rS?; Itilit well, do I recall the day - - Oiir buy to'wr'wu called awsy, ' . Left parent?,' 1 rothera, sisters, all in tears Tot jo'' B those; noblest of all soldiers vol- . - i uatcers. '. t -. ' 'Twai': a bright, a sunny, dey, Monday . morn, . ... . "SVeJvearil the piping of the warlike bugle .: worn; ': . - - V He bade farewell: to schoolmates and to '- home, "' ' 'Midst, the c'ash and roar of battle-fields to roam: Nor blanched his cheek, nor qmle'd his - manly eye, . r. - -... When biddicg as bis last, his last good-bye; , ' His voice was linn, his step uncommon trae, . 1 give, Eaid he, I give my last adieu; ' I no, it is iny uomttry's call, he said, ' " -' i'ata tells me, I'll be" numbered with the dead.? Yet for tbe liberation of a race,-.- : j.-jf-.. From traitor shut and shell I'll never torn my face; , I'll throk cf yoo, when sun our way will parch; . .. - f ""Hemeuiber home," when throntjh wiuter - ' otoriiii we march; - ''" For liberty I fight, for the pains en dure, 'Tis man's freedom man's happiness that '. r4nllur3' f-j. - ;; " : . He went. , Report and jomor came Of victory and defeat, tiie same ' At other things in this uncertain world When peace from her throne by turbulence - is hurled. 'Twas, I believe, on a December night, s We sat around our "blazing fireside bright, And talked of war, and talked and thought Of liberty, the price at which 'tis' bought, "When hark I . what is that sound that ' " breaks upon the ear . A knock ope' the door, who is it here? A messenger, a message for us there, Delivered with due reverence and care: AVe broke the seal, our father read it o'er: My fnemlf, dear friend, never see you in0i5- .;'-. . I'm-dyiuul dying 'midst the battles roar,' . 'Mongst striving thousands on a southern 7 bore:,- ; c But the day is ours, I bear my comrades . savi J.'. . ''-' . So, liberty and pcacs will crown our peopli from this day. ; - I die, but what is that to me,: Since my life buys bonded millions free! - And I beseech you hold it, hold it for them safe, secure; . . Long have they been in thralldom, long ignorance obscure. A beaten, lashed, a bruised, down-trodden . race; Liushed in budding prime we now The blasting stifma of a bonding chain, And say, liberty for all,' must hence forever .. resgu; . . .t While battles ' thunder seems to ans . back .to slavery's exacting word: - A vaunt! ye craving vultures, when freemen spcaK tney must ana will oe oearu. Ana, anon, when winter wanes and sprin, to summer runs. Remember then the&e noble these heroic, - soldier sons. ' And every spring we gather richest flcwers ' JN at ure s donors. And heap npon their craves a nation'i honors. TMGffiliC IWS. " THIEVES P.03 A THIEF. . Kansas City, Feb. 23. A dispatch re cti vc here tbis noraing stales that Wal ton, who stole 135,000 from the Pacific Express Company at Dallas, Tex., has . been captured in St. Johuf, N. B. " Ooiy- . i00 was lound on lnm. Iheonenso is not extraditable. - AValtcm had, according to detective stones, been traveling "some time "with .- two gamblers, who, it is thought, relieved .him of a large portion of his ill gotten wealth." One of them raa arrested at Montreal a couple of . days ago' with $3000 in his possession. It is understood Walton was preparing to go to Europe from Halifax, and that the gamblers were preparing to rob Mm be fore he took the steamer. - BLOOD ON HI8 HANDS. McltaNTiLLB, Feb. 24 After a care . ful session of Ove days the coroner's jury : in the Scott murder case this evening rendered a verdict of death by two gun shot wound fired by William Scott, the husband of deceased. Numerous lacts seem to have tended to convince the jury of the guilt of the husbaud. One witness saw Scott poarmg sometcing out of a vial into the fire. The vial was taken in charge by the sheriff. The husband slated- that it was a patent medicine, as the label indicated, and that he bad tried to induce his wife to take a dote of it but she refused. Physicians examined the vial and pro- Eouucea tne residue Btryclune. . To sat isfy the jury, a rat was caught and a par ticle injected unaer tne 8Kin and it was kuled in twelve minutes. The accused. in bis nmtl testimony this afternoon, s ated, that he hadtaken a dose out of the vial and was pouring the remainder into tne lire. - . . A small account book was found be longing to Mrs. Scott, from which some leaves bad been torn out and were found back of the barn. These two leaves con tained a statement supposed to have been written by