Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, September 12, 1889, Image 3

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THURSDAY, 8 KPT. 12,1889.
Mvmist Sui.iay hool t tlte RaptWt church
t cry Sunday niuriihtK at 9:44. AcoMial invitation
extended t everybody. J. W. Millkx, Sjt.
PrH8YTPRI.S Sunday kc.icm1 at tlic ITck1 t;run:
church ererv nunduy at 12 o'clock. A ronlUl invi
tation extended tuall to attorU. C f. vbi:f
A I'PO! NT v E NTS. - T here v
service at the M. K. Chur :":i
mrg next Sunday thj 13.';.
evening, anU at the
20th trt the cvciiiiu, r.l-o wtS! -
divine ;
u;h in Uo.;e- :
fureiscKin and
;;! house ihe
:f I r.'.i;i on ihe
1 1
E. M. UKiltK
Farmers' ATTENTION. S. West
ti-iw canva-ning the county in thr? interest of ;
the Vancouver Xursery and will take orders j
tor a. I vaticiics 01 rruii i rec.. tie win sio
, ):..., , . .. . 1 1 , r. , , , ;
replace according to agreement ail trees 110.11 !
sa d nnrse,y sold last year, which have die.!, j
The trees from this Nursery are w arranted
true to name and as represented.
The "Cosmopolitan."' The "Cosmo
politan Hotel now under the management ol
J. J. Flett is made firrt-class in every respect.
Mrs. Cox will have charge of the culinary
.lepaitmeut and this means a palatable meal.
Clean beds, wholesome meals and gentlemanly
attention will make the Cosmopolitan the lead
ing hotel in the City.
r.ArnsT Association. The Siaie liapt'ut j
Association will be held in the rirst Baptist
church in this city on Wednesday the iSsh day
of September at 10 A. M. This is an impor
tar.t meeting and will bring people prominent
in church work from alt --rmTTcTuie state.
All are cordially invited to attt tvi
and it is ;
tol-e hoiel the attendance will he lare.
Fi'UxiTtkK Sale. Wr. S. Con -it offers
his lurnilure for sal- at his residence in this
city. Aiunii; othfr articles tin-re are, one
piano, pirior set, two !ei!-r"f m ?ts, bed-steai'.-,
siiie boar.l, cxtcnsinn t.ililc, l.!a.-k
walr.'.i oil'ii e i!c sk, f,:v. i:i;4 11. irhisc, brus-els
c irxis, bed lounges, hall ami stair carpets,
ay chairs, tuckers dining cl.aiis. c.x.'k .stove.
heat;r.'4 s?ive-
, kitchen furnilur-
etc., elc.
Cheap AVoMMi.vnxs i okSi i ukm -,.
l'.uaid ran be had with (.unities in Kosetmr
f r $1 per week room furnished. Thie
.'.e. iiiug lu board in chins can ; In- accom
ni.KlaieJ at $1.50 per we. ';.. Ih'tes to tent
can be lound if application is made 111
Hoebnrg jiosseses edaeitioual, sf";i,il and
iinancia! facilities uneqnaled by any other city
in Soui'.K tn (Oregon.
M.vauiF. Works. J . W. Sow den of Jack
Minviile is now at the McClallen House, rep
resenting the j u ' s mvii;e marble works, and
has a splendid Sn:'. ( f new designs of tnonu-
.t; ents head.-tcnes, tablets, etc, and
1 - h-. sr.! : shi.w them to any who might
udesii.- .'.:r. t. ii: in his liiii.-. Mr. Sowden will
set up all work done by this firm, and in l1
the Jacksonville Marble works are top vi '.i
known to reijuire words of commendation.
Read, The Hoard have decided to
reduce the season tickets to 5'. 5-0. livery
preparation is being made to have the grounds
in the most desirable condition. Booth
privileges are being applied for fnm evoiy
part of the district and a very lnnc afendance
is already assured. The fair is goinc; to be
one of the notable events in Southern Oregon
history. It is going to be liko former state
fairs in that hundieds of people will come to
camp on the grounds at Central Point.
The S. S. Picnic Quito a numberol
Roseburg people attended the Sunday school
piemc at Coles Valley lat Sabbath, and ail
expressed themselves as well pleaded with the
trip. The attendance was quite large and the j
exercises interesting fsupt. H. D. Thomas
of the Coles Valley schoo', Tiesident. i
1 ' . 1
Rev. I. R. X. Bell two verv interesting i
J : s ;
ana practical acmresses ai me morning ana j
afternoon sessions
The picnic dinner was
!t and there .
was a "real abundance of good thiii!j to cat.
The singing by the three schools was good.
I.lXKVtt.i E In Ashes. Last Fnday.V
I.inkviile. Khniath county, was almost com-
pletely wiped out by fire. The entire busi- 1
ness rart of town is destroyed, and only one
building, that of G. W. Smith's, a stone ;
warehouse, was left standing in the track of
the flames. The proprietors of the I.inkviile !
hotel lose $40,000; Baldwin & Forbes, $30,- j
000; Reames, Martin & Co., $30,000; and j
many others lose heavily. - There was some
insurance. The Klamath county
burned out, but will begin publication again ,
immediately. The people are hopeful and j
rebuilding will be begun at once. j
Prior. Hill's Arm Broken. Trof.
Hull, who attended the institute here and I
gave some remarkable exhibitions of free hand 1
drawing, met with a severe accident in Cor- j
vailis last week, in the way of a fall w hich
resulted in a broken arm. His daughter ,
writes to The Review that the injury is to j
" That good right arm" the radius of which J
is broken about three inches from the wnst,
also the little linger. The doctor thinks that
the skill wril not be lost, and the use of the
left hand m the meantime will make him am
bidextrous.'" The many friends of Prof. Hull j
here sympathize with him in his affliction. ;
a I'.i-sivi-ss Chasce. Messrs. F. W.
- ' 1
Dillanl andC. B. Dowdcn have purchased Messrs. Haradon i Guild have had their
thc meat market of W. B. Rohrer-A: Co., and j well-boring machmu at work on Strong's lot
at present will continue the bu-incss at the j ncar A. Tayloi's residence, apd hive sue
old stand on Jackson street. 1'n tU of these i cceded in striking an abundance of water,
gentlemen are well known, reliable and com- ; Mr. Strong will build a fine house on his lots
pettnl businessmen and will make a strong
firm. They have been for some time engaged
in buying and furnishing stock tor Use rtnt
land markets and as they will continue this
""line they wille enabled ta supply their home
maiket with 'the very best selected beef, pork,
mutton, etc. to be found in the county. They
are going into the liu-mcss to stay am! their
intention is to futtiMi the best im-aN at the
lowest prices. We wish the new firm sue.
A Poi-eLAR OitPF.K. -One of most
flourishing institutions in Rosebuig is the A.
O. U. W. lodge. It has a large and con
stantly growing membership, and the follow
ing items from the financier's annual report
shows its condition in that respect to be very
solid. The amount of money received and
paid over to the receiver of iho bcni liciary ,
fund from Jaly 1, tSSS, 1-. June 30, 1SS9 was j
$1177.00. On neenimt of general fund for
ihe same lime me amount was $310.50; total
$1687 50. The oider seems to deserve its
popularity. Theie is a sick benefit of five
. dollars a week, and on the death ol a member
$2000.00 is paid 10 the person or persons he
directs. The entire dues scarcely or never
exceed 20 a year.
Fvr.u. AcciPF.xr.-NV. w pho!ir,er'
(.eight conductor on the S. P. R. R. was run
over by the cars at tne r.asi 1 nrnanu jms .
last Monday morning and received injuries ;
from which he died in the evening of the same i
day. He was walking on top of the cars talk- ,
ing to Yard Master Bond, when the latter cut i
the train making a division between ihein. j
Shoffner attempted to step over thc cut but
failing, fr'd between sm-1 w? run over by
those which had b.-rn cut .:T. His right 'leg j
' km crushed above the knee and his left foot i
badly mangled l.e was . a, en loinem
pital where he died from the effects .This m -
r . si.. , .,
Mo was taken to Ihe hi
iunes. " Air. ."siiouncr was 32 years 01 age ami
Y..A IwMiiin the emr.lov of the cotnnanv four
years. He resided in Roseburg and leaves a
wile, nee Miss Laura Boncbrake. He has
always Ixwne ihe reputation ofbeinganex
cellent man and gave thc company- good satis
faction. The remains were brought to this
city yesterday and interred in the Odd Fellows
Suiiscnbe. 4
Roseburg is going ahead.
