The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, November 09, 1889, Image 2

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The reported " combinations of rail
roads bas little interest to the people
of Wasco county. We will admit the
railroads to be an important factor in
the development of a new country,
and we are not included in that class of
persons who argue that times were bet
ter and that there was more work for
the laboring man when horse-teams
and ox-teams did the freighting of the
country. Railroads aro always pre
ferrable and are an advance in civiliza
tion. They carry larger quantities of
grain, and can transport them more
quickly than the old manner of haul- Company
jug uy wujjuua. one eishth smaller than those now in
very many regions now rich and pros- us& There ig genuiae economy.
perous would be impoverisnea were u XVhen we gtop t0 consicer that the
not tor the iron horse ana me oanas
of iron and steel which girdle the
country. These facts are patent to
aoy observer; but with all the benefits
named there is an intermixture of
harcl3hia Corporations, in order to
The republican party, says a San
Francisco exchange, did not make so
many or so frequent professions of
economy as did their political oppo
nents, but the administration is con
stantly shoving its regard for the in
terests of the . people by lopping off
unnecessary expenses here and there
and reducing the cost or carrying on
the government. Only a few days
ago the treasury department abolished
a lot of sinecure positions with sala
ries of $2000 a year, and his good
example is evidently being imitated by
the other departments.
For exanipb, Postmaster General
Wanamaker has just awarded a con
iract for adhesive postage stamps for
four years to the American Bank Note
The new stamps will be
per cent, on
the millions of
government saves
every single one of
postage stamps used in this country,
we see the advantage of having a bust
ness man at the head of the postoffice
t'eoartment. It would have beeu a
be successful, must be controlled by lfjug dme before yiaa or Didd",,
men of correct business ideas, and the
basis principles of these men are
Make all the money you can and pay
as little as possible. This is the rea
sou of the success of bankers and mer
chant3. The questions of right and
wrong are never considered, and it is
perfectly rigfit they should not be.
The merchant never considers when
his customer buys a high-priced suit
. of clothes whether he can afford it, no
more than the saloon-keeper when he
receives his price for a drink of whis
key. The only matter to be consider
ed is, whether the article is briDginn
him sufficient profit at the price paid.
Business has nothing to do with con
science, and conscience has nothing to
do with business. Both should be
widely separated, the same as politics
and religion. A good politician will
not be a bright and shining light in
the church; and, vise versa, a good
Christian does not gensially make a
trood business man or politician. If
these statements should not prove
. true, the people can coine to the con
clusion that there is a "screw loose"
somewhere. Corporations follow these
principles in dealing with producers
They are no better or no worse than
bankers or merchants, and are pos
sessed of as little conscience in their
transactions and have the same inordi
nate desire after profits in their busi
ness. The 0. R fcN. Co. has made al
most a mint of money in their traflic
in the northwest; but not more-in pro
portion to the capital invested than
the business meu of our cities. Its
customers are the farmers, and in the
classification of freight rates the direc
tors make, the same calculation that
bankers and merchants do how
would have hit upon such a beauti
fully simple method of economy, and
bad they discovered it it is question
able whether they would have availed
themselves of the discovery.
The saving is not alone in the siz
of the stamp, either. It could be de
monstrated very readily that the sav
ing in the amount of mucilage or glue
which is applied to the stamps will
be enormous, and as gum arabic is be
coming scarcer each year, this saving
will benefit the world at large, as well
as the people of the United States. A
hogshead of gum arabic solution may
seem an unimportant matter, but it is
in the small savings that true economy
is shown. The little leaks are the
ones to be stopped.
But the crowning c;lory of this stroke
of economy is found in the indirect
benefit which it will confer upon the
people. There is an absurd regulation
of the postoffice department probably
a Democratic regulation which pro
hibits a clerk at the stamp window of
a postoffice from licking the stamps for
his customers. As a matter of fact he
iniht as well do it as not, as his time
is not generally fully taken up; but as
the government will not allow it,
everybody has to lick his or her own
stamps. JNow it is easy to see that
a reduction of the size of the stamp
must necessarily operate to Bave time
and moisture, to put it in a polite way
and when one considers the aggregate
of lime expended in a year by the
people of the United States in licking
postage stamps, to say nothing of the
friction on the tongue and the strain
on the Ralivary glands, one is almost
'empted to start a subscription for a
statue to Wanamaker as a nublic ben.
much can the people stand, and the efactor
way r"'S ,cur' The administration mav well he.
All the railroads m the northwest may . . ... . - . .
r - t""-"i
consolidate; but the grand otject will
be how to get the largest proceeds
from their investment. Farmers or
shippers will not be benefitted in the
least. The only relief is in the God
given attribute of helping ourselves,
and inaugurating the same policy
against the railroad that it dues against
as. Hot centuries the uoiamuia river
has flowed onward to the sea,
inviting to its bosom the com
merce of an empire. For over twenty
years one railroad company has '-bot
tled up" this father of rivers, and has
pursued stringent business rules with
eyery pound of freight that has passed
may congratulrte itself upon its suc
cess in winning its way to the hearts
of the people. With president Elliot
of Harvard safely landed in the dem
ocratic fold, Corporal Tanner out of
the pension bureau, and the size of
the postage stamp reduced 12 J per
:ent, the Republican party is impreg
nable against the assaults of the world,
the llesh and the Democracy.
