TEE Roseburg Eevil; Is just the paper for yott to take to af the local and general net.. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Only $3.00 Per Abbkm. Tll Roseburg Review Is the leading newsuapfcr anJ the best advertising medium in Southern " Oregon. Subscribe now. Ro Review, Oaly $2.00 lei Annum. NO. 22 V0L.X1Y ROSEBURG, OREGON" THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. .1889. SCOMFg GE5 ERAL DIRECTOBY. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- Uenjami Habbiso president. bavi P. MoaTCS. ice President. JoiES O. BlaINK Secretary of State William Wisdom. Secretary f Treasury. JoHS W. Noble. .Secretory of the Iutenor. j KtFiEi.D Proctor f vv. I Rleliartl ThomtiH, Prop. BaSJ amis F. Tract ... Secretary of Navy, j .I'oat Master uenerai. DEPOT HOTEL. OAKLANK, OKKliON. THE BOOM HAS COME i ' ; AND U- II, Parry, the Tailor, Intra WiVlVltER W. H. H. MILLER attorney ucntnu. JCBEUIAH Kcsk, Secretary of Agricultnre. MblvillC W. Foller Chief Justice, STATE OF OREGON. J. JJ Dolph I fj. S. Senators. J. H. Mitchell BlsoF.K Hermans .Congressman. SYLVESTER PensoVEK Governor. Geo. V. McBriue Secretary of State. r. W Webb State Treasurer. E. B- McELROV....Sut.t. Pub. Instruction, j Frank Baker State Printer. R. S. STRAUA.V ...) Wn, P. Lord. Supreme Ja.lges. ; 'V W Thayer j N.Davis, Clerk, Board School Land Com'rs. j Wiil make you" the .latest style suits, j REMEMBER j That one suit made to order will last as long as three "Buztards." If you want to keep up with the times, call on H. Parry and order a Fii-rst. ClnsN SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords 1 suit that will make you look as if you Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. ' - " 1 . THE New York j CffeeHuse nESTA CTRABIT . belong to somebody. ;oi.vig, ' Clow, J-a-LL, ) Railroad Commissioners. ! 3T G. W. Coi. Robert t P. Fal- G. A. Waggoner Clerk of Railroad Com. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R. S. Bka. ........ .i Judge. J. W H ami noy .... Pro wtiu2 Attorney. U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Cuas. W. Johnston. . . . - i 1 . Register. And Oyster baoon, iA. C. Joxrs . . Receiver Lead I lit Cheek Restaurant in the City. JAMES HACKNEY. PROPRIETOR 132 FIRST STREET, ! PORTLAND ORECON j tS'Vrx: ate Ruuiih A 'hi Latest Dfsitriu f r Uiilies Roseourg Flounng Mills , BAST & CRITE8ER. This mill is turning out CHOICE FLOUR, nd COX ! BROS. OPKN DAY ASP NIGHT. ATONAL SERVICE. "Wm P-KLI :. Observei. DOUGLAS CUUXTV. J. C. Ki-l.LtKTON ;... Senator. C. E. ktCKK.lt, ) ,, I ST. C1IABLES IIQTEL V L VRRlXiiloN ..Treasurer. Oris llva hson... .School Superintendent;, EUROPEAN PLAH- Jas. A. STEsii? c ;,-:.',vt!t!w I C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. J. S. FmiiiroH Lewis Ami Hiram Weatherly . W.F.Bu -.;.... Dr. S. S M arster. . . . Tuos. CShak-wi, M. ! Thos. Smith . l-Kt . INCT officers:; J. A. EncRRs f Justices. -win llL-NTf.K ,, II. S. FKKXi-it ..Constable fii'Y OF ROSEBURG. L. F. Lane.. John Rasi, David Mookf., . . . .County Judge, j " V Commissioners. '. j. .Surveyer. ! gCC!j Fitatati.aiil Connected With The I'cuse ... . .L oroi.tr. M. R. C. S. County Physician. . .Sheep Inspector ni.sT class i every itEPprcT. 10 Krx.iii. ' In the C-iiti r ..f ll tiiy. Will furnish you everything in this line The best flour in the market is made at Roseburg Mills The highest market price paid for wheat. The Leading DRUG -HOUSE We i8h to announce thnt we are opening a . Produce and Provision Store to be run in connection with our country store; and will alwnys keep on band Staple and Fancy Groceries, Canned goods, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco, Dried Fruit, Hour, l'...eon, Lard, Cheese, Fresh Butter, Eggs -and Chickens. Buying and selling farm pa'o.liic a sfciaty Give us a call, next door to City Bakery. Chas. E. Wolvbrtom, President. J. W. Osick, s-Treasurer. J. O. Wrismak, I I Vice-President?" J. K. Elderkin, -Sec. and Afannyer. The Farmers and Merchants Insurance Co CAPITAL STOCK $5008000 00, PAID UP IN CASH $G0,000.0(). ALBANY, WM. Uf.KICH, District Aent. MED FORD, OREGON. - OREGON I.. D CAULK, Local Ag.