DO mmirillREK. V.ilam XX tmflXS0LlDATEJ'ift2. THE' DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 't 18S9. NUMBER 17. PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY ' BY John Michell, Editor and Proprietor. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Single copy, one ym Biugle copy sii months Vienna itrictly in ad van re K ntertd at the at The Dalle, Or. , ae Second Vtaet Matter jot irarumuaion wrougn we maw. LIST OF STATE AND COUNTY OFFICIALS. Governor S. Pennover Secretary ol 4tate O. W. McBride Treasurer Geo. W. Webb Superintendent ol Public Instruction . . E. P.jMcElroy Senators i JH.Mltcbell Cnncrremiman ..... B. Hermann State Printer Frank Baker Sheriff Geo. Herbert Clerk M.U. Thompson Treasurer. Geo. Kuch j George A. Young Commissioners H-8A. Leaves Assessor H. Gourlay Surveyor E. . Sharp Superintendent of Public School .... A. C. Connelly Coroner William aiiuneii. Professional C rda. I-VR. J. G. BOYD. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ihe Dalles, Oregon. Office Rooms 6 and 6, over Moody & McLeod's store, corner 2d and Washington Sis. Residence North side Fourth St., near Lincoln. Calls in city or country answered at all hours. J. B. COXDOW. C-ONBC1 QONDON CONDON, Attorneys at Law. Office On Court street, opposite the Old Court Mouse, The Dalles, or. B, THOMPSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Omen Next door to U. S. Land Office. Will practice inll Courts, and in the U. S. Land Office. Collections promptly attended to. D SXDDALL D. D. S. Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas Given For Painless extraction of Teeth. Rooms, sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. B. H. LOGAN. Omca: Rooms 2 and S in Land Office Building. Q C. HOLL1STER, -. PhvRician and Surgeon. Room over Dalles National Bank. Office hours 10 A.M. to I9. M., and from 2 to 4 P.M. Residence West end of Third street. 0 D. DOANE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, The Dalles, Oregon . Omci Over French s Co. s Bank. ' BaaiDSSCa Over McFarland & French's. B. WALTER. v Physician and Snrgeon. Diseases of Children a speciality. Erskinsville ' Shetman Co., Oregon. r-rsurs S HUHTIXOTOI M AYS ft HUNTINGTON, Attorneys at Law, Office In French's Building, Second St, between Washimrton and Federal. B. F. HOKEi ATTORNEY AT LAW. over Postoffice, The Dalles. Room 6, apSdaw E. ATWATER, Dalles, Oregen, ATTORNEY AT LAW, THE apr le-wtl V. B. DCTUR, aio. vatuks. UFUR W ATKINS, Attorneys-at-Law. " NOTARY PUBLIC. Rooms over Mood; McLeod's store, next door to Fish Bardon's, Washington St, gENNETT WILSON, Attorneys at Law, Office in Schanno's building, up-stslrs. The Dalles - Oregon. . I STORY. W. L. BRADSHAW. TORY BRADSHAW, Attorneys at Law. ' ' The Dalles,' Oregon. J G. KOONTZ, Ileal Estate, Insurance and Loan A arent. Agents for the Scottish Union and National In furance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital 80.000,000. Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy terms. Office over Post Office, The Dalles, Or. MCCOY MoCOY, BARBERS, Second Street, next door to MacEarchern & MacLeod's. The cleanest shave, the nobbles hair-cut and most health iul baths. p8dw JJ L. WATERS, M. D., Homeopathic Physician and Snrgeon. Graduate of tke Hahneman Medical College of PhiladelDhi: Office in Max Vogt ft Co. ' block, upstairs. GEO. ANDERSON, j0 DaALBR ALL KINDS OF GUNS. Revolvers, Ammunition. Fishing Tackle, Pocket Cutlery, Racers, etc, etc. Repairing and New Work done to Order. Second Street THE DALLES OREGON Ladies, Attention! A New Invention for Dress Catttinc " -A. Self-Instructor That can be used by s man or woman, and which gives a perfect fit. Price of scale, including a key of full instructions, SS 59. Can be had by calling on or addressing auS-SO MRS. C. L. PHILLIPS The Dulles, Or, OREGON-:-BAKERY, A. KELLER, Prop'r, Washington street, next door lIow Geo. Ruch's. Dalles, Oregon. Having the Bakery formerly owned by Geo. Ruch, I am prepared to furnish families, hotels and res. taurants with the choicest Bread, Cakes and Pies. GharleS F. Lauer, ' Proprietor of the Third St. Poultry and Fish Market, Will always keep on sale Puget Sound Fish, Chickens, Turkeys, Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco an J Ckars. ' Leave Tour orders, as they will receive prompt ttention. JRROMK LAUER WOOL EXCHANGE SALOON ! DAN. BAKER, Proprietor. NEAR THE OLD MINT, SECOND ST, THE DALLES, OR. The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always on hand. Kreb Lunch every evening. I - Miscellaneous. wanted! My old frunds and the public, one and all to come ana see me in the ON UNION AND RAILROAD STS. Where one can get all the comforts of Home. My rooms are furnished With Sprint: Beds, and the Tables second to none in the city. Price same as before. Veals 25 cents: Lodging 25 cents. T- T. NICHOLAS. Prop'r. jXEXTU2VE bi Parlors M U hm, 110 Front Street, THE DALLES. - - - . OREGON. CHAS. FRAZER, PROP R S" None but the most skillful artists em ployed. Hot and Cold and Shower Baths for the comfort of patrons. At the old stand of R. Lusher. R. E. Saltmarshe -AT THB East B3 STOCK THUDS, WILL PAY THE HidiestCasliPrice for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE. STOCK. L. EOEDEN & CO., DEALERS IN Crockery & Glassware LAMPS CHANDELIERS AND FIXTURES Rogers Bros'. Platedware, IZL PocKet Cutlery. J. Russell & Co's Table Cutlery, Keen Kutter Shears and Scissors, ggTEvery One Warranted.JgJ CIGARS AND TOBACCO, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Fancy Goods and Notions, Iron Wheel Wagons; Bicycles; Bird Cages; Agents for the Mew uome. White and Kovai bt.jotin bow ing Machines, Needles and Attachments . . for every Machine. Picture Frames in stock or made to order. Trees! Trees! Trees! FRUIT TREES! Ornamental Trees, Shade Trees and Timber Culture Trees Ornamental Shrubbery. Hoses I ltoses! Greenhouse Plants, We have on hand at this date a few hundred Italian and Petite Prunes, which we offer at reasonable prices by the hundred. THE CELEBRATED NEW PLUM, M 32 X ILviC We offer 25 cents each. Don't be humbugged by paving 1 for them, for we warrant ours to be genuine makiajha. . . Also, CABDAGE and TOMATO PLANTS in large supply. Sena tor catalogue and prices, . Address, THE JEWETT NURSERIES lOse White Salmon, W. T. C 123. -Bayard, EealEstateJnsurance 0 Collection Agency. So. 1 13 Third St,, In masonic Bnildlns-. Agent for the Northwest Fire and Marine InsuranccCo., Best Home Company on the Coast, Also Aprent for Aetna Life and Pacific Surety, Accident Insurance Companies. Having been appointed correspondent Tor he Lombard Investment Co. I am prepared to make Loans on eood Rea Estate Security in Wasco and Gilliam Counties, also in ttasninuton lerniory. u you WANT MONEY Can on or address C. E. BAYARD, The Dalles, Ogn. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for Waah- ngton Territory. EOE ICE CREAM AND ICE GOLD SODA WATER, GO TO- 101 Second Street. Cram & Corson, Props. MacEachern & MacLeod Have Just Received a LARGE STOCK OF- Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS. HJTTS, SH06S, STC Direct From Manufacturers. igrTCall and see them at 12 Second Street. -tf J FA0AN - MERCHANT TAILOR Suitings of all kinds, imported snd Jomeebe on hand. FIT WARRANTED. None but fio best of labor employed and satis tion guaranteed iMiewCoHiaiiel r MyFactory Banks. Tie Dalles National Baal, OF DALLES CITY. OR. President, Cashier, Z. F. Koody. ...J. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges sold u NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, OR. t3T Collections made on farorabl rms at all a auble points. Prencli& Co., Bankers THE DALLES. OREGON. Transact a General BanMng Business. Collections Made at all Points on Favorable Terms. Letters or Credit issued, available In all parts or the United States. iSight Exchange and Telemanhic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Walla Walla, W. T., and va rious points in Oie-,'on and Washington Territory. D. P. THOMPSON, J. S.SCHENCK, president. Vice-President H. M. UEALL, Cashier. first NATIONAL BANK: OP THE WALLUH ' (Successor to) SCIIENK & UEALL, BANKERS, TBANSACTS A REGULAR BANKING BUSINESS, BUY AND SELL EXCHANGE. COLLECTIONS CAREFULLY MADE AND PROMPTLY ACCOUNTED FuR. DRAW ON NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO AND Directors t D P Thompson, T W Sparks, J S Schsnck, GE0R0R A LlEBS, H M BKALL. fen miscellaneous E. BECK, riie Lieadlns; WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Next to 1st Nat Bank Always on band the latest styles of iewelry. docks, watches, etc., at the lowest prices. If yon wane .Kjmetni..jr tasting ana anno some, frtve tsecftt me lewejer a can. menz J. FKEIMAN, THE IETEXfc IN THE Boot - and - Shoe Trade. . SOLE AGENT FOl LAIRD, SCH03ER & MITCHELL, HANAN & SON, EDWARD C. BURT, and the W. L. DOUGLASS Celebrated 83.00 Shoe. W.LDOUGLASr- l3.oa SHOI 0TTOrt gar Goods sold Cheaper than ever. Call and xuuine the fine stuck on hand. J. Freiman, Kelt anno Brick. Heron d Htreet We Are Here And to Stay AT OUR HEADQUARTERS With a Large Stock cf Flour, Bacon, s. etc.. ctes -ALSO- Tiiiiofhy, Meat and Wild Hay OATS, BARLEY, Bran, Rolled Barley, etc. CR STOCK IS A 1 IN OTJALITY AXD quantity, wnich we are pleased to offer you at very lov prices fur cash or country produce. Call and sec for ourselves, - We mean what we sy and you will not be sorry. Ssf Staple mm BEERS TELEGRAPHIC. VAN TASSEL NOT THE MAN. San Francisco, Not. 29 The steamer from Honolulu brought definite news that the man who made the parachute descent at Honolulu on the 16th iost., and fell iutu the ocean arid was devoured by sharks, was not Professor Van Tassel, bnt one James Lawrence. Lawrence was traveling for hire under the name of Van Tassel, and representing; himself as the professor's brother. DRIVEN TO SUICIDE. Seattle, Nov. 29. A woman who claims to be the wile of P. Kothenbeute), steward of the steamer Merwin, and who is supposed to be the divorced wite of Gaines Fisher, a liveryman of Salem, and sister of Robert Ford, also a livervmaD in the same city, committed suicide in the Mechanics' lodging house in this city at 3 o'clock this morning. The case is a remarkable one, as it brings out suspic ions of several black crimes egain her reputed husband. The woman first ar rived at the lodging house about 8 o'clock last evening, in company with Rothcn- bentel, and engaged a room. The man went out and soon returned with beer Soon after this be left her. About 10 o'clock the woman wus beard to scream. A few minutes later a noise waa heard in ber room, as of a body falling heavily on the floor. An attache of the bouse rushed to her room and found her lying on the floor. She picked her up and placed her on the bed. About 2:30 oclockinthe morning she was heard to scream again and fall on the floor. Officer Phillips proceeded to tbo room, and there a hor rible sight met his gaze. The dead body of the woman was found on the floor, dressed only in a nightgown. Her head was under the bed, and the attitude of the body indicated that she bad struggled feartully before death came. On the bureau were two vials, which had un doubtedly contained poison, and a note addressed to the police and the party who owns the house, snd Paul Rolhen bentel. boston's conflagration. Boston, Nov. 29. The burned district to-day presents a scene of desolation. A portion of tbe fire department spent the entire night and this forenoon quenching the remnants of tbe big blaze, while the weary officers are still guardiutr the ruins. Tbe incoming trains are packed with sightseers. The walls of some of tbe gutted build ings are in a very dangerous condition. Gaogs of men have already begau tear ing away the debris. Among the spec- tvcles at tbe ruins to day were 500 girls employed in T. Y. Crow-ell's book bind ery, many of whom are the main support of families, and who now have no menus of subsistence. Two more firemen are reported miss ing. They are believed to be in tbe ruins ol Brown & Dunell's building. The aggregate losses ot the fire insur ance companies as reported by the agen- cie sbow a ,ot1 of over $3,500,000. The nnoerwriteres in tue street estimate tne total property loss at between $4,000,000 and $5,000,000. now THE FIRE STARTED. New York, Kov. 29. A Boston dis patch says that yesterday's fire was caused by the crossing of an electric light wire and a wire of the .Electric Time Company. All tbe clocks cn the Electric Time Company's line stopped at 6:48, the wires being burned out at tbeii con nections with the clocks, causing in cipient blazes at many places including me city nail. LOSS OF THB CHESEBROUGH OFF THE COAST OF JAPAN. San Francisco, Dec. 1 Tbe steamship Uaclic, which arrived from China and Japan to day, brings news that the Amer ican ship Clmebrough wa? wrecked Octo ber 30th by rnnning on a rock and nine teen of tbe crew drowned. The vessel was bound from Hakodnte to San Fran cisco with a cargo of sulphur. Out of Ler crew of twenty-three only four were saved. WILSON AND HERMANN. Washington, Dec. 1 The Oregon and Washington members have been trying to fix up committee matters between t icui satisfactorily, and both are agreed no: to get in tbe other's way. Hermann Winu to go on tne river and narbor commiuee, and 'Wilson is anxions that he sho ilu have the place. Hermann does not think that, he wilt secure such a prominaat place, and will make an effort to get on tbo commerce committee. If he should get tbe other place, Wilson will try to secure the commerce place, and in case of failure will try to get on tbe public build ngs committee. Hermann willlbe on one or the other of tbe first named committees, but it is not at all certain tbat Wilson can get either of the places to which he aspires. a