ST. NICHOLAS. A funny old professor kept a school for little boys, And he'd romp with them in play-time, and he wonldn t mind their noise; While in his little school-room, with its head against the wall, , Was a bed ot such proportions it was big enough for all. . "It's lor tired little pupils," he explained, "for you will find How very wrong indeed it is to fores a budding mind: Whenever one grows sleepy and he can't hold up his head, I make him lay his primer down and send him off to bed! v "And sometimes it will happen on a warm ana pleasant day, . When the little birds upon the trees go tooral-looral-lay, When wide awake and studious it's difficult to keep, Oae by one they'll get a-nodding till the whole class is asleep! "Then before they're all in dreamland and their funny snores begin, I close the shutters softly, so the sun light can't come in: After which J put the school-books in their order on die shelf, And, with nothing else to do, I take a little nap myself!" The Arizona Kicker. Arizona Kicker. He Was Correct. There was con siderable astonishment exhibited by our people the other day when the governor of Arizona shook bands with us in front of the postofnee, and we have noticed a considerable change in the demeanor ot certain people toward us ever since. Tiu governor was correct. We are no clam shell hidden in the drifts, and he appre ciates the fact. lie knows and respects the power of the press. He knows tbat a great paper like the Kiclcer, having be hiud it, but under one and the same xoof, a grocery, feed store, butcher shop, har ness shop, crockery store and gents' fur nishing, must wield a mighty influence of good. The people in this burgh who have been looking upon us as a one-mule power bad better get their eyes open. Came to Gbiep The suit of the widow Git 1)8 against us for breach ot protrise, damages $1 5,000, came up in court last Friday. This suit was insti tuted six months ngo by the court boost ring, which has sought our downfall evei since the first issue' of this paper. That is, they pat the widow up to sue us, and have advanced the money as it was needed. When the widow was put on the stand she testified tbat on the night of Febru ary 21, 1887, we asked hi r to marry us. She insisted thut the date was correct, and tbat nothing could change her mino about it. We then exhibited the record: of the jail ta prove that on that day and l.ight wo were a prisoner, having, as souit of our readers may remember, departed from the line cf virture and gone on Lender. This exhibit knocked the widow rut in the first round, and confounded 1 er supporters, n we don't believe thev will tackle us again after that fashion. As for the widow, she was only a cat's puw, and we have tent to her house t Iwsket of groceries, a clothes line, a set of cups and saucers and a sscn of flour to prove that we have no malice. It Will Be Very Odiet. Onr mt election, which takes place next Tuesday, will be a very quiet one, and the singu lar spoct iclo of two tickets almost with out candidates, will be presented. As both tickets were made up of ring candi dates, we felt our duty to publish, as fur as we could secure it,'a history of each. Our biographies mcluded thirteen out of the sixteen candidate, and the publics tion was only three day eld when most of them were banting other localities. The averaged all the way from murderers down to barn burners, and we are not jkely to be troubled with them again. : What is left of the two tickets is fair!) ciean ana honest. we Bre goIrv we bad to interfere and thus place the parties in a queer fix, but we felt it a duty we owe to the public. A Waste op Monet. Some person who has a grievance against Ths Kicker left an infernal machine on our doorstep one night last week. It was a starch box ailed with giant powder and two ponnd. of bullets, and was so arranged as to ex plode when the cover was lifted. We took it in and started to open it, suppos ing ouuio uiuuest aamirer haa left us a box of fruit or confectionery, but on t. ond thought concluded to soak it tor a while. This action saved onr life. Not oniy tnat, but it prevented the destruc tion of our institution and probably of much surrounding property. We have made every effort to trace the fiend who put up tlm job, but' so far without success. We realize that there are many men in this community who hanker for our life, but we hope to disap point them. .If they feel that they must have it, why not fire buckshot into our "bed-room window, ambush u at ni?ht or pick a quarrel in the street? This plot ting to scatter our bloody fragments over our large and excellent stock of groceries is both unkind and