I roseburg review ; ISSUED EVERY; THURSDAY ' ' BY i o IHE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. One Year - ' x Month .'- ?2 oo 1 00 T OMtury notices of not mot thin ten line published free; uldiiional line will be cnrgea lor at the nte ul ten cents per Hue. THURSDAY, SEPT. 1, 1889. IS OAKLASB, . V representative of The Review will te in Oakland Saturday. Ifrwill be a ood time for our patrons there to pay up back dues. Ix the death of "Sunset" Cox, the naTYins-tiLotr W one of it niost steadfast and brilliant leaders. If so soon I was lo be done for, What in the world was I begun fori , Coriwral Tanner. I" Shakespeare says: "A Tanner will last you nine years." Tho President got through with one in less than that i many months. Alta. Eccese Sempky tho friend of the workingman, and a man of a high de gree of intellect is the Democratic candidate for Governor of ihe new e state of Washiton. He-should be flee'"- m jim j T evcrv Democratic n the name of Crover Cleveland u cheered to the echo. The name of lien. Harrison does not awaken any enthusiasm, however, at Republican "Htherinj's. pHf-WliEST Harrison whs revolted Jost. for twenty-four hours, canning in reuse excitement . in "Washington. Finally Sec.ctaJy HaUoid picked up i'rand"father'- Iwt, d B.min walked out. . The Review goes lo '2000 subscrib ers '-very week, and according to 'usual newspajier circulation estimates must have at least 10,000 leaders weekly. This? gives some idea of the usefulness of The Review as an ad vertising medium. The Portland World suggests "W. H. Higg, of Wasco, as the Demo cratic candidate for Congressman. Up thk-way sentiment ia crystallizing in favor of that stalwart champion of the jK-wple.Roliert Veatch, of I.ane county. So objection to Biggs, however. The J unction City Pilot nominates Dr. Harry Lane for Governor. Lane is all riuht, but Sylvester Vennoyer will succeed himself. The people are hearted that way. Place Douglas county down f -r 250 majority for Pennoyer over any Portland ring can didate. Mh. VAXDERwonk, woolen manu ficturer, New York, said to his em ployees last fall; "Unless Harrison is electetl our firm cannot keep running. A Democratic adon,mstmtir-lnijri, mi." List lirafth his linu went into banjuyiicand his workmen into the street These things teach and exhort. AUi. W not forget the fact that The Review is doing a great work in the upbuilding of Itosrbtirg mid Douglas county. Hundreds ot people in all parts of tho .United States are every week gleaning information of the j country thionh its columns. Tuat is why every citizen of the county should liberally suppoit The Review. Everybody argues that the.Worlj's Exjiosition of le92, should beheld under the authority of the National Government and in a representative American city. This is a strong double '"'argument in favor of its being located at Washington, which is the only city completely cimtrolled by the Govern ment, as well a3 tho only city in 'the United States, of more than 200,000 population that can be' strict'y speak ing, citu-d i.n American tity. More than 90 per ce:tt- of the inhabitants of Washington fire native born Ameri cans. Tar. country will breath freer now that the Treasury department has an nounced throuh acting Secretary IVttche'ler that it will not permit a financial panic during the present ad ministration The announcement was made to allay the fear caused by a newsiaer icport of a Wall street trust formed to either raise the price now being paid by the Treasury for bonis ot to throw the country into a financial panic. The Wall street ch'icks iii'tv . fjiiake m iheir boot, or shoe, when they hear about what this lirave ailing Secretary h said, but it is more probable that they, will laugh in tL ir sleeves and goon in their schemes just ai it he bad said rrQlhiiig liii Cleveland was IVi'atdent during the months of July and Au ust IS."1 when the public