terbible holocaott. IIinneopolib, Nov. 30. A fire wa discovered on the third floor of the Tri bune building abont 10. '45 to-night, and soon tbe entire building was wrapped in names. On tbe seventh floor were situ ated many offices, tbe Tribune sta f, edi tors, rtpoiters and compositors. A num ber of employes, in attempting to es :apc. jumped lrom tbe windows. A nun ber of lives have been lost, acd at midn gbt given bodies bad been taken out ot the ruins. Only one is vet identiued. It is tbat of Professor Olson, of tbe Yermilli n. Dak., university, who had gone to se a iriend. - He jumped from tbe top fla i and was instantly killed. A general alarm was turned in snd all the engines in tbe city responded to tbe I call, ibe imprisoned printers gathered tbe windows in tbe south end and shrieked wildly, despairingly for aid. urry the ladders, for God's sake," was shrieked whh all tbe vehemence and power tbat anguished dozens in peril of tbeir lives could muster. A vast crowd from the opposite side viewed .tbe fire wreck its work, and shouted words of encouragement to them in tbeir strenuous endeavors to hurry them up. The long hulders sesrued to move, at a snail's pace, but were iicaily reeled in ponitijp, and the crowd began. to r escend. Th3 flames were ,Eakirg 5:et'.dy encroachments in the comer where ti e men had huddled. Life i:e!s were brought aud some we.e saved by this means. The entire building, at this writing, less than an boar after the fire starte 1, is a mass of ruins. Sparks are flying i i ali directions and the adjoining igs. occupied by a restaurant, saloon and tailor store are doomed. Tbe Tribune building was five yars old, was a brick structure and was val ued at $300,000, The loss will probably reach a million dollars. The iuturance has not been ascertained. FURTHER PARTICULARS. 1 A. M. The number of lives lost is over half a dozen and possibly ten or more. Tbe building was an eight story stone at the cciner of I'iist avenue and Fourth streets. It was occupied by the Tribune, TriLune-SUtr, (evening addition of the Tribune), the Minneapolis office of the Pioneer Frets and the Ecf.i.irig Jour nal, besides a lare iurottrof otuer offi ce3. The Tribune editorial force is ou the seventh floor, and their composing rooms are above it. On these two floors there were nearly a hundred persons employed when tiie fire broke out. Access to the bniWing was by way of on elevator, around which a narrsw end dark stairway wound. At night thi3 stairway was the only means of ingress or egre3. The building might be cal.ed a veritable fire trap, and the (krger to these lcca'.ed there has been often commented upon. The fire broke out on the third floor, and soon the upper floors were cut olF from the street. The building was on the cor ner, and the adjoining buildings were only one story iu lngbt, so no means of escape was attorded in that direction. The flame cut off the escape of tbe Pio neer Preis1 force on tbe sixth floor, as well as the Tribune folks on tbe seventh and eighth. Reporter Barnes of the Pioneer Frets, had a narrow escape lrom the building, and left behind him Milton Pickett, assistant city director and one of the oldest men in the service ot the paper. Pickett was lost in the burning building. The Tribune force suffered most, tbey being located higher up and haviug less warning of their danger. James r . lgoc, night operator of the Associated tress, met with a sad death, He was at work on tbe seventh floor when the report of the fire was received, ana immediately opened the key, stating th lact to the bead office at Chicago, an asking for a minute's time to investigate ooon De returned to the instrument ap parently thinking be was sale, and told the sending operator to continue. In moment he Enid he would have to skip, anil tound too late that escape was cu off. He jumped from the seventh Btorv window, and was so badly injured that he died before reaching the hospital. He leaves a family. 8ENATOH squire's tlans. Washington, Dec. 1, Senator Squire, of Washington, has not given mu Ii at tenlion to matters of legislation, but is very much interested in commerce and hopes in the reorganization of that com miltce to be made a member of it. Ho wants to extend the commerce of the Pacific coast, and will join the senators of Oregon and California in any scheme that will result in establishing large com mercial interests between the coast and Asia. He favors liberal subsidies for Pacific steamship lines as a means o building up the Puget sound country and the entire Pacific Northwest. He will also work for Puget sound coast defenses and navy yards. He will co-operate with Representative Wilson in securing ap propriations for public buildings at the three leading cities of Washington. Like all other Northwestern members, he his made a study of and is deeply interested in irrigation. Central Washington, he claims, will be greatly benebted by system of irrigation. MEETING OF CONGRESS. Washington, Dec. 3. L, tile or no exi iiement attended thn epeuing of the fifty-first congress on the senate sid. Public cuiiosity seemed to be transfer! ed to the bouse. Tbe interest 'on the floor was devoled largely to the senators from the new states. Ihey had seats assigned them on the Republican side. Senator Casey of North Dakota took a seat on tbe end of the second row, agaiut-t the north wall. Directly behind him sat the Wash ington senators, Allen and Squire, while fettigiew and Jloodv, of South Dakota, sat in the fourth row. near the center of the room. Senator Pierce of North Da kota has the end seut in the fourth row. hut he was not present to dav. On the Democratic side are two seats, so far un- assigned. They will be occupied by the senators from Montana when they have been chosen. Tbe chaplain opened tbe proceedings with praver. The oath ol offke was ad ministered by Vice President Morton to Senati rs Chambers of New Hampshire and Nathan F. Dixon, of Rhode Island. The credentials of Moody and Pcttl grew of South Dakota, and Allen and t?quire of Washington were presented. Piatt moved that the oath of office be administered. Tbe motion was agreed to, and ihe four new senators, each suoported by a senator, proceeded to the 'clerk's desk, and amid applause from tbe gal leries took the oath of office. Hour off red a resolution, which was referred to tbe committee on privileges and elections, tbat tbe three states that elected senators will be considered as having been admitted to the Union simul taneously, and the order of precedence of senatois determined by lot. Hoar said it bid been the custom of the sena'e to assign tbe new senators to their lespective classis as soon as they had taken oath.bul now for the first time tbe senators from three states entered substantially at tbe same time. His reso lution, be said, proceeded on the theory that the senators stood on an entire equal ity