The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, November 09, 1889, Image 1

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ii k. Volume
John Micheu, Editor and Proprietor.
Single copy, one year. -
Siugle copy tax months
-Terms strictly in advance
Entered at the Pntojftce at The toUef Or tfSnmd
Clou Matter for tranemvaum through the mail.
Governor . .
..S. Pennover
Secretary of State
Superintendent of
G.W. MeBnde
fit W.Webb
Public instruction".. K. P--1?
a XI lid nn
Congressman . . .
SUte Printer...
Commissioners . ,
jj.H. Mitchell
B. Hermann
'1'.'.'.'.'. Frank Baker
'cousW 0e0.HerlX!rt
G. Jl. Thompson
'I'l Geo. Uuch
( George A. Young
1 H. A. Lcavuuii
. . H. Gourlay
. . E. F. Sharp
'Public Schooi".... A. C. Connelly
Superintendent of
.William Micnen.
Profoaxional C rds.
r-vB. J. O. BOYD.
'ihe Dalles, Oregon.
Office Booms 6 and 6, over Moody ft McLod'8
store, corner zu iuu niumug
Residence North side Fourth St., near Lincoln.
Calls in city or country answered at all hours.
Attorneys at Law.
Office On Court street, opposite the Old Court
House, The Dalles, or.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
mnMr Wot, rimv trt TT S T .n n H Office.
Will practin in all Courts, and in the U. S. Land
Office. Collections promptly attended to. -
Kitrous Oxide or
Laughing Gas Given
For Painless extraction of Teeth. Booms, sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
Onw . ..
Booms 8 and 8 in Land Office Brildlng.
Physician and Surgeon,
Booms over Dalles National Bank.
Office hours 10 A.M. to H M., and from 2 to 4 P Jl.
Residence West end of Third street.
D. DOANE, M. P.,
Physician and Surgeon,
Thn DnJltvi. Oregon
Omn-Over French ft Co.'s Bank.
Rrsid axes Over McFarland ft French 8.
Physician and Surgeon.
Diseases of Children a speciality. Erskinsville
Shetman Co., Oregon.
onto University. Canada. Office room, 4 oyer
Moody's store. Office hours 8 to 10:30 A. M.; to 4
P. M. Country calls prcmptly attended.
Attorneys at Law,
Office In French's Building, Second St, between
Washington and Federal.
over Postoffice, The Dalles.
Room 6,
Dalles, Oregen. apr 16-wtf
Rooms over Moody ft McLeod's store, next door to
Fisbft Bardon's, Washington St.
Attorneys at Law,
Office in Scbanno's building, up-stairs.
The Dalles - Oregon.
1. fc. STOBT.
Attorneys at Law.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Real Estate.
Insurance and
Ixan A cent.
Agents for the Scottish Union and National In
surance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital
Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy
Office over Post Office, The Dalles, Or.
McCOY ft MoCOY, BARBERS", Second Street,
next door to McEarchern ft MacLeod's. The
cleanest shave, the nobbies hair-cut and most health
ful baths. ipSdftw
HtlmeoFathic Physician t nd Surffe&i.
Gra-luate or the UiJineman Medical CoHtM of
Philadelphia. ...,, . .
Office in Max Vogt ft Co.'s block, upstairs.
. . 57-5
Kcvoivert. Ainmunui".!
Fiahing Tackle, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, etc., gtc.
Repairing and Kew Work done to Order. j
Ladies, Attention
A. Kew Invention for Oress CaltUOK.
4 -
A. Self-Instrixctor;
That can be used by a man or woman, and which
(fives a perfect fit. Price of scale, including
a key of full instructions, S3 50.
Ca n be had by calling on or addressing
auS-89 MRS. C. L. PHILLIPS The Dalles, Or,
A. KELLER, Prop'r,
Washington street, next door l.elow Geo. Ruth's.
Dalles, Oregon.
Having the Bakery formerly owned by Geo. Ruch,
I am prepared to furnish families, hotels and res
taurants with the choicest Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Denny, Rice & Co.
Wool & Commission Merchants
. 610. Atlantic Ave., Boston.
gC8h ftdTinces made on consignment.
Saltings of all kinds, imported and JomeeUc on
None but the best of labor employed and satis
etion guaranteed
Jerome Lauer.
Proprietor of tne
Thiri St. Foulti7 ani Fish Markst,
Will always keep on sale
Puget Sound Fish,
Chickens, Turkeys,
Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco
and Ciirars.
Leave your orders, as they will receive prompt
...... J
My old friends and the public, one and all to coine
and sue me in tne
Where one can get all the comforts of Home. My
rooms are furnished With Spring Beds, and the
Tables second to none in the citv. Price same us
before. Meals 25 cents; Lodging 23 cents.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Prop'r.
Ug Parte d folk Im
110 Front Street,
X3" None but the most skillful artists em
Hot and Cold and Shower Baths for the comfort of
At the old stand of R. Lusher.
R. E. Larsen,
HigliestCasL. Price for
Hay and Grain.
Crockery & Glassware
Rogers Bros'. Flatedware,
IIL Pocfcet Cutlery,
J. Russell & Co's Table Cutlery,
Keen Kutter Shears and Scissors,
tgiTEvery One Warranted.jgjl
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Iron Wheel Wagons; Bicycles; Bird Caces; Agents for
tne New Home, nite ana Koyai bt.jonn tew
ing Machines, Needles and Attachments
fur every Machine. Picture Frames
in stock or made to order.
The Dalles: Lumbering
Successors to TBOS. J0UN8 ft CO.
The Dalles, - . . Oregon.
Lumber and Builder's Material.
Shingles, Fence Posts
Lime and Hair.
Orders from abroad receive prompt attention.
Trees! Trees! Trees!
Ornamental Trees,
Shade Trees and
Timber Culture Trees
Ornamental Shrubbery,
Roses! Koses!
Greenhouse Plants,
We hive on hand at this date a few hundred Italian
and Petite Prunes, which we offer at reasonable
prices by the hundred.
We oner 25 cents each.
Don't be humbugged by pavinsr $1 for them, for we
warrant ours to be genuine MAKIAM A.
Also, CABBAGE and TOMATO PLANTS in large
supply. Send for Catalogue and prices.
