The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, November 23, 1889, Image 1

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I -r.nai.nw
Single copy, one year....
Biugle copy six. inout-hs
Sari eras strietlv in advance
at nttred at the PostoMceat The Dalle, Or., at Second
Class Matter or transmission through the mailt.
Professional C rds.
K. J. G. BOYD.
j he Dalles, Oregon,
office Rooms 6 and 6. over Moody & McLeod's
store, comer 2d and Washington 8is.
Resilience North aide Fourth St., near Lincoln.
Calis in eity or country answered at all hours.
J. B. CO DO. - . COSDCH.
Attorneys at Law.
Office On Court street, opposite the Old Court
House, The Dalies, Or.
'Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Officr Neat door to U. 8. Land Office.
Will practice in all Courts, and in the U. 8. Land
Office. Collections promptly attended to.
SiDDALL D. D. 8.
Kitrons Oxide or
- Laughing Gas Given
For Painless extraction of Teeth. Rooms, sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
Rooms 2 aid 3 in Land Officii Building.
Pliunician and Snrgeon,
- Rooms over Dalles National Bank,
Office hours 10 A.M. to M M., and from 2 to 4 P.M
Residence West end ol Third street.
D. DOANE, If. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
The Dalles, Oregon
Office Over French A Co.'s Hauls.
R asm sites Over McFarland a French s.
jR. 8. B. WALTER.
Physician and Surgeon.
. ninases of Children a speciality. Erskinsville
Sherman Co., Oregon.
- Attornevs at Law,
Office In- French's Building, Second St , between
Washington ana I eaerai.
over Poe to trice. The Dalles.
Room 5,
Dalles, Oregen.
anr 10-wa
b. b. ncnjK.
Rooms over Uoody & McLeod's store, next door to
Finn Bardons, Washington or,
Attorneys at Law,
Office In Schanno's building, up-etairs.
The Dalles
1. L, STORT.
Attorneys at Law.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Ileal Estate,
Insurance and
Loan Ascent.
loontflfiiriTi. Scntffch ITnion and National In
fnrancc coninany of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital
8 0.000.000.
Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy
Office over Post Office, The Dalles, Or.
- rrrav b MoCOY. BARBERS. Second Street,
V I nait door to MacEareirern A MacLeod's. The
init shavA. the nobbies hair-cut and most health
ful baths. p8d&w
Humeopathic Physician and Surgeon.
Gra-luata of the Hahneman Medical College of
Office in Max Vogt A Co.'s block, upstairs.
. Auctioneer,
Washington St. bet. Alain and Second,
v The Dalles, Oregon.
Besular Auction Sates of Real Estate, Household
Furniture and General Merchandise.
Wednesday and Saturday. 11 A. HI.
KeTOlvers, Ammnnltin,
Fishing- Tackle, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, etc, etc.
' Repairing and New Work dons to Order.
Ladies, Attention!
A. New Invention for Dress Catttlng.
.A. Self-Instructor
That can be used by a man or woman, and which
gives a perfect fit. Price of scale, including
a key of full instructions, S3 50,
Can be had by calling on or addressing
auS-S9 MRS. C. L. PHILLIPS The Dalies, Or,
A. KELLER, Propr,
Washington Btreet, next door below Geo. Ruch's.
Dalles, Oregon.
Having the Bakery formerly owned by Geo, Ruch,
I am prepared to furnish families, hotels and res
taurants witn tne cnoiccsi nreau, laiccs ana rics.
Denny, Eice & Co.
Wool & Commission Merchants
610 Atlantic Ave., Boston.
E3Cash advances made on consignment.
Suitings of all kinds, imported and Jomestic on
None but the best of labor employed and satis
ction guaranteed
CharleS F. Laner,
Proprietor of tne
Will always keep on sale
Puget Sound Fish,
Chickens, Turkeys,
Also, Provision Candies, Tobacco
and Ci'.ntrs
Leave vour orders, as they will receive prompt
Lakd Optics at Tir Paj.les. Or.,
ikctoberl6, 18.
Notice fs hereby riven thst n e followii. oamcd
netllcr bs filed notice of hU intention to make
fin proif in tufportot his claim, and that suid
prof will be maCe before the teUUr and receiver
of the U. S. InnU otlioe at The Dalits, Or., on fo cm- '
ber 27, 1889, vis:
John F. Root, I
Pd 1251, for the SE ? of the NW , W of the N
WU and NW J of the SWJ. Sec 8, T 1 6, R 13 E.
He names the followintir witnesses to prove his
aon tin nous residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz:
Joseph Means, A. B. Mott, A- J. Grubb, Thomas
Gwy, all of The Dalles, Or.
OctlD . A. McDONALD, Beister.
Uy old friends and the public, ono and all to come
and Bee mo in tne
Where one can get all the comforts of Home, ily
rooms are furnished A'ith Spring Beds, and the
Tables second to none in the city. Price same a"
before. Meals 25 cents; Lodging 25 cents.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Prop'r,
Mqhiwd folk tens,
110 Front Street,
r None bat the most skillful artists em
ployed. Hot and Cold and Shower Baths for the comfoit of
At the old stand of R. Lusher.
R. E. Saltmarshe
: HighestCash Price for
Hay and Grain.
Crockery & Glassware
Rogers Bros'. Platedware,
IXL Pocfcet Cutlery,
J. Russell & Co's Table Cutlery,
Keen Kutter Shears and Scissors,
ggTEvery One Warranted.Jg
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Iron Wheel Wagons; Bicycles; Bird Cages; Agents for
tho New Home, White and lioyai M.jomi sew
ing Machines, Needles and Attachments
fur every Machine. Picture Frames
in stuck or made to order.
Trees! Trees! Trees!
Ornamental Trees,
Shade Trees and
Timber Culture Trees
Grnamental Sfcrob'bcry,
XJofsew I Uoses!
' Greenhouse Plants,
We have on hand at this date a few hundred Italian
and Pet.te Prunes, which we offer at reasonable
prices by the hundred.
2v a 35 I JmL
Vr e oner 2a cents each.
Don't be humbwrged by pavintf $1 for them, for we i
warrant ours to tw Knuine MAUI AMA.
Also, CABBAGE and TOMATO PLANTS in large
supply, bend tor i&talogue ana prices.
13m White Salmon, W.T.
O. 32J. Bayard,
0 Collection Agency.
No. 113 Tliird St., in Masonic ltuHding.
Agent for the
Northwest Fire and Marine InsuranceCe.,
Best Home Company on the Coast.
Also Attest for
Aetna me ana ncinc bareiy, Accmem
insuiance iiompomes.
Having been appointed correspondent for he
Lombard Investment Co.
I am prepared to make Loans on pood Bea Estate
Security in Wasco and Gilliam Counties, also in
n asnincioQ xerntory- u you
Call on or address C. E. BAYARD,
The Dalies, Ogn.
Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for Wash-
ngton xerntory.