drl.t was reduced '11,)H,S12: he wus Tiesi deiit luring the months of July nd ..August lSSG when t'i- public !i bt was leducrd :J 10,65 1,02; he was President during the months of July and August IS? when the pnl-iic debt was red u-'C'd 9,Gr4,3" 1; he was President during th3 months of July and August 1SSS when the public debt was reuueed 1 1,46 1,97 1. Jieijair.in Harrison was Pieidcnt tiuriu ihtnunths of July and Au gust 18,4. ami tor that jieriod the public d-rjt was mcreaWl 7,:)94,()OC. It should J bonie in mind tlm' fo July and AiigiSt .1889, lli" revenues were greater than for' the correspond ing months in any yer of Cleveland's adminisi ration. J'.ut tin n C'evtlind . dill not indulge in any such a luxury hk Tanner, and Mich luxuries come high. Children Cry for A VXIOS SVIDIEB SPEAKS. Ed. Review: The hour is near at hand, when the Governmental offices Roseburg will pass to the Republi- cans for four years and it is for ns I Union veterans to conjecture what manner of men will be selected to fill them. You all very well remember the fuss and fury we kicke-1 up wit'i the Cleveland administration for not retaining all the veterans in cilice. Now let U3 be prepared to receive our just rights under the Harrison admin istration and be leady to htep into some of the Roseburg offices. Mitchell, Dolh and Hermann are all pro nounced friends of the veterans, and he law is clearly with them when it says that, "Where the ability of the Union veteran is sufficient he shall have preference over civilians of equal ability for all governmental offices." Now then, will the Union veteran ele ment of Douglas county be recogiizd in the distribution of the office. or will they tamely allow themselves to be pushed to the rearl It is now pre dicted that the offices must be given to "workers," which means that hon orable service under the flag of our country in time of war amounts to nothing; that political log-rolling, "wire-working" and intrigueing are the required qualifications of the appli cant for office of the present day. The men that saved the nation will be gagged and sent to the rear until the next political " campaign when they may be released, deployed on the po litical skiimish line, given leadership in forlorn hopes and perhaps the privilege of cheering if a victory should be won. To my veteran frionds I would say that this condition of things is growing too old, and if we should desire respect we must i'n&t respect ourseivw. 11 us stami up with the firmness with which we stood twenty- five years ago, and not ask but demand recognition, So long as we temain pinned to tUe coat tail of any political party we win never command respect nor do we deserve it. Our allegiance as patriots is fust to the Government we fought to maintain, whether in the hands cf RepuMicaus, Democrats pr Ptohis and next to ourselves and families. Ul politicians not forget that the "mills of the Qoda" are still grindins; A Uxion Vktekax As THE POET SAUK Tl. (lpf..mi;,,n r,f il.oi -i.- i. i . .i Biiongest, cimraiiiorwiic or ino uretjon- uai. It could not let it.e opioriunity W8S but i8 the clods were falling upon tbe coffin of the genial, honest, able, j and brilliant "Sunset" Cox, it poured j foith its torrent of vindictiveness. Right well has EJgar Allen Poe written: j In the silence of the night, How we shiver with affright At the melancholy inenanceol their tone! For every sound that floats From the rust within their throats Ts a groan. Ami the people ah, the people They that dwell up in the steeple, Ail alone, "AndTiiTTbllihgV tolling, tolling. In that muffled monotone, Ir'eel a glory ia so rolling On the human heart a stone They are neither man nor woman They are neiiher brute nor huimn They are Ilnrvey Scott; And their king it is who tolls: Anil he roll':, rolls, rolls, Roll, A p.ean from tiie bells' And his merry bosom swells With the jiaan of the bell-: And he