unreasonable. Senaattiaal li eanLiaf. On Sunday morning, November 3 , Re v A. J. Graham, rector of Holy Trinity Episcopal church, in Minneapolis, startled his congregation by declaring at the com mencement of his sermon that he bad re nounced Christianity and denied the Bible and the cburcb, as well as their teachings. He said he had a confession to make to his henrers, with a hope tbat they would listen to him patiently and withhold their judgement until he had finished. He at once expressed his doubts whether it paid to draw all the one oe dnMions tbat theologians do in matters of belief. He said the Bible was full of falsities, and mentioned Jonah in the whale's belly and the stopping of the sun and the moon. He did not believe it was inspired by God. He entertained a belief in God, but bad no faith in heavenly father who watched over his children. He supposed that some of the old fogies would leave the church, but he won ll be able to nil it with people ol superior intellect, who refused to believe these false doctrines. The effect of this was most startling on the occupants of the pews. Some in the congregation were in tears, some believed the pastor insane, and all were shocked at the deliberate renunciation of their faith. It was evident that thev could not bear much mure, and the rector suddeuly anuounced that he bad only been acting a part.. If there were mysteries in re ligion, they were not for them to under stand. The Flint. First postage stamp in 1840. Kerosene introduced in 1826. Lead pencils used in 1594. Window glass used in 694. E ectric light invented 1874. Iron found iu America in 1815. First insurance marine 533. First wheeled carriages 15o9. First illuminating gas in 1792. "" Latin ceased to be spoken 580. Bible translated into Saxon 737. Gunpowder used by Chinese 80. Bible translated into Gothic "72. Photographs first produced 1802. Old Testiment finish B. C. 430. Emancipation pjoclamation '63. Paper made by Chinese B. C. 220. ItO'He. Having appointed Mess. Jos. T. Peters & Co., sole agents for Wasco county for the sale of Hill's Patent Inside Sliding Blinds. tbey are the only ones authorized to make contracts for these blinds. The Hill Patent is the only Sliding Blind that gives perfect sansiacuon. -De sore to call on Jos. 1. Peters & Co. Ward 8. Stevens, Sole agent for The Hill Sliding Blind As sociation for Oregon and Washington. 81 Yamhill St Portland, Or. Core for Itching Pil-s are known by moisture like perspiration, producing a very disagree able itching after getting warm. This form as well as blind, bleeding and protrrding Siles, yield at once to the application of r. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching and effecting a permanent cure. 50 cents. Ad dress The Dr. Bo'anko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by Blakeley & Clai k. Legal Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lax Omti at The, Onnm, October 7, lHHSt. Notice is hereby given that the following namea settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on November 25, lsi9, viz: William H. Aieabenek. D S 58fe4, for the SW Sec fi, T X S, tt 13 E, W It. He names the following witnesses to prove hi con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Hugh Oonrlay, Walter Henderson, Thomas F Morris, Robert Keller, all ot Kinssiev, or. F. A. McDoXALI), Ki-Kister. NOTICE TIM BEE CULTUH K. V. 8. Lasd OrrirE, Tun Dai.i.ks, Or., November U, 1js;9. Complaint having been entered at this otfice by Oeorxe Mcintosh against Thomas J . Hill for failure to comply with law an to Timber-Culture Entry No. 1883, dated Feb. 19, 1885, upon tile N 1-4 Sec 20, Township 2 S Ran-e 14 E in Wasco county. Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: con tea ant alleging that the sul Thomas J. Hill has never planted any tree ceds or cuttings on the said tract of land, or caused the same to be done, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 21st day of December. 1S, at 1 o'clock P. M. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said allegea failure. F. A. ItcDONALD, Register. PRINZ & NITSCHKE, HVKrlliD AJMMW Mlf.1 Ma Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are nappy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates ol the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni-1 tue and Carpets at prices hith-' erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will Convince the Most Sceptical Hardwood bent Chairs, each 75 cts Cane Kockers 3 2 00 Ash Bedsteads s 50 Woven-wire Mattresses 3 60 Lounges 12 00 OT CATt. AND NEK IJ H I "R Bed-lounges . Ash Bedroom Sets Brussels Carpets, per yard . Ingrain Carpets, do ....15 00 25 00 76 2t ja29 Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lako Omci at Tits Dalles, Or., October 16, 18S9. Notice is hereby riven that the following named settler has filed notice- of bis intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and tliat said proof will be made before the reirieter and receiver of the U. S. land olhce at The Dalles, Or., on Novell.. oer z, itKttf, vis: John F. Root, Hd 1251, for the SE !4 of the NW W of the N W!4 and NW J of the SWJ, Sec 8, T 1 S, K 13 E. e names me xoiiowing witnesses to prove his aonunuous resiueuce upon and cultivation of said iana, viz: Joseph Means. A. B. Mott. A. J. Gruhb. Thomas Gray, all ot The Dalles, Or. octiu t. A. MCDONALD. Register. By virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir. cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wnrco County in an action entitled Oeo. Walking vs. Sterling Stagg and to me directed and delivered, I did on the 25th dav of October. 1889. lev v uoon ami will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for ca?n in nana, on Daiuruay, ine iin day or December, 1889, at 1 o clock p. in. of said day, at the Court House door in Italics Cit in Wasco couiitv, Ore gon, tne following described property, to wit: All of the rieht, title snd interest of the said Sterling Staggs of, in or to Lot 10, iu Block 8, in Eigelow'f auuutuii lo iaiies uiiy.wasco uo.uregon.or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfv the sum of $30 00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, from Sept. 16, A D. 18f9. Taken and leiied upon as the property of Staling ouuoi.v Miu 011 111 in 5.10. uu anu interes hereon in favor of Ceo. Watkina. t tether with costs and accruing costs. C KOKt: K H E K BEKT, sheriff of Waecu Count v, urchin. Dated at Dalles City, Or., Oct. 25, 18f9. C. N. THORN BURY, T. A. HUDSON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dam.ks, Or., - Octoliel In, ltiS. Nolice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on December 14, 1889, viz: Hubert Tlilfl. Hd 3317. for the lots 2 and 3 and SW V of NC 1 and SE '4 of V X, Sec 20, T 2 N, R 12 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to provu his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Robert Densmore. John Miler. of Hosier. Or., and Ernest Frederick, Daniel Thomas, of The Dalles, Or. ocu a. A. MCDONALD Register. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the C'ountv of Wasco. In the Matter of the Estate of Catharine Snyder aeceaser. Notice is herehr riven that th uniiAiwttmMi ttw. administrator of the above estate, has this 29th day of November, 18119, filed his final accouut as admin istrator ot said estate, and that bv an order duly au wiw uu cuKrai ill LUC HLKJ V C eDHUCO COUIX &U(1 matter on this day, Tuesday the 7th day of Januaiy, 18:10, the same being the' second day of the next reg it ar term of said court, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. 11. of said day, is appointed the time and the court room 01 saia court tne p::ico for the hearing of objections, if any ther.; be, to such final account and the final settlement of said estate. . . , TIM BALDWIN, Administrator of the estate of Catharine Snyder de eeigd. DOv30wkly5t. TIMBER CULTURE. FINAL PROOF- NO HOE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxo Oifice, at The Dalles. On., wciontr -3, 18 . Notice is hereby given that Charles Davis has filed notice of intention to make final proof before Regis ter and Receiver, U. S. L. O., at his otfice in The Dalles, Or., on Saturday, the 21st day of Decrmber, 1889. on timber culture application No. 390, for the SW 14, NE J. NW H, SE 1 and NE J SW and Lot .., i"i hi vi muvii no. 10, iii lownsnip s, Ranye No. 14 E. He names as witnesses: W m. F. ncuns, rtansense, ur., c rank T. UraveB, Peier J. i.Auiaiiaii, Aieih. mcLieoa, iingsiey, or. Nov. 2. .F. A. MCDONALD, Register. Write Fire, Life and Accident INSURANCE 3one37- to ZLoaxa. on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all kind oj Land business be fore tlie U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8. up-stairs, U. S. Land Office building, THE DALLES, OREGON. The Hazelwood Land Co. o THE TERRIBLE LOSS fltprnicvoon m.- or. 1 der thousands homeWnd d7X AS TO REN tended to, and the world atlar nob v re,no.X,i , .1,: "V, L. "I:"??"?:. lne immediate wants were for s ,ong winter s ares hard in the faoe of minv hTmdrl'- Vi tni.. present time the prospect, and the following pianasheen devised tn assTs LnrWf i f h-i f m"p0"u,J r0 ce,tiin 10 oxa' sistancj, by giving to the ditforent who nw need medical as The Hazelwood Land Co. has generously ilrtermined tn dm. m,. - . t . ".5 JWX -lew at f2.50h tor thepuofiVi'rney ''" ' throughout the counttv, and upor Member 31 llso T L i " Vrk- T!,eT.hav I'"" t on sile will take all the numbers of tictoteiMpl,'i1?:m a "i v ' '.r'"'"!";.0' tWl',ve "" ... a boy blimlfolded -..ill place his hand Tin lb lv .... i . . 1 :,"y the" be h-ouhlv mixed and sponumg number will be awaided one hruse and if- 1 ,ir . 1 ,, . u u w.n"fv,'r h' 1 is thecorre number drawn shall he awarded a lot then ?!, ;-. . k'!8 U' on , '"th ' is 1 uilt- 'J h he fifth urawn shall be awarded a lot until the two hmufr-iV. 1 1 ' ""i e,vry tlnrt -li:rh nmn'm the holder to the o.rrcspond n", umber ih?e I sh S r 'l . hieb h-1 tn itl All the above propLrtv is llr. XZrt I, hl fri , ' ,' T V .'f u-,ln h ,ajoi ah 1 "lir Of tors, -mpaira title. A stydeedaun.etit.e v ' I'. ' , T"' " "PS- nr-v M" 'A a prize. The ticket ore only placed i.t ( 5S T7n i h 14 , '," lvc,y """.v ticket . old, r lu, , 8000 or a lot worth $-50. You are ai ,!W " i . . t ' ? 'I" ' X -r . '" "Jt a fceami'1'1 HI chase your tickets of any agent or travelin - t s V . .. . '"s ,''''! ever aBkuJ o! Put I'lui'et crcucntiais. The Hazelwood Land Co. Seattle, WashinR"ton. eeas are Deposited with the Puset Sound National Bank. THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, 1-9. JiJiLLER, Proprietor. DRY GOODS -AND- NOTICE. Laxd Omci it The Dalles, Or., October 30, 1889. Complaint having been entered at this office hv .tnKn U....I. m.. . n .... I 1 1- k- . . , doning his homestead entry No. 130S. dated Oct. io, 1000, upon ine i w, in occ a, T t S, R 17 E. u nasco county, uregou, itn a view to the cancel lation of said entry, the said parties are hcrebv sum. monel to appear at this office on the 21st dav of rWan.hw IL'Ufl ... l . , l . . " Bumoi, i w, h i v wuvn r. m . , id respond and ui uhu iCTuiuuuj ivuceniiiig ma aiiiigeu abandon ment, niiuam iioiaer, rotarv Public at Grass Val ley, Oregon, is authorized to take testimony in thit case at Grass Valley. Oregon, on Dec. 12, 1S89. at 10 o cioca a. m. r. A. AlcUON ALD, RKjister. T. W. Suisuir, Receiver. Nov. 1. HUGH CHRISMAN. W. K. CORSON. A HOBSE WHO CAH TALK f ,.5re7b?dy has heard ot "horse faugh" J" ever seen an equine riftedwith u r oucn an sminuii wm ii the power of De pronoun i a mlracde; but so would the telegraph and the teleDhono n h..rf-i -JTlr i!&JZ.'!!tTiX?' y.ery reoenUy a cure for con" jumption, which is univeraaliV acknowledged Sf 5SSSJS2?Botinf th JuWwuTdhfvl 2ttJ2L?ugJk " ke ta nd Zi , ?ii T- iujo wona-renownea rem edy will not make new lungs, but ft will re store diseased ooe. to a healthy etatT wterT her mjtuM have failed. Thaimit griiH fully testify to this. It is the iost patent tooiic, or atrength restorer, ahterstiv or Vrdf,uu25 n.d nntiveor flesh-builder, s.fHo.?1? scfence. or Weak IrnnS Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma TCa tarrfa In the Head, and all lingering CoLrhZ. it Is an unenualnri remrlv T j Jr.! UB' KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Office at Tdk Dalles, Oaraoy, October 28. 188U. Notice is hereby given that the following named attler has filed noLica of bis intention tn mn!r final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof i o i uclul e rcgisiier ana receiver ol tne u. o. iaua omce ui ine 1 sales, or., on Heceniber 20. 1889, vis: 1 nomas SI. Bradley. 5d,1?V'.'ItJ,eW,SE and S,A NE1. See. U xp 1 N, It 14 K. He names (he following witnesses to nmva hl eootinuuus residence npon and cultivation of, said via; j. ij. iianna, of Boyd, Oregon; Andy Alien. Isaac Yotin?. Martin Th iv,iisa Oregon. . nv. i. t. A. McDonald. Renter Chrisman ffl mm Executrix's Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco Gouty. In the matter of the estate of Henry Whittakcr. deceased. In pnmuance of an order made and entered here'n on the 4th day of November, 1;89. authorizing and directing me to sell all of the real property belong- ---o -m. "in- .j., hu i9iu ii u . -i uccem ber, 1889. at the h ur of 2 oVInoIr p u :h j... at the door of the County Court Bouse in Dalles vii, nasco vjuniv. ureiron. fu nt nnKi,A to the highest and best bidder for rash in hand, all f the real property belonging to said estate, to-wit: Lots J, K and L in Block 84 in the Fort Dalles iliii tary Reservation in Dalles City, Oregon. MARIA W U ITT 1 IT CO Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Henr SUCCESSORS TO C. 3E. CHR1SMA.1V jfc HON'H. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FANCY GEOCEEIES AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Washington and Federal. Have on hand and will sell at the lowest possible t...i. lam; anii oiapie groceries and Mill Feed. Highest M Price f jr County Pioduce. Call and examine prices before purchasine else where. ugi7tf Cbrisman t& Corson. 