no TUB OC AS KStClMAlT. An Esquimau sat on a chunk of ice, In the land of the Northern Pole; He cracked his heels and whistled twice At a sight that alarmed his soul. . For a stranger came over the fields of snow, At a speed that was fearful, quite: His'cheets were pallid and thin with woe And the frost on his beard was white. "Oh, prithee, pause," cried the Esquimau, "From whence do you come so fxsl?" "I come from a land weary leagues below This realm with its stem and blast! "I come from a land in the far off South, And I've traveled ten -thousand miles Since last the sun like a beaming mouth Turned loose on the earth his smile. Tie clambered the mountains, on raging I streams Full oft' I've been heaved and tossed; I umpired a game for two baseball teams Alas! And the home club lost. . VAliOCS HEADSMEN. KnflUns Who Have Acted kh Execu tioners in Says Gone By. Although that "dread minster of fate," the executioner, bas been universally de bpised, some men who have carried out the last sentence of the law have enjoyed a certain kind ot fame in their vocation. The man who beheaded Anne Holey n was brought over from France on account ot the great celebrity be had obtained as a shedder of blood. The London execu tioner at one time had a sort of iank, -which insured him profituble engage ments in distant counties, these latter not beioff sufficiently affluent to indulge in the luznry of such a functionary for their own excluisve use. When Bishop Fisher in 1535. was brought to the scatlold wc read: "The executioner being ready to do bis office kneeled down to him, as the fashion is, and asked him his forgiveness, I forgive thee,' said the brave old prelate, with all my,heurt and I trust thou shalt see me overcome tnis storm lusmy. The Countess of SHlisbury,.who suffered in the Fame reign, did not imitate the meek resignation of the bishop, and in consequence, the executioner was obliged to act a somewhat ferocious part. Deny ing the justice of the sentence under which she was to die, the noble lauy re fused to lay her head on the block. "Bhe told the man," Bays Hume, "that il be would have her head, be must win it the best way be could, and shaking ber venerable eray locks, she ran about the ' scaffold, and the executioner followed her with bis ax, aiming many lruitless blows at ber neck befoie be was able to give the fata! stroke." When the Duke of Norfolk came to his melancholy end, the executioner, on his knees, begged forgiveness. "The duke did very courteously forgive bini and put into bis bands Tour sovereigns oi eoia ana eighteen shillings and six pence of sil ver." When Mary (jueen ot Scot! s stood on the scaffold, she took from her neck an Agnus Dei of gold, which she designed to bestow as a token of her parting love on , Jane Kennedy, one of her attendants. It -was claimed by the chief executioner as bis nerauhite. "My good friend," said the dying Mary, "let ber have it, and she will pay yen more than the value of it in money." This reasonable and touching request was only answered by bis coarsely snatch ing the article in question. Great care was taken to conceal the name of the person who beheaded Charles the First. On the scaffold he wore a mas and a gray periwig; be bad au assistant, and both wore butcher's woolen habits. Some believed it was Brandon, the com mon hangman, who struck the blow, but several witnesses gave evidence in 1600, which went to fix the act on William Hu let. Lily, the astrologer, says the deed was done by an officer named Joyce. A horrible celebrity attaches to the name of John Crossland. This wretch, with his father and brother, were convict ' ed of horse stealing in the early part ot Charles the Second's reign. For some reason it was thought proper to offer a pardon to one ""f tbe condemned on con dition that be should carry tbe last sen tence of tbe law into effect npon bis asso ciates. Tbe father rejected life on sncb terms, as did tbe elder son; but John, tbe younger, bad no such scruples, and he is reported to bave gladly closed with the horrible offer, to bave performed the of fice without remorse, and to bave acquit ted