'1 rnE iakaxt Ti'.KaiBiiB. ; It was the infant terrible, - And be was one of three, And he rushed into bis mother's room When she had compaoie. ' He held her with his glittering cyS, -The dinner-guests kept still To listen to this three years child, Who always bath bis will "Alfred," his mother said, "go back Unto the nursery, dear." Eftsoons his cherub lips do part, She can not choose but hear. ' - Ontfjake the infant terribln, Ob, boldly outspoke he: "I want the hair you're wearing, ma, . For it b'longs to me ! "I want the hair npon yonr head ' (No tears can now avail); It's mine boo-hoo yon cut it off Juy rocking horse's taU!" .-- . THE KARA OUTRAGE. Horrible Drafts of the Female Pris oners n Siberia. TIIE EAKA OUTRAGE. Loudon. Feb. 15. Provided with a cable dispatch of. introduction lrom George Eennan, the celebrated Siberian traveler, the London agent of the Asso dated Press called this morning on Sergius titcpoiak, the well-known writer upon Siberian political and social con ditions. fctepuiak, when asked whether be could give any information in regard to the" outrage in the political prison at Kara, in Eastern Siberia, replied tbat tbe reports already published gave only a faint idea of tho horrible tragedy enacted m Kara. - Perfectly trustworthy intorma' tion, . be said, had been received in cipher letter tbat tells the story only in its main outline. The full details of the dreadful - measure caunot be long now in . reaching the Western world, coming so coon alter the publicity given to tbe .Takntat atrocity. The facts so far re ceived are as follows: . , , A CULTURED WOITA WHIPPED TO DEATH. Madame sagada did not commit sm '. fide, as tho earliest report stated. She died of the effects of the cruel flogging to which she was subjected.- The floggiDg took place Wednesday the Gth ot novem ter. It wJt continued until under the brutal blows tbe victim lost consciousness and lay as one dead. . Tbe news of ber shocking murder pi o duced wide spreading dismay and anguish . among her female lellow-prisouerg, and three of tbcm, unable longer to bear their . wretched fate, committed suicide by poison. Tbe names of the women were Maria Kaluzhaya, Maria Paolo sn a Kar- ' aleneskava, and Nedoozyda Smiroith- kaza. : CFFESSES OF FEMALE FBISOKER8. Maria Kaluzhaya was arrested in 1884, - a girl of 18, cn a charge of disloyalty, Every means tried to extort a confession . implicating friends was futile until Col onel Hatansiu brought iier a lorged state V - ment purporting to bo a confession of her , lellow-conapirators and promising lm- , mumty. , Maria fell into the trap, con' fessed, and her confession was used against friends who were sent to penal servitude. Wbcu she learned the decep- -. tion she procured a revolver and tried to ' kilt him. For thu she was sentenced to : ' twenty . years penal servitude.. Maria - Paoloona Earaleneskaya was' a- young marncu lady about So years ot age, ot a . good tamiiy. - la 1S71 sue was sentenced to thirteen yeais' penal servitude, witbJ - exile to Sibcriafor life, for belonging to a secret society. Her-husband was 6ent ; 1000 miles from the mines. The separa , tion drove her insane and in 1881 she . was allowed to join her husband in the hope of restoring her reason. She re covered, but a new governor separated . tbem again, and she returned to the Kara - mines. Nedoczyda Smirmthkaza was 83 years old, a student iu the woman's college. She was sentenced to fifteen .'. years, with penal servitude. :, Sbortl7 after the suicide cf the three women, a brother of Marie Kalua'wya, . also died, suddenly. Another exile named Betikoo committed snicide, rather than submit to the cruel humiliation and suf- , feting ot flogging. . TIIE FLOGGIKO WAS AUTHORIZED. The flogging of Madame Sagada oc curred under orders issued by Licuten ant- governor uaronKon, governor gen eral i toe province or the Amoor, in which the prison is sitnated. The orders directed that tbe ferret edict ot March, 1888, signed by Galkinaverskine, director general of prisons for the empire, should be unflinchingly enforced. Tbis edict - was to the effect tbat political convicts should be treated by prison officials in precisely the same manner as criminals condemned for common law offenses.. In what particular way Madame Sagaua