The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, December 21, 1889, Image 1

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John Michell, Eoitob akd Proprietor
Single copy, one yrar -
Biugle copy six months
49-Terms strfctlv Id advance
. 1.00
Re ntered at the PottoJLce at The DalUt, Or., o Seamd
CUin Matter Jar irarumunvn wrv -
Secretary of State
Superintendent of
Congressman .. '. . .
Bute l'rinter
8. Pennover
' '..'." "V.V. ...... . .Geo. W. Webb
Public instruction.. E. P.McElroy
I J. N. Dolpii
i. H. Mitchell
B. Hermann
' .". Frank Baker
Assessor ,
Superintendent of
.... Geo. Herbert
' i. H. Thompson
Geo. Kuch
I George A. Young-
1 H. A. Leavens
H. Gourlay
B.F. Sharp
PubUe School'.... A. C. Connelly
William Micneii,
Professional C rds.
K. J. Q. BOYD.
'Ihe Dalles, Oregon
Office Rooms 6 and 6. over Moody & HcLeod'i
store, corner 2d and Washing-ton Sis.
Residence North side Fourth St., near Lincoln.
Calls in city or country answered at all hours.
j. b. nosDOM. . COSDca.
Attorneys at Law.
Office On Court street, opposite the Old Court
House, Tne jjanes, ur.
'Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Omen Next door to U. S. Land Office.
Will practice in all Courts, and in the U. S. Land
Office. Collections promptly attended to.
Nitrous Oxide or
Laughing Gas Given
For Painless extraction of Teeth. Rooms, sign of
tbe Golden Tooth, Second Street.
Omci :
Rooms i and s in Land Office. Building.
Phvsioian and Surgeon.
Rooms over Dalles National Bank.
Office hours 16 A.M. to W M., and from 2 to 4 P.M.
Residence West end of Third street.
D. DOANB, M. D.,
Physician and Snrgeon,
The. D&lleg. Oreiron
mcs Over French ft Co.'s Bank.
Rbsidkncb Over McFarland & French 8.
Trmpnntliic Physician and Surgeon.
Gra-luate of the Huhneman Medical College of
'offiia'uUat Vofrt ft Co.'s block, upstairs.
Physician and Snrgeon.
Diseases of Children a speciality. Erskinsrille
Sherman Co., Oregon.
s HUKTisarox
Attorneys at Law,
Office In French's Bnildlntr, Second St, between
Washington and Federal.
. over Postoffice, The Dalles. apSdaw
. Dalies, Oregen. aprl6-wtf
a. B. dotus. '
Rooms over Moody ft McLeod'e store, next door to
Fishft Bardon's, Washington St.
Attorneys at Law,
Office in Schanno's building, upstairs.
The Dalle
Attorneys at Law.
The Dalles, Oregon.
J O. K00NTZ,
Real Estate,
Insurance and
Loan A if e Tit.
Agents for the Scottish Union and National In
ru ranee company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital
Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy
Office over Post Office, The Dalles, Or.
McCOY ft JfoCOY, BARBERS, Second Street,
next door to MacEarchern ft MacLeod's. The
cleanest shave, the nobbies hair-cut and most health
ful baths. sp8d&w
KevalTers. Ammunition.
Fishing Tackle, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, etc., etc.
Repairing and New Work done to Order.
ladies, Attention!
A. Sew Invention for Ureas Cattttng.
.A. Self-Instructor ,
That can be used by a man or woman, and which
gives a perfect fit. Price of scale, including
a key of full instructions, 3 50. .
Can be had by calling on or addressing
auS-Sfl MRS. C. L. PHILLIPS The Dalles, Or,
A. KELLER, Prop'r,
Washington street, next door 1-elow Geo. Bach's.
Dalles, Oregon.
Having the Bakery formerly owned by Geo. Ruch,
I am prepared to furnish families, hotels and res
taurants with the choicest Bread. Cakes and Pies.
CharleS F. Lauer,
Proprietor of tne
Third St. Foultry and Fish Market
Will always keep on sale
Puget Sound Fish,
Chickens, Turkeys,
Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco
and Cixars.
Leave your orders, as they will receive prompt
ttcntion. -
Best Kentucky Whisky from Louisville.
Yiry Best Key West Cigars,
Best of Wines.
English Porter, Ale and Milwaukee
Beer always on hand.
aprS-d U
Zty old friends and the public, one and all to come
and see me in the
few ColuniWa Hotel
Where one can get all the comforts of Home. My
rooms are turnisnea wun spring fleas, ana tne
Tables second to none in tne city, race same i
before. Meals 25 cents; Lodging 25 cents.
T. T. NICKOL.AS, prop'r,
Sttg Parte d U hm,
110 Front Street,
43" None but the most skillful artists em
ployed. Hot and Cold and Shower Baths for the comfort of
At the old stand of R. Lusher.
R. E. Saltmarshe
ffidiestCashPrice for
Hay and Grain.
Crockery & Glassware
Rogers Bros'. Platedware,
IXL PocKet Cutlery,
Russell & Co's Table Cutlery,
Keen Kutter Shears and Scissors,
IJgEvery One
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Iron Wheel Wagons; Bicycles; Bird Cases: Agents for
the New Home, White and Koyai bi.jonn sew
ing Machines, Needles and Attachments
for every Machine. Picture Frames
in stock or made to order.
Trees! . Trees! Tress!
Ornamental Trees,
Shade Trees and
Timber Culture Trees
Ornamental Shrubbery.
XCoses! Jttosesl
Greenhouse Plants,
We have on hand at this date a few hundred Italian
and Petite Prunes, which we offer at reasonable
prices by tne hundred.
2n IK 1
We oner 25 cents each.
Don't he humbugged by pavim
warrant ours to be genuine MAI
$1 for them, for we
Also. CABBAGE and TOMATO PLANTS in large
supply. Send for Catalogue and prices.
Idee White Salmon, W. T.
Eeal Estate,Insnrance
Collection Agency.
SO. 113 Third St., In Masonic Building.
Agent for the
Best Home Company on the Coast.
Also Agent for
Aetna Life and Pacific Snrety, Accident
Insnrance Companies.
