The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 12, 1889, Image 1

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Volume XXX
John Michell, Editor and Prcprietr.
Single copy, one year .. .
Biugle copy six months
aS-Terma strictly in advance
. 1.00
Mntered at the Pattofiee at The VaUet, Or., at Seamd
.-. uirir MnjtiAujtuju tAruwjn tneinaiu.
- (UMJawwi j" -
rc.,..- S. Pennoycr
Sanarintoiidentof Public Instruction..:. P.IcElroy
' I J. J, lioipn
I J. N
J. II. Mitcnell
... B. Hermann
State fruiter..
....Frank Baker
Geo. Herbert
Superintendent of Public School
Coroner .
..G. H. Thompson
, Geo. Uuch
i" Geor A. Young
H. A. Leavens
H. Gourlay
E. F. Sharp
.... A.C.Connelly
. . .William Michell.
Professional Cards.
'ilie Dalles, Oregon.
Office Booms 5 and 6, over Moody & McLeod's
store, corner id and Washington Sis.
Eesidenco North side Fourth St, near Lincoln.
Calls in city or country answered at all hours.
Attorneys at Law.
Office On Court street, opposite the Old Court
H ouse, The Danes, or.
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
OrTic Next c'oor to V. S. Land Office.
Will practice in all Courts, and in the U. S. Land
Office. Collections promptly attended to.
Nitrons Oxide or
0 Laughing Gas Given
For Painless extraction of Teeth. Rooms, sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second St
Rooms S and 3 in Land Office Building.
Phvairian and Surgeon.
Rooms over Dalles National Bank
Office hours 10 A.M. to 13 M., and from 2 to 4 P.M.
Residence West end 01 Tiuru street
D. DOANE, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
The Dalles, Oregon
Omcs Over French & Co.'s Bank.
Rsswescb Over McFarland & French a.
Physician and Surgeon.
Diseases of Children a speciality. Erskinsyille
Sherman Co., Oregon.
tt-v n 3 v niOKSON. GRADUATE OF TOR-
I onto University. Canada. Office room, 4 oyer
Mondv'a store. Office hours 8 to 10:33 A. Al.; z to
P. M. Countr) calls prcmptly attended.
t r HATg s BUHTiseioa
Attorneys at Law,
Office In French's Buildinj, Second St, between
Washinirton and federal.
over Postoffice, The Dalles.
Room 6,
Dalies, Oregen.
apr 16-wtI
m. b. DtrrcR. eso. watriss.
Rooms over Moody McLeod's store, next door to
Fish Ilardon's, Washington St.
Attorneys at Law,
OiBce in Schanno's building, np-stairs.
The Dalles -
Attorneys at Law.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Real Estate,
Insurance and
Loan J sent.
Agents for the Scottish Union and National In
surance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Capital
Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy
Office over Post Office, The Dalles, Or.
MCCOY ft MoCOT, BARBERS, Second Street,
next door to MacEarcnern ft MacLeod's. Tne
cleanest shave, the nobbies hair-cut and most health
ful baths. ipSu&w
Central Market.
Comer Court and Third streets, The Dal es
Oreeon. We always keep the best, law paia
lit stock.
1 tf
Uevolven. Ammunition.
Fishing Tackle, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, etc., etc.
Repairing and New Work done to Order.
Ladies, Attention!
A New Invention for Dress Cnttttne.
-A. Self-Instructor
That can be used by a man or woman, and which
gives a perfect fit. Price of scale, including
a key of full instructions, 83.50.
Can be had by calling on or addressing
au3-89 MR S. C. L. I HILLIPS The Dalles, Or,
A. KELLER, Prop'r,
Washington street, next door I -clow Geo. Ruch's.
Dallas, Oregon.
Having the Bakery formerly owned by Geo, Ruch,
I am prepared to furnish families, hotels and res
taurants with the choicest Bread. Cakes aud Pies.
Denny, Rice & Co.
Wool & Commission Merchants
610 Atlantic Ave., Boston.
JyCaah advances made on consignment. .
8aitings of all kinds, imported and Jomestie on
None bat the best of labor employed and satis
ction guaranteed
Jerome Lauer,
Proprietor of the
M SI. tolliy d MMi
Will always keep on sale
Puget Sound Fish,
Chickens, Turkeys,
' - Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco
and Cigars.
Leave your orders, u they will receive prompt
My old friends and the public, ono and all to coine
aim ace roe in sue
Where one can ret all the comforts of Home. My
rooms are furnishes with spnng ileus, and tiie
Tables second to none in the city. Price same as
before. Meals 25 cents; Lodging 25 cents.
T- T. NICHOLAS, Prop'r,
Shaving FarloFS dMta,
110 Front Street,
t3 None but the most skillful artists em
Hot and Cold and Shower Baths for the comfoit of
At the old stand of K. Lusher.
Crockery &Glasswsre
Rogers Bros'. Platedware,
IXL Poonet Cutlery,
j. Russell fe Co's Table Cutlery,
Keen Kutter Shears and Scissors,
ggFEvery One Warranted.jgjl
Fancy Goods and .Notions,
Iron Wheel Wagons; Bicycles; Bird Cages; Agents for
the New tiomc, White and Uoyal &t.John bew
iug Machines, Needles and Attachments
for every Machine. Picture Frames
in stock or made to order.
Larsen 4 Wmk,
EM ill 811 YK,
tt i n
my ana wain.
The Dalles Lumbering
Successors to'TB03. JOHNS ft CO.
The Dalles, ... Oregon.
Lumber and Builder's Material.
Shingles,' Fence Fost3
Lime and
Orders from abroad receive prompt attention.
Trees! Trees! Trees!
Ornamental Trees,
Shade Trees and
Timber Culture Trees
Ornamental Shrubbery.
K08C8 1 lloscs I
Greonhonae Plants,
We have on hand at this date a few hundred Italian
and Petite Prunes, which we offer at reasouabie
prices by the-hundred.
JAl f H 2L
We oner 25 cents
Don't be humbugged by pavin? $1 for them, for we
warrant ours to be genuine jUAKiAJti A.
Also, CABBAGE and TOMATO PLANTS in large
supply, bona lor tjauuogue ana prices.
lose White Kalntou, W. T.
O. E. Bayard,
0 Collection Agency.
No. 1 13 Third St la Masonic Building.
Agent for the
Best Home Company on the Coast.
Also Agent for
etna Life and Pacific Surety, Accident
Insurance Companies.
Having been appointed correspondent for he
Lombard Investment Co.
