Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, September 05, 1889, Image 3

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BtfTtsr Sunday school at the Hanli'l eliureli
every Sunday raorr.ine at 9:4 J. A tw.iiai imitation 'r
extended to everybody, i. w. Miu.Ka.8upt. . f
PasaaTTgxiAX Sunday school al the Hre-tniei-in, 1
church every Sunday at 12 o'elm'. A eardialinvi- i
tation extended to ail to attet d. v. O, H.t. ;
Will Train Horses. Crlie Andersou. j Kei1 ttoM
at his piace four anl onc-h-ili miles noilh ol ! Episcopal- service .-ritcre nnl Sunday mom
Roseburg has constructed a tint track and will ;
train in run artd tnt at reasonable
Wanifd. - Wanted iu buy, t-etwem le
tint; arid Aihtaivl, a gwal; yiiu; tianlwaie
r.r gi iu rrliaftdi-e buMnes, l..rmfi pic-
iVrint. Ait'iitvs I'jx 25;, s.tii
'alif. rnia. '
I-andrrt '
r'k .ai k. Mff cotinge ol live nouns. I
liain, carriage, house, siore room, tine well 1
with pump, tM-autifnl (lower yard, etc. , nice!
location. F.n.pure of Hcnd.icks-REViEV. ; ,,u '"" Pec 10 '""ul lowet rices m Ua'J
Keal F.slate Co. ware than at Jankulek's? Well, you wont.
VANTri ii7 AmKEs:s.ddford A I ImP&ii,',e ,ot aV OI,e ,ose,; walches chea
Mow, l erham. Crook cunty. Oregon j e' ,han J- ' Br'an at Langcnberv's brick,
would like to know the address, of Al I'onle, j The Douglas county fair will meet on the
who lesMrs in Southern Oregon, w ! and of October, 1S89. Remember this dale,
formerly Jld, lie wishes to communicaie j A new barlx-r slioy has been dfened next
with him in reference to a business mMter. ! dorr to Thompson & Gillam'p near the depot.
Farmers Attention. IX S. West i
now carrvassinf the county in the interest of
f he Vancouver Nursery and w ill lake orders
for all varieties of Fruit Trees. He will also
replace according to agreement all trees fro.-n
said nursery sold last year, which have died.
The trees from this Nursery are warranted
trm to name and as represented.
The Cosmofqli tan." The "Cosmc
nolitaoHotel now under the manacement ol
I . J. Flett is made Erst -class in every respect.
Mrs. Cox will have charge of tTie culinary
Jepanmi-ti! and this means a palatable meal,
i 'lean f?.K, w holesome meals and gentlemanly
attention will make the Cosmopolitan ihe la.l
ing bote! iu the City.
aIar-JI-K Works. J. W. Suwdeu of Jack
sonville is now at the McClallen House, u p
resenting -the Jacksonville marble works, and
has a splendil linn of new designs of lnonu.
n.ents. headstones, tablets, etc, and would
be pleased to show them tu any who might
desirr auythinj; in his line. Mr. Sowden will
set up all work done by this brm, and in fart
ihe Jack .oriYi'if Marble works are too well
known lo tetiuire wiirds ofcouiinendalioii.
Si sdav Sf-lioni. Picxm:. The Coles
Valley, Millwood1 ami Cleveland Sunday
srliools w ill ba.e a union picnic at the Coles
valley school hoae next Sunday. An interest
i.i; and appiopriaie urojjramTre has been ar
laiyr.i .in.', no ains will l- spared bv the
comniiities in charge ol Ihe work to make;
the oceasiiHi a success. Rev. J. R. N. Hell
wiil be present anil deliver an address. .A j
oeneral invitation is extended to the public
and a pleasant time is assured.
Lei; Broken. James Tern pi in was thrown
Irom a hor3e yesterday morning and received
severe injuries. The accident occurred bai-k
of the court house yard, the horse becoming j
unmanageable and falling into a ditcii throw- j
-tng hit nder over his head and falling npon !
him. Both bones ol Mr. Templin's leg were j
fractured just above the ankle. Dr. tliasj
was called and reduced the fracture and at ;'
present he is resting as well as eou'd be ex-
Hanks Ct. Frank Albaugh, of near Sa
lerri, was hel l up last Friday night by high j
way robters and mbbed ol $1,100. lit had I
jut sold his wheat at Silverton and was re- j
sarning home when, near Drift Creek two '
jura stepped from the brush, presented their j
evoJvs and said: "Hands up, your money j
or yaur life," - He gave up. They said they
had a notion to shpot him for fun and drew j
lJi(-BsTTraugh grabbed it and was j
snofTiTrougn aliand. Another shot struck his j
-watch, glancing olt. The robbers escape.. .,
Will Remain' Here. We aie greatly ;
pleased lo learn that Mr. Samuel Chandler
and Ins estimable wife have decided to make j
their future home in Roseburg. Mr. Chand-
ler was until quite recently a special LT. S.
timber land inspector with headquarters at ,
Roseburg and instead of leaving when his
Republican successor was appointed will em-
teirL-in business here. He has rented Mars-
ters & Co's . new brick building on Jackson
street and as soon as it is completed will open
a fir class lioarding house and restaurant,
just what is Itfdly needed here at present.
The Water Works. The work on the
reservoirs of the new city water woiks will
probably be finished this week. The work
was begun July 1st, and when completed 136
000 cubic yards ol eartji will have been le
moved. The reservoirs will have a capacity
of 550,000 gallons. As soon as the pipe lor
connection with the reservoir arrives the work
of cementing will begin and it is expected to
have the pipes laid and everything in working
order by the middle of October. Barrett &
Co. of Portland have the contract for putting
iu the pipes. It is now estimated that the
cost o( the works will exceed $25,000.
Fixe Work. The Iree hand drawing and
cravor work done at lhe Douglas county In
stitute last week by Prof. Hull of the State
Agricultural college was tke great feature of
ihe occasion. 1 he teachers and tnc audience
were delighted with the Profossor s skillful
The chalk was made to speak m
the language ot lhe finest ait. The poetry of
motion and artistic expression elucidated by
this gentleman in his excellent production?
were admired by all . But few men in the
country enjoy the rare lecility possessed by
Prof. Hull. This department of education in
Oregon schools should not be neglected.