Having been appointed correspondent for he
Lombard Investment Co.
I am prepared to make Loans on good Rea Estate
Security in Wasco and Gilliam Counties, also in
wasnincton Territory, u you
CaH on or address C. E. BAYARD,
The Dalles, Ogn.
Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for Wash-
rurton Territorv.
104 So.
104 Second Straet.
Cram & Corson, Props.
MacEachern & MacIM
Have Just Received a
Direct From Manufacturers.
IJgrCall and see them at
12 Second Street
Buitings of all kinds, Imported snd domestic on
None but the best of labor employed and satis
etion guaranteed.
The Columbia Candy Factory
The Dalles National Bank
President, Z. F.
Cashier, M. A. Moody
General Banking Business Transacted
Sight Exchanges soldon
tSiT Collections made on favorabl rrns at all a
ssille points.
Frencli& Co., Bankers,
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections Made at all Points
on Favorable Terms.
Iietters or Credit issued, available in
all parts of the United States.
fSicrht Exchange and Telegtaphic Transfers sold
on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco,
Portland, Seattle and Walla Walla, W. T., and va
rious points in Oiejron and Washington Territory,
D. P,
H. M. BEALL, Casbter,
(Successor to)
Directors t
D P THOHFSoa, T W Sparks,
J S SCHSNCE, Gkorgm a Likbs,
H U Biuu.
Tlio Xtoadlxts
. . . Next to 1st Nat. Bank
Always on hand the latest styles of jewelry,
docks, watches, etc., at the lowest prices. If you
want something lasting and handsome, give Beck
the Jeweler a call. mch27
Boot - and - Shoe
and the W. L. DOUGLASS Celebrated
$3.00 Shoe.
3T Goods sold Cheaper than ever.
Call snd
xauiine the flue sbrck on hand.
J. Freiman,
Nchanso's Brick. ISeeoud Street
We Are Here
And to Stay
With a Large Stock of
Floor, Bacon,
Hams, etc, etc.
Timothy, Wheat and WUd Hay
Bran, Rolled Barley, etc.
J quantity, which we are pleased to offer you at
very low prices lor casn or country produce.
Call and see for yourselves. We mean what we say
and you will not be sorry.
a '
mam av mm
Grand Kapidu, Mich., Dec. 13. This
morning James MacDouuld, a farmer in
township of Tyrone, upoD returning home
from ahnntinn; expedition, was hnrrioed
to find the dead body of his wife, : he
havius been straosrled to death. Further
investigation resulted in finding the dead
body of his farm band, a man named
Gilmore. in a grove near by, with
frightful woujd in his chest, inflicted by
an old musket. It is believed Gilmore,
during the absence of MacDouald, tried
to induce His. MacDonald to elope with
bim, and angered by her refusal, first
strangled her and then shot himself.
Colusa, Cal., Dec. 13. Tbis afternoon
the river is falling and the weather clear.
The danzer is thought to. be over. Last
night tbe levee on J. R. Tolman's ranch
south of town on tbis side of tbe river,
broke, and water has' been rushing
through ever since. Tolman's family are
in Colusa. His loss by the flood will be
2000, Most of the farmers south of
here have brought their live stock to
Some persons who went down the river
a couple of miles this morning lound
most ot tbe ranchers aoiLg cnores in
boats. One farmer named John Sullivan
was found in bis bouse all right, but be
bad no boat and could not get oai, as
water was four to six feet deep in.tbe
bouse and vard. His horses aud cattle
were on top ol tbe hay stacks. There is
no possible way of estimating tbe dam
age yet.
Zanzibar, Dec. 13. Minor Pinto, the
Portuguese leader, has announced 1ns in
tention to subdue tbe whole country to
Nyassa, and has written to all English
residents to place themselves under Por
tuguese protection or be will not be re
sponsible for the consequences.
Mozambique advices are to tbe enect
that Pinto, after deceiving British Consul
Johnston by declaring peaceful intentions,
obtained reinforcement in Mozambique
and proceeded to the Makololo country.
On the border ot that country be lormed
a large entrenched camp, picked a quar
rel and declared war on the Makololos,
sod slaughtered hundreds of them with
his Gatling guns and captured two En
glish flags.
-onors for Zanzibar's buler.
TLj sultan of Zanzibar will on Monday
be presented with tbe insigna of tbe Eng
lish of St. Michael and St. George, and
tht iriend cross of the German order ol
the lied Eagle. All the available British
war are arriving here for the pur
pose of giving eclat to the occasion.'
vttle, Dec. 13. An attempt at
? by drowning was made here this
ufteruoon by Mrs. Drawaick, a Boheman
woii.jQ. She waded out into the harbor
at the foot of Depot street, ducked her
bead under the water and buld it there
some lime. She was seen by two meD,
who shouted at her aud then started for a
boat to row out. In the meantime tbe
woman bad floated beyond her depth, but I
was kept from sinking by her dress ,
spreading out. When tbe men reached
ber she was nearly drowned. They
pulled her aboard the boat and took ber
to her house near the shore. She soon
revived and immediately asked for ber
child. She expressed penitence to tbe
neighbors for her rash act. It was learned
from the neighbors tbat she bad constant
trouble with ber husband, who treated
ber cruelly and made life a burden.
New Orleans, Dec. 14, 2:10 A. M.
Fire broke ont at 2 A. M. in the Allen
bouse 769 St. Charles street. There were
a nninber of boarders and lodgers in the
house. Ttey escaped in night clothing,
leaving everything behind "them. Tbey
escaped by jumping out on the roof of an
adjoining building. Some of those who
escaped were badly hurt.
Tbe fire is burning fiercely, and it is
feared all the inmates have not escaped.
Frederick Rand, an actor belonging to
tbe Nellie McHenry theatrical company,
escaped with a number of ladies of tbe
troupe from tbe bnining building, but
was himself badly hurt and sent to the
Thomas O'Neal, colored, jumped from
tbe burning building and was badly hurt,
and sent to the hospital. W. H. Leitel
and wife were among the theatrical par
ty who escaped.
Empire City, Or., Dec. 13. John Gil
man, who murdered Mrs. Etenhover and
child, was banged to-day in tbe jail jard.