the deceased, that ran about as follows: "I thought I bad married a good man, but I find that be married me lor a salve and for lost, and ob, God ! mat x was oacK in uonmnvire to my once happy home. I pray that I mav be able to do my dttty while I stay here," but that my davs may he short." Scott was arrested, at once a j(1 lodged in jail. The stars, because tbey have studded tbe beavens tor ages. What is better than Qoi1, woise than the devil, the dead eat i." and if the living eat it, they , would die? Nothing, What is thieving iu the cutski-ts? Picking ladies' pockets. - In what place did the wok crow when all the worM heard him? In Noah's Ark. : When does the rain become too famil iar to a lady? When it begins to pat her (patter) on the back. Why may carpenters reasonably bs- lieve there is no such thing as stone? Becau.ethey never saw it. - Who arc tH3 best men sent to war? Lawyers, becausn their charts are si great no one ran stadd them. Why is Satan always a gentleman? Because being the imp of daiknets, he can never be imp o'liglit. . . . -IF a church be oa fire, why lias " the organ the smallest chance of escape? Because the engine cannot play on it. Why ere the makers ol the ' Armstrong guns the greatest thieves in btr Majesty's s;ryfce? Bl-ciuic they rifle all ttie guns, f.irye the material, and steel all the gun breeches. - - - : Why w-i Giiliiith surprised when he wai (truck by a i-toaef Because such a thing never entered bis head before. W-at" color is a field of grass when covered with snow? Invisible green. If you h;id to swallow a man what Mutt would you preftr? A little London porter. Why is n so'ar eclipse like a mother beating her boy? Because it is a biding o: tne nun. . What U the most difficult train to catch?" The 12:50, because it is "ten to oco" if you catch it. 'Ah" said the fly, as it crawled around the Uitlle, "I have passed through the hatching age, the "creeping age, and now I urn in the mucilage" then it stuck. STAEEYJBACK! . And His Elestrifiei t!is Wcrld By the announcement of his safe return to civilisa tion. Bis anventcres uvi discoveries have been ORAXl. WONDEKFUL. MARVELOUS.. The world hx wen nutbing like ihem before- Ills thri !?n ad ventures, marvr-Jou dirioorcries, daring exploits, as--tnnndin; privation, wonderful trip across the Dark Continent. HOW-HE FOUM E A I H BEY very-thin-; will be intended, from his first entrance into At' to tbe present time. Everybody transs the DtJf CTJAKAJf TEED. The only modfeincs b.-11 by druirfista. under urers, that they will do just what is claimed for them that is, benefit or cure in all cases of diseases for which tbey are recommended, nr the mnnpv tmid for them will be nromntly refunded ore Dr. Pierce's world-famed spe cific, manufactured by worm s Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce'o Golden Medical Discovery cures all diseases arising: from a torpid or deranged liver, or from impure blood, as Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, Salt-rlicum, Tetter, Erysipelas, and Scrofu lous Sores and Swcllinira. Consumption, or Lung-scrofula, is also cured by this won prfnl romnriv. if tflkeu ill time. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the world-famed remedy tor all inoso coronic weaknesses and distressing derangements so ' common to American women, it is a most potent, invigorating', restorative tonic, or strength giver, imparting: tone and vigor to the whole system. As a soothing nervine it is unequaled. See guarantee printed on the bottle-wrapper and faithfully carried out for many years. Copyright, 199a, by World s Dis. Men. Ass'x. OFFERED for an Incurable caso of Ca tnrrb In tho Head by the proprietors or ur. tsago s acarru nemeay. iij its mild, soothing and healing properties, it cures tb worst ohsbs, no matter of now long standing. Jiy druggista, 60 eenU. Igal Notices- Petition. NE STANLEY BOOK! From Stanley cim writings aid dispatches, over 400 of the grandest and most wonderful NEW CN GAVING and CtLOREU PLATES ever ue-n in a Look iif tiarels. It has been eagerly awaitctl, and wiil be more sou'tit afu-r, make more money for the sfrent and make it eu&ier than any book it&ued fur the past City years. j'I'lV I Old and unreliable accounts of Sten i IUi eT'a travcla are being puuliaiied. Do noc oe ucceiyea ny oia otnt$. re hashes and battered pUU-a. Yfe t)U to pr -teet ourngvnis and t!e public apini-t tbe numer ous. Jicrthlti-H. eo-eat'ed Stanley Books ili of which are Hiuiply o'd b -oks that luye bcn in use for ycavs, and are now beiny f ffeirvd new book, with a few pL-fjci of new matter added. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE! Teachers, Vonne men mid Ladies, Ministers, Farm er Mjclmmes ni.d Cierks cjh eafi!y maker f oin H5 to s-id per day. Nj ejcncricuce n-ouiral. Canv-vss iujf outfits n .w rcadv- (Send imnw tli-itcT ior i:Ju-s-tr..t d ciruuluis and terms free, or to secure an , ;ency at wnx, rcud 1 i-r 1he outfit and you uhalt be -reeved n;t. toui'V refunded if cot sutijt t-.torv. Address THE HISTORY CO., 753 ITarUet ttr. ct, Sun Francisco, Cal. The follo-v;n.' resolution passed the Common Cooncil of VaV.e City, Dec. St, 1&:: ResolvtMl, 1 hut the auditor and ulwk give notice of intentiun t the council to vacate the following parts of Main street, Madison street and Monroe street, in said city, the better to improve the same, to-it: All of that part n Minn street Detwecn Jetterson and Mor roe streetH, inc!utliii the intcrsection4 thereof with Madison and Monroe ptreet, which lie south cf the nnrth line of the right ot way conveyed to the Oregon Steam Navigviiou Company by a deed from the Luiirhlin hcin. of record in book "O" of deed of Wasco county. Orecon, pges 7,5, 746 and 747. bein? that nut ol said HaiD street south of said right cf way which abuts up at.d is vontwuous to blocks fifteen (15) and eighteen (IK). La whlin's addi tion to Dalles City, including the intersections thereof with said Madison and Manroe streets. Also ail of Monroo street which abuts upon and lies between luti six () and seven (7) of block eight een (18), and lots one (1) and twelve (12) of blotk twenty-two (i ), Laughlm's addition to said Dalles City. Also a'l that part of Madison street which abuts upon and iie between the north fifty (50) feet of lots six (), blo.-k fifteen (IS), and the north fif-y (30) feet of lot one (1), Mock eighteen (13), Laughlm's addi tion to Dalles City. jiin-3t-kl Dalles City Water Bonds. AW IS THE TIME TO" SUBSCRIBE North American Review. Arrangements luve been m.dd for the coming year which will maintain for tbe Review its un rivalled position among periodicals, and render it essential to every reader io America who desires to keep abreast of the times. ' From month to month topics of comxandin; interest in every Held of hu man thought and action will be treated of in its pages by representative writers, whase words and names carry authority with them. . The forthciminj: volume will bs s'gnitizj J by the tscossion of question of hib pjblic interest by the foremost men of the time, notably by a contro versy on Free Trado and Protection in their beirin j upon the development of American Industry and Commerct) botween the two mist famous living statesmen of Englaud and America, TIIE EIGHT HCMf. W. C GLADSTONE ,ani HON. JAMES O. BLAINE. This discussion, embracing the most Important contributions ever nude to sn American periodical, will beginln the J inuary number. It is a signiacant fact as showing th 3 unpuai Ieled popnlarity and usefulness of this periodical and its wide inutianoe npon puhlio opinion &ht the circuUtian of the North Auaaioui Rmvirw is greater than that of all other American and Eajlish reviews combined. Subscription pries, postage prepaid, 85 a year. Fea'ed proposals will be receive 1 until 5 p. m. Stlunlny, March 1. M)0, by ilie Board of Water &MMi:)i:ioncrs of Pallcs City, for the pun-hise of 2u0 bo-iris of o each, $100,000 in the ayD-reatc 5,' 00 pavuble in five years. i.'S.O" 0 p-cyable iu ten years. 4? J5. 0f.o rr.iya'o'c in nfteen ye.irs. Sifi.COO payaMc in twen3'3eiIs, . Each b: j jer nm&t state tue kwett rat of interest at which the, uo:ds will be, t;tkt.n, ot n-t less than their face value, aud for cash in h&cd: interest pav- tide annually. Bids should bs ndaiesdfd to the rkrercutry li ard oi Water Crmnhssioners, 'I hs Dalles, (ref.i, and envelopes enddstd rroiKMl tor Water E...nIj. . The commisiioners reeer-e the right to r ject any and&libiKs. M. T. NOLAN, SecteUiry of Beard of water Commissioners, The kites, Oregon. an29 PRINZ & NITSCHKE, HlIOLELSALE JLXD KKTAIL Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates ol the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, prmrtlpa na 1n srll PiirnJ' tnattnl fiam t nr.Vp.a Kit h-Y2SHSM erto unknown in Oregon. A Pew of Our Quotations will Convince the Most Sceptical: ITardwood bent Chairs, each 75 ct Bed-lounges $15 00 Cane Rockers 8200 Ash Bedroom Sets 26 00 Ash Bedsteads 9S0 Brussels