The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 19, 1889, Image 2

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The San Francisco Chronicle says it
is announced in Ottawa that the Brit
ish government has called the atten
tion of the Canadian government to
-i i i .i i il. ai
luo uuugrr wuicn mreaipua tue ineuuijr
and treaty relations between Great
Britain and China nnless the Chinese
Restriction act passed by the Dominion
Parliament in 18S5 is modified, and it
desires that such steps may be taken
at the next session of the Canadian
parliament as shall remove the cause
for afarnj.
If Canada does not want the Chinese
the desire of the British government
will be more than apt to pass unheeded
and the request for supplemental leg
islation receive but scant courtesy.
The time has gone by for England to
attempt anything like dictation to hi r
great colonies on matters of internal
policy, and even the danger of a rup-
lure between Great Britain and China
would not be enough in all probabil
ity to induce the Dominion of Canada
to permit the unrestricted immigration
cf an , undesirable kind of people.
' Canada has even gone so far as to put
. a check upon the immigration of pau
pers from Great Britain itself, and
can scarcely be expected to open her
doors to coolies at the desire of the
mother country.
Another English colony, one of the
Australian provinces, simply took the
matter into its own hands, refused to
allow Chinese laborers to land at all,
and compelled the vessel which had
brought them to take them back again.
and yet China did not sever her
friendly relations with Great Britain
in consequence. Should England at-
tempt to urge this matter too strongly
upon Canada, the friendly relations
between mother and daughter might
be strained and another link of the
now .slender chain of allegiance be
cracked, if not broken.
By the way, is not China going to
taka a pretty large contract if she un-
dertakes to compel every nation of the
civilized world to open their doors to
coolies? According to Bishop Fowler,
she is oing to whip the United States
in ten years and England appears to
be somewhat alarmed about war.
.Ferbaps. though, Ohma proposes to
take the nations one by one and re
peat on this side of the ocean the ex
ploits of the great Emperor Kow-tsung
in the seventh century. But as it is
wise not to cross a river until it is
reached, neither Great Britain nor the
United States need borrow any trouble
about a Chinese invasion at presen'.
In this era of rapid progress of
cities, the community which does not
exercise enterprise will fail behind
others, however many natural ad van
taees it may posse S3. The element of
grit insures success in cities as well as
individuals. This has been illustrated
in many instances in the northwest
during luo past few years, and it . is
constantly building cities and creating
trade Centers where natural ad van-
tages do not exist. The fact is so
apparent that enterprise will insure
the growth and prosperity of any
community that no other factor is
deemed necessary. Channels of trade,
natural resources and manufacturing
facilities may attract wealth and pop
illation; but the possession of these
alone will not insure future develop
ment In connection with these ele
ments of commercial greatness
there must be, to profit by them, a
spirit of enterprise exhibited by
the citizens. No great city can
grow to
importance without the
inhabitants have en-
ergy and activity, and liberal ideas in
regard to public improvements. Even
without natural advantages, public-
spirited men can accomplish wonders
in impelling the growth of business
industries. The instance of Spokane
t alls has often been cited, and is as
pertinent illustration as any on the
coast. If other cities had exhibited
the same enterprise they would have
equal population and business wealth.
But "grit" secured success by build-
ing railroads, welcoming capital
and attracting trade. The lesson to
. be learned is very plain, and an appli-
cation to towns in the northwest can
be made. The Dalles enjoys ad van-
tages which few towns in Eastern Ore-
gon possess; but to profit by these,
energy and enterprise must be exer-
cised. " One or more railroads should
diverge from this city to the interior,
and these, with our facili ies for chsrp ed large sums from the leading bus
transportation ly means of the Colum- iness houses and wealthy men, whose
bia river, would make this a great trade contributions, many of them will be
center for a rich agricultural country,
During the past season the erectiin of
the roller mill has been a movement
in the right direction, and another
season a woolen mill and other indus-
tries thould follow. Our c'ty has
every advantage for trade, and the
exercise of pluck will insure our
growth and prosperity.
The legend goes that once upon a
time a shipwrecked Irishman found
himself cast ashore upon a friendly
lBiand. Uncertain as to his where-1
abouts, he was naturally anxious to
know whether he was alone, or wheth-
er "the place was inhabited. He had
w. - I
gone but a short distance inland when
he met a citizen of that country. His
nrsb quesuuu was, a mere govern-
1 1 iT . 1 I
mint on this island?" "There is" was I
the answer. "Well thin," responded
our Celtic friend with an emphatic I
nod, 'byG d I'm agin' it" Mr.
George William Curtis for several
years has been "agin' it." He pro
fe&8e8 to believe that the civil service
reform plank in the Republican plat-
form of 1888 meant that the incoming I
pies:dent must leave the offices, in I "
their occuoenc? and arrangement, iust I
as he found them after Mr. CIcve
land's" fouf years tenure of office, re-
yarding this gentleman's somewhat
peculiar work as the foundation of all
righteousness. This seems to bo
about what be assumes. Mr. Curtis,
since his defection from the RepuUi-
can party, and affiliation with on'-,
which but a short tim3 ago, he pro
nounced to be but ''an organized hun-
ger and thirst for office" has, it would
i seem,
been an extremely unhappy
But that is no reason why he
should attempt to degrade the whole
theory of reform by a stump speech
abusive of President Harrison, like
his Philadelphia tffort. Mr. Curtis
might as well own that the civil re
form service is making progress; not
so much or so fast as might be hoped
perhaps, but still progress, no matter
I whether Mr. Curtis, or
all the mi
I wuinps are "agin it."
I Gov. Pennoycr has written a letter
I to the chief of public engineers, udve-
eating the building of a standard
I gauge railroad by the government in-
stead of a boat railroad between The
D.illes and Culilo, because he is in
formed bv an old stcaiuboatoian that
boats staunch enough to navigate the
river below The Dalles would be en
tirely too heavy and unwieldly to
navigate the river above CtliiO, ovine:
to the shoals, bars and rapids at var
ious points above that place, which
impediments absolutely require boats
uf such light draught and such
lisht weiaht as would render them
entirely unfit to withstand the strong
winds and swift waves of the middle
Columbia The statement of the
river captain, upon whom the governor
reies for authority, may ba true in
general: but the fact remains that
boats which have been used in navi
gating the Columbia above Celilo
called the upper river have been suc-
cessfully used in the trade between
tujg city and the Cascades and also on
the 0wer river. A number of years
ag0 the Shoshone and Nez Perce Chief
were taken to Portland and for a long
time used in navigating the Willamette
anj Columbia rivers. The Harvest
Queen and D. S. Baker, now making
trjp8 to the Cascades, are both upper
river boats, and for years were engaged
in the trade between Celilo and Lew-
;8ton. These illustrations demon-
8trates the fact that boats cf suffi-
c;ent jow draft to pass the shoals
and rapids ci the upper river
con be used in navigating all portions
of the river. For this reason we do
not endorse Gov. Pennoyer's idea of
constructing a broad gauge railroad to
overcome the obstructions above this
c;ty inatead of a boat railway as pro-
nnanj ti1H w,arH nf ,;,,.. Th
boat-railway would be the more eco
nomical plain, and we do not think the
objections to it can be substantiated.
A committee of members cf the
senate will reach Ogden on Monday
next traveling over the U. P. by
special. From thence it will go to
San Francisco, also by special train.
The committee consists of Senators
Frye, Hiscock, Davis, Butler, Hearst,
Dawes and Morgan. The last two
gentleman, it will be remembered.
were on the coast this summer. These
gentlemen will return home by the
Shasta Route to Portland, and from
thence by the Short Line route to the
east. This is our opportunity. Let
us, through our Board of Trade, avail
ourselves of the presence of these gen
tlemen in our midst, entertain them
and let them see for themselves the
ignificent ruin known as the Locks
and send them back to Washington
with a personal knowledsa of our
wants, as well as the conviction which
actual inspection must bring to them
that there is but one wav to o-ivn na a.
free river within a lifetime and that
is by contract work. A few hours
stop at the Locks and at The Dalles,
will give us seven intelligent advo
cates m the Senate Chamber men
who can speak ex cathedra, and whose
influence will be worth to us a thous
and fold the little trouble and outlay.
The great effort which the city of
Chicago is making to secure the
World's Fair of 1892 is at least strong
evidence that Chicagoaus believe in
themselves and their city. The city
has been flooded with subscription
books, no les3 than 19,000 of these
having been distributed among the
factories, shop?, stores, docks and
other places where workingmen con-
err gate. This is of course apart, from
and beside, the regularly to be expect -
represented by at least four figures.
The plan 13 somewhat unique. All
these leaser subscriptions were made at
one time at 12:30 on Wednesday,
O.t. 9th. This will be remembered
as the anniversary of the great h're
of eighteen years ago which proved
both bane and blessing to the rustling.
enterprising City of the Lakes. We
are somewhat curious to see the sequel
of this novel method of spcurinsr the
sinews of war for what will doubtless
prove the grandest exhibition of the
century, whether held at Chicago or
vnTTnnr at TtrnTva I
" I
According to the dispatches a plot
has been "unearthed" in the Cronin
trial, by which a wholesale bribery of
n",v' - t" ,
iiirnra fioon nratinorl In thia aa I
f American jurisprudence it fre-
qnentiy nappens inai sucn sensational
rumors become widespread, id order to I
influence public opinion; but before
any credence is placed in these "dis- I
closures" it is well that a care-
ful scrutiny should bo had. The
- I
whole subject should be care-1
tu"v analyzed, and the naked facts, J
possible, ascertained. It is not rea-
tonable that the very able counsel for
those who are suspected of the crime 'join hands with the Celt in favor of I
of the taurdcr" of Dr. Cronla, should
employ untried persons to acquit the
accused or "hang" the jury. Before
proceeding these lawyers should cover
every pitfall and be extra cautious
that they would not be caught in their
schemes by irresponsible and design
ing people. The matter of the dis-
closures will have to be viewed with a
great deal of discrimination, and the
greatest precaution and investigation
used before any conclusion is drawn.
A meeting of free-thiukers was
held in Portland last Saturday, at
which addresses were made by several
prominent men in the state. The bur
den of the speeches appeared to be a
severance of church and state, and the
greatest freedom in the expression of !
views on reliious subjects. As far as
could be gleaned from the Oregonian
the convention appeared to have at
tracted a large number Of people from
different portions of the state, and to
have been very harraoniods. All lib -
eral-minded men will endorse the sen- for public improvements and a sound
timents expressed of freedom from any financial and economic policy, and Iia
reli"iou3 restraint, and the broadest publicans are satisfied that very few
reaini tor thought on an subjects.
But the traditions of our people havu
become for centuries so interwoven
with religious ui;lief3 that it is
- a
not only a difficult but a dan
gerous expedient to ruzne any
marked innovation. .there is no
denying the fact that for the pur
poses of government some belief in a
supreme being greatly aids officials
in the enforcement of restrictive laws.
Sever the faculties of the mind
from a reverence for deity, and it
would be a broad step towards the
wildest anarchy. In the history of
the world, from the earliest ages of
Greece to the present time, religion
has been the handmaid of civil govern
ment, and tho reverence for
the one implies the life and
activity of the other. We have
cosmopolitan community, com
posed of different races, and it will be
extremely hazardous to cut these peo
ple loose from all restraining influences,
and let them follow the bent of their
own feelings. Tt will be far better for
them to hug a delusion to their bosoms,
if by so doing they are tracta
ble and law-abiding, than by releasing
them from the thralldom of supersti
tion to make them disturbers of the
peace of the commonwealth and breed
ers of mischief in society.
The report has been published gen
erally through the press of the state
that Mr. Harvey Scott, editor of the
Oregonian, has resigned, and that the
position has been filled by a gentleman
who was formerly of the staff of the
St. Paul Pioneer Press. From the
fact of this resignation queries have
been made regarding the future field
of work for Mr. Scott, and some have
intimated that he would be a candi
date before the next legislature for U.
S. senator. This is a matter that does
not concern the papers of Oregon, and
Mr. Scott, as an American citizen, has
a right to devote1 his energies in any
field of activity he desires. If he
should aim at a seat in the upper
house of the national legislature we
can assure our readers that no abler
man could be given the position. His
line of work for many years has been
the best disci phnearian of the 'brain
on all subjects, and if honored by an
election to the position ho would be
aided by a ripe judgment, and a care
ful discrimination in matters for the
benefit of his constituents. This has
been his life work,and,unlike the shys
ter lawyer, he would labor for the ben
efit of the community and not for his
own aggrandisement. This is the vo
cation of the editor in contradistin-
guisbment from that of the attorney.
The one either defends or prosecutes,
according to the size of the fee; the
other is the protector of the weak or
innocent against the enemies of
human peace and happiness.
In real life there is too much poefry
and sentiment, and not enough love
and honesty, although these are gen
erally combined. The poetry of life
consists in cjothing in glowing colors
tho common every day duties which
we owe to each other as members of
the cemmunity, and in consequence
almost a total ignoring of the sterner
realities, we must work, pay our
debts and treat cur neighbors fairly if
we desire to maintain our standing in
society, and leave the ideas of romance,
fancy and poetrv alone. The world is
a hard one.' It will not tread softly
over tendep spots, but will go rough
over the most delicate grounds, and we
must be prepared. The realm of
sentiment may be well enough for
those who have a large bank account
and unlimited credit; but with any
one who has to provide food and
clothes tor wtie and children something
is 01 mucd greater importance than
rynmm, time or tune, .bite must be
........... .1
sustained oy eaung ana ma necessaries
paid tor; clothing will have to be fur-
nisnea, anci butchers, grocers' and
merchants' bills liquidated by dollar
ana cents, and not by sweet songs or
8mooth-souudin2 sentences. This
knocks ihe poetry out of life, and rel-
egates it to the halcyon days of youth
or to the cooing time of mating. This
is where it
where else.
should exist and no
Pullic opinion in Great Britain in
favor of home rule fcr Ireland is in-
creasing very rapidly. The extension
of the franchise has given great power I
to the common people of the island I
oiupuc, auu ucu lucre us uuiuu 01 i
T - .1 ... 1. . I. T - f I
sentiment in any direction it expresses
itself at the ballot box. In England
the late elections show a tendency
toward home-rule by liberals and rad-
icals being returned to parliament in
hitherto Conservative strongholds,
The Enslish do not act soasmodicallv.
u . J I
and their advancement is slow but
sure. The ground gained toward
granting to Ireland what she demands
will not be lost, and the tiaxon will
reforms in the different branches of
government. The institutions Of
Great Britain are founded on individ
ual freedom, and when an onward
movement is inaugurated it is like an
Alpine avalanche and carries every
thing before it. It is only a question
of time when every member of the
British empire will have a parliament,
with power to make all local laws.
This is the tendency of British public
oninion. and it will never make a
retrogade movement.
There is no ''slate" made for .next
June yet, and thi3 is as it should be.
The Republican party is one of prin
ciples and not of men, and the mem
bers of the organization! are sufficiently
patriotic to trust implicitly to conven
tions to place proper candidates in
nomination. It ii not a maUer of as
much concern that certain men are
elected as that certain principles are
I fully carried out. In the next con
1 gress we desire liberal appropriations
will prove treacherou-t in these re
gards. If it is necessary Eastern Of
egon can furnish a United States sen
ator, congressman or governor; but
this region only desires to be properly
recognized. It is now thoroughly Re
publican and should receive some con
sideration from the nominating con
vention. But there is abundant time
and opportunity to discuss these
propositions, and we will not urge any
political contest prematurely.
A free-trade organ grows very en
thusiastic in favor of its pet doctrine
by the following peculiar jugglery of
figures: "The United States, under the
operations of high-tariff laws from
1870 to 1880, increased in wealth from
905 per capita to 940, or at a rate
of $3.50 annuallly. The United
States from 1850 to 1860 bad free
trade, and her wealth increased dur
ing that time from 3S0 per capita to
615, or at the rate cf $23.50 yearly."
These figures will deceive no thought
ful person, for during the free-trade
decade the discovery of gold in Cali
fornia saved the country from bank
ruptcy, and the disastrous results of
the civil war were felt between 1S70
and 1880. And furthermore the in
crease of population during the ten
years of protection was greater than
from 1850 to 1860, and as a matter of
course this diminished the increase of
wealth per capita.
At this particular period of indus
trial development in Oregon the im
provement of the navigation of the
Columbia river is of the greatest im
portance, and for this reason the
Waterway convention, a3 a represent-
atiye body, should voice the wishes of
every community dependent upon the
river as a means of transportation.
It should be a matter cf great concern
to all interested that these conventions
should express the desires of the
northwest regarding government aid
in public works. We have no fault
to - find with our senators and repre
sentatives in congress. They have
worked arduously for appropriations
for Oregon in the river and harbor
bill, and have been successful in many
instances in increasing the amounts
for the locks at the Cascades and for
the mouth of the river; but when they
have the support of conventions, em
bodying the consolidated wishes of
the entire community, their work is
more effectual.
Forty-six failures of woollen nianu
facturing concerns, with liabilities to
the amount of $6,920,000, in the first
eight months of this year, demonstrate
the failure of enormous duties on
woollens to secure the home market
for our woollen manufacturers. The
reason of such a failure is obviously
the taxation of the raw material
without which, free of duty, we can
not mate ratines to compete in our
own markets with foreign makes.
Albany Democrat.
There is considerable assumption in
the proposition that these failures are
caused by "taxation of the raw mate'
rial. The better reason appears to
be the efforts of the last administra
tion to break down the wool industry,
and the effect of such a ruinous policy
now being realized in our manufac
tures being crippled. A fair test of
this matter would be to wait till the
close of Mr. Harrison's administration
and then, after Republican legislation
in congress, to see w hether all branch
es of industries are not on a better
financial basis.
The Democrats are terribly exer
cised because a few fourth class post
masters have been removed in differ
ent parts of the country, and are pro
claiming loudly in favor of an unpar-
tisan civil service. Any one acquaint
ed with the history of the party knowH
that it originated the stoils system
and that the corrupt Tammany ring
has been the embodiment of every
thing that is detestable in politics from
its inception to the present time.
When the Democratic party preaches
civil service reform on an unpartisan
hasis it in timn tW Satan l.nU
ray himself in white and spotless
robes and undertake a crusade in favor
of purity and righteousness.
In Germany the authorities have a
very effectual method of stopping
strikes, and that is by putting the sol
diers at work where laboiers are
needed. Recently at Flensburg, when
the dock laborers refused to load and
unload the ships, the soldiers per
lormea toe worff, and the same was
. . , , ...
done in the strike of the bakers in
Berlin. This plan can only be adopted
by tyrannical governments, and the
freedom of the people receives a death
blow when the army can be brought
into requisition to enforce the demands
of capital upon dependent labor.
A letter has been receiyed in this
city from Mr. D. C. Gall, of Denver,
CoL, in relation to establishing a soap
factory in this city. The propositions
are fair and reasonable, and if our cit
izens desire to profit by tho Offer souie
attention should be paid to the matter.
We would suggest to our board of
trade that a meeting ba held, and cor
respondence be had with Mr. Gall.
The Dalies needs every factor of de
velopment, and a soap factory would
produce an article of ready sale. We
must establish manufacturing indus
tries if we desire to grow and prosper
couim ercially, and the quicker we
take hold of something of the kind the
The negro porter, Gibbs, who shot
the McDevitts last Friday evening, is
still at large, and from appearances
the Portland authorities have made
no strennous efforts for his capture.
It was a most cowardly crime, and
the colored villain should ne brought
to justice. In this era of railroads
and telegraphs it sems impossible that
Gibbs should elude the vigilance of
the officials, if they are competent to
fill the positions they occupy. We
hope the press of Portland will not
hold their peace until the police force
of that city are aroused to their ut
most vigilance in this matter.
The Pan-American congress will
have the beneficial effect of attracting
in closer connection the different na
tions of the western continent. The
visitors from the different coun
tries in Central and South Amer
ica are being shown the grand
eur of the United States, and no
doubt will return to their homes with
a more extended knowledge of our
growth and prosperity.
There are
urgent reasons for desiring a
union of
the American states for political, com
mercial and other objects, and the
congress will undoubtedly have a
tendency in that direction.
Senator Evarts is in Vienna, and
has been giving our German neighbors
some idea of the negro question in this
country. The solution of the problem
is as difficult with him as the average
citizen, and he cannot paint any gold-
. , . . n , rwii .
of the United States. The An
glo-Saxon and the African will
not conuiingle amicably, and
past history verifies the fact that
in the conflict between these races one
will be forced to the wall, and very
likely that one w ill be the negro.
According to dispatches from Eng
land the confederate bondholders of
that country have hopes that their
debt3 may-still be paid. This is evi
dently a delusion and a snare, as an
amendment to the constitution pro
vides that neither the United States
nor any state shall assume or pay any
debt or obligation incurred in aid of
insurrection, and to use a homely
phrase, these British bondholders who
had such an abiding faith in the per
manency of the late confederacy, will
be forced to whistle for their .pay.
We are intormed on reliable au
thority that Mr. Harvey Scott has
not resigned from . the control of the
editorial columns of the Oregonian;
but an additional writer has been
added to the editorial staff of that
paper. From the same source we
learn that Mr. Scott will not be a can
didate for senatorial honors, and un
der no circumstance would he accept
the position. The ability of Mr.
Scott cannot be doubted, but editors
make poor politicians. '
The speech of Chief Arthur before
the annual convention of Locomotive
Engineers in session in Denver, gives
the true key-note to all classes of labor
ers. He believes in workmen main
taining their rights, but would not ad
vise a strike only as a last resort.
The organization of labor is beneficial
in several ways, and when such con
servative men as Mr. P. M. Arthur
takes the lead people may be satisfied
that there will be no radical action.
The communication from Mr. Hugh
Gourlay, the assessor, in another col
umn, recommending a low assessment
this year, presents the matter in a fair
and clear light As the subject is one
of importance we should be pleased to
have further discussion of the matter
in these columns.
ekgxish justice in erin.
Dublin, Oct. 17. The trial of Father
jIcFiiilden and others for particpatinr id
the murder of Police Inspector .Martin,
began to-diy at Maryborough. If the
crown attorney succeds, in his evident
purpose ot obtaining a jury of twelve
Protestants, it will not be without many
uuscemly disturbances. So violeDt were
the protests to-day at the action ot the
crown in dismissing every Catholic
venire man, that riroceedincs had tc
suspended pending the arrival of a large
iorce or ponce.
The two jurymen who were accepted
by both sides, and then told to stand
down when the prosecution was mform-
ea mat tney were uatnoiices, became so
enraged that thay refused to leave and
had to be ejected by force. Iu the
struggle it hat ensued, several hot-beaded
members of the ilcFadden flock took
part and tor a time it looked as though a
not would result. A large force of
police is on the way to Maryborough
irom uuoun.
Kew York, Oct. 17. The Northern
x-aciuc preierrea siocKUoluers Held a
meeting to-day. Chairman Hams ore
sided. The only other directors present
were Henry vinara, u. U Uolby and
Brayton Ives. A large number ot Wail
street men and holders of stock were
present. The only business before the
meeting was votiDg on what is known as
tne "Villard plan." It authorizes tho is
sue or $luu,UUU,UUU new 5 per cent.
bonds payable 100 years hence. Votinar
od me p;an oegan at iu:au. noon it be
came apparent that the Villard party
wouiu win. joonston .Livingston offered
tne io:iowing resolution, wnich was
adopted, and which is in direct sympa
thy with the circular issued September
81, 1889, by Chairman Hams. The reso
lution was seconded, much to everybody's
surprise, by Henry Villard. The resolu
tion is as follows:
Resolved, that the buldcrs of preferred
stock, represented here, suggest to the in
coming board of directors to take into
consideration the dibtributinu of the
whole amount due the preferred stock
holders as soon as the company shall be
in a condition to do go.
Net a negathe vote was received. Just
before noon James B.Williams announced
that tl e financial plan had been carried.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
win iuyiiTiwwyw
Owlm? to duplicate proxies haVic l3n
deposited, he could hut announce the tx
act result. An adjournment was tbi3fc
fore taken until Monday.
Henry Villard voted the majority of
the stock. Robert Harris, president of
the company lor many years, and who,
last year, acted as chairman of the board
of directors, is dropped from the direct
ory, and so aie Brivtor, Ivps, J. C. Bullitt,
Fred Billings and John II. Brookmao.
The new directors are George Morrison,
James Hoggin, C. H. Leland, Charles C.
Beaman, and J. B. Williams. A slender
minority of stock was voted by Robert
Harris in lavor of re-electing "the old
Nokuistown. Pa., Oct. 17. General
John Hartrantt died this morning. The
deceased was born in Pennsylvania De
cember 1C, 1830, was a lawyer by profes
sion, and during the war achieved fame
as a volunteer soldier. He has always
been prominent in G. A R. circles, and
was mentioned as a possible successor to
Corporal General Hartrantt oc
cupicd important civil positions afler the
war, being successively auditor general
and governor of Pennsylvania, postmaster
and collector of the port at Philadelphia.
At the tine of his death lie was major
general commanding the National Guard
of that state, a position whicn he has
held by appointment since 1879.
General Hartranft's illness was a com
bination resulting frc m a diseased con
dition of the kidneys, from which lie
suffered for several months.
V.tashixcton, Oct. 17. In an address
before the Boys' and Girls' National
Ilnme Association to-day Alexander
Hogeland, president of the association,
made the startling slatement.tbat there
are GO.OOO boy tramps in tho United
States. He advocated the establishment
of a registration system, by which boy
tramps might be lound out and sent to
farmers who were willing to employ
Auction per.
Washington St. bet. Alain and Second,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Regular Auction Sa'es of Real Estate. Household
Furniture and General Meruuandia-.
Wednesday and A.M.
Only Gennine Srst&m of memory TrnSnlngt
Four Books Learned iu one reading'
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adolt vreatly benefitted
Great inducements to Correspondence Classes.
Prrwpeetas, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Hum
moixl. the world-famed Specialist in Mind Diseases
ihmliil CMnnlni fPhninmnii. the ureat Pevchol-
lion VV. W. Ator, JiidaetSibHon. JuUuJiIN
liPTiiauiini ana ocnors, Hont post iron uy
J?rifc A. OISiiTTE. 237 FUiU Ave., N. Y.
GEO. RUCH, Proprietor.
Northwest corner of Second and Washington tU
place in The Dalles for all kinds of
Tnankful for favnra in tfi nnxt. T wraiM ,mhm(
MacEachern & Macleod
Have Just Received a
Direct From Manufacturers.
ggFCall and see them at
1 2 Second Street
iiipe Kinersly,
129 Second Street.
The CStv Flouring. Mills ou Mill Creek. For par
ticulars inquire of
0015 J. H. PHH1MAN.
7 T
ss-WHITE. -a
Change of School Books.
Notice to Whom it May Concerns
The new series of achuol bookn alnntml hv th Tut
icisiaiur are now received, 'i ney can De round at
gratis for the old bonks, except the arithmetics, on
i. j. nicKeisen n book store, ana be exchanged
wurcu a iiiue aucouut u cnargea.
uuiuia A. U. CONNELLY.
8upt cf Common Schools for Wasco County.
Strawberry Plants, ,
H. HORN'S Mill Creek.
for Infants
' "CMtorla ia so well adapted to children that
recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." H. A, Abcher, IL D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y.
The Dalles Trunk Factory.
We will sell TRUNKS, BAGS and VALISES, wholesale and retail, at prices that defy competition
Workmanship beyond comparison. The best. We have In stock everything you need In the line of trunks,
bass, lailieV traveling, valises, shawl straps, trunk straps, etc, etc. Will make anything; n our line,
as sample trunks, costumera'fuard rubes, ect. promptly. Repairing department complete. Will fix up
your old valises and trunks better than new, promptly and cheaply. Call on us you will be pleasantly
Spanish Merino Bucks !
Vermont Merinos,
Owned by Severence fc Peet, of California.
We have since imported from such breeders as Baker, Shippee, Strowbridge,
Woolsey and Bullard. Our sheep are large, with good constitutions,
Fine, Long, Staple and Heavy Fleeces.
Our Bucks are now to be seen on
our stock and a correspondence.
Prices Greatly Xtecliicctl.
2von.e3r to Iioa.ii.
on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security.
Will attend to all kind oj Land business be
fore the U. S. Land Office.
Rooms 7 and 8, up-stairs, U. S. Land Office building,
C. 13. CHItlSMAN Sfc BONH,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Third Street Between Washington
and Federal.
Have on hand and will sell at the loweat possible
prices, fancy and btaple urocenes
and Hill Feed.
Highest Cusb Price for County Produce.
Call and examine prices before purchasing else
where. auKi7tf Chrisman & Corson.
Thompson's Addition
Now Ready for Sale on Easy Terms.
-Kow is the time to buy while
This tract has been surreyed sod platted I n ncro
tracts with convenient streets aud avenues r.d so
arranged that purchasers can get one block or sev
eral acres in a body. Tho Untl is compartively
level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location
pleasant, beautiful and easy to acceaj aud Joins the
city immediately on the east.
Title U. S. Patent.' Warranty Deeds.
I The Dalles Land and Improvement Co.
For mrucnlars annly at the office of the ComD&nv
rooms 7 and 8, Land Office Building, The Dalles, Or.
ap6d&wtt Real Estate Affente.
Washington Street, in rfar of French
& Co'u bank building.
New Zcland Insurance Co
is one of the Best in the World
Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho
oi wo
Mutual Benefit Life lnsuraTceCo.t
Taid policy holders, since orgxnizatio'i,
$92,812,907.06 !
Assets, market value 40.iX3,tM 1
Surplus, N. T. standard 5.512,129 81
One of the most solid companies in the
United States.
AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon
Territurtes ox Washington ana iuauo.
Before starting on a Journey, get an
Only zSf'for (3000 Insurance.
Loaning Voney foi non-resident a specialty.
8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders.
a ton
and Children.
I Castor! cores Colle, Constipation.
8our Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills Worms, give sleep, ud promote di
Without injurious medication.
Tun Ckntadb Compant, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
We would call the special attention of
wool growers to the extra quality of the
Spanish Merino Bucks
Which we offer for sale this season. Our first
importation was from the flock of
Five Mila We invite an examination of
Jersey Farm, The Dalles, Or.
Liquor Dealers.
500 Men Wanted
To Unload Shcooners
-At the
Court street, Between Main
and Second.
Wines, Liquors and Cigars of the best dpmestlc
and imported brands on sale.
John Donovan, Prop.
Liquor Dealer
Second Street, - - Tne Dalles.
DAN. BAKER, Proprietor.
The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars
always on band.
Free Lunch every evening.
Near the Old Mint Bnlldln;, Second St,
The Dalles, Or.
Always on buid the
Best Wines,
: and Cigars.
A Pleasant Evening Resort
Colombia Brewery and Imported Lager Beer
on drauirht.
Keeps constantly on band thejcholoest
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
Comer of Union rod Second St.
The Dalles. Orernc.
Farmers' and Butchers
Front St., Opposite Umatilla Jloose,
Always on sale the best, of Imported and
and Cigars,
Bottled Beer of ell kinds a Hperlalty
Wolfgang Sclirneder.
Is again at his old stand and has on hand
I 2 IE,
Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, mads
to order.
OT Contracts for all kinds of buildings
taken at the loweat figures.
Jfew Grocery Store!
194 Third St-, The Holies, Or.
waul keep on hand a general assortment of
Groceries, Canned Goods,
Feed and Provisions,
AaAslesire a share of the public patronage, as ire ex
peat to sell at Prices to Suit tub Ha id Tim as.
9AU Goods Fresh and Warrranted First-lass.
fa.i I, i mm i aaM 1
Two tra ns daily, leaving the I'malilla House at
12:10p. m. andS a. m. lhol2:10train runs through
to W alia W alia, collecting at Wallula Junction with
tho North, m Pacifle train fur Helena, St. Paul and
the East. The 2 train runs through to Farming
tun via. Pel die ton and Walla Walla, and to Union,
La Gran Iu, Baker City, connecting at Huntinirton
witt Ur.i;n Short Line for Dinver, Council Bluffs
Kansas and the East. Trains going west lean
The D&l.ea al 12:40 P.M. and t A.M.
TIPlCTO to and from principal points In the
liUAL I U Vuiwd States, Cauadaand Europe,
Expruaa trains to
T-Free of Chares and Without Chang.
Cloie Conns stions at Portland for San Francisco snd
Puget bound points.
To San Francisco Leaving Steamship Wharf Port
land, at 12 tliduight, as follows:
Oregon Wednesday, October t
Columbia. . . . .
SO To Portland Leaving Spear St. Wharf, San Francisco,
at 10 A. 11. as follows:
State Tuesday, October
Columbia Saturday. "
On sou ..Wednesday, "
Stute Sunday, '
Columbia Thursday, "
Otegon Monday,
state rnuay,
Columbia Tuesday,
KATES OF PASSAGE, (including meals and berths
cauin, fit) uu Btccruge, e ou
ltuund Trip Unlimited, HO Oi
For further particulars Inquire nf any Agent of the
Company, or A. U Uaxwell, A. G. P. T. A., Port
land, Oregon.
By Way of the
Quicker In Time than Any
O tli or llouto between
Portland and San Francisco
Leave JPortlnncl 4 I. . Daily.
Through Time, 39 Hours.
for accomodation of Seoond-Olaes
Passengers, attached to
Express Trains.
Fare from Portland to Sacramento ana San
Unlimited 2
First Clans. Limited 20(0
Second Class, Limited 1 .0
Houth and Iast
"Via. California.
E. P. rooRns.
Asst. O, F. and 1 as. Agt
Citr Office No. 134, Cor. First and Alder Sts.
Depot " Comer F and Front bu,
Portland, Oregon.
Big G has glren nnlyer
sal satisfaction In the
cure of Gonorrhoea and
Uleet. I prescribe It and
feci safe In recommend
ing It to all sufferers.
Decatur, III.
PRICE, 31, C3. .
taSS&?ark1 Sold by Druggists.
If any dealer says be taaa the W. L. rtonirlaa
Blioes without name aud price) stamped om
the bottom, put him down aa a fraud.
Best In tho world. Examine hj
S4.00 HANI)-8KWK1 WKlT til OK,
V3.0O and til. 75 BUYS' SCHOOL SHOES
All made in Congress, Button and Lace. i;
Beat Material. Best Style. Beat Fitting.
It -Idur. wcKTONt
Examine W, L. Douglas $2.00
for Gentleman and Ladies.
J. Freiman, Afft,The Dalles,0r.
IfsftlAP" trow OhVo. 11m ft
V llllar port" of Mr. U.rrU
UlUk of H!, Ohio,
i writ: "Wu ftf work on a fhna for
IM a nwHitb t I bow bavo aa asvnc?
i. C. Alton Co'a alhunii and publl
. ud mam Bk0 a nay
(tttfaad) W. U.iAaiM.
na Kllo. Harrlabonr, Pa.,
wriieai I bav nnr kaowa
anything to avll Ilka your album.
Vaaterday 1 took onion eiiMif b to
oar ui otot W. J.-El
inor, Bangor, Ma., wrftaai "I
taka an onlr fur your album al
atBioat arary bona I vtail. Mr
prolt la onen aa atarnaa aaac v
fat a alna-la day'awork."
(libmui dolnvaulta aa wll t
yw Mvt not apnea 10 '
nVracta from Ibclr latter. Kvrrr
na wbo takaa bold ofUilajrrand bualnaaa pile MP irraad proBl
Shall we start YOU in this busines.
reader f Writ ton and laara all aboat roryoaiwlt Wa
araacartina-nunyf wo will atart yoo If roa don data- a-lil
nuiberiret ahead ofyoa In your part of tho country. Iiyo
l.ka bold you will be abla to pick up aold fcat. M ICe at
On account of a forwd aaanufactiirer'a aal lA,OOOlM
alolliar I'hotosrMph Albums arato ba aold to (ha
poaula for Uacb. liound in Koyal Crfwana Silk Valval
Plush. Cbarminfrly doeoratcd inalda. Ilandaomaat a I bu aw In tba
world. Larpraat hlta. ttrvataat banraina avar kaowa. Ant
wantad. Liberal term, ltif money for agonta. Anyoaoeaa
berom a aueeeaaful asrrnt. Sella Itaalf on aiorlit il I to or no
talking aeeeaaary. Wberovar abown, every on wanta to pur
chaea. A rente taka tbouaanda of order with rapidity oarer
before known. Great profile await ry worker. Ageate ara
nuking fortune. Ladies awake aa mnrh aa men. Tou, reader,
can doaa well aa any one. ?ull Information and tarma free,
to thoee wbo write for earn, with particular and tenna for our
family Biblea, Booka and Periodical. After you know all,
aiaattlilyou conclude to go no further, why no barm b dona.
Addraa K. C. ALUN CO., AuuvaTA, Mai
Artistic Painter and
House Decorator,
The Dalles, Ore it on.
House Painting and Decorating; a Bpecfaltr No
Inferior ana cheap work done; but good, lasting,
work at the lowest prices.
bhop adjoining- postolfice on Second Street '
Prescription Druggists,
175 Second Street, Th DaU!ea.
Country and Mall Orders will re
ceive Prompt Attention.
Mrs. C. L. Phillips,
Fashionable Milliner,
(Next door to Tuna-UooarAixiia office.)
Bonnets, Trimmings, etc
Stock Sheep !
Young- and In food condition; a-'so
100 Graded Bucks.
Enoulre at the First National Bank, at A. H. Wil
liams Co.'s store, or at the stock yards of latsca
fc Baltmarshe.
jijriswu e. r. K' 'UEia a ttui.
r,QoaraQtMd Dot loV
aasM Blrtown. u
E3 atrd oolr by toe
ASrui Chsmletl Oo.
V OiuniinatlJP'a
Z3 C 1H
8 Ca(
1. T