He mounted tbe scaffold at 1 o'clock with
a firm step, murmured a few indistinct
words, and bid the crowd farewell. Death
was instantaneous.
Spokane Falls, Dec. 13. The trial of
Mike Liebold for the murder of Thomas
Fallon on tbe night of May 24, 18S7, was
concluded last night. The jury stayed
out all night and brought in a verdict of
not guilty tbis morning.
A jury was impaneled in the bkcels
murder trial this afternoon. Mrs. Skeels
shot her husband, C. W. Skeels, March 1,
1889, because of jealnusv. Examination
of witnesses will begin in tbe morning.
San Francisco, Dec. 13. James K,
Arnold, the lunatic who took possession
of an Oregon tiain at Pendleton a short
time ago aod ran amuck with a dirk,
appeared before tbe commissioners of
insanity to-day. His face was covered
with a number of clippings from news
papers. He bad glued tbe clippings to
bis face and presented tbe appearance of
a dime museum freak. He was sent to
the Napa insane asylum.
London, Dec. 15. It is asserted that
the West End scandals," as they are
called, may result in upsetting hot onty
royalty in the kingdom, but also the rule
of the privileged classes as well. In other
words, tbat they will end in bringing
about speedily a republic upon the ruins
of the present monarchy and house of
The fact that Prince Albert victor.
eldest son of tbe Prince of Wales, and
therefore heir to tbe British tbionc, is
connected with these scandals, and either
personally and criminally, as is freely
charged, or as is officially admitted, by
the connection with them of bis intimate
friends, of course make their political ef
fect most momentous.
It is the opinion of practically every
thoughtful man in the kingdom tbat when
tbe scandals lire fully inquired into by
parliament and all the frightful details
become public property, either Prince
Albert Victor will be deprived of succes
sion, a proceeding almost impossible of
conjecture or tbat Queen Victoria will
be officially declared ibe last monarch of
Great Britain, and that a republic will
immediately succeed upon ber death
London, Dec, 15. Reports have been
received bere of tbe massacre of Siberian
exiles. The alleged party of exiles hav
ing hesitated contrary to orders in regard
to the withdrawal of a petition, were at
tacked by police and soldiers. Six were
shot dead, including a young woman, and
nine were wounded. A court-martial
condemned those of tbe survivors to death
and others to long terms of imprisonment.
One of tbe wounded was carried to tbe
gallows on a bed, when a noose was ad
justed and the bed removed. Friends of
tbe victims declare tbis to be the woist
case in Siberian records.
Paris, Dec. 15. Tbe announcement is
made that Prince Murat has capitulated
and tbat be and Miss Caldwell are soon
to be married. Prince Murat has prom
ised to be satisfied with whatever Miss
Caidwell might see fit to allow bim.
an interview he expressed much admira
tion for ber independence of character,
and said be was charmed to know tbat be
had found a woman who knew enough
to so carefully look after ber own inter
ests. He knew, he said, that after once
wedded, Miss Caldwell would never per
mit her husband placed in any position,
regarding finances, tbat would prove em
barrassing to bim or would reflect upon
ber liberality in anyway.
Columbus, O., Dec. 15. Mrs. Judge
Tburman has taken very mnch to heart
the conduct of her daughter at San Diego,
Cal. The wide publicity of the alfait and
Mrs. Cowles's marriage immediately after
securing a divorce have so preyed upon
Mrs. Thurman's mind that ber condition
is critical. The first news of tbe fact tbat
her daughter's second husband is said to
be a bigamist came to Columbus people
on f nuav. The Inurman family are
afraid that, should Mrs. Thurman hear of
tbis last and worse news of all, tbe result
might be serious. Allen Tburman has
personally requested tbe daily papers not
to publish the matter out of respect for
tbe family, which is held in very high
esteem here. None of them have printed
anything about it. Judge Thurman
takes the matter philosophically.
Tttusville, Pa , Dec. 15. Three sepa
rate glycerine magazines exploded tbis
morning at North Clarendon, about seven
miles above Warren. Ibe amount of
gl veer ine exploded was over ten tons.
The explosion set fire to two 25,000-bar-
rel tanks full of oil belonging to the Na
tional Transit Company. They are still
burning and will be total losses. Several
oil derricks and small wooden houses also
burned. Nearly every window In Clar
endon was broken and much damage was
done to surrounding property. The loss
is estimated at $100,000.
Philadelpaia. Dec. 15. The remains
f Franklin B. Gowen, who committed
suicide in Washington, reached this city
this morning, and were at once conveyed
to'hia residence at Mount Airy, near Ger
mantown. The funeral takes place Tues
day. It is said Mrs. Gowen told aclose
friend ot tbe family that for ten days
previous to. her husband's last visit to
Washington she had noticed something
strange in bis conduct. It is thought by
many bere that tbe great lawyer's mind
became unbalanced through too presist-
ent application to business, and his sui
cida was due to this cause.
Los Angeles. Dec. 15. Trains on the
Southern Pacific due from San Francisco
this morning and this afternoon have not
arrived at a lute hour to-night. Tbe de
lay is caused by a washout near Lans'd.
Tbe train for San Francisco which left
here late last night returned this morning
bringing the passengers of one of the tied
up trains. It is reported that the train
from the north due this morning went in
to a washout at Lang's, and two Pullmans
jumped tbe. track. No passengers were
oalem, UR.,Dec. 10 in the supreme
court to dav the case of the state of Ore
gon, respondent, vs. Charles Olds, appel
lant, on appeal from Multnomah county,
was decided. Tbe judgment of the lower
court was reversed and the case remand
ed for a new trial. Tbe opinion is writ
ten by Judge Strahan, Chief Jastice
Thuyer concurring and Judge Lord dis
The court held that in a criminal case
the district attorney has a right to cross-
examine a witness for the defendant as to
bis interest in the result of a trial, to en
able the jury to pass upon the credibility
of the witness; but the evidence offered
must correspond with the allegations and
be confined to tbe point at issue, exclud
ing evidence of collareral facts incapable
of raisings reasonable presumption of the
principal material tact.