Our list is constantly "rowing.
Read our new advcriisemcnts.
I. f,sl:u!t!?v V '.-''.f.
Pot.onUe W...-.C lit"-;. ' n.okri.
New watches ami jewrirv at Pritcbard's
The water works wili soon lie completed.
The Dal5c Timr-s-Mo-.inMir.rcr is thirty!
vi-ars old . . .1
' Cigars, vbice-s. con.
ic, n in; until 'tis at ihr
Red front.
A good fii'n nu'.c'i co wanti!.
at this olii.v.
A new of ws
-i:n! jewelry just
received at Prilcliari!'s
- Tj,e .,.,,,,,., hoe!
n i tunning a
' !
, . t , .... I
,U'ck WOrk on " VirMt ' i
ous 10 an n 11 trains, uci aiwani.
new block is progressing very rapidly. i
Do you expect to find lower prices in Hard-
ware than at Jaskulek s? ell, you wont.
Rev. T. P. Hayncs will preach at Riddle,
Sept. 15th iSSijat 11 a. M. and 7:30 P. M.
Impossible lor any one tuseli watches cheap
er than J. T. Bryan at I-"ingenben;'s bikk.
G.A.Taylor's new residence when com
pleted will lie one ol the finest in llie county.
The Douglas county fair will meet on the
ml of October, iSSq. Remember this date. 1
The Cosmopolitan Hotel f..rbest meals and
j b rooms at 25 cents. Strictly all while j
; MV. " ' - j
jJS. ptirse should le oliered by the District !
lair tor pn?e shootini;. l'nend Miller see to !
The "Perfection" hammock at J
lek's. The best hammock in the
Try one .
A great deal ol grsin is comi
ing into town
now and the warehouses ate ail crowded with
P.. F. Ramp and Dr. ! '.rower were elected
delegates to ihe prohibition c-invention to
nieel at S.iltni 'Saturilay.
The school tax in the Isosebnig district is
now in the hands of tin- rslieriff and is delin
quent. It M! sr be paid at once.
Simply perfect, pel fectly simple, the light
running New Home sewing machine. It is
the hi st. For sale by J. Jasknlek .
Tu-.'-day morning Judge Stearns, of Port
land, Fenn-nec-l Sandv OhH to be ban.;'- ! r.r
''z "' - of llmil Welter in that cliv.
Hams, .Should. rs, Side meat. No. 1 j:iali;y,
also old ami
new polatoesconstantly on hand.
II. I AS I OX. !
The communication on the subject of the j
Southern Oregon District Fair published in !
another column is worthv of careful rvn.-il
i S' S -"'",,sc,) 'ox, of New York, is :
! dead, aged 65 years. His words were
! concerning the new Mate, whose stati-hot-d he ,
hoped to lather.
Se.ion tickets have b.-cn reduced to Si. 50!
b tlic direct. ns of !',.- ithcm riregon i
1 Set l air to 1 . ', 1 n Cm;,..; !', i.j, :
! cunimencitig Saptem!M. J3.
i iie lloi-eburg sah :uui door fai:!..ry i., tun
. mng on full time an I 11 crowded with orders. :
Messrs. Kitchen it Huiton are already assured j
: of success in their enterprise. !
S- nie- of the lines: grapes grown in Douglas
county are on ihe premises of Dr. S. Hamil
ton in t hi, city. A bunch left at this office
last wee
weiglicl une and three quarters j
lier.berg has purchased a half inter- !
est mine txniglas cunntv
bank The firm is
now Wollenberg
of the stron-'est
Flint iV Taylor and is one
financial linns in Southern
xr i . 1 i i ,
M. Josephson always keeps on hand an
,,i. f , r , . ,
immense stock of goods for the absolute bene
fit of the public, that is the mibiic can have a
j large assortment of the best 1
joods from which j
lo select.
.111 i.iutvn jus ic oprnee net oiiicc
l-Portland in a hanilsomelv furnished suite
T s f 1 1 .. 1 1 o;
of r-ioms at 229 Fifth street, where she is
fully prepared to administer pills or amputate
a hmb as the casn may require.
Those newly and neatly furnished rooms at
the hotel kept by Geo. Stevenson at Myrtle
Creek, and the new boarding house opened
by Mr. Drake make this .town second to
none in good accommodations.
A mns;c 6U)re wi u. 01,cne.i in Koseb.irg
M 5Xjn suitable rtK.m can be secured.
Organs now for sale at the photogiaph gallery.
CaU an(, see ,hclll Repairing and cleaning a
Spec;apiy . If. A. F.i.v. f.i.l.
-,- 1
Parties wishing lo m.'.ke payment to 11-
will find their notes at 1 louglas county bank.
deeds are wanted apply to I.ane
Lane. BiinoK v. BkI.Ien,
P. O. address, Spokane Falls, W. T.
Vaitc Bros, meat market is already doing a
; busin ess i n that line .and only the very
,)0St meati are S()M there T(.er Nianr,htcr
house is on lhe:r mln rlncll an,i MlK.i. is no,
-jji whie heatc, ,cins drive,, to town.
j . . Tui,,,,on rch n th-
ISoggcss school house on the fourth Sunday of j
this month at 1 1 a. m. On thc firth Sunday j
at the Gurney school house at Sugar Pine at i
II a. M. All are cordially invited to at- !
,cri(j '1
this season.
Thc school book publishers have granted
an additional minth's time for the tree ex-
cnange of readers owing to their inability to
supply the demand fully heretofore. II. C.
Stanton's is the place to take your old schoo
books and get new e.ncs.
Einht hundred acres of land, the finest bar
gain ever effered on good easy terms is a spec- ;
ial bargain offered this week by S. 1!. Hen-
dricks. If you w ant a fine farm or a safe in- j
vestment which will realize you a handsome I
profit call and sec this great bargain.
... 1
Two acres in Oxjuillj city. Containing j
nice cottage of four rooms, small .barn etc. j
One acre of w hich is in orchard, apples, pears, j
pi lines, peaches and bomis. Will either sell t
or trade for property in or near Roseburg, i
also fixtures iu hotel. Hcndricks-KF.view f
Kea! Estate Co.
Go to Page &
Dirnmick's Oakland, and;
j 0 .
1 s;e their new stock of jewelry, clocks and
i ltlZ JZZXlZ:
in the state whereby they can have watches
repaired promptly and at reasonable prices.
Leave your wjrk with them.
Rev. T. R. X. Bell will preach at Myrtle
; .rcej. (he sunday in this month
i oftnc ,st Sunday in October, inasmuch as
; Soulh(.rn Oregon Presbytery will convene
October 4th in Roseburg, continuing ctcr i rfh;s js a-standard work, and further com.
Sunday. Also he will preach at Riddle cm mcnt upon it would be unnecessary. She
the 4th Sunday in September. n',3,, has a "History of the Johnstown Horror,"
Fred Tolies has beyond any doubt the fin- j and a finely illustrated and intensely interesting
est and largest stock of furniture ever brought j book just issued fromthe press entitled, "Won
to Southern Oregon. It is complete in j ders cf the Earth, Sea and Sky," by the cele.
every particular and all of the very best qua! - : bratcd author J. W. Buell. Mrs. Wortz's
ity. He has also thc largest and best selected ! books are all of the highest order, and Thb
stock ot window blinds ever displayed in Review takes pleasure in recommending them
TS 1
Ml his coals are offered at the
I I'Oseourg
. - Call and see him. 0
t er lf,es. 1
sc . til frnm the mliior
z iiLiumei-iiv w,,. . .
of thc Millwood Times found its way to
editorial sanctum of The Review Monday,
and it is unnecessary to say that W. B. Clark
accompanied it and favored us with a pleasant
call. The cabbage was a very large one,
and is safe to say that a finer one could rjot
be grown anywhere outside the corporate
limits of thc city of Millwood.