0. D. TAYLOR, CLOTHING HOUSE. II. Solomon Has opened a large stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, TRUNKS and VALISES, LA DIES' MENS' and CHILDRENS' UNDER CLOTHING; also a large stock ot BLAN KETS, COMFORTERS. FLANNELS, and ail Kina oi Heavy lioods for Winter wear, to which we call attention of the Public in general to inspect the same, before pur- cnasing etsewnere. H. SOLOMON, 132 Second Street. Opposite Snipes & Kinersley's Drag Store THE DALLES, OREGON. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 Burgundy 83, Zinfandel 84, Riesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret. an Grcfjorio Vineyard Co. Agency. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure. .The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. rp il. l i -i , . Aiv me uesi remeav lor Uvsnpnnm "n-mdo nn tvv;, ' i SJ Ar-UllUVUUfl XUlJlt 1,500 SPANISH MERINO RAMS. From the Rimroek Sheep Ranch. WE HAVE fOK THIS tSEASON'S TKA1E, 5t0 T11UKOUUU11KKU ANU 1MM HIUH GRADK Rama, all of which are in tine condition, snd free from digress. Wa consider our rm inr hi season's trade, the best lot we have ever offered to rhe public, and only ask an iusiectiuD to prove what Those wishmz rams would do well to call earlv. select, hrand. and leava thitm with rnru CIIAKGE until orecdinar season this fall. Prit-CN Lower tluin Ever, nu ir liny. Tlisi.kinsr our many natron for their very liberal patranage accorded us In the past, w respectfully solicit an irispet-'tiun of eur stock this seawn. .111. nn.ih i j I ....... . I An Th. I ... 1 1 .1 I ll .11. ... n 1 . ... n n n w- n . I'miuB uhu rnuuvuie oiairg noaa as nA i untii, vroos, county, ureffOD. For further particulars, call on or address, BALDWIN SHEEP AND LAND CO., SmoMWiM to VAN HOUTKN BKOS. CO.. Rat Cs, () FRUIT i SHADE TREES SMALL FRUITS, VINES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES. ETC. CcSsSHa wig? F0RLEY I EBP, Successors to L. D. Fkaxi, deooased. Wholesale and Retail Dealers flarpaiiflSafien, Leather & Shoe Findings, REMOVAL I REMOVAL I Removed to 276 and 178 Second St., Tents, Wagon Covers, Carriage Trimmings, Etc JSJT THE Country Orders Promptly atended to OLD STAND. tnarl4-td a. l -fiKALER IN- C1 ass, Wall Papers, Decorations,! IATERIALS, The Eirlieet Stravrberry known, CLARKE'S " SEEDLIFIGI Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor e iroies, mc. Cliroinos and Steel Enffravinss. Also, tue EVERGEEEX. ever-bear ing strawberry a valuable acquisitioa Mission :-: Gardens, JAMES A. VHNEY, Prop. iii raiiuiugs, The Celebrated Frencli Sure, APHROD!TINE"-ff H 1 Ci ' 1 mm i iiommission ana Washington Street, in rear of French & Co's Batik buildiu?. THE DAIXZS. y. ta aenmffementa a Dnwla ci . T.wll. BUioruaeaa, or "Lfrcp of the stomach. Urer ao non, or u ComDlalnt'1 aumenta, it is a soverelini rrinedv. "Golden Medical Dig corery " ia the only med Mne of ita dam, aold thatlt wiU-bSt orL "oaS Copjrifiit, usat, by woaxot Da. Mxb. Asa'a. ronlo Diarriwa, and kindred . soTarauni nmiMiw 6!IAiUHTllj S500 OFFERED la l.CTen arc to Peril. A Denver gentlemen, who hat been on a camping tour through the monntaios, nag ictcuiij rcmrneu, ana relates an inci dent which testifies to the statement that - tven the most dangerous callings become oruinary every oay auaira to the men en gaged jn mem, the element ol danger! v...s oppoicuujr nisi Bigot oi. ue wag unving nis team across a mountain road wheD, coming to a narrow place, another team was met. In this latter were the urner ana tiis wile, and as the passage! ... im luugu, iuere oeing many boulders on the side where the turning I " tuouc, uis who goi out 01 toe wagon, inis was to be expected, but when the Denver tourist saw hor mn somewhat speedi'v and hide hind a large rock, it somewhat astonished him. "I say," he asked, "what makes your wife act that way?" un, l don't know xactly, but I guess r,.u uiojr ..': it utile seal eu. 'But w hat is she scared about?" 'O!), I have got sume stuff in mv Winnn wkinl. -I.- J - ... -uivu bus uues not use to see bumped over these rocks," and he coolly pniccr.dtd to head his team over the DouiUtirs. 'Sar, what have wagon '"' Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby riven that I arill in nnmn an order of the Hon. the Cjuiity Court of the State of ureffnn for the Hniintv nt vk.cM .i..iv ..i ?Iod-l",d tnterid' CM ,ne ?tn d'y of Koveuiher - .. a xv- -, in ine iiiul' tr oi tne cs- ate of fiiaocv Gairtr. detTeaiwil nn RLf!ir.iv xi.u AtW aay of January, 1890, at the Court House door, of the Couctv Court Hnu in riniin, ..., i.i ... . dnri st. . -T.