The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, December 07, 1889, Image 2

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Wasco county juries have no preju
dice in favor of railroads, and the rea
son is apparent why they have not. A
juror is an ordinary mortal, and is no
. better or no worse than other people.
' If he suffers what he considers a wrong
he is liable to treasure the remem
brance "and mrse his wrath to
keep it warm." During the quarter
of a century or more that the railway
has been engaged in business in thi
county everything done by it has been
for its own aggrandisement the rights
- of the producers and shippers have
never received the least consideration.
Freight charges have been placed at
such a figure that they have become
almost an unbearable burden, and have
had the effect to impoverish the settler
and retard the development of the
country. All petitions for redress
"have received little or no attention,
and the only relief has coine from legis
lative bodies or from competing lines.
The hardships which the people have
suffered have made them bitter toward
corporations, and this bitterness may
have tinctured their actions toward
railway companies. There are two
important instances in which the sov
ereignty of the peopie are exerted in
this nation, and perhaps only two.
The one is at tho' ballot and the
other is in the jury box. The expres
sion of sovereignty is weaker in
the former than in the latter, because
conventions are so much under the
domination of politicians that fre
quently the result can be easily pra
determined; but this is not true of the
verdict of juries. Not infrequently
one conscientious or stubborn man had
gained the other eleven to decide ac
cording to his views of the case.
Of course.if there is any predisposition
on the part of the juries to judge more
strictly the actions of a railway than
of an individual it is wrong, and it is
a matter that deserves criticism. The
very nature of capital is to become
selfish and sordid, and very likely the
man of moderate aieans who is kind
and sympathetic to day if be were
wealthy to-morrow would think more
about the safe investment of his money
than the relief of his fellows. As cor
porations of all kinds are simply an
aggregation of wealthy individuals', the
same rule is applicable to them. But
this is no reason why in the sight of
the law they should not enjoy the same
immunities from damages as individ
uals. That in many instances juries
have inflicted heavier penalties
upon railway or steamboat companies
than upon individuals for the same
negligence may be true, and while it
. is human nature to do so, yet this
does not make it right. ' In the case of
Peabody vs. the O. R. t N. Co., tried
during the present term of court, the
plaintiff asked for $50,000, and receiv
ed a verdict of $4,900. The jury, which
was an intelligent and conscientious
one, undoubtedly considered this sum
the full measure of damages, and
in decreasing the amount seed for,
considered that the ends of justice
were fully satisfied. It must be un
derstood that if a passenger travels on
any railroad train he must comply
with the conditions of the contract,
and if he violates these he must stun d
the consequences. Mr. Peabody niiy
have considered himself injured in the
full sum he sued for, but the jury, in
the exercise of its discrimination,
thought differently. It is always ad
visable that the jury, as the arbitrator
between the injured and the person or
persons causing the injury.should take
all matters into consideration and ar-
, rive at a just conclusion. We must
acKnowiedge that the railroad mo
nopoly of Eastern ' Oregon has been
most arbitrary and exacting in its
dealings with communities dependent
alone upon it as a means of transpor
tation; but this should not influence
the verdicts of courts. The managers
and directors of corporations are in
dividuals, and as such, if they deem
the company which they represent un
justly treated, are liable to take re
venge on the community. In this
manner the mary may be punished
for the few, and this will
bo flagrant injustice. In this regard
we believe corporations have acted
more frequently from motives of re
venge than juries or citizens, and are
more responsible because they have
better opportunities of venting their
spleen. But this spirit is wrong
wherever it exists, and none other
than legal means ehould be resorted to
in any instance. All corporations are
creatures of the statute and as such
are amendable to law; and by this
means the people can apply any rem
cdy which they desire. On the con
trary -if a railroad company cannot
receive substantial justice in a jury
trial, they hare abundant means to
appeal to a higher tribunal. There is
no excuse for spite or spleen in either
case, and their exhibition is unjust on
the part of railroads or of the public.
The Democratic press of the country
T-re terribly exercised over the fact
that Vice-President Morton owns a
house in Washington City in which
liquor is sold. The fact is that Mr.
Morton's building is used as a hotel,
and the lessee considers it advanta
geous to run a bar, for which Mr.
Morton is not at all responsible. If
the Bourbons can make anything out
of this they are welcome to do it.
The caucus system has placed Reed,
of Maine, in nomination for speaker
of the house, and his election is almost tne
certain. This will be a heavy blow to
Pacific coast interests, especially the
River and Harbor bill, and we may
expect no very large appropriations I tne
this session. If McKinley, of Ohio,
had been given the position, be would
have been more desirable, as he is a
western man, and knows better what
the people want.
The National Issua gives its views
of the liquor question in this wise:
"Twenty-five snakes running through
the streets that's free whisky. Twen
ty-five snakes gathered into a box in
which twenty-five holes are made by
the authority of the court that's low
license. Ten of the holes are closed
and the snakes all get through the
other fifteen that's high license.
Drive all the snakes over to the next
village that is local option. Kill all
the snakes that is prohibition.".
This is epigrammatic and witty, but
great questions like this cannot be set
tled by epigrams. If it be conceded
that all snakes aie deadly: that it is
the duty of every body to kill every
-nake that can be found, and that all
U e snakes can be killed, thsn tin
views of the Issue niav be considered
as rising to the dignity of an argu
mpnt. hat thin is certainly asking too
j w
much. Snake killing is not the only
legitimate occupation for the human
family, and some snakes are not only
harmless but useful.
In contradistinction to the ideas of
the National Issue may be placed the
resolutions recently adopted at a mass
meeting held under the auspices of the
Catholics in Baltimore. The meeting
was presided over by Cardinal Uibbons,
and speeches were made by a number
of the clergy and laity. It was re
solved as the judgment of the meeting
that "high license is the only feasible
and peaceful means of exterminating
the deluge of vices and crimes of which
drunkenness is the fruitful source. The
license should be put so high as to
make it practically prohibitory as re
gards the multitude of low saloons.
Certain restrictions should be enacted
as to the time anil place of sale. - The
number of saloons in any one radius
should be limited by statue, and
should not be allowed near a church
school, and a license should be gives
only to persons of tried character."