Every month that elapses seems to
further increase the percentage ot gain
in this year's export trade over that of
1 888 and preceding years says Brad-
street. The month of Sept., as shown by
over the line. Although the shippers the Bureau of Satisfies' preliminary
of The Dalles during this time Las report, furnishes a notable addition to
paid twenty times the amount neces- the previous records, while making an
sary to open the river and control the apparent decline in the import trade
commerce, no successful effort has ever sufficient to put the total for that
been made in that direction. High month below anv month einro
December, 1887. Thj total Septem
ber exports of merchandise were
valued at $66,074,371; the largest
total for any month since March, and
a gain over September last year of
fuliy 25 percent. On the other hand,
rates have been charged, and all our
people have done Las been to lie
supinely on their backs, growl and
pray for the government to help them,
Noiwithstanding these excessive rates
our-business men have increased in
wealtn equal to any in a city ot the September imports were only $53,.
same size oa the continent. Their 612,740, a loss as compared with the
returns have paid well oa their in- game m0Dth last year of over 1 per
vestments, and they have been satis- cent. The size of the export figures
fied. The producers and consumers would seem to indicate that the less
have suffered, and they only. Now, important branches of tho trade, while
business is business. If we desire the not showing the percentage of gain
river to be tne means of transporta- noted in the principle articles of ex
tion for our products. Jet us follow port (tne figure8 for which had been
practical business principles, and act made public last week) had still ex-
immediately. A. freight toat can be panded largely so as to allow of a uni
i . - l i r rrf i i l I .
consirucwo. iur ).,, wu, aim me port- Iorm gam equal to the percentage
age at the Cascades can be easily util- above given. This expansion-' pf the
ized. Our merchants and the grangers business in the less important branches
in the county can do this. JJorra a Df trade constitutes one of the most
partnership, and pledge each one to encouraging features of the present
patronize the new transportation com- season's good trade.
If we don t do something we
The lack of a good, healthful water
supply has been a great drawback to
the growth of The Dalles for the past
two or three years. If we had a good
system of water workp, it is not exag
geration to say our population would
be a thousand more than it is, and in
dustries greatly needed would have
been in operation. The old company.
or certain members ot it,, seem de
termined to place every obstacle in the
way of the water commission accom
pushing the object tor whica it was
appointed. The injunction against
the city officials taking any action was
dissolved by Judge Bird last July;
but it is intimated as soon as the
water bonds are placed on the market,
an appeal from the decision will be
taken to the supreme court which
meets in Pendleton next March. The
case will then be placed on the calen
dar, and may not be reached for sev
eral months. Of course, no capitalist
will buy water bonds while the case is
on trial, and this would cause a vexa
tious delay. There is no doubt enter
tained that the decision of Judge Bird
would be sustained; but until the case
is reached The Dalles would be
heavy loser iu the health of the com
munity and the lack of good, whole
some water as an inducement to immi
gration. In view of these facts the
matter has been suggested that an ar
tesian well could be sunk on the upper
bluff, and by this means speedy relief
would come. From indications there
is reason to believe that artesian water
could be procured on the upper bench,
as already there are springs which fur
nish an abundant supply to residents
in the vicinity. From the canvas
made of this matter about $800 baye
been subscribed in shares of $50 each,
and in a day or two the list will be
presented to those who desire to sub
scribe smaller amounts. The citizens
managing the matter desire to secure
$lf00 before commencing operations,
and they hope this will be sufficient to
sink the well to a depth to strike the
water shed. This is a very feasible
project, and we hope there will be no
delay ia prosecuting the work. There
is no fact a. ore apparent to the most
casual observer than that we need water
of a different quality from that which is
now bupplied to the city. The health
of the people demands a better quality,
and the safety of property requires a
larger quantity and greater force.
We cannot afford, es a business enter
prise, to let this question of water lie
dormant. As an incentive to manu
facturing industries, to an increase in
our population, water is absolutely
necessary, and the sooner we procure
it the sodner will our resources be de
veloped and our city grow and prosper.
shall for long years, be what we have
been for the last twenty-five years,
"drawers of water and carriers of
wood," and we shall richly deserve our
fate and should bear it meekly and
without complaint.
The election news is somewhat sur
prising. -"There is nothing very strange
that Virginia and Maryland should
give Democratic majorities, or that
Mahone should be buried in his own
state; but it is inexplicable that Ohio
and Iowa should show Democratic
gains. Gov. Foraker, like Tanner,
talks too much, and if he is defeated it
will be a rebuke to him for the man-
To add to the misfortunes of the
northwest 'this year the country seems
infested with horse-thieves and incen
aiary Donas. inese viiuans reap
their richest harvests when the coun
try is suffering from drouth and short
crops, and seems to take the greatest
delight in human adversity. For sev
eral weeks past our exchanges, from
different counties, have chronicled
tires and theft of 'horses, and
dose of cold lead or hemp-stretch
ing stem almost necessary to cure
the evil.
Some of our cotemporaries west of
th Caf cades mountains have been
-ner in which he has politically con- naming probable U. S. Senators whom
ducted himself. As a matter of I Eastern Oregon papers have placed in
course, the prohibition vote was a dis- I nomination. We have, so far, not
turbLig element to the Republican I seen a single man named for the sen-
party, and tended largely to increase I ate from Eastern Oregon by a single
Democratic mi'ontiei ia precincts in I Republican paper in this region. Re-
Iowa and Ohio. We can console our- I publicans do not believe in nominat
selves that it is an off-year, and that I ing a candidate months before the day
two more state elections will elapse I of election, and then erecting the ma-
before we enter the presidential cam- I chine and calling into requisition the
. n .. . - . ' ii.i I i . . . i- ... . .
paign. dj mat time it is pcaaiuo tuub caucus ruie to accompnsn tne aesired
the Republicans an recuperate and I result
AAwar Innfc rrnnnrl-
-v r I i rp i l j i - 1
In j-uujiuaujr nuuuiu oe laia upon
the shelf in New York at the Novem-
nninns of New York city have ber election it would be a blow
decided that they will take no official I squarely in the face of Grover Cleve
action in politics this year. I land, one ot its latest converts.
