J U: s S 1 i i r t I .OSEBURG REVIEW I?SVED EVERY THURSDAY BT: "- ' ;HE I1EVIEW PUBLISHING CO. )ae -ear ----- - - s-.oo , ix Months - - - - - - - - 7 Obituary notices of not wore than ten uliliiUlted tree; additional lines will be charged : tj rate - n cents per Him. . THURSDAY, SEPT. ;, 1889 n.tr:. ' The following story told of Zach Cii-ndler will show what that well known Republican leader thought of IL 15. Hayes of Ohio. ' Hayes, it will Ue remembered, was defeated for the presidency by Samuel J. Tihlen, but Hviii! to the machinations of Chandler, herman and others, was allowed to occupy the executive chair and draw: Mr. Tilden's salary for four years, lfaye-s is now supposed- to be engaged i.i raisiiig chickens on a small scale .somewhere in Ohio. Tiie sfoi-v is as f : Hows: ' ; Otis Fuller, editor of the St. Jours, Mich., Republican, was a coiisiu of Zucb Chandler. In a group of Mich isan editois, at their recent Grand Kapnk meetms;, Mr. Fuller told of a visit to Chandler during on exciting S'-itiatuml contest at Lansinf,'. As the t ilk went back over the exciting times ..f 1W76 Chandler produced f.om soroe , Ahnre tlVtcce clelrrrJcture from fVirT'i:,i-..i!iiLinf him :is Ktiuirliii in: u rot k pullinS desperately at the tail tf nn elephant marked ''Haves." Un - , .v., . -,. . . .. ternettth the picturo was: "If the tail i.oUls out I will land him yet." Tile grim old Senator giized at the ;icture with the greatest satisfaction, "If that was the only copy to he had A I'lll HI v vl IVv I 1 ' IM III' clltlilMl. ' .) - " V&j K.iy 1 stfitli: tun IVt-.-iUlt-us-y for lilies in 1570,'" l.c went on. "but if I did, no court in Christendom could i-ev have convicted me of aiiythir.g but petty Urceny." ''-'',' Tin; tight on the Civil Service law fthii'h is bein nud! m the depart mviita at Wiiihiiituu sjot raiher jht auil, the mlicr dy vi Jin sume niijuis-iii-.e t.t;vsppir innn whih? cruir-in armtiid at the W:ir dcpai tuicnt found j a ifj of an order issued in l!(3 dia , iiiiiisiiig Civil Service Commissioner : . liTiiian ttom the Army. He sent it to : hi ,tper tis'a apeciul and it was ttd i ' t-ijiaphed Ijack to a lo?-l paper. It w.-is hiever a'i-aih.'ilio-t-Iived sen rt'ftaE a-WT&j investigation at the :ir ilii partmcnt brought another or d. v to ! ight revoking the tiist one and utiiti! g Lynmn an houoiablo dis , eJtai'e., It is very unfittr to make such attack . Had the m m who foun-I the tf.rSl oidur inde..iny iiuiuiry at the de partment he would have learned of the existen'j of the s-icond, but that would have ..spoiled, his sensation. To the credit ot the most prominent opponents of the Civil Service law, be it aahl they ipposu all such methods as that adapt ed by this sensation monger. They ' are lighting the U'w, not the gentlemen who are Commissioners under the law. e caitHS of the Ori,jVi7, ! to following just remarks vaii business men: vallis p;tio are so poorly lby.:he Jiume merchiiits that one of them has to run a two-column "ad." of irs O'Vii b itli inside and out side. Thse 1 a .en nic well edited, find ntv in fai t everl generations ahead of the (leopiH. Foreign capita! ,: wll not risk investment in any town that doesn't sport it own local pa per, ftnl busings men are killing their own prospects by stai vina; the hon.e newi-j:iper. fiOSEBuno is pushing rapidly to the front, and no 'own in the state is en joying a more steady, jierrnanent growth. The county sAL,of one of the largest and richest counties in the stale, the Imsinesi center for a large Jriiiii J-jfjiiilly nicccaning. population, the possessor o? u fine ami ample water power,-it is -destined, to become the leading city of .Southern Oregon. This is not mere talk, because there can bo 1,0 mistaking the substantial character if j;t-eii-ir'-i improvemofits. Thk . Democrats of Montana hive composed all their differences and put a strong ticket in the field. As a delegate from the Territory Mr. Ma--ginnis not only set ved hiji constituency well Imt madrt a National reputation f .r ability. His nomination for Rep resentative should, strengthen the lieket. Mont iiiu belong. in the Demo era tic column - and Un'' wide-awake nail.Tsof the party there mean to keep the new slate in line. , . If ."lie who In-sit ites it Inst," some Imdy .should be prepared' to g in .s-iiivh tif President Harrison for he a ijl herniates nd hesitates, a.s to j winti.rH- an r-vi:i session of C-ngress I '.'rtif Te -.'aiie I. Collie ppn !