THE "HOSS. I c'aira no hoss will barm a man, Not kick, nor run away, cavort, Stump, suck er balk, or "catamaran," E ""you'll jest treat 'em like you ort. But when I see a hoss abused, And clubbed around as I've seen some, I want to see the owner noosed, And jest yanked up like Absolum. Of course there's difference in the stock A hoss that has a little ear, And slender build and shaller hock, " Kin beat his shadder, mighty near. While one that's thick in neck and chist, And big in neck and full in flank, That tries to race, I will insist, Will have to taLe the second rank. And I've just laid back and laughed, And rolled and wallered in the grass At fairs, to see some heavy draft, Lead out at first and come in last. Each hoss has his appointed place The heavy hoss should plow the soil, The blooded racer he must race, And win his feagers for his toil. - I bless the hoss from hoof to head From head to hoof, and tail to main; I bless the hoss, as 1 have said, From head to hoof, and back again. Our cowboy Bill is still in France, Where he will likely stay, So long as he can crowds entrance And make his visit pay. They will not let him start for home, His absence they'd regret; They yet may ask him to become Their poet lariat. First Brent h of Thanksgiving. (Boston Bourier.J Let winds blow cold, let winds blow high, Let days be dark and drear, Who cares? Thanksgiving's drawing nigh, A time of mirth and cheer. What though we burn wood by the cord And weatner pnropnets croaiir S con on the groaning festive board The turkey, stuffed, will smoke. Then something to the poor we'll spare Who're always with us here And we'll torget an gnei ana care To give a thanksgiving cheer. FOHTCXATS TOMSTOSEVESDOR He tetrikes n ireat Ueal KiggerVein of Vuek Than He Was Working For Dowd in the Willamette valley there -resided an old farmer and his wife, in tviry sense of the word bappy and con tented, and withal well-to-do. But there came upon that household a very great grief; the death angel visited it and took awav its staff the aeed farmer went to the home of b a fathers. This left the old lady destitute and alone. The com panion of ber declining jears gone to his long rest, no children to make her poor heart glad, she longed for some one in whom to confide, to whom she could look for help and comfoit in ber old age and her decrepitude. A young" tombstone agent traveling over that part of the country, and being in search of dead people, beard of the death of her husband, and learning also ot ber well-filled pocketbook, decided to visit ber at her home and stay a few clays and recuperate, having been traveling T,retty faithfully for some time. It was his intention tc'make himself as useful as possible to the sorrowing lady, acd effectually work himself into ber confi ' dence and esteem, when be naturally expected to secure aa order for a large and costly monument. Be accordingly did as he bad planned, and was more successful tliED he bad eyen dared to picture to himself, bo much so that his hostess seemed to place the greatest confidence In him and appeared to like him very much. He would carry in water, chop stove wood, in fact do any thing and everything to please her. He had been there but a few days, and was beginning to think of broach ing the subject of hia fondest hopes, when she astounded him one day at the dinner tabid in a way never dreamed of. She suddenly asked him : "Do you know what I am going to do?" The young man of course replied that he did nut. She tben said slowly and distinctly: "I'm going to will all my money and property to you. I like you and believe you are an honorable young man, and one who will take care of me in my old age.'' The young man of course tried to reason with ber, and nrged the peculiar ity of such a move, but she still persis ted in her determination to make him her heir. When he saw sbe was deter mined in the matter, he agreed to it with the proviso that she should deed it to him for a consideration so as to avoid complications with relatives. The con sideration was ten dollars. Thus ended a most peculiar bargain. The young man is living on the farm vifh fh laftv tnonamnfT flio Imeinpea and administering to her wants with the tenderness of a son. The property and - money is estimated at about $20,000. The names are not published because the parties do not desire publicity. , s- How Cronln Was Mnrdjred. Chicago, 111., November 3. A special from Winnipeg tbia morning says: As sistant State's Attorney Baker, of Chica go, had a long interview with Bob Heifer yesterday, the man who was in prison with Bourk, and from him received a corroboration of many of the details con nected with the bntcherv of Cronin which Gillette recounted on Thursday. Bourk, according to Gillette, took