103e White (salmon, W.T.
0 Collection Agency.
No. 1 13 Third St.. in Masonic Bnildiuff.
Agent for the
iiarmc insuranceto.,
t x n
Best Borne Company on the Coast.
Also Agent for
Aetna- Life'and Pacific Surety, Accident
Insurance Companies.
Having been appointed correspondent Tor he
Lombard Investment Co.
f am nrenared to make Loans on cood Rea Estate
Security in Wasco and Gilliam Counties, also in
wasmnuton xernwrv. u yuu
Call on or address C. E. BAYARD,
xne ualies, ugn.
Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for Wash-
URifOO lemwfTi
500 Men Wanted
To Unload Shcooners
-At the
Court street. Between STain
and Second.
Wines. Liquors and Ciirars of the best domestic
ajd imported brands on baie.
John Donovan. Prop.
104 Se,
104 Second Street.
Cram & Corson, Props.
lew OoluniDie fiolei
The Columbia Candy Factory
13 a nli s.
President, Z. F. Eocfly,
CasMer, H. A. Moody
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges sold u
i3T Collections made on favorable terms at all a,
Sfiilile points.
French& Co., Bankers.
Transact a General BanMng Business.
Collections Made at all Points
on Favorable Terms.
Letters or Credit issaed, available In
all pnrts of the United states.
ASiEht Exchancre and Tetanaphic Transfers sold
on New York, Cliicapo, St. Louis, San Ftancisco,
i'oruana, Seattle ana iv ana nana, w. r., ana va
rious points in Olccon and Wathiuijton Territory.
3. S.SCHENt'K,
II. II. BEALL, Cashier,
(Successor to)
Directors i
D P Thompson, T W Sparks,
The LeadlnK
Next to 1st Nat. Bank
Alwavs on hand the latent styles of jewelry.
clocks, watches, etc , at the lowest prices. If you
want sometmng lasting ana nanoeome. kv cwck
toe leweier a caij. mcnzi
Boot - and - Shoe
and the W. L. DOUGLASS Celebrated
$3.00 Shoe.
r Goods sold Cheaper than ever. Call and
XAiniiie the fine stck on hand.
J. Freiman,
fichanno'a Jtrick, Meeond Htrect
We Are Here
And to Stay
With a Large Stock of
I. fitc. etc.
Timotliy, Wheat and Wild Hay
Bran, Rolled Barley, etc.
nuantitv. which we are pleased to offer you at
very low prices for cash or country produce.
Call and see for yourselves, Ws mean what we say
and you will not be serry.
spr 8-wtf
San Francisco, Nov. 1. Thus. 3rc
Knight, who until to-day had been the
regular freight agent here of the North
ern Pacific railroad, committed suicide
this afternoon at the Casino, in the Gol
den Gate nark, bv thooting himself id
the left breast. lie was found soon after
and removed to the receiving hospital,
where the bullet was exiructtd. Mc-
Kuight suffered terribly, but did Dot re
cover consciousness so as to speaK con
nectedly, and aied after lingeiing a few
Several mcnths since his wife died and
siuce then he seemed to have grown daily
more discouraged. This at last led to
difficulties with his employers, and this
mnruirg he was relieved from his duties
and another man nut iu his place. It
was manifestly this that led to his deter
mination to commit suicide. McKnight
was widply known over the coast and had
many friends.
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 1. A Times
Axtell, Kas., special says: The reports
concerning t' e alleged riot between the
Methodist and Catholics at this place
were entirely faUe. The lacts are that a
Presbyterian minister here delivered a
lecture Wednesday evening on "Priest
craft Exposed." A number of Catholics
who were present became indignant at
the charges made in the discourse, and
there ws a short but exciting conflict of
words between the minister and tbe
Catholics. The mayor, however, received
exaggerated reports of the lecture and
was informed that the Catholics bad
made violent threats, and he requested
the governor to send troops to prevent
possible riot.
Helena, Nov. I. The judgement of
the court as announced in Judge De-
Wolfe's decision to-day on the manda
mus ease, held tbat the causes shown in
the answer are not sufficient to justify
the refusal of the board of canvassers to
obey the alternative writ heretofore is
sued. It is therefore ordered that the
peremptory writ of mandamus be issued
to the canvassing board, commanding it
to make the abstract of the votes cast.
Campbell, counsel for the canvassing
board, filed notice of appeal. The per
emptory writ of maudamus was then
issued. A recess was then taken until 1
o'clock, when JIcHatton's lawyeis began
opposing the right of Mr. Hail as an in
dividual member to appeal from the
court's decision in tbe name of the board.
The judge took the matter under advise
ment, and adjourned court until 10
o'clock to-morrow.
San Francisco, Nov. 1. The whaling
schooner Alton arrived here to-day,
twenty three days from Fox island. The
vessel brought the news of the loss of the
steam whaler Lucrelia on a shoal off
Herald island Behring sea, September 5.
The vessel is a total loss, but the crew
were all saved. The Lucrelia was the
nropertv of William Lewis & Co., of this
and was valued at about $SO,C0O.
llton also brought the report of the '
whaling catch up to September 25, which
was thirty-two whales for thirty-six
Glasgow, Nov. 1 During a high wihd
which prevailed here to day the gable of
a building in tbe course of erection on
the site adjoining the Templeton carpet
factory, on Williams street, was blown
down. The falling debris crashed through
the roof ol the weaving department of
the carpet factory, where fifty women and
girls were employed, and all were buried
beneath tbe timbers. It is probable that
forty inmates of tbe weaving room were
killed. "
Denter, Colo, Nov. 1 Word react ed
here this evening tbat tbe southbound
passenger train on the Fort Worth road,
while snowbound near Eaton, sixty-five
miles south of here, was run into by a
freight at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and
that Fireman Flanigan, Engineer Ilickey
and a passenger from Illinois were killed.
No further particulars.
London, Nov. 1 Sir
Henry James
continued to speak for the 7Ym to day.
He endeavored to show that Davitt asso
ciated in America, and elsewhere, with
persons engaged in treasonable acts, and
in seeking to separate Ireland from Great
Britain. He charged the leaders of the
nationalists with trying to keep affairs in
Ireland in an unsettled condition.