-) not J mind s.iyig T.rrf -fT l"Tfrnd not Ii-s i-.ation t'iai nils the Presifnt. Per- j b ios it is nil p;-:-h.ip there 1; ill no extra --son. A i 1 A vjuftf.sroxrtr.vr tf the H4- Pul rioneer '. - (Rep) wi itiniA from .Mon!..ii:t thi.tks that that territtnV k more tli tti iiseiy to go Democratic li.- Krtvs the 1 li-ieiK-nits have the .iLIt-sK le't.telS. TtlKl'.r. will be a shoit iut lively campaign in Washington territory Ibis fall. The tickets nominated ate (.c.tli .strong i.d tiici j seems to le a ih-ierniinatiou to win on both sides. Dervish inens "one who b.es at the door," It is not rroper to call a returned fiidjerinan a Dcrvtfch, for he i e-ins it as1 eoon a3 he gi tu on the ferryboat. Alia. 9 Tue llepnbi'cans sei-ru . nelei .ti'iied ., inake the r.st -of" the country- l.e- ;::.: th Chio ii ir patch Tike Tub Review Children Cry for l t-covtcAitj;" r.i.v.viit jrnojrr. "Ccniriiife" Jilnek rilliTrrf. Pfension Commissioner Tanner lias been criticised, not exclusively by the ! oP1ssition press, ether, for the paper . ot ins own party nave ueen as irw ; a iheir comments. The O. A rAo. - ...i 1 Innkiner for defense, where ', . . . . i snail ngo oiu io sis comraurai I - i ! r 1 fi1. .Mini)nl M v.rfliriii iiuc&, ti vuiici, nwunu- i . : i n- Tun. i T J 11 IC t UllOl T 111 CIO lllluui . .. . . , I itri . vi 1 triin.uii uuuiiuihiuiici. New York Tribune and Republican press generally, from the beginning to the end of his term in the Pension Oflice, abused and lied about him. The JYibunt was proved a falsifier again and again by the records, but this merely increased the venom in its fang3, and it struck and struck again to the very last, like a sneaking snake, and the G. A. K. never lifted hand or voice in defense of Comrade Black. Every pension agency in the country is full of letters from pensioners utter ing their gratitude to Elack and his appointees for their promptness and devotion to the interests of the old soldiers. Under him the Pension Bureau was prompt and efficient in its administration of the law. He dis pensed hundreds of millions of dollars to the pensioners without the loss of a I -.Bnnir tn flinm r t.n tlin Trpasnrv. j But t'h G A R jet partisan malice ' . . ru . gnaw him for four years and follow f. ... , ,, ! him ta disquiet an honorable retire- . ment, without an effort to defend him. j Why? Was it because lie is a Demo J t j dof 3 Tannel's IKlitics make fi. 1 . ,1 . A III! lIUHTl.'Ct? IH'tWUCIl lit- IWU l'U9V-i If so, we ar at a losj to know how the G A. U. can acquit itself of the charge of imrtis insiiip. ltu oienilers know that the partisan ahuse of Black was an outrage. They know that if this abuse were true, instead of appear ing with General Sherman and his peer last week at Milwaukee, wear ing the badge of the G . A- R- and the Loyal Legion, General Black should be expelled from both, and yet the organization has never to the smallest degree done him justice. We are not decrying the endorsement of Tanner. That must go upon whatever merit it has, but we do object, if that right be long to an outsider, to a purely parti san use of the vindicating function of the G. V It.. Uta Iii l$8i the tonage of the American merchant marine in the foreign trade wts 1,276,962; now it is but 012,302. Thus it is that the cheap ships built upon the Clyde in Scotland are driving American ships off the ocean. Not only is there an exorbitant tariff on ship material, but an American is ab solutely prohibited frombringing a ship on the Clyde and sailing it -jinder an American register. " V; The other day ! Queen Vietoria showed her grandson, tne Emperbr of Germany, a section of her navy fifteen 08 long. It w-sn built to protect British met chant ship3 in every post in ti e world ships that sustain Eng lish commerce and lay the whol- world under tribute to the beggarly little old "filand. Wii.