transgressed tbe prison rules is not clearly explained, but flogging n sensitive, cul tured woman to deatb for any lack of contormity to prison regulations Stepniak thought would impress tbe world with - profound horror. - The political prisoners at Kara, Step niak said, had in some way learned that the political exik s imprisoned at Saghal coo bad also been subjected to flogging. They were constantly in dread of similar torture to that . inflicted on Madame Sagada ' it pleases the czab. -Stepniak thought it unlikely tbat pub lication of the facts would force tbe superior officials of Russia to take some notice of aaffirs, but the flogging and all other brutalities were entirely due to tl.e direct orders from the general govern ment at Si. Petersburg. HealtJt Comma -dmect . - 1. Thou sbalt have no other food than . at meal time. -2. Thou shalt not make onto thee any pies or put into pastry the likeness of . anything tbat is in tbe heavens above or in tbe waters under the earth. Tbou shalt not fall to eating it or tryieg to di gest it. For the dyspepsia- will be visit ed upon the children to the third and fourth generations of them that eat pie, : and long life and vigor npon those tbat live prudently and keep tbe laws of health. . . 8. Remember thy bread - to bake it well; for be will not be kept sound that - eaietn nis ureaa as aougn. . jnou snail not indulge sorrow or borrow anxiety in vain. 6. Six dajs thon shalt wash and Keep ' thyself clean, and tbe seventh thon sbalt take a great bath, thon and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, and the slianger tbat is within thy gates. ' For in sis days roan sweats and gathers - tilth and bacteria enough for disease ; wnereiore tbe .Lord has blessed the bath tub and hallowed it. 6. Remember tby sitting-room and bed-chamber to keep them ventilated. that tby days may be long in the land which the Lord tby God giveth thee. 7. Thon sbalt not cat hot biscuit. 8' -Thon shalt not eat thy meat fried. V. Thou shalt not swallow thy food un chewed, or' highly spiced, or just before bard work, or just after it. 10. Tbou shalt not keep late hours in tby neighbor's house, nor with tby neighbor's wife, nor bis man-servant, nor Ids maid servant, nor bis cards, nor his glass, nor . with cnytbiog tbat is tby neighbor's. ' A Tcsrimml. 1. - They iiad a quarrel Sunday evening. lie got-mad aud said : he'd leave her. ' Tnen she got vexed and told him be ' could do ad he pleased. lie left. The next eight he came round again. He asked lo see her alone. She readily complied. She was all o& a tremor. II er In art went out to him in a gush of sympathetic love. She stood ready to throw both arms abont bis neck and cry out her joy. Tlmre was not much' color in his face and bis voire was husky. He said : "I liuve been with you six months, Matilda, ana tnea in an mar. lime to uo wnai was right". , He paus?d an instant to recover bis voice which was faltering r.pidly, while ber trembling Increased. "I know that I have got considerable temper, and that I do not control it as I i. u.. t t.... i- l.n r.. ; . t r i to you tried to do everything that I thought wjuU tend to make yon happy. A..d, feeling thi?, I have called to night to use if yoi wouldn't be kind enough to give me a sort of tpstimonial to this ef fect so that I could show it to any other young lady I might wait to go out with. It might help me." H3 looked at her anxiously. All the color le t her face in a flush. She mado a great effort to swallow some thing whicirtbreaicncd to snffocate her. Then she spoke: ; ''Yon grt.out of this house as qui;k as you can, you wretch, or my father shall kir.k you out." He didnl stay long, but left without the testimonials. , She Otvnrd tkc Kirth. Detroit Free Tress. She hold up her band to the conductor to stop the car, but lie was in no hurry ahout it and waited until it rcaelied the cros-ieng. "Didn't I signal you to ito; the car back there?" he demanded. "You 'did. madam." -. '"Then why didn't you stop it?" "Agnust order?, ma'am; we stop only ut crossing?.". "Who gttve those orders?1; . "The manager." . " - "Is the manager on the car?"' No niii'am." ' And I can't see him?" ' "Not unless you go to the office." : "Vey well. I withdraw my patron age from this line. Just inform the man r.ger ol