Defendant had called Thomas Williams,
who bad known defendant and deceased,
Emil Weber, for five years, and he testi
fied tbat the latter, speaking of his eye,
which had been injured in a previous
fight with Olds, said : "I am pretty near
ready for another battle, and it will not
be a fist fight this time. He can lick me
me in a fast fight, but I will have no fist
fight next time. I will just kill tbe s
of a b ; that is wbat I will do with
bim." The witness know the reputation
of the men, and was allowed by the conrt,
against otj"Ction, in answer to questions
of the state's attorney, to give tue names
and amounts contributed to the defense
by tbe gamblers of Portland aod tbe
Sound cities. All tbis might prejudice
the jury.
The lower court did not err in refus
ing to charge that the brass weight offer
ed by the defendant was a dangerous
weapon. That depended upon the abil
ity of Weber to use it,and was a question
exclusively for the jury.
The judgment is reversed and tbe
cause remanded to the court below for
a new trial.
Butte, Dec. 16.- -Between 7 and 8
o'clock this evening, John Gallagher died
in his house, from the effects of injuries
received from G. H. Ward, in a brutal fist
fight that took place on Sunday morning.
Tbe cause of tbe fight was a dispute over
a trifling account.
Immigration statistics.
From January 1 to November 30, the
number of callers at the Portland Board of
immigration rooms was 32,678. The secre
tary in his report says: These figures indi
cate a very large immigration to our state.
It should be borne in mind that the number
f callers at the board rooms does not by
ny means include the entire influx to the
state. We have heretofore figured the pro
portion ot callers at about one-fifth of the
whole. Estimating on tbis basis we have
as an actual immigration for the 11 months
of this vear the astonishing number of 163,-
300, or an increase of the corresponding
period of last year of 73,9od. Allowing a
liberal percentage for those who came and
went back, and for transient "lookers," we
mav safely figure that we have had an act
ual settlement Z'a our state during the year
of 100,000.
A Fine Band.
The noon aud evening concerts given by
the "Postage Stamp" band yesterday, had
a creat deal to do with influencing the
patronage of the opera house last evening.
The thirteen men in tbe band are all attists,
and eaoh one ft them is worth two ordinary
performers. It was the opinion of compe
tent musicians who beard them that they
fnrniahed better music both in character
and execution, than any bund of similar
tvroDortion seen in our city. Burlington
Hawk-Eye. At Armory Hall, one night 21, 18S9.
It Takes Two to Make a Pair,
And that's what't the matter with Maier
& Benton. There's two of them attending
to business from "esrly morn to dewy eve.
Blood will tell, so it is said, and we believe
it, young blood, especially. The slow go
ing merchant can'tcompete with the superior
onarorv and pet nD. and enercetic vim of
vnn th There is something else that will
tell with the public, and that is good goods
and low prices, all of which yon ill find in
ahnndance at the young grocery firm of
Maier & Benton, known as the Bed Front.
Give them a call in trade and they in re
turn will give you a bargain.
DECEMBER 21, 1889..
The Town in the Greatest
Sheriff Guarding Prisoners with the
Greatest Vigilance.
A Farmar (Shot Dead on the Streets
and Three Others Wounded
Threats Hade to Lynch
the Prisoners.
Special to the Ttmes-Houktaxkker.
Walla Walla. Dec. 17.- At 9 :30 A. Colfax yesterday Ben Blanton. who
hvea at Lone Pine, while going to court
to answer the charge of assault with a
deadly weapon on an old man named
Braden, seeing tbe witnesses who were to
appear against him standing in a crowd
opened fire with a revolver, shooting at
oooii iraaen ana inos. Hick, and kill
ing D'lick instantly and woundinrr Braden
in me arm ana also wounding J. H. Ben
nett and John Dova!, the latter very ser
iously. Blanton fired so rapidly that
none couia interfere to prevent bim until
be bad emptied his gun. Flick lived 20
minutes, and was shot through the left
shoulder and lungs, tbe ball passing
inrougu me nearc.
Just as be died bis wife, who was with
him, raised up tragically and called uuon
the people around ber to avenge tbe mur
der of her husband. This made the
crowd furious, and a movement was
made toward tbe jail where Blanton was
immediately hurried after the shooting
by the deputy sheriff and others who wit
nessed the tragedy, and only tbe most
persuasive counsel and the cool heads of
prominent citizens prevented the at
tempted rescue of the murderer then and
The sheriff immediately cilled on the
citizens to assist him in defending the
prisoner as he believed if the jail became
in possession of the infuriated crowd,
they would hang Russell also, who is
canfined there for the murder of Daniel
Blanton on the way to town before the
killing said be did not expect to livelong
anyway, ana mat tne witness would not
live longer than be did. Blanton, the
murderer, is a desperate character, hav
ing served 13 years in the penitentiary in
California and Oregon, and takes a fear
ful brutal delight in crime, re&ardless of
the consequences, caring little for bis
own worthless existence.
Flick leaves a wife and one vounr
child. The rest of the wounded men are
farmers who live near Oakesdale, where
the assault was committed for which
Blanton was to answer.
It is believed that if additional strength
arrives to-day and capable learders are
found, the excited people will yet attack
the jail and rescue Blanton. For fear ot
attack Sheriff McLean last night had Rus
sell and the other murderer moved to a
place of safety.
Yesterday morning a trotion for a
change of venue in Russell's case was
denied. It Is believed that Russell can
not escape a verdict of murder in the first
degree. The lriends of Daniel Canty,
killed by Russell, say Le shall never leave
Whitman county alive, as h'a murderinir
Canty was most unprovoked and uncalled
for. Altogether tbe state of affairs in the
vicinity of Colfax is wrought to the high
est pitch ot excitement. New develrpe
meuts are momentarially expected. E.
Chicago. Dec. 16. The door leadiosr
from the jail opened and the five defend
ants marched in to receive the announce
ment of their fate. Hardly a sound was
beard as every eye. in the audience turned
toward John P. Beggs, who led the pro
cession. The face ot the senior guardian
of Camp 20 was pale and anxious-looking.
out ne iacea tne stare ot tbe audience
Every prisoner simultaneously turned
his eyes npun the jurors, as if to read in
their impassive features the secret of the
verdict. But there was no sign to give
them hope or fear.