-n wiii America become brave enough to assert her.self and claim what is her own. In this con nection tha folio'.vtug from Abrlnui Hewitt i3 pertinent: ''That, is all that inader.s us now tint foolish tariff, but that is o ily te np jr-ny. Another gen eration will S3e it removed I believe. The Ameiican pejple will get tired of stew- injr their own f.it ; aul I behevj every tub ought to sUml on its own bottom and that the. United States is aburLlantly able to do it it lus the facilities f jr losing the greatest eiport ing country on tho earth ami it ought to be. The sooner duties are abolished the sooner it will become so. Now that food, cotton and petroleum from the bulk of our exports, we ouglit to export jry largely of manufactured articles." It is right we suppoe to "lie all things to all men,' at ditlireiit times and under different circumstances. Germane to this text, hsve you not noticed of late that the Oreyonian now hiivs "Senator Mitchell," when it used to nl ays soy "Hippie MitchelL" This is w Midei f ul, but not strange. The wind is blowing fair from Wash ington, Hint hence the respectable ad dress "Senator Mitchell." The New XorJlerald propoiej to hangin"t1ie court rooms a sign, "Don't shoot 1 he judge He is doing the U he can " Its pceuliar eflBcacy If dne ok much to the process and kill in compounding aa to the InicreUlenta tbemselves. Take It in time. Itcneeki NOTHING LIKE IT dineaiies In the onUet, or ir they be advanced will prove a potent cure. 1 RriinB ski lie Wiftont It ! "N. It taitcii the place of m ! h. - - Cia costly pre- , -I Vxipllonn. AllrhoM FOB WHOSE wrVutary liven wlil rind benefit ! ietiVibit preventive of : KiitleHrtitor InUljptestlon, I CnnstiiVllon, .Headache, BIllonaneM, I'ile. al Mental UrprvRslnn. No low of rime, o lntcrferenee wilh buine t hile takvig. For children It Is most In nocent niitt harmlees. No danger from exposure. niVr taktnit. Cnres Colic I1 arriupa, H Wei C'oniptalntu, Feverlh ntH and Feverish Colds. Invalids and l,.imic nertons will And It the mildest Aperient amtl Tonic thoy can use. A litt le irik.-ii at nle!it lnsurex rcfrecliine sleep and a noturai evacuation of the bowels. A little taken In the niornlmi sharpen the appetite, cleanses tho stomach aud sweetens the breath. A FlIYSICIAN'S OPINION. "I havi; b-n tiracliciag medicine for twenty years aivl hare nevr boeo able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like :vnmon Lir Regulator, pmmpliy and euccUxly nove the Liver to acuon, and at the tame time aid Onstead of weak ening) the digestive and aasimilanve powers of the fcystem-7 L. M. Hintoh, M.o.a WaahtBjtoa, Ark. Marks or Oecnlnenessi Look for the red Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the fseal and Signature of J. H.Zellln Co, la ted, on the side. Take soother. Pitcher's Castorla. I m . .. uioul'iii me io aiSKons nave wen la-iir : out as to r-atiy.- nut iiii.13 toiwneni a lis! . t tcre-ln proc to P0"00 spent in 'rtaftinina one and enjoying anions the old yft'eis. t a -a stringiri bli,lir Cil" Jor i endorse ana vindicate mm. 10 mat - , . , ,, , . ,. , , t : I there is no oriection. He is a com ( . ... , , , . B-S , i Tel I I in the KHiilft Bwift. manner n :f Olu r.,inc,-.'ii-,. i-..jj ,..ir -. rlmrtU' c-W . g'li -t 1 1 ACROSS THE LINE. Stinntn' ftlitrg. Tie ,.rr:-.imil' , ....",. re rnr o ,-.. Ml. MRtmgm in Hcnerm. ' ft a-' -. Review -,, )ay j cation for health and pleasure which and brines to mind the .tnlv IsLin , r , . ., ,, . , prover't I know, "now lemput .h- ;l ' ui'f lhese ten days nave un j r i - 1 . lii. . ... . . spetitin surcease of sorrow and tne ! Pfnee an i lf.mt ulis'itw, which was wearvauill driver haa been .