104 Sex
104 Second Street.
ram & Corson, Props.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an execution isaed out of the -
' cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County
in an action entitled Geo. Wa'kimr vs. Sterling '
bta and to me directed ami uelivereu, 1 did on
the zAth day of October, 18ii. levy upon and wiil
sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for
o"h in hand, on Saturday, the 7th day ot December,
ISfeO, at 1 o clock p. in. of said day, at the Court
House door in Dalles City, in Wasco countv. ore-
iron, the foiiowiTiir described property, to wit: AH
m the riiiht. title and interest of the said Stemnir
btairirs of, in or ro it 10, lti uioeK a, in cieiow s
ndditiou to Unites Oity.nasco Uo.Ureffon.or so much
thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of
$30 00 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
cent, from Sept. HI, A. D. 18J-9.
Taken and lencd upon as the property of btcrlimr
Staggs to satisfy said sum of jf-'W.OO and interest
chereoii in favor of ueo. natkins. t aether with
ots and accruing ccts. CEOUtiE HEKBEUT,
b her iff of Vabco County. Oregon.
Dated at Dalles City, Or., Oct. 25, 1&9.
U. S. Land Office, Thk Dalles, Or.,
MovemtHir 9. 1H-0.
Oniplaint havinsr he-n entered at thii office bv
Getnre Vd- tobh atr-inct Thomas J. Hill for failure
to comply with tew tut to Timber-Culture Entrv No. '
lg.S, dated Feb. 19, 285. upon the N E 1-4 Sec 20, I
lownsuipza range i r. 111 wafceo county, ureoii,
with a vit-w to ths ctncel'ation of said entry: con
test nt alleging that the s if Thomas J Hill has
never planted any tree seeds or cutrimrs on the said
tract of land, or caueJ the same to be done, the said
parties are hcrehy summoned to appear at this office
on the 21st day of December. at 1 o'clock P. M.
to responii anJ furnish tcsuraoiv ronrerninfr aid
alleged failure. r . A. McDONALD,
Land Office at Tub Dalles, Ob.,
October 30, 18&9.
Comolaint havinr been entered at this office hr
Jonn DCcKnikQ aLuiush .uwuh newcomo for anan-
lnninir his homestead entrv No. 1308. dated ItdL
18, 1883, upon tne n w i4, in sec. ai,T4B,KI7E,
n Wasco entity, Oregon, itn a view to the cancel
lation of said entry , the said i-artios are hereby sum
monol to appear at this office on the 21st day of
Drcember, 1SS9. at 1 o'clock p. M., to respond and
f dmi8h testimony concerning said alleged abandon
ment. William Holder, Notarv Public at Grass Val
ley, Oregon, is authorized to take testimony in this
ca?e at Gress Valley. Oregon, on Dec. 12.1S89. atlO
o'cloi ka. ro. f. A. MCLOAAL,t, Kei.-ntr.
I. W. Sui.-uer, Bcceirer. ,. Nov. 1.
pw Goliiipia BQiel
The Columbia Candy Factory
He Date National Baal,
President, Z. F. Moody,
Cashier, M. A. Moody
General Basking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges sold o
t3T Collections made on favorable terms at all a
esilile voinUt.
French& Co., Bankers
Transact a General Banlting Business.
Collections Made at all Points
on Favorable Terms.
letters or Credit issued, available In
all parts of the United States.
jtSTSight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold
on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco,
Portland, Seattle and Walla Walla, W. T., and va
rious points in Oregon and Washington Territory.
D. P.
H. M. BEALL. Cashier,
Of I'll 1
Successor to)
Directors i
D P Thompson, T W Spabkb,
H M iiKAU.
. Next to 1st Nat. Bank.
Alwavs on hand the latest styles of jewelry.
clocks, watches, etc, at the lowest prices. If you
want something lasting and handsome, give Beck
tne lewelcr a call. menzr
Boot - and - Shoe
and the w. l. couglass Celebrated
83.00 Shoe.
t3T Goods sold Cheaper than ever. Call and
xauiine the fine stock on hand.
J. Freixnan,
Schanno's liriek, feeond Street
And to Stay
With a Large Stock of
Flour, Bacoa,
Tiiiioth j,' Wheat and Wild Hay
Bran, Rolled Barley, etc.
Quantity, which we are pleased to offer rou at
very low prices for cash or country produce.
Call and see for yourselves. We mean what we say
and you wiil not be serry-
sn if
2 m
Legal Notices.
In the County Court, for the County of Wasco and
State of Oregon, November oth, 1889.
Whereas. It has come to the knowledge of this
Court that the Act of the Legislative Assembly of
the State of Oregon, approved Feb. 21st, l(te7. au
thorizing "The County Courts of the several coun
ties" to pay bounties for the scalp of certain wild
animals which may be killed in the respective coun
ties, has been abused. .
It is ordered that from, after and including the
date of this ordnr, (Nov. 6th, IS9,) no such bounty
or bounties shall be paid by the County of Wasco, or
the authorities of the said Couuty, until the further
nnW i,l this (Vtlirt
CALtB N. THORBURY, County Judge.
U. A. Leavess, County Commissioner.
Iskali Geo. H. Thompson. County Clerk. 9w3t
Land Office at Tbk, Oregon,
October 29. 149.
"Vntiro i hnrehv criven that the followinir-named
snttiw hia illcfi notice of liis intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
wt'l be maue ociore tne reiriBwjr anu receiver a. ,iw
Dalles, Oregon, on December 20, lssu, viz:
Andrew Caufield,
Hd 1159, for the E of the NEJ and E i of the SE
J, Sec 28, T 1 S, R 15 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi, saia
land, viz:
Albert Roberts. H. C. Crockett, Resor Gilhousen,
of The Dalles, Oregon, and Jacob Craft, of Nansene,
novzi r . A. aituunabu, rteiisfccr.
L.A5D Omu at Thk Dalles, Or.,
November. 8. 18S9.
Notice is herebv iriven that the followine-named
settlers have tiled notice of their intention to make
final proof in support of their claim, and that said
nroof will be made before KetriBter and R-ceiver U.
H. land Office, at The Dalles, Or., on Dec. 23, 1SS9,
William K. Ilaynes.
Hd. 2619, for the SE 1-1 Sec 18, T 2 3 It 15 E W M;
EllMwortn A. Haynea,
Hd. 2103. for the S K SE 1-4 and S SW 1-4, Sec 4.
Th--v name the foilowinB- witnesses to prove their
continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said
hnd. vi: Polk Butler. James W. Moore. E. More.
and c, Ciaosen, all ol nansene, or.
S. A. i cDONALD,
Lako Office at The Dalles, Ok.,
UctODer 3, 188V.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to commute
and make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at The Dalles, Or., on November 25, 1SS9,
viz :
Haydcn Oneai,
Hd 2698. for the SW Vi Sec 4. T 3 S. R 14 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
contiuuous residence upon and cultivation of, said
land viz:
Willard Wright, of Nansene, Or.. Lafayette Davis,
Ezra Hensou, frank uraves, ot hingsley, or.
ocl9 F. A. McDONALD, Krister.