Carpets, per yard 7S Woven-wire Mattresses 60 Insraiu Carpets, do 2! Lounge 12 00 WCaLIi AND 8EE US! "El ja29 Sniped Kincrsly, -THE- Leadings D ruffadsts, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. EENEY I. KUCK, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, C. If. THOKNBURY. T. A. HUDSON. . TIMMRY & HUDSON, WriteFire,Life audAccident INSURANCE IbEone37- to X-ioa-n on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. ffri!l attend to all tindx oj Land business be fore the U. S. Land Ujfice. Rooms 7 and 8, up-stairs, U. S. Land Office building. TIIE DALLES, OREGON. The New Uinati e THE DALLES, OREGON HANDIiE Y SINHOTT. Proprietors, a-rrvS" r-g."s3",? . - -" :S;t V-T"rf-r5 rSWA.-si THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL ill OREGON Frss Omnibus to ntjH UliU from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of a!i Valuabks. Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, OR All Work 8 faction Uafcranteed to fcilve Sat. HUGH CHRISMAN. W. K. CORSON. Chrism an d ton THE NORTH AMERICAS REVIEW, ' S East Fourteenth Street, New York. Land Notices. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DKOWNED K GRATIS HARBOR. . Vaiico-jtee, "Wash., Feb, 24. A te'e- gram was' received here to day from Gray's harbor, lafoiming H. Cox, of this city, of the drowair of his oldest son, Perry,, yotferday, by the oyerturning of . Lis boat, deceased was a yoGnj? man, ell known and respected in and around A ancenver. . IHE MOKTAHA TROCBLB. Helexa, Mont, Feb. 24. r' Jndofi MfHaltnn tn-rlsi, Ar- -Silver Rnw iilirivl .district Snllivan ifc, ivm. - ' -cided the iha nb- -atest in favor of nlpntntPo- . . -utic claimant, who tinct f. " ' S by 'irtno of the fraod 7 - j veceived at the notorious pre- . - This is just what every, one ex acted. 1 Sheriff Lloyd will probably re- Jueato sarrencler the ollice to buiuvan ' tnd will appe.l the casd to the supreme ronrt; "Republicans all over the state a; e holding mass meetings and indorsing tie - stand -taken- by the Republican . rt embers ot the legislature, the Dem cratic senators are quietly sneaking 1 ome and have but .Utt: to say. :- tPrCM riESD ' AHBESTED FOB BOBBERY . Albany, Feb. 24. G. S. Walker was -. wtrested at Corvallis to-day Jor robbing r anion' Smith of $900 at Harrisburg last vl ednesday. Walker Is an opium bend a: d pambler. : He was lollbwed to Cor- vcllisbyZ. T. Scott, who, with the help of "Marshal Dunn, arrested him as he. was " alont to board a train for Portland. He mbdel a i clean confession, implicatino; Ol ie Biggs, of Harrlsbnrg, and stating that ifSOO of tbe money was concealed In a woodshed at Harrisburer. . He was taken to that this evening for ex "an.ination. " . B0TTEK B ASTERS BEEP SOLD 1JT SPOKANE . SroKANE Falls, Feb. 24. Consider ate indignalion has- been aroused ' here by tbe discovery that 15.C00 pounds of . decaying beef bad been sold to butchers of this city and in: turn passed . around among- various. . restaurants. The 'beef was shipped here in a' refrigerator car, but got stuck in tbeblockadj aod na sold to A. M. Kobinson by t ie railrcad company for f i eight charges " Robicton has been arrested and his pre'irsinarv ex smication is being Leld to-night before . Justice (Jurry. - . -vj - OLU JJIT OOOD OS J. ' Anxild joke is as good as a new one ixr a person who has never heard it. More over, a good joke is worth repeating, even if itiso d. Uurreadets may rccog ize - some of tbe lollowmg as old lavomeS What is tho difference between a ft g "and a fallen, start . une s mitt on ear h and the other is missed in heaven.? " 'Why is a mac called lionorable who is np stairs beating his wife? He is above doing a mean act. f ". - m ,'- z What ' are (he greatest astronomers? ' . - - LAxft Omci at Tar. Uallbs, Orksoh, ' , t , " January 11, 1S90. Notice la hereby tnven that the following-nanied settler bas filed notice ot his intention to irake final proof in support of liis claim, and that, said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on February 2, lt90, viz: tat e;e W. tnras, Hd. 1750, for the e' of the nw!. and wU of th of Sec. 2S, Tp. 4 S , R 12 E. ; He names the following witnesses to iontiuuouj residence upon aud culH '. lard, viz: - , b' P. F. Knowle., S. M, J' .-tion of, said Wainie, Or.; Jauics A ' r,,. ' , jans .iver, K. B. Dijver, of . - orchard, of The Dalles. Or. - - ' F. A. MCDONALD, Kearfster. ; KOTICE FOE PUBUCATION. Lasp Orncs at Tbk Dallih . Orboos, Jan nrv 89. 