-ZrU - ,. mmi ui una uiuck, I . jn., of Sulu a?y, sell at public auction, to th l.i.rhoat ki.i.i. - e-SQ in hand, all of the Northwest quarter and' the Northeast quarter of Section Thirtv-two (32) in IVwnaliin 1 1 .... 1 XI .- . t. .- .. ' of the Wiilameite Meridian, in vu,.fi.., won. said real estate belonirinrto the esute of Nancy Uager, deceased, or so much thereof as shall be ret' essarv to satisfy all demands against said estata " . Dated November 29, 1889. W. A. OBak' ceased" nU)r ' th8 e"tate of Nancy Gager, de- DUFUR W ATKINS, Attorneys for estate. novSOwk'ySk TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Omca, Tna Dalles, Oe., October 21, 1889. Notice! hereby given that William t Helm Has filed notice of his intention to make Anal -proof oefore Beinster and Keeeivr it s i.i . .i. .- i niw. r..i,..r . - x, lucuv nf lwintw ,iS vns?Pn JBOn.1aT. the 9th day ne names as witnesses: JL. V JL 1 I . I n i' ir' n 8 .7 . S"w wore, Folk Butler and 'ifii ausene, n asco omnty, Oregon. r a. iwusALu, uegister. OREGON. New Zeland Insurance Co. Is one of the Best in the World Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho of the Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCo., OF NEWARK, N. J. aid policy holders, sin c j organization, $92,813,907.06 ! Assets, market value SmO.SiJG.2G4 14 Surplus, N. Y. standard 5.518,129 31 One of the most solid companies in the United States. AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon Territories of Washington and Idaho Civ Sf niirnmrea "APUDnn T r or mono tocure wwi i nsk. nfui Is Sold ov .. POSITIVE GUARANTEE to en re :i n v form of n.;rvoil's discnso, or otiy ilisonlcr of I lie generative nr giins of either BEFOhE isi,..- from tlm AFTER exceuc use of stiimilnnts, Tolmcco or J!i::in. or throiigli yoiithiul indiscretion, over indulg ence, Ac, such us Loss of Jimin 1'oiver, Wnkeful uess, Benrnig down 1'nins in the Buck, Seminal tyenkness. Hysteria. Nervous Prostration Nocturn al timssions. IaiucoitIiipk. Dizziness, Wcnk Mem ory, Loss of Power anil I in potency, which if ne glected often lend to prematui cold nee mid insan ity. Price $1.00 a box. 6 boxes for i.OO Scut by mail on receipt of price. A WltlTTKNCSUATtANTEI! forevery J3.0C order, to refund the money if a 1'ei-maneut cure is not effected. Thousands ol testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, peimnnentlv cured by APHKonrriNR. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTERN BRANCH. BOX 27 PORTLAND, OK BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES, OREGOX. 91, S33 rind JO SECOND u STPEET, ir i i 7 A. L. NEWMAN Has opened a Corner of Second and Union Sts. GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS. PROVISIONS. ETC. The groceries will be new and fresh, and such as are demanded in this market. In connection with the Grocery will supply Bread and Pastry of all kinds. ConsiCTmenta Solicited i i i-rumpi .txention to tnose who fever mo with their patronage. Lhe Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc. TOVE TINWARE AND HARDWARE -R33SS- S. F. Fl Tygh Valley Merchant and Exchange ROLLER MILL. DEALKi IIS .rai AGPJrULTDRAL HACHIBEBT, mm HARDWARE, I.10H, STEEL. lilaelvsinitlis' Stoelr- BET. AR DON'S,' 113 WASHINGTON STREET. SECOND AND THIRD. Flour Kqna' t the Best. Mill Feed Always on Jlanf. Satisfaction Guaranteed. spSl "W. M. McCORKLE, Prop. Wsxgon-Kdralizex-s9 and "So' Apart for the IMPROVED iiONARCH Wasliinff MIichine.-e mmm Igtp Hall SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE. - - - PROFR. Ii.IIiaP ON DnAUGIIT G. T. THOMPSOy. A.TV. FAKGHEE. JNUTICE. Thisis the Top of the Genuine Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. AU others, similar are imitation. This exact Label is on each Pearl Top Chimney. A dealer may say and think he has others as good, BUT HE HAS NOT. Insist vpon the Exact Label and Top. Fast Sale Evtpywheee. Umx cnly by 6E0. A. MACBETH & CO., imnufo Fa. ill Mr you got in your "You see those tbree boxes well, tley ore fuli of piasit ponder." "My liod, man, yon don't intend to drive over the o rocks all that ex llsire matter?" - "Yes, I do. Why not? I have been teaming gi. nt powder lor ten years." But it might explode and blow us, bones and ail, to the devil." "YVhat of itl We wonld cever know what hurt us, would we?" And it was wich difficult? that be was persuaded to wait and carry it about fifty feet. S.T Sntld 2t1d W.tch.T DOia Iwr at w. uutil Uielr.l vr i.mi-a ra .n. world. 