Whenever a question of ethics
arises no dictum fiom an authoritative
source is possible. If any one believes
that the sale or use of aicohol in any
form as a beverage is sinful, is morally
wrong, is a crime, no one has any
right to question his convictions. He
must be, in principle at least, a prohi
bitionist of the straitest sect But
when it comes to passing laws,
national, State or municipal, to deal
with that which he believes to be an
evil, then if ho be a fair-minded and
candid man he must adnut that there
may be an honest difference' of opinion
as to remedies, whatever there may be
as to the main question of right or
wrong. Here, for instance, is a body
of men, distinguished not only fcr
piety and virtue, but for wisdom and
knowledge of affairs of the world, who,
fully reconqniztng the evil -ot drunk
enness and tho vices and crimes of
which it is the source, record it as
their deliberate opinion that the only
feasible and peaceable rem dy is high
license. Such an expression of
opinion is certainly entitled to
respectful consideration, and to be
weighed against the views of those
who would be content with nothing
short of the most drastic measures.
I here is a disposition on the part
of the more ardent prohibitionists to
try to carry their point by force rath
er than by argument and persuasion.
They should see that mankind cannot
be made virtuous in any such way,
and that the great majority of jeiple
may be led, but cannot be driven.
They must win, if at all, upon the in
trins'.c merits cf their cause, and not
upon denunciation and vituperation of
every one who is not willing to enter
at once upon a universal snake-killing
J. he growtn ot a newspaper is a
good measure of the growth of the
town in winch it is published. By
this test salem and Albany are mak
ing rapid progress. The Daily States
men in the one and the Daily Herald
in the other are "showing up in ex
cellent shape. Oregonian.
The proposition of the Oregon tanis
true as gospel; but why does the editor
particularly mention. Saiem and Al
bany, two cities directly tributory to
it, and completely ignore Pendleton
with two live dailies and Astoria with
three? The reason is apparent to every
one who has noticed the attitude of
that paper towards the towns which,
with an open river, may not be factors
of its development in the future.
Portland favors Eastern Oregon only
as far as it can bo used, and no fur
ther, iha Willamette valley must
deal in Portland's markets, and for
that reason it will do all it can to
stimulate its growth.
With the many railroads building
towards Astoria it requires no great
sagacity to foretell the future ot that
city. Situated at the mouth of the
Columbia, with one or more lines of
railroads centering at its wharves, it is
reasonable to expect that in a few
years it will be the gieat shipping port
of Oregon. Trade will naturally seek
it as the most direct route to seaboard,
and in the near future the great sea
port of this state will be Astoria and
not a city one hundred and fifty miles
in the interior. Aside from our own
city there is no point so directly inter
ested in the opening of the Columbia
river as Astoria, and when the pro
posed improvements to this magnifi
cent river are completed the wealth of
a great portion of the Inland Empire
will be shipped from its docks.
The Minneapolis Tribune building,
in which several were burned to death
had n0 sufficient means of escape, and be
attention ot the proprietor had
been C8lled to ""8 matter, but no
enort baa been made to remedy the I
defect This carelessness, resulting in
,08S of lifei has become too frequent
and it is time an example was made of I
sotne who are thus negligent We
hope the grand jury will do its duty
the premises, and that the guilty I notwithstanding King Caucus had is-
will be punished. J sued bis degree to the contrary.
The Oregonian makes the following
comments on tho article which ap
peared in these columns:
.A few days ago the Oregonian said:
The growth of a newspaper is a
good measure of the growth of the
town in which it is published. 15y
this test Salem and Albany are mak
ing rapid progress. The Daily States
man and tho Daily Herald in the
other are "showing up" iu excellent
Which The Dalles Times-Moux
taixeeu reprints and adds this com
ment: "The proposition of the Oregonian is
true as gospel; but why does the edi
tor particularly mention S.ilem and
Albany; two cities directly tributary
to it, and completely ignore Pendleton
with two live dailies and Astoria with
three? Iho reaaon is apparent to
every one who has noticed tho atti
tude of that paper towards the towns
which, with an open river, may not be
factors of its development in the fu
ture. Portland favors Eastern Ore
gon only as far as it can be used, and
no farther. The Willamette valley
must deal in Portland's markets, and
for that reason it will do all it can to
stimulate its growth."
This is forced, narrow and unfair.
In a brief paragraph the Oregonian
noted the progress of Salem and Al
bany as indicated by the appearance of
their newspapers. Its purpose w as to
make a paragraph, not an elaborate ar
ticle. At the moment the two journals
mentioned happened to lie before the
writer, and the paragraph was the re
sult. It was not thereby intended to
say or intimate that other towns and
their newspapers were not alt-o doing
finely. Other towns, as Astoria, Pen
dleton, Baker City and The Dalles,
also have daily papers that indicate
their growth and prosperity. Jo all
these towns in Oregon, and to as many
in Washington, the remrrk made about
Salem and Albany would apply, and
with equal fitness. The Times-Mountaineer
itself is a good daily; we read
it every day, and find it doing its full
duty in behalf of its town and county.
There is no surer proof of the rapid
development of the Northwest than
the fact that so many good daily news
papers are now published at places
where, a few years ago, dailies were
not published at all.
We desire to deal justly with other
portions of the state, and will not
knowingly place any paper in a wrong
position. During the past few
months, since the failure of our harvest
we have LOticed that the press of west
ern Oregon have taken especial pains
to put our misfortunes in the worst
light possible, and we have not been
in any manner delicate about speaking
of the fact. As regards the Oregonian
we acknowledge its supremacy in the
northwest; but we cannot pass lightly
over its attitude towards Eastern Ore
gon. For years it opposed the con
struction of. the locks at the Cascades,
and apparently ignores any and every
point east of the Cascade mountains.
The evidences of this have been accu
mulating for a long time, and it is no
matter of recent occurrence. We
hope and desire that the great journal,
the peer of anything in the northwest,
will take more liberal and extended
views of Oregon, and not confine itself
to the narrow limits of the Willamette
The message of President Harrison
is both able and exhaustive upon all
subjects in which the people of this
nation are directly interested. It is
very lengthy, and to give a short syn
opsis will require considerable space.
The president recommends a revision
of the tariff laws, both in their admin
istrative features and schedules.
