SATURDAY AUGUST 31. 1889. THAT STORY ABOUT STANLEY. The latest story about Stanley is that he and Emin Bey were making their way to the east coast of the con tinent with 10,000 retainers and fol lowers and an immense amount of ivory. The S. F. Bulletin says there is some degree of plausibility in this last one, since it is known that Emin Bey . had made large collections of ivory, that being one of the few com modities which he could sell on the coast for ready money, or exchange .for such articles as he might need. Nearly all the goods which reach the east coast from the great Central Lake regions find their way to Zanzibar for reshipment. Just now more than the usual number of European war ships are anchored within striking distance of the chief ports of that island, in expectation of a rebellion that might overthrow the present government. The sultan had dismissed his prime minister, and had shut himself up in his palace. The Arabs were in a tur bulent condition. When there are signs of disorder and revolution at Zanzibar, the same condition of things almost invariably extends to the main land, where the sultan still has a nom inal rule. Putting these facts together, the last story about Stanley and Emin Bey with 13,000 followers, and an un told amount of ivory, approachingthe coast opposite to Zanzibar, seems the mora improbable. Moreover, the Egyptian troops which Emin Bey had with him at last accounts, were less than one-third of the number reported now as following him to the coast. Emin Bey was supposed to have under his nominal rule 2,000,000 or 3,000, 000 people in the provinces which he held. Besides the small number of Egyptians, he had trained a consider able number of natives into effective soldiers. Would he and Stanley march with 10,000 men toward a coast where the risks are now apparently as great as they were at the time Stanley started to find Emin Bey, and then chose an entirely different route on that account? It will bo noted that every false report which has been made about Stanley during the oast two vears has originated at Zanzibar, where this last report origi nated. The. Arabs in this center of the slave-trading interests are known to be bitterly hostile both to Emin Bev and Stanley. The latter will be 0 ready to tell his own story some day much belter than Arabs have told it for him. . TEE KILLING OF TERRY. The trial of Deputy Neagle for kill ing Terry will bring out many points in jurisprudence, which have not yet been ad indicated. xne statute ana decisions in California are much more ' lenient than the iron-clad common law rule of being "driven to the wall" in case of excusable homicide. Our own courts have long ago decided against the law laid down in Black3tone and in the I Or. p. 334, Goodall vs. State, it was decided that "if the jury be lieved from the evidence in the case that there was reasonable ground for A to believe his life in danger, or that he was in danger of great bodily harm from the deceased; and that such danger was imminent, and he did so believe, and acting on such belief, killed the deceased, be was excusable; and that it was not nece: sary that he should wait till an assault was actually committed." We believe the California statute is as liberal ours, and this is the law under which the case will be tried it the state re tains its jurisdiction. While there is a sanctity in the individual who occu pies the bench in any judicial proceed ing, it has never been held that when on the street or in the course of a journey his person is' more sacred than that of any other citizen. It was perhaps a wise precaution for the uttorney-general of the United States to guard the person of Justice Field from the threatened vengeance of Judge Terry trhile on his circuit by empowering a deputy U. S. marshal to accompany him; but whether this gave the deputy any greater latitude to kill the assailant than if a private citizen was attacked under the same circum stances is very questionable. If Jnstice Field was on the bench at the time Terry assailed him the case would be different, and homicide might become excusable which would otherwise be felonious. Under the liberal decisions regarding what constituted excusable homicide in this state and California, killing is excusable in almost every instance where one is attacked by a vicious man, who has made previous threatp. This is more especially true where the assailant has such an unsavory reputa tion as Terry has in the community from whom the trial jury will be drawn. The matter is now in the wuibBf nuu wd umjr cpcuu turn tuo accused and the friends of Judge Terry will have every right and pro tection which the law grants in such cases. NOT POLITICAL. David S. Terry who has gone to his final account for any misdeeds of which he might have been guilty,might have been a rep resentatiye of south ern chivalry in ante bellum days; but no one but a narrow-minded bigot, or who has not sufficient breadth and depth of brain to grasp a question in all its details, would ever make the assertion that he was a fair represen tative of the Democratic party. The leaders of Democracy have, in some instances, descended from the old Puritan stock of Massachusetts, and are as cool and calculating a class of individuals as can be found anywhere. Cleveland, Whitney and Endicotthave no hot, Cavalier blood in their veins; neither did Jackson, Pierce, Buchanan or Douglas. While we acknowledge these facts, it must also be admitted that Henry Clay, the great Whig leader, was of hot, impetuous southern blood, and that John Bell, of Tennes see, the last candidate on what i3 de nominated the Know-Nothing ticket, was from the same Cavalier race. The life of Terry will not be made of any political significance except by men of very small minds, whose mental vision is obscured by prejudice, and whose ideas of men and life arc con tracted by extraneous influences sur rounding them. The Northern De mocracy was composed of a different class from the southern; and the northern Whig from the southern. And to-day the different portions of the United States have become so mixed that it is difficult to find a dis tinctive class in anj. Northern Pur itan and southern Cavalier have inter mingled, and French Hugueaot and Spanish Catholic, and these combined although we must acknowledge the Anglo-Saxon elements to be t-.