Omaha, Nov. 1 Heavy snow has been
falling here since early morning. The
storm has played havoc with the railway
and telegraph wires and overland trains
generally. A fall of about six inches of
snow was reported at tbe Union Pacific
headquarters from several towns in West
ern Nebraska, while in Wyoming a bliz
zard is prevailing, and it is feared tbat
the trains will be blockaded. The tele
graph wires on tbe Burlington are broken
at several points cast ot Omaha. The
trains ou the Elkhorn were delayed more
or less, owirg to the heavy fall ot snow in
the territory. It is reported that at Val
entine the thermometer is rapidly falling
and that a cold wave is prevailing.
judge coolhy's opinion.
Chicago, Nov. 1. Chairman Cooley of
tbe interstate commerce commissiou has
written a letter to Chairman Abbott of
the Western States Passenger Association,
sajingthat tbe extent to which free
transporting is issued, gives abundant
reason to believe tbat regular rates arc
fixed at too high a price. Tbe abuse of tbe
privilege to give excursion rates he
characterizes as a great wroDg. Judge
Cooley adds: '"When railioad companies
thus so distinctly give the public to
understand their regular rates are more
than a fair remuneration for the service
performed for chose who pay them, why
should not the fact be stated with equal
distinctness by the commission in its
official communication.
Denver, Not. 1. The snowstorm
which has been raging forty-eight hours,
abated to day. Tne storm was tbe worst
that has been experienced for several
years. All trains delayed, and telegraph
ic communication with all eastern points
destroyed. Three hundred miles east of
btrc over fifteen miles of telegraph line
has bem completely wrecked, while in
Colorado the dumxge to lruit and shade
trees is considerable.
Reports from the south say the storm
has driven thousands ot cattle add horses
off their range into the sou' beast, and
tbat hundreds of tbe weak animals have
perished iu the blizzards.
o trouble atall.
Washington, Nov. 3. The Guatema
lan minister to-lay received the follow
ing cable from the president of Guate
mala: - Guatemala, Not. 2 There is no
troubie at all here. Everything is quiet
The relations among Central American
governments are most friendly. Rumors
ot arevolutioD are only spread by ene
mies of Guatemala, who are never satis
fied, even with tbe present remarkable
progress of tbe republic. Please pub
lish emphatic denials of such malicious
rumors. (Sigced) Barrtllos.
burying custer's soldiers.
Fort Custer, Not. 3. General Bris
bane is having the exact spot on which
each of Custer's men fell marked with a
stake driven deep'y into the erround.
Yesterday in setting tho stakes tbe men
Children Cry for
came upon thn skeletons of four of Cu
ter's soldiers who had never been buried
Scout Campbell first discovered them
To day four officers were sent up wit
orders to decently bury the men on th
exact spot where they fell, and mark luei
Captain French's corapaDv, now at
Custer's field, erecting tombstones over
the men massacred at Fort Phil Kearney.
in 1SG7, will bury the Custer men with
the honors of war, thus giving them de
cent iuterment at last, alter thirteen years.
McKeesport, Pa., Nov. 3 Late last
night a riot occurred among a number of
Hungarian laborers, and Chief of Police
Robinson and Officer M?Quade were
probably fatally injured. Robinson was
stabbed in the head and about the arms
and hands, while received three
uglv wounds in the buck and neck.
When the officers appeared the Hun
garians ciiarged upon them, and but for
the timely arrival of the officers they
would have been murdered. Four of the
rioters were arrested, and after a desper
ate fight they were placed in the lockup.
The HuDgarians were celebratmg a wed
ding, and had been drinking all evening.
Oswego, Kas., Nov. 3. A number of
persons came here to-day to identify the
two women prisoners supposed to be old
Mrs. Bender and her daughter Kate
The majority were from Parsons and vi
cinity, the Benders' home. Out ot twelve
persons who had known the Benders only
four could see any resemblance between
them and the Benders. Others were ps
Hive that the prisoners were not the Ben
ders. Mrs. McCann, who caused the ar
rest of the supposed Benders is regarded
here as crazy by those who know her.
Los Angeles, Nov. 3. A severe wind
and sand storm prevailed in this city this
afternoon and evening. One of the large
chimneys of the Occidental university
was blown' down. It crashed .through
the roof into the room below, and J. D,
Dunlap had a narrow essape from the
falling debris.
At 9:30 this evening, the flour and feed
store of Pinney & Hammill, at the corner
of Raymond and Colorado streets, Pasa
dena, was struck by a whirlwind, and
two-thirds of the building was blown
Olympi A, Wn., Nov. 3. Private dis
patches receiyed from Washington say
that the president will probably issue his
proclamation as to the state of Washing
ton on Wednesday next. If this be so
the inauguration ceremonies will take
place on Monday, the eleventh iust.
. . wrecked in the arctic.
San Francisco, Nov. 3. Captain Gif-
ford of the bark Ohio, which was lost in
the spring, was a passenger on the whaler
Howland trom Alaska to day, and He
lurnished the paiticulajs of the loss ov
bis vessel. May 20th he was caught la
the ice and the Ohio stove in. Captain
Gilford and his crew remained with the
vessel while tliers was any hope, but ou
the morning of Nay 23 she went ashore
at Nnuivak island. Her fateVwas then
settled. On one side of her wisBiound
ice and on tbe other side floe ice and no
tin e was lost in getting away from her.
As soon as she was struck, four boats
were manned, which were scantily pro
visioned. Tbe men saved nothing but
the clothing which they wore, They had
to work their way through tour milej of
ice to the open sea, where they found the
bark Ocean. Cupt. Marvin took tbe men
in, and they were afterwards distributed
throughout tbe fleet, Giffoid remaining
on the Ocean.
When the Ocean arrived off Point Bar
row in the latter part of July, there was
considerable ice in sight, but it all drift
ed towaid the north and it is presumed
tbat the whales went with it for they
were afterward very scarce.
Montana's troubled condition.