U. S. Lakd Office, The Dalles, Or.,
October 21, 1889.
Notice is hereby given that
William f. Helm
Has filed notice of his intention to make final proof
before Register and Receiver CS.Land Office at their
olhce in The Dulles, Oregon, on alondav, the nth day
of December. 1889. on timber culture application
No. 406, for Lots 1 and 2 and the SE J of Uie NE I
Ol See 4, T 9 3, K H
He names as witnesses
W. T. Wright, James W. Moore, Polk Butler and
u. 1 . rveucj , au ox Aansene, n asoo county, ureson.
oct2fJ I. A. tucuunAW, Kegisier.
Lakd Office at Tub Dalles, Or.,
Octobel It). 1889.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before tho register and receiver at The
Dalies, Oregon, on December 14, 1SS9, viz:
Hubert Tbifl,
Hd 3317. for the lois 2 and S and SW M of NE M
and SE M of NW X, Sec 20. T 2 N, R 12 E. W M.
lie names trie toiiowing witnesses to prove nis
continuous residence upon ana cultivation ox said
land, viz:
Robert Dcnsmore, John Miler, of Moster. Or., and
Ernest rredenck, Daniel Thomas, of The Dalles, Or.
oct!9 t A. MCDONALD Register.
Executrix's Notice.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco couty.
In the matter of the estate of Henry Whittaker,
In pursuance of an order made and entered herein
onthe4th day of November, iT89, authorizing and
directing me to sell an ox tne real property ocloiig.
lng to siiia estate, l win, on tne I4tn na --x iiecem-
ber, 1889, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on said day,
at the door of the County Court House in Dal.cs
City, Wasco Countv, Oregon, sell at public auction
to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, all
of the real property belonging to said estate, to-wit:
Lots J, K and L, in BlocK 84 in the t ort Dalles Mill
tary lusservauon in iranes city, Oregon.
Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Henry
n hittaker, deceased. jMgg
The following gentlemen are Deputy Stock Inspec
tors tor w asco county:
R. H. Guthrie,
...Grass Valley,
Bake Oven,
t red Young,.
Al Russell...
C. T. Bonney,
Tygh Valley,
A.J. Liulur,.
J. II. Larsen,.
Lower fifteen Mile,
The Dalles.
C. W. i-ICE,
Stock Inspector for Wasco county.
Administrator's Sale. .
Bv virtue of an order issued by the Hon. Countv
Court for the State of Oregon, and County f Wasco,
I will sell at public sate to th highest bidder, for
msh, at the County Court House in Dalles City,
Wasto couuty, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 10th day of
December. A. u. 188J, at l o clock r. M.. the follow
ing described Heal Estate, belonging to te estate of
Asa strong, deceased, to-wit:
All that certain piece and parcel of lard described
as fol ows: ''Commencing at a point on the north
side of First street in Dalles City, 45 feet 6 inches
wester y fjoin the corner at the junction of Court
an J Main streets: thence 100 feet uortherlv at ritrht
angles to Main street, to a stake; thence SI feet
westerly and Daraiiei to Main street: thence south
erly to Main street, to a point 21 feet from the bo
ginning; thence along the north line of Main street
to tne place oi beginning, and being part of lot nve,
Administrator to the estate of Asa Strong, deceased.
Nov. 11, 1839. 41.
Lass Office at The Dalles, Or.,
October 14. 18S9.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the
provisions of the act of congress of June 3. 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory,"
Abraham I. Dlsbrcw,
Of Hood River. Countv of Wasco. State of Oreeon.
has this dayfiled in this office his sworn statement
no. lor tne purchase ol the E H or the bis a
and NW J of the SE 1 of Sec 18, T 1 N, R 10 E, and
wi i ener proot to enow that the land sougnt is more
vaiuaoie lor its tininer or stone than lor agncuitura
put poses, and to establish his claim to said land be
fore the register and receiver oi this office at 1 he
Dalles, Oregon, on Tueedav. the 21th dav of Decem
ber, 1869.
He names as witnesses:
Albert it. Jones. Audubon Winans. Wilson R. Wi-
nans, Elmer E. Griffin, all of Hood River. Oregon.
Auv and all persons claim ne- adversely the above
uescnoea lauds are requested to nic their claims in
this office on or before the said 24th dav of Decem
ber, 1880.
F. A. McDONALD, Register.
Lakd Office at Tub Dalles, Oreook,
October 2s, 1888.
Notice is hereby given that I he following named
settler has hied uoul-o of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and that said proof
wiil be made before the register and receiver of the
(J. S. land office at The Lalles, Or.,ou December 20,
18e9, viz:
Thomaa M. Bradley.
Hd 1C93, for the W, SEtf and SV, NE,, Sec 14
T 1 N, R 14 E.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aim cultivation of, sard
land, viz: J. L. Uanna, of Boyd, Oregon; Andy
Allen, Isaac Young, Martin Jaeksha, The Dalles,
Nov. 1. T. A. McDONALD, Register.
La-sd Office, at The Dalles, Or.,
October as, im.
Notice is hereby 'given that Charles Davis has filed
notice of intention t' moke filial proof before Regis
ter and Receiver, U. S. L. O., at his office in The
Dulles, Or , ou baturday, the 21st day of December,
18s9. on timber culture application No. 390, for the
SW H, NE H. NW !, &E J and NE J 8W j and Lot
S, quarter of section No. 18, in Township Na. 3, S
Range No. 14 E. He names as &e: Vi m. F.
Helms, Nansense; Or., Frank T. Oravea, Peter J.
Uanrahan, Alex. McLeod, Kingsley, or.
Nov. 2. F. A. McuoNaLD, Register.
Lakd Office at The Dalles, Okeoos,
October 7, 1889.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and trat said proof
will be made before the register and receiver at The
Dalles, Oregon, on November 25, I860, viz:
William 11. Ikeabeack.
D S 5884, for the SW Sec fl, T S S, B 13 E, W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land,
Hugh Gonrlay, Walter Henderson, Thomas F.
Morris, Robert Kelley, all of Kings'ey. Or.
F. A. McDONALD, Register.
Port Townsend, Nov. 15. Tbe gold
brick coundeuce game was nearly worked
on Willian Bishop, the hop kiner, of Jef
ferson couDtj, to-dar, by a brace of
operators. One of tbe sacs, Thomas
Kearns, was disguised as an Indian, and
purported to know a secret mine in Colo
rado, where gold was as plentiful as dew
drops. Henry Gordon, an accomplice,
assisted the supposed Indian, who exbibi
U'd a crnld brick which stood the test, and
wns a'lt-getl to be worth $1000. Bishop
hclu secret cnosul'arions and bad ar
raDged to pay $500 for tbe brick to-day.
I tie conference between the trio near town
attracted the suspicion of the police.