Mr. F. J. Snmh, Editor ol the Ft. Alier
croiubiu, Dakota, Herald, says: "The most
wonderful medicine, I have ever met with, is
Chamberiain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. In case of colic it gives speedy
relief. On hunting trips I have found it in-'iL-;i;i''-i'
.t i I'm in alkali water, it imparts a
pirjs.Mii ir.ste :md preietits the painful
"..:, which alkali water produces I could
iu.i feel saie without it in my house." 5and
50 cent bottles for sale by A. C. Marstets
it Co.
The only "K'uxir of Life" for ail the ilis !
I that flesh Is heir to lies in the ability to sue
! acssfully treat them. A life time devoted to
, the study of the causes and cures of womb
; troubles and female weaknesses, warrants a
: permanent cure in nearly every case at home.
I. Many derangements and complications of the
: system arise from womb troub'es, when the
i sufferer does not know what the trouble really
; is. AH corresponJencc strictly confidential.
xi.i:.: 1 . .i.e. :c. 1:
n.cuicuics paeKeu ana sent, Willi specinc ui-
tecllons for use- Addrcss:-A. L. COLE,
M. 0., Specialist, 162 First St
Will Vail of Oakland, was in :own Tues
day. L. McGregor, of Portland, was in Rose
burg this week.
R. B. Dixon left yesterday morning on a
trip to California.
i. A. Gurney has returned to this county
i"from E'fitv"e, California.
Hon. Binger Hermann and family and
Miss Jennie Buick returned from Coos county
'ast Thursday evening.
Kcv. T. r. Haynes has moved to Myrtle
j Creek to live. We shall miss his familiar
j face and only wish him success,
J. C. Crome, Palmer & Rey's genial travel
j ing man, called at The Review last week.
I We are always pleased to see him,
I We are pleased to note that Jumes Templin
i is getiing along well under jjefheient treat
! ment of Drs. Orias and Shainbrook.
1 R. A. Raper, who has sold his farm tall.
! C. Agee left last Monday with his farvfly for
Washington Territory where they will reside
in future.
We hope that J . D. Rader, who is now in
Oakland and who will soonleave for Tennessee
will return to Douglas with his family to reside j
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Tl'n.! nor. Vi. '
Mrs. 1". I. Wilson, of Or-kiutid, and Mrs.
Slites of Albany, spent a few hours in Rose
j burg Tuesday. They drove over from Win-
Chester where they had been rusticating,
j Mrs. Buckman, of Portland, is visiting in
Roseburg the guest of Dr. Marsters and J, A.
k-ttgers, esq . This lady's father invested
$15,000 in East Portland fourteen years ago,
and now he is worth $oo,ooo. Such is life.
Messrs. Cornet, patfifee and Woods, agent
1 if the l.adics Laundry Washing machine are
thorough going business men, gentlemanly in
their transactions and reliable for what they
promise. We hope that I hey will come this
way again.
C W, fieckwith, proprietor of the Civil
lend hop yard was in the city Saturlay and
. . .. .. 1 HE KEVIEVV ottice a business call.
lie ie'.jii? u 'iil. tiuu ui infos, unit i'.i.b 11
I r I '
have ten tons for shipment from his yard .
; is now in full blast.
N. Amos, formerly of this county,
dropped in on The Review last week. Mr. !
Amos is now a resident of Showlow, Arizona,
I and only returned to this county for the pur- i
pose ol carrying away with him one ot our 1
fiiroct wiLc 1 ! .icf,,! ir hvmrr i
uiprneil Miss Carrie Cook, of Oakland. We;
extend congratulations.
The Itietrlet Fair,
Editor Review: Permit me through
'our columns to urge upor me people 01
"OUgias coumy 111c impuraucc 01 piacmj; .
good exhibit of our agricultural produets at
ll.A Cuitlmrn Cirann Tlictrfft Vir Trm
will be many homeseekers visit the fair in
order to see ihe products of Southern Oregon,
and each county will be judged by the exhibit
made. Douglas is the leading agricultural
! county in Southern Oregon surpassing them all
: in the excellence of her products. Let our
; peop'e realize that Douglas county is part
: owner in this fair and let father, mother, son
and duughter prepare something for exhibition.
, Il it is not convenient tor them to attend per
' sonally ship their exhibits to my address (pre
paid) to Central Point to reach there by the
i 2 1 st or not later than the 23d of this month,
; I will have them properly placed and salely
: returned if desired. Good premiums ate of
fi '-. 1 a-vi Doughs county farmers who have
g-il samples of fruits, grains, vegetables, etc.,
Vu'd bring them or send them along, and
1 . ' I- 1.1 the premiums and laurels for Douglas
c -,'v. Geo. W. Riddle.
j Glendale, Sept. II, 1S89.
; l-.m ioR Review: By the recent fire at
; this place all my household effects, including
! clothing, were destroyeil. We received sym
I1'1)- ,rom manv 6 Pe an4 mMtal
al1 'om sotr'e- AU ,'J con,e from comPar'
alive strangers except the widow's substantial
n,'te' from our sister Mrs Alice Van Buren.
To all who kindly contributed wc extend sin-
ccie thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Wright,
Makes the lives of many people miserable, and
often leads to self-destruction. We kniw ol
no remedy for dyspepsia more successful than
Hood's Sarsaparilla. It acts gently, yet
surely and efficiently, tones the stomach and
other organs, removes the faint feeling, createg
a good appetite, cures headache, and refreshes
he burdened mind. Give Hood's Sarsapa
rilla a fair trial. It will do you good.
We have a speedy and positive Cure lor
Catarrh,' Diphtheria, Canker Mouth, and
REMEDY. A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet
breath. Trice 50 cents. Sold by W. S.
Yaluaule Books. Mrs. M. E. D. Wortz,
who has been in Roseburg for several days has a
number of choice works for which she solicits
i nrders. Ainnnri those examined bv us was
, -.. .. . r... u
; Kami ce .MCiany s anas 01 me worm, a jiiaw-
; ... f . , , , , Mrv . T,
I -I f 'very Part of the world,
a lartre amount of information of great value
for reference. There are charts, rtatistical
tables, and a short historical sketch of every
state in the Union. This atlas is nicely
lmund, and very cheap for the size and char
acter of the work. Mrs. Wortz has also
Rid path's history of thc United States, latest
edition, brought down to the present year.
: to the public. She will g.i to Oakland and
! begin a canvass of the Northern par, of the
count) tins wecK.
J Prompt and Reliable. Mr. Winston
j made his first order a few days since for a
j shipment of Ladies Laundry machines and his
shipping receipt came on return mail, all as
represented. This is only a sampie ot the
manner in which business is conducted by
! this Old RelialH factory.
The fall term of school will begin Monday.
Miss Alice Smith is visiting relatives in
Saleui. ; !
Tbi horse races Saturday were a very poor ;
affair. I J
Some of our young people were viewing the i
new bridge at Winchester Sunday.
The annual convention of the W. C. T. U.
will be held in Oakland this year commencing
Mrs. Settle and Mrs. Oallagher have the
largeat and nicest stock of goods that have
ever yet been brought to Oakland
Quite a number of the Oaklandites are
making preparations to see the signts at the
Mechanics and State (airs this year.
The New York Aquarii m Car that was to
have exhibited at the depot to-day, "rain or
shine," has not as yet made its appearance.
Our popular druggist had the misfortune,
while walking along the street the other day,
of getting a severe tail, but luckily no ribs
were broken, only a few bruises and a general
shaking up.
Mr. Minis, who has been to Seattle on a
business trip, has returned to our city, and is
having the rooms formerly occupied as the
Reading rooms repaired and they will be used
as a general merchandise store.-
! ' Sl-'NFLOWEK.
frrurh Hrttlrtnmnt Item.
The rain has cooled the atmosphere.
James Beasley went to Roteburg Saturday
on business.
Fanners are busy at present hauling their
wheat to market.
Why does L. W. wear such a broad smile?
Don't all speak at once.
The Ward party have not yet returned from
their pleasure trip to Bandon.