'-Gentlemen," said the court. "I under
stand you have reached a conclusion in
this case." With a bow Foreman Clarke
took from his pocket a large envelope
and handed it to the iudge. who in turn
handed it to the clerk. .
The verdict of the jury was then read.
as follows:
We, the jury, find the defendant, Jobn
F. Beggs not guilty.
We, the jurv, hud tbe defendant. John
Kunze, guilty of manslaughter as charged
in the indictment, and fix the punish
ment at imprisonment in tbe penitentiary
for tbe term of three years.
We, tue jury, find tbe defendants. Dan
iel Coughlin, Patrick O Sullivan and
Martin Burke, guilty of murder in the
manner and form as charged in the in
dictment, and fix the penalty at- im
prisonment in the penitentiary for the
term of their natural lives.
At the request of the defense the jury
was then polled and reaffirmed tbe ver
MRS. coughlin's borrow.
When the verdict was read this after
noon Dan Coughlin's wife and little girl
were sitting out in the main corridor
of the criminal court building. Some
one rushed into the corridor and called
out the result. Mrs. Coughlin gasped,
stood erect, shrieked and fell back into
the chair. She buried her face in her
bands and moaned wildly. The child,
too began to cry loudly.
Mrs. vviialt-n, O'bnlli van's sister-in-law.
was standing by and turned savagely up
on tbe men who were watcbiug Mrs.
Coughlin. "Oh, you cut throats,! You
tried your beat to hang them, and now
you hang around to gloat at us in our
misery' she shouted and then followed
Mrs. Coughlin into a private roon.
Boberinf op a Drunken Han.
If you have ever been out with a friend
who has been drinking too much and
you, sober and unwilling to leave bim
until yon get bim borne, are iriing tn
persuade bim to start for bis house, then
you will appreciate tbe situation in which
I iouuu niyselt nut long ago. l could do
m thing with my companion, and be was
rapidly getting helplessly intoxicated.
The drnuaer be got tne more obstinate
he became. Finally 1 took bim in to an
all-night restaurant, hoping that a cup of
hot coffee would partly sober him. By
tbe time the coffee came my friend was
sound asleep with his head on tbe table.
I was in despair, wbea tbe waiter asked
me if I wanted to get tbe man sober.
'Why, certainly I do," I said.
He took a bottle of sweet oil from a
table and poured a gill of it into one of
the cups of coffee. "Make luru arink
that," said he, aud walked off. I roused
my friend and induced bim to dnnk tbe
whole cup of coffee without stopping.
Tbe effect was magical. I never saw any
medicine act so quickly. In ten minutes
be spoke clearly, braced up, got ashamed
ot himself and started home. I bad never
beard before of sweet oil as a soberer.
From Saturday Daily.
Gov. Pennover is in the city. We
acknowledge a pleasant call.
Protracted meetings have been continued
during the past week at the Methodist
The lots in the Military Reservation yes
terday sold for S76, SSI and S100. They
were purchased a few years ago for $10
The snow of Thursday night has nearly
all disappeared from our sidewalks, and the
freezing last night made walking anything
out agreeauie.
The Christmas festival is approaching.
and let us in chanty remember those who
are not blessed with a goodly portion of
this world's goods.
Snow-balling has not been indulged in bv
our boys to any great extent. The mild
weather last winter spoiled the sporting
element in tne make-up of our boys.
The arc lights show with their usual
brightness last night, after nearly two
weeks of nocturnal darkness. These were
as welcome as sunshine after a storm.
Tbe examination of Wesley Harris, before
lxI. JLang yesterday, resulted in the de
fendant's beirjg bound over in the snm of
S200 to answer to the next grand jury on a
cnarge oi larceny.
A typically ignorant iurvman has been
found in Iowa. He could name only eight
states oi tne union and three presidents.
He wss firmly of the opinion that England
is in Africa, and that Canada is somewhere
beyond California.
the ubiquitous "small bov is naincr the
sidewalk in every available instance for
coasting purposes. A pedestrian must
watch carefully his steps, and be "looking
uacKwara constantly, or ne mav oe triDoed
up to iiis great aisaavantage.
t . i . - - -
Mr. Staniela was busily encased this
aiternoon in raisirg tne man pole on the
corner of Third and Court streets for the
are light. We offered our services to su
permtend the matter, but "Jack' said he
did not want any newspaper men around.
Henry Cram was taken seriously ill yes
terday morning at school, and was taken
home and placed under the care of Dr
Waters. His illness is the result of a rup
ture that he sustained some time ago. We
are pleased to note that he is much better.
and will doubtless soon be able to pursue
nis stuaiea.
Lexington Budget: S. E. Jones, of Jor
dan Fork, was iu town last Friday. Mr.
Jones brings the informatian that Owen
Conley, teacher in Shiloh district. No. 3,
suddenly departed recently, leaving the
school without a leader. Conley announced
that he was going to attend the teachers'
examination at Heppner, but instead took
the down train and has not beeu heard of
since. X he reasons for his flitting are un
Blutharch Lewi?, a young man who has
lived near Corvalhs all hia life, says the
Times, and until very recently in the bar
ber business in that city, has been arrested
as a highwayman. It is alleged he held up
a stage coach in Southern Oregon, and he
is now in the hands of the U. S. Marshal.
He will be taken to Portland for trial.
Plutarch protests his innocence, and says he
will be able to prove it. .
It is authoritively announced that C. B.
Hopkins has sold his system of telephone
lines in Washington to a syndicate of gen
tleman from San Francisco, that the papers
have been made out and signed and the pro
perty will be turned over to the purchasers
as scon as their company is fully organized
and articles of incorporation filed. The
sale includes the exchanges at Walla W alia
and Colfax, and tbe long line telephone
from Walla Walla to Spokane Falls, besides
the various branckes in Whitman county.
Union Republican: Mrs. Jeannetta Carr
McOomas died yeserday morning at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. S. A. Pur
sel, after a lingering illness. Mr?. McComas
came to Union in 1872 from Iowa, where
her husband died 21 years ago. A few
hours prior to her death she recalled the
fact that it was tbe anniversary of her
husband's death, and remarked to her
children that she would die that day, pro
phecy fulfilled in a brief hours. Mrs.