Kearns and Gordon were arrested for
vagrants, and when searched were sup
plied with numerous male, female and
Indian disguises. They inadvertently
confessed the cold brick scheme, which
led to an investigation with the foregoing
results. Bishop has lived amoDg the In
dians tmrty years.
San Francisco, Nov. 15. President
Fulda, of the California Athletic Club, in
reply to bis dispatch asking Jobn L. Sul
livan s terms for a bght here witb Peter
Jackson, the colored pugilist, received a
dispatch from Captain Cook, Sullivan s
backer, to-day. as follows: "Sullivan
says, 'white men $10,000 apiece, colored
men double price. "
Tacoma, Nov. 15. F. W. Popecox, a
well known and wealthy estate agent of
this city, bas been mysterously missing
for tbe past sis weeks. At first bis well
known eccentricities prevented any alarm
on tne part of his mends, but as tbe
weeks lengthened into mouths they final
ly became anxious. lie attended the
Georgie Winthrope Opera Company to
Victoria and was last beard ol in that
Victoria, B. C. Nov. 15. Tbe steam
ship Umatilla was a scene ot a robbery
between Townsend and Victoria Thurs
day night, bills only being taken. A
steerage passenger was suspected and
while tbe steamer was here justified sus
picion right and left. He wag induced
again to goon board and will be arrested
aa soon as the steamer arrives at San
FrancWco. While here he drew his re
volver and attempted to shoot a hackman
at the warf, but was promptly knocked
down with a club.
Chicago, Nv. 15. Maggie 8chriemer
who pouied kerosene oil upon her hus
band June 25, and ther. set fire to him, J
burning him fatally, is suing tbe Catho
lic order of Forresters, through her attor
ney fur $3000, interest and principal, on
the death bench t. which she claims as
beneficiary of the dead man's estate.
The society's lawyer claims that as tbe
woman murdered ber bnsband and is now
serving a term of ten years in tbe peniten
tiary, the death benefit cannot be claimed
by her.
Walla Walla, Nov. 15. So Ho Me,
the Chinese murderer wbo bas been on
trial for tbe past tbree days was found
guiity of murder in tbe second degree, the
jury deliberating only tbree hours, the
general expression of sentiment is that
the crime committed was cold blooded
murder, and but for the lapse of time be
tween the wounding and death of the
roan murdered, the murderer would have
been hanged. Tbe assault was made on
the murdered man June l.but be did not
die until the middle of September. His
liviLg so long was regarded by local doc
tors as almost miraculous, as be bad tbree
mortal pistol shot wounds beside twelve
knife wounds. An examination after
death showed that tbe intestines were
severed in a number of places. So Ho
Me will probably be sentenced to-morrow.
New York, Nov. 17. Word comes
from an interior town of New Jersey that
a negro boy employed on John Johnson's
farm near hero waa extraordinarily fond
of milk fresh from tbe cows' udder, and
contracted a babit of sucking like a calf
the udders of cows on the farm. To
break bim of this habit Farmer Johnson
recently bad a wire muzz'e made and
locked on his bead, iue little fellow
slipped away to tbe pasture, and while
tugging away at the udder ot a cow she
became vicious, kicked bim over and trod
on bis face. One of tbe steel rods of the
muzzle was broken and driven through
the lal's eye into his brain. He lay un
conscious for several hours before found
and died soon after being carried into the
New York, Nov. 17. According to a
special cable from Keiff, tbe Russian gov
ernment has determined to abolisu ban
ishment to Siberia as a punishment to
criminals. In an interview Mr. iSmau,
widely known in Russia by his writings
on Siberia, and one wbo has devoted all
bis life to that couutry, livine and travel
ing in it, as well as writing about it, when
asked if he believed in the truth of the
newspaper reports about the abolition of
Siberia as a place ot banishment, said:
"Well, it seems to me it bas a good
"In what wiil consist the new reform?"
"As far as I understand," be replied.
"it will consist in tbe fact that political
and other criminals, instead of being sent
to S.beri.i, will be in the future confined
in central prisons nr sent to more or less
remote places in European Russia, such
as Perm, Archangel, etc., thus ridding
Siberia of its large and dangerous contin
gent of criminals, lessening tbe cost to
tbe government, and last, but not least,
quieting the just indignation of civilized
nations against the inhumanity and bar
barity of transporting human beings
through S00O miles of dreary, frozen land,
bringing only about one-half of tbe origi
nal number transported to their destina
tion. stranger than romance.
San Francisco, Nov. 17. It bas come
to light here that a wealthy contractor
has been "called back" to life. Disai -
pearing in 1886 lrom his home in a tlirii-
lng lNevr England town, n fli. Andrew
ws supp'sed to hava been murdered a
few mouths later by a'party of negroes in
Florida. Convinced of his death. Lis
relatives put on mourning gtrb out of re
spect to his memory, and eventually his
wife, or supposed widow, collected $3000
from tbe Masonic lodge as insurance on
his life.
Andrews turned up strangely and sud
denly in California not long ago. U s
mind is a blank as tar as nis wanderings
are concerned. Ashamed to return to bis
home and friends, be lived quietly on the
Pacific coast. He was an excellei-t .con
tractor and builder, and made consider
able money in Southern California. At
different times he has worked in this city,
Portland, Tacoma aud Scat tie. He was in
the latter place during July !at. INot
satisfied with results there be returned to
San FrancUcn id August. He had ac
cumulated abont $20,000, and a month
later he wrote a letter to Connecticut and
abtonisbed bis friends with tbe announce
ment that he was still alive. During
tbese years Andrews bas not collected a
cent rf bis pension money of $20 a month,
rhicn now amounts to a consiaeraoie
Andrews, wbo is now here, is prepar
ing to retnrn to his home in Connecticut
. . . ... ii : . j :
n time to eat mi iurisiuit&B uiuuer wilu
is - wife and adopted daughter. Mrs.
ndrews bas gladly consented to take off
r weeds of mourning. One of tbe first
Children Cry for
NOVEMBER 23, 1859,
acts of Audrews was tbe payment to tbe
Masonic fraternity of the $3000 insurance
on bis me collected by bis widow on tbe
supposition that be bad been murdered
by the negroes.
London, Nov. 17. A dispatch from
Kio Janeiro says: "Dom Pedro has de
parted from Brazil. He sailed direct
for Lisbon. Before bis departure he was
formally notibed ot bis deposition, and at
the same time be was informed that the
civil list would be continued. Tbe prov
ince of Bahia opposes tbe republic, but
most of the other provinces bave signi
bed their adherence to tne new regime
Dr. Barbosa, tbe new miuister ot finance,
announces that all contracts entered into
by the imperial government will be main
tained. Tbe overthrow of the monarchy
has temporarily paralyzed business. The
former prime minister bas been ordered
to leave the country.