himself so skillfully that be was ap pointed tbe regular executioner to that and several adjacent counties. He lived till about the year 1708, and is said to . have exercised bis calling with delight to extreme old age. Cheshire, a London hangman, who was specially retained to attend at Hertfort on the occasion of Thurtell's execution, was a wretched ruffian, and the day before be was found entertaining a company of so s with a lecture on the art of banginsr, . which he illustrated by a display of noos es, in which small effigies were suspen ded. He cot into such a state of intoxi cation in tbe course of tbe afternoon, that the magistrate became alarmed lest tbe dreadful spectacle of the succeeding morning should be rendered more appal ling by bis incapacity or misconduct, and they actually made bim share tbe prison of tbe murderer to keep him sober. Borrort or Hydrophobia. Indianapolis News. Attention has often been called to the unlicensed and unnecessary curs that in fest Indianapolis. They frequently go off into an exhilarated state and allow their fangs to sink into the flesh of un wary pedestrians. Then a hydrophobia scare arises. This disease is really rare, but it is attended with so much horror that the possibility of it justifies the anx iety that must always attend tbe bite of a nog. A genuine case of hydrophobia ia rare. The death of Gilman A. Kimball, a brother in law of E. Fuller, of this city, i ecently roused, tbe public spirit of Dan ers, Mass., where all unattended dogs are low promptly killed. Mr. Kimball's dog ) ad been sick, and one day while be was bandling it tbe animal's teeth came in tontact with his master's face, causing 1 lood to flow from bis nose and making a scratch on bis upper lip. The dog was (hot soon after, owing to its strange be havior. Nearly three weeks bad passed. One Saturday as lie was about to get shaved, when the barber lathered his lip, Mr. Kimball sprang from bis chair in violent convulsions, from which be soon recov ered. His shaving was then finished, but be went through a second spasm before leaving the barber shop. . -Thereafter when about to taste food or drink he went into convulsions. He was very deliberate and rational about bis condition. He went to Boston and bade bis customers good bye, telling tbem he was about to die. He wrote a letter to bis wife, faying be bad tbe hydrophobia; that be would try to control himself so as to injure no one; that be wished her to remain with him to the last, but if he be came violent to give bim something. - He was a powerful man, but he did as much as be could to help others in con trolling himself. Monday alternoon he beeamc so violent that several men had to hold him, and he begged tbem to kill him, crying out for more of tbe morphine, which bad been used to quiet him. On that night be died. ""T A Clear Case. Lawyer "You say that you want a divorce from your wite. Has sne oeen faithless to her marriage vow?" Husband "I have no direct evidence, but circumstances are very suspicious." "What circumstances?" "Well, for one thing she has been tak ing private dramatic lessons." "Who was her teacheri" Belle w." "Bellew ! Tbe case ia a clear one and I will commence suit at once." New York Sun's London cable : Paul da Cbaillu, the traveller, has gone in for history, and naa a rawer unpleasant ume ot it this week. Dn Chaillu read a paper before the British Association for the Ad vancement of Science, which ia holding its annual convention at Newcastle, en titled, "The Vikings of tbe Direct Ances tors of tbe English-speaking People." Tbe rest of tbe scientific men unaimously jumped on Da Cbaillu, and declared tbat bis premises were wrong and bis conclu- sinus indefensible. Tie author said l.e was best competent to form an opinlcn since I e had devoted eight years of re search to the "ulject, ami wound up iy sayinjr excitedly: "Patriotism is a splendid tiling, out lei us have truth. I belong ti the other side ot the water, America, and they will not accuse me of being one sniei there. oii rnovEBBS. He who robs a scholar robs the public. God deliver mo from the msn of one b)ok. Pen