G A. BOlli ox run back. TUB KECK. OF Each heart has its moments of pleasure and pain That follow the ebb and the flow: Each soul has its portion of sunshine and rain, ' Hope dawnings and sunsets of woe. Bat ther're few other evils to which flesh heir. That with sorrow our ioy can so fleck And fill our whole being with so much des pair As a boll on the back of the neck. A man's wife may tell him in tones low and sweet . Her mother is coming to stay, He may tread a banana peal down in the street And swear in a dignified way. Somebody may walk on his favorite corn, He may foolishly cash a snide checV, But one thing that makes him regret he was born Is a boil on the .back of the neck. The brooklet e'en sings in a sad undertone. The skies are all clouded with care, And nature's voice echoes a saddening moan The breezes come freighted with care, The future is naught but a desert of night, The present a mis'rable wreck. Without even just one faint spark of delight, For the man with a boil on his neck. BIBIED IX THE BLISS. Shucking Details of the fcilasgow Jturrar. Glasgow, Scotland, Nov, 2. Certain sections at least of this city are excited over the fall of the banding yesterday that crashed Templeton & Co.'s carpet mills and buiied thirty or more women The further particulars ot the accident are as follows: Glasgow is noted for its high and irregular buildings, and one of these was in the course ot erection oc Williams street, enjoining the immense rarpet factory owned and operated by the Templetoos. uuring yesterday afternoon the burn wind which bad prevailed dur ing the day increased in velocity until it was blowing a gale, and when it was at its bight, the immense gable on the new bulletins loosened and tell with a crasrj on the roof of the carpet factorv. On the top floor of the factorv was situated the weaving department, fifty women and cirls being at work at me time. The Jailing debris was of great weight, and it crashed through the root, tearing away nearly all the upper story and doing shocking damage to life. All the work ing women were buried in the ruins be neath the broken timbers, and the gronus and shrieks of those not instantly killed could be beard above the ioar of the wind, which seemed to bowl in mad glee over the damage it bad done. The poor in mates had no chEDce to fave themselves, for all were bending industriously over the looms when the tearful, fatal crash came. Aid was quickly summoned, and the work of rescue be gun. It was almost impossible to ga:n access to those who were living among the ruins on top of the factory, for the floors bad fallen in such a way that it .was impossible to gain access from the floor beneath, and it was positively dan gerous to work there, for it was feured that the additional weight, aided by the wind, would send the floor down another story, and thus complete tne work of death so suddenly begun. A scene of the wildest description prevailed, and the aid of the fire department was called. Darkness came on, and even to-day it is impossible to tell yet the extent of the fatality. The accident is one of the saddest which has ever occurred here in years. The labor of removing the fallen timbers will be continued on through the night. It bas been thus far impossible to find if there was any fault in the building of the gable. The street is crowded with the relatives of the unfortunate women who are buried in the building, and as each victim is handed down her lace is eagerly scanned by the anxious, waiting bereaved ones, who are hoping almost against hope that the particular one each teeks tnuy net be among the dead. Those who have toten taken down alive tell that suddenly the lights were extinguished and the tior lible- crash came, and then all was still for a moment. It is said the building, which is now very unsafe, stands over an abandoned coal pit, and a new disaster is momen tarily feared. The Color oT Homes. There is more in color or likeness in breeding all animals than meat people imagine, says an excuang, in lurgi herds of animals in their wild state, colors vary little. There is oitun, so travelers . bave said, an odd-colored stallion or two in wild herds of horses, and it is not un common to' find an odd-colored stallion apparentlyrthe master of the troop. It is quite certain that this stallion does not get bis own color, as the herd remains in its own originality. It bas been raid that the original color of horses is ches nut, and there is evidence to show that of all of the eastern or ot what is supposed . to be the original blood the color that bas lasted the longest is chestnut, and that which has lasted the least, is gray. The . earliest numbers of the "English S'ud Book" give more grays than almost any other color, but they have become scarcer and scarcer, until now among stallions, there is scarcely a gray horse in service in England. For a long time, prejudice attached to a white horse on account of the fabulous tradition that they could not stand the cold, becanse white was a non conducter of heat, a hypothesis at once controverted by the fact that the polar