The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 26, 1889, Image 1

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Volume XXX
Johh Micheil, Editor akd Proprietor
. 1.00
Single copy, one year.
Biugle oopy tii months
ja-Terms strictly In advance.
r . o,... Th hallet. Or., as Stoma
'FafZTZZouu thenar
Clan Matter for transitu um
,.S. Pennover
Secretary of State
Geo. W. Webb
Senator. J.H. Mitcueu
n Uortnftnn
Congressmui ".V.V.Frank Baiter
COIAT1. Geo. Herbert
5,, " V Q. H. Thompson
Clerk " ..Geo. Kuch
Treasurer j George A. Young
Commissioners U. A. Leaveua
. . H. Gourlay
K.rZT.V E.F. Sharp
Superintendent of Public school A-.C-SSfSf
Coroner "
Professional Cards.
rB. J. G. BOYD.
'ihe Dalles, Oregon.
Office Rooms 6 and 6, over Moody & McLeod
store, corner 2d and Washington Sis.
Residence North side Fourth St, near Lincoln.
Calls In city or country answered at all hours.
Attorneys at Law.
Office On Court street, opposite the Old Court
House, The Dalles, Or.
'Attorney and Counselor at Law,
nmm Ko-rt Annr fcn TT S t And Office
Will practice in all Courts, and in the U. 8. Land
Office. Collections promptly attendeo to.
81DDALL D. D. 8.
TCItmna Oxide or
Laughing Gas Given
. For Painless extraction of Teeth. Rooms, sign of
the Golden Toots, Second oueei.
Rooms 2 and 8 in Land Office Building.
phvaii-ian anil Snrcreon.
Rooms over Dalles National Bank.
Office hours 10 A.M. to It M.,and from ito P.M.
Residence West end of Third street.
Q D. DOANE, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
The Dalles, Oregon
O-mcs Over French & Co.'s Bank.
RssiDHca Over McFarland French s.
Physician and Surgeon.
Diseases of Children a speciality. Erskinsville
Sherman Co., Oregon.
onto University. Canada. Office room, oyer
Moody's store. Office hours 8 to 10:30 A. M.; 2 to 4
P. M. Co unto calls prcmptly attended.
m a noHTiaeTos
Attorneys at Law,
Office In French's Building, Second 8t, between
Washington and Federal.
over Postoffice, The Dalles, apSdaw
, Dalles, Oregen. apr 10-wU
b. s. ncrea.
Rooms over Moody MeLeod's store, next door to
Fishft Bardon's, Washington St,
Attorneys at Law,
Office in Schanno's'building, upstairs.
The Dalles
J. L. BTOttT.
Attorneys at Law.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Real Estate.
Insurance and
Loan Agent
Agents for the Scottish Union and National In
surance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital
Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy
Office over Post Office, The Dalles, Or.
McCOY ft MoCOY, BARBERS, Second Street,
net door to MacEarchern ft MacLeod's. The
cleanest shave, the nobbies hair-cut and most health
ful baths. P80
Central Market,
Comer Court and Third streets, The Dal es
Oregon. We always keep the best. Cash paia or
fat stock. 1 u
Revolvers. Ammunition.
Fishing Tackle, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, etc, etc.
Repairing and New Work done to Order.
ladies, Attention!
A Sew Invention for Dress Catttlnff.
A. Self-Instructor
That can be used by a man or woman, and which
gives a perfect fit. Price of scale, including
a key of full instructions, 3 50.
Can be had by calling on or addressing
auS-89 MRS. C. L. I HILL1PS The Dalles, Or,
A. KELLER, Prop'r,
Washington street, next door l-elow Geo. Ruch's.
Dalles, Oregon.
Having the Bakery formerly owned by Geo. Ruch,
I am prepared to furnish families, hotels and res
taurants with the choicest Bread, Cakes and Pies.
Denny, Rice & Co.
Wool & Commission Merchants
610 Atlantic Ave., Boston.
rfrrC a fed ranees made on conaljrnmenti.
Saltings of all kinds, imported and Jomestte on
None but the best of labor employed and satis
ction guaranteed
Jerome Lauer. .
Proprietor of tne
ThirdSi.roulirj&nil Fish Markst
Will always keep on sals
Puget Sound Fish,
Chickens, Turkeys,
Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco
and Cigars.
Leave tout orders, ss they will receive prompt
lly old friend 8 and the public, one and all to come
and ace me in the
Where one can get all the comforts of Home. My
rooms are furnished With Spring Beds, and the
Tables second to none in the city. Price same us
before. Meals z5 cents; Lodging 25 cents.
T- T. NICHOLAS, frop'r.
W.g hki d Sail Eonis,
110 Front Street,
IS" None bat the moat skillful artists era
Hot and Cold and Shower Baths for the comfort of
At the old stand of R. Lusher.
Crockery & Glassware
Rogers Bros'. Platedware,
IXL Pocfcet Cutlery.
J. Russell k Co's Table Cutlery,
Keen Kntter Shears and Scissors,
ggEvery One "YVarranted.JfgJ
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Iron Wheel Wagons; Bicycles; Bird Cages; Agents for
tne Hew Home, White and lioyai st.Jonn dew
ing Machines, Needles and Attachments
for every Machine. Picture Frames
in stock or made to order.
Law & Saltmarshe,
ffighestCash Price for
Hay and Grain.
The Dalles Lumbering
Successors to TBOS. JOHNS & CO.
Tux Dalles, ... Okegon.
Lumber and Builder's Material.
Shingles, Fence Posts
Lime and Hair.
Orders from abroad receive prompt attention.
Trees! Trees! Trees!
Ornamental Trees,
Shade Trees and
Timber Culture Trees
Ornamental Shrubbery,
XEoses! . ltoscs!
Greenhouse Plants,
We have on hand at thin date a few hundred Italian
and Petite Prunes, which we offer at reasonable
prices by the hundred.
we oner 25 cents each.
Don't be humbugged by paring 1 for them, for we
warrant ours to be genuine MAKLAMA.
Also, CABBAGE and TOMATO PLANTS in large
supply. Send for Catalogue and prices.
White Salmon, W.T.
O. !Es. Bayard,
& Collection Agency.
Mo. 1 13 Third St in Masonic Ballding.
