koxa o na uxmmoTiVki fWritten forthe Tmn-MocxiAisEKE. I im builded by men of mechanical skill, I am polished, admired and petted; bnt 8tiU -11 I'm a monster; guided by men of invincible will At d a matchless nerve, that laugh at fear, 1 hough they held in their hands many lives ao dear. Be it brooding night, or enchanting day, At their magic touch I'm off and away. Away, across tne continent. Slowly I move when beginning the race, . My couplings clank with a modest grace; I elide from tlie town and 'round the curve With s graceful swing, but never a swerve From the steel-clinched track, My home, my pride; with a clickety-clack I leave the smoking town at my back, I'm off to cross the continent. Then I tear along at the lightning's pace. Quaking the earth in my flying race. I approach the towns with a shrill halloo; I come whether skies be dark or blue; From ocean to ocean, from shore to shore I traverse the country o'er and o'er. Like the God of storms I thunder and roar, Away, across the continent. I pause at the stations along my track, For I carry away, then i hurl it back. You may hear tne fret of impatient ateam And see my shimmering armor gleam For a moment only, and away I gr, Now under summer's sun, now o'er fields of snow. I'm girdled and bridled and throttled I , know, - As I scamper across the continent. lake the courier dove I soar Along the calm lake's pebbled shore; Then I dart down the river's limpid length, Lead the creek and the gorge iu my winged strength. Then through the woodland 1 clatter and bang In its shadowy depths my echoes hang. Bnt I'm out of sight ere the song began - On my way across the continent. I dash by the farmhouso and dart through the glen, And dance past meadows and cornfields and . ' then. Across the broad plain like a cyclone I rash, Through its storms and its sands and its far-off hush: Then I climb the high mountain and leap o'er its crest Down its caverns headlong, never thinking of rest Till mv master draws rein, and at his behest I pause I've crossed the continent. o. b. a What lr. Shrmdy Hajs of 1a Vrippr. Dr. George F. Shiady, of New York, lias contributed to the Medical Record bis views on la grippe." Dr. Sbrady says: "There is now no doubt that influenza, or what is popularly knownaMtbe grip," has become epidemic in this city and is scattered . broadcast over the country. "The type ot the present epidemic par takes more of the febrile and nervous variety than ol the purely catarrhal. .The increased temperature in the beginning of the attack, with the severe pains in the head, back and lower extremities, arc the leading phenomena which are noted . in the large majority of cases. Only in a comparatively lew instances are the cory zal sy rap ton a the leading features of lbs seizure. This latter is, perhaps, a fortu nate circniastancein view of the gener ally accepted opinion concerning the greatly exaggerated danger of bronchitis and pbeumonia a necessary complica tions. The prostration is ottentimes ex -treme but by no means danger jus and rta'lily yields to the usual reiueJies. c "The reports of the latalhy of the dia ease, as might have been expected, have been very much exaggerated. Particu larly does this remark apply to the alarm Sag reports ol the recent death rate in Paris. In point of fact, there is no dis ease with such a wide prevalence which has such a compartively low mortality. In this country, at' least, there is ytt to be reported the first case of death which can be laid to a pure and simple attack of the . disease. From present indica tions and from past history, the epidemic is likely soon to pass over, a few days more settling the question of immunity from attack." A cave has been discovered in Douglas county.. Or. near Oik Grove station. The PiaindeaUr says: "It presents the appearance of having been used as a place ol worship by a now distinct race.' The Sew Discovery. Yon have beard your friends and neighbors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience )ust bow good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, becauso the wonderful thing about it is, that when ones given a trial, Dr. Kng'e New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If -'you have never uaed it and should bo aUUcted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, secure a trial bottle at once and sive H a fair trial. It is guaranteed every tim, or aioney refunded. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kineroly's drug store. FOUTS & WILSON, Dialers in Wm, Lipors and Cigars. 819 ASD 321 SECOND STBEET. "United We Stand" And othei choice brands of Whisky. IivTported Wines DvyiNEs KEY WEST CIGARS. ' Also Wines and Beer, imported and domestic I JB. CB0SSO, i Anjtioneer, WuhlastM Bt. bet. Jiala mad HeeoHd. The Dalles, Oregon. Begular Auction Sales f Real Estate. Household Furniture and General Merchandise. Wednesday and Haturdar. 11 A.M. Notice. To sB whom it may concern: I have th'j day glren my son, Albert Diridwa, his nme, ana win not oe rcsponsiDie for any of fus ecu tracts in the lot-re. W. A. DAVIDSON, The Dalles, Or., Jan. IS, 1890. NOTICE. ALL accounts due me must be paid on or brfoie January 1st, 1K80, as all unpaid bills will be pucM in the nanus a a collector at tiiat lime, td E. BECK. ' NOTICE. All there mdebtctl to the undersigiicd must settle Djr jnuary j, lafco. or else ineir accounts win be pl&cel in the bands of an at tome r for cuilectHin WiL K1CUELL. Notice. AU those Indebted to tne most corns forward and settle before January 1st, or their acecuute will be placed in tbe hands of aa attorney for collection. declWtd C. H. FOUTS. LOST. I Soild bay mare, three years old; hobbled when she left; shod all a round; few saddle spots; fifteen hands high; perfectly straight hind legs; branded A L con nected, and T on left I boulder Also one sorral niare, yars old, small long white stripe over nose; few saddle spots; had on halter when she lertc branded sorall C on leit hip; both mires raised in K stern Oregon. 810 reward will be paid fjr their delivery to the undersigned. u. WTSS, Tailor, Tbe Dalle, Taken Up. By the sudscriber at h i ranch on Three Mile creek, one white heifer about two years oM, dim lrod on left hip, but no other marks. The owner can have property by proving the same, paying charges and taking her away. 1. TH01IAS. The Dalles, Dee. S7, 1888. strayed. Came to my plsje a row cow, w:th nd neck, in visible brand. Owner eanhavh aims by paying for feed and advertising. 1. A. A1LEY, lljaoit Fire Mil. FOUND. A light bay lorse, will bj utraa years old In the snHng; dark naneand te l; tiiree whhsfeei; 10 m irk or brand. Tbe owner can have him by paying iv lor the feed sod advertising. f. t. M vTLOCK, Tl.ies UUe. 113 BTAXLfeV HA C0MJB! TM Iters f Africa A Sew Bock of JllM Wonderful Adventures. Henry M. Stanley stenda now as the greatest explorer and adventurer the world has known. He is the hero of the most remarkable discoveries in all the records of during and explorations. Emin Pasha was wandering somewhere in the tropical wilderness, and struggling to hold the country of which he was rnlcr. Stanley hastens to the rescue. He vanishes from the sight of the civilized world; months and seasons pass, and still no news from Stanley. After untold privations and amnzing triumphs, he emerges from the -wilds of the Dark Conlineut accompanied by Kmiu Pasha. In his last great triumph he has put the climax upon all his pre vious explorations and victories. His adventures and discoveries have been graud, wonderful and marvelous. The full and authentic accounts will be elated in the new genuine Stanley book, roui his first entrance into Africa, and richly illustrated with over 4U0 of the grandest and most wonderlul new en gravings and colored plates ever seen in a book of travels. The History Company, 723 llarket Street, San Francisco, Cal., are the publishers. The book will be sold by subscription only. Agents are wauled to sell the book, to whom most liberal inducements will be offered on application. We call attention to the ad vurtlstmcut in another column. ' lONGFEIXOffS HAIDEir, Who Is . "Standing, with reluctant feet, Where the brook and river meet; Womanhood and obildhood fleet 1" Is a type of thousands of young girls whs are emerging from the chrysalis stage of their existence, as they enter upon their "toens." Nervous, excitable, irritable, stirred by strange, unknowable forces within thorn, each a mystery unto herself, our girls need