-edomi-nant make the modern American. Terry was undoubtedly a man whose temper held in abeyance his judgment, and for making threats against a Deni ozratic justice of the U. S. supreme court and attempting to carry them into execution he was killed by a Dem ocratic U. S. deputy marshal, lliere can be no political significance to any event connected with this tragedy. AN OPEN RIVER- Senator Mitchell has always been an earnest friend of our interests, and, in conjunction with our other representa tives, has worked hard fcr liberal ap propriations for Oregon in the River and Harbor bill. His visit to the city to-day has nothing of significance ex cept that he found our people as in tensely interested in an open river as ever. All the congressional delega tions who have visited us this season have received this reply to their in quiries: We want the river opened, and the ca ial at the Cascades com pleted. Senator Stewart was some what surprised when we told him that the irrigation of arid lands did not in terest us one-half as much as the re moval of obstructions to navigation in the Columbia. He fully understood our situation when we told him our farmers were charged about twelve cents a bushel for transportation distance of eightv-eight miles. Sen ator Mitchell thoroughly understands our needs, and will work for an open river with his usual earnestness and untiring energy. Regarding the coming session of congress we are very sanguine of the results. The Demo cratic party is not in pwer, and we shall not suffer from its attempt to make a showing cf economy' before the country for political purposes. The house and senate are Republican, and they cannot favor the people in any way more acceptable than by scattering the hoarded millions in the treasury broadcast over the country in river and harbor improvements. By this meanp, the circulating medium will be increased, the oppressive power of corporations will be curtailed, and the laboring poor of the ecu. try will procure the employment, which they so earnestly desire. It is no false economy to unlock the treasury, and by oe liberal appro priation, make our rivers navigable to the commerce of tbe people, and strike off the shackles which are now riveted on producers and shippers by the grasping greed of corporations. The East Oregonian is mistaken when it says we compare Mr. Taffe's action in sending the fish to the suffer ers at Spokane Falls to that of Christ when he said it was no harm to do good on the Sabbath day. Our lan guage was, "that such a violation" of written law was sanctioned by the Savior himself; and further to explain our position we added: "Exceptions to the rigors of every statute to allay misery, to prolong life or furnish the starving with food have always been admitted to be more binding than a literal interpretation of the law." Spokane Falls, at the time of the great fire, was not in need of money, but of immediate relief in the shape of food, and nearly all the donations directly after the conflagration were of provi sions. J. he telegraph informed us that the flames had destroyed nearly all means of sustaining life, and the ur gent necessity was food. The mil lionaires of the Falls could draw money from any bank in the country if the people who were burned out could eat bank note3 and $20 pieces; but they could not. Therefore the charity in this instance, was furnishing in the quickest possible time something to support the body until it could be purchased. For this reason the salmon sent by Mr. Taffe was a great deal more acceptable than if he had rent tbe value in coin. We do not consider Mr. Taffe a mod ern Christ, but believed he followed the injunctions of the great Teacher in shipping fish to Spokane Falls, to relieve the immediate necessities. It is very doubtful if the Demo cratic party wil stand solidly in favor of free-trade in the coming session of congress. Already signs of disinte gration are appearing in the party ranks, and in Virginia a protectionist candidate has been placed in nomina tion for governor, and the issue has bqen. completely dodged in the plat form. The same is true in Louisiana, and indications point to a Democratic protectionist opposing Foraker for governor in Ohio. With the influence of the New York Sun in favor of the "American policy," and such staunch leaders as Randall and others favoring protection, it is very doubtful if the party can be kept intact on this ques tion. The industrial development of the new South has changed the polit ical aspect of this issue in that portion of the country. In a few years Tennessee and Georgia will be as much interested in erecting the wall of a protective tariff around their manufacturing industries as the New England states. It will he no matter of surprise to those who have care fully watched the course of events during the last few years, notwith standing the radical stand taken by the free trade Democratic papers of the country, if the party fight the cam paign of 1892 under a different motto than it used in 1SSS. The Ea3t Oregonian, a paper always alive to the best interests of Eastern Oregon, is earnestly advocating the formation of a bureau of immigration for this portion of the state, and we heartily endorse the movement. The country east cf the mountains has never received any favors from Port land and can expect none. If we de sire to derive any benefit from the large immigration which is annually seeking homes in the far west we must let the people know our advantage.". This can only be done by acting inde pendently of Portland and the Willam ette valley. The metropolis has forced upon our people the wcrst monopoly that ever existed, and no aid will ever be received from it for the devel opment and growth of the inland em pire. The interests of Eastern and Western Oregon are as varied and separate as if a trackless ocean separ ated these two portions of the state, and one cannot expect any help from the other. Understanding this fact well, it is suicidal for the people east of the Cascades not to take some action for self-protection. Let the different boards of trade and county committees call meetings at once and take con certed and effective action in this matter, and it will result greatly our benefit. to The Democratic press is much ex ercised because the international pol icy of Mr. Blaine is more distinctly American than that pursued by Mr. Bayard. Our relations with Germany over the Samoan difficulty were very strained at the close of tbe last ad ministration; but through the diplo macy of the commission recently ap pointed we have gained nearly every thing we desired, and the most arnica ble feelings exist between the two nations. The vexed question of Beh ring sea, and the right of foreign na tions to fish therein, has been in dis pute for many years; but under the aggressive and positive policy of the present administration this, to all ap pearances, will be definitely settled in a short time. A firm national policy