dances anil he yells: Keeping ti;ne lime, time. In a sort of Kunic rhyme, To the pi-an of the bells. The San Fiancisco Alia says: The longest suffering man on earth is the country journalist, and he deserves it the least. There is not a community that does not get a hundred dollars in benefit from a good country paper to one dollar that it gets out of the com munity. Tha rural paper is tiie free horse, ridden till its withers are wrung, and then exchanged for a fresh steed that must soon or late wince for the same reason, j If it le possible to de vise a system by whiih the country press can be enfranchised and emanci pated, its resulting independence will 5 a most potent factor in the progress of the State, j It is a great factor now, but it is because of self-sacrifice and unrequited public spirit on the part of the men ho' conduct it A querry .for local iK.Iitieians is, what was W. V. Johnson, chairman of the Douglas county Republican cen tral committee doing in Eugene lust week? i DYSPEPSIA. SSthitt misery expoi-ienrei! when we snrt-c!i-it;..- iK'itinic aware that we HjMeiata laboiii-iil Hrruugpmen teal led aKtomiirh. The stomach ltttlie reservoir from which every fibre anil ttssuo must be nourished, and any trouble wit Ii It isxoou felt t hmugh o.ut the whoio 8ytU'iii. Among a dozen dyspeptics no two will have the same pre. domimintHympUmiR. IJyspeiiihuolartiva nieutnl iowerund a bilioustemiieruinent are subjeet to Kick Headache; those. ne.Miy ami pnicfrmauc nave constipation, while Ihethiu and nervous arc abandoned IokIooiu v firlMKtlns. Some dyspeptics are wtmtlerfully fn?ctful; otLera liave grr-ai irriiaoiniy oi vempor. Whntpver form DysiX'rwin mav taka. one thlug U certain. The underlying cause is in the XJFEJK, and ono thins more la equally certain, no one will remain a dyspeptic who will r 9 via correct Aciauy or the Stomach, Expel foul cues. Allay Irritation, I Aullt DiirMtln. tlif and, at the same Start the Liter to working, when all other troubles soonHisappear. 'My wife was a confirmed dyrT' Some three years ago by the advice of I r. Stciner. ol Augusta, she was induced to try Simmons Lircr Regulator. I teel i:r:itefiil for the relief ie has ivea her, a!itllnay ail who read this and are afticted ia any way, whether chronic or other wise, use Simmons Liver Regulator and 1 feet confident health will be restored to all who will be advised." Wm. M. Rush, Fort Valley, Ga. See that you get the Genuine, with red 2 "a front of Wrapper, ntRPARKD OMIT Y J. II. ZEIXXN CO., Philadelphia, Fa, Pitcher's Castorla. JtASDOX. ti. T. ),.. inmtilulr.- Jtrul tntr Mtnnm. Tl'ori- o th Mrral.-imtir, ami ( i C;l.er Topic. "We are all greatly pleased witb the visit of the teachers' institute to out j town and beach. We did not nt first ; well understand what it meant but j when we did we attended and appre- . ciuted the arious lectures ano ad j finlv with pleasure but . with profit. And as to the jwiisonal we highly resjected the able and in- ttliont. gentlemen belonsiitt: to - "rt o r if, and as tor the ladies, admira tion by i.o means conveys in full the j more than kindly feeling entertained for several of them by many of onr gallm-t joang bachelor Bandonian" , It is to b s hoped that the new corn Now th: t we do kuow them, v l.' u missionor, u hower he may bo, will b they.com) next year they will be heartily wt-1 ome, and we nay fairly count upon a dozen at least of the young ladies becoming permanent resi dents of our town The advance in the price of real j estate is still steadily progressing. An elderly gentleman who came here for the benefit of his health from Grants Pass about twelve months since bought three acres of land on the inland road, some distance from town for $150. He sold it last week for 600, and building lots in town bring double what tliey were bought for a year ago. We have every reason to believe that work on the breakwater will be resumed immediately and continue throughout the entire winter and spring in fact until our able and energetic Congressman, Hon. Binger Hermann, gets another appropriation. N h'n ever the breakwater is completed, or nearly so, our coal fifilds will open out. Concerning ouk coal an expert who was born and raised amongst the be.