McComas was born Feb. 3, 1S14, and had
she lived to her next birthday would have
been 76 years of age. She leayes six
children to mourn her loss. a
Baker Democrat: The driver of the IFor-
ley Stage plying between this city and tbe
mining districts southwest arrived here
yesterday brought the welcome news of-the
finding of C. S. Miller, reported to have
been lost a few days ago, and tbat gentle
man is said to be in good health and able
to withstand the coming winter without
much trouble or difficulty. The searching
party sent out from Granite on snow shoes
in quest of Mr. Miller found bim at his log
cabin in the greenhorn mountains prepar
ing to commence active development of bis
valauable mining property and he was
greatly surprised to learn that he had been
the occasion of their worry and anxiety,
and was very thankful that they should
take so much interest in his welfare, Tbe
news of Mr. Miller's safety is a matter of
congratulation among his many friends, not
only in tbis city but tbrougout the state.
From Monday's Daily.
Postage Stamp Saturday night.
The Hungarian monk is visiting Albany.
Snow and rain is tbe report from Crook
It looks like snow, and it is wisdom to
prepare for winter.
Christmas trees are the.order of the day
in tbe country districts.
The. past year has been one of the great
est progress for Ellensburgh, Wash.
The arc-light pole at tbe intersection of
Third and Court streets, will be eighty feet
above ground.
The weather last night congealed the
mud in good shape. The streets can be
traveled now without any fear of being
Horace E. Gibb, of Portland, beiDg
found guilty of murder in the second de
gree, was sentenced to the penitentiarg for
the term of his natural life.
We have 36 arc lights each of 2000 can
dle power, and 800 of 16 candles, making
total of 200,000 candle. Our arc lights are
superior to any in the state.
Localizer: The stopping of freight trains
by the railroad difficulties at this place has
caused work in the Roslyn coal mines to
cease. Cars are not to be had to take away
the coaL
Tbis is the season of the year when a
sharp lookout should be kept on hydrants
ond water pipes. A little watchfulness in
this regard will save many dollars expense
and perhaps preserve peace in the family.
Coal discoveries have been made on Wil
son creek near Ellensburgh, during the past
week. It is lignite coal, and burns with
a regular heat, leaving very ""little ashes and
no ccaL
Chas. S. Diehl, Pacific coast agsnt of the
Associated Press, gave ns a pleasant call
yesterday. He has been canvassing the
northwestern country in connection with
telegraphic reports.
The Ochoco Review says the stock in
spector has finished hia fall inspection in
that part of the county north of Ochoco
and west of Deschutes. He reports having
inspected 210,000 bead of sheep, only 17,
875 of which he found to be affected with
Skamiah. the chief of the Columbia,
called on us yesterday. He is en route to
Vancouver, Wash , to interview Geo. Gib
bon. Skamiah baa lived in tbis illahe for
many years, and recollects the country be
fore the Boston man desecrated the land in
this vicinity.
Ellensburgh Localizer: The change in the
weather was quite marked on Thursday, to
that of the previous day. The wind moved
round to the north during Wednesday night
and the ground froze quite hard. It is gen
erally surmised that winter is upon us and
has come to stay.
Ochoco Renew: Uncle Sam's words, the
noble red men who reside at the Warm
Springs, are said to have killed eighty deer
iu four days at one point on the Deschutes
since the time has expired for killing deer.
If this be true, they should be punithed the
same as if they were whites.
JT. W. Journal: Our sheriff experience 1
a little danger in taking If.llte Russell back
to Colfax for trial. Friends ot tbe mur-
dered man tore up the track some distance
beyond Snake river, and came very near
causing a fearful railroad accident, which
was only prevented by slow and careful
running. That's a sad case.
Pasco is being vilely slandered by the
Portland Mercury, evidently through jeal
ousy of its rapid growth. It contains an
account of a Dutchman who said he went to
Pasco to keep his eye cn it, and found a
city of tents, but a 8iwash came along and
stole the city hall to make a pair of pants,
which so disgusted him that he left.
We have received from the office of the
secretary and controller of the Southern Pa-
ci no KA. a pamphlet of sixty-four pages en
titled Relations Between the Central Pa
cific Railroad Company and the United
States Government, printed bv H. S,
Crocker & Co., San Francisco. We have
not had time to glance over the pages, and
can say nothing regarding tbe contents.
Fossil Journal: An item has occurred in
the surrounding papers to the effect that
there is talk of dividing Wasco county
again, and making Antelope the county
seat of the new county. After Wasco let
Sherman county off, she was able to reduce
her taxes, but as they are vet rather hiirh
ana tne county very large in consequence
she will probably not be adverse to the
scheme of letting off another slice.
According to a Prineville exehanoe last
ft. 1 nil . . .
iueauay xnos. jester employed George
Marine to herd sheep and gave bim an order
on bichel's for $15. Marine traded for
goods to that amount on Mr. Lister's
account, but was arrested for stealing from
1:li.. di i r , . ... .
jjiuy oiaier oeiore ne got out o: town. Mr.
Lister had to take the clothes Mann tiuH
nought on his credit, though he was fortu
nate in getting rid of the fellow before nhic.
ing him in charge of a flock of sheep. Had
he gone to herding he might have stolen the
wnoie Dana.
Andrew Clarno.Iittle son of J. IF. CUmn.
says the Fossil Journal, fell from the mmi
bent on the windmill frame of Hoover.
rf'atson & Co., lost Saturday evening ami
received serious but not fatal injuries. The
distance be fell is nearly 23 ieet, and he
struck the hard ground, larring him inter.
nally, spraining his wrist seriously, if not
fracturing some part of the bone. His
father and mother came over from Crown
Rock as soon as thev learned of the stri
dent to look after the little fellow, who was
stopping with his grandparents, and he is
getting better slowly.