1890. Notice is hereby jriven that Ihe foltowfnir nrjiied settler has filed r.oii'.e nf his intention to mike final iirool in s'jpport of his claim, and that said proof will be roada before the reUter and recsivor of the U. S. land cflice at The l allcs. Or., on il jrch 10, 1800 viz tth'srhM W. Ric H.l 1T65. for the W SEVf, and SE'4 SE ard SEK KE'4 Sec 22, Tp. 5 S, K. 12 E Ho names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence npjn and cultiation of, said land, viz: . S E Farris, The TVIles, Or ; S. O. B.ackorby, J 1. West, Lucern IS, helly. Wapiuitta, Or. ftbt - F. A. MeDUNALD, Hep istcr. - Notice of Final Settlement. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. In the matter of the estate of Henry Whitteker, deceased. Notice is hereby .given that the executrix of said estate has thl i day filed her final account as such executrix, and that by an order duly made and en-' tered in the above court and matter, said final ac count will come on tor hearing at 2 o'clock p. m. on Tues-lay, March 4, 1690. at tbe courtroom of the above entitled court. All peisons interested in said estate ere hereby notified to appear at said time as4 place aud mike objections, if auy there ba. to the approval of said final account, the final settlement o! said estate and the discharge of the executrix. Dated Dalies City, Or., Jan. 81, 1890, llAIUA WHKTAKER, Executrix of the last will and tea amcut of rlen.-r . WluUuktr, deceased, .. SUCCESSORS TO " ' C. 3E", CHmsaAN fc SOHH, Wholesale and Fetail Dealers in FANCY GEOCEEIES AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Wasfcton and Federal. Have on hand and will sell at the lowest possible prices. Fancy anil Staple Groceries and Mill Feed. iiigliest Casli Price ff Ccunlij Piodiioe. Call aud examine prices before purchasing else where. umf Chrisinan & Corson. 0. D. TAYLOR, Waahlnfrton Street, in roar of French ' & Co's Bank build'our. FRUIT SHADE TREES SMALL iEUITS, VINES EVERGREENS, SII UBS, ROSES, ETC. Ticket and Baijgagt Ofice of ihr Oregon llaihray & Navigation Company, Western Union Ttlnjrajh Company, are in e Hotel. and 0-Jice oj th TRAINS DEPART FROM THIS HOUSK AT 12:10 F'fM "FOR WALLA WALLA 2:40 P. M. TOKTLAND ' . The E r-ieet Strawberry known, CLARKE'S " SEEDLING! Also, the EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry a valuable acquisition nr money roftltnled. Mission :-: Gardens, ' JAMES A. VARNEY, Prop. TfcQ Celebrated French Gure, rcu;oM"APHRODlTINE" Is Sold ox a. POSITIVE ObARANTEE to cure any Jnrm of nervous . disease, or any rlistmlcr of tlie concintivo or- enns of either ' BEFDt.E jvi.iE from the AFTER excc.iu use of sthmilnnrs. Tobacco ttr Oninm. ortlirougli youMilul indiscretion, over imlulg eucc. ii-. KtwU im I.(hs of Iti-iiin Power. Wnketul- ness, Itcnrintr down I'uins in the Buck, Seminal Weakness, llysterin. Nervous Prostmtmu Nocturn al iiii.ssions licucorrlia'a, lizziness.VenkMcra' ory,Ixssof Power and Imporeney. which i f lie- elected often lend to ireinntureoMfli;eninl insnii- ity. rriee 11.00 a box. 6 boxes lur 3.uO Bent by mail on receipt or iriee. . A wkittkn ii; ARANTICT! fnreveryJSOC order, to refund the money if a I'eriiiatient cure is not effected. Thousands ot testimonials from old ami youmr. of both frexes, permanently cured hv Aphkoditine. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WKSTEKN BRANCH. BOX 27 tOETLAXD, OE BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR TUB DALLES, OJtEfiO. CHAS STUBLI1SJG, PFIOP'R. Wines, Liquors and Cigars Sour Mash and Pioneer EourLon Whiskies. All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale ni Porter, -aisd genuine Kry West Citrars. A full liue cf nfts irnmisa mi 90 SECOND STREET, - THE DALLES, OE.EGOI -fiV fl .- Successors to L D. Fbihi rleccsa TNe.- V3 Wholesale and Kctail Dealers THE DAIXES, onrGON. Administrators' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned is the duly appointed and qualified administrator o tbe estate of PlMEbe M. Dunham, deceased. All per- ouiia unvinir vuuins against saia estata are hereby notified to present them, with proper vouchers, t the undersign I. at his office, in Ditto citv, Oregon within six months from this date. A. Is. THOMPSOJf. Administrator of the Estila nl Pheedo M. Don ham, deceased. v Tui Dalles, Obsooic, IMS. ISth, 18S3. . Notice of Final Settlement: " Notice is hereby given tha tha undersigned," exe cutrix of the estate of James Ellaburr, deceased, has duly fibd in this court her final account in said es tate, the hearing of which has been fixed by said court for Monday, the 31 day of March, 1S80, at 2 oc'ocKp. m. of said day. at the county courtroom to the county courthouse in Dalles City, Oregon All persons interested in said then and there appear and show cause, if any there be, why said account should not in all things be con firmed and allowed. Dated Jan. 29, 189a r..ft w KY ANN H-LSBURT, Executrix Dufur & Watltins, attoraevs for eiati. lebJt3t Adrainistrator'-, Kotice. Notice is herebv irivm ' been, by the Oouuty that the underawrned has eon, duty i ppui-' wOurt t.I wasco couaiy, Martha otl- .d administrator of the estate holiilmr .