bear, which ex ists alone in the region of eternal cold, and are happy nowhere else, are white. The same prejudice at one time against black horses, on the other extreme as black was a conductor of heat, a black horse would succumb to the enervating heat ot summer. In this age of the worid it is needless to say that the color of a horse has no thing to do with his constitution. Fran ces' Alexander, a coal black stallion, trot ted one of the most exhausting and pro longed races against a field of six others, on one of the hottest days in midsummer, and won it. Jav-Eye See is a black, and there is no borse cn the American turf superior to him in courage and endur ance. Hopeful is a gray. During his turf career, he was the foremost borne on the trotting turf. He culled a wagon and placed to his credit a record for that way of going, which has never been equaled. Charlie Ford is another eray horse that was first in thirty-eight races and twenty -seven beats below 2:30. These two exampcls explode the theory that horses of light color are usually of a weak constitution. Hermit, the great English thorough bred sire, is a chestnut, while his sire was a bay of a particularly marked bay fami ly. Out of a score of sons and daughters of Hermit, which have made their mars, the minority are chestnuts. This same -peculiarity marks the produce of Ham bletonian Prince. Those of his get that have made their mark, are ot one color namely, Billy Button, Helene, Happy Tarveler, PeraUo. Although among trot ters there are a large number of fast horses of various colors, the majority of distinguished horses are bays. The fastest horses among wnicu coior is prcuuuuuaui are legion. of Philadelphia, and tha Chicago Neue is astounding. Said Mr. Drexell, the great banker, who held an interest in the Pub lie Ledger: "I thought I knew what it was to make money in banking, but that business is insignificent indeed com pared to the Public Ledger business." George W. Childs, its principal owner, has it is said, given away for benevolent purposes, many large fortunes, the results of proceeds he received fioin the Ledger newspaper alone. Qaeer Jewelry. Philadelphia Inquirer. A man called at the office the other day with a handful of what looked like dull, reddish golden eyeballs. They were of various sizes. "Do you know what these are?" snd ho. "You will never guess, nor do I believe there are many persons who can tell you. They are taken from the mummies of the Incasof Peru. When I was stationed out there some years ago, when in the naval service, I got a whole lot of them. The mommies were thrown up and in some rases destroyed by seismic convulsions. There are thousands of them about, particularly near Arequipa. These that I show you are taken from the fkulls, and are believed to be the real eyes of the Iocas, end are respected as such. The women wear them made up iiio necklaces, scarf pins, and other ai ti des of jewelry. Asa matter of fact, how ever, they are really the eyes of the octo pus, cr devilfish. They are thoroughly desiccated, or rather mummified, by the air, and were put in ages ago to take the place of the natural eyes, which the Abo rigines found would not last In that cli mate. In having them set as a piece of jewelry, you must be very cautious. The work men in trimming them down must beware of getting any of the dust in any cut he may have. If he does so blood poisoning is sure to set in, and the ter mination may very likely be fatal." Miscellaneous. RHEUMflTISIPHEURALGIfl! f These twin diseases cause untold suffering. Doctors admit tnat they are difficult to euro do do their patients, ralne's Celery Compound has per manently cured the worst cases ot rheumatism and neuralgia so say those who have used It. "Ilavlngr teen troubled with rheumatism at the knee and foot for five years, I was almost unable to get around, and was very often confined to my bed for weeks at a time. I used only one bot tle of Tnlne's Celery Com pound, and was perfectly cured. I can now Jump around, end feel as lively as a boy." I'kank Caroli. Eureka, Nevada. tLOO. Six for 3.00. Druggists. Mammoth testimonial paper free. . . Wells, Kichardson & Co.,Props.,Burluigton, Vt. I FOR SALE, j I NO USE TO I 1 OWNER. " Pome's Celery Compound has been a God-) send to me. For the past two years I have suf-i fend with neuralgia of the heart, doctor after doctor failing to euro nie. I have now taken nearly four bottles of the Compound, and am free from the complaint I feel very grateful to you." Chas. 1L Lewis, Central Village, C'U , Palne's CeSery Compound I have been greatly afflicted with acuto rheumatism, and could And no relief until I used l'alne's Celery Compound. After using six bottles of this medicine I am now cured of rheumatic troubles." Samuel nuicnrNSON, 5a Cornish. X. H. Effects Lasting Cures. Palne'sCelery Compound has performed many other cures as marvelous as these. copies of letters sent to any address. Pleasant to take, does not disturb, but aids digestion, and entire ly vegetable; a child can take It. What's the use of suffering longer with rheumatism or neuralgia? DIAMOND DYES WXflZ I n DDI CI-ivinguponLaetaUd Food are Heallhy, BJIBILd Sappy, Hearty. 