The evolution of the drama is as
marked as the evolution of any factor
in the development of the race. The
classic characterization of the customs
and habits of the artistic Greeks upon
the stage was a fitting prelude to the
draniitizalion of the religious and
thoughts of races and people who have
followed. The rude barbarians, who
were the ancestors of the present Ger
manie people, knew little or nothing
of the refining or educating influence
of the presentation of the most lessons
contained in the plays of Shakespeare
and Goethe. Facitus and Ciezar have
given the world some insight into the
inner life of the northern nations of
Europe; but the pages of those authors
are incomplete in many particulars.
If the drama existed, it must haye
been in the rudest form, and perhaps
similar to the war dances of our own
savagea Though not presented on
the stage with actors arrayed in be
fitting costume, and sung .from town
to town by the author, Homer's Iliad
may be considered the first drama ever
written. The grand conception of the
past placed gods and demi-gods
in the leading positions, while the
chivalrous Argines and Trojans took
the minor parts. Something of the
same nature may be predicated of the
Aeniad of VengiL Coming down to
the renaissance, Dante's Inferno was
a dramatic effort and later still Mil
ton's Paradise Lost partook of the
same general characterization. The
scenes were laid in heaven and hell,
and God Lucifer, Beelzebub, and
archangels acted the ideal parts. But
the English speaking people date the
birth of dramatic art and literature
among themselves to the time of
Shakespeare. He is the Homer of
of the Anglo-Saxon race, and through
all coming time his portrayals of hu
man character will be consideied the
most perfect models. Hamlet, Mac
06tn, utneiio ana .bang Jiear are
truthful delineations of human pas
sions, loves and hates, and in whatever
light we analyze them, we can neither
add to or take from them as illustra
tions of the different phases of human
life. Like literature, of which it is
a leading branch, the drama is an im
portant factor in the progress and ad
vancement of any people. When the
songs of Skelly, Keats and Wadsworth
are read by every fireside, and the
pages of McCauley, Ly tton and Thack
eray are household words we may ex
pect to see an era of progress never
before experienced. But this pro
gression will not be complete, until
side by side with fie moralists and
philosophers are placed Homer, Virgil,
Dante, Milton, Shakespeare and
Goethe, the dramatists of the world.
Our contemporary, s.iys the Hil's
bcro hidef trtdeid, Mates there ha ve
been a great many failures in woolen
corcerns in the first eight months of
this year. He attributes the tariff on
wool as one cause of the failures.
Consequently as a panacae for this
ailment he favor3 rree wool. There
may have been failures among woolen
manufacturers; but in what business
uo all succeed? If we say a business is
unprofitable all who engage in
it, have not succeeded, we must con
dem all kind3 of business. Under the
high wool tariff of 18C7, the number
of sheep in this country increased from
22,471,275 in 1SG0 to over 50,000,000
in 1S83, at which time a partial re
duulion of duty on wool amounting to
2 to 3 cents on the pound, was made
and the number of sheep fell off to
44,759,314 in 1887. Under protsc
tion the quality of sheep was also im
proved. Our contemporary says that
we cannot produce the finest qualities
of wool here. We have fine wooled
sheep here, an j are informed t hat the
woolen mills of this state u.'ic domestic
wools only. A coat made from the
wool clipped from James Withycombc's
merinos may not be tine enough to
satisfy the aristocratic ideas of some of
our Democratic friends, but if thev
want something finer, let them pay the
tariff duty and wear imported goods.
The fact is, we are importing a hui:
dred million pounds of wool annually,
which ought to be produced here. If
we remove the duty on wool the im
portations will increase.
Is it not a short-sighted policy to
make the wool industry in this coun
try unprofitable? Is it not better that
our farmers, instead of impoverishing
their soil by shipping a large surplus
of wheat to a foreign market, to be
sold in competition with the wheat
produced by the cheap labor of India
supply the home market for wool?
Query? Does the editor of the Dem
ocrat favor free trade, or does he
favor the Mills biii? Will he please
There is a movemetn on foot to sink
an artesian well as a means of supply
for this city, and as a sufficient amount
of money has been subscribed a com-
me icement should be made at once!
It may take months to strike the
water shed of this region, and as we
can expect no relief from the fever-
breeding substance that is now fur
nished as a water supply, it is impera
tive that some other measure should
be inaugurated. Let us try to arouse
ourselves from the fatal lethargy that
hangs over this community as a blight
to every enterprise and call to our aid
the spirit of Spokane Falls and Ellens
burgh. We must have good water,
or else the banker in a tew years
must lock his safe and the mer
chant close his doors. If we
want artesian water, let ps make
the effort to get it and not
be satisfied to drink the aeeoings of
pine logs and decayed wood that we
now do. We must Lave water
good, wholesome, pure water a bev
erage that is heathful and invigora
ting, and delay in this matter is not
only censurable, but criminal. We
have pure air, and pure water we can
and will have.