Helena, Mont., Nov. 4 The state
canvassing board, consisting of Governor
White, Chief Justice Blake and Secretary
Walker, resumed the official canvass of
the total yote. All the returns having
been examined previously, the board had
nothing to do but foot up the total, and
sign their report. This was done in
about five minutes. Chief Justice Blake
then moved to adjourn sine d.e. The
motion was seconded by Secretary Walker,
put by the governor and carried unani
mously. The abstract of the votes and
the report were then placed on the secre
tary's table. Silver Bow county was can
vassed as returned by tbe county canvas
sing board leaving oat the vole of Tun
nel precinct 34. Tbe legislature is
claimed by the Republicans by six major
ity, and they assert that Toole and tv o
district judges are tbe only Democrats
overcome by the cold.
Denver, Col., Nov. 4 One of the re
sults of the terrible blizzards wbich
swept over Eastern Colorado and North
ern New Mexico Thursday and Friday of
last wetk leached here to-day from Fol
som, New Mexico. Thursday night
Henry Miller, the range foreman for Col
R G. Head, with several cowboys, camped
near Sierra Grande witb 1800 beef cattle,
which they were holding for the purpose
ot loading cars at Folsom the next day
for the eastern maikets. At 4 o'clock
that niorting a blizzard from the north
west struck the held, driving the cattle
towards the Texas Panhandle, tbe cow
boys being unable to hold them. Tbe
snow was so blinding that it was Impos
sible to see fifty feet ahead. Miller
called his mtn together, and they started
to follow the herd and attempt to keep
them bunched, so far as possible. It is
not known how long the men succeeded
in keeping with the maddened herd, but
I hey finally lost it, and the men became
separated. Friday night oue of them
wandered into Head's home ranch half
dead from cold and hunger. He told his
story, aud a rescuing -party was immedi
ately scDt out, and Saturday afternoon
the frozen bodies of Henry Miller, Joe
Martin and Chatlie Jolly were found ly
ing on the open plains not far from Ft I
soui. Tbe other meu succeeded in find
ing their way into the camp before they
nere overcome with the cold. Miller has
been foreman for Colonel Head tor twelve
years, aud came here from Louisiana. It
is not known where Martin and Jolly are
Olympia, Not. 4. President Harrison
clamed the attention of Gov. Moore, Governor-elect
Ferry, supreme judges and
tbe members of the legislature assembled
here to-day. The people are extremely
anxious to don the habilaments of state
hood, and last night the governor and
governor-elect sent the following tele
gram to the president:
Olympia, Not. 3.
To President Harrison: Our constitu
tion requires the legislature to convene
on the Gib inst. If the admission procla
mation is not issued before tbat date, -serious
complications will arise.
(Sigotd) Miles C. Moore, Got.
E. P. Ferry, Giiv.-elect.
Great excitement pievailed this morn
ing upon receipt ot a telegram by Gov.
Moore, fiom President Harrison, as. fol
lows: Executive Mansion, )
Washington, Not. 4 )
To Miles C. Moore, Governor of Waslt
ington Territory", Olympia, Wash : Sec
tion 8 of the enabling act requires that
the governor shall certify to the copy of
the said constitution, etc. Tbe copy sent
is only certified to by the secretary. Send jjew Johnson's colored minstrels played
another certified by you and attested by one night's engagement, Nov. 1st, at Pen
tbe sectretary, with the seal attached. dleton. - -
Pitcher's Castorla;
NOVEMBER 9, 1889.
(Signed) Benjamin Harrison.
Chief Justice Hanford, who was one of
the canvassing board, overlooked the
document before Messenger Robinson
started with it for the capital, but did
not think that the governor s name was
necessary. President Harrison is techni
cally right, and Governor-elect Ferry and
the legislators do not complain. They
regret exceedingly that the admission of
tne state should be delayed. Especially
when it is considered Governor Moore
wrote a letter to the president stating he
had sent ten copies ot the constitution
and certified to the election returns.
.iraers were given lor its preparation
and it was sent this afternoon. Mean
while something had to be done to avoid
delay in the admission of the state and,
with this in view, the following teiegram
was sent:
''Olympia, Nov. 4th.
renident Harrison: I have this day
mailed you a copy ot the constitution
identical with tbat you have, and the fol
lowing certificate attached :"
Utited States of America, )
Territory of Washington. I
I, Miles C. Moore, governor of said ter
ritory, do hereby certify tbat the forgo
ing constitution, propositions, articles and
ordinances adopted by the voters of said
territory on the first Taesdsy of October,
eitrhteen hundred and eighty-nice, have
been compared witb the originals depos
ited and now on tile in the office of tbe
secretary of said territory, and that the
same are a correct transcript therefrom
and ot tbe w hole of said original consti
tution, articles, propositions and ordi
In testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my band and caused the great seal of
said territory to be affixed at Olympia
this 4th day of November. A. D. 1889,
(Seal.) Miles C. Moore, Gov.
Attest. O. C. White, Sic.
It is earnestly hoped you can issue the
proclamation on the above certificate.
(b;gntd.) Miles V. Moore, Gov.
Governor- elect Ferry sent tbe ap
pended telegram :
Olympia, jNcv. 4.
President Harrison : Constitution,
with proper certificate, mailed to you this
morniug by Governor Moore and certifi
cate by telegraph. Can you not issue
tbe proclamation upon tbat certificate?
E. P. Ferry.
CnicAGO, Nov. 4. A concise statement
of what has been done in tbe Cronin case
to date is about as follows: Tbe hearing
of testimony in the case has consumed
ten days. In that time the stale has ex
amined about scveDty witnesses. The
case has been developed far enough to
give some idea of how far the state will
be able to go in proving matters whicb
the jury were protris?d should be proved
in State's Attorney Longenerker's opening
address. Before the trial began there was
in tbe public mmd Ihe geneial idea that
the murder was the result of a conspi-
Lray, more or less extended. Just how
far the state proposed to prove that the
conspiracy w$s extended, was not kuown
untiKthe case wss opened by the state.
It was then seen that it proposedUo prove
it to the widest extentv Altbough great
deal of testimony " has been introduce;'
nothing, or next to nothing, has yet Men
given showing,the conspiracy"3 Lave
been more extended than to include the
prisoners on wiapend those indicted with
What has been proven so far, is that
on the night of May 4, Dr. Cronin was
called from his office ou North Clark
street to attend a man, said to have been
injured by one of P. O'SulIivan's ice
wagons; that he responded to the cad, be
cause he was led to believe it was in pur
suance ot tbe contract he had made some
time before with P. O'Sullivan; that be
left his office in company witb a man, an
accurate description of whom has been
given by a large number of witnesses,
but whose identity has not yet been
made known; tbat the two, the doctor
and the stranger, drove north with horse
and buggy which Dan Coughlin hired of
rJman, the liveryman; tbat Dr. Cromn's
body was found eighteen days later in a
catchbasiu in Lakeview, and that deatn
resulted from blows be bad received
about the head.
