o xam. SATURDAY. , tinVEMBhK Iff. BaUwayTlmd fabje or the U.K. A A. The following; Time Table is taken from the 0. R. Jk v rv. ' HnhpftiilA. Mirl 1m intended to be l reliable table or reference by thoao living at a dis tance om the city: ASTWAJU). n-isA r I btmutul ot gold anion; 5 S:::::::::::::::::::i 2 warned oyer tohe June Express No. t. arrives 1:45 A.M a ten-cent invoice of crack r j . . 1 AMI . . - . ,. Express Na 4, depiru W181WUU). Express No. 1, arrives Express No. 1, dejians Express No. 3, arrives Express No. 8, depart! 12:30 A.M 12:40 A.M S:30 P.M . 2:40 v-rmnlnn nine on the Colombia nver between Dalies end Upper Cascades, will be one fare for the round trip, Saturdays only, tor parties M not less than fire. Children, half-price. Klickitat and return, 75 cents ; Hosier, Wh'te Salmon and flood River and return, 90 cents ; Upper Camades and return, 82.00 ITEMS IK BRIEF. From Wednesday! Daily. They are still boring . for natural gas at fjle-elum. Mr. A. O'Toole, of Cascade Locks, is the city. 0. D. Taylor, of this city, was in Port land last Monday.- - Mr. H. C. Rooper, of Bakeoven, gave us a pleasant call to-day. The artesian well at Pasco ia down COO , fret, and no indication of the aqueous ele ment. The Pacific Express office has received a fresh coat of paint from the artistic brush of Mr. P. Kreft. A "Humbug" sociable was held at Baker City recently Perhaps the name has a general significance. Lieut. Burr, returned last Saturday to the Locks from San Francisco, where he has been for several months past. The mossbacks of Olympia haye become sufficiently modernized to begin a street railway. There is hope for The Dalles yet. Baker City is the first town in Eastern Oregon to have street cars. It has only about half the population of Xbe Dalles. The latest industry in Ellensburgh is the erection of a mammoth ice bouse. The ice will be put np principally for the Sound trade. A report is current that two inches of snow fell in Prineville yesterday morn in?. We will not vouch for the truth of this rumor. The grand jury, in the case of State vs. Martin, for killing Dick Edwards, brought in yesterday a verdict of murder in the second degree. Leah Harnett is "writing up" the Blue River mines in Lane county. The professor always makes the last place yisited better tban tbe one seen before. Dannie and Barnie, at Alex. O'Toole s at the Locks, are enjoying tbeir usual good bealtn, and keeping bouse while Mr. O'Toole is visiting friends in this city. Three days in tbe Big Bend country cured two Herman girls of any intatuation for the northwest. Tbey shosM have come to i be Dalles and grown up with tbe coun try. A ghostly apparition has been annoying the fishermen around Astoria, we Icarn from the Pioneer, and they have formed a vigi lance committee to test ihe spirituality of the unknown visitor. Mr. C. L. Phillips moved his soda works machinery to his new building on Third street to-day. Mr. P. has no informed us whether he - will invite his friends to a "house-warming" soon.' A boom has struck Taqnina Bay by rea son of the Oregon Pacific Co. signifying its intention of building a commodious hotel there. Property has advanced double dur ing the paat few weeks. The Guaranty Building and Loan Asso ciation is on a different plan regarding lotus from the American. No bids are necessary for these, and the association is on as firm financial basis as any in tbe country. The "hospital system" will soon be intro duced on the O. ft. & N., whereby every employe will contribute 40 cents a month for hospital dues, the money to be used in paying expenses of sick and injured fellow railroaders. Baker City is the last bidder for the Hunt system of railroads. Tbe limit is becoming narrowed down year by year, and it is only question of time when the Northern Pa cific will make nearly all of Eastern Oregon tributary to the Sound. Tbe Albany Herald says laborers are be ing conveyed to the front by every train to work on the extension of the Oregon Pacific eastward, and railroad men express the be lief that work can be prosecuted all winter almost without cessation. The Missmdian is reliably informed that in about three weeks the laying of track will be commenced on the Cceur d'Alene branch of the Northern Pacifio. For nearly twenty-five miles from the main line by , that time the grade will be completed. Waitsburg Times: Barney Wickersham, bridge hand, fell from the top of the Hunt bridge across the Coppei Saturday, break ing his nose and badly injuring his back. Dr. Johnson attended to bis immediate wants and sent him to the hospital at Walla Walls. Baker BevciUe: We learn that quite a number of cattle, mostly yearling, have been killed recently by 'dogs between this city and Wingyille. Our informant says the bodies are badly mangled as if by wolves the throat being cut in almost every instance. Baker City Democrat, 10th inst: The news is received here that on last Friday at VVete- City, Idaho, a young man by tbe name of Joi n Grabb was shot and killed in front of the Palace saloon, owned by his father, by a gambler, whosj name could not be learnt d. Vale Allot: Michael Walsh, living on the sooth fork ot Willow creek, was arraigned before Justice Bradley at Malheur City last Saturd.-ty, charged with killing cattle owned by J. Rose. The evidence was so strong that tbe jadje bound bim in $300 which was furnished. East Oregonian: Thomas Jeter, an 0. R. & H. brukeuiar, got his hand between the bumbers while coupling cars at the depot early Sunday morning, and bis thumb was severely cruel ed, necessitating amputation. Dr. Vincent, company physician, performed the operation. The tread-mill wood-sawing machine was stopped to-day by Deputy-Sher.JT Gates, and the owner informed without he used strong, well-fed horses, he would be arrested for cruelty to animals. The humane senti ments ot the deputy are worthy of the highest commendation. Jiast Oregonian: Over 300 head of cattle have been ronnded np on the reservation by the Indian police. This week a grand round-up of horses will take placo. Uncle Sam's edict that the green grass on the reservation a hail giosr for tbe Indian alone, is being strictly enforced. The two-horse tread-mill sawing machine got in operation this morning on the corner of Second and Court, after vainly trying last evening. It is death on horses and is a sort of by-gone relic of barbarism. No one bnt an Apache Indian should be allowed to work in such a machine. Prineville News: Some three weeks ago snow fell to the depth of several inches on the high mountains in this county, but now it is nearly all gone again. The copious fall rains we have so far bad, and the snow on the higher hills insure us a better supply of water than we had dared to hope for. Mr. Frank Menefee and wife nee Du fur arrived in the city from Cleone, near Poit-land,- Sunday night. Mr. Menefee has been in the office of Color & V atkins for years past, and was admitted to the supreme court last month. He will makfl The Dalles his future home and practice bis profession in this city. Ellenaburgb State Register: Johnny Jack son, son of O. V. Jackson of the "ilorton" met with a painful accident this morning. He was out hunting aud bis ride being acoi dently disch trged tbe bail passed through his foot. Dr. Newland who is atfcndiug bim is of the opinion that no serious result will follow. The scconnt published Monday from the Ashland Tidings of the capture of Gibbs jseema to have been correct. A photograph of the prisoner has been sent to Portland, and be has been identified by several who knew bim, Jjejtuty Hoxie left t--day for Yreka, CaL, where he if Jodged in jtjl, to bring Gibbs to Portland. B O.i Tbe Indian school will be remove ! to Pendleton on the 15tb, waen forty ds;k skinned girls and boys the majority of whom have tbe blood of the