quite a fancy to Hefl'er at first, and was very communi cative with him, telling him many details about the crime. He told Heifer that Cjughlin was the main actor in the crime. He told Heifer tbat sandbags were used by two of the assassins, while the third weilded a common base-ball club. Boork was under the impression that Cronin was being decoyed to the cottage nnder the. pretext that he was going to attend the woman . mentioned in yesterday's dis patches. Four men were waiting in the cottage for bim. They listened for the sound of wheels. At last the carnage drove up, and an instant later the doctor harried up to. the door. He knocked loudly and hastily, as if he realized that his presence was urgently required. Two of the assassins stood behind the door, ready to strike, while one ot the others from the inner room called out in a loud voice: "Come in." The door was qaickly opened and the doctor strode in. , Tne instant he was in one of the assassins slammed the door, while the other struck the physician a terrible blow with a sand bag. The doctor fell heavily to the floor. Bourk always declined to say who struck the first blow, and this fact, Mr. Baker says, makes it quite clear tbat it was Bourk himself, else he would have mentioned the name. He always spoke about the four taking part in tbe crime and pounding tbe doctor at the same time. Tbe moment tbe doctor was down the whole fourrusbed on him, and with sandbags and clubs pounded tbe life out of him. Tbe poor man stiuggled and . moaned awfully. Blood poured from his mouth and nose and even his eyes. He struggled and gasped lor breath, and nearly twenty minutes elapsed belore be ceased to gasp, 'then tbe bends stripped me oiooa-stainea clothing on him, and oneoi tuem pounded bis face so as to maKe it impossiple to recognize the body. uouguiin -nauiea me trunK over and tbe body was crammed into it. One of tbe quartette went out and brought an ex press wagon, which had been left in a convenient place. When they went to carry the trunk out blood was dripping irom ir, ana it ran on tne floor and on some of tbeir boots. Tbe trunk was set down and the leaks in tbe trunk stopped with cotton batting, which was found in tbe doctor's instrument-case. The trunk . and its contents were then taken to the lake. Coughlin driving the horse. There was no boat at that point, and they tried lo shove tbe trunk out into tbe water, but it would not work. Anxious to get lid of tbe body some way, Bourke sug gested that it be thrown into a catch basin. The suggestion was adopted. Fjr Bent Elegantly furnished room, with or with out fire. ' Apply at this office. Items of Kews Clipul From tUo Col umns or the Fossil Jourmal. About two inches ot snow fell last night, the first of the season. . Sheep raisers say tbeir flocks are doing as well now as they usually do in the spring, getting all the green grass they can eat and are fretting fat. Henry Ueidtman returned from Colorado last Monday, where he has been for some time breaking and selling a band of nearly 100 horses. He had fairly good success. B. Kel8ay came over this week to visit bis family, who are living on his farm, better known as the Qnimby ranch, adjoin ing town. He report his sheep oyer iu the Antelope country as doin well. We are reliably informed that the Baptist minister is awaking a lively interest in re ligion in that section about Hoover creek. Several lost sheep have been found and gathered into tile fold. It is said that among their number are William Black and David Gibson. Thank the Lord! Send us u.ore Baptist ministers. Hon. W. R. Eilis. of Heppner, is talked of for congress, to succeed Hru. Binger Hermann. Mr. Elha is a worthy and capa hie man. He lacks the experience of Mr. H'-rmann iu congressional work and the acatiaintance with his co-workers in con gress which Mr. Hermann has in order to be as efficient an agent or rtpVesentatiye of Or-gon as Mr. Hermann vtouid be as a sue. cessor to himself. The Biecher Flat Lyceum meet3 every Sat irday night, and is quite an interesting irn'ntv. Tlie time is si-ent in rtading, ora tions, declamations, essays, singing anil the reading or me iet?ciit:r, pui B.litml hv (. li. Dukck and I. A. Hender- sou. All are invited to attend and take pari in the exercises, as one never gets too old to learn souieining mey never m before. A few days ago we were informed that there was a couple ivho .lenrea 10 ges mar ried and made application for a marriage !i.