- t COtfj fieWg in Qreafc Britian, stv s, j ,lT1e coal found this region is in jinany Wit;e8 witljoilt sulphur, and j Mpi.tacia;m-'thHt much of it is channel j coaj of B ve,.y l iohestkincl. In some f aceg . RllVhracito variety is also found." Again, "milling ou a large scale would doubtless ruing to the sur- I face coal of the very best quality and j supp,y W0l)W found almost in-. j exi,aUstible " j The Qcean bouM u now conducte1 by Mr. Osborne, a courteous s and agreeable gentleman from your own county, JIo set a first-class table ! before his nuiiietousgusstx, with which I irl,var wll i,lmP,l nkn wit.l. tlio! , , , . - .j l . .1 .. 1- .. . . . . jlness .(trevailing throughout ihe entire j cstablit-h-nent. j Basdomax. THE liANDOS BEACH. O, we love to stroll, Where the billows roll On a cheerful and cloudless day; And roam o'er the strands With their jewelled sands, And to watch the wild waves at play. The water it raves, In the sounding caves, In the cloomy and dark defiles Rushing and dashing, Seething and splashing TJitough the echoing, sombre aisles . Or, rippling in ripples, Smiles and dimples. IjThey steal up so softly ftmi slow, 1 1, To starile some pet i Whom they often met, ; On other fair shores long ayi." 1 Sitting on a rock Beyond the shock ; Of the incoming anry wave, j We think of this life j lis sorrows and strife, 1 And the life that's beyonii the grave. I There, with shining band In summer land j In that land of ancient story i We hope we will be Through eternity In happiness, peace and jjlory. Then, cheer up sad one! Come! take courage, man' The Heavens are brilliant with light. And the glad'ning ray Of the coming day Peeps through you've passed the ni;ht: George 1'kxxe it. Daniel Docgherty, who laced Oen. Hancock in nomination for the Presidency in 1 880, in one of the most eloquent sjjeeches ever nia.le in a na tional convention, is spoken of as a suc cessor in Congress to Sunset Cox. M. L. Pipes, has retired from the Benton Leader. Mr. Pipes is an able writer anil conducted the Leader with mnikitl ability. Henry Pape, for years with the Jacksonville Timrg, is Mr. Pipes' successor. Startling Evidenc Of the Cure of .Skin Diseases when nil other Methods S';sil. Isnriasis 5 years, covering face, heart, and en tire body with white 3caU. Skin red, itchy, end bleeding. Hair all gone. Spent hundreds of dollar?. Pronounced incurable. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. My liseae (jwuriasi) first brukc Mil .n my It-fi cheek, BpruaUm a:ritM) tn we, autf aliiiesl i-itvcr-injy my face. It rn intniy eye., attit the phyatcian Wiuiafrui.l 1 would lse my oyoiifht aMxel.TiT. It Bprewl all oeriny hea-1, and ut h:tir alj ft-U titn. until I was entiruly b:i!(t-heaiet!: it then livkff,-u. on my arms and hoiiMer.s until my arms wrc jurt one wre- It ctivereU my cut ire tiy, myUrc, ha! and Bhoiiidtrra lcing the orwt. "I 'hi while fc Us Uil conttantly frmni liend, t)Mtu!ticn, and urms; the skin would hii'kn nl be rI aiil er it.hv, and would crack and bleed i scratched. Alter Hjren'lih many hundreaa of dollars, I wun primmmeed incura ble. I heard of the Ci nti BA Kkmkiih, and after uin;tiro bottles CtTKrit a K -chlvknt, I c-ntld nee a change; and after I had taken four bottles. I vias almost cured; and until I had takun nx hoi tics uf CtTtci'R.i Rkwlvrkt and one box of t't'TtccRA, and one cake of Ct rict HA Sa( I was rmvd of tht dreadful disease mm whiih 1 hail sutTcred f.r five years. 1 thought the diHtraw would leave a vi.ry deep sear, but the Ci T.