TO- Viae r,iti.e Mm t icu Smiles. Of what bus fair to become one of the best n ines in tie Coeur d'Alene country, tbe Helena Journal tells the following story : Fito short weeks ago John M. Smith, tbe mate owner of the mine did not have a dollar nor a place to lay bio bead, bat some one would occasionally give him a square meal for no one was ever known to go hungry in a mining camp. Tbe lucky glow of fortune that now smiles upon this poor deaf mate has changed his appearance. Tbe other day be wrote on a piece of paper, "No flies on me now V and started for tbe best strike of tbe season with a pick and shovel on bis back. Haskins, Pulse and Fjnley have liondcd tbe mine fcr $10,000. Last winter when a scribe came to Mallen, Smith, or the "dummy," as he was called, was trving to fret some one to give him a grab stake. He did not intend to look for silver or lead, thinking it required too much time and labor to develope that kind of a mine. He was after gold and nothing e'se. Tbe snow had hardly leit the ground before he was oat, glass in band, prospecting tbe tide-bills below tbe town lor the yellow metal. Fre quently he would come in with pieces of rock that contained pyrites of iron, which he would always claim was gold. In April he built a rude log hat on tbe bank of 03 Id creek, 100 yards op from the sooth fork and about 100 yards iurther up he commenced to dig for gold. He did not find it in the shape he expected, hat be found what has proved to be tbe finest prospect struck in the Casur d'Alene this vear. Old "Dame Fortune" casts her smiles on strange characters, and is about as fickle in ber movements as a streak of lightning. All Went Together. Mrs. Claude Angustin her 17 year-old daughter, and two infant sons, were drowned in the Milwaukee at Sauxville, Wis., last Wednesday. One ot the little lioys, playing on the ice, broke through, and Mrs. Angustin ut tempted to rescue him.' The daughter tried to help her mother and the three' were disappearing, when tbe remaining 4 vear-old child toddled oat on tbe ice crying for his mother, and fell into tbe same hole. In an instant be. like tbe others, was carried beneath tbe ice. A man saw the tragedy. bat all was over before be could reach the spot, A Card f the fablle. Olvmpia S. Murray. M. D., female spec ialist. Has practiced on tbe Pacific coast for the past twenty-five years. A life time devoted to tbe study of female troubles, their causes and cures. I have thou of testimonials of permanent cures from the best people on this coast. A positive guar antee to permanently cure any case of female weakness, no matter how long stand ing or what tbe stage may bo. Charges reasonable and within tbe reach of all. For tbe benefit of the very poor of my sex who are aunenng from any ot the great mulU tude of ailments that follow in tbe train of that terrible disease known as female weak ness, and who are not able to pay for treat ment, I will treat free of vhaige. - Consul tation by mail, free. All correspondence strictly confidential. Medicines packed. boxed and sent by express witn charges pre paid for "home" treatment, with specific directions for use. If yon are suffering from any female trouble, periodically or constantly, ad drees, Oltmpia S. Mobbat, M. D. Uagly East Portland. Oregon, UoMty Kxemralon Via Union Paeifle Railway. For tbe Christmas and New Year's Holiday season of 1889-90, the Union Pacific Railway will sell excursion tickets from all rail sta tions on its lines west of Huntington to any other rail station on its hoes within a radius of 200 miles, at tbe low rate of one and one- njlh tare for the round trip. ' Tickets will be sold December 24 th. 25tb. 31st, 1889, and January 1st, 1890; good go ing on date ot sale, and good returning un til January 3d, 1890r inclusive. This will afford every one an opportunity to visit thier friends and enjoy the occasion. For tickets, rates, time of trains, etc. apply to any agent Union Pacific Railway. T. W. LiEK. t Gen'l Pass. Agent. The Latest Oat. A daily through ear service has been es tablished by the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern Line between Portland and Chicago via'Counci JJluffa, tuna offering to the public facilities not giyen by any other line. "I he .Limited rest Mail which runs daily between the above points, carries the overland fast mail, a limited number of first-class passengers with extra charge, and la composed of Pullman Vestibuled Sleepers, and Pollman Dining (Jars, Portland to tin ea tro via Council Bluff's. This is another io dication that the Union PaciOo is desirous of meeting the requir- ments of the people. For information in re gard to this and otber trains on this line, apply to W . C ALLOW AT, Agent 0.E.4N. Co., The Dalles, or to A. L. Maxwell, G. P. 4 T. A.." Portland, Or. nov22 Advice to Al others. Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething, is the prescription of -one of the best female nurses and physi cians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing sucoeas by millions of mothers for their children. During the process of teething its value is incalculable. It relieves tbe child from pain, cures dysentary and diar rhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind- colic. By giving health to tbe child it rests the mother. Price 25 cents a bottle. Keen it .Before the People MacEachern ft MacLeod, the leadlbg ciotniera ana gentiemen s ouv-ntters. now located in Vogt's brick block, Second street, one block east of their former loca- . tion, and with increased and superior facili ties are better than ever prepared to attend to the wants CI their enstomers. They have lust received from eastern manufacturers a Urge and complete stock of Clothing, Underwear, Hats, Shoes, etc., etc., and have put prices down to bedrock. IS very article marked in plain figures. MacEachekx & MacLeod. ; BmeUtM m Arnica Hmlve. The beat salve in the world for cuts bruises, sorns, ulcers, salt rheum, feye. S jres, . tettee. cHiaaped hands, chilblains corns, and all akin eruptions, and positively cores piles, or bo pay required, it is guar a iteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.. Price 25 cent per box. For sale by Snipes) A JUneraley. -Tlisjr. wsj i frpc who Hred in s spring-, : Ho caught such a cold he could not ting. mmA ii'iT. uf Mtracniani in what s zr: - vub turn oi mtu Derails singers. JBsny a oops tunoful roioe among- those who bolong tothe -gsnus homo " is utterly suoiled Zl C?'a,ln "pad, or on the liregi of both combined. For tbe above mentioned " croak- Jy-dTbutwronOT humaa singers may keep their heads clear an? throats in tuna by tho tfaely use of Dr. Sags' Catarrh Kcmedy and Dr. Pierce s Golden Mod- uuia ui waicn aro sold br druggists. Dr. Ban's Catarrh Bcmedy ennsi tbe worst cases of Catarrh in tbe Head, no matter 6f how tons: standing-, while for aU larynreaL bronchial, throat and Jung- affections Dr Pleroesllolden jledioal Dfacoyerj! post . tlvely nnequaled. It cures tbe worst Unrarl tog- coughs and builds up tho flesh and Strength of those who have been reduced by wasting- diseases. It is smaranteed to benefit or cure in all diseases for which it is recommended, if taken in time and riven a fair trial, or money paid for it refunded. Copyright, U88, by WOSXCs Dis. Msrx AJS'SI Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS "trulato and cleanse tbe liver, stomach and bowels. They are purely vegetable and per- ruaglsu. cents a rtzi. LEAVENING POWER Of the various Baking Powders illus trated from actual tests. ROYAL (PunannnBnnBBnBBaanBBaBnBWWwa CRAHTS (Alum) . . . . ROMFORD'S (fresh)... H HARFORD'S (when fresh) I CHARM (Alum Powder). DAVIS1 and 0. &. (Alum)! CLEVELAND'S PIOIEER (San Ffancnco).... CZAR DR. PRICE'S SIOW FLAKE (GroTs) C0HGRESS BICKER'S GILLETS HAIFORD'S (None Such), when not fresh. PEARL (Andrews & Co.) ROMFORD'S (Phosphate), when not fresh. ..sssaW Seports of Government Chemists, " The Royal Baking Powder is composed ol pure and wholesome ingredients. It does nol contain either alum or phosphates, or other in jurious substances.-EDWARD G. 1 OVE. Ph.D. The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable baking powdet offered to the public. Henry A. Morr, M. D., Ph. D." "The Royal Baking Powder is purest in qual ity and highest in strength of any baking pow, der of which I have knowledge. " Wk. McMdrtrik, Ph. D." AH Alum baking powders, no matter how high their strength, are to be avoided as dan eerous. Phosphate powders liberate their gas too freely, or under climatic changes suffer de terioration. Land Notices- .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Omci at Thb Daixks, Orkoo, October 29, 18K9. -Nntfea a herehr iriven that the following-named settlei has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on uecemoer zu, ioov, Andrew Cau field. Hd 1159, for the E U of the NE1 and E J of the SE 1 a TIM hire. ' He names the following witnesses to prove bis uit unoni residence UDOn ana cultivation oi, hjuu lnri via! Albert Roberts, H. C. Crockett, Resor Gilhnusen, or The Dalles, Oregon, and Jacob (JraJt, oi Kangene, Oregon. uov-21 F. A. McDONALD. Register. TIMBER LAKD, ACT JUNE 3. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ljjid Omci at Tns Dallfs, Or., ( ctober 14. Iito9. Notice is hereby (riven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of J line S. 1878, en titled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in tbe suites of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing too Territory, Abraham V. Dlsbrow, Of Hood River, County of Wasco, State of Oregon, has this day filed lu this officii his sworn statemen No. 83, lor tne purciwse oi me l ku me ca and JJ W i of the SE i of Sec M. T 1 N, K 10 E, and wt 1 offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stoue than for aitrk-ultura purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be fore the register and receiver o- this tnice at 1 be Dailes, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 24th day of Decem ber, 1869 He names as witnesses: Albert B. Jouea, Audubon Winans, Wilson R. Wi nans. Elmer E. Griffin, all of Hood Kiver. urciron. Any and all persons claim nir adversely the abvo- d Vcribed lands are requested to me tneir claims in tiiis office on or before the said 24th lUy of Decern bei, 1S89. r. A- MUii JSffALtU. Register. HOMESTEAD CONSOLIDATED NO TICE FOR PUBLICATION. Loxo Office at Ths Dalles, Or., November, 8, 1889. Notieo is he-ehv iriven that the following-named settlers have filed notice of their intention to make final proof in support of their claim, and that said proof will be made before Kegister and Receiver U. U. land Office, at The Dalles, Or., on Dec. 23, 18S9, via: William It. llajnes. Hd. 2619. for the SE 1-1 Sec. 18. T 2 S E 16 E W M: and ' EllBwortn A. Haynes, Hd. 2193. for the S M SE 1-4 and S U SW 1-4. Sec. 4. T2SB1SKWM. They name the following witnesses to prove their -ontinuoua residence uiiou and cultivation of. said land. vi: Polk Butler. James W. Moore. E. M.ore. and I, Clausen, all of Nansene, Or. t. A. ACDUHALD, Register. TIMBEU CULTURE, FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrics, at Tub Dalles, Or., ' October 23, 189. Notice is hereby given that Charles Davis has filed notice of intention to nuke final proof before Regis ter and Receiver, U. S. I O., at his olfico in The Dulles, Or., on Saturday, the 21st day of December, 18S. on timber culture application No. 390, for the SW X. NE ii. KW J4, SE J and SE J 8W J and Lot a, quarter ol section no. is, m xownsnip no. 3, Kange No. 14 E. He names as witnesses: Wm. F. Helms, Mansense, Or., Frank T. Graves, Peter J. uanranan, Alex, acbeoa, mngsiey, ur. Kov. z. jr. A. mcdun ALU, Kcguter. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. u. , 8. Land Office, Tns Dalles, Or., novemoer a. lSbtf. Complaint having been entered at this office bv Ueorge Mcl-iLoan against Tnomaa J. Hill for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 1888, dated Feb. 19, 1886, upon tbe N 1-4 Sec 20, Townsnip xs Kange 14 , in waaco county. Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; con testant alleging that the a id Thomas J. Hill hat never planted any tree seeds or cuttings on the said tract of land, orcadsed the same to be done, the said iarties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 21st day of December. 1880. at 1 o'clock P. M. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said aueg Luiure. r. a. aicuunald, .register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasp Office at Tns Dalles, Oreoos, October 28. 1889. Kotice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice m bis intention to make fina proof in support of his claim, and that said proo will be made before the register and receiver of the U.S. land oiuce at Tne Dalles, ur.. on December 20, ittiu, vis: T nomai 91. Bradley. Hd 1093. for the WK , SEV sod Bii. KE1. See. 14 AV 1H ana. lie names tne Knowing witnesses to Drove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. Lv Hanna. of Boyd. Oregon: Andy Allen, base Young, Martin Jasksna, Tbe Dalles. uregon. Ciov. i. T. A. MCDONALD, Register. TIMBER CULTURE. FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Lasd Office, Thb Dalles, Or., October 21, 1889. Notice is hereby given that William V. Helm Has filed notice of his intention to make final nroof De-ran negister ana iteceiver u.s.Lana times at tneir office in The Dalies, Oregon, on Monday, the 9th day of December, 1889, on timber culture application Vo. 406, for Lots 1 and 2 and the SE ot the KE J oi sec a, l ft B, u is E. its names as witnesses. W. T. Wright. Jame W. Moore. Polk Butler and u. T, Keue , ail of Aausene, Wasco ciunty, Oregon. octal r. A. Mcdonald, Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION COM MUTED HOMESTEAD. Lass Office at The Dalles, Or., November 16. 1889. Kotice is hereby given that tbe following-named a-tiler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and neveiver at Tne Danes, ur., on January 4, 1889, via: Clarence K orris. Bd 2637. for the W 54 NE K and E tKWWSec30, LT4S.B14 JC. r He names the following witnesses to prot e his conuuuous residence, upon and cultivation ol said tana vie: Van Woodruff. Geo. Woodruff. Perry Snodgnun. ot Tygh Valley, ur., and S. E. Feriis, of Tne Dalles, uregon. novxa r. A. modunald. Kegister. KOTICE FOR 1TJELICATION. Lakd Omci at Thb DiUjtg, Or., October 10. Ia!j9. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his internum to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the reifister and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on December 14, laSw, viz: linbcrt Tbiel, Hd 3317. for the lots 2 and 3 and SW u of NE V and t-fc of N W , See 20, T 2 N, R 12 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Robert Deosmore. John Hiler. of Mosier. Or., and Ernest Frederick, Daniel Tlionus, ot The Dalles, Or. octlD r. A. MCLHlrtAl.ll itegister. NOTICE. Uio Omci at Tns Dalles, Ob., October 30, 1US9. CotnDUtint having been entered at this office hv John Ueckman against Joseih Newcomb for aban doning his homestead entry No. 1308, dated Oct. 18, lass, npon tne 54, in Bee. 20, T 4 a, a 17 E, Q Waseo eounty. Oregon. ith a view 10 the caneel- lntimi ut said entry, the said uartiessre hereby sum mon el to appear at this office on the 21st day of December, iseS, at 1 o'clock r. a., to respond and furnish testimony concerning sid alleged shmrion- ment. wiuiam uoioer, notary 1-uiillc at urass Val ley, Oregon, is authorized to take testimony in this can at urass Valley. Uregon, on Dec 12, 1S89. at 10 o'clock a. m. V. A. McDONALD. Register. T. W. Slcsdss Receiver. Nov. 1. A Perfect Face Powder. Been a tvue i iikt-ifimi aniuu Blavkeley ft Houghton, C. T. Danham. m LATEST PERFUME exquisite cha.t. FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA IjCgal Notices- SIieriiT's Sale. By virtne of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Wasco County in an action entitled Geo. Wa'kimr vs. fcU-rling Staggs and to me directed and delivered, 1 did on the 26th day ot October, 18b0, levy upon and will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cath in hand, on Saturday, the 7th day of December, 189, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said dny.att'ie Court House door in Dalles City, in Wasco county, Ore gon, the following described property, to wit: All of the right, title snd interest of the said Sterling Stiggs of, in or to Lot 10, in Block 8, in Bigelows addition to Dalies City, Wasco Co.Oregon.or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisa'y the sum of g36.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, from Sept. 16, A. D. 1st 9. Taken and levied upon as the property of Sterling Staggs to Kitiafy said sum of $30.00 and intercs thereon iu favor of Ceo. Watkins. t gctlu-r with osU and accruing costs. GEO HUE 11 EIUJEUT, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, Or., Oct. 25, ISiU. Executrix's Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco Couty. In tho matter of the estate ot Henry Whittaker, deceased. In pu-miance of an ordsr undo and entered herein on the 4th day of November, 1 89. authorizing and directing ire to sell all of the real property belong ing to snid estate, 1 will, on the 14tn Hj i-f Decern ber, 1SS9, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on said day, at the door of the County Court House in Dalies Citv, Wa.-o County, uregon. sell at public auction to ihe bujtmt and best bidder for cash in hand, all tif the real property belonging to said estate, to-wit: Lots J, K and 1. in Block 84 in the Fort Dalles Dili tary Ke-ervation in Dalles City, Uregon. - A1AKIA WHITTAKER, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Henry Whittake -, deceased. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will, in pursuance of ail order of the Uou. the County Court of the State of ornmn for the County of Vt uco. duly made, ren dered aud entered, on the 6th day ol November, 18.-9, iu matters ol rrobate, in the matter Ol tne e te of Nancv uaorer. deceased, on Saturday the 4th aay of January, 1800. at the Court Uou-e door, of the County Court House, in Dailes City, said county dud State, at the hor of one o'lock, P. M , of said day, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all of the Northwest quarter and the Northeast quarter of Section Thirty-two (22) in Township One (1) North of flange Fifteen (lf) East of the Wiilameue Meridian, in Wasco County, Ore gou. said real estate belotigiiur to the estate of Nancy Oager, deceased, or so much thereof as shall be essary to pausiy an ueuianue against saiu estate. Hated November 29. IS8K. W. A. OBAXU Administrator of tho estate of Nancy viacr, de ceased. DL'FUR A WATKINS, Attorneys for estate. novS0wkl6t. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the - County of wasco. In the Matter of the Estate of Catharine Snyder deceaset'. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, the administrator ot the above estate, has tnis ztn aay of November, 1&9, filed his final account as admin istrator ol said estate, and that by an order duly made and eutered in the above entitled court and matter on this day, Tuesday the 7th day of Januaiy, 1890, the same being tbe second day of tne next reg ular ttaa ot said court, at the hour of 2 o:lock P. M. of said day, is appointed the tftieosul the coiftrcom of said court She p.aoe ssr the bearing of objwtlons. "' if any there be, to uc& final aeeount and the flaal settlement ol saiu estate. TIM BALDWIN. Administrator of tho estate of Catharine Snyder de- ceagd. Uov30wk!y3t NOTICE. In the County Court, for the County of Waaco and state ol uregon, AovtmDer titn, laey. WmtRSAS. It has come to the knowledge of this Court that the Act of tbe l egislative Assembly of the otate ol Oregon, a proved reD. 21st, thoi izina "The County Courts of the several coun ties" to pay bounties for the scalps of certain wild animals a Inch may be killed in the respective coun ties, has been abused. It is ordered that from, after and including the date of this order, (Nov. Oib, 1SS!),) no such bounty or bounties shall be paid ty the County of Wasco, or the authorities of tile said Couuty, until the further order of tnii tourt. CALLB N. THORBURY, County Judge. H. A. Luveks, County Commissioner. Attest: sbalI Geo. II. Thompson. Clerk. 93t Notice. The following gentlemtn are Deputy Stock Inspec tors for w asco county: U. H. Guthrie, ..Grass Valley Fred Young -.Bake Oven Al Russell. ....Antelope C. T. Bonney, .-Tygh Valley A. J. Lulur Dufur T. Cartrijjht, Lower Fifteen Mi e J. H. Larson The Dalles C. W. 1'ICE, lOnovlm Stock Inspector for Wasco couuty. Administrator's Sale. By virtue of an order issued by the lion. Couny Court for the State of Oregon, and Count v f Wasco. I will sell at ) ubiic sale to th highest bidder, for cash, at the County uourt House in Dalit city. wasio eou nty, orego.., ou lueaoay, tne zib aay ox January. A. 1. 1889. at 1 o'clock P. 11.. the follow- ing described Real Estate, belonging to tue estate of Asa Strong, deceased, to-wit: All that certain piece and parcol of lard described as fol ows: "Commeuciug at a point on tbe north side of First street in lalles City, 46 feet 6 inches westerly fjom the corner at the junction of Court and Main streets; thence 100 ftet iortherlv at right angics to JIain street, to a stake; theuce 31 fett westerly and parallel to Main street; thence south erly to Main street, to a point 21 feet from the be ginning; thence along the north line of Main street to tne place ox beginning, ana neing part oi lot nve, in ifuiies utv, n asco uountv, uregon. JAMES M. BENSON. Administrator to the estate of Asa Strong, deccasod. Nov. 11.1869. it. $5 Reward. The above reward will be given to anyone finding a large black xnare. (branded n on left shoulder) nd leaving the same with C. . Dunham, The Dalles, or M. A. Phelps, Rufus, Sherman Co. Or. Stockholders7 Meeting The annual meeting- ot the stockholders of tht First Kational Bink ol The Dalles will be held at office f said Bank on Tuesday, January 14, 1890, ae iu A. at , lor tbe election oi Directors lor tne ensu ing year. H. H. BEALL, 7declt Cashier. PAUL KREFT, Artistic Painter and House Decorator, The Dalles, Oregon. House Painting and Decorating a Specialty N inferior and cheap work done; but good, lasting work at tne lowest prices, buop adjoining puatotBee on Sseoad fared. THE DALLES Marble ." Works, C. J. Sniith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save FreiylUt and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THK DALLES, OREGON. GEO. P. MOKGAN, ROOM O. amd Office Building. Is aent fcr California Inanranee fto. of San Frandsco wnaraiaa. oi uuiaon. Lyus, oj London. Thompson's Addition -TO- DALLES CITY. Now Ready for Sale on Easy Terns. i Now is tbe timefto buy while PRICES ARE LOW. This tract has been survered and nlatted in acre tracts with convenient street aud avenues irul m I arranged tnat purchasers can yet one block or sev eral acres in a body. The land is comparatively level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location pleataiit, beautiful and easy to access and joins the WIJF IUJUUCUUI tjOJJr UU U1B 50ba Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. FOB SALE BF The Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For articulars apply at the office of the Company rooms ana s, Lanu umce raiuaing, ine lAues, ur. COME AND SEE THE PROPERTY. THORNBURY & HUDSON, apOd&wtf Real Bstate Agents. 