-m. ROSKuukt;, '.im-:gon. RED FRONT Cigar Store! -i M. CAliO, Manager. CLUB IX ROSEBURG. DVTXXS OF XBE J-RB8S. judgment to be coerced b? the party An Addrttt Delivered at the Meeting of the j lash. The editor's true losition is j between the people and his party, ' where he should ever bravely LoU Oregon frets Association, by J. P Wager, mud Published fry Bequest. 1 W . 1... . . ... t iJiirv' A lirr e worii imt uiiii a i ., .-, . .... . . . - Rion TJie naming iigut ot Xruth. meanin'f ltniceu witn every act ana thought of life, by threads which reach out into both eternities! Duty! an old. Absolutely Pure. ! AOIUE rpO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON--- cern that I have appointed D. W. Steams of ; Calapooia Precinct, Post ollice addi-ess, Oakland; Ralph Smith of Deer Creek Precinct, Postoffice ad dress, Roseburg, and A. J. Chapman of Wilbur Precinct, Postoffice address Wilbnr; Inspectors of Stock for said Precincts, and others will be added as parties interested make their desires t this powder new ri. a mirvei t purity nowniome. w. .- Una me ordluw? kimh.mn.l ciniwt h.i.t in. THAW (SMITH - I Ptitll with the multituju ft k.w tret, ehurt I ereiirht alum or bhoeplure iuvilere. Suia only in Inspector of Stock fcr Dou-rlaado. Or. : .Roval 6akis.j Puwi.kk ... toe w.i .i . I " W Utilir, Ur., April I3th, ISSi. Executor's Notice. Notirais hereby iven that ihe uodenlffoed hat be'ii duly appotntd Esecutor of the laat will and tcntamnit ut William J. Oehlert, deoeaaed. All per.iue having claims against amid eauta will pre eeiit them, priperlv rerlfied, to said Executor at his residence in Gardiner, DougUa county, Oregon, within six months from date hereof, to-wit: June 0th i r'EAsa Vaaaauua!!, I Executor aforesaid. By Laxe ft Lain, his Attorney. 2. It is the duty of the prei to be clean. Anything savoring of vulgarity or obscenitv shouhl ioi- ; fashioned word, that came with its ' t0 8tain the of mesnrer ; much meaning into our lives with our wesenJ out weekly or daily to the j first garments," and vanish only with j horaes of cur Mighhon ln I our mortal breath. j : notonv of puf accustomed Wft i Duty is a word cf broad import, and ; nmy proni to forget tU mgettUnm applies to'all rational beings. Holier ; ii, wilh which the eW9pai i, fand broader must this imrort betoigeaej hy at least a portion of its j those who assume or are entrusted j iy those Hvin-f rV,t- i with Dublic or onoal-nnLlin trust than ... . . . .. . r , , , -----, lrom CIHeSj ana t0 wtjom ii u Imrwt to the individual as auch. The duties' tk .t- .1 "' u.vwun ))VUI WiW wtuc, of a public officer, or a public teacher, are necessarily wore and greater on account of the assumption or accept 1 ance of such a character and posnion. Great English. Remedy . .w. W. S. Hamilton. I PROSPERITY PROSPERITY Su.-.ts.r 10 8. Hmilton. Roskhurg ------- Orzi;on fe COR. FKON'T AND MORltlSON STS., l'OKTI.AXP P. BENEDICK. Trustees. A. Parks. S. F. Floko T. Ford . Harrv McClai.len . .Recorder. . . Marshal. .Treasurer. LODGE lilltECTVin . OAKLAND hotel njndertakeB! Wm . II A 11 GAXProp. j IV K Cor. Oalc & ssteplieuis. MEALS 2." CENTS. 'LODGING 2r CENTS. board and LOOSING PR week $4. Caskets, Plain Coffins first-class ACCOMMODATIONS, j ancl Elegant Bur- Thorous;h satisfaction is guaranteed i ol Slllfe ROSEBURG, OREGON. 1 las on hand a full assortment of ''''' ' Sfcil I A tiannUed care for all nerrma diaeaeee, tuch aa weak hemoet, msa or BaAia rovaa, HyrterU, Head ache, rin la the mi, vEaroca r-itosTasnox, wiSErrnns, lei'coe f.otA, e.jvEaa4L LAasn-cfr. )ui VEAaxaaa, Impotencyand reneral WbraTakia,. IfiZ Cv. sex. eausea oj inmecretton or over exertion, and which ultimate ly lead to raaaifcai ou aoa, in saviTTand ooxauamo!). $1. 