He says the removal of the in
ternal tax upon tobacco would
relieve an important agricultur
al product from a burden which
was imposed because our revenue from
custom duties was insufficient for the
public need. On rivers and harbors
the president says, after stating his
position in favor of the improvement
of the important rivers and harbors,
that "a work once considerably began
should not be subjected to risk and
deterioration which, interrupted or in
sufficient appropriation necessarily
occasion. Uur people are in
inorougn . sympa'ny wicu this
t- . ...
sentiment, and believe that the insuf
ficient appropriations for the locks
have delated that work for several
years past. The message is broad and
liberal on all sul jeots and national in
jts bearings.
The first Republican congress for
many years convened yesterday in
Washington City. Reed, of Maine,
the caucus nominee, was elected
speaker of the house, and Rev. W. 1L
vmi .i i i- .
iuuourn, tne ouna preacher, was
elected chaplain, in opposition to Rev.
Chas. B. R imsdell, who was nominated
by the Republican caucus. The plan
of work has been outlined somewhat,
but the first few days are generally
necessary for new members to under
stand the minutiae of operations. The
people may expect good and effective
logisla'.ion this session, as both houses
of congress are in harmony with the
The Dalles is the gateway of the
Inland Empire, and with advantage
taken of opportunities would be the
leading city east .of the Cascade
mountains. This city should be the
commercial metropolis of the north
west, and if our citizens were alive to
their advantages the fact would be
demonstrated in a little while. We
need enterprise, public spirited gener
osity ana tne "push to place us
where we belong. Let us not
delay this matter, but with the
opening of spring inugurate our street
railway, telephone system and beef
and pork packing establishments. By
these means the present business will
doubled and the wealth of the city
largely increased.
It was a deserving compliment to
Rev. W. H. Milburn to elect him
chaplain of the house over the caucus ble
nominee, and it was very complimen-
tary of the intelligence of those Re-
publicans who voted to suit themselves, j
If F. A. Carle, managing editor of
the Oregonian, is to be believed, Sec
retary Windom's policy in regard to
bilver is substantially the same as that
announced some two weeks sine?, not
witb8tandit.g the secretary's denial.
Mr. Carle says:
"The central idea of the secretary's
plan is the creation of an issue of
treasury notes, not legal tender, based
upon silver bullion at the market price
at the date of issue. He recommends
the stoppoge of the present coinage of
silver and the removal of limit on the
monthly purchase of bullion. Upon
the bullion so purchased he asks con
gress to give him power to issue the
treasury notes above described, these
notes to be redeemable upon presenta
tion, either in silver bullion at the
rulinii price, whether that be more or
less than the price on the day of issue,
or in gold coin at par, at the option
o: the government. This option is in
tended to guard against combinations
to depress the price of silver in the in
terest of speculators, and to prevent
combinations to run up the price of
bullion and unload it on the treasury,
The plan provides that the secretary
may suspend the purchase of bullion
whenever in his judgment the public
interest is endangered by a speculative
This policy will come about as near
satisfying the silver men as the pres
ont policy that is now being carried on
bv the government does. The silver
men want silver placed on an equal
footing with gold, and nothing else
will satisfy them. Why Mr. Windom
does not extend the same policy to
gold is not stated.
A communication from a promineLt
citizen in this issue advocates tie
formation of an immigration bureau,
and this is the most advisable scheme
that could be inaugurated. There is
no denying the fact that, if the people
east knew the advantages of our cii
mate and tho epportunities we have of
making homes to those who are seek
ing that borne, every season would
witness an influx of immigrants into
our midst that have not been equalled
anywhere in the northwest. The
Dalles, by nature, is favored with the
most desirable climate, roost prolific
soil and commercial advantages not
claimed by any point in the northwest,
and is a point in which the western
man can make a home. These
facts are not generally known, and
the immigration bureau, advocated by
our correspondent, would spread them
broadcast. Let us lose no tiue in
forming this adjunct to our growth.
The silver question is now agitating
tne American people, ana there is
some talk of introducing a bill for the
coinage of more of this metal. If it is
introduced it will come from the min
ing states, who are anxious to find a
market for their bullion at increased
value. The basis of all value is labor,
ana tne standard ot an exchange is
gold, because this is a metal that fluc
tuates the least and has been adopted
by the leading commercial nations of
the world. It is a mistake of some
that the government can create wealth
by the extra coinage cf silver or the
issuance of silver certificates. This
would only depreciate the value of the
metal, and the laborer, if he purchased
in tnat coin wouia be torcea to pay a
higher price. This would not relieve
the pressure of hard times, but in
crease the hardships of the poor. We
have hitherto pursued a safe financial
policy, and do not believe that we will
deviate from the well beaten track
this session.
Cleveland is the patron saint of he
Democratic party yet, although his
endorsement of the Mills bill cost the
party dearly in 1888. However much
we are opposed to Democracy we can
but admire its adherence to what it
terms "time-honored principles
Such tenacity to what it considers
truth is worthy of a better cause.
borne time in the future the party
will learn its mistake, as it did on the
slavery question; but it will take con
stant years of disaster to teach it this
practical lesson, and it will then at
tempt to cover over its past record c&
it does now its indiscrepancies from
1861 to 1865. Time will make all
things even, not excepting the Demo
cratic party.
We have no political contest until
next June; but notwithstanding this
fact there is a gathering of the clans in
several quarters. The Democracy is
attempting to place candidates before
the people and "boom" their election.
But this will amount to little or noth
ing. It, from the results in Uhio and
Iowa, our neighbors cf the Bourbon
persuasion, expect to carry Oregon,
they will be mistaken.. The Mills bill
and the state administration will in
duce Republicans to stand firm by
their ticket, and in that event a Wat
erloo awaits the Democracy. Oregon
is all right for 1890, and the Demo
cratic ticket will be defeated without
a doubt.
The new senators from the states
lately admitted are creating quite a
sensation in Washington City.and they
are the centers of attractions at the
national capital They are making
their first debut in national polities',
and of course the novelty makes them
attractive. After a few years they
will be "wall flowers" at the capital,
without they are possessed of sufficient
ability to make themselvea felt over
the nation.