I am prepared to make Loans on pood Bea Estate
Security in Wasco and Gilliam Counties, also in
wastuncton lerntory. 11 you
Call on or address C. E. BAYARD,
The Dalles, Oym.
Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds for Wash-
nctoM rem wry.
Successor to Seufert Bros.,
Proprietor of
And dealer in
'ish, Fruits, Vegetables, Proyisions, Etc
t3THihest Price paid for Conntry Produce.
The Colnmbia Cand y Factory
104 Second Street.
Cram & Corson, Props.
The Dalles National Bank,
General Banking Business Transacted
Sight Exchanges sold on
2T Collections made on favorable terms at all a
ssible points. '
French& Co.. Bankers.
Transact a General Banking Business.
Collections Made at all Points
on Favorable Terms.
tetters or Credit issued, available In
all parts of the United States.
GTSieht Exchange and Teleeianhic Transfers sold
on New York, Chieuro, St. Louis, San Ftancisco,
Portland, Seattle and Walla Walla, W. T., and va
rious points in Oiegon and Washington Territory.
D. P,
H. M. BEALL, Cashier.
" (Successor to)
Directors t
D P TnoHPSos, T W Sparks,
J S Scuinck, Georqk a Lisbb,
riio Xcadlngr
. . . Next to 1st Nat. Bank. ,
Always on hand the latest styles of Jewelry.
clocks, watches, etc., at the lowest prices. If you
want something lasting and handsome, jrive Beck
the leweier a call. mcnz7
Boot - and - Shoe
and the W. L. DOUGLASS Celebrated
63.00 Shoe.
1 Goods sold Cheaper than ever.
Call and
XAinine the fine stuck on hand.
J. Freiman.
Schanno's Itrick. Second street
We Are Here
And to Stay
With a Large Stock of
Flour, Bacon,
s, etc., etc.
Timothy, Meat and Wild Hay
Bran, Rolled Barley, etc.
Quantity, which we are pleased to offer you at
very low prices for cash or country produce.
Call and see for yourselves. We mean what we say
and you will not be ferry.
pr 8-wtf
xk1 & dill $
St. Paul, Sept. 4. The Pioneer Press
special Irora Pierre, S. D., says: The
electiOD of Pierre as the capital ol South
Dakota bids fair to create a boom which
will outrival that of Oklahoma last spring.
StraDgurs are flecking into the city by
thousands. Over SoOO.OOO worth ot pro
pcrty chanced hands here to day. Lots
which could have been bought a week
ago for $100 were sold ta-day for 51000
Tacoma, Oct. 4. At a conterence to
day between Union Pacific and Northern
Pacific railway men, an agreement was
arrived at whereby the Union Pacific,
which is now building from Port Town
Bind to Portland, will cross the Northern
Pacific at a point between Chehalis and
Winlock, at the town of Eleanor.
The location is a very eligible one, from
a railroad standpoint. Of course the
iunction of these two roads will make a
town of considerable importance.
SroxANE Falls, Wn., Oct. 4. The pro
secution in the case of Policeman William
Gillespie, on examination before Justice
Dunning on a charge of grand larceny of
relief supp.ies, completed the examina
tion of witnesses to-uav and rested their
case. The defense, on cross-examination,
iutioduced a large number of orders
which had been filled and signed by per
sons not members of the relief committee,
on whose orders alone supplies were to be
issued. Harry Hay ward, who bad charge
of the supplies, testified that he never
tilled such orders, and that if they were
failed it was by his employes on their own
1 be attorneys lor the defense mam
tamed that it was a free pitch in for
everybody and that Gillespie pitched in
with the rest. They also raised the point
that as the goods were taken by defend
ant on different occasions, be was only
guilty of petty larceny in each case; that
these several cases could not be linked
toge'ber to constitute grand larceny.
The point was overruled.
Huron, S. D., Oct. 4, Chairman T.
F. Tundley, of the Democratic state
central committee, to-night placed the
total Democratic vote in the state at
30,000, and claims twenty Democratic
members of the legislature. He says
that the vote is larger than was expected,
Secretary Uusbell, of tie state prohibi
tion committee, says he has sufficient
returns to guarantee the statement that
prohibition has a mojority ot bWO in the
state, there being 3000 more than was
Jamboree, Ky Oct. 4. The old Hat-
field-McGoy feud bas broken out again
Tete McCoy's daughter was to marry
John Uanlcy, a relative ot the Juathelds.
The members of both factions swore to
prevent it. Tuesday night, as they stood
up to be married, a volley was poured in
on them, killing the bride and groom and
latally woundmg the preacher.
Washington, Oct. 4. Commercial
Agent Jas. IT. Smith, stationed at May
ence, Germany, reports to the state de
partment, under date ot August 29, that
the grain cr ps of Europe for this year
show a large falling off. The averuge of
wheat for all Europe is 81 this year, as
compared with 03 for 1888, and 110.5 for
Spokane Falls, Wash., Oct. 4. The
following telegram was received to-day
ULYMPIA, Oct. 4.
John L. Wilson: Your msiority m the
territory will not be less than 9000. You
head the ticket. John F. Gowey,
The friends of H. W. Fairweather, Re
publican nominee for the senate in the
Third district, now claim his election by
4 msjonty.
John F. Gowey, chairman ot the Re
publican committee, telegraphs Vice
Chairman Fairweather, that- the Repuli
cans have elected 98 members of the leg
islature. The Democrats have 7 barely
enough for a caucus.
Helena, Mont. Oct. 4. The legisla
tive results are still iu doubt. The Re
publicans claim a minority ol one on
joint ballot, the senate being a lie. This
includes three Republican representa
tives from Silver Bow. The Democrats
elaim all but one in that county, and a
safe nmjonty of live on joint ballot,
which may possibly reach nine. Appear
ances lavor a Democratic majority, but
the Republicans allege fraud in Butte
and Annaconda, and will doubtless tett
the validity of the returr3. It success
ful, they will secure a majority on joint
ballet aud also elect 'ower, Rep., gov
ernor. v
Last night conservative Republicans
conceded the election of Toole, Dtm,
governor by 45. To day this majority is
apparently enlarged to 300 and possibly
500. There is no doubt of Toole's elec
tion by a safe majority. The Democrats
concede Carter's mnjority by 900. The
Republicans claim 1200.