11 U Vncqualed. 9 V'. vr'AfThS A L.Pi3-v TO MAKE 111 rltr V ''14V AskyourGrocerfor N W ryiC OW BRAND W Mlf SODA KSALERATUS. TTiitiiiiniifc'nw'nMMTTMfnirTMtiir w u uyi-i ifr"TrTT-i m -" - "M,'MHMW"t"-':aa"M STOVES! "The Old Oaken Bucket, . Tbo Iron-bound Bucket, The Moss-covered Bucket," ' Is very likely the one that has conveyed poi sons to your system from some old well, whose waters nave become contaminated from sewers, vaults, or percolations from tho soil. To eradicate these poisons from the firstem and save vouraclf & uroll nf mnlnrtnl. typhoid or bilious fever, and to keep tbe liver, Kidneys miu lungs in 8 neaitny ana vierorous condition, una Dr. Pinrm'a rcnlrlon Jledical Discovery. It arouses all the ex cretory organs Into activity, thereby cleans ing and purifying the system, freeing it from all manner or blood-poisons, no matter from what cause thev have arisen. All riiuvuM originating irom a torpid or deranged liver, or from impure blood, yield to its wonderful s. it no )vi hunt," and Chronio Diarrhea. Salt-rheum, curative properties. Dowels, promotes tbe dd digestion, and cures DyBpepsia, "Liver Com ch and reirulates the stnm- owels, promotes the appetite and TINWARE AND HARDWARE? PISH & BiSBOI'g 113 WASfflNGTON STREET. BET. SECOND AND THIRD. San I lancisco BaU SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COTJKT. F. LEMKE, - - PRO PR, Ii.F.EIAS ON DRAUGIIT -:-Columbia Brewery Beer,:-: ATVD FOR nALlO ettcr. Eczema. ErveioelaA. 8crofulous Bnmi and 8wellinrrs, Enlarged Glands and Tumors uisuppear unaer res use. "Golden Medical Discover? " la tha nnlv Biuwi miu liver mwuiume, BO la oj aruggiatS, under a positivo guarantee of its bene fiting or curing in every case, or money paid Copyright, US8, by WOELS'S DlS. USD. XiiH. Li and Notices. Fortunes In Xewgpnpers. The business of newspaper advertising has been in a process of evolution from the beginning until now, and this pro cess is still continuing. At the com mencement only a few of tbe simplest and shortest advertisements were pub )thed such as want", rewards for runa way slave, of shirs sailing, and the like. Tbe prices paid for these insertions were merely nominal, .mane o uum uu im tnons iuniD from the eight by ten col onial sheet with its insignificent attempts t advertisine to tbe remarkable JNew York Herald that charged and received W a rnlnmn advcilistment on its fifth i..ne S 100.500 for one year. The Herald hs i.nblished in its Sunday edition as many as five thousand advertisements in one issue, and what the Herald did ten years ago other great journals are far ex ceeding to day. Not infrequently a sin gle advertiser has been known to make cm facts for over half a million dollars in advertising in a year. The career of tbe TfVWof New York, FuUie Ledger Executor's Notice of Final Settlement. The undersigned hereby irive notice that thev have filed their final account as executors of the last will and testament of S. B. Pratt, deceased, and that by order of the Hon. C. M. Tbombury, County J udire of Wasco County, Oreiron, duly made and en tered on this day, airectins; notice thereof to be pub lished herein, Tuoid ty. Nor. 5, 1889, (that being the second day of the next regular term o ;the county court for said county), at tbe hour of 2 o clock r. M.. haa been appointed as the time, and the county court room of tho county court house of said county has been designated as the place, for the hearing of objections to such final account, and the settlement tnereor. t. m. jhcukkuk, N. W. WALLACE. Executors of the last will and testament ot S. B. fratt. deceased. Dalles City, Oct. 4. lS89.-St Final Settlement Notice. To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby iriven that the undersigned, ad ministratrix of the estate of Loran Kimball, deceas ed, has filed her final account as such ad niuistnUrix with the Co nty fjourt of the State of Oregon for wasco vounty, ana tnat tne juage or said court nas appointed Monday, the 4th day of November. 18&9. at the hour of one o'clock P. II. as the time for hear ing objections to said final account nd the settle ment thereof. AH heirs, creditors, or other persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to ap pear on or oeiore saiu time appointed lor said bear ing and final settlement, i nd file their objections thereto, if any they have, or to any particular item thereof, specifying .the particulars of such objec tions. Dated this 3d day of October. 1889. L1BBIE KING. Administratrix of the Estate of Loran Kimball, de ceased. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon fur Wasco County in an action entitled Geo. Watkin vs. Sterling 5tag and to nie directed and delivered, I did on the 25th day of October. 1889, levy upon and will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, fur cat-h in hand, on Saturday, the 7th day of December. 