Lynn and Boston have had two
very destructive fires recently, and
millions of property have been swept
out of existence; but the most horri-
to contemplate is the holocaust in
Minneapolis, in which several people
were burned to death. It is impossi
ble to estimate the value of human
life by the standard of dollars and
The Democratic members of con
gress in caucus have passed the fol
lowing resolution:
Resolved, That we the Democratic
members of the house of the fifty-first
congress at the beginning of the first
session, hereby send greeting to the
people of the country and the assur
ance of our continuous confidence in
and devotion to the principles of tariff
reform as embraced in Cleveland's
message to the last congress upon that
subject, and in the platform of princi
pies adopted at the last Democratic
national convention at St. Louis; that
we hail with delight the emphatic ap
proval of these principles by the peo
ple, as expressed at the polls in the
recent elections, and pledge them to
renew and continue in congress the
contest for a reduction of war taxes
so ably begun and prosecuted in former
congresses by our representatives and
At the last presidential 'campaign
the people did not act as though
they could appreciate any "greet
ing" from those who framed and en
dorsed the Mill s bills, and it cannot
be very consoling to Mr. Cleveland to
be patted on the back for his "princi
pies of tariff reform," when they cost
him a seat in the White House. If
the Democrats can enjoy solid comfort
over the result in Ohio and Iowa,
they are very welcome to it; but in
1S92 they will be undeceived about
the "emphatic approval of these prin
ciples" in those states.
Jefferson Davis, ex-president of the
80-cal'ei Confederate States of. Amer
ica, died at JNew Urleans lhursday
morning. He was born June 3, 1808,
in Kentucky. During the Mexican
war he was in command of the Miss
issippi Rifles, arid has served several
terms in congress from that state.
He was attached to the southern wing
of the Democratic party, and was an
ardent supporter of the ultra views of
John C. Calhoun. Whatever place he
may have occupied in the affections of
the southern people, his one act of
tjeason to his native country will
make a spot against his memory
which cannot be effaced.
A bill has been introduced in the
Washington legislature providing that
employers of women and girls furnish
seats for them when at leisure. This
is a yery humane law, and will be
beneficial to the health of the women,
as well as add to their comfort.
Philadelphia, D -c. 2. A three-story
brick building, at the corner of Second
and Huntington streets was burned early
this morning. The basement and first
fl.Mir were used by Oustave Gross as a
bakery. The second floor was occupied
I as a dwelling by Gros, his wife and four
cuuureu, uuu uu iue uuru uuor uweu
Joseph Bitner with wife and six children.
I be bre burned so rapidly that before
the occupaots could be aroused tbe fol
lowing were huroed to death : Mrs. Annie
Bitner, aged 35; Ida Bitner, aged 4;
George Bitner. aged 9 months; Gustave
'Grotis, jr., aged 11; Bruno Gross, aged 5.
Mrs. Minnie Gross, Ilattie Gross, Joseph
Bitner and Jobn'E.lanson were seriously
injured. The other occupants escaped
without serious hurt. Mrs. Minnie Gross
died at the hospital at 5 o'clock this after
noon. Tbe fact of her being ir. adelccate
condition hastened her death.
IIelena, Mont, Dec. 3. Tbe legisla
tive situation remains unchanged. The
senate met for tbe eleventh day this
morning at 10 o'clock. As usual, the
Democratic aenators had business else
where, and tbe Republicans, for lack of a
quorum, adjourned until to morrow. Tbe
bouse met this morning in tbe hall in tbe
Granite block. As the furniture was not
in and tbe ball totally unfit for occu
pancy, the houte adjourned until to
morrow at 2 o'clock. Before adjourning.
the committee to wait upon the senate
and inform that body that tbe bouse was
organized, which had previously been
discharged, was reappointed.
Many rumors were afloat on the streets
all day that a joint conference of all the
bouses was to be held to devise means for
settlement of the trouble. Hours of dili
gent search by an Oregonian reporter
tailed to find any authentication of tbe
matter. Lieutenant-governor Rickards
dnd Speaker Witter stated that they have
no official information of such a meeting.
but all tbe Republicans were willing to
meet the opposition. Leading Democrats
expressed themselves this evening as be
ing satisneu with a compromise on the
basis ot one senator to each party. Just
what will be done has not yet been de
cided. I be day passed without any
Denteb, Dec. 3. A Leadville special
uives an account of a tragedy which oc
curred there early this inorniog, resulting
in one man s death, and another wi
probably die before morning. Baily
Youngson, who has figured in several
shooting scrapes and is charged with kill
ing Mark Dugan over a year ago, bad
some trouble with Frank Cole, and the
men were looking for each other all yes
terdav, armed for deadly battle. Early
this morning, as Youngson was walking
down Harrison avenue, accompanied by
Bart Dunley, he met Cole and Clarence
Cole and Youngson pulled revolvers
and began firing at each other. Tbe other
two men also drew guns and took part in
the battle. Bone twenty shots were bred.
Dunley was shot through the heart and
Cole mortally wounded. Yonncson and
Wolvtrton were arrested. Excitement
over tbe affair is intense.
Helena, Mont., Dec. 3. Matters
about the St. Lawrence and Anaconda
mines remain in the same condition that
they have been during the last four or five
days. Steam is still being forced into tbe
works, and the shafts arc kept sealed.
From what should be a reliable source, it
is learned that an effort will be made
some lime during the latter part of tbe
present week to oiien tbe two shafts, and
if possible an examination of the lower
working of both tbe St. Lawreore and
the Anaconda will be made. In tbe
meantime, it is understood the manage
ment intends to erect a box shaft on the
St. Lawrence forty or fifty leet higher
than the Anaconda, in order to create a
draft sufficiently strong to expel all gases
and smoke that may remain in the miue
should it be louiid that tbe fire has been
general xilboy yery ill.
Olympia, Dec. 3 General R. H. Mil-
roy, who has been ill lor a month, bad a
serious attack oi heart trouble this
morning, and for a time his death was
expected at any moment He rallied
during the day and is much better to
night. General Milrov is 74 years old. Ha
setved in the armies of the Cumberland
and was through the Mexican and civil
wars. He held Lee in check at Winches
ter in the rebel general's march to Get
tysburg'. The rebel Virginia legislature
offered 125,000 for General Milroy's bead
and Jeff Dayw another $100,000.
Senator Squire was on General Milroy's
staff, and Judge Calkins, of Spokane
Falls, one of the prominent candidates
for tbe United States circuit judgeship.
was a major in his command.
Minneapolis, Dec. 3. The remains of 1
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
Prof. Olson, of South Dakota university,
Milton Picket, of the Pioneer Press, and
compositor Robert McCutcheon were
buried to-day. Tbe body of . J. Jen
kinson was taken to Sioux City by rela
tives. Tbe other three victims will be
buried to-morrow.