will insure peace on a lasting basis quicker than a vacillating one, and the best results may be expected from the manner in which disputed points are being handled by Mr. Blaine. Hon. S. S. Cox is credited with say ing that "nothing can prevent Wash ington from going Democratic." We have never traveled in Asia, been member of congress, or hob-nobbed with the sultan of Turkey; but, in our humble judgment, we know two or three things that will prevent the new state electing Democratic officials. In the first place the Republicans wil poll too many votes and the Demo crats too few. Again, the new state is very desirous of river and harbor improvements and of seeing her rich resources developed. Ine raise econ omy of the last administration does not suit her, and free trade and the Mills bill would be very disastrous to the infant industries. But Mr. Cox is a well known humorist, and will always sac- crifice the truth for a joke. This statement of his was one of his jokes. and we are surprised to see our Dem ocratic coteniporaries taking it in dead earnest. Thero is a wide-spread alarm in the northwest this year over the destruc tion of forests, caused by careless or malicious persons. The Russian gov ernment has,, by actual experiment, demonstrated the fact that the demo lition of trees has the effect to decrease the water supply, and has taken active measures to prevent the mischief. For the benefit of that portion of the country which is not abundantly sup plied with water it would be wise for the national government to take some active measures for the protection of our forests, and the state legislatures of Oregon and Washington should pass stringent measures for the. same purpose. J. he northwest cannot afford to lose any of its timber, as this will be valuable in a few years, and this country needs all its water courses, which should not be decreased if by any possible means it could be pre vented. There is a great probability that an extra session 'of congress will be called this fall, for various reasons. The change from Democratic to Republi can control, in order to make legisla tion effective, requires an early con vention of 'congressional representa tives. There are several standing committees which should have Repub lican heads and be duly organized un der the nev regime, so that when the regular term opens in December these would be ready for work. The com ing session will have knotty questions with which to contend, and should be ready to grapple them as soon as pos sible. The tariff bill will, presumably, be the same as that passed by the sen ate last session, and something will be done with the surplus in the treasury. We are satisfied a safe and economical policy will be pursued; but nothing that will jeopardize the industrial in terests of the country. The political contests this fall in the five states, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, Ohio and Virginia, will result in the election of governors and state officers, and in the four new members of the union North and South Dakota, Montana and Wash ington in choosing, congressional representatives and a full state gov ernment. New York will elect state officers, except governor and lieuten ant governor, a judge of the Court of Appeals and a new legislature, and Maryland, Nebraska and Pennsyl vania will elect certain minor state officers. Nearly all these states are in favor of protection the distinctive American policy and Republican offi cials will be largsly increased. A few weeks ago every Republican paper in the country pointed to tbe fact that wool was going up, and at tributed the rise to "protection." Now wool is going down, it would be in order for the same " authoritii s to state that this is also caused by either protection or free trade. Which is it gentlemen? Wasco Sun. This is a candid question and the Sun should insist on the answer. By the way, the Mountaineer, i's neighbor, should come forward and answer, as it is the oracle on all such questions. Albany Democrat. The wool clip is nearly all in and sold, and one might ss well expect large sales and high prices in January as in the latter part of August when nearly all the product has been mar keted. The last season has been ex ceptionably good for sheepmen, and the prices realized have been very satisfactory. The market i3 over now; but it will open agun next spring in the most buoyant manner. Last week proposals were opened by the acting secretary of the navy for the construction-of five new cruisers. Three of these are to be of 2000 tons and two of 3000 tons displacement, and the cost of the former not to ex ceed $700,000 each, and the latter not to exceed $1,100,000, these being the limits fixed in the p.ppropriation by congress. So far the bids have ranged for the smaller ones from $780,000 to S875.000. and . the one bid for the larger ones amounted to $1,225,000. This bidding has been a great disap pointment to the navy department, and it is very probable that congress will be asked to increase the limit the cost of the vessels. of The editors at Yaquina bay bad well earned recreation. For a few days they enjoyed an elysium, where there were no quarrels to mar their peace, and the cry of "copy" never en tered. Those who staved at home, forced by iron-handed necessity to work at the tread-mill, read with feelings of the greatest jealousy the editors' enjoyment during their holi days on the beach, somewhat like the "Peri at the gate of Paradise stood disconsolate." But, in the golden fu ture, those unfortunate ones who and worked early and late over their tire some task, may have an opportunity to recreate beside the "hollow ocean-ridges roaring into cataracts." The gentleman who nominated Capt McKinney in the Virginia Democratic convention said of his candidate that "he had served his country until its sun set at Appomattox." The Boston Journal says "if this is true Captain McKinney is now a man without country, and has no business in public life." A man without a country is in a much worse predicament than a man without a name, but this is all right with the Virginia Bourbons, who are determined this year to outdo any of their former efforts. The dispatches say that Jack Demp sey "wept" after realizing his defeat by the Marine. If these tears were those of contrition for following such a brutal vocation, the community would have hope of Jack's, reforma tion; but they wero induced by de feat, not by remorse. Mr. Dempsey is a pretty decent man, aside from be ing a bruiser and slugger; but until he follows some other means of earning a livelihood than by hitting men on the face and body with his fists he will have little