Localizer: A strike, or something akin to
it, was in progress on the Northern Pacifio
between Tacoma and Pasco, from Saturday
to Wednesday of last week. No
has been maiia to interfere with rjassenirer
ond mail trains. On Tuesday a freight
train from the west attempted to nas this
place without stopping, but a short distance
ueyona tne switch the cars came nnconnlerl
and the tram was stopped. Who drew the
pin between tbe engine and the first car is a
mystery, apparently perheps it was an ac
cident. Four freight trains left the vard on
n euuesuay.
U' 1 J
Yakima Herald: Eotiocken. chief of the
reuegade baud of the Yakima Indians, died
on Friday of last week of fever. Kotiocken
and his followers refused to accept the ad
vances of civilization and become farmers
and artizans, as many of the tribe did. bnt
retained their dress of blaukets. feathers.
furs and paints; lived by hunting, fiahing
iuu bun suie ui tueir ponies, ana enaeavoreu
to propitiate the spirits by incantations and
tamauimus dances. Iliev live, main! v. on
the reservation, a short distance below
Union gap, where the medicine house is
situated. When the Northern Pacifij engi
neers were locating through Yakima county,
Kotiocken and his Indians nulled nn thn
locating and grade stakes and it was only
dv tne assistance ot the siierin and his posse
that they were persuaded to let the stakes
remain where they were originally driven.
Kotiocken was the son of Kainiocken, the
great chief of tbe Yakimas, who led his
braves in the wars during the 50 s. Koti
ocken was about 45 years of age.
Hon. John D. Lee arrived from The
Dalles Wednesday evening. That may
account for tbe frigidness of our atmoa
pbere, as they have been having snow and
cool weather at the gateway to the Inland
Empire. Dallat Observer. Bro. Snyder
take that back. We have had the most
enjoyable weather until Thursday evening,'
wheu the congealed element fell to a depth
of about two inches. The streets the next
day were as muldy as those iu Dallas. The
present season indicates that Wasco county
will have tbe heaviest crops ever harvested.
Al. come up to The Dalles next spring, and
we will show you the nearest approach to
paradise there is anywhere on the crusted
surface of the mundane sphere.
From Frank C. Baker, state printer, we
acknowledge the receipt of the Seyenth
Monthly Report of the Oregon State
Weather Bureau, for the month of October,
and also The Resources of the State of Ore
gon. The former is published under the
direction of H. E Hayes, master of tbe
state grange, and is full of important mat
ter regarding the meteorology of Oregon;
and the latter is collated and prepared by
the State Board of Agriculture by direction
of the legislative assembly of Oregon. The
Resources of Oregon contains valuable in
formation regarding the resources of the
state, ai,d will be a great incentive to im
mfgratioa. The artielo on 'Wasco county is
written by Col. Thos. S. Lang, of this city,
and is an exhaustive and able essay upon
tha natural advantages of this portion of
the state.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Winter with its snow.
How about the toboggan slide?
I j eight days the grand Christmas festi
val will be inaugurated.
The ground is frozen hard and if we
should have a fall of snow there would be
excellent sleigh-riding.
The west-bound flyer was several hours
late to-day. An accident on the Blue
mountains caused tbe delay.
Mr. G. W. Miller is laying a terra cotta
pipe from his residence on Court to the
main sewer down Union street.
Dr. Tucker, wife and family left to-day
on a visit to their old borne in MoMinnville.
They will be absent about two weeks.
We can truly boast the best are lights of
any city in the northwest, mis is to tne
credit of Messsrs, Glenn & Handley, tbe
The Christmas holidays are coming, and
let all fair-miuded men think of the poor
and relieve their necessities.
It appears to be an unwritten law ot The
Dalles that the sidewalks are tor pedes
trians in summer, and for the smalt boy for
coasting purposes iu winter.
The eichtv-feet pole at tbe corner of
Court and Third has aroused the ambition
of our citizens for poles of the same height
in other portions of the city.
A. J. Wall, of Eight Mile', is not by any
manner of means snowed in. The spotted
crow still vociferates bis galainatia, aud
Wall deals a bountiful refection.
Remember the fair of the Y. W. C. T.
U., commencing on the 18th instant. This
is for the benefit of the poor of the city,
and should be extensively patronized.
One thousand turkeys wanted. Will pay
highest market price for geese, ducks,
turkeys, chickens, or any country produce.
14decldw Red Front Grocery.
We have received Lewis & Dryden's Rait
way Guide for December, 1889, which con
tains all information about the railroads in
tbe northwest. It is a most valuable book
and should be in the possession of every
A paper is being circulated in this eity
for the purpose of inducing emigration by
reason of unfailing crops. We do not de
sire emigration people leaving this coun
trybut we do desire immigration people
to come to this state and make homes.
Mr. Ad. Keller hai a fine Key West
cigar, the best imported wines and liquors,
including genuine Vermouth, the finest
lunch in the city, all the latest newspapers
and periodicals on tile, aod a genial smile
illuminates his countenance like a ray of
sunsljine does a cloudy day.
Mr. Marray, who died Sunday morning,
ha been a resident of The Dalles for a loug
number of years, and nearly during tbe
whole time of his residence has driven a
t iam of horses for Mr. J. T. Peters, He
was aged abont 55 years, and leayes a
widow and five children to mourn his 'e
psrtare. There was no person in The Dalles
Children Cry for
better known than Mr. Murray, and io hi
death one of the old landmarks have been
Communicated .
The Dalles, Deo. 16, 1889.