Owing to tbe dangerous conditions ot
the burned building, no search has yet
been made for more bodies.
Before the coroner's jury to day the
builder of the structure stated that wood
en stairs were ordered put in instead of
iron, on account of tbe difference in ex
pense of about $5000. The building in
spector said he never considered the
building a safe one, and said three months
ago a committee called on him and said
they feared it might tall dowu any time
without warning.
Stanley's hair is white.
New York, Dec. 3. The correspond
ent sent by tbe London New York Her
ald to meet Stanley, telegraphs under date
of November 29: "I have just met
Henry M. Stanley, Emin Paaha, Cosati,
Lieutenant Srair, Mr. Jephson, Dr. Parke,
Nelson and Bonny, and 5G0 men, women
and children. Stanley is looking exceed
ingly hearty. I presented him with an
American flsg, which I was instructed to
do and it is now fl) ing from Stanley's tent.
Tbe great explorer's hair is quite white,
and bis moustache iron gray. In con
versation with Emin he told me that he
did not wish for any honors but what he
drowned with her sorrows.
Sacramento, Dec. 4. Miss Hattie B.
Donahue, a young lady who has been
employed for a year past as an operator
in the office ot tbe Western Union Tele
graph Company, committed suicide late
tbis afternoon by jumping into tbe Sacra
inento river front tbe high Yolo bridge.
Miss Donahue was an expert operator,
and bas held good positions in San Fran
cisco, Virginia City and Reno, Nev. She
left a note to Mrs. Swift, tbe lady with
whom she lived, stating that ber life was
not an enviable one, and that she had
chosen tbe easiest way to end her trouble.
She left the telegraph office shortly after
5 o'clock, employing a messenger boy to
escort ber to tbe bridge, as tbe did "not
know its location. She was apparently
in good spirits, and bid the other em
ployes a pleasant good-night as she was
leaving. "
Arriving at tbe center of tbe bridge,
she gave tbe messenger .two letters to
mail and a note to be delivered to Mrs.
Swift, with whom she resided. It is evi
dent that she jumped into tbe water as
soon as the boy got out of sight
Parties on tbe river bank heard the
splash in the water, and concluded that
some one bad jumped or fallen in the
river, and at temped to secure a boat but
none could be bad. A couple of hours
later the body was found, about two
blocks below where Miss Donahue bad
plunged in. No one about the telegraph
office appears to know what the young
lady's troubles were, but Mrs. Swift says
she knows all about them, though she re
fuses to tell. She says however, that the
girl's life had been spotless.
Washington, Dec. 4. C. C. Hairison
of Philadelphia is probably to be ap
pointed minister to Russia. Senators
Quay and Cameron say they know noth
bing about it, and the only thing Postmaster-General
Wanamaker had to say
was to wonder bow it got out. Harrison
is a college professor, though it is
claimed that he is interested in a sugar
rehnery at Philadelphia.
Seattle, Dec. 4 Manager I. A. Na-
deau, of the Puget Sound Shore road.
suid to-day that the executive board of
tbe Northern Pacific Railroad company,
at a meeting held Tuesday, bad taken the
first preliminary step toward the purchase
of the Puget Sound Shore road. It has
been generally known since last August
that such a transfer was contemplated.
but it has not been formally made. There
will be a meeting of the Puget Sound
Shore road in a few days to arrange the
other side of the bargain, and tbe formal
transfer will be made iu the latter part of
this month. The consideration will bj
about $1,000,000.
Wasaington, Dec. 4. The president
to day nominated Justice David J. Brewer
of Kentucky, to be associate justice of
the supreme court of the United states.
David J. Brewer is about 50 years old,
and a native of Smyrna, Asia Minor. His
father, Rev. Josiab Brewer, was a mis
sionary to that country when the justice
was born, but returned to tbis country
when David was J years old. The ap
pointee graduated from Yale college by
a strange coincidence, in tbe same class
with Jndge Brown, of Detroit, and John
Mason Brown, ot Eentncky, both of
whom were prominently named in con
nection with tbe appointmeut After
years of study of law iu New York city,
Brewer removed to Kansas, where be
early took a prominent place in bis pro
fession, served two terms of six years on
the bench of the supreme court of that
state, and had entered on bis third term
when President Arthur appointed him
judge of tbe eighth judicial circuit, to
succeed George w. Aicureary.
Justice Brewer is a nephew of Justice
Stephen Field, bis mother having been a
member of the famous Field family. Tbe
appointment is generally well received.
San Francisco, Dec. 4. An Examiner
special from Ottawa Ont- says: A dis
patch received from Vancouver B. C, to
day states that on tbe steamship Batavia
there arrived at that port from Japan a
Russian gentleman who bad just escaped
from Siberia, where be bad been in exile
eighteen years. The gentleman, who had
assumed tbe name of Brant, was eighteen
years ago editor of a newspaper in Russia,
He was no nihilist but bis liberal views,
as expressed in his paper, displeased tbe
government, and lor the offense be was
sentenced lor lito to Siberia. For six
years be was in solitary confinement aud
after that be was twelve years on parole,
going from place to place. A few
months ago he drifted to the seacoasf
There be found a British ship, and ex
plaining the circumstances to the officers,
he was taken on board and landed at
Nagasaki. There his passage was paid
on the Batavia by new-tound friends.
On arriving at Vancouver, the officers of
tbe Batavia presented him with a tiGket
to Washington City, for which place be
started at ooce. Brant is 45 years of age,
but bis long suffering bas made him pre
matrrcly older.
Washington. Dec. 4. At the national
wool-growers1 meeting a committee to
prepare an address to tbe wool -growers of
the United States was appointed,
Columbus Delano, of Ohio, president of
the national association, delivered the an
nual address. He said both food aud
clothing should be raised at home, not
purchased from abroad, wben tbe people
who consume them bave facilities for
their production. "Influenced by tbe act
of i883," he continued, "wool-growing
languishes throughout ihe united States,
and without relief must soon perish.