New York, Oct. 4. Within the last
month the pnee of the stock of the St
Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railroad
Company has advanced 'about twenty
points to 120, The reason for this appre
ciation is now made clear by the circular
issued by the company last night. It
sets forth that within the last ten years
the railways under the management of the
company have increased their mileage
from 640 to 3200 miles. J urther exten
sion will be necessary, and with a view of
merging the control and concentrating
the tiuances of the system it bas been
determined to organize a new corpora
Chicago, Oct. 4. A Washington
special to the Herald, Dem.. says that
Blaine's American congress, whose sur
face has appeared eo tranquil, rtally
started off with a storm, which at one
time threatened to wreck the hopes of its
projector. The trouble was all about
Blaine's being elected president. On
Tuesday, when it became apparent that
the secretary of state would be chosen to
preside, the Central and South
American delegates went iato
secret session, and the proposi
tion to make Blaine president ot the
congress was denounced as unfair, illegal
and unprecedented. The point made was
that Blaine was not . a member of the
congress, and that be could not preside
continnously. The conference lasted un
til midnight. On the adjournment, sev
eral members declared that they would
not attend the meeting of the congress
the next day, at which Blaine was to be
elected president.
The delegation from Chili and the Ar
gentine Republic kept their word.. Tbey
attended neither the meetiug of the con
gress, nor the president's reception, and
have not yet joined the excursion which
the congress is making through the coun
try. Whether they will at any time par
ticipate in the sessions of the congress,
with Blaine sitting as president, remains
to be seen.
Chehalis, Wn, Oct. 4. A boy named
Ben Hovies, at Alpha, was accidentally
shot in the arm by his brother, while
hunting, 4eanog away two inches of the
hone near the shoulder.
battle Wn, Oct. 5. The unknown
man found lying beneath the Jackson
street bridge Wednesday moruing, was
photographed and buried to day. It is
thought that he may be Scott Evans, an
engineer, late from Mobile, but this is
not settled. There is very strong suspi
cion that the man met with foul play.
and a diligent investigation is being mad
by the police.
St. Louis, Oct. 4 A special from the
City of Mexioo says: Secretary Blaine's
address at the openirg of the liiternation
al congress of American nations was well
received here. CJommcnls were neara on
the streets to-day which place it as the
strongest utterance of the class ever
enunciated by an American.
The Mexican delegation to the inter
national American congress, it is expec
ted here, will bring up the question rf the
high tariff of the United States.
Tacoma, Wn.. Oct. 0. A meeting of
business men was held at The Tacoma
to-night where the present city govern
menl was deBCunced in the most unqual
ified terms, and some of the speakers
referred to the present mayor as being
half intoxicated at alt times. Une speak
er said the votes given in favor of a sa
loon license on Tacoma avenue last night
were in favor of dives, thieves, tootpads
and thugs of this city.
Tacoma, Wn., Oct. 6. An operation
was performed on young Crosby to-day,
and twentv-tix inches of torn intestines
were removed. He is under the influ
ence of opiates and his physicians con
sidcr there are good hopes of bis recov
ery. If he can only survive lor thirty-six
hours after the operation they think there
is every chance for his life.
Enoch Crosby, the young man (hot
last night on C stieet, expired at 10
o'clock to-night from the effect of Lis
Paris, Oct. 3. Re-ballots were taken
to day in the districts in which the recent
elections were held without defiuite results.
The weather was fine, and a host of elec
tors Dresentea themselves at the pons.
The followers of Boulanger are deserting
him. M. LaGucrre atd other former
Boulangists have ceased to mention the
general's name, styling themselves only
levisionists. It is tstimated that two
thirds of the 183 constituencies which
balloted to-day have gone republican.
The conservatives calculated upon the
return of two of their candidates in Paris.
All members of the national committee
will confer with Boulanger in Loudon on
1 uesday next, prior to bis departure lor
the Isle of Jersey.
Returns from 170 districts in which
ballots were taken show the election of
127 republicans and 48 anti-republicans.
Paris, Oct. 6. A Berlin correspond
ent of the Journal Best Debate asserts
that Prince Bismarck, in receiving the
president of the woodworkers congress,
said : "The foreign situation is so peace
ful that you may set to work without
the slightest fear. It was not always so.
Not long ago England still hesitatid
whether to act as a mad bull or as a fat
ox chewing the cud. To-day her reso
lution is taken, and I can assure you the
maintenance of peace is certain."
England's commercial jealousy.
London, Oct, G. The Times, of this
city, has been devoting considerable space
to the congress ot American nations
which convenes in Washicgton this week
Ed i tori all 7 this journal now says: "It is
just cause for pride that in the capital of
the United States this week will meet rep
resentatives of all the American republics.
great and small.
"Uommon institutions, witti histories
in many ways alike, awaken sympatny
Tucie is diamatic btness in the lact that
the sons of Bolivar and Miranda should
visit the shnnc of Washington. We do
not grudge the secretary ot state the sat
isfaction ot feeling that it has (alien to
him to bring about this meeting. lie
may justly believe tie has hereby increas
ed his country's legitimate and predes
tined -lnnuence over the southern conti
nent, but to that influence time and the
course of events have put strict limits,
and he must see as we do, that the inter
national congress can do but little to di
vert the current of commerce determined
by those true trade winds, the interest of
Few parts of the world lie for most
purposes so far apart as the United States
and the communities of boutb America
Distance in miles is always the true meas
ure of moral iropinquity. Hithcrtotherc
bas beeu strange ignorance ot countries
intended, one wouid, not merely lrooi
looking at the map bnt from their history,
to be familiar with each other. For most
practical purposes connection between
Rio and Buenos Ayres and London is
really far closer than that between those
capitals and New York. English capi
tal nourished enterprises on the banks ol
the Flatte river. Of our bankers thess
communities borrow, and on the stock ex
change and on continental bourses their
securities are chiefly dealt in. Tbey pre
fer English to American goods. Com
mon ignorance ot North ana South Ameri
ca is admitted by those who promoted the
congress, and it will help to make a
breach in this wall of separation.
It is agreed that purely political ques
tions will be, avoided, not that there is
any danger or dread of trouble. There
may be harmles?, unexciting talk about
arbitration, common silver coin and the
extradition of criminals; we shall hear
much of Panama and Nicaragna canal
routes, bnt discussions must turn chiefly
on fiscal matters. Indeed, the only clear
ly expressed hope about the congress is,
that it will promote trade between these
How strange, it is said, that countries
geographically near should have compar
atively so little intercourse, w nat mignt
not be done by a few subsidized lines of
steamers plying between New York and
Rio, Buenos Ayres and Valparaiso?