pale-face as well as tbe Indian coursiogttlirough their veins will be among us, and the pupils ot tbe Pendleton Academy will have some in teresting playmates at reeess and noon. The Oregonian remarks that tbe Linn county business council, Patrons ot Hus bandry, are taking a praiseworthy interest jn their bi other farmers of Wasco county who were Is) it in straightened circumstances by the partial failure ot the wheat crop last season, lion. H A. Irvine was delegated to visit Wasco county and inquire into the necessities of the farmers in that section. Eli Perkins has a successful rival in the editor of the Milton Eagle. Hear him: "Col. Parker, of Walla Walla, while on the road, recently, left the car at Pasco to get a glimpse of the elephant. He was immedi ately beset by a multitude of hobos, each clamoring for what we all want most. The colonel, finding there was no escape, threw bandtul ot gold among tnem, ana tnen neb stand ana nougnc crackers and oologoa, and ate bis fill in peace, The latest capture of Gibbs comes from Baker City, and we quote the following from the Democrat of the 10th mst: "Ke- liable news was received in this city last night that the negro, Gibbs, the murderer of yonng McUevitt, in rortland, was cap- tured yesterday about noon on tne road leading from Big Creek to Lower Powder, about 20 miles from this city, by Ed Turner, a farmer of that section. Turner took his charge to Union. It is said the description of the man arrested tallies exactly with that of Gibbs and there can be no question of his identity." News: Collet Biiyeu tells us of the dis covery of a vein of coal in the mountains some six or seven miles west of the Ouhoco gold mines. While he and his brother were hunting there last week, they accidentally discovered traces of coal where a tree had been norooted, and upon prospecting dis covered a three-inch vein of the product. Mr. Biiyeu brought samples to town which were thoroughly tested by our blacksmiths, and pronounced first-class for their pur poses. How extensiye the find may prove to be is not known, but Mr. Bilveu says he intends to further develop the find, and if need be, capital can readily be found to assist him. An easily worked coal mine in or near this place is a matter of no small value, aB might at first appear. Of course the local demand is all that could be sup plied, but men, that would pay well for de veloping ths mine. There is an old rooster in McMinnville who has got into the habit of proposing to the girls of that town, and bas made an un mitigated nuisance ot uimaeir, says tne West Side. He called on a fair damsel one day last week and poured his soul into her unwilling ear, declaring that t'were better be were dead than to live without her: he then invited her, in a cracked voice, to be come tbe companion of bis declining years; the partner of his joys and sorrows, etc., etc. She wanted none ot bim. However, and Bbe went out and got several of her chums. Together they tied the aged swain to a bed post and whaled him with a mop; then they combed his hair with a rake, put treacle and apple jack on his old bald head and down his neck and played the hose on him. He is now seeking tbe aid of the law for protection against the ire of the festive McMinnville girl. From Thursday's Ihuly. Turkeys are ' being fattened for Thanks giving. Mrs. J. L. Fisher is visiting her parents at Center ville, Wash. Snow covers the ground from Baker City within ten miles of Pendleton. Mr. R. Snodgrass, of Boyd, gave us a call to-day. He reports everything flourish ing in his viuiuity. The most emphatic invitation to the Clii nee to "go" is the steam wood-sawing ma chine now iu operation. What will the winter be? is the anxious inquiry of eyery farmer, and even the old est inhabitant is silent. Mr. John Lewis and brother, Llewellyan, left town yesterday on a goose and duck hunt sythyiocfioieti a gwjddyan. Snow at Baker and La Grande, weather spring like and Da I my at ihe Ualles, witn summer flowers and roses in bloom. W e have never seen tbe farmers as hope ful as tbey are this fall. They say the sea son is more favorable than for several years pant. Some of our sidewalks are sadly in need of repairs. A nail or so now may save an expensive law suit to the city or property owner. The grand jury are C. C. Hobart, fore man, J. 11. Alcuonougn, uenrgc finoon, Grant .Ashbv, W. A. Obar, E. A. Griffin, and Isaac Driver. The Chinamen must go. The steam saw ing machine reduces the wages of Mongolian. Yankee ingenuity can drive the Mongolian out of the country without legislative action, and this is the only way it can be done. In the progress of the city old landmarks are being constantly removed, and a resi dent of The Dalles a few years ago would not recognize the place now. Very few of the old buildings of twenty years ago re main. The climate of The Dalles excels any in Oregon. The summers are not warm, nor the winters cold. W hi!e snow lays on the ground in tho Grand Round valley, this portion of the state is enjoying the most delightful weather. A novel race between one of our aborig inees and a native of tbe Celestial empire will take place at Armory hall Friday and Saturday evenings, between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock. A purse of $5 will be awarded to tbe winner. The Handsome enp now on exhibition in window of Mr. IS. Beck's jewelry store is supposed to be for the most popular othcer of the 0. N. G. in this city. It is an ele egant goblet, and we understand will be voted on at the coming Catholic fair. A former speaker of the legislature of New Jersey now drives a street car in New York city. The mutation of politics are so frequent in this conntiy that it will he no matter of surprise if some car-drivers will not be in the future speakers of legislatures. The steam sawing machine finished the pile of wood to-day that the treadmill bad to give up yesterday. The steam machiug does not kill animals only of the humnn specie, and as there is no law protecting man they can work with no fear of inter ference. The case of state vs. Geo. Williams et al has been on trial two days. The affair oc curred at the Locks, and is regarding fish ing rights. The jurors are E. P. FitzGei aid, J. G. Koontz, Edward Bohna, Geo. W. Johnston, M. B. Odell, J. E. Bat nett, Alex. Gray, Thomas Olsen, H. U. Draper, T. M. Dun ton. Wm. Goodwin and C. R. Bone. John Lewis. Hugh Lewis, Johnnie Owens, Chas. Stnblin an 1 Jam s M -Ui.n-ald lift last evening f r B al- ck, on a goo e and duck bunting tour. Tney took with them a full supply of ammunition aud pro visions. An express wagon has been en gaged to carry the game to their dwellings from the freight depot. These gentlemen are nimrods, and whenever tbey aim their guus game fail by laws of natural attraction. There will be no use for any sporting men to visit the region for a long time hereafter. Yakima Herald: Prosecuting Attorney Snively reports that counterfeit five, tcu and twenty dollar gold pieces are in circula tion in Ellensburgh and over a thousand dollars of this coin has been passed there and a large amount at Spokane Falls. The pieces are of good appearance and the right ring, but are too iight in weight. The coins are U3Ully passed during the rush of business or at times when the attention of the party on whom they are to be passed is pre occupied. Yakima business men would do well to be on their guard and closely scan all gold tendered by strangers. The following from the Polk county Ob server is Al. Snyder all over: "Here we are! we havn't any power presses; we have but a limited supply of ordinary type, only one chair with a broken leg, just one galley, and this we have to nse for locking op forms; one piece of metal lurniture. about half a dozen leads, use a 20-penny nail for shoot ing stick, a claw-hammer for a mallet, and a fir chip for a planer. Though our outfit amounts to so little we venture the asser tion that we do nore and better printing than any other shebang in Polk county. Plain and ornamental job printing a special ty. All are invited to come and examine our outfit, wprk and prices." We learn from the Albany Democrat that last Friday at Brownsville, Lyman Butts, a man about 60 years of age, and Mrs. Clark, an old lady nearly blind, who has been as sisted by the county some, got into a quar rel over a fence, when Butts attaoked her, striking her a heavy blow. A couple ot men happened to see the act. M -s. Clark rushed to Squire Hume's office, with blood on her face and swore out a warrant against Butts, who was arrested and heavily fined, he Democrat is informed thtt grert in dignation was expressed over the conduct of Butts in striking a decrepit woman, weak mentally and physically. From Fridays Dally. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Johnston, of Dufur, are in the city. Liberatti's band performed at Walls Walla last Wednesday. Mr. H. N. Weber arrive I in this city from 1 sco ma yesterday. Last Wednesday monrrg there was one inch of mow at Baker Uty. The attorneys in the Cwade Locks crim inal case were Prosecuting Attorney Ellis and A. S. Bennett for the state and Mays & Huntington for the defense. The body of Dick Edwards was removed yesterday to tbe Uatbolic graveyard. We are sorry to learn that Judge Ison is very sick at his residence in Baser tny. Mr. A. J. Dufur. ir.. of Dufur. in this county, gave us a pleasant call this morn ing. The Epworth Christian league meets everv Moddav evening in the Methodist church. There was quite a heavy frost on the ground this morning, and the atmosphere was cool enongh for winter. The U. S. grand jury drawn last Monday have the following names from The Dalles: smith .trench. J. U. Jjarsen aud r. x. Sharp. The meat markets of this city have some of the best beef we have ever seen. Tho sides and tenderloin steaks make one bun gry to view them. Kevublican: A. C. McClelland, of Island City, has been appointed receiver of the land othce at La grande vice J. X. uutnonse, deceased. He will make an efficient omuer. During the sojourn of Judge Liebe in Germany he met Mr. F. A. Allehoff, a son to Mr. AUehotf of this city He was in the employ of a large wholesale firm, and bad tbe conbdence ot bis employes. Judge Liebe and son Fred arrived last evening from uermany. xne judge nas been on a visit to his old home for several months past and his son has been attending school in that country for some years. After the 17th of this month the O. R & N. will be known as the Western Division of the Union Pacific. A change will be made in the time card, and it is also stated that a fast train scheduled at 40 miles an hour will be run between Omaha aud Port land. East Oregonian: A 14-year-old girl named Daisy liurliL'h jumped trom a wagon on lower Webb street some weeks ago, ran away and has since disappeared. No trace of the missing girl can be discovered by her relatives. She is a sister ot Airs. a. -a. Roberts, of Ridge. Mr. Bidwell Cram and wife, of Crook county, have bean visiting relatives in this city for a few days past. Mr. Cram is one of Crook county's mo3t enterprising young stockmen, and reports everything prosper ous. He is a son of Mrs. P. Cram, of this city, and returned home yesterday. Monday, the lSth of this month, has been set apart as a day of special prayer immediately prejeeding the National Con vention of the iV. C. T. U. All members and friends of the W. C. T. U. are cor dially invited to join ns in our devotional meeting, to be held 3 o'clock, Monday after noon, at the Reading Room. At the examination at Portland last Sat urday, Alfred E. Kennington, of Portiaud, Harold B. Fisk, ot Salem, Hayjrard H. Riddell, of The Dalles, and W. B. Ladue, of Salem, passed the physical examination for the cadetship at West Point. They have not completed the test in the prescribed studies. The Pendleton Tribune of yesterday con tained the valedictory of the present editor, Mr. J. B. Eddy. The press of the north west will regret losing Mr. Eddy from the fratruKy, as he has been courteous to co- temuoranes, aud hgnilicd and elevated thn position winch he (tccitpifi. A e ex tend to liim our bt-.-t wishes for succi 3s iu any vocation he may follow iu the future. Baker City Democrat: The daily stage running between Canyon City aud -connecting with the railroad at Heppner is doing a good business with the people of Malheur and Harney counties, owing no doubt, to the danger attendant on the Baker City route of being "held up." The Chinese miners of Grant couuty are sending all their gold dust by this route to aynid being robbed. - As Peter Christiansou, wife aud child were eating breakfast by lamplight yester day moruiiig at Tacoma, an oil lamp ex ploded, throwing the burning fluid over the three and igniting the building. The fl unes were extinguished after an effort, iu which both parents were badly injured. Mrs. Christianson's recovery is doubtful, and tha child died a few minutes after the explosion. The Palouse Gazette says: Hon. J. C. Tur ner, while filling the olfice of county audi tor, omitted a mortgage of d000 in making out an abstract for Kuapp, Burreli & Co., by which that company became responsible. The matter had to be made etraight, and Mr. Turner last week gave a mortgage to the full amount thereby becoming person ally responsible. No intentional v.-fong was perpetrated and thus an innocent person suffers and pays the debts of someone else. IF. W. Journal, 13th: A man who gave his name as J. C. Wright was on trial in the justice couit to-day on a charge of grand larceny. During the course of the trial Officer Smails was called out of tbe room whereupon Wright sprang to his feet and went out of the room by the back door, afterwards b:ing caught in the bulkhead. Wright with his wife and small son came from Pullman Monday, since which time he has picked a man's pocket of $1)3.50, and swindled Kirk Bros, of $7.50. He is a case. Those parties who are digging the ditch for a water pipe on Third street, between Langhlin and Federal, are liable to be called up for heavy damages, if they do not use a little care in leaving broken sidewalks. Last night the walk was torn up and left so. with a ditch dug under it, and nothing to warn pedestrians, who were making their way home after dark. Such carelessness is not less than criminal, and onr city author ities should see that care is used in sucb work, and employees so grossly careless should be discharged and competent men put in their place. Of the legal force recently played in Linn county, where the two Rolfes, train wreck ers, were acquitted and their compiuion, a stranger, sent up for ten years, tbe Albany Democrat says: "Three young men all to gether in a common piece of deviltry. One had a long tongue and went to j iil for a multitude of years. The others went scott free. That is a good illustration of the ways aud history of life. There are two men out of the penitentiary who deserve to be thereto one who really looks from be hind the bars. Not the worst boy in school is always punished nor the meanest men in the world who go to iail." The Board of Trade, pnrsnnnt to a notice to that tflect in yesterday's Times-Mountaineer, met last night in the old court house, to consider ways and means for sup plying the possible needs of farmers in the :routb-stricken district. A numlier of tanners from the country were invited to be present to g've their opinion as to the possible amount of assistance required. The farmers were there all right, and so was our esteemed fellow citizen A. S. Mac- allister, who kindled the tire and lit the lamps. There would doubtless have been a large and enthusiastic meeting if they had