Martsville, Nov. 18. Last Sunday a
book agent named Bastel found a man
lying on the roadside, at Kerry's crossing.
suttenng from the enectsot poison, which
was administered to him at tbe point of
a pistol by two men, who robbed bim of
$47 and his coat and vest. Bastel took
the man to a farm-bouse and remained
with him until Sunday morning, when be
started lor this city with bim. On the
way tbe man became so ill that be had to
leave him, when the officers went out and
got him. The sick man gave tbe name of
Charles las and said that be but lately
arrived from Kbode island.
San Fbancisco, Nov. 18. Pun Garp.
wbo owu3 an interest in a general mer
chandise store in tbe Chinese quarters.
was murdered early this morning by an
unknown assassin, who escaped after
stealing a sack containing about $650.
The murdered Chinaman occupied a room
in the rear of bis store and his dead body
was found there bv one of his partners
this morning. There was a frightful
gash across tbe cbdomen and the body
presented a horrible appearance. It is
supposed that robbery was the only mo
tive for tbe crime.
Seattle, Nov. 13. The wind storm at
12:30 yesterday afternoon, blew down
several tenti iu this city, nmasbed plate
glass windows and drove people off the
streets. All the telegraph wires were
On Bellingbam bay the storm was. the
severest ever known. The wind came
from tbe south and blew furiously from 2
to 4 o'clock, A frame building on Thir
teenth street, Whatcom, owned by A. W.
Pettibone, and occupied by Greenberg.
tbe clothier, was blown into tbe water
and the goods destroyed.
At Sebomc, a building owned by Rich
ard Watkins, on E'k street, was b own
down and much glass broken.
At Fairhaven, Diedriuk's large build
ing and four other unfinished houses,
were wrecked and two men seriously cut
by glass.
The steamer Idalio bad a rough experi
ence, the waves sweeping over the pilot
bouse. Nearly all her dishes were
broken. The total loss on Bellingbam
bay reaches $35,000.
a romance in high life.
Astoria, Nov. 18. About two years
ago a young man, wbo, being down on
his lues, enlisted in tbe regular army at
Fort Canby. He visited this city - fre
quently. He was a model of soldiery de
port merit. Subsequently it transpired
that he was tbe eldest son of Lord Chief
Justice Charles Beresford, of Ireland, heir
presumptive to an immense fortune,
Steps were taken to secure his release, and
now word omes that be is about to wed
one of the proudest titled heiresses in
Great Britain.
New York, Nov. 18. Sioce the story
of Mrs. Parneli's distress has been sent
out, money bas been pouring In upon her
lrom all sides. It looks now as though
she would not only be secure from further
want, but tnat the sum of the entire
mortgage on tbe place would be quickly
raised. James Slevin, wbo acts as over
seer at the place, said to-day that half of
her destitution bad not been told. Ke
ferring to tbe statement tbst be should
have been - able to raiw enough on the
farm to keep bouse, Selvin said that the
tact was that he bad to sell all the tools
to buy food and bad cut and old feed to
pay for the winter's fuel. Only one store
keeper in Bordentown, Selvin said, would
trust Mrs. Parnell for a cent's worth of
Atlanta, Ga Nov. 18. Tbe conven
tion of the Ki-ights ef Labor to-day went
into committee of tbe whole on the land
question. The following resolution wag
adopted : "That land, including all na
tional sources of wealth, is a heritage of
all tbe people, and should not be subject
to speculative traffic. OccoDancy and
use should be the only title to tbe posses
sion of land. Taxes upon land should be
levied upon it to its full value for the
use, exclusive of improvements, and
should be sufficient to take for tbe com
munity all unearned increment.'
Pittsburg, Nov. 18. The limited mail
on tbe Western Pennsylvania ran into a
landslide near Bessemer last night. Tbe
engine and baggage car were wrecked.
Fireman Jobn Good was latally injured.
Tbe engineer was badly hurt, but will
recover. Had the engine fallen to tbe
r:ght instead of to the left, the entire
train, with its load of 200 souls, would
have gone down an embankment 100 feet
Items of Iateresi Colled From the
"Sews" and united to tbe -Tlnjrs--
lloantaineer'A" Readers.
A con pie of postal inspectors came oyer
the road from-Baker Tuesday night. Would
they bad come oyer the road from Heppner
they might have ascertained why the
railway employees permit our mail to be
The gallows timber were again put up
last Monday. Mr. Sullivan will be the
second person to leap from them into the
great hereafter by due process of la within
an interval of less than seven months, if
the entertainment to take place a week
from to-morrow is not postponed by com
mand of the governor.
There came near being a wedding in the
G. A. R. camp last Tuesday night. Tbe
prospective groom waa present ami had his
own consent to the noly union, one tne
bride, a voang lady in the east, failed to
appear on the scene, and a good marriage
item was spoiled. Mr,. J- M. Hatchings,
who intended to act as groom, is qaite sure
his ladv love will he true to hiui, for he
sent her $50 to pay her way to Oregon.
Baker City wants the Oreon Pacific rail
road or a branch thereof. It is not proba
ble that the O. P. will abandon the proposed
route to Boise City through southern Crook,
Harnev and Malheur counties to make - the
detour to Baker city, but a branch connect
ing the two railroads will sooner or later be
built by one of the lines. The New baa' a
suggestion to make to the O. P. manage
ment, which they are'at liberty to carry out
or reject, aa tbey see fit, for we make no
charges for the advice, ttiusly: Innsmucb as
Prineville wants a branch of the O. P. we
suggest that the company survey and1 build
a branch from the main line south of Pi-iue-ville
to that city and cross over onto upper
Bridge creek, thence up the John Day valley
and across by the mining camp of Robin
sonville and Granite to Baker City or else
cross the John Day at the lower end of the
valley and run up the Middle Fork, tapping
the Susanville and Elk Creek region, thence
into Baker. Either one of these routes is
feasible, and in almost a direct line between
Prineville and Baker City.
Pitcher's Castorla;
From Saturday Daily.
These are the times which try men a
Tbe atmosphere is very much impregnated
with ozone these mornings.
Air. 1. J Aiaier returned last evening
lrom a abort yiait to his old home in Iowa,
There was a heavy frost this morning.
and the thermometer was down to freezing
Mr. J. J. Eoff has erected four nice boxes
in the i,ureka restaurant, which will be
used for families.
The board of trade at its meeting last
night had a full quorum. Tins is a very
unusual event in the history of The Dalles
These cool mornings lead the lovers of
sport to hope that suow will fall in sufficient
quantities this winter to use the toboggan
Miss Tillie Hollister, who accompanied
her mother s remains to Iowa is now visit
ing her uncle in Chicago, where she will re
main during the winter.
The two "flyers" will be put on the road
to-morrow, between Portland and Chicago.
The schedule time of arrival and departure
:rom ine Dalles bas not been given.
The A dorian says: "Mr. Durbin, of
Salem, is 96 years old, and his good wife is
yo. They settled in Uregon in 1844." The
old gentleman is active for one of so great
an age.