18s9, at 1 o clock p. m. nf said day, at the Court House door in uai:es City, in wasco count v. Ore gon, the folluwinir described property, to wit: All of the rittht, title and interest of tbo said Sterling Stages of, in or to Lot 10, in Block 8, in Bigelow'a addition to Dalles City, Wasco Co,Oregou,or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy the sum of ej"3.0O with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, from Sept. 16, A D. 169. Taken and le ied upon as the property of Sterling Staggs to satisfy said sum of $36.00 and interest thereon in faror of Geo. Wat kin a, together with costs and accruing costs. GEORGE HERBERT, bhenn of Wasco County, Oregon. Dated at Dalles City, Or , Oct. 25, 1S&9. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tub Dalles, Ohkgxuv, October 7, I860. Notice Is hereby civen that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on November 25, 18a9, viz: William II. aeabeack. D S 5SS4, for the SW A Sec . T 3 S. R 13 E. W M, He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upou and cultivation of said land, viz: Hugh Gourby, Walter Henderson. Thomas P. Alums, Robert Kelley, all of K.itis1ey, Or. r. a. ucuunal.i, uegister. ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, tho very best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J The One Price Cash House, COB. SECOND AND COURT STS, JJ Lfl J fl 1- 1 fl A JLA) L. ft -DEALEB J If- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, - Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c Agent for the Bntterici Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, TO MICHELL, vetde: AND Funeral Dltotor. The Undersigned has Added to his Business a full line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Robes and Shronds. Trimmings of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices and owns the Most Elejrant Hearse east of tne moon tains with all the , latest improvements. - NO DELAY IN FILLING ORDERS. Pl&rff Of IlaHinPNK. Third street, three doors east of Oibons. MaaJlister k Co'a agricultural wra bouse, and adjoining his Planing Mill and Wagon Shop. Place of Residence. and night. Ja2tf Fourth street, comer of Washington. Can be seen at all hours of the day WM. MICHELL. FjeiH & HjlK Successors to L. D. Fbank, deceased. Wholesale and Betail Dealers Legal Notices. SUMMONS. Harness aoa Saaaieni Leather & Shoe Findings, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wasco. Walter F. Burrell and D. P. Thumpeon. Plaintiffs, vs auci n . uuiur, ciriisk uuiur, Aipna tv. Dufur, Elszabeth Dufur. Ainy Mo naster and Joseph M. Mc M aster, Defendants. To Amy McMafter and Joseph M. McMaster, the above named defendants: In the same of the State of Orctron. vou are here. by required to appear and answer the complaint filet against ruu in the above entitled action bv the first ciay of the term cf the above entitled court follow- mir the expiration of six weeks publication of this summons, to wit. by the llth day of November, lbfctf, and il you fail to answer, for want thereof the pluititms will apply to the Court for the relief prated fur in their complaint, to ait: 'For a iudcnient aguirst the defendants Abel H Dufur, CJ:iris.a Du- iur, Aipna. iv. imiur aun tnzabeth uuiur tor the sum cf SCUOO with interest thereen at the rite of cii;ht per cent per annum from the 10th da of FoIh ruarv, 189, an tl 5"0 as attorney s fees, and plain tiffs' costs and dfcburettnei ts, and' for a decree fore clobing the uiortjraije named in the complaint and forever foreclosin-r and turrinir ail ruht, title and interest of the defendants in and to the ninrtaeU premises, to wi: The S of the NW XA and the S of tho UK hi of Sec 4, Tp 2 S of It Ki E of W M; and also a certain tract of land in Sec 2i, To 1 S ot K 13Eof W II, containing 10 4-5 acres, burnt,' the tract on which is located the Dufur Keller Flouring Mill, and particularly descrited as follows to wit: Commencing at the KE comer of the SW of the SE YA of Sec 25, Tp 1 S of It 13 E of W M, and run ning thence W and pr.rallel with the S boundary line of said Sec 25, 21 chains; thence S and parillel with the E boundary line of said Sec 25 8 chains; thence E and parallel with the S boundary line of said Sec 25 21 chains; thence X and parallel with the E boun dary line of said Sec 26, 8 chains to ihe place of be iriiuiing; also and further, a strip of land twelve feet wide, connneiicii:fr at a point about ten rods west of The Dalles and Tyyh Valley road, in the cen ter of the main channel ot Fifteen Mile creek, where the dam across said creek is located; thence in an easterly direction to a point about S rods cast of the mill, to the terminus ef the waterway constructed on this described tract of land, together with all the water privileges conveyed by Dufur Bros, to the Dufur Roller Flouriusr Mill Co.; and also the four story mill building located on the above descii bed (tart of Sec. 25, Tp 1 S of It 13 E W M, with ali the machinery of every name and kind therein. And also ordering the gale of said mortgaged premises and the application of the proceeds of such sale to wards the payment of said judgment and the oc pen?es of making such sale,a:id that any sum remain ing unsatisfied thereby sliall be made from the prop ertyof the defendants AIh;1 H. Dufur, Clarissa Dufur, Alpha K. Dufur and Dizatieth Dufur, and for such other and further relief as may be equitable and just." You are hereby notified that this snmmnns is served upnn you by publication by order of Hon. J. H. Bird, Judge of the Seventh Judicial District of tke State of Oregon, made on the 25th day of Sep tember, 1689. Dated Dalles City, September 25. 