sympathy from the better class of people. Tacoma is the last flourishing city in the new state of Washington to suffer by the fire fiend. She was the first to send aid to Seattle and Spo kane Falls, and now she has shared the general destruction which has visited the northwest this fall. For tunately tbe fire demon was under control when four of her fine business blocks were leveled to the ground. Tacoma has life and youth, and will soon overcome the disaster. Reformers, who represent a!! the political issues in the state, propose holding a meeting at Salem on Sept. 14th to combine aud carry everything before them. The Pendleton Tribune says the Democrats are already laying their plans to catch the new conglom erated party. In this they will not be successful, as there are sufficient sensibfe men in the different organiza tion not to be entrapped by any spider-and fly policy , There will be no dearth of candi dates at the initial state election in Washington this fall. There are very many Republicans who desire con gressional honors, and not a few Dem ocrats. iiivery indication points to a sweeping Republican victory, and there cannot be much doubt that Washington will join the long phalanx of states in favor of protection. With the opening of the spring season everything indicates great pros perity for The Dalles. Several new huildings will be erected, and we may expect one or more street car lines and factory enterprises. The coming year will undoubtedly be one of prosperity and unprecedented growth, and our population and wealth will be largely increased. The independent course of the New York Sun has aroused the ire of the Democratic press, the principal reason being that Mr. Dana, the editor, is a strong protectionist. If they read him and Mr. Randall and a few others out of the party they would be a happy family of free-traders. EDITORIAL NOTES. The earl of Fife says he can support his bride, without any aid from the British house of commons. This will console his wife's grand mother's nerves and the old lady can now rest in peace. If Canada's power was only equal to her wrath what a turbulent neigh bor we should have on our nortiiern border; but as matters stand, without aid from the home government, her fussing and fuming amounts to noth ing more than a tempest in a teapot. Iowa says she will give 16,000 to 20,000 majority for the Republican tickot this fall. The plurality in 18S5 was only 7000; but then we have had a few months of Republican adminis tration and protection, and that is a great incentive for laboring men to vote right. The Pendleton Tribune is correct in claiming that Eastern Oregon is en titled to more than one place on the ticket. We must not allow Portland to dictate to us in politics as well as in matters of business any longer. The fostering care of the great metropolis has not been conducive to our growth or prosperity in any regard. We most earnestly hope that our Republican friends in Washington will preserve harmony during the ap proaching election. The nation can not e fiord to lose the two senators and a member of congress because of per sonal bickerings inside Republican ranks, and every effort should be made to insure the election of the party nominees. TELEGRAPHIC. ki.w mataafa's reward. can j?rascisco, Aug. 23. worlc IS prngresing on the new whale boat that is being built at the Mare Island Davy yard for King Mataafa, of the Samoan Islands, in recognition of his services and those of his followers in help extend ed when the wrecking ot the American vessels happened at the islands. The dimension? ot the boat will be as follows; Length, thirty feet; beam, six fuel two inches; depth, two feet six inches. All the castinp-s will be of the finest bronze metal. Tbe timber will bo white oak. The boat will be planked with one half inch Alaska cedar. The gunwales will bo of white oak, two by one and one-half inches. It will also contain a steel ctn terboard five feet long. FIRE IN OAKLAND. San Francisco, Aug. 28. Fire origi nated in lioynton s carpenter shop on Thirteenth street, Oakland, this after noon, and a two story lodging house, Terris's carpet beating establishment, a ro'v of wooden stores, comprising Fritz Simmons saloon, Walker's carpenter shop, Ktalilecker & JUorck's blacksmith shop, BallatyDe's paint store and the old Grand Ceueral livery stable, a two-story building, 7a by 100, were destroyed uieiz s opera nouse caugnt nre, but was saved. The loss is estimated at $13,000; insurance small. G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT. .Milwaukee, Anjx, 28. The twenty- third national encampment was called to order by Commander-ia-chief Warner this morning. Alter prayer by Chaplain Wharton, of tbe Wisconsion department, and a brief intermission, Commander Warner began to read his address. After eniogizing the G. A. R. the speaker went into statistics. They show a net gain in membership during the past year of 2143. He commended to each department the patriotic practice of the post in the department of New York of presenting on the birthday of the father of his country an American flag to sucn puDiic scnoois as are not in posses sion ot one. Warner closed his address with a review of pension legislation, and said that the day was not far distant w' en an honorable discharge from the Union army or navy shall be the only evidence required to secure a pension to tbe holder. Very unexpectedly the delegates pro ceeded to the election of officers to-night. General Russell R. Alger, of Michigan, had it all his own way for commander in chief, and was elected by acclamation. Colonel A. G.Weissertj of Milwaukee, was electel senior vice commander, and John F. Louett, of New Jersey, junior vice. Tbe election of the others was postponed until to- morrow. YAKIMA INDIAN AGENCY. Washington, Aug. 28. Thos. Priestly, agCDt of tbe Yakima Indian agency, Washington territory, has sent his annual report to tbe secretary of the interior. It has been estimated that 3C75 Indians are attached to tbe reservation, but tbe agent stated that bis census, taken the past year, shows that but 1675 Indians are engaged in stock-raising and farming, and with the exception of a few old men, are self-supporting. Of 1717 head of cattle issued to them last year, they have preserved all but about fifty, which they sold. Tbey are very successful in stock raising. In August and Seotember they all de part for the hop fields, where they make (rom $1 50 to $2.00 per day during the season. They have supported themselves handsomely during thu fishing seaton by catching salmon in tbe Columbia river, but complain that tbey have been driven awvy from the river by white men. LONDON S BIO STRIKE. .London, Aug. 28. At a meeting of the striking dockuicn this morning, Burns, the leader of the strikers, said that be had heard that 4000 Belgians would be imported unless tbe strike is ended. lie at once telegraphed the Bel gian Workingmen s Lmon and blocked that move oi the employers. llie strikers number IOU.000. 