Mr. W. H. Grav. who died in Portland
last Thursday, was one of the oldest pio
neers of the state, and was an associate of
Rev. Marcus Y hitman at Wailatpu, and of
Revs. Spaulding and Walker at Ft. Lap-
Bellevue (Iowa) Leader: Henry Maier. a
former Bellevue boy, but now a popular and
prosperous merchant of 1 be Dalles, Uregon,
is here visiting his parents and many friends
who extend to him a warm welcome after
bis two years' absence.
At the board of trade meeting last night,
a committee waa appointed to await upon
our citizens and see what sum they would
be willing to give to purchase seed wheat
for the farmers in this county. Personal
notes will be taken, properly secured, on
one year's time.
The remains of Mrs. Eliza Hollister
reached Bellevue, Iowa, on Saturday, Nov.
2d, and the arrangements were perfected so
that the funeral took place at 2 o'clock of
the same afternoon. She waa buried beside
her late husbaud, and a large concourse of
friends followed her to her last resting
place. Mrs. Hollister was well known in
Bellevue and highly respected.
This is the dog-eondest town on record.
says the Vale Atlas. List Monday night
some one look our rooster aud one ben lrom
the roost. As the most likely strangers in
town, Judge Olmsted and John Harris were
promptly accused; the judge claims to be
able to prove an alibi, but would hate to,
while John says he was tailing down the
corral ladder about that time. Judge Court
ney, also here, is above suspicion, of course,
It is a great source of thaokfulluess that
they overlooked Pete, the turkey, farther
along the roost, and the pig in the auuex.
Since Chas. Stubling and Jim McDonald
slaughtered the ducka and geese around
Blalocks the attention of our huntsmen
have been attracted in that direction. Ad,
Keller, of tbe Oro Fino, and Chas. Gilgard,
we learn, will leave in a few daya for the
duck and goose grounds of the middle Co
lumbia. Ad will take a miltrailleuse with
him. nf lata TULtantL whinh nm ontv allnrea
I game to their destruction, but is death to
in granting full privilege to sportsmen to
shoot wild game; but such wholesale slaugh
ter of wild birda as was inaugurated by tbe
Chas. Stubling and Jim McDonald crowd
should be restricted by statute. -And now
Ad Keller and Chas. Gilgard are about to
perpetrate another- terrible destruction f
forest birds. Oar game must be protected
against such voracious nimrods.
The irallowa Siinal savs: "Judge Fee is
our ideal of a judicial officer. Upon the
bench he knows neither friend nor foe; but
meets every question from the legal and
judicial standpoint, and disposes ot it with
out making a political speech to the 'peo
ple' or the 'taxpayer.' The only speech we
ever heard him make was when the grand
jury returned no indictment against Suther
land for having compelled his child to
swear to a lie. He said: 'The court finds a
atrange state of afiaira in Wallowa county,
HTien a man is indicted and remains in the
county, the indictments are stolen. If be
leaves the undertakings are stolen. A
party will go before the grand jury and
swear to a statement, then come into court
and testify that the statement to tbe grand
jury was false, compelled by another through
threats and duress. And now the grand
?ury returns 'not a true bill' against tbe
man wbo used the threats and compelled
the false swearing. The court is not re
sponsible for this state of affairs, but if the
people can stand it the court can.' We re
gard this aa a blow at tbe grand jury sys
tem, which is rapidly becoming a farce, and
at the still stranger fact that country vaults
and safes will not bold the county records."
The case of the State va. Williams and
others, which haa been on trial in tbe cir
cuit court for the last two or three days,
went to the jury last evening at about 5
o'clock, and a verdict was returned for the
State, in about as short a time as it took
tbe jury to write their verdict. This case
is one that requires more than a passing
notice. It is one of far-reaching import
ance, one that involvea the question of
bread and butter to hundreds. It involves
the right of the people to catch salmon, or
other fish, in tbe waters of the Columbia
river, at places id the river opposite land
owned by private parties. The court in
structed the jury that the Columbia river
waa a navigable stream, and aa such be
longed to the people of tbe state, that
the title to lauds lyiug alohg the bank of a
navigable stream extends only to ordinary
high water mark and no farther. All with
in ordinary high water mark is the prop
erty of the people and cannot be owned by
private parties, it follows, inereiore, mat
the public have an inalienable right to fish
anywhere, in the Columbia river, whether
opposite lands owned by private parties or
otherwise, and the right to anchor their
nets and land their boats anywhere on tne
shore below ordinary high water mark.
From Monday's Daily.
Heavy frost this morning.
Scarlet fever ia prevalent at Goldendale.
R3V. W. G. Simpson is slowly improving:
but is not yet able to be around.
The new court house at Goldendale is
now occupied by the county officials.
Judne Ison, of Baker City, is improving
from his late severe attack of sickness.
Mrs. Minnie Walesa nee King of Mon
tana, is iu the city, viaiuug her mother.
Goldendale ia making a movement to in
augurate an electric light system and new
water works.
Goldendale desires a branch of the Salva
tion army. Undoubtedly it would prosper
in that vicinity.
Mr. Si Cainpliell, of the firm of Campbell
Bros., is confined to his room with an at
tack of typhoid fever.
Mr. J. D. Flenner will be in the city dur
ing the present week aud complete his work
connected with the Wert Shore.
We learn from tbe Dallas Observer that
that town haa never enjoyed such prosperity
as she haa during the past summer.
Since the "livers" have been put on the
route the east-bound passenger arrives in
the city at 10:30 A. M. and the west-bound
at 1:45 P. M.
A brother of Mrs. Harrison, wife ot Pres
ident Harrison, waa" admitted to practice ia
the courts at - Port Townsend during the
past week.
The new opera house the Olympic is
fast approaching completion, and will be
the nride of Eastern Oregon when com
Tbe new fronts on the block on Second
street, between Washington and Federal,
have added very much to tbe appearance ot
that portion the city.
Several thousand dollars worth of ma
chinery baa been added to the Pendleton
Roller Mills since G. V. Hunt bought an
interest ia the enterprise.
The ladies of the Methodist church will
give a cantata, entitled "Ibree Bears on
New Year's evening. This will be well
rendered, and ahould attract a large audi
Tbe ladies of the Episcopal church in
this city will hold a fair on Dec 2d, 3d and
4th. There are very many elegant articles
now being made to be disposed of on this
Jeff Mosier, of the night force, arrested
a man by the name of Charles Adams for
selling whisky to Indians last night. He
will be taken to Portland, and as usual
fined $10.
Mr. W. H. Butts, of tbe Granger Eeed
Yard, ia preparing to ship a carload of
chickens and turkeys to Hood River. Leave
your orders early if you desire tbem tilled
lor .thanksgiving day.
A new census of India shows that the
population is 269,477.378. The Hindoo
population numbers 190.000.000.the Moham
medan 81,000,000, and the Christians leas
than 2,000,000. Of these last one-half are
Roman Catholics.