-" jj. deceased. Therefore, all persons Bed- claims against ad estate are hereby noti- .ud requested io present tbe same, together wim uio o rotter vouchers therefor, to the unbersurned at v.- i. ,.in ni stnrv & Biadshaw at Dalies city. Orevon. wi bin six months from the date of this notice.' ' . Dated at Dalles city, Oregon, Dec. 19, 18S9. - L. P. OSTLAND, Administrator of said estate. Story & Brudahaw, attorneys for said estate. Nsw Zdand Insurance Co. Is one of the Eestia tha World Also managers for Oregnn, Washington and Idaho of the Mutual Benefit LifelnsuranceCo. OP NEWARK, K. i. .' " aid policy holJors, since organization, $92,812,907.06! Assets, market valve. ...... S4O.8g0.264 14 Surplus, N. Y. standard. ....... S.512,l!tO 31 One of the xaost solid companies in ths Unitjd SUtes. . AGENTS WANTED tor the State of Orcron Territoriee of Washington and Idaho, T- ill TjRh Valley Mercnant and Exchange enlS, W dfiOll I ROLLER MILL. p3 Covers, Leather & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings Etc, .iVrr the ojL.x sriA.rsri. Oonntrv Orders Promptly atended to . marU-td Flour Kauai to tbe JCest. Mill Feed. Always on Hand. Satisfaction Guaranteed. sp21 V7. M. McCORKLE, Prop. -O.T.THOMPSON. A.W. FARUHEIt. REMOVAL I REMOVAL I Removed to 2Y6 and 278 Second St., ' ZD. "7- laEd.-w-a.aT 3-&9 - I.EALER IX . . - THOMPSON & FARCHER, General Blacksmiths, Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, Near Mint buililintr, Second St. Horse-Shojing and General Jobblng . a apeciaxiy Prices reasonable and to' suit the times. The Dalles Lumbering COMPANY, Successors to TI103. J0H5S & CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. Tins Dalles, - Obegon. DSALXK8 TB ALL KtSDS OF ROUGH . AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material. ARTISTS Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. TiLiJvxivr-Kr- -?-a.Es E-AiB-r'ts Oil Paintings, Cliroinos anl Steel Engravings. E. P. FIT! La rJ3A."L."EU IN MONEY LOAN NOTAET BUSINESS " KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxo Orrics at Tile, Ob., Januanr i3. 1B90. Notico is hereby (riven . that the. ilowinr named settler. has fiiel wtice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said pro.-f will lie made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on March 10. 1800, via: -Drlmrsh .4.Vroinan. Ild 791. for the W S SW 4 and SE li SW "i,"feec 8. T 2 B 12 E. ' - He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence open' and cultivation of said Wn.i. viz; ' J.-H. Hosier. Trk Lamb, Robt. Densmore, John bhephard, all of nosier, ur. F. A. iloDONALD, Bnrister. ham SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUEand PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. " THE are those put np by p.M.FERRY&CO. ' Who are tbe largest liathewodoVi ' I. M Fnr A nn. UhlStrated. DeurintmuH Priced S0 ANNUAL jot 1090 win oe maiiea rxsa to all ap- 1 pucania, moo to last season a custoraera. It is better than ever. Every person , sing- Gmrdtn, Ftawer tr FuU A aj snotild send ior u. Adarcas t D. M. FERRY 4V CO. DETROIT, KKH. Adniinistrutor's Notiee. Notice is hereby gh-en thit tho umlersiroed has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Qeorgrs T. lirickell, do.-onid, hy the honorable, tbe C'Miutv Court o' WaHc." county, Oregon. Therefore, all persons havli g claims againbt said deceased or his estate are hereby imlitied and- required to present the same to me with tne proper voueoers at uiv resi dencc in Oailcs ci!y, Wasco e mutv, Oregon, witliin six niuntus mm tne o&te ol tnia notice. Hated lie--. 