u f 7-') win mil wiiti .unjtijjuMnMi SATUTDAY.. .OCTOBER 28. 1889. a free ballot Jo. Sunday's Oregoniai was pub lished in the telegraphic columns an address by the state executive Repub lican committee of Mississippi. We may feet aBiiured that the Interests of this country will be carefully watched. The future looks bright for there- publics on the western hemisphere, and with a uniformity of interests they may work in harmony for self ish ends. TURKISH BARBARITIES t The Russians have been busily at dislike very much to be constantly writ- work recently in discovering persecu ing on intimidation in the south, but I tiond of Christians by the Turks in while the facts remain that the laws I Armenia, and they claim to have un are not enforced in a portion of the earthed a system of barbarity never country, that citizens in this free gov- I enualled in modern history. From eminent are deprived of the ritjht of the tine of Peter the Great the north suffrage,- and that assassination and I ern empire has had an eye on Constan intimidation are employed to influence I tinople and an outlet by means of the the ballot, it is justice that the state Mediterranean sea. Unfortunately of affairs should be spread before the for 'the white czar he has no seaport American people. The address is as of any consequence except Archangel, follows: I and this in such a northern latitude . As Republicans of Mississippi I that it does not add to his importance we are compelled to withdraw our state ticket. We knew that our votes would be stolen and our voters driven from the polls, but we' hoped that in the larger towns and cities at least the semblance of free speech might still remain to us, but our can didates are not safely allowed to dis cuss or protest. We desired especially to go before the whole people of the state and challenge the Democrats to a comparison of principles and record?. When the armed revolution of 1875 wrested the state from us, Mississippi was the only Southern state unbur dened with a state debt She has a Democratic one. Mississippi is gov erned by a minority despotism, and we appeal to our country for redress. The constitution that we adopted is the only one in the South so satisfac tory now that it has not been changed. Our laws stand substantially . un changed . and unrepealed, but we are Republicans and this is our offense. For fourteen years, ever since the infamous Mississippi plan was sdopted our path has been mark ed by the blood of our slain not only the well-known leaders who bravely died, but faithful followers known only in the cabins of the lowly. We refer not only to such well-known slaughter as those of Kemper and Copiah, Clinton and Carrolton, Wakalak and Vicksburg, Yazoo city and Le Flore, but nameless killings as a maratime power. The allied na tions of Europe control the Dardan elles. and in every instance lie has been balked of accomplishing his pur pose. At the dose of the last war with Turkey his victorious armies was in f'lll march towards Constantinople until the guns of the British fleet were pointed towards Ins soldiers and he called a halt. If it had not been for the statesmanship of lieaconsfield Russia to-day would have had control of the narrow strait between the Black and the Mediter ranean seas, and would have dom inated the commerce of southern Europe. But the bull-dog tenacity of the British premier stopped this game of the wily despot, and ever since he has looked jealously towards this out let to the ocean. From the past his tory of Russia for two hund red years, it is reasonable to believe that these Turkish barbarities are manufactured by Russian diplomats to pick a quarrel wiili Turkey to get to the Mediterranean. The facts of this matter are that the Sultan's govern ment has been more liberal and lenient towards Christians and unbelievers in Mohammedonism than Russia. ltv frp.lr nnrl hflvnn. nn tiiorfiwava nnH J J i &" -j - I m i l i J r J by ways. These are the Democratic xurney uua gnuiw iruuu, i - arguments which crush us. We can science to all non-conformists, while dp no more. We dare no longer tue detestable despot of the north has carry , our tattered, blood-stained rnled evervthinsr with an iron hand. Republican flag. We appeal to the nation. Is national law and honor but a delusion and a snare? When we rely upon the guarantees of the national constitution, do we lean up on a broken reed? If so announce the policy boldly and acquit us of fur ther effort. When the amendments to the con- Jews have been persecuted most bru tally, and all unbelievers in the Greek Catholic church have suffered ter ribly. The Czar has no con science, no idea of right or wrong only acquisition of territory, and this he will accomplish by the most titution were adopted it could not be despicable and detestable means. This expected that the colored race would J latest ruse of barbarities in Armenia emerge from a condition of slavery to 0)031 ue taKen wua a aeal 01 al" one of intelligent citizenshio imme- Iowance b7 a11 fr minded men, and diately. There must of necessity be if war is inaugurated by the despot of ing that society responsible for the assassination. If the attorneys fcr the state can substantiate their allega tions this society will be in repute in the United States. We do not wish to be premature in expressing an opinion, but simply state if the Clan-na-Gael or any other society, advo cates the brn'al murder cf any obnox ious member, it is time that not only public opiniou but statutory regula tion put a stop to their operations. We have no room nor. welcome for any such in America, and it would be ad visable that every individual member emigrate to some more congenial clime. visable course for men of brains and enterprise in thi3 age of the world. Poor Livingstone ended his life in almost fruitless explorations, and Stanley's fate may be the same. From our territorial exchanges it seems that every town in' Washington I is increasing in wealth and prosperity and we are sorry we cannot say the same of the cities