-t i RA Hi-:xriik cuhm! it without any scir. ! eitmoi e;.reB i:h a pen whit 1 snftVred before usin th IVtui ra Ui:mk Difcit. Theyart my life, and I feci it my duty to reeeommeiitl them. My hair is restored a fc-ood as ever, and so ia mv Vjesisht- I know oi a number of different prewms whn have uel the Crrui ra Krvrdifn, anJ all have refcivcil jrfnt tK-rt-fit from their n-e. Mbs. UuSA KKLf.Y. Hook welt City, Calhoun C,, I-.wa. f t Tit r RA KEMEIilES (.'ores every speHc of a.'.jizinj'. Lunuliatintr. Its h iu, bleelijfir. burning, scaly. Mft-hy, and j iniply di-ea-s of the skin, scalp and biwd, with hx o'f hair, from pimples to svroii-.!, cMffj't pofcs.hiy job-lh5i-' Si ltd everywhere. Price. Citiora. .Vvt-t ; Soap, S5e.; Kksolvsnt, Prepared by the Ifttkr Liai o Chkjsicai. Conror.ATio.r, Itoston. jTSeml for "ilow to Cure hkin I'ipeaacs,' C4 paea, r0 illastratiotis, and 100 testimonials. mPLE. bl.klieil, rl, rr.u,'h, cluprwl and oily skin prevented by Ci tki Sop. njn IT STOPS THE PAIN I - Backacl e, kidney pmin, weak a, L- Priwuruatifm, cd muscular tains I MBVBP W Q!tK HiMTR by the ClTICTRA WLmM Ajcti-Pais Plaibr, the Ilm and only instantaiM u? fain-killlne plaatfr. OOOTiJtyB,TAXHER. 0 .1) '- al T: week tendered ts s;t:r:ti'M" s 0 mrui.-i-ioni'r of i ensions, wii: cep'.ed by 1'ies: -ivt tlanlsou. Tun-1 tier had noj; the ability to till so re-; sponsible a i sition. The 'pension ! roll should be n 11 of honor attestiux i honorable wounds. Tanner cared j ndy for kivish e.'jienditures and for a laid on t!.-su!pUH, lli opened wide j the door -for public plunder, nii:iCou- j stri.ed he !., becanic the toj ; of claim iii-ui.ti an I tried to get a 's eep. ! ing enuorsciiii-i.t from the G. A. 'R.J But events pro ed too lonch for the . doughty cr(oraI nn l his resignation J ;; undrrt-d and nceeptcd. a man of ability and thorough in leg rity. Tanner wes one of the most blatant Mid loud-uiouthed ranters 'con cerning Commissioner Black, because that "eiit'eeian showed so:n! regard for the law,' securing tho enmity of pension age. its ai.d troasuiy raiders of the Tanner stripe, Goo I bye, Tan ner. JoilN 1 Snilr :in will ;;el !. iei-,d the b:r. -f a Mississippi' j ii! long lie- fore h vii! -race the liali t the : ei:itr."ss. Amen BoSKiii'iKi ce,:.ti:i;is t grow and thrive. A large number e.f houses are in co'irse ef eonstrus-t'ou 'ii '.eiy p:rt of the citv. I Combine the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human avstem, forming the ON LY PE R FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS AKD TO ' Cleanse the Systsni Effectually, SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, i HEALTH ana o TKC.NU 1 w Naturally follow. Every one s using it ind an are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., San Fkancisco, Cai. LoCISVILi.lT, K v. Kkw Yom, N. V. Children Cry for PITCHER'S Health and Sleep without Morphine. Living World JUST FUBLfSHED The most interesting, inten o)y f;is cinating ami popular subscription look ever pulilisheci. By,! W. ilUEL, The niott famous r.ml suore-sfi:l American Writer, aiul autliur of "The lleiuuiiiil Story,'' "Sea ami Lanfl," "The WorM's Won.Icrs,'' Etc. It is a inatcliicss WOiUC dl-" ART. Over 1,200 magnificent sj'iritnl engrating?, tie signed ami excculcil Iy tho bet artists am! engravers on. two Cuutinciits, embellish its pages and add escitemeiit to wo&.ler.yt In adilitkiri lo ihis inconi;arablo feature is supplemented many grand and beautiful FULL TAG K t'OLOkKD OLlCOtiKAI'II PLATES. The nine brillhm cobirs used in the picture! produce an almnst da.'ii;g etl'ect, maUmj thern perfect gems ot art, and executed at a cost of $5,000. AGENTS "W?fiTED,.:, mark.'ible boi'k. l):d experienced agents gia p it at sight, fur lin y realize there is b;g money in it. Ia reality it is a marvel of book making r.rt. II yon want to mako some money, here is a gulde n opportunity for you. An agency U x this work is worth Prom to per Kay. It is acknowledged by all publishers and agents to be Lh? handsomest, fastest selling and cheapest book ever published. Send im mediately for illustrated circulars and terms free, or she opportunity will be lost. To save time and to secure it instantly, send $1.00 for a comolete canvassing outfit and name choice of territory. EXTRA UliEUAL TEH MS and EXCLUSIVE TEKUITOKY giuraiv Seed. Working agents are Coining money a:id you can do the eame. r'iv7 lo eit-jHtje in this enta-prixe, as th?! lt,;k will tll itself if prni,rhj ',;.: nfi; 7, c?7 tc ?'