with reference to their opportunity, to be assigned to short or long term. The fact that the proclamations evidencing admission of the two Dakotas preceded Washington by two days was due to tbe greater distance the returns from the lat ter state bad to come, and it gave tbe Dakotas no just title to priority. Mr. Vest inquired whether tbere was anything in tbe resolution is reference to Monta a. "Nothi ig,M replied Mr. Hour. "I do not understand that the senators from Montana are here or likely to be here very soon. 1 be senators lrom Montana will lose nothing by not being included in the resolution." . -Edmunds and Harris were appointed a comn ittee to join a like committee from the house to inlorm the president that congress was ready to receive any com munication he may choose to make. A resolution providing for continuance of the select committee on transportation Hnd sale of mett products was agreed to. Alnilcb oflered a resolution, which was aid over, for appointment of a select committee of nine senators, to be the "quadro centennial committee," to which shall be referred all matters connected with the proposed celebration of the four hundredth anniversary of tbe discovery of America. Adjourned. WOOL GROWERS ENDORSE THE BILL. SENATE Washington, Dec. 2. A preliminary meeting of the National Wool Growers' Association was held to day. Owing to the non-arrival of a large number of del egates, the regular business of the meet ing was pot aotit d until to-morrow. Ir u unders'o d that part of the Mills 111 rel.itjng to wool and woolen?, ashmen 'ed ind p is'ed by the senate at the last es- s:o", wiii meive the endorsement ana support of the association. " THREE LITTLE CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH. LOCI5VIM.F, Kr Dei. 2 At Franklin to-day thr'e little children of Squire Downey, col-trel, were burned to death. Tbey bad been left alone ii their borne. TO SUCCEED STANLEY MATTHEWr. " San Francisco. Dec. 2. An Examiner spec al from Washington sajs President Ilurrson has decided to appoint Alfred Russell, ot Detroit, as the sncces-or of Stanley Matthews on tbe supreme bench ol the United States. . ' Kesolntions on thn Heath of sir Ku'h Uatrb. Whereas, Iu the providence of God we are called npon to moiiru the rle ith of an other member of our Aluinui, Miss Ruth Gatch. Unsolved, Tiiat we hereby express onr ilet.p sorrow ami our feeling of unnaralile loe. Uetolveil, Tiiat . in her life were exemyh liett a loving-disposition, strength of char acter, and fuithfullness ami conscientious ness in the discharge of her duty. Resolved, That we will always cherish her intuiory and strive to cultivate those ben'go and charitable affections and offices which we so admired in her. Tictolced, That we deeply sympathize with the parents, sisters and brother in this their si'ltien bereavement. Resolved, That these resolutions bo pub I'shed and a copy be seut to the afflicted family. Alumni W. L A. Death of 1'at O'AcnI. On Thursday evening, March 10, 183-1. a party of Yale college students visited Iloman's atheneum, at the corner of Chapel and Church steeets. While there thev became involved in an altercation with some men of the town. After the Eertormance the students were assaulted ya large number of tho town boys and roughly handled. Tho following evening, March 17, about fifty of the students went to the same theatre in n ooay. During the performance no diffi culty occurred, but outside about 1,500 town boys had assembled. A note was passed around among the students ac- yuuiuiiu mum witn uie situation. A falso alarm of fire was raised mitsirln which served to augment the number of the rioters. When tho performance was over mesruacnts remained in the theatre. iTesently they formed in line, two by two, and, proceeding to the door, were met met uy jiaj. mssell. ue told them to rroceed quietly to the college. The students in lino crossed over to the south sido of Chapel street and proceeded unroru uie college, ino moo followed. ueu iimity cnurcn was reached a volley of stones and brickbats were hurled by tho mob. Several of the students were struck and knocked sensible. A MOB OF OVER 500. Proceeding a short distance farther the college men received a second vollnv Directly after this a portion of tho mob, which had hitherto occupied the street. maao a rusn lor tne sidewalk, lmmcdi aieiy tour or nve pistol snots were heard, tired, it was afterward asserted, by tho students. VVithin two minutes of tins time a cry arose that a man had been shot. Maj. Bissell observed a man near lum fall to the ground. Ho raised the body from the ground with the as sistance of the bystanders. Unon exam ination at the police station, where it was taken, the body proved to be that of Patrick O'Neil. He had received two stabs from a large dirk knife, and lived but a few moments after the wounds had been inflicted upon him. He was one of the ringleaders of the moo upon both inursaay ana rnaay evenings. When the mob learned of Lis death it became frenzied. About 500 or 600 men rushed for the arsenal, broke into it and dragged out two cannon. Thev loaded these to the muzzle with nowder. stones and uricKDats and dragged them to the city green. Another portion of the rioters broke into the churches and rang ...... - . a general alarm of fire, which broutrht immense numbers of the people to the scene, wmic at tne corner of Chapel and Church streets Maj. Bissell mounted an ordnance carriage and addressed the mob, ordering it to disperse. The rioters replied that they respected tho chief of police, but must have blood for blood. Maj. Bissell remained on the gun as the mob dragged it toward the college. While on the way up the street the rioters, in their eagerness to, get tit their student enemion. lailcd to keep a close watch upon Maj. BisspH'a movements. Before tho college campus va3 reached both cannon bad been spiked bv the police, under tho leadership cf I.inj. Bissell, without the crowd being aware of it The police, during the transaction of these events, had surrounded the churches and prevented the furher ring ing oi oeii3. THE MAYOR RESTORES ORDER. At 1:30 o'clock on Saturday morning tho cannon wero brought into position and trained to bear on South college, where tho students had intrenched them selves. When it was discovered that the guns were useless an attack was made upon the buuuing with paving 6tonc3 and brickbats, The structure was badly damaged. Tho students lay low and made no response. Cries of "Bring out the murderer!" resounded in every direc tion. At this juncture the mayor of the city arrived and addressed the infuriated crowd. He pleaded long and earnestly for the cause of order, and promised that the city authorities would immediately take tho matter in hand and bring tho perpetrator or perpetrators of tho crime to justice. His words proved effective. and the crowd began slowly and