of Oregon. There are four cities in Washington with more population than any city in Ore gon. except Portland, which, a few years ago, were only small towns, The natural resources of this state are equal to any in the union, and tli only reason for the growth of Wash ington is the indomitable energy the people-in pushing business of nl kinds forward. This energy will build cities in desert places, and tak every advantage of channels of trade. Oregon appears to be. devoid of enter . ... . I. prise, and lies dormant wmie ncr neighbor is advancing. We cannot tell how long this will continue: but we presume until new blood supplant the sluggish current which now exists. North Dakota is suffering much worse from drcuth than Eastern Ore gon or Eistern Washington. Many families there are on the point of star vation, and relief must be speedy or there will be intense suffering from cold and lack of food. In one county in that ter ritory there have been three suc cessive failures of crops, and the present shortage in Eastern Oregon is the only cne experienced within the memory of any living white man. The Democrats have had glory enough in the resignation of Tanner as Commissioner of Pensions, and now see something delightful in the wordy warfare between him and Secretary Noble. Perhaps Cor poral Tanner was too much influenced in his official duties by friendliness towards his old comrades, but this is more easily excused than a pat) y to wards them. He may have talked too much; but he fought almost as hi during the era in our national -exist ence when foes from within and with out were attempting to undermine our free institutions. Corporal Tanner hobbles around nn two wooden pins, and every American must respect his patriotism and forgive his foibles. some lapse of years before the negro could take his place as an intelligent factor in the body politic; but in the interval he must be educated to the importance of the right granted him, and no sort of bull-dozing will ac complish this object. Intelligence has never been made a requirement of citizenship, the only requisites be ing race and pa riotism, and the former was abolished by the amend ments passed after the war. Full privileges as citizens have been granted our colored people, and there is every reason that the law should be enforced by the full power of the gov ernment if necessary. It is a disgrace to our free institutions and the chiv alric spirit of the south that the most cowardly and cruel means should be used to destroy the Republican vote in that portion of the country. We are glad to notice that the leading Democratic papers in some of the southern states have boldly denounced the methods in use, and there is hope that in a few years public sentiment will, demand equal protection for the ballot to'all classes and races in every state of the union. Europe other nations will not sympa thize w ith the movement, but will use the force of arms to keep the despot in check. A MERCHANT MARINE. Since, the rebel privateers drove our commerce from the high seas the mer chant marine of the United States bas not been very large. A good portion of our products has been car ried in foreign bottones, and the grain fleets which leave our shores annually have been principally composed of English ships. It may be that with the increase of diversified industries it was found more advantageous to sell our products at home than to export them. But the policy of pro- The growth of the west is nowhere more apparent than in the four new states which will soon be admitted into the union. New Tork, with her 36 electoral votes, has always been considered the pivotal state of the. union, and during elections a common saying is, "As goes New York so goes the nation." But Mr. Frank Hiscock, senator from New York, says this will bi true no longer. The center of pop ulation is moving west, and the day is not far distant when the voice of Cali fornia, Oregon, Washington and Idaho will not be unheeded in the national legislature. After the next census the states which now have such a pre ponderance ot representation will wit ness others in the line of progress, and whose votes in congress, if consoli dated, will outnumber tbeirr. "Westward the star of empire takes its way," is as true now as it was fifty years ago, and its course will only be stopped on this continent by the waves of the Pacific The growth of the northwest during the last de cade has been phenomenal, and it will be so during the next ten years. With the advent of railroads and the erection of manufacturing industries We have several ti it- call A t! e attention of the readers of the Times mountaineer to the tact that mines of gold, silver and coal could be made accessible to this city, and by the ex ercise of proper business enterprise they could be made a factor of de velopment to this city. Appropos of this subject, Mr. Crandall has just returned from the Clackamas mines, distant about seventy miles, and brought with him some very fine specimens. These contain good indications, and it is very likely they will assay well. However this may be, it would be a good plan for our business men to develope some of the sources of mineral wealth which are tributary to this city. Senator Dolph is right when he says the standard gauge theory for over coming the obstructions between The Dalles and Celilo is a "political hobby of Gov. Pennoyer and ridden to deal ." The board of engineers have decided on a boat railway, .and to spring a new scheme on them is only to indefinitely postpone matters for the relief of producers and shippers in the Inland Empire. Every day boats which have been for years in the trade of the upper Columbia are used on the mid dle and lower river, and the fallacy that craft competent to overcome' the rapids and shoals above Celilo can not be used below The Dalles and the Cascades is apparent to the most casual observer. A recent report says that 10,000 negroes are preparing to immigrate from Texas to Mexico, presumably to better their condition