1 lie lead ers express a determination to press their claims, and march through the streets un til the demands ot tbe dock men are grant ed. A report comes from the officials of the Commercial Dock Company to the effect that there is a prospect of a settlement. There is less intimidation and affairs are generally quieted down. Many coal beavers are resuming work at advanced wages, which course is vio lently opposed by tbe strikers, who urge that no work be resumed until tbe ad vance is conceded to all. A mob of Howling strikers numbering several thousands attacked tbe coal vans leaving the yards under police escort. They undid the chains and traces, com pelling tbe drivers 4o return in short or der, while G000 strikers arrived on the scene and started for the coal yards. Tbe shippers and merchants are press- ice tbe dock companies to Yield, declar ing that they are driving trade to other ports. Tbe dock com Dames complain of the pressure upon them and promise to give nn answer later. a disastrous explosion. Port Townsend, Wi T Aug, 28. The joiner in the lumber mill at Port Angeles exploded last week, seriously in juring two men, who are not expected to live, and badly orusmg the third. The former, Nicholas Meagher and Henry Campbell, bad their skulls crushed and faces horribly mangled. A piece of steel penetrated the left cheek and under the ear of Meagher that required a weight of ninty pounds to remove. SIX SEALERS CAPTURED. San Francisco, Aug. 28. A letter was received from the officer of the United States steamer Richard Rush by tbe steamer St. Paul, which arrived here from Ounalaska last night, stating that on August 6, the Rush captured the British sealing schooner, Lily, of Van couver, while taking seals in Bebring sea. - The schooner was searched and 300 fkins found, which were placed on board I ' tbe Rush. A prize crew of one man was placed on board, and the Lily was sent to Sitka. FIRE AT RITZVILLE. Ritzville, W. T., Aug. 28. A few minutes alter 11 o'clock to-night tire was discovered in the rear of the opera house, situated in the cast part of town, and in a few niin'Jtes the flames had the build ing almost consumed. The new Metho dist church stoood only a few ieet from the building, but fortunately the wind was blowing Irani it, and in the direction of town. tacoma's wealth. Tacoma, Aug. 28. The assessment of Pierce county for this year, us made out by the county assessor, wss, in round (is; ures. $26,800,000. The board of -qualiz-ation has reduced this by $497,000, leav ing the asstssment for lSb'J fJ'.'!!,J43,C00, as against $14,500,COO last year. A "GLOItlOUS DRUNK." Port Townsend, W. T., Aug. 28. When the Indians on the schooner James G. Swan, which was seized in Bebring sea, returned to the reservation at Neali bay, the tribe celebrated the event by in dulging in a glorious drunk. Chief Peter, the owner, who was aboard the schooner when it was seized, was thrown off the wharf by his son and nearly drowned. Several minor casualtias are reported. WIIIPPED AT LAST. San Fkancisco, Aug. 27. In point of popular interest the fight between Jack Dempsey and Gorge L Blance lor h purse of $5300, $500 to go to the loser, which occurred under the auspices of the California Athletic Club to-night, eclipsed all similar contests ever held in this city. There was no better evidence of this than the great crowd which commenced to collect at the club rooms as early as 0:30 o'clock, and insisted with more or less impatience until the two pugilists ap peared in the ring. It was anticipated some time ago that the old gymnasium, which had been used by the club for more than a year past, would be totally inadequate to tlie pres ent contest, so a room used as a drill hall by one of the National Guard regiments was fitted up for the purpose. A ring was pitched on a platform in the center of the room, and hisih tiers of seats were arranged on every side, besides which a spacious gallery at one end added to the accommodations. There were probably two thousand per sons who witnessed the fight between ths middleweights. Besides those who were fortunate enough to gain admission to tbe hall, the streets outside were crowded with men and boys eager to catch the slighest word fr m within, in regard to the progress of the fight. The fight was very uninteresting to the thirty-first round, Dempsey getting in some good work, but when the men camo up for the thirty second round Denmsev attempted to force matters. He was by far me iresner man, and with but tew excep tions had the fight all his own way up to tbe present time. He forced La Blanche into a corner, and pounded him unmerci fully. The latter received staggering blows on the head and neck, but stood up under them, and the men gradually worked to the center of the ring and while Dempsey still continued to find the Marine's neck, tbe latter whirled around suddenly and caught Dempsey a terrific blow on the jaw. The Nonpareil went down like a shot. He fell heavily upon his face, and blood spurted out upon the floor. Ten seconds went by amid great excitement. Dempsey struggled bravely to rise, but before he had reached bis feet, weak and staggering, time bad ex pired, and the referee awarded the fight to La Blanche. hundreds of cattle dying. Kansas City, Ang. 2T. Reliable news from toe southern line of Kansas and the pasture lands of Indian territory say that the herds of native and Taxas cattle wbicb ranges In that territory are afflict ed with Taxas fever or something. A man who has returned from that part of tbe country states that hundreds of cattle are dying in the pastures south of Arkansas City. He also says that cattle are being shipped to market from the pastures where the carcasses are lying. A FATAL EXPLOSION. Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 28. This after noon a boiler in the nail fac.ory of Uoacharles & Co., of South Tonawanda, exploded. The fireman was instantly killed and two others will probably die, and four others were terribly injured. Tbe killed are Richard Ackley and San ford Smith. FOUR BOYS KILLED BY LIGHTING. Matamoras, Mex.. Aug. 27. During a shower yesterday Carlos Resendez and three other boys took refuge from the rain in a shelter made by a stack of corn stalks. The stack was struck by lightn ing and all four were instantly killed. DEVASTASING FIRES IN MONTANA. Helena, Mont. Ang. 27. A fire is burning over a large area of farm and ranch land a mile and a half north of tbe fair grounds. It started from sparks from a locomotive about noon, and is now sweeping down gathering "strength as it goes. A fierce forest tire is also raging in the mountains west of the city, and the town is enveloped in smoke. A LIGHT SENTENCE FOR ROSS. Victoria, B. C, Aug. 27. W. Leith Ross charged with bringing stolen goods into Canada was brought before Judge Creaz to-day, accused, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to four months im prisonment. Ross is the young man who embezzled nearly $100,000 in promis sory notes, bonds, etc., from the Nevada bank of California, and was arretted in Victoria some weeks ago, when all the stolen property was recovered. THE WELLINGTON COLLIERY FIRE. Victoria. B. C, Auar. 26. The fire at the No. 1 shaft at Bast Wellington is said to oe out, as tar as can be learned at percent from the surface. Men will go down this afternoon to examsne. No lives were lost. Reports just received from East Wel lington are anything but encouraging. as the damage will run way up into the thousands of dollars, and will greatly delay me shipment oi coal, it was only by hard efforts that the main hoistia.' wheel over the' shaft was saved. All the rest of the gearing has been destroyed anu me lining oi me smut ourned IMMIGRATION STATISTICS. Washington, Aug. 27. Tbe records of the treasury department show that during the month of July last 32,845 im migrants arrived in this country, against 40.917 in July, 1888. Of last month's immigration Germany furnished 6940, England and Wales 5372, Ireland 3984, Kussia 3470, Sweden and .Norway 3447, Italy 2131, Austria-uungaria 3210, Scot land 1229, the Netherlands 238, Switzer land 331, and i ranee 346. BURIED ALIVE. London, Aug. 27. An earthquake was experienced on tbe Kussian Iron tier yes- terday. At the village of Kbeiconsk 1296 persons were buried alive. DIDN'T ADMIRE JEFF DAVIS. Higginsville, Mo., Aug. 27. At a re union of ex-Confederate veterans to-day. Colonel J. T. Crisp in bis speech eulo gized General Grant, whereupon some one in the audience called out, "What's the matter with Jeff Davis?" Crisp replied that he had no admira tion for Davis, when Dr. Joseph Shelby rebuked him for speaking lightly of the ex-president ot tbe Confederacy. An animated dialogue followed, and Shelby and Crisp nearly came to blows. Their friends, however, interfered. A YOUTH DROWNED IN YOUNO S RIVER Astoria, Aug. 27. The 15-year-old son of H. Hendrickson, of Younts rh e -a few miles from here, slipped and fell from some logs near bis father's residence yesterday. THE LAST INDICTMENT DISMISSRD. Seattle, W. T., Aug. 27. The last indictment against Judge Wickeisham. of Tacoma, for subornation of peijuty, was dismissed to-day, and tbe notorious judge is absolutely free. SWINGING FROM LIMBS. Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 27. Train men on tbe Alabama & Great. Southern railway train arriving here to night, re port that they saw two dead negroes swinging from tbe limbs of trees a few miles tnis side of Meridanville. Thev were told in, 5ir5danville that the two i J Children Cry for incendiary editors of the Independent, who were run out of Selma, Ala., last week, were caught there last Dight and it is supposed that they were lynched. It is impossible to get the particulars. DOWN AN EMBANKMENT. Streatou, III., Aug. 26. A vestibule train on the Saute Fe route, running be tween Kansas City and Chicago, met with a serious aecideut at Kiufinan, fifteen uiilles north of here, this morning. The train was heavily loaded with Grand Army veterat s and their friends, bound for the Milwaukee encampment. The a. cident was caused by the spread ing ot the rails. Two Pullman sleepers and a dining car were thrown from the track dowu the embankment, forty feet. Word was teh graphed here and a upecial train was sent out with a dozen surgeons. Those most seriously irjurned were brought to this city and taken to a hos pital, where their wounds were attended to. A BLOODY NliOIiO RIOT. Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 26. Tbe Reg titer to morrow morning will print the following: Information reached this city yesterday of a terrible negro roit at Jor dan's Rock, not far lrom Lockesburg, Sevier county, resulting in the death of several and the wouading ot many othors. Jordan's Roek is a small town situated on the edge of an immense strip of pine timber, many miles from the nearest telegraph office. For some time the negroes of that county have been spend ing their Saturday nights in jubilee cere monies in the woods near town, and last Saturday night was set as the time for an especially large and uproarious gathering. A great quantity of whisky was intro duced, people coming from all over the ounty to participate m the 'hurrah." ONLY A PARLOR RIFLE. Seattle, Aug. 26.- Frank Compston, of Port Orchard, 30 years old, was brought to Seattle to-day uf!'ering from a probably fatal wound. Last Saturday he was carrying a 22 calibre parlor rifle, when the weapou was accidentally dis charged, the ball entering his neck near the right carotid artery and lodging in the vertabra;, causing complete paralysis of the lower portion ot the body. Comp ston's" death is momentarily expected. He came to Seattle from Iowa two years ago and opened a small drug store. Last No vember he took a homestead claim near Port Orchard. FIRE AT UNIONTOWN. Unioktown, W. T., Aug. 26. A fire started in the two buildings south of Herman Bros, hardware store at 1 o'clock this morning and consumed the building, the upstairs of wl icb was the telephone oflice. The stock was partially saved. Loss, $3000; insurance, ?200. The city has been contemplating put ting in a system of waterworks for some lime, but owing to a rush of work it was postponed. By the prompt work of the citizens a serious conflagration was pre vented. AN ASSASSINATION. Santa Ana,- Cal., Aug. 20. Henry Charles, a wealthy farmer of Capistaco, was shot Saturday night in the abdomen. lie ran into the house and sid he sus pected bis stepson, Eniilo Loperd. He made his will and died Sunday. The verdict cf the coroner's jury last night was that the murderer was unknown. Emtio Loperd was arrested this evening and lodged in jail, lie states be bad a difficulty with his stepfather in 1879 and has not been on the place since. He says be can prove an ahbi. from tacoma. Tacoma. Aug. 20. David Weatherby, a Canadian, who came here a year ago lrom JUontesano, was to-day adjudged in sane aud sent to Steilacoom. Weatherby beueved that four persons bad been mur dered m his bouse