i . 1 w : V - CIBBK3KT P3ETBV. THE TIME TO CHANGE. This is the time of year When men in a spirit frisky, Drop out of drinking beer, And drop into drinking whiskey. 'TIS VERY SAD. We note our neighbor's failings and we sigh And hopejhat he'll be wiser by and by. "yur neighbors study us and says 'tis sad -To see how we are going to the bad. TIS GETTING COOLER. The colder days of fall are here, And patrons now no mere compete In lively running races for The ojen grip-car's foremost seat But now they seek the winter coach, As once for open cars they strove, The seat for which they'll soon contend Is that one nearest to the stove. AN EMPT f SMELL Don't work for popular ado Or fickle praise, because There's naught so empty when it comes As posthumous applause. For when you die you may exject The common meed of fame; The thing you did was "so and so" And you were "what's his name." : THAT nAT. When walking down the busy street, With new and glossy tile, You fancy every one you meet Admires your stunning style. But how it makes you want a shroud, . When suddenly and pat There comes an exlamation loud, Where-did-youet-that hat? Wheredidyougetthathat? ' didn't speak as she passed tie. She looked very sweet. In a tailor made dress, And a hat that matched the gown. We flirted a little I must confess, Nor did she kill me by a fiown. But that very night, Ah! sad to tell, I gave up my hope with a sigh. She was a waiter girl At the big hotel, And she helped me to the pie. THE INCONSTANT. A pretty girl, A summer's night, A moon .- " .- Impassioned f;!low, A gentle word, . . A solemn vow, A kiss And all is well, oh. Ainthe girl, A lother night, Sane moon Th is far, 'tis well, oh! But if we took Another look, We'd see . .. Another fellow. TV ha' TiifyWooil dj ir Inry Were Woraeu. Robert J. Eurdeite. What would I do if I were a women? I wouldn't try to be a man. Cat that - out and paste it on year lookiag -glass, daughter, and it will bean ormmeLt of grace unto thy head and chains about thy neck many times a da;. I wouldn't shudder and groan every time the name of the Monster was men tioned, bnt I would studiously avoid ac " quiring the lightest of his many accom . plishmenta and the best of his manifold ways. I woul l never learn to lay a fire, in - range or tireplaca. Every time I touched a fire, summer or winter, I would put it dead out. Then I'd never be expected to make one. The first loaf of bread I l-aked I would let drop on the dog and kill him. Then I'd never ba asked to bake bread ag&iu, and I'd get a new dog. j When I descended into the laundry, I would manage to bring out all the fancy flaunels white as ghosts, and all the wLite skirts as blue as the skies of June. Then I'd never he asked to assist at the wash tub again. I would pinch every baby that was - given me to bold, blank and blue in half a dozen places before it could catch its , breath euoagh to shriek, and I would frighten the life or tease the temper out of anybody's children whom I was asked to amuse. Then I'd never be troubled with other people's young ones, and no body would ever ask me to teach the in fant class while the tired teacher took a vacation. If I had to sit on the front seat when asked to drive, I would carry a large sun umbrella and conge the driver's eves out . and run the team into a fence corner the first mile out. Then I'd get the back ' seat on the shady ide every time after ward. I would always sit sideways in a street car. Then I would have plenty of room. I would wear a carriage dress in the street car if I had no other place' to show it off. , I would smash something choice and expensive every time I swept a room or dusted a parlor. Then I'd never be asked to do such work. In church I would never rise during the singing and never kneel during the prayers. Then people would notice me and say, "Who is that pretty girl with such lovely eyes?" At the theater I would wear the big gest hat obtainable. At cricket and lawn-tennis matches I would sit in the front row and raise my parasol. I would cultivate such charming help lessness, such hopeless innocence, such . pretty childish ignorance, such fascina ting dependence, such dainty baby ways that people would say, "Oh, we must take care of her she dosn't understand these 'things." Then all my life long I would be pc'ted and coddled and fondled and cared for in a thousand ways, where more independent women have to '-hustle" for themclves. That is, drughter, if other women would care for such a sweet little bit ol helplessness. Maybe they would. You know better than I do how women re gard that sort of a womun. But, you. can gamble your piece of mind, your love of case and all your en joymeLts or lite that the Monster Man wouldn't torment the solitude of such a