R. H. Dearborn DeAi. Postmaster R.
H. Dearborn of Salem died in that city Thurs
day afternoon at 5 o'clock. Mr. DearWn
was a most highly respected citizen, Moved
by all his neighbors. He was a pronounced
Democrat, but Republicans are among the
sinceresl mourners. He was lorn at Madi
son, Ind., in 1832; crossed the Isthmus and
came to Oregon in 1853; settled at Roseliur;':,
where he married Helen A. Flint in 1S50
He was the first clerk of Douglas county.
Ho removed to Salem in 1864, and has been
iu the mercantile ( business ever since. -He
was appointed postmaster last February, and J
had he lived would have held through the j
. term wilhoot protest. He leaves a wife and
live children. . lie was a member of the A.
O. U. W. He was clerk of the capitol
building commission in 1873-74, was school
director twelve years, and served in botrT
faithfully and well.
. - 1 -
ASSESSMENT. Notes. -Assessor Janus
sterling and his cletks are bvsiiy at work on
-the .assessment roll at the court house in this
-city. The iact that there ism. pro
vided lo, theasse.ssorby the county is a great
inconveoieuce to that official and a hindrance
He ha. no place for h;s bvSuks ami pa
-.vers and occupying
nrr as he does the court room
-f.,eel in vacate ever.j.i-i f..r evciv public
kneeling held there. neek lie was
1 i ,,. ...., .11 his luioks each cYem.iL' on
aojeuunt of lite teachers' institute. The as-
sessor's office is an important one ami there is
imich wor e attached to it so that it is almost
' imperative that an office should Ik- provided
., ; .for him. Mr. Sterling Ins this year listed
18525 acres ti railroad land acd 754S acres ol
school land w hich has never liefore been as
sessed although deeds are held for it in this
county. The board has reduced the assess
"i ment on miney, notes and accounts 25 per
' -t- fg.fc fr,
County court is in session.
A fine shower last Saturday.
J. JUulek the Reliable Jeweler.
Tl.e i'.ii,ii,' scho.i cih-'i: 1 M mlay.
Patronize Wait Bros, ii.aikei.
New watches and jewelrv at Pritcliaril's.
Cigars, lobaceu, randies and notions at ihi
1,,s n" vemn
I Attrnd lire Sun.l
! -Valley neat Sunday
A neA sitick il witcc-; and J iv'.vrlry just
; rcvneil at rrtrcliaiit
I Several pieces ! new sidi-w jlk have 1h en
m '""ereni parts ol -lvtn.
Try the l.'osrojvi!i!an I lxlt-1 fur pnoil meals
I ami clean leds at tweoty-tive cents.
Mtney 10 loan on ood rial eitate secuiity.
1 v v v- r v t-
The Cosmopolitan Ilciel for best meals and
j bt n-nns at 2; reajs. Stiivtlv all while
I'erfccliori'' han.11
11 k at .
in the
lek's. The lest hammoc1
Try one.
Rev. Win. M. Wells will pteach
diner next Sunday morning and
at Gai-
evemiig, 1 '
Sept. Sth.
The teacher; examiiiatioii closed last
There were twenty-nine applicants!
for certificates. '
Comnuiniration .
mil our Flkton and Nun-nr.-
unavoidably ciowde.l
j paiiel corre.-pionden
out ol this issue -
THE RRt'irW 1; imd.-r ..l llpjiioiis to Mr.
W. W. Burns fni bi e. eilent report ot the
teachers' insiimte of UaI neek.
Simply 1 erh-i t, peifectly simple, the h;hl
running New Home sewing machine. It is
the Ust. f or sale by J. Jaskulek.
ilani, Shoulders, Side meal, Nrt I ipiaiity.
al-:o.o!d and new potatoesconstantly on hand.
H. l'.ViTr.w
U. :.i, i. vvuii. on tii.- I.m'.linj-i i f slur
uijii liti.s. and II. Stanion has been com
pleted and present a handsome appearance.
Don't overlook 19 1 resume of national and
slate news published each week i n ihe out
side of TlIF. Rkvii.w. Ii gives all the news
and events ol impor'anre.
The stonework done on the new school
house at Myrtle Creek by C. A. 1 libber and
Mr. Sikcs is a splendid piece of masonry.
Thee gentlemen know their business.
Divine services will be held al the Oak
creek church on Sunday ihe Sth ot Sept . A
cordial invjlalinn f-.i nil l attend, ii.-! and
P"f,r- ondiiciedbj I avid I'.rower.
Theie will lje a imi u Sunday scli.x 1 pienic
at the Coles Valley st liixil house next Sunday
at which a splendid time is expected. If you j
want tn spend a day in the ronniry do not
(ail to attend,..
Tho,t newly and neatly hirnished r-mis at
lhe h,el ,cltl i,vtico. Stevenson al Mvrlle
Creek, ami the new boarding house opened
j by Mr. Drake make this town second to
i none in good accommodations.
A statement thai the Foresters wa
the j
1 ,
weallhi.rst friendly society in the world
scssing a capital of .3,831,163, is contra- j
dieted by another that the Manchester Cnity j
of Odd F ellows has a capital of ,6,806,736. j
Waite P.ros. meat market is already doing a i
big business in that -line, and only the very j
best meats are sold there. Their slaughter !
house is on their own and stock is not
killed while heated by being driven to town. I
M. R. Howell reports that be had bees j
swarm as late as last Monday, the 26th of Au- j
St f"e swarm too if they were fully two j
months !hind the luual time. This is one of j
liie co'.inirics where bee m ike honey all j
! the year arnurw.
! The school book publishers have granted
.an ad .Inional month's tim.- forth; Iree ex-
i change of readers owing to their inability lo
j supply the demand Hilly heret.-ire . II. C.
Stanton's is the place to take ytnir" old clu.ol i
books and get r.--w ones. '
A railroad aci lent ocrured near Rice Hi!!
last Sunday morning Ana!eof one of :he ,
sleeping cars broke and jaired up lhe inmates
considerably although no one was injured.
The north bound train was delayed lor sev
eral hours being unable to pass.
Eight hundred acres of land, the finest, bar
gain ever ofiercd on good easy terms is a spec- :
ial bargain offered this week by S. )!. lien-.
Iricks. If you want a. fine farm or a safe in-I
vestment which will reaii.e you a handsome
profit call ;ind see this great bariin.
"It goes right to the spot," said an old g. n
tleman, who found great lienetil in Ayer's
SarsapanlU. He was right. Derangements
of the stomaeh, bver, and kidneys are more
soeeddy remedied by this medicine than by
I any other. It reaches the trouble directly.
lhe civil service examination lor railway i
mail service was held in this city
by Deputy postmaster S. D. Evans. Theap
plicants were: W. W. Iturn-;, Kelloggs; OH.
ver S Collier, Vrtka, al.: ( len. W. I hint.
