qnackety. Ti Mediduo, a physisfaurs irift to raiferirar huntanitr. will be sent free to those af. fUctad. Address, Da. af . B. TATLOB. laaarlyw - 800 ltarket Btrreet, San FrandsMi. J gtrong, Durable, Neat, and the Cheapest Fence in. tho World. H B. EE ED, Fropxietor. the Dalles, Oregon. A COMPLETE LINK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. HACKS AND BUGGIES. DEALERS IK Fine Upholstered Goods Fumitore, Carpets, MaMk?, Parlor Ornaments, Window Bfcadas, Eta. TTnclertnki n g: ; a. SpeclaJLtsr. Coolas, Osakets, Burial Robas, Ktc sa bf frunM. at aif hurt of tkt daf or sir ml tMr piaee ef butiium, WaskiifftoH strut, tveitsrsntrA jrvm acvmm. any s sua iVM.