-.t rest.! likewise the wicked has ceased from troubling. I bo. ' to be with you this is in punt, lefreshed in mind :.. ; body, nn I tke up the thread of ! u: i- ness cares here dropped, in an earn- est endoav r to make The Review a welcome visitor in every home in Douglas county. But yeara of con- slant drill in the newspaper tieM will run the gray matter in a man's hi-ad . . . I luiiiMkiluil i.i .ii n tt ..l.l 1..1 UIIU Cla 4iia v liuv.v... nonsense as Bill Nye exhibits at the Paris Exposition. The babit of run ning off into obscure musings is a dan gerous one, and old Mt. Shasta looming up in distinct outline through the smoke stands like a monument to bring ns to a realization of every day events, THE TE1P HERE trough the fertile valleys of Southern Douglas, and the Rogue river is en- J joyable, as showing a country upon which God has smiled. After striking i the Siskiyou the road is a continuous letter S unless it occasionally is sharp ! et and becomes a Z- The scenery of j the Siskiyou's is the awe-inspiring one of all mountain ranges. The road cir cles near the summit Winging you through s tunnel and a half hour liter through another one just above the . first. The feat of engineering u a very skillful one, but any army mule understands the principle and puts it into operation in the climbing of hills, On the California ahiie of the Siskiyou conies the volcanic formation ot a plain, covered with little round hills j "Til,,, JCf' ' . r f AND TO lie the towns of Eggers, .Montague andH-pthe VvefP.RI FffPfitliallV- Edge wood and several other hamlets. At Eggers is the sttge linn to the ; Shovel springs where the rheumatics of the Pacific Coast most 110 congregate. ' ! Just as the train pulled cut 1 noticed : j leauing up against the front of the -! store building, Will Van Iluren, with ; a smile on his face, just as thou;h old rheumatism had not given biiu many a painful twi.st and turn. This section is an unbroken Sahara until Sissons is t reached. fHE DAY WE CAME, as we were nearing Sissons, and after j the hotel rnnner had passed thrimgli j the train distributed circulars, with the remark, "Chicken dinner at Sis-' sons,,' the train came to a dead stand still and soon we knew that one of the immense wood piles was on tire and a relief train would be necessary. Sis sons was three miles away and every body hungry and a pi Aspect of Sein fire bound for se.ter.il hours. .1. ,'k-y , Clung, a former R-jrvbtirger and ductor of the construction and repair , train shortly airivid end informed ; Mrs. Mosher and myself that our j friend Dr. Flett would be out with a ! carriage for us. The work of repair i was undertaken and orders given to j back the train to Edgewojd when the ! doctor arrived just in the nick of time, I and we were safely on our wiy to Sissons. . ! 1 HFKE I VE liEKS i ever smce-in thedelightf ul Strawberry Uey, where the ice cold water flows in a thousand rills from Shasta to the sea. A half mile from Sissons is the famous big spring, where pushes in a perfect torrent from the mountain side the head waters of the Sacramento river. A hundied yards further is an irOn spring and the rocks touched by its bubbling Witters are coated with yellow. I have not time to describe ' tne many pieasuiiL Kig.rs in ine vicin- ity of Sissons, but Dr. Flett takes me .1 1 i t . ... . 1 j out for a constitutional every day in a buggy, as he answers his numerous calLs, and is showing me all items of interest. MT. SHASTA IS nearly free from snow only a patch here and there running in a streak along its jagged side's. I have not Startling Evidence Of the Cure of 6kin ttiM'.ises ' when nil other MethoriK Fail Psoriasis S vears, covering face, head, and en-, tirebotly with white scab. Skin d. itchy, end bleeding. 1 loir all gone. Spent hundreds bf clollar?. Tronounced incurable. Cured by Cuiicura Kemedios. ! My UUea-e (itriai ) trt 'tr"ihv unt 011 m left j cheek, rc3ii)iig u-rroM my ito.