this fact, jai.l you, and suggest tbat he call and apologise. The car can now proceed." And the car, strange to relate, did pro ceed. Tic Very rolltc Cliild. " ''How do yon do, Jacob?" said a ladj to a lad in thin city tbe otiicr day. "I'm well, thank yon," taid the boy. "H jw tlo all jour folks do?r' asked tbe lady " riiey'ro all well, thank you. except dad." ruulied the boy. "What's the matter with your father?" asked the lady. : . "He's dead, thank yon," replied the boy: "how do yon do and all your family P Be Couldn't Hay. . ""Who's running this hot-l, anylow?" asked a landlord of a traveling man who wasn't disposed to accept the situation as m ;ek ly as be might have done, . .Vho's runnins; this hotel?" "That's what I said." f vV'ftll, I can't say. I havn't made up my nuud yet whether it's the cockroaches or the nocturnal insects that make steep nothing but a fantastic dream of hope. Yoal have to figure out for yourself. " The Crawford - C 'Upper eays: "A farmer from one of tue rural districts sent a slip of paper by a neighbor to. a merchant in this city asking the latter to send him a bill of roods. He enumerated the articles he wished and intermixed with the list a bit ot news. The lollonine is a copy of the letter: 'Send me a sack of flower, fire pounds. coffee, aud one ot tea. My wile gave bir-li to a boy baby last night and a' so a keg of nails, a screw driver and a spool of barb wire. It weighed ten pounds and a ton ol eoit coal.' " S'jc How do you suppose tbe' apes crack t!:u hard tueUs of toe nuts tbey nick? He With a raonnkey wrench ot course. - , In tbe soup Well, that's the cook's secret. ; A cool proceeding An ice trust. BSAZrilFTJEf EXERCISE. Only a few months airo these roniDlmr. rosv- chceked lasses were puny, delicate, pale, sickly rirte. By the aid or Dr. Pierce's world-famed Favorite Proscription, they bare blossomed out into booutiful, plump, bale, hearty, strong jvuuy nuuirf, "Favorite PrescriDtion " is an tmrlcrovntinrr. restoratiro tenia and as a regulator nud oro- siuivr ui mncuonai ncuon ac tunc critical period of chansro from girlhood to woman hood, it is a perfectly safo remedial agent, and oa produce only good results. It is care fully compounded, bv nn criicripnRnl nn.1 skillful physician, and adapted to woman's n;iiuuto urbanization, xz is purely vesretaDIa In its composition and perfectly harmless in any condition of tho avstem. it imnri otroncth to the wholo system. For over worked, "worn-out." "run-down." debilitated kbmhi. muuners. arcssmakcrs, seamstresses, shop-girls," housekeepers, nursing mothers, nd feeble women generally. Dr. Pieroe'a favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, belnir unentitled nit an nnnatiiMi dial and restorative tonic. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under u piwuv yiturnnice irom rue manuiaoturers, that it wiil give satisfaction in every case or money will be refunded. This guarantee bos been faithfully carried out for many years. Copyright, 1863, by Wdbld's DIS. iiuo. ASS'H; era ot ur. rages latarra itemedy, for incurable caso of CSatarrb ia the Bead. Xand Not ioes- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omen AT Thk Dit.'.is, Osaoox,. JaniMn-11.1890. r-Totice Is hereb? triven that tbe followine-named settlei has filed not:ce of hi intention to rrake final proof in support of his claim, aud that snlj proof wiil be made before the rcgrifster and reeoiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Fcbruan Si, 18&0, viz: (jeorse W. tiucas, H.l. 1750, for Ihai of the nw!l, ami w of the uqh oi &ee. p. a a., n iz Ei. - lie names the following witnetses to prove bis onr.uuous resiaence upon ana cultivation ot, Sam land, vis: P. F. Knowles, 8. M. Driver, F. B. Driver, of ivainie, ur.; James A. urcnam, or rne jLiaiies. ur. juiia F. A. McOOIV ALD, Register. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lass Omcs at Ths Dallki, Osroos, Jan arv 9. 1S30. Notice is hereby civen that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to cuke final proof in support nf his claim, and that said proof wui oe mauu oviora ne re-tinier ana receiver ol tno v. b. tana oiiice al -ine iaiies, ur., ou March 10, low, viz; Clerics W. Klci, Hd 1TS. for the WJ SKii, and MSX SEW and SEH JiEK Sea 22, Tp. S S, R. 12 E tlr names tlie following witnesses to prove bis eonu-iuoui residence upon and -cultiTation of, said tanu, viz: . 