Goldendale Sentinel: The feasibility of
railroad from Goldendale to The Dalles is
being discussed now by the citizens of those
places. The Columbia could easily be
bridged a short distance east of The Dalles,
and the road being short the expense would
necessarily oe ague.
The Daily Partisan will be the name of
the new Republican paper at Olympia, with
u. c vvnite, now secretary of state, aa
manager. We bave known Mr. White for
nearly a quarter of a century, and know
tnat nis name attached to any enterprise is
a guaranty of success.
Mr. Julius Fisher, of tonsorial fame.
while we were trying to-day to edit our
local columns with the big shears, held np
to our astonished gaze, a larre. dead roose.
and swore he killed it with his little gun
early this morning. Mr. Fisher is usually
a reliable citizen, but when it comes to
goose-killing we think he patterns after Eli
Perkins. -
Union: The supreme court met at Olvm
pia last Monday and drew straws for their
terms. John P. Hoyt, of Seattle, drew
seven years; K. O. Dunbar, of Goldendale.
and T. L. Stiles, of Tacoma, five years, and
T. J. Anders, of Walla Wall, and Elmon
Scott, of Pomeroy, three years. T. J. An
ders was elected chief justice. Sol. Smith,
of Goldendale, has been appointed clerk of
tbe supreme court.
The district iudre Saturday enioved a
quiet laugh, and was joiued by half a dozen
others. A German was being naturalized.
aud after the question to the witness who
supported bis allegation, whether he was a
better citizen of the United states' than a
subject of the German empire to which an
affirmative answer waa lead ily given, a
turther question was quietly put by tbe
tidge, viz.: Is he a Democrat? to which an
emphatic "yes" was given. This caused
those who overheard the colloquy to burst
out laughing, nntil order was again restored
in the court room.
Shoshone Journal: Rumor has it that
parties from Snake river are interesting
eastern capitalists in the placer mining in
that section of the country and are endeavor
ing to form a company to secure the gold
which has accumulated under tbe great
Shoshone falls. ' It is claimed that millions
of dollars' worth of gold has passed over the
fallsjond haa been collecting at the bottom
of tbe rocks for ages and if only soma plan
could be devised to rescue the same from its
watery bed untold wealth would be ob
tained. Astorian: Some time ago John Case waa
let out of the penitentiary after serving
three years for grand larceny committed in
this city. A few nights ago he and a
brother in crime made a raid on a Chinese
woodchopper'a camp near Albina. One
Chinaman. Ah Mine, showed fight, and
killed Case's partner. Myron D. Lockwood,
a man 55 or 60 years of age. Lockwood
had respected relatives living in Eugene
City, and waa at one time a prominent poli
tician in this state. Case is a tough, and
will probably go to tbe pen, again for bis
share in that night's work.
And now comes the Astorian, and tells
some cold facta on a pertinent subject, in
several paragraphs, one of which we quote:
"The county printing lor this county is at
present uoue in cl aiouib, juisaoun. a ins
is believed to be unjust. It is certainly un
called for. There are four job printing
offices in this city. W e are not acquainted
with the resources of any but our own, but
can say that one is luuy equipped and pre
pared to do any work required by any one
in this county. These four printing offices
have several thousand dollars invested.
There are no other four establishments in
Astoria that proportionately pay out so
much of their earnings. Whatever they
make over and above actual expenses is in
vested in this town, and taxed at its full
value." .
From Tuesday's Daily.
The weather is cloudy.
Ad. Edar, of Ellensburgh, ia in the eity.
What is the matter with the water com
A new hospital haa been'crected at Fort
Walla Walla.
The circuit court is cleaning up its docket
in good shape.
Hon. W. R. Abrams. major o: Ellens
burgh, is in the city.
The woolen mills in Albany are almost
ready for operation.
Over $1000 per day is paid in Baker City
on freight, not to speak ot charges to inte
rior points.
Baker City ia urging a railroad fiom that
point into the mineral and timbtf belt oi
Urant county.
"The early bird catches the wo.-rn." For
the truth of this inquire of Engineer Leach
or Mat Blasen.
IVe received a call yesterday from Mr.
Elmer P. Stearns, Pacific C3st agent for
Public Opinion,
Woods Bros., of the Washington market,
are potting in a water motor to run tbur
sausage machine.
The case of Anlauff vs. W. R. Abrams is
on trial to-day. this is an appeal case
from justice court.
A very bountiful rainfall last night, and
this morning the streets were muddy. Tbe
rains we have had this fall have been yery
refreshing to the soil.
A lodge of Koigbts of Pythias will be in
stituted at Hood River iu a few days. The
petition has been numerously signed, and a
good lodge will oe tbe result.
A Baker City exchange is suggesting an
injection ot Brown-Sequard's "iamb-juice"
into the ailuriani of that burg. Try it,
brother, and note the result.
Has the committee anuoiuted by the
board of trade called upon our business men
to see what funds will be subscribed to fur
nish seed wheat for tbe farmers?
A one-eyed Iudian child has been found
in Pendleton. This ia an off-set to the no-
eyed child of Weston. Pendleton is bound
to beat all neighboring town iu natural uur
iositie. We received yesterday a fine brace of
ducks from A. J. Wall, ou Eight Mile
creek. We did not learu whether these
ducks were killed by Wall or "talked to
death" by the spotted crow.
Mr. H. C. Gordion presented us this
morning a bunch of newly formed raspber
ries, which, in a few weeks would be ripe
and luscious. The wonders of this climate
e absolutely phenomenal.
The new and elegant residence of Mr. N.
Harris, on the bluff, south of the. Columbia
brewery, ia nearly completed. The paint
ing is under control of Mr. R. E. Phillips,
and is being done in the lateta eastern stye.
Tbe body of a man named Jobn Johnson,
who bas been missed in Astoria for the past
three weeks, was found last SiturUay, witb
unmistakable evidences of foul play on tbe
remains, a vigilance committee would re
novate Astoria.
The case of Mt Hood Trail and Wagon
Road vs. Geo. William which had been on
trial since Monday morning, was decided
last night by a verdict in favor of defend
ant. The plaintiff aued the defendant for
damaging road by running abeep over the
Pioneer, 16th Lost.: J. G. Megler, of the
Occident hotel, received a dispatch from
George Jackson, of lunpire City, yesterday
morning, announcing that N. J. Peterson,
of this city, had been drowned ou Coos bay
Dar. inquiry in tms city last night, tailed
to disclose wbo Mr. Peterson was.
The fonr walkers, Faulkner. Howith.
Clarke and Morgan walked out ot the city
to-day, leaving several bills unpaid. Their
performance is a very monotonous affair,
and we warn up-country people to make
them pay in advance, aa tbey appear de
termiued to bilk every one they can.
Ellensburgh Localizer: Fred Wyman who
escaped from the jail July Oth was captared
in Seattle last wee a and was brought over
on Tuesday by Deputy Shernff Tillman.