come, but as usual they duln c, aud Mr, Macollister and the farmers, after waiting about an hour, folJed tbeir tents, like the Arabs, and quietly stole away. PLEASE TAKE IT BACK. Wri.ten for the Times-Mountaineer, The following poem is founded on real life, and will be appreciated by very many of our yoouir gatc-swingers and Lovers' Nook boomers. You kused me at the gate last night And mother heard the "smack," She says 'tis naughty to do so, So please, do take it back. I cannot see what htrm thore is, In such a thing, can you, But mother seems so very wrath. Please take it back now do. It seems to be quite natural For lips to meet that way, But mother says 'tis very wrong, So take it back, I pray. An 1 come to thinkof it, I'm sure That several times 'twas done, So now to make it right, be sure To tak-j back every one. I would not have you think 'tis me, I do not care a mite. But mother's so particular, " Please take them back to-night. Jst. Care for Jiles. Itching Piles are known by moisture like perspiration, producing a very disagreeable itching after getting warm. This form as well as blind, bleeuing and protruding piles, yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy, which acts directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying the intense itching and effecting a permanent cure. 60 cents. Ad dress The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Piqua, O. Sold by Blakeley & Clark. Co.. Duckies Arsiei Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei fores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains eorns, and all skin eruptions, and positively eures piles, or no pay required. It is guar? an teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 25 oents per box. For ale by Snipes & Kin er slay. COl'STi1 COVttt. Nov. 4. Present, C. N. Thornbury, county judge, Geo. Thompson, clerk, and Geo. Herbert, sheriff. P03ATE. Final account of Wm H Robertson, exec utor to the estate of Geo W Foreman, de ceased, filed, examined and order discharge ina executor. Estate of J G Staats, deceased, E B Du fur. administrator: semi-annual account filed and sales confirmed. Estate of Loren Kimball, deceased, L King administratrix, final account filed, Ella Adams, by her attorneys Story & Brad- shaw, ties exceptions to linal account. Hearing bxed tor Nov. G, ISaU, at 1 o clocl; P. M. Estate of Henry Whittakcr, deceased, pe tition of administratrix to sell real estate, granted. Estate of C W Kees. deceased, semi-an nual report filed and debts ordered paid. John Daley a native ot Ireland aumuieu to citizenship. Ueorge Doienzen a native ot Uermany ad mitted to citizenship. Estate of John Hagan, deceased, nnai ac count filed and Nov. 6. 18S9 fixed for hear ing exceDtions. instate ot Nancy Gager, deceased, v o Myers appointed ghardian to minor heirs. Order allowing Mr. and Mrs. Skinner to adoDt Minnie A E Kribbs. a minor. In the matter ot the estate ot jonn na- gan, deceased. J H Condon, executor. Ordered that the matter be postponed until the first day of the .lanuary term, law, ot this court and that the attorneys for the heirs hie their exceptions to the account ot the executor at least tweuty days before the said date. In the matter of the final account of Lib- bie King, admmiseratiix to the estate of Loren Kimball, deceased. Ordered that the matter be heard on Monday the 11 day of Noyember, 18S9, at 10 o'clock A. M. COMMISSIONERS COURT. Present, C N Thornbury, county judge, and Dr. Leavens, county commissioner; Geo Herbert, sheriff, and Geo Thompson, clerk. Bounties on scalps of wild animals, pay ment discontinued. County road No. 179. Re-consideration- At tbe last term of this court a remon strance against another road was inadver tently read as against this road and in con sequence thereof tbe read was disallowed. There being no remonstrance it is ordered that James Benson, John Doyle and John Wingneld, viewers, and Surveyor JB..1. Sharp be appointed viewers and surveyor to meet at time to be appointed to lay out said roaa. County road No. 182. No action. Uounty road No. 18S. Report of ap- prasers considered excessive. Parties in terested authorized to compromise aud pay damages and after such action road ordered opened. Gounty road No. 1S3. Report read first time Nov. 7. Report read 2nd time Nov. 8th and road granted. Communication from Antelope. JNo names signed to communication. IVtition of Wm Heislcr et al for relief of Harley Thomas. As the county has con tracted for the care of those who are m need aud have a good comfortable place for such for wtiich they pay by tho year, rec commcuded that Harley Thomas be so cared for. The following bills were allowed: M M Cushing.carenon-residentpoor. $117.50 Geo D Bernard, blanks 6.05 T S Lang, justice fees 90 SO Witness fees 37.60 Dr J GBoyd, med ser non-residents 31.62 A R Thompson, justice fees 7.70 A R 1 ncker, lumber for roads 40 50 Steam laundry, washing blankets. . . 8.75 Gienn & Handley, electric light.... 25 50 yv ui lackmau & (Jo. supplies o.Uo Daillr & Watkins, attoruey lees. . . . 40 00 IC Nickelsou, stationery 11. So Geo Nowak, cement floor for jaU. . . CO 00 V J Campbell, repairs court house. . 37 00 Borthwick & Frain, wood 133 00 Campbell Bros, printing. .. 12.00 F Debm, juror 6 20 F Anlauf, repairing locks :.. 1.00 J E McCormack, hauling lumber... 5.00 James Darnielie, road viewer 2 00 Wm Vanderpool, " 2.00 Taylor, " 2.00 J H Menefee, road marker 2 00 E L Sharp, surveyor 14.00 Coroner's jury 7.20 Witnesses 9.90 Hollister & Logan, examining corpse 5.00 Wm MichelI,coruuer'H fees, burial &c 36 87 W Chamberp, hauling corpse 5.00 Craudall & Burgett, mattress 4.00 Geo D Barnard & Co, blanks . . 107.30 G J McCoy, justice fees Jake Bradley, witness fees J W Fan-is, justice fees Geo D Barnard & Co, stationery. 4.80 3.00 5.20 221.50 Cram & Corson, 490 Jos T Peters & Co, lumber 40.21 - J J Lynch 112 91 19.20 635 2.30 2 30 43 96 36.52 14.00 8.00 Geo D Barnard & Co. blank case. . . . Geo Herbert, freight J B Manley, witness fees Laura Manley, " Snipes & Kinersly, medicines C4;o D Barnard, records C B Chapell.nou-resident dependent Handley & Sinnott, board blind man Dalles Lumbering Co, lumber 420.99 Dr Shackelford, examining insane , 5.00 A R Russell re-appointed justice of the peac for Antelope precinct. Petition of S Creighton to change county road on his premises; viewers and surveyor appointed. Dial & Don liquor license granted. In the matter of the county poor two bids were ail that was offered. Mrs. Robbins' bid was $1600, M M Cushing's bid $1400. Contract awarded to M M Cusbmg. Frank Monroe, a non-resident patient, or dered discharged. Petition to raise salary of school superin tendent not granted. Petition of T Cartwright, asking that oer tain road in district No 15 be ordered opened, granted. Go Herbert, sheriff bill, 5232.54; al lowed. Petition of N Gray to open and remove obstruction in district No 14 granted. . J P Mclnerney, bill supplies, 815.55. A C Connelly, bill for traveling expenses, 200, net allowed. Account of Hugh Gourlay, assessor, bal ance due bun, 521.41, allowed. In tiie matter of tho levy of taxes for 1SS9, numerous petitions received. Consid ering that the assessment has been made on a much lower basis of valuation than here tofore, it is ordered that a levy of twenty mills on all assessable property be levied for all purposes. Creole County Items. Ochoco Review. Sheep raisers say their flocks are doing as well now as tbey usually do in the spring, getting all the green grass they can eat and arc getting fat. Frank Hampton received a baqd ot beef from Hackleinan Senders and others on Cump oreek last week, and got them to Al kali Flat Friday night, where tbey stam peded. He got them together, however, without any loss, and was on the trail for The Dalles on Sunday, II. Gibson returned the first of the