-f.n,i,v hnr the trirl was too young to ok tiin a license, even with the consent of the parents. On Monday, however, the couple started to Idaho, for the purpose of petting mii-iiiid. W nether the laws of Idaho are nmu f.ivorable to children marrying than tlinsia of Oregon, we are not prepared to say. The parties are from the Dutch Flat country, and when tney return amy ilea up, matrimonially speaking, it will be time to announce tneir names. A. Petrified Miser. A recent d spatch says tbat J. R. Mote, a farmer living in Phelps county, Ne braska, about twelve miles lrom Kear ney, is in possession of a curiosity which is a valuable relic of prehistoric times in ih a nartof the continent. Some time B"o while excavating for a cave, be ex homed a large brown stone weighing over tweutv-pounds. W hen tne ciay was re moved from it a large fossil, reuresentiag a clenched human band, was reveaitd Tlie suei-iiuen had been broken ihim a mammoth arm just above tbe wrist, and the imoriut of a coarse cloth or some woven material was plainly outlined on the back of the band. At the time of the discovery nothing was said of it, as Mr, Mute d:es not belong to the curious class of oeoule. For several months the specimen had luin about the house, and no one who saw it bad any idea of the great amount of wealth held firmly in the grasp of tht stony fingers. A small boy in tbe family whose faculty for smashing things is just becinninz to develop?, coaceived the idea of opening tbe band. When broken to bis astonishment, there rolled out eleven brilliant transparent stones. Tbe discovery of these beauties was not made public until yesterday, when Mr. Mote showed them to a jeweler, who pro nounced them genuine first water dia monds, without speck or flaw to mar tbeir beautv. The jewels are uniform in size and are about the shape ot liiina neans. luey have tbe appearence of being water worn but are still beautiful stones. Ihepos sessor of this beautiful fijd will dispose of the diamonds, and will at once begin his search in the old cave for the other hand as well as the rest of tbe body of this relic ot an early use. Tbe mystery of the broken hand is one of preplexing interest. How long has it been there? To what race of giauts did its owner belong? Was the sulject an ancient miner,- who died grasping his most precious nos-cssio&s? Many other like questions are raised by the discovery, but to all ot them the modern historiau can only answer iu remote and uncertain speculation. betters Advertised. The following is tb.3 bst of letters re maining in The Dalles postofBce, nncalled for Saturday, .November TS, issa. irsons calling for these letters will please give tbe date on which they were advertised. Allen, S F (2) Berger, John Brown, C D Brown, Frances Bobnd, Ed Call. J N Caro, Sal Crossen, F Cousins, Henry Dawson, Mrs Dollie Fisher, Geo Graham, Chas E T Hall, Maggie Hines, Alfred Hicks, B F Janes, James F Jacques, Etienne Kroncke, Heinrich Koontz, Martin McCabe. Thos Mercurio, Vicenzo Murray, Shlley B O'Connell, Martin Patterson, J IS Rains, R D Richards, Lillie Richardson, M rbBirdie Ro'l. Joseph K Svrart, Master John Seely, Frank M Spinger, Sophie Sioionson, J A Thomas, Edward Turkey, Wm Wager, H D (2) Wood, Mr Wnitcomb, W Wright, Wm J. B. Crossen, P. M. McCabe, Eosanna Cnre for Files. Itching Piles are known by moisture like perspiration, producing a very disagreeable itching alter getting warm. Ibis form as well as blind, bleeding and protruding i!es, yield at once to the application of ir. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying tbe intense itching and effecting a permanent cure. 50 cents. Ad dress The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., tVjua, U. Sold by Blakeley & Clark. JE!?KS 9SEASI. JpnVn had a aueer dream tho other nfoht. ITo thought he saw a prize-fighters' ring, and li mo miuuie or re scoou a uoutfiity nttio eiiampion who met and deliberately knocked n.-er, one by one, a score or more of big-, burly-looking fallows, as they advanced to l.:s attack. Giants as they were In size, tha valiant pigmy proved more than a match for them. It was all so funny that Jenks woke up laughing. Ho aocounts for the dream by tho fact that he had just come to the conclu lion, after trying nearly every big, drastic pill on tho market, that Pieroe's Pleasant Purgative Peliets, or tiny Sugar-coated Granules, easily "knock out" and boat all tho biz Dills hollow I They are the original and only genuine Little Liver Pills. Beware of Imitations, which contain Poi sonous Minerals. Always ask for Dr. Pierce's Pellets, which are Little Busrar-coated Pills, r Anti-bilious Granules. Ouo a Dose $!! HEiPflCHE. Billons Headache, Blzzlneif, Constipa tion, Indiarestiou, Bll loua Attacks, and all de rangements of tbe stomach and bowels, are promptly relieved and permanently cured br the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They are gently laxative, or strongly cathartic, aocording to size of dose. Smallest, Cheapest, Easiest to take. 25 cents a vial, by druggista. i Oavjrlckt, 