Above all what might not be accomplish
ed by American Zollverem or the estab
lishment ol a reciprocity among Ameri
can nationf? This last is the chief hope
expressed by Mr. Blaine's friends. If
the congress bas any definite hope it is to
establish reciprocity. The sui ject is a
captivating one even quettiocs of reci
procity in the abstract but giing effect
to it 13 encompassed with difficulties.
We shall be curious to see how they are
dealt with by protectionist members of
General Harrison's cabinet.
Washington, Oct. 6. Congressman
Roger Q. Mills, of Texas, is in the city.
In conversation to day be said mat
though the Democrats were iu the
minority tbey were fully conscious or
their power, and would use it. "We
don't propose," said be, that the Repub
lican majority shall pass a single meas
ure without our consent. For instance,
yon may depend upon it that the rules
will not be changed by the Republican
majority in my essential feature. We do
not propose to permit them to be chang
ed, as is desired by Mr. Reed and others,
in any particular leature, nor will we
permit any of the proposed legislation
looking to the control by congress of
elections, for we see very plainly what
the purpose of that is. The same can be
said of contested cases that will come up
before congress. We do not propose to
allow the Republican majority -to be
further increased ad libitum by throwing
out Democratic members, as seems to be
the purpose. In other words, we propose
to exercise control of the bouse just as
much as though we were still in the
minority, because we know oar minority
is strong enough to make us virtual
George A. Hamilton has been appoint
ed fourthxlass postmaster at Grass
Vallcv, Sherman county, Or, vice E. C.
Hamilton, resigned.
New postofhees have been established
at the following places: At Beaver, Til
lamook countv, with Benjamin Bunn as
postmaster; at Vinson, Umatilla county.
with Kalph r. Moody as postmaster.
Pensions have been granted to the fol-
lowiag residents of Washington : Origi
nal invalids John G. Banks and Edward
A, Gouser.
St. Paul, Oct. 7 A Pioneer Press
Helena, Mont- special says: The Her
ald bad advices to-night that the Repub
licans have elected the whole legislative
ticket in Madison county, one member
tor which has heretofore been conceacd
to the Democrats, and also that the Re
publicans have gamed one member in
Fergus county. If the other Republican
claims hold good, this will make the state
seutte a tie and the house Republican by
one to lour majority.
Chairman bcligman, of the Republican
state committee, still claims the legisla
ture, and does not conceed the election o
Toole lor governor.
' Ibe ouicial count in Park county will
be made this week, and that will settle
the matter, unless the Republicans will
institute a contest, which now seems
Olymfia, Wn., Oct. 7. Chairman
Gowey ot the state central committee, bas
received this evening authentic in forma
tion thac the lion. 11. W. Fairweather
has been elected senator of Lincoln coun
ty, instead of C. C. May. This will leave
only one Democratic senator to meet
with the minority when the legislature
convenes here next month.
Seattle, Oct. 7. A hot skirmish
occurred, near Mount Vernon, Skagit
county, bunday night, that lesulted in
the death ol one Indian and the serious
wounding of another. The occurrence
was on the farm of Harry Kimble, who,
with George Lester, was one of the part
ies to the altray.
Ahout 5 1'. M. an Indian met a young
son ot Kim hie, who was takmgto market
halt a dozen pheasants. Ihe Indian
attacked the boy aud took the pheasants
away from him, Ihe cries ot the boy
were heard by his father, who came to
the rescue and gave the Indian a sound
thrashing. The Indian then left, but
returned about midnight with a party
of Indians. I hey immediately opened
fire on Kimble's house. Kimble, with
his friend Lester, so well defended his
place that one Indian was killed aud
another wounded.
Other Indians are now under arrest.
Victoria, B. C, Oct. 7. The British
ship Iforcross, Captain Roup, arrived
Saturday, 146 days out from London
with a general cargo, bhe will carry
return cargo of salmon. On August 7
the Knrrrnitk. in latitndft 4!) south, loner-
I ltude 78 west, sighted an American ship
, , D
living a nag oi uisiress, luey siguaieu
that the ship was leaking. It was blow
ing a gale, with a verv heavy sea. The
Norcross stood by and and they lowered
two boats. Owing to the rough weather
it was impossible to board tno British
ship, so a lite buoy was bent on a rope
and Heated astern, and was caught by
those iu the boats. The Norcross then
sent down another line, which a man
bent around him and then jumped into
the sea and was hauled aboard the
British ship. This was repeated until
all were aboard The ship was the
William McGi'veray, of Searsport, Maine,
Captain Dunbar, from Pisaqua for New
Yoik, with a cargo of nitrate.
On August 10 eight of the resued crew
of twenty-one were transferred to the
ship Iodiar. Empire, bound for Iquiqui.
Captain Dunbar and the remainder of
the crew were brought to Victoria.
A survey was made on Saturday of the
bark Martha, the crew ot which refused
to go to sea, pronouncing the bark un
seaworthy. Repairs were ordered and a
second survey will be made before she
can proceed to sea.
Washington, Oct. 7. President Har
rison has appointed Edward O Leach,
district of Colorado, director of the
His appointment meets with general
ftvor in the treasury department, being
regarded as iu the true hue of service re
form, "promotion for merit.'' and in gen
eral one of the best appointments made
by the present administration. Leach
was recommended tor the position by the
entire Pacific coaot delegation, by the
senators and leading icpublicans of New
York state, aud by a hott of other dis
tinguished public men familiar with his
services and ability.
San Francisco, Oct. 7. The first rain
ot the season began to fall here shortly
after midnight and continued till about
11 o clock this morning. The Etcy is
still overcast and there are indications of
more rain this afternoon.
Telegraphic reports from different
parts of the state up to a late hour to
night, indicate that the ram was haaviest
in the northern part of the state. The
grape crop bas been injured slightly in a
few. places, but the second crop of grapes
have been benefited. In general the rain
was not heavy enough in middle Califor
nia to do any damage. At Fresno and
neighboring poiuts the first crop of rais
ins is nearly all in. A light rain began
falling at Los Angeles and other south
ern points late this evening.
The signal ofiice sent messages to
Fresno, LosAngeles and Sin Diego,
warning them of the approaching rain, so
that the raisin makers could get their
grapes under cover.
The wine makers and table grape pro
ducers will be the chief sutfereis fioui
the storm. The wine grsi es of the Napa
and Sonoma valleys are cet all picked
yet, and decayed and mildewed clusters
are sure to result.
The violent rainstorm about Nevada
City is hailed with delight, as it is assist
ing matenailv la quenching t:ie great
forest fires that have been raging in that
New York, Oct. 7. In the general
Episcopal convention this morning.
Rev. Dr. Hauckel chairman ot the com
mittee on new diocises, presented the
report on the memorial from the mis
sionary diocese of Oregon asking that it
be admitted as a diocese. Kev. Dr.
Hauckel said that the diocese of Oregon
should be admitted. After further
discusion the question Has divided.
The simple proposition to admit Oregon
as a diocese has unanimously earned
aud then unanimous consent was given
to the election of Bishop Morris.
To See Fair May.
It was a touching story which tbe late
Lord Shaftesbury told of some of the
greatest roughs in tbe East End of Lon
don. A young clergyman in one of the
most wretched oarisbes had asked his
advice as to bow to deal with the terrible
human vice and misery of the place.
Lord Shaftesbury bad counseled him to
begin by establishing a ragged school,
and had at the same time furnished the
necessary funds. The school met with
immediate success, but it was impossible,
in spite of all tbe Vicar's efforts, to in -
duce tbe people to come to church, and
tbe joung clergyman finally resolved to
meet them by preaching in tbe open air.
He selected one of the worst courts, and
had the benches from the school taken
there lor his hearers to sit upon, but was
dismayed when he came upon the scene
to see the front row occupied by a num
ber of the most notorious roughs of the
neighborhood, who, he made no doubt,
had come to break up the services. To
his suprise, however, everything went olf
quietly, and when the services were over
he stepped up to the leader of the gang,
told him he had not expected to stc
him there, though he was very clad to
welcome him, aud asked him what had
brought him. The man said :
''Well, sir, you've been very good to
our litMe kids, so I said to my mates:
'Parson's goin' to preach in court on
Sunday night. It's a roughish place.
Let's go and see fair play.' That's what
brought us."
A DemocTittio ItiTormrr.
Inter Ocean. J
On the 10th of Mav last year, during
the debate on the Mills bill, a prominent
memoer oi tiie House, while speaking on
the subject, made the following modest
reference to himself: "I stand upon my
record at home and with my people, aud
if have ecer been the oppressor of labor, if
1 hate etcr ejected a man from his home, li
1 have ever endeavored in my lite, al
though I have been, I may say. a large
employer of labor, to put one laborer in
the place of another, or to force one man
in the place of another: if I have emolov-
ea a aetcclivc not a I'lukertun detec
- - .
tive merely, but any kind of :t detective
to come and protect my properly, or U
protect it against the men who are work
ing for me, or have worked for ine, I, sir,
will resign mv seat and leave this hall
the day it is proved."' This very beauit
ful testimonial to his own virtues reads
very prettily, and ought to be framed
and hung np by the side of a somnvhut
similar8tatement made by Z -tccheusot ol J,
"Behold, the half of my goods I give to
the poor, and if I have done wrong to
any man I restore unto him four fold.
To read the aoove extract from his
speech one would hurd'y suppose it was
uttered by the hearties?, grasping mono
polistthe Hon. W. L. Scott, olEri Pa.
who has just locked out all his coal
miners at Spring Valley, and ordered them
all evicted lrom the house which they
have been occupying, ht-cnu.-e they
would not accept his cut r.f 15 cents a
ton in their wages. While the other
mine owners and operators in the section
have compromised with their miners at n
reduction of 7 cents a ton, ami partly
off setting this reduction by other con
cessions, the Hon. W. L. Scott, who is
financially able to buy out every other
mine nwner in the district, show his
Demo-moncpelistic tendencies by refus
ing to compromise in any way, and will
only allow his meu to return to work,
even at the reduction offered, upon con
dition that they renounce their labor
unions and contracts as individuals, a
aemana wnicu none oi the otiier operat
ors probably thought ot making.
inis eume tariit-relorm ant'.-monopo-'
list, who had much to say iu his speech
about the trusts and monopolists which
are plundering the people, who has
been able to accumulate a lortuae esti-'
mated at $20,000,000 or upward within a
comparatively few years, who modestly
says of himself in his- autobiography iu
the Congressional directory, "Engaged in
1850 in coal aud shipping business, own
ing and running several vessels on the
lakes; subsequently became largely
interested in tne manulacture ol iron
and the mining of coal ns well
as in the construction and opera
lion of railroads, either as president or
director of various lines aggregating over
22,UUU miies ot completed road, tne great
est number of miles of railroad, probably
which any one individual was ever officer or
director of1 the roan who thus talked
about himself, aud who was able to con
tribute a sum variously stated at from
$250,000 to $1,000,000 towaid Cleveland's
campaign fuun. whose racehorse' have
just won $60,000 in a single race, says he
is unable to pay his workmen as good
wages or offer them as liberal terms as
are given by his poorer and smallei com
petitors, notwithstanding the fact that
the Spring Valley coal veins are amorjg
the richest and most easily worked of any
in that part of the State.
While Frank Lawler and the Demo
cratic papers notably the St. Louis J'c-
publie are endeavoring to hold the Re
publicans and the tun It responsible for
this strike in patticular and all others in
general, it is rather unkind for the boss
Democrat of the last "reform" adminis
tration and the London and Liverpool
strikers to act as they have done and thus
spoil all their ammunition. Many of the
coal miners of Northern Illinois have al
lowed themselves ot lute years to be de
luded by demagogues into voting, the
Democratic ticket, but is is to be hoped
that having before them a striking ex
ample of Democratic love for the work-
ingmon, their eyes will be opened to the
fact that they have been sieuuily voting
against their own in'erests.
A Spanish Legend.
A certain young Spanish tiiar, a skillful
painter, especially delighted in devising
new aspects ot blessedness and beauty for
the Virgin and in setting forth the devil in
the most repulsive nud extravagant ugli
ness. Satan bare this as best he could for
some time, but at last he Determined to
be revenged. He assumed the disguise
of a most lovely maiden, and the uuliuppy
friar, being of an amours disposition, fell
lo'o the trap. She srnilled sweetly on
her shaven wooer, but wou'd not surren
der her Leiuty at a less price than Ihe
rich reliqu-iriej and jewels of the treas
ury of the monastery. Iu an evil hour
the poor painter admitted her at mid
night within the convent walls, and she
took from ihe antique cabinet the pre
cious things she desired. Tnen, as Ihc-y
wound their w:iy through the moonlit
cloi.-iter, the sinlul friar clutching his
bootv with one arm unci Ins beauty with
the oilier, the demon la.Jy suddenly cried
out "Thieves! ' with chsboticul emrgy.
Up slatted all tl e snoring monks, and
rushed in disordi r lrom their cells, detect
ing the unlucky brother making off with
the plate. Him tbey tied safe to a piliar.
leaving him there till the next day should
determine his punishment white the breth
ren went back to their pillows or their
prayers; and then the cruel devil appear
ed in his real ehape to the poor pnin'er,
taunting and twitting him and making
unmerciful mockery of his amorous over
tures and bis prayers advising him cow
to appeal to the beauty he had so loved
to delineate In hi3 canvases! The peni
tent monk took the advice; and lo the
radiant mother of mercy descended in all
her heavenly loveliness, unbound his
cords, Dade him fasten t lie evil one in his
place to the column, and appear among
the monks the next morning at matins,
which be did, to the great surprise of the
brethren. He voted for his own condem
nation ; but when they went to the sacris
ty and found everything marvelously cor
rect in its place, and when they went to
the column they found the devil fast
bound, they forgave the erring brother,
and administered a tremendous flogging
to the devil. The monk became not only
"a wiser and a better man." but a better
artist, be is now able to paint the Virgin
more serenely beautiful, the arcb enemy
more appallingly ugly than ever.
Nova Scotia is remarkable for tl e
number of its old peop'e. It bas a larger
number of centenarians than any o'her
country, there being one to every 10 000
inhabitant?, while Eng'and has only cne
to every 200,000. They are chiefl y of
tbe farming class, in comfortable circnm
stances, accustomed to exercise "la the
open air, plain food and plenty of it,
ITEM 1 It li I IF.
Ironi Sa:uul:iy Daily.
Mrs. J. 15. Waldo is iu the city.
Mrs. Lusher ami daughter Nellio left for
lVrtlaini yesterday.
At hi t accounts Kcv. II". (!. Sini'tnn
was about the same.
Mr. ll'm. Shelley and wife, of CVlilo,
Were ill the city to-day.
Mr. Jolm Martial! and wife, of lVrtland,
Were in the eity to-day.
There was an auction sale of liuruez and
wa'ou eu tiio streets to-day.
We received a call t'J-day from Messrs.
Edward and Adluph Dckuui, of i'urtiund.
Mr. Stanials, our street vKimnUsioncr, is
rcpaiiiiij; the entrance tu the ei:yi:ie hoii.-c.
Mr. ll iy D a is, v. I.o has been taite siu'i
wkha. ceiii.licut!c.ii of liiscasvs, is improv
ing. Mr. Owen Williams returned l ist evening
from a visit of a lew days tu the c.i'Os.itinii
iu Toi'tlao 1.
The complaints w
ro loud and long alir
th failure of tl
incandescent Jl 'ills
scintillate last nr-lit.
Mr. Prince Jackson an old time resident,
was in the city to-day, in attendance oa t lie
funeral of Mr. Ivhvanl Ihmiion.
News came last night that Dr. Koontz, ef
Wasco, was worse, nud Dr. lioyd went ii
oa tne evening tram to attend tu lin.i.
Miss Oi-rtrudo Meyers ami Mus Ilelc
Hoffman toek the train this morning on
visit to the exposition now being held i
The dynamo of the inenn c cr;!.t l'gl
system got, out or repair last li-jl.t. mm very
many OI our tiu rcliau's and iesni.'iii,s Wei
forced to replace the oid coal uii l.itnp3.
During this month ws ahai! present
one of our Hitbscrihttrs lor the weuklj
tion of tho peper wuh a nt.ilcinenl ot"
her imlcb'i.ednc.j. This i our n
hit l
every year.
A large amount of isnwuith:"
mint iu tiie warehouses airing the i
Willamette ubuve S-ih m. A little
tain and boats will again be uuinmg i
up as Albany.
a ne l 8 are very uasy tuaMr.g pi ep il a
tions :or tneir lair wlncii will couio oil jus
before Cliiistuias ISth. ilKn and J.n
llie articles are many i.nd l r. ttv, ana l!ie
young ladies are elescr vuijj ui liberal jutrou
Air. i. .-5. ivno-;?, representing tun Paper
nouse oc das. 11. liisliiip & ejj., o! Minne
apolis, Kayo U3 a esu lo-tiuy. Mr. i;ooks is
a e v pleasant g-ntleman, and is never uu
uinmiui oi me interests OI Uiu lirui lie rep
6 were shown to-day bv Mr. C-n. II.
Ivnagg? a line lithographic vie.v e.t f.ibiiy
prison, as it appears since it has boon re
moved to Chicage, and is u.eil t.s a liiiisi mn
of war reMcs. Air. Killings' brother. tm
It. C-. Kuaggs, 13 general aupcniitcud-fit ot
tlic matter.
Salem Journal: Tiie rains have suceji ded
in raising trie water in the river some nx i r
eight inches, sinl the .Vo foe lelt I orti.nui
tl-ls morning fcr tins point, at.d will not
arrive until to-morrow morning. At Ih-ii
six or C'g'it boats will be on the upper ll'.l
lamettc. Trade this fall :inil uii.ti-r.
11 Airs. Haiman, who died iu tli.'a city li t
inuiscay acme iigc ot M) years lias two
sisters living one iu England and one in
Chicago, four daei 'titers Mrs. Djane. Mrs.
Il'dliams, Mrs. Clark, in Oieago and Mrs.
S.nith in Toronto and two sons John Mar
shall, of Portland. Or., and Edward Mar
shall, of Sturgiss City, Dak.
Bismarck" is the n iine of n dog as Wi ll
as a statesman, ami both r.rc of (ii i iiian de
scent, file canine came tnnn 11, l hu last
si.imr.rr, and is of the pure p .o lle Iiee-d.
Air. Giltard owns tins dog. and ho would
not tike a farm in exchange lor the .-.niitial.
He is very intelligent, and can do very
many IricliS, and U.Igard haa him under
tuition every dry.
The Albany Ihmorrnl is informa l tl at
ten railroad contractors left Albany yestn
day morning tor the front on tho (l eg- u
Pacitic, to investigate the route of the road
aud make estimates on ita construction to
Boise City, Idaho. It is reported that con
tracts will be let clear through to that city;
hut like O. P. reports generally, it is im
possible to nail tliem down until matters
Three boys, aged 15, 14 and 12 years, re
spectively, left their homes near O-iwego on
Friday evening, September 7ih, and have
not fciuce beeu beard from. 'J'liey hail tlnei)
revolvers, three blankets and a lantern with
them. The youngpst wore a straw hat mid
was barefooted. Anyone know ing any thing
about these boys will confer a favor by com
niuuicating with Airs. E. J. Thompson, ).
wego, Or.
Il'e quote from an exchange: B'esscd is
the mau who sittetu not in tbe scat of the
kicker, nor mingles himself in the uungre
cstion of the uiosiback, but his delight is in
new railroads and brick blocks, and in
schemes to build up himself and his own
town. And lioihall be iike an evergreen
tree planted by the river of waters; his leaf
shall not w ither iu tho early fall like cotton
wood, for the Eii of the loonier bhall get
there, but the kicker shall be left to hold
the bag.
. From JlcnJav's Daily.
Mr. P. Bolton, of Kingalay, gave tu a
pie isaut call to-day.
" The transcription of the Sherman county
records is complete, and tiie book, some
fifteen in number, weru shipped Saturday
morning to Waaco.
The terrible clatter upon the roof of the
Armory building last evening means that
for fear of storm the tiu roof Mas being
hurried into place.
The funeral exercises at tin ijiptist
churh in memory of Airs. Hannan weie well
attended yesterday and a long tram of
friends attended as the was curried to her
long rest.
Ia the Ieal notice of Saturday, briefly
recounting the interesting events in the
lifetime of Aim. H-irman, the elate of her
ai rival m Oregon should have been 1S52 in
stead oi 1S54.
Air. J. C. Ealduin has been buT.ffy en
gaged all day in moving a portion oi his
goods into tl'e premise's lately occupi- d by
AiaeKielicm & .wacl.eol where hu wi:l
maintain n branch store.
Mr. II. M. Munly, who will hu rnmrin-
h-rc-d as a clerk for 11. Ilcrliriug, is
He was livipjr in Hie valley at th" time of
h s death Il-i was a brother tj Gov.'i'en-
n lytr s private secretary. -
lnroi-irg it I51akIcy & Clark', prcpin-
tory 1 1 the cbi'iy.'! in the firm, his com
menced. Mr. Cturk retires from the lirni
h iving sold his interest to Mr. 1'icd Hough
ton, nephew of W. P. Lord.
We wero glad to nici t Mr. W L. Spieer
on the street this mi. ruing, although In
loeks somewhat dilapidated by Ins utrugg'u
with disease. Mrs. Spioi r, we are hap;y
to state, is also convalescent.
Mr. D. W. Edwards is engaged to day in
removing f;js ttock of goods from his pres
ent place of business to his new ami more
commodious building ca .Second i'.:a. t
south side between L;ugli!iu ami leli'er
son. The stand formerly occupied by Seufert
Bros., and mere recently by J. Johnson, is
being rennvated-and tho damage by tire re
paired. Air. J. II. Hermans will wii the
pla'-e some time next week as a li-iii, poul
try and game marked.
Wall's "spotted crow" lm snivel t! c
fifteen puzzle, got in all of tbe "pie;s in
clover ana learned to speak Chinese with
fluency, And alH?f this Wa'l has taught
the bird while at intervals he dispenses
Iuuches to customers.
Heppner lias taken hold of the artesian
well boring project iu proper i-hnpe. '1 he
city council appropriated $1500 for a well
five hundred feet deep, besides paying
freight on tho machinery from the east.
The well will be sunk at once. '
When we met Capt. CJeo. T. Thompson
this morning we knew from his appearance
that something was the matter, aud so tie rs
was. It is a boy 10 o'clock a. m. twelve
and a half pounds. Alothcr doing finely;-;
some taint nope ot saving ueoige. ,
Air. C. E. Bayard, Graud Master nt"
Arms, and Messrs. C. L. Phillips and John
Alichell, delegates to the Grand Lodgi of
Knights cf Pythias, will be iu attendance
upon the deliberations of that body at As
toria. Air. Bayard and wife left oa this
morning's boat, while Messrs. Phillips aud
Children CryTor Pitcher's Castorla;
Michell wt rt be' w the first en the after
noon, lh 1 ii.ttcr en llio midnight liaiu of
At the hoii-e of Mr. S. L. Brooks to
morrow evening, the Caatanipia Library
Circle will diseuss the literary work of tho
ei:er;'.!nV and fascinating Dr. Holmes.
And sillily no living Ann in an writer can
f read a lirliiror more varied board for
mental feasting t!:nn tin' rharining author
of the ";f.-ist Table" relies (Autocrat -Poet
IVolcsfoi ) "KImc Yimiit" and the
thousand and one poems '"Tho Last l.'wf,'
'Ch.iinb.-ri d N.iutelit-," 'Wind-Clouds'
and M;ar Drift" and all tho rest. If you
want a real n j lyab'.e time go and listen, or
better stid read or recite.
A viit to the pound this . afternoon
showed tho repoi ter seven "homed c.-rt tie"
from 'lie guile!, ss calf to the old wrinkled
wretch w ho has grown so adroit ami expert
at foraging that tdia would almost eliinh a
ti'ie for the last j apple iipr.n it. None of
th-ni seeuioil to adupnitelv a predate their
disgrace but calmly eliewc.l tho cud of con
teiiiioi nt as they meditate 1 on "their past
mi- leils or future nocturnal forays. Tim
pound, wo Mill add for the enlightenment
of those interested, is located at Larsen ,t
Sa''s corral. The sooner an im
pounded animal is released the lighter will
bo tiie cot, varying from $1..0 where theru
has been no sale to three times tlut amount
if a sale 1ms b.'cn made.
Very much sympathy is just now cxer
ei. cdby some of ourckiz'ns for tho poor,
poor firmer be calico forsooth tho hard
hearted council passed the "cow ordinance"
as it is called. We will hrii tly stato lure,
upon authority, that no f irmer coming into
the city an I properly tying his team in tho
biisinc-.s portion of the town will ho inter
fered with in any w ay. Put the man who
is in the habit of tying hi-, cow ill the alley
or le.n i;ig her to roam at lo r own sweet
will about the streets, deiiiiug sidewalks,
opening fiont gates, feasting on clothes-lino
fru.t, and making herself a Miisanc: gener
ally, wants to "look a li-cdlu oiid". Xor
will he fare any better who ties his horso
to fh:: :recs cr upon pn:.n s from which
he ha ' n warned, 'i ' . mncil simply
mean to abate anui;an e. it is not only
their right but their duty to .lo.
Mr. C. S. Shan!:, who has li.;en down tho
river attending thu f.iir, returned by tho
main tram to-ii.-iy. H.' expresses himself ns
very veil pleased, and mentions tho me-
Chan;, at di - j.I.iy, the grain and fruit exhibits
ns very l.iu, although lie qualities the state
ment bv saying, that lor the quantity
shown e-ur cistriet fair is quite, abreast of
the Portland exhibit ill 1 lie way of fruit,
l'.iit more than all else Mr. Shank was
d with hie visit to the Albatross, tho
U. S. steamer fitted up with dredges,'
tiawls, de p se-a leads nml all the other par
aphernalia incidental t ib. ip sei Rounding
and fishing. He mention ' particularly tin)
hollow l-.Jls of east iron tlin nghthe pores
ot wnic.i at great depths tho sea water
forces its way until onu of them which bar
visited aih'p'h 2S03 fathom., or nearly 3
miles la low il.o suifaco. was found to bn
half or two thirds full of water. I to speaks
in terms of iti'(iiuliiied praise of the cour
tesy and .-diVuility of the saiior i.f tho Al
batross, who are unwearied in answering
jtiestions :i:i.l shotting enriuoi'-ier1.
i:t iff Tra-i nctlcnei.
I.ibbi:; King, nclininUli Mtrix, to Geo.
Anderson, lot io in block 4 in I.augliliii"s
ion, i.S'oo.
Jtte-ob l'rilz and u ;fe to Mary A Dalil-
wi:i, part ol Se-c ;, .;ixi.
I hilar !'.: is? t t al to Louisa P.i i-hatn,
ol" Mock.2 in ist lu'ililiuii lo town e.f
Diifur, f j:d.75.
IC l.jar V Wintiiw mid' wife to Mattie A
Oiler, a strip of lattd in Winan.-i' addition
tO IloOll KiviT, 2fX).
.nJtilx .n V.'inaits and wife lo Maltie A
Oil -r, l::n 1 in Winans' a-.Uliiiou to Hood
Kivcr. ;r.
Mary J an.lj M Smith sr to M.iry A
liuiiyo;:, a part of '1 rc ill's aeie'.ilioii,
A Winans and wife to W'm Buskiik, all
of block i in Winans' addition to I lood
River, 5ioo.
F W Silvertooth and wife to Mary Wil
son lot 5, block I, Laughlin's addition to
A"itclope, 3S.
Geo V Alexander atid wife to. Benja
min . Foreman, 160 acres of land, fnvxt. .
W'm Odcll and wife to .school district
No. is, two acres of land, i'l.
II W and A C S:sA to Shih-ii M. E
church, a tract of land in scclion 26, i.
Philip Kostr and w'uj to Jin R Taylor,
ot, 2, block 2 in iNeyce
Gibson s acl-
cition, 150.
loseiMi Conrcn to Marina I Cutting,
ots F and G in block 52, in l'ort I Jail s
Military reservation, 2cej.
Ai U U lginns and .wife to Minnie G
Miller, 160 acres, vuo. .
.'I G Wiggit s and wifj to Martin II
Miller, 160 acres, 5r, o.
Rufus I! Mason and vvifs; to Iiv and
Louisa Mann about 67 .teres in section 4,
Dalles City to M.-.-tnts NJson lot S in
block 1 H in GaLes addition, sk.o.
Clias Clianiplin and wife, to Harrv I
Harris lot H in block 23. in Fort Dalles
Military Reservation acKliion, 50.
Jin 'tin and will: to s. 'i sl district No.
15, one acre 111 section 33, $j.
bUirf ol Oregon to ii ! Downing 83
acres of land in section 16, ii6o.
Ino. W Fareiuhar and w ile to Ilenrv E
Allison and Peter AI Wise 640 acres in
sections 2 and 10 in Wasco county, f 5000.
Geo r Green to M.irniacluke Maxwell
1 iS acres in .sections 30 and 38, Ji and
oilier valuable consideration.
Slate of Oregon to j E Lombard 8a
acres. of school land in section 36, $100.
Dalles Land and Improvement -Co. to
Jesso B M.inn lots S and 9, block 13,
Thompson's addition to Dalles City.f T50.
A Ii Jones to Emma O I lilbard 40 acres
in section n, $-oo.
E B Dafuretal to Henry M Pitman
block 15 in the 2d addition lo the town of
Dufur, 125.
Ii'c:;d Ilivrr ItPias.
Olacier, Oct, 5'h.
J d.a Ihackett, cut his foot pretly badly
with an it list I'riday, nml went to his
home near E lgin creek, win-re he will lay
up for repairs. We hope for not any grjat
lcn'.ii of time.
W. II. Winaus Lil!d a heir last fiatur-
day that dressed W) pounds and ono
Wednesday of 'J.10 pounds. Tho J.iut 01111
yielded thirty-live pounds of oil, but eamn
near getting Winans before ho surrendered
Maik Winehcll fell r fT of trnv tramway
at Stoddard's mill Iat I'riday, hinVu him
self pretty badly. Peter Jovkelseii "fell o'ff
the same place tho same day, anil came lip
smiling, which shows that you can't hurt
one of us Dutchmen.
Tho county commissioners will do nothing
loss than their sworn duty, if at their next
meeting they order tho gr.nle nt the east
approach to tho Hood riycr bridge widened
and a goo.t railing placed along the outer
edge of tho grade. If it is not done tho
county v. ill be called upon before ' long to
foot a bill of damages big enough to btiibl
two such bridges, as someone will probably
bo killed or crippled there if it is not lixcil.
H.lJ Arcld nt
East Orconian, Oct Zth. .
Earnest, tha three-year-old iou of Her
man Boylcn, who lives oa Birch Creek,
above Pilot Rock, was burned so b.idly Sat
urday that he diaj after two days of awful
'l'h a little fello w was playing iu a shop
near the house, where no one thought that
danger would bcfail hi;n. wheu tuddouly
Mr. Boyleii was horriiied by the piercing
screams of his son. He ran hastily to the
shop and found the yoor boy wrapped in
flames. He extinguished the fi.e as quick
ly as po.-e-iLl-vijut not bt.foro his sou was
fatally burued.
It is supposed that the child, while at
play, got hold ot some matches ami lit them
ia such a iiniin-.T as tl ct liro to his cloth
ing. H.s parents are grief-stricken -oe o
tiie fearful aceidcut which resulted in the
death of their bey.