?; o'ir Jifi iifs !(' ditii'a time in vli 'ah to it ii.'i-r and coll'Xf hij'-n i; j'"t;jinj us. Ad.!f..s-i THE HISTORY CO 725 MARKET STREET, San K;ane: c... t.'a!. XTOTICK W HK!tEI!Y IS KN i !I AT Til K VOL XI lowing naiiip-i sottlor has tiled muire uf Inn in tcntion to make final .troofiu suiKrt ti liis claim nl ihul ud I'raof .V be bff.ire the Hen- is'err Rctiier ,ft'-S. Land OiiU-e at It--. -biiiy r. -ii Wirint liy, . ! ., viz. Ji.hn h. Tli i!:uou , hn-ov-toud iMi:iv N. f.r Ihe E i .f S V Src. 1 S, Tj 2 j 3 I; 3 Wist W3I. lie uuuch t!ie .nj; witTieiat tr riv . List ciitnii"Uv tch- idt-rctr ii)n ai.d trnl'ti'ti.m trf. said land, viz. T. t1. Atuihury ff ihik ( uik, I-'oitIa t;. r.f J. Uurj-u ot (ViT W. Uafehwt f Oakf rcok, J. F. Wrii-hi,:! ;;k Crxl;,nU t 1 Hoa'a-e-.ui.tv. Or' Any H.iNii w in desirr to i ndent asraaiM the al low&Mif ti( iiucb i.T'Mi, i r who kww nf any mb stuitial reason, under lite law and t!ie ryiilation the Interi r IHpartn3f:nt. uhy stu-h ynnd thouM n. be allowed, iii he jriveitauo porUirit-y at the alve mention, d time and jdice to cruttn-exaudne Uie w it netises of j;t;d t:iaim-uit, and to fler eviuence in re buttal of th&iulnitted bv claimant. W. JOHXaTOX, BcgitfU r. Tin: proceedings of Jhe Ol.io Wool Growers inerti:-: nt .'!,! Ims. are .very svt-.it:1 ..t tl,.i:i , wiiil I ! - y i:l"1- i t!i ;- .-.r -, Tuey at tha kaiics ;f Cj gtcss. an lutiea&c of ilm ta- on wool and a reelasMtica- j tioii cf that st.iniu in t!io scheduh's by tlie Tica'stiry department whereby the 'tax on wool may be increased !y the tx - ct;tiv aiithcrity without consult i;r tiie represe-idalives tjf t!ii people.' Tuey thntaten to b:couie rank free !iiid r.s if the lax on wool in decreased und si.fv aswert t.'mt the 'wo-l industry eonuoU 1,000,000 votts in the Union, I fm-s ix a kettle of li-li . : If tht wool in; n'. share of the tariil' ' piracy -be uiil.l.eM tliey reselvd to become Imn-et-t men and break u; the buccanecr ing rnt.t. and brai.cii. Thus new Eng land has a note' to the devil to meet a:. 1 no pilch with which to pay it. Su;' e il a rival's election more than a score of wwlen mills havo gone into bank' iiiiicy in New England :.lnne, nd sis . they can '-et fieo .raw uuttjrial the whoie iay cut; of woolen iiii'.nufacttires inu-t ;;o out of bn.--.inej-.s. (in.mei Im twecn t r:tci ted in terests can but w,ik to t!ie -i'd-.atili'je of the people v,, p.y fi.r t:i ciothing '.hey wtar r.nd the bl.mkeU th:ii pio-te.-t thevu On wiih the light I Tilt; ii :;; e .f the no.v Demoi'iutie ! ve:ky I -" t by issued i:i Wa.shing- j (on City shoiily is to l e the Xafii.nat )'., h i t is in.t2r.do-l for national j i .itevda'Uori and ibidoisud by ex-l'resi- Ji-'nt Cleveland, ex-Sj.e.iker Carbsle i in 1 other prominent Democrat!. .'iiiuii. r . ; -;:..:.: in. ii nt this '!iT' ely IV.ii. i n. W'Ul !y-i7it tie :- I'war lur a!anlnu- i in,' lii il.n-.n-ntfi-l Kutrv N. :H2, duteil Ftl). 1, i 1-J.l, ltp.ni ii.j K h ' K J S.-1-ll..n Is, T. 2,' S j H ; U'.t m h-.ttyl'iis c.Hril , e'f.'vm, ith a icw tit : thi' r.int-i.l'atton : nti.v: Xtf. U partita are i i.i'rt!liy mi.i..iiU'il t. nriwar at i tlii i.n tl.,' i r.th .lay Ati:u!, t-.(. at ii "il'-.-k . ji. in w i fti'il ftirni.Hii tis-.iii.intv c.'i-i -rn i:!r ''ii ! 1 li-.'o. a! .!.li.:,ri i,t. 'ii.s. w. .Ii -il THN, : A. f. .Hi.ws, le. m-ti-r. Uvotiter. .(!;li', ; V. . '-ill ntf ii-'-.