Sheriff Brown has bad men on the lookout
for him in both Tacoma aud Seattle for
some time. Hearing that he was at the
latter place, Brown telegraphed for bis ar
rest. Wyman was in for horse-stealing.
Localizer: Several riotously inclined men
recently talked of making a raid on two
Chinamen wbo live on the Yakima, oppo
site Cle-EIum. They threatened to tear
down the bouses the Chinamen lived in.
Walter Reed, the owner of the bouses told
them he would defend his property, if nec
essary, with a shotgun. The mobbers con
cluded it was not best to carry 'their threat
into execution.
La Grande Journal: Freight train No, 20,
which left this city Wednesday evening,
broke in two at Union, and witb suoh foroe
as to throw Will GetchelL oneof the
brakemen, against the caboose atove, and
break aeveral ribs for him. A number of
cars were also bunged up by the accident.
Mr. Getchell was brought to this eity
hortly after, and to-day is resting a
quietly as could be expected.
W. W. Union: On Thursday afternoon,
the wheat warehouse at Hadley station, be
longing to H. P. Isaacs, fell apart, tha walls
falling outward and the roof falling in. The
warehouse wa full of wheat at tha time,
and it is supposed that the pressure of the
grain caused the accident. The walls in
falling struck three loaded freight cara,
which were thrown from the track. Bnt a
few momenta before the wall fell in the
warehouse man waa at work iu tha hnnaa.
and being called away, returned in a lew
minutes to fend tbe house leveled to tha
Baker Democrat: James B. Tavlor films
in from Granite yesterday and informs na
that it was generally understood there that
Charles Williams, the alleged mail robber,
had been arrested at Long Creek and would
be returned at once in charge of Wra.
Harper who was there ready to receive bim.
Williams is a brother of Tom Williams, re
cently discharged from the penitentiary,
where he seryed his time for tbe attempted
killing of "Peter the Poet." editor of tha
Long Creek Eagle. We understand that a
very positive care bas been made out against
W iliiams and his conviction ia deemed cer
The dispatches from Astoria to-day tva
that Pat O'Brien, who was shot bv Phiilin
Pierce at the Central hotel last Saturday
afternoon, died from the effect ot his
wounds at St, Mary's hospital yesterday
morning. His funerLl took place to-day.
Public opinion sustains young Pierce in hia
act. The coroner' jury held an inquest to
day. The verdict made no charge simply
stating that the deceased came to hia death
-from the effects of gunshot wounds received
on tbe IGth day of November, 1889, by a
pistol in the banda of one P. Pierce. Pierce
was brought before the coroner's jury, but
would make no statement. O'Brien made
no ante-mortem statement.
Astoria Pioneer: The advantages of ad-'
vertising may be realized when we look at
some of these little obscure places which
have sprung into existence within the last
few months. Pasco everybody knows
where it is has disposed of half a million
dollars worth of lota. The following from
a Gray's harbor paper is still another inci
dent: "Four thousand pounds of advertis
ing matter ordered by the Improvement
Co., will be furnished this week, among
which are 200,000 fine lithograps of western
rv ashing ton. u. a. Douglas, wbo bas been
engaged aa advertising agent, will start
next week on a tour of the state, in the in
terests of the company, and rhile absent
will visit and bill every town and eity of
any consequence in Washington, with mat
ter descriptive of the harbor in 'general and
Coamopoli in particular." Cosmopolis ia
but a few years old and can boast of but 1
very little to invite capital and settlement
compared with our own section. Neverthe- -
less they go ahead and accomplish wonder
ful things, simply because thoy possess the
nerve to expend a few dollars in tbe. shape
of invitations to those seeking new fields,'
Communicated. '
Dkschutks, Sherman Co., Nov. 17, '89
Editor TmES-MocKTAixEEa:
In the Times-Mountaineer of the 9th,
I find a communication from Mr, Gourlay
with reference to the sufferers in the dry
belt. His views are certainly correct, m
acknowledgment of which I doff my bat,
make my best bow and say, thank you, Mr.
Gourlay; thank you, sir. It is a step in tbe
right direction. Those suffering most are
those having moved upon new farms and
spent all their earnings in improvements; a
few going some in debt, in the bope that
their crop would enable them to pay np.
Having lost their crop, and not having per
fected a title to their land, having no credit
and unable to give the requisite security
such must suffer unless they are helped.
Your humble servant is one of the number.
But, Mr. Editor, I do not think there ia a
man in Wasco or Sherman counties who
considers" himself an object of charity. I
feel certain that in expressing my own sen
timents I express tbe sentiment of every
man in this community. Send ns a helping
hand, and we will py the money back with
interest. Some bave obtained aeed with
their work, and were compelled to sell it to
buy bread for their families, W.
Netes From AateUpe.
Antxlopx, Nov. 13, 1869.
Editor TiMEs-MocxTAXiiBBa:
After tbe protracted period of drought
that held sway over this tect'on of country
for so long, it is pleasant to be able to re
cord a more prosperous state of i flairs.
Tbe hill that a ahort time ago were all
seared and burnt, are now clothed with a
yerdant mantle. The weather is bright and
sunny, a reflection of which can be sees in
the faces of the now hopeful settler.
There ia quite a boom in this quiet little
city of the delL A new brick stable and a
saloon have just been erected, and the merry
ring of the carpenter's hammer is becoming
quite a familiar sound.
The question of early railway communi
cation with the south is being eagerly dis
cussed, and it behooves the citizens of The
Dalles to bestir themselves, or tbey will
soon lose forever this the fairest portion of
that vast domain that bas hitherto poured
it bountiful product into The Dalle.
I am sorry that I cannot (end you any
item of local gossip, as my place of resi
dence is too far removed from the township
to be able to collect news, and I am only
induced to write tbese few notes by the
fact that news items appear in your column
from almost every part of the country, and
that this, the most important section, i en
tirely unrepresented. J. H.
A Mystery.
An old settler named Louis Mar, who has
lived alone for many year on his claim
about four mile below the Lower Cascades,
on the Washington side, was found dead in
a field back of bis bouse several daya since.
He had been shot, and waa found with his
gun lying across hi breast. One barrel of
tbe gun, which was an old shotgun, was
discharged, and -it had evidently been
placed across the body to giv the impres
sion that Mar bad shot himself. It is sup
posed that the old man bad some money -by
mm, and that he waa murdered on that"
account, aa the house waa ransacked and
everything turned upside down. Two men
who have been camped near the place are
suspected of committing the murder, as
they disappeared on the day it was com
mitted, the boat in which they crossed the
river having been found where thev left it,
The matter baa been kept qniet in hope of
securing th murderers. It ia aaid that in
addition to the gunshot wound there is a
hole made by a rifle bullet through the
Shortness) er SfreaUa.
Dr. Flint's Remedy ahould be taken at
once when alight exertion or a hearty meal
produces shortness of breath or a pain ia
the region of tbe heart. S tnd lor treatise,
roe. Mack Drug Co., N. Y.