i: McGIXTY'S WAKE. Now yon all have heard tell of MXJintr, Who went down to the depths of the sea : To teach mermaid the hod to carry, . And waa missing lor many a dar. Welt, to-ria ou his back he came flVUn K ur.d the dock with aea weed in hi. nose; ' Though tbe flbee had eat both the shoes ol his feet, tie was still in his best suit of clothes. - CHORUS. Have tou seen McGint' bod; T then the cry ran loud and clear, And the ladies came in thousands to roe hu face so dear; They gazed on him in rapture, kissed him for his mother sake. We thought they'd surely steal ;t ha corpse down at alctiiuty's wake. . Now we raisod what was left of McGinty By a derrick and chain round his heels; And. we started in stubbing his whiskers, To remove 11 the shrimps and eeis. Then we tied np his toes in trreen ribbon', And a sliamruck we r-Iacod "u his nos. ; Then we we bairoU out hU hair in spit curls with (Treat care. And he alill wore bis b st suit of clothe, - ' CUOBCS. Have you seen McGinty's body? was the question through the town. The same old Dan McGinty who was always falling down He'd have a coffin like a coal cart to remind him ol I hm fate. Sure we had to charge ailmiasioo down at McCinly'a wake In the niirht sure we broueht out the whisky. And we passed around the snuff and the pipe?; v hen Ibe manager ol a uime museum, -VcUinty's best suit tried to swipe. . He'd the pants nearly off when we vpied him, lliit we canirht him and fractured bis nose: Then we a.l took a fr'ght for the corpse sit upright. And yelled out, in his best suit 01 cioints. CDOBCS. Have you seen McGinty's body were the first words tht he said. And he sea roil the wits from every man, they nearly tumbled dead: The ladies fled with yells and shr eks, we thought we had the snakes, Tbrro wisn't a soul left in the crowd down at Hc- - Ginty s waice. Sure we thought it was only a fancy, Ami perhaps thit we had the nitebtmire; -So we crawled back to see were we dreaming, But we couldn't sco Viae an v here. He'd eloped and deserted us meanly, Through tiie chimney he must have arose; He flew up tbe flue and the whisky went, Xno, Along with bis best suit of clothe. - ciioaus. Have you seen McGinty's body tbe undertaker wants 1 to know. Bat hu ghost bos rheumatics and he'.l have to tod dle slow: - II you meet him just inform him that ne made a loousn areas. For he lost a splendid funeral down at VcGinty'r A BOOK OF RAKE MERIT. - Explorations aud Adventsrcs JUenry H. tjtaalew and Other nenowocd Kxptsrera. . of This snperbly illustrated work comprises in one magnificent volume a graphic account of the travels, discoveries and brilliant achievements of Stanley in the dark ccnti- .nont. A complete histcry of his last great - expedition for the relief of the celebrated Emm Pasha is given from Stanley's own pen. - In this volume the great explorer re lates bis terrible sufferings and dangers, bis long and wearisome journeys and conflicts in rescning Kmin Pasha and his brave band. - Tbe work is-extremely fascinating. The explorations of the greatest travelers, their . thrilling adventures, terrible dangers and : miraculous escapes; the strange customs,. savage wars, human sacrifices, rude forms of government of wild races; the brilliant scenery, beautiful birds, ferocious beasts and reptiles of the tropics are all described . in the most captivating manner. The reader is conducted through the thick jungles, the .clieeriess deserts, and . luxurious plains of Africa. Be beholds "a wonderful country, famous for its fertile . valleys, its vast forests, its mighty rivers and cataracts, and mines of untold wealth. All the world-renowned explorors of the tropics are here brought together in a .bril liant galaxy. The names of Livingstone, Biker, Speke, Da Ohaiilu, Baldwin and others are all celebrated, but the most thrilling interest gathers around tbe same of Stanley, tbe world's greatest explorer. ns penis, privations, and magnificent tri umphs are portrayed with masterly power in this new and very attractive work. mere, is more to be learned from rucn a volume as this, more to interest and fascin ate tbe reader than eft bs found in dozens - of trashy books. Here the most wrnderfu! discoveries and adventures ever narrated charm the reader. Stanley's explorations and adventures should be in every house- noia in tne