James Conn and family have gone to Union
county to visit friends and relatives.
Miss Edith Callahan left us Sunday to be
gin a term of school in Garden valley.
Our fall term of school opened Monday
under the management of W. W. Burns.
E. T. Woodruff sprained his ankle last
week. He is now unable to walk without
the aid of-arutches.
The late raini have checked llie f irest lircs
hich w"ulJ ll3Vf .'eiroyed a great Utal of 1
valuable umber h-.d the dry weather con-
unuii,, 1
Mr. Tiueman and sou h .kc j; ik to. the
mountains hunting. We predict that ihe I
game law will have fewer deer to protect in '
the future.
Mrs. Rachel I ivingst.sri, who has been visit j
ing friends m ilii vicinity, was called to 5
Cleveland Friday to see her daughter who;
was taken suddenly ill. !
Win. Denning, while hunting in the moun- !
tains near Woodruffs mi'l last week, dis-
coyeied a bear running up the side of a canyon !
at great speed, wane endeavoring to take
aim he wxs suddenly attacked with nervous ;
coovulsi'ins (more commonly known by hunt-j
ersas buck ague) accidently discharged his
gun. u nfortunately tor Drum trie eun was
rwinli1 1 r hid Arvten Tho Infill i)
. , ,. , "..v. 1. 1 . .
throueh his brain which r -suited in instant
, ' , , , ,, , ..,.,
death. No blame should be attached to Mr.
, ... , i
M hia fM.niliimn il Ihi tintf. nie n I triri! Mir I
! lieyond his control.
Vamao Valley Item.
v.auiiis ,iocv 1- iisiiii: . uooui a iitiri
- ' n.. : . 1 : 1 .
The grain yield of this section was nearly ;
in average.' 1
; Timber claimants are everywhere here, j
! and some of them will lie badly sold. i
j Hogs and beef cattle are not plentiful, 4cts
and 4cts is asked for hogs, 2.Vcts and 2'c '
for beef on foet. No sheeo for sale.
Ferguson & Umpsticn will blow their first
whistle in their splendid steam saw millabou' I
... . , -i.i
K -silh incl Annln.r tlMm mill 1c crnkfTi I
, t , , , !
of in the early future on the new road. I
. 1
Work on the Couuilie road is being pushed j
vigorously. The cont.actors are fortunate in j ,ie Thc morc wc .illk ovci l!ie
being able to get such a splendid body of ; sul,ject ,he morc we are impre-scl with tin
men. K. B. Ireland is foreman, W. R. j Wfa ,ha, the forestry question ioi tiii; country
Wells quartermaster, and Jas. Moore Chief of I must e Sil,veJ m thc xhnA r,rtm
artillery. "Personal lilierty" is not allowed 1
7 - , . , I 1 OMML XICAI loX.
in camp and the men dont want any. i , , ... . , ., . . ,
j Teachers should heir in mind that is human
Another Inetltutc.
A County Institute o. School of Methods to
be conducted by a lady from the East, one of
the nillnnfll nflifsprc fif the Wnmin'c Phrislinn
Temperance Union, will be held at Oakland, i
'. 1 1 I
Sept. I8lh and l9th, beginning at 9 o clock 1
.u ... .0.1. h s" '
the morning of the 18th.
A rnrdiul invitation is extended nut oniv
.... j
to our W. C. T. U. friends but to all persons,
gentlemen and ladies who are interested in
the advancement of the reforms of the day.
Entertainment will be provided for all com
ing from a distance. Be on hand and avail
yourself of this great privilege. This lady
comes to us with rare ability and experience.
Let the people in this vicinity improve the
golden opportunity. Institute will occupy
the day sessions and lectures in the evenings.
A. R. Rices,
State Tres.
The Wonderful Healing propertie
Itarbyn Prophnlartle Eluid in cane
' of Accident; for Burnt, Cut,
Wound; Etc.
Its prompt use will invariably relieve pain,
promote healing and prevent Erysipelas
Gangrene, or Proud Flesh. Owing to the
cleansing and purifying qualities of the Fluid
the most obstinate Ulcere, Boils Carbuncles,
and Running Sores are rendered pure and
healthy and speepily cured, no other applica
tion lieing necessary.
To the Prohibitionists of Douglas Co. You
are hereby called to meet in your resiective
precincts on Saturday Sept. 7th, at I o'clock
P. M. for the purpose of electing one delegate
from each precinct to a Union conference of
the Knights of Labor, of the Union Labor
party, the Patrons of Husbandry, and of the
Prohibition party, the object of which is to
unite if possible to make a platform preparato
ry to the nomination of state and county Union
tickets All persons identified with any of
the above named organizations and all others !
believing that reforms in government are needed
are requested to join with us in sending dele
gates to the Union conference which meets in
Salem, Saturday, Sept. 14th, 1SS9, at II
o'clock A. M. B. F. Ramp,
rm. Co. Central Com. Prohibition Party.
The high position attained and the universal
acceptance and approval of the pleasant
liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, as the
most excellent laxative known, illustrate the
value of the qualities on which its success is
based and are abundantly gratifying to the
Cal. Fig Syrup Company.
It has been demonstrated beyond cavil that
the Insurance companies which go through
fire and live are bona fide and reliable. The
Farmers and Mechanics Fire Insurance Com
pany at Albany, Oregon, has just passed
through four, heavy fires with considerable
loss, and have paid every dollar promptly'.
The last loss of $9,000 at Spokar e Falls was
paid within five days ol jhe fire. The Com
pany had every dollar in money in the bank
with which to pay these losses, and hence
there was no delay. This Company only in
sures what it can pay and no more, therefore
the Fanners and Mechanics Fire Insurance
Company cannot burn out. Moral: - Insure
when yon are certain of your full pay without
law suits. ;
B. IIOilXEK, A. M.
j)e j
We were recently elected editor by-
teachers of this county; and here we are.
Tl...- In' f liflt ..Hi;.nUrL .n
, .- . 1 . ,-. . r r, j
behalf of the cducatioiial institutions of Doug-1
, . ,,, , , f ;
las countv, where the citinns may educate:
, . .... , ., , , !
their children under their own supervision.
. . , . f,P ,t,. e
It will also be open ior the u.icusuon of any
. . .i .- 1
f - - - 1
Oregon .
Our .sentiments are -that public schools,
academics, colleges and universities form one
grand system necessary to perpetuate the
principles upon which r,ur government is
based; that public schools are the great
feeders-of academics, colleges and universities;
that everyone should co-operate in this work;
and that no rnai. can say one word in this
column that will he derogatory to any of the-e
benign institutions.
Short spicy articles m educational topics
are solicited. The liiends of education gen
cra'.ly desire to know more about the teachers
schools and educational work of this county
than hitherto.
This department lssupplud with the largest
pair of scissors in the county; these will sup
ply copy when the teachers do not furnish it;
a first-class poetic pump ( n ilm improved
plati); with this we can supply thymes for
special occasions; and a fair size howitzer
mounted on a dtomc hry to promulgate the
principles of self preservation to any class of
readers who may become hypoerii'ctl.
J. F. Wisner will upcrint.-.l tin- t-cliool.
in Looking Class.
Prof. V. C. Hawley, ably assisted by his
lady and Prof. O. C. Brown wils have charge
of the normal school at Drain.
Prof. J. B. Fr.rJ soons begins work at Wil j
bur Academy. This is one ol the oldest j
schools in the State. i
Superintendent Hutchinson is prepaiing a
map of the school districts in Doughs cmimy. !
The Supt. certainly intends that not more !
ttiin trn Ti.!r!.l uhill d'HA- rmliiii- min.v in t
the same child.
llx-Supl. Rnsse'.l who has berh i-n the sick
list is recuperating .towly.
state Suerint..-nlcnt Mckl.oy
!.lrni this
week from Mi'.wankiu where he has done
some grand work for Oregon, 'ilia General
;, 1 , 1.1 -n -pendii a litHe tune whiih his
( iran.l A: i n irien is, who have honored him
and now letum 10 lake active 'command ol
the two thou-and leieliev; in his a-Jopti-J
j, A. Garland, principal, writes the
new school building in Brownsville will be
dedicated on the :i ,t inst. Mr. iarl oi ! is a
man ho wor'.s so laiiiilally for the gioiy of a
school that he is likely to !u-.e sight of himself.