1 'akland; Homer I iwetl, annmyer, . I .
, "five years ago I had a constant cough,
j night sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh,
j a-lt had len given up by my physicians. 1
I hegan to lake Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and
i ader using two Imttlt-s ofj this medicine, was
j completely cured." Anga A. Lewis. Ricard,
i ;. y.
Two acres in Cxuillii city. Containing
nice cottage of four rooms, small barn etc.
One acre of w hich is in orchar d, apples, pears,
prunes, peaches and bonds. .Will either sell
or trade for property in or near Itoseburg,
also fixtures in hotel.
Real Estate Co.
Co to Page vt J)i.nniick'.-, Oakland, and
s.-c their new stock
watches at bedrock
ol jewelry, clocks and
prices. They have ar-
rangcnients with one ol the best watchmakers
in the state whereby they can have' watches
repaired promptly and at reasonable prices.
Rev. J. R. N. Bell will preach at Myrlle
Creek the 5th Sunday in this month instead i
of the 1st Sunday in October, inasmuch;;
I the Southern Oregon Presbytery will convene
j October 4th in Roseburg, continuing over
j Sunday. Also he will preach at Kiddle on
the 4th Sunday in September,
j. There will lie a grand display of lire works
t gt I'arquar's ice cream gardens next Saturday
j fit wiich (h9 publip Ecneray are in.
Am(jng tbe rfst opc moniitrous rock.
, lhe torgeM ever m Kosel)Urg wi!1 hc
, This iisp)ay e,., anv hpre
t M f
rr.-jnn tiook, son or 11. v. riooh wa,
kicked by a horse last night and received
' very serious injuries. Dr. Shambrook who"
j was called found that the external table ol
I the boy's skull had been fractured and lha.
: he was suricring from concussion of the brainj
S He returned to consciousness this morning
j but is in a very critical condition.
: Ered Toiles has beyond any doubt the fin-
j est and largest stock v tucniture ever brought
1 to Southern Oregon. It is complete in
'. every particular and ail of the very lest qual-
1 iy. Jlchis also the largest and best selected
j stock ol window blinds : ever displayed in
Rosebnrg. All his goods are offered at the
i very lowest prices. Call and see him.
; Mr. F. J Smith, Editor ol the Ft. Aber
j crombie, Dakota, Herald, says: "The most
! wonderful medicine, I have ever met with,-is
I Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. In case nt colic it gives speedy
trUi f. or hunting tr.p I have found it in-
1 m ",fca!, ' ' T; ;
,.!,..n. taste and prevent the painful oiar- j
. rhoca, which alkali water produce. I could .
not (eel safe without it in my house. ;S "
, so cent bottles for sale by A. C. Marsters!
' & "o i
" s V- , I
j "Tliei.nly "Elixir of Life" for all the ills
: that flesh is heir lo lies in the ability to sue
; t-essfully treat them. A life time devoted to
. the study of the causes and cures of womb
trouble ami female weaknesses warrants a
i permanent cure in nearly every case at home.
: Many derangements and complications of the
I system arise from womh troubles, when the
I sufferer does not know what the trouble really
ii. All correspondence strictly confidential.
J Medicines packet and sent with specific di
j rections for use. Address: A. L. COLE,
j M. I)., Specialist, 162H First St. Portland,
! Oregon.
Co FftEACHixo. There will be no preach
ing in the Presbyterian church next Sunday
morning. Rev. Mr. Smick will lie absent at
a call session of Presbytery at Grant's Pasr,
but there will be a "praise service" hctJ in
I he evening to which all are invited. A full
exercise ol sarred music is being prepared lor
that evening.
F. R. Hill was over from Wilbur Tuesday,
t.eo. W. Riddle of Riddle was in the city
his week .
Simon Caro has len spending several days
in Portland.
J . S. Hunt f Oakland dropped in to see
us Tuesday,-
J - t-ooper ana wile 01 v uour were in me
clt Munuay
Mrs. I.. F. Mosher is spending a week at
ssuins, California.
Mrs. H. T- McClallc
of Jacksonville, is
visiting in tins city.
frank Well-., of Flkton was in the city sev
eral days this week.
John Freyer of Kelloggs, wis in the city
several days this week,
John Miller is confined to Ihe honse by n
severe attack of illness.
C. A. Mcdee was intervt-v.i:!-; !!. ni '.i
friends in Kosrhiit!' e;ieidav.
W. W.Cnx.of Pillard, made THf Rk
v Ev a plea:-.ani call yesterday.
Heniy lleckley, of Elkton is looking after
; business matters in Roseburg to-day.
C. I.. Clienowetli and Mrs. Mary Sniiili
: of Oakland were in Ihe city Tuesday.
Mrs; Will . Brown of Riddle, is visiting ;
her sister Mrs. O. L. Willis in this city, I
Miss Vanna Simmons has gone to Portland
: v here she expects to remain for some time,
j Win. Hargan, landlord of the Hargan
I hotel at Oakland', was in the city this weiek.
S . C. Miller, denutv slierifl. relumed TllM. i
' day from a trip to the southern part of Ihe I
' county.
Sain Fvau.i returned Monday funu a ao
i joiirn of tin ee weeks al his ranch in Coles
VaUev. f
S. 1". Hoed is at Sissnn, C'al. where he
j will remain some time in hopes of benefitting
' his health.
Miss Gertie Happersett left Sunday morn
mg for Portland after a two weeks visit with j
her parents here.
. J. J. Flett, who has been foreman of The
IvEVIFav office for several weeks resigned his
position Monday.
J. A. Kggers, the contiactor, commenced
work on the new school house at Myrlle
Creek last Monday.
Miss Amelia Joseph, who has been visiting
relatives here for several weeks returned lo
Portland Friday morning. '
Wm. Nichols and wife of Riddle ' left last
night tor Washington Territory where they
will remain for some time.
Mrs. W . T. Wnght who has been visiting
relatives here, will return to her home in
Portland Friday morning.
1 r. Myra Brown left last Saturday morning
for Portland w here she will open an office for.
the practice of her profession.
Maurice Abraham, who has been spending
a couple of weeks vacation in Roseburg and
vicinity, has returned to Portland.
1 lenry Standley of Camas valley made the
R F v 1 k w a pleasant call Monday and put his
nam down on the list for another year.