lana.. . v , .. It contains ovor 800 large octavo pages, . and mora than 200 elegant engravings and colored plates. ..' This superb work is sold by subscription only, ana Mr. v Untuaui, who is the au inonzju agent lor this section, is now can' vassing for subscribers. It is issued by the .National r'ublisuing company of St. Louis, ..Tn ratal Snow Slide. ' Baker City Democrat. Again the Democrat is called upon to , cnronicie tno occurrence ot a fearful snow slide attended with death, this- time, the scene of tbe avalanche being in the vicinity - of Brownlee ferry, on Snake river. Living on a ranch about four miles east of the ferry on what is called Brownlee creek, was Thomas Arthur and wife. Their lonely cabin was situated at the bottom of a deep - canyon, aoove in em on either side towering, . steep mountains rising at an altitude of sev eral thousand feet. It is a beautiful spot in rummer bnt a dismal scene presents itself in . winter. It was there that Thomas Arthur had selected a borne, where the ranee, af- ; forded better feed tban in more thickly set- . lieu uuiiriucB, anu ms siock was returning . mm a nanusome income. 1 - . A week or ten days since, Mr. Arthur took hu wife on- a visit to Pine vallev and left her, returning alone to his cabin in the mountains, little thinking of the danger and death that awaited him. A night or two after his return, whilo s'.eeninir sonndlv in bed, the terrible avalanche of snow broke loose from the mountain side and crushed down upon bis cabin, breaking in tbe roof nnd killing him lostantly. Just bow lorn he hid been dead when found is not yet jiuuwii, uut ii ib uroiner, james Arthur, ol Jtagle valley, with assistants, shoveled cut . the remains last Monday and brought them . to Eagle voliey for interment. It is said that he was covered by upwards of fotty letior snow anu tnis weight on the cabin forced a timhfi lrwe nd this striking hin. on the neck, broke it, and he died apprr- - - eutiy wunout a struggle. J nomas Arthur waa aged about 25 years ami was nigniy re-pec tea by all who knew - him, and his death has cart a gloom over tbe people of both Pine and Eigle valleys. Head In the Know. . A Baker City paper of Tuesday last col- tained intelligence of the disappearance f Isaac Colt in tho incuntaiDs a few days ago. His brother, Porter S. Colt, bad written him that if t'je roads were favorable hi wcnbl bring his family with biin to pay visit to his father and himself at Mormoi basin. ' Isaac started out to inform his brother of the condition ef tbe roads on tin morning of Jan: 17, on snowshoes. Sinci that time nothing bad been heard of him. until a driver of the Umatilla stage brouglr the news of tbe finding of his body in tin mountains, near tbe head of Clark s creek. buried deep in a snowslidc. The dead inai was a nephew ol- Maik F. Colt, of Walb V alia, and well-known to many of our resi dents. - Dr. J. M. Boyd, who is just oyei fiom Baker City, reports that while on hi; way from Mormon Basin to Burnt river. Colt had doubtless been overcome by tht ueptn ot tne enow, and feeling that he coult go no further, bad stuck np a long pole and t hen laid down by the foot of it, gone ti sleep ana been covered by tbe falling snow. . 1 tie presence ot the pole attracted tne at- tei tin of tbe stage driver. The snow waf dug into, and a! a depth of. about ten fett the body was found. s Advice to Mothers. Mrs. . Winalow's , Soothing ' Syrup, ' foi children teething, is the prescription of one of the best female nurses and physi cians in the United States, and has been nsed for forty yean with never-failing success It millions of mothers for their children. Curing the process of teething its value is mraicuiable. it relieves th child from pain, enres dysentery nnd diar rhoea,- griping in the bowels, and wind- cohc- By giving health to tho child it rests the 'mother. - Trice 25 cents a bottle. Klrke:son Ki Ifed. W. W. Cnion. ' Shortly after four o'clock Tuesday morn I ing John Kirkman of the Washington hotel was awakened by one of his loilgers, J. R. Nickelson . by name, who stated that the man rooming with him, bad' just made an ' assault with a kmte. 1 here was uot raach donbt of the truth of h:s assertion, ss the b'ood was streaming from a cut in Kickel oo's foiebead w hich had laid bar the skull : for the length of two inches. The