sullenly to disperse. Uy f o clock Maj. Uiescil wna able to convev tho cannon to tho jail, and by 4 o'clock the city was quiet A court of inquiry was held on March 20, 1854. No witness from the town was called who was near enough to O'Neil when he was stabbed to be able to testify anything of value concerning the iden tity of tho perpetrator of the act. i lie jury finally came to tho conclusion, us expressed in their verdict, tiiat "Patrick O'Neil came to his death Friday evening, the 17th of March, A. D. 1854, from wounds received by him at tho hands of some person or persons to us unknown tho said Patrick O'Neil being at the time engaged in, and leading, aiding and abetting a riot." Investigation was not pursued further, inasmuch as O'Neil belonged to the low est class of society, and no one seemed to care very much for him. Public sen timent seems to havo been with the students. Vnw W'' Times. Experiments with the Clearctte. Science describes some experiments made on the cigarette by Professor W. L. Dudley, of Vanderbilt university, es follows: The fact that cigarette smoking pro duces physiological effects differing in some extent from those of the cigar led him to make his experiments. 1 he fre quently ascribed causes of the difference mat or uie aauiterauon oi cigorer te w bacco with opium and other drugs, and also tho presence of arsenic in the paper are for many reasons unsatisfactory and insufficient It is true, no doubt, that the tobacco tn many of the less ex pensive brands isadulterated with cheap drugs and artificial flavors, and that in tho inoro expensive grades opium may be used: but it is equally true that many cigarettes are made of tobacco which is free from sonhistication. The presence cf arsenic in tho paper is entirely out of the question, i nert is a dilierence in the methods of smoking a cigarette and a cigar or pipe. In the two last mentioned the smoie is simply drawn into the mouth and ex pelled directly thereiroin or inrougn tne nose, while tno experienced cigarette smoker will inhale the smoke, that is, draw it to a greater - or less extent into the air passages, end in somo cases to the greatest depth of the lungs, and thus the absorption ofvthe carbonic oxide and other gases will take place very rapidly, causing more or less oeoxidation of the blood, und thereby impairing its power to build up the wasting tissues of the body. 1. fliat carbonic oxide is the mo: t poison0"3 constituent of tobacco smoi:e: a. mat more injury results irom cigarette than cigar or pipe smoking, be cause, as a rule, the smoke of the former inhaled; 3. That cigarette smoking without inhaling is no more injurious than pipe or cigar smoking; 4. That the smoke of a cigar or pipe, if inhaled, is as injurious as cigarette umoke Inhaled, that the snioue from a inruisn pipe. if inhaled, is ns injurious as that ot a igarette inhaled. A Sermon In Little. We had been out walking in the cool of the day, says a letter about Tolstoi, and we had come upon a squad of 100 navvies who were employed at the rail way. They were finishing their supper, and were on tho point of turning into their sod built huts, in which they slept, ten on each side, on a rude plank plat form, without mattresses, without even straw. Count Tolstoi promised to send them some straw, at which they seemed very pleased. Honest, kindly looking fellows they were; not so stalwart as our navvies, but full of pleasant courtesy and frank talk. The v&t to their huts naturally led to a discussion upon the social cucslion. "We "have . forgotten Christ,' said the count; "we will not obey him. And what is the result? Tbere you hare 100 men, each earning fifty copecks a day, without even straw lo lie on at night How can you and I sleep on mattresses and feather beds when these hardworking men have not even straw? If you were Cliristian you cotaM not What right have you to too much when your brother has not even, enough? The next step in Christianity, the very first step, is for those who havo wealth and lands to part with all that they have, and let it go to the poor." ITKJIS IX BKIF.F. From Saturday Daily. The weather still continues delightful. Rev. W. G. Simpson was on the streets to-day, for the lirst time for several weeks. Mr. S. . Adams, who has been sick with typhoid fever for several weeks nast. is able to be arourc'. A street fakir, on the corner of Second and ashincton. was rnkinir in tne dimes. What fools us mortals be. The smallest paper we receive on onr ex. cnanj.e list is the La tiran.le Daily Journal. ii is a two-column tolio, but full of news. It is not only a mod lunch and beer bottle and on draught, but the verv htst nquors ana cigars can be lound at the tier mania. A.J. Wall is always fortunate. Last night at the fair ne won the beautiful An gora rug, and what he will do with it something that is . beyond discernment, without he uses it in the cage of the spotted crow. Mr. J. H. McDonouirli won tho cow the Catholic fair last night. He thinks starting a dairy, and make milk punches by cne wnoiesaie. i'ossibly he msv turn his cow into the pasture with Shyster, and go mo tne tsioiK business. Ellensburch Register: One of the McCor mic brothers, who took part in the bloody affray at Spencer's saloon a week ago, is re ported to be in a precarious condition, and tears are entertained for his recovery. Th doctor in attendance took a number of pieces of class from his fractured skull to- day, and it is thotiL-ht now that he has brain fever. At the entertainment eiven bv the Ladies am oociety oi tne ontiregational church, Thanksgiving evening, Miss E. W. Grubbs, gave a splendid rendition of "A Railway ilitinee." Ibe facility with which the young lady changes lrom grave to gay in declamation shows a thorough mastery of intonations of voice and careful training. She was loudly encored and responded by a ocnooi-boy s Composition on ISecks most excellent style. The citizens of Tht Dalles may take a just nnde in this accom plished elocutionist, as she was reared here. uu is veii Known to nearly every one. Miss i - a,, . , . . - Grnbha is a graduate of the Boston School or Elocution, ana nas added to tier rare ability the highest training iq the art A remarkable escape from death, border ing on the miraculous, is reported to have occurred at the sawmill a short distance from Winlock, on the Northern Pa cific, a few days bpo. There is an unpro tected shaft on the floor of the mill, revolv ing with the rapidity of unchained light- uing. Ihe shatt is about four feet long, ind on each side there is nn onecine about ten inches wide. A lady visiting the mill happened to (jet too close to the shaft. Her dress was caught and, in the twinkling o( an eye, she ws burled to the floor eicht feet below. What is most remarkable bout the occurrence is the fact that the woman escaped uninjured. One side of h r fa-e was slightly scratched, but