8 K. Eirris, The Tialles, Or.; 8. O. Blactirby, J. i. ni-,.uceiaD. A.ci;y. napiuitia, nr. febl F. A. MclloNALll, Register. KOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Lasd Omen at Tub Dalms, Ob., Jannarv i3. laao. - Notice is hereby given that the followinar named settler nas ntru.nouce ot nis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said nmnf will be made beforo the register and receiver at The tiaiies, uregon. on siarca 10, lsw. viz: Deborah A. Vronian, Hd 701. for the W U SW X aad SE H SW V. See iu Tovuioir- ' lie names the fnllowinar witnesses to nrave his ronunoous resiuence upon ana cultivation OI said land, vis: J. H. Nosier. I.irk Lamb, ilobt. Densmore. John enepnarn, an or ai osier, ur. I. A. mcuVSAUD, Ketristcr. ATLAS ENGINE WORKS. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. (iJTrlTJR ! if- IIS iaTl M FOR OUH CATALOOUCuiD SRICII V V Outauin Absolutely Pure. Legal Notices- Petition. The ' following resolution parsed the Common Council l Dal.rs Cily, Dec 31, 1869: Kcsolvcd, 1 hat the auditor ami clerk give notice of intention of the council to vacate the fullowiiifr Darts or Main street, Mauioon street and iicnroe street, in said city, the' better to improve the same, All of that part or Main street Deiwecn Jenereo-.i and Moi.roe streets, including the interiwetious thereof with Uacliipin and Monroe atreets, which lie rou'.h of the north line of the ryht of ay conveyed to the Oregon Steam Kavijnjtinn Company by a deed from tlie Ijtughlin bein. of record iu book "O" of leeds of Wom county, Orev-on, rnges lia, 710 and. 747, being trat purt ol said Main street south of said right of way which abuts up Slid is contitnious to blocks mteen imj ana ciintecn .ioj. baumiiin buuui tion to Dnlles City, includinir the intersections thereof with slid Madison and Uenroe streets. AI all of Monroe street w hich alruta upon and lies tutvroen lots sis (6) and seven (7) of block eight een (13), and lota one (1) and twelve (11!) of block twenty -two (2 ), Lacghliu's addition to said Dalles City. Also all that part of Madison street which a outs npon and iiea between tbe north fifty (CO) feet of lots six (0), blCK-k ffteen (15), and the north fifty (.V-) feet of lot one (1). Meet ihjhteen (is), Laughlin"i Addi tion to DaUes Cily. jan4-3t-wkl Notice of Final Settlement. fn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco C"unty. In the matter of the estate of Henry Whittaker, deceased-- Kill, la hmhr-plven th.-.t the executrix of said estate has this day fned- her final account as such executrix, and that by an order duly made and en tered tn the above court and matter, said final ac count viil come on tor hearing at 2 o'chjek p. u. on Tueslcy, March 4, 1890. at tbe courtioui of the ab(,ve Mititled eourt. All nersoua interwti In said estate are hereby no.illed to appear at said time and Dlace and mike ol kctions. if any there be, to the approval of Sam unai ucciua, ine nuai Kbi.miK:ui ui said estate and ine msciiarge oi me execunx. Dated Dalles uty, vr , Jan. si, iwj. MAK1A WIHTTAKEB. Executrix of the last will sod tes ament of Uon.7 Whittaker, deceased. Dalle.3 City Water Uonds, Sealed proposals will be receive I until 2 p. m. Saturday, March 1, li-8", by the Board of Water Connnisaionen? of L'alles City, for the tmr-t-h-iae of -200 l-ouds of $600 each, $l00,b00 in the aifregate. S'io.i-cc payable In nve yen re. l''6,0i'0 poyable in ten years. If.'fi.OOu payabie in fifteen yc-rs. k 2fi,00J payable in twenty yet-is. Each bidder must stite tbe lowest rate of interest at which the bonds will be taken, at not less than their face value, and for cash in hand; intcrett pay able annually. Bids should be addieMed to the Secretary B ard of Water Conimiwioueni, The Dalles, OreyoM, and envelopes en-ions. d froiK-eal for Water Benin. The commissioners reserve the ri.ht to reject any and all bu's. si. T. auliAM, Secietarvof Bovd of Water Cotumi-wiouein, The Dalles, Ure-c-w. Jui29 ' Administrators' - Notice. Notice is hereby -riven that the undersigned is the duly appointed &ud qualified administrator o tbe estate of Phoebe M. Dunham, deceased. All per sons havinir claims atraicst said estate are