tuo tenderost care, the most loving, patient oversight, and the aid of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, to safely carry them through this critical period, during which, in too many lives, alas, are sown the seeds of dis tressing forms of diseases peculiar to tbs female sex. But -this boon to womankind will prevent nil such diseases, or cure them If they have already seized a victim. Woman owes it to herself, to her family, and to her social station, to be well and stronc. Let bcr thn not neglect tort sure means of cure. "Favorite Prescription " Is a legitimate medi cine carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable in its composition and perfectly harmless in its ottccts in any conditio: Lion of the svstcm. Bold by druggists; S5XQ. $IM. or six bottles for Copyright, ins, by Woiu'i Dnv Itsn, Ass'x. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the Bvar, stomach and bowels. They are purely vegetable and per fectly harmless. One a soae. Bold by druggist. 5 cento a vi&L Ismd Notices NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. u. 8. Lasd Orncz, Tns Dalles, Ob., December 31, J8-U. Complaint having been entered at this office by George Mcintosh against Thomas J. Hill for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 1899 oaiea reD. in, i&so, upon tne i-s&eczu. Township 2 S Range 14 E in Wasco county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; con testant alleging that the su Thnnias J. Dill has never planted any tree meed a or cuttings on the said tract of land, or caused the same to be done, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on tne stn oay oi reuruary, low, as t o'ciock r. ml. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. F. A. licDONALD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Omci at Th Diu.se, Oregos, January 11. ISSO. Notice is hereby civen that the following-named settler has filed notice of hi intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and -that said prouf will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on February 24, 1S90, viz: 4eorse W. Lucas, Hd. 1750. for the- eS of the nwj., and wW of the ncli of Sec. 23, Tp. 4 S., R 12 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his contiuuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: P. F. Knowtes, 8. V. Driver, B. B. Driver, of rVarnic, Or.; J allies A. Orchard, of The Dalles. Or. j uUS F. A. McUONAU), Be-,'ister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxb Orrics at Tuz Dalles, O., January 23, I860. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has Sled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the revurter and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on March 10. 1800. viz: l)e borah A . Vroman, Hd 791. for the W 14 SW A u,d SE M. SW V. Soo 18, T 2 N R 12 E. 11 o names the followinir witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: I. H. Hosier, fork Lamb. . Robt. Densmnre. John Shephard, all at Hosier, Or. . e. A. MCDUi.AH), Bcgister. Thompson's Addition -TO- DALLES CITY. ur0W Mj kMi orj Term Now is the tlmojto buy while pjJJg LOW This tract has been surveyed and platted in acre tracts with convenient streets ani avenues and so arranged that purchasers can set one block or sev eral acres in a body. The lanil is comparatively level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location pleasant, beautiful and easy to sccau and joins the city immediately on the east. Title U. S. Patent Warranty Deeds. -FOB SALE BY- Tie Dalles Land and Improvement Co. i For rooms articular apply at the office of the Company and 8, Land OiEce Building;, The Dalles, Or. CO JE AN3 SEE THE PROPERTY. THCRNBURY & HUDSON, apW&wtf Beal Estate Acents. IS Ani Eas EleciriSed the World By the announcement of his safe return to ciriliza- tion. His adventures and discoveries have been GRANit, Wonderful, marvelous. The world has seen nothing like them before, his thrilling ad ventures, marvelous discoveries, darins exnloits. as tounding privations, wonderful trip across the Dark continent, now he ruuM emin BEV every. thing will be included, from his Hist entrance into Africa to tbe present time. . Everybody wants the GENUINE STANLEY BOOK! From Stanley's own