8.7 Solid W.tck.' I Sold for Q l W. mnoi laic ly. Bt $SS watell in Um world. rd4 UwkNPtr. War-. num. nemry oouu ooia UiutmrUNt. ifoth ladica' ad ccnu' atzaa, with worki and cases of equal valua. unefenaauiMci io- caltir can accor on trr. tofreUtrr with oar Urg udTal cabla Una f Hotucbold 6plet. ThM amplea, aa wHl aa the watch, w aend Irrce. and after tod fcaa kept Utan 1b rear homm tar SMatha and ahown them ta thosa WOO IOY nT caiiw, iot ornevmm jwi vvymj. who writ at oca can be aura of reeeMnc tho Wattelt. ani SnmplM. WMy oil expreim, frHrht.eie. , Addreao rriXs? Iff 'Hi k$ 9IL 3k mtmm PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates of the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS. which enables us to sell Furni- tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown m Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will IT.r.ltrnH lwnt Pli.aint ku4i 75 CtS Cane Cockers .... a 2 oo Ash Bedsteads Woven-wire Mattresses. Lounges ........ S 50 3 50 12 00 fST CALfj -A.3VD Soipe&Kinersly, -THE- Leadings racists, 129 Second Street The Dcalles, Oregron. HMRY L KTJCK, Manufacturer of and dealer In Harness and Saddlery, Second St, near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, OREGON All Work nranteed to Give Sat (rfaQtlon. JB. 0B0S8BI, . AOdlloseer. TTasJiIsxton at. fcrl. Jlatrs (s etesnl, The Dalles, Oregon. Begular Auction Sa'es of Keal Estate. KoosehoJd Furniture and General Merebandis. Wednesday and Saturday. 11 A. 91. HUGH CHRISM AN. W. K. CORSON. SUCCESSORS TO C.E. CHR18MAN & SONH, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FANCY GEOCEKIES AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Washington and Federal. Have on hand aud will sell at the lowest possible prices. Fanny and Staplo Groceries ' and Mill Feed. Highest Cash Price k County Produce. Call and examine prices before purchasing else where. ansnu Chrisman & Corson. 0. D. TAYLOR, Washington Street, in rar ot French A Co s Bank buildinff. THE DALLES. - OREGON. New Zeland Insurance Co. Is one of the Best in the World Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho oi tne Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCo., OF NEWARK, N. J. aid policy holders, sin ce organization, $92,812,907.06 ! Assets, market value S40.88G.204 14 Surplus, N.T. standard 5.512,129 31 One of the most solid companies in the United States. AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon Territories ol Washington and Idaho. MONEY JLOAJN. notary business Before starting on s Journey, get an ACC1DENTT1KET. Only 25c for $3000 Insurance. Loaning Money fox nonresident a specialty. 8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders. O. I. TAY LOR New Grocery Store -AT THE CHRISMAN OLD STAND, 194 Third St-. The Dalles, Or. Will keep on hand s general assortment of Groceries, Canned Goods, Feed and Provisions, And desire a share ot the public patronage, u we ex pOCt to eU at 1'K1CK8 TO SUT Till UAU TLMB8. J9-A11 Goods Fresh and Warranted First-class. WELCH & SMITH. H. GLENN, Is again at his old stand and has on hand FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT. Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, made so oraer. 4T Contracts for all kinds of buildings taken at tbe lowest fiinircs. OF ALLEN GRANT, Eagle Valley, near Antelope Ewes have square crop on right ear and split on left. ' Wethers reverse. Horses and cattle branded 'R. G." Have sold my horses and cattle, but not , my brands. Chrisman d.ta, rrrrr: Convince tno Most Skeptical: I Bed-loUllgeS - Sl5 00 Ai h Bedroom Seta Brussels Carpets, per yard . Ingraiu Carpets, do Ja29 C. N. THORJiBURY. T. A. HUDSON. THORXBURY & HUDSON, WriteFireXife andAcci( INSURANCE Money to ZCica-zi on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all hind oj Land business be fore Hie U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8, np-stairs, U. S. Land Office building, THE DALLES, OREGON. DRY GOODS -AND CLOTHING HOUSE. II. Solomon Fas opened a large stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS and CAl'S, TRUNKS and VALISES, LA DIES' MENS' and CHILDREN'S' UNDER CLOTHING: also a large stock ot BLAN KETS, COMFORTERS, FLANNELS, and all kind of Heavy Goods for Winter wear, to which we call attention of the Public in general to inspect the same, before pur chasing elsewhere. H. SOLOMON, 132 Second Street, Opposite- Snipes & Kinersley's Drus; Store THE DALIES. OREGON. FRUIT 1 SHADE TREES SMALL FRUITS, VINES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. The Earliest Strawberry known, CLARKE'S :: SEEDLING! Also, the EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens, JAMES A. VARNEY, Prop. The Celebrated French Cure, Warranted to cure "flDUDOniTIWC" r money Ml IIIIUUI I i"u nMMiiile.1. Is SOLD ON POSITIVE GUARANTEE lo cure mi y form of nervous disease, or any disorder of the ireuenitivc Kims of either ' EEFOt.E Uinir from tin AC 1 erf axi..m-iw it of mimnlnlifK. 