1 UWkKPfr. W r-1 uimunp nn. nom l.die.' laud lfU'nz,wiihwork nd cmc. of equal One Peiwi. ia each to. caltir can aeenre on. fr... torethvr trita onr largvaitdnl. naiil. lfn. of lIoiMeboId Vamplctu turcica, at w!l a. tha watch. W. tend Vmms - 1 . wbo and rattle. In the County Court, for the County of Wasco uid WGKRKAH. It han ki b. I i'. .. r"., .1. .. .. . . . . " nwwwicusu OI U11S the State ofOregon, Rpproyed Feb. 21st, i'nt,.?. Z! 01 n wild tie., haa been abused. iv""' 25iU5S?ff 8aid Couu umU Artier CALEB S. THORBURY, County Judge. a. A. Lkaveks, County Commiaaioner. l"""J ww. . inompaon, uoanty Clerk. 93t Administrator's tale. fenrt S th Jf. 0rZZ "u'ythe Hen. Conn, i? ' n "I6 8t 01 0"0". nd Couuty . f Waaco, lSaJ! P,uolic' " highest IMderfOT - , uuuuijt voun nouae in Dalles Cltv Wa.o cou-ity, Oresoi. ou Tueaday, tie lothdai - oi 2- & 1 '?'ockK M.. the fotfow. I is, uzzzzztrrs" o tne t.ot. All that certain piece and parcl of lard described as fol.os: "Ccmmenciiw at a noint n WJZ S?h. f'l L.M.tin u .9y. feet e inches and M surthencY 100 ,1. r - . fiMmm w ai a in uireei; inenoe souLh. iw. ii.Ti!.r..-i "f'""'B. ana oti!is part oi lut hire in Dalles City, Wasco County. Orenn." v. T, ,"?r lne state of Asa Strouif. dtceas-d LOAN. NOTAKY BTTSINESS Before starting on a Journey, get an ACCIDENTTICKET. Only 85cfor 13000 Insurance. Loaning Money tot non-resident a specialty. 8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders. O. r. TAYLOR THOMPSON" & FARGHER, General Blacksmith Near Mint bnildin?. Second St Horse-Shojing and General Jobbing . 7apuAovaiy. Prices reasonable and to suit the times. Wasco Academy. Tl e second term of the Wasco Ir-doiier dunt emy opens Nov. 11, 186!. K oun well heat- d, accommodations am'.I, aud teacl en careful and conscientious, tiei d for cataloe-ua. 1 TrtRr'-rT The Dalles, Or.. Oct. 2a 1 rind'al. C. E. DUNHAM, leian. ra ifcsw? kaVUaVk gM? J SOLTIAGEHTFOr. CI -:-Columbia Brewery Beer,:-: A.TSD FOR iSAI.IO ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Keeps in stock a full line of Also, tba very best Imported Wines, Llqnors and Cigars. New Grocery Store ! The Lber Notice. The followin? irentlcmen are Denutv Rtncb Itt.. A htile boy was very fond of rambling around in tbo woods of Southern Georgia, and every time I e went out be would' rapture a rhttlesui ke and bring it borne alive. How did you catch them, Johnnie?" aid the motlier. "Jta So," said the boy, and he showed her tbe operation. He would take a larga candy j ir and place the open mouth of the jar in tront of the rattler. Then he -would firmly fix his gaze upon the snake and bold him spell-bound. .He would then punch the snake's tail with a long stick and shove him along nntil he had him secure in tbe bottle. In this manner be captured thirty rat tlers, and placed them on shelves in the kitchen. The curious collection remained there some time. Une moinirg toe mother missed tbe snakes and also the boy. ' She looked around tbe bouse and found tbem fowhere. "Finally, she heard laughter in the front jard. She went out and be held a fantastic spectacle. The younv kid was dancing around tbe front yard, wbile the thirty Bniiker, were twisting around flowers and bushes, and had con verted tbe flower yard into a regular pake-den, . - , R. H. Guthrie, Crass Valley .1 n P " -Bane wen Al nussell Antelope C. T. Bonniy, Ty;,h Valley A. J. Dufur , Dufur i.uumgnt, .. Lower fifteen Mi J. H. Larsen, . The Dalles C. W. hlCE, 16novlm Stick lnrpector for Wasco cjuiity. HOMESTEAD CONSOLIDATED SO . T1CE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Okf cb at Ths Dalles, Ok., November, 8, 18s9. Kntice in herehy (riven that the following-named settlers have Ulrd notice of their intention to make filial proof in support f their claim, and that said primf will he maite btfere Register and Rceiver U. H. Lruid Office, at The Dalles, Or., on Dec. 23, 1889, viz: William R. Haynea. H I 2649, for the SE 1-4 Sec. 18, T 2 8 R 15 E W M; uud KllMWorth A. Haynr a. Hd. 2103. for the S K SE 1-4 and S 8 W 1.4 Sec 4. TSSB15EWM. Tn y name the following witnesses to Drove their continuous res'dence uion and cultivation of, said iiiu, vi. rui. ouiiier, ja"ej n . aioore, . MwOre, and F. Cluuseu, all of Nansene, Or. i. a. Mcdonald, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION COM MUTED HOMESTEAD. Lasd Optics at Th Dalles, Or., November 15, 1889. Notice Is hereby given that the followins-.n.m, A settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in support of his claim, and that said pron will te made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Or., on January 4, 1889. Clarence 1 31 orris, Hd 2637, for the W H NE & and E i NW i Sec 85 T 4 S. R 14 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upen and cultivation of, said land viz: Van Woodruff, Ceo. Woodruff, Perry 8nod?rass of Ty;rh Vllley, Or., and 8. E. Ferris, of The DIiea, ureyo". UOV23 t. A. cDOSAL.0, Beglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Optics at Ths Dallbs, Orkooit, aeSleX'S. TT K&ec ' a "wwwiwt ajt JOOtf, VIZ; Andrew rthitAiii conZ?..1. Prove hi. land, viz: "" "uvauon of, said of Ti en.!.?6-110- cJrockett- RewrOilhoiuen, S.,1? ' I)alle, reifn, and Jaub Craft, of Nanin. POYa F. A. McDONALD. Register. THlDWn f . faau, AUf JUNE 3, 1878 xr'i-i ii.i i' it, nT...t.u' 1010 Lake Oma at Tiis Dallks, Or., r,,: 1. 