beyond tnere was not a bruise on her. livery veS' tige of clothing was torn off excepting her shoes, stockings and a pair of worsted wrist bands, buch remarkable escapes can occur out once in a tnousaud times. From Monday's Daily. The west-bound passenger train has been on time twice during the past week. We received a pleasant call this morning from Mr. L. Samuel, publisher of the West Shore. The ladies of the M. E. church will give a cantata on New Year's night, entitled the J bree Jsears. Mr. H. M. Beall. who has been in San Francisco for the past month, returned Sat urday nipht. The jury in the case cf State of Oregon vs. Tom Denton, for assault with a danger ous weapon, gave a verdict of assault. Morton, for killing Dick Edwards, and found guilty of manslaughter with recom mendation of mercy, wus sentenced to five years in tbe penitentiary to-day. v The beautiful antiqne oak table for the most handsome young Iidy was awarded to Miss Lizzie Eben. The table is very uniqne in its construction, and will be a splendid household ornament. At the public examination of teachers last Wednesday there were fifteen applicants, and five oi this number were not entitled to certificates; one received first grade, and nine third grade. The weather is all that could be desired by the farmers. Almost every evening rain falls, and the days are nearly warm enough without fire, and this while suow-stonns. with the mercury 15 degrees below zero, rage in the east. Saturday afternoon, Robert Tiernoy" a farmer residing near Pendleton, was thrown from his loaded wagon and bad his wrist and three ribs broken. The injuries sre aerinne. hut hopes are entertained of bis recovery. Lewiston Teller: Geo. Eeibohl came rmt I from Warrens this week arriving here on Tuesday. He reports bnt little enow in cJmp when he left, but that it bad been stowirg quite hard since. He is en route to St. Louis, where be will remain, during the winter. The militia gathered in brave and gallant style around their most popnlar ollicer la: t Saturday night at the fair. For a while the honor lay between Captain Thompson of A Co. and Lieut. Bailey ct C Co. When the final vote was taken Lieut. Baily was ahead, and in their exuberance the men shouldered and carried him around the room. The greatest excitement prevailed Satur day evening at the Catholic fair over the most popular man. The two prominent candidates were Burt Thurston and Sheriff Herbert, and votes stood in Herbert's favor nntil the last mimito when tiir.o was called. When the boxes were opened it was found that Thurston was ginety votes ahea'1, and the building rang with lusty cheers. Mr. J. D. Flcnner, representing tho West .Siorc, is in the citv completing the canvas of this place which he began some weeks ago. The West More, of the 7th will con tain a soppletnent of great importance to the people of The Dalles, treating entirely on the opening of the C)lm' ia river, show ing tbe work now being don? on the jetties at the month of the Columbia, the locks at the Cascades, and a view showing a steamer in transit in the proposed ship railway from Celiio to The Dulles. Tl-e lxng Creek Engle reports a little piitol pleasantry that occurred at Hamilton, Grant county, the other d;iy. Charles Thompsou and Lawrence Swick engaged in a quarrel, snd the )ater, losing his temper, took a fhot at Thompson. J hen the fun turned the other way, an1 as Swick tnrned and ran, Thompson fired two shots at him, hat neither took effect The racket was then virtually ended by Snick disappearing into J. M. McIIale's safe, closing it huge door behind him. This made a laughable affair of what might otherwise have been a murder. W. W. Journal Saturday: Our city mar shal informs us that last night at a dance on Poverty Flat, a woman named Mrs. James Palmer cut a man named Sutton in the arm with a knife, but for some reason the in jured party refu?e to make complaint. Since the above is in type, James Palmer, ma wite Josie, Monroe Palmer and Mary Houseman were arrested and tried for an assault npon T. J. Sutton, at a dance at Martin's house Friday night Mary was discharged, bnt the oi her three were fonnd guilty and fined $25 each, with cost at tached, amounting in all to $107 40 When last seen, they were rustling aiouud tryiug to raise tbe coin. Cheney Sentinel: A young man, giving hia name as U. C. Hyde, appeared in Cheney on Saturday morning last, and re ported he waa going in'o the merchandise business. He engaged a building and then came to the Sentinel office and ordered 1000 business cards for H. C. H idge & Co., saj ing they had three car loads of groceries at Spokane and they wonld be in Cheney as soon as tbe building could be made ready to receive them. Towards evening ho en tered tbe clothing store of T. Quick and undertook to procure an overcoat on what S roved to be a forged order from Mr. John IcKeilly. He was asked to wait a moment when presenting the order, and it was. soon ascertained that Mr. McNeilly had not Children Cry foTtltcher's Castoria; ciycn him any order. Ou Sum'ay morning uie snerilt came down from Spakano and ai rested him as insane, and took him to the cily by the fails. His insanity apperrs to be a harmless and inoffensive character, ex ci-pr, perhaps, a disposition to deceive as i me case of his attempted transaction this place, and at times he is said to tal and appear quite rational. From Tuts lav's Daily. Agreeable webfoot weather with tbe pleasant patter of the rain. Ei'.cnsburoh is iraterializine plans for the erection oi a tnree-story brica: opera bouse And now is tbe time when the newspaper cai cor cans loudly tor wood ou subscription To-night a carload of sheep will leay the stock yards of Mr. R. E. Saltmarshe for Tort land. Mr. Murchie, cne of the "prominent farm crs ot Mieiman county, was in tan city ounoay. A carload of hogs was shipped from Mr, isaltmarshea stockyards last Friday night lor tne sound market. The band-lantern is still in requisition and the arc liphts will be gladly welcomed a soon as tne armituro arrives. The editor of the Wallowa Chieftain had two large coyotes "make faers at him, and he calls upon the militia to protect him. xoeiate rains nave raised the water in the streams and wells of the county, and farmers are rejoicing in an abundance of the aqueous element. The weather is too fine to please tbe deep snow and severe weather prophet. But even after Christmas there is sufficient time tor snow and ice. Lovers' lane loungers and gate-swingers naye taken a rest, so much for the comfort of pater and mater-familias aud for the safety of property in general. Ihe aesana verein are pettinz in eood inm tor a concert (I until? Christmas hob days, and we mav exuect classical music irom tnese connoiseurs in the art. The roads in the couutv are in a vprv muddy condition; but fanners can stand this with the good aoakinc the soil has re- ceived