'I'olinceo or OtilUITl. or t lironjrli yoiiilifni iudiseretioii, over indiils;- iw .cf Kiifli ns 1 akr of Iti-nin I'nwer. U tikerill- ness. I'.odriii'- dmvn l'tiins in the Itiiek, Semiiml VVi.-ikii(sK. lIvHtorin Korvous 1'rostrntion Nelurn- nl KmiMKiiiiiH. ljiifHirrli(L'a. llizziness. Weak Mem- on. I-ossof rower nml IniiMitoney. wliieh If ne- rlReted often lend to rrcmaturcoldnceniid msnn- ity. l'rirafl.OO a box. 6 boxes-for $5.00 Seut by mnil on reeei)t of jiriee. a avimttkn GUARANTEE forevoryfS-OC order, to refund the money if a IVrmniicnt cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and voting, of both sexes, permanently cured bv APHBoniTiSK. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. U'KSTKRN RRANrH. BOX 27 PORTLAND, OK BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR TIIR JUA10.ES. OKEGOS. Tygh Valley Mertnant and Exchange ROLLER MILL. Floor Jfaual to tbe Itest. Hill .Feed Always on Hand. Satisfaction Guaranteed. sp2l W. M. McCORKLE, Trap. O. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FAEGHEE. THOMPSON & FARGHER, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St. Horse-Shoeing and General Jobbing a specially Prices reasonable and to suit the times. The Dalies Lumbering COMPANY, Successors to TBOS. JOHNS & CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. The Dalles, - Oregon. DE1LKRS D ILL KINDS Or ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material. Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hair. MinmrAcrnBSRs or DOORS. WINDOWS, I3L.I1NDS. Orders from abroad receive prompt attention. PIONEER-GROCERY, GEO. RliCH, Proprietor. Northwest corner of Second and Washington sfa place in The Dalles for all kinds ol GROCERIES FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW-WARE, Tswnkful for favors in the post, I would respect fully solicit accHitinuaoceoi the same. GEORGR RCCH BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, THE LEADING Pre scription ruggists , 175 Second Street, Tbe DoIIea. Country and Mall Orders will re ceive Prompt Attention, Denny, Eice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. Ex7"Cuh silrsaoe. mad on consignment The Hazelwood -o- rp ETEB11IBLE LOSS EXPERIENCED BY SEATTLE IX TnE LATE FlHS, WAS SUCH AS TO REN 1 der thousands homeless and dependent upon the charity of the worlu- The immedlau uonts were tended to, aud the world at lare nobiy responded to the ti l for aid. But at t Us present time the prospects, for a !onir winter s ares hard in the faoe of many hundreds: sickness from exL rjsure are ceit tiu to occur- and the following p'an has been devised to asstnt in sistanca. by givniK to the different hospitals a uandsot: sum of money. The Haaelwood Land Co. has penerouply determinpd to donate the proceeds ine city, ana porcnuscu mm propeny wnii vi. devoting the net proceeds to the charities abve in 82.M) e:u;h fnr the puriosu of raising money to help throujrho t the country, and upon JJuccuiIm.t 31, lt0. wiil take all the numbers of tick, ts sold and iaco tln a bey bhnriinMii'd win pmcc nis nana in tne dox ai,u . ,. r;.t one ntimoer, wiioever noius the corrc lie awarded one house and the l-a.r i f lots um-n wliicb it is built. Then the fifth number Jrawn shall lie bwurded a lot, then the teiH drawn fhall be aw an led a l't until the two hundn. the nciaer to tne corrcsponainir number which ne uidvn, 10 tne remuiitin nousem ana jiair or lots. All the bove property is guaranteed to be free of anv and all leins, moitres or un thing that will iuijiair a title. A warranty deed assuring a perfect title will Ik: made to every lucy ticket holder who wins a prize. The tickets are only placed at s?2.f.0f and b a standing show to tret a beautiful home wrth $6,000 or a lot worth SJ5t. You arc aidiu one of th craiidest charities which has ever a;,ked of aid. Pur chase your tickets of any agent or traveling canvisser w'.u a proer crudcutial). The Hazelwood Land Go., Seattle, Washington. "Dceds aro Deposited with the Puget Sound National Bank. THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, Jiy. X JiIXIlX , Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 s&n Gre;;oi"io Vineyard Co. Arericy. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." EEMOVAL ! Removed to 276 ZD. TXT"- Edrads. -TiEALER IX- Paints, Oils, Glass, "Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. Oil Paintings, Chromos Generl Commission and Forwarding 1 Want 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STREET, (Adjoining Jlailroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited ! ! Prompt Attention to those who favor mo with their patronage. The Highest Price paid in Gash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc, E. P. PITS DEALKH Wagon-Makers' and Blacksmiths' Stock Groceries - t-Sole Agent for tbe IMPROVED MONARCH Washing; Machine.