hereby notified to present them, with proper vouchers, t the undenri-rce . at his otfice. iu Dalies City, Oregon within six months from this date. A. K. THOMPSON. Administrator of ths Estate of Phaide X. Dun hsm, dLceased. Tub Dalles, ORxao-f,iiec. lam, itoj. Xotice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby iriveu that the undersiirned. exe cutrix ol the estate oi James juiBDury, deceased, has duly filed in thi3 court her final account in said es tate, the hearing of which has been fixed by 6aid court for llonday, tbe 3d day of March, 1880, at 2 o'clock: p. m. oi said day, at tne county courtroom in the county courthouse in Dalles City, Orexon. All persons interested in said estate are notified to then aud there appear and . ihow cause, if any there . ne, wny said account snouid not in all toiugs ne con firmed and allowed. Dated Jan. 29, 1890. . MAKY ANN ELLSBURT. Executrix. Dufur & Watkins, attorneys for estate. - febl-6t Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby civen that tho under iimed has been, by the Comity Court of Wasco county, Ore- con, duly appointed administrator of tee estate of Martha Ostlaud, deceased. Therefore, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby noti fied and requested to present the same, together with tho proper vouchers tltetcfnr, to tlie unuenigned at .the law office of Story ft Biadshaw at Dalles city, Oregon, wiihin six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated at Dalles city, Oregon, LVc. 19, 18S9. L. P. OSTLAND, - Administrator of said estate. Story & Bradehaw, attorneys for said ettate. . Administrator's Notice. ' Notice is hercbv civen tint the underakrned has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of George T. Biickcll, deceased, by the honorable, the Ceunty Court of Wabco comity, Oregon. Therefore, all persons havinir claims atroindt said deceased or his estate are hereby notified and required to present tne same to me witn tne proper vouchers at my rest deuce in Dalles city, Wasco county, Oregun, within six months lrom the date of this notice. v Dated Dec. 16,1869. - . J. V. UUlCKELXi, Administrator of the estite of Oeonre T. BricheC. deceased. Dufur B Watkins. for the sdminUrrator. d21-St Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby civen that the underairacd has been duly' appointed executor of- the last will ud testament of Anna P. sturdy, deceased, by the hon orable, the County Court t Wasco county, Oregon, in matters ot probate. All nersons bavin? claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present tne same with the proper vouchers. fc me at the olhce of my attorneys, Dufur ft Watkins, in The Dalles, Orvgou, within six months Irom the date of tins notiee. ' Dated at Dailes City, Oregon, Dec. 81, 1SS9. , LEON W. CCKTIS3. Executor cf the last will and testament of Aun.P. Aluniy, deceased. Dufur ft Watkins attorneys for executor. j-5 fTI Thompsons Addition -TO- DALLES CITY. IfowRcafy for Sale cn Easy Terms. Sow Is the timeito buy while PRICES ARE LOW. Tills tract has been surveyed and Dlatted in sera tracts with convenient streets and avenues and no arranred that purchasers can get one block or sev eral acr in a body. The tail t is euuiiamtively leel. soil excellent, water easily obtained, loeatien pllsaut. beautiful and easv to access and city iiiimccUately on tbe eut. i Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. roa SALE BY The Me&.Lanil . and Improvement Co. ' For articular apply at tbe ofFce of the ComDans rooms and i I 8, Lud Office EuUdinif, The Dalles, Or. COME AND SEE THE PHOPEBTr. THORNBURY & HUDSON, sp6diwtf ; - . Besl Est vte Agents JB. COOSSEM, ' Auctioneer, lVastaiastOB St, bet. Mala and Hteead, The Dalles. Oregon. Garular Auction Sales of Real Estate, toasebold hiirniture and Oensral Merenaudlsr. Weduedar aad Saturday-. 11 A. 31. I BIf 6 has given nnlver- milsaction la ths I cure of Gonorrhoea and Gleet, I prescribe it and feel safe In reoommend 1ns; It to all sufferers, r 8TOHEB, H.D Deeafar, IU. i PBICB.81.C9. Sold by Drogaists. i HI PES a KINEBSLET, The Dalles. .J lUriiiaselalCe. PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WHOLESALE AMD It ETA I L Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates of the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us (o sell Furni' tue anl Garnets at prices hith- A. M. erto unknown in Oregon A Few of Our Quotations will ITanlwood bent Chairs, each. 75 ct .... 