writings add dispatches, over 400 of the grandest and most wonderful NEW EN GRAVINGS and COLORE') PLATES ever seen in a book of travels. It has been eagerly awaited, and will be more sought after, make more money for the agent and make it easier than any book issued for the past fifty years. f UTTIrt V I Old snd unreliable aecntints of Stan tAl) 1 1U1 I ,eVs travels are bein,- published. Do STANLEY BACK not oe oeceiyea oy old books, re hashes and battered plates. We announce this to protect our agents snd tbe public a jaiust the numer ous, worthless, so-called Stanley B wks ill of which are simply old books that hays been in use for years, and are now being offered as new books, with a few jwgc w new auwr aaoeu. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE! Teachers, Young men and Ladles, alinisters, Farm era. Mechanics and Clerks can easily make f:om 6 to S26 per day. No experience required. Canvass ing outfit now readr. Send immediately for illus- trstea otcuhu. an i terms free, or to secure sn sgency st ones, send SI lor the outfit and y u shall V. mtm. -Jul SI - taST m a a is . . . I - win tmvu.- miuuaen u Dot ntiKMnrjr, THE HISTORY CO., ltarket street, San Frandsea, Ca. if ROYAL Htt'JIt . 1 Absolutely Pure. Legal Notices. Petition. The following resolution passed the Common Council of Dalles City, Dec. 31, 1SS : Kcjolved, That the auditor and clerk give notice of intention rf the council to vacate the following parts of Main street, Madison street and Monroe street, in said city, the better to improve the same, to-wit: All of that part of Main street between Jefferson ana juimroe streeu, iuciuuui mo uikimwhw thereof with Madison and Monroe streets, which lie south of the north line of the right of way conveyed to the Oregon Steam Navigation Company by a deed from the Uiughlin heirs, of record in book "O" of deeds of Wasco county, Oreirou, pages Hi, 746 and 747, be ng H at part ol said Main street south of said right of wav which aburs up and is contiiruous to blocks fifteen (151 and eighteen (18). Lauehlin's addi tion to Dslles City, including the intersections thereof with aalu Uadi'on and uanroe streets. Also all of Monroe street which abuts upon and lioa between lots six i6i and seven (7) of block eight een (18), and lots one (1) and twelve (12) of block twenty-two Z.J, uugmuu s kjuiuud w sum vwic Cltv. Also a'l that part of Madison street which abuts noon and ties between the north fiftv (50) feet of lots six (ti), block fifteen (16). and the north fifty (50) feet of lot one (1), block eujntcen (13), uugnnns auui- tion to Dalles city. jans-st-wxi Administrator's Sale. Bv virtue of as order issued by the Hon. Couny Court for the State ot Oregon, and County f Wasco, 1 will sell at public sale to tn bignest oiaaer, lor cash, at the Comity Court House in Dalles City, wasio county, urfto.:, on luesaay, tne zistaay oi January. A. D. 1S3U, at 1 o'clock P. U.. the follow ing described Real Estate, belonging to the estate of Asa btrong, ueceaseu, to-wit: All that certain piece and parcel of lard described as fol ows: "Commencing at a point on the north side of First street in Dalles City, 45 feet 6 inches westerly f jom the corner st the junction of Court and Main streets; thence 1C0 feet Lortberly at right angles to Main street, to a stake; thence 81 feet w esterly and parallel to Main street; thence south erly to Main street, to a point 21 feet from the be ginuinsr; thence along the north line of Maiu street to the place ot beginning, and being part of lot five, in Danes laty, notco uouniy, ure.'oo. JANfcS si. BCriMin, Administrator to the estate of Asa Strong, deceased No. 11. lfei8. 4t. 1 Notice of Final Settlement. Iu the County Court of the State of Oregon for the uuntv oi wasco. In the Matter of the Estate of Catharine Snyder deccasrV. Notice is hereby civen that the undersigned, the administrator of the above estate, has this 29th day of November, 1&9, filed his fin;l account as admin istrator ot said estate, and that br an order duly made ana entered in tne ahove entitled court and matter on this day, Tuesday the 7th day of Januaiy, 1590, the tame being the second day of the next reg ular term of said court, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day. is appointed tht time and the court rcom of said court the placo for the heariug of objections, if any there be, to such final account and the final settlement ol saiu estate. TIM BALDWIN Administrator ths uUta ol Citiiriae Saylj r ceased. nov30wklv5t. Guardian's Sile. Nolifce Is herebv -riven that in iwrsuAnce of an or der or licence of the County Court of the county of mu tnonian, state oi megou, maae on tne in aay of December. 