Agent for the
Northwest Fire and Marine InsuranceCo.,
Best Home Company on the Coast.
Also Afreet for
Life and Pacific Surety, Accident
Insurance Companies.
Having been appointed correspondent for he
Lombard Investment Co.
I am prepared to make Loans on pood Rea Estate
Security in Wasco and Gilliam Counties, also in
Washinuton Territory. If you
Call on or address C. E. BAYARD,
The Dalles, Ogn.
Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for Wash
ington Territory.
Successor to Senfert Bros.,
Proprietor of
ins flmerican iTlarkei
And dealer in
Fish, Fruits, Vegetables, Provisions, Etc
High est Price paid for Country Produce.
104 Second Street.
Cram & Corson, Props.
The Columbia Candy Factory
The Dalles National Bank,
President, :. Z. F. Moody,
Cashier, X M. A. Mood
General Backing Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges sold o
IS" Collections made on favorable terms at all a
ssihle points.
Frenchfe Co., Bankers.
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections Made at all Points
on Favorable Terms.
Letters or Credit issued, available in
all parts of the United States.
tySirht Exchange and Telemaphic Transfers sold
on New York, Cnicturo, St. Louis, San Francisco,
roruana, Seattle and walla walla, w. T., ana va
rious points in Oregon and Washington Territory.
H. H. BEALL, Cashier.
(Successor to)
Directors s
D P Thompson, T W Sparks,
H II Bkall.
'' Tile 'XicadiziK
, Next to 1st Nat. Bank,
Alwava on hand the latent styles of jewelry.
clocks, watches, etc., at the lowest prices. If you
want something lasting and handsome, (five Beck
tne lewder a caij. menzf
Boot - and - Shoe
and the W. L. DOUGLASS Celebrated
$3.00 Shoe.
t3T Goods sold Cheaper than ever. Call and
xamine the fine stuck on hand.
J. Freiman,
Sr.hanno's Briek. Hecoud Mtreet
We Are Here
And to Stay
With a Large Stock of
Flour, Bam,
Hams, etc., etc.
Tiinothj, Wheat and WM Hay
Bran, Rolled Barley, etc.
quantity, which we are pleased to offer you at
very lor prices for cash or country produce.
Call and see for yourselves, We mean what we say
and you will not be serry.
spr 8-wtf-
J o
Washington, Oct. 18. The inbustrial
party that nominated A. E. Redstone, of
California, for president last year, has re
organized under title of the Industrial
kcougress with Kedstonc as president lor
one year. The jiarty propose to bold
sessions here during the sitting of the
national cengress and examine into and
report on all bills introduced into that
body. Each state will be entitled to as
many delegates in the Industrial congress
as they have senators aud representatives
m the national congress.
Paris, Oct. 18. The strikers in the
Lens district now number 12,000, and it
is likely that double this number ot
men will stop work unless the demands
of the strikers are conceded. The direct
ors of the mining companies have agreed
to advance 5 per cent, increase ot wages.
The miners demand aB increase of 10 per
Chicago, Oct 16. It is stated that two
men have voluntarlv come to the state s
attorney and told him that they were
offered $1000 each to go on the Cronin
jury and hold out for acquittal.
The search tor a jury in tue case con
The grand jury is doing routine work.
The men who told the state's attorney
that they had been offered money by F.
W. Smith to go ou the Uronin jury and
bold for acquittal are Messrs. Francis
and Wolf, members of a dry goods firm
in Englewood.
Port Toweend, Oct 18. Richard
Miller and Allred Bodley were captured
by customs officers to-day. Bowers and
Peterson were near Irving park with
$300 worth of smuggled opium. Bodley
is an old steam-boat employe, and the
other also is an old offender. The men
when arrested offered resistance.
Tacoma, Oct, 17. The attorneys for
P. Ferrv and Mrs. Ferry bad a
consultation to-day, and owing to the
absence of one of Ferry s attorneys, no
definite arrangements were made, but it
is understood from an authentic source
that the divorce suit will be quashed to
Sas Francisco, Oct. 18. A dispatch
to the Examiner from Bismarck, Dak.,
says: A prairie hre several miles in width
is raging within a few miles of Bismarck.
large number of farms are already
destroyed and all effort to check the
flames have proved unavailing.
Ihe village ot Alenoken, fourteen miles
below .Bismarck has been entirely wiped
out and the inhabitants are destitute.
A strong wind is carrying the flames
towards this city, which is enveloped in
smoke and flying cinders
Madrid, Oct. 18. While returning
from an excursion into the mterion yes
terday the sultan of Morocco bad to
cross a swollen river to gel to Fez. The
sultan crossed safely, but twenty of his
body-guard, who attempted to swim the
river on their horse?, were swept down
be stream by the raging flood and
San Francisco, Oct. 18. Later advices
concerning the floods of September 11
say that the coasts of Owari and Mika
wo, in the Gulf of Owari, Japan, and of
the Mijagi Prelecture, were visited on
that day by huge waves, which swept
away many houses, drowning over 1000
persons. In the evening of the same
day heavy rains caused the rivers in the
Mie pie.'ecturc to overflow and inundate
the neighboring country, whereby some
COO persons are stated to have lost their
Spokane Falls, Oct. 18. One of the
largest real estate deals ever recorded in
this city was consummated to-day. Thir-
ty-six blocks in River Front addition on
the north side of the river, between the
new Union depot and the river, was sold
by L. C. Dillman and others to a syndi
cate of Eastern men, who will utilize it
for manufacturing purposes. A large
woolen mill will probably be erected on
this ground. River Front addition was
placed on the market only four and a
half months ago; since then one firm
alone has sold $268,000 worth of property
there. Lots around Union depot here
have nearly trebled in value since this
property was offered for sale.
Walla Walla, Oct. 18. Last night
the sheriff here received a dispatch from
Palouse City announcing the capture of
two men, strangers, who had hired two
riding horses from-Bryan Bros., Saturday.
The information concerning them bad
been obtained from Lewiston, Monday,
where tbey bad sold the saddle, having
ridden the horses from here to Palonse
City io one day. At Lewiston they hired
a buggy and drove to Palouse City where
they endeavored to dispose ot the outnt
and were arrested.