week from California, where he went last sum mer with 200 horses. He disposed of all but 30 head in Sacramento valley. Mr. Gil'fon says the horse market was not brisk, though he had no trouble in selling a few horses in each town he visited. Dan Osborne's residence with its contents, on Trout creek, about 35 miles north of Prineville, was burned on Wednesday uight of last week, Mr. Osborne awoke about 11 o'clock and discovered the bouse to be on fire, and it was with .difficulty he and his family escaped being burned to death, by climbing out of a window. Ha was unable to discover how the fire started but tbinks it mnst have caught from a stove pipe in the evening and smouldered until after they retired. The hou-e and contents were in sored in the State Insurance Co. for $S00. Astoria' Spectre B atm-.nu PUne;r. Astoria, from upprr town to Aldercoye, is excited oyer what is supposed to be ghostly yisitations. Seyeral persons affirm that re cently they hare, when going home late at night, seen a spectre boat, with set sail and lone oconpant, glide out on the bay and dis appear down tbe river. The first man to report the matter was a Russian Fin, and when he told the story he was laughed at. The next morning another fisherman named Stevenson reported that he also bad seen the strange boat that disappeared down the river. With this corroborative testimony the curiosity of tbe neighborhood was aiouscd and the next night a watch was set for the supposed phantom. After many hours of waiting and watching tbe investi gators were rewarded by sighting the ex pected craft out in the channel. In the boat sat a man who held the sheet and guided the vessel. It was bright n-.ijiulight and the boat and figure, surrounded by a mist and halo, could be plainly seen. The phantom boat glided swiftly seaward and tbe men pulled away in chase, which wa continued for more than a mile, when the pursued came to a standstill, and the Steven son party rapidly drew up lowaru iu When their boits got within perhaps a hundred yards of the spook the figure was seen to arise and wave its nana, ana aiuiosc simultaneously the boat tilted stern np- wards as if eoing over a huge wave and dis appeared. This thoroughly frightened the party and without stopping to investigate further they returned to the shelter of thtir cabins. COJIfi BACK. Some love-sick girl sends the following to the Times-Mountaineer for publication, If she felt as she writes she would hide the feeling from the inquisitive gaze of the pub lie, aud treasure it in tbe temple of her heart of hearts. As regards the fellow after whom she pines, we have made some inquiry, and find that between the hours of 10 P. M. and 3 A. M. be can be found iu one of our most popular saloons playing "siuch" or "solo." He will not "come back" until he holds four aces or can beat a "heart solo." Tnis much for the consola tion of tbe forlorn maiden: Where art thou straying, Roaming, delaying, afar from my side, Dear one of my heart, waking or sleeping, Ever I in keeping sweet memories of moments e er we did part: Why didst thou leave me E'er thou didst grieve me? Still pining dear one for thee, I am so lonely; Grant me this only Stay thou no longer away from my heart. Why did we sever? You to be ever Robbing my life of sunshine and bliss. Since we were parted I have been hearted. From loss of thy smiles and sweet, loving kiss. Every to-morrrow brings me sorrow, Tnat I am as far as ever from thee. Tenderly heeding, list to my pleading- Stay thou no longer away from my heart. Come hack to the heart that is pming for thee, Waiting to greet you, lingering to meet you, Oh, stay thou no longer! Come back to the heart that ia true. Insane SI an. W. W. Union. About 8 o'clock Tuesday, young Rorke came in trom bis mothers farm, son tu oi the city, aud informed Sheriff McFarland that a crazy man had come to the farm early that evening on foot, and built a big fire near the barn. One of the ladies of the household went out and asked him what he wanted. The man answered by an inquiry for the owner of the farm saying he wanted to kill him. The lady then retreated and informed young Rokeof the man's presence, lie then went and coaxed the man to the house and then to bed, after which he came to the city after tho officers. Deputy Mac kay accompanied by George Gutbride left immediately tor the place, and returned about 11 o'clock having the insane man in clmr-fi. On the arrival of the officers at the Rorke place, they awakened the mau aud asked bim what he wanted. He said that he owned a farm on Mud creek where he intended going. He was coaxed out doors, and handcuffed aud brought to the citv. Durinir the drive in he talked con stantly in a nighty way, but would not give his name. JNo oue seemed to be able to identify him. He is about 40 years old, of low statue and quite bald, lio will be given examination before the probate court to-day. A fctad Incident. ' Spanirle Record. The many friends and acquaintances of Mrs. H. W. Hiuton, who lives about one and a half miles west of town, were sur prised and shocked to learn that on yester day morning without the least premonitory symptons, the lady suddenly became insane. In one of tbe paroxysms she endeavored to seize a butcher-knite which ner daughter, Susie, was using, and it was only after a desperate struggle tbat tbe girl succeeded in freeing herself from her mother's grasp and throwing the dangerous implement into the stove. It required the services of three or four persons to control the unfortunate lady until the arrival of Dr. Hoxsey, who found it necessary to administer strong sedatives in order to allay the excitement and to re main constantly beside her for several hours. The cause ot this surprising affair is a mystery at present. After ten days of intense suffering the lady regained her senses. letters Advertised. The following is the list of letters re maining in The Dalles poatoffice, uncalled for Saturday, November 16, 1889. Persons calling for these letters will please give the date on which they were advertised. Bailey, Miss Emma Knopp, Theodore (3) Camel, Mrs Rosey Lewis H W (2) Clark, Walton McLean, Frank Clark, Chancy Moody, W D Cronin, Katie Neisser, Benn (2) Clausfield, Mr Nills, F M Hall, Mrs E Nolan, J M lilebatiia, John Obrin, Mrs Julia Hart, J M Thayer, E P Hill. B A Wright, M Jackson, Mrs J , Wilgus, Will H Keating, T Willey, Bob Kees, Chas Wyndham, A J. B. Crosskn, P. M. Advice to mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething, is the prescription of one of the best female nurses and physi cians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During the process of teething its value is incalculable. It relieves tbe child from pain, cures dysentary and diar rheas, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giviug health to the child it rests the mothnr. Price 35 cents a bottle. Having appointed Mess. Jos. T. Peters & Co., sole agents for Wasco county for the sale of Hill's Patent Inside Sliding Blinds, they are the only ones authorized to make contracts for these blinds. Tho Hill Patent is the only Sliding Blind that gives perfect satisfaction. Be sure to call on Jos. T. Peters & Co. Ward S. Stevens, Sole agent for The Hill Sliding Blind As sociation for Oregon and Washington. 