Several young people in this county contein-
V'MC attending the St.ite Agiicultural college 1
at an early date. The educated granger will
ue a potelU liCU,t j Xem, ,lle true valne of ;
our soils. Oregon is a peculiar stav, and '
scientists calculated to exoloie ;..i native !
wealth must be educated at' hone, amidst
her treasures. j
Arbor day is a real.!)-1.1 Oregon, and Doug- j
las county l as .v: o. ca second in celebrating (
the occasion. 7w necessity for an effective ;
system offore-ir and tree-planting generally, I
i is demonstrated in wavs that cannot fail to
cannot fail to i
I leave their impre-s up n the rising generation, ,
! to whom we must look for the bt fruits of
, .1 : .i 1
these teachings, and upon whom, in fact, our j
strongest depend. The seed sown in the I
schools will in the en 1 yield th most abun-
dant results. People must be educated 10 j
tree-planting, just a; they must be to every-
,IuRl" e,se to which ,llc' are n'' accustomed,
It is difficult very olten, to brii. ; men and
women of mature years to enter
;on some
. ,, .
with the impressible rmoils ii
1.'.,. Not so
i!:e . -h,ils.
1 hesc early imbibe whatever is presented to
, , , , . ,. 1 ,
them in the course ol their studies, and the
I ,ne j
.. .....,i '...,.. I
nature to love what is diincuit, not w iiatis e isy.
Boys love baseball, and girls lawn tennis, be
cause of the skill te.,uired. The best pupils j
like their studies in mathematics best, because I
thi-v are most dilnrult. And Kn.-lih niav be. i
and is made just ns attractive, and just as Pen-
- 1 . .1. - ir.-
eficial to the mind, for reason.
. 1-. isxf 1:.
. ,
T. : 1. : ... ,v.-l... il.. 11...1..
j ji , oceoiiiiiil jeiiei.i ' j n .1. 11 1 it. ii eii 11
j .at:on ,s not cramming. It U-n t ns necessary
I wilat u taught as how i! is taught. Moral
teaching nwansgood teaching.
t iood meth j
The ct'.uc.i- ,
proceed along j
of infinitely j
'i hut is prac
boy or girl. !
ods arc common sense m. - 'bul
lion of no two persons s' aid
the same lines. Cham u-r
more value than the thro.: k.
tical that develops the wlmli
The physical, mental, and spiritual are in.
cxtncably interwoven.
New V. fk School loarnal.
The At l.ANY t ct.t t. .i aim Ins 1 11 1 ir.. -We
acknowledge this week ihe receipt of the
catalogue for 'So-yo of the Albany Collegiate
Institute, one of the leading r oucational in
stitutions of-the state. Tlie CV.l-.giate Insti
tute was founded by tlic Presbytery of Orccnn
in 1S66, and in the lull m 1S67 the in titution
was formally opened under ihe presidency ol
Rev. illiam J. Montielh since which time
it has had ten different presidents. Thc lac
ulty for the present rchooi year is, Rev.
Elbert X. Condit. president: Wallace II. Lee.
professor of Greek and Latin; Mrs. O. S.
Pollock, professor of Psychology, Literature i ""e0 curative, arc chills and fever, bilious
and Elocution; Miss Kiuabcih E. Irvine, in- i remittent, dumb ague and ague cake, dyspep
structor of intermediate branches; Miss Mary ! bver complaint, nervousness, debility,
Lee l'rather, instructor of preparatory depart- j kidney and bladder complaints, It mitigate
ment. The course of study is excellent, well 'he infirmities of age, hastens convalescence,'
arranged and complete, and liicte are besides j has a tendency to prevent il" consequences
the advantages of literary i..-ictics sufficient ! f'0"1 exposure and exhaustion. Persons of
apparatus, musical instruction and military j sedentary habiLs'i and laborious occupations
discipline and dull IV. r the students Board i w''" 'ind it an ever useful tonic,
in private families is reasonable, fiom three to i jtA ft CI A ISS.' Bto" RARIIAIXSf
five dollars a month.
On tl;
. 111. IV..
-ea.l !
- w liolc 11 is an
who desire a I
r a catalogue.
excellent school for
thoroiH'h education.
1 i,iii- and l ifniii;
Are quickly given lo eveiy p.,.t ..! the body
by Hood's Sarsapaii'la. Thai tired feeling is
entirely overcome. The blood is purified, en
riched, and vitalized, ami cat lies heahh in
stead of disease to every or(;ap The stomach
is toned and strengthened, the appetite re
stored. " The kidneys and liver are roused
and invigorated .
The brain is refreshed, the
' - 1 1 1 ,,t r.,s 1 . r - ... 1 -r
I mind made clear ana re.vly tor work. Try it.
A r-ir. in, or.
Ti,nKmul Jlallnre Ojf i,f t!ir
Hint Flue Stork J-rm.
I offer for sale vrt terms 10 suit,
dricks estate farm in Walker or Elk Head
valley, 14 miles' yiorth of Oakland on the
Coast Fork road, and S miles east of Yon-
colia. The farm contains 520 acres of land, ! Will trade this fproperty for a small ranch
at least 200 of w hich is now capable of culti- j wiih improvements near Roseburg.
vation, and all except about loo acres Akso, ! '
Two good orchards, fair house and barn, al 1 An elegantly finished and furnished rcsi
fenced, two mountain streams through the j dence in Roseburg, with six rooms and llh
place, most of it Ihe richest sort of bottom j room, and underground cistern, splendid barn
land, and unlimited stock range ihe liet ; and wood house, z acres of land, within a
and cheapest stock farm in Southern Oregon
Will be sold with all (arm implements except
wagon, for $5500; former $6500! This
offer is until October 1st when the .farm will
b- rented if not sold. Call on or address R.
J. HendriAs, Salem, Oregon.
J Coupon of Kotburg Mulwii
Mention has been made in these columns of
the Ladies' Laundry Machine, which has been
introduced here by Messrs Cornett & Wood.
This Machine lor washing clothes is sa perfect
as to have attracted the attention of every one,
and a company of prominent business men of
Roseburg and vicinity, who know a good
.. , : , ...
thing when they see it, have purchased the
, .. . . , . , , , t
sole right tor the manufacture and sale of the
. -
Machine for the state of Oregon. Jep. Green,
... .... ' . ,
w C. Winston, T. R. Sheridan and T. R.
N. Bell are prominently identified with the
new company, and will commence operations
w ith their well known energy and push; '"Get
a good thing and then let the people know it,"
is P. T. Barnum's famous advice of how to
get rich. The gentlemen named above are
following his advice. They have secured a
perfect machine that is a household necessity,
and it will push to the front by the force of
its own merit, j
the Ladies' Laundry Machine? If not, you
should look it up at once. It means an end
to the dreary drudgery of washdays and the
ceaseless irritation of wash day dinners. The
old fashioned lioards and machines will now
be relegated to t rear, and with a Ladies'
Laundry Machine in every household, wash
day w ill pass into a mith, jts it will be a pleas
ure and not a laborous undertaking to put out
the family washing.
coniists of tub rest, washer, wnrger, and
clothes rack in one latent and needs only to
be seen to be appreciated. These Machines,
wherever introduced in the Eastern states
have sold on their merits by the carload, every
family in various; counties having bought one,
and wherever tiled they have stood the test
as pre-eminently the greatest labor saving iu-
vent ion of the age
TIRED Women,
''10 fcn"w 'he terrors of the old fashioned wash
da)'i can now rejoice. Help is at hand. The
Ladies" Laundry Machine means a revolution
in household affairs. It can be used without
r, r" '"ns a "rvo,u"on i
m '""" "
. ' i
- '
the finest fabrics can be
washed as easily as the coarsest, and it saves
time and labor, j
have several colums of recommendations from
those who have used the machine, but it is
not necessary to take space to publish the
same at this time as it will speak for itself
wherever introduced. County rights will be
sold by the new proprietor and the Machine
w ill be placed on sale in every county in the
State, as it is a boon to humanity.