The Texas wool clip of 1883 was valued
at $9,228,234; in 1887 it was $5,016,674,
showing a loss ot $4,211,560. Is it de
sirable, to extinguise tbe industry best
adapted to this vast section under tbe
cry of free trade or free wool T Under
tbe influence of the act of 1883 our an
nual clip bas been reduced 55.000,000
pounds, while it should bave increased at
tbe rate of 2 per cent, annually to keep
pace with the natural growtn of tbe
country. Those who favor free trade as
our true policy, add no protest against
tree wool, it it be free trade, let us bave
it as a system, pure and simple, without
tbe adulteration of duplicity under tbe
name of Incidental protection.' Let us
do one or tbe other, and bave an econo
mic policy that is entitled to an honest
and correct name. A tariff for revenue,
with incidental protection, is a delusion
and a fraud. We need a national policy
on tbis subject, honestly named. If pro
tection, let it be general and uniform.
embracing all American industries that
can be profitably pursued by our people."
At the conclusion oi tbe address, tbe
meeting adjourned aud the delegates in
body called on tne president and Secre
tary Rusk, Their brief interyiew with
the president as well as that with the
secretary of agriculture, is said to have
betn of a very satisfactory character.
Union, Or., Dec. 4. The O. R, & N.
Co. is settlingclaims for lossea by fire on
the line of roid during V 8 fall. Tbe ag
gregate of losses amounts to considerable,
and claims amounting to nearly $20,000
have already been paid, and many more
are to be settled. Fred Nouinc, a prom
inent stockman, has a claim for $15,000,
and tho others run from $100 to thou
sands of dollars.
Washington, Dec. 5. In the house
to day tbe speaker laid before the l;ou?e
the following communication from J. P.
Leedom, late sergeant-at-arms of the
house, rdJ directed to the speaker:
I regret to report that O. E. Silcott,
late cashier of the office of sergettnt-at-arms,
has departed from this city without
settling his accounts, and I have bees
unable to ascertain bis whereabouts.
There is a deficiency in the cash of the
office. In view of these circumstances I
respectively request an immediate inves
tigation of my accounts under such ac
tion as the bouse of representatives inav
take in tbe premises.
Adams, of Illinois, presented a resolu
tion reciting the above facts, and placing
the amount of defalcation at $75,000, and
providing for tbe appointment of a select
committee by the speaker to investigate
and report. It was adopted, and the fol
lowing were appointed ; Adams, Stewart
ot Vermont, Payne, Reed of Iowa, Hoi
man, Blount and Hemphill.
Tuscon, Ariz., Dec. 5. A special from
Florence says: Of tbe five Apache In
dians sentenced to hang to-morrow morn
ing, three ot them committed suicide id
their rooms last eight by tying a strip of
cloth around their necks with double
knots. Tbey were discovered early tbis
morning, when another Indian gave the
alarm. Two were murderers of Jones at
Dudlejville, September 15, 18S8, and one
the murderer of Diebl,oi San Pedro, June
3, 1887.
The two remaining Apaches will be
bung to-morrow morning.
London, Dec. 5. A dispatch from
Zanzibar announces that Emin Pasha has
met with a probably latal accident. Be
ing near-Eigutea he walked out of a win
dow by mistake and fell on hie head,
fracturing tbe skull. He now lies at
Bogomoyo in a critical condition.
All the doctors except Stanley's physi
clan declure Emm's injuries will prove
fatal. Sranley's physician is hopeful of
saving i.min a ute, but says under the
most favorable circumstances the patient
cannot be moved for at least ten days.
Later dispatches Irom Z-inzibar say that
Emin misjudged the height of the bal
ci ny parapet, became overbalanced and
fell a diatance of twenty feet His body
was terribly bruised.
Washington, Dec. 5. The superinten
dent of the railway mail service bas noti
lied Congressman Hermann that he bas
appointed W.T. Locke ot Huntington,
Or., as railway mail cleric on the new run
between Green river, in Wyoming, acd
Huntington, in Oregon.
Mr. Herman made an argument to-day
before the department lor the restoration
of the mail service in Oregon between tbe
towns ot Oakland and Looking Glass.
This- service was disccntimed under tbe
new administration in the iuterest of
economy, and now since he has presented
what he asserts are sufficiei.t reasons for
its restoration, be proposes making a test
case of this, in order to ascertain how far
his slate may expect liberal recognition
as to its mail facilities.
Charles Miles was to-day appointed
postmaster at Laurel, Yellowstone county,
and Mrs. C. B. Scribuer, at Ramsey, Deer
Lodge county. Mont; A Haskell, at
Cooperstown, Griggs county, N. D , and
M. lileston, at Auburn, Marion county,
Washington, Dec. 5. Acting Secre
tary Chandler, of tbe interior department
gave a decision to-day, id which he dis
cussed somewhat the pre emption law
briefly. The case came from tbe land
office at Huron, S'D and involves title
to apart of section 11, township 117,
range CO. H. S. Esty had tbe first claim,
but did not live on tbe land wben he
made bis cash entry. J. H. Wallace, who
bled on tbe land afterwards, was the con
testant. Esty thought 'that, having re
sided six months on tbe claim, be did not
need to continue bis residence unul he
made the cash entry.
Secretary Chandler says that the law
undoubtedly contemplates that the resi
dence of tbe pre-emptor must be upon
tbe tract pre empted at the date wben be
oners proof and payment for tbe land.
Accordingly he sustains the decision of
the Huron land office.
New Orleans, Dec. 6.- At 13:45
o'clock Jefferson Davis, ex-president of
the Confederate States, died at tbe resi
dence of his life-long friend, J. U. Payne.
From tbe beginning ot his fatal illness
Mr. Davis bad insisted that bis case was
nearly or quite hopeless, though the dread
of pain or fear of death never appeared
to take tbe slightest hold ot bis spirits.
In vain did tbe doctors strive to im
press upon bim that bis health was im
proving. He steadily insisted that there
was no improvement but with Christian
resignation be was content to accept
whatever Providence baa in store for bim.
At 6 o'clock last evening, without any
assignable cause, Mr. Davis was seized
with a congestive chill, wbtcb seemed to
absolutely crush tbe vitality out ot uis al
ready enfeebled body. So weak was Mr.
Davis that the violence of the assault
soon subsided for lack of vitality upon
which to prey. From that moment to
the moment of bis death the history of
tbe case was that of gradual sinking.