10, lai. J. C. BRICKELX. Admiu; jlr .tor ot the estate of George T. BricitcE, deceased. . " Iuf ;ir & Watlins, for the admini.trator. d21-5t -Exeen tor's Notice. - Xutioa la horehy given thai; the undersigned has been duly apuointed executor of tbe lust will and testamjiit ot Anna P. Murdy, deceased, by tbe bon orable. the County Court nf V-tsco &u .ty, Oreiron, in matters ot probate. All penons having cl&ini agamat etna estate are nereuy noun. a atiu requirea to present tne same with the proper vouchers, t me at tbe office ( my attorneys, Dufur & Wat kin, in The Dalles, Or- gun, witblu six months from the date ol this notice. Dated at Dalies City, Oregon, Dec. 31, 1889. LEON W-uCUKTISS, Executor of the last will and testarceht ot Ann . P. . Murdy, -deceased. - - : Dufur A Wat kins attorneys for executor. Jn-t-5 Thompson's Addition -TO- DALLES CITY. Now Ready for Sale on Easy Terms, Now Is the timc'to bur while PRICES ARR LOW. Tliis tract has been surveyed aud platted in tcre trtcts with convenient streets and avenues and so ar.-anired that purcnasera can ?et one block or sev eral acres in a body. The Ian I Is tt-mrarathelv level, sou exceucn"t, water e any oosaiuca, iocat;cn plaasaut, beautiful and easy to accefli and ioins the city unmeaiatejy on tne ease Title F. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. FOt SALE BY The Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For articnlara apply at 0 e oflFce of th; Company rooms and 8, h jid Office Eoildinir, The Uallea, Or. COME AND 8EE THE PROPEBT?." " THCRN3URY & HUDSON, sp6d&wtf Beal F state AenU Before starting on a Journey, get an ACCIDENT-TICKET ' " Only 25c for $3000 Insurance. Loaning Money foi non-resident a specialty. 8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders. O.D.TAYliOR H. GLENN, Is again at his old stand and has on band 2v FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT. Tanks of all sizes,, frcm 1000 to 40,000 gallons, made j -- io joruer. t3 Contracts for all kiiids of buildings iaKen at tne lowest ncmrea. ' ..." -OF ALLEN GRANT, Eagle Valley, near Antelope riwes nave square crop on right ear and split on left. . Wethers reverse. Horses and cattle branded "R. G." Have sold my horses and cattle, hut not my oranas. . Faber's Golden -Female Pills. ForFemnla TrwHmtur Ities; uotbiueliiEetheni o n tbo market Never fail. Buecessl'ully used by prominent ladies mommy, uuaraiiteed to relieve suppressed lueusiruaiiou, SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't bo hmnbnga-ed. Save Time. Health. aud money ;takc no oth er.. . . Sent to any address, secure by mall ou re celpt of price, JiOO. -. Address, THE APHRO REDICINE COMPANV. Western Branch., . J3ox 87, PORTLAND, oir A Perfect' Face Powder. fOMrarl- tmmm n r s m rniiM JjlAkeley c Honghton, Cm B. Dnnbam. m LATEST PERFUME exouisite chB.t. FREEMAN'S H IAWATH A to gaai trmtm Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hair. HAKUrACTUBIKS or DOOK.S. c WINDOWS, ; Orders from abroad receive prompt attention. i nerai AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, SchuUler's and Tubukr As!g Wi HARDWARE, IRON STEEL. 331acismitlis' Stoclr. Wagon-Makers' and Gr IT o o o 3 o t-Sole Ajrent for the IMPROVED MO.'IAP.CII Washimr Machine.-SS PIONEER-:-GROCERY, GEO. RUCH. Proprietor. Northwest corner of Second and Washington tti CHEAPEST place In The Dalles for all kinds of GROCERIES FLOUR, GRAIN, ; WILLOW-WARE, to,. Tnankful for favors in th nast. T wniftd rtvmeet luuysoucuaconunuanceni tne same." - GEORGK RUCH C. E. DUNHAM, Driiig'gist and Optician. SOLS AGEWKFOR Keeps !u stock a full line of Eazors, Knives, Scissors, ' PATENT 3J2SUICINES. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, THE X.EADINO PERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RTJBHER GOODS, Tnisses SlionIlei- Bruccri, Olicst Protectors STATIONERY AHD CIGARS ?ure Wines and Liquors for Medicina lises. Prescriptions com pounded at all hours. GLASSES- PAT! JULY 1" 1879. "Every '.Pair Pmohaaed Ganrantosi. CALL AND OXXY MACHINE " 175 Second Street, The Dalles. Country and Mall Orders will re '- ceive Prompt Attention. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Aye., Boston. , lCaah advances made on eoniigument THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop!.. ; Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions . Lock Box 218. THE DALLES, OREGON. OREGON .-.-.BAKERY, A. KELLER, Propr, Washington street, next door llow Oco. Ruck's. - ' Dalles, Oreeoxb Having the Bakery formerly owned by Geo. Bush. am. prepared to furnish families, hotels and res taurants with the anoicast Bread, Cakes aud Pies.