and was correspond ingly indignant. Ho was very violent and had to be ironed on bis way. General Manager W. S. Mellcn, Traffic Manager J. M. Hannaford, Chief Engi neer J. M. Kendrick, Assistant General Superintendent J. M. Kimberly, and As sistant General i reign t Agent o. G. Fu! ton are here now, and general consults tion on tbe tariffs will take place to-mor row. General Passenger and Ticket Agent Chns. S. Fee has been here for some oays and will remain until the work of adjust ing local rates is concludedr A strong effort is to be made to increase the membership of tbe city council so as to allow of more committee work being done. Tbe proposition is to redistrict the city so as to allow of from twelve to six teen members of the council, instead of eight, as at present, aud to bold two meetings a week instead of one. ex chief justice dennison. Vancouver, W. T., Aug. 26. A can vass of the delegation from this county shows that ex Chief Justice Dennison will have a number of votes from Clarke. Advices from Cowlitz, Wahkiakum and Pacific indicate be will have a solid dele gation from tbose counties. If Judge Dennison is nominated by the republican party it is probable there will be no man put in the held by toe democracy lor su perior judge. A WRONG RIGHTED. Stockton, Cal., Aug. 26. District Attorney White received the letter to-day from Attorney-General Johnson, as al ready published and went to Justice Swain with the letter. They agreed that the instructions contained in tbe letter were binding upon the district attorney, and the charge of murder in the killing of D. S. Terry was dismissed, as to Justice Stephen J. Field. i m Impaired Circulation. Dr. Flint's Remedy, by exercising a regu lative influence over the action of tbe heart and the general circulation, will check at once bleeding from the lungs, and will cure dropsy of those organs. Descriptive treat ise with e:ch bottle: or, address Mack Drai! Co., N. Y. CUPID'S HARNESS. Host women naturally look forward to matrimony as their proper sphere in life, but they should constantly bear in mind that a fair, rosy face, bright eyes, and a healthy, well-developed form, are the best passports to a happy marriage. AU those wasting dis orders, weaknesses, and functional irregulari ties peculiar to their sex, destroy beauty and attractiveness and make life miserable. An unfailing specific for these maladies is to bo found in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is tho only medicino for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from tho manufacturers, that It will givs satisfaction in every case, or money wili bo re funded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried out for many years. $1.00 per Bottle, or Six Bottles for $5.00. Copyright, 1888, by WORLD'S DlS. Mkxx ASS'K. DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS Purely Vegetable I Perfectly Harmless 1 tTNEQTJALED AS A LIVER PILL. Smallest, Cheapest, Easiest to take. One tiny, 8urar-coated Pellet a dose. Cures Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all da rnngsmonts of the Stomach and Bowels. S oasts a Tial, by drugglsto. For business oursults at the Portland Business College, Portland. Oregon, or at the Capital Bus iness College, Salem, Oregon. Both schools are under the management 01 A. P. Armstrong, have same course of studies and same rates of tuitioc Jfiisiness, shorthand. Typewriting, Penmanship and English Depart ments. Dav and evenino SMftioflH KtiulrntsnH. mined at any time. Forjoint Catalogue, address rrtlan Bmiata Ulleni fD CssiUI linia) Cdlflre. roruana, Oregon, vu taalem. Oregon. Pitcher's Castor. a? tHAVVW!' .WWW WWWTkk V WA'SHA for Infants "Cmatorta is go well adapted tochfldren that recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A, Abcheb, M. D., Ill So. Oxford BL, Brooklyn, N. Y. The Dalles Trunk Factory. Wc will sell TRUNKS, BAGS and VALISES, wholesale and letail, at print that defy competition Workmanship beyond comparison. The best. We have in stock everything you need in the line ot trunks, bags, ladies' traveling baira, valises, shawl straps, trunk straps, etc, eta Will make anything n our line, as sample trunks, costutners', wardrobes, ect. promptly. Repairing department complete. Will fix up your old valises aud trunks better than new, promptly and cheaply. Call ou us you will be pleasantly surpr'seU. A liishtly-elod M. miiambulit VlbiU Ills Hwcciheari at JMIdnight. PalatkaXFla.) Enterprise. A young man, whom we will call Tom Jeflreys by way of illustration, was very much infatuated with a young lady who lived on the public road, three miles from his home, near Interlachen, the other night. Everybody who has traveled that road of tbe country knows that the neighborhood is thickly fettled, and lor miles you go without getting out of sight of some one's house. One night, about 8 o'clock, Jeffreys re tired early. It was bright moonlight. In his sleep he got out of bed, aud in his night clothes walked undisturbed to the house of his lady love. As is generally tbe case in this country, stairways run up to the second floor on the outside of the buildings, and this one in particular leads from the ground to tbe young iady's room door. Young Jeflreys walked up those stairs and sat down unconsciously near tho lady's door. How long he re mained there he does not know, but when he finally awoke his head was rest ing on his knees, and it was ten o'clock. Imagine bis Eurprise. There at his off anced's borne, in bis night clothes, three miles from bonie. As easily as possible he crept down the stairway. He could btar the old man down in the fields attending to bis horses and cattle. Everything was still. The people in the house were quietly chatting. An open space of about twenty feet separated the kitchen lrom the main building. The yourg mau went around to the comer of the house and saw the young lady and her mother going to and fro in discharge of household duties. He couldn't speak to them because be wasn't dressed that way. His trouble was to get back home without being discovered or noticed. When he was quietly stealing his way out of the yard into the road two feroci ous dogs awoke from their slumbers, and with griuniug teeth took after the flying night thirl which was making its way to the thicket on the side of the road. The animals overtook the object, and what part of the white garment they did not tear off, ths briars UDd brush did, and that young man found himself in a most unpleasent fix with half his skirts trrnolf. The night was cold and be felt it. Ou getting into tbe thicket he got ont of the way of the dogs, but for two hours he was wending his way home, dodging passers-by