1S89, authorizing me as foiardian of Elva Humason and La villa Humason, minora, so to do. l will at t o.clock p. to. ou tne 4tn day of feb j ruarr. 1800. at the courthouse door in Dalle City. Wasco ounty, Oretron. sell at public auction to the highest bidder, an undivided twelve twenty-fifths in terest belomriDg to said minora, in and to the east half of lot three (3) in block five (5), in said Dalles City. Terms of sale, one-half cash and cne-half in one year, deferral payments to bear 8 per cent in terest and oe secured oy mortgage on tne property SOIU. UUAKA U. ttALUU, Guarnian as aforesaid. Executor's Notice. Notice is herebv given that the undersigned has been duly appointed executor of the last will and testament of Anna P. Muidy, deceased, by the hon orable, the Connty Court of Wasco couuty, Oregon, in matters ol probate. All persons having claims agaiust said estate are hereby notified and required to present tne same with the proper vouchers, t me at the orflce of my attorneys, Dufur ft Watkins, iu The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the date ot this notice. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, Dee. 31, 1889. LEON W. OUK.T1SS, Executor of the last will ahd testament of Ann P. Murdy, deceased. Dufur li Watkins, attorneys for executor, j vl-5 Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undereigued has beeu. by the County Court of Wasco county, Ore gon, duly appointed administrator of the estate nf Martha Ostland, deceased. Therefore, all persons holding claims against said estate are berebv noti fied and requested to present the same, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the unberaigned at the law offiee of 8tory ft Biadshaw at Dalles city, Oregon, within six .months from the date of Ulis notice. Dated at Dalles cltyOregOD, Dec. 19, 1889. L. P. OSTLAKD. Administrator of said estate. Dtory si vradshaw, attorneys for said estate. Administrator's Notice. Notice is berebv riven th t the undersurnnf been duly appointed administrator ef the estate of aonre T. Bnckell. deceased, bv the bonorabl Cuiity Court of Wasen county, Oregon. Tberefure, all persons having claims sgainst said deceased or his estate are hereby uolitied and required to present tne same to me wuu tne proper vouchers at mv resi deuce in Dalles city, Wasco county, Oregon, within six murium irora tne uate m uus nonce. Dated Dec. 16, 1S8. J. C. BRICKET.L. Admlnistr.tor of the estate of Georcre T. BriekeC. utjeesneu. Dufur fc.Watkins, for the administrator. d21-St Administrators' Notice Kotiee is herebv riven that the nndeniimnl I. ft.. duly appointed and Qualified administrator of th. estate of Plxtbe H. Dunham, deceased. All n.r. sons havinir rlailns airainst said estate nr. h.r.h. --.la-., . . i - . J uuuuw mj preMrii wuu, wilh proper voucners, t the undersig.ie '. st his office, in Dalles City, Oregon wuum six montns irom wis aaie. A. R. THOMPSON. Administrator of the EaUte of Phmri. if rtun nam, aeeease i. Tns DAixss, Oaseox, Dec 15tb, 1883. CAUTION Taka aalsu W. I.. Don nsrlaa' sum And bottom. If the dealer cannot aupply you. end direct to tfesEtsnrv. trnflnalnsr mjfmirtlmA price mre suunved on tne W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf. Heav Isud flni. iui tmju. Best In the world. Examine hi. gO.OO OENCINK llANK-SEWKn SB OK. nfti"-BawJ!,u WfiLl hMUK, 3.B0 POLICE AND FA11MKRS SHOE. ?.5 S3 WORKING MEN '8 SIIORS. Wt.OO i and 1.7S BOYS' SCHOOL BHOKS. $3& $2 TsHoifs So S1.7S SHOE FOR MISSES. .Bast Material. Bet Stylo. Best Flttlnw. W T. nnnvln. .M.bl.. ... CU . J. Freiman,Agt..The Dalles,0r. 'A Perfect Face Powder." RPt'M A lIft""F.'T-a .FACE POWDER. 2r IsitlTtlii W.7I rMmm tws mf Brandsta .) W ST W sV rVIDVI Blakeley' St Houghton. C. E. DtiDham. "roiMiSV'r ssTVCTVtea. m LATEST PERFUME exquisitk cb..to FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA I Big 6 has given univer sal satisfaction In the cure of Gonorrhoea and Gleet. I prescribe It and fed safe la recommend ing It to all sufferers. A.J. STOXEB, IJ) DMSter, IU. PBICB.8t.C9. Sold br Dragglsta. 8HIPES a; K1NEBSLET, The Dalles. Cf ardOTb-kytbs rnajOlalI0. PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WHOLESALE A!I KETAIL. Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates oi the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni- tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will Hardwood bent Chairs, each 7S et Cane Mockers 8 2 00 Ash Bedsteads 8 60 Woven-wire Mattresses 3 60 Lounges U 00 I SnlpejS & Klaer$ly, -THE- Leadings. Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. HENRY L KUCK, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, OREGON All Work sfaetion. Uusimmteed to Give Sat- BXIGH CBRISMAN. W. K. CORSON. SUCCESSORS TO C. X2. CIIltl8MA.IV & 80NH, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FJlNCT geoceeies AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Washington and Federal. Have on hand and will sell at the lowest possible prices, fancy ana btapie urocerres and Mill Feed. Highest Cash Price ht County Produce. Call and examine prices before Durchaslng else where. augntf Chrisman & Corson. 0. D. TAYLOR, Washington Street, In rear of French ft Co'a Bank building. THESAIXES. OREGON. New Zeland Insurance Co. Is one of the Best In the World Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance OF NEWARK, N. J. aid policy holders, sines organization, 92,813,907.06 ! Assets, market value SM0.KXG.2&4 14 S.SVt,lit9 SI Surplus, N. T. standard. One of the most solid companies in the United States. AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon c iiwi ica ut asuuigien sou luauo. MONEY TO LOAN. NOTAET BUSINESS Before starting on a Journey, get an ACCIDENTTIC.KET. Only 25c for $3000 Insurance. Loaning Honey foi non-resident a specialty. 8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders. 0. 1. TAY LOR. New Grocery Store ! -AT THE CHRISMAN OLD STAND, 194 TUrd St-, The BUles. Or. Will keep ou hand a general mssortment of Groceries Canned Goods, Feed and Provisions, And desire a share of the nublie natronam. as mm peck 10 ecu at raicEs to out tub Hard tikks. -All Goods Fresh and Warrranted First-lass. WELCH & SMITH. H. GLENN, la again at bis .Id stand and has on band Z 2 HE, FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT. Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, mad to oraer. 3T Contracts for all kinds of buildings taken at the lowest furore. -BRAIVDS- OF ALLEN GRANT, Eagle Valley, near Antelope r-wes nave square crop on np-ht far 1 , . I . . . o ana spin on lett. wetfiers reverse. Horses and cattle branded "R. G." Have sold my horses and cattle, but not i lelt. my brands. Taken Up. Came to the premises of the subacriW fatri. v. ember, a small bay pony, branded Y ou left hip and saddle marks on back. No other mark, dbrarnihu The owner can have property by provioir same, nav. Mig VUMSW MM IIIK UU11 .W.J. UtBXSZLS BROS. The Dalles, Ma., 18LX), Chrisman Convince the Most Skeptical: Bed-lounges 9ia uu Aih Bedroom sets I Brussels uarpeis, per yaiu iu I Ingrain Carpets, do a (TCaLli AIXIJ W 1 Hi UBIfl jaaf C. N. THORN BURY. T. A. HUDSON. THORXBCRY & HUDSON, . WriteFire.Life andAccident INSUKANCE IsLoine-y to Iioa,rj. on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all linih oj Land business be fore tlie U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8. up-stairs, U. S. Land Office building, THE DALLES. OREGON. FRUIT I SHADE TREES SMALL FRUITS, VINES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. The Earlieet Strawberry known, CLARKE'S - SEEDLING! Also, the EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens, JAMES A. VARNEY, Prop. The Celebrated French Cure, 'SSSr1 "APHRODITINE" Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous ilisenie. or any disorder ot the ircncrutive or- enus of cither ' R F F tl k F. " isiinr from the AFTER exrraMvu use of stimulnnfs. Tobncco or Opium, ortiirougli youthful indiscretion, over iiuluHf- n..f. .f-n .iia.li m. I nu nl Itrndl lilvir. WilketUl lien, Uearius down I'nins in the Buck, Seminal al vmiwui.iti. 1 iimirrhir.. Iiizziness. Wtnk Menv orv. Imof Puurer and Iinimteiicy. whieh if lie- li.iil nflou li-ml to nreniuturenldnceniid iiisaii- ily. rrii'e si. 00 a box. 6 uoxcsIurfj.ua Seut by mail on receipt of price. a w ieiti'KN 1J A It AXTEE forevery ?'-Ut order, to refund tlie money if a l"riiiaiieiit cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials f roin old and voting, of both sexes, Twrninneiitly cured bv ArHHnniTisK. Circular free. Adilress THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. trCSTKBK T. P. NCH. BOX 27 1-OKTLAND, OR BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOB TUB DALLES. OREGON. Tygh Valley Hercnant and Exchange ROLLER MILL. Floor Kauai to the Best. 31 ill Feed Always on Hand. Satisfaction Guaranteed. sp21 W. M. McCORKLE, Prop. G. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FAROHER. THOMPSON & FARCHER, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St. Horse-Shoeing nnd General Jobbing Prices reasonable and to suit the times. The Dalles Lumbering COMPANY, Successors to THOS. JOHNS CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. The Dalues, Okkoon. i BIALKBS IB ill KCTOS or ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material. Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hair. m AHurACTunzas or DOORS. WINDOWS, BLINDS. Orders from abroad receive prompt attention. PIONEER-.--GEOCERY, GEO. RUCH, Proprietor. Northwest corner ot Second and Washington sts CHEAFIKr plaos in The Dallas for aU kinds ol GROCERIES FLOUR. GRAIN, WILLOW-WARE, &u Tomnkfal for favors in th nut. I woald rcaract (ally fWiUdt ftcoatiuittoceof tbesune. OEORGK RUCH BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, THE LEADING Prescription Druggists, 175 Second Street, Thm Dalles. Country and Mall Orders will re ceive Prompt Attention. Denny, Eice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. tyCash advances made on consignment. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Fretghtt and Agent' CommiuioM. Lock Box 118. THE DALLES, OREGON. OREGON-:-BAKEKY, A. KELLER, Propr. Washington street, next door telow Ota. Koch's. Dalles. Ores-oii. Havinr the Bakery formerly owned by Qeo, Koch, wawuM wiw hi. cnuioest xircaa, vaxes and ries. The New Umatilla House, THE DALLES. OREGON HANDLEY & SINNOTT. Proprietors, THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables. Ticket and Barfgay'r Office of 'the. Oregon Railway Naviqation Company, and Office ojfitt H'esern Union Telegraph Company, are in e Hotel. TRAINS DEPART FR0MTHIS E0USE AT 12:10 P M JF0R WALLA WALLA. 2:40 P. M. PORTLAND Tents, Wagon Covers. AT THE OLD STAND. Country Orders Promptly atended to mirlt-td REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! Removed to 276 and 278 Second St., ID- "Tvvr- E3d-"W3-a:ciir3, DEALER IN Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS 3IATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. PAjPErts ranvrivtEiD phee. Oil Paintings, Chrouios M oramission ani 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited ! ! Prompt Attention to tnose who favor me with their patronage. The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc. S. P. FITZ Wagon-Makers' and Groceries. ISr-Sole Axent for the IMPROVEU MONARCH Wssbina: Uschlne.-(a C.E.DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. SOLE AGENTIFOR GLASSES. O PAT?MUVISI87a, Syery Pair Pnrohasoii Gnarantoed. STATIONERY m is l il ssissstB" sw JV PureTVines and Liquors for Medicina uses. Prescriptions com pounded at calx and see HO OSIER FENCE MACHINE, 0XLT that gives a continuous twist THE CHIC gtrong, Durable, Neat, and the H B. REED, THE DALLES, DEALEBS Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, CarpeU, Kattkis-i, Parlor Ornaments, Window Shades, Etc TTn.d.ortR.'rTiTig: Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc an k fnni at mil hourt of Uu day or night al tXeir plaer of bviitun, WmAingten ttrert, tuo doori aorta row Seeoiut. Siynqf Bed Light; ! WET & FII, Successors to L D. Fbaxe deecas Wholesale and Betall Dealers Leatlier & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings Etc. and Steel Engravings. Forwarding Mercliant, GERALD, m AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, Scbutiler's and Tubular AsIoWagons HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL Blacksmiths' Stools:. Keeps in stock s full lios of Razors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMES, SOAPS, ' SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, m . cuuiuucr iruucB Client Protectortl AND CIGARS all hours. to the wire. In operation at PENCE WOEKS Cheapest Fence in the World. Proprietor. OREGON. IX a, Specialty. Harness aiiil SatidlBiy, Genera merchandise Joe Q. Oittiimx. Th. Fonrv la of groat value to that part of my enough l a iu Two sets ar hardly a HART, of Harvanl. I consider Tht Fonmf as furnfahlnfcthe most lntlll(rent and sympathetic i audience that a thoogitful writer can find to address in muj land. Prof. ALEXANDER WIHCHEU, of tht Unlutnitf of UteUgaK. ,jmmt Tub Forum continues to hold Its place as th. foremost of our magazines, for tie rariety.'Uia value, and the weight of its contributiona. 7W Af "0HK TIME 3. There has come forward no problem of grave importance since THE FOSUV Was established that has not been discussed in its pages by masters of the subject. An nouncements of forthcoming articles can seldom be made long in advance, for TUB Forum's discussions are always of problems of present concern. Every such problem that the year or social science, ex-Speaker J. G. Affects the Farmer. - -. THE FORUM PUBLISHING COMPANY," 253 Fifth Ave., NT. T,' B0 Ctnts a Number. Subscriptions rtctluod at this office. $S, 00 Ytar. , THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, AD. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 an Gregorio Vineynrtl Co. Aerciicy. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try the best remedy for A. L. NEWMAN Has opened a GROCERY STORE Corner of Second and Union Sts. GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS. PROVISIONS. ETC. The groceries will be new and fresh, and such as are demanded in this market. In connection with the Grocery will supply Bread and Pastry of all kinds. STOVE TINWARE AND HARDWARE FISH & BARDON'S, 113 WASHINGTON STREET. BET. SECOND AND THIRD. Em 1 1 aaoiseo- see? SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, PROP'R, Ii.KETS ON XIIAXJGII'JC -.-Columbia Brewery Beer, :-: ANT FOR HAJL.li: ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, the very best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., P. IcIMKIT, J -DEALEIl IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, IJoots and bboes, && Agent for the Bntterick Patterns, also for tne Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, The Undersigned has Added to bis Business a full line of Metallic. Cloth-covered, Black, White. French Berl and Rosewood Gaskets, Burial Robes and Shrouds. Trimmings of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices and owns the Host Elegant Hearse east of the mearatalaa with all th. latest iaiprorement. NO DEIAY IN FILLING ORDERS. Plswe et BaMtBCMS. Third street, throe doors east ot Oiboos, Hacalllster k Co's agricultural war house, and adjoining bis Planing Mill and Wayon Shop. Place ef Ileaideaee. Fourth street, oomer ana nigat. Jatttf A. M. WILLIAMS & Co., -SUCCESSORS TO E. WING-ATE Ac CO. A C0MPLKTK LINE 09 Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. A KOHTEY EEYIilW OF LMG SUBJECTS I By Hit Fonmott Writtrt in tht WortiK , THE FORUM has won the highest place reached by any periodical ; for it pub lishes articles by more authoritative) Writers and by more workers along instruc tive lines of activity than any other publica tion. It contains eleven studies of great subjects every month. It is impartial, giv ing hearings alike to each sido. It is finan cially independent, and it belongs to no sect or party or " interest," It is never sensa tional, but it aims always to be instructive.' collefre work which deals Ith nractlcal nolltlcs and fur dally use by students.'. AUHEb BUSHHELL Burgundy 83, ZinfaDdel 84, Riesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret. Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." WM. MIC HELL. UNDERTAKES AND IDiLreotoir. of Washington. Can b. S'en at all boors of the daj lall WM. MI0HELL. LATK FIRM- F0BEI0N AND DOMESTIC HACKS AND BUGGIES.