Editor Tura-Uocirratxua:
The substantial philosophy teaches that
everything in the universe, visible or invis
ible, tangible or intangible, corporeal or in
corporeal, of .which tha mind can form a
positive concept, is substance, or entity, in
some form or degree of groraness or attenu.
ation. That all the substances of the uni.
verse as above expressed, are diviaable into
two main departments, to-wit: Material and
immaterial, or corporeal and incorporeal,
and that while all matter is substance, it by
no means follows that all substance is mat.
ter, or material The term matter or ma
terial only embraces those substances which
are ponderable or otherwise susceptible of
ehemical or mechanical test, or such as are
limited by material conditions. The term
substance not only embraces all material
things, as above defined, but it includes all
immaterial entities, such as oannot be
proved to exist by any chemical or mechan
ical test. Substance in its immaterial de
partment includes every force in nature,
physical, vital, mental or spiritual, aud in
eludes every form of energy which can posi
tively produce a manifestation or motion of
sensuous body. The physical forces, such
as light, caloric, sound, electricity, gravity, '
etc., are as really substantial or cntitive
as tbe air we brcatho or the food w. jut
The vital and spiritual forces which are
manifested in the vegetable and animal
kingdoms, and which actuates all living and
thinking organie beings, ore as really sub
stantial as are the beings and organisms
thus actuated and moved. The vital and
mental forces in an animated being which
must exist in order to move it. are as vr.
i table substantial entities as are the wat
er, fire and steam in tbe locomotive which
moves the engine and causes it to nprf.irm
iU work. It teaches that all these imma
terial forces, physical, vital, mental and
spiritual are coeteinal with God; constitutes
is immediate environments, surroandinirs.
or attributes from which and in whose lal
ratory he synthesized all things visible. It
teaches that there is complete harmony be
tween science and revelation: hence tha
Heb. 11th, 3d. We understand that tha
worlds were framed by the word of God. to
that thing i which are anen were not mada
of things which do appear.
2d Cor. 4th, lath. fur the things ahich
are seen are temporal, but the things a hich
are not ie,?n are eternnl.
Rom. 1 1th, 36th. For of him and
through him and back to him are all things.
And now the reader is invited to a com
parison of the substantial philosophy as
above very briefly set forth to the philosphy
taught iu some of our colleges and formu
lated by such men as Tyndall Helmholtz,
Huxley and Darwin, to-witi That the phy.
sical forces such as light, heat, sound, elec
tricity, gravity, maguetism, and also the
vital and mental forces, such ss life, mind,
and spirit, are bat modes of motion among
material particles, and not themselves sub
stantial entities. They teach that matter
or material in some form is all there is in
the universe, of a substantial nature, aadt ,
that what we call vital, mental aud spirit
ual force, by which the motions of our
bodies are caused, aqd controlled, aod oar
thoughts ara shaped, are but the molecular
motions of the material brain and nerve
particles of the living organism, and that
life consists of the motions ot the molecule
of tbe brain, and when they cease to move
all that is of man is dead; the life, the soul
and the spirit cease to exist. Oil the other
hand the substantial philosophy maintain
that as all thiugt are of God of whom are
all things; so all the elemeuts of matter are -but
condensations of his exterior nature
and not a product of nothing; that physical
organisms were condeosed and framed out
of that portion of God's omnipresent sub
stance suited to such material existences;
their vital parts out of a higher, finer grade
of God' substantial nature, while tbe ment- -al
faculties aud spirit were but drops ont of
the higher qualities of God's in
telligence and spiritual essence. R.
Dress or the Thi -tetntlt Century.
Tb Gentleman's Uagaxin.
Some interesting information as to tbe
dress of tbe later years of the thine nth
century may be pinked out of the a ell-
known Household Roll of Bishop S in
field, (of Hereford.) It records the pur
chase of four pieces of linen cloth, called
ileyoein, lor iiu os. 8d. These were
made up into long garments fr the use
of the bishop and his clerk by a tailor,
wbo was provided with the necessary ar-
tides of binding, linen and thread. Four "
pieces and six yards of striped cloth, at a
cost of 12 17s. 6d were bought for tbe
tunics and cloaks ot th mi ire and ball
iffis. Three pieces and four yards of a
coarser cloth cost 7 Ills. 11a., were al- .
lotted to the serving men, while a still
commoner sort, of winch four pitce sod
a half were obtained for 8 15s. Od., wss
made up from the groom aod page. Tha
total expenditure amounted to upward
of 50, equal, I suppose, to 700 or 750
at the present value of money. In win
ter the bishop purchased, for tbe better
produc'ion of his episcopal self, a surtout .
of furred skin and a furred cnp. Tbe
clothes for summer wear were purchased s
at Whitsuntide, were of a lighter texture,.'!
and were denominated bluett and russet.
These, to, were of different qualities, and
the servants were once more clothed in
distinctive striped dresses. The cloth of
this period had a very long nap so that
when the garment was overused the nap
could be leshorn, and an air ot newness
economically obtained. Ia the reign ot
the First Edward the tunic was still ia
vogue; it was worn with wide sleeves,
which depended to tbe elbow, Tbe super-,
tunic (the French gardecora) was also'
very generally adopted. Under the Third
Edward dress occupied to large extent
the attention of tbe wealthier classes, and
tbe prevalent ostentation lea to the en
actment of no fewer than eight sumptu
ary laws. The tunic, or cote-hardie, fit
ted close to tho body ; it had tight sleeves,
aod scarcely reached the knee, so as not
to obscure the view of the embroidered
garter which set off tbe manly leg. It
was gorgeously embroidered, and from
its sleeves hung long slip ot cloth. Tbe
peasantry, however, wore no such splen
did garments; they were forbidden by
law to wear other than breeches of leather
and a frock of russett, or undyed wool.
The burghers of the town were attired
iu dress of similar cut, but finer texture
tor it was in tbis respect that tbe sta tut
law insisted on tbe graduations of rank
and its general effect may be seen in tbe
costume still worn by the scholars ot
Christ's Hospital.
lilies of Various Nations.
Tho Irish mile is 2240 yards.
The Swiss mile is 9153 yards.
The Italian mile is 1706 yard.
The Scotch mile Is 1984 yards.
The Tuscan mile i 1808 yards.
The German mile ia 8100 yards.
Tbe Arabian mile is 2143 yards.
The Turkish mile is 1826 yards.
The Flemish mile is C869 yards.
Tbe Vienna post milo is 8290 yards.
The Werst mile is 1107 or 1337 yar ds
The Romun mile is 1028 or 2035 yr d
The Dutch and Prussian mile is 7280
Tbe English and American mile is 1720
Baeklen s A ran r a Mavlve.
The best salve in the world for cat
bruises, sores, nicer, salt rheum, feve.
ore, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruption, and positively
cure pile, or no pay required, it is guar,
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money
retunaea. t rice cent per dox. rjf
ale by Snipe A Kinersley.
Pitcher's Castorla;