WASHtxarox roLiTtc.n.
Tira Conrentlan are zjWrf and Tirkrlm
Placed in the field for the firtt Stale
The Slate convention of the Republicans of
Washington was; held at Walla Walla lasi
Thursday and full ticket was placed in the
field. The Democrats met at Ellensburg 011
the following Monday and presented a full
list of candidates to the public. Both con-
ventions were li-gc, enthusiastic, and con
fident and of the two' tickets It must be said
the stronger ones could not be nominated.
The niajoHiv of the candidates on Jbnth sides
uu"8 uv ,
a vigorous canvass during the three weeks
""crvcuine. oeiorc eie.i.o... oc iwbuiuiil
tlckc! reads as follow -:
' or cungrrssiiuii-in onnus, 01 -po- -
1 1
1 i 1
Kane- j j
Fur Governor-,- F.Jgene Semplc, of Pierce. ;
i;ane. 1
Licuten-int to.vernor- L 1 1 Platter, of 1
nman. , . ;
t'or Secretary ol State W It W hittlesey,
' Jefferson. ;
f or 1 rc"urer7;' m "erce !
tor Treasurer-M Kaufman, of Pierce. ;
lo. Aud.tor-J M Murphy of Thurston.
for Attorney Geneial-H J Snivelv. of
' aKima.
For Superintendent of Public Instruction
J 11 Morgan, of Kittitas . j
For Commissioner of Public Lands MZI
Goodell, ol Chechallsr
W It White, of King.
B L. Sharpstemol Walla Walla.
J B Reavia, of Yakima.
John P Judson, Pierce.
Frank Ganahl, of Spokane.
The Republican nominees are:
For Congress John L Wilson, of Spokane.
For Governor-r-E P Ferry, of King.
'f r- nB'".
For Secretary of State Allen Weir, of
J I ....
1 For State Tieasarer A Lindsley.
, '
1 For Auditor T M Reed, Thurston,
1 , ,,..
For Attorney General W C Jones, of
. 1 '
Spokane. !
l or Superintendent of Public Instruction
Is 1! Bryan, of Chchalis.
For Commistioner of Tublic Lands-W T
Forrest, of Lewis
R O Dunbar, of Klickitat.
Theodore L. Stiles, of Pierce.
John P Hoyt. of King.
T J Anders, of Walla Walla.
Elmore Scott, of Garfield.
Sict it ft; the Tide of Popularity.
To thc topmost pinnacle of success, Hos
teller's Stomach Bitters stands shining
proof of what genuine merit, backed by the
living force of proven facts, can attain. The
North and South American continents. Eu-
roPei Australia, the West Indies, Gautemala
'. ani1 Mexico have all contributed wide patron-
; age and testimony of the most favorable kind
--but unsolicited- lo swell the reputation of
this sterling remtdy. Among the maladies
for which tlic most convincing public and
professional testimony proves that it is a be
The H udrirk ltvUw Rent lutate Com
pany' Met.
The Hendricks-Review Real Estate Com-
' pany takes pleasure in noting this week the
I rn : 1. :
! ""mmK oargu.ns-.
A handsome two story residence jn Rose
1 burg for $1100; or including $400 worth of
; furniture for $!joo.
I A desirable property located on South
I Willammctte street, Eugene, Oregon, new
nuse conIaln""s rooms anu oa.sen.enr, gooa
. . ,
wei water in khciicd, no. 1 03 rn, 4 nans,
. ' , '
! rr. .1,1 Inr VI I ,in r nf nnv nrniim nunc Ml
j tached. This property contains 10 full sized
! ots 063x125 all in first class order, "situated
"t j 8 blocks from P.; O., very healthy locatian.
, The cellar and all about the premises drained
- i and tiled in first cb-s shape, all new furniture.
! carinas, etc go with property
'rice $2500
j or $2200 without . furniture. Lots ar
j all asked for property without improve
are worth
ements .
few minutes walk of the post office. Pleas
antly located. Will be sold at a bargain.
Also f
A full line of Farms and City Property,
For further particulars call on the Hendricks
Review Real Estate Co.
tVBLtn scnootor rosuvro.
There are enrolled 281 pupils, and. the
probability ij that (his r.utn'wr n 111 swell to
300 before the close of the month. This is
about 100 stjudents more than ever had before
in the Roseburg school at this season of the
year. j -
The Roseburg Teachers association was re
organized for this school year last Tuesday,
with Miss Winifred Mosher as president,
Miss Inez Hamilton as recording secretary.
Miss Sarah Wimberly as corresponding sec
retary, and Miss Lena Willis as editress of
school and literary department. Mrs. S. C.
Flint was elected, a member of the society,
and will furnish an address on music at the
next regular meeting which will be Tuesday.
It is probable that the Literary Society wQl
reorganize next Friday evening.
Mr. V. V. Johnson is repairing some of the
doors and windows that had shrunk consider
able. He never leaves his work halt done,.
During the frajgii two years of school
that has been taught in the new building only
one window pane was broken, yet there were (
never less than 209 pupils in attendance.
Harry and Willie Dunkley, ol Assumboie,
British Columbia will live with their "grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Oehme this winter
and aitend school.
Miss Minnie White, formerly of Warrens
burg, Missouri has taken up her studies with
the sixth grade.
Miss Sarah Noah, of Looking Glass, Miss
Olive Barker, of Oak Creek, Miss Eva Lane,
of Deer creek, Johnny Graham, of Coos Bay,
and William Patterson ol Gardner were last
week enrolled among the list of students.
L. W.
It ( Attracting Much Attruliou 11 1 Uiltcau
krr. The following Clipping from the Milwaukee
Daily Sentinel will ahow that the Oregon ex
hibit is being properly managed at theG. A.
R. National Encampment at Milwaukee: .
"The Oregon delegation has its headquar-
ters in parlor C at the Plankinton, where a
large variety of fruits and cereal products of
that state are on exhibition and free to visitors
who call. Up to yesterday noon 2, too peo
pie had visited the headquarters and exam
ined and sampled the products. The Oregon
people also have 1,000 square feet of space at
the Exposition building, which is filled with
the products of their slate and which had been
visited by 15,000 people at noon yesterday.
There are 55 people in the delegation, repre
sentatives of the Grand Army and the Wom
an's Relief corps. Prominent among them
are Gen. E. B. McElroy, department com
mander, and wife of Salem; Col. am Mrs.
Potter, Capt. Newberry and Dr. W. H. Say
ler, of Portland; Col. Sladden and wife, of
Eugene; Capt. Cook, Mrs. Sou'.hwilk and
Col. I jdie, of Salem; Capt. Mitchell, of New.
bergi il. Hursh, of Baker City: and Capt.
Walrus of Centreville. The ladles in the
party are representatives of the Woman's Re'
lief corps. The delegation will leave lor;
home Saturday, but iheir exhibit at the Ex
position will remii'i till the great show
Au old physician, retired from practice,
having had placed in bis hands by an East
India missionary the formula of a simple vege-
u te ,he , ,nd Fermanent
j cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catanb,
j Asthma and all Throat and Lung affections
, nri,ive and ruin for 'm-i,
1 . : -
Debility and all Xervous Complaints, after
hayi tested , Jnderfui mniive poWcr5 in
,housanjs p( caseg has fpit j, ms duty lo ms).e
it known to his suffering fellows. Actuste.1
llV ,nls motlve j,j a dcsirelo relieve human.
suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who ;
desire it, this recipe, in German, French and
stamp, naming this paper,
NovF.s, 149 Powers Block,
' Rochester, X. Y
, , . m .
At a meeting of the school Iward of District
j Xo. 4 of Douglas county, ' Oregon, held this
i day, all directors !eing present, it was ordered
i that all pupils of this public school, who were
. not enumerated in this said district at the
j census of last spiing,1 required to pay the
regular rates of tuition until so enumerated.
By order of the Board this 1 Ith day of Septem
ber, A. V, 1SS9.
Geo. W." Jones,
Chas. II. Fishf.r, Chairman.
Dist. Clerk.