-.-Utiru. r.. a-i:5it 2i. 1S'.. , f'siiiviV.ut ii:iir- l.tvii ai lliis OU'tec l ' H. "l'iJi a-aihht v hr ... ,-'tti:uii ioT ai'atiil-nin ! iiU n..in-t;.vl Kutrv X.. t-tf, da tod .Time 1, opiiiitiit S W i. Si.', li in Hitii-ey W in hitt-:las j Cvnty, )rt'i:Mi. with v. it-A' t the -:tii-tiltiii of j Wnl ciitrv: 'tlicpni.i j urlU1.- are htreliy tiiu:im"!Uil ; t' H'jtar at this (:iiv -n the l.Uh ihyi-f it .lier, ! iss, :tt !. M k . it., " re(wnd a'id f;irni-h it s- i'l'A. W. JOllNSToN. Ht-iisitr, I C. Jo.r, Ueccivt-r. NEW TO-DAY JUST OPENED !: On Oak street, between da; kson ami llosa streets, j CftTies'a Large New Stock of Harness, 'Saddles, Whips, etc. ' J'JTAIIiiSG h SEPECIALTV, l.y a Ihvt-c.s w or man. IVicos are the very Wst, giv(! m ORGANS! MUSIC! ORGANS! FT3L, 7iie famous mouse-Droof oael arnuit Organ jElwell. Call at ailerv and see Also- All orders for music books and sheet music promptly filled.. WILLIS KRAMER, IWroi:. Kve.., coiihtuiitly on h ni'l Clioice SiOttCr ri-.tir, Uran am! t'.n.p f;-c-! tit t?i HigliOHt !as?j si pa!i for nil kiinls of gran:. I invite the public palroiujge, and guarantee i : Mvvtlo Ci-o-k, W. 0. WOOI TH HOSE U U l iCr, OX. i'atrie:. a Em ;e aiwl (.',! tie Sine?, of Saddles, Harness, Whips, Etc.! In fact 'cvcr-tliing t.snl can be found in a First-c?.: Maine s j'rict- r.r as o:v a.s the lowest. r.itr')n:.o brjin-.; in1n t ty . K. j;. ' Ml K, WAIT H it;ali;i;s in Beef, iork, inutton, veal, corned and smoked meats, hams, . bacon, lard, j shoulders, t'oi-iu m kson ami Cass Slanlitcr lioue o;i F. W. DlU.UU). c. 15. llov.DEN. iij ::.!. ;: . IJ. Ubrr& Co.) . ill all kimls of Meats, Beef, Pork, Mutton, etc. Keep u fist-class meat w-rket in every respect. Respectfully Kolicifrthe patronage of the public. JACKSOXST., - - KOSEUUKG, OR. Douglas County Bank FLINT, &. TA'VLOII, Roubiburs - " Oregon TUAXSACT A GKM.iiAI. j B&mmm business! Sight Drafts CrA-vn on ! : Portland, Sau Francisco, Saw York and 1 vthcr Hitata. bills of exh.vfre ou the ij priiieie.il citii-p ni ICuroj-e. Ucp'.sits re- ij ccivcil u)jcct to chpck. t,i!!cctieiis made on ail acoeasibli; iioiiits at riasoaablo rates " Sol ire Tor Pniiilii'aHo!:. "voyrk ih m:;iu;'.;y k.s 'i n r thk nth Li lotting uami'il vtil-.T fiitii nutiie uf hi. i-:t:i:t..ii t i nwiiu liuul j-r""f in fciijnirt of lis I'li'im, u'lii that K:tit) iri.f v. ill lc iikhJc Lt-ure the iU;.'i..ur r Kwuivcr t L. S. Land otlie at K.tje-iiit.-', i!'c-;:i, on Th:irsl:i v, Ovl. 17lh, .: H..im .: a 1 Kmrv No. ill;; f..r the S K i, section 50, 'i't:, S (J WrL W.M. He names the fn'.ltiw'uif v. iliit'wui to ir..vo lii- riuhiiH'tid rfik'HfC tiwn -iiiij cultivation -,f fani lan.I. viz. S. Mi-CuIlov-h. V. V. T trn, i'ht. Antler-inn a M .jMst'jjh Aliuit, all ;icmhiu, lh-n-l ciiuiitv 4)ri-,'on. t'iiAtf. V. JOHNSTON', SoiifC lor PuMication. 1mh OtHi'O at Ruselmi- Or.,Auy. 7, lv'. "V-OTU'K IS IlKliKliV OIVKN TUATTI1K FL- i. l'tAinir-n:unel settlor has hied notice nt Lit m- j tvhii 'ii t m;ikf Iiiial proof in Bii rt t Iier eluim, ; und tli.-it xi'u priHif ill lie made ht-E'-ro t,!'" IU-;,'ister ;; and lifchtr ti l .S. IiimI i &t iihti'i:., Ur, on ;; Sa' unlft", , Ut tdttur lih, ISs'j, : j ui:a LMn,u, j; IWi-iiil'iioii U. S. Xo. (;,-:t f.r x'uv XiV. ..f NV, , y tvciiin n.Tp'Jt, ,N K lW-"t. Siic n;nj(va tho t i 1 . T -1 iitif vvitm-s.sus ti nvy hyr -;ni ;ni..(t:i reside .fi upon and fuliiati.'n rr, fiaid Utul, viz; V li, Willriiit. Jlarth-i Wii'iani'. t-i itix ;las Or.,: orfa."'. l"U!;'1' " .,!'1"0' ,JU'jKr' uf! li--;Uttr x . . xotjci:. TT1.-E IS UEKKI'.V CIVES YI!AT TliE I'S-j II liil.M'llt.lt. Ail .'li'l.-I . .1 11.. !.'.). I.. ..t tXr lin.U. liidwtl!, -1 in luin-T'H.i.-t' of mi unlcr uf I'.n I' !v ..nr. ... Ii..!,..t,. .'..,.... v.... ... tir!. Ill llu' tmi'-u- lt..:i ..f pri'ln'-f l.ii.4!i:- nir.!e ' irii-l rntvri-i! in tliu r.i-iril ! s.tiil Court on the 25th ! la) ..i.hiiy. i.n tim aim t!y oi Auirum, -i ls.