The Dalles, Nov. 4, 1SS9.
Editor Tijiks-Mocxtaiseer.-
There is no question in my mind bat thit
there will be considerable Buffering during
the coming winter over the district in this
county that has Euffored from the failure of
crops. Bat tbe suffering will be, in the
majority of cases, endured quietly. The
most deserving and those most in need of
assistance will be those who will never let
their needbe known till they are compelled
to, or till some one well acquainted with
them makes the discovery. Moreover, it is
not donations such people want. They are
willing te pay tor everything tney neea,
and only lack the ability. The merchants
are treating the vast majority very gener
ously by carrying over all they are able.
Ex-Govprnor Alootiy has done vastly more
than bis share in furnishing seed wheat to
hucdreds. But there are still of
farmers who never bad much credit at the
best, who are unsnpplied with teed and
bread and tbe clothing necessary to defend
them from the rigors of the coming finter.
Some of these have no credit bnt they have
their needs all tbe same, and no one can ex
pect the merchants to open new accounts
for such, or turn their firms into eleemosy
nary institutions. The merchants will
have done well when they carry their old
customers and meet their own obligations.
Tbe "bare possibility of such a Btate of affairs
should cause something to be done. It is
easy enough to appoint a committee, but if
such a committee waits till the worst cases
of need come before it, it may wait a long
time. I suggest that measures be adopted
to make a thorough investigation, and as a
means to this end communication should be
opened with every Grange Lodge in the
barnt district, and each lodge be constituted
a committee of investigation to report to a
secretary appointet or to be appointed here.
merely piesent the cruoe suggestion.
without any attempt at dictating measures,
my main object being to start an investiga
tion, tbat ean do no injury even if it is dis
covered tbat no one is in need.
-r Hugh Gourlay.
Uprinsrvaneh Items. -Spriso
Ranch, Or., Oct. 30.
Ji C. L B. has failed to furnish news
from this vicinityTor some time, I will en
deavor to furnish yon with some of the cur
rent events of interest.
Considerable fall grain has been sown,and
farmers are busy with their fall work. Our
school is being ably conducted by Miss
Lulu Davis, of King Jey, Or.
Mr. W. A. Obarr has been in The Dalles
for some time past.
Mr. Lee Bolton has for some time been
down with the fever; but at last accounts
was recovering.
Mr. J. C. Egbert sys he has a hog that
would bankrupt J. Gould if he had it to
feed it through the winter.- It eaxAped trom
its enclosure last week, and breakfasted up
on nine voimg turkeys, three fat ducks, two
-, , ii a - i r
hens, and in caen-, iiu a. ui geeo
broke into tbe, drauk seven pans oi
milk, destroyed nine pounds of butter, en
gulfed the contents of twelve dozen eggs,
disturbed the peaceful repose of three cats
and seven kittens, and committed various
other depredations wbich I will not men
Mr. J. Mann is recovering from Ins late
illness and will soou be able to continne his
work in Tbe Dalles.
Mr. J. C. Johnson Jr., is attending school
and from all probability will contipue to
take lessons from the same teacher, suc
cess attend v ou Jimmy. F. P.
ITEM! IX Hit IK ft'.
From Saturday Daily.
Weather delightful.
Many farmers were in town to-day trad
W. Irvine, of Wasco, is registered at the
uiiiaema nouse.
H. Coruni, of Hood River, is a guest at
uie uuiauua uonse.
Mr. C. W. Emerson, of Lower Fifteen
Mile, is in the city.
Mr. M. Mackenzie, of the firm of Mac
kenzie & Somers, of Grants, is in the city.
Rev. J. A. Orchard will leave iu a lew
days for the Willough, where he will bold a
protracted meeting.
Miss M. V. Boyer, who is teaching on
ijowcr nitcen Aiue, was in the city to-day.
She reports a successful school.
Mr. II. Corson returned yesterday from
rortianu, wnere ne was summoned as
juror for the U, S. Circuit Court.
Mr. A. D. Hughes returned last night
from a visit to Yaquiua Bay. He reports a
pleasant trip, and the Uay nourishing..
Miss Nellie Cooper, of Keithsburg. Mi
nois, arrived in The Dalles yesterday and
win stay ims winter witn uer brother, u.
A. Cooper.
Dr S. E. Koontz. of Wasco, who has
been quite sick for some time past, is visit
ing friends and relatives in this citv. He
is still very weak.
Mr. Heury Southern, of Boyd, is in the
city replendishing his stock of fall and win
ter goods. He repoits business brisk and
prospects flattering.
Mr. Albert Allen, of Fairfield Flat, is in
the city, he reports the ground in excellent
condition for plowing and fall sowinir and
that great activity is exhibited among the
Mr. M. Hendrickson who has been in
Califoruia for some time with Watkins and
Bayard's horses returned yesterday. He
reports heavy rains, and says the country is
covered with water.
Eugene Heaister: Miss Minnie Uren.
who has been attending school at the Uni
versity, was called to her home, near The
Dalies, the first of the week on account of
the sickness of her mother.
Mrs. Mary A. Switzler, mother of Mrs.
A. Orchard, who left here about three
weeks ago for western Washington, for her
health, died oh the 30th nit. She was well
and favorably known in this vicinity.
Mr. Ross E. Smith favored our office with
a call to-day. He has been at home at Sell
wood for some months, and now returns to
his studies in the Academy. Such young
men are a great acquisition to our society.
Married, at Blue Water. New Mexico.
Oct. 25, 1SS9, Mr. Jas. M. Fish to Miss
Mary l'linlau. Mr. Fish is a brother to
Mr. Juil Fish in this citv, and iu expected
to arrive here with his bride in a short
The electric light on Third street. between
Lincoln aud Peutlaud, has been changed to
the corner of Third and Lincoln, near the
Sisters' academy. It is erected on a high
pole, and throws its radiating light a long
Key. Mr. Hutchison returued Thursday
from Union, where he had gone to deliver
the charge at the ordination of Mr. Parker,
who was christened in one of tho churches
in our city, and reared in tbe Roman Cath
olic church.