police ere notified sad the as in Her arrester1, 'Wbra be was arraigned in the police court he eave his name as James Oggli. and told the following story: Oa Monday evening he had been cirinkiug heavily, and was some what intoxicated when he went to bed about eleven o'clock, but not so much bat that be knew that there was $24 50 in his pocket. Awakening about four o'clock, hr found his money gone and arising, accused Nickelson of having robbed him. On that individual denying the chargp, be polled his knife and made tbe attack, intending as he said, "to eut his bowels out" ORgli was fined 50 and cost?, and having Jost his money, was compelled to go to jail for twenty-three (lava. A Women's Desperate Fight. alominjr Columbian. A lady living on Young's riyer, and 1.039 name is Johnson, hid a yery narrow escape from death on3 day last week, tier husband had gone from home and the was lying sick in bed from a severe attack ol inllnenza. At about uiiduight Haines broke out iu the back p-xtof the house. Mrs Johnson sprang from her bed and earner! h r 2 year-old infant out. and then com inciiced trying to save the household goods. Sbo threw out nearly everytotng in tin house, but unwittingly put the thin?-t the wiudward and they were soon ignited. While she was fighting the fire, a party of men troin Mowiru'a place, at the la'i-auseiY ball, were attracted by the flames and upon going out found Mrs. Johnson lying uuccn stious on the ground in close proximity to the tire cuil clad only in her night clothes. S.ie was picked up and carried to Howard's where sue was revived with whisky. At last accounts she was in a fair way to re cover. Tbe house and all its contents with tbe ex;ectioa of one trunk, was destroyed Tuere was no insurance on the place and t ie loss will bi about 52,000. CTJPIS'S HARNESS. . Knit! women naturally looK lorwara murriroony as their proper sphere in life, but they cnouia constantly oear id mraa uiu a fair, rosy face, bright eyes, and a healthy. well-duvclopod form, arc the best passports to a happy marriage. AU those wasting dis orders, weaknesses, and functional irregul.iri ties peculiar to their sex, destroy beauty and attract! veness ana mane iue miseraois. A n imfxiliRir sneciflo for these maladies is to be found in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Proscription. Tt. In t.lHi nnlv medicine for women, sold bv druggists, u it dor a positive sjuaranlao from tho manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be re funded. This guarantee has been printed ou tbe bottle-wrappers, and faithfully faithfully carried out lor many years. $140 per Bottle, or Six Bottles for 5.00. Copyrleht, 18S8, by TVOKLD'S DiS. Man. ASS'S. DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS Purei-j VogaSab.a I PerJecSSifHarmlass I TJNEQTJALEO AS A XTVEU PILL. Smallest, Cheapest. Easiest to Jalte. Onn tinv. Suirar-ooatod Pe Biek Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa tion. Indirection, Uilious Attacks, and all de ranzninonts of tho Stomach, and Bowels. S cents a rial, by drug-gifita. Land Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omca at Thi 1aub, Ohkoob, January 11. I860. ICnHcn la hen a? criTen that the tollowinc-namcd aril, hna sii nnt!ea at his intention to make final proof in support ol bis claim, ana inat saiu prooi will be made neiore tno regrister anu receiver jiic Dalles, Oregon, on Februan 4, 1SW, vis: ieo:tt W. tineas, Hd. 17, for Hie c4 of the nw!i, and w of the H of See. ZS, 1 p. 4 ., it iz is. He names the following witnesses to prove nis eo ttnoous residence upon ana cuiuvacpn oi, saia lajwl. via: c P. F. Knowles, S. M. Driver, K. B. Driver, of Warnie: Or.: Jainrs A. Orchard. f TheDalles. Or. ' ICOTICB PJS PUBLICATION. , Labb OfAcb at Tbk Dallss, Orvoos, - Jan ary 20. 1890. Nbtiee ! lierebr triven that tbe following named settler has Hied notice nf his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be mad i before the register and receiver of the U. s. land emce at 'ine lanes, ur., on iiircn iu, 1800, vis: Charles W. Rica. Hd 1765. for the WK SE'.i. and NEW 8FM and bLK KK See. 22. Tn. 6 S. K. 12 E Be Bama4 the following witnesses to provs his eontinuoni resilience npon and cultivation of, said ana, vis: B E. Fmis. The naiies. Or.: S. a. Blackvby, J. 1. West. Lucern B. Kelly. Wtininili. Or. febl F. A. AtcMONALO, Register. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAiiD OmcB at The Daubs, Or., January 23. 18S0. Notlei is berehv iriven that the following named settler has filed nouce of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will bn made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on March 10, 1890, ?iz: Deborah A. Vromao, Hd 791. for the WUSWW and BE X SW U, 8o 18.TSNR12E. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said i land, viz: J. H. Momer. Lark Lamb. Itobt. Den3more. John Bocpnara, au oi j&osier, ur. t . A. A1CDOAALLI, KegiSter. THE wis? D.M.FERRY&CO Who are the largest Seedsmen in the worid.1 D. M. Fbbrt&Co's Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced SD ANNUAL xor 1090 win oe mauca rKtut to au ap piicants, ana to last season's customers. It is better than E Yery i : Garden Flowtr Seeds should send for it. Address . D. M.FERRY&CO. DETROIT MICH mm SEND FOR OUftCATALOOUEawD PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. Faber's Golden'.. Female Pills. For Fpmnla TmumU, Ities: uothinelikethem on tbe market. Sever fait. Successfully used by prominent ladies moniniy. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed jueuMniatiou. SURD SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't bo humbuFsed. Save Time, Health, a uu uuuey hakq uo o.li er. Sont tn enr nddresi. secure by mail on re ceipt oi price, saw. Addruss, THE APHP.O ffiEDiCIHE COMPANY. Western Branch, Bos 27, POKTtAMO. OK A Perfect " Face Powder. JTAUE POWDER, hula, Ifte't rakaaV ltu h DraftMtj Bl&beley & Houghton C. E. Dunham. THE LA i tx I KhnrUME exquisite cbaet. FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA THE ' NORTHWESTrBM CONSERVATORY OF KUSIC. . -..Awiruiaa, All AM. Hmnfv imnin T7mm rm.. -is . . . liiHimJK'.,."ai anq SpMlAtMinMSiSViV Biocotlon. CMABI.ES H. MOBSJC. Director. omce. P07DER Absolutely Pure. Zegal Notices. Petition. The following resolution passed the Common Hnmi.-il of Dalles Citr. Dec 31. 1S6 : Kesolved, 1 h it the auditor and clerk cive notice of intention of the council to vacate the following oarts of Main street. Madison street and Monroe street, in said city, the better to improve the same, to-wit: All of that part of Main street between Jefferson and Moiroe streets, including the intersections thereof with Madison and Monroe streets, which lie cu'h of the north line of the right of way conveyed to the Oregon Steam Navurntion Company by a deed from tho Lauzblin heirs, of record iu book "O" of deeds of Wasco county, Oretron, pages 745, 7i0 and 747. bcinfir that nart of said Main street south of said right of way which abuis upai.d is contiiruous to blocks fifteen (IS) and eighteen (lb). Lauchlin's addi tion to Dalies City, including the intersections thereof with saiu Madison and Monroe streets. Also all cf Monroe street which abuts upon and lint heLween lots six 161 and seven 17) of block efcrht- een(18), and lots one (l)and twelve (12) of block . ... O l.rl.li..'d ..Mltltn n maiA llM. Citv. Also all that part of Madison street which abuts upon and lies between the north fifty (50) feet of lots six (13), bio k fifteen (lf). and the north fifty (5C) feet nf 1 .1 one (1), Mock eighteen (18), Laughlln's addi tion to Lialics City. jan4-3t-wai Notice of FWal Settlement. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Wasco County. In the matter of the Citato of Henry Whittaker, deceased. Notice is faerebv mven that the executrix of said estate his this day filed her On at account as such exesutnx, ana tltht by an oruer duty mane anu en tered in the above court and matter, laid final ac count will come on tor hearing at 2 o'clock p. m. on Tutsday, March 4, 1S30. at tho courtreom of. the above eittitlcd court. All poisons intercsloi in said 1 estate ure herehy no ified to appear at said time and place and mike olj-ctions, U any there be, to the approval of suid fiual accouut, the final settlement of r said estate and tne discharge ot tne executrix. Dated ualks C.ty. ur. . Jan. 31. 1890. MARIA WHITTAKEB, Executrix of the last will and tes ament of Uenry Wnittaker, deceased. Dalles City Water Bonds, c-ea-ed proposus will be receirei until 2 p. tn. Situnlay, March 1, 190, by the Board of Water Cootniissioncrs of Dai led City, tor the purclme of aw oonas oi s m eacn. iuu,( uu tu toe aggregate. jpsn,' w raaDie in nve years. $' 6 O payable in ten years. tfi'5 COG payab'e in fifteen years. 