in many ways. wealth and population will be at- Some of the evils they complain of are tracted, and the wild west will change rea,i while others are purely imagi its character to one more in conso- nar7 I here will be no prejudice be ... . . I e 1 .1 - r . . nance with the spirit of advanced cause oi coior in we juextcan repuo- civilization. -Ici and a black man will be accorded the same privileges as one of lighter color. . Society and business will be open to them, and if this is their highest desire this wish will be grati fied. That these colonies will form 4nn(.'nn liAn n n anlinniuiil I n . I .. ... I ... . ai&o " oiiuauvwu iud cjwcucuujr the police system oi this great city prosperous communities cannot be of our manufactured articles that they I has been put to a severe test in I assumed; but will require actual dem should seek foreign markets, and with these two cases: but it can no onstration by experiment. the construction of our new navy it is more reflect on the city in gen desirable that we should have a fleet eral than the Whitechapel murders of ocean-going vessels to carry our do on London. There are lights and flag and our fabrics to foreign ports, shadows in every large city, and in the It cannot be expected that we shall shadows will lie found crime and vil attempt to send fabrics to Manchester iftiny cf the deepest dye, and in the or cutlery to bheffield, although these sunlight beneficence, benevolence and Christian charity. In the slums of We have advocated boring for ar tesian water in this neighborhood, and we are glad to see a movement on foot with this object in view. Sufficient money has been subscribed to begin the work and continue it for some length cf time, and we feel certain that more will be forthcoming when needed. If a supply con be secured by this means it will lie both econom ical and healthful, and the force will be sufficii nc for all lmrpiws. Our minister to Central America has settled the difficulty between Costa Rica and Nicaragua over canal mat ters, and the American company can prosecute their work without hin drance. When the American Hug floats oyer the commerce from the At lantic to the Pacific, via the Nicaragua canal, the United States, and especially the Pacific ccast, will reap great bene fit therefrom. TELEGRAPHIC. GREAT STORMS AT SEA. Sax Fbascisco, Oct. 23 The steamer Cosmopolis, which arrived in port to-day from Uray s harbor, met with rough weather on her way down. Captain Dett mers reports that when off Cape Blanco the steamer's shaft was bent and three blades ot her propeller were broken oiF by beavv seas. She was also short of coal, and had to beat her way dowa in her disabled condition against a strong head wind. The steamer St. Paul, Captain Erskine, thirteen days from Ounalaslta, arrived in port this evening with tweuty-eight sa loon and forty-eight steerage passengers. She reports having experienced strong cast and southeast winds during the pa&t ten days with heavy rains. She left at Ounalaska Octoker 9, the steamer Dora and the schooner Pear and both were to leave for San Francisco a few days later. Her cargo consisted of nineteen hundred cases of salmon and twelve packages of personal effects. A HORRIBLE 6IGHT. Sacramexto, Oct. 22. The coroner this morning wus notified that a maD was run over by the train near Antelope, and scDt a man out after the body. It was iound that he was horribly mangled. His legs were split open and broken in several places. Hips were knocked from their sockets and his ribs broken. The skull was mashed in and altogether the remains presented a horrible sight. A card in. his pocket read "Dick O'Mallcy." Deceased wore good clothes and hud 275 on his person. He was probably lun over by the train last night. LONGEVITY RATION CASE. Washington, Oct. 22. Army officers are much interested in a longevity ration case now pending before Second Comp troller Giikeson, involving the question of pay ior longevity ratioss for almost every officer in the army. The total amount ot all claims involved is about $1,500,000. When the first claim was presented to the second auditor it was disallowed. The court of claims, however, decided that officers were entitled under the law to an allowance for longevity rations, and the supreme court affirmed the decision. The second comptroller still hesitates to allow the claim", as he is douotful as to whether the decision of the su preme court operates to reopen account; that have already been settled. The sec ond comptroller has devoted much time and thought to the case, aud has finally written to the attorney-general asking his There is a rumor afloat that Chit f Arthur is cn trial at the engineers' convention in Denver. Very proba bly there are some radical men in the Brotherhood who do not agree with the conservative views of Mr. Arthur; opinion on the subject. but the larger class of e itineers en dorse his course while in charge of the organization, and will willingly detend nis actions bciore the conven tion. ei'idejucs in onio. Cleveland, Oct. 22. A special from Fremont, says that at the village of Woodville, in this county, nearly one- third of its citizens are the victims of typhoid fever and diphtheria. Last week there were ten deaths from typhoid fever, Ann nnnrlv llinr nnmhpr trim Hmlif T- - f .1. TT.:..J Oi.... I" . .-....Uii au i" jia me uuiueu oiaira omi excitement prevails in the town will have as good a navy as any mar- antl business is entirely suspended, atime nation on the continent, and TnE JArA1 floods. with proper coast defenses she need B ?A.N Fkansco, Oct. 22.-The steamer TI nf. fpar fnlKalnl witn nrnnuln n,nn I - I -r..i.l rr-i t 0 ....... i nuu xuKuuuum. ii:e japneso paper: archies. This country, when Droperlv state tnI complete returns from the per I I. ... . . T A ..!. . 1 .rttr " . equipped, can take charge of htr own affairs and warn other nations "hands off' the little republics in the western hemisphere. The representatives of the different countries on t i continent now visit ing the United States to take part in the Pan-American congress were 'ele gantly entertained in Chicago yester- fecture of Arcln show that 685 peonle were drowned and 121 injured during the floods of September 11, and that over 1000 houses were swept away, and thous ands oi acres ot crops destroyed. MONTANA POLITICS. Helena, Mont., Oct. 22. The bitter ness of feeling between the two parties is increasing daily, and the fight between the newspaper organs at Helena is raging nerceiy. ice uepuuticans bold the Dem ocrats responsible for the delay in the ad mission of the territory, and the Demo crats take the same position A meeting of the luuges of the su day. The city exerted herself to do her best on the occasion, and as usual preme bench was held in Helena vester- the Queen City eclipsed the effort of day J consider the application of Justice "luu.i.w.Ljr una uouuiry. district couit at JJutte, to consider the mandamus ca3e to came before him. He DeDew has madn a nrpdir-Mnn tht wa8 granted bermission. Court will con- 1 r i wann ntnti. oq ;nDua r at i a New York will have the world's fair in 1892, and that Harrison and Cleve land will head the national tickets the same year. Chicago may have some thing to say rpg rding the first part A nORRIBLE CRIME. Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 22. A special to the Age-Herald from Lafayette records a crime in lallupocsa county that rarely nas oeen surpassed in horrible details, While Albert Smith and his three oldest of this proposition, and whatever she children were absent from home five ne groes came to me nonse, and on bein: refused something to eat by Mrs. Smith, ransacked the house and afterwards set fire to it. They then caused the mother sajs will be said loudly. President Eliot has been canonized by the Democratic press of the coun try since he joined the party. We never saw his nome mentioned before in democratic prints, and perhaps never would if it had not been for the excruiating suffering by tossing her baby up into the air repeatedly, and letting it tall back almost on the point of sharp knives, which they held under it. Thev finally went away, leaving the mother ana cuiia more dead than alive, and the nouse in ruim. inree ot the negtoes fact that free-trade and Democracy httve been caught. are very closely related. determined polish catholics, r iLiki-tiiAHKK, i-enD., KJCl. JJJj. jpor some time past the Polish Catholic adhe- the war into Africa" by building a line have ,Jeld possession of the' church and through Canada. Instead of being parsonage. To-day Bishop O'Harr. of worsted in the transDortation business Bcranton, came here to obtain possession by the Dominion transcontinental line was secured, and in the attempt to expel it is determined to fight that road on tne usurpers a fierce flight ensued. The .. , . . , , , chief of police bad a leg broktn and a its own ground. This is plucky, and number of persons weie injured. may win success. women's rights. Wit.t.i Will i Clot 99 UTro T Ti President Eliot having joined the Laman, Mrs. S. B. Davenport and Mrs". Democracy emphasizes the fact that Charles Burioughs to day brought suit that party suits his notions on a na- d7fferent wardsHhere for refuJ8il1 to connt tional economic policy better than the I their votes, cast at the last election in this The Inter-Ocean claims that Chicago is again on trial iu the Cronin murder as lit was in the anarchists' Hayinarket plot. It may be true that articles manufactured in this coun try compare very favorably with the British product, but we have a con tinent of our own without crossing the Atlantic. The Central and South American nations haVehitherto been dependent upon British capital for de- the great English metropolis crime stalks unchecked, and in certain local ities in Chicago perhaps the same may be as truly said. But the larger the number of people congregated in any One of our exchanges has suggest ed that the assessors of Oregon hold meeting, and that some uniform plan of assessment be adopted for the state, This is timely, as there is no question which is entitled to more just criti cism than the un-uniform plan of as sessing property in different counties. If property were assessed at a certain proportion of its real valuation, com plaint could not be made that some counties paid a larger pro rata of state taxes than others. The statute is not explicit enough in this matter, and each assessor adopts his own plan one place the more crime will be ram- velopment and British goods tor house- pant, and the more diverse the differ- hold use. This is our field of opera- ent phases of human character. The lions, and we have no fear of success- Whitechapel murders, the anarchists' ful competition. The treasury is now assassinations and the cruel butchery bo:j ri oof- full tA Avprflnv:Ti(T. Ann Rnmp nf tnw I P Ti rMAn;n - t I " ui -" viuum at e tu uurriUUf l. it.. C TV mi. u , ... JJ- i . . , x -" icavio ml uuiuuc. JLIio grand could be expended in granting subsi- to the better classes of London and oli ffiaa ha8 devoted the ,ate ' dies to steamship lines to South Amer- Chicago as to any other city. Condemn nf h:a ilfn tn t(lo J !. can ports. As a result, in a few years, the lack of vigilance of the police in -nh nnl. l.t. m Vv nuv uibuc. uul uu uub uiHUH.LnH wnnio i v . t . ... rf r snip xne wisest ana sarest toreign Gladstone in a speech at Southport a menace as a lucrative commerce would be up and a very remunerative mar- town or city, good or bad, under con- ket opened for our wares. A dem nation for the acts of one or a very favorable opportunity for the few, or for the apathy of the custo opening of these channels of trade pre-1 dians of the peace. sents itself in the Pan-American con gress soon to be held in Washington. I The trial of those indicted for the policy was not followed. The Soudan blunder and his vacillating position on the Afghan frontier question have not placed him among the best and brightest of European statesmen. His opinion on Uretan affairs must be taken in the light of his former acts. There will be representatives present I murder of Dr. Cronin has begun in from all nations on this continent, and Chicago. The case hasbeen opened advantageous treaties could be made I and witnesses examined. So far the I News have been received from Stan- with each. It would be as much to I most important fact established has I ley, and he is expected to arrive on the advantage of these countries to I been the identity of the body of Dr. I the borders of civilization in Africa trade with the United States as with I Cronin, and there can be no further I the latter part of November. Mr, England, and if the articles are equal I question that he was brutally mur- I Stanley is a man of energy and ambi- in quality there would be no disparage-1 dered. The line of the prosecu-I tio'n; but to devote the best years of ment With Secretary Blaine as tion is clearly towards placing on hia life in the wilds of the Dark Con j iesident of the congress, our people j trial the Clan-na-Gael, and mak-1 tinent is not considered the most ad- Republicans. He is a pronounced free-trader, and undoubtedly desires to associate politically with those who think as he does. EDITORIAL NOTES. It seems to be the earnest wish of southern Democrats that the negroes city, laying their damages each in the sum ot $0000. accident at victoria. Victoria, B. C, Oct. 22. A sailor named Thomas Peterson, on the ship Gen eral Fairclnld, loading coal at Departure bay, fell from aloft to the deck to-day, smashing his .skull and scattering his brains about the vessel's deck. motor line accident. T rw . nft mi . om.-n-rofo T,l;... fl, ruuT lunssuau, ucu .-me steam c IUCO dummy on the motor line in Eisenber's desire the Bovrbons tj go to a more addition ran off the track early this tropical climate. morning, severely injuring two men and . scalding the engineer, besides completely The Democrats are in a hurry to demolishing the wood work of the en place their candidates in the field. Sine and car The following is the Eoseburg Review's TnE VISITISG senators. t icon n e i. , San Fkancisco, Oct. 22. The visiting slate for 1800, all of whom will be United States senators went to the Cen- defeated: "Veatch for congress, Pen- tral Pacific offices to-day and inspected noyer for governor and tariff reform " the termlnal facilities of the road. Sen- ator Morgan left for Fresno this morning Hon. Sol. Hirsch, our minister to to examine the raisin industry. The par Turkey, was the recipient of a ban- tv wi" K Los Ange,es t0 morrow, and t t .i j r - . will remain there for several days. They quet in Portland Monday night w,u retUm to Sacramento Mondav. and Toasts were given and responded to in then will go to Portland , from which excellent style. Mr. Hirsch will carry Puml lucjr reluru ,l t . ,1 . . . 'I northern pacific. With film tO tllA nriPTlf mono navn I -ii-.:. - ' . Quebec. Oct. 22.- President Oakes, of vuwuuo U1 uio ur-.way jracmc the northern Pacific, and a party of bis h 'tue. I friends are here. '1 bey decline to talk rp, . . . . , about their mission, but it is understood xuoi.KDiucmuinuua oi war oy that they are negotiating with the gov- our government has been on the rats eminent for a land grant, with a view to in the White House. Experts and c.arry,1L?K T T . the rtntem fa(:lfi r " u line to the Atlantic coast by the shortest leireiu uavo ueeu employed io rid tne i available route, mansion of these pests. ' Uncle Sam j . i i ... , . i ., "ermineu in mis niauer, ana there Chicago, Oct 22. The international will undoubtedly be an extensive war excursionists occupied to-day in a tour --to l ot iDspeciiou oi nits uoaru oi iraae. I several targe commercial nouses, ana me The fruits of Eastern OrPtrnn ..r Durham stocK larm I A 1- K A).lnnL- Ik.. .AA.nAAH AU -3 ing the past season has aitracted at- of the Grand Pacific banqueting hall tention everywhere they have been ex- were thrown open that the people might hibited. There is not the least Annhk ?ome n .ana Te,w lne appointments -made , I by the citizens for the banquet given this mau wo uuio miu vaueys ot me miana evening in honor of the excursionists. empire can produce as eood fruits as Tbe room was decorated in the most ii rr. :ij o. i , I beautiful manner with tropical vegeta any portion of the United States, and tIon etC- nnder whicU ,OWed iaj the people of the northwest should I incandescent electric lights. Atone end derive an annual revenue from the of e banqueting table was a floral ship. all the nations represented. Each nf the decorations was studded with incandes cent lumps that produced a brillant effect. Beds of roses were everywhere. The lighting was brilliant, the table dress ing dazz ing and the arangerreuts for seating pcrlect. For two hours the ndmiriug citizens passed through the hail, and then the doors were shut. The orchestra began its work, and at 7 :30 the guests were seated. Senatrr Charles B. Farwell presided. After tlio banquet had been disposed of. Senator Farwell spoke briefly. In calling the assemblage to order, touching upon the matter of the tiade relations of the Americans, he said: '"We must ofier to yon our exports as cluaply as others do, and to that end I shall favor such legislation as will bring about this result, even to the extent of uninterrupted trade between all the countries of this hemisphere." Governor Filer, of Illinois, in a brief speech, then welcomed the delegates on behalf of the people of the state. THE UNION TACIFIC- Omaha, Oct. 22. A circular, issued from the Union Pacific headquarters, was made public to-day- All of the lines in Nebraska, ICanasas aud Colorado, except the St. Joseph & Grand Island and the Kansas Central & Leavenworth branches, will be operated as one division, to be known as the Mountain division. The lines excepted above will be known as th5 Missouri river division, aud all west of Uuutington, including the lines and ships, are the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company, and the other leased lines will be known as the Pacific division, Edward D.ckiiion will be general manager of the Missouri river division; G. M. Cutnming, genenral manager of the Mountain division, and C. J. Smith cf the Pacific division. The office of general nianacer of the Union Pacific is abolished. T. L. Kimball, third vice president, will be stationed at Omaha, THE CUONIN TKIAL. CnicAGO. Oct. 23. The Journal this evening asserts that cither in State's At torney Longnecker's opening speech in tne iionin case to-morrow, or in the evi dence to be introduced later, there will be several surprises. The weaK point in the case has always been thought to be the inability of the state to show that Dr. Cronin actually entered the Carlson cot tage on the night rf the murder. The Journal claims that the state's attorney has two witnesses who saw Cronin driven up to the cottage and watched him enter. It is also said that evidence will be pro duced to show that four men took part in the murder, Coughlin, Coolcy, Bulk, aud a man not yet arrested or indicted. Sullivan, it is claimed, acted as sentry outside, and Kunzc is said to be the man who drove Coughlin to the cottage. NEWS OF STANLEY. Berlin, Oct. 23. A cable has been received from Captain Wissman, stating, that reliable information has been re ceived concerning Erain Pasha.TIenry 11. Stanley, Signor Casali and six English men, They are all expected to arrive at Upwapwa the latter part of November. Captain Wissman also says he defeated the insuigents near Somewc and killed seventy. THE TENSION CONTROVERSY. Washington, Oct. 23. It is thought the controversy between Secretary No ble acd Corporal Tanner over the latter's management of the pension office is not yet at an end. It is understood that more letters and further correspondence win oe puLiisueo, and mat the subject is "JVriTn t-rr l ulTT-tfr -ftnTia itoilMiiaiiiilmi'ii iliMtimi mii ml I m all jtfiaMaitmf i in - ml, i r ibiii biiii - for E nfants and Children. Csstoria is so well adapted to children that I Castorta enrea Colic, Constipation, I recommend it as superior to aor prescription I Bour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, known to me." H. A. Aecteb. MI) I Killa Worm3. Pvea P. promotes dl- ui do. uxtom bl, Brooklyn, N. Y. I eestion. I 'Without injurious medication. Thb Centaur Cohpant, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. The Dalles Trunk Factory. We will sell TRUNKS, EACS and VALISES, wholesale and retail, at prices that defy c ompetition Workmanship beyond comparison. The best. We have in stock everj thinir yon need in the line of trunks bags, lilies' traveling brj-s, valises, e!ii1 straps, trunk straps, etc., etc. Will make anything n our line as smnrlc trunks, tostumera', wardrobes, ect. promptly. Repairing department complete. Will fix up your old valises and trunks better than new, promptly and cheaply. Call on us you will be pleasantry surprised. Spanish M erino Bucks ! We Tould call the special attention of wool growers to the extra quality of the Spanish Merino Buck Which we offer for sale this season. Our first RjSfcft-S'iJ importation was from the flock of Vermont Merinos, Owned by Severence & Peet, of California. i We have since imported from such breeders as Baker, Shippee, Strowbridgo, Woolsey and Euliard. Our sheep are large, with good constitutions, Fine, Long, Staple and Heavy Fleeees. Our Eucks are now to be seen on Five Mile. We invite an examination of our stock and a correspondence. Prices Oreatly Xiotliieocl. E. S. THOMPSON & SON, scp21m2 Jersey Farm, The Dalles, Or. C. N. TIIORMJCItY. T. A. HUDSON. WELCOMED BY CHICAGO. export Crosby's mukdereh will confess. Tacoma, Oct. 24. A" confession will be made in the Crosby murder case to morrow by Howe, the tinker, arrested with Hovt and Murray. Hoyt and Howe waylaid Crosby, and as be turned noon them when tbey called him to bait, they thongbt he was about to sbcot, and Hoyt bred. Both men tr.en ran. ten feet long, with the word "Chicago" on her bow. At the other end of the table was a train of flowers, and on each side the name "North and South Amer ican Railroad." On one wall was a map of the Western Hemisphere, the oceans being in white immortelles and the various national territories in variegated immortelles. Opposing this huge piece. ana reaching irom toe noor to the cell me was a great American shield of flowers, against a background of flags of likely to occupy considerable public at tention duriug the week. More feelin" is evidently entertained by the parties directly interested than on the part of the public, for, so far as the body of the peo ple is concerned, very little feeling is ex pressed. There is a regret among his friends that ex-Commissioner Tanner has said so much on the subject, and his ad mirers have veiy materially decreased in number. Miss Tanner, daughter of the late commissioner, still holds the position of confidential clerk to commissioner of pensions. CONSOLIDATION OP RAILWAYS. New York, Oct. 23. The World this morning prints a lengthy story to the effect tbat an alliance has been formed between the Chicago & Northwestern and Union Pacific railways. The roads will henceforth by operated in harmonv. The agreement has been ratified by the directors of both companies. 1 he World draws the deduction that. as the Northwestern is in a measure a Vanderbilt hue, the Vanderbilts will, in all probability, branch out toward the Pacific from Frisco, Utah, to one of the Southern California sea ports in Drox- imity to Ik s Angeles. TTAFFIC AGREEMENT. New York, Oct. 23. Dow. Jones & Co.'s Financial Neteseivca tha followine-: "President Hughett cf the Northwestern says: 'We have entered into an arrange ment with the Union Pacific whereby through trains will run over the two ruads from Chicago to the western ter minus of the Union Pacific, to take effect immediately.' " STEAMER BURNSD. Kingston, Oat., Oct. 23 The steamer Quint vus burned to the water's edge about three miles irom Beserouto, while on her way to Pictou, about 0 . o'clock this evening, l ive lives are sunnosed to have been lost those of Captain Chris tie, his mother and young brother Charles, lady s maid and a voung man named Davern, of Trenton. As far as can be ascertained, the others were saved. Three or four have severe burns, but the doc tors report none to have been seriously hurt. Many were badly chilled by beinsr in the water. All of the survivois have been taken to Deserouto, and are being properly cared for. the fare, it is supposed, started in the furnace room, and spread quirklv to tne whole boat. T' e captain ran her ashore. only a short distance away, where she lies almost entirely destroyed. All the freight and baggage were burned. LATER. It is feared that two and perhaps three deck hands on the vessel were also lost. The engineer is badly burned. He is un able to account for the fire, which origi nated in the engine room. CALIFORNIA RAINS. Santa Barbara, Oct. 23. Three and quarter inches of rain fell since y ester- ay. it is estimated tbat the damage in this county, priocially to the Lima bean crop, is $400,000. Los Angeles, Oct. 23. Small wash outs are reported on the Southern Paci fic between here and Burbank. On the Santa Monica division the track and roadbed were washed away for half a mile near Palms station by a cloud burst which occurred in the mountains back of the Soldiers' Home. On the Santa Fe road interruptions occured at several points between here and San Bernardino, DISCOVERED BY RUSSIAN OFFICIALS, Constatinople, Oct. 24. A stir in of ficial circles has been caused by the dis covery tbat Kussian officials have been gathering evidence of the persecution of Christians la Armenia by the Turks. The sultan has given orders looking to the redress of their grievances. Moussa Bey, governor of Armenia, will pe punished. THORMRY & HUDSON, WritcFireXife aRdAccident INSURANCE, Loan to on Real Estate, CliatUl and Personal security. Will attend to all lindn oj Land business be fore the U. S. Land Ojjice. Rooms 7 and 8. up-stairs, U. S. Land Office building-, THE DALLES, OHEGON. HUGH CHRISUAN. W. K. CORSON. Gbnsman (I ton SUCCESSORS TO C. 13. CIIH1831AN Jfc SONS, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PANCI GROCERIES AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Washington and Federal. Have on hand aud will sell at the Ioweut possible prices, fancy arm btapie urocenes and Mill Feed. Highest Cash Price for Counfrj Produce. Call and examine prices before purchasing els where. augUtf Chrisman & Corson. Liquor Eea'era. 500 Men Wanted To Unload Shcooners -At the NEW BEER HALL, Court street. Between Main and ond. Wines, Liquors and Cipars of the best domestic ana imported brands on sate. John Donovan, Prop. Thompson's Addition -TO- DALLES CITY. tfew Ready for Sale cn Easy Terms. Now is the time to bny while PRICES ARE LOW. Tliis tract has been surveyed and platted in acre tracts with convenient streets and avenues and so arranged tbat purchasers can get one block or sev eral acres in a body. The land is coin(aratively level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location pleasant, beautiful and easy to accesj and joins the city immediately on the east. Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. FOB 8 ALE BY The Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For particulars apply at the office of the Company rooms 7 and 8, Land Office Building, The Dalles, Or. - COME AND SEE THE PROPERTY. I THORNBURY & HUDSON, apfd&wtf Real Estate Agents. J. O. MACK, IVIIOIJSSALE uor oea ss FRENCH'S BLOCK. Second Street, - - Tne Dalle. WOOL EXCHANGE SALOON ! DAN. BAKER, Proprietor. NEAR THE OLD MINT, SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OK. Tho Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always on hand. Free Lunch every eveciop. EAST END SALOON, Near the Old Hint Building, Second St, The Dalles, Or. Always oa luuid the X3est Wines, Liquors, iintl Ci gars. A Pleasant Evening Resort. Colombia Brewery and Imported Lager Beer on drauclit. HILL Sc CO.'S SAMPLE BOOMS Keeps constantly on hand thefchoiccst Wines, Liquors, Cigars Corner of Union rnd Second Sts. The Dalles. Ornrns. 0. D. TAYLOR, Washington Street, in roar of French & Go's bank builUinjr. THE DALLES, OREGON. PIONEER-.-GROCERY, GEO. RIO, Proprietor. Northwest corner of Second and Washington std CHEAPEST plaoe in The Dalles for all kinds of GROCERIES FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW-WARE, &u. Toankfol for favon in the nut. T .nnM fully solicit a continuance of the same. OEOBOR BUCH. New Zeland Insurance Co. Is one of the Best in the World ' Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho of the Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCo OF NEWARK, N. J. T aid policy holders, sin ce organization, $92,812,907.06 ! Assets, market value S40C,'JC4 14 Surplus, N. Y. standard 5.312,129 81 One of the most solid companies in the United States. AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon Territories of Washington and Idauo. -THli- Farmers' and Butchers EXCHANGE, Fxont St., OppoHlte Umatilla House, THE DALLES, OREGON. Wolfgang Schraeder.Prop'r. Always on sale the best, of Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors, and Cigrars, Bottled Beer of oil kinds a perlDlty BUCnLEB'B BEEK ON TAP, FREE LUXCH FOR CUSTOMERS Wol fgang Schraoder. H. G'ENN, Is again at his old stand and has on hand FINES r BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT. T-inka of all sizes, flora 1000 to 40,000 gallons, mads to order. MONEY LOAN. H0TARY BUSINESS Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorlai Before starting on a Journey, get an ACC1DENTTJCKET. Only 25: for $3000 Insurance, fjaaiing Voney foi non-residett a specialty. ( far cent, net guaranteed to lenders. 0. 1. TAYLOR. tar Contracts for all kinds of buildings token at the lowest hmirea. ITew Grocery Store ! -AT THE- CHRISMAN OLD STAND, 194 Third St-, The Holies, Or. Will keep on hand a general assortment of Groceries, Canned Goods, 1'eed and Provisions, And desire s share ot the public patronage, as we cx pect to sell at Pricks to Slit tus Hard Twks. .CsT All Goods Fresh and Warrranted First-lass. WELCH & S3IIT1T. Two trail s daily, leaving the I'matilla House at I2:10p. in. tnd2 a. m. Thel2:10train runs through to Walla Walla, connecting at Wallula Junction with the Nor. In rn Pacific train for Helena, bt. Paul and the East. The S train runs through to t anning ton via. i'l-t dleton and Walla Walla, and to L'nion, La Gran f, JSnkcr City, connecting at Huntington with Or Short Line tor Denver, Council illuffs Kansas ,;U and the Eaut. Trains going west leave The Dal oh at 12:40 P.M. and 2 A.M. TiptrTC ""d Ir"m principal points In the liun.lO United States, Cauada and Europe. ELECANT PULLMAN PALACE CARS EillGItAMT SLEEPING CARS run through on Express trains to OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS, and ST. PAUL, 3Free of Charge and Without Change. Close Connections at Portland for San Francisco and Puget Sound points. To San Francisco Leaving Steamship Wharf Fort land, at 12 Midnight, as follows: Orecron Wednesday, October S State Sunday, " 6 Columbia. Tliurwlay. ' 10 Oievon Monday, " 14 Stato Friday, .. " 18 Columbia Tuesday, " 21 Oregon State.... ..Saturday, ..Wednesday, 26 SO To Portland Leaving SpcarSt Wharf, SanFrandsco, at 1U A. AJ. as louows: State Columbia.. Oregon.. .., State Columbia.. Oregon..... State Columbia... .Tuesday, October 1 Saturday, " 6 Wednesday, " 9 Sunday, 13 Thursday, - IT Monday, " 21 Friday, " 28 ... Tuesday, " 29 KATES OF PASSAGE, (including meals and berths uanin, iu w atceragu, o w Round Trip Unlimited 80 00 For further particulars inquire of any Agent of the Company, or A. U Maxwell, A. G. P. 4 T. A., Port. land, Oregon. A. L. MAXWELL, TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. By Wa of the SouthernPacificCompany's LI JV 1. The MT. SHASTA ROUTE. Qtilolcmr in Tlmo 1 T n ll Any Otlier Itouto between Portland and San Francisco. Leave I'ortlivncl 4 I. 2VI. Dailf Through Time, 89 Hours. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPEf.S TOURIST SLEEPING-CARS, for accomodation of Second-Class Faeaencers, attached to Express Trains. Faro from Portland to Sacramento ana San Fraucisco:j Unlimited 25 Firat CIiimi. Limited 20 1 0 Second C'lasrf, Limited 16 1 0 T1IKOTJGII mCUETH TO ALL POINTS, SoutU nnd Iast "Via.. California. H. KOEHLEE E. P. FOOKRS. Manager Asst. G. F. aud 1 ass. Agt TICKET OFF1CKH. Cltr Office No. 134, Cor. Firet and Alder Rt.. Depot " Comer r aud t rout SU. rorusnu, urcgon. .V K7 X TO U1IB. VS f ySsaBirtotW nni tod fS oo Birtomrs. Vtr 0 onlj ty ths S?i? Snnf Cisnlcd Co. Vt-.V Cincinnati ,f Big G has given univer sal satisfaction tn the cure of Gonorrhoea end Uleet. I prescribe it and feel safe In recommend ing It to all sufferers. A. J. STOKER, H.D n in PRICE, 81.C9. 1 8 Sold br Druggists. It any dnalnr says be has the W, I.. Don gins Slioea without name aad price stamped on the bottom, put hi in down a m fraud. W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Itest In tho world. Examine hl. S5.0U OKNIJINK HAND-KKtVKD SHOE. S4.O0 1MX1I-SEWKD WK1T SIIOK. :Wi I'OI.ICK AND FAKMEltS' MiOJE. :j.50 KXTKA VAI.UK CALF MI Oli. GUM WOitKINGM AN'S SHOK. 82.00 and S1.75 ItOVS' SCHOOL SHOES All made in Congrebs, Button and Lace. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE lafdTes. Best Material. Best Style. Best f itting. ' It not sold by your dealer, write W. I. DOUGLAS, BltOCKTON. MASS Examine W. L. Douglas $2.00 for Gentleman and Ladies. J. Freiman, Afft.,The Dalles,Or. VOICE from Ohio. Her U portrait of Mr. ni ton, of Salem, Ohio. tt: "Wat at work on tarn fur t in on I h ; 1 now bar an aa-enry Allen J Co i album aud mblU nd nu make M CO a dar. (ttigned) W. U.UAKlUfcON. William Kline, Ilarrtabanr, Pa., wntf: "i bare never known aiiylhinc; to eel) like your album. Yesterday I took order mourn to pay tu over SS.V W. J. El more, Baniror, He,, write i "I take an onlcr . for your album at almost every home I vltit. Hy proatuonenaamurnaBWU ifor a aiiirl day'awork." Other are dotnfr quite aa wellf have not space to aive ex tracts from th'r letters. Every on who takes Bold of tola srand buclnoss pi Ira ni arand proflta. Shall we start YOU in this business reader' Write tons and learn all a boat it for yourself. W restartiofrmany; we will a tart yon If yon don't delay until anotlivra-eta ahead ofyoo In your part of the country. If yon take bold you will be able to pick up (fold fast. au-Kead On account of a forced manufacturer sal 1 S.'i.iMiO ten dollar Ihata;rnih Alliums a re to be told to tun Kola for $L$ each. Bound in Koynl Crimson Silk Velvet h. Cue nutnrly decorated fnaides. Handsomest albums In in world. LarfTfsl His. Greatest bargains ever known. A rent wanted. Liberal terms, lliy money for aarents. Any on e become a successful air rat. Sells Itself on atarlit Utile r n talking necessary. W htrever shown, every one wants to pur chase. Asrents tak thousands of orders with rapidity never before known. Urcat profits await every worker. Atrenla ar fuakiiie; fortunes. Ladies make aa much aa men. You, reader, can do as well as anyone. 7ull Information aud terms free to those who write for same, with particular and irrms for our Family Bibles, Hooks and Periodical. Afler you know all. thin fit J"" conclude to o no further, why no harm Is done. AddJM JL C. ALLEN CO., AtutsJ. MaIH PAUL KREFT. Artistic Painter and -House Decorator, The Onllea, Oregon. ITouso Painting; and Decorutin; a Specialty Ko inferior and cheap work done; but good, lasting work at the lowest prices. bliop adjoining pottotflce on Second Street. BUKELEY & HOUGHTON, THE LEADING Prescription Druggists, 115 Second Street, The Dalles. Country and Mall Orders will re ceive Prompt Attention. Mrs. C. L. Phillips, Fashionable Millinerj COURT STREET. ' (Next door to Tuiis-llouirranisss office.) THE LATEST STYLES OF Bonnets, Trimmings, etc Toj? Sale ! ONE BAND OF- Stock Sheep ! . Young and In food condition; also mil nvorln,l Un Enquire at the First National Bank, st A. M. Wi!. Hams tCo 'i store or at the stock varus of tancn A Saltniarshe. JlyUwtX . P. EOBEET8 k BOS.