The ladies of the Presbyterian church
will give in the course of a month or so, an
entertainment, in which Mrs. Farley will
appear with fresh specimens of hor wonder-
!ul wax works. Ihere will also be music
and acting in character by some of our best
amateur performers.
Tho hcavv blasting at tbe new deriot
grounds creates considerable excitement in
that vicinity. le3terday pieces of rock
were thrown through windows on the south
side of Second street, and the air was filled
with descending stone. The excitement
was perhaps similar to that in Pompei, dur
ing tne eruption ot Vesuvius.
Ellensbureh SegUter: Harry Williams re
ceived a visit from the Knights of the Jim
mie. last night at his room in the Shoudy
block, lhey succeeded in obtaining dia
monds worth 000, a note the face value of
which was $400, and $400 in money. The
total amount of the loss is about $1500.
There is no clue to the burglars.
The Goldendale stage while coming over
the mountain yesterday en route to this
city, with two passengers aboard, collided
with a wagon and was tipped over. One of
the passengers, Mr. F. J. Bachelder, of San
f rancisco, representing the beta I nomas
Clock Co., sustained several severe bruises,
and a fractured rib. No other damage re
sulted. Eugene Jleguter: Last week Dr. Shar
pies, assisted by several others, amputated
Mr. Jas. Huddleston's foot a boat four or
five inches above the ankle joint. He has
been troubled for several weeks with a dis
ease in his foot and hail become very low
and amputation was found necessary in or
der to save his life. He has been out of
his mind for a week, but was resting easier
at last account and there are some chances
of his recovery.
Tbe Masonic fraternity ot Oregon and
Washington have recently been treated to
a visit of an imposter of thn darkest dye.
By name he is Prof. Wylie Willey, claim
ing to hail from South Carolina. He refers
to lodges in that state whicb, it is found,
has no existence. He applies to the broth
ers for assistance to euable him to make his
way to some far off destination. Failing to
examine him closely, often sums were do
nated and from these donations the fraud
grew fat. It is nnderstood that he bilked
Turner and Oregon City. Statesman.
Ellensburgh Register. Roslyn came near
having another lynching boe yesterday, but
the compliance of tbe candidate for necktie,
knots, with the mandate of the people,
that he leave town in ten minutes, prevent
ed the addition of another chapter to her
already unenviable history. A Polish
miner was the individual who came so near
taking a farewell of a troblesome world at
the end of a hempen string, and the canse
of it was that he had been somewhat too
previous in his attentions to a four-year-old
girl. The licentious Polander' is now in
this city. Hanging would have been too
good for him. .
From Monday's Daily.
Mr. E. Pitman, of Boyd, is in the city.
Mrs. D. B. Handley is visiting Mrs. P.
B. Sinnott in Portland.
Mr. Frank Menefee was a passenger yes
terday afternoon for Portland.
Mrs. Hunsaker, of Waitsburg, Wash., is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Sargent.
The D, S. Baker was hauled upon the
beach yesterday to undergo some needed
Mr. C. H. Dexter, clerk of River Divis
ion. O. R. & N. Co., Portland, was in the
city yesterday.
The train was three hours late yesterday.
The delay was caused by sometoing happen
ing on the Short Line.
Mr. B. Blumauer and wife, who bare
been in the city tor tbe past few days, re
turned to Portland yesterday afternoon.
Daring the past few days grass has grown
wonderfully, and there are no fears' tbat
stock will be in poor condition for winter.
Mr. L J. Norman, who has been at the
saw mid of the Flume Co. daring the sum
mer, returued to the city last Saturday.
Oar people are enjoying the most delight
ful fall weather. The atmosphere is cool,
clear and bracing, but not in the least disa
greeable. " ' .
The Harvest Queen now engaged in the
trade between this city and the Cascades,
has large loads of freight, and trade is quite
In a field near Athena in Umatilla county
last Saturday, were found eleven stolen
horses, aud one of the thieves, Charles Mil
let, is under arrest.
Mr. H. M. Beall, wife and family, left on
the afternoon train yesterday on a trip to
San Francisco. He wdl be absent about a
Tb9 new school-bouse at Eight Mile is
completed, and is now awaiting tbe plaster
ers to be fiuithjd. T..ii will accommodate
the scholars in that neighborhood.
Miss Ellen Webster, of Siebern, Ky., re
turned to her home yesterday afternoon
after visiting her relative Mr. John Gates,
in this city for the past two months.
Gilmore and his band of musicians passed
through tho city yesti-rday afternoin, eu
route to Portland. The coucert will be one
of the best ever given in this state.
Mr. Clias. Stubling, the proprietor of the
Germania beer hall, has received some of
his best brands of cigars, imported aud Key
West, which he will dispose of at the usual
The train yesterday afternoon was
double-header, with thirteen coiches at
tached. This is the second time that there
has been a double-header between this city
and rortiand.
Last Saturday evening a very enjoyable
social time was had by quite a number of
The Dalles young folks at the residence of
lewett Luskie. Dancing, singing and feast
ing were indulged in by those who at
tended. Every day on the arrival and departuro
of trains the porch in frout of the Umatilla
House is crowded. Yesterday, the west
bound passenger being late, this geucral
rendezvous assumed quite a city-like ap
Mr. T. D. Williams, who has a farm on
the Deschutes, although he raised no crop
tnis year, is encouraged tor the next season.
He is determined to stay with the country.
nnd hopes he will make it all right another
Abraham Mustamand, who accidentally
shot himself at Gray's river on Friday of
last week, died in the hospital at Astoria
Saturday afternoon. He was a highly re
spected citizen, and his death will be de
plored by a large circle of friends.
The supply of seed wheat at Moody's
warehouse has been exhausted, and not
nearly all have been supplied. Mr. Moody
has dealt very fairly with our farmers.
Some are talking of sending to Portland for
a carload of wheat, if it can be procured on
reasonable terms.