The congressional committee now
visiting the coast will bi in this city
Wednesday or Thursday of the pres
ent week. It will be to our advant
age to show these men around the
city and the immediate vicinity. It;
is frequently a query with eastern
men what supports The Dalles,
and how does the people make a live
lihood? Coming along the line of the
railroad they see nothing but sand
dunes and frowning bluffs, and they
imagine these represent the country,
They cannot be made to believe ou
productiveness without they- are
shown our fruit orchards, vineyards
and garden spots. The fact is, Wasco
county is one of the most fertile coun
ties in the state, and for peaches,
pears, prunes, apples anl grapes can
not be equalled. All visitors should
be made aware of this fact, and then
they would not describe the city as an
oasis surrounded ny a desert, j ur
productions of all kinds will speak for
themselves, and need only to be exhib
ited to receive favorable comment.
The election news yesterday was
sufficiently discoursing to cast a
shadow over the minds of Republicans,
and to-day, if po3aible, i is worse, or
more Democratic. It may employ
the mental faculties to moralize over the
fact, and try to conjure up what might
have been done to change the result;
but it is no more consoling than lock
ing the stable door after the horse is
stolen or crying over "spilled milk."
We know it 13 customary to write
these consoling articles after a political
disaster; but we think it wiser to phil
osophically take the matter without
murmur, and profit in the future ?y
the lesson taught. Of course it is an
unwelcome surprise to Republicans
and a welcome one to Democrats
that Ohio should give a Democratic
majority and that the vote of Iowa
should be so nearly evenly divided.
The defeat may be traced to well
known causes, and as far as these can
be ascertained it is well to find them
out so that no mistakes be made in
the future. There are yet two more
state elections before the presidential
cimpaign of 1892, and the party may
be placed in a good position for that
event. The prohibition statute of
Iowa doubtless displeased very many
in that state, and the result was a fall
ing off in the Republican vote. In
Ohio an attempt had been made to en
force the puritanical sabbath, and for
this reason tho foreign population
voted against the party. These tradi
tions of the northern Anglo Saxops
cannot be legislated into operation
among a cosmopolitan population.
The result of last Tuesday can
not be changed; but these entangling
alliances must be avoided. The states
of Ohio and Iowa are strongly Re
publican, and they will cast their
vote.3 with that party at all elections if
there are no obnoxious ideas injected
into the platforms. Tnis is no time
for murmur or complaints; but it is a
time when facts should be squarely
faced and issues squarely met. There
is one fact apparent, and that is the
temper of the people will not stand a
policy of stringent legislation regard
ing the observance of moral laws.
Our people demand the greatest free
dom, and will resent any effort to leg
islate them holy or righteous. If the
Republicans are determined to coalesce
with these fanatics, they will suffer de
feat. If not, the people will trust
them in power, and victory is assured
for Bnfants ond Children.
"Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A. AacHEB, It. D.,
1U 80. Oxford EL, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Castoria enras Polie. Confrtlpatfon,
Four Stomach. Diarrhoea, Kructation,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion. Wiiiiout injurious medication.
Th Centacb CoinusT, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
2nd &. MONROE,
The North Pacific Trunk Mfg. Co
trunks and VALISES.
:- Celebrated Springer Brothers -:-
Ladies, Misses & Childrens.
J. Scott Harrison, a brother of the
president, has been arrested in Kansas
City for maintaining a nuisance in the
shape of a pond of water on his
premises. This is all right in Missouri,
but in Kansas he would have been
elected to the city council or made a
justice of the peace for such a com
mendable act In Kentucky this
would be an insult to the common
sense of the community.
Last Tuesday, our esteemed cotem
porary, the M.ast Uregonian, bad
aouoie-neauea editorial the same
style that it advertises its "$50 Sew
ing Machine Free" and "Our Family
'Physician'' to subscribers headed
"The Beginning of a Victory.'
.brother Jackson, do not crow too
loudly or too early. It is possibl
nay even probable, that before 1892
you may have occasion to change your
tune and string your harp to a differ
ent song. The causes of the Demo
cratic victory are apparent, and Re
publicans are sufficiently sagacious to
srd against these mishaps in the fu
tare. Ohio is all wrong in 1889, but
she will be all right in 1892; so will
Iowa and Massachusetts. The capital
ot the southern contederacy so-
called was located in Richmond, Yir
ginia, and her traditions are Democra
tic, and she will always remain true to
the faith once delivered to the saints.
It is a strange fact, as a prominent Dem
ocrat said to us yesterday, that these
northern states, in "off-years," will go
Democratic; but in presidential cam
paigns will march in the Republican
columns. The reason is that local is
sues, such as prohibition and the Sun
day law, may divide the party when
great issues are not at stake; but when
a national policy is to be decided upon,
they are in harmony with the party of
progress and protection.
More senators and congressmen have
visited this coast this summer than
ever before. Their personal observa
tion will undoubtedly result in secur
ing favorable legislation for many
needed improvements.
The fact is apparent that some of
our farmers cannot procure seed
wheat, and the business men of The
Dalles should canvas this matter and
see that all are supplied. The board
of trade at its last meeting appointed
a committee to investigate this subject,
and they have no time to idle away.
The county must be thoroughly can
vassed regarding the necessities of our
producers; and every one needing seed
for fall sowing should he furnished
the amount he desires. Already the
Portland board has voluntarily offered
to relieve our necessities in that regard,
but The Dalles is able and willing to
attend to all cases in Wasco county,
f their needs are only made known.