18S9. BENNETT & WILSON, sep2St7 Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Board of Equalization. The Board of Equxlizatton for Waeco county will meet in the Court ilouae in Dalles City Octuutr 28, and will continue in session one week. H GOURLAY Assessor. TIMBER CULTER, FINAL PROOF .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, at The Dalles, Or., October v!S, lssD. Not'ce is hereby riven that Charlea Davis has filed notic; of intention t make final proof before Regis ter a id Receiver, U. S. L. O., at his office in The Dalljs, Or., on Saturday, the 21st day of Decemlwr, 18S9. on timber culture application No. 390, for the SW hi. KE !4. NW H . SE I and NE i SW i and I sit 8, a larter of section No. 18. in TowusIud No. 3. s Ran re NO. 14 K. He name an u-itnmuir Wm K Hel.us, Nansense; Or.. Frank T. Graves. Peter J. Ha .ruhan, Alex. JlcLeod, Kinprsley, Or. v. Z. F. A. McUONALD, Remster. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Lasd Office, Tuc Dalles, Ob., October 21, 18t9. Notice is hereby given that l iani F. Helm Has fl ed notice of his intention tn make Rnnl nrnnf before Kerister and Receiver U.S. Land office at their office in The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the 9:h day of December. 18S9, on timber culture application No. too, for Lots I and 2 and the SE 'A of the NE 1 of 34,TS, RI4K at names as witnesses. W. T. Wricht. James W. Moore. Polk Butler and O. i'. Kellej , ail of Nanser.e, Wasco county, Orenon. o:t26 t. A. JncDONALD, Register. 02rxido,ll & Burnet, DEALERS IN Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Parlor Ornaments, Window Shades, Etc. U"2n.a.erta)3sing a, Specialty. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc. an be found at all hours of the day or night at their p'acr nf bviinm, from Secuni. &ign o JUd Liyht. Washington street, tw doors north c. i 3 SOLi: AGS1ST FOB E. DUNHAM, nd Optician. Keeps in stock a full line of Tr- i T I Hi 1 "i GLASSES PAT? JULY 15! 1879. Kazors, Knives, Scissors, PATEJJT MEDICINE 3. PERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, Hlionltloi Braces, Cliesi l'rotctors Every Pair PitTcliasscl Guaranteed. STATIONERY A D CIGARS. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal uses. Prescriptions com pounded at, all hnnra call and see H00SIEE FEHCS HACnnTE, 0SLY Mnn. that gives a continuous twist to the wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FEICE WOEKS, mm- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Ornci at Tub Dalies, Or., Octobci 10. lt9. Noti -e is hereby iriven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final Droof i l euiiport of his claim, and that said riroof will bn made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on December 14, lsM). viz: Hubert Tli!?l. nd 3317. for the lots 2 and S and SW M of NE and SE of N W V, Sec 20, T 2 N, R 12 E. W M. lie names tne luiiuwmg witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon ana cultivation ol said land, viz: Robert Densmore, John Milcr, of Mosier. Or., and Ernest Frederick, Daniel Thomas, of The Dalles, Or. octiu r a. A1CUUAAL.U, Keirister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omci at Tim Dalles, Or., October a. 1SS9. Notice is hereby iriven that the followinir-named settler has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made helore Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Or., on November 25, ISM). viz: Hoyden Oneal, Bd 2696, for the SW V Sec 4,T 3 S. R 14 E. lie names the following witnesses to prove his contiuuous residence upon ana cultivation of, said land viz: Willard Wriirht. of Nansene. Or.. Lafayette Davis. czra uenson, rranit urayes, oi ninsicy, ur. ocl9 t . A. mcuomalu. Kegiater. CITATION. Ia the County Couit of tlie State of Oregon for wasco uounty. In the Matter of the Estate vt Nancy Gager, de ceased Uitation. To Julia A. Oban , Nettie Burnett, Charles A. Har riett, K. uraaen, Aaucy uunmnghdm and Uzzxe r. farker. heirs at law of the estate of Aancy Gager, deceased, and all other persons, known and tin known, who may be interested in said estate. Greetiug: In the name of the State of Orecon. von are here by cited and required to appear in the County Couit of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, at the court room thereof, at Dalles City, in said coun ty, on the 4lh day ol November, 189, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, then and there to abow cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made, authorizing and directing W. A. Obarr. the administrator of said estate, to sell the following de scribed real estate, belonginfr to said estate, for the puruose of paviiur and settiiitir the unpaid claims ajrainst said estate and expenses of administration thereof, to wit: The north tst Quarter and tne nortneast Quarter of section 32 in township 1 Lorth of range 15, east of Willamette Meridian, situate in Wasco county, Oregon, and you are hereby notified to appear be fore said court at the time and place aforesaid and show caue, if any there be, why said order bhould not be made, and said a Dove premises sold as afore- . a Witness the Hon. Caleb N. Thorn- seal. J- bury, Judge of the saiJ County Court, ' , ' with the teal of said Court affixed this 25th dny of September, A. I. IStiD. Attest: OtU. ti. TUOMltsUiN, Cleik. By J. M. HUNTINGTON, sep28t6 Deputy. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1373 .NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. IiAxn Officii at Tmb Dallks, Or., (ctober 14. Nntlce Is hereby given that in compliance wit h tha provisions of the act of congress of June 3. 1378, en titled "An act for the saJe of timber lauds in the states of Cnliforuia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing- vuu Aurriirurva Abraham . JDIsbrow, Of Hood River, Count? of Wasco. State of Oretron. has this day filed in this office bin sworn statement No. 63, for the purchase of the E Hot the Hk. XA ana an joi tne or oi see is, r l , k io k, and wm oner prooi to snow mat the land sought is more valuable fur its timber or stoue than for agricultural purposes, and to estthhsh his claim to said land be fore the retrister and receiver ot this office at The Dalles, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 24th day of Decern- per, inev. lie names as witnesses: Albert B. Jones, Audubon Winans. Wilson R. Wl- nans. Llmer b. Griffin, all of Hood River. Oreiron. Any and all persons claim ng adversely the above- uesunuvu uuiua are requcsuni vo me vneix Claims in tbis otnee on or before the said 24th dav of Decern. ber, leo9. t. a. mcuowalu, Kester. Dissolution Notice. The Aim of Bfakelv & Clark has this dav dissolved by matui.l consent. The business will be continued at tbe old stand under the firm name and style of .Biaiceiy s nougnton. uie latter named gentleman having purchased the interest of Mr. Clark, who re tires from the firm. All bills and accounts due the late firm are payable to the firm of filakelv & Houghton. Oct. 11, 1689. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lard Optics at Thb Dalles, Or., October 16. 1880. Nttlce Is hereby triven that the following named eettkr has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that Moid proof will be made before the register and receiver oi tne V. s. land omce at ine Danes, or., on Novem ber 27, 1889, viz: John F. Root, Hd 1251. for the SE U of the N W VT. W W of the N and NW i of the SW, Sec 8, T 1 S, R 13 . He names the following witnesses to prove bis aontinuous resideace upou and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph Means. A. B. Mt tt. A. J. Grubb. Thomas Gray, all of Tbe Dalles, Or. OCtltf X . A MCUUAL,LI, ItOflStCr. Tents, Wagon Covers, Carriage Trimmings. Etc Country Orders Promptly a tended co OLD STAND. inarl4-td E.F.F1TZ.OE A- fad Merchandise AGWULTUSAL MACHINERY, SchUkr's and Tuhkr Ask Wagons, HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. and I31clismitlis' Stock. ooros- tySole Asent for tbe IMPRUVEa) MONARCH Washing Uachine.-e Wagon -3Ialsers THE 0R0 FIND WINE ROOMS, AJT. ICliJIlLiEIt, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 Burgundy 83, Zinfardel 84, Riesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret. en Gregoi-io "Vineyard Co. Agency. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure. The Best Wines, liquors and Cigars Always on gale. iry tte best remedy tor Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonio" SUMMONS. In tbe Circuit 'Court of the state of Oregon for Wasco County. Joseph Stadelman, Plaintiff, vs. the Missionary So- viCLy ui nie aieiiiimisv r.piscupai Church. Defendant. To the Missionary Soeiety of the Methodist Episco pal ijnurcn, ine aoove nanteu ueienoani: In the name of the Stae of Orecon: Ton are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint niea against you in ine aoove enutieu suit wiinin ten days from the date of the service of this sum mons upon you. if served within this county: oi if served in any other county of this state, then within twenty d&ys from the date of the service of this summons upon you, and it served bv publica tion upon, then on or before the first day of the next regular teim oi baia court, to wit, Monday the llth day of November, 1883, that being the firot ju dicial day of said term; and if you fail so to apptar lor want tnereor tne plaintin will Use a decree aeamst vou. declaring1 First, That plaintiff is the owner in fee simple to tne wnoie oi ine xmiowingr oesenoea tract oi rea estate lYinir and beinir situated in Wasco county, Oregon, and being more particularly described as follows, to wit: Bcgmning at a point on the township line between townships one and two, where the east line of the Catholic Misi'n Claim crosses said township line, thence south with said east Hue of sid Catho lie Mission 807 feet to where it intemecU The Palles Military Reservation line; thence H bV 40" E with said Military Reseivation line 1546 feet; thence N 69'10"W 1462 feet to where it intersects the township line bet wet n townships one and two; thence west on said twnthtp Una 2s9 feet to the place of netrin niiur. and beinir tar is of the NE L of the NW K. and of the N W ot the NE of fa No. 4 in T 1 ti, K 13 E, and containing-16 84-100 acres of land, hecuiid, That the defendant has no right or title to saiu laud nu that deieuuent be forever barred , es topped and enjoined from setting up or claimiug an rufnc or title or in re res i in saia aescnoea land,, awl for such other and f ui tber relief as may seem just and proper in the premises and for hia costs and difalmrsemeuts of this suit. This HUinmons is published in The Dalles Times MoujkTAix ker, by order of Bon. J. U. Bird, judge of tlie Circuit Court for the seventh judicial district oi Ormron. Dated at chambers at Dalles City, Oregon, this tin day oi beptuuoer, it&u. STORY ft BRADS HAW, Attorneys for Plff. Strong, Durable, Neat, and the Cheapest Fence in the World. H B. REED, Proprietor. THE DALLES, OREGON. EDWARD WDiGATE. 1870 1888. AIRS, E. WIXGATE, Of old firm of E. Wiugate & Co B. WINGATE & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN lieiier i m run ilLClUJULCl Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots Shoes, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Hardware and Farm Implements. 300 to 304 Second St. THE DALLES, OREGON. PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WHULiMALK AND KETA1L Furniture & Carpet Dealers Are happy to announce to the public that they have (succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates oi the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will Convince the Most Sceptical: Hardwood bent Chairs, each 75 ct I Bed-lounges 15 00 uane KocKers 3200 Ash lied room Sets 28 00 Ash Bedsteads 8 50 I Bnusels Carpets, per yard 7a Woven-wire Mattresses S 60 I lnirraiu Carpets, do 2t Lounges 12 00 I Call, and usiti ss CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wasco. In the matter of the estate of Asa Strong, deceased, late of the County of Wasco ana State of Oregon. To the heirs of said deceased: In the name of the State of Ores-on: Ton are hereby cited and reouired to appear in the county court for the state uf Oregon, Wasco county, at tbe court room thereof, in I'alies City, Wasco county, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 6th dy of November, A U. 1&U, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why said Court should not grant the petition of the administrator, now on file in said Court and make an order for the sale of the real property of the said estate, to wit: Commencing at a point on the north side of First or Main street in Dalles City. 45 feet, 6 inches westerly from tbe corner at the junction of Court and Main streets, thence 100 feet northerly at right angles to Main street, to stake, thence SI fett nesteny and parallel to Main street, thence southerly to Main street to a point 21 feet from the beginning, thence along toe north line of Main street to the place ol beginning, and being part of lot 5. in Dalles City, Wasco county. Oreiron. Said property being in Dalles City, Wateo County, Oreiron. Witness, the Hon. C. W. Thornbury, Judge of the hora entitled Court, with the seal of the said Court on this 5th day of Oct., A. D. Ie89. CAXJ! St. iUUHfllHJttl, County Judge. Alttst: GEO. H. THOMPSON, County Clerk, 12ec4t by J. M. HUNTINGTON. Deputy WascoWarehouseCo. C. G. ROBERTS, Manager, Tlio Talles, - Orearoii. The most desirable Warehouse in town for the storage and exhibition to buyers. WOOL! WOOL! Forwarding, Consignments, Grading and Baling PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Cash advanced for freights and on consignments. Highest Cash Price paid for Wool, Pelts and Furs. W rilkwr'rm The Celebrated French Cure, "APHRODITINE" Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cn re any form of nervous disease, or nny disorder of tiio geuerutivo or gnus of either BEFOhE bine from the AFTEQ exceuive use of Stimulants, Tulmcvu or Opium or through youthful indiscretion, ox-i-r imliili'. eucc, Ac. such as Loss of Drain l'owcr, Wnkeful iiess. Bearing diiwn Pniiis ill the Buck, Seminal U cnkliess. 11 VNtfriA K-rvnn Pr,Mttiiitl,.t Knctnnu ai emissions. Iucorp)io?a, Dizziness, Weak Mem ory, Lossnf J'mrernnd Iiniioteiicy, which If ue- giecieii oiten lead to prematiireohlaceninl insitn- ny. rnt-eti.uu a box. t oozes lor o.0U cent by uinn reeeijK rn price. A WRITTEN GUAR ASTM foreTorv f S.Ot order, to refund the money if a l'eriiia'neut cure is not effected. Thousands of testimniiirils f mm old and voune. of both sexes, neruanentlr cured by APHHnniTiNr!. Circular frw. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. VSSTEBN BRANCH. BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists. SOLE AGENTS FOB DALLES, OBKCOIV. CITATION. THB Notice. I have endeavored to personally see the owners of eity property, in order that I murht make an intel ligent and equitab'e assessment. In many case. I have failed to find the parties at home. Believing that my duty in the premises has been fully done, an finding my latere stork of patience at a very low ebb. I otficiallv request all those whom I have not seen, to oil upon me at my office as smhi as practi cable. HUGH GOURLAY, Count; Assessor. In the County Court of the State of Oregon "for the ixjuniv oi nasco. In the Matter of the Estate nf Henry Whittaker, deceased Citation. " To all the unknown heirs, if any there be, of the aoove named deceased, ureetinfr: f In the name of tbe state of Oregon, You are here by cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, at the court room thereof, at Dalles City, in said coun ty, on Monday, the 41h day of November, 1889, at 1 o clock in tne afternoon ot that day, then and nitre to show caiur, if any there be, why an order should not be made and entered heroin authorizing and di recting the executrix ef the above named estate to sell all oi tne real estate neioiiiniHt to saia estate, in wit: Lots J, K, and L in block 84 of the Fori Dalles Military Reservation in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon. .. Witness, the Hon. CN. Thornbury, 4 seal. Judge of the said County Court, with ' v ' ' the seal of said Court amxed, this 26th day of September, A. D. 1881). Attest: GEO. H. THOMPSON, Clerk. By J. M. HUNTINGTON, sep28ul Deputy. 1,500 SPANISH MERINO EAMS From the Eimrock Sheep Rancli. TK HAVE FOR THIS SEASON'S TRADE, f.(H THOROUGHBRED AND lOOO HIGH GRAT V Rami, all of which are in fine condition, and tree iroin aiwcso. coniiaer our rams lor ui season's trade, the best lot we have ever offered to rhc public, and only ask au Inspection to provs wh. ThoVe wishinpr rams would do well to call early, select, brand, and leave them with us FREE . CHARGE until Areedin? season this fall. Prices Lower tlimi Ever, nix 101 lny. Thanking our many patrons for their veiy liberal patronage accorded us in the past, ws respectful anllmfc sn in-.nf.i.t.i.in nf mir stm-lr I hi. ,Miin. Our ranch is loented on The Dalles and Prinevllle Stage Road at HAY CREEK, Crook County, Orago For further particulars, call on or aiiriress. BALDWIN SHEEP AND LAND CO., Rncrmssn. to VAN IIOUTEN KROS. A CO., Dav Caaaa, I. f WlLIfflS A Co. SUCCESSORS TO LATE FIRM 33. WINGATE CO. A COMPLETE LIKE OP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. v Iron and Steel5 Farm Implements. STUDEBMER WAGONS." HACKS AND BUGGIES A. L. NEWMAN Has opened a SESY ST Corner of Second and Union Sts. GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, PROVISIONS. ETu The groceries will be new and fresh, and such as are demande in this market. In connection with the Grocery will supply Bread and Pastry r all kinds. REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! Eemoved to 176 and 178 Second St., ZD- TXT". Ed-wards, IiEALER IN Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decoration ARTISTS MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. Oil Paintings, Chromos and Steel Engravings. XOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Otnci at Tui Uallks, Orsoox, October 29, 180. Notice Is herebr iriven that the followinz-named setUex has filed notice of bis intentioo to make final proof in support of his claim, and that tai'l proof will be made before the rejrtfeter and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on December 20, Ibfifl, viz: Andrew Caufleld, Bd 1159, for the E 14 of tbe NE, and E of the SE i, Stc 28, T 1 8, K 15 E. He names the following; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: Albert Roberta. H. C. Crockett, Kesor Gilhomen, of The Dalles, Oreiron, and Jaiob Craft, of liansene, Oregon. nova r. A. MCDONALD, aepna. W Coramission and Forwar HD9 if Merclajit 391, 393 and 395 SECUND BTWfiJfiT, (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited ! Prompt Attention to tnose who favor ma -with their patronage. The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etj The imatilla House HAI05LEY ew THE DALLES. OREGON &; SINNOTT. Proprietors THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN ORECON. Frpp Hmnihus tn and from the Hotel. Fire-Prcof Safe fcr the Safety of all Valuables. o- Tisletand Banaaae Office of the Oregon BaUvay L- NaviqaHon Company, and Office oj tht Western Union Telegraph Company, are tn e Hotel. TRAINS DEPART FROM THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 P M JKK WALLA WALLA 2:40 P. M. PORTLAND THE : GEKMAMIA CHAS. STUBLING, - - Proprietor, Wines, Liquors and Cigars Old Mash and Pioneer Bourbon Whiskies. All brand,? of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter and Genuine Key West Cigars, A full line of Cali fornia Wines and Brandies. 90 SECOND STREET, - - THE DALLES. OREGON. Q. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FABOBER. THOMPSON & FARCHEB, General Blacksmiths. Vpjir Mint buiUlinc, Second St. Horie-Sboxng an General JoWlj Sfc ppsuati Prices reasonable and to suit the time. Tygh Valley Mercnant and Excbaneg ROLLER MILL. Floor Kqnl t the Vest. Mill Feed Always Hand. Satisfaction Guaranteed. sp21 W. M. McCORKLE, Prop.