00 a box or six boxes for 5 00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Full particulars in pamphlet, sent free to erery applicant. We Guarantee Six Boxes to cure any case. For every $5 00 Mtef TskUft order received, we send six boxes, with a written guarantee to refund the money If our apeciac does busv world around them. I can-only appreciate this fully bdw by recalling the intense eagerness ; with w hicli tlw youth and children in my own . old An etlitor is in some degree at Wst ; eoUntry home ofn tkweek! j a publre-instructor. He does notas-lo nl,,y . it thrr' as formerly, yet tie quality of at ad-j der lf t!ie weckly edition of my liu'e vibci ut me people cannot ue wtioiiy eliminate), nor its wspr.paibility evaded. news-messenger is ao watehed for ami welcomed, and think that if it is, evu in here and there a family, I ouht lu feel repaid for all its labor and cost; and then I re-resolve thnt nothing shall go forth into these homes artd among these boys and girls that totilj DOUGLAS COUNTY, comprising an aii'uol' 4000 nia;.re mi!e,i, is within itsel . an Empire Wonderful Resources, Magnificent Climate. ;m l Agricultural, Mineral and Timber Wealth, au "'" OFFERS THE GREATEST ents to Home-seekers All t!ie three great mediums of en-1 lightment by which civilization is en- abled to thrive and advance to higher planes and purer air, are less self-assert- j ing, dogmatic and oracular than j be the seed of vice or crime. We formerly; are milder, broader and more know not how small a seed may con charitable The pulpit, in expression tain the germ of a . tree ia Whose i at least, w hatever its formal credo, hns , branches the carrion birds of lut ami abandoned, one by one, many of its vice may lodge, defilinf iie whole life, old doctrines, by which it attempted An eiuiw nt journalist once laid dowa to tenorize its listeners, and now geii- the lule that no word or worded ! erally appeals to the sober reasoning i thousjlit should ever ar-pear . in his !:.eem5.X intelligent minds. The (paper that couli call a blush to ibe I k'.nat riitr f.. mtihriAm naAA,t .1 1- e il . -r i - e? S.,ld in Roseburg by W. S. ilarrdlton. : ")u w ra.,s uungeons cueK ot me purest gin, anu 1 ijiiok tho test a od one. Vile thought I Indiicem tJIflOX eVCAMPM ENT. No. . I. 0. O. V., meets alOJd Fellows' Hall on th firet and thinl Thurwla.veof ach month, viaiunit Dretiircii )M)r. 10 ). O. A. Tayl-r, C l . C. A. Smilbrkp. Surit'. ' . 1 i .!... ...,v.i:., ; I'tli; ETAUI S LOl'Or : lo irafii uim inti jinuin. . i iusijCST The table is supplied wit., the j For both mule and females.- 3" All kinds of Cabinet Work done ai rea- i sun.ible prices. Call and examine my work ! OAK I. AN I' un SaturlDV evenn ach week at J o'clock, taVbeir hall at r.ocuurg , i,(!St l)ie marKet. anortjs. Members ,f the order in goodVundin ' r- t- ; -. - attend. By 'r ol the Ji. O okl-.GON. j before making your purchases. CMHtiUA t'llArTER, NV 11, R. A. M., hld their rciruUr cniuiuni .atiot) every fcftw . third Tuaaday in e'h month. All Jfe1 member in sood irtamliiic will tiike. due and Iniely uotice and Severn tlictneelves axovrdlnitly ittiii cotnpan'Mtns are invited to meet will) the impel when cMiveNieM. ri RAPP H. P. Siaox C Se'v. M f-iviPTi-p v., my K. s. hold ttieir in eicTTnUiith. Visiting member In K'od etmllng j regular tpeeTTnnUie N ..M.-fftiliV l.avl)A.l &ttf.nd Mi), claka era, Ftt Humus, Worthy Matron. Secretary C.H. Monroe, I.nte of the Monroe Ilnuse-l Propriotor Chemekete Hotel. PRKE "BUS A LAUhEL LOIWE A. V. M. WILL HOLD j reirulr nieetimre on Wednesday on or Wlore Sanilil rooms for t.