We hope the committee appointed
will go to work immediately and ascer
tain ever; individual case who needs
seed wheat, or who cannot purchase it
for lack of funds or security. There
is an urgent necessity in this matter,
and there should be no delay. The
merchant, the banker, the mechanic
and the laborer are dependent upon
the producer, and it is a matter of indi
vidual interest that they are provided
w ith the means for next year's crop,
There is no time to waste, and some
thing must be done immediately.
Edwin Arnold IscribeK Aiaara
London Tulegmph.
Before the balcony in which this is
written the great cataract of America is
thundering, ghtteriDg with green and
white rollers and rapids, hurling the
waters of a whole coutiaeot ia splendor
and speed over the sharp ledges of the
long brown rock by which Eric "the
Broad" steps proudly down to Ontario
"the Beautiful." Close at hand on our
lett not iueed further than some GOO or
700 yards the smaller, but very impos
ing, American Fall speaks with the loud
er ioice of the two, because its coiling
spirals of twisted and furious Hood crash
in lull impulse of descent upon the ta'us
of uiatsivu bowlders heaped up at its foot.
The resoundii g impact of water oa iok,
the clouds of water smoke wliicb rue high
in the air while the river be!ow is
churned into a whirling cream of eddy
and suifre and backwater, unite in a com
posite ilfcct, at once magnificent and be
wildering. But if you iisttu attentively
you will always htar the profound diapa
son of the great Fall that surnamed the
Horseshoe sounding supi-rbly imiid the
loudest clamor and tumult of its sister, a
deeper and grander note; and whenever
tor a time the gaze rests with iiuxliaus
tible wonder upon that fierce and tumult
uary Ameiican Fall, this mightier and
s;ill more marvtlou3 Horseshoe steals its
way again with irresistible fascination.
Full iu iront lies that wholly indescriba
ble spectacle at this mstaut. Its solemn
voice an octave lower than the excited,
leaping, almost angry cry of ftivid life
from the lesser cataract resounds
through the golden summer morning air
like the distant roar from the streets of
fifty Londons all in lull activity. Far
away, between the dirk ray trees of
Goat Island and the fir woods ot the Ca
Dadiau shore, the Niagara Itiver is teen
winding eagerly to it9 prodigious leap.
You can discern, even from this balcony,
the liue of the first breakers, where the
breadth, the fateful drawof the cataracts, THE MOST COMPLETE LINE EVER SHOWN IN THE CITY
where its current seems tuddenly to leap (viMPDTSTvr'
forward, stimulated bv a mad desire, a . -i-tuu lUblJSb
'eS: e Novelties of the Season.
the. gilded surface of the upper 6tream
how these lines of dancing, tossing, eager,
anxious ODd fate impelled breakers and
billows multiply their white ranks and
spread and close together their leaping
ridges into a wild chaos of racing waves
as the brink is approached. And then,
at the brink there is a curious pause the
momentary peace ot
Those mad upper waters
great leap are sudden
glassy and rounded and green as the bor
der of a field of rje, while they tnrn the
angle of the dreadful ledge and hurl
themselves iuto the snow white gult of
noise and mist and mystery underneath.
There is nothing more tianslucently green
nor more perennially still and lovely then
Niagara the greater. At this her awful
brink the whole architrave of the main
abyss gleams like a fixed and glorious
work wrought in polished aquamarine or
emerald. This exquisitely colored cor
nice of the enormous waterfall this brim
of bright tranquility between fervor of
rush and fury ot plunge is its principal
feature, and stamps it as far more beauti
ful than terrible. Indeed the whole spec
tacle of the famous cataracts is one of de
lightful and of deepest charm, not by any
means of horror or of awe: f iDce nowhere
are the measureless forces of nature more
tenderlv revealed, more soltly and splen
didly clad, more demurely constrained
and docile between its steep confines.
Even the heart of the abyss, in the recess
of the Horseshoe, where the waters of Erie
and Superior clash together in tremen
dous conflict, the inner madness and
miracle ot which no eye can steorever
will see, by reason of the veils of milky
spray and of the rolling clouds of water
drift which forever hide it eveu this
central solemnity and shudder-lraught
miracle of the monstrous uproar and glory
is rendered exquisite, reposeful and sooth
ing by the lovely rainbows hanging over
the turmoil and clamor. From its crest
of chrysoprase and silver, indeed, to its
broad foot of milky foam and of white
stunned waves, too broken and too dazed
to begin at first to float away, Niagara
appears not terrible, but divinely and de
liriously graceful, glad and lovely a
specimen of the splendor of water at its
finest a sight to dwell and linger in the
mind with ineffaceable images of happy
and grateful thought, by no means to af
fect it either in act or seeing, or to haunt
it in future days of memory, with any
wild reminiscence of terror or of gloom.
"Prices I -Astonisliirirvl v Low)
the irrevocable. fN 1 "ST "Trv - a
r-uiss bpamsli Merino Bucks
green as the bor- JL
We would call the special attention of
wool growers to the extra quality of the
PHP Merino Bucks
.Which we offer for sale this season. Our first
importation was from the flock of
Vermont Merinos,
Owned by Severence fe Peet, of California.
We have since impoited from such breeders as Baker, Shirpee, Strowbridgp,
Woolsey and Bullard. Our sheep are large, with good constitutions,
Fine, Long, Staple and Heavy Fleeces.