1 . . . .. . . October 14, 18S9. , ..creuy given tnat in comp iance with the I'SLr.". 0' "S. June sTiw'5 e! ton Territory ana washing Abraham V. Olsbrow, Of Hood River, County of Wasco, state of Oreeon aSf t",ty1,!dl0" ffico wom suteS No. 83, for tbe purchase of the E 44 of th. 11 and W j of u.e tU i i of Sec 18, T 1 N, R anui i proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stoue than for aricuHura purposes, and to establish his claim to soid land bel Vi -raireroi tnuonieeat the Dalles, Oregon, on Tueadnv. th 9Att. a.. ..' hp ikko " ' J WJUI- He names as witnesten- Albert B. Jones, Audubon Winans, Wilson R. Wl nans, Elmer E. Oriffln, all of Hood River, Oregon d 'hJS'J i ven"a cUim dversely the above- zrr- 'S, i"w to nie tneir claims in th office on or before the said 24th day of Decern! F. A. alsTJONALD, Register. AT THE CHRISMAN OLD STAND, 194 Third St. The Dalle., Or. Will keep on hand a general assortment ol Groceries, Canned Goods, Feed and Provisions, Ami Hiw.w. . .. ! 1 it , -" ic ui ine puouc patronage, as we ex: I""-- "' TO OU'T Til. liARD TlHES. Euccessors to TI10S. JOHNS & CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. The Dalles, - - Oregon. SCAURS IS ALL KISDS OT ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Materia!. Eazors, Knives, Scissors, FATEETT MEBICIKHS, SOAPS, SPONGES, HUE BER GOODS, "jTsmsses, -ferlioiiltlci Urnces, Client Protectors Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal ues. Prescriptions rom jxiunded at all hours. fl. . J. The One Price Cash House, TS., . COR. SECOND ANB COURT STS., -Li-a- vy 1 i a m JB.U -L 1 JL -DBALEIt 11V- E-Ty Ginrcjiicerl. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Laps, JJoots and Shoes, &c. Agent for fle Bntterick Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, CALL AXD SEE E H00SIER FEHCE MACHIHF, that gives a continuoi-s twist to the wire. In operation at WM. MIC HELL; UHDERTASEB AND Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hair. ' THE P ACIF.IC PENCE WORKS, si rajgotor. MANUrACTURSRS OF -Ali Goods Fresh and Warr ranted First-class. WELCH & SMITn. H. GLENN, Is again at bis old stand and has on hand FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT. Tanks of all sizes, from 1CC0 to 40,000 gallons, nuuU y Contracts for all t.,r?a nr vn;i.KMn fQi,M u 1 a a w 5 Reward. The .bore reward wlU be giren to anyone findinr JX'tl- brand.' leitrtonWer) OF- ALLEN GRANT, Eagle Valley, near Antelope KWPS hai'P cmm ... Hr' T lelJ- .Wethers reverse. Horses and cart t hni r r- , Have sold my horses and cattle, but not "J "11U3. WINDOWS O den from abroad receive prompt attention. PIONEER-.-GRQCERY, GEO. RUCH, Proprietor. Soithwest corner of Second and Wasbington sts CHEAPEST place in The Dalles for ill kinds of GROCERIES JFLOUB, GRAIN; WILLOW-WARE, &u Tnankfu! for favors in the T,-Mt. T vnnM r..n ai a Ail V. iwur wuusftwiiuuuiUKeui uic same. GEOROR RUCH iuo uxiuersignea naaAaaed to his Buslneea a ftill Una rtf Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Robes and Sbrccds. Trimmings of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices nd owns tho Host Elcgnnt llcnrw eat of the mountains with .11 the Litest improvements. NO DEXAY III FILLING ORDERS. I lai of HnKinw4. Third street, tlirce iloors east of niiniu ii-.nui,. n... r his llanlng Mill and Wagon Sl.on. ' ... war. house, and adjoining 1 i'lace Of llvftldesKU Fnnrth .trAt fl.!... i IV..1 I i and Light. ' Ja29tf Can be s-cn at all hours cf the day WM. MICHELL. KILLIAMS I Co., g tront Durable, Neat, and the Cheapest Fence in the World- H B. EEEB, Proprietor. SUCCESSORS TO LATE FIRM E. WINGATE Ac CO. THE DALLES, OREGON. Denny, Eice & Co. Wool l Commission Merchasm Boston. 610 Atlantic Ave., IVCash adTMoos Bade on oonsignmentr BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, THE LEADING BEALERS IN Prescript ion Druggists, 175 Soeonl Street, The Dalles. 1 Country and Mall Orders will re- oeiTS Prompt Attention. Fine .Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Parlor Ornaments, Window Shades, Etc "CTud.ertalsisnLg' a, Specialty. CcEhf, C Ak'AB, Burial Pobts, E.c eneral Merchaiidl ; A COMPLETE LINE OF F0REIGX AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. .r.A WAGONS. HACKS AND BUGGIES