81 Yamhill St. Portland, Or. A SKfti Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring yoq satisfac tory results, or in case of failure a return of pur. chase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised drugnrist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Ic is guaranteed to brio relief io every case, when used for any affec tion of throat, lungs or chest, such as cotmuuiption, inflammation t.f lungs, bronchitis, asthma, whoop ing couifh, croup, etc., etc. It is pleesant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, aud can always be depended uon. Trial buttles free at Snipes it Kia craly'e drug sture. BIcrit Wins, We desire to say to our citizens, that or yean we have been selling Dr. Kmgs New Discovery lor Gonsunintion, Dr. Kingr'a New Life nils, Bucklen'i Aniiia balve and Electric Bitten, and hive never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not beu, tat to gnarantee then) every time, and we stand ready to ruiunJ the purchase price. If aaUafjctory results du not fohow their use, These remedies have won their great popularity purely n their merits. Skives Kunuukr, DiugglsU. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorfa, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorfa, When she became Hiss, she clung to Costoria, When Hff1 n"". 1" gava Umm PartnrU, TELEGRAPHIC. KUSaK WHITES A BETTER. CniCAQO, Nov. 13 The Cronin sus pect Kuoze is annoyed by the statements io the local papers that he Is to make a confession. To day he wrote a letter to a German piper, asserting that be bus no confession to m ake, and that lie knows nothiug about tbo Cronin case, and wonld gladly tell, if be did. The state's attor ney bas promised bim freedom if he turns state's evidence. He says tbat his con nection with Dan Cougblin was limited to the distillery esse, and asserts his be lief in the gnill of Burke andsome of tbe other defendants. WHO IS TJJK &ATE8T ABK8T? CmcAOO, Nov. IS The News says a man was arrested to niht by the police, whose identity tbey refuse to reveal, bat Who they admit is an important witness in the Cronin case. The News says from the description obtained it is that be lieved tbe man is tbe long-looked for oimonds." INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE. Linkville, Or., Nov. 12. J. M. foun tain indicted for itu attempt at rape, nas acquitted to day in tbe citcuit court. Fountain was accused ot enticing little girls into tbe back room of bis store and takmg improper liberties with them. Several little girls, ranging in age from 10 to 13 years, are supposed to bave been his victims. He was indicted on a charge ot having attempted to rape tee 13 year- old daughter ot Is. i . Crouch. The othei little girls were not allowed to testify, and Fountain escaped on account or in sufficient evidence, as it could not be proven that be bad attempted or com mitted any crime. There is considerable feeling against Fountain iu the community and further Indictments may be found against bim A KENTUCKY FEUD. London, Ky., Nov. 12. The French- Eversole feud at Hazard, Ky., has broken out afresh. Several have been killed. Louisville, Nov. 12. A letter received this afternoon , duted Hy den, November 11, says: A tight occurred in Hazard Thur.day, beginniug at 8 P. M and con tinuing hlty two hours, resulting iu the death of threo or fonr and the wounding ol several otbers. Aout nlty on one side and fifteen on tbe other were en gaged. Persons fiom that section say Ed Campbell and Jobnny McKnight, of the Eversole yarty, were instantly killed, snd J r leld, jailer of Perry county, and bis young brother, were badly wounded. The Fields will certainly die. Since the soldiers were in Perry county a year ago, things have been comparatively quiet, though several killings bave occured at intervals. THE CRONIN CASE. Chicago, Nov. 12. At the opening of the Cronin trial tbis morning, btate s At torney Longenecker offered tbe hairs which the experts had examined, in evi dence, but did not offer the other speci mens, sucb as the blood-stained pieces of wood. Forrest, for the defense, demanded that tbe chips be put in also, aud that tbe hair be left in the custody of the clerk. This led to a bitter dispute between opposing counsel, which was finally dropped, and salesman Hatfield, who sold the furnl ture to J. B. Simonds, was called to tbe witness chair. He po.-itively identified the frame of the satchel found in the sewer Friday, as corresponding in size with tbe one which he sold to Simonds, and that tbe material of the cover and of tbe handle were tbe same. The frame was nduiitted in evidence. Paulino Hoestel!, a washerwoman, tes tified tbat she passed the Carlson cottage between 8 and 9 o clock on the night of the murder. She said tbat when a horse, drawing a buggy in which there were two men, was driven np to the cottage, the larger man got out of the buggy, and taking a satchel or box i ut of tbe buggy, entered the cottage. The driver of tbe while horse at once turned and drove buck toward Chicago. Witness stated that she then heard somebody crying, "oh, God !'' and then tbe sound of bard blows and ot somebody falling. MURDER AND BCICIDE. STOCKTON, JNOV. 12. O. A. IWiS, ft preacher living ne-ir Lockeford, early this morning snot ana Killed bis wile, tils o- year old son and himself. He was a Methodist preacher for several years, but lately bad been an itinerant Cnngrtga tionalist, traveling about selling books. He bad not lived happily with bis wife and they separated some time ago. She snpported herself and the boy by teach ing school near Lockeford, and made her home at the residence ot Frank Foster. For some time past Boss has been driv ing to tbe scuol house and taking bis wife borne at the close of the Bchool hours. He did this yesterday, and remained with her all njgbt. He arose at o o clock this morning and shot her through the tem pie witn a pistol while she was asleep, killing ber ijstantly. The report awoke the little boy, who slept tn an adjoining room. He rushed into bis parents room. and bis father shot bim twice, once in tbe ch?ek and once in the temple, causing in stant death. Before Foster's family could reach the room, Ross shot himself in the head and soon died. Tbe cause of he tragedy is not known, bat an inquest will be held this afternoon. BURNED TO DEATH IN JAIL. Cbeuit D'Alene City, Noy. 13. The second fire within a month occurred in this city Sunday morning, at 2:30 .o'clock. in which the city jail, a wooden structure of one story, about 13x13, was totally de stroyed. A prospector, P, J. Broen by name, who was unfortunate enongh to be incarcerated tbe evening previous, was burned to death. From tbe evidence at the inquest held by Judge Russell tho jury rendered a verdict tnat "deceased had come to bis death by bis own hands in an attempt to burn his way out of jail." Breen was an ex-soldier, having served wo terms of enlistment, and was about 40 years of age. As a prospector and gnide he was not thought well of by his brother workmen, but the sad manner ot his death bas created muoh sympathy throughout tne community. TBE COLORADO BLIZZARD. Trinidad, Col., Nov. 13. No further particulars bave been received to-dsy re garding damage or loss ot life by the late snow storm. A number of cattlemen were interviewed by a representative of tbe Associated Press to day. They do not appear very cheerful. However, they hardly think tbeir loss will lie as great as at first supposed. The Denver and Fort Worth road got their passenger trains through to-da,y, the first in eleven days. A light snow is falling to-night again, but nothing serious is anticipated, as the weather has gieally moderated. GENERAL CORONA'S MURDER. Crnr of Mexico, via Gilveston, Nov. 13. Among the papers found upon tbe assassin of General Corona was a letter written by himself, which showed the roan to be imbued with nihilistic ideas. Tbe flag of tbe TJnited States legation is at half mast for the murdered general. He will be buried at Guadalajara at the pub lic request. Marina Pascena has been - declare 1 governor ot Jalisco. BRITISH SALMON TRESPASSERS. Port Towksend, Nov. 13. Informa tion bas been filed with tbe collector of customs at this port that British fisher men are trespassing on American waters and catching fresh salmon for tbe salmoq canneries of Fraser river, Butish Colom bia. .The British steamers anchor just