-Oinnireilll J I' kailh lull mo.,11. N. P. Bl JSIU., W. St. Few Jonssos, Sec. ii velers ROSEDURO LOOESo.Vo meet. , the second and j fourth Mondavs ol each month at 7.30 V. M. in tno edd MasoTlc Hall. Members in good ataudtuK are ! SA1.1.M invited to attend. O. 8. West, Financier. hVuii f 1 to S'l rr day. ICQ IB r H 0 o a o w H H O O us, H y m -1 ORKGON C. W. JuHXSTOX, Heforder. .-P.eOFESSIONAL. L F tASE. JOHN LANE LANE VlANE, ATTORNEYS -AT-Law, Main street, opposite Cosmo politan Hotel, Roseburg, Oregon. Dr. J. Sliambrook JPhisirian a- Surfeon. J. M. McFARLAND, ROSEBURQ, OREGON. PAIXTIN'G, PAPER HANGING, KAL ;omining, etc., promptly done. Leave : on!cr at Hamilton s. s. F. FLOED, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Review office, Roseburg, Oregon. ROSEEL'RG, OKF.GOV C. FULLliKTON, A 1 r. -.v i stairs, Roselurg, Oregon T .1 Law. Office in Marks' j brick, up THE STATE Agricultural College, ' C0RVALLIS, OREGON. I A lull corps Teachers. FACULTY. of experience)! I'ri.hrssors ari)l j I.I.-.I. EDWARD J PAGE, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, University of Oregon EUGENE CITY. Next session begins on Monday, the 10th of September, 1880. .Free scholarships from every county . l. A l . r rerm oinmpiH-es,u!nosdJi s eriitendent Hit:on aftr ."M'pifiiuu-r imo. . hnutary 1st, ISM. Four courses;- Classical, Scientific, Literary and a short English Course COURSE OK STU tY. i in which there is no Latin, Ureek, Arrangeit expressly to meet the tleman-ls an.l French or German. The English is nee15 .hS T.RJrriS.xx!'ie vTe" I'rc-eminentlv a Business Course. For PREPARATORY Dr.PAki M r.N I. , ... . For students over l5 years of age who .les.re j eaiaioguw or oiner wrauon, enter College classes by examination. President. MILITARY TRAINING. To the extent reqiiire-l by law. UUILDINGS. , .-.-r-r-i-- Large, .Commodious and well venlilaled. . LOCATION. . TT . In a cultivated and Christian community, and j -tCi-A I LltCiC-;ALJ oneExrS.ENTTATw i Coffe8 -House and Restaurant, ( irculars, containing matlcr full of interest to HOARD $3.50 TER WEEK, farmers, will he regul.-.riy issued ami copies j mailed to each patron of the College. Regular Meals, 25 CtS. EXPENSES ! Coffee and Cakes, 10 Cts. Reduced to lowest figures. Two or more frte j scholarships from every county. Consult! LUNCHES TO ORDER. your County Superintendent n A. 'SEHLBREDE, ATTORNEY-AT-j Law and Notary Public Omce up stairs. Marks' Prick, R.iseburg, Oregon. K. L. DULLER,! M B - - StTRQ-EOH: - j Iloincpopathic Phj siciun. OflBce upstairs in the old Sheridan Ttriolr nn Jackson Street. Roseburg, Oreaon. Chronic diseases a speciality. , to enter the College but are not prepared to ; dross Dr M. M Murpny, Phy$iciuia & Snrscon Office at ihe hte I r. 1 loot er's office. wrwFRURG. - - OREGON IT Calls day or night promptly altt OAKLAND - - - -8ecial attention to women. .' i OREGON, diseases of We confidently appeal to h- farmers and i Qngrj g gj HOUTS, Granges of Oregon to patronize the only J r ' school established by Oregon for the pro- ; fc ' I'1 ROIiEKS, Prop. That can be found on the Pacific Coast.' r i : i R03EBUIIG, the county seat of Doiiglis county, is located in the midst of this rich agri cultural, fruit -and stock raising district, ami is a thriving town of 1800 inhabitant. The prosperity and advancement of the county during the present )-ear will be far greater than ever before, and Home-seekers and Capitalists should make their purchases N0W Don't wait, but take advantage of the present low pri ct . To all interested parties we would say: THE HEND KRIC S-REVIEW HBAXi E ST ATB ' " DMPAHY AT THE 3tEI "VI IEjW OHT'F'XOEI ROSEBURG, OREGON, Transacts a General Real Estate Business and takes pleasure in showing land to Intending Settlers. We buy and sell on commission, Farming Land, Stock Ranges, Improved and Unimproved Land, City Property, Etc etc. Special attention given to the developing