-e, in(i aiiiaii "t-i'c r- ' injr niy fce. It rtn into my t-yrs, ami the i5i,vicwn : safraiii 1 wnulilhnte m eeh. -jto':t!i'T it spread all over my heatl, and my Iiiiir alt ftIt nut. t until I wan ciiliretv UUd-lieatle.i: h theo l.r.ki- .m. ohmyarmsaiiJ nhoulderw, until my arms wro jn-t t TTTT one re- Jt covered my entire iHjy, inv Icet hertd 1 7 t?X thaiii ana snou.aer DCtnj; ine norst. t lie tvhUeii ivA ' constantly from niy head, shou.derv, ani uihih thi- ! kin miild thwkMind 1 red ami rery iu-hy, and ; wuuld crack and Meed it wr.iU'ltcd. After sieii Mt.ir many hundrcw of di.Han., I was prououm-ed mt-urrT- ble. I heard tf the Citicira Kkwkd.is, and utter J anp two bottles n-nrrRA K ..lvSt. I could Kt-e ( imoa eumd-.and when I bad taken ix bottJe of i Cl-ticib4 RtwLvcNT and onw h of Ci Th rit-, and one ra.e or litkira Mjr, i v.n runti of the ' dreadful dieae inm hwh I had tMifored for five ' years. I thouirM the dim?ae would leave a very f detip scar, but t!i3 t'VTict ra Kismk&ivm cured it j without any am rs. I cm not cxpr.! mith a pen ! what I fiuflcrvd before u-intf t!t (1 Tit i n ICkmc. ! diea. Thev navctl nsv life, and I aWI it mt tlmt tn ! ! rectimuueutl them. My Itairis retorcti pfd an 'c. , iu cjv ta in . . 'i. tit. ( smi'H ui b iidiuocr ; of different pnr-onji ho n,-d th 4Vf mtra Rfmkdii, all bvc received rrest benerit from ; their u-e. l:i. UOSA KtLI.V. i IlockweU City, ralhuun f'j.. t: t. inc. blcedimr, burning, valy, blotchy, and pimply J discaMs of th skiu, ca!p and blond, with hn of i V. M I .t v ' - B;ss.u sr. u 4 . liauillijlij,, lit U :ar, from pim plea to trofuI-, extent por-tihlv ich tbo4. Stdd everywhere. Price. CtTJtTSA, .Vvis : v,p, 2.V.; Hrmlvr5T, lnfrttrd by th roTTsa Dmo kw CiiEstcni, CirraATtox. IVito. i tfend for "How to ( ure tkin lieiif W paes, SO illustrations, andl0 teatiw-nials. T)TllfPI'ES, black heid-, red, ronh, chapped A Aiflnd oily skiu prevaoted by Cnici;i 8or. J IT STOPS THE PAIN I Bacssche, kidney pamp, weakness, rheumatim, and muscular pains ss- j ukyip lit oks nurrrk by the Crricnui I Ts i-Paik Ititru. tne first and onlv instantaneous rain-killing plaster. : climbed it on '-"hat account. I would j I.sto to .i 4 j nu-'.l.l. unU1 ;f ;tritn :i tin unpro i tt niHV.nrr. ctijipsr i unit! ; anner. j more, mk I giw '; duo waning. The : Mount is not imposing looking as ; ;fV9 Hood, mi1 Mcdl has been here so' K". ;'!! i :!('. ' 11X11 'f SlSO'.lS; Weil, soia lr:-- d -n the lUan-ls sen . i l:- -t the. wr f his h-it. and which he ,hoi- i with a just fe.-1'ng of pride t.v! i..d1 and strang-rb. The littlo fci-1 w piuod away, Mt. Shasta's frown w3 too uiulIi for him and in spite of medical care, ailie i i no more. The j funeral was imposing, mil Priixscan not be consohfl. If any of our readers have u water dog please send .it to J. j 11 Pnn-:e, Sis:;.,s, Od.fornit, n-il it j H, pnn.:e, S mav assuage his grief. t - .. . ! - sent the operation t a "urotec- tion wiitfii tuxt s raw matonal.s, wore j than h ilt the i.'on and sle. l vorks in New EaIuid have stopped business within lt-ti years. I a it any wonder j l'mt 'Vv 'Enj-land icon and sled woi 1; t ntielif f fr.'in th?s sort cf ! fosteiing i :ire on e i art t-f the Gen end Government! f .2- Combines the Juice of the Blue Firs of California, so laxative and. nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the jniman system, forming the ON LY PER- epw nrsirne . - . . 1 1.. ... :&mn, lira ah bowels l- W SO THAT PVflE BLOOD, ' REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted witri it. Ask your drugr-ist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Sa.i FiAiiciicp, C.t. liv. N'hivYoKX. N. Y. ; Lo-,-: 1 ' 1 Children Cry for PITCHER'S Hcaltli and Steep ivitliout Morphine. ft n fi unicKs 'Tin: FOIST HI FALL TRADE. The grandest co'kcticn of young fun is ever produced on the Pacific Coa.it. : 1 ! Silver laced Wvar.duttes, l'lymouih Rocks, j V'ra,7Y: White Wyandoitw Kosc and -Sinyle-conili brown I.elion s, V lute Lcc- norns, i .inriue t,.ocnins, liiack Minorcas j an,! . ..r. ... . - . :. . . . r t. Champions at San I'rancisco, Cal., Victo- 1 ria, 1!. C, and all the leading exhibitions in ; Oregon and Washington. Tv, K!.', K Yeai;s a t.ri-edc-i ul fancy fowls.; j Sen I slaniu for eiialiipue civinc; full inforina- j ! lion. Address, j fjl. GARRISON, ! P. O. I'.ic; 5,, I'orest