We received a pleasant call last Saturday
evening from Messrs. Boy n ton and Neaback,
of Kingsley. They say the fall is the most
favorable season for crops they have ex
periences for soaie years. Ihe ground is in
most excellent condition for plowing, and
farmers are very busy sowing grain.
The gesang verein of our German fellow
citizens met at Scbanno's hall last night.
They have in rehearsal some of tbe grand
songs of faderland, and purpose giving a
public entertainment at an early day. We
bespeak for tbem a good attendance, as
they have the best musical talent instru
mental and vocal in the city.
Rev. M. Judy occupied the pulpit of the
Methodist church yesterday morning and
evening, lie is a member of the southern
Califoruia conference, aud has no charge
this year, but is at present residing in
East Portland. Mr. Judy is an eloquent
preacher, and we are clad to state that bis
congregations were good at both services.
The entertainment given, by Mr. Joe and
Mrs. Rhoda Taylor netted about $40. The
performance is described as most excellent
by those in attendance, and a better deline
ation of character was never given in this
city. The proceed? will go towards fur
nishing a fund fur licv. u. Simpson to
spend tbe winter months in Southern Cali
fornia, the change of climate being required
by his impaired health.
A coal-heaver at Umatilla Junction named
Charles Anderson was killed early Saturday
morning. In walking along the track he
caught his toot in a switch and could not
release himself in time to save being run
over by a passing locomotive. He was run
over and terribly mangled. Dr. McKay, of
Pendleton, held the inquest, and the ver
dict of the jury was according to the above
fasts. It was not ascertained whether An
derson bad any relatives living in this state,
but he was universally respected by all who
knew him.
From Tuesday's Dally.
These mornings are very bracing.
Ine formed on water this morning.
Mr. E. G. Tozier, of H'asco, wai in the
city Saturday.
What about an artesian well? It the
good work still going on.
John Johnson, a prominent member of
the SAlvatiou army iu Astoria, is missing.
Tbe Prineville papers place no confidence
in the item of a big force of men at work
for tbe U. tr.
The roads between this city and Prine
ville are reported in a bad condition since
the recent rains.
The San Francisco steamers will leave
Portland at 10 P. M., instead of 12 o'clock
midnight as heretofore.
Mr. J. E. Euright, a competent operator,
has now charge of the IFe?tern Union tele
graph office in this city.
Ex-Gov. Moody arrived in the city last
night from Portland. The governor accom
panied the senatorial committee to Astoria
and tbe jetties.
Tbe Northern Pacific, west-bonnd, due in
this at 12:30 A. M. did not arrive until 8
o'clock. A collision of two freight trains
caused the delay.
Several patterns of seats for the new
opera house have been received by Mr. Max
Vogt. The particular style of seats have
not yet been adopted.
Hon. John T. Outhouse, receiver at the
La G ranee land office, and an Oregon pio
neer of 1850, died iu La Grande on W ed
nesday of last week, aged 60 years.
We are constantly receiving new names
to our subscription list, and these are placed
in type as soon as possible. If any new
subscribers do not get their paper regularly
we hope they will notify at immediately.
The band of wild hogs which range in the
mountains west of Canyon City broke into a
potato field the other day and destroyed
nearly all the crop. These wild bogs were
first seen four or five years ago.
The road between Canyon and Baker City
is in a terrible condition and almost impas
sable for teams. The better way for
freighters is to come direct to Tbe Dalles,
and not travel mountain roads.
The drama at tbe Armory last evening
was well attended, and the leading parts,
taken by Milton and Dollie Nobles, was
well presented. These are artists any
where, and will attract a good audience in
any city.
The mountains which surround Eastern
Oregon have received a fresh supply of snow
during the past few days; but no snow has
fallen iu tbe valleys or plains. The most
delightful weather has been experienced,
cold enough to be agreeable and healthful.
An esteemed brother of a very valuable
exchange is in a quandary bow he will b
able to get bis clothes on over his wings
when he gets to heaven. My dear brother,
do not let your soul be harrowed ap by
such fancies. Tbe greatest trouble you will
have iu the next world is to get your boots
ou over - the clover hoof, or arranging your
hat in such a shape as to rover your hums.
Wings will never annoy you.
Sunday night, we are informed, two Chi
namen were found near Clairme station, one
shot through the back of the bead and the
other through the neck. Tbe only acoouut
given of the affair is that a man cauie along
who wanted something to eat, and on being
refused, pulled bis revolver and shot them,
and made his escape. Tbe freight conduc
tor took them on tbe caboose, and when
near the quarry saw a man ruu and bide
himself in the brush. It was too dark to
clearly discern his counteuauce, but it is
supposed he was the culprit who did the
The principal orator at the meeting of
the Colored League, Monday night, bit
tbe nail on tbs head in advising his bear
ers to enter into business competion with
the whites, save tbeir money and acquire
property as tbe first essential to political
recognition. Tbe ability to make a good
living and meet tbe business world on
equal terms presupposes the ability to
act with equal discretion and success in
public affairs.
A Buffalo Chinaman has been caught
in tbe act of abducting the two little
daughters of a prominent citizen.' Re
ports of this kind are now coining from
various parts of the uoion, and will aid
in tbe - manufacture of public opinion
which will either compel government
official to execute the exclusion law or
bold them responsible for their failure,
A Boy Twrivo earn Old Vclln Over
a M'ltr'lno lluniitr 1 tcet lliirh.
end I Fi nnd I.-nd In a !tnde
Tbe little town of Giant was thrown into
a terrible state of excitement yesterday
over the loss o!a boy, M ho had been missed
since the preceding afternoon. John Henry
O'Ncil, aged about 12 years, a resident of
Umatilla, and son to Mr. Barney O'Neil,
had been visiting at Grant for some days
past. Last Sunday afternoon he loft in
company ,with some other boys, and on the
arrival of the west-bonnd passenger train,,
which was three hours late, a message came
to Mr. Neil McLeod to send the boy home
on the first train. Mr. McLeod began to
search for tbe boy, and continued it until
3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, when he wsa
found dead under a bluff about two hundred
feet high in a nude condition. One arm
and leg was broken and there were bruises
about the head. Ilia clothes were found
near a lake, above the bluff, and it is sup
posed he whs bathing and in playing around
fell oyer the declivity. His parents came
from Umatilla on the afternoon train yes
terday, and tbe first view they had of their
darling boy was when his mangled remains
were brought to the depot.