1888, by WORMl's msritHSABT ILkD-J rrourletors. MS Mala Sk, Bu&lu, li Koticet. Having appointed Mess. Jos. T. Peters & Co., sole agents for Wasco county for the sileof HilVs Patent Inside Sliding Blinds, they are the only ones authorized to make contract! for these blinds. The Hill Patent is the only Sliding Blind that gives perfect satisfaction. Be sure to call on Jos. T. Peters & Co. Ward S. Stevens. Sole agent for The Hill Sliding Blind As sociation for Oregon and Washington. OixamnillBE. Portland, Or. , Legal Notices HOMESTEAD CONSOLIDATED NO TICE FOR PUBLICATION. Labd O fpics at Tin Dalles, Or., November, 8, 18t-9. Notice is hereby (riven that the following-named settlers have filed notice of their intention to make final proof in support of their claim, and that said proof will be made before Kegister and Hceiver U. tt. Land Otfice, at Tbe Dulles, Or., on Dec. 3, 18S9, viz: William K. llaynes. Hd. S649, for the SE 1-1 Sec. 18, T 2 S E 15 E W M; and Ellsworth A. llaynPH. Hd. 2103. for the S H SE 1-4 and S SW 1-4, Sec 4. T 2 S K 15 B W M. Tnry name the following witnesses to prove their continuous residence uion and cultivation of, said Iund, vi: Polk Butler, Ja-res W. Moore, E. Auore, and F, Claujeu, all of fransene. Or. f.A.i cDONALD, Register. NOTICE. In the County Court, for tho County of W:isco and State of Oregon, Novcuib'jr Gth, ISH9. WmtRBAB. it has ct.iue to tho knowledge of this Court that tha Act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, approved Feb. 21st, thoMziiijr "The Uounty Courts of the several coun ties" to pay bounties tor the scilps of certain wild animals hich may be killed in the respective coun ties, has been abused. It is ordered that from, after and including the date of this order, (Nov. tiih, 1S89.) no euch bounty or bounties shall be paid by the County of Wasco, or the authorities of the said Couuty, uutil the further order of this Court. , , CALEB N. THORBURY, County Judge. H. A. Lkavbks, County Commissioner. Attest: seal Geo. H. Thompson, County Clerk. 98t Notice. The following gentlemen are Deputy Stock Inspec tors for Wasco county: R. II Guthrie,. Fred Young,... Grass Valley Bake Oven Aiitt-lope Tvirh Valley AI Kusseil C. T. Bonney,.... A. J. iiufur,... T. Cnrtright, J. 11. Larscn,... Duf ur Lower Fifteen Mile The Dalles O. W. 1ICE, 16novlm Stock Inspector for Waseo county, Administrator's Sale. Bv virtue of an order issued by the Hon. Coun y ri,rt for th state of Oreuon. and County f Wasc, I will sell at i ublic sale to th- highest bidder, for cash, at the County Court House in Dulles City, Wiuko cou-.ty, Orejjo.., on Tuesday, the loth day of December, A. D. Is8, at 1 o'clock P. M., the follow ing described Re:d Estate, belonging to tlie estate of Asa strong, aeceaseu, ah t.h..t trtuin niece and pared of lard described as Mows: "Commencing at a point on the north side of First street in Dalles City, 45 feet 6 inches wester y Uoni the corner at the junction of Court and Main streets; thence 100 feet northerly at right angles to Main street, to a stake; thence 31 feet wester .y and parallel to Main street; thence BOuth riv tn Min street, to a noint 21 feet from the be ginning; thence along the north line of Main street to tne place OI oeginning, ai:u utsiug yui . vi w uvc, in Dalles citv, vvascu ijuutv, ureguu. JAMES M. BENSON. Administrator to the estate of Asa Strong, deceased. Nov. 11, lstfU. 4t. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Optics at Ths Dallis. Ob., October 16. lot. Notice is hereby triven that the following named aottlitr h filed notice of bis intention to make final proof In i.uvpoitof his claim, and that said pro-il will be matie ueiore tne regiMer ouu iwcitci OI tne u. o. uvnu omcc a xne xnuivs, vi., vu avi ear ber 27, 18S, viz: John F. Root; Hd 1251, for tbe SE !4 of the N W i, W hi of the N WJ4 and N W i of the SWJ. oec S, T 1 8, R IS E. lie names the following witnesses to prove his aontinuoua residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: Joseph Means, A. B. Mott, A. J. Grubs, Thomas uray, an oi lae iaues, ur. octl9 F. A. McCONALD. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Omci at The Dalles, Okp.qos, October 7, 1889. Notice is hereby given that the following namea settler has filed notice of his intention to make final nniof in suuuort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on November xa, ltssv, viz: William 11. Aleabnark, D S 5SS4. for the SW t Sec 6. T S S. R IS E. W M lie names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Hugh Gotirlay, Walter Henderson, Thomas F Morris, Konert Jieuey, an oi Mnzs-ey, nr. F. A. SlcDO.NALD, Register. NOTICE. Land Ornca at This Dalles, Ok., October 80, 18s9. Complaint having been entered at this office by jonu ttecKman against oscpn jtewconw lor aoau doning his homestead entry No. 1303, dited Oct 13, 1S&3, upon the NWJ4, in Sec 20, T 4 S, R 17 K, n Wasco county, uregon, witn a view to tne cancel lation of said eutrv. the said narticsare hereby guin- monei to appear at this office on the 21st day of December, 1SS9, at 1 o'elock r. H., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged bD-uidnn nieut. William Holder. Notarv Public at Grass Val ley, Oregon, is authorized to take testimony in this case at Grass Valley, Oregon , on Dec. 12, 1S89. at 10 o clock a. m. r . A. aicil)riALiL itegister. . T. W. Slusuer, Receiver. itov. 1, Executrix's Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco Couty. In tho matter of tbe estate of Henry Whittaker, deceased. In pu-suance of an order made and entered herein on tlie 4th day of November, 1-89. authorizing aud directing n-e to sell all ot tne rca! property belong ing to snid estate, 1 will, on tbe 14lh day f Decern, ber. 1889. at tbe hour ot 2 o'clock P. M. on said day, at the door of the County Court House in City, Wasco Countv, Oregon, sell at public aucti- n to the highest and best bidder for cosh in hand, all i f the real property belonging to said estate, to-wit: Lots J, K and L in Block 84 in the Fort Dalies Mill tary tteservation in oaiies uity, uregnn. MAUIA WHITTAKER, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Henr- Whittaker, deceased. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Optics, Tne Dalles, Or., October 21, 1889. Notice is hereby given that William Helm Has filed notice of his intention to make final proof before Register and Receiver U.S.Land Office at their office in The Djlles, Oregon, on Monday, the 9th day of December, 1889, on timber culture application co. 4uo, tor iiots i acn i! and tne t w oi tne ni of Sec 4, T 3 S, R 14 E. He names as witnesses: W. T. Wright, Jamea W. Moore, Polk Butler and u. t. neue , an oi nausene, n asco county, Oregon. octze jr. A. KcmiaAW, ttegtster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Office at Tub Dalles, Ok., Octobei 16. 1889. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in Bupport of his claim, and that said proof will bn made before tbe register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on December 14, 1889, viz: Hubert Tlilfl, Hd 3317, for the lots 8 and 3 and SW of NE V and SE M of NW X, Sec 20, T 2 K, R 12 E, W M. He names the lollowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: ' Robert Densmore, John Miler, of Hosier, Or., snd Ernest Frederick, Daniel 'lhomas, of The Dalles, Or. octl9 r . A. Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Offick at Tub Dalles, Orbsox, October 29, 1889. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made neiore tue rcguier ana receiver al ine Dalles, Oregon, on December 30, 1889, viz: Andrew CauHeld, Hd 1159, for the E of the NEi and E J of the SE J, Sec 28, T 1 S, H 15 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said lana, viz: Albert Roberts. H. C. Crockett. Resar Gilhousen of The Dalles, Oregon, and Jacob Craft, of Nansene, uregon. uov21 F. A. MCDONALD, Register. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Laxd Office, The Dalles, Oe., November 9. lbt9, Complaint having been entered at this office by ueorge Mcintosn against inomas j. uiu ior failure to comply with law as to Timber-culture JLntry do. 1888, dated Feb. iu, 1880, upon tne n fc 1-4 sec zu, Township 2 S Range 14 E in Wasco county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: con testant alleging that the l i'' Thomas J. Hill has never planted any tree eeas or cuttings ou tne said tract oi lano, orcausea tne same to oe aone, tne saia tiarties are hereby summoned to appear at thu office ou the 21st day of December. IS!, at 1 o'clock P. H. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said anegej laiiure. . A. mclkjwal,u. Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Office at Tub Dallfs, Or., October 14. 1889. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June S. 1878, en titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, nevada and Washing. ton remtury, Abraham V. Disbrjw, Of Hood River, County of Wasco, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this offico his sworn statement No. 83, for the purchase of the E H of the bK and N W J of the SE J of Sec 13, T 1 N, K 10 E, and wid offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stoue than for agricultura purposes, aud to establish his claim to said land be fore tbe register aud receiver oi this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 24 Lh day of Decem ber, ISStf. He names as witnesses: Albert B. Jones, Audubon Winans, Wilson R. Wi- nans, Elmer E. Gnmn, ad of Hood iuver, Oregon. Adv and all persons claim. ng adversely tbe above- described lands are requested to nie tneu claims la this office en or belore the sua z4tn day or Decem ber, 1889. jr. a. jSBiivrtAAu, xiegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Office at The Dalles, Orioobj, October 28, 1889, Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Del ore tne register ana receiver ox tne U. 8. land office at Ths Dalies. Or., on December 20, 1889, viz: . Thomas H. Bradley. Hd 1093. for the WK. SEV and Bii. NE. See. 14 Tp 1 N, R 14 E. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: J. L. Hanna, of Boyd, Oregon; Andy Alien. Isaac Young, Martin Jackiha, The Dalles, Oregon. flUY, 1. A, A. MCAIUDAtiV, BeglSvSr. PRINZ & WHOLEALK Furniture & Carpet Dealers, Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates ot tlie celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which, enables us to sell Furni- tua and Carpets at prices hith- X M. erto unknown m Oregon A Few of Our Quotations will Hardwood bent Chairs, each. Cane Hookers Ash Bedsteads Woven-wire Mattresses ....75 cts ... $ 2 00 8 50 .... 3 50 .... 12 00 Lounges ta-CAL.1, AND Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the Mate of Oregon for Watco County in an action entitled Geo. Watkinir vs. Sterling Staggs and to nie directed and delivered, 1 did on the 25ih day of October, 1S89. levy upon and will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on Saturday, the 7th day of December, 1SS9, at 1 o clock p. m. of Baid day, at the Court House door in Dalles City, in Wasco county, Ore gon, the following described property, to wit: All of the rteht, title and interest oi the said Sterling Staggs of, in or to Lot 10, in Block 8, in Bigelow'a addition to Dalles City, Wasco Co,Oregon,or bo much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisly the Bum of $36 00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, from Sept. 16, A. D. 18t9. Taken and levied upon as the property of Sterling Staggs to Si.tisfy saiJ sum of S30.00 and intcres hereon in favor of Geo. Watkins, t gether with costs and accruing costs. GEuRGi; HEliiiEKT, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, Or , Oct. 25, lbt9. TIMBEIi CULTURE, FINAL PROOF K 01 ICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OrricE, at The Dallks, Or., October i3, lJS!j. Notice is hereby given that Charles Davis has fiU-d notice of inteutiou to make final prrof before Regis ter and Iteceiver, U. S. L. O., at his office in The Dalles, Or., on Saturday, the 21st day of I'ecember, 18S9. en timber culture application No. 390, for the SW H, HE fe, SW hi, SE J and NK J SW J and Lot 3, quarter oi section No. 18. in Township No. 3, S iiange No. 14 E. He names as witnesses: Wm. F. Helms, Nansense, Or., Frank T. Graves, Peter J. Hanrahan, Alex. McLeod, Kingsley, Or. Nov. 2. iF. A. MCDONALD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION COM MUTED HOMESTEAD. Land Office at Ths Dalles, Ob., November 15, 1889. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Or., on January 4, 18S9. vis: Clarence J 91 orris, Hd 2637, for the W NE X and E J SW Sec 30 T 4 S, K 14 B. He names the following witnesses to prove his contiuuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land viz: Van Woodruff, Geo. Woodruff, Perry SnoJgrass, ot Tygh Valley, Or., and S. E. Ferris, of The DJIej, Oregon. nov23 F. A. McDONALD. Register. HUGH CHRISMAN. W. K. CORSON. SUCCESSORS TO C. DE. CHH18JIAN & SONS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PAICY GE0CEE1ES AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Washington and Federal. Have on band and will sell at the lowest possible prices. Fancy and Staple Groceries aud Mill Feed. Highest Cash Pries k Coun'rj Produce. Cull aiU examine prices before purchasing- else where. sugutf Clirisinan & Corson. 0. D. TAYLOR, Washington Street, in rear of French it Cu's bank building. THE DALLES, OREGON. -THE New Zeland Insurance Co Is one of the Best in the World Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho oi tne Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCo., CF NEWARK, N. J. I sid policy holders, sin c J organization, $92,812,907.06 Assets, market value MO.S)t3,204 14 Surplus, N. T. standard 5,518,129 31 One of tbe most solid companies in ths . United States. AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon Territories of Washington snd Idaho. MONEY LOAN. NOTABY BUSINESS Before starting on' s Journey, get an ACCIDENTS-TICKET. ' Only 25c for $3000 Insurance. Loaning Honey foi non-resident a specialty. 