Our 'Bucks are now to be seen on Five Mile. We invite an examination of
our stock and a correspondence.
Prices Greatly Xtetlncctl.
Jersey Farm, The Dalles. Or.
Mian I ton,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
It is a cold year for Republicans,
and a Democratic blizzard has swept
through the east The dispatches
state there are large Democratic gains
in Massachusetts, Ohio, Iowa and
other states. The election of Foraker
in Ohio is very doubtful, and Mahone
iu Virginia has been overwhelmingly
defeated. The returns are meagre,
but sufficient are known not to cause
any Republican rejoicing.
mi i . .
xne candidates lor tne senate in
Washington ore waging a bit'er fight
against each other, and considerable
feeling is being manifested. When
the legislature convenes, it will un
doubtedly act wisely and for the
best interests of the new
commonwealth, and all should be sat
isfied with the decision.
The German budget increases the
estimates for the army $37,000,000,
and for the navy 9,000,000, all in the
interests of peace. (?) France and
other continental powers will probably
follow suit. The peace of Europe is
becoming so expensive that war would
be almost a relief.
Bob lnsersoll'a Daughters.
An admiring friend of Bob Insrersoll's
has given to a New York Sun reporter
this extolling account of the daughters:
l ney nave never gone to school a day in
their lives, never attended a church ser
vice, never had a love affair, nor a tecret
from their parents, never uttered a prater
nor oowea. tueir naughty heads befoie a
shrine, image or priest, but they are two
of .the loveliest crealures . that ' ever
breathed the breath of life. If the big,
merry, infidel lawver could be induced to
quit his tirades long enough to write a
book on bow to brine up daughters, there
would not only be profit for the writer
and publisher, but a very excellent ream n
lor a lenient opinion on the part of the
abused church goers. It is not possible
to come in contact with these sisters with
out a feeling of admiration and astonish
ment. It one is pious the ieehosr is also
regretful. They captivate by their very
presence; their manners aie irresistible.
and the beauty of their lives is as positive
as it is indescribable. Contrary to the
established modes of procedure thelnger
soll girls were never disciplined. The
colonel started out by praising iustead of
punishing bis children. Nothing was for
bidden. . Everyone was at liberty to sav
and do and be what he wished. The
word 'must1 was by common consent
eliminated from the family vocabulary,
and has remained obsolete ever since.' j
fjr Kent.
Tco rooms on Ninth street, three blocks
W63t of Union. For particulars inquire of
Bkv. A. Hohn,
Pastor of German Lutheiau Church.
BnclUcn a Arnica Halve.
The best salvo in the world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
mrnfl. anil nil ettn imf tnno n.l .... .- 1
3.: wd. it i8 guar. Third Street Between Washington
an teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money j r J I
etundert. fnce 25 cents per box. For fiflU rCUCIdK
' ' Till .... An l,.nj ...,.! ...Ill 11 . .1. 1 1
unces. ra&cv ana siaD e urocenen
MAHBIEU. and Mill Feed.
FARGHER ROTH At ths Mdhodist church,
this city, Not. 7th. bv Rev. Geo. A. Hutohiann
Miss Emma Itotb, oldest daughter ot John and
llarjfaret Koth of Kingsley, to Horatio Farther.
BUTCHER FERGUSON At the residence of the
groom's brother, Mr. Luke E. Ferjruson, in this
city, Nov. 6th, by lev. O. D. 'laylor, Sereua
Butcher to George A Feruscn.
MENEFEE DUFUIt At Cleone at the residence o
the bride's uncle, H. S. Stone, Nov. eth, Mr.
Frank Mencfea, of The Dnlleu. anl Miss Edith A.
Dufur. of alultnoniah county, Rev. E. T. Ingle, of
East Portland, officiating
HARVEV ANTRIM At Lyle, Wash., at the resi-
aence of the bride's parents, Oct. 2sth, by Rev.
O. u. Taylor, Uiss Olive Harvey to Mr. George
7 Highest Casli Price for Counlrj Produce.
Call and examine prices before purchasing else
here. .ugi7tf Clirisinan & Corson.
Central market.
EDEN -At the Cascade Ucks, Nov. 1st, to the wife
rf Air. N. Eden, twin biyt. One w s dead at
birth, but the other and mother are doing well.
Corner Court and Third streets. The Da! ea
Oregon. We always keep the best. Cash paid or stock. l tf
GEO. ROCH, Proprietor.
Northwest corner of Second and Washington tti
place in The Dalles for all kinds of
In the County Court, for the County of Wc.oo and fi-I.OfJ'ETJT'FIS
State of Oreiron. Nov.mhrr tl, Ixxo SJTA.BI V UiJi.tJ.IU
WnBRKAS. It llhB Come to the knowled. nf this
Court that the Act of the legislative Assembly of
the State of Oregon, approved Feb. 2itt,
thoi izitig 'The County Courts of the several ctiun
ties" to pay bountiex (or the scaln of ceruun wild
animals a hich may be killed in the resuutiva conn.
ties, has been abused.
It is ordered lhat from, after and inclnaing the
date of this ord'ir, (Nov. 8:h, l!i!-9,) no t uch bounty
or bounth s shall be paid by the County of Wasco, or
the authorities of the taid Couutv. until the further
order of this Court.
CALLS N. THORBURY, County Judge.
II. A. Lkavbxs, County Cuminissiouer
(seal) Geo. H. Thompson, County Clerk. B3t
Toankful for favors tn the past, I would renpect
idiiy souuii a conunuauce m tue same.