women with hia presence longer than a day or two, SDd she would thus be soared one of the greatest annoyances to which mankind is subjected. A. Woman Cat. " The "Woman Cat'" La Femme-chat who ban just escaped from the SaUf tt liere Hospital, iorms a frtquent topic of sensational tuik and conjecture just now. It appears that last week, a good-looking and apparently healthy girl of fifteen, was taken to the hospital by her friends. She was examined by Dr. Fannaud. and while he was looking' at her eyes, she suddenly went on all fours, her lenturef became distorted, her eyes glared, and imitating the mewing of a cat. sheen deavored to bite the persons who were standing near her. After having acted for several months in this manner, the patient began to lick her bands, and then gradually returned to her senses. When under examination by -Dr. Charcot, the sir! had another attack of her malady, f .J'ich is called galeanthropie hystcrique. and she bit the eminent surgeon severely in the leg. Dr. Charcot, had hopes ct . eurinz the patient, but she suddenly dis appeared from the Saltpetriere, and is now wanaering m mru imuugu tuns A Test For Tea. r A Russian analyst gives the following as a test by which tea can be proved to be genuine or not: Take a pinch of tea in a glass, pour npon it a little cold water and shake it up well. Ture t a will only lightly color the water, while a strong infusion is quickly got from the adul teiated or painted leaf. Now boil both sorts separately, and let them Etand till cool, and the difference between them will be most marked. The false tea will become still stronger after a long stand in", but will remain transparent, wheie as'pure tea will become muddy or milky. 1 his last appearance arises fiom the tan r.ic acid, which is a natural property in -1 ure tea, but which in ai tificial tea it en tirely absent. - C3E ICE-W FKISE STOB7 Is W.JPrly sought Tor, roa'J with rlranre or nipointinent, is then tosmd asiilu and forgot ten. But liulK-s who read of lir. Pierce's Fa vorite Proscription, read it agniu, for thoy dis cover in it something to prize a messrajjer of joy to those suffering- from functioi:itll"ranro iiients or from any of the painful Ui'iorders or weaknesses peoulhir to their fct'i. Periodical mills, internal inflammation and ulceration, eucorrhea and kindred ailments readily yield to its wonderful curative and heulin? powers. It is the only mcdiciuo for women, sold ly drujrrisu, under a positivo gr.aranteo from the manufacturers, that it wui pivo satis faction in every cn&u or money will bo re funded. This guarantee lias been printed on the bottle-wrappers, nnd faithfully carried out for many roars. J1.00 by druggists, or lxx bottles tor $o.C0. Copyright, 1SS8, by World's dis. JIzd. ass's. DCCTOn ACiTPff'.? S PiEHCE'S l n W r-. ri i ffrs Ut&UarmliSM. Tjnequalcd as a Liver Pill. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to Uikfc. Oiio Pellet a Hose. linos not grripe. Cures &ilc IJsrd nelis, Uilioos Heaslnrhc, Coi!i;wi ticu, Indieestlon, lUliona AltscUs, and ail derangements of tho stomach and bowels. Put up in glass vials, hermetically Eeuted. Always fresh and reliable. Geiniy laxative, or an activa cathartic, neeoriiinj U) tiz3 ox doea. 2a oeuig, by drufctfisto. Land NwfJcos. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1S7S NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Offic at Tub Dallfs, Or., October 14, 1SS9. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the art ft conifress of June 3. liiTS, cn- iileit "An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wuaiiing ton Tenitorv," Abraham V. Iibrcw, Of Hood River, County of Wasco, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. St. for the mirchase of the E ,i of the &fc 14 nnd M w f of the SK t ol sec is, Lin, it tu c, anu wi 1 offer nroof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural putposcB, and to establish his claim to aid land be fore the reiristcr and receiver o this office at The I 'alles, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 24th day of Decom- Der, ihs He numes as witnsef : Albert B. Joiies. Audubon Winans, Vilson It. Wi nans, Elmer E. (iriltiu, all of ilend River, Orciron. Anv and all persons claim nif adversely the abuve' described iauiLi are reiuts ed t) fiie tin ii claims in this oinee on or before the said 24th day of ieccin- ber, Ibc'J. F. A. MCDONALD. Keakter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lass Officii at Tin Dallks, Or., October 3, 1SS9. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlor has filed notice of his intention to commute and make final proof in 6upP0rt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The tiaiies, ur., on Aovcmoer z.-, lobtf. viz : Jlayden Oneal, Hd 2636, for the SW 14 Sec 4, T 3 S, R 14 K. He ntmes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land viz: WillarJ Wright, of Nansene, Or.. Lafayette Davis, Ezra Hcnwu, Jr'ruhk Graves, of Kinkier, Or. oc!9 F. A. AlcUONALD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Okfici at Tub Dalles, Oiikoon, October 7, 1SS9. Notice is hereby aiven that the following named settler has filed notice ct his intention to make filial proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on November 25, 1889, viz: William II. Aenbenelc. D S 5884, for the bW Sec li, T 3 S, E 13 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residcuce upou and cultivation of said land, viz: Hugh Gourlay, Walter Henderson, Thomas F. Morris, Robert Kelley, all of Kinirs'ey, Or. F. A. ilcDONALD, Uepster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Offick at Tub Daubs, Oa., Octobci ltl, 18S9. Notice is hereby given that ths followini; named settler has filed uotice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will on made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on December 14, 1SH9, viz: Hubert Tlii?l, Hd 3317, for the lots 2 and 3 and SW y of NE U and SE M of N W Ji , See 20, T 2 N, R 12 13, W M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residcuce upou aud cultivation of Baid land, viz: Robert Densmore, John Hiler, of Mosier, Or., and Ernest Frederick, Daniel Thomns. of The Dalles, Or. oct!9 F. A. llcDONALD, Retster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakb Offick at Thk Dalles, Oe., October 16, 1S89. Notic9 is hereby eiven that the following named settler has filed notice of hU intention to make final pnof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the register and receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or,, on Novem ber 27, 1889, viz: John F. Boot, Hd 1251, for the SE !4 of the SiV A, W yt of tie N W and NW of the SWJ, See S, T 1 S, U 13 E. He names the following witnesses to prove bis t ontinuous residence upon aud cultivation of said iand,viz: G Joseph Means, A. B. Mott, A. J. Grubb, Thomas ray, all of The Dalles, Or. octlO F. A. MCDONALD. Register. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Offick. Tns Dalles, Or., October 21, 1889. Notice is hereby given that William F. Kclin Has filed notice of his intention to make final proof before Ririster and Receiver U.S. Land Office at their ofBca in The Ddles, Oregon, on Monday, the 9th day of D eember, 1889, on timber culture ar plication No. 406, for Lots 1 asd 2 and the SE i of the NE 1 of Se 4, T S S, K 14 E. H names as witnesses W. T.vWrigtt, Jame W. Moore, Polk Butler and G. T. Kelle , all of Nansene, Wasco county, Oretton. or26 F. A. McDONALD, Register. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State c-f Oregon for Wasco County in an action entitled Geo. AVatkinu vs. Sterling Stajfffs and to me ilirccted and delivered, 1 did on the 25th day of October, 1889, levy upon and will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, fur cash in hand, on Saturday, the 7th day of December, 1889, at 1 o clock p. m. of said day, at the Court House door in Dalles City, in Wasco county, Oie aron, the folKwinsr described property, to wit: MX of the runt, title and interest of tho said Ster)injr Starrs of, in or to Lot 10, in Block 8, in liigelow's addition to Dalles City, Wasco Co,Orcon,or bo much thereof as shall be sufficient to satiny the sum of $3G.OO with interest thereon at the rute of S per cent, from Sept. 1(J, A "D. 18&9. ' Taken and levied upon as the property of Sterling Stass to satisfy eaid sum of $36.00 and interest I jn Af r u'.ii,;.,, 4 ..nikn. i u 1 costs and accruing co.-ta. GEORGE II EB BERT, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. DaUd at Dalles City. Or , Oct. 25, 13&9. Notice. I have endeavored to personally see the owners of city property, in ordtr that I miAjht make au intel ligent and equitabp assessment. In many case I have failed to find tlte parties at home. Believing that mv duty in the premises has been fully done, an 1 finding my lanreeto- k of patience at a very low ebb, I oiHci:illy request all those whom I hive not seen, to eali uion uie at my rtflce a b-on us practi cable. HUGH GOUKLY, County Assessor. Changre of School Dooks. 2?olice to Whom'it May Concern.'. The new series of school books adopted l.y the last lecrf-rtature are now received. Thej' can be found at I, C. Niekeltsen'R dch k store, ar d will be exchanged irrati for the old lmoks, except the arill.metica, on which a little ducount is charged. aulOtd A. C. CONNELLY, SupL of Common Schools for Wasco County. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Biakely h C'ark lirs this day dissolved bv inutu U consent. The business witl be continued ut the old stand under the firm name ai;d style of i.i&Keiv nounton. tne iatu.r ntiinet intiuuiau having purc-haud the interest of Mr. Clark, who re- vires from the tirm. All bills aud accounts due the late firm are payable to tho firm of B'akety & Houglitm. . Oct. 11,1&9. Board of Equalization. . The Board of Eqiiatizat.'tn for Wasco county wi'l meet 11 tnc t cu-t House 111 Jailes City Octooer 2s, ana win contmuj in session one weeK. H GOUKLAY Assessor. G.T.THOMPSON. A.W. FARGHER. THOMPSCH & FARGHER. General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St. Horse-Shojinp; and General Jobbing a, Specialty- Prices reasonable aud to suit the times. Tygh Valley Mercnant and Exchancg ROLLER MILL. Flour Canal t the Best. 3IU1 Feed Alw.13 8 on Hani. Satisfaction Guaranteed. sp21 W. M. McCOKKLE, Prop. MinonaJieorrs. Sprini Scattered nerres, tired train, lmpnro blood, debilitated system, all are the natural out come In the Spring. A medicine must be used, nnd nothing equals Palne'a Celery Com pound. "We let others praise us you cannot help believing a disin terested party. Briindler-Oeneral YT. L. Greenleaf, Burllns- ton. VU, writes: "I nave used i-aines (.eiery Compound on several occasions, and always with benefit. Last spring, belntc very much run down and debilitated, I commenced taking It, Two bottles made uie feci like a new man. As a general tonic and spring medicine 1 do not know ol its equal." Color Anything my Color. ,t c, fioy Tn SimplcIMroble, Economical. TINWARE AND I J teSjiiSgpip TO MAKH !f 'Jll fM&Sp' ii SiffeAsk your Grocer for m fTCO GRAND I FISH & BAM 113 WASHINGTON STREET. BET. SECOND San f f&meigso Iser Hall SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COUKT. F. LEMKE, -:-Columbia Brewery Beer,:-: jisr Foil ssyVLi: ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, tlie very best Imported The One Price COR. SCON2 ir . ! 1 icvii-Mi irv Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for fcs Eutterick Patterns, also forths Hall Bazaar Cress Forms, FT. STS A A Funeral The TJndersigned has Added Metallic, Cloth-covered, Bar! and Sosewood Caskets, Burial Eobes and Sbronds. Trimmings and owls the 31 est lilegaxxt f Eearse cus-t of lite caonntains with all tho latest improvement. NO BEX AT IN TILLING ORDERS. Plao of BDHineKM. Thinl street, three doors house, and adjoining his Plaitiii Uill and YVagon Shop. 11 ace of Itesitlcnce. Fourth street, comer and uight. Ja29tl Tents, Wagon Covers. ATC TITIL OLD STVIVX. Conntrv Orders Promptly atemled to marli-M Aif General Wagon-Makers' and rocerie t3?Sole Arch for the IlirROVEl) THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, l.I. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Argelica 83, Mountain 83 in Grcgorio Vinej-nrtl Co. Agency. All Vines and Brandies The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." "I haTO used two bottles of your Tatnc's Celery Compound, and It has given entire sat isfaction us an appetizer and blood purliier." rf T. L. Ueksek, W'atertown, Dakota. " Paine's Celery Compound is prescribed by physicians, recommended by druirgists, endorsed by ministers, praised by users, and guaranteed by the manufacturers, as a sprluir medicine which will do nil that is claimed for it. Use It this spring, and see how quickly it tones you up. Purifies the Blood. Full accounts of Tvonderful cures made by Paine's Celery Compound after other medicines and the best plivsieiana had failed, sent free. There's nothing like it. Sl.co. Six for $5.00. Druggists. Vells, Richardson- & Co., Kurlington. VS. HYP WITH MIMIND DYES ,f.l?r?W " HARDWARE' AND THIRD. - - - PRO PR, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cash House, AND COUHT STS.. WM. MIC HELL, AND Piiotor. to his Business a full line of Black, White, French of a.i descriptions at tlie Lowest Prices cast of Gibons, Macillbter & Cu's agricultural ware ol Washington. Can be sen at all hours of the dny WM. MICHELL. mm & ti i, Successors to L. D. Fbaik, deceased. Wholesale and Bctail Dealers Leather & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings, Etc a N n 1 ACBinJLTUBAL MACEIHEEY, - cm HARDWARE, IROH, STEEL. Blacksmiths' Stock. MONARCH Washing Machinc-a Burgundy 83, Zinfardel 34, Kieslicg 83, Hock 83, Table Claret. gaipiapifflj, Ircliaiise Guaranteed Strictly Pure. I.cgal Notices. SU3D!0X. In the Clnuil Court of tl- SWtc of O--on f..r the t.'oiintv f W usco. Walter F. liurreil and 1. V. Th.ni f.u, Tl lintilfs, vs Abel II. Uufur. Cliris":i 1 lufur, Aiplia K. Uuiur, Klz:ilitth Dufur. Ann .Mc Jlaster ami J.-icpli M.JIc jlastcr, lt.lciid;.:i:-'. To Amy JleMastur and Josii-i. -M. llellastcr, Uio above nam'efl tlcfeuluit: In the i.ain : nf the State of Clr,-.'on, you r.ro l..; ri hv ri ii'iirtril to ni.iHar an.! ar.swt-r the omil'l 'N't 'i''"' a-a:nst you in itu anove cinitiu t'av of the ttnn f-f Ihe ;:!.oi' jtirtion 1 t-...:rt i,il.ii.-.ti ... inu' tiie txpiiatiijn cf six w. i' silli:nions, to wit. ly t-.c i!ln 1S?:, ali'l if you f:iil to - ' Ilaintilfs will apply t't'. for in their complaint, : .1 a-iirst the iliift-niiaiita A!.-lI ii fur, Alpha K. Imlur ami l'.l sum of tll'joo v.-ith intcrit tl1 eiu'hl poi- c- :it. i aoiiu n ii"i ru:ir, lio'.. aii-i y air.j if;. It:;-, v . i l'll luiiiir i. r liu r. II :it Ih.: r.t-i..f !tll fce, uii 1 ' :ii;i- liC c-Mti;.. .1 ...-:ri.w : , tlo.-ilu' the '.:.-ii .nalu'l ;. . . evn.!; .1 :i..'l fort V..T t'-'n.-i-inM!,.;- alhl l.ar.iu ...i ri'ht, lilto al.ti it;iM'stoi tin: ilro-ntlatit in and to thi-on rt.r','. 'i p e:oi-is, t" i: Tin S f tli.t NW ;, ami th" S ', of the: .NK 'i of Se.; 1. Ti - s '"" ,: l; "' M ,,: ami also a e.-rtjin tr.ict of iaml to S. To 1 S ol K l:i K f.f W M, i:o;itaiiiin l'i 4-o ai-n-s. 1. io the tr.ict on ui.h-ii is locatoi the IMifur l:o)! r Fioiirh.tf Mill, and parti- Hlarly ile-i-rihe t as f..;io.vs to wit: Coiiriii-t:ei" at Ihe XK eorii.-r of the SW i-4 ' liiu SK li of .Sci2:, Tp 1 S oi li 13 K of W .M. ami rmi nitl;; ttiinee W anil p. l'allel with the S ljoiui-::'ry line o.' taul tiee .i, 1 thind; thenee S ami prinilui uitli tiie K lioumlarv line of saiil Set! 8 e'-iain; thence E ami parallel with tiiu H liouril.-iry line of sai-i Soe St l chain-; thence -V ami pi'alicl witl. liio K honii ilarv line of ail Sec f caaiii-i to the place of lio-L'iniiiit-; also iiii'l fiirih. r, a s'rip of lami twelve felt wale, con .'hoi. .,' at a point ahout te n roils west . f The I'alhs ami Tijth V.tll.-y road, in the -terof ihe main channel ot Kifu-in Mile cic.-l;, where Ihe thin across said creek is loer.t.-d; thenccioan easier v iliricti. n toapomt ahout s rotlscastof the iriil.ti tlie terminus of the waterway con-trllitcd on this described tract of land, to-ctoir w ii.ii all Ihe w;dcr priih'!s eonvevcd hv lu:'ur I'.ros. to the luiiiir l'.oikr l'lourinz Mill Co.; and al-o the f.-ur storv null building l..calcd on ti.e above tlcsei ii.cd pari" of .Sec. 2o, Tp 1 S f HIS i: W M, with ah the niachincrv of every name ami kind therein. And also onlci'i::' tho sale of-Slid liiort( d pri-iiiioes and the appdiation of the proc-edsof such J"uie to wards tlie pavinelit of said judu'iiient and tne ex-pe::.-es i f niai.in,' siuli s.vle.an.1 tiiat any si:n reuiain hri ui!s-itL.:i..-il tl'irel.y shall l.e made srt.in tlie prop envoi the ileleiidants A: cl II. luiHir.Ci u is.-a Uufur, Alpha 1.. llufiir ami l.liz-.ioelU loifu.-, and for such owe.- and fuither relief as may be ..juiu.ils and JUV.'u are l.crcly notin.'-l that (Us snnmmns is serve I up -u v.,u bv pu!,:ie itio-i hv or.'kr of II. n. J. If. liird, Jmue of 'ihe revditli .luoi. i -l Di-tricf, i f tke Mate rf '.'rion, iu?.de on tile 'Jlli day of Sep Uliiijir, lcr'.h Ujted Dalits City, September 2T. lSC.NXi-.Tr a vhon-. se1:2it " A.t:e:neys for l'lai .tills. SU3I3IOXS. In the Circuit Court of the state of Orison for Wasco County. Joseph Stade'inan, l'laintlff, vs. tho Missionary So ciety of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Defendant. To the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episco . pai Church , the above name i defendant: ' In the name of the Sta'e o' Orca-o'i: Vou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against vou in the above cutilkd suit .within ten davs fioni the il ite of the servic-e of this suin ir.ons ueon you, if served v..;:.;u this eontv; or if served in any other county v i this stuc, tlien within tv.-entv davs tivm the it a of the service of this summons up-n y..tt, itp..l it y.crvcd bv publii-i-tion upon, then on or bei. ie ti.e lirst day of the next resrul ir temi of said curt, t- wit, Monday the 11th day of November, lii.i, that beiiu: the lir.st j j dieial day of said ti rm; and if you fad so to apinar for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against vou, declaring Kirst.'That piaint.ff is the owner in fee simple to the whole of the following descriiKd tract of real estate lying and beinir situated in Wasco county, Oregon, and beinjf more particularly described as follows, to wit: Begiuninir at a point on the township line between townships one ami two, where the east line of the Catholic .Mission Claim crosses said township line, thence south with said east line of B-ud Catho. lie Mission 807 feet to where it intersects The Dalles iliiitarv Keservation-line; thence N iiV 40" K with said Mditirv Reservation line 1S40 fei-t; thence N ! 'J'1G"W 141H feet to where it intersects the township line between townships one and two; thence west on said township line ! feet to the place of hesrin nina, and bem;; parts of the NK of tin NW and of the S1V of the NE i of S No. 4 in T 1 ES, It Vi E, and containing 10 81-100 aeies of land. Second, That the defendant has no riisht or title to said land nd that uefendent bo forever liarred , es topped and enjoined from settiiv; tip r.r claiming ant rij;ht or title or interest in said described land, and for such other and fuither relief as may seem just and proper in the premises and for his costs and disbursements of this suit.' This summons is published in The Dalles Timks Mol NT.ll.VKBll, by order of Hon. J. 11. Ilird, jild-re of the Circuit Court for the seventh judicial district ot Oregon. Dated at chambers at Dalles City. Oregon, this 4th day of September, IBM). STORY & r.KADSUAW, , Attorneys for l'llf. CITATION. In the County Cnuit of tli.i Slate of Oregon for Wasco Comity. In tlie Matte. of the Fstite yi Xancy Ca;cr,Uc ceascil Citation. To Julia A. Oban , Nettie i!arnutt, Charles A. l'.ar nctt, It. liradtii, Kaniy Cuuniiiyh.im ami IJzie 1'. Parker, heirs at la.v of tlie estate of Nancy Gaper, deceased, and all other persons, known and unknown, whu may be interested in said estate, Crcetiuy: In tlie name of the State of Oreson, you are here by cited aiid required to appear in the County Court t f the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasw, at the court room thereof, at Dalies City, in eaid cmin ty, on the 4lh day of .Novtuihtr, 3!), at ten o'ehiek in the forenoon of eaid rt:y, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made, authorizing and directing W. A. Oharr, the adniiiiistritor of said estate, to t.e-11 the following di seribeJ re;U entate, behuigin j to piiid estate, for thn purpose of ayin,j' and settling the un)a.itj claims agu'.ust said estate and expenses of administration thereof, to wit: The north i -st quarter and the norihecst quarter of section '3i in townsliip 1 i.orth of r;inyo 15, cast of WilUmctte Meridian, situate in Vasro cinuity, Oregon, and ycu are hereby notihed to appear be fore said court at the time and place aforesaid and show cause, if any there be, why said order shuu d not be made, and taid aboe premises sold as afore said. - . V. i'ness the Hon. Cleb N-. Thorn SEAL. ! bury, Juue ol liio said County Court, ' v- ' wi:h the teal of taid Court affixed this 2T;th day of September, A. I. Atttet: CEO. H. TIIOMrSON, Cleik. Cy J. II. HUNTINGTON, seu23tC Deuutv. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wasco. In the matter of the estate of Asa Stron?, deceased, late of the County of Wasco anu State of Oregon. To the heirs of said deceased: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby cited and rcauirei to appear in the county court for the state of Oregon, Wasco county, at the courtroom thereof, in l'ahes City, Wiaco county, Oregon, on Wednesday, the ("ah dy of Novt inotr A. l. list 9, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why said Court should not grant the petition of the administrator, now on file in said Court and make an order for the sale of the real property of the said estate, to wit: Commencing at a point on the north side of First or Main street in Dalles City. 45 feet, 6 inches westerly from the corner at the junt ti"h of Court and Main streets, thence 100 feec northerly at riu'ht am;!e3 to M'.iin street, to stake, thence 31 feet westerly and parallel to Main street, thenco southerly to Main street to a point 21 fet from the beginning, thence along the norih line of Main fctreet to the place of beginning, and bring part of lot 5, in Dalles City, Wasco county, Orc-ron, Said property being in Dalies City, Wasco County, Oreiron. Witness, the Hon. C. N. Thornbury, Judge of the above entitled Court, with the seal of the . said Court on this 5th day of Oct., A. D. lfcS. CALEB N. THOK.NBURY, County Judge. Attest: CEO. U. THOMPSON", County Clerk, 12oc4t by J. M. HUNTINGTON. Deputy CITATION. Ia the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wasco. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Whittaker, deceased Citation. To alt the unknown L'jirs, if any there be, or LI e above named ieceaseiT, Cieetin: In the name cf the state of Oregon. You are here by cited and rt;quircd"to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, at the couit room thereof, at Dalles City, in said cou'i ty, on Monday, the 4th day of November, ltrfcW, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon ot that day, then aud there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made and entered herein authorizing and di recting the executrix of the above named estate to sell all of the real estate belonging to said estate, to wi Lots J, a, and L i:i block te4 of the Fori Dailcs Military Reservation, in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oreg n. n . Witness, the TTon. C. Huirnhniy, ! skal. Judge of tie ty i tpt, v. i'ii the seal of s ad C-mit aiiUed, tins 2Cth dui of fcCiitcmher, A. 7. IStO. At -At: CEO. 11. XIIOMPi'OX, Cierk. Ey J. M. I UNTINCTON, sep2Std Deputy. Final Settlcmcai Notice. To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby iriveu that tin undersigned ad ministratrix cf the estate of Loranl Kimball, dt cjis e.. has filed her filial account w such ad uinistratrix with the Co nty Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, and that the judge of said court h ut appointed Monday, the 4th day of November, 18 9 at the hour of one o'clock P. M. as the time for he tr ing objections to said final account and the settle ment thereof. All heirs, creditors, or other pcrso is interested in said estate are hereby notified to a -pear on or before said time appointed for said heir ing and final settlement, and file their objection thereto, if any they have, or to any particular ito n thereof, specifying the particulars of such objec tions. Dated this d t ay of October, 1889. LlilUIE KING. Administratrix of the Estate of Loran Kimball, de ceased. Executor's Notice of Final Settlement. The undersigned hereby crive notice that they have filed their final account as executors of the last will and testament of S. B. Pratt, deceased, and that by order of the Hon. C. N. Thornbury, County tTudjre of Wasco County, Oregon, duly made and en tered on this day, Directing notice th-. reof to be pub lished herein, Tuesday, Nov 5, 1SS9, (that being the second day of the next regular term of the county court for said countv). at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., haa been appointed as the time, and the county court room of the county court house of said couutv has been designated as the place, for the hearing of objections to such final account, and the settlement tnereor. i. ii- 3:cukc,,k, N. W. WALLACE. Executors of the last will and testament of S. 8. Pratt, deceased. Dalles City, Oct. 4, lS89.-5t Dissolution Notice. The co-partnership heretofore existing be tree n J. H. Larsen and K. E. SaJtmarahe in the stock van: s and shipping business at Tha Dalles, Or,, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Sait marshe will continue the business and will collect all debts and assume all liabilities of the old firm. The Dalles, Oct. 22, J. n. LARSEN, K. E. SALTMAESHE. I thank all mv customers for their liberal patron age of the late firm, and bespeak for Mr. Saltinarshi a coutmuauce oi tne same. J. H. LARSEN. DEALERS IX Fine Upholstered O-oods Furniture, Car;et. Malting, l'arlcr Ornaments, Window Sbades, Etc. "CTncLertsilrliagr a, Specla,lt3r. Coffins, Caskets, llurtal Kobcs, Etc. an be t'ttnuA at all fonu f the titty or n'.'jht at their "phicc of hitsinesx, Yt'dshiiiyti.t treety tico doors north J'roui Scs'Hid. 7,',-i o'iied Lij!tt. C. E. DUNHAM, soLf. agent ran PAT? JuLYl-J 1873. feSllOllUIoi" Il-JteCSi, STATIOKSSY A D CIGARS. Pure Vi'incs and Liquors for Medicinal uses. Prescriptions com pounded at, all hours. call axd see H00SXES FEMCE KACHIHE, -TLY 1IACiIIXE that gives a continuous twist to the wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WOEKS, Strong, Durable, Neat, and the H B. I E 7!?, THE DALLES, KDWAKD WINGATE. 1870 - Hi. WIIOI.KtjALE ASD Pi 31 "11 . 1 Linnnn a m tin Dry Goods, Ciotlimg, Eoots Slices, taple and Fancy G-roceries, Crockery, Hardvare and Farm Implements. 800 to 304 Second St. THE DALLES, OKE&ON. PRTNZ & N ITSC H K E, WKOLESALR AU I1ETAIL Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the: public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing E which tus ani Oarpers at prices erto unknown in Oregon. A Fe-w of Our Quotations will ITardwood Iwnt Chairs, each 75 ct Cane Koekers 2 C' Ash Ueusteails 3 60 Wovcu-wire Hattretisea 3 50 Lounires...... 1 t-0 MFIRE MILLS, rmi enables us to sell y CaLLi AND S3JBI3 us:-c WascoW arehouseCo G. G. ROBERTS, Manager, Tlie Xallcsi, Oregon. The most desirable "Warehouse exhibition ForwardiDg, Consignments, Grading and Baling PKOJIPTLY JlY,X"X,XIVIIi:i TO. Cash advanced for freights and on consignments. Ililiest Cash Price paid for Wool, Pelts and Furs. Tho Gelobrated French Cure, "APHRODlTlfJE"! IS SOLD OS A. POSITIVE GUARANTEE to (Mire nny futtii ot nervous fiist-ii-ic, or ii iisnhr the j:i'!Ki.ilivc ctr- '?-:,es. Eiins of cither EtFOi-.E isint fmm tne AFTER exn-A-i e use of Stimulants, 'j olmccu or Ooinm ortlirouuli yoiirhful in-iiscnTirni. over itntuli- eiicc, Ai1., such ns I.ois of liiaiu Power, Wnkeful- ness, l,oiii niii down fnnmin tlie Hack, Sei:)inal enuness. iiysrci m, Nemms rn istniiion Nocturn al .Emissions. IMicuri lid -a. in.Am-an, WYak Mum- or,j-ossot I'owcriunl Innw'toiu'V. which if ne- plectCM t.Xifix lc:iI to vrctiuinucol. n;c;iiiit iiisnn ity. Ti ic $1.00 n box. C boxes for f'.W fc-ciit by mail on ro-ciitof iit-ice. A X II I Tf KN (( AI A NT K Tl Tr evorv f ' DC orier. to rcfnul the itm:i.-- ii a J't-i m:tncnt on re is not otUi'tc-l. T::'tiwm!s f testiinoninis from ohi nw yotmir. of both exes, jominenTly cured bv a1')ii:mtitinr. firn.;nr free. A-i iress THE APHRO MbDICiNE CO. WESTEUX VP. vyru. BOX 27 roIlTLAXD, OR BLAKELEY & KCUGHT0N, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE IALXCH. Oitr.OX. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smitli, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 213. THE DALLES, OEEGOS. Vrrrt?(tc to euro 5SF ,nd Optloiaiio Keeps ill tttiek a full line if Eazors, Knives, Scissors, PATEIir EIECICINES. SOAPS, SrOXGES, F.UBBXP. GOOBS, sc .SO- Cheapest Fence .in the World. Proprietor. OREGON. fllKS. K. WINGATE, 18SS. Of old firm of E. Wiagate & Co RKTAIL DEALEIIS In i. , h ii s , f? a a 3 S$&z VJ 's Convince th.a iiosc Sceptical : 1M"US3 SIS 00 Aii liciir.Kini Sets 25 I!r!i3?o!s Carpi'13, i.-r :,ai-d 76 Ingrain Carpettf, do Ja20 in town for the stoiage and to buyers. VZ1E OLD l:T.Vl-!.SIli 1 COLUMBIA BREWERY Second St., East Und, AUGUST BUOHLER, PROP. Has been refitted UiroaLotit with the LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY, And is now manufacturing the Best Keg and denied Besr and Porter In EastornOregon. BIr. Iluchlcr alwi3Ti aims to adorit cve latest brew in apjAiratns and will furniah hia customers bvt enuaX toauy in this market: wtf HENEY I. KUCE, Manufacturer of aod dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THB DALLES, - . OREGON All IVoclt Ciuartn'eed to Give Sat isfaction, 1,500 SPANISH MERINO RAMS. From the Eiiurock Sheep Ranch. te have foh this sf.asox-s thahe, ko riiomiutaiBUED and 1000 high grade V liam-i, all of wlili-h are in fino conilition, ami free (rem ilieesc. Wo consider our runm fur this s- axon's trade, the bef t lot we have uer cllered to ihe puuiic. and only ask an iiisiectioii to irovo what Tiioso wisluni; rams would On well to call early, select, brand, and leavo Uicm with us FREE of ClIAUUE until oreedin season this fall. Prices Lower tlmn liver, mid ci msICusy. Thatikliis our mp.iiy patrons for their vc.y liberal patraua'o accorded as in tho past, we respectfully solicit an inspection of our stock this season. Our ranch is located on The Dalles and l'rinovillo Stago Koad at HAY CREEK, Crook County, Oregon. For further particulars, call on or adi'rcP", BALDWIN SKEEP AND LAND CO., Sitcckskop. to VAN HOKTEN BI108. CO.. Hat Ci, On TIT! SUCCESSORS E. WINGATE Ac CO. A COMPLETE LIKE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC "Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Faarm Implemeats. STUQEEAKER WAGONS. HACKS AND BUGGIES. A. . L. NEWMAN lias opened a VJt as'L .c3i m W u3 Corner of Second anl Union Sts. GROCERIES, COINED GOODS. PHOVISIOFIS. ETC. The groceries will ba new and fresh, and such as are demanded in this market. In connection with the Grocery will supply Bread and Fastry of all KEMOVAL ! IIIIOVVIL ! Removed to 176 and 178 Second St., ZD. "W Ed-wards, -PEALEU IN- Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS IVIAT'ISIIIA.IS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Pole, Etc. Oil Paintings, ChrQinos (iiiii feierl Commission iiiii Forwarding Merckiiif. 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, (Adjoining Railroad Dppot.) Consignments Solicited ! ! Prompt Attention to tnose who favor ma with tlieir patronaffo. The Highest Price paid in Cash for Vv'heat, Barley, Etc., Etc. Jew THE DALLES. OREGON HDLSY l BIHNOTT, Proprietors, LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Frss DsTinlbas to and from the Hotel. . , Fire-Prcof Safe cr the Safely cf all Va!uab!bS. Ticlcfand Sagnit'l- Office of Ihe On-rjon Haihray ,b Ntviqn!icn Ccmrrny, and Office oj the 'WcMtrn Union TelnjrajJi Company, are in e lIoUl. TBMXS DEPART FEOM THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 P W 'K R WALLA WAL1A. 2MO 1'. M. POKTLAN1) C.JSTUBLING, , PBOPBTETOB GBRMANIA BEER HALL. : FINEST . WinesLiquors and Cigars Always On Hand. ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. 500 Men Wanted To Unload Shcooners -At the NEW BEER HAIL, Court atrret. Between Mala and Sccouu. T!m,nni rni Cirars of tlie beat domestic and imported brands on sale John Donovan, Frop. IS & Co., TO LATE FIRM- kinds. and Steel Engravings. runuuuiii u ErTS It., mum House, C. N. THORNBURY. T. A. HUDSON. TDORXBCRY-& HUDSON, mi Tin li rircLile anaAcci INSURANCE 2vdonc37; to X-oaix 03 Real Estate tate. Chattel and Personal security. JSu to "If hinds or Land business 6- TI'iZ nllend fore the tf. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 sxd H, mun, u. c. una umn puuuinn. THE PAT.I.F.H. VKEUOH. f i 1 V