-- - H00SIER FESTCE MACHINE, that gives a continuous twist to the wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WORKS, STS27iir'S5 John G. Carlisle. i MOSTHLY Wm OF LIYISG SUBJECTS Bf the Foremost Writers in ihe Worltf. THE FORUM lias won tho highest placV reached by any periodical ; for it pub lishes articles by more authoritative writers and by more workers along instruc tive lines of activity than any other publica tion. It . contains eleven studies of great subjects every month. It is impartial, giv-' ' ing hearings alike to each side. It is finan cially independent, and it belongs to no sect or party or " interest." . It is never sensa tional, but it aims always to bo instructive.) The FonrM is of preitTalne to that part of mvcol"rfrTork which deals with practical politics Mil em-rent questions. Xnro sets are hardly enough fur daily ugo by students. frof. ALFRED BUSHNELL' HART, of Haruartl. ' I consider Tire FonrM ns fumisliinKt"'cmo!t intelllcent and sympathetic audience that a thoughtful writer can lind to address in any land. Prof. AUXANUCR WINCHtU, of th Unitxriity of Michigan. j The FonrM continues to hold ils plw ns th" foremost of our magazines, for tho variety, th value, and tho weight of its contributions. TVi" At rOHX TIMES. - ' There has come forward no problem cf grave importance since Tint FORUM was established that has not been discussed in its pages by masters of the subject. An nouncements ul forthcoming articles can seldom bo made long irt advance, for Thb Forum's discussions are al ways of problems of f iresent concern. Every such problem that the year ItiOO will bring forward will bo discussed, whether in politics, or religion or social science, or practical affairs. The January number will contain a reply by ex-Speaker J. (Jr. Carlisle to Senator Cullom's recent article on "How tho TariiC Affects the Farmer." . TIIE FOItUM PUBLISHING COMPANY, 253 Fifth Ave, H". T,1 B0 Cents a Humber. Subscriptions received at ils oJjSct. . (5.0 a Tear., THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, .AJQ. KKIl.JiaEIi, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. 1 Muscat 83, Angelica 83, . Mountain 83 jyiA Burgundy 83, ZinfaDdel 84, Riesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret. tin Gregfi-io "Viiieynrcl Co. .A iZt?uy. a. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure The East Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try tlie best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." A. L. NEWMAN Ha3 opened a r:C?a ST Corner of Second anl Union Sts. GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS. PROViSiQNS, ETC. The groceries will be new and fresh, -and such as are demanded ' in this market. ' ' J In connect:..'!! with the Grocery will supply Bread aud Pastry of all kinds. MftfiP:MalJ. ; f$ i&j2SiW ass i w y& "i SECOUD STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, - - - PROFR, -:- Oolunibia Brewery Beer, :-: AM) lOlt !AL1: ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, the yerj Lest Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., 1! HIT i r DCALKII IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry- Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c, . Agent for the Buttcrici Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms,- WTr irTrm7TT. & ft A A . muiuJJ1 AND funeral Xi'ootoir- Tbs TTndersigried has Added, to his Business a full line of . Metallic, Cloth-covered, Eiaclr, ?hite, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Botes and Shrouds. Trimipgs of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices andc-T.6the32o8t Elegant flcai nc en.t f Hie mouritiiinii with all tha l-i ten fc ii:ipioveiU''ntd. NO PEIAY 111 FILLING . ORDERS. Pin cf :?k;mc. Tljintlret, three doort east of Oi!on, Ju'acallUter Cu'aasrleultural aara house, and adjoining Ilia riar.ipn ilili and Wuguo Shop. I'lnre of I'KnlOnee. Fo'irlh street, corner of M'atbliitton. Can be 'en at all honif cf (he day l;r . . v WM. MIOHELL. SUCCESSORS TO LATE FIP.M- EJ. WKVGATE z CO. Seagal lebaaadise V A COMPLIiTE LINE OP F0RKIG2T ANP DOMESTIC" Dry Goods, Groceries, : Hardware, Iron and Steel. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. HACKS AND BUGGIES. DEALERS IN gtrong, Durable, Neat and the Cheapest Fence in the World. K B, EEED, Proprietor. THE DALLES, OREGON. Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, Matting, Parlor Ornament, Window Shade, Etc. ",irj.g: a, Specia,lt3r- .' Coftlna, CitkaU, Burjil Robe, Etc anbe fount, at all hours of ths day or night at their pUw of Intinrtt, Watkingto strstt, (we ioort north rout ground. Sign uf iUii Uyta. -v