-H, m Hi-1. r i-i j v. ij ..I-aaia Oai , n the said i roi:.:K,s. . ! r (ur iulc tn the hwhant hi.iikr. fiT i i-iih in luiii'l, tit; fuli'miii dii.TiTK..l real ri..'ny ! .iiiiaifin l. ii-l:'. Ci.niity, Hute f .'rej.ni, ti-vit; j Tlie ii'.rtii hr.jf il th Muth-eul qiurtor ami thu ir.ist half ,,r;lii imrili cTit qiihrtr n( Ki- tii.n 14.: T..wii.tn:i s..i::h i f Unite ii i-, '.)iiiu4 ; i"ii!iiv, t'li-jf-iiii. r..i,i lining ltKiai-rp " ,i luii'J this ;,i:li il.iv ..r .iu' v. l.-ii. ! ii. xi." o.M.i.'.vr.u.. ; A'lmuiistrutdrof Kpitu,EMr Orl:in:h, l:id,-Il. s XEW TODAY. a ,aiaud -wiU ?;ut,nteo tW..-. tioi, lor sale hyll. Ai tiie photograph them. ROLLEE MILLS. sutisfaciion. W. K'RAMER Oregon. J 4 V A h 1 !" I i I I Sh: I,3m a call j C Waitk, BROS.! etc., etc. j SU'CCls, Tost i;ur?, Oregon. rkobert& creek ranch. I , (Formerly Cltanipa.n.-'d) K.jciur Strictly all White Help. eUEE CONVEYANCE TO AND FROM ALL N CUT TRAIN?. The management guarantees the'l-si lUf'.mTn -, u hJ. .;,t. u ,11 M i ,1 ll s ..y 0 AX IMMENSE First-elas.s FumiLire of all varieios and grades has' iust been opened in Floeum's l.uilding. j'M . Hew Goods It you will call, oxairjine and learn prices y m , will be pleased 15edrcr.;r. rcr.;;. '.a iioiii i-'S tn -STO . Hilllj ituiii ;-'.)to SlTl lif.r v-t 'eclstuaJs from 2; to 4 1.,,,. . ' " in IT' c S!'lUl"S' 0,uic'J V l'tore Frames and ,n-8' ':tc- A,Ii0 :l"('nt' far 'r Sewinjj Machines. All good, s.ri. tly fl.-st eia.s, well finished, am! at Po, tlun.l prices. Frc! rS"I!e?i, Proprietor. AM) Oregon State Normal School. FIRST TKitMlJEiiiKV; KFTEMIJEil l, 1SS!, stal' CiTtiticatfis (io I tor Six vcr Ii.laclics(i;. S. n.)s.-..;.ltoTO,i;utfs ai.u t'Xpoiists rea.ojiiflilc. Sum! for iiiforiuatioii to U'ifi ur.uf W. C. ! . ' I ' THE TIM n HI ie Opportunity! l J.-F. BARKER Announces that he is receiv-i ing the lagest stock of Staple; ' and Fancy : brOU&llt tO ROSCbUrS: aild Will i sell them at lair at One i Th ; "CENTENXI L" Fanuii Mill the market. i ' cj n I 4 n -LANSING." .Steel Skein Wagons. i j Crank nrtl Half Spring Wagons Four Spring Hacks. j 1 buggies and 'Carls at EXT11KM FLY low pricos. - j .lillen Iiarb Wire llotsc Shoos iJiaeksmith Coal Nails Superior j Stoves and Kanges 1 oois and Windows White Sewing Machines Win- j '..hoMor rifles and Shot .tins Fishing Tackles and Hardware and Tinware of 1 nil di-scviptions. J&sri&an Bros. Hardware Co. This Space is A l. V K LIT f Alexander FURNITURE DEALERS, J&Gscburg, Oregon, Sucs'os to J. Gildersleeve. J. .X. FLKTT, Proprietor, STOCK nv . ill ItJtMKil IJUII. in t'i 3 D-;;.;.? of lUcIielor of Sck-iitifi -A In -.a! shy local ou. iioaril and f-.r teaclmrs to pre-paie for tlieir work. HAW LEY, A. IJ, LL. P., I'resiileuc, Dhaix, orc:LAS Co., Oil r; THE j Groceries ever! M at Once. warranted to lie. the lst mill in Reserved For the KM EX T OF- & Strong, LACE! R0S t For business pursuits t the Portland Busincw Collide, I'oi Hand. Oregon, or at the Capital Bus inrs G'llegc, Salrm, Oregon. Moth schools are ondtr the management of A. P. Armstrong, have em course ol f luetics a:nl nv ra: of tuition Typewritinsr. Penmanship and Knglinh Depart ments. lJuy and tvraiii,-ses,;or,s. Studenlsad mittnt at a;y time, f'orjoint Cntslojjue.addresa lr:tead Eisru Mlrt. AD tip-1 Mlm. lortlau.!, rtgou. Wil riitm, Oregon. THIS s:-ce IS RESERVED FOR A. C. MARKS' LIVERY STAELE ADV WHALE & GALLIHER MVSICAI. INSTRUMENTS, SEl? TM,' ORECON. Now Is Hie Time -TO- SUBSCRIBE -FOR THE I ROSEBURG REVIEW, A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interests i of the Great Ump qua Valley. i ; r I M i!S ( Douglas County is j Developing- and t j The Review is f I the Great ADVERTIS INO 3 aliiam It Circulates 2,000 Coiies Every Week arid its Subsbrip tion list is Grow v ing Constantly- A Live, Progressive Newspaper is the Chief Exponent in the Upbuild ing of a Coun ty. STJBSCKIBE -FOR- The Revic r I 7 , J . jiVim r rfn. 'iiilnn