of Douglas County's industries, Agricultural, Me chanical and Milling interests, and imparting information' to Capitalists as well as those seeking investments in Oregon lands. Eastern Manufacturers and Money lenders will find it to their ad vantage to confer with us, also all persons requiring information as to plants for Foundries. Saw and Planing Mills, Canneries, Brick making, etc. etc. Cokrespondence Solicited. We have for sale, among many othet choice bargains, the following: FLOUR MILL FOR SALE. A GREAT OFFER. Doing a fine local and custom business J of -fo acres cho;cc farming and fruit lands , mile from town; between 50 and 75 acres of riue tract 01 ian,i coiua.mni; y il(.rcs ...... wi(hin half a n)lIe of ihipping on q. & OliRGON K)ir further particulars cr.)iiiic ( Hendricks Review Real Estate Co. S. Ii. llFAT.uirKs, M.inaer. C. railroad. Good dwelling, fair barn and orchard of bearing fruit trees, consist int; of apples, pears, plums and peaches. 10c acres arable, balance tine timber and pasture, 1 ! suitable for fruits. Easy terms. Fine farm in Tehama county, California, Twenty ninth annual exhibition at Salem, Oregon, COMMENCES MONDAY, 8EP. 16, Continuing one week under the man agiment of the Oregon Slate Board of Agriculture. ' OVER $15,000 In Cash Premiums of torture, have become ' pleasant resorts for mental nourishment; and the press, with a few pitiful exceptions Perhaps, no longer assumes to know and unclean suggestions come naturally and quickly enough, without being called into existence or nourished by everything and to dictate, browbea, j the " newspapers. A little fun along and command, but publishes, first and ; with the news and ?iscussloniT!reTl" foremost facts; and second, briefly and j enough; indeed, I think aneaspapr modestly, opinions, depending upon j is not complete without it; but it should . the broad ai d wide-awake intelligence j be clean, bright, pure fun, like tie of its readers to understand, discrim-j sparkling chattering of the mountain inate, discern and decide. ! ; brook, not tike the noisome ex ha la in other words, the press is not a j1""18 f 'he stagnant pool. j 3. It is the duty of the pre to be courageous. Sometimes wear tempt-; ed to toady to wealth or power,' and it takes a little moral courage . lo treat a censor, Imt chiefly an informant and after that an adviser." In both these capacities its 6rst and highest duty as indeed it is of individuals is to be ! honest. This means, nrt, the fiilL ! twenty dollar piet-e with the sara Offered lor agricultural, stock, .la'irv -md i fa'r impartial, ungarbled publication i calm, impartial justice that we would mechanical exhibits, for works ol art and j of the news; that is, the factSt, the j litt,e ,Tep dime. But right and ancy work, and for trials ol speed. i truth, of all matters considered 0f lrutn are J,,8t apt ami. Olten more : ...... i . . . . ' , : , . .. , , iso, to lie with the dime u with the Rlinnina nnrl Tmttinrr1 ""itance to published, i gle. We lai (he jeIlow io lUUUUlg ttUU l lulling janrl of course limited by space and j exchange tor adtejtisjmand I eorifw aoes Earli Iay. . . . 7,. . 1 U- Ismail sins in the ..k nri'Uion if nninmn iiistihM in m.r nn - wiu sins in toe S)lt Ininoriaiu imiir..venw.n: in ,i ... ! ,..,,,.1 s, ,.i.i: Mrt,..i.:.J t columns; but let them not tttJlTU mim list . .. , ' z:: ::. r "Trv q- i !- wii -inveresi, -jut uy a canaiu, in- or t be editorial columns. Thes Reduced rates for fare, and freights on all j tclligeut, reason-based and right-angled transportation lines to and from the fair. ! conviction. Such a newspaier, forty for", a larger and more varied s than any professor teaches," iWk nomensaay ticket 25c Men's season ticket $2 50 Women's season ticket $1 00 Send to the secretary at Salem for a pre mium Hst. T. T. APPERSON, President, i t r.RFnn Wfir ' ei 1 . . 