Grove, () D- T-PRITCHARD 81 inKARS AND Tj 'Vi7"X33 ES.. g lllOi' UN JACKSON STREET, OPTO site Shvrhlan I'.f hardware store. i-1 KOsKi:t;uf; - - OREGON. vs 1 r l )0UglaS tOllilty' Bank FLINT, k TAYLOR, . RorkCbnT i5 - - - Cr sact a c-':;:-:i!At. WLr J-LliSi.i jlS life mAnnnii a S i h t Drafts Drawn oil Portland, aii Kr.iucit ..New York and .t . .. n r othtr t",:"t:- iHs ot exjhanjTu Oa the prucipal citiofl of Kurope. UepOrifta TO- ceivf1 sabject to check. Collections made on a11 ewible points at reasonable rates ---------------------------------w. - : II t 1 V-ii. Lt'.i l OHi -c, ii.bure. Or., Anfttit 2. lSv?!ft. 'mji1aint, is f-titered at thi1 Ortice by ; J. H. Tnt!d uains; ( lir. . tieitrivh" for a!r.donii)"tj h;s Hornet 'wi i ntrV -. dated June 1. . upn the S W , .S t:'i,i S. ItinireO V in Iioxila V '"- j "t vfc. m mt i,iiitii.,niiini sid entry; the -;iri j rt:eH ere hereby 6nmroned ST-feur tin i:;i e on the l.'-rh day nf October, V, at 1 cc! i"k a. .r,. -t re-rd -fid furnish te8- J;rrwty f.tt!'W,ri aV.fcl ab:indor.ii;e:tt. ni-.tict; 13 HF.tiKnY given that sealf.d bil wi., i3 rv-.ivc.t at the uillce of tiie Cuanti- Clerk until itaums.-ir, Aunit SIrt, IS":.', at oYlis-t. ., f-,r i-irniiiiinir ail mtteria! neie3i anrf oiwraiiu froo f.irrit-s at wfiat U known a Smith'a an-l ll-imniiik's lurries over the LnifHUa ' river on th olj s,itiBbur rjv.'iB - , In cae c.mtraet in awar-Ieii the rarty a-iil be ; reiiuired to outer into aisieincii? and b"d fr all I daniaKCH and Ionics, anil the faitliful m-rfonaancea . of the duties matiretl County ruurves the riUt j to reject every and all bids. - - Br order of the Countv fiiKJd. j. s- riTzuroii. ! Judire . July 8, lSS-. . . ! "... : . 'A NEW TO-DAY a f M if. re "? The famous mouse-proof easel vwW VCilOO gan Gail at gallery and see Al iA1JVv' J-a.ll UitL'ClB shC(kf mUa0 ,vPftn,nflv "lUblC l0111! -Ni:V TODAY. I'. W. DlLLAKIl. C. L. DowbEN. 2.:., & & TnWTiJSI ; ,;Suoce. r to W. V,. Kohrcr & Co.) " ; . tJoiSi'ors ia all kin Is in - . , lVLeucfe, 15861. Mutton, etc. Km ep a fu st-ehiss ni'-at matket in every resS).ct. Respectfully solicit the patronage Of the pulilic. JACKSON ST., - KCSEEUKO. OR. TIT l Living World JUST PUBLISHED llu- most inteiestiug, intensely las ciiiating .and popular su'oseriition hook e er published. fh.r n in el. Ihuiiio-t Ltii'.us mill siiuocs-iftil Aim-tiran V.uur, nn ! au.lt, r ,.f flu- lleaiitilni Storv," "". a-'d I-an 1." "Thts World's Wonders," I.ic, It i .-a iu4teliie WO UK OK ART. Over I, j.jo migiiificent spirited engravings, de signed an;l executed by the bet artists and cngravets n:i two Continent embellish Us uaj;cs .tiiJ rt, 1-1 cvcilenicnt t; vv. .tiler. In aililiiii.ii t.. i!s:., inroiu;:tr:ibii d-siurc is apk-invifn! m.iav grand and beauliful r t" u. i'. i ; !; t'ni .V) i i i i j i ,ix c rami I'L-V I i.S. i tie nine Lrilii.ir.t colors used in the pictures j i.iduce an almost dazzling effect, m.-il.ing them perfect j;enis ul ar(, and executed .it a co.-t of 95.000, AGENTS W fiTED,'n's!::.::; m.iikal.lv h.i..k. Old ex.etiei:i:ej agents : !iasp it at iijjli:, r..r they r- a!ic ilu-ie is b;g menry i , it. In le.iiity it 1-a 111 -.i vi-i nf l..ik . nul-.m ait. it you a-u lo tuike some ; niL-ncy, here is a. golden iii,rtunilv foryon. i Ai iscnry for this w.-tk i, uotih , It is ackiiuwie-X-ed i y a!'. ; agents to lie tiie lutn'.-omesl -.!'. j.i;!i!i:,iieis .and l-.st.---t f.elm' and cheapest book ever puMished. .Send im- , : mediately for i lustuted circulars and tirms j j free, or the opportunity will l e lust. To have j 1 time and to secure it instantly, send $1.00 for J a complete canvassing ciulit an.d name choice ! i of territory. EXTRA I.H'.KKAL TKRMS 1 j and EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY Ruaran- j j teed. Working agents are coming money and ; I you can do tne same. j Xeiiier experience nf capital in I require! to ewjii'je in ihix enterprise, a the look trill sell it self if properly presented, and wag ire our Agents -It) l:ii's time in wftirt ,. deliver and collect I'J'ore ayiwj -. Address THE HISTORY CQ 73 MARKET STREET, : San Francisco, Cal. Xoik-c For ial)Ucii!um. I fli.