San Francisco, Oct. 18. The senato
rial committee on Pacific railways visited
the Union Iron Works and inspected the
hull of the new cruiser San Francisco
this morning. During the afternoon a
tour of the bay was made and the alleged
defences were viewed from Senator
Hearst's yacht. The programme as
mapped out by Secretary Biggs, of the
committee, is as follows: To-morrow at
Palo Alto the famous stables and Leland
Stanford, jr., university will be visited.
Then the party will proceed to Monterey,
spending Sunday and Monday there, and
returning to this city on evening of latter
day. Lot'" Angeles will then be visited.
After returning to this city the trip north
ward will be broken at Yina, Tehama
county, where President Stanfords vine
yards will be visited.
The committee will then go to Port
land and from there travel east over the
Oregon Short Line as far as Denver where
they will disband.
Lisbon, Oct. 19. The king of Port
ugal died to-day at 11 o'clock. The
duke of Braganza, eldest son of the king,
who succeds to the throne, will assume
the title of Carlos 1.
The premier waited upon Don Carlos
and presented the resignations ot the cab
inet ministers, which the king declined to
Washington, Oct. 19. The president
to-day appointed General Green B. Raum,
of Illinois, commissioner of pensions.
He was sworn in at noon. The appoint
ment, though a surprise, is generally fav
orably commented on. He is a promi
nent member ot the Grand Army of the
General Raum appeared at the pension
office this morning, and, after taking the
oath of office was presented to the chief
of divisions, and other officers. He wil
enter upon bis official duties Monday.
General Green Berry Raum, ex commis
sioner of internal revenue, was born in
Golconda, Polk county, 111., on Decem
ber 3, 1829. He was educated in the
public schools, studied law and was ad
mitted to legal practice in 1853. In 1856
be removed with his lamity to Kansas,
and at once affiliated with the free state
party. Becoming obnoxious to the pro
slavery party, he returned tho following
vear to his native state and located at
Harrisburg. At the opening of the civil
war be made bis maiden speech as a
"war" Democrat, while he was attending
court in Metropolis. Subsequently he
entered the army as major of the Fifty
sixth Illinois regiment, and was promo
ted to lieutenant colonel, colonel ana
brevert brigadier-general. He was made
brigadier-general of volunteers on the
15th of Febuary, 18C5, which commis
sion he resigned on the 6th of May fol
lowing. tanner's statement.
Washington, Oct. 20- Ex-Commis
sioner Tanner is out to night in a long
statement, replying to Secretary Noble's
letter of July 24, the gist of which was
given in these dispatches Friday night.
Tanner denies at the outset that he defied
the secretary on the subject of rerating,
or his authority in the administration of
the bureau. He gives out for publication
the letter o which Secretary Noble's re
ply was made. In it Tanner says, in part:
I do not- propose in any event to have
an honorable lite-time smirched in the
slightest degree at this period of my ex
istence, and where I may find well found
ed reasons for believing that I have been
imposed upon and mislead, I shall be
quick to recommend the condemnation
merited by the parties concerned. 1 de
sire to add, furthermore that I have made
a comparison of the action in these cases
(meaning the case? of the pension omce
employes) with that taken by my prede
cessor in similar caes and find the com
parison is entirely favorable to the pre
sent administration.
tacoma's turbulent times.
Tacoma, Oct. 19. At the city council
meeting to night a license was granted
for a saloon on Tacoma avenue, against
the protest ot 7000 citizens. The room
was crowded. The vote stood a tie, and
the mayor voted for the license. A
stormy scene ensued, is which the action
of the mayor was characterized as shame
Lillis offered a resolution requiring the
consent of all the freeholders in the block
before a license could be granted, which
was carried amid applause. The mayor
called order, and said that if the noises
were repeated be would have the police
drag out the offenders.
Ubiman said he would go with them.
It was generally believed that the mayor
would nrt favor the saloons in the
residence district, and bis course was a
disappointment to many of his friends.
Seattle, Wn., Oct. 20. A deputy
sheiifi returned from Snohomish to day
with J. F. Stewart, who tried to kill Mike
Day at Woodinville yesterday morning.
Stewart says that the row arose over a
debt of $17.50 which Day owed bim.
Tbey got into a row about it and Day
badly beat Stewart. Then the latter
went and washed the blood from his face
and got a pistol, and coming back again,
demanded the money. Another row
ensued and Stewart gulled the pistol
and shot at Day. ' The latter turned and
ran, and Stewart followed him with
spveral unvalling shots. Afterwards Day
got a Winchester and came back and paid
btewart $13.50 ot his bill, blewart then
went to Snohomish, where he was arrest
ed. He came here to-day with ample
sureties from Snohonish friends and was
Victoria, B. C , Oct. 20. The steamer
Elder arrived this morning , five days
overdue from Alaska, with 500 passen
gers, returning canners and miners, and
28,000 cases of salmon. - The delay was
carsed by the enforced calling at all can -neries
to clean out the season's work.
Washington, Oct. 20. General Raum,
the newly appointed pension commis
sioner, is considered better equipped in
every way for the position than any of
his predecessors. General Raum is a
popular, though not a boasting Grand
Army man, and he is a splendid lawyer,
familiar not only with the laws, but the
rules and practices of the pension office.
He has no hobbies and no prejudices.
Jx Commissioner Tanner said, as soon
as he heard ot the appointment, "It is the
best selection that could have been made.
General Raum was a gallant soldier and
a good man and a fine lawyer, with
liberal views on the subject of pensions,
and I am satisfied he will do all he can
for pensioners.
Port rowNSKND, Oct. 20. James W.
Stockand, a merchant, was waylaid late
last night by footpads while returning
home, and, in the attempt to rob him,
Stockand was severely beaten and bruised.
His cries brought assistance and fright
ened the robbers away. Later two men
giving the names of Jim Smith and Lud
wig Lunwen, claiming residence in Taco
ma, were arrested and identified as Stock
and's assailants. Tramps aud thugs are
coming down the Sound from Seattle and
Tacoma in large numbers. Many have
been run out of town already.