Progressive Thejlojcj
Washington Poet
A certain evengelist in Western Vir
ginia organized a Sunday school, and by
dint of diplomacy obtained a goodly fol
lowing of youngsters into whose un
combed beads and pliant hearts be in
stilled the rudiments of religion.' Neither
did be spare tbe corrective rod in case bis
charge failed to como to tow with tbe
One Sunday a new arrival was discov
ered over in the boy's corner He was
called before the teacber and cross-ex
amined with a view of learning his re
ligious acquirements.
How many Gods are there (" asked
the teacher.
The boy thought a moment and ven-
turnd tbe assertion that there were two.
Wrong I" said tbe teacher.
"Ob 1 you must know better, than that.
Try again. How many Gods are there f"
"Four! ' whimpered the boy.
"Wrong again 1" shouted the instructor.
1 will give you another chance, it you
don't answer right this time I'll tan you,
Now, for the last time, bow many Gods
are there I"
"Five!" wailed the unhappy tow bead.
Smack I Tbe teacber gave bim a tuor
ough dressing down and sent bim from
tbe room in disgrace, A belated scholar
found bim sitting by tbe roadside howl
ing at the top of his voice.
"What's tbe matter, Jackl"
"Teacher licked me."
"What fort"
"'Cause I didn't know how many Gods
there were."
"Huh I That's easy enough."
"D'you know!"
"How many are there?'
"One, you stupid."
"One. eb I Well, you just go in there
with your little one god and you'll catch
it. I 'lowed there was five and he nigh
killed me."
Echoes From The Catholic Coaresa.
Baltimore Herald.
A very wide impression prevails that
the most notable religious meeting of the
century bas just closed in .Baltimore.
This is so far from tbe fact tbat it seems
to mark a new era in the history of one
of tbe greatest religious bodies in Chris
tendom, i or wnatever oe one' lnuivia
ual views with reference to the doctrines
of Catholicism, certainly tbe Papacy has 1
left its imprint upon the history of tbe
onu as nothing else has, unless it be tbe
t emendous "protest" against the Catho
lic w urci wntch began in 1500 and has
grown increasing might until our
own iims. uootemporary with tbe Offi
cial lanting of CalholicUm in America
come en:ed the culmination of religious
r . i- t . D .
iiccuuui iu i no udiicu Diatea uonslltu-
tion. The Papal Church, with all its tra
dittoes, began in weakness in the New
World. Under the benign influence of
ttc principle of religious toleration the
church bas enjoyed a growth unparal
elled in the United States. Within the
century it bas been learned that meddling
with the civil power is in no wise essen
tial to the well-being of Catholicity, and
theBaltimore centenoarv marks tbe chee.-
ful recognition of that fact in the most
outspoken aud official way. Fiom tbis
time on Catholicism becomes one of many
strictly religious denominations. The
specious claim of a divine right to
rule the state has been formally aban
doned, and tbe Catholic hierarchy euteis
upon its second century in tbis country
divested ot its power to repeat the his
toncal blunders of the Old World. It is
in this essential and fundamental particn
lar that America has changed Catholi
cism. That further change is possible,
pracucaoie, ana inevitable the late meet
ing luny snows. Ami indications are
not wanting that many years will not
elapse before it will be discovered that
Protestantism and Catholicism are not
very far apart. Reforms in religion are
slow and cumulative in their effects, but
it requires no prophetic insight to see the
certain drift of theological thinking away
i rum toe superstitious authoutyof me
diaeval traditions. And we believe that
movement is in active opcratio n iu the
great unurcn ot Home.
The Fruits of Froteetlon.
Macon (0.) Telegraph (Dec )
The year wbicb is now drawing to a
close bas been tbe most prosperous in tbe
history ot Jklacon. It has wituessed great
er growth of the city, more iniDrove-
meuts, a larger net gain in all tho ele
ments of strength than any year that bas
preceded it.
Compared with any other year in the
nistory ot jucon, will show:
A larger increase in uouulation.
More new buildings and work of a bet
ter quality.
More new maoDfactuiiog enterprises
More money invested in manufactures.
More miles of railroad built from Ma
con as a cent er.
Mote general business.
More improvements on the streets and
iu the facilities for city transit
A healthier tone in business aud a live
lier spirit of public and private enterprise.
i nis has been a great year for Macon,
Two great railroads bave beeo com Dieted.
One giving a shorter route to tbe North
and .bast, enlarging the commercial ter
ri'ory of the city and increasing the com
petition lu freight rates; the other open
ing a rich region to the South, which has
developed so fast tbat there are now pros
perous towns where not many months
ago me engineer corps cut tnoir way
through the forest. The Increase ol Ma
con's business from these two roads has
been immense.
Macon is fair to look upon these bright
autumn days, sue never looked so well.
Tbe record of the current year bas been
oonoraoie to her, and tbe luture never
beamed to bright before ber.
A. Poet Dead.
London, November 20th. Martiu
Farqubar Tupper is dead.
Martin Farqubar Tupper was a de
scended of an ancient Guernsey family,
ana was born in .London In 1810. lie
entered the classes at tbe Charter House
and at Christ Church, Oxford, where he
took the degrees of B. A M. A. and D.
C. L. He was callei to tbe bar, but never
practiced. He was the author of " 'Ger-
aldino' and Other Poems," publis' ed in
1838. in 183U-44 he pioduced, "Prover
bial Philosophy," which sold upwards
of thirty editions. Notwithstanding its
success, it was criticised as a heavy, in
flated and dull piece .of literature by
prominent i.DgUsh writers. He after
wards published "Modern Pyramid,"
"An Author's jviind," "The Twin: a
Tale," "Crock of Gold," "Hartenu?,"
"Surrey: a Rapid Keview or Its Princi
pal Persona and Places," "King Alfred's
Poems in .English Meter, ' ana a number
of other tittles.
Hadtru Advertising.
Tbe advertising department of a first'
class newspaper is not what it used to be,
but is instead fast becoming an interest
ing feature of all enterprising journals
Formerly the prevailing idea among tbe
uninitiated was that the talent, tbe best
most versatile acd most ingenious writers
and artists, were all employed in the
news department How nearly correct
this idea may have beon need not be
stated, but that such is not tbe case now
may be seen by a perusal of tbe "adds"
of any flourishing paper. Tbe competi
tions between tbe merchants and between
tbe papers' agent have become so great
that the great wholesale ana retail houses
of the large cities employ talented men
at lanre salaries to attend to their adver
tising alone, and the men who want tbe
best positions in the counting looms of
newspapers must combine businiss quaa-
Ucationi with the talent that win suc
cess in the idi:orial chair.