1 numerous annipnop ihm iia,jna n -t" t . i or nllJ 3 earn ago, wouiu nive oeeu a ; , T .. . .j irnces ol Admission: . L , " ., preacher. Tell the truth in ihem; curiosity, but now there are numerous , with uriconpealeI " Men', day ticket J0C examples of great journals which are a good though done by a tenant luminous in every line with just this ; of your county j-.il; cimdemn anv act sort of fearless and unswervable de ' mjusticer oppression or wrong, "with votion to duty. And these papers' ! no "rt sound though your shaft . , ... ., al f ; find Us target in abreast shielded be- in large cities, are the ones that rr 1 l;j . j, j - , .... . . , , . , , p mnd oiamotid, or in a hand holding taking the lead, and are prospering M long reins of civil power. It is not the beyond the organ-grinding press, show- business or duty of the iivm to s-t-k ing, what ought never to need demon! notoriety by constant or indiscriminate stration. that a strict adherence to a I cen8ur . " cither public or high ideal of duty pays. And I be lieve duty-doing in ' this respect will pay m a small held as well .is in a large one. A newspaper is a good deal like an individual. If a community find that, a man will lie or cheat, even in an in- MILLWOOD MILLS ON nUBBiKD CREEK. CLARKE Si BAKER, Proprietors. land, hoc Deo. slauehter and smoke house marsh an.l bottom, nyfccs and levees com $3500. . Also near the mill property, a nice Ilete. Forty acres in cultivation. Good residence and barn, with 5 lots, nice location. dwcllinR houie, cheese li.mw, barn and other , . , out builJings. All fcncnl, w:'i; rr.-s IrnciH. Fine propertv for sale, consisisting-of foun- " . (- dry building and machinery, with everything a.eo m ., ..... pertaining to a first-class busines, together '" - r.. . . . . n laml vniL' two n.ilf. I )'. ihe above lr.ul wunianaon wn.cn ne proper y sianoa ,, ,nii fnurrailw r,OI1(; .,icr. O.Tere.1 very containing 3O0 acres of very productive land, will sell half interest ir. the above to some re sponsible party who wishes to engage In the manufacture of Agricultural Implements, the latter preferred. This we think one of the best locations in the state. We are ni.w prepared to urniah lumber of the best quality in quantities to suit the purrhaaero, alw.y having on hand the iargnt stock ut an. mill 1. aM.i..n..... w win roniiab lumber at oiirm 11 at thefojiowinj j direct way, it wants no more to do PRICES. VI rouirh lnml..... is to tlO II 1 Sn. I (I.K.niig, 6 inch IllN .. $10 M I N-i. I flooriiut, 4 Inch lltll ..! 8 M Nu. 1 omsnin. lutuiwr $1S M CLARKE i BAKER. ' 200 acres if which is level plow land, talance timbered and table land suitable for pasture. Located 12 miles from Corning on railroad . Stae passes the place daily, lluildings fair and within a quarter of a mile of school. Hendricks-Reivew Real Estate Companye S. B. HENDRICKs, Manager. Notice. V. S.Lai.d OlSce, Rntelmrjr, Or., Junr, 17, lb9. Complaint havinjr been ntere.l at tlti. ..Rice by LHmiel B. Mall against Oeonr I'et-nr rr almndou ln(r his Homestead Entry f"'- '. dated Feb. 1, 18(M, upon the K I of HE) rrv..n Is, Tp 2ig R 8 West In Dooirlafl county, Oregon, with a vww to the cancelation of said entry: the mid partiea are hereby aumnH.ned to appear at thia rrlti)-e on the 12th day ut AUBUat, 18HK, at 9 nVhirk a. H. to re spond and furnish testimony i-mui-riitii;! said al legrd abandonment. CHAM. W. Joll NsTOS, A.C. JONKS, Itrvnter. ttecei) er. with him;- and -it is just so wifc a paper. Even its political or other nat ural adherents will net approve un fairness or deceit, and even its political or other opponents must respect, if thsy do no admire, courageous hon esty. " Papers with decided political con v lo tions, and whose editors lisi'-e a strong sympathy with one political party and private life, as are assailable; but bare and there in almost every community, some extreme wickedness, 01 some flagrant instance of injustice or oppres sion, or neglect of duty, not only deserves but deniqnd. Tue copra peous. outspoken, uncompromising exposure and denunciation of the west. In tho i performance of this duty yeu may havr to attack: gangs, of gamblers, some of whom are ruftians as well; or munici pal officers who are shamefully derelict in duty; or tyrants whose wealth ia too often a defense for oppression; but when the duty is once clear it should be fully and fearlessly performed. Courageous utterances in this line .of duty are generally disagreeable, and are sometimes dangerous but the moral coward has no business to be an editor. The assumption of the -quasi Millie duties of an editor necessitates, if JAMES H. HAWKINS. B.S.. M.O. OAKLAND - OKECOX. Special attention t Iiiseuscs of the minion ol her agricultural interests. For citah-'ue or other itiformali.-n, address, .: n. L ARNOLD, Presiflei.t, ; Corvallis, tlregon. TI1E OLD UELTABLK ..rnmi.tlv nt tpn,1....! i.itl.t or lnv. : nfff r.l ft W VS "2 t?. "3 n "Z D M EROWER, M D . Physician Sr Surgeon Cslls proii-ptly answered dav or. night! ' " Office, on Jackson St. near the Bank j p Tteaidenc-e in North Roseburg near; Col. Land's residence. On Jackson street, est.-tblialir-d in 1SC7. Also a new shop near the depot established for the bene fit of his ninny customers. Jacob KiU zer DR.J. W.ShangleihENRY EASTON'S Physician Surgeon, f nos3EiaESTO& Office at Caro P.ros. resilience on Jackson :.. j roseburg - - - - ORt'GOXV:tT.rinoTy Qfnro! Special attention given to diseases i Ji KJ OCX J WUWiC, of the skin. 'IT Pimples and Freckles removed. '. J. r EEPS CONSTANTLY ON llASO a full asuortment of I)R Til OS. G RAUAM J Has established a dispensary in connection . OF ALL KINDS. fJuannlwl to be of the best quality. L. MCFARLAND, OAKLAND, OREGON. Wooden and Metallic Cas kets at Lowest Rates. The Poor Man's Friend. J. T. BRYAN - PRACTICAL JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER. DEALER .IX Watches, Clocks, Jewelry AT LOWEST LIVING TRICES. All Work and Goods Warranted UO?EBURO, OREGON. 0 ' S A.Y5 I - rflDfiaso SiStfx AND with hi. practice, where he has supplied mm- j CANNED mmjBo cioas, ell with all the Utest appliances to enable j CAxx;(it.s Am CAKES, A SPECIALTY, him to more successfully prosecute his profes- J j Produce Bought Physician & Surgeon i IIIGIIEST CASH PRICE IMII HOURS: ' i flWe me a call and convince yonreclve. JIEXRY E ASTON - - OREGON. URS: .. . . . to 12 in md 8 to 9 p. m. J s,3to5p.m.J OFFICE: Opp. Siocum's Hall, j 10 9 to a and Sundays, 3 to 5 p . m. ) Jackson Street, ROSEBURG, W- IP- BBIGGS COUNTY SURVEOYR, AND CIVIL ENGINEER. Address, North CanyonviUe, . Oregon. RUN THIS WAY, EVERYBODY. WIIO WANTS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GREATEST P.ARGA1X8 IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, ( GLASSWARE C W. PARKS & CO. CARRY ; THE LARGEST AND KOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Freshest Staple and Fancy Groceries, Choice Confectioneries, Cigars and Tobacco, Ever Drought to Roseburg. LOWEST PRICES J BEST GOOD SI Countrv 3 rodnce Bonglit. ";r..ti, f th tL b,- o .,tnf i ll,0SJ duti to well performed. , ... . ' ',. . . ' the constant exhibition of a hib de temptanon to aiiow prejuuice to tate ij f mora, cvntasei the pencil and scissors fioraHhe hand WOULD-BE COMPETITORS f HOLLER" IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ANY ONF TO SELL- CHEAPER THAN THEY DO BUT PEOPLE THAT COMPARE GOODS AND PRICES. EXCLAIM WE CAN ONLY FiND AT J. Jasktilek's Bargain Store FOR HE BK.VT3 THEM ALL I BUICK & BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE AGENCY. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Rosebur2, - Oregon. a&-Bay and Sell Real Estate on CommMoa. Loan Money on Improved Land. UTHave For Sale Large and Small Tract of Airrl caliural. Craring and Timber Land and City I'rulHsrtv Correpondenca Solleited. - 1 ' D S. K. BL H K, Mauvrw. JCOSMOPOLITAM 0011 CITY j DRAYTNG DONE WITH DISPATCH. 1 ('ALL ON JOS. CABLON. J ROSEBURG, OREGON. Mrs. A. E. Cox Prop. ... The Best Iloiisejn City. CLEAN, NEAT, FIRST-CLASS. of honesty. I do not think a aper need oe neutral or lion-cotumital; on the contrary I rnther like best, at least in towns of considerable size, the papers that take a decided stand for or against public measures or men. Dut I must pity and despise the partisan ship that is so narrow as to assum all the viitne to its own side of the house, or the vindictive intoWmice that teachps its readers, and especially the nuintr .ml . t iilYIC thrtt. A nnlltirflt . s . into palace f.d hoveL we enter. . ,J name is a synonym .or ever a.m. u . . infnrm . . . . , - - -r j . . .... vaMi. au we Will nnt 1 li t l-z-.f . cn .......1 . Other duties I miht mention, or rather other particulars in which the performance or neglect of these duties might be illustrated, but I atop here. Honesty, cleanliness, conrage; if in all we write or clipror accept, for publi cation, we remember and follow the teaching of these three words, we aha!! not stray fsr frou: the line of jcirrual istic duty. And vho cart find in any occupation, umpuuuon ior duty-Jiee-iu these respwtu.iration ta Jnrf esty, cleaniinrs and courageif we may notl Into store and shop: into .Atu iiul k.nl. . .. . . , uiuvu )) wjurv ana camp criminality, and that the history and character of i. murderer is essentially that of a fiolitical party, numbering about half of the voters of this great Republic. j It is'a jourhi'listic duty to be honest and fair in dealing with history as well as with current events; and in pio tending to epitomize or portray . the history and character of an evt hf, or person, or party, truth, and justice, and honor, and therefore duty demand that we shall rot magnify everything of evil, and speak no syllablb of good. But of course, when it comes to the duty of speaking opinions hi political will lint 1 m . a . .1 .... . . L i .. y "-, a ura lln-he hundredM ami tn.nis.inds of men, wom en and childivi. bny from ns news an.l 1 comments, they are ceriainly entitled ..A lu.. )I . 1 r.iuin pnu io a constant exercise of th5e qualities honesiv, purity and moral courage. r " With these constantly rf roemWre 1 and acted upon, many of these thou sands will be our supporters and friestda and among them e wi'.J deserve j o enemies. And when at lst the enf. elded hand can no longer guide thA sharp scissors or the nimble pen; when - the dimmed eye can no longer scan" the proof sheets or ionise the welcome e- nrtflnfrAa' m-lmi va tin . . DR. JORDAN'S Museum of Anatomy. 751 MARKET STREET BAN rBANCISCO. rrtOAND LEARN HOW TO AVOlB - JT dm.., aad now wnnd.rfnlli jam an mad. PrtTaW -&Stm, IH tarf BtrMt. CoMulutkn on kut maohood awl ail disaata of man. Send for Book., i i.i li 1 w ui u -l ... v. uujiuriani ity we preach. It 'pf f. cPita 1 oetrbpoIiN and .i a . - -st cxlitoru.1 opimon about human that duty for one i;.ff.ins -nil:h Iia niXJ Z .at ami other public mattetv, we munt ' ll,st head-lines to the latest important 'exercise the chart : will not do to say that 'duty foi another; for that would N: long and no much, may all our reader i equal to saying that all our opun.jn.- t wiio are Laii-iy intelligent mud chari fa- must agree, which we know is impow.i-: "lo " wng ana aole to ay: ble. But 1 do think we should lie I Fi' ''T ,,M LU . t. (This will be a sufficient epitaph, nud careful to avoid being bound too tightl v.i may we not believe, a sunciet- t pass by party cords, or to aiiow our honest ' port on the unknown short! Children Cry for Pitcher's CastcrlaT ! T V r ft it -1 -Saw . ; . ... i t ROSEBURG, OREGON. V