Joseph Lovely, 6 year, old son of Hen
ry Lovely, carpenter, accidentally fell off
the wbart and was drowned. The boy
was missed iast night, and diligent search
was made throughout the night. The
body was found floating in the bay this
Washington, Oct, 21. General Gren
B. Raum this morning sat in the chair
lately occupied by Corporal Tanner at
the pension office. He received a num
ber of fric-ods who called to pay their re
spects, and made a tour of the different
divisions to see the methods of procedure
employed in each.
Secretary Noble says he is not worried
by the publication of ex-Commissioner
Tanner's last letter. He will make no
reply to it. "I have done with Tanner,"
he said to-day. "He is a back number
with me. All that be publishes I have
seen before and I think it doesn't need
any. reply. It he wants to make me a
target, be can do so. Let him fire away
all he wants to."
Philadelphia, Oct. 21 Seven survi
vors of the steamer which founded at sea
when 300 miles off Turk's island arrived
to day. They tell a story of terrible suf
fering. The Earnmoor struck a fearful
gale on September 4th and oa the follow
ing day the vessel foundered. As the
steamer tank the port lifeboat floated off.
The second officer, second and third en
gineer, four sailors, three firemen and the
cook clung to the boat end scrambled in.
An effort was made to save the rest of the
crew, but the boat was blown away so
that no more could be saved.
The cries of the drowning men as they
were dashed about by mountainous
waves could be beard by the men in tbe
boat. The hunger of the men io tbe
stranded boat caused awful suffering.
Black River Falls. Wis., Oct. 21.
Forest fires are doing a large amount of
damage just west of here many acres ot
young timber are being destroyed. As
everything is as dry as tinder buildings
and hay and grain stacks are in danger.
The air ia full of smoke. Word comes
frc-m Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, that
forest fires aloug the railroads are spread
ing rapidly in all directions around the
settlements. As yet no bouildings have
been destroyed.
Washington, Oct 21 Senator Dolpb,
of Oregon, intends to reintroduce his
coast defense bill, ar d thinks it will at
this session bring about some sort of leg
islation for the defense of tbe Pacific
coast. "We mast adopt a general plan
for defending onr coasts," said Senator
Dolpb, "and I think congress is now
ready for it. Both the interstate com
merce and tbe civil service laws will be
amended, but neither will be repealed,
benator lilair will bring forward bis edu
cationai bill again, but one cannot fore
ten the action in the house. We must
carry out our pledges and revise tl
New York, Oct. 21.-r The steamship
jirooKiyn, formerly tue lonatcnndn),
which sailed from Danen, Ga., October
12, for New lork, with a caago of lumber,
is supposed to have been lost with all on
board, eighteen persons in all, in the gale
on me tain, as sne is now six days over-
cue. oeverai incoming steamers report
oi shilling a vessel answering to her
description sixteen miles off Bodv
Island, with her bow twenty feet out of
tne water, and her stern apparently on
the bottom. Her bow ports were out
showing the lumber inside.
Ottawa, Ont Oct. 21. R. R. Pobell.
ot (Quebec, has been here interviewing
uiemuera 01 ine government id connection
with the Canada Atlantic Cable Com Dan v.
oi wuicn ne is ine promoter and projector.
nc reuuns mat every arrangement so
far necessary has been perfected and that
tne cable is a solid fact. WorK will be
commeneed next year, and will be pushed
iorwara vigorusly. The capital expend
iiure oi ihe company is estimated at
$1,600,000. One of tbe principal maDU
lactunng companies of London has
tendered to provide, lay and guarantee a
cable of the most approved tvDe for
$1,500,000. It will thus cost one-ffith
less than that of tbe Commercial co
pany's connection.
1 he cable wnl extend from near Clew
Bay in Ireland to Greenly island, in the
straits ot lieu isle, and will be 1900 miles
THE cronin trial.
Chicago, Oct. 21. At different times
to-day the Cronin jury was complete, un
less tne talesmen on tbe stand at tbe mo
ment was subject to peremptory chal
Ienge. The challenge came each time.
however, lo-aigbt the jury is still in
complete, four jurors having jet to be
nnuru ju, out wiiu inree oi tne iour
practically accepted by both sides. The
defense has three and tho prosecution
twenty-three peremptories left.
William h. James, son of tbe promi
nent British -American lawyer, said to
day that suspect Kunze was one of the
men who occupied the flat on Clark street,
where tbe furniture found in tbe Carlson
cottage is supposed to have been first
taken, loung James says that at the
time of Cronln's dissapearance his lather
bad an omce across the street from the
flat, and tbat it was from there that he
saw Kunze,
Lawyer Foster, according to a local
paper, to-day outlined the defense which
will be made by Suspect Beggs. He will
endeavor to prove that the committees
were appointed, but not for tbe purpose
alleged. Tbe evidence will show that
after the resolution was discussed it was
decided to refer the whole matter for final
settlement to the district officer, Edward
Spellman, of Peoria. This, Foster says,
was the occasion of all the correspon
dence between Spellman and Beggs,
which will appear in the trial. If this
correspondence contains tbe name of
Cronin, Foster says, he is veiy much mis
St. Paul, Oct. 21. Tbe relief com
mittee appointed by tbe chamber of com
merce presented to day a report of tbe
destitute in tbe Dakota?, which shows a
serious state of affairs in several countie-,
caused by the failure ot tbe crops inci
dent to drought and frosts. An organ
ized relief movement to get to work it
once is recommended to get clothes, sup
plies and provisions to the people who
are in want, before tbe extreme cold
weather sets iu. Delays will result in
great suffering. Subscriptions have been
opened by tbe city councils and tbe com
mercial bodies of St. Paul and Minneapo
Independence, Or., Oct. 21 Saturday
afternoon A. D. Robertson was arrested
in this city, charged with an assault with
a deadly weapon with an attempt to kill.
Tbe person making tbe charge was a
Mrs. Miller. Tbe particulars are about
as follows: Robertson was abusing bis
wife, when she sent for Mrs. Miller to
help her. When Mrs. Miller came, Rob
ertson ordered ber home, and went after
her with a broomstick. He soon dropped
the stick, grapped her by the bair, picked
up an ax, and threatened to kill ber. She
picked up a club and bit him a blow up
on the head, ceusing bim to drop bis ax.