durum the past lew weeks. In the case of State of Oi eiron vs. Tom Denton, in which the iurv found a verdict of gnilty of assault, the attorneys for tbe state have hied a motion for a new trial. The marshal has an casv time these da vs. One drunk last night which was fined $20 aud costs. He was well able to stand it and went away rejoicing. So mote it bo. Mr. M. T. Nolan, our news dealer, tins received and has on sale JIarpir's and the Century for Drceniber. These' are excellent numbers, and are the cream of current liter ature. Mrs. C. L. Phillips, in her millinery store at 81 Third street, has the latest styles of fall and winter wear, suited to ihe Dalles. Those desiring a hat cr bonnet should .give her a call before purchasing. Notwithstanding all the talk about Al- bina the force at the shops in this city has not been lessened. The Dalles will always be an important point in railroad matters. and our citizens need not fear that the shops will ever be abandoned. Localizer: Many of tho producers of this valley will have to ship their seed Potatoes in tho spring. This is because of the dry season this year. There has never been such a scarcity before since the settlement of the country by the whites. The play of "Around the World in Eiirhtv Days" was well attended last night. The stage was not of sufficient dimensions to make proper displays; but the company did well rcgardiug scenic effect The actors are not first class, and the best poiuts in the play were not brought out. Rev. W. G. Simpsor, of the Methodist church, gave us a pleasant call to-day, and we were glad to see him ablo to be around. Mr. Simpson needs rest and a change to re cuperate, and we know our citizens, for w hom he has done so much in the matter of the mission claims, would gladly help him in any manner posible. Ed. ImWor, of Enterprise. an3 Jcsi Im- bhr, cf the Sand Rid re, started fcr Illinois ycbtciday for tlio purpose cf purchasing nve head of lino iercheron h&rees for tiio itcrrrise Ilurse Compc-ry. Aanctaior, Xovnibr C.?d. Both of these gentlemen were former residents of Wasco county, where they resided many years, rtnd onco lived where tbo town of Dufur now stnmla. Mr. Alex. McITicl wr.s arliudgcd iusano last Saturday cud ceui to ths r.svicm at Sa lem. Air. ivlcj.'teil a hirrt working, in- dustiicua citizen, and hr.s a v ifs and several children. He hrs been in poor health for some time, and it is hoped that Willi rr.ed- cal treatment ho wi.l toon be able to attend to bis usual vocatioD. His insanity appears to have taken a religious turn, and his rav ings are about affairs of the next world. Hon. Lee Moorhouse, of Pendleton, agent for tho Umatilla Indian reservation, parsed through La Grande yesterday, en route to Washington city. lie l;a3 charge of tho following Indian chiefs : i'eo. Homily, Showaway, Young Ci-i-f and Wolf, and is so nccomponicd by John Mciane, w ho is the interpreter. They go to aldington to talk with tho president and heads cf de partments in regard to differences that have arisen in the management of affairs on the reservation regarding the allotment of lands to tbe Indians in severality. W. W. Union: At nonn Sunday after the arrival of the Pendleton paesenger train, A. flail, driver o: the lacilic express com pany's wagon drove to the back door of UUon's restaurant and jumped down from bis wagon. Ia jumping bis pistol caught in come way and was discharged. Hall was frightened for a moment, but becoming reassured shouldered a sack of oysters. bicb be carried into the restaurant, and then returning jumped on bis wagon and rove to tbe express office. He then told the employees at the office of bis close call, hen one of them saul, that perhaps he was shot. An examination showed that when tha r.istnl was discharged the ball had passed through tho f'eshy part of the right thigh, thence ranging upward and lodging somewhere in the back. Hall was taken to St. Mary's tospital, and a surgeon made examination of tho wound, but was unable to locate the ball. At a late hour Sunday night Hall wia resting easily. Tbe ("air Is Over. Tbo cod waa well worthy of the fair itself. Everything was pleasant and harmonious. Again there wai a asl ciowJ, enthusiasm, gjjd music, ctu. Tha voting tor the most popular man attracted many. When on the cloiug of the vote Mr. Thurston was foand to be ahead a cheer arose in his honor. Tbo voting for the most popul. r oiheer was not lcsi animated. Lieut. Ba ley was carried on tho shoulder of his com panions all around tlie large hall, tbe ban 1 playing a most lively tuna. Mr. Bailey after this receiytd the beautiful cup. Mios L zzifl Eei was preeuced with a beautiful . aDtiqueoak table for being the most popul r young lady. At about 11 o'clock tar. C'r js sen commenced to clear the remnants by auctioneering them. Following is the list of articles nfn-d: Tbe r Hies Fii.lay night wen: Mrs. Baldwin's tabb barrel ot flrar, Mr. B lead sue; large hobby horse, Joe Mclnerny; an gora rug, A. J Wall; plush sofa, Mrs. F. Hill; clock, W. C. Rupert; sofa pillow, Mrs. Kiss; twin doll bed, John Farrell; lovely shell basket P. E Bjlshaw; hand. kei chief aud glove cave, Grace O Djnnell; pair of b ne blankuts, Frauk FloyJ; white crochet skirt Mrs. Handiey. Mr. Nichols' white blankets, J. Fish; pastille painting, Z. Moody; red satin doll, Tom S.-ully; milch cow, J. H. McDonough; baby skirt, John Wbalen; meershaum pipe, N. B. Whver. Miss FitzGerald'a painted shams, Mr. Nor Carey; cigars, W. H. Corson; half barrel sugar, VV. H. Hansel; lemonade set, Lizzie Eben; girl doll, Ed. T. Sharp. Mrs. Baldwid'a table Silver water pitcher, R E Saltmarshe; gold embroidered Japanese banner, Alexander Fargher; pair brass candlclabrnun, Katie Craig; large doll (pink satin), Annie Stubbing; tinsel em broidered table cover, Pauline Buchler; lady' crochet sairt, Katie Craig; ail .