8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders. O. r. TAYLOR New Grocery Store ! AT THE CHRISMAN" OLD STAND, 194 Third St . Tbe Dalles, Or. Will keep on hand s general assortment of Groceries, Canned Goods, Feed and Provisions, And desire s share of the public patronage, ss we ex pect to wU at Pricks to Sdt tus Hash Turns. XsTAlI Goods Fresh and Warrranted First-claas. WELCH & SMITH. H. GLENN, Is again at his old stand and has on hand FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT. Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, made to order. i3T Contracts for all kinds of buddings taken at tbe lowest fipurea. OF- ALLEN GRANT, Eagle Valley, near Antelope Ewes have square crop on right ear and split on left. Wethers reverse. Horses and cattle branded "R. G." Have sold my horses and cattle, but not my brands. Denny, Eice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. fy-Oaah advance made on conslffamenl Chrisman (I ton NITSCHKE, AXD RETAIL Convince the Most Skeptical: Bed-lounges . .......4110 uu 25 00 76 Ash Bedroom Sets Brussels Carpets, per yard . Ingrain Carpets, do SEE tJSlfl ja29 C. N. THORN BURY. T. A. HUDSON. THORNBCRY k HUDSON, WriteFirdi INSURANCE Loney to X-osm. on Real.Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend lo all kinds oj Land business he fore the U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8, np-stairs, U. S. Land Office building, THE DALLES, OREGON. DRY GOODS -AND- CLOTHING HOUSE. 11. Solomon Has opened a larce stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS .-jniPS TRrrvKS .nii VAMSES. LA DIES' MENS' and CHILDREN'S' UNDER CLOTHING: also a large stock ot ti.AJN KETS, COMFORTERS, FLANNELS, and all kind of Heavy Goods for Winter wear, to which we call attention of the Public iu general to inspect the same, before pur chasing elsewhere. H. SOLOMON, 132 Second Street, Opposite Snipes & Kinereley's Drug Store THE DALLES, OREGON. FRUIT I SHADE TREES SMALL FRUITS, VINES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES, ETC. The Earliest Strawberry known, CLARKE'S " SEEDLING! Also, the EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry a valuable acquisitica Mission :-: Gardens, JAMES A. VARNEY, Prop. The Celebrated French Gure, "APHR0D1TINE" Is Soi.n on A. POSITIVE GUARANTEE to en ro a n y iormof nervous diseiisc, or any disorder oi the fteucriitivo or pins of either sex whether nr- iin from tllf BEFOf.E AFTER ATf...s ivt! iit nf Ktiiniilnurs. Tnlmcco or urtmm or through youthful indiscretion, over indnls iinf .If . Hiuh iir f rwa nf ltmin Power. Wakel'ul- ness. Itcnriue down 1'niiis iu the Buck, Keiniiinl Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nm-luru-ul Emissions. J-cucorrha'a, Dizziness. Weak Mem ory, Loss of Power and Imiiotcncy, which if ue frlected often lead to iiremiitiiroohlnireand insan ity. rrieel.00 a box. 6 boxes lor fo. 00 geut by mail on receipt of price. a nniTTKN :u ATtANTEE for every 5.0C order, to refund the money if a l"eriiiaiint cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and voung. of both sexes, permanently cured bv APiiRonmNK. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTERN BRANCH, BOX 27 PORTLAND, OE BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists SOLE AGENTS FOB T1IF. 1ALIES. OKECiOX Tysh Valley Mercnant and Exchange ROLLER MILL. Flour Kauai to the West, Mill Feed Always on Hand. Satisfaction Guaranteed. sp21 W. M. McCORKLE, Prop O. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FARGHER, THOMPSON & FARGHER, General Blacksmiths Near Mint building. Second St. Horse-Stoning and General Jobbing a specuuiy- Prices reasonable snd to suit the times. Wasco Academy. The second term of the Wasco Independent Acad mv onens Ho v. 11. 1S9. Rooms well heat d, accommodations ample, and teachers careful and conscientious. eiend for catalogue. 1. TORBET. The Dalles, Or., Oct. 26. Principal The Dalies Lumbering COMPANY. Successors to THOS. JOHNS & CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. Thk Dalle3, - - Oregon, DSAUUU IK ALL KISDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Materia!. ALB. Shingles, Pence Posts Lime and Hair. MAItUrACTUKKRS OF DOORS. WINDOWS, Orders from abroad receive prompt attention. PIONEER-:-GEOCERY, GEO. RUCH, Proprietor. Northwest corner of Second and Washiugton sts CHEAPEST place in The Dalles (or all kinds of GROCERIES FLOUR. GRAIN, WILLOW-WARE, &u Taankftd for favors In the mat. I would respect fully ttolicit acontiuuuuiceof the same. GEOROE RUCH SLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, THE LEADING Prescription Druggists, 175 Second Street, Tbe Dalles. Country and Mail Orders will re- ' ceivo Prompt Attention. EDWARD VLGATE. 1870 B. WING-ATE & CO., WHOLESALE AND Grener'l Meti Dry Goods, ClotM ... Bods Shoes, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Hardware and Farm Implements. 