2fi,tf00 l-ayable in twenty ears. Eiicb bidder must state the lowest rate of interest ! at which the bonds will bo taken, at not less than tleir race vaiue, and for caMi in hand: interest rav- abie ariin.tlly. 11 ids tlionld be nddicsscd to the becroiarrii ard oi water.nus.oloiicrB.'Ihelhilks. Ore-'o'i. and Lbvelopvs endrrstd Proposal for Water Bondi. The commissioners reserve the rkht to rtject any ana au Lies. y. t. iulah. becietaryof Boird of Water Commufsionern. The Ujiie?, uretc n. . jaiiZtf Notice of Final Settkiuent Notice Is hereby given that the niidersifrneu. exe cutrix of the estate of James Eilsburv. deceased, has duly filed in tins court her final account in said tate. the heannir of which bss been fixed bv said court for Monday, the 3d day of March, 1880, al i e cock p. m.oi saiu aay, at tne county courtroom In the county courthouse in Dalles City, Oreiron. All peasons interested in said estate are notined to then and there appear and show cause, if any there ne, why said account should not In all things be eon- nrmea anfl allowed. Dated Jan. 20. 1S90. MARY ANN ELLSBURY. Executrix. Dufur & Watkins, attorncjs for estate. febl-5t Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby iriven that the undent itrned has been, by the County Court cf Wasco county, Ore- i gon, duly rppouited admimetrator of the estate of Martua u&tiuna, aeceased. inereiore.au persons holding claims against said estate are hereby noti fied and requested to present the same, together with tho proper vouchers thei efor, to the unbenngned at tne law tmco oi btory a uraasnaw at Dalles city. Oregon, wi hin six months from the date of this notiee. Dated at Dalles city, Oregon, Dc. 19. 18S0. L. P. OSTLAND. Administrator ef said estate. btory a Bradshaw, attorneys for said estate. Administrator's Notice. Kotice ia herehv irlren th t the undcrshraed haa been duly appointed administrator of the estate of George T. Brickcll, deceased, by the hono-ahle, the Ceunty Court of Wasco county, Oregon. Therefore, aU persons banr-g claims agaiust said deceased or his estate are hereby notified and required to present tne same xo me witn tne proper voucners as my rest deuce in Dalles city, Wasco county, Oregon, within six months irom tiie aaio oi this notice. Dated Dec. 16, 1669. J. C. BRICKELL. Administrator ot the estate of George T. BrielceC. aeeeasea. Dufur i.Watkina. for the adminiEtrator. d21-5t Admiuistra tors' Notice Kot'co is hereby iriven that the undersigned is the du'y appointed and qualified administrator of the esia o rnceoe ja. uunnam. ueceasea. All per sons havinir claims against said estate are hereby roiiaca (o present mtm, wn proper Touchers, t the undersiirued. at his .nice, in Dalles City. Oreiron wiuun six montns irom uus oaw. A. K. THOMPSOJT, Administrator of tho Estate of Phmde H. Dun bam, decased. Tub Dallis, Oeeoox, Dec 15th, 1883. Executor's Notice. -,. Notice is herchr ffiven thax the nnderatirned ha. ne n amy apnoiuieu executor ol tne last will and testament of Anua P. Murdy, deceased, by the hon orable, the County-Court nf Wasco eouotr. Orcsron. in matters ol probate. All persona ha vine claims i against said estate are hereby notified and required to present tne same with the proper vouchers, t me at tne oince oi my attorneys, ilulur t watsius, in The Dstios, Or. eon. within six months from the date of this notice.' Dated at Ualles City, Oregon, Dec. 81, 18S9. LEON W. CLRTISS. Executor of the last wdl and testameht of Anna P. Murdy, deceased. Dufur & Walking, attorneys for executor. Jal-5 Thompson's Addition j -TO- DALLES CITY. ! Now Ready for Sale on Easy Terms. Now Is the timeto buy while PRICES ARE LOW. This tract has been surrered and nlatted In aint tracts with convenient streets and avenues and so arranged that purchasers can yet one block or sev eral acres in a body. The lan 1 is comparatively level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location pleasant, beautiful and easv to aceau and loin. ih. vi.j uuiucuiK;ijr ou Ule KISS. Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. .' FOB SALE BT The Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For articulara apply at the office of the Cnmnanv and 8, Land Office Building, Tho Dalles, Or. COME AND SEE THE FROPEBTY. THORNBURY & HUDSON, apSd&wtf Beat Estate Agei.il Bicfj has given univer sal satisfaction In the enre of Gonorrhoea and ir Gleet. I prescribe feci safe In recommend ing It to all sufferers. A. i. ST0K EB, H.D. Deeatar, 111. PBICE.81.C9. Sold by Druggists. f NIPES & K1NEE8LET, T ie Dalles. . FOUND. A lirhl hy horw, will be three years old In the tpring; dark mane and tail; three white feet; n mara- or orana. ine owner can nave nun bv DaTtnc au his inu auu auTCi bimiii. J. I. r..M ATLUCIfc , Three Mile. FOR SALE. A rerr elegant ani fln.tcnwl nprlirlit pi mo: good as new. I-.'Ti easb. Cost 400. Inquire at this S I ST JtotMU. mk im9 CkSBlesiea. PRINZ & NITSCHKE, - WHOLESALE A SID UKTAIX Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are nappy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates ot the. celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us lo sell Furni- tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will flardwood bent Chairs, each .76 cts $ 2 OO . S 60 60 . IS 00 Cane Rockers Ash Bedsteads Woven-wire Mattresses Lounges...... tr ca l i j AND Snipes & liiiersly, -THE- Leadings Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. HENEY L KUCK, Manufacturer of and dealer In Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, - - OB G AU Work 8 faction Ouaxanteed to tllve 8at- DUGH CHRISMAK. W. K. COB80M. t t CCESSOES TO cnmsnAN & sojvh, Wholei sis and Retail Dealers in FANCY GEOCEEIES AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Washington and Federal. Have, on hand and will sell at the lowest possible prices, nancy and staple urocenes and Mill Feed. Highest Casli Price for Country Produce. Call and examine nricea before 'Durrhasina: else where. uKiTtf Chrisman & Corson. 0. D. TAYLOR, Washington Street, in rear of French 4 Co's Bank building. THE DAXXES. OREGON. -THE New Zeland Insurance Co. Is one of the Best in lbs World Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho oi tne Mutual Benefit LifelnsuranceCo. OF NEWARK, N. J. , aid policy holders, since organisation, - $98 818,907. 06 ! Assets, market Talne... 40,8X6.'e4 14 Surplus, N. T. standard . S.512,129 SI One of tbe most solid companies in the ' United States. AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon -aemtories ox aamngtoa ana laano. MONEY LOAN. NO.TAET BUSINESS Before starting on a Joumey, gat an ACCIDNTT1CKET. Only JSc'for 13000 Insurance. Loaninz Money foi non-resident a specialty. 8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders. 0. 13. TAY LOR Few Grocery Store -AT THB CHRISMAN OLD STAND, ! 194 Third St-, The Dallea, Or. Will keep on hand a general Groceries, Canned Goods, Feed and Provisions, Ana desire a snare of the public mtronare. as w. ez 3 pect to sell at Pricks to Sur tu Hajui Tivss. aAIl Goods Fresh and Warrranted First-lass. WELCH & SMITH. H. GLENN, Is again at his old stand and has on bend ' FINEST BRAND OF v ENGLISH CEMENT. Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, madu k oraer. t&" Contracts for all kinds of boildins 1 1 taken at tne lowest timres. -OF- ALLEN GRANT, Eagle Valley, near Antelope Ewes have sauare crou on rirfit - ana spilt on lett. - Wethers reverse. Horses and cattle branded "R. G." Have sold my horses and cattle, but not my Dianas. b. oaossaTi, - - ABjOoawr. WaaUnst Bt. fcet. jh&Ib u sc-cnl : T. Dallss, Orcgoa. Kscular Aootloo Salas ot Roil Estate. iumtktU rniBlRm and oeawai Jterabaadis.. Wedneadar mad Hatarslay, 11 A.M. Chrsman (6 Coot Convince the Most Sceptical: Bed-lounges . .15 00 Ah Bedroom Set.... Brussels Carpets, per yard . Ineraiu Carpets, do . 25 Ot 7t . 2! Ja29 hkk fjst-n C. N. THORN BURY. T. A. HUDSON. THORNBURY & HUDSON, iTefire,uie anaAcci INSURANCE vorLesr to X-ioaaa. on Real .Estate, Chattel and Personal security. WSl attend lo aU kimU oj Land business be fore the U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8, up-staira, U. S. Land Office building. THE DALLES, OREGON. FRUIT I SHADE TREES SMALL FRUITS, VINES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. The Earliest Strawberry known, CLARKE'S :: SEEDLING! Also, the EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens. JA.ME3 A. VARNEY, Prop. The' Celebrated French Cure, T"?3 "APHRODITINE" SfSSSZ Is Sold os a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of