-o nt l:!v'.i!i-.-,-fo'r.1 ' Amr. ??, ISsfl. ' ' t uTICB Is. IIKUEIIY -JttS Til T THE I oL-1 . l.t lu-Ai:i nnr:-,eu sfctiicr has i-lt-J i;otu-e ,.t 1:!;. , iiitcr.ti'jn 1,1 ni:t!;e linul .r,...f in iiii-i,rt (J Jt), ' -l.uin, and lhi t-iid ,ro,.f uili l.c u.ji.ie i,t-f..rt. tl.r IU;.-;-te.-or IU-ri ivir i.l L". S. I.to,,! (M'ii- at U'isc- ' nine, Oieon, Tliui-K''.:iv, o -l. Ktii 1-" ',z ! JAMES 1.. M. CI I I.te. il, , Il.ilnpste.iii Emrj- No. liw d,r tin- X ' M-.-t:: ! rp. U'iW.i-.i W M. lie b;,too 1!...- f..-i,Jii:l;' ' j wiiMe.n.tn.ri.tehi ecminii-uii rcinencv uu.ii . ami i-ultiv.-itioii l siotl la i,i, mz; S. Mi-i. lil: i.. ; (.'. P. T..I-CH, Cuts. .ViJ.-rsutt .mil J.ncili Allen! 1 ,di of Cit-mir.!!-, ll.)i;'.'!:s i-.:uti!i er.jt.n. ' - ! ' 11A.S. V.". J0!l.i'u, i li;ilt.i-. l.-iii.! Offl.-e iM . Ilnsul.unr or.. An- 7 is-.-. YOTk'KW liCliEUY t.lVi;X THAT Til K i. .1.- , i. ii:i-.iaii,fil Si-UHT 1ms lilt U tlolitO ,.f l.i.T in- " U'lition t't m.itit: Cmal j-r,.if in sc.i.jm rt -l lier c.'r.im, ' . anil that fuiii proof wiii l.e mailt- ijt'f.Tt' Hie ile-ii-ivr : ami lira-ivi-r .,f I'.s.lirsil . tlicrat ItMol-ar", Or m. - 1 SatunlRV, Oi-tubur l;uh, 1 ,.- rex a la;ii-:k. 1 Pre-emilinn IV. S. Nn.Cir. for tne NW. J .if ;V. J. ; Ssctiun 8,Ti-."j, $ It 6Wt. Shi nnn the full.m-' . iiia witii.M.H t,i jiri.VB her i',iiitinii.,u. resiiiei.i . Ulhin and eult.ivatii.ii r,f. jiaiil Ihti.I. viz.- V li j Williams, Mart h.i WilHanm, f I.in.kiui: t;;;?jiir Iani.l -ilii-r of .-;.i!a Or., liemv Ijujir, j Kosehurir, Oi-i--'.i;, in is. v,". je 1:: t n. iisti-r. BO L FULL WILLIS MIAMI!'!, IV-orm:, Kee.s constantly on hand Choice Holler Flour, Uran nutt chop f.t-.l ut the .O vwr3.'5 PltlCUS, lilghest esh juice Hihl I invite tlie public palrouago, ond guarantee sati-sf.action. ! W. KRAMER, ; "Myrtle Creek, W. (I WOODWARD thi: - IvOSEBU lie; l 'a-rics a I.-tr;c and ( dale a r ness. In lact evervih-.n.s i lat i-m l.e f..i-.n,l in as hu pn.-cs arc :ow a-, the .owe! r.i!r.irie . " " ' "" F. I'.. Wjinr.. TE v. 7T A T D-ALEP.S Beef, pork, mutton, veal, corned and smoked meats, hams, baeon, lard, j shoulders, etc.. etc. ! i t'orncr Jat kson and Cass Streets, Tosebur?:, Oregon. j Slaughter house on Roherts creek ranch. ! - ; XEW TODAY. &USIC! ORGANS! tor sale by H. A. j the photograph them. lUi 1IIUS1C UUUK8 UIIU Illlea n . . : District rair.1 Fiist Annua! Exhibition f tha Soctiiep Oregon SUic- Uuan.', e-f .;ticuiliire will he hel.i at bm ihHL ru n , JACKSON COUNTY, Conmicncin;' ca MONDAY. SEPTEUBEK 23. "89 And Continuing I'iveDats. I ! LIBSBI- PREMIUMS ! i Are offered in every department, aggregating : more than ) &,QOO in Cash. There is the Best Mile K.ice Track in the ' State on the grounds, and there will be run ning and. trotting races each day. PRICES OF ADMISSION: Men s day ticket . 50' I, Men's season tk't $2.00 Women's." tk't. .25 j Women's " ' .7; : Send to the Secretary at Jjc!;s,ni'ie fcr I'leinium li-i. i. W. RIIilH.E, 1'rrddent. ROHKRT A. MILLER, S.c. The above buuic, usually sold for $j. 50 a copy, will be given free to anyone purchasing 5-20 01 g wis at .Moore iV Lvans tluring the next 60 day nml paying cash therefor. A . bia chance. MOORE i FVAXS - - KO.?EBLTRG. i XOTICjE. "V'O!';, r is KfUEtsY GIVEN THAT Til!-: IX-.i-- -.i-icil, Ai'ministrattir i.f the Enrntt- ,. Or in....--. i-iu-Mil, d.M-.iie,I, in imriUKiii-c -,( an orilt-.-"I th i.,,uni e. urt ,f tnn-'i;'.n unity, st-.ie i f Oriv.im. in it.c t rnu-iit -ii..;i ,.f iirn'nto t'ii?ii.e-rti mail.- . aaU enUi-e.l in ihi.- . ,.; s,c..l .,.,irt ,,u 1 lie i.';'.i ,;uy.f.!u:i.i-Mi. .,; 1. ,. :;.! .;.-. t Au- i.t. 1 nt i-.i-!.-.i.l- I I i s - .ira.il. 1111 tltc ai.l .":;" '' ' ' 1. !..-!, ,.-t l.;,M-r, l..r i , - : -i (i.. :. i-...-l r?:.i ,ri.H.Tty : .ltu- t-t 11 . u i . i". T iv, s-r.e ..1 Ort.,,,11, t.i-wii; ! : :-r i.-.r" '1 -i -i: l .i.-- m.i:; 11 i-isl .iilnrt-jr tiini thi. -.s i.sif ,.i!ia ,...- !i ej.t ;;;. rter ..I Sis-iimi H. 1- .. ; -i::H -1 i: li West, i'l Dciijlas . v. .'