'.ii. S. C. Flint went to Salem Wed-n.'s-la
night to attend the funeral -of
ti. Inrd H. Dearborn in that city Thursday.
ir. and Mrs. Nichols of Riddle and Miss
Ds.i i ullerton of Canyonville are Ihe guests
of ilon. and Mrs. J. C. Fullerton this week.
L. S. Wright, who is an attache of the
Portland post office force, is visitiug his pa
j rentsin this city. He will remain here about
i a week .
I'mf. Russell gave The Review office a
, very pleasant call last Tuesday. The Prof.
5 is one of Oregon's licst and most thorough
j educators.
! John llast has returned from :he Mud spring
at Berwick, Cal. much improved in health.
j "e -"hortly return for a longer sojourn a"
tn!s healthful resort
' 11. C. Long, of Voncolla was in the city
Monday returning from the southern part ol
; me county wnere ne nas been looking alter
! ,l,e poultry interests.
L. McFarland, John Cannady, C. L. Chen-
oweth, and R. L. Stearns, came over irom
Oakland Saturday evening to attend the meet
ing of the I. O. O. F.
Is. E. Downing and Henry Craig, of Sa.
Icm, are at present in the city. We under
stand that they aredookingover Roseburg with
a view to locating in business.
John and Rhoda Hale, of Alliany spent a
day in town last week visiting relatives on
their return from ihe coast. Johnny's health
j was not improved by the trip.
I T. J."Librie, ofSilver Lake,
in Eastern
Oregon is visiting his old home in Douglas
j COnnty once more. He will return to the
bunch crass country in about three weeks.
E. P. Thorpe of the Echo has sold the Cot
tage Grove Leader lo F. W. Chausse and
will devote his time exclusively to the man
agement of the Echo. Both are rood papers
i and deserve 'unbounded success.'
A. Salzman returned Friday from J-aporte,
Indiana, where he has been for several
months and is now occupying his old position
with J. Jaskulek. Mrs. Sajiman will spend
several months more visiting in the East be
fore returning.
Daniel Benjamin of Iowa, brother ol W. F.
Benjamin is here now looking at our country
in reference to a number of families coming
hither. We hope that he will be pleased
with our country and locate among us, lor :
many reasons, one of which is, he is a true
blue Democrat.
Mr. Haddock, who came here from Cor
vall-.s last week to work for the abstract com
pany, became- suddenly insane last Monday
! night and isflt present confined in a room in
I the-county jail. The authorities have delayed
1 committing lum to the asylum m hopes that
! hU afmztion bonty temporary.'
A. 1'.., w ho lately returned from his
; eastern trip, has been spending a few days in
j Roseburg this week. He has during the past
' four months traveled in Missouri, Indiana,
j and a number of other states, only to become
; satisfied that Oregon is ahead ol all. We are
j pleased to have Mr. McGee with us again and
glad that he is satisfied to make Douglas
county his future home.
Friday evening witnessed the closing of one I
of the most successful Institute ever held in
wethink we ,re Bfe in
ha fc w of)e of ,he ev hel in
lhe Anhoneh the state makesn. .p.
. t
. . . ... ,
ci.iit vt lha vaw,ititt mmmi u centred
some of the best talent in the state in Prof.
Hull of the Agricultural College ' aud
Frank Rigler of Oregon City who with thrir
untiring energy strove tu lead the teaclwis ,
into the "true ;ight." Such men, although,
their pecuniary recompence w small have the
heartfelt gratitude ol every teacher in the land j
who is truly striving to rise. In giving these
leaders in education our proper regards we
must not forget those who have not risen so
high in the profession, but who are equally as
much in earnest. "Reverence the highest,
have patience with the lowest. Let this day's
performance of the meanest duty be thy re
ligion. Aie the slats loo distant, pickup
the pebble that lies at thy feet ard from it
learn the all." Many a valuable hint was
given by the rural teacher gleaned from actual
observation. . The teachers are readers of ed
ucational periodicals and are thus brought in
contact with the educators of the day. The
time has fully arrived when the "school keep
er" with his "rules and rod" has to step
down aad out to give place to the progressive
teacher with unproved . methods. Thanks to
our worthy leg-lators including "Little Jim"
to whom we all feel grateful for assisting us
in our onward progress .
Below is the Friday evenieg's programme.
Piano solo, "General iiegle's Grand
March" by Mabel Van Buren.
Original poem "What Makes Men Rich"
by Mrs. Dr. S. Hamilton and read by Miss
Edith Callahan.
Instrumental solo "Home Sweet Home"
with variations bv M' Peart W'r't-fsr
Recitation "Gone with a Handsomer Man
than I," Prof. Hull.
Aieadtm- 'Transplanted-' Mis. Ellen For-
Original poem
'A Pile of Alder Poles,"
Miss Mary Rice.
V.ickIsoIo "Our i aby." Helen Willis.
Recitation "f.mle Jim," Helen Smith."
RrciUlinit 'Prayer and Potatoe-.," Miss ',
M - fiaker. I
Recitation, Mr. Alvhic .Vi.iar'.
Vocal solo, Mr. Klwell.
Recitation "R -ger and I." Wm. Treat.
Recitation "The Si jijoI Ma'am's Cotifes- ,
ion,"MisAbl. MU
Recitation I . :c daiiuer's Dream," Missj
Adams. !
Instrumehtal solo, Mrs. Wright. 1
Recitation "The Rum Maniac," Jas
per Hall. . j
Instrumental duet. Dr. Ovhme and Prof.
Instrumental solo "The Wedding March" !
from Mendellsohn, Dr. Oehme. 1
Recitation "Them Jiners," Miss Sarah 1
I Original poem "My Reverie,' W. W.
Instrumental duet, Mrs. F. W. Benson and
R. W. Benjamin.
Comic recitation " The Dude," Kbner Mc j
Recitation, Miss Iua Willis.
Recitation, K. A. Kccleston,
Vocal Solo, Miss Strange.
Reading, Prof. Hull. j
Vocal solo "Margaretta," Mrs. Short.
Tlie entertainment was a succeas in every 1
feature and the committees are fully satisfied
with the results and wish to express their
thanks to those who participated, and to the '
good people of Roseburg who so liberally i
patronied them. And lastly, we as an In- j
stitute wish to express our thanks to our .
worthy Superintendent and Prol. Horner for
the active part they have taken. 1
W. W. B. i
Reporting Sec.
Tkr Wonderful Ilmllng proper Urn of,
Itarhff VrophnlaeHe fluid In rate j
of Artldenim, for Burnt, Cut.
Wound, Kte. . j
Ils prompt use will invariably relieve pain, !
promote healing and prevent Erysirwlas,
Gangrene, or Proud Flesh, Owing lo the
cleansing and purifying qualities nf the Fluid
the most obstinate Ulcers, Boiis, Carbuncles,
aad Running Sores are rendered pure and
healthy and sleepily cured, no other applica
lion being necessary.
svMKTMsa sen.
7oie lleinij
The t.adie Laundry Marhlue
The ladies laundry machine just patented
in the United States and Canada, Ls the finest
laundry machine ever patented for family use,
consisting ol tub-rest, washer, wringer, and
clothes rack combined in one patent. Hence '
but one royalty to lie paid by the consumer, !
no middle man is known, but the machine is j
sold exclusively by agents of the factory .
The senior editor of The Rf.virw has ex- 1
amined and thoroughly tested one ol these 1
machines, and was so well pleased that he
ordered one on the spot . 1 te hat no hesi
tancy in recommending it to the public. A
twenty dollar bill was run through both wash
er and wringer several times without the least
injury being done to it, thus proving conclti- j
sively that tne method of wr.shing is so per
feet as not to injure or wear the finest fabrics
in the least. The gentlemen who are intro
ducing the machines in this county have hun
dreds of testimonials which show the high es
timation in which it is held wherever it is in
use. The ladies laundry machine should lie
in every home. C. W. Winston is sole agent
for Douglas county.
To the Prohibitionists of Douglas Co. You
are hereby called to meet in your respective
precincts on Saturday Sept. 7th, at I o'clock
P. M. for Ihe purpose ol electing one delegate
from each precinct to a Union conference of
the Knights of Labor, of the Union Labor
party, the Patrons of Husbandry, and of the
Prohibition party, the object ol which is to
unite if possible to make a platform preparato
ry to the nomination of state and county Union
tickets. All persons identified with any of
the above named organizations and all others
belfcvingthat reforms in governmentare needed
are requested to join with us in sending dele
gates to the Union conference which meets in
Salem, Saturday, Sept.' 14th, 1SS9, at 1 1
o'clock A. M. B. F. Ramp,
Chrm. Co. Central Com. Prohibition Party.
The high position attained and the universal
acceptance and approval of the pleasant
liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, as the
most excellent laxative known, illustrate the
value of the qualities on which its success is
based and are abundantly gratifying to the
Cal. Fig Syrup Company.
It has been demonstrated beyond cavil that
the Insurance companies which go through
fire and live are bona fide and reliable. The
Farmers and Mechanics Fire Insurance Com
pany at Albany, Oregon, has just paBeft
through lour heavy fires with considerable
loss, and have paid every dollar promptly.
1 The last loss of $9,000 at Spokar e Falls was '
paid within five days ol the lire. The Com
pany had every dollar in money in the lani
with which to pay these ' losses, and hence
there was no delay. This Company only in
sures what it can pay anj no more, therefore
the Farmers and Mechanics Fire Insurance
Company cannot burn out. Moral: Insure
when you are certain of your full pay without
law suits.
Third Annual Exhibition on the Fair
Grounds at Civil Hem! near Reschnrg, Wed
nesday, Oct . a'.h, l SSo, and
continuing 2
Four hundred dollars oifered in CAsh as pre
miums f.r agricultural, stork and mechanical
t exhibits, f r works ol art an.l fancy works,
' I
,H ' , , - ' ,
; K"
.und. I lay win ie mrnisneit iree lor slock
nn hiliiiion. AH exhibits tor premiums
must ! enteied and in place the first day of
ihe Fair. ; -
VKH V Of AbVlissiov.
I lay coun tickets for" men and boys .50
Day ciupmi tickets for women ami gills ,25
Children under 10 years' free.
Stands foriaie of any articlu except intoxi
cating leverages. Permits therefor obtaina
ble from secretary.
Class I-Horses ol all work.
I kKMIt Ms
$ 5
$ 2
Stallion 3 yr ar old or over
Mare 3 years old or ovrr
Class II Draft horses.
Stallion 3 years or over
Mare 3 years old or over
Class III Roadsters.
Stallion J years old or over
Mare 3 years ni over
Class IV.;
Best suckling coll without tegar
. 11 VISION P..
Class I Shorthorns.
Bull 2 years old or ovet
a Cow 2 years old or over
fclass II Herefords.
2 I
i B,,:1 2 Mr oM ' m "
j , Co" 2 'M,S olJ or "vcl
I 4 ,as -JM!vs.
J.11II WIU Ol l I
Cow 2 years old or over
Class IV Poled cattle.
Bull 2 years old or over .
Cow 2 years old or over
lVst herd of any breed
Sl EiTAI. I KI'MIt M ..
Bet yearling heifer any J.reed
H--! suckling calf any breed
l.e-. milk cow any breed "
Class I American Merino.
Rain over 1 year
F.we over 1 year
Class II- Graded fine wool sheep.
Ram over 1 year
Ewe over I year
Class III Graded sheep of long 01
! middle wool lor mutton or woo
j Rain over 1 year
! Ewe over I year
Rest pair lambs any breed
i SWINf.
j Class I - lieikd.ire.
j Boar 1 year old or over .
' Sew I year old or over
' ('lass II Poland China.
I Boar 'I year old or over
Sow l year old or over
Class III -Essex.
I Boar 1 year old or over
Sow 1 year old or over
Class IV Chester White.
1 Boar I year old or over
Sow 1 year old or over
Class VI.
Best pair bralima. 1
Best pair langslungv 1
Best pair cochins 1
Best pair hamburgs 1
Best pair leghorns ' 1
Best pair Plymouth rocks 1
Best pair wyandutts ' 1
Best pair hnudans 1
Best pair trio any breed 2
Beat pair turkeys any breed 2
Best pair ducks any breed 2
Class I Best sample of wheat not less
than 5 acres in straw or sacks 2
Best samples of oats not less than 5
acres in straw or sack 2
Best sample of liarley not less than 5
acres in straw or sack 2
Best sample display ot meadow grass
not less than 5 acres each variety 2
Best sample of hops not les ihan 5
acres I 3
Best display of grain grown by
one man i 3
ORKIOTN MAM ti'it'Kl-s.
Class 1.
Best and largest dlspla) draining tile 2
HAIRY 1'ROIili 'is.
Class I,
Best "sample of butter mule by farmer
-5 i
not less than two --.m:t.! -4 I
Class I Continued .
Best cheese made in Doughts Co 1
Bread, pieserves, dried Iruils, l ie 1
Class 1.
Best exhibits of don tsti -.: bread 1
Best collection ol domestic canned
fruits 1
Best assortment domestic preserves I
Best exhibit dried fruit and vegetables 3
Class I.
Best exhibit of domc-dic nand work
articles manufactured from cotton
or linen I
Best exhibit ol domestic hand
work in silk and worsted 1
best exhibit ol domelio hand work
in kensington 1
R fit' AND VF.I.I.I Mil.ES.
Class 1.
Best and largest display green fruits I
Class II.
Best & largest display green veg
etables I
SPEED i'M'MI l' Ms.
Running races lor Douglas county Horses
1st day, half mile dash for pure of $25, with
added money, entiance fee 10 per cent first
horse $25, second horse $10, 4 to enter and
3 to start. . ;
Trotting race for Douglas county horses
only that have never won races lor purse $25
with 10 percent entrance added, mile heat
best two in three .first horses $25, second $10.
Running race lor purse of $50 with 10 per I
cenr entrancc added, hall mile and repeat,
best two in three, first horse $50 second horse '
$25, 5 to enter and 3 to start, free for all. j
Trotting free for all for purse of $25, with
10 per cent entrance added, mile heat best
two in three, first horse $50, second $25, 5 to
enter and 3 to start. " .
E, II. Lennox., D. S K. Bi k k,
Secretary. President.
An Important fUemenl.
Of the success of I lood's Sarsapanlla is the fact
that every purchaser receives a lair equivalent
for his money. Tb.9 familiar headline "100
Doses One Dollar,'' stolen by imitators, is ortg
inal with and true only c-f Hood's Sarsapenlla,
This can easily be proven by any one who de
sires to test the matter.. For real economy.
buy Hoods Sarsapanlla
Sold by all drug-
A Bnriew Corrpondent Otre m fete In
teretting Fact Gleaned During m
FVatt to that Region.
A correspondent of The Re view recently
made a (lying trip to the Siuslaw country, and
was stirprised at the rapid ' advancement that
" maaing. inn vauey
' . . ... I . 1 1 . . . t . T-1 . ,
wnicn but a lew years ago was almost wholly
unknown is being rapidly settled up by intelli
gent, enterprising people who are making
comfoitabte and attractive homes along the
Siuslaw river and around the borders of Clear,
Ten Mile, and Five Mile taken, which are
beauiibil sheets of water aud destined in time
to 1-ecome the most popular resort on the
Oregon coast. Already there is talk ot large
hotels to lie erected by Eastern capitalists
who have heard from ' afar of the .beautiful'
scenery and healthful climate of this region,
and have visited it only to find everything
much more delightful than they had expected.
A little work is all that is necessary to con
nect these three lakes and to make a magnifi
cent body of water one hundred miles in cir
cumference. Only two canals a few hundred
j yards in length would be necessary to accom
plish this result so that there is no reasonable
doubt that it will tie done some time in the
near future. Indeed it does not require a
(?reat stretch of imagination to see a lew years
hence these lakes alive with steam and sail
boats, and the shores lined wrth magnificent
summer resort hotels. The soil in this vicini
ty is also very fertile, and while there is still
considerable vacant land it is beirg rapidly
taken up. During the present year alone
from thirty to fifty families have settled here
and are going right to work to clear up their
land, build roads, and make other public im
provements. In no other part ol Oregon
j have a lielter or more intelligent and enter'
' prising class of immigrants found homes.
1 A portion of this "settlement is in Douglas
i county and Ihe fact lhal they seem to have
j J leen heretofore totally neglected by ourcoun
, j ty board should he looked into. They have
j no voting place without going to Gardiner,
? j and have no roads out to that point. Dong
j las county cannot afford to ignore these peo
: pie whose country is destined lo become one of
-j I the riche-it sections ol the county, or if it is not
'miiivjiiic 10 iiiiiig iiieiii tutu easy communi
cation with Douglas, common justice to them
would demand that they be attached to Lane
county. There is no disguising the fact that
better road, school and voting facilities are
: imperative in the Douglas county portion of
) the Siuslaw valley and the matter should not
; lie longer overlooked by our counly officials.
Next week we will write more particularly
', about the towns of Florence, Acme, Glenada
; city, and the Siuslaw river. This section ol
i Oregon has a grand future belore it and The
Review is pleased to have an opportunity tu
bring it before the notice of ils readers.
C. H. F.
: Sirt-pt bK the Tide fJ-o,.larit. I
To the topmost pinnacle of success, Hos j
1 tetter's Stomach Bitters stands a shining :
j proof of what genuine merit, backed by the !
i living force of proven facts, can attain. The I
; North and Smith American 'continents. Eu- j
. rope, Australsa. the West Indies, Gautema'.a I
- and Mexico have all contributed wide patron
! age and testimony of the most favorable kind
-but unsolicited- lo swell the reputation of j
1 ! this sterling remedy. Among the maladies
t j for which the most convincing public and i
i professional testimony proves that it is a lie
1 nign curative, are chills and fever, bilious
1 i remittent, dumb anne and ague cake, dyspep-
sa, liver complaint, nervousness, debility,
1 i kidney and bladder complaints. It mitigates
I the infirmities of age, hastens convalescence,
; has a tendency to prevent ill consequences
I , from exposure and exhaustion. Persons of
; sedentary habits and laborious occupations
' will find it an ever useful tonic.
Half Faro Rale.
Porti and, Oregon, Aug. 22, 1SS0.
G. W. Riddle,
i Mr.
Pres. Southern Or. State Boaid of Agri-
I culture, Riddles, Oregon.
.50I Dear Sir: Referring K our conversaii n of
.50 ! yesterday, would say that we will sell excur
.50'sion tickets from Comstocks and stations
south, w here we have agents, to and including
' Ashland, to Central Point and teturn, at balf
fair for the coming District Stale Fair, which
i commences Sept. 23rd anil closes Sept. 27th.
These tickets will be made good Irom Sept.
i 2 1st lo 2S1I1, inclusive. On freight fot exht-
1 j bit ion at the lair w e shall charge tariff rates
when shipped to Central Point, but, on pres-
1 ; entation of certificates signed by the secretary
; of the District State Fair to our agent at Cen-
1 1 tral Point that the articles have been on exhi-
bition and have yot changed hands the I r eight
will be returned Iree between the point i above
Vours truly,
E. P. Rogers,
Asst. G. F. & P. A.
It I KUAiSST It 111
H t nr. tis:
The Head rick-Rtriew Brat
Ftatr Com-
jmuu' Hot.
The Hendricks-Review Real Estate Com
i pany takes pleasure in noting this week the
j following bargains: '
j A handsome two story residence in Rose
burg for $1 too; or including $400 worth of
j furniture for $1300.
: Also,
; A desirable property located on South
j Willammetle street, Eugene, Oregon, new
house containing 6 rooms and basement, good
; well water in kitchen. No. I barn, 4 stalls,
1 room for 20 tons of hay, carriage house at-
tached. This property contains 10 full sized
j ots 6(.'jXl25 all in first class order, "situated
I 8 block from P. O., very healthy locatian,
1 l.e cellar and all aliout the premises drained
, and tiled in first class shape, all new furniture,
; carpets, etc. go with property. Price $2500
or $2200 without furniture. Lots are worth
. nil asked for propetty without improvements.
Will trai'e this property for a small ranch
! with improvements near Roseburg."
An elegantly finished and furnished resi
: dencc in Roseburg, with six rooms and bath
room, and underground cistern, splendid barn
! and wood house, 2)4 acres of land, within a
i few minutes walk of the post office. Pleas
; antly located. Will lie sold at a bargain.
; A full line of Farms and City Property.
' For further particulars call on the Hendricks-
Review Real Estate Co.
As it has been reported and re-said that I
have been guilty of opening and, laying down
fences on the premises of Fendal Sutherlin
for the purpose of allowing my stock to tres
pass upon the premises ol the said Fendal
Sutherlin. I hereby take this means of re
dress, I denounce any and everyone asliase
and malicious falsifiers that have had any con-
j nectinn with the aliove reports.
Frank Pike.
a ma jiboi:
.1 Thouxand Italian Of of Ihe Price 0$
that Flue Htoek Farm:
I offer for sale on terms to suit, the Hen
dricks estate farm in Walker nr Elk Head
valley, 14 miles north of Oakland on the
Coast Fork road, and 8 miles east of Von
colla. The farm contains 520 acres of land,
.At lc4st 200 of which is now capable of culti
vation, and all except about 100 acres clear.
Two good orchards, fair house and barn, al
fenced, two mountain streams through the
place, most of it the richest sort of bottom
land, and unlimited stock range the best
and cheapest -stock farm in Southern Oregon .
Will lie sold with all farm implements except
wagon, 'or $5500; former price $6500. This
offer is until October 1st when the farm will
be rented if not sold. Call on or address R.
J . Hendricks, Salem, Oregon. x
THE OXKGQir xxnmiT.
Hi Jttrmcttng flvrh Attruliau it Bit-roxA-ee.
That the Oregon exhibit is attracting
great deal of attention at the OA. R. nation
al encampment, the following clipping fiom
the Milwaukee Daily Sentinel will show:
The Oregon delegation, consisting nf fifty
five gentleman and ladies, arrived at 8:30
yesterday morning over, the Wisconsin Cen
tral road, and their two special cars were
side-tracked at the old Union depot on Reed
street. A Th Oregon people bring with them
an interesting exhibit of their state's products,
which will be placed in the Exposition build
ing, and will occupy a space of 1000 square
feet. Two carloads are Jfilled with fruit,
wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn and grasses.
The grain is put up in pint sacks, and will be
distributed gratis at the Exposition, commenc
ng Monday afternoon. , The delegation has
peaches, pears and plums in abundance, and
they will be given away during the encamp
ment week. In addition to the above 5,000
samples of wheat, oats, barley and grasses in
small sheaves have len neatly arranged for
the inspection of visitors. The exhibit is one
of the largest ever brought to the East from
the Pacific coaj, an I will prove a very in
teresting feature of the Exposition. The
delegation is headed by E. B.' McElroy, com
mander f the Oregon department, and the
xhibit h in charge of B. S. Cook.
Aeevuri AhhhhI Fruit Exhibit.
The southern Oregon fruit" rowers' annual
fruit exhibit wilt be held at the fair grounds
near Central Point, on Monday, Sept. ! 23,.
1SS9. Members of the association and friends
are expected to bring samples of their fruit,
vegetables, berries and other like products of
the district for exhibition. Meiuliers I the
horticultural and fruit associations throvghout
the northwest are earnestly invited to be pres
ent. The exercises beginning at 10 o'clock
a. m., will consist of addresses by Hon. Geo.
W. Riddle, president of the Donglas county
Iruilgrowers association. President B. L. 'Ar
nold and Prof. K. R. Lake ol the slate agri
cultural college, and others. Everybody is
invited to bring a basket and participate in an
old fashioned basket dinner. No chaiges for
admission to lhe grounds on Monday, Sept.
3, 1889. Everybody invited. j
By order of the president, i
KnnekT A., Sec.
The District Fair. We learn from
Hon. Geo. W. Riddle, who is in the ci
that the Southern Oregon district lair yr'y
nciu ai v. enirui 101m commencing Isept.
is already an assured success. The Hen
promises to be very large and the exhihij
extensive. The races will no dutiU be unusu
ally good, as there is now a large number of
I horses in training. The people of Douglas
; should take an active interest in the fair and
there should be a large attendance Irom this
c-wnty. Let there lc also a good exhibit of
,he products ol this county which is lieyood
nV ,1"ubt ,he "fading agricultural county of
l,,e district, ami everyone who can do so
5,""1'1 someihing. The advertisement
"f lhe fair is published in another column of
,h'' ' Review and should 1 carefully
Tiukly Aivi:f.. Let us give our read
eis a little timely advice. Hot weather is
coming ami with it cholic, cholera morbus,
j dysentery and diarrhoea. The only safe way
j to combat these diseases, is to keep some
j reliable remedy at hand, and all who have
j tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and
Diarrhoea Remedy will admit that it is the
I most prompt, reliable and successful medicine
j known for these complaints. It costs but
I 25 or 50 cents, and may be the means ol sav
I ''(! 'l,u or your family much suffering, if not
! life itself, lieiore the summer- is over. For
! sale by A. C. Marsters.
I Have Vov Heard 1 1? Have you beard
wnat Mr. G. L. Weast, ot CamLtidgr City
Ind., says of Chamberlain's Colic, Choleia
and Diarrhoea Remedy? If not, here it is:
"During last summer I was tronVled very
much with severe pains in the stomach and
bnwek, and was induced by a friend to try
this reniedy. I took one dose, as per direc
tions, and it gave me almost instant relief.
I cheerfully recommend it to the afflicted."
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by A. C. Mars
ters. How to Get a Home. Several handsome
building lots are lor sale by the Hendricks
Revicw Real Estate Co. on the installment
plan. You can gel two lots for $250, only
$50 dowo, balance on easy tenns; or two lots
'or $37o, only $75 dow n; or three handsome
lets for $360, only $60 down, balance easy
payments. These are bargains and the time
given for payments are such as to place them
within the reach ol any one. Call and see
these bargains liefore purchasing.
A Rare Bargain. A fine farm contain
ing 300 acres, six miles from railroad station
and within ahort distance of Roseburg, half ol
which is tilable valley land with some rich
ash swale and timber, balance, pasture, fine
house, large barn, old and young orchards,
abundance of water, etc. Hay, grain and
farming implements will 1 sold to purchaser
very low and on easy terms.
Hendricks Review Real Estate Co.
Stewart and Miss May Castcel, both of
Olalk- were married on Sunday the 1st inst.
al the residence of Mr. and Mrs". Silvers,
Rev. W. G. Millet officiating.
AMOS-COOK. At the residence of the
bride's parents near Oakland, Sunday,
Sept. I. 1S89, Mr. Wm. N. Amos and
Miss Carrie E. Cook, Rev. A. Marcellus
officiating. v
in this coanty, Aug. 14, 1SS9, Mr. John
Kraft tu Miss Jennie Patterson, all of coun
ty, Rev. A. Marcellus officiating.
and Miss Jennie Emmett were married at
the McClallen parlors Sept 5th 1SS9, Rev.
J. R. N. Bell officiating.
The very best wishes of Tut Review go
with this couple lo life's journeys end. Peace
be wiili you.
FABER. Phillapinea, infant daughter of
Cart and Mary F. Faber, aged about 3
months, departed this life Sept. 1st, 1S&9.
The disease was something like pneumonia.
The funeral services were conducted at the
Masonic cemetery by Rev. J, R. N. Bell on
Monday last. This little flower bloomed only
for a day, and then went to fairer climes to
bask in the sunshine of tbe Savior's presence.
WOODIN. At Sugar Pine in this county,
September 2, 1RS9, Frank M. Woodin,
, aged 25 years, 3 nijnths and 21 days.
' He was an exemplary young man, steady
and industrious, and hu numerous friends will
he shocked to hear of his death which oc
curred alter an illness of onlv a few hours. ,
Kudden Death:
Heart disease is developed by modern civil
ization, and it increasing to an alarming ex
tent. Let him who suspects the existence ol
this cause of sudden death take Dk, Flint's
Remedy, and let all persons read his treatise;
on "Heart Disease," which will be sent on
application by Mack Drug Co., N. Y.
A Fine M11.1..-A splendid, new Cyclone
wind mill, alt in first-class ' working order,
for sale at Tub ' Review office. A 16 foot
wheel, a 5175 gallon tank, the scaffolding and
all complete for a low price. Just tha thing
(ot house, bam and stock. We will sell this
mill on time, with approved security. Call
at once.
The following are the names nf the teachers
wh- received v. .'.incites at ihe examination
a' ,or I'g' county. Aug. 28, IS89
Elmer MeBroom,
Ii. E. Itaniels..
1 lomer A. F.iwell,
William Treat.......
Misa F. J. Howell,:...
R el-ur
! yt
K. - !.:
- -
second r;KAti;,
Miss Mary Baker, . . . .-. ...
Miss Clara Riddle, ... ,. .
Miss LUxie Parrott,. . . , . . .
Mias Abbie Parrott.'......
Miss Lena Willis........ .
Mrs. Ella Foreman . . . .
G. W. Vale.......... ....
Edgar C. Davis.,".
William Hedrick.........
George H. Dunn.. .".
II. A. Burns
C. W. Treat......... ..
W. A Thornton..,.
An-hie Adams.... .... ....
Miss Aclilla Peters .........
Miss Edna Good ......
Lee Barker
. . . .Roseburg
. . . Roseburg
. . . .Roseburg
1 .. Cleveland
. . .Cleveland
. . . . . t. Drain
.:... ..Dram
. . . . Roseburg
. . . . Roseburg
. . . . Roseburg
.... Voneolla
Permits were granted, since the examina
Hon, to the following: Miss Myra Cathcart,
Drain, and Miss Tehtha Miles.
T. O. If rjTCHiKsoN,
County School Supt.
BoV This.
We offer One Hundred dollars reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
taking Halls Catarrh Cure.
! F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop., Toledo,
O." ' ; " v ;-
We, the undersigned, 1 have known F.J.
Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and tinancially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their firm.
West &' Traux, Wholesale druggists) To
ledo, O.
Walding, Rinnan A: Marvin, Wholesale
druggists, Toledo, O. I
E. II. Van Iloesen, 7.sbir-r, Toledo Nat
ional bank, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blond and mucus sur-
r.. r.t.. .y-. . Ty- .nf
Price 7xgrfrToltUti tinjjT?
a great ileal of interest in literary circli
fact Eastern Manufacturers have 'pronounced
it a marvel in book-making art. The latest
improvement in engraving, lithographing in
nine brilliant colors, printing and binding hav
ing lieen employed in its embellishment and
adornment, until it is indeed one of the most
charming and beautiful volumes that has ever
come from the press. To the merits of the
subject matter is added twelve hundred mag
nificent illustrations and the most striking
colored oleograph plates ever printed; making
fhem perfect gems ol art, which for beauty
j cannot be surpassed by the finest paintings
in fact nothing like this grand feature has ever
liefore been attempted in Imokmaking. It is
the very essence ol adventure, worn ler and
romance, and hence possesses a charm and
hold upon the public that no other work can
begin to compare w ith, and presented in a
style that does great credit to the publishers.
It will be sold by subscription only hence
the publishers want agents to sell the Itook, to
whom most liberal terms w ill lie given on
application. We call attention to the adver
tisement in another column. !
Climate of Qrr:on. While stiolliirg
along the wharves of Boston. I met a tall,
gaunt looking figure a webfoot from Oregon,
and got into conversation with him.
'Healthy climate I suppose?" -"Healthy!
It ain't anything elseja Why, stranger, j you
can choose any clinrati you like-hot andi cold
and without travebn' more than fifteen
minutes. Jes think o' that the next 1 cold
nioniiii' when you get o' bed. There's a
mountain there Ml. Hood they call it with
a valley on each side of it, the one hot, the
other cold. Well, get on lop of that moun
lain, with a double barