1 AbysnlBlaw A receut traveler in Abjssinia says of that country: - In the low countries of the Cuolla, es pecially in some of the valleys, the cli mate is very warm, though quite suppor table. Id certain parts it is not healthy, but the parts affected by the malaria are comparatively few, even in the Cuolla. The middle as well as the higher plains enjoy an exceptionally favorable climate, the soil having suff cienc moisture to ren der it of an extraordinary futtillity. All the products of the temperate zones and most of tiiose of the tropical zones pros per well there; in fact, while in Africa I never bad a headache. The climate is agreeable and not subject to marked changes ot temperature. There are two harvests yearly of grain aud of many other products. Coffee grows there marvellously well, and Abys sinia, Sboa and the neighboring country might in time become a coffee-producing center for the whole of Europe. Cattle also abound, because of the abundant pasturage; but pastoral and agricultural life areas yet hardly known in Abyssinia. There is plenty of fine timber adapted for building purposes, or for furniture, but the natives destroy the trees without mercy. One may say that Abyssinians do not .know bow to do anything else except to make war. Regular and proper laws do not exist. The peror-negus negast, or . king of kings commands the neguses, who command the ras, the ras command the governors, and the governors the chiefs of villages; and this is the political and judicial organization of Abyssinia. With good laws, and some industrial spirit and a more peaceable disposition, this coun try might have a great economical devel opments It may be called a perfect race. Men and women are of extraordinary beauty and robustnesp, agile and elegant in form. I have never seen a more beautiful race. In it are combined the perfections of the Semitic and Aryan races, and it is not to be wondered at that it should be so, nat ural selections finding there no obstacle. A hunch-backed or maimed individual is not to be found amongst the Abyssinians, evenwere one to pay his weight in gold. They are a war-like people, ever at war, both at home and abroad, almost without social order- and laws. From this it re sults that the weak and the ill-formed rapidly disapear, and only the strong, and those very strong, survive. There are no doctors who take pains to preserve life in these beings. The people admire onr intelligence, and believe us to be more than half devils on account of our inventions. They also ad mire our conrage, though they cannot understand how people who so greatly appreciate comfort as the Europeans do can possess mititary valor. How ttuard Bade a Slim lfieS. Seeing a story about old Stephen Gir ard the other day reminded me of an in cident that shows one Of his peculiarities. Oirard had a drayman who was a decid edly poor man. One day the drayman, who was an industrious, bright fellow, with a good many mouths to fill at borne, was heard to remark that be wished be was rich. "What is that?" sharply said Oirard, who heard the grumble. "Oh," said the man, "I was only wishing I was rich." "Well, why don't you get rich r said the millionaire, harshly. . "I don't know how without money," returned the drayman. "You don't need any money," said Oirard. "Well, if yon will tell me now to get rich without ironey, I won t jet tne grass grow oelore trying it." re plied the other. "There is going to be a ship load of confiscated tea sold at auc tion to-morrow at the wharf; en down there and buy it, and then come to me." The man laughed. "I have no money to Day a snip load ot tea with," be said "You don't need any money, I tell yon, snapped the old man. "60 down and bid on the whole cago, and then come to me." me next day the drayman went down to the sale. A large crowd of re tailers were present, and the auctioneer said that those bidding wonld have the privilege of taking one case or the whole ship load, and that the bidding would be on tne pound, lie then began the sale, A retail grocer started the bidding and the drayman raised him. On seeing this the crowd gazed with no small amount of surprise. When the case was knocked down to the drayman the auctioneer said be supposed the buyer only desired the one case. "I take the whole ship load," cooiy returned tne successful bidder, The auctioneer was astonished, bnt, on some one speaKing to him that it was Girard's man who was the speaker, his manner changed, and he said be supposed it was all right. The news soon spread that Girard was buying tea in large quan tities, and the next day the price rose several cents. "Go and sell your tea," said Girard to the drayman the next day. The drayman was shrewd, and he went and made contracts with several brokers to take the stock at a shade below the market price, thereby making a quick sale. In a few hours he was worth $50,- 8ca'reJ to Death. The following is from a Greenville, Washington county letter to the Hillsboro Democrat: An accideiit occurred last Saturday in the hills near Manning's mill -which resulted in the death of a little girl agea tnree jears, aaagnter ot a man wD08e name we nave been unable to learn. It seems that the mother of the child was sick at the time of the accident and bad told her little boy to make some brine to pnt over a lot of meat. After boiling the brine the boy poured it into a tuo ana left it standing lor a tew minutes, wneo tne enna, dv a mis-step, fell back wards into the scalding brine. . The child lived until Sunday night, when death ended her suffering. The father of the child is at present engaged in building a house for John Bellinger, where the news of toe accident reached him about noon on Sunday. He coolly said "by they must look out for things at home. I can t leave my job and climb up them mountains." And although im formed that the child was thought to be dying, he did not go unm tue next dav, when a neigh bor brought bim word that the child was dead. But we suppose all manner oi cattle have a right to run on the range. . "-.The Old Oaken Bucket, i - Th Iron-bound Bucket, s' The Moae-covered Bucket,' Is Terr likely the one that haa conveyed pot. one io your syniem rrom some old well, whose waters bare become contaminated . zrom ewers, vauita, or percolations from tbe oil. To eradicate these poisons from the system ana sere yourseir a speu oi nnumi, typhoid or bilious fever, and to keep tbe jiver, aioueya sua juuga in neaitny ana Tlrorous condition, use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It arouses all the ex cretory organs into activity, thereby cleans ing; ana puniying; tne sysrem, treeing; it from all manner of blood-poisons, no matt from wnas cause iney nave arisen. originating' from a torpid or deranged liver. or l from irative om impure blood, yield to Its wonderful curative properties. It regulates the stom- acb and bowels, promotes the appetite and digestion, and cures Dyspepsia, "Liver Com plaint," and Cbronlo Diarrhea. Bait-rheum, Tetter. Ecxema. Erysipelas. Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, Enlarged Glands and Tumors . disappear under Its use. i: "Golden Medical Discovery is the only ' blood and liver medioine, sold by druggists, under a vosIUt graarante of Its bene- fltlnfr or curing- in every case, or money paid I Sot it will be promptly returned. I k tyyrigfct,UII,sy WW3 0 IU iJUI. Ordinance No. 202. An Ordinance to Prevent Certain Animals and Fowls from Running' at Large, or from being Herded in or Tied upon any of the Streets, Alleys, Unen closed grounds or Public Places Within the Limits of Dalles City, Oregon, aim Providing for the Im pounding and Sale of any such Animals or Fowls, and for the Punishment of Persons Found Guilty of Allowing such Animals or Fowls to Run or be Herded or lied Therein 01 Thereon, and Repealing Certain Other Ordinances. The People of Dalles City do Ordain as Follows: 8EC. 1. That no horse, mare, gelding, mule, horned cattle, sheep, hns, goat, chicken, turkey, goose or duck shall hereafter be allowed to run at laiye or be nered in or tied upon any of the street, alleys, unenclosed places or public grounds within the limits of Dalles City, during auy of the hours of the day and night, except when being driven through thexitv fur shipment or ether lawful pur poses. SKC. 2. It is hereby made the duty of the Mar shal, or any policeman or night watchman of Dalles City, to take up any of the animals or fowls men tioned in section une of this ordinance found run ning at laiye or herded or tied within the limits of said city, upon any of the streets, alleys, unencloted places or public grounds therein, and impound them in such place as shall be designated or provided by the city therefor. SKC. S. Upon taking up or Impounding any ani mal or fowl under the provisions of this ordinance, the Marshal of Dalles City shall forthwith prepare four notices, which shall be substantially as fol lows, to-wit: NOTICE. Notice is hereby g-vun that I did on the day of 18 , in Dalles City take up (Here give description of property taken) and that I will on the day of 18 , at the hmii of one o'clock P. M. of said day, in front of my office in Dalles City, Oregon, sell said property at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash in band. (Signed.) Marshal of Dalles City. One of said notices shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of Dalles City. One shall be posted on the bulletin board in front of the Marshal's office; one shall be posted ou the bulletin board in the court house, all in said city, and one shall be sent to the owner or owmm if the property taken up, if their whereabouts is known to the Marshal. Such notices shall be posted anc given for not less than five nor more than ten days, and the time shall be computed by excluding the first dy and includ ing the last. 8EC 4. Any one having an Interest in the prop erty taken up or impounded, who shall feel himself aggrieved thereby, may. at sny time before the sale thereof takes plate, make an affidavit before the Re. corder of Dalles City, setting forth his interest in such property and the facts in relation thereto as claimed by him, and have the same trcd ont before said K corder, and if it .shall appear to said Recorder that said property ought not to h ive been taken up or impounded, the Recorder shall make an order dis charging the proprerty so taken up or impounded, without charge to the c'aimant. If on the other hand it shall appear to the Recorder that the taking or impounding was prcper and rightful, he shall dis miss the proc edings and enter up a judgment sguinst the claimant lor all ccsts, charges ana ex penses made ou snch trial, and the same shall be palu ou ox me proceeds oi inn property uutcn up, when sold, and if said property shall not be autti cient to pav the same, the Recorder shall issue an execution npon (be judgment for whatever sum re mains unpaid. SEC. 5. Any owner who shall pay all charges and expenses, shall be entitled to have their property released to them at any time before sale thereof. SEC. 6. If the property taken up or impounded shall not be released, then it shall be sold in accord ance with the notice of sale, and such sale shall have the effect to vesi a complete title to the prop erty sold, in tne pure (laser tnereox. bEC. 7. The proceeds of any saie shall be pan forthwith by the Marshal to the Treasurer oi Dalles City, less nis own fees, all costs, charges and expens es, and the fees of the R?eorder. The Marshal shall file a receipt therefor with the Recorder of Dalles City. BEC. 8. The Marshal of Dalles City shall also forth wit n. npon tne sale ot any property, n-e a certi fied statement with the Recorder of said citv, con taining: 1st. A brief description of the property sold. zna. Tne amount received lor tne same, sra The name or names of the purchasers thereof. 4th, An itemized statement of his own and Recorder's fees, charges and expenses. 6th. The amount paid the Treasurer. Which statement shall be entered in a book, br the Recorder, kept fbr thit purpose and shall be at all times open for inspection by auy party interested. SEC. 9. The Marshal, beside the actual expense of keeping any animals or fowls taken up or im pounded under this ordinance, shall be entitled to receive asms legal iees, tne sum ox fi.w pcrneaa ror horses, geldings, mares, mules, and homed cat tle; fifty cents per head for swine, and twenty-five cents per head lor sheep, goats, geese and turkeys; fifteen cants per head for ducks and chickens, and ten per centum or any sale. SfcC. 10. The Recorder of Dalles City shall receive as Lis legal fees undsr this ordinance, ten cents for filing notice of sale; ten cents for filing Treasurer's receipt; fifty cents for entering the certified state ment or tne siarsnai; ana ten cents lor nnug tne same. Fifty cents for docket entries in any one case, and 13.00 for hearing any contested case, to be paid oytne contestant in aavance. SfcC. 11. - Any person or persons found guilty of violating this ordinances, in any way, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in ay sum not less than five nor more than ten dollars, and shall be impris oned in tne at? ja.il until tne nne and costs do paid, not exceeding one day for each 2.00 thereof. SEC. 12. The owner or owners of any property soia cnoer tne provisions oc tnis ordinance, snau oe at any time within one year from the date of sale, upon satisfactory proof to the Common Council of Dalles City, of such ownership, entitled to an order on the City Treasurer i.r the net proceeds of such sae, aeposited as aioresaia. SEC. 13. Ah ordinances, or parts of ordinances, In conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Passed the Common Council September 30th, 1889. oct. 3. Administrator's Sale. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for wasco county. In the matter of the estate of Catharine Snyder, deceased. Notice is hereby iriven that in purauiace of an or der made and entered herein on the 16th day of July, 1889, directing me as administrator oi said ea Ate to sell all the real property of said estate, I will o l Saturday, October 12, 1889, sell in one parcel at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in naud at the door of the county court house of Wasco county, Oregon, in lalles City, Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at, of the following de scribed real nronetty in said Wasco county, to wit: That certain parcel of land with the buildin'rs and improvements thereon which was owned and occu pied by said Catharine Snyder at the time of her death, being parts of lots 8 and 9 of block 1 ot Dalles Cty proper, fronting about 26 feet on M-in street on the north side thereof and bounded on the west bv lands of O. 8. Savaire. - Together with all and singular the tenements, hereiditamenU and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in any wse ap pertaining, subject to tne life estate therein or wu iamSnvder. TIMOTHY BALDWIN, Administrator of the estate of Catharine 8nyder, aep7 Final Settlement Notice. To all whom it may concern: Nutice is hereby given that the understated, ad ministratrix of the estate of Loran Kimball, deceas ed, has filed her final account as such ad ninistratrix with tbe Co nty Court of the State of Oregon for Wa. jo County, and that the judge of said court has appointed Monday, the 4th day of November, 1889, at tne nour oi one o ciocx r. a. as we ume tor Bear ing; objections to said final account nd the settle ment thereof. All heirs, creditor?, or other persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to ap pear on or before said tune appointed for said hear ing and final settlement, i nd file their objections thereto, if any they have, or to any particular item thereof, specifying the particulars of such objec tions. Dated this 3d day of October, 1889. UBB1E KINO, Administratrix of the Estate of Loran Kimball, de ceased. Executor's Notice of Final Settlement The undersigned hereby irive notice that they have filed their final account as executors of the last will and testament of 8. B. Pratt, deceased, and that by order of the Hon. C. N. Thornbury, County Judge of Wasco county, Oregon, duly made and en tered on this day, directing notice thereof to be pub lished herein. Tuejuiy. Nov S. 1S89. (that being the second dav of the next regular term of the county enirt for said county), at the hour of 2 o'clvck P. M., haa been appointed as tbe time, and the county court room of the county court bouse of said county has been designated as the place, for the hearing of objections to such final account, and the settlement thereof. T. H. McOREER. N. W. WALLACE, Executors of the last will and testament of 8. B. Pratt, deceased. Dalles City. Oct. 4. 1889.-5t Notice to Taxpayers. Notice is hereby given that the taxes for School District No. 1, Wasco county, Oregon, are now due and payable at the Recorder's office, Dalles City, witam tne next w aajs trora tne date oi tnis notice. After the said time they will be declared delinquent and the roll wil be turned over to the aherl9 for collection. By oider cf tbe Board of Directors. Dated this 7th day of Septemeer, 18S9. GEO. H. KNAGGS, Clerk, Board of Equalization. The Board of Equalization for Wasco county will meet in the Court Bouse in Dalles City October 28, will continue in session one week. H. GOURLAY. 04- Urnmr'a A nnAamtr The Dalles Ottiuaij o avauvuij , Oregon. Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Names. This institution offer every advantage for home and social omforr. The course of study comrrises all the branches of a thorough Uigiish education. Srjeeial attention mid to the arts and fnreiim Ian- e-uaired. 8tudies resumed Aujrust 26. For further paraenws apply co uie .superioress. ua MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Only Genuine Sjuttrm ef Memory Train ! ifoar uooica jjeai-meo. in tne reaoiBC Mind wnnderinsV eared Ererr cfaSld and admit trreatly benefitted- Frotpeetat, witb opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Ham Ml, the world-iBined Specialist In Mind Diseases. Daniel reenleaf Thompson the reatPychot. wist, J. M. Buckley, D.U., editor of the Christian Advocate AT. 1'. Uiihniif PMirrnr. the Seientis. non. wa v We Antor, Jadtre Gibonv Ju&aMB aiUtJUid others, sent post frea by A XOIfi, TTE 237 Fifth Are. N. Y, ucnjamini Tyh Valley fflercnant and Exchaneg ROLLER MILL. floor JCqnal to the Heat, ailll Feed Always Hand. Satisfaction Guaranteed. sp21 W. M. McCORKLE, Prop. Q. T. THOMPSON. A. w. FAROHEB. THOMPSON & FARCHER General Blacksmiths. . . T. . ' ear mlnI Duuaing, feecond 8fc HorschosiiigjndOeneravl Jobbing price reasonable and to suit tbe Ume. uorv Miscellaneous. It iUiakes You Hungry ' i nave used Fable's Celery Compound and It has bad a salutary effect. It Invigorat ed the ByBtem and I feel like a new man. It Improves the appetite and facilitates diges tion." J.T.Cora- land, Primus, S.C. Paine's Celery Compound fa a unique tonic and appetizer. Pleaiant to the taste, quick In Its action, and without any Injurious effect, It gives that rugged health -which mokes everything taste good. It cures dyspepsia and kindred disorders. Physicians prescribe It. $1.00. Six tor $5.00. Druggists. Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. DIAMOND DYES gZrZZWy. tPH MJJ Ask your Grocer for Iff WSX COW BRAND If HTH Wm SODAHSALERATUS. iSTOVES! TIN VV ARE AND FISH & BARD ON' S, : "113 WASHINGTON STREET. BET SECOND anoi ' SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, ' . ILICEPSS OIV -.-Columbia Brewery Beer,:-: - AND FOR SALJj: ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, the very best Imported The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS.. J , P. McIIEEIT, -DEALEB IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c Agent for tne Bntterick Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, g URDSBTABEB Frmeral t-- Tector. The Undersigned has Added Metallic, Cloth-covered, Berl and Rosewood Gaskets. Burial Robes and Shrouds. Trimmings and owns the Blost Elegant Hearse east of the monn tains with all the latest improvements. NO DELAY IN FILLING ORDERS. Plare ot ItamnefW. Third street, three doors oouse, aoa aajouuDg ui riauirjfr. suit ana wagoa &nop. Place Of Beaidemee. Fourth street, comer ana nigu. a29tf Tents, Wagon Covers. AT THE OLD STAND. Conntrv Orders Promptly a tended to I!. P. FITZ DEALER I3V Wagon-Makers' and fySole A xent for the IMPROVED THE 0R0 FIN0 jSJD. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 en Gregorio 'Vineyard Co. Agency. All Wines and'Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure. The Best Wines, Liquors and Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic'V Spring medicine means more now-a-days than It did ten years ago. The winter of 1888-88 has left the nerves all fagged out. The nerves must be strengthened, the blood punned, liver and bowels regulated. Fame's Celery Compound the Spring medicine of to-day does all this, as nothing else can. Pracribed by Physicians, Recommended by Druggists, Endoreed by Minister!, Guaranteed by the Manufacturers tabs The Best . Spring Medicine. "In the spring of 1887 1 was all run down. would get up In tho morning with so tired a feeling, and was so weak that I could hardly get around. I bought a bottle of Palme's celery com pound, and before I had taken it a week I felt very much better. I can cheefully recommend It to all who need a building up and strengthen ing medicine." Mrs. B. A. Dow, Burlington. Vt. LACTATED FOOD g?3j35ffi3S2S HARDWARE AND THIRD. PRO P R, DRAUGHT Wines, Liquors and Cigars. WJVL MICHELL, to bis Business a full line of Black, White, French of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices east of Gibous. Maeallister a Co's agricultural wan of Washimrton. Can be Ben at all hours of the day sco Beer Hall WM. MICHELL. FHRLEY & ERnilK. Successors to L. D. FaaaE, deceased. Wholesale and Betail Dealers Leather & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings. Etc marl4-td GERALD, AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, Haraessanasaaaiery General Merchandise, Schuttlcr's and Tubular AsIsWac, HARDWARE, IRON. STEEL Blacksmiths' Stock. MONARCH Washing; Machine. WINE ROOMS, Burgundy 83, Zinfardel 84, Eiesling 83. Hock 83, Table Claret Cigars Always on Sale. Iegal Notices SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for uie uounty or wbwo. Walter P. Borrell and D. P. Thompson, Plaintiffs, rs Aoei u. isuiur, uiarusa uuiur, Aipna il. Dufur, El&zabeth Dufur, Amy Mo Master and Joseph M. Mo naster. Defendants. To Amy McMaster and Joseph M. McMaster, the aoove oamea aeienaanw: In the name of the State of Orctron. yon are faere- oy required to appear and answer trie complaint mea against you in tne above entitled action oy tne nrst day of tne term ox the above entitled court ioiiow- i in? the expiration oi nx weeks publication oi tnis summons, to wit. bv the Utn dav oi riovemoer, i 1H8U, and if you fail to answer, for want thereoi tne piaintins win apply to tne jourc xor tne reuei prayea for in their complaint, to wit: For a judgment asralpst the defendants Abel a. uuiur. Clarissa ira fur. Alpha K. Dufur and Elizabeth Dufur for the sum of $6000 with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from the 10th day of Feb ruary, 1889, and 9500 as attorney's lees, and plain tiffs' costs and disbursements, and for a decree fore closing the mortgage named in the complaint and forever foreclosing and barring; all right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the mortgaged premises, to wi: The S H of the NW and the S 4 of the MS M. of bee 4. rp 2 a oi k i& & of w m and also a certain tract of land in Sec 25, Tp 1 S of K 13 E of W M, containing 16 4-6 acres, being the tract on which in located the Dufur Roller Flouring Mill, and particularly described as follows to wit: Commencing at the ME corner of the SW of the He yk. oi sec za. I P l o oi k is to oi w Jtt, ana run- ning thence W and parallel with the S boundary line I of said Sec 25. 21 chains: thence S and parallel with tne te Doundarv line of said sec za o cnains: tnence E and parallel with the a boundary line of said sec 25 21 chains; thence N and parallel with the E boun dary line oi said sec zf. a cnains to me place oi oe- ginning; also and further, a strip of land twelve feet wide, commeuciug at a point about ten rods st or The vaiics ana O'gn vauey roaa, in tne cen ter of the main channel ot Fifteen Mile creek, where the dam across said creek is located: thence in an easterly direction to a point about 8 rods east of the i mill, to the terminus of tne waterway constructed on this described tract of land, together with all the 1 water unvilecrui conveyed bv Uulur Bros, to tne Dufur Roller Flouring Mill Co.; and also the four torv mill bulldintr located on tbe above aesciiDea part of sec '1 u 1 B oi ft 13 w u, witn an tne macniiiery ui every nuuo uuu fvmu uiciuiu. nnu also ordering the sale of said mortgaged premises and the application of the proceeds of such sale to wards the payment of said judgment ana tne ex penses of making such sale.and that any sum remain ing unsatisfied thereby snail be made from tne prop I ertyof the defendants Abel H. Dufur .Clarissa Dufur, ! Alpha K. Dufur and Elizabeth Dufur, and for such other and further relief aa may be equitable and hist." kou are nereoy notinea tnat mis summons is served upon you by publication by order of Hon. J. a. isira, judge oi tne neventn judicial District oi tke State cf Oregon, made on the 25th day of Sep tember, lBStf. Dated Dalies City. September 25. 1889. BENNETT & WILSON, sep2St7 Attorneys for Plaintiffs- CITATION. In the County Cotut of the State o( Oregon for wasco uouniy. In the Matter of the Estate of Nancy Gager, de ceased uitation. To Julia A. Oban. Nettie Burnett. Charles A. Bar- nett, Br. Braden, Nancy Cunningham and Lizzie P. Parker, heirs at lav of tbe estate of Nancy Gager, deceased, ana all otner persons, Known and unknown, who may be interested in said estate, Ureeuug;: In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are here by cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, at the court room thereof, at Danes uity. in said coun ty, on the lh day of November, 1889, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made, autborizins; and directing W. A. Obarr, the administrator of said estate, to sell tbe followinir de scribed real estate, belonging to said estate, for the put pose of paying and settling tbe unpaid claims against said estate ana expense, oc aanuniwrauon thereof, to wit: The north Jrest Quarter and the northeast quarter of section 32 in township 1 berth of range 15, east oi Willamette alenuian, situate in waeco county, Oregon, and vou are hereby notified to appear be fore said court at tbe time and place aforesaid and show caue, if any there be, why said order should not be made, and laid above premises sold aa afore said. , , Witness the Hon. Caleb N. Thorn seal. V burv. Judge of the said County Court. 1 I with the seal of said Court affixed this 25 th day of September, A. D. 1880. Aueas: uuu, n. lauarDufl) Cleik. By J. V. HUNTINGTON, sep28t Deputy. CITATION. In the County Court of tbe State ot Orczon for the uounty oi nascu. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Whittaker, deceased Citation. To all the unknown heirs, if anv there be, of the above named Jeceased, ureeting: In the name of the state of Oregon. Ton are here by cited and required to apperr in tbe County Court of tbe 8tate of Oregon, for tbe County of Wasco, at the court room thereof, at Dalles City, in said coun ty, on Monday, the 4th day of November, 1889, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon ot that day, then and there to snow cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made and entered h-in authorizing and di recting- the executrix of the above named estate to sell all of tbe real estate belonging to said estate, to wit: Lots J, K, and L in block 84 of the Fort Dalles Military Haservatioa in Dalles city, wasco county, Oregon. - . -s i witness, ine non. v. n. inornoury, 8K.L. V Judge of the said County Court, with 1 . ' ' the seal of said Court affixed, thit 26th day of September, A. D. 1889. Act St: uiiU. n . inuaraun, Clerk. By J. M. HUNTINGTON, MP28UT Deputy. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the state of Oregon for Wasco County. Joseph 8tadelman, Plaintiff, vs. the Missionary So ciety oi tne aieinoaut r.piscopai Church. Defendant. To the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episco t pal Church, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in tbe above entitled suit within ten days from tbe date of the service of this sum mons . upon you, if served within this county; or if served in any other county of this state, then within twenty days from the date of the service of this summons upon you, aud it served bv publica tion upon, then on or be 'ore the first day of the next regular teim ot said court, to wit, Monday the 11th dav of November. 1883. that being the first ju dicial day of said term; and if you fail so to appear for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you, declaring First, That plaint ff is tbe owner in fee simple to the whole of tbe following described tract of real estate lying and be-ntr situated in Waaco county, Oregon, and being more particularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the township line between townships one and : two, where the east line of the Catholic Mission Claim crosses said townsh'p line, thence south with said east line of said Catho lic Mission 807 feet to where it iutersecta The Dalles Military Reservation line; thence N 6V 40" E with said Military Re"rvatiun line 1546 feet; thence N WWW 1462 feet to whee it intersects the township line between townships one and two: thence west on said township line 289 feet to the place of begin ning, and being part of the Nit 54 of tht. NW . and of the NW of tbe NE & of 8 No. 4 in T 1 tt, IS E, and containing 16 84-100 acres of land. Second, That the defendant hat no right or title to said Land nd that defendent be forever barred, es topped and enjoined from setting up or claiming any right or title or interest in said described land, and for such other and fuither relief aa may seem just and proper in the premises and for bit ousts and disbursements of this suit. This summons it published in The Dalles Tnn- MouitTAiKEBE, by order of Hon. J. H. Bird, judge of the Circnit Court for the seventh judicial district ot Oregon. Dsted at chambers at Dalles City. Oregon, this 4th day oi September, 1889. slum m is ha us HAW, Attorneys for Plff. Executor's Notice. Notice It hereby given that the undersigned, exec utor of the last estate of George W. P orman. de ceased, has filed his final account with said estate, in the Cjuntv Court of Waaco County, Oregoa, and that Monday, November 4, 1889, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, has been appointed by Hon. Caleb N. Thornbury, Ju.ge of tail Court, as U e time for hearing and examination ot said final ac count and all matters aud things therein contained and connected with said estate. Said examination and hearing will be bad, at the time aforesaid, be fore tbe Hon. County Court of Wasco eounty. O gon, at the County Court room in Dalles City, Wa co county, Oregon. AU persons are hereby notifit to appear at said time ana pates and show cause, if ny. why said Dual account should not be in all tilings allowed. W. H. ROBERTSON. sepltta xtcutor. Executor's Notice Estate of Nathan W. Harper, deceased. Notice Is hereby clven. that the undersigned hae been duly appoiuted Executor of the estate ef Nathan W. Harper, deceased, by the eounty court of ths state of Oregon, for tne county of wasco. All Der. sons having claims ssainst said estate, are hereby notified am. required to present the same with the proper yor.chers to me at tbe law office of W. 8. Iley- . ii ..ma. m.. : i t A.W. UVUi. DMVC. 111. VMIW, WlCgUU, W I UUU nx monibs from uus date. V. c HAIASU, September 7, 1888. Executor of said estate. jsepaw LiSiixd Notice. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lamb Omci at Tot Dallxs, Obiwht. September 13. 1880. Notioe Is hereby siven that the followiiur-namnd settler has filed notice of his intention to make fin?l proof in suDDort of bis claim, and that said nroof win me maue oeiare we resistor ana receiver M ins iKtuet, Oregon, on October SJ, 1889, yix: Caroline C. Connelly. Guardian of Orson B. Connelly. Hd 2668. for the 8 WW of theNWVandWHol the SW Sec 31, T 1 XI, . 1. C, IT J. He names the following; witnesses to prore his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said ana, vug Henry Williams. A. Fennison. James If. Benson H. W. Steele, all of the Dalles, Wasco eounty, Ore- "" .. . .. . epzita r. A. MCDONALD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Labs Omen at Tiim Daixis, Oa.t bCDt. IX. 1880. Notice is hereby riven that the followW named settler has filed noJ.ce of his intention to make final proof In suppoitof his claim, and that said proof will be made before the rexiter and receiver of the U. 8. land office at The Dalles. Or., on October zi, xssv, vis Samnel Kelley. Hd 1383. for tbe NE V Bee 8.T18. R1SE.WM lie names tne following witnesses to prore hu continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: John Root. Chas. Thompson. Geo. Patterson ard wm. ranerson, all of roe Dalies, ur. epi. r. A. acuu.nAL.L. jsegister. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Lain Omca, Ths Dalles, Ob,, September 12, 1889. Notice is hereby gives that Joahaa O. Warner Has filed notioe of bis intention to make final nroof before Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Office at his office in The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, the dav of October, 1880, on timber culture application Vo. t8S, for the SW V of Sec 10, T 8, R U E. tie names as witnesses; Hadoa O'Neal, of Kinrslev. W. T. Wrurht. Polk Butler, of Nansene. Frank L.rj.ves. of Kumlerall of Wasco countr, Oreron. x. a. wuvjuiii, negater. Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Parlor Ornaments, Window Shades, Etc Coffins, Caskets, an be found at all hourt of the day or night at their C. E. DUNHAM, Dru SOLE AGENT FOR GLASSES- pat? July m 1679. ssiioiiicier JUraces, Bewy Pair Pnrchotod Oaarantoo J. Cliest Protectors STATIONERY AND CIGARS. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal uses. Prescriptions com pounded call and see HO OSIER FENCE MACHINE, 0NLT macdinb that gives a continuous twist to the -wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC Strong, Durable, Neat, and the H B. REED, THE DALLES, EDWARD WINGATE. 1870 B. WING-ATE & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Grener'l Merchandise Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots Shoes, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Hardware and Farm Implements. 300 to 304 Second St. THE DALLES, OREGON. PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates oi the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni- tue and Carp ets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will Hsidwood bent Chain, etch 75 ets Cue Rockers t 00 Ash Bedsteads 8 60 Woven-wlre Mattresses 3 60 Lounges , IS 00 WascoWarehouseCo. C. G. ROBERTS, Manager, Tlio Dalles, Oregon, The most desirable Warehouse exhibition WOOL! Forwarding, Consignments, Grading and Baling PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Cash advanced for freights and on consignments. Highest Cash Price paid for Wool, Pelts and Furs. The Celebrated French Cure. Warranted " A OU Dfl n ITI W C or money to cure ni iiiiuuuini. refiiuded. Is Sold om a POSITIVE OUARANTEE to enro anv form of nervous disease, or any disorder o( the generative or gans of either BEFOhE isine from th AFTER ex. tat.ive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Onirnn orinrougu youthful indiscretion, over iudulg. euec, &c., such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful ness. Bearing down Paius in the Back, Seminal , V"- rijBierm. nervous rroeinition Nocturn al miMSIOIl. lnnwrhm. I ) i .7 i nu.. Wamtr T'iJS,0' Pow?fnH'npoeucr, which if ne- rv.cu uucii leau 10 preiuanireoui age aim lnsaa ty. Price 11.00 a box. 6 boxes tor 16.00 Seut by .11 mi MMmt nf n. a. A VFKITTEKfiuiItlvryy rA order, to refund the money if a Permanent cure Is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently cored by APHRnDmNK. Circular free. Address inc. rtrnriu MbUMJINh. CO. vtffnM lWfB BOX 27 PORTLAND. OR BLAKELEY& CLARK, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DAULES. OBEGOK. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Bug Home and Save freights and Agents' ' Commissions. Look Box &S. THK DALLES, 0REQ0IT. et, DEALERS IN Burial Robes, Etc flat of bvHness, Washington street, tuo doors north and Optician. Keeps in stock a full line of Eazors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES. PERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, Trusses, at all hours. FENCE WOEKS, Cheapest Fence in the World. Proprietor. OREGON. MRS. E. WINGATE, Of old firm of E. Wingato & Co 188a - - ' Convince the Most Skeptical: I Bed-loanece 915 00 Ah Bedroom Sets 25 00 Brussels Carpets, per yard 7b lmcrain Carpets, do it t' T i tr CALIi -A.N.D 8EK US I "El j29 in town for the stoiage and to buyers. WOOL! TUB OLD ESTABLISHED COLUMBIA BREWERY Second St., aat End. AUGUST BUOHLEB, PROP. Has been refitted throughout with the LATEST IMPROVED MIMRY, And is now manufacturing; the i Best Keg and Bottled Beer and Porter In EasterniOregon. lfr. Bnchler always alma i aAnnt rti apparania ana ww lurnisn tus eustomers bee equal to any in this market: wtf HENEI L. KUCE, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, ' Seoond St., near Moody's Warehouse, TBE DALLES, - . . OREGON All Wcrk Oonrantee to It Sat- IsAaetltMs. 1,500 SPANISH MERINO RAMS. From the Rimrock Sheep Ranch. WE HAVE FOR THIS SEASON'S TRADE, SOO THOROUGHBRED AND lOOO HIGH GRADE Rams, all of which are in fine condition, and free from diseese. We consider our nuns fur this season's trade, the best lot we have ever offered to rhu public, and only ask an inspection to prove what we say. Those wishing rams would do well to call early, select, brand, and leave them with ut FREE ot CHARGE until oreedinar season this fall. Prices Lower t linn Ever, nntlorin s Em y. Thanking our many patrons for their very liberal patranage accorded ns In the past, we respectfully solicit an inspection of our stock this season. Our ranch is located on The Dalles and Hrinevllle Stage Road at HAT CREEK, Crook County, Oregon. For further particulars, call on or address, BALDWIN SHEEP AND LAND CO., 8irncaaan to VAN HOITTEN HROS. A CO.. Hat Caam. Ob A. SUCCESSORS WILLIAMS X2. WINGATE Sc CO. leaeial . Merchandisei A COMPLETE LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. HACKS AND BUGGIES. DAILY ARRIVING! Our lew Ml Stock ! COMPRISING EVERYTHING FOUND IN A First Class Dry Goods Store. Call and See TJs. W. H. MOODY & CO. A. L: NEWMAN Has opened a GROCERY BTORH Corner of Second and Union Sts. GROCERIES, CANNED HOODS. PROVISIONS. ETC. The groceries will be new and fresh, and such as are demanded in this market. In connection with the Grocery will supply Bread and Pastry of all kinds. ID- TTsT"- Edwards, 64 Second St., near Cor. TiEALEB IN Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. FAFEBS Oil Paintings, Chromos The New Umatilla House, THE DALLES. OREGON ELAJNDLEY & SINNOTT, Proprietors, THe LARCESTAND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. 'Free Omnibus to and from the Fire-Proof Tidetland Baggage Office of the Oregon Railway A Naviqa'ion Ccmpany, and Office of Jit) Western Union Telegraph Company, are in e Hotel. ' . TRACTS DEPART FROM THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 P W :n R WALLA WALLA, 2:40 P. M. PORTLAND C. STUBLING, PROPRIETOR GERMANIA FINEST Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always On Hand. ALL KINDS OF Ti. W. MKD0 Gener'l Commission and Forwarding Merchant, 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STREET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot) Consignments Solicited ! ! Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage. The Bighest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc & Co., TO LATE FIRM- Union. TnilVtM33D FREE. i and Steel Engravings. Hotel. Safe for the Safety of ail ValuEblbS. BEER HALL. BOTTLED BEER.