inside the British line, near Point Roberts, Whatcom county, and send small fishing dories into American bay, a mile distant, where Ibe salmon are plentiful, and load the boat. The flsb aro then taken to the British Columbia canneries. NO RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES. New Tore, Nov. 13. Eva Ingersoll, the daughter of Colonel Robert G. Inger soll, married Walstofl H. Brown, a local lawyer to day. Tbere was no religions ceremony. They simply agreed in the presence of witnesses to become husband and wife, and sealed the contract hy signing the necessary papers. The wed ding occurred at Colonel Ingersoll's resi dence and was a quiet effair, only the frienas being invited. The ceremony was performed by Judge Barrett, of the supreme court. a.pd. Ijfelong friend of Col onel iugersoll and of the bridegroom's lamily. Alter tbe ceremony tbere was quiet wedding breakfast. The pilr started in the afternoon for a tnp to California. THE LATKoT suspect released. Chicago, Nov. 13. P. McMamira, the min arrested late last night on suspicion of being J. B. Simonds, was released this evening, nothing being tonnd to warrant bis detention. The Cronin jury was taken to the Grand opera bouse this even ing as divtrtion from the tedioueness of tbe trial. THE SILVER CONVENTION. Pbnver, Col, Nov. 13 As the silver nonvention progresses it increases in in terest. Delegates keep pouring in, and It is a novelty to see people of all politi cal faiths working band in hand on any particular question. "Free and unlimited coinage" is tho war cry alike of Repub licans, Democrats and Prohibitionists. The fact tbat tbe people of St. Louis saw fit to take the the initiative in this move bss worked to its good in that resolutions "B. were adopted to-day favoring that jdace for flie world s fair. Another recolutinn adopted recommends congress to provide lor tbe coinage of at least $4,000,000 of silver each month. Judge Symes and other gentlemen have made eloquent speeches, it is not likely tbe convention will conclude its labors before to-morrow night. EVIDENCE ALL IN. Chicago, Nov. 13. In the Cronin case this morning. Judge McConnell decided that the evidence as to the trial and ex pulsion of Dr. Cronin from the Clan-na Gael in 18S5 was not admissible. Nothing of importance was developed uy witnesses to-day and an early recess was taken. Tbe impression is that the state's evidence is all in. At the ootning of the afternoon session the s'ate's attorney said the case for tbe people was closed except the testimony of Clancy, of the New York Herald, who would be here to morrow. On applica tion by the defense for time to prepare its case the court decided to adjourn till Saturday. Clancy will testify as to a conversation with O'Sullivan. another important suspect. Chicago, Nov. 13. The Intcr-Ocean will say to morrow that another import ant Cronin suspect bas come to light in the person of a former resident of Lake view, an Irishman named McDonald. He is said to now be in Europe and tbe police are endeavoring to locate him. Before the murder, it is said, the neighbors no ticed tnat McDonald was frequently vis ited by suspicious, looking characters. After the disappearance of Cronin Mc Donald suddenly appeared to be in affluent circumstances, and talked about a trip to Europe, exhibiting steamship tickets. May 19 tbe family disappeared. The state's attorney refused to talk about tbe man. KNIGHTS OF LABOR ATLANTA, Nov. 14. The report of the committee on law occupied the time of tne convention of Knights of Labor this morning. It was decided that on Satur day the convention will go into commit tee of tbe whole to consider tbe state of the order. Several committees were ap pointed out oniy routine worK was done. At tbe afternoon session the report of tne law committee was resumed. The most important change made was to al low tbe transfer of a local assembly to any other district assembly or to a general nssembly, without tbe consent ot either the district, national, trade or state as sembly, as heretofore required. It was propot-ed to amend tbe fourth plank of the platform, and a discussion arose, which lasted until adjournment. TO SUCCEED HER HUSBAND. Lexington. Ky., Nov. 14. .Mrs. Wil ham C. Goodloe, widow of the late Col onel Goodloe, who was killed here re cently, is said to be an applicant for ap poiutment to tne position ot collector of internal revenue for the Seventh district of Kentucky, made vacant by the untime ly death ot her husband. It is urged in ner oeiian tnat, aitnougn she owns the country borne occupied by tbe family, tbe death ot uolonel Uoodloe removes tbci chief source of income and materially in terferes with their cbensbed plans for the future. Mrs. Goodloe bas eight chil dren, seven of whom are dependent upon ber tor support and education, and she is a woman of superior business, qualifica tions ana executive ability. FIRE in a mine. Pottsville, Pa- Nov. 14. At Middlo Creek colliery, near Tremont, a blast was hred in a breast cut yesterday and ignited a ''leader," and this fired a large quantity o( loose coal lying in tbe breast and threatened tbe destruction of tbe mine. While fifteen men were at work this morning extinguishing tbe flames a mass of coal fell, burying four of their number at tbe face of the burning breast. Tbe remainder went heroically to work to rescue tbe bodies of tbeir comrades. wbich now threatened to be consumed by the fire, aud finally reached them. To their astonishment they found tbem all alive, but so badly burned and iniured that they cannot recover. EXPORTING AKERICAIf BEEF. Washington. Nov. 14. Commercial Agent Smith, at Mayence, Germany, re ports the prevalence ot good prices for meat in Germany, caused by a firm of butchers in Mayence, who are trying the experiment ot importing live oxen trom the United States, and that arrangements have been made for the shipment from Illinois to Germany of 900 head of fat oxen within two months. This is tbe first time live oxen from the Uuited States bave been imported into Germany. The ffr&t lot of cattle arrived tbe week preced ing the report, and tbe animals were sold at a piice 10 to 15 per ceut. ltss than German cattle, notwithstanding tbe heavy cost of transportation and customs duty. AFTERMATH OF THE BLIZZARD. Clayton, N. M., Nov. 14. Don Louis Baca, a prominent Spanish sheep raiser, of Ute creek, bas just arrived at tbis place and gives a very sad account of tbe late buzzard in tbat region. Jive Mexican sheep herders perished in his neighbor hood. The bodies of four of them have been, fonnd. The snow completely cover tbe ground from Clayton tu the Canadian nver, a distance ot lao miles. JUany Mexican families are in a destitute condi tion. Owing to tbe heavy snow, they are unable to move from tbeir plazas in order to lay in a supply of food. Mr. Baca tbinks other bodies .wil.l be recovered as soon as tbe enow melts, as several men are missing. THE BIRTH OF A SEW PARTY. Chicago, Nov. 14. Tbe reformers' con vention nearly split np in a row this morning, the greenbackers claiming tbe committee on resolutions had not given tbem a fair show. The matter was final ly smoothed over, however, and tbe day was consumed in the discussion of vari ous needed reforms. To-night the con vention ended its deliberations. It was decided tbat tbe organization should be known as the "national reform party," and a committee was appointed to lormu- late an address setting forth its aims. SIX MEN INSTANTLY KILLED. Butte, Mont, Nov. 14 On the con struction branch of the Northern Pacific, fifteen miles east of here, in Jefferson county, six men were instantly killed, and two others bad tbeir eyes blown out, by the premature explosion of a blast Tues day night. TIIE MONTANA MUDDLB. Helena. Nov. 14. The election in Silver Bow county is growing worse daily. Tuesday