.'1'. . I ! l'.1 :-,.i. -..11..: 11 ; :i; I .irc. .' lU i tir. iKi. .:.i-,- iI Jti.y, ls..i. :i. M. t. Al.l.WKI ! , A ! iii.ti.Jn ,r-.r Kit u..i ij.i.ni.l.j Ct.i-.v, II. ? f", vi ?s t-s n t mt WMM An ft. (ipen.-it nli times, !t 1 he residence ' of .1. J r.inpiar on tint 'niiik t f the Umpipiu licerin : besiutiful shade. J. J. l-'ariiuar, Prop. LEI! MILLS. for all lii!s of -raisf. Oregon. OPvECON. Etc. Pii.!-c II , r-.- i,.,. Give him a ra.l i home ituiaslrr. BROS., J 'Formerly Clianiiis.iieV liukcburt W jfj JF jtffY M 0 srictiy an wiiita ziczv. FREE CONVEYANCE TO jC.ND?IID?.1 .lr.T. W KiTT -rnjlIN Jrh: rent t -ah -aimmensi i !B 11 1 u m nt h First-class Furniture ot nil varieiiiM :w grades has just been opened in floeum's tmiidin. If you will call, examine and leant j.-n ( y m will be please d 5 Roil room sels'from S20 to 870, and tj .viu-.l. '. Chuii'4 from f5to 15 per set. i Redheads from S to and i! otlmr ..-!.; i: proo-rii.,-. i . A fu I1"0 of Sh .des Coniie 'Poles Pi'tire Fr.unes i tnt-H, etc. Also a;;ent for Sinij.T Sewing .MHelii'iie-i.' i K'f stricwy 111 st cbt-s, wi !l Oregon State - 1889 5T - Vt tto C.'i lilicitcs j.)o I J f Didueiics (!!. S. f).) jjiv.ni" i to : n:.d 1 xpensics rea-soualile. Send for inforiuKtion t 1 PI' nSTTSn a -x -i;:i J. F. BARK I ,,XXX01!1.TXCS .that he ing the lagest stock cf Staple aud Fancy Grcoarles ever brought to lie sc; biirg and will sell them no ,3ICrvy n - ,. uali at unci KstwiCTjwfcya3a acwsg .1. 1 rave j The "CEXTENNI L" Fannin .; r-ft!! ! the market "LANSIXU" Steel Skein Wngcns. Crank and Half Spring "Wagons Four Spring Hacks. ; Buggies and Carls at EXTI5K.MFJ.Y (Hidden llnrb Wire Horse Shoes- TTTTiniTV 4 E E li , I v I S M ,1 rOXlJLXI) IJltl : M 5 1 Stoves and lianges Doors and Windows White 'Chester Pifjcsaml 81.ot Cnns- hII ll.'CMptlOIIP. Fkliing 7'OQ. taiK".? This Space h ADVERTI.- ttinxt nndnv :-'' fcVsiSi-v w .-. s.- FURNITURE DSALUBS, Hosoburg, Oregon, t- Sucs'os to J. Gildersleeve.. !' l-'st !..ii"c'!Mi : a'-l wlit -mr.y l.tvcr this hmi' wish J". .r. ;i""r, rroprictor. or (LiUl tixiKhf.), u:id ut l.vtl m prices '.s-C ' -??es, Proprietor iV 6 ' 'l . v. o-v : Normal. School. - J 890: P ri :i i y st li K A. i'Jf e T3 1 V receiv ft . 5 2 Once, -1 uoiiiian: 7 x UiG bfSt 111! 11 lev inc. -X.ii't Miieri.r .M.ieliiiies Win- 6nd Ti.iware) of Tacl.lis an.! Ilttrdw. ., J,-;.es i -i m Reserved For tha V ;.- v..-v P y a '. .( - 1 ) - j , . ,. ..Z i; 1 -;... .-- :' .:.n:. Si-.t-'u "A h-iihiiy b.-item. lioard anil ::oo-l p.-tct i-ir te.c.eis iTevme fi.r ih. If L-:.rl- -w. c. ii.'A-L!-:v, .. n. r.r.. is., ro' Hf ; nil 3-; ' i- 'rnj! 0U? ES Lil d h 1 u , i S i -S t ; I 1 , I 1- . j j, jiJii viJl BROS. F'ir business pursuit ot the Portland Businen Cv:!.ff. I'nrllaad. Oregon, or at the Capital Bue-ine-... j"-if. Salem. Oregon. lth schooli are rimlvr the Ju:iriai.'clH-nt (! A P Arr:.-limij. hnve SHnie coiire i.i bluilieai'n'.l aai.i.; iuiv of tuition. E5 ta si s n e s , s h r I Ii a n d , Ts-sa-wr-tm;;. Per.matuhiu a! llnrf-sh Deit. tot-lH.-. 1..-'. -v1 evening .ses.-.i' imttt.-.l .ii c-i.v lime. K'ii joiiil l Mudenuad loffijr. ttililrMA ru.l'.au.3 s,ct!i, Oregon. THIS SPACE IS RESERVED TOR j a. c. marks' livery stable adv RESF-RVEU 10 : V.IIALF. & GALLIIIER MVilCAL !TRIMEXTS, SELEM, OREGON. Now Is Hie Time SCRIBE -FOR THE s HOSEBURG REVIEW A Newspaper Devoted to the Best Interests of theGreat Ump qua Valley. Boseburg is Growing, Douglas County is Developing, and The Review is the Jreat ADVERTISING 3: -s. J.-a.sm. It Circulates 2,000 Copies Every Week and itsSubsbrip tion list is Grow ing Constantly- A Live, Progressive Newspaper is the Chief Exponent ' in the Upbuild ing of a Coun ty. SUBSCKIBE: FOR Br C. MINNIS, , Musician and Surgeon, Oilice at Dr. J loover's o'd office, kOSEBCRG. ( OREGON. Xotice Far Publication. ; LandOmeetR.eburg,Oreitoni JulylJ ltia " VOT1CK IS HEREBY OtVtN THAT TOE TOL . tention to make final oroof in . I 4 that -Id prfPM dXfo'.hil.e,ai'D ' . Atltrbury of Oak fsv ti iI" If" . CH AS. W. JOHNbTON, ' Bfittr. ( s