Have You Heard It? Have you heard
wnat Mr. G. L. Weast, ot Cambridge City
Ind ., says of Chamberlain's Colic, Choleia
and Diarrhoea Remedy? If not, here it is:
"During last summer I was troubled veiy
much with severe pains in the stomach and
bowels, and was induced by a friend to try
this remedy. I took one dose, as per direc
tions and it gave me almost instant relief.
I cheerfully recommend it to the afflicted."
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by A. C. Mars
ters. How TO Get a Home. Several handsome
building lots are for sale by the Hendricks
Review Real Estate Co. on the installment
plan. You can get two tots for $250, only
$50 down, balance on easy terms; or two lots
'or $375, only $75 down; or three handsome
lots for $360, only $60 down, balance easy
payments These are bargains and the time
given for payments are such as to place them
within the reach ol any one. Call and see
these bargains before purchasing.
A Rare Bargain. A fine farm contain
ing 300 acres, six miles from railroad station
and within short distance of Roseburg, half of
which is tilable valley land with some rich
ash swale and timber, balance pasture, fine
house, large barn, old and young orchards,
abundance of water, etc . Hay, grain arid
farming implements will be fold to purchaser
very low and on easy terms.
Hendricks Review Real Estate Co.
Hitdden Death.
Heart disease is developed by modern civil
ization, and is increasing to an alarming ex
tent. Let him who suspects the existence of
this cause of sudden death take Du. Flint's
Remedy, and let all persons read his treatise
on "Heart Disease," which will lie sent on
application by Mack Drug Co., X. Y.
A Fine Mill. A splendid, new Cyclone
wind mill, all in first-class working order,
for fale at Thr Review office. A 16 fool
wheel, a 5175 gallon tsnk, the scaffolding and
j all complete for a low price. Just the thing
for house, bain and stock. We will sell this
mill on time, with approved security. Call
at once.
W'ANrs His Aih.ress. Med ford A.
i Moore, Perham, Crook county, Oregop,
would tike to know the address of Al Poole,
who resides in Southern Oregon, or
foimcrly did. He wishes to communicate
wiih him in reference to a business matter. '
I or Sale. Nice cottage of five rooms.
Barn, carnage, house, store room, fine well
with pump, lieautiful flower yard, etc., nice
'cation. Enquire 01 Hendrirks-REVIFW
Real Estate Co.
Wanted. Wanted to buy, between Rose
burg and Ashland, a good paying hardware
or general merchandise business former pre
ferred. Address Box 252, San Leandro.
California. ".' .
Will Train Horses. Charlie Anderson,
at his place four and one-half mites north ol
Roseburg has constructed a fine track and will
train horses to run and trot a reasonable
desire u thli reclpc in Gcrmanf F rench and j The groom is a son of a prominent lawyer,
EnR,ish wilh fll duecllons for preparing and j ex district attorney of Cook county, III. and is
usin Sent bv mail bv addressin-. with1, f -iln. xi-
Counttt (eiiH Prnrrrrllnj.
County eourt met in regiiiar wion Wed
nesday. Seiilemlirr 1SS0. Present, Judge
KitzliUj;!:, .;ivi i.;;..!-.ii:icr.s vVeath'rly and
j Ash.
i Tlte usua! j,;ils were allowed.
- Iu the matter of l.-ci -1 ' 1 irt-ty roat
from "-4 section post bet,-. . Tp
28 S R 7 West and to S W corner of iv.siot
& Bremncr's land. Petitioners ou;.. 1..:
pay damages before the said toad is opened
In the matter of location of county road
from the Western terminus of Coles valley
and Hubbard creek roads to and termination
of east and west line between towns 25 and
26,400 ft. from where said Hubbard creek
crosses aaid line. Road declared a public
highway and supervisor of that district ordered
to open same.
In the matter of establishing free ferries at
Smith's and Dirnmick's. All bids for the
same being deemed too high were rejected.
The contract for running same was afterward
let to G. W. Dimmick an4 Frank Wells for
the sum of $450 each per year.
In the matter of constructing bridges across
the Umpqua river at what is known as Cytus
Smith's and Umpqua Ferry. It was ordered
that bids for the same be advertised for.
In the matter of a location of a county road
from near the corner of Hiram Culver's to
point in Coos bay wagon road 20 feet east of
east end of bridge across Flournoy cteek.
Ordered the petitioners pay damages before
said road is declared a public highway.
Ordered that a reward of $300 be offered
for the arrest of L. Puckelt.
The tax levy for the present year was fixed
at 22 mills.
In the matter of claimants of damages on
the extension of Coles valley and Hubbard
creek road. Claims for damages dismissed.
Delinquent tax list reported by Sheriff Agee
$ ...
Letter JaiI.
Unclaimed letters remaining in '.the Rose-!
burg P. O. Sept. 12, 1S89. , ; j
Persons asking for any of these letters will
please mention their being advertisrd.
' Aide James D Aldnage D C
Bingham Jno W, Beecher A X
Bingaman Mrs Josw. Chachel Mrs Filey
' : . . 1 r ... " .
Crittenden G H
CotterelWm L
Carothers W II
Carlson James
Deven Andrew II
Duncan J B (2(
Davis Pansy
Goodrich Dave
Hansen S B
Hansen C C
Honey Ross
I-arpin Maggie
Moss WO
Oliver W II
I'eroy Geo.
Ransom C W
Reigcr I no G
Stone Robi
Stonecipher Rebecca
Whaler Gilbert
Williams Milton (2)
Carl Johnson Mrs
Cotterell W T
Dolby Jiiah
Duncan Benf
Ellis Charlie
Hargan Minnie
Halslead Virginia
Ilains E E
Lee Ed (2)
Miller Monroe
Officld W C (2)
Putnam Ed
Patterson Oliver K
Sunderland J D
Shaunon Arthur (2)
Sikes Jno
William J II
West Bruce
Walton Jno C
W. X. Mooke, P. M.
KIRK. To the wife of Charles W.
Sept, 4, 1SS9, a ly. ,
Charlie is very much lick lei! nvrr bis Ore
gon production.
MAYO STEVENSON'. At the residence
of the bride's parents in Myrtle Creek, Scu
temlier 9th, 1SS9, Mr. John B. Mayo of
Ottawa, lib, to Miss Clara B. Stevenson,
Rpr. T V Pll nir.f-islinn
bti.le i- the accomplished danahter of Mr.
George ft Stevenson, and one of Douglas'
fairest ladies. The couple will ' r -- t
I cago, w here they will make their future home,
, and Tiif. Review joins heartily with their
numerous friends in wishing them a long and
happy wedded life.
LOVELACE.-In Elk Head at the residence of
Shelby Churchill little Ermal Clair son of
A. E. and Lucy Lovelace aged 15 months '
and 6 days. Gone but not forgotten.
Ilotc't This.
We o.lcr One Hundred dollars reward for
any case of Catarrh thai cannot be cured by
taking Halls Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY Ac CO., Props., Toledo,
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
nerfectlv honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to earn- out any obliga-
Ltions made by their firm.
W est & 1 raux, holesa'e druggists, To
ledo, O. '
Walding, Kinnan .V Marvin. Wholesale
druggists, Toledo, O.
E. II. Van Hoescn, Cashier, Toledo Nat
lonal bank, Toledo, O. w
Hall's Catarrh-cure is tak(nS4niernaUy,
acting directly upon the blood and mucus sur
faces of the r-ystcm. Testimonials sent free.
Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by A. C. Mar
sters & Co.
Pool Priviledge. Sealed proposals for
pool privilege at the District fair including
Pans Mutuals will tie received until Monday
Sept. iGth. The board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids. Apply lo RolJert A. .
Miller Secretary, Jacksonville, Oregon.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that scaled plans,
specifications, strain diagrams and bids will
be received at the office of the County Clerk
until Thursday, the 7th day of Novemlier,
1S89, at twelve o'clock M. of said day for the
construction cf a wagon bridge over the
Umpqua river at what is known as Umpqua
Ferry at or near the residence of George
Shambrook. Bidders will lie required lo
deposit five per cent.- of the amount of their
bids. County reserves '.he right to reject any
or all bids.