Morxistown, Tknn., July 4, i833
Tbe Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.:
Gentlemen Five years ago I was so un
fortunate as to contract an extremely bad
case of blood poison. My bones ached and
my muscles begm to swell aad contract I
was under treatment of the physician from
tbe inception of the disease until I found
that be could do me no good. Then,
through tbe advice of a friend I began talc
ing b. b. S. Your medicine seemed to hava
an immediate effect. I took six bottles, and
to-day am sound and weU. That was two or
three years ago, but I bave seen no evidence)
of the return of the disease, and I take this
opportunity to thank yon for what it has done
lor me. Jt saved my ule. You can reier
any one to me. R. M. Wall.
Fakmzksvtlle, Tex., Tune 2a, i8S3.
Tbe Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.:
uentlemen lae mother of a member
of our firm was afflicted with a cancerous
sore on her face lor about twenty years.
During the past few years it troubled her
very much by continued pain and itching.
She used vour S. S. S.. and the sore has
disappeared and is apparently welL Should
it break out again, will advise you.
Very truly,
Pendleton, Yearly ft Riley,
Three books mailed free on application.
Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga.
Four Nights, Commencing; Monday, Dec. 9
Four ulghta Eunuremmt at Uw POPULAB TEA
OEOIAN. John S. Lindsay.
Monday, Dec. 9, - INGOMAR.
Tuesday, " 10, Lady of Lyons
Wednesday " 11, RICHELEAU
Thursday, Dec 12, - Under tbe Gaslight.
Beerrd seats oo ade at Blakeley Houghton's
The City FJourinc Mills on Mi 1
Crook. For par
Uouun laq litre Ol
octtwu J.
Washington St. bet. JHala and Beeo Jd,
The Smllee, Oregon.
Betrnlar A action 8ale of Reel EeUte. hoasebold
r urniuire ana uenerei meraiwmier.
Wednesday and Hatmrdajr, 11 A, H.
httmmn le n
Two tmina daily, leering- the Umatilla IToueeat
ls:10 p. m. and a. m. The 12:10 train rune ihrouvh
to Walla Walla, collecting at Wall. ila Junction with
the NnrUwrn Pari He train for Helena, M. Paul ana
the Ka?t. The 2 train rune through to Fanning
ton via. Pentl'eton end Waila Walla, and to Union,
La Grande, baker City, connecting at HunUnrton
with Oregon Short Line for Denver, Council Bluff
Kanrae City and the Bait. Train going west leave
The Dalle at 12:40 P.M. and 2 A.M.
TIPICTC? and from priori ial points In the
1 1 ll IL I O United State, Caiiaita and Europe.
EMIGUAM SLKKl'INO CARS ma through on
Expreaa trains to
49Free ol Charge and Without Changs.
Close Connections at Portland tor San Francisco and
Puget bound pointe.
To San Francleco Leaving Steamship Wharf Port
land, at 10 P. M., u (oUowe:
Oregon Sunday, Docemher, 1
State Thurwiay, t
Columbia Monday, M 0
Oregon Frtd.y, " 18
Bute Tueaday, " IT
Columbia. Saturday, " 21
Oie.-on Wednesday, ' 25
SUte Sunday, 29
To Portland Leaving EpearSt. Wharf, SanFrandeoo,
at 10 A. If. aa follow.:
Wednesday, December, 4
Sunday, " 8
Thursday, " IS
Monday, 18
Friday, 20
Columbia Saturday. " 28
Oregon Wednesday, January, 1
RATES OF PASSAGE, (Including meals and berth
Cabin, SIS 00 Steerage, S 00
Round Trip Unlimited, SO 00
For further particulars inquire of any Agent of the
Compuiy, or A. L. Maxwell, A. O. P. T. A., Fort
land, Oregon.
Mrs. G. L. Phillips,
Fashionable Milliner,
(Next door to TiMn-HouxTaurau office.) '
Bonnets, Trimmings, etc
Stock Sheep !
Young and in good eondltlon; also
100 Graded Bucks.
Enquire at the First National Bank, at A. M. Wit
Hams a Co.'s store, or at the stock yard of Laraea
4 Haltmantho.
HylSwtf K. P. ROBERTS k SON.
By Way sf the
Qnlokor In Tlmo then Any
Other llouto between
Portland and San Francisco.
Leave Portland 4 P. M. Dailf
Through Time, 39 Hours.
for accomodation of Second-Class
Passengers, attaobed to
Express Trains.
Fare from Portland to Sacramento ana Saa
Francisco: '
Unlimited 25
First Class. Limited W CO
Second Class, Limited IS c0
South and J2ast
Via. California.
JUuscer Asst. O. F. and Pas. Aft
City Office No. 134, Cor. First and Alder Ft.
Depot " Corner F and Front St.
Portland, Oregon.
Liquor Dealer
Seoond Street, . . The) X?all
Near the Old Hint Building, Seoond St.,
The Dalles, Or.
Always on hand the)
Dost "Wines,
and Ji gars.
A Pleasant Evening Resort,
Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beer
ou draupht.
Keep oonstantly oo hand the(choloet
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
Corner of Union rod Second Sta.
The Dalle. Orerna.
If any dealer ear he ha the W. I.. Doajrlaa
Shoe without uauw aud price atituiped oa
stumped c
the bottom, put hlia down aa a
Betln the world. Ksamlne hi
4.00 HAND-RKWKD WKLT fill OK..
4MO and S1.7S BOYS' M'lKHil, SHOES
All mad In Conjrrese, Buttou and Lac.
It aot sold or Tour dealer, write
Examine W. L. Douglas $2.00
for Gentleman and Ladies.
J. Freiman, Agk,Tbe Dalles.Or.
For business pursuit at the Portland Businesa
Colleffe. Portland. Ommn r- th. n...-
inesa College. Salem, Oregon. Both schools are
under the managementof A. P. Armstrong-, have
same course of studies and same rates of tuition.
uusiness. Shorthand.
Typewriting, Penmanship and English Depart
ment. Day and evening sessions. 8tudeutsad
milted 1st any time. ForlointCaUlogue.addna
Nrusad leanest Ceilw. FlO CaaiUI tamnm taUer .
rertland, Oregon. Vtt balem, Oregon. j