nervous disease, or any disorder of the generative or gans of either 7. - ...I. H RFFflfcC l.iiiir from the AF TtR exccsMve use of Stiiimlants, Tobacco or Oplnm. orthroucli youthful indiscretion, over indulg ence, tc., sucn SB ijosk oi iraiu runci, , wciur iiess, BenrinB down Pains ill the Back, Seiniuol Weiikncss, Hysteria Nervous Prostration Nocturu al Emissions. Iucorrhtna. Dizziness, Wenk Mem ory, Iks of Power and Inipotency, which if ne glected often lead to prematiireoldae;eaiid iusarf lty. Price si. 00 a box, 6 boxes lor fo.OO fieut by mail o receipt of price. M A WKITTKJJ GUATtANTEE foreTeryt5.0 order, to refund the money if a I'ermsndi cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonial from old and younff. of both sexes, permanently cured bvAPHRODiTiN. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WXSTBBM F.RANnlt. BOX 27 PORTLAND, OB BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES, OREGON. Tjgh. Valley Merchant and Exchange ROLLER MILL. Flour Kanal to the Best. Mill Feed . Always on Maud. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 8p21 W. M. McCOKKLE, Prop. G.T. THOMPSON. A.W. FABGHEB. THOMPSON & FARCHEB, Genfiral BlacksmifhSs Near Mint building, Second St. Horso-Shoding and General Jobbing a spsciuvy Prices reasonable and to suit the times. The Dalles Lumbering - COMPANY, Successors to TDOS. JOHNS ft CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. Thx Dallks, " Obsoon. : iuuu rs ALL Komi or ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material. Shingles. Fence Posts Lime and Hair. AirOTiCTUtUOUl or DOORS. ' WINDOWS, BLXNDS. Orders from abroad receire prompt attention. PIONEER-.-GROCERY, GEO. RUCH. Proprietor. Korthwest comer of Second and Washington ste CHEAPEST place in Tho Dalles for all kinds of GROCERIES FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW-WARE, &t,. Taankful for favors In the oast. I would respect I cuuy solicit aooatinuanoe of the same. GEORGK RUCH BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, THi: X.EABINO 115 Second Street, The Dalles. Ooantry and Mall Orders will re ceive Prompt Attention. Denny, Kice & Co. Wool Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. EVCuh ftdnncM mad on eOiufanmiCBi. THE DALLES Marble Works Buy of. Horn and Save Freight and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THE DALLES, OBSOON. 0KEGON BAKEKY, A. KELLER, Propr, WasUaftoa street, nest door Lelow Oco. Kadi's. .. , -. DaUaa, Oresoav. , Hariav tba Bakery fonacrlr .viwd br Ota. Kneh. I asa pnart to rorniah familns, hotels and na- taaraiKa wita ue caoicest wm, uuces ana trim. r (mm The New Umatilla House, THE DALLES. OREGON HANDLEY & SINNOTT. Proprietors, f-Sviiiiiiii ' Ps ''Ohf 0B T UH"3 JtU -LL- THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN ORECON. Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. Ticket tmd Bargage Office of the Oregon Railway t Naviqation Company, and Office ojjht Western Union Telegraph Company, are in e Hotel. TRAINS DEPAET FE0AT THIS HOUSE AT 12:10P7M:FCR WALLA WALLA. 2:40 P. M. PORTLAND Tents, Wagon Covers, AT THE OLD ST A IV 13. Country Orders Promptly a tended to marH-td REMOVAL! REMOVAL I Removed to 276 and 278 Second St., T'EALER IN Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc.; " " m PAFEBS TRIMMED FJR.EE, Oil-Paintings, Chromos THE:GERMAJOA CHAS. STUBLINC, PROP'R. Wines, Liquors and Cigars Sonr Masb and Pioneer Bourbon Whiskies. All. brands of Imported Liquors, Cigars. CALIFORNIA WINES AND BRANDIES. B. P. FITZ DEALER I IV Wagon -Makers' and Toceries." - tVSole Arent for the IUPBOVED C. E. DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. SOIE AGEfiTIFOR, GLASSES PAT? J (HY IS 187ft. Every Faviv Pot chose i Qqaraniaed. STATIONERY - ' 1 1 "IT Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicina uses. Prescriptions com pounded at Jfff"?"' - call akd skb HOOSIEB FENCE MACHINE, 0NLT o .that gives a continuous twist THE PACIFIC gtrong,.DurahIe, Neat, and, the H B. SEED, THE DALLES, mm FBI Successors to L D. Fbake deceas Wholesale and Betail Dealers nssgSaifen, Leather & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings Etc, and Steel Engravings. . Ale and ForUr, and genuine Key West A full hue of . GERALD, AGMLTOBAL MiCfflSEBY, . Schuttlsr's &nd Tubular As!eWagonsf HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Blaclcsmitlis' Stocli. MONARCH Washing; Machine, "S Keeps in stock a full Una of Eazors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES. PERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, Trusses, - Hlioulder Braces, Olicst Protoctorsa AND CIGARS all hours. . ii ; to the wire. In operation at PENCE WORKS, Cheapest Fence in the noria Genera Merchandise Proprietor. OREGON. i JOB G. OaBUSLB. Ths Fount Is of great Talue to that partof royeollefrs work which deals wlth I' J'1. JE? enrrent questions. Two seta are bardl enomjn HART, of harvard. I consider Ths Fontm as fumfahlng th mort Intelllpent and sympathetic i andlanos that a thonghttUl writer can find to address ia any land. fro. AUXANDLH WINCHEU, aj t. Unlvrtlty ef Wtslgam. Thi Four continues to hold its place as the forr-mort of our magaiinea, tor the Tariety.tha Talue, and the weight of its contributions. THE NLW tORK TMC3. Tl.ro hna r-nmo fnrwnrrl nn nroblpm established tliat has not been discussed in its pages by masters of the subject. An nouncements of forthcoming articles can seldom be made long ini advance, for Thb Forum's discussions are alwaysof problemsof present concern. Every such problem that the year lauowiu bring lorwara win d or social science, or Dractical affairs. The ex-Speaker J. G. Carlisle to Senator Affects the Farmer." - . vwawetranl THE FORUBI PUBLISHING COIPAXY," 253 Fifth Ato., If. Y 60 Cents a Numbsr. Subscriptions rteelvta of this office. $S.09mXr.l THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, AD. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat S3, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 nn Grefforio Vineynrd Co. Agency. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure. The Best Wines, Liquors Try the best remedy for - A. L. NEWMAN Has opened a GEOOEEY Corner of Second and Union Sts. ' , GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, PROVISIONS. ETC. The groceries will be new and fresh, and such aB are demanded in this market. In connection with the Grocery will supply Bread and Pastry of all kinds. sea.'JfiaaeiSGO . . . , . . SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, - - - PROP'R, . EEEPSJ ON DliAUGUT -:- Columbia Brewery Beer, :-: AND FOK HALK ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. . Also, tie Yery best Imported Wines, Liqnors and Cigars. . The One Price Cash House, COR. S J. P. I COR. SECOND Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. - r- -. Agent for the Bntterick Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, ' Tbe Under signed has Added to bis Business a full line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Eosewood Caskets, Burial Rotes and Shrocds. Trimmings of all descriptions at the lowest Prices and owns U Most Sleffant Heart east of tbe mountains wh all ttf , latest ioiprovemrats. NO DELAY IS FILLING ORDERS. Fla Of Basimos. Thtrdstreet, three rfoorsaastof Qibon., MaoallUtar Go's agrieoltunl war house, and adjoining bis Planing Mill and Wagon Shop. piare Of Besldenee. Fo'irth street, corner ot VTasuiiiRton. Can bs sen at aO hours of ths day W WILLIAMS ' S0CCPSSOR8 TO JT? FIRU WITVOA-TJE Ac CO. kagial vUereliaaiiseY ' A COUPLETS LINK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. HACKS AND BUGGIES, DEALERS IU Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpet, Vuttlnn. rw XTn.dert aiding: a Specialty. Coffins, Oasketa, Burial Robea. Kte. I KOITHLY REVIEW OF LIYD5G SUBJECTS Bf th Foremost Writer ia (fit Worif. i -- THE FOBUM has won the highest placrf. reached by any periodical ; for it pub lishes articles by mora authoritative writers and by more workers along1 instruc tive lines of activity than any other publica tion. It contains eleven studies of great subjects every month. . It Is Impartial, giv ing hearings alike to each side. It is finan cially independent, and it belongs to no sect or party or " interest." It la never sensa tional, but it aims always to be instructive.) lor uaiij use vj waisma-rny. ' Of CTaVO imDOrtODCe SinC6 THB FOBTJll i Cullom't Burgundy 83,: ' 'Zinfarder84, .Riesling 83, Hock 83, . . Table Claret. and Cigars Always on Sale. Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." STQE3 AND COTOT STS., WM. MICHELL. . AND Co., umameou, wuiUow uaadca, MXa. . .... hp. deert IMrd. IcLVEH.M.