By order of the Cimnty Board.
Sept. 7, 1SS9. J. S. Fn:iiiGH,
TDien Baby M sick, w rThr CMtorta,
When she was a Child, mho cried (W C'axtoria,
When ihe Iwtkm M iu, mho i limg Ui CMlurift,
Wbsu lie had 'h ildrcu, she ;re tlieio ('ssloria.
heron,! Annual Fruit Ejrhlhll. y ..
The southern Oregon Iruitgniwtis' arifiua!
fruit exhibit will lie held at the fur grounds
near Central Point, on Monday, ."i: 2.5, i
1SS9. Members of the asaociauorand friends
are expected to bring samples of? I heir fmii,')
vegetables lierrics and other lil pr!nrts of 1
the district for exhibition. Members tl ihe 1
horticultural ami fruit associations thro-gh-nit ,
thc northwest are earnestly invito! to 1 pre ; ;
ent. The exercises tieginnirig at 10 o'clock
a. m ., will con:M ol adorc-.srs iiy Hon.
W. Riddle, president of the Dough c-i'.-.n y
fruilgrowers association. President I!. f Ar
nold and Prof. E. R. I-nkeof the state -'i
eultunl college, and others. Everj Uly is
invited to bring a basket and pariicijun- in
old fashioned basket dinner. No chaiges f.-i :
admission to the grounds on Monday, S-01.
3, 1889. Everybody invited.
By order of the president,
Robert A. Miller, Sec.
.VfT r-AXM VK SALI , .
Two and one-half miles north of Wilbur.
300 teres. 140 acres tillable land, good for
rut or grain, 160 acres timber and s-raric2
! land . r.etny of water. 900 bearinji Iruit
j trees, consisting of apples, pears plum,
! prune, pcfhe, cherries and quinces, also:, ciirraats, blackberries, raspbet
; .- i.iil giapcs, together with one hundred
j full blix!ed sheep, thirteen bead of cattle,
! Imrsts 35 swine, with farm machinery.
wagons and tools and household furniture.
Everything must be seen to 1 appreciated. .
For fiirthnr particulars enquire ot JAS. F."
CHADTA ICK, at the place, or the Hendricks
-Review Real Estate Co., EoseUrg.'
For thirty days we will offer 240 acres of
land, with some improvements and fruits foe
the very low price, of three kHiT4r yet acre.
Hendricks Review Real Estate Co.
- ' - 1 "" ' f
Notice to Hunters.
We, the undersigned land holders, of North. ,
Deer creek, forbid any and. all persons bunt
ing or otherw ise tresspassing on our land.
Dated Aug. 5, 18S9. Mrs. W. A. Willis'
L. M. Parrott, James Cox,
John Stradet Sr., Hugh Fenton,' .
- A.M.Brown, R. B. Dixon,
t. P. Atderson, ?ohn Casebeer.
Sugar Pine Door anil Lumber
Company. '
Our Mill and Factories are now in full op
eration and we are prepared la till tJers foj
Lumber, Doors, Windows, Frames, Ottings
Moulding, Brackets Turned work, Lath.
Pickets and fence work better than ever be
fore. We make a specialty of House Finish
ing Material, Counter Fitting, Church" !rw.
Pulpits and finish, in natural woods. Mtove
of all kinds furnUhfd or?1
; 'ogues, moulding uttects and .
J oil application ; . - ,'.
I ' Pijie Door ani Li'Mbee Co.
Grants raw, Or.
The Ashland Stale Normal school criets
thc public every advantage that is given by all ; ,
practical institutions of learning. In addi
tion to the usual advantages of a good .school
It has a model training school in which the
student teacher is required to work, . under
skillful direction. Ashland also has the
finest climate in the State lor health arid
comfort.' Its Hire cold water from ihe moun
tains iis white sulphur and soda springs are
a delight to the health seeker. We should
be glad to receive students from all pans of
the State. Ask your Senator or Krprrcen
tative for a free scholarship, or address
1 - . J. S. SWEET A. M. Pits.
Ashland, Oregon.
The IMoekade Raised.
The long nerded want of lumber in Rose
burg is now supplied at the New York Lum
ber Yard by M. R. Howell, from two large
No. I steam mills located on railroad. '
. Good Bye Emm Water mod bad Road:
I have now on hand the largest and finest
stock of lumlter'ever in ffKaTrrry. I Cil8
furnish you a good house in 48 hours, 'jine
and see me, I will save you money.
M. R.'llintru
. - - s.
Fruit boxes of all kinds made kr
thororgldy seasoned pine, furnish'! on srr.
notice at lowest rates by
SiiiA Pine Dooraud Lumsek Co., '
Grants. Pass, Oregon.
I hereby give my son Edward Ilea! man
aged 19 years his time and will ntt claim any
of his earnings, nor will be responsible tr
any of his debts. . ' . '
Chas. Bealmax.i' TT
..- " .-.' -3
To Rent. A neat small house to real
near the depot. Good well and all necessary
Estate v
Wanted.- Two or
solicit orders for stand. .
plan. Apply to J. B. Hi.
xuricm.o . '
City taxes must tie paid immediately cr they
will Iw declared delinquent. T. Foru,
All peisons are hereby warned againa
huntinr on my premises in Coles valley.
Cumtux George Sham brook.
Alwaifm Patronize the Leading Bumtnemm
r We will call special attention lo the tine
j display adv. of J. F. Barker in this issue of
The Review. Mr. Barker i the pioneer
grocery-man of Roseburg and keeps a large
and well selected stock of j staple " ailtt fancy
groceries always on hand, which be sells for
the very lowest prices. Do not fail to ji.ivr
him a call and inspect his fine stock.
Shlloh'o Coneumpilom Cure,
This is beyond question the most success
ful Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a few
doses invariably cure the worst cases erf Cough,
Croup, and Bronchitis, while it's wonderful
success in the enre of Consumption is without
a parallel in the history of medicine. Since
it s first discovery t has been sold on a guar-
anlee, a test which no other medicine can
stand. If you have a Congh we earnestly ask
you to try it. Price 10 cents S Cents and
$1.00, If your Lungs are sore, Chest or
Hack tame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster.
Sold by W. S. H .mia.m.
A natter thie Queet ion.
Why do so many people we see around ns
seem to prefer to suffer and be made miser-
able by Indigestion. Constipation. Dizzier-,
Lobs of Appcii.r. Coming up of the Food,
"Yellow Skin, when tor 75 cents we wiil sell
them Shiloh's System Yitalizer, guarainted to
cure them. Sold by W. S. Hamilton,
Shiloh's Cvtarrh Brntedy
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, a marvelous oJ2
for Catarrh, DiphrfieiTar-Orilyrr,'
Headache. Whfii each bottle there is an in
genius Nasal ijector for the more successful
treatment ol Viese complaints without extra
charge. I rie 50 cems Sold bt IV, S.
Who baa fine Hair, and desires to pre
serve Its color, abundance, and lustre,
should one Ayor'a Hair Vigor as a
droning- It keep the scalp clean and
cool, and U by tar the most exquiidte
toilet preparation in the market. x
B. M. Johnson, M. V., Thomas Hill.
Mo., says : "I hare nsed Ayer'a Hair
Vigor in my family for a number of
years, and regard it as the bent hair
preparation I know of. It keeps the
scalp clean, the hair soft and lively, and
E reserves the original color. My wife
aa nsed it for a long time with most
satisfactory results. '
Mrs. S. A. Bock, o( Anderson, Texan,
writ : At Uin aire of 84. in Monro.
La., I had a severe attack of swamp. t
malarial, fevr. After I got well mv
hair commenced coming out, and so con
tinued until it had well nleh all gone.
I usrd sevetal kinds of hair restorer,
but they dirt no good. A friend gave mr
a tttle of Ayer's Hair Vigor- Before
finishing the first bottle my hair bet:sn
to grow, and by the time I nsed three
bottles, I bad a fine bead of hair."
Ayer's Hair Vigor,
r&KraaatD at
Dr. J. C. Ayar it Co., Lowell. Mass.
80M j Dronr 4 Perraattrs.