and ink are wii's plough. No tyrant can take fro.m you ycur knowledge. A fool may chance to put somethingMn a wise man's head. Seek till you find and you will not lose your labor. To read and not understand is to pur sue and not to take. An idle brain is the devil's workshop. Deeds are frnit3; words aie but leaves. A word before is worth two behind. Have wide ears and a short tongue. A diligent man can always find leisure, a lazy man never. Many talk like philosophers and live like fouls. Feather by feather the goose is plucked. E ich man at forty is either a fool or a phyMclau. If you love life don't waste time. If you would have a faithful servant! serve yourself. Diiitrtnce is the mother of good luck. If every one would mend one, all would soon be mended. If you would enjoy the fruit, pluck not the blossom. A man looses bis time who comes early to a bad bargain. The richer the cobbler tbe blacker bis thumb. ' When the curate licks the knife it must be bad for the clerk. A profitable religion never yet wanted proselytes. A crown will not cure the headache, nor a golden slipper tbe gout. Honey in the mouth is money in the purse. There is no fishing for trout in dry breeches. The holidays of joy are the vigils of sorrow. ' Seek not for a good man's pedigree. Lawyers' houses are built on tbe beads of foo!s. Men who fear no God, tremUe at a gypsy's curse. Gold goes in at any gate except heav en's. He is a good orator who convinces himself. If things were to be done twice all would be wise. Oil and truth will get uppermost at last. If the brain sows not corn, it plants thistles. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System f Memory Training-, Four Books Learned in one reading. Mind wandering cared. Every child and adult irreatly benefitted. Groat inducements to Correspondence dunes. ProRpeetos, with opinion of r. Wm. A. Ham mond, the warld-fained Specialist in Jlind Diseaaeii Daniel Oreenlenf Thompson, tbe srreat Psychol ocist, J. M. Buckley, B.U, editor of the Christian Advocate, N. Y., Richard Proctor, the Sraentis;, Hons. IV. W. Axtor, Judge Gibson, Judith P. Benjamin and othersBent post free by Profc ATtoiSUTTE. 237 FiftU Ave., N. T. GUARANTEED. The only medicines sold by drosrgists. under a positive guarantee from tbeir manufact urers, that they will do just what is claimed for them that is, benefit or cure in all cases of diseases for which they are recommended, or tbo money paid for thorn will be promptly refunded ro Dr. Pierce's world-famed spe cifics, manufactured by World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures all diseases arising' from a torpid or deranged liver, or from impure blood, ns Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, Salt-rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, and Scrofu lous Sores and Swellings. Consumption, or Lung-scrofula, is also cured by this won derful remedy; if taken in time. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the world-famed remedy for all tho3e chronic weaknesses and distressing derangements so common to American women. It is a most potent, invigorating, restorative tonic, or strength giver, imparting tone and vigor to the whole system. As a soothing nervine it is unequaled. See guarantee printed on the bottle-wrapper and faithfully carried out for many years. Copyright, 15S8, by WORLD'S DIS. Mid. ASS'S. for an incurable case of Ca. larrb in tho Bead bv tbe proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy. By its mild, soothing and healing properties, it cures the worst cases, no matter of how long standing. By druggists, 60 cents. MacEachern $ MacLeod Have Just Received a LARGE STOCK J Clothin FURNISHING GOODS, HKTS, SHOeS, GTC- Direct From Manufacturers. JgTCall and see them at 12 Seconi Street. PIONEER-:-GKOCEEY, GEO. MICH, Proprietor. Northwest corner of Second and Washington eta CHEAPEST place in The Dalles for all kinds of GROCERIES FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW-WARE, &t. Toankfol for favors in the mst. I would respect fully solicit a continuance of the same. CEOBOE RVCH, $500229 (LA M Mi'C 11nenvs. Spring Disorders Shattered nerves, tired lira In. Impure blood, debilitated system, all are the natural out come In the Ssirlntr. A milicinp must be used. ....! i.,.me- rrlcrv Com- lnlnes tenry coin pound. We let others . us-,vn cannot j nciy u-.iu.-wui, - " tercsted parly. t, t I'animl TV T. flrepnlpsif. TilirllnC- mis;auiti-v".",l - - ...... - ton, Vt., writes: "I have used I'alue s celery Compound on several occasions, and always with benefit.. I-ast spring, bein very much run down and debilitated, I commenced taking it. Two bottles made me feel like a new mail. As a general tonic and spring medicine I do not KHOW Oi Its equal Color Anything my Orfor r- cy JQ JJ Simple, Durable, tcunmxuxil. ' ' 'u ' ' " " r zru ' ---- v A Vir r-nKVCOW BRAND TOVE S TINWARE AND U3 WASHINGTON STREET. BET. SECOND AND THIRD. 1 m,s a a ift jta C! fin' an Mm. SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, Columbia Brewery Beer,:- APiO FOR 89jVL.Ii: ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER Also, I'ae very best Imported The One Price COR. SECOND -DEAL.EH 1 Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Bnttcrici Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms", I ulz-odtI The TJndersitrned has Added Metallic, Cloth-covered, Berl and Sosewooa UasKets, Burial Robes and Shrouds. Trimmings and o7S4 the 3ioat KIcsant flearse enmt of tbe mountains with all the latest improvetupnti. NO DEI AY XS , FILLING OKDERS. Place cf IIOKlne-w. Tliirri street, three doors Plaee of Itotadcuce. Foirth street, comer anu uignb. ja29tf 1 Tents, Wagon Covers, AT THE OLD STAND. Conntrv Orders Prnraptlv ate ruled co m&r14-M E. P. FITZ GERAIiD, "' and 331a.cksTn.iths' Stock. r o ceries. 3-Soie Asent for the I1IPKOVEU MONARCH Washing Machine.- THE 0R0 FIN0 WINE ROOMS, AD. KEL.LER, Proprietor. Port 81, ' Sherry 81., Muscat 83, Angelica 83, .Mduntain 83 on Grcgorio Viueyartl Co. Agrency. All Wines arid Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." Celery Compound, and It has given entire sat. iatacUon as an appetizer and blood puriller." , T. h. Bebseb, Watertown, Dakota. f Paine's Celery Compound is prescribed by physicians, recommended by i eudrse,i i,y minisiers, praised by ,lsc? and guaranteed by the manufacturers, , me, llcine .wm haU- nulctly H tones you up. Purifies the BSocd. Full accounts of wonderful cures made by Paine's Celery Compound after ot her medicines and the beat physicians had faded, scat free. There's nothing like it. tl.OO. Six for $5.00. Drugglsta " Wells, Kichakpson & Co., Burlington, Vt WITH DIAMOND DYES jfJSch. ' ' TO MAKE A -r j Dsiiciotis Biscuit Ask vcur Grocer for HARDWARE AlBOI'S, - - - PROFR lines, Liquors andCigars. Cash House, AND COURT STS WM. MIC HELL, UNDEHTAKBH AND Dii'eotor. to his Business a full line of Black, White, French of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices east of GibaoJ, Macalliater & Cu's agricultural waie of Washington. Can be fen at all hours cf the day : ...... -"i- .wefj f -s ru rf. 111! WM. MIOHELL. FARLEY & ill, Successors to L. D. Fhai.'K, deceased. Wholesale and Ectail Dealers MssaiiMUlen, Leather & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings, Etc AGRJrDLTGRAL MACHIKERY, 5 HARDWARE, W, STEEL. Burgundy 83, Zinfardel 84, Eiesling 83, '. Hock 83, Table Claret. leg J Notices- SUMMONS. Ii the Cirtuit Court of the Btate of Oregon for Wasco County. Joseph S-a 'elman, Plaintiff, vs. the Missionary So ciety of the Metho-list Ep.rH.opal Church, Defendant. To the Missionary Soetcty of the Methodist Episco g pal Church, the above name) defendant: In the name of the Sta'e o Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and :m3wr the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within ten days from the date of the service of this sum -muii s upon you, if served within this countv; or il" served in any other county of thin stte, tbn within twenty days from the date of the servi- e of this summons upon you, and it served bv publica tion upon, then on or before the firt Hav of th next refful'ir tetm of s-aid cjurt. to wit, Monday the lllh dv of November, that beini? the firt ju dicial day of Said term; and if you fad so to for want thereof the pluintiff will take a decree against you, dclariuir first, That plaint ff is the owner in fee simple to the whole of tbe following dencrio-id tract ot tea' estite lying a: d beinvr situated in Waco coun;y, Oregon, and beiny inure p-irticu-arly described a follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on tbe township line between towt.ship one and two, where the east line cf the Catholic Mi?si u Claim crosses snid township line, theme smith wiih wid ea-t tire f id Catho lie Mission 07 feet to where it intersects Th- ha;:v Militarv Keservation line; thent- N 40" E with mid M Hit trv Reservation tine 1546. iwt; thence X n)l10"W 14(2 feet to where it mteiferis the twnship line bctwotn townships one and two; thenc west on said township liut 2S!1 fet-t to the place of beffin nin, and being parts of the Ubi of tht NV J, and of the NW of the NK of S Ko. 4 in T 1 IS, R 13 E, and containing 10 84-100 acies of land. Second, That the defendant has no riht or title to siid Uiid and that defendant be forever barred , es topped and enjoined from setting up or claiming any riyht or title or interest in said described land, and for such other and fuither relief as may set. m just and proier in the premises and for his costs and disbursements of this suit. This eummons is published in The Dalles Times Modntaineer, by order of Hon. J. H. Bird, judge of the Circnit Court for the seventh judicial district ot Oregon. Dated at chamber at Dalles City Oregon, this 4th day of September, 1 S.S9, STuRY & BRADSUAW, Attorneys for P.ff. Administrator's Sale, In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for Wasco County. In the matter of the estate of Catharine Smder, deceased. Notice U hereby given that in pursuance of nn or der made and entered herein on the 16th day of July, 1889, directing me as administrator of said estate to sell all the real property of sa d ts;ate, 1 will on Saturday, October 12, 168S). sell in one parcel at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for eisli in naiid at the door of the county court house of Wasco county, Oregon; in Dalle City, Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of s-dd diy a.:', of the following oe si:ribed real properly in said Wasco county, to wit: That certain parce: of land with the buildings and improvemuiits thereon which was owned and occur piedbyaid Catharine Su.vd-r at the time of her death, being parts of lots 8 and 9 of block 1 of Dalles C'ty proper, fronting about 26 feet on Main street on the north side thereof and bounded on the west by lands of O. S. Savage. Together with all And singular the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or tn any wise ap pertaiuin?, subject to the life estate therein of Wil liam Snvder. TIMOTHY BALDWIN, Administrator of the estate of Catharine Snyder, deceased. sep7 NOTICE. Proposals will be received at the office of the County Cierk, at Tho Dalle", Wafco County, Ore gon, until 13 o'clock M. rf Wednesday, November , 18b9. for the keenimr and care of the indigent tick and poor persons ot the County of Vasc- for the year commencing ou tne utnuayot Aovemoer, a. D. 1839. nnd ending on the 11th day of November, A. if caiu proposals snail oe ior me poaru, lodging, care, medicine, melical att nuance, cloth ing, nurbing, washing, and iu case cf detth, burial in a decent manner, with the expense thereof, to gether with the expense of conveying the said poor persons to tne place provided lor tueir care. Proposals will be receive 4 at to much per head per week for each penou go eared for, and also tor tae care of all tne county poor tor one year. The Court reserves the right to rf jeet any cr all bids. Bv order of the Court GEORGE n. THOMPSON, County Clerk. The Dalles, Or., Sept. 19, 1SS9. Executor's Notice Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, exec utor of the latjt estate of George W. K urmi, de ceased, has filed his final accourit with said estate, in the ("juntv Court of Wasco County, Oregon, and that Mi.n.M, Nove mber 4, 1SS9, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said duy, has been apf ointcd by Hon. Caleb N. Thornbury, Ju .jre of wil the tin e for hearing and examination of said final ac count and all mutters aud things herein contained and connected with t-aid est it?. Said examination and hearing will be had, at the ttmo aforesaid, be fore the Hon. Countv Court of Wasco county. Ore gon, p.t the County Court room ia Dullct City, Was co county, Orcgoii. All persons are hereby notified to apprtir at said time and place and show cause, if anv, wh)' eaid final account phould not be in all things at'owed. W, H. ROEERTriON. seplit6 Executor. Executors Fictice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed executor of the last will aud testament, of Joseph Shields, late of Dulles City, Oregon, now deceased, and that letters testamentary have been duly issued to him. All persons indebted to said estate are requested U make immediate settle ment : and all persons having c) tims against it must present them to me, duly verified, at the law office of Mays & Huntington, in Dalles City, Oregon, within six months from the dte of the first publica tion hereof. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this Aug. SOth, 18S9. TIMOTHY BALDWIN, Fxecutor of the last will and testament of Joseph fchields. 4w. Executor's Notice Estate of Nathan W. Harper, decease:!. Notice is hereby given, that tho undersigned has been duty appointed Kxecator of the estate tit Nathan W. Harper, deceased, bv the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Waco. All per sons having claims aainst said estate, are hereby notified ana required to present the same with the proper voi.che s to nie at the law r.fiice of W. S. Mey eis, No. 124 Court street. The Dailes, Oregon, within six months from this dat?. C. K. Ba YARD, September 7, 13S1). Executor of said estate. 7sep5w Nctice to Taxpayers. Notice is hereby given that the taxes for School District No. 1, Wasco coun'y, Oregon, are now due and payable at the Recorder's office, Dalies City, w ithin the nert 60 days from the date of this notice. After the said time they will lie declared delinquent and tbe roil w il' be turned over to the sheriff for collection. By cder cf the Board of directors. Itoted this 7th day of teptemcer, 1889. GEO. H. KNAtiGS, Clerk. Land Notices NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Land Office at Tub Dalles, Ohegcx, September 13, 18S9. Notice is hereby given that the following-named se't'ei has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles. Oregon, on October 26, 1889, viz: 4'aio!inc C. Connelly, Grardian of Orson B. Connelly, Hd 26C3, for the S W V. of the Nrt and W6 of the SV t Sec 31, T 1 N, K 14 E, W M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said and, viz: Henry Williams, A. Ferguson, James M. Benson, II. W. Steele, all of the Dalles, Wasco county, Ore gon. eep21td F. A. A! c DONALD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La.nd Office at Tub Dalles. Or., AuUt 14, 1889. No: ice is hereby given that the following named settler hs filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of hLS claim, aud that said pro f will be made before the register and receiver zi Ths Dalles, Oregon, on eptembur 28, 1839, viz: t'obert Jl. Jjarcscl'e, Hd. 1663, for the SV J Sec 12. T1.R.8. 13, E, W M. lie named Die toliuwing wutiiesses to prove h:s continuous residence upon and cultivation of Ktid land, viz: W. H. M'illiams, Oscar An -ell, John Southwell, and W. E. Campbell, all of The Dalles. Or. F. A. McDONALD, Register. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Office at Tue Dalles, Or., Sept. 12. 1839. Notice is hereby civen that the following named settler has filed notice of hU intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and tbat bnid pro- f will be made before the reiriter and receiver of the U. S. land otQceat Tbe Dalles, Or., on October 21, 18SP, viz: timurl Kelley, Hd 13S3, for the NE 4 Hec 8, T 1 B, R 13 E. W M He names the following witnesses to prove his ci ntinuous residence upon and cuibvatlon of said lai a, viz: .'obn Root. Cha 4. Thompson, Geo. Patterson and w. fatterson, aa oi me uaiies, ur. sep!4 F. A. McDONALD. Register. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF- KOTICii FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Laxd Office, The Dalles, Or., September i2, ltis9. Notice is hereby given that Joshua O. Warner Has filed notice of his intention to make final proof before Rejristsr and Receiver U. S. Land tfice at his omce in Tne Dalles, Oregon, on rnd.v.-thf Ul day oi uctooer, ivw, on timber culture application o, 3SG, for tbe SW of Sec 10, T S S, K 14 E. He names as witnesses. Hadon O'Neal, of Kinsley, W. T. Wright, Po!k Butler, of Nansene, Fmuk. Graves, of Kinsley, all F. A. McDONALD, Repster. Change f Sc5iool Books. Notice to Whom it May Concern: The new series of school books adopted by the last legislature are now received, j nty can oe found at I, C. Nickelsen's bc.k store, and will be exchanged gratis for the old books, except the arithmetics, m wbicn a little atscount is cnar-ed. aulOtd A. C. CONNELLY, Supt, of Common Schools for Wasco County. GEO. P. MORGAN, ROOM . Land Office Bniiding, Is agent for California Insurance Co. of San Francisco 4uar(lian. of London. fjyoo, of London. St. Mary's Academy, Com ucted by the Sisters of the Holy Names, v -This InsUtution offers erery advanta&re for home rd social odim'orc. The course of study comrrifea nil tha branch oi a thorough EoirlUh education. Special attention paid to the arts and frreiirn ln gaafrea. Studies resumed August SO. For further particulars apply to the Superioress, au3 DEALERS IN Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Parlor Ornaments, Window Shades, Etc. CarLd.erta,l2i3ag, a- Specialty Coffins, Caskers, Burial Robes, E:c. an be found at all hours of the day r nfyht at their plac of busine9y Washington street, two doors north from Second. Siyn of Red Light. C. E. DUNHAM, &2?usrgrist and SOLE AGEST FOR ' - r r. ' -rrt PAT!JULYisii879. Slioiildei Braces, STBry Pair Pqicliftsa GaaraatBed. Client Protectors STATIONERY AND CIGARS. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal uses. Prescriptions com- pounded at all liours. call and see HO OSIER FENCE MACHINE, OXLY MACUIXB that gives a continuous twist to the wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WORKS, Strong, Durable, Neat, and the H. B. REED, THE DALLES, EDWARD WIKGATE. 13701888. B. "WIN GATE & CO, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Gener'l Merchandise Pry Goods, Clothin-, Boots Shoes, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Hardware and Farm Implements. 300 to 304 Second St. THE DALLES, OREGON. PRINZ & VI JaOLRSALiK Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates ol the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni tue anl Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. A. Pew of Our Quotations wW Hardwood bent Chairs, each '. 75 eb Cane Kockera $200 Ash Bedsteads S 60 U oven-wire Mattresses 3f0 Lounges 1- 0 HTCaLLj AND EK US! "Si Wasco VarelioiiseCo. C. G. ROBERTS, Manager, Tin; Dalles, - - Oregon. The mofct desirable Warehouse in town for the stoiage and exhibition to buyers. WOOL ! WOOL ! Forwarding, Consignments, Grading and Balin PR03IPTL.Y ATTENDED TO. Cash advanced for freights and on consignments Highest Cash Price paid for Wool, Pelts and Fur8 Tho Celebrated French Cure, WHrrnt.ted t APHR0D1TINE"' tO I'UiC I Slll.D ON X POSITIVE GUARANTEE o en ro n ii v t4nn oi nervous tiisciisc, or ii:i ilisaiiiir til the Ki'iiurative '' ims of iflit'i ..v ..... BEFOi.E isintf from tii AFTER e-.... i .e of .Stiiiiiiliiiifs, 'l i!i:irro ur opium orthioiigl! yoiiiliful iinliscri'tiou. over imluli;. enc:i!, such ns Loss of Hrnin rower. Wnkcful ncss, lionriii" d.nvii raiim in flic Hiick, Scmiiml n tiiKiiesK. fiyxtvria, nervous I'loslrution NoHiini' nl Kiuissious. Iitcorrlupa. liizttit'NS. Wi'iik Mom- ory, iMssnf Powcrnnil IinKniiry. whirli if ne- cieeicl niton U'tKl to tminiilurt;olil nui.ttii.l innii ity. J'l ice 1.00 n box. 6 boxes for fi.uo Keut by iiii.ii. i irii-e. A WKITTKN (it'ATt ANTF.E forevprV."i Ot onlcr, to rcfmi'i the monev if a lVrmnii.iis cure is not eflec-ted. Tlioiisamis of fesiiinoiiinls from olit nmi yomi-r. nf both Kexcs. Tcriiiiiiieiitlv cured bv APHnoniTiNR. Cirt-nlnr fne. Aiidress THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTEBS tllHSI'H. BOX 27 . PORTLAND, Ott BLAKELEY& CLARK, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS fOR TUP. DALLES, OREGAS. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freight and Agents' Commission. Lock Box 218. TUB DALLES, OREGON. 51 Keeps in stock a full line of Razors, Knives, Scissors, PATEfJT MEDICINES. PERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOOBS, Cheapest Fence in the World. Proprietor. OREGON. MRS. E. WING ATE, Of old lir.u of E. Wingate Sc Co NITSCHKE. ASW KEI AII, c - Msgg - tm&hm Convince tne Most Sceptical: Bcd-loanes 15 00 Ash Bedroom Sets 23 IK. Brussels Carpets, per yard It laCTriiu Carpets, do 2i Ja29 THE i l I)S COLUMBIA BREWERY Second St., East End, AUGUST BUCHLER, PROF. Has been refitted throughput with the U1EST IMPROVED MACHINERY, And is now manufacturing the Best Keg and Jottled Beer and Porter In Ea8tern.Oregon. Mr. Burlier always aims to adopt (he latest brew inn apparatus and will furnish hi customer bee equal to any in this market: utS HENRY L KUCK, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St, near Moodj'i Warehouae, THE DALLES, - - ORE003I All Work Claatruiteed to Ciive tst- isfactiQiL. 1,500 SPANISH MERINO RAMS. From the Rimrock Sheep Ranch. 'Sssk 'vcf i4& :; V y!j- 5!ft v.'fT ;;. I-,"-. W&tlA WE HAVE FOtt THIS SEASON'S THADE, 5 TlIOUOUUtlliKKD AM lUMt HUill GRADE Rams all of which aro in tine condition, ami fi.e fruiu Uio. Wo consultr rat tann for this '. . i... I.... i. .. ..v..r nr..,i i.i ri. niihlii!. and oiilv ok au ij.Kcctum to utovo what VV Rams all of which aro in tine condition, anil Ii.e innu uie?e. wo tnnauer mi iaui. ior wu. ,imn'. trade, the best lot we liuve i-vur offsivd to rile jmblie. and only ask au l-jul-cctum to provo what WTho5s'e wishnipr rams would d. well to call early, select, brand, and leave them with us FREE ol CHAKliE until nreedine season this fall. Priet'N Iowoi tliim ICvor, ul si n lH-XMy. ThsukiiiR our many patrons for their veiy liberal patranaje accorded ns In the past, we respectfully snlii'it an insnectiiin of our stock tins reason, our m" ch StocHted on The Dalles and 1-rineville Stajfe Road at HAY CItKEK, Crook County, Oregon, for further particulars, call on or ad.'rewt. . T , BALDWIN SHEEP AWD LAND CO., Snrmnn T" VN IHH'TK.N KKl. CO.. II T fim. ) M M. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOItS E. WIAGATE CO. A COMPLETE LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. STUDEbAKER WAGONS, Oiirlefall Stock! -COMPRISING EVERYTHING FOUND IN A First Class Dry Goods Store. ' Call mid. fSce XTs. W. H. MOODY & CO. A. L. NEWMAN Has opened a " . nnriKM- of smt! niul Ilnimi St. GROCERIES, CANNED" GOODS. PROVISIONS. ETC. The groceries will be new and fresh, and euch as are demanded in this market. In connection with the Grocery all ZD. TT"- Ed-wards, 64 Second St., near Cor. Union. - i.kaleu ir Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, AKT1STS MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. Oil Paintings, Cliromos and Steel Ensravings, gag lie lev uinatiSia House, THE DALLES. OREGON HANDLEY & SINNGTT, Proprietors, v'...'..-t THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. , , , L1 Fire-Proof Safefor the Safety of all Veiusblts. Ticletland Baggage Office of the Oregon Bailtcay t Naviqal'r.n Company, ami Ofce o) the Western Union Telegraph Company, are in e hotel. TRAINS DEPART FROM THIS EOUfeE AT 12:10 P : R ' .M I II 2:40 P. M. PORTLAND C. STUBL1NG, . PROPRIETOR GERMANIA BBBE HALL. FINESl1 Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always On Hand. ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. (lend Conimission and Forwarding Ikliant, 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STPEET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited ! ! Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage. The Highest Price paid in Cash for "Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc TO LATE FIRM - adlsel HACKS AND BUGGIES. will biipply Bread and Pabtry of kinds.