in the public road and shiver ing like a leat in the arctic regions. Too lnlck For Tbe King. From the San Francisco Argonaut. A Swedish statesman recently inveigh ed most eloquently in Parliament against oleomargarine. Next evening he was invited to dine with the king, who loves a okc. Ttere was only oleomargarine on the royal table, end the statenian liberally partook thereof. At the close of the meal the king asked him: "Well, sir, how do you like our butter?" "It is excellent," replied the statesman: "the contrast between it and artificial butter is very marked.'' "But," said tbe king, "that is artificial butter 1" The' other guests roared with laughter, but the "old Parliamentary hand" returned quicK as a flash ; "Your majesty, if one can be d ceived so easily, there is all tho more need of stiict laws against bogus goods!" Dlrect from the Front. - Knoxvhxe, Tesn., July a, 1888. Tbe Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen I can cheerfully and truth fully say that S. S. S. is the greatest blood purifier on earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poison, rhysicians treated me with no good results. I took a half dozen differ ent kinds of blood medicines, but, without receiving any permanent relief I I was in duced to try S. S. S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. But im provement came, and I continued its ure until perfectly well. I have since married, and have a healthy family. No trace of the disease is seen. Swift's Specific did all this for me, and I am grateful. Yours truly, J. S. Strader. zi8 Dale Ave. Kemp, Texas, June 23, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen A sixteen-year-old son ot mine was afflicted with bad blood, and broke out with an eruption on various parts of his body. I put him to taking S. S. S., and a few bottles cured him entirely. I live at Lone Oak, but my post-office is at Kemp. Yours truly, W. S. Robinson. Three books mailed free on application. All druggists sell S. S. S. Thx Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756 Broadway. CAXGEEOPS PUUGATTvX9i A City Foliccman's Experience. ' Mineral pills and drastic purgatives so irritate the mucous coatings o( the stomach and bowels, mat they ofteu leave the system in worse eon- lition than before. In fact their cathartic ac tion is due to their irritation. Tho danger at tending their steady use is apparent Tho new laxativo principle in Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla ets its cnthartic action by increasing the inn- ;ous secretions and gently stimulating tho stom ach. It is put sly vegetable, docs not lose Its fleet, is effective and absolutely safe to be taken xcasionally or continoasly by tbe most delicate f" rV VffltA,i h wnll lrnown police officer of No. 1828 Howard St, San Francisco, writes: "Af ter my own experience I firmly believe that Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla will cure tbe most obstinate cases of constipation. Although cured I am still ta king It, and never had my system so thoroughly regulated. By increasing or diminishing tho dose one bos absolute command over himself 7itl1 this valuable remedy." STRAYED. Strared from Great Tew nlace. on Mill creek, ioln- ing Anc'rew I'rouhart, near The Dalles, sorrel mnre and foal, brsnded LIl on leu nip; also yeaninir nny, block. Anvone irivinir information leading to recov ery of same to W. T. Woodford, resident manstrer, will oe renaraeu. auKiiwim HUGH CHRISMAX. W. K. CORSON. Chrisman & ton, SUCCESSORS T C.E. CH1U8MAN & BOKH, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In FANCY GROCERIES AND MILL FEED, Third Street Between Washington and Federal. Hve 01 hand aid will sell at the lowest possible prices, r . ncy ana sinpie umwoei and Mill Feed. Highest Cas'i IVce for Coun'ry Produce. Call an 1 examine pri. es before pa chasing else where. angnti Chrisinan & uorson. k US. k IVV lAA'. WVVW 3 and Children. Castorta cures Colle, CeniHpatfon, Bout Btomach, DiarrhaM, Eructation,, Kills Worms, giro aleep, and promotes di- ITOSUOO. WUaout injurious medication. Th Cxntacb Compact, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.' Thompson's Addition -TO- DALLES CITY. Now Ready for Sale on Easy Terms. Now Is the tinic to buy while PRICES ARE LOW. This tmct has been surveyed and plattod in tract with convenient irtrcets aud avenue and o a r ran rail that pHrchiuserfl can tfet one block nr sev eral aers in a body. Tho lantl is comparatively level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, locat on pleasant, beautiful and easy to accew and joins the city immediately on the east. Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. FOR SALE BT The Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For pardculars arnilv at the office of the Company rooms 7 and 8, Land Olllce Building, The Dalles, Ot. COME AND SEE THE PROPERTY. THCRNBURY & HUDSON, sp&l&wtf Real Estato Agents. C. N. THORN DURY. T. A. HUDSON. THORXBCRY & HUDSON, INSURANCE, 2von.e3r to DLioan on Real Estato, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all kind oj Land business be fore the U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8, up-stulrs, U. 8. Land Offlcs building, THE DALLES, OREGON. Liquor Dealers. 500 Men Wanted To Unload Shcooners -At the NEW BEER HALL, Court street, Between Mala and Second, Wines, T.lquort and Clears of tha best domestic and imported brands on saie. John Donovan, Prop. J.O. MAGK, AVIIOLESALE Liquor Dealer FRETCCITS BLOCK, Second Street, - - The Dalles. EAST END SALOON, Kear the Old Mint nulldiner, Second St, The Dalits, Or. Always on hand the Best Wines, Liquors, tintl Cigars. A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beer ' ou dranplit. WOOL EXCHAHCE SALC8N I DAN. BAKER, Proprietor. NEAR TOE OLD MINT, SECOND ST., . THE DALLES, OR. The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always on hand. Free Lunch every evemnjr. 0. D. TAYLOR, Washington Street, In rar of French Go's ijank buildins;. THE DALLES, - OREGON. -THE New Zeland Insurance Co. Is one of the Best In the World Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho of the Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCo., OF NEWARK, N. 1. Tald policy boldors, since organization, 92,812,907.0G ! Assets, market va'ue V-JO.KXO.O 14 Surplus, N. T. standard 5.312,129 81 One of the most solid com panics In ths United States. AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon Territories of Washington and Idaiio. MONEY LOAN. NOTARY BUSINESS Before starting on a Journey, get an ACCIDENJTJCKET. Only 25c; for 13000 Insurance. I oanlng Money foi non-reaidenta a specialty. S pjr c.nt. net guaranteed to lenders. TAYT.nT? -f