-cr jew dry case, Mr. Hardy (painter); large oil painting. Mrs. Tim Baldwin; set of lady' underwear, Mrs. T J Soufcit; lace cn-tK'iys; Miss M Liudcr; p-rhr ? iove, A S M:irrr, lily pl.ct:ra: a c; j, Ixis. A-chiff; tiW embroidered table scarf, Mr. Vanbibber; !'' muff, Mrs. J O'Leary; child's cloak, Mrs. E. Connelly; pair canary birds and cage, J Douavan; box of tea, Chas. Craig; umbrella stand, Mrs. John Baldwin. Mrs. Nickolas' City lot, Mr. Mclnniss; rocking chsir, Mrs. Nora Carey; marble top table, W Cram; Freuch doll, Clara Nickel sen; half dozen shirts, Johu McKenna; hand painted tidy, Mrs. DeLyle; knives and forks, John Sit ber; cook stove, A Bensin gcr; Russian rug, Ed Smith; Persian cloth, Mrs. PJ Nickolat; lady's work ba-let J C O'Leary; dressing cisp, D Brod trick; hand painted lamp, D Burke; afghan robe. Bin Fritz; lady's work box, Maggie Brogan; bagatelle table, Louis Meier; bronze clock. Mi. M T Nolan; Life of Pope Leo XIII, Katie Craig; crochet skirt, Mrs. Marquis; log cabin quilt J L Fisher; red patch quilt Paul Kreft; drawn tidy, C E Dunham; fishing rod, Johnny Fritz. Miss FitzGerald's Chair, Mr Casey; pot plants, John McKiuna: doll bmrcrv. Ev- eleen Farrully; banner, Ed T Sharp; steel engravings, Mrs J O Mack; oil painting, Airs f J Aickolas. CROOK COCfliTV. Items From Onr NeiKhbnrlnc County, uatnereu rrcm theOchoeo Itevlew. Farmers are still plowing and preparing ground lor next spring seed in 2. Twenty inches of snow fell at Sister last week, but at last reports it was melting rapidly. The owners of miues on the head of Ochoco expect to do considerable work next spring, as the prospects are favorablo for abundance ot water. The snow storm of last week reached pretty well down cn the west aide of tha Cascades, and to some extent interfere with work on the Oregon Pacific Dr. Gesner went to Mitchell on Sunday to eee Mrs. Lee Bailey, who is sick with typhoid fover. He say there were two teet of snow on the mountain between Ochoco and Bridge creek. There is evidently something wrong with the mail between tbia place and Lakeview. It takes a month to get reply to letters di rected from this place to Lakeview, a dis tance of only 200 miles. C. McPherson was up from Trout creek Wednesday. Mao. is a grasswidower for the present, hi .'amity being in Tbe Dalles attending school. Mac. say farmer are busy plowing and (ceding in the northern part of the county. The Webfoot exchange are circulating a report that Eastern Oregon sheen raiser are disposing of their flocks in large num ber. Wonder where they got their infor mation? Iu this county very few stock been have been old that were driven out of the couuty. Hiram Longcoy. of tbe Baldwin Sheen k Laud Co., was over from Bridgo creek the lirst of the week. Mr. Longcoy say tha receLt snow was beneficial to the Bridge creek country, the (now having melted off and given the ground a thorough wetting. Andy Lytle ha been riding on the ranee recently, and says the ground i wetter than he has seeu it tor several year. This in sures good grass another season, a all that i needed in this country to make the grass grow is plenty of moisture. At a recent meeting of the stockholder in the Prineviile bank Hemy Hahn wm elected president of that institution, John Sommorville, the former president, having resigned. T. M. Baldwin was elected one of the board of directors to take the p'aco of Mr. Hahn. A Stranger) Impnsilons, The Dalles, Dec. 2, 1SS9. Editor Tmis-MoDXTAisua: Thrown for a few days in your beautiful city, your will premit a atranger to convey through tbe medium of your excellent pi per a few impressions which your city and its people made upon hi mind. There i an air of solidity pervading your business circles, your improvements, and in faot everything in and around The Dalles. Your growth seems to have been a steady one, unaffected by booms of any kind. And this is well. Still it seems to me that your citizens owe it to thcmsclyes to spread in legitimate, way the facts of your advantages, prospects, etc., far and near, that others may crowd hero, and givo you in a few yoarsja population of 20,000. A stranger would congratulate you on the handsome opera house now buildiug aud nearing com oietion, the enterprise of Mr Max Vogt. It will be one of tbe best on the Pacific coast, and one of which you may bo justly proud. Your city seems to be composed of order-loving citizens. , A stranger spending a Sunday in your midst is struck by the air of peace and quiet pervading the place, reminding one of the towus of New England, when tbe church bolls call the worshippers to prayer. Drop- ' fing in at tbe Y. M. C. A. Hall, where tho 'rasbyterian people hold services, your cor- -respondent was taken warmly by tbe hand by the gentlemanly pastor. Rev. Hutchison, whom ho had the pleasure of hearing pre sent in a forcible manner some of the great truths of the gospel. Passing up the street be dropped into the Congregational church while the Sabbath school was in session. This church building is a model of neatness and convenience. The Sabbath school un der the direction of that veteran Sabbath school superintendent S. L. Brooks is a marvel to all who witness its exercises. Tbe music, under the leadership of Mr. Jesse Crandall, was exceptionally fine. Tho teaching in tbe classes was spirited and for cible. Tbe order and discipline were most excellent To see tbe pupils filing out after the exercises in rank and atep to tbe musio of a march played on both piano and organ was a pleasing spectacle. The pastor of the church, Rev. Curtis, who is evidently a man of culture and refinement, by a little attention and courtesies extremely grateful to a stranger, made as feel very much at home. Mere kindnesses help rotten the rough places along the way ot life and makes it easier to do well and truly its com plicated dutiea. Stbanoeb. National Kdneatiunai A asorlatloa. . Half Rites to tot, 'ao Ilia. The National Educational Association -and Council of Education have decided t3 bold their next annual convention t 8 Paul, Minn., July 4 to 11, 1S00. Hon. James H. Canfield, of Lawrence, Kansas, ia president of the association. It is expected that there will be twenty thousand teacher present from all part of the onion. The western road have already agreed to ell ticket to St Paul and return for one low. eat first-class single rate for round trip. Eastern and southern road will make low rite which will be anuouoced at an early date. St Paul ha organized a local execu tive committee and the most complete ar rangement are being made to give the teacher a iplendid w elcome to tbe north west and to make the meeting a great ue cess. There will be ample hotel accommo dation at reasonable rate. Local excur sions are being planned to all important point of interest in the northwest and on the Pacific coast, which will famish teach ers with the finest summer holiday trip that they ever enjoyed. One hundred thousand copies of tbe olfioial bulletin will be issued in March. It will be a 24-page quarto, beautifully illustrated, and contain ing full particular about program, enter tainment, rate and route, and will be seut free to all who tend name and addresses. Address, S. Sherin, Secretary Local Executive Com., St Paul, Minn. Sadden Death. A man by the name of Sullivan died nor Chicken Springs last Tue lay, very sud denly. He bad been engaged in killing bogs during the morning, ate a hearty din ner at noon, and returned to hi work in tho afternoon. Several had already been killed and dressed, and a large one was yet alive. Mr. Sullivan took the axe and to d those with him he wouUUtnock it dow i. He administered thi Vy ,and the hog fell, and fell down hinncli. nd died in ten or fifteen minute afterwards. He was almost in destitute circamstancos, and leaves a larirc family. The couuty court ordere I re- I '.ief for these, an 1 also gave orders to the coroner to furniih a coiliu. I I V