She bad him arres.ed, and he was given
a preliminary examination this morning,
and Justice Butler bound him over in
$500 bonds to appear before tbe grand
jury, up to 6 o clock this evening he
bad not got bonds, and was taken to the
county jail at Dallas.
Tacoma, Wn., Oct. 22. An absolute
decree of divorce was granted in the
Ferry case to-night. Mrs. Ferry takes
$16,000 in cash, $34,000 in Tacoma real
estate, and the coustody of her child
until 8 years of age, when Ferry has the
custody one month in the year.
Los Angeles, Oct. 21. Tbe heaviest
October rain ever known here continued
with light showers to day. Much
damage is reported, owing to lack of
sewers. Many of the streets were torn
up and basements were flooded and the
large street cable system was blocked.
The fair has been postponed to next
week, on acconnt of tbe ram.
St. Louis, Oct. 21. Frank J. Bowman,
tbe well-known lawyer, who has figured
in so many matrimonial troubles here and
in Cbicae-o, was shot and killed this after
noon at Ferguson, Mo-, by D. M. Cham
bers. The killing grew out ot a trouble over
the Time. Chambers was a 'large stock
holder and principal owner of the paper
up to the time of its demise. Bowman
was also financially interested in it. and
has been in litigation with Chambers.
This afternoon in company with Depu
ty Sheriff Garrott, of St. Louis county,
he called at Chambers' home in Fergu-.
son. He met Chamber in tbe yard and
told hi in that he bad come to levy
on his properly. Chambers entered
tbe bouse, but came out almost in
stantly with a shot gun. He ordered
the deputy sheriff out of liis yard and
Garrott went. "Now . Bowman, I'll give
you three minutes to get out of these
grounds," said Chambers. Bowman did
not move, and an instant later Chambers
raised the gun and fired the load into
Bowmm's breast. Bowman fell dead,
and Chambers walked into the house, and
at 4:30 P. M. was still there awaiting ar
rest, while Bowman's body lay in a pool
of blood in the yard, nobody venturing
to touch it, as the coroner bad not yet
Baeklen Arnica salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts
bruises, sores, n leers, salt rheum, feve.
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively
cures piles, or no pay required. It ia guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For
sale by Snipes & Kinorsley.
Occasional Faintneas.
Dr. Flint's remedy, taken when vertigo,
occasional faintnesa, nausea, loss of appe
tite, and inability to sleep appear, will pre
vent the development of inflammation of
the brain, of which these are the first
symptoms. Descriptive treatise with each
bottle; or, address Mack Drag Co., N. Y.
From Saturday Daily.
A paper carnival is on the tapis in Walla
The weather is most delightful not too
cold for comfort or too warm for pleasure.
Col. E. W. Nevius returned last night
from a visit to the exposition at Portland.
Dumb-bells are much harder than elec
tric globes. This can be demonstrated to
a fact.
Mr. Chas. E. Haight left yesterday after
noon for Astoria, where he will attend the
funeral of C. W. Jones, lately deceased,
Mrs. McLelland, sister of Mrs. Roscoe,
and Dr. fugsby of Victoria, B. C, are vis
iting at the residence of Mrs. Roscoe in this
ire nave not seen many duels or geese
Drought to town during tne last tew days,
Our good shots evidenly have stayed at
The Baker Citv Reveille calls attention to
tne tact that twenty old buildings on one
street in that city wonld make excellent
Mr. David Hilher, an employee in the
company's shops in this city, leaves to-day
lor iiaiiuia, where he will work for the
Uunt system.
It is currently reported that Denutv U.
S. Marshal S:hutz was refused meals at the
Locks last week because he attempted to
pay for them in spurious coin. The deputy
empnaticany denies tne allegation
Conductor Trowley, who was lately run
over by the cars at Walluia, has suffered
the amputation of one foot; the other foot
will probably be taken off to-morrow if his
condition permits. He seems growing
weaaer ana ms condition is serious.
Mr. Wm. Grant, of Grants in Sherman
connty, gave ns a call to-day. He has
lately returned from a visit to Eastern
Washington. He speaks in the highest
terms oi tne eiowtn ot JNortn lakima and
Ellensburgh, and says the latter place is re
building very rapidly.
Baker Democrat: A carpenter in the em
ploy ot tne 1! u. Midids Company, at Corn
ucopia, attempted suicide last week by cut
ting his throat with a razor. The name of
the man we are unable to learn. He has
relatives at North Powder, to which place
he was taken a few days since.
Young McDevitt died yesterday after
noon from wounds received by Uibbs. The
negro ia still at large, and his victim has
gone to his long home. Of course the con
dition of the father is rendered more pre
carious by the death of his son, and the
final result is difficult to determine.
We have heard a pretty eood ioke on one
of our prominent citizens, who. while in
Portland visiting the exposition, centlv
stroked the cow which yields fifty gallons
of milk a day and need plaintive terms to
keep her uiild and peaceful. Hereafter he
says be will be certain and only pet live
A number of onr citizens have received a
request from the American Publishing As
sociation that they furnish' selections pi
their poetry for pu plication in a wora en
titled "Local and National Poets of Amer
ica." - Among the list are J. H. Phirman,
Hon. Geo. Watkins, C. E. Bayard and Jos.
Reveille: Track laying on the Oregon Pa
cific is progressing at the rate of abont a
mile a day. It is understood that contracts
have already been let tor constructing the
road fifty miles east of tbe crest of the Cas
cades, and that arrangement will soon be
closed for a long section between that point
and Boise City.
James Leonard, a compositor on the New
Orleans Times-Democrat, lately in seven
days of seven and one half hours each, set
and distributed 102.800 ems eqnal to about
205,000 letters. He worked regular copy
and his proof contained comparatively few
errors. In accomplishing this feat bis arms.
it is estimated, traveled no less than 125
Salem Journal: An insane lady at the
asylum escaped last evening. She had been
employed in the dining room for some time.
She is described as a middle-aged woman,
five feet four inches in height and ways
about 200 pounds. Dr. Line is making all
possible efforts to find ber, and will proba
bly nave ner located soon, as it is not possi
ble that she has succeeded in escaping any
great distance.
At a meeting of the board of Willamette
University trustees -at Salem Wednesday
evening, Key. 11. H. times, of .Boise City,
was elected to the chair of historical theol
ogy, and Rev. John Dennison, of Tacoma,
to the cbair of practical theology. This
completes the faculty of the theological
debarment, which opens November Sth,
Rev. A. C. Fairchild having resigned tbe
chair of historical theology.
Baker Democrat: Sheriff Gray, of Grant
county, arrived in the city yesterday morn
ing from Logan county, Idaho, haying in
charge Spencer Greenwell, indicted by the
grand jury of Grant county about two years
since for horse stealing, but who afterwards
'skipped and be was not apprehended un
til his description fell into the bands of
Sheriff Campbell, of Logan county, who ar
rested bim. bneriU Uray and prisoner lett
or Canyon City yesterday.
I The Dalles can boast ot at least two cen
tenarians. Col. N. B. Sinnott was born in
Ireland where he lived 21 years. He then
came to St. Louis where he lived 7 years;
from there he went to Pike a Peak, where
he lived 1 year. He spent 2 years in Idaho,
16 years in reona, a , years in Uincinnatti,
14 years in Portland, Oregon, "and for the
last 40 years has resided in The Dalles.
This makes him 110 years old, and yet
Knaggs is older than the colonel.
A dispatch in to-day's Oregonian, dated
Baker City, Oct. 18th, says: The Baker
City and Canyon stage was held op at 6
clock this morning near union creea, ana
the mail sacks robbed of all registered
matter. The robber was disguised by hay
ing a dark woolen scarf tied oyer his head
and face. The driver described the man as
weighing about 135 pounds and that he
dressed in dark clothes. Alter tne roooer
had relieved the mail sacks of all registered
matter, the other mail was replaced in the
sacks and thrown in tbe stage and tbe
driver ordered to proceed on his journey
l..-t. l.o A.A ar.tlin,, ,l.t7
The estimated wheat crop of Washington
nd Oregon for this year is: Oregon, 1 l.bOO,-
000 bushels, 1,150,000 acres; worth $8,500,
000. Washington, 10.000,000 bushels, 600,
000 acres; worth $6,500,000. Last year
the figures were: Oregon, 14,543,000 bushels,
892,825 acres; worth 51 1,347, 44U. wasn
ington, 9,006.000 bushels, 487,790 acres;
worth $7,024,680. Comparing these figures
with tbe visible snpply in the United States,
August 20, 1888, and to-day show that we
are more than up with the rest of the coun
try, as the figures last year were zj,ziyi,Mo
bushels, while this year tbe figures are
abont 21,500,000.
From Monday's Daily.
P. Coyillaud, of Grant's, is in the
Hon. E. L. Smith, of Hood River, is in
the city. t
Circuit court begins in PrineviUe to-day.
with a very full docket.
Mrs. King and two daughters, of Georgia,
are the guests of Mrs. J. Leahy.
Mrs. Locbhead, who has been in Portland
visiting the exposition, returned this noon.
Judee Dunbar passed through the city
to-day en route to his home in Goldendale.
Sheriff Herbert, mother, wife and family
returned from a visit to Portland on the
west-bound train to-day.
Mr. J. TrullU and son of Centralis,
Wash., are visiting Mrs. Hardy, sister of
Mr. Trullis, in this city.
Hon. W. R. Ellis was in the city Satur
day, en route to attend tbe circuit court in
session at Prinoville to-day.
Mr. J. D. Flenner arrived in the city to
day from Hood River. He is at present
representing tbe West Shore.
Goldendale has organized a joint stock
company lor tbe erection ot a notei, tne
capital stock being $15,000.
Rev. L. J. Whitcomb, well-known in
this city, has been transferred irom tbe
Goldendale circuit to Lewision, Idaho.
Yakima now has several miles ef tele
phone wires, and wants to know what is
the matter with "keeping the other eye on
Two freighters recently made tbe round
trip from PrineviUe to The Dalles and back
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla;
in eight days, and each took home 2000
pounds ot freight. Each drove only one
span of horses. The distance ot tbe round
trip is 240 miles.
A good many lottery tickets are sold in
this city every month, and small prize sums
are regularly drawn; bnt there bas been no
big strikes made.
Mrs. J. a. Crossen returned from an ex
tended visit to San Francisco last night,
She was accompanied by Miss Grace Cros-
sen and little lMnily (Jrossen.
The first carload of wool for the woolen
mill in Salem was received last Thuisday,
Work is progressing very rapidly, and in a
snort time the mill will be in operation,
E. C. Griffin and Henson Butler, of Nan
sine, were arrested last Saturday and fined
$25 and cost for not informing the stock in
spector of scabby sheep in their possession,
W. E. Theodore and family and W. C.
Rupert returned from Portland on Satur
day's midnight train. Mr. Theodore and
family made a flying trip to Seattle during
tneir absence.
A La Grande gambler claims to have
beat a Baker City faro game for $3000, and
that during the fair week at Baker City
iiu.uw was transferred to La (jrande by
cards and racing.
Grant County News: Rev. Ira Wakefield.
M. E. presiding elder of this district, hung
his pants on a cbair before retiring the
other night at La Grande, and during .the
night a sneak thief entered the room and
took all the good man's money, amounting
to ju.
A mad dog created quite a stampede in
lacoina on last Saturday, running into
stores, and into a dining room full ot guests
ana nnauy into a longshoreman s cabin
where it was killed. The Ledger says that
several persons were supposed to have beeu
bitten by it.
Canyou City Newt: And now the mining
excitement bas moved up the vicinity of old
Marysville, where roueli gold is found un
derneath tbe couieu t which was taken for
bedrock by tbe early placer- miners. The
gold lays in cement gravel, and if the lead
does not run out there is a ton of money
beneath the old abandoned placer claims of
years gone by.
Sentinel: A 13-vear-old son of Geo. S.
Lusby, who lives a few miles east of Gold
endale, left borne on the 5th mat., and up
to last Sunday his whereabouts were not
known by the family. Mr. Lusbv left for
North Yakima last Saturday with the hopes
of getting some trace of him. We also
understand that a little 10-year-old boy of
xur. ruewton i orris was also missing from
bis home last Friday.
James Lawrence, an intoxicated teamster,
was killed on South Front street bridge,
in Portland, yesterday, by falling un
der tbe wheels of his loaded wag
on, and it passing over him. In
very brutal manner he obiccted to
moving his team to allow a funeral proces
sion pass, but was finally induced to
move his horses. Being ro drunk that be
was nnable to retain bis seat, he fell with
the fatal result mentioned.
PrineviUe News: Contractor Belknap had
just finished making all the several parts of
tne seats ior tne new cnurcn, and bad them
ready to put together, when some unknown
thief stole the backs of three of them. It
was probably the same individual who
helped himself to a quantity of lumber left
in the basement of the building some time
ago. Petty thieving is becoming entirely
too common in rnneville, and a movement
will be inaugurated soon to put a sudden
veto on it.
On Saturday evening last Gerald Robert
son, one of the best known young men in
Portland, while driving on the White
House road near that city, in a buggy with
Mrs. T. B. Merry, was thrown from the
vehicle and instantly killed by striking his
head against a rock. The horse became
frightened by being bitten by a dog. Mrs,
Alerry fas thrown out ot the buggy and
bruised considerably, but not seriously in
jured. At last accounts she was suflering
from nervous prostration.
The grand lodge of Idaho. I. O. O. F
met at Caldwell the past week. Thirty
one subordinate lodges were represented
by forty-eight delegates. The reports of
the Grand Master and the Grand Secre
tary show the order to be in a very flour
ishing condition, and show a membership
of 1,050. During the past year 94 Odd
Fellows have been relieved and $3,617.17
bas been spent for tbe relief of distressed.
There are now 32 subordinate lodges and
la Rebekah lodges in the jurisdiction.
PrineviUe News: Mr. J. P. Bowman, of
Wallowa valley, met with a painful misfor
tune on the dssert near Hampton butte on
Tuesday night about midnight. One of his
horses which was tied to tbe wagon got a
hind foot over the baiter stall ani threw
himself. While attempting to free the ani
mal he turned completely over, striking
Mr Bowman on the right ankle, disjointing
it and breaking one of the bones. He had
to come all the way to PrineviUe (50 miles)
to obtain medical assistance. He is now
laid up for repairs at tbe Cary bouse.
Union Republican: It is learned on good
authority that Henry Rinehart, register,
and J. T. Outhouse, receiver, of the La
Grande land office, will next month be re
heved of their official positions, and Lon
Cleaver, of Baker City, and A. C. McClel
land, of Island City, will occupy their
places. Mr. Outhouse has tendered his
resignation to the secretary of the interior,
to take effect next month, but Mr. Rine
hart is not of tbe resigning kind, and will
hold to bis government seat nntil officially
choked off by the appearance of Mr.
Cleaver with his commission.
Mr. I. II. Taffe requested one of our
citizens to send him a long-range gun for
the purpose of killing geese in the neigh
borhood or Celiio. botue man given to
facetiae sent bim the old blunderbuss
which formely rested On the walls of Mr.
Schiader's saloon. Tbe muzzle of this
gun is about two inches in diameter, and
it requires the combined strength ot two
men to raise it to the level of the shoulder.
It is not considered a dangerous weapon
only to the persons who fires it, and if Mr.
Taffe ex pec's to exercise tbe elective
franchise next June and vote against S.
Pennoyer for governor, he should leave
that gun alone.
Salem Journal: This morning a freight
train passed through this city for Fort
Lebanon, Kansas, with fifty soldiers on
board from the Vancouver barracks.
Thev go to Kansas, where they will re
main tor some time. They have their
horses with them, and under Captain H.
M. Swigert, with Lieut. Bryan and Dr.
Buroingham. The company is in good
condition and presents a brilliant appear
ance. They left East Portland laat night
and arrived in this city about 11 o'clock
to-day. When they proceeded on South
this fore-noon. A reporter interviewed
tho captain and he said he did not have
anything of importance io say only of the
long journey before them.
The colored murderer, Gibbs, passed
through Tygh valley and crossed Sherar's
bridge last Mondsy. He crossed the bridre
about 9 o'clock Monday morning, and
bought a lunch and continued ou his way.
Between Sherar's bridge and Salt Spriugs
he purchased another lunch and engaged
sapper at Salt Springs that night, continu
ing on his journey without stopping. He
was dressed in light clothes and wore a blue
shirt, and is a light-complexioned mulatto.
He was continuing on tbe road to Canyon
City, and told all persons who made any
inquiries that he bad been working in a
saw mill. There can be no reasonable doubt
that this is Gibbs, as from bis appearance
and actions he gave unmistakable evidence
tbat be was attempting to bide bis identity.
From Tuesday's Daily.
La Grande ia making an attempt to bore
an artesian well.
Cant. AnlautT returned yesterday from a
trip to Shasta Valley, Cab
The welcome rain has come. Let it poor.
and the farmers will be happy.
Biker City has increased about $200,000
in taxable property daring tbe past year.
Miss Sophie Wolf, of Silverton. Orecon.
is visiting her cousin Miss Minnie Freiman.
Mr. C. S. Jackson, of the East Oreaonian,
passed through the city to-day en route to
At the recent term of the circuit court
Union connty furnished six residents of the
Abont $S00 have been raised in this citv
for boring an artesian well. The stock is
divided into shares of $50, ard stockholders
are restricted to one share each,
Tbe Daily Olympian, a very welccme and
ably edited exchange, we are sorry to state,
has ceased to exist.
Pasco has another paper, the Pilot. It is
very readable, and well illustrates the en
terprise of the town.
La Grande is givine evidence of substan
tial prosperity. The city has the right
kind of men at tbe head. '
Rains have been quite general In the In
land Empire, and fall plowing and sowing
are indulged in quite extensively.
Tramps have become so popular in Walla
Walla that the boys have donned their cos
tume and parade the streets daily,
Mr. C. E. Bayard leaves on the midnight
train on a business trip to Sacramento, CaL
He will be absent about two weeks.
Mrs. Geo. Blakeley returned from Port
land yesterday, where she had been visiting
relatives and friends for seyeral weeks
Mr. R. W. Crandall, who has been pros
pecting in the mountains for some time, re
turned Saturday. He brought with him
several fine specimens of ores.
The town of Orondo, in Douglas county,
IFash., bas received its first woman inhabi
tant. It was a grand event in tbe history
of the town, and there was considerable re
joicing aud jollification.
An up-country paper telegraphed the
Walla Walla Statesman on election day to
send it 200 woids of election news. The
Statesman replied: "No need of 200 words
-everything gone to bell.
Astoria Transcript: An Astoria surgeon
says that a kiss on the lips should be felt
for at lrast twenty minutes afterwards. Of
course it had, but they feel ever so much
nicer when lapped over each other three or
four deep.
Astorian: Friday afternoon a man work
ing on the jetty at Fort Stevens named
Martin Carlson feU from the jetty to the
rocks below, quite seriously injuring his
head, shoulders and left thigh. He was
brought up to Astoria for medical treat
Baker City has a cigar factory and calls
upon local dealers to patronize home indus
try. This is all well enough; but we pre
sume there is a great deal of money going
out of Baker City for things which could be
made at home, the same as every town in
the northwest.
Hon. Robt. Mays, who has been through
the county during the past few days exam
ining the condition of bis stock on his vari
ous ranches, reports cattle in good condi
tion, aud that grass is growing nicely. He
does not apprehend any more than an aver
age loss during the winter, as everything
appears as favorable as former seasons.
Hennner Gazette: Last Ssturdav after
noon Heppner was enlivened by a foot race
between Liee Matlock, of Heppner, and
Billy Colwell, of the Long Creek section.
The boys came to a scratch in a manner
which proved it to be a race for "blood."
and after some scoring, started. Colwell
leading out and finishing several feet ahead
of Matlock.
According to the Corvallis Times, a wild '
deer ran through the agricultural college .
farm Wednesday afternoon, and passed
within twenty feet of the dormitory, where
fifty or more students stood watching it.
The Eugene Register says that deer are com
ing out of the mountains a month earlier
than nsual this year, which is a good sign
of an early winter.
JVanscriBf: According to the report of
P. VV. Weeks, ex-chief engineer of the As
toria hre department, tbe cost of maintain
ing the department (or the past year his
been $3,216.91. The loss by fire during
the past six months has been $150. No
other city of its size can produce such a
good record. It is now in order for the in
surance companies to raise the rate of fire .
insurance in Astoria.
Pasco Pilot: Sunday night, Mike Sulli- -van,
a yard brakeman, threw the switch
open by mistake and as he attempted to
step upon tbe engine it ran off of the rail -and
caught his leg, breaking it above the
ankle and injuring one foot severely. Dr.
Haynie was summoned and set the injured
limb. Through the kindness of. Mr, Bierck,
the agent, the unfortunate man, with an
attendant, was furnished transportation to
the hospital at Missoula.
Astoria Pioneer: Harry Smith distin
guished himself as a life saver Saturday
night. While at work in his office on the
Telephone wharf, he heard something heavy
drop, and lantern in hand, rushed out oa
the dock in time to discover Gus Olsen, a
longshoreman, in the act of sliding over tbe
string piece into the river. Olsen was
drunk and said be wanted to die, bnt Mr.
Smith insisted that he live a little longer,
and started the man off np town.
Union Republican: Union county has re
covered a judgment of $718 and costs against
A. T. Wyatt for damage done to the county
bridge spanning Grande Ronde at Morelock s
crossing. Soon after the completion of the
bridge, Wyatt't sons drove a band of horses
onto the bridge, starting them down grado
on a furious run. Tbe result was inevitable
and a ruined bridge followed. Whether
tbe judgment is collectable or not remains
to be seen, but tbe verdict was a righteous
Astorian: The most novel feature of the
late fan: in Southern Oregon was a race be
tween a red and man boll, each saddled and
backed with a rider. Tbe red animal
proved sulky and fractious, and tbe steady -dog
trot of the roan was surely winning
him the race, when some sharp witted in
dividual who had his money np on the red,
hired about two dozen small boys to go out
armed with switches and clubs and chase
him in. The wisdom of this maneuver was
speedily apparent, for the thoroughly frigh
tened and panio stricken animal, with head
down and tail erect and wildly shying from
one side of tbe track to the other in the
vain endeavor to escape from his howling
tormentors as they would dart out at him,
swept down past the grand stand . like a
hurricane, winning the race hands down
amid the deafening plaudits of the multi
tude. Eugene Journal: It is announced that
another contract on the eastern extension
of the Oregon Pacitio railroad has been let
to Ormau & Crook, weU known contractors
of Denver, Col. The contract inoludee the -grading
of fifteen mile beyond tbe contract
of Antonelle ft Poe, also three miles ef un
finished work, between Briton Bush and
the abandoned tunnel, making eighteen
miles in all. Tbe contractors have ordered
an extensive plant to be shipped from Col
orado. It has been an open secret since
tbe arrival of Col. Hogg and party from
New York, that the Oregon Pacific Co. has
decided to push the road through to Boise
City without further delay and they have
ample capital for this purpose. Men in a
position to know say that some heavy con
tracts on the road through Eastern Oregon
will be let soon.
The exercises at the thirtieth anniversary
of the establishment of the Congregational
Sunday school in this city last Sunday were
very interesting. Several of the older mem
bers of the school, who have grown to man ,
and womanhood in Tbe Dalles, were present
and took part in tbe proceedings. The
altar was ornamented by wreaths of flow
en, which were arranged in very artistio
style. The exercises consisted of singing,
reading essays, speeches and a presentation
of a large dictionary to Mr. S. L. Brooks,
who has been elected superintendent for
many years. Our reporter was absent from
the city on the occasion, but the exercises
are spoken of as very highly entertaining
and very pleasing to those who partici
pated. The re-union of very many of the
old members of the school was a most agree
able feature of the proceedings, for as the
years roll on these will become less.
Care for rile.
Itching Pdes are known by moisture like
perspiration, producing a very disagreeable
itching after getting warm. This form as
weU as blind, bleeding and protruding
piles, yield at once to the application of
Dr. Boeanko's PUe Remedy, which acts
directly upon the parts affected, absorbing
the tumors, allaying the intense itching and
effecting a permanent cure. 60 cents. Ad
dress The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co.,
Piqua, O. Sold by Blakeley ft Clark.
He skipped on a banana peel,
Tbe bump it made bim wince; .
He fell on his head, and took to his bed
And he hasn't banana where since.