200 S M 50 ..... 12 CO Cane Rockers Ash Be.l?teul3 Woven-wire Mattrcsse Lounges or CaIjT AND Sniped Khrty, -the Leading 1 11 j ' I2S Second Street The Dalles, Oregon HEMI L KUCK, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, . - - OR All Wort Uahi-anteed to CUve Sat. faction HUGH CHRISMAX. W. K. CORSON. iUCCESSOrJ TO CHR18UAN & SOIVH, Wholesale and Itctail Dealers in PMCT GEOCEEIES AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Washington and Federal. Ilavo on hand and will sell at the lowest possible prices, fancy and Staple Groceries and Mill Feed. , Highest Gash Price for Connlf j Produce. Call and examine prices before 'purchasing else- wnere. augiTtt Clirisnian & Corson. ; 0. D. TAYLOR, REAL ESTATE INSURAKfiS AST., Washington Street, in roar ot French ft Go's bank building. THE DAIXES. - . OREGON. -THE New Zeland Insurance Co. Is one of the Best in the World Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho of the Mutual Benefit Life insuranceCo. OF NEWARK, N. J. aid policy holders, sines organization, $92,812,907.06 ! Assets, market value.... .... 40.8X6,204 14 Surplus, N.T. standard 5.512,120. 31 One of the most solid companies in the United States. - AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon ; Territories of Washington and Idaho. MONEY -TO- LOAN. NOTARY BUSINESS Before starting on a Journey, get an ACCIDENTS-TICKET. Only SSe for $3000 Insurance. Loaning Money foi non-rcsident a specialty. . 8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders. O. r. TAYLOE H. GLENN, Is again at bis old stand and hss on hand FINEST BEAIfD OF ' " ' "t ' English cement. Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, made to oraer. ISF Contracts for all kinds of buildings taten at tne lowest bitires. - :" , . - ' - - OF : ! ALLEN GRANT, ; Eagle Valley, near Antelope ' TJ- . 1 ' .. nave square crop on right ear ana split on lelt. Wethers reverse. morses ana cattle branded "R. G. Have sold my horses and cattle, but not my Dranas. Fakr's Golden Female Pills. forPmtt.l. TrMonl.. Ities: nothinKliltethem on the market. Merer fail. Successfully nsed y prominent ladlix inunimy. uuarantced to relieve suppressed 'ucusiruauon. SURE SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't he humbufired. bave Time, Health, .uw juuuvy , utile no oili er. Sent to any address. cyme Dy man on re- wjipr. oi price, m. ddress. THE APHRO MEDICINE COMPanr. WestemBraaca, BoX 27, POKxXANis. OB A Perfect " Face" Powder. B"B nETtTQAMIC "H1- a s&ssa K IIB S TJ -S PUINAH vAGE POWDER. r Chrisraan 4 ton, BsSblHi, iMa'l nltm. DuahrllnaWs. Blakeley & Eoaghtem, : - C B. Daolsam. m LATEST PERFUME exquisite cb... FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA 1 Convince the Most SJKoptioal: Bcd-lountres .16 00 Ash Bedroom Seta Brussels Carpets, per jard . Iiurraiu CarpeU, do , 25 Ot 7t 2." Ja2 C. N. THORN BURY. T. A. HUDSON. THOMBCRY & EDSON, INSURANCE 2JLoToy to . Xjoaia on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all kinds oj Land business be fore tlie U. S. Land OJice. Rooms 7 and 8, np-stairs, U. S. Land Office building,' THE DALLES. OREGON. rnillT Q MI II rT?" tnrrO rnUl I 5 OmAUl I HlLU - SMALL FRUITS, VINES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. The Earliest Strawberry known. CLARKE'S " SEEDLING! Also, tbe EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens, JAMES A. VARNEY, Piop. The Celebrated French Gure, Warrnntcl A DUPDniTlN C" or money to cure nil"""11"- rciu:nlet. Is Sold ok a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure nir form ofuei'voMS cliscuse, or any disonlur tif tho eciicriitivo or- puns cf cither BEFChE ' isiinr fnun the AFTER exceaive use of Stiintilnuts. Tubnccu tr opium, orthrou;;U youthful indiscretion, over indulg ence. Ac. such as Loss of llmin Power. Wnkclul- licss, Itcnriii; don-n Pnins in the Bm-k, Sciniiisl Weakness, Ilj-slcria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emissions. l.eucrrlio?n, liizziness. Weak Mein ory,Iissof JMwerautl Ininotency, which if ne- elcctcii otten lead lo itremnturcnlunircnim insnii iiy. l'rire 1 1.00 n box. 6 boxes for ?S.W) Sent by until on rpoeipt of price. A WKlTTUXGUsflASTEE forevcryJ5.0C orilir. bi ri'tunil the lnollev if a l'riiinnufe Cure is not effected. Thoiisiintls at testimonials from old nmi youns. of both texes, nerinaneiitly cured bv ArHuooiTiNR. Circnlnr free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. VXSTEKX r.IMKCU. BOX 27 POKTLAKD, OR BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR TIIE DALLES, ORECOS. Tysh Valley Mercriant and Exchange ROLLER MILL. Flour Kqnal to the Best. 3IU1 Feed Always on Hand. Satisfaction Guaranteed. sp2l W. M. McCORKLE, Prop. G. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FABOHER. THOMPSON & FARGHEB, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint builthne. Second St. Horse-Shoding and General JoVbiag a specialty Prices reasonable and tn suit the tiroes. The Dalles Lumbering COMPANY, . Successors to Til OS. J0IIN3 ft CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. The Dalles, - ... Oregon. DSXLSKS n ALL E1XDS 0 - ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material. I Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hair. iiAirorACTCBsas or DOORS. WINDOWS, BLINDS. Orders from .&broad recoiva prompt attention. PIONEER-.'-G&OCERY, GEO. RUCH, Proprietor. Northwest corner of Second and Washington its CHEAPEST place in The Dalles for all kinds of GROCERIES FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW-WARE, &u. Tosalrful for favors in the oast. I would resnect tolly solicit acoaunuanceof toe same. GEOROK RUCH BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, THE Z.EADrNO 175 Second Street, The Dalles. Country and Mail Orders win re ceive Prompt Attention. Denny, Eice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. t3TCash advances made on consignment. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Sate Freigldt and Agents' K Commissions. jock Box fIS. THK DALLES, OREGON. OREGON-:-BAKEEY, I A. KELLER, Prop'r, Washington street, neat door lelow Geo. Bach's. . Oallaa. Oreaon. Harioa- the Bakery former I v omd br Oaa. Rm4i mm Prescr M MH inBIMW W . UI .1.11 IBUUIIQ UUU.1I aBfl HI. iBuranis nu we cnoicen urcao, uaaes ana fiek The New THE DALLES. OREGON. " HANDLE Y & SINNGTT, Proprietors, THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Procf Safe for the Safety of al! Valuables. Ticket and Baynaje Office of the Oregon Uailicay ' Navigation Company, and Office of the II' . T7- ' fn.! . 1, TmnnM,, M ' Jlttl I ' esierw uiiuin j. cita,l" TBAINS DEPART FROM THIS HOUfcK I O-iin l Bl sUt XV CHAS. STUBLIiMG, PROP'R. Wines, Liquors and Cigars Sour MasL and Pioneer Bourbon Wliisliies. All brands cf Imported Liquors, Cigars?. CALIFORNIA WINES 90 SECOND STREET, - - Tpntc 0n PnvprQ AJJ? THE OLD Country Orders Promptly atended to REMOVAL I Eomoved to 276 -TiEALER IX- Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTI STS MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. ;. Oil Paintings, Chroraos "Wagon -Maliers? ancl B. F. FITS GELULD. ,, ; ..V: DEAliEB.DJ , G-rooexies- tSSo'.e Accnt for the IlirROVEU MONARCH Washfnif Uachino.-ff ' C. E. DUNHAM, DiU! ist soi.5 agent:for GLASSES "' . PAT?JULYIS!1S7. Ew.-T Pair Puroliasei Oaaraatoed. STATIONERY ' ' i ii 1 TiTT Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicina uses. Prescriptions com pounded at, hai.l and see TTrifiaTi7.P T?T?.Mfl aJU that gives a continuous twist THE PACIFIC gtrong, Durable, Neat, and the H B. REED, THE , DALLES, Umatilla House, vKinjwj, -.v... , AT 12:10 P'JM JTOR WALLA WALLA I'l IK I I & ! I m. 4. aaiii'' Ale and Porter, and genuine Key West A full line of AND BRANDIE THE DALLES, OREGON. . Successors to L D. Fbahk d com Wbolesulo and Betali Dealers am Lcatlier & Slioe Findings, P.rT?PP. TnmiT!in2S EfC. STAND. marW-td REMOVAL I and 278 Second St., and Steel Engravings. . AGRICULTURAL HACHIKERY, . SelwUlsr's and Tuklar As!s Wi0iis, HARDWARE, !H0H, STEEL : Dlaclcsmitlis' , . Stoclc. Keeps In stock a full Ijne of Bazors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT 2ZXICXKES. mmm, PERFUMES. SOAPS, SPONGES, .-- RTJEBER GOODS.' Trusses, : x Cliest Frotftctors AHD CIGARS all hours.' fe! T;T A HHIHW . oklt machinr Wrfu iiauvauia. to the wire. In operation at FENCE WOKKS, Cheapest Fence m the World. Proprietor. .OREGON. . Jobs Q. Carlisle. The Fonmc Is of great value to that pnrt nf mr eollpe work which denls with practical politics and eurreut questions. Two sets at s hardly enough for dally use bf stuilonts. frof. ALFRED BUSHHtLL HART, ifHanianl. - I consider Tbx Forttk as fumhhlngthemost IntolHcMit and armpatrietlc audience that a thoughtful writer can find to address in any land. Prof. ALEXANDER WIlCHELL, of tin Uniotrsitf of Miekigvt. g Ths Fohtjk continues to bold Its place as the forr-most of our mscasinfs, for the variety,' lh value, and the weight of its contributions. THE Hi T0RK TIMES. There has come forward no problem of grave importance since TBS FORTJII was established that has not been discussed in its pages by masters of the subject. An nouncements of forthcoming articles can seldom be made long in advance, for ThA Forum's discussions are al ways of problems of present concern. Every such problem that the year 1830 will bring forward will bo discussed, whether in politics, or religion, or social science, or practical affairs. The January number will contain a reply by ex-Speaker J. G. Carlisle to Senator Cullom's recent article on "How the TariiZ Affects the Farmer." .... ;f,- a THE FORUM PUBLISIIIXG COMPANY, 253 Fifth Ave., If. Yj 60 Cents a Number. Subscriptions rteelued at this cice. $5,00 ttar.i THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, JJD. ttTZTuTLTE.YZ, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Mnscat 83, . Angelica 83, Mountain 83 nn Gregorlo "Vlneyarcl Co. .Agreney. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try - the best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tqn'c." A. L. NEWMAN Has opened a GBOCEBT" STRla: Corner of Second and Union Sts. GROCERIES. CANNED GOODS, PROVISIONS. ETC. The groceries will be new and fresh, and such as are demanded in this market. In connection with the Grocery will supply Bread and Pastry of .p ' . all kinds. . ' San vra SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, - - - PROP'R, IiJKEIH OTV DRAUGHT -:-Columbia Brewery Beer,:-: AND FOB eSALUJ - ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, tlie isry best Imported Wines, Llqnors and Cigars. The One Price Gash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., . nil m i'i LX. V H JL. -a -IJBA.r.EIl 1IV- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, . Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c Agent for tin Bntterick Patterns, also for tne Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, Tho Undoraiffned has Added Metallic, Cloth-covered, Eerl and Kosewooci uasKcts, Burial Botes and Shrouds. Trimmings aud owos the 3Iost Elegant flcarse cant f the monntatns with U tb latest improvements. WO BE AY XK FILLING ORDERS. PIa"i of BHure. Third utreet, three doon cast of (iibons.alacallitter & Co'sagricultaral wars house, and adjoining his flailing Mill and Wapn Shop. ' Place of Besideaee. Fo'irtU street, corner of Washington. Can be fen at all' hours of the day "ST. WM. MI0HELL. II SUCCESSORS JE. WINGATE Ac. CO. A COMPLETE LINK 07 Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. Ox".5L:a.c3.oJLl DEALERS IN Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Oarpeta, Mattings, nn TTri.ciertaasiiio' a Speclalt3r-- Coffins, Caaketa, Burial Robes, Eto. on be fount at all kturs of th d ig or night at their floor of hutinete, Washimgtoa street, M toon MM from Second. Sign of Bed LigltL 1 KOITELI HU1EI OF UTBS WSSISi Bf ths Foremost Writer in tht Woritt. , ' l THE FOIiTJM has tron the highest plactf reached by any periodical ; for it pub-j lishes articles by more authoritative) writers and by more workers along ins true-' tive lines of activity than any other publico-' tion. It contains eleven studies of great subjects every month. It is impartial, giv ing hearings alike to each side. It is finan cially independent, and it belongs to no sect or party or "interest." It is never sensay tional, but it aims always to be instructive.! Burgundy 83, Zinfardel 84, Eiesling 83, Hock 83, ' Table Claret. lal nciseo mm XI; 1 X WK MIC HELL, UID1ET4EIE -AND Dii'ector. to his Business a fall line of Black, White, French of all descriptions at tne Lowest Prices TO LATE FIRM- 4 Oft, IdfohandissV FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HACKS AND BUGGIES. & urnamema, n inoow oaaaes, me.