300 to 304 Second St. THE DALLES, OREGON. THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, I. ISIIiJIliXIHIXS., Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 au Gregorio Vineyard Co All Wines and Brandies The Best Wines, Liquors Try the best remedy for REMOVAL ! RE3IOVAL I Eemoved to 176 and 178 Second St., . IiEALZR IX Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS 3XA.TJERIAjL.S5, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. Oil Paintings, Cliromos iiuu iLuimil PnnimiecnnTi onr HAFnTQPf inff mm iJu iimiiMiuii 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited ! ! Prompt Attention to tiiose who favor mo with their patronage. The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc. IS. F. W1TZ EM-als AV I TvX J k. I t I I I I III I I SB ' SB -TTnlrprs and Gr roceries. v -Sole Ageut for the IMPROVED MONARCH Washine Machine.- C. E. DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician SOLE AGENT FOR 6LASSES- U PAT? JULY IH 1878. Ewv Pair Purchase! Guaranteed. STATIONERY Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal uses. Prescriptions com pounded call and see H00SIES, FENCE MACIHF, 0XLT MACHIXE that gives a continuous t-R ist to the wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WORKS, gtrong, Durable, Neat, and the H B. KEED, THE DALLES, DEALERS IN Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Parlor "CTnd.ertSiixio' a, Specialty- Coffins, CiSkets, Borlal BVobes, Etc ht found at all Kturi of the das or night at their placr of Imtit est, Wcthltgton stfjtt, ttoo Utrtnorth romScamd. Siyn of H ed L ghU On MRS, E. WIXGATE, Of old firm of E. Wiugate & Co 1888. RETAIL DEALERS IN andise Burgundy 83, Zinfardel 84, Eiesling 83, Hock 83, . Table Claret. Agcucy. Guaranteed Strictly Pure. and Cigars Always on Sale. Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic.1 and Steel Engravings. inn lunuuuim' luciwiiuw AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, HARDYARE, IRON, STEEL Rlacltsmitlis' Stock. Keeps in stock s full line of Bazors, Knives, Scissors PATENT MEDICINES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, , T,t Cliest Protietor A D CIGARS. at. all hours. Cheapest Fence in the World. Proprietor. OREGON. Ornaments, Window Bhadet , tt. MAPnhnrulictn 1,500 SPANISH From the Itimrock Sheep Kanch. JO. Tvmvv FORTIUS BISON'S TR'.DE. BOO THOKOUGUBRED AND lOOO HIGH GRAPE 7 .5?SSrta coLitton. and free lrom di-ecee. W. con, der ur W. season's trade, Oie best lot we have ever offered to ...i,.w ram, would do well to call CllAKUE until oreedin? season this fall. PriccsLowertimniiivcr, uu -.-j . TH.,.lrionrmanvratron8 for their ve,y liberal patranaffe accorded u. In th. part, we rospectfull, rJSSh fitodU" Tho'llc. aVdTSacvill. ForfuItherparticu.ars,ca.1onor.d.LijiN gjjp -Q CQ,f c VAN HOUTF.N I1H08. CO.. 1IT CK. O i . Fpi i aw, jj phWi- ' -Br-tr -Successors to L. D. Fbahs, dceoased. rKli Vl-'N Wholesal. and Retail Dsalers wMmmnM Lea Tents, Vagon Covers. ATT THE OLD STAND. Countrv Orders Prnmptlv atended to A. L. NEWMAN Has opened a Corner of Second and Union Sts. GROCERIES, C&NNED GOODS. PROVISION. . ETC. The groceries will be new and fresh, and such as are demanded in this market. In connection with the Grocery will supply Bread and Pastry of all kinds. TINWARE AND HARDWARE 113 WASHINGTON STREET. BET. SECOND AND THIRD. sssn stAv ja. Hi W U PH I J S SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, PROP'R, IlEEPS ON DRAUGHT -:-Columbia Brewery Beer,:-: AISfl FOB SALK ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Uso, 08 ray lest Imported Wines, Uqcers t&i Cigars. The . One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND Mel Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for tlie Batteries Patterns, also for tts Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, The Undersigned has Added to hia Business a full line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black. White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Babes and Saronds. rimmings of all descriptions at tbe Lowest Prices sud ore.a the M out Klegant lleai M enwt f the mountains with all the Utcst iuijrovciunt. NO DELAY IN FILLING ORDEKS. Plaro of nntie"M. Third street, three doors ewt ot Gilwiu, llacllltr t Co' agricultural wars house, sod adjoining his llaiiinK Mill sad Wagon Shop. Place Of Kemdence. Fo'irth street, corner of Washington. Can be son at all hours of the dry and night. , . Ja29.f WILLIAM SUCCES80It8 TO LATE FIUM WITVOA.,2:i3: Ac CO. A COMPLETE LINK OP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. HACKS AND BUGGIES. MERINO RAMS. rne paoiic, aim ou.jr . - early, select, brand, snd leave then, with us FRti.01 . Stage Koad at HAY CRKEK, Crook County, Oregon. tlier&SlioeFindinj Carriage Trimmings. Be marI4-M iswunm-'iuw jum-msuJii-ns mu.iiwuw ARDON' AUD COURT STS., WM. MICIIELL. SIR -AND 7 . IT IT a Co,