- v C. E. DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. soli: agent for rrr i r i r ,.. i .srn pat? July is 1673. fc?lionlclei Bruces, Sycry "Pair PrtTo'hasaa Client Protectors STATIONERY AND CIGARS. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal uses. Prescriptions com pounded at. all hours. call and see TTnnSTKH KK AsVV W MAAJiM) A sMAI that gives a continuous twist THE PACIFIC gtrong,' Durable, Neat, and the H R. REED, THE DALLES, Crandall & Burnet, DEALERS IN Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Parlor TTaa.d.erta.'ki ng a Specialty. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc an be found at all hours of tht day or night at their place jrom aeama Land Go. canny f-r tho unfortunates who may iK.ed medical as sr.nd two hundred lot to the hospitals of p 11 at a sniaii aavaiice over cost and , pniHt to isue ticket to he gold foi .... i the work. Thev have pit cud tickets on sale a .-onuiiittL'C nistinir of twelve prominent citizens - m in they u ill tiies be thoiouirhly mixed and t'iml:er a lot, and so o, every thirty -fifth number .sixth number shall be drawn, which shall entitle Burgundy 83, Zinfapdel 84, Eiesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret. ttA REMOVAt. I ITS Second St., and Steel Engravings. G AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, Schttlsr's ani Tubular AsIeWagons, HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Keeps fa stock a full line of Kazors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, EtTBBEK GOODS, rmr . y Nr.K. m A fl H TN K only machine Vsmb MAM VAAsMt U) to the wire. In operation at FENCE WORKS Cheapest Fence in the World Proprietor. OREGON. Ornaments, Window Sondes, Etc of burinen, Washington street, tire doort north 7 ack iMyn. IN General Mercliandise 1,500 SPANISH MERINO RAMS. From the Rimrock Sheep Bancli. WE HAVE FOR Tni3 SEASON'S TRADE, SOO THOROUGHBRED AND IOOO HIGH GRADE Rams, all of which are in fine condition, and free from diveese. We consider our nuns fur this season's trade, the best lot we hare ever offered to rhe public, aud only ask an inspection to prove what WThose wishing rams would do well to call early, select, brand, and leave them with us FREE of CUAKUE until nreodine: season this fall. Prices Lower llinn Ever, nml TermH Kunv. Thankinpr our many patrons for their veiy liberal patronage accordod us In the past, we respectfully solicit an inspectiun of our stock this season. Our ranch is located on The Dalles and Prinovllle Stage Road at HAT CRREE, Crook County; Oregon. For further particulars, call on or adiiress, . BALDWIN SHEEP AND LAND CO., BircoitSJioK to VAN IIOUTEN BROS. CO.. Hat Casus, OS, Tents, Wagon Covers. AT THE Countrr Orders Promptly a tended o A. L. NEWMAN Has opened a EY Corner of Second and Union Stsu GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS. PROVISIONS. ETC. The groceries will be new and fresh, and such aa are demanded in this market. In connection with the Grocery will supply Dread and Pastry of all kinds. TINWARE AND HARDWARE FISH Ss BA'RDOI'S, 113 WASHINGTON STREET. BET. SECOND AND THIRD. Saa 2fra&oiseo Beor Hall SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT.1 F. LEMKE, - - - PROP'R, IkKEJPS OiX DRAUGHT -:-Columbia Brewery Beer,:-: AND ITOli eV3L.l: ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, tbe very best Imported Wines, Llqnors and Cigars. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS.. -DEAL.EH IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c Agent for the Bntterick Patterns, also for the Hail Bazaar Dress Forms, "WuucLGJCtT The Undersisned baa Added to bis Business a full line cf Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Eerl and Rosewood Gaskets, Burial Rotes and Shronds. Trimmings of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices nil owns tbe Host ttlegrant flearse east of tlie mountains witbsll ths latest improvunifnU. NO DEIAY UT FILLING ORDERS. PIsm) of namors. Third street, three doors out ot Qllioos, UaosJIUter It Co's agricultural wars house, aud adjoining; bis Planing; UU1 and Wagon Shop. Place Of llcsidenee. Fourth street, corner of Washington. Can bs sen at all hours of ths dar and night. 1 WM. MIUMiULiIi. M. 8OCCKSS0E8 TO LATE FIRM E. WI1XGATE Ac OO. general Merchan.disel A COMPLETE LINE OF F0KEI0X AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. MHt FBUJIK, Bucoossors to L' D. FbaXK deeease Wholesale and Retail Dealers ilariesaiiiMeii, Leather & Slioe Findings, Carriage Trimmings. Etc OLD STAND. narll-td McIPiERNT, mi MIC HELL, AND Dissector. WILLIAMS A Co., HACKS AND BUGGIES.