Judge DeWolf retired from office and Mi Hatton, democrat, who is elected by counting Tunnel pre cinct, took his chair. He also recognized as sheriff of the county Sullivan, the democratic candidate, wbose case was analogous to his own.' L'oyd, who was the old sheriff, and who was the republi can candidate at the last election, claims that lie was elected by tbe throwing out of Tunnel precinct, and refuses to surrender the keys of bis office and of the jail to Sullivan. To-day the baoeas corpus cases of tbe two men under indict n.ent for dynamiting were called up by Judge McIIatton, but Lloyd refused to surrender tbe prisoners to Sullivan, who wag directed to produce them in court. Hamilton, the contesting judge, opened another court, and L'oyd bioaght tbe prisoners before him. Am a ffeetli.mate I arila;. Oregonian, Oct. 17. It was learned on tbe streets yesterday evening tbat Mrs. C. P. Ferry, accom panied by ber little son and a female traveling companion, was in tbo city on ber way to San Francisco. A reporter at once made f e rounds of tbe hotels, bat, after a long, dilligent search, failed to find her name registered at tbe leading bostleries. A gentleman who saw tbe parting of tbe pair at Tacoma. states that while waiting for tbe train Mr. and Mrs. Ferry, to while away the time, walked back and forth on tbe depot platform, with their arms locked, chatting pleasantly and ap parently as loving as it is possible for a newly married couple in the first stages of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. 2nd k MONROE, THIS DALl,ES. The North Pacific Trunk Mfg. Co. TRUNKS and VALISES. Spanish Vermont Merin'65 Owned by Severence fc Peet, of California, We have since imported from such breeders as Baiter, Shippee, Strowbridge, Woolsey and Bullard. Our sheep are large, with good constitutions, Fine, Long, Staple and Heavy Fleeces. Our Bucks are now to be seen on Five Mile. We invite an examination of our stock and a correspondence. Prices Oreatly lie duo cd. E. S. epZlmZ tbe bli-isful honeymoon to be. "When the train pulled out Mr. Ferry assisted his late bosom companion and their little son into the car, and then sat down with them until the tram was ready to start, ft., j . ... . ineir conduct lowaru eiicli other was very affectionate, and those who were not acquainted with the sensational circum stauces leading to their separation could ever know tbe barrier between them. The Salem Statesman says that Daniel Webster, some half century ago, declared tbat Oregon Territory was -so far off that It could never be governed by the United Slates, and a delegate in congress would not reach - Wadhiogton until a year after the expiration of bis term." Tbis puts us in mind of the account given of the ridi cule heaped upon the firnt proposition for a railroad. "Why," remarked our revered forefathers, "tbo bare idea is preposter ous. O0I7 think of the difficulty of keep ing those steam wagons on the track, while-running at the remarkable speed of ten miles an hour." KS. 10 urn city, NOV. 9, to tne wlfs of Mr. M. P. Blasen, a daughter. JORDAN At Cascade Lockn. Nov. Uth. to Urn wife of Mr. E. J" x an, a son. Out of the Breastworks. j Tate Springs, Tknn., July 4, 1888. J The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I tried a physician, the best at command, but secured no benefit. My throat bejjan to get sore, and my body covered with sores and ulcers. Going from bad to worse, I felt that my grave must be reached in the near future. I gave up the doctors' treat ment, and with a despairing hope I com menced taking your medicine. I began to Improve from the first bottle, and in a short time the ulcers healed, and my skin cleared oS and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed in my system. The physician did his best, but could not cure me ; but two bottles of Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief. J. il. KOBINSON. Kaufman. Tex., Tune 33, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen I have been afflicted with a sUn disease for about twelve years, and the best medical treatment failed to give me re lief. I am now using Swift's Specific and have received the greatest benefit from its cse. Yours truly, WilJokx. . For sale by all druggists. Tax Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756, Broadway. London, Eng., 35 Snow HH.1 GEO. P. MORGAN, ROOM O. Land Offloa Bullring, Is afent lor California InHnrma.ee Cj, ol Baa FraaoiiM oardlan. of London. Lyon, o London. ' MacEaehern & MacM Have Just Received a LAKGE STOCK ClothiDg, FURNISHING GOODS, hhTs, SHOOS. GTC V Direct From Manufacturers. fgTCall and see them at 12 Second Street. LEAYEMG POWER Of the various Baking Powder flta trated from actual test. ROYAL CRA ITS (Alum)... BOMFORO'S ftcah) BABFORSI (wbea truh) CBARH (Alum Powder) DAVIS and O. K. (Alum)! CLETELAHD'S PI0IEEH (San Franciaoo) CUB ..... DR. PRICE'!.., SHOWrUUtCrotTat... C0BGRESS BECKER'S GILLETS tUIFORD'S (None Such), wbea not fresh, PEARL (Andrews t Co.) aWaWWaWnl BraTFO&D'S (Phosphate), wbea not fresh. ..n Reports of Government Chemists. " The Royal Baking Powder is composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other In jurious substances.-EDWAKD G. Love, Ph.D." " The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the purast and most reliable baking powdet offered to the public " Hbmbt A. Morr, M. D., Ph. D." 'The Royal Baking Powder is purest in qual ity and highest in strength of any baking pow. der of which I bare knowledge. " Wm. McMobtrie, Ph. D." All Alum baking powders, no matter how high their strength, are to be avoided as dan gerous. Phosphate powders liberate their gat too freely, or under climatic changes sutler deterioration. ssassacEBBBBBBnag 232 FIRST STREET, xoxrxx.Ajii Merino Bucks ! We would call tie -pedal attention of wool growers to the extra quality of the Spanish Merino Buck Which we offer for sale this season. Our first importation was from the flock of THOMPSON & SON, - Jersey Farm, The Dalles, Or. A Perfect " Face Powder. STAGE POWDER, m " ilaa'lrakaa; b4 L, Oragjlala, Blakeley & Houghton, C. E. Dunham. m LATEST PERFUME exquwti ... FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA Snlpeis & Kfner-sly,- -THE Leadings Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. i-J FOR KENT! The City Flourini MU!i on kill Creek. Tor I ar ticular Inquire of octSwtf J. H. PHIRMAK. seep! seed! qTaTtTsTI I-WHITE AND GREY."a T T aSr-WHITE.". Z; F. MOODY. F( R SALE! Strawberry Plants, H. HORNMill Creek. Thompson's Addition -TO- DALLES CITY. Now Read for Sale on Tasy Terms. How Is the Umotto boy while PRICES ARE LOW. Thla tnat ha. been sai-reTed and n!aUed In aero tnat. with convenient streets and areouee and so arranred thai purchasers can fet on block or ref ers! acres in a body. The Unit ia emnnaratiely level, soil excellent, water easily oDtaioea, location pleasant, beautiful and easy to aseaat and Join Um citj immediately on tne msL , - Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. roa BALK BT The Dalles Land and Improvement Co, For narUcalan apply at the office of the C wasps room. 7 and 8, Land Otfios Beiklin, The Di Uee, Or. COMB AND SEB TUB PROPERTY". THORNBURY & HUDSON, apOd&wtf Baal Estate Agent. WOOL EXCHANGE SALOON 1 DAN. BAKER, Proprietor. NEAR THE OLD MINT, SECOND BT, THE DALLES, OR. The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always on band. ; Free Lunch erery erenlcg. . HEMTLKTJCK, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, . . ORSOOIf All Work lafaetlea. Unkran'eed to le Bf THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. lock Box rig. THK DALLES. OREGON. J. B. CR08SE&, , Anjtloneer. Waahlartosi mt. bet. Mala saa tie oast. The Dalles, Oregon. Regular Auction Sa'ea of Real Estate, k.jsabold Furniture and Genera! If srenaodis. Wedneadajr Matmrdajr, 11 A.M.