. There is considerable mystery hanging
around the death of this boy which perha pi
will never be explained. It is very Strang
that on such a cool day as Sunday he should
have bathed in the cold water, and that in
his nude condition he should have wandered
to the edge of the precipice. If it bad been
light be could have seen and avoided the
danger, and it is inexplicable that be did
not clothe himself after nightfall. Johnnie
was a good boy, and had the reputation of
being very obodient to his parents. What
induced him to bathe at that particular
time, and apparently alone, cannot be ex
plained. Tbe little town was perfectly
horror-stricken when ha was found, and it
is tbe most tragical event that has ever
happened in tbe history of Grant.
Mr. AlcLieod came to the city on a freight
yesterday evening and procured a oasktt
and the remains will be taken to East Port
land for interment. The entire community
sympathize with the grief-stricken parents
in their sad affliction.
(tenia from the leek. .
Cascade Locks, Nov. 2, 1889.
Editor Twi-Mou.tai iuu:
Haying been a reader of your excellent
paper for many years I will tontribute a
few items for your columns.
I have visifcd the eq oiiti n tt Port'and
and think it excellent and grand, anl more
than the people expected. .1 returned horns
Oct 20th.
On arriving home I learned thatCapt,
Biles, agent of tbe O. R. 4 N. Co. land de
partment, had in concurrence with govern
ment specials, surveyed an aor of land for
cemetery, and by mutual consent to-day
commenced removing the corpses trom the
old Chitman pioneer burying ground. Ten
were removed to-day, and a number of tho
relatives of the deceased were iu attendance.
Next Wednesday is set .part to remove
the remains of the Hon. Richard McCary,
one of tbe first members of the Washington
Territory legislature, and Henry Hum-
Iihreys, brother of Capt. Humphreys of Al
lany. He was a veteran of the Mexican
war as well as the early Indian wars in this
region. It is economy to take tbe nearest
and most accessable sand hill they can to
the cemetery. It is a graveyard, that is all, .
and the tramway leading from the canal tf
the sand hill passes under the O. R. t N.
Co. bridge on Dry creek or Chippy hollow.
The cars aro hauled op witb a mule and
loaded with sand. They run down the in
cline of their own roliton.
There has been a great hustle to got aa
much wall laid aa possible before the water
causes the bank where the canal is exca
vated to cave. This is a great credit to tbe
men and officers in charge. Everything is
arranged so complete 'and handy that they
could work enough men, if they had the
means and money, to complete the locks in
eighteen mouths or two years at the farth
est. Mr. Robinson, who laid some of the foun
dation walls, informed me a short time be
fore his death, that two years would be the
longest period of time to complete the locks,
provided the appropriations were such that
tbey could go right ahead. J. D. W.
' Eight Mils, Nov. 4, 18S9.
Editor Tia-MorirriKHR:
The prolonged silence of yonr Eight Mile
correspondent should not be taken as an in.
dication of a lack of interest. For the re
cod produced by the utter failure of the
land to respond as usual to our bonest and"
earnest efforts, caused one and all to turn
tbeir attention to more sober channels of
thought, viz: devising ways and means by
which they might best overcome the effects
so vividly realizod. Bat now that everyone -has
about completed satisfactory arrange
ments, and neigh bar greets neighbor with
the usual friendly "Good Morning" and
common place chat, and each one seems to
have resumed the "even tenor of his way,"
tbe song of the plowman can again be
heard, tbe golden grain la again being show- ,
ered upon the fertile earth, and confidence,
seems to be fully restored.
Your correspondent, mindful of tbe iu
teres t that the Times-Moontainkek has
always taken in the welfare of tbe settlers
of the country tributary to The Dalles,
again takes up the rusted pen, to contribute ;
a few newt notes to tbat valued weekly
visitor. First let me say- that tbe copious
showers we had last week bat already given
a spring-like tinge to tbe pastures, and
caused tbe young germ of wheat to push up
through the mellow earth, and wave and '
smile over this barren waste. . ,
Dr. Koontz and wife, of Wasco, are vis- .
iting at hit old home. Tbe doctor will
probably remain with at ior some time, in
order to be free from the calls of bit profes
sion, that he may fully recover from the i
effects of hit recent llluesa, during which,
time we shall endeavor to make them feel at
home and ourselves enjoy tbeir splendid
Mrs. Kitty Sears, of Seattle, Wash., ia
visiting her mother, Mrs. J. R. Doyle, who
has been ailing for some time, but it rapidly
John Southwell and family left last Sat- j
urday to visit friends at Pendleton. - ;
A. P. Furgeson bat again resumed hi1 si-
ness at bis old stand on tbe Canyon City i
road. -
The new school house at Eight Mile will
be completed in a few days. It it a sub
stantial building and a credit to tbe dis
trict! A winter tern) of school will com
mence soon. .'
F. G. Connelly was called away to Hood'.
Kiver on business tbit week.
E. P. Koontz, who lives alone, went away
one morning last week and returning late at
night, found tbe lamp burning brightly;
whereupon be seized hit musket, and scour
ing the house from cellar to attic, called in
a loud tone for the intruders to "vaniouse
the ranch", but the bold thieves bad evi
dently retorted to leg bail, and it being
night be gave op the pursuit in disgust,
v..!,;.... . .i ...
mnnta "
Well, Mr. Editor, if thit it not consigned
to tbe waste basket. I may write again.
Iprath of Hln Rath Oateh.
Mr. D. M. French received the following
dispatch yesterday evening from Seattle:
Noy. 4. 1889.
D. M. French, Esq.,
Tell Maud Rath Gatch creased Deatb'i
river thit morning. i
HBLEK Chamberlain. I
Mist Ruth was the second daughter of
Prof. Gatch, formerly principal of tbe acad-
emy in this city, but now president of tbe
state university at Seattle. She was a '
young lady of most estimable character. i
and of good natural ability. She wai
graduated from tbe academy in tbe clasa of
'85, we believe, and was the author of the
class poem. Prof, and Mrs. Gatch will re
ceive tbe heartfelt sympathy of a large oir-
cle of friends in this citv in tbeir tad and
irreparable bereavement.