IXDl'fcTBIES OF TUB STATES. Alabama ranks fourth in cotton. ; . Arizona ranks second in silver. California ranks first in barley, grape culture, sbeep, gold and quicksilver. Colorado ranks first in silver. Connecticut ranks first in clocks. Delaware is way up in peaches. Dakota is the finest wheat-growing state. Florida ranks third in sugar and mo lasses. Georgia ranks second in rice and sweet , potatoes. Indiana ranks second in wbeat. Illinois raaks first in oats, meat pack ing, lumber traffic, malt and distilled . liquors, and miles of railway. 1 Iowa ranks brst in average intelligence of population, first in production of corn, and first in number of swine. ' Idaho ranks sixth is gold and silver. Kansas ranks fifth in cattle, corn and rye. Kentucky ranks first in tobacco, and lias a world wide reputation for thorough bred horses and cattle. Louisana ranks first in sugar and mo lasses. - Maine ranks first in ship-building, slate and granite quarries, lumberiug and fish ing. . Maryland ranks fourth in coal. Massachusetts ranks first in cotton, woolen and worsted goods, and in cod - and markeral fisheries. Michigan ranks first in copper, lumber and talt. Minnesota ranks fourth in wbeat and barley. -Mississippi ranks second in cotton. . " Missouri ranks first in mules. Montanna ranks fifth in silver and gold. - New Mexico's grazing facilities can't be beat. Nebraska has abundant crops ot rye, buckwheat, barley, flax and hemp. Nevada ranks second in gold. New Hampshiie ranks third in the manufacture of cotton goods. New Jersey ranks first' in fertilizing marl, zinc and snk goods. New York raoks first in value of man ufactures, soap,- printing and publishing, hops, bay, potatoes, buckwheat and milch cows. North Carolina ranks first in tar and - turpentine. Ohio ranks first in agricultural imple ments and wool. Oregon takes the palm in cattle raising. Pennsylvania ranks first in rye, iron, steel, petroleum and coal. Rhode Island, in proportion to its size, , outranks all other states in value ot man ufactures. . ... South Carolina ranks first ia phos phates. Tennessee ranks second in peanuts. Texas ranks first in cattle and cotton. Utah ranks third in silver. Vermont ranks fourth in copper. Virginia ranks first In peanuts. West Virginia ranks fifth in salt and coal. - Wisconsin ranks second in bops. II1XTS TO HOUSILEPJSIU. ' When beating up the whites of eggs, add a tiny pinch of salt, because this will cut them up, and make them frothy much - quicker, as well as make the. froth more ''heady" than it otherwise would be. For a cough, boil one ounce of flaxseed in a pint of water, stnuo and add a little lioney, oue.ooDee of rock candy and the juice ot three lemons; mix and boil well. Drink as hot as possible. Wall papers of large patterns decrease we apparent size ot the room. The following makes a good itove polish : To one-half pound of powdered ' black lead add one-half gill of water, one half onnce of sugar; bottle, and shake thoroughly. . The latest decree of fashion is that tables should no longer be square, but round or triangular, o that every guest , faces the host or hostess. Warts may be destroyed by being rubbed ,witb alum. Carry a lump iu the pocket and rub on the wart freqnenly, wetting it as you do. . . Hanging shelves in the cellar are a great convenience. It is a good idea for a tall woman to have bee kitchen table and ironing board a little higher than ordinary. It will save many a back ache. Straw bats, straw mat?, willow furni ture, etc., may be cleaned almost like new, if salt and water be nsed for wash Jog them. To clean a carpet thoroughly, throw damp salt upon it and then tweep it briskly, and it will found that all the coloring will have been vastly brightened : or if the carpet has been well swept, go over it afterward with a clean cloth and clear salt water, and the result will be almost as good. . Glue that is delegate and nice for mouuting terns and sea-weeds, is made of five parts of gum arabic, three parts of wiuie sugar, two parts of starch ; add a very little' water; boil until thick and write. to the rock, and again the man was told to jump. Summoning all his remaining strength and courage, he gathered himself for a spring. He was high above the water and the plunge was not an inviting one, but he made a clean dive and shot down into the water. When he came up he was near the boat, and was quickly Dulled in. He was morn dead than alive, but the rescuing party was well supplied with blankets and restoratives, ana iicu olits was soon made warm and comfort able. On the way back to the city he was nearly restored. He had been six hours upon the rock, exposed to the cold winds. without clothing. HrANLKV HAS COME! The Hero of Africa A New Book tit lilt Wonderful Adventures. Henry M. Stanley stends now as the greatest explorer and adventurer the world has known. He is the hero of the most remarkable discoveries in all the records of daring and explorations. Emin Pasha was wandering somewhere in the tropical wilderness, and struggling to hold the country of which he was ruler. Ktauley hastens to the rescue, lie vanishes from the sight of the civilized world; mouths and seasons pass, aud slili no news from Stanley. After untold privations and amazing triumphs, he euienrus from the wilds ot the Dark Continent accompanied by Kniin 1'nslia. In his last great triumpn he has put the climax upon all his pre vious explorations and victories. His adventures and discoveries have been grand, wonderful and marvelous The full and authentic accounts will be i elated in the new genuine Stanley book rom his first entrance into Africa, and richlv illustrated with over 4H0 of the grandest and most wonderful new en gruvings aud colored plates ever seen in a hook of travels, me History company, 723 Market htreet, San Jruncisco, Cal., are the publishers. The book will be sold bv subscription only. Agents are wauled to sell the book, to whom most liberal inducements will be ottered on application. We call attention to the ad vertisement in another column. A Plurby Stage Driver. Kalanutb County Star. As a stage driver, Ed Grubb shows a whole lot of grit. He is driving the stage between lily aud Liukville now, and pro poses to drive it in spite of cyclones and highway robbers. Thursday eveaing, in the midst of a blockading snowstorm, Ed started from Bly, determined to reach Bo nanza it possible, but lie man t. lie could see no road, no fence; nothing but au ex panse of snowy field contracted to a nar row compass by the inky darkness around. After wandering around until they were nearly exhausted, the horses brought up, about 1 o'clock Wednesday morniug, at the ranch of a Dutchman dwelling in A.kali valley. He put up the fatigued horses and remained until about ilayureuk when be 'started out ', again, coming through the same blinding snow storm, and reached l.inkviile Wednesday evening with horses completely worn out and a great snowbank ou the top of the coach, which, with the snow-covered driver, made the vehicle look ' like the throne of grim winter moving with its Kin. through the valley. Ed took fresh horses at Linkv'lle and slatted bek lor Uiy. THE NEW PRIZE BTORT Is eagerly sought for, rad with pleasure or dis appointment, is then tossed aside and forgot ten. But ladies who read of Or. Pierce's Fa- vomo prescription, read it agslD, ror tney dis cover in it something to prize a messenger of Joy to those suffering from functional derange ments or from any of the painful disorders or wc-iuuicoKs peculiar to weir sex. periodical rmina. internal infliimmntinn .An1 nl .tu. leueorrhea and kindred ailments readily yield to its wonderful curative and healing powers. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive iruitrautea irom uie manuiacnirers, mat it will give satis faction in every ease, or money will be re funded. This guarantee has been printed on 1 the bottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried out lor inany jca. oj Druggists, Or Six . Copyright, U88. by WobliVs Dim. Hxxx amtx. 0m if ROYAL WWII 3 PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WHOLESALE AD BETAIL Furniture & Carpet Dealers. - Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded m procuring the special jobbing rates ol the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni-' tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. The New Umatil! THE DALLES, OREGON House, HANDLEY & SINNOTT, Proprietors, A Few of Our Quotations will Convince the Most Sceptical: 75 cts I Bed-lounges 15 00 82001 Ash Bedroom Sets 25 Ot Hardwood bent Chairs, each. lne KocKers . Ash Bedsteads Woven-wire Mattresses. Lounges 3 60 S 60 . 12 00 a. pro Brussels Carpels, per yard . Inicrain Carpets, do . 76 21 Ja29 Absolutely Pure. Legal Notices. Petition. The following resolution passed the Common Council of Dalles Citv. Dec. 31. 18&: Resolved, That the auditor and clerk give notice of intention cf the council to vacate the following Darts of Main street. Madison street and Monroe street, in said city, the better to improve the same, to-wit: All of that part of Main street between Jefferson and Monroe streets, lncfuain wie lnteraecutius thereof with Madison and Monroe streets, which lie oulh of the north line of the right of way conveyed to the Oregon Steam Navigation Company by a deed from the Luulilin heirs, of record in bock "U" of deeds of Wasco county, Oregon, piges 746, 746 and 747. be ntf that part ol said Main street south of said nirhtof wav which abuts uu and is contiinious to blocks fifteen (15) and eighteen (18). Lauhlin's addi tion to Dalles City, including the intersections thereof with saiu Madison and aleuroe streets. Also all of Monroe street which abuts upon and lies between lots six (6) and seven (7) of block eight een (18), and lots one (1) and twelve (12) of block twenty-two (3 ), Laugniin A addition to said ualles Citv. Also all that part of Madison street which abuts unon and lies between the north fifty (50) feet of lots six (6), block fifteen (15). and the north fifty (50) feet 1 ... .... 1 ,u I.a.w.KIInV uUi. " wiwwf. ' ' " " turn to tune miy. jnwi-wii Snipes & Klnersly, THE Leading Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon, Administrator's Sale. HENET L KTJCK, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Br virtue of an order issued by the Hon. Couny Court for the State of Oregon, and County f Wasco, I will sell at public sale to th highest bidder, for cash, at tne county court House in miles uty. wasco cou iiy; ireiOii, en lueeaay, ine zist aay oi January. A. D. 1(MS, at 1 o'clock P. M.. the follow ing described Real Eatate, belonging to the estate of Asa btrong, aeceaseu, to-wit: All that certain piece and parcel of lard described as fol owe: "Commencing at a point on the north side of JTirst street in Dalles City. 45 feet 6 inches wester v f Jom the corner at the 1 unction of Court and Main streets; thence 100 feet northerly at right angles to Main street, to a stake; thence 31 feet westerly and parallel to Main street; thence south erly to Main street, to a poait 21 feet from the be ginning; thence.along the north line of Main street to the place of btitiiining, and being part of lot live, tn Dulles citv. wasco county, uregon. JAM-ES M. BENSON, Administrator to the estate of Asa Strong, deceased. No-. 11, 1S89. 4t. Second St, near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, OREGON All Work sfar.tlon. guaranteed to Give Sat- HUOH CHRISMAN. W. K. CORSON. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the A-'ountr of Wasco. In the Matter of the Estate of Catharine Snyder decease?. Notice in hereby siren that the tmdersiinied. the administrator of the above estate, has this 29th day of November, 1869, filed bis final account as adirin Utrator ot said estate, and that by an order duly made and entered in the above entitled court and matter on thid day. Tuenday the 7th day of Januaiy, low, the same beinjc tne second day of the next reg ular term of mid court, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day. is appointed the time and the court rcora or said court tne place lor tne hearing of objections, if any there be. to such final account and the final settlement ol said estate. TIM BALDWIN. Administrator tSy estate of Catharine Snyder ctased. nov30wklr5t Chrisman & Cora, SUCCESSORS TO C. 13. CJIItlSMVIV fc gONH, Wholesale and Detail Dealers in FANCY GEOCEMES AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Washington and Federal. . ' Have on band aud will sell at the lowest possible prices. Fancy and Staple Groceries and Mill Feed. est Cash Price fcr County Produce. Call and examine Drices before Durchaslnsr else where. Chrisman & Corson. augl7tf Guardian's SMe. Notice is herebr given that in nursuance of an or der or license of the County Court of the county of Multnomah, state of Oregoii, made on the 24th day of December, 1889, authorizing me as guardian of Elva Humason and Laviila Huniason, minors, so to cto, i will at X o,eiock p. m. on the 4ih day of Feb ruary, 1890, at the courthouse door in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, an undivided twelve twentv-fifths in. terest belonging to said- minors, in and to the east half of lot three (8) in block five (a), in said Dalles City. Terms of sale, one-half cash and cne-half in one year, deferred payments to bear 8 per cent in. terest and be secured by mortgage on the property SOIU. t'jAHA a. WAliUU, Cuamian as aforesaid. Administrator's Notice. Notice is herebv siren th t the undersigned has neen auiy appointee, aamuusirator of tne estate ! George T. Brickell. deceased, bv the honorable, the Caunty Court of Waseo county, Oregon. Therefore, all persons having claims againBt said deceased or his estate are hereby notified and required to present tne same to me Willi tne proper vouchers at my resi dence in Dalles citv. Wasco countv. Oreiron. within six months from the date of this notice. Dated, Dec. 10, 18S. J. C. BRICKELL, Administrator of the estite of Geonre T. BrickeE. deceased. Dufur fc.Watxins. for the administrator. d21-5t C. N. THORN BURT. T. A. HUDSON. THORXBURY k HUDSON, MeFireXifeandAccident INSURANCE vdCoxxey to ZLosizn. on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. IFiI attend to all kind oj Land business be fore the IT. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8. up-stairs, U. S. Land Office building, THE DALLES, OREGON. THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of ail Valuables Ticket and Saggaje Office of the Oregon Raflicay fc Naviqation Company, and Office of On Western union l elegrapii uompany, are in e Jiotu. TRAINS DEPART FR0SJ7THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 P M JFCR WALLA WALLA FRUIT SHADE TREES SMALL FRUITS, VINES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. The E.irlieet Strawberry known. CLARKE'S SEEDLING! Also, the EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens, JAMES A. VARNEY, Prop. , FflBLET & Fill, "ikv'BC'' Successors to L D . Fbakk deceas Wholesale and Retail Dealers 0. D. TAYLOR, Washington Street, in rear of French Co's Bank buildinjr. THE DAIXE& OREGON. -THE . . DOCTOR PIERCE'S IBDBftTVt DCI sTf-a AAV ve srv n Msrarmkss UnequsJed as s Liver Fill. Smallest. pctihwh wuhw w iosa- una sreuei a Dose. Does nnt'crlpe. Cures Sick Head netae, Blllosu Headache, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Billons Attacks, and all derangements of the stomach and Doweis. rut ap in a-iass vials, hermetically sealed. Always fresh and reliable. -.jGently laxaUTe, or an active cathartic, aeoordinsT Irfuzd Notices Heartburn may be relieved almost ia staotly if half a teaspoonfol of table salt ba dissolved in a wineglassfnl of cold water and thin drank. WLen the eyes are tired and weak, it they are bathed in slightly saline water they will soon De come soothed. . A French' cook Jells as that a piece of urjr ureau, uea nrairag and placed in the water while cabbage is boiling, will pre vent the unpleasant odor which usually arises. For. the removal of foreigu bodies from the stomach, tbe highest authorities are now recommending the eating of potatoes um y, in large quantities, cooked in differ ent ways to stimulate the appetite. Cases are cited in which articles of jewelry, brass weights, bails, pins. etc.. were suc cessfully jecti, after a few days of the Pt:ito diet. Notliino- thould be i-atm but potatoes during the time required, which varies from two to nine days. Enterprise anal Unmaolty. The San Francisco newspapers are nothing if not enterprising, but it has been left to the Examiner to combine hu manity with its spirit of enterprise. Last Friday nicht a fishing boat containing five men capsized on the bar. Only one, . Anthony Nicholas, escaped. ' He suc ceeded in reaching a rock off Point Bonita and clung to it. The night was inky black, and bitterly cold. " He was inn fair way to perish, when his cries were heard and word dispatched to the city. The life saving station at the Cliff House reported that their only boat' was disabled, and nothing could be done before morning. When this news reached the Examiner two reporters were detailed as a rescuing and the journal tug boat was placed at their disposal. The story of the success of the mission is told in the following press dispatch: The Examiner't tug started out to sea late last night, and after searching along the coast they came upon the wreck ot the fishing boat, and, proceeding on their course, scanning the shore, they finally heard the cries of Nicholas, which by this time had become hoarse and faint The tusr approached as near as possible, and one of the reporters took a boat and ef fected a landing at the lighthouse, hoping lo gain some information from the keeper. When the location of tbe castaway had been determined, another boat was launched, and a second reporter and sev eral other men of the tug attempted to reach the rock. It was a dangerous un dertaking, as the sea was running furi ously and breaking high upon the shore. The moon had come out from behind a black cloud, and Nicholas could be ulainlv seen. He was still Irvine to call for help, but his voice had almost failed. The men called to him to jump over board, but he still clun to the rock. The danger to the boat was so great that she , put back to tbe tug, and Nicholas was a rain left tn despair. Ai other attempt was made, aud this time a line was thrown NOTICE TIMBER U. CULTURE. S. Lass Omos, Tns Dalles, Ob... Decanter SI. 18-9. Complaint bavins; been entered at this office by Geonre afclotosh against Thomas J. Hill for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 188, dated Feb. 19,1886. upon tbe HE 1-4 Sec 80, Township X o nange lsein wasco county, vrejron, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: con testant alleging that the s jd Thomas J. Bill has never planted any tree sceas or cuttings on tne said tract of land, or caused the same to be done, the said tsurties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on tne sin day ol reoruary, itwv, at I o cioca r. t. to respond and furnish testimony concerning; said alleged failure. I. A. sic DONALD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lass Omci at Tns Dalles, Ousoi, January 11. 1890. Notice Is hereby viven that the foUowiiur-named settle! has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The miles, Oregon, on r eoruar) , lew, via: Veorce) W. Lneaus, Hd. 1750, for the i of the uwK, anfl-w of the ni)4 oi see. za, Tp. l s., K12 fc. He names the following witnesses to provs bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: F. F. Knowles, 8. XT. Driver, It. B. Driver, of Warnic, Or.; James A. Orchard, of The Dalles. Or. janlS F. A. McDONALU. Register. Administrator's Notice. Notice is herebv riven that the nndenfamed has been, by the County Court of Wasco county, Ore gon, duly appointed administrator of the estate of Martha Ostlaud, deceased. Therefore, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby noti fied and requested to present the same, together with the proper vouchers therefor, to the uubersigned at the law office of Story st Btadsbaw at Dalies citv. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Dalles eity Oregon, Dec 19, 1889. L. P. 08TLAND. Administrator of said estate. otsry & Bradsnaw, attorneys for said estate. Executor's Notice. Notice Is herebr riven that the undersisned has been duly appointed executor of the last will and testament ol Anna r. Alurdy, deceased, by the hon orable, the County Court of Wasoo count v. Oregon. in matters oi probate. All nenons bavins; claims against saiu estate are nereoy nouned and required to present the same with the proper vouchers, t me fct the office of my attorneys, Dufur Watkius, in The Dalles, Ongon, withiii six months from the date oi tnis notice. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, Dee. 81, 1889. LEON W. CURTISS. Exeeutor of the last will and testament of Anna P. Alurdy, deceased. Dufur Watkins, attorneys for executor. Jas-S Administrators' Notice Notice is hereby riven that the undersigned la th duly appointed and qualified administrator of the estate of Phoebe M. Dunham, deceased. All nr. sons having claims against said estate are hereby wuw w xacu muD, wmi nroper voucners, t the undersigne . at bis office, in Dalles City, Oregon wiuun six uionuis irom nils date. A. K. THOMPSON. Administrator of the Estate of thend if. nnn nam, oeeeaseu. Ths Dalles, OKBOoK.Dee. 15th, 188 I New Zeland Insurance Co. Is one of the Best In the World Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho oi tne Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCo. OF NEWARK, N. J. aid policy holders, since organisation. 92,812.907.06 ! Assets, market value S40.hxUl.204 11 8urplus, N. T. standard S.S 12,1X9 SI One ot the most solid companies in ths United States. AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon Aemiones oi wasmngton ana idano. MONEY LOAN. NOTAEY BUSINESS The Celebrated French (Sure, wtaurc,;:r "APHRDDITINE" Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE lo cure any lnrm of nervous disease, or any disorder o( the iencnitive o wins of either ' REFOtF isiiitr from the AFTER cx-ca-ie use of stimulants, Tohncco or Opium, or through youthful indiscretion, over iudiilg- .to u,-li . I m nf llnntl liivir. Vt ItklMtll- ness, llcnriug down I'niiis in the Buck, Seminal Weakness, llrstorin Nervous Prostration Nwtnni- nl KtttiMii,iiit I iii'iirrhwa. llisziliess. Wenk Men ory. 1-oksoI Power and lintioteiii-y, which if ne- clccted often lend to ureniutureoldaseniMt insan ity, inren.wawii.v wucs iui tw dhji uj moil on receipt of priee. A WltlTTKN iVARAT!TCK fnrevery TS.0C order, to refund the money if a l'riimiiciis cure is not effected. Thousands ol testimonials Irom old and voiing. of both sexes, permanently cured hvAriiBoniTiNR. Circular free. Address THE nrnnll MfcLMUiINt UU. WKKTEKN KRAM'H. BOX 27 PORTLAND, OB BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR T1IR DALLES. OREGON. Tvsu Valley jUercnant ana H-xclianse ROLLER MILL. Leather & Shoe Findings, Tents, Wagon Covers. Carriage Trimmings Etc. AT THE OLD ST A IV 13. Country Orders Promptly atended co marH-td I2.Ii: MOVA L I REMOVAL I Bemoved to 276 and 278 Second St., ID- "77" !lE.-w"a-:rcLr3, -T'EALER IN- Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. Oil Paintings, Chromos and Steel Engravings. s. if. MaaiB 5 Generl Commission and Forwarding Mercian t, 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STREET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot) Floor Kqnat to the llest. Mill Feed Always) on Hand. Satisfaction Guaranteed. sp21 W. II. McCORKLE, Prop. Consignments Solicited ! ! Prompt Attention to tnose who favor me with their patronage. ! The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc. O.T.THOMPSON. A.W. FARUBEB. THOMPSON & FARMER, General Blacksmiths, NeAr Mint building, Second St. Horso-ShOdiiig and General JoVbimg a specialty Prices reasonable and to suit the times. El. P. FITZ GE5.ALD, DEALEll I IV The Dalles Lumbering COMPANY, Successors to T110S. JOHNS CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. The Dalles, ... Oregon. bialhs a all xisss or ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material, j General merchandise AGMLTORAL MACHINERY, Schuithr's and Tubular Asle Wagons, HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL VV ag-on-IYlaliei's' and .Blacksmiths' Stock. Groceries. 9Sole Agent for the IMPROVED MONARCH Washing; Machine.-; Shingles Fence Posts Lime and Hair. C.E.DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. SOLE AGHN1TFOR aXUraCTCBns or Before startles, on a Journey, get an ACCIDENT' DOORS, WINDOWS, BLI1NDSJ Orders from abroad receive prompt attention. Only 25c for t3000 Insurance. Loaning Money foi non-resident specialty. 8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders. O. . TAY LOB New Grocery Store ! -AT TBI Thompson's Addition oheisman old stand, -TO- 194 Third St-, The Dalles, Or. Taken Up. DALLES CITY. By the roriscriber at b s ranch on Three Mile creek, one white heifer about two years old, dim brand oa left bip. but no other marki. The owner Ctn have projwrty by proving the same, paying cnaryree anu casing ntr away. .. tuuaAS. The Dalle, Imm. 27, lot. NOTICE. ALL accounts dne me most be pa! J on or befole January 1st, lbVO. as all unpaid bills will be placed in tne naiids ot m cuacctr at titat time. U K. lilXJK. Will keep on hand general assortment of a. Groceries, Canned Goods, AT0W Ready for Sale On Easy Terms. Feed and Provisions, Now Is the timelto buy while - PRICES ARE LOW. And desire a share of the public patronage, ss we ex pen to seii at raicsa to set tub uabo timbs. ticket. IPIONEER-.-GROCERY, GEO. RUCH, Proprietor. Northwest corner of Second and Washington sti CH EAPEST place In Ths Dalles fllr all kinds of GROCERIES FLOUR. GRAIN. WILLOW-WARE, e,. Taankful for favors In the past. I would respect fully solicit a continuance of the same. OEOBGK RUCH BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, THE LEADING Keeps In stock s full line of Eazors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES. PERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, rliouldei Bruecs, ClicHt Protectors STATIONERY AND CIGARS. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal uses. Prescriptions com- . pounded at all hours. GLASSES PAT? JULYILM87S. Evnry Pair PuroHasei Gaarantaod. JOHH O. OaBXJSLC ipart illy e The fhrani) l KOSTHLT KIYEI OF LTVIKG SBBJIOS By tha Foremost Writtrt in tht Warltf. THE FOETJ1I has won tbe highest placet reached by any periodical ; for it pub-' lishes articles by more authoritative writers and by more workers along instruc tive lines of activity than any other publico-' tion. It contains eleven studies of great subjects every month. It is impartial, giv ing hearings alike to each side. It is finan cially independent, and it belongs to no sect or party or " interest," It is never sensa tional, but it aims always to be instructive. of mrcollcmworkwhlch deals with nrscttcal oolitic, and euuugh fur dully use by students. frof. ALFRED BUSHMEU. The Fonuif is of great ralue to that current questions, iwo sots Ol HART, of Haruari. I consider Ths Fount as furnlahlngthn most Intelligent and sympathetic andtenc. that a thoughtful writer can find to address In any land. . AUXAMOCH WlhCHELL, of tht Unlotnitg of Michigan. . . Ths Forth continues to hold its place as th for? most of our magazines, for tha variety. the value, and the weight of iu contribution. THE ht l tOKK TIMES. - There has come forward no problem of grave importance since TUB FOKtW wo established that has not been discussed in its pages by masters of the subject. An nouncements of forthcoming articles can seldom be made long in advance, for Thb Forum's discussions are always of problems of present concern. Every such problem that the year 1890 will bring forward will be discussed, whether in politics, or religion, or social science, or practical affairs. The January number will contain a reply by ex-Speaker J. G. Carlisle to Senator Cullom's recent article on "How the Tariff Anects the Farmer." THE FORUM PUBLISHING COMPANY, 253 Fifth Ave., N. T,' 60 Cents a Dumber. Subscriptions rseetwa at this qffice. $5.00 a Ytar., ' THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, I. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 Burgundy 83, Zinfandel 84, Riesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret. Agency. an Gregroi-io "Vineyard Co, All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strietly Pure. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic., A. L. NEWMAN Has opened a GROCERY STORE Corner of Second and Union Sts. GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS. PROVISIONS. ETC. The groceries will be new and fresh, and such as are demanded in this market. In connection with the Grocery will supply Bread and Pastry of all kinds. iSTOVES TINWARE AND HARDWARE FISH & BARD ON' S, 113 WASHINGTON STREET. BET. SECOND AND THIRD. San Tnmkm Beer lall SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, PROP'R, n.nEi?ss oiv duaught -:-Columbia Brewery Beer,:-; AND FOR eAJL.2 ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, tne Yery best Imported Wises, Liquors and Cigars. J The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS.. , P. IcIIEEIT, .DEALER 12V- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and bhoes, &c Agent for tne Bntterick Patterns, also for tne Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, CALL AND SEE JigUSlUiJi J? Jj Uifi JOACHIME. 0NI-Y MApniNK that gives a continuous twist to the wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WOKKS, NOTICE. All those indebted to the undersigned most settle Dy jnuary i, isuu. or else Uieir accounts will Da placed in the hands of an atldruev for cuiluctiun WJt UlUUKLL. FOUND. A light bay horse, will be three years old in the spr ng; dk mane and tail; ti.ree white feet; no mark or brand. 1 lie owner tuu have nun by paying lur uie leeu anu aavenisinjr. J. P. MATLOCK. Three Mile. Strayed. Came to my pla . a roan sow, with red neck, in visible brand. Owuer can hsvh sane by paying for leeu ana aaverusKitf. If. a. f AILit lljanst Five Mils. J IS. VKUSSKM, Aojtioueer, Wsutklnctoa St. bet. Main and Second, The Dalles, Oregon. Barular Auction Bales of Real Estate, household r unniure anu uenerai Mercbandisr. ; Wdr.ticlsiy aid HsitBrday.il A.H. 85 Solid Oald Watek.1 bom for sj ASMS, aatil utlr. I IMMT. War-1 Baud. B..y SwImI Oold uuuwffUMa. sia toows wad actus' eizM.witk work. and euci mt aqoal value. uaici sreraoa is sacs l. callir caa awars oo. Area. sosvtaer wua ear largs aaavai. sasM Has oi as oaaenertcl This tract has been snrveved and nlattcd in m tracta wun convenient streets and avenues and so arransa that purchasers can get one block or sev eral acres in s body. The land is comparatively level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location pleasant, beautiful and easy to acoau and ioina tha aijr iwiueuiaKjiy un uie east. Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Leeds. FOB SALE BT The Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For ardculars apply at the office of the Company uuuis auu o. lauu nines xtuuuina'. ine iialles. or. COME AND 8EE THE PROPERTY. THORNBURY & HUDSON, 49-All Goods Fresh and Wsrrranted First-lass. WELCH &. SMITH. H. GLENN, b again at his eld stand and has on hand IE swbswE saiaaeJ. FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT. Tajikj of all sizes, (rom 1000 to 40,000 gallons, mad to oraer. PrescriptioD Druggists, 175 Socoad Street, The Ssdlea. spodswtf Real Estate Agsnts. m aw a wpwi i $m LOST. 8oIId bav mare, three veara old: hohblfwl vhra ah left; shod all around; few saddle spot; fifteen bands nign; penecuy atraignt ninu legs; DraueMi A 1 con nected, and T on left shoulder Also one sorrel mare, s years old, small long white stripe over nose; few saddle sdota: had on halter when aha l(t- branded snrall C on left hip: both mares raised iu E stern Oregon. 110 reward will be said fsr their delivery to the undersigned. a WYSS, Tailor, The Halle. r Contracts for all kinds of buddings taken at tne lowest turures. -BRAINDS- OF Country and Mall Orders will re ceive Prompt Attention. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. 19 Cash advances made on ennsUrnment. THE DALLES ALLEN GRANT, Marble Works, Eagle Valley, near Antelope C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Stron Durable, Neat, and the Cheapest Fence in the World. H B. REED, Proprietor. THE DALLES, OREGON. II as tha rsxtihu atmst aPasswssj-atska aflasr vnss km ksxat OMti la ymu beat fcr 9 BMatte u4 ikowi tWia tm tkom wh writ at caa to son af neaivlmc tha Watcl. and Saaaplea. Wamr ail mriM, tVifrht ata. Addrua VHaMMS V V g IMS 9X9 JTrlM MBlMi A Perfect Face Powder. BUtkeley fe Honghton, C. E. Donhim. m lATEST PERFUME exquisite cba.t. FREEMAN'S H I A WAT Ha I NsaflpsBs fsTtatsffj tiwesnave square crop on neht ear and split on left. Wethers reverse. Horses and cattle branded "R. G." Have sold my horses and cattle, but not my Dranas. Buy at Home and Save FreiglUs and Agents' . Commissions. DEALERS IX Lock Box 218. THE DALLES, OREGON. Taken Up. Caaae to tha premises of ths subscriber last Nov. ember, a small bav pony, branded T left hip and saddle mans oar van. no oiner una discernible. Tns owner can nave propertf or proving; same, par Inf charges ana taking him a war. WKUAcn nous. The Dalles,.., 18S. OREGON-:-BAKEKY, A. KELLER, Prop'r, 'Wsshlngtoa street, next door tlow Geo. Bach's. Dalles, Oresan. Havina' the Bakerv formerlv nmod hv (1m t ...... i I aim prepared to furnish families, hotels nd is iran is wiui wie cnoicest Bread, Cakes and Pies. Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, Mattinjrj, Parlor Ornaments, Window 8hadea, Etc. ' Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc. mnlM fount at all knirt of ths day or night at their pUur of biuinnt, Washington street, tm doors north from Second. Siynaf Bed LigHi Funeral WM. MICHELL, UIB1ETAEIE AND Dii'eotor. The Undersigned has Added to his Business a full line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Robes and Shrouds. Trimmings of all descriptions at tne Lowest Prices and owns the Most Elegant Hearse east of the mountains with all tbe latest improvements. NO DEI AY IN FILLING ORDERS. Flare Of ISnnlnrHS. Third street, three doors cast of Oikons, If aoall later 4 Co's agricultural war house, and adjoining his Planina; Hill and Wagon Shop. Place of Bcsjidenee. Fourth street, corner of Washington. Can be ssn st all hours cf ths dar and night. i WM. MIUMiUJLiLi. A. M. WILLIAMS & Co., SUCCESSORS TO LATE FIRM E. WINGATE Sc CO. sasssassawlsswsssasassjajsaafjs renerai Merchandisel M,,,.s.a.aaassasssamwssssaasas A COUPLETS LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. HACKS AND BUGGIES.