Liauor Ooi
Second Street, - - The Salle
Near the Old Mint Building, Second Bt,
The Dalies, Or.
Always on hand the
Best "Wines,
and Ci gars.
A Pleasant Evening Resort.
Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beer
on draupbt.
Gr Tj0
Keeps constantly on hand thcfcholceat
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
Corner of Union md Second Sts.
The Dalles. Oreeoc.
-T II 10-
Executrix's Notice.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
In the matter of the estate of Ilenrv Whittalcnr
In pursuance of an order made and entered herein
on the 4th day of November, 1 t9, authorizing and
uirei-uux u.e wj ecu an 01 me real propertv belong
ing to said estate. 1 will, on the lt.h rim f Ivm-m
ber, 1889, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. 11. on said day,
at the door of the Countv Court H.maa in rial .
City, Wasco Countv, Oregon, sell at public aucti n
to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, all
:f the real property belonging to said estate, to-wit:
lts J, K and L in Block M in the Fort Dalies llili-
tary lunervation In Italics City, Oregon.
Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Henry
Washington Street, In rar of French
6l Co's liank building.
By the Governor of the State of Oregon.
l meut mar be made to Ood far 111. nnnnmii.n.i
mercies, 1 do hereby appoint
Thursday, tbe 28th day of November, 1889
As a day of Thanksrivine. and I wonM
gocd people of this Commonwealth that no expres
sions of gratitude cin be more aieuLdila tn H.nv.n
than are gilts I rum their abundance iu aid of the
I.l Tfstikoxt Wdkrrop. I hereun'a
and cause the seal ot the State u be aihxei at the
city of Saletn, thi 4th day of November, A. D. ltma.
Kf.V UVM Pk? Dl'VMMVL'u i
Gbo. W. McBhidk, Secre ary of State. D7td
New Zeland Insurance Co.
Is one of the Best in the World
Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho
or tne
Mutual Benefit Life !nsuranceCo.v
aid policy holders, sin ci organization.
$92,812,907.06 !
Assets, market value 840.H20.2C4 14
Surplus. N. Y. standard 5.312,120 31
One of the most solid companies in the
United States.
AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon
Territories of Washington and Idaho.
NOTICK is hereby given that tor the purpose of
making an examination of all remit., w ...
vuc, uicwrcita u miuiuaies iot teacnera of
the schools of this county, the County School Su-
I euiiicmient inereoi win noiu a puMic examination
at Tbe Dalles, in the eountv court mnm m wuiniu
day, November 27th, 1S89, commencing at 12 M.
Dated this Nov. 6, 1888.
n7tf County School Superintendent.
after this date, and are now collectible by tbe
RALPH v'. QIBONS, City Mir hal
ThelTsllej, Not. 7.1889.. '
Before starting on a Journey, get an
Only 25c for (3000 Insurance.
Loaning Money lot non-resident a specialty.
8 per oent. net guaranteed to lender i.
Farmers' and Butchers
Front St., Opposite Umatilla House,
Wolfgang Scliraeaer.Prop'r.
Always on sale the best, of Imported and
. AJomesuo
and Cigrars,
Bottled Beer of all kind a Kperlnlty
buchleb's beek ON TAP,
Wo 1 tea ii Schraeder.
Is again at his old stand and has on hand
Tnks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,0(0 gallons, mads
to oruer.
tr Contracts for all kinds of buildings
taken at the lowest fipures.
New Grocery Store !
194 Third St-. Th Sallea, Or.
Will keep on band a general assortment of
Groceries, Canned Gcods,
Feed and Provisions,
And desire a share ot the pnblic patronar. as we ex
pect to sell at Pricks to burr the Ha so Tinas.
3-All Goods Fresh and Warrranted First-class.
Wasco Academy.
The second term of the Wasco Independent Acad
emy opens Nov. 11, 1889.
nnom well heated, accommodations ample, ana
teachers careful and conscientious,
tend for catalogue. D. TOR BET.
The Dalles, Or., Oct. 28. Principal,
Two trains daily, leaving the t'matllla Mouse at
12:lo p. m. and 2 a. m. 1 lie 12:10 train runs tlirout h
to Maila Walla, cnrnccting at Wallula Junction with
the Northern laninc train for Helena, ht. Paul and
the Kait. The 2 train runs through to Farming
ton via. Pendleton and Walla H alia, and to L'nion,
La tlr.wt.le, Palter City, connecting at Huntinirton
with Urf.-nn Short Lino for Dtiver, Council iiluus
Kanwis C1 and the tart. Trains going west ieavs
The ImIIck at 12:40 P.M. and 2 A.M.
TirilrTQ to and from pnnril points In th
1 1 W' AC 10 Vultcd Male, Canada and Europe.
Express trains to
VFrea of Cliargs and Without Chang.
Close Connections at Portland for San Franciseo and
Puget bound points.
To San Francisco Leaving Steamship Wharf Port
land, at 10 P. M.( as follows:
Columbia Sunday, November, S
Oregon Thunuay, T
Stite Monday, 11
Columbia. Friday, " 11
Oieron Tuesday, u
State Siturdav, 23
Columbia We.lnesday, " 27
Oregon Sunday, Decembsr, 1
To Portland Leaving Spoar St. Wharf, Ban Francisco,
at 10 A. if. as follows:
Oregon Saturday, November, 3
State Wednesday, " fl
Columbia Sunday, " 10
Orenun Thunulay, 14
State Monday, li
Columbia Friday, " Ki
Oregon Tueetiav, 24
Stale Saturday, " SO
RATE j OF PASSAGE, (Including meals and berths
Cabin, I6 00 Steerage, 8 00
Hound Trip Unlimited, SO 00
For further particulars inquire of any Agent of th
Company, or A. L. Maxwell, A. O. P. T. A., Port
land, Oregon.
By Way or the
Qiilolteir In Time than Any
Ollior Houto between
Portland and San Francisco
Leave Portljmil 4 I. M. Daily.
Through Time, SO Hours.
for accomodation of Second-Claea
Passeriffers, attached to
Express Trains.
Fare from Portland to Sacramento ana Ban .
Unlimited (25
Fit Clan. Limited 20 CO
Scoond Class, Limited 16 lO
frSontli and last
Via. California.
alauavcr Asst. O. F. and Pass. Agt
.. No. 134, Cor. First and Alder Sts.
Corner F and Frout Sts.
Portland, Oregon.
Cltr Office
Depot ' ,
Big G has given univer
sal satisfaction la lb
cure of Gonorrhoea and
Uleet. I prescribe II and
feel safe In recommend
ing It to all sufferers.
a. J. STOXEB, B.D..
Deeatur, Its.
PRICE, 81.C3.
Bold by Druggists.
Snpea Kln
If any donler any he has the W. I. Dongla
Shoes without name ami price eUtmpoa oal
the bottom, put hiin down as a fraud.
SjrP'OmM la
F":jTl TO S DAT8.a
fguaaraottas ant low
fbf seeM&trlAlara.
ES vrSwujbTtb.
Iv&Svaai Cisalosl Cs.
Iln.t In .Via vn.M KT.mlnn his
Stf.OO and 1.13 HOYS' SCHOOL RHOE3
All mado lu Congress, Button and Lace.
Beat Material.
Best Style. Best Fitting.
Examine W. L. Douglas 82.00
for Gentleman and Ladies.
J. Freiman, Afft.,TheDaIlcs,0r.
from Ohio. HfM la ft '
portrait of Mr. ttarri
on. of Balem. Ohio.
I( wtUmi "Wm at work oa ft tarni fur
.fiSBO month : I row bar an earner
iur K. C. Allan Co 'a album aud publf-
aitona mm 4 tfla waka ft day."
(tJifnad) W. 11. UAKHiWJi.
William Xlln. Ilarriaburn, P
wrUrat "l bar nrvrr Know n
ftiiyihinir to all lika jonr album.
1 MlarOAT l look order riioj;n iO
pa? ma ovar .. ' W. J. KU
muN. Banror. M.. wrllaai "I
take an order for roar albmnat
Lalmoat avrry houto I vlitt. Mr
pronl la oncn a mut-naa ocw
(for ft a Initio day wot k."
Of heraarodolnraujla aa well t
rwa bao not oj-aca to irlvo am--tru-cta
from lb-if letlrr. Evfrr
on a who ukoa bofclorthlajmnd bu-JuoM i-n-' uparaud profit..
Shall we start YOU in this btiHiiiesfl,
rentier? Writ tooa and loam all about II for yourar tf. Wo
re Martin many; wo will aiart you If you don't dvUr anill
aiorb-rr-t ahead of you In your part or rba country. If yotl
takvhold you will b able to rtfc'k up sold bat. lhr It rati
on account of forced manufkrturrr a aalo 1 Sft.OOO Ktt
do) Iur Pholoarjipb Alhuma irrto bo to ili
P'opla for l eh, hound iu li'-yal Crtmton H.Ik Vvlvat
luali. Cliarumiirly decora trd luaiile. HandMHuect album In ibo
world. Lann-at Hlse. Urvatvat banrafna over known, Airenia
wanted. Liberal irrma. Hlf money for ajrenta. Anv oiwril
brru-nc a aocreaaful aa-ent. Svlla itaelf on aiftltt lllllo or no
talking nerwaary. W hererr ahown. every ouo want to pur-
clmae. Aaynta take iliouaanda of ordora wllk rapidity noeor
before known. Great profits awail every worker. Atnt arn
niak hi fortune. Ladieautake an niuen na men. You, reader,
candoaa wall aa anyone, ''ull Information and term frt,
to tltoae who write for win. with particular and term foronr
Family lliulea. Hooka and Ferlodicala. After you know all,
aliwuldyou concludo to (ono furthers why no harm I done.
Addna. li. C ALLEN 4 CO., AtotaiA, MAI
Artistic Painter and
House Decorator,
1 he JJnllcpj, Oregon.
II mine Painting and IVcorHting- a SpecfoHr Nc
infurior nnd cheap work dune; but trood. loaUuft
work at the lowcvt price.
bhop adjoining puntutlice on Second Street.
Prescription Druggists,
175 Second Street, The Dallas.
Country and Mail Orders will re
ceive Prompt Attention.
Mrs. C. L. Phillips,
Fashionable Milliner,
(Next door to Tiass-lfovnTAiiiBsa olBos.)
Connetft, Trimmings, elc
Stock Sheep !
loons; and In good condltioa; also
100 Graded Bucks.
Enquire at the Firat K.tlnml n.nk . a w mil.
Ilaros Co 's store, or at tbe stuck vania of Larsen
s Saltmarshe.
JljUwtf E. P. BOBKCTB k SOX.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria;