BIOUXTAIXEEB, Volume XXX TiniiS-MOl'XTAlXEER, - VIII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 1889. CONSOLIDATED 1882. NUMBER 7 PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY J M MiCHELL, EDITOR AKD PRCPRiETGR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Single copy, one year Biutflu copy six months 4-lerma strictly in advance . 1.10 u...inmr at The Dade. Or. , an Second Vlcut ilatlerjor traiumunion Hatter for traiumunion through the mail: LIST OF STATE AND COUNTY OFFICIALS. Governor Secretary pf otate Treasurer Superintendent oX Senators Congressman Bute Traitor.."... Sheriff .....S. Pejnoyer ..G.W. MeHride """"." Geo. w- Wt'bb Public instruction . . E. P. McElroy 1 J. H. Mitchell B. Uuruiann ' Frank baker COCXT. Geo. Herbert ' G. II. Thompson Cle-M Treasurer Commissioners Assessor Surveyor Buierintendent of Coroner p Geo. Ruch i" George A. Young H. A. Leavens II. Gourlay ' E. F. Sharp Public School .... A. C. Ccnneirj ...William Michell Professional Cards. D U. J. G. BOYD. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 'i lie Dalles, Oregon. Office Dooms 5 and 6. over Moody & McLeod's store, corner 2d and Washington S.s. Residence North side Fourth St., near Lincoln. Calls in city or country answered at all hours. 1. B. O05DO-J. W COi. rOXDON & CONDON, . Attorneys at Law. Office On Court street, opposite the Old Court House, The Dalles, Or. B. THOMPSON, 'Attorney and Counselor at Law, Omen Neat loor to C. 8. Land Office. Will practice in all Courts, and in the V. S. Land Office. Collections promptly attended to. D SlBDALL D. D. 8. Kitrous Oxide or J) Lauahing Gas Given For Painless extraction of Teeth. ' Rooms, sign of t'iGoden Tooth, Second Street. D It. H. LOGAN. Rooms 2 and 3 in Land Office Building. Q C. HOLL1STER, Physician nnl Surgeon, Rooms over Dalles Nttional Bank. Office hours-K, A.M. to l? M.. and from 2 to 4 P.M. Residence West end of Third street. Q D. DOANE, M. D-," . Physician and Surgeon, The Dalles, Oregon Omcs Over French & Co.'s Biiik. -Kesibbscb Over Mcfarland French a. D XL S. B. WALTER. Physician and Surgeon. Dicascs of Children a speciality. Ertkinsville Sherman Co., Oregon. T-lB. J. F. DICKSON, GKADUATE OF TOR- j onto university. """:""';:' : Moody's store. Oibca hours 8 to 10:30 A. M.; 2 to 4 P. M. country calls promptly attended. t T MATS 8 IlUNTISGTOS - fAYS & HUNXIXQT05, Attornevs at Law, Office In French's Building, Second St, between Wasuinirteu and Federal. B F IIOKE, ATTORSEV AT LAW. Room S, over PostolBce, Tne Dalles. ap8dtw r E. ATWATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. THE 1 . Dalles, Oregen. apr 16-wtt B. B. DCTUK. Old. WATKISS. D ,UFCK WATK1NS, Attorneys- at-Law. VIVTIRV PTTTtT.IP Rooms over Moody 4 McLeod's store, next door to Fisbi. Bardon'a, Washington St B ENNETT Jt WILSON. Attorneys at Law, Offlcem Schanno's building, np-stairs. w.. n.itM - Oregon. J. L, BTOBT. ' W. L BRADsrJAW. S' I TORY BRADSHAW, 'Attorneys at Law. ' The Dalles, Oregon. McCOY & MoCOY, BARBERS, Second Street, next door to MucEarcheru M cLeod's. The eleancst shave, the nobbies hair-cut and most licalih lul baths. 1P3uw A A. BONY, Central Market. Comer Court and Third streets. The Dal es Oregon. W e always keep the best. Cash pain or fit stuck. 1 " J O KOONTZ, Beal Estate. Insurance and Loon Atfent. Aeents for the Scottish Union nnd National In surance company of Edinburgh, Scotland, Cvpital EVuable' Farms near the City to sell on easy fcOU?ce over Post Office. The Dalles, Or. GEO. ANDERSON, JUL KINDS OF GUHS, Kevolverx. AmnioniuiD. . Fishing Tackle, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, etc., etc. Repairing and New Work done to Order. Second Street TUB DALLK3 OREGON ladies, Attention! A Sew Invention Tor Iress C t tti::s- Self-Insstructor That can be used by a man or woman, and which gives a perfect fit. Price of scale, including a key of full instructions, $U 59. Can be 1 a 1 by calling on or addrcsjinj au3-89 MRS C. L. PHILLIPS T .o . al'.es. Or, OREGON-:- BAKERY, A. KELLER, Proy'r, Washington street, next door l elow Geo. Buch's. Xrsllcs, Oregon. Having tlic Bakerv formerly oweed by Geo. Kuch, I am prc,.ied to furnish families, hotels and res taaiants ti e ch )icet Bread. Cakes ai d Pics. Denny, Rice & Co. WcoS I ila.n.T.issicn Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. Uf-Cash advincei made on consignment. J FAGAN MERCHANT TAILOR Snitinsa of all kinds, imported and iomestle on huid. FIT WARRANTED. None bnt the best of labor employed aod eatis ction guaranteed Jerome Lauer, Proprietor of the It Will always keep on sale Puget Sound Fish, Chickens, Turkeys, Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars. T.eave vour orders, aa they will receive prompt tttl0P' JEROME LAUER- Miscellaneous- WANTED! My old friends and the pub' ic, one and all to couit and :e ni hi tho UNION AND RAILROAD STS, Where one can tret all the comforts of Home. 31 y rooms are ftirnihe.l tVith Spring Ifls. and the Tables second to none in the city . Prk-e same u before. Meals 25 cents; LoUfniig 2u cents. T- T. NICHOLAS. Frop'r, iVJEF'TUlVE 110 Front Street, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. CHAS. FRAZZR. PRO? R 1ST None but the most fkillful artists em pltiyed. Hot and Cold and Shower Baths for the comfoit of patrons. At the old stand of R. Lusher. L. ROEDEN & CO., TIP. A I. KltS II Crockery Glassware LAMPS CHANDELIERS AND FIXTURES Rogers Bros'. Platedware, IXL PocKet Cutlery. J. Pva&sell &, Co's Table Cutlery, Keen Kutter Shears ami Scissors, g2g"Every One Warrant(;d.jg5 CIGARS AND TOBACCO, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Fancy Goods and Notions, Iron Wheel Watrons; Bicycles; Bird Cages; Agi-nts for tne new Home, w nue ana rojai al.uuihi oew ' ing Machines, Neclles and Attachments for every Machine. Picture Frames in stuck or made to order. sen S EAST END STOCK YARDS, WILL PAY THE HigliestCasIi Price for Hay and Grain. -RS-TIISYKAVB AMPLE FACILITIES FOR STORAGE. The Dalles Lumbaiing CCEVIPAMY, Successors to TDOS. J01IXS CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. Thb Dalles, - . Oeecon. DCALXRS IS ALL K1KHS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED Liimbsr and Builder's ftlaterial. Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hiar. HASUFACTtltEKa OF DOORS. WINDOWS, I3L.IIS33S. Orders from abroad receive prompt attention. Trees! Trees! Trees! FRUIT TREES! Ornamental Trees, . Shade Trees and Timber Culture Trees Ornamental Shrubbery. Roses I Koses I Greenhouse Plants. We hive on hand at this date a lew hundred Italian and Pct te Prunes, which we oiler at reasonable prices by the hundred. TJJE CELEBBATED NEW PLUM. lL IE5 Z 3 -A, He offer 25 cents each. Don't be humbuprg-ed by pains? SI for them, for we warrant ours to be genuine MAKlAMA. Also. CABBAGE and TOMATO PLANTS in lanre supply. Send ior Catalogue and iricea. Address, THE JEWETT KUBSERIES lose White Halmiin, W. T- C 33. Bayard, Beal Estate,Insnrance 0 Collection Agrnc . So. 113 Tlilrcl St., la Masonic Baildinar. Agent for the Northwest Fire and Marine InsuranccCo., Best Home Company on the Coast. Also Agent for Aetna Life and Pacific Surety, Accident Insurance Companies. Having been appointed correspondent Tor he Lombard Investment Co. I am prepared to make Loans on irood Re Estate Security in Wasco ami Giliia:n Ounie also in waamncioii icrnmrv you WANT MONEY Call on or address C. K. B WARP, The Ualles, Oirn. Notary Public and Commissioner of Dcida for V.'ash- UUton leriuorr. J. P. JOHNSON, Successor to Senfert Bos., Proprietor of tm HmBiicaii jnarRet SZCONO STRUCT, . And dealer in Fish, Fruits, Vegetalilcs, Provisions, Eic aHighest Price paid for Country Produce. FOE ICE CEEAM AND r ICE COLD SODA WATER, -CO TO- 104 Second Street. Cram & Corson, Props. feiY Oolunioia Hoiei ON The Columbia Caody Factory Banks. mi iuiiij imiiviiui I I I 1 I r I !1 II M I IMMM I 1 (JK DALLES CITY. OR. Fresiiieiii, (j&Sii-oi, . . . . Z. F. Moedy M. n. Moody General ZuM Easiness Transacted Sitjltt Exchanges suM on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, OR. T Collections nc cn favorable terms at all a tfriblt- i c ;i.'ir. French& Co., Bankers THE DALLES. CIiEGOK. Transact a General BanMng Business. Collections Made at all Points on Favorable Terms. betters or Credit issued, available in all ports of tho I'uited states. eBTSight Kxchanfe and Tclesnaphic Transfers "old on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Fiancist-o, Portland, Seattle and Walla Walla, W. T-, and va rious points in Oieiron and Washington Territory D. P. THOMPSON, President. J. S.SCHF.NCK, Vice-President II. M. BEALL. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ok i hi; i,v:L.:L.-iste (Successor to) SCHEXK & BEALL, BANKERS, TRANSACTS A REGULAR BANKING BUSINESS, BUY AND SELL EXCHANGE. COLLECTIONS CAREFULLY MADE AND PROMPTLY ACCOUNTED Flit.. DRAW ON NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND. Directors : D P Tnonrsos, . T W Spaurs, J S SCUENCK, GKORQK A LlXBK, feb!3tf Miscellaneous E. BECK, The a. dinar WATCHMAKER AND JE! . . Next to 1st Not, Bank. Alwnvs on hand the latest styles of Jewelry, clocks, watches, etc.. at the lowest prices. If you want something lasting and handsome, Rive ueca the ieweler a call. nich-7 J. FBEIMAN, IS THEJ Boot - and - Shoe SOLE AGENT FOl LAIRD. SCH03ER & MITCHELL, HANAN & SON, EDWARD C. BURT, and the W. L. DOUGLASS Celebrated S3.00 Shoe. W.LDOUGLAS'r WARRANTED, c TAN e0TTOH. 2T Goads sold Chespt-r than ever. Call and xamine the flue stick on hand. J. Freiman, Kchanno's lirir.k. Wecond Ktreet We Are Here And to Stay -AT OUR- HEADQTJAETEBS With a Large Stock of Me i Mil' r, Da . Ha, etc., etc. -ALSO- Tiiiiotlij, Wheat and Wild Bay OATS, BARLEY, Bran, Rolled Barley, etc. OUR STOCK 13 A 1 IN OUALITY AND quantity, which we are pleased to offer you at very low prices for cash nr country produce. Call and see for - ourselves, We mean what we say and yuu will not be serry. ft pr 8-wtf TON- .- ?. - v-. $8.ocy6?4 BROOKS BEERS TELEGRAPHIC. DISASTROUS TRAIN ACCIDENT Spokanb Falls, ,.-ii.. s. j.i. in D tfi tivi- air I'lilk- :ii-i 'I it lit'H; Col lision ilti m at i'.t M. mskc utilj eusi or tliittfitv. A ti-. -.-(! r ir .in "its 'vaitin'i tlitTf lur lit. u .-li .tiini ilte tii;:ni tr ' w.:i.-u t n d ilil when a mile anv. dul l u iiisi culi'itiiCe in the i't iirakts iuu fni! iisuiicu bc lore Mitlyiiiv tutm. F.n.liiiif they woulil not notk lie n.tersed cnyioo ai tl wlnt led for lite hand brakes, slack ij i he s;eea to te n miles an hour, but !, could not stop his train. The engineer of the jjussenger train I erceivtd the dauper and backed his train, but could not get of the way. As the cosine struck, Lou tlogan, a brulccnian mi the freight, jumped and nas cauefht by a car aixl almost iustan;ly killed. A Hauijien, the engineer, was severely cut en the head. Ed. Brenaan, n laborer, stealing a rido on the platform of the unffgage ear, was injured on the head and iniernally. The Injured men aie at the hospital here. The coroner's ji.rv inves'i:;ite'l the cause of Hogun's death, antl censund the compny lor haying imperfect air brakes and recommended that a switt-h-nian be statioued at Trent THE FIREMEN'S TOURNAMENT. TACOifA, Wash., Sept. 20 The last race of Ihe Northwestern Firemen's (inriiurrent toon place this niornniir This was the hook and ladder contest. Ouly three teams entered, and Seattle iron the first place in 29 15 seconl, Taeoma second, 32; Astoria third. 43 seconds. The Astoria team was short banded. A temporary restraining order was obtained trom the district court to pre vent the first prize in the wet test being paid over to the Astoria team. The order was obtained by the Vunoouver, B. C, team, but afterwards the suit was withdrawn, and all questions amicably settled. The Astoria los walked in procession to the depot to-night with handsomely decorated carts, new canes and new hats, and were escorted by a large number of cit zms. CLARK HELD ON A CHARGE OF MUBDEB. Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 20. The pre liminary examination in the case of F. Eugene Clark, charged with the murder of Annie Dickenson, alias Mrs. Crocs, was held to-day by Justice Best, when Clark was held on a charge of murder without bail. Wcems, the switchman, was held us "a witness in $1000 bail, which he was unable to furnish, and was therefore remanded back tJ the couutv jail. THE QUEBEC DISASTER. Quebec, Sept. 20. This morning the work of excavation still goes on ut the terrible landslide. - Among thote still supposed to be beneath the ruins are Charles Al'en and wite, Mrs. tstevens, Mrs. Henry, Richard Maybury and wife, Mrs. It. Lawson, li Kemp nnd tamily, Miss Luhy and a number of children. Ihe lots is very great. Some of the workmen who an; deprived of homes lose all their furniture and other effects, and all their summer's earnings. Many are left virtually penniless at the commence ment of the Canadian winter. The in jured have been nearly all removed to the Hotel Diet by the men of the battery aided by a detachment of cavalry. Iwcnty-hve dead persons have been taken out of the debris and eighteen wouuded. I The dead and wounded are still being taken out of the ruin. The work of res cuing is going on vigorous). Ihe members of the Black family were buried alive twelve feet below the sur face of the debris. On being 'asked if they were safe, Airs. Black answered: My husband was killed at the door. The rest are safe, but suffering from the wounds and bruises on our limbs." Shortly after Miss May CaldweP, a niece of Black's was extricated from Black's hou&e. Her limbs were stiff from inac tion and the least touch caused nain. The next person taken out was Thorn as Berrigan, whose wife was taken out of the ruins dead. He is so disfigured that his frunds could hardly recognize bim. He was removed to the Hotel Dieu. The next to follow was an 8 year old boy, also named Berrigan. Then came Mrs. Black, with her neck and face dreadlully swollen. THE FEBBY CASE. San Francisco, Sept. 20 Mrs. Ferry's legal advrsers to-day stated that letters looking to a compromise were passing between them and the attorney ccneial of Washington territory, who is the ad viser of C. P. Ferry, of Tacoma. The attorneys state that Mrs. Ferry is anxious for a speedy settlement, and that it terry will not have one the divorce suit will be pressed as soon as it can be reached on the calendar. - LOST FOB A HUNDBED YEARS. Montebey, Cal., Sept. 20 It is stated t' at young Frcman, son of John Freman, of Salinas, while hunting deer in Carmcl valley, 50 miles from here, discovered the works and diggings of a mine that has been sought over a hundred years. The mine is said to be very rich in silver and gold quartz. A number of people are leaving tor tne scene ot the reported dis covery. BEVEN IIVE8 lOST. St. Johns, N. F., Sept. 20 The British war ship Lily, struck a rock off Point Arthur and sank. Seven of her crew were lost. The vessel is a tctat wreck. Considerable money and valuables went down with her. FOUNDEBED IN THE IRISH 8EA. Losdon, Sept. 20. The steamer Flor ence, foundered in the Irish sea to-day, while en route from Garretton to Belfast. Nine persons were drowned. NEW RAILBOAD. Spokane Falls. Wash., Sept. 20. Trains will be started on schedule time to-morrow on the Spokane Falls & Northern, between here and Chcwclah, sixty miles from here. The track laying is progressing rapidly, and trains will be runuing into Colville, niuety miles from here, by the loth of October. THE CEONrN CASE. Chicago, Sept. 20. The work of get ting a jury in tho Crcnin case was re sumed this afternoon. The Journal says: The bloody cotton found in the basement of the Carlson cot tage, and which will be used ia evidence iu the tria', was put there by two report ers before the cottage was opened, for the purpose of furnishing materials for a good story ior their paper. The cotton was saturated with beet's blood. It is said Ihat it has been discovered to be a tact that it was not human blood, and was intended to be sprung on the prose cution es a surprise. rEBISHED IN A CAVE. FEiXEvri.LE, Ky.. Sept. 20. Tuesday a party ot hunters discovered on the banks of the Big Sandy river, eight miles below town, a cave in which were four skeletons, the remains of rifles, several thousand dollars in Confederate bills and $2869 43 in United States ''shin plaster" green backs and coin. It is supposed that a par ty of soldiers were lost during the war. There is absolutely no trace as to how they lost their live?. MYSTERIOUS ASSASSINATION AT GEBVAIS OREGON. Geryais, Or., Sept. 22. Thomas Win ning, a young Englishman, 21 years of age, lately from California, who has been working for F. X. Mason, about ono and one-half mile9 east of Brooks, went out bunting this morning, and while return ing home was shot by some unknown party or parties, who were hid in the .nih, the charge takiDg effect in the liiiht arm, making a very li-.rge and dan geron-i wound. After being shot he cried ior he p and said he was shot. Then the punu's who were about lo'J yards distant, tired Ksrain, taking ellect in the back. II was brought to this eity and his wounds nr.- bt-ii-g iliosco lv Ur. btctt, who pro- nmicrts ilu-m quite critical. No reusou is U'-s g:jed lor the shooting. A CO LOB ED POLITICIAN USES REVOLVER- Seattle. Wn., So;,'. 23. W. F. Butts, a colored barber, anil somewhat of a poli tician, to-dav fired two shots at John J Jaeksou, a colored porter for Gr.iham & Uaulton, inflicting only slight llesn woutios iu one l.nd. Butts had been a member of the King county colored lie pullican club but he was accused of be in" a traitor, and a democratic emissary and he discreetly withdrew. Jackson had been instrumental in forcing Butts to withdraw and there was bad blood be tween them. To day Jackson chid.-d Butts for a dollar he owed a oartender lor drinks and Butts iiumudiaiely t-lmt. He was i.rrested and will be examined to morrow. HIS BACK WAS BROKEN. Albeit Mauogue, a carpenter employed on the warehouse on Ocean dock, fell Irom the roof to the "round this morning and bioke his back- He was removed to ihe Providence hospital. His injuries were pronouuceii fatal. Manogue was 24 years of age and unmarried. A NEGRO'S APPEAL. Wheeling. W. Va., Sept. 23 Yester day was a great day with the colored peo pie ot Martin Ferry, Ohio, the occaison bein'' the celebration of Emancipation Day. Professor Henry Lee, of Oberlio, Ohio, was the principal orator. In speak ing of Southern outrages lit: s&id among other things: ''I say that if the outrages done oar people iu the S"Uili be not pre vented by the strong arm or the admin istration nor disapproved by a word of condemnation from the party of our choice, that ihe colored man's devotion to the party of the present administration, the long suffering and forbearance of our people may be changed to hate, and striking out in self-defense in some other quarter. It is agreeable Ior us to abide with the party ot the present administra tion, but if we are driven from it iy the utmost neglect and dssregaid of our own rights, and by the basest ingratitude, the blame will not be our. I have much hope for our people although clouds are toweling around us." THE QUEBEC DISASTEB. Quebec, Sept. 23. The funeral of the victims of the recent landslide took place to day. Ship laborers, about 5000 strong headed by President Mahoney, led the procession; then followed the police lorce, bearing costly flowers presented by the city council; then came fifteen hearses, containing the bodies of 21 vic tims. The funeral services took place at St. Patrick's church. Father Hayden, assisted by Father Welch, celebrated di vine service. After the services the pro cessiou proceeded to Woodfield cemetery where the twenty-one bodies were de posited in vaults prior to their linal inter- menr. DROWNED IN TAQUINA BAY. Yaquina, Or., Sept. 23. Last evening, while four men were crossing over from Yaquina to West Yaquina during a storm in a 1'ght skiff, a heavy wave struck her, immediately swamping the boat and throwing them in tiie water. One of them earned Gns Laisen, a stevedore, was uuab'.e to swim and sank and was drowued. His body has not yet been found. THE LONDON STRIKE. New York, Sept. 23 Speaking of the result and effect of the great London strike, Henry George said: "The strike was a success, but mat does not solve the labor, nor pretend to, ouly in this much, that it awakens the popular mind to the c.onrlition of affairs and makes all look lor some real remedy. John Burn", a noble man, who handled this strike like a general, is a socialist. He is a working man self educated, with a great personal force and an unselfish purpose. He sees li at the strike can never Eoive the great labor problem of the age and so he relies on promises aud delusive hopes of socia lise as h's remedy, and if the single tax idea is rtjected bis remedy, it seems to me, is only an alternative result of the s' The strike certainly was encour agement to the dissttibtied and I am greatly mistaken it it does not tend to strengthen the strke spirit both in Eng land aad America." THIS NOBTHEBN PACIFIC. New York. Sept. 23 Chairman Rob ert Harris, of the Norther n Pacific execu tive committee, issued to day a circular to stockholders, saying preferred share holders are entitled to tl e payment of whatever may be dee them, is in consistent with their rights for directors to reserve the amount now due. Mr. Har ris asks for proxies to support his protest. A KANSAS MCB THAT OUGHT TO BE MOBBED. Kansas City, Sept, 23 A special dis patch to the Times from Eldorado, Kan., says: The details of the mob trial under lynch law of Alonzo Edwards and bis wife at Rosalia, tor tho alleged murder of Henry Bloomer's 3 year old cnild, as de tailed in these dispatches Saturday night, are of the most revolting character, and reveals a story of inhuman treatment sel dom met witli even on the border. The "child, it appears, was left iu the care of Mr. and Mrs Edwards, while Bloomer and his wife went to work in the fields, last Tuesday. That evening the child was missing and a search by the neighbors Wednesday and Thursday fai'ed, revealing no trace of its where a bouts Friday night the prisoners were placed in the jail here. From that time until this morning a mob, varying from 500 to 1500, has continually surrounded the jail, clamcring for the lives of the accused, but the sheriff kept them at buy. Early this morning the child was found alive and well, sitting on the door step of a farmer near Rosalia, where it had been all the time. It is a mystery. It is sup posed that it was kidnapped and returned when it was learned what excitement its disappearance was causing. Mr. and Mrs Edwards" have been released. They are still suffering from the effects of the harsh treatment received, and an attempt will be laade to prosecute the leaders of the mob. AN INFANT MUBDERED. Seattle, Sept, 23. The body of a dead female infant was found this morn ing, on the beach at the foot of Virginia street, by three little boys. The body, was packed ia a grape box, and had around it a cotton quilt. The right side of the skull was ciushed in, aad every evidence was furnished that the child bad been murdered. A LARGE FIRM FAILS. Chicago, Sept. 23. The mammoth publishing house of Eelford, Clark & Co. which has a large establishment here and branches in New York and San Fran cisco, went to the wall to-day. This afternoon judgment was entered against them in the circuit court in favor of ihe First . National bank and S. A. Maxwell. Attachments were sued out, but shortly after the place was seized by Die sheriff a receiver was appointed by Judge Shep ard. TORNADO IN FLORIDA. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 23. A tor nado of great violence passed over Pab'.o Beach, sixteen miles south on the At lentic coast, this evening. It arose in the southwest, and without warning, ex cept a blackening in the sky, struck Mur ray hall, an immense beach hotel, aod twisted the tin roof from the main struc ture t" the lowers, burst open 1 he win dows and dxors on the west side and left it in a generally shatterid condition. MORE BONDS. New York, Sept. 23. There has been anplicalion to list for the Northern Pa cific & Montreal rai road company $750, 000 udiliiiona first mor-gage C pi r cent, go d bonds DESTROYED BY FIRE Astoria, Sep!. 2:1 At an early hou yesterday niornirg tie resith nee of A Gibbons on ihe Wuluskl river, sevm miles Iri-m this city, w totally destroyed byline "Ihe inmates narrowly escaped beiti:.' lint tied to death. L'iss. about $2000; insurance. 000. Mr. Gibbons re ceived severe n juries in escaping from the buruing building. DEMPSEY AND LA BLANCHE. San Francisco. S pf 23 Jack Demo sey lo night placed if 1000 with rhe Chron icle. as a foi felt lor a leturn match with La B'aiicl e Demosey's friends and backets are willing that the men should meet under the me conditions thut gov erned the hit" fight, nnd I hey w ill even consent to the nn n fighliBg at catch weights. It is understood that if the pugilists ayree to another meeting, the California club will give a purse suffici ently substantial for any champions to tight for. The Dcmpsev side say, how ever, that their man will fight for any thing or nothing sooner than miss a chance to retrieve his laurels. Thev do not insist that the match shall take place immediately. All they ask is that the Marine cover Dempsey s forfeit belore he leaves the city. A BOY INSTANTLY KILLED. Puyallup, Wn., Sept. 23. Two miles above Sumner, Sunday evening, Thomas Weaver, sged 10, and another bov named Morris, aged 14, were examining each other's shotguns and talking of trailing, when tne guu in the hands of the Moms boy was discharged, shooting Weaver iu the liiad and instantly killing him. IMPORTANT DECISION BY GEKEBAL LAND OFFICE. Washington, Sept. 24. The acting commissionei of the general land office has granted a motion to review the decis ion of Commissioner Stockslager. of Feb ruary 23," 18S9, in which indemnity for school lauds iu the Sileiz and Grand Ronde Indian reservations was refused. The liw grauiing school lands to Ore gon proud s for 'lideBinity iu where lands are sold or otherwise disposed of. The acting commissioner holds thut the sixteenth and thirty sixth sections, which lie within the boundaries ot the two named reservations, are disposed of with in the meaning ot the law, and following Ihe decision ot Secretary Lamar in the case of Colorado, he holds that the state has a right to select other lands in place thereof. Aciing Commissioner Stone, in closing his decision, savs: ''It is clear there is an apparent conflict it. ji-.dicial opinions as to the effect of certaiu school sections being within Indian reservations at the time of the taking effect of the grant. I think Ihe weight of oi.inion is that a res erration for Iudians is a disposal of land in the meaning of the act. Whether I am i ;ht or no? on this point, I feel safe in following the opinion of t lie secretary of the inierior in ihe Colorado case. The facts in that case are similar to these, and I therefore revoke the decision of Febru ary 23, 1SS9, and hold that the state ot Oregon has aright to select indemnity for school sections, lying within the Siletz and Grande Ronde Indian reservations. As for all other questions touching selec tions and lists, they are reserved for pro per action under the law when the lists come before the department for approval. This decision is regarded as important, as it will govern in all similar cases, of which there is a large number in different parts of the west. COMMISSIONER ROOSEVELT. Washington, Sept. 24. Theodore Roosevelt, civil service commissioner, has returned from a bear hunt in Montana and a stay on his ranch in North Dakota. Concerning the political outlook in those two territories, he said: "1 am con fident that Carter will be elected to con gress in Montana by a good round mnjor ity, and I think that we have at least an even chance for the entire state ticket and legislature. I know nothing of my candidacy for the United States senate in North Dakota, except what I have seen in the newspapers. I don't know how ihe report got started, I take no interest in it whatever." A SCENE OF AGONY. Chicago, Sept. 24. Five innocent livse paid the penalty of the wanton careless ness ot a railroad engineer at the corner of avenue and E:ghty seventh street, this city, this evening. A suburban train on the Rock Island lea ing the Chicago depot at 6.18. leaves every evening at this point, a Washing ton Height's conch to be caught up by a dummy. This evening the car was, left as usual, when a moment later the pas seiigeis were horrified to see bearing down upon thein, at the rate of twelve miles hu hour a heavy freight train on the same road. Tlieie was no time for flight. The eugineer reversed bis engine, but with almost undiminished speed it plowed into the passenger coach until the locomotive was hiddeu entirely in the wreck. Wild shrieks and groans announced the borrow of the disaster, and as steam formed in thick clouds arouud the scene the terrified spectators realized that the ill fated passengers were being roasted ali re. ITKJIS I. BUIF.F. From Saturday Daily. The alleys are being cleaned. The ice season is drawing to a close. Mr. Geo. Pasemore, of Antelope, is in the city. The bricklayers are idle now, waiting for lime. Mr. Phillips' store is fast assuming pro portions. It appearsrain like. May the moisture fall copiously. Dr. C. Adams returned from a visit to his old home in the east during the week. The cow roanictli at large, and enjoys herself on sidewalk or other places on which she can climb. A Land of 200 sheep wss brought from Klickitat tx-tlay by Messrs. Larse.u & Salt marshe. They will be shipped to the Chicago market. We are glad to see Mr. G. F. Beers on the streets again. Ho has been confined to his room for some weeks from the effects of an attack of paralysis. The Chicago Tinws indulges in this sort of a tripple pun: "That senate committee hss gone away mad. It pulled down its Vest, got out of Plumb, and eaid Farewell." The people of Johnstown are determined to press the suit against the South Fork Fishirg club. More than $!500 have been contributed to defray the expenses of the suit. We acknowledge the receipt of a compli mentary ticket to the 11'. W. V. C. Agri cultural Society of Walla Walla to the a) -preaching annual exhibition, which will take place on the 30th mat. Mr Jackeon, our read tax collector, in order to make Chinamen potlatch, secures their blankets and holds them until the money is forthcoming. He has collected a number of dollars this way. Presbyterian services to-morrow at 11 A. M. and 7-'i0 P. M. Morning sermon on "Bells of the Bible." Eveniug sermon on "Is Happiness the True Object ot Living!" the third ;rmou in the series. Mr. Peterson Vogt, an employe at the shops, received a fracture of the leg one day tbu week by bar of iron falling on him. Dr. Logan, the company's physiciau, at tended to his injuries, and he is getting along nicely. The number of dwellings erected around the old garrison during the past season is wonderful. Almost eyery lo; of ground in that vicinity has been improved and some building erected thereupon. Boise Statesman: Many prospectors are starting out from different parts of the country to explore the sand bar along Snake river. Many of these bars paid well in t ti mer years and the low state of the river will make it possible to work them again prolitahly. Miss Anna Diekinson made some success as a lecturer, failed as a actress, but has now for a single woman shown a sagicious capacity lor domestic economy and discip line. An Oregon girl wrote her asking how to get a husband. Anna tersely replied, by the hair. Pasco. W. T.. offers $750,000 worth of land ami $50,000 in cash as an inducement to have the capital of the new state brought to that town. I hats the way to build a town. the residents show by their ac tions that they want a city and it will not be long before they will have it. Ellensburgh Heghtfr: A young orphan girl some 12 nr 13 years of age, living with a family by the name of Sullivan who are at present living at Joe McLecud'sold place oa tne roaa to Ijossem s Mill, mysteriously disappeared about dusk on Monday even ing, Sept. 9th. She carried with her a small bundle and was tracked as far as Wil son creek, where she crossed cn a stone dam, w here all trace was lost. Albany Democrat: John Hayes, a Blue Creek, E. O., farmer, was found dead under a wagnu load of rails on the Blue Creek hill last Saturday evening. He had been dead several hours when found. The brake of the wagon suddenly gave way and the wagon surging upon the horses caused them to veer to one sine thus overturning the wagon upon Mr. Haves. There were no bones broken and only a few bruises on the face and head. Hold vour breath while vou read this from the Ellenshurgh lienister: "The Dem- crats will be "Wiery" about October 1st when they realize how "semple a matter it is to "Ferry," the republican forces across the stream of success,. You can "Reed" the handwriting on the wall and learn that we "Dunbar" anybody and are not particular about "Stiles." The tale "Wilson be told, though it will be a "Sharp" contest and require a "Power" of the " (Fright" kind of work. Astoria Pioneer: Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Clara Houghton made final proof on her homestead entry in the office of County Clerk Trenchard. Mrs. Uoughtou is 81 years of oge, and has lived and worked faithfully for six years on her claim, which is over at Clatsop. She is a vigorous look ing old lady; came to Oregon from Califor nia in 1C8. She has nearly all the 100 tract fenced, aud has made various other improvements. Sli3 has for company a grandchild. It is an unusual case for so old a person, and especially a lady, to be secur ing government land, anil it shows in itself that Mrs. Houghton is possessed of the true grit that has been inspired in Oregon pio- I neers. Tho story of a queer fiud comes from Idaho: Mr. Benson, a dairyman, who has resided in Ketchum for the last two or three years, has an old wagon which he bought eight years ago in Boise City. The wagon has been in use nearly ail the time ever 8i nee. One day last June Mr. Benson was going over the summit with his wagon wlen something broke. In examining the wagon he found a piece of tin which bad been tacked on had come loose, and in talcing the tin off two bars of gold dropped out. It appears that a hole had been cut in the wood, the bars placed in this prepared space and the tin tacked on to cover it up. Mr. Beuson sold the two bars of gold for $1700. Mr. Benson formerly resiJed in or near Boise City, but who the man is that eon verted bis wagon into a portable safe will very likely never be known. The first locomotive engine constructed in the United States was built by a native of New York, the late Peter Cooper, in 1830, at his Canton iron works, near Balti more. It was made from his own designs and was named "Tom Thumb." It was a very small tractor engine too small for practical use. On a trial trip it drew a car with several Ealtimoreans in it from Balti more to the Relay Houre, a distance of nine miles. Excltange. This is a mistake. Father Harmarf, who is now 85 years old, and is confined to his rooms by the infirmi ties of old oge, crossed the Atlantic ocean with the first locomotive engine ever brought to this country, which was made after the pattern of the one then in use in England and manufactured by the Stephen son Bros. Father Harman put the locomo tive together in New York, and this was used as a pattern for many others. Pendleton Tribune: The trial jury very promptly acquitted Officer Durham, who was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon upon the person of a tramp. In the early summer Pendleton was infested with hobos, and their depredations were quite numerous. About the middle of Juiy Durham found a party one night where they had no business to be, and were acting very suspiciously. He undertook to arrest them in the name of the majesty of the law. They tried to escape; he tired and one was winged. For this the officer was arrested and the grand jury indicted him. He was defended by Hon. J.C. Lcasure and prompt ly acquitted. The Bj-mpathy of the com munity had been with Durham all through the trial. There was a feeling that the genus hobo muit he dealt harshly with, or the community must suffer the consequen ces., Durham is an efficient officer, and the people propose to hold up his ji anils. From Monday's Dally. The smoke is very dense in Pi ineville. There are three cases of typhoid fever at Prineville. Mr, and Mrs. T. G. Condon, of Antelope, are in the city. Sheep coming from the mountain range are reported in fair condition. Mr. Saltmarebe shipped sixteen carloads of sheep to Chicago this morning. Circuit court for Crook county convenes at Prineville the third Monday in October. Several carloads of fine cattle arrived in the city this morning for the coming exhi bition. The rain yesterday cleared the atmos phere of smoke, and makes all vegetation appear spring like and fresh. Mr. J. P. Mclne.rny returned yesterday from San Fraucieco, where lie has been for several days pac-t purchasing his fall stc:k of goods. The news reached Baker City Friday that Arthur Redmond; the murderer of Will Duncan, effected his escape from the jail in which he was contiued at Hurrn, South Dakota, and at last accounts was still at large. East Oregonian: Weston 4 Redd's sheep camp on Camas creek was visited the other day during the herder's absence hy sneak thieves, supposedly tramps, who made away with all the clothing, provisions, bedding, etc., they could find iu the cabin. On Tuesday night of last week, Mr. J. N. Williamson living at Powell But tea in Crook county, lost between fifty and sixty tons of hay by tire. There were horses tied to the ricks, but they were saved by stren uous exertions of Mr. Williamson aud oth ers. The fire is supposed to have caught by horses stepping ou matches. Tickets for the exposition in Portland will be on sale in this city from Sept. 25th to Out. 25th. The round trip, to and from Portland, including admission to the expo sition, good for returning seven days from date of sale, 4 75. Ou Sept. 20th, Oct. 3.1. 10;h and 17th, romd trip, iuclu ling ad mission to exposition, $4.05. This will afford oar citizens an opportunity to attend the fair at a cheap rate. A. B. Webdcll, brolher-in loy to John J. Davis, living near Tangent, has been a resi dent of Crook county ftra number of years. Last June be came down on a visit to Mr. Davis'. When he left Mr. Davis' it was for the purpose of going to the Mal heur country to look after some stock since which time he has not been heard from and Mr. Davis fears he has been murdered. Albany Democrat. Mr. Webdell was at one time a member of the legislature from this county, when it comprehended Crook and Gilliam. He was a highly respected citizen and well-known to rnauy. A flairs at the liOrKa. Castle Gabden, Sept, 23, 18S9, Editor Thies-Mocntainkek: Having noticed "Veritas" letter in last Wednesday's daily I came to the conclu sion that it would not be a bad idea to contribute a few facts I have in my posses sion. Three years ago there was a pretence of receiving bids for the boarding of help employed here. I myself have read the sworn statement of men, perfectly respon sible, that they offered to board the em ployes for $3.72 per week. The contract was awarded to the former proprietor S. O. Hcrsey, and when work commenced men's wages were reduced ten cents per day and they were charged $4.20 weekly for board. I boarded in this mess-house at a time when the superintendent came swelling through the dining room, threatening to discharge a man for rapping some mustard off a spoon upon his plate, the man having made some little noise in so doing. I have sat down to a tcble there when for meat we had liver, actually rotten, and butter so rancid that when swallowed a man felt as if a saw had passed over his throat. As an instance of their tyranny with respect to forcing a man to board in the mess-house, I will rehearse ttie following story: A man nt present working here hud taken up a ranch and placed his family, consisting of a wife nnd two children, upon it while he worked here. One of the family, a young girl, was very sickly when living on the homestead, but imme diately changed for the better upon re moval to this place. The man wanted to bold his land but he hud to work. He left the wife and son lo remain nt the home and thought to keep the little girl here for her health's sake, the two intend ing to keep house together; but they hounded him into the mess-house, and he was lorced lo ship the child home, where she died a few weeks later. This is writ ten as I have it from the man's own lips. A laughable scene was enacted yesler- day, viz : that of the boss laborer trotting around with a lump of bull butter in a rag, endeavoring to get employes to sam ple same in interest tu ine mess-iiouse. This is his latest, a. snort lime ago he was stricken with the brilliant idea of taking up a subscription for a clock. He wns fearful of drawing on the U. 8. gov- eminent lest it should disturb the surplus. Apropos of" JNorway" ana his survey ing, tie lounu n necessary to make a survey through the center of the canal, part ot the performance was that ot uiak- ng a meander arounl an obstruction in the same. He took tho rather primitive method of measuring round it with a tape line. Carefully establishing lus point he imbedded a stone in cement placing in ine cenicr oi said .sionc a niceiy turned copper center; yet after all this artistic work he was ouly three and a half feet out of the way. "Quite a mean der, indeed. He overheard the lieutenant remarking that it would be necessary to lake a survey of a certain slightly dis abled sorrel horse, judge his worth and endeavor to dispose of him. "Norway," officious as is his wont, got his apparatus and sun-eyed the eld horse from stem to stern and reported, but the result has never been made public. Running our stone yard is only a hoary relic of the polygamous past. Ho came to us with a flourish of trumpets, vowing to produce some wondrous innovations in the working of stone, something after the mauuerof that employed by the Egyptians during the building of the pyramids. But his schemes fell through. Re had been too long engaged in trilling on the 'Arp ot Ziou and found himself behind the times. lie actually did not know a piece of soapstone from n piece of granite. During one of the lieutcntaul's absences "Norway" aud our "Relic" combined made a grard mistake. We had cut a great many stone for the forming of the segment of an nrch. It all had to be done over again at a cost of not less than $3 per stone. Quite an item uselessly deducted from our appropriation. He cannot make out his monthly reports, and cannot measure the stone cut, but has to get one or our boys to do the work for biui. " Granite. The "Floor Matter.' Boyd, Or., Sept. 21, 1SS9. Eutos TiMSS-Moi ntaisbie: The farmers' meeting held by the Wasco county farmers at Union schoolhouse Sept. 21, 1889, adopted the following in answer to the Wasco Sun's "Flour Matter": We see an editorial in the Wasco Sun of September 11th, entitled "The Flour Mat ter," and had it not placed the whole mat ter in so false a light we would have let it pass in silence; hence we give the other side to the public. To explain the reason for our action in this matter we will say, that the average farmer has this year lost at least $15C0 each in farm products, luch as grain, bay, vegetables, pasture, fruit trees and shrubbery. There are 800 or more farmers who draw their supplies from The Dalles; this would aggregate a loss to this number of farmers of over $1,000,000. Now we have been accustomed to getting our flour by exchange, and thus in exchanging onr wheat for onr flour it has cost us from $2.90 to $3.50 per barrel. But now that we are dronth-stricken and down, the combina tion of the Diamond Mills aud some ot (he merchants have concluded to put their foot on us to tho tune of $4 to $4.25 per barrel for our flour. We have not asked any to gie us a cent, but we have asked that the Diamond Mills sell us flour and feed on the same terms that others buy it In regard to the matter of short weight of the Diamond flour we have but little to say only we know that what has been pub lished is true, and that we have the corrob ative evidence of Mr. Curtis which places the editor of the Suit in an unenviable posi tion before the public aa a swift and willing witness for a little trust. Numbers of our farmers have asked at the Diamond Mills to buy fluur and feed but have been told by Mr. Curtis that he had nothing to do with the oianagsmeut of the mill, but that Mr. Schmidt had charge of the whole affair rnd had contracted all of the proceeds to some of the merchants. So wo tee that Mr. Cur tis bad no more to do in iruiiaging the null, or fixing the scales to weigh the flour than we had; and right here comes in the blame of Mr. Curtis iu putting bis name to an apology for short weight in the fluur when he neither knew, or it was his business to know, anything about the matter. Schmidt is the man that must know exactly w hat tho flour we-phed. The farmers nre not after Mr. Cuitfs or his business (when prop erly managed) or The Dal'es, for Mr. Cur tis is one of us and The Dalles is our creature, for some of our money is in every brick that is laid there, end we feel too much pride in the growth of The Dalles to injure it ourselyes or let others by forming trusts there to drive business away. H. Rick, J . J. H. Trout, Com. W. H. Williams ) Geo. H. Riddell, Chairman, C. S. Smith, Secretary A Had Death. W. W. Union. At St. Mary's hospital, on Tuesday morn ing at 5 o'clock, W. I. Graham died frcm injuries received on July 2Gth, near Riparia. He was in his thirty-fifth year. This is a particularly sad death, the result of an ac cident caused by the malice of trampr. Mr. Graham, who has been an engineer in the employ of the O. R, & N. company, bad been promoted but a short time to a passen ger train, and in December, 1888, nad been married. He was highly thought of by the officers of the company and was a general favorite with his fellow employes. The accident, of which be was the role victim, was chronicled in the Union at the time, Children Cry for but will bear repetitior. The train from Farmington was late on leaving Riparia, and was running at a high rate of speed, along Snake river, about three miles this side of Riparia, when suddenly the engine ran into a ravine about 20 feet wide and 15 feet deep, the bridge over it haying been burned ly tramps. The fireman was thrown back on the roof of the baggage car while the tender piled up on top of the engine cab. Poor Graham, however, was caught by a broken rod and pressed close against the boiler, where for two long hours he lay, slowly scalded by the escaping steam, bo fore his comrades could release him. Dur ing this long interval he was reported to have maintained a brave front, and with words of cheer endeavored to persuade those working to release h:m, that he was not much hurt. He was brought to St. Mary's hospital, and everything possible done to aid his recovery, but the fearful injuries he had sustained were too great, and W. I. Graham, a favorite with everyone who knew him, died after a brave struggle for life. During his long hours of agonv, he was sus tained by the presence of his young wife, who, since the first day of his confinement, has been f L, YnAa;.t vi. "J WW ...V U.I.UIUI.. .1. , . Graham was a member of the Masonio fra ternity, under whose auspices he will be buried at The Dalles to-day. Ed. Lyons, train master of the O. R. & N., has placed at the Hifmnanl r.f fba - .nuA:.l Hl.:Au will leave the depot here at 9:30 Wednei- dav mnrninry .nnuairium 1.a K.J ...J j --Bi hid uwujr kmu ail escort of Masonio brethren from the lodges uere. Attempted Onlraxe. W. W. Union. About 9 o'clock Tuesday morning Mrs. E. W. Croup, living nearly opposite the ladies' hall of Whitman College, was called to the door by a knock, and was con fronted with a tongh looking character, who requested a drink of water which she gave bim, and after he had drank took the tum bler aud entered the house again. After putting tho glass down she turned to be coufronted by the tramp who bad followed her in. He immediately grabbed her by the throat, and raising his clenched fist said that if she tried to scream he would kill her.accompanying his words with the vilest Iangauge. The lady, half strangled bv the pressure of his clasped fingers, managed to give a half articulate scream which fortu nately was loud enough to be heard bv a young man named Pierce, who roomed up stairs, and who on hearing the cry came running down stairs. Tho tramp hearing his footstep, released his hold on Mrs. Croup and ran away in the direction of wal nut groye. fierce followed him for a time, but was unable to overtake bun. and in tho excitement forgetting to give the alarm by a call when the neighbors might have come to his assistance. Seeing that the tramp was too fast a runner, Pierce came down town and notified the marshal, who in com pany with Officer McClees made a thorough search of that portion of the city, but with out success. Meu are still on the lookout for the miscreant, who if found will be sum marily dealt with. A Married Blaa la Tie ill. The Grant County ATetr says that Ren- ben Fields, who obtained a divorce from his spouse, is now in trouble. His testimony before Judge Ison wss to the effeot that the woman be had married had a living husband already unknown to him, from whom she had not been divorced. Upon these grounds her marriage with Reuben was declared off, and the grand jury begau an investigation of the case with a view of indicting the woman for bigamy. Mr. Fields was called upon to testify before that body, and "as a sheep before her shearers ia dumb so ho opened not his mouth." Judge Ison had a bench warrant issued tor mm, and on h:i appearance before him inquired why he had refused to testify before the grand jury. Reuben said that the evidence he had pre viously given in the suit was made in con- fideoce, an-" by answering questions before the grand jury he feared he might criminate himself. The judge informed him of the penalty attending a refusal to testify, but Reuben declared that be had given all the testimony that he intended to give. Sea tence was then declared that he be impris oned in the county jail six months, and be fined two huudred aud fifty dollars, or im prisonment one day for every two dollars of the fine. A Card to the IHblie. Olympia S. Murray, M. D., female spec ialist. Has practiced on the Pacific coast for the past twenty-five years. A life time devoted to the study of female troubles, their causes and cures. I have thousands of testimonials of permanent cures from the best people on this coast. A positive guar antee to permanently cure any case of female weakness, no matter how long stand ing or what the stage may be. Charges reasonable and within the reach of all. For the benefit of the very poor of my sex who are suffering from any of the great multi tude of ailments that follow in Ihe train of that terrible disease known as female weak ness, and who are not able to pay for treat ment, I will treat free, of chaige. Consul tation by mail, free. All correspondence strictly confidential. Medicines packed, boxed and sent by express with charges pre paidfor "home" treatment, with specifio directions for nse. ' If you are suffering from any female trouble, periodically or constantly, addrees, Olympia S. Murray, M. D. 17agly East Portland, Oregon. A Day of Aeeldeat . Prineville Ks. Last Sunday, while a rodeo crowd was driving a bunch of cattle to Lou Hodges corral on Bear creek, three accidents oc curred which resulted seriously to as many persons. The first occurred to a young man named Moore, recently from Lane county. His horse fell with him, and the fellow's collar bono was broken and his shoulder more or less injured. A little while after another horse tell, throwing his rider, a boy, who herded saddle horses for Logan. The boy was bruised np generally though no bones were broken. A little later on Buck Hinton "lassed" a calf. In the straggle that . ensued his riata broke, the rope rebounding and striking Buck with terrific torce in the face, cutting the bridge of his nose and his cheeks in a fright ful manner. It was truly a day of un locked for accidents. The Mtate Fair. We find in the published list of premiums the following granted to people living in this vicinity. P. T. Sharp, Dalles Bull three years old and over, 1st pram. Bull one year and under two, 1st prein. Cow three years and over, 1st prem. Cow two years old 1st prem. Cow one year old, 1st prem. Bull calf nnder one year, 1st premium. Best herd of 5 of any age, 1st prem. Bull of any age, 1st prem. Cow of any age 1st premium. Under the class of Hereford, we find the following: F. A. McDonald, Dalles, Or. Bull three years old and over 2d prem; bull calf under one year 2d pTem; heifer calf nnder one year 2d prem. Herd of bull and four cows, 2d prem. Bull one year old and under two, 1st prem. Vm. Riley. Dalles, Or. Bull, two years old and nnder three, 2d prem. Thi Cirei.t Kxpteitira. On the 20th of September, the greatest exposition ever held on the Pacific coast will be opened in Portland, and will con tinue for a full month. The association has expended $250,000 on the building and grounds, and every available inch of the six and one-half acres of floor space in the mammoth building has been taken by ex hibitors. Liberati, the greatest living cor netiat, with a band of fifty of the beet musijians of New York will furnish the finest music yet beard on the coast. A re daction of railroad fares on all lines baa been secured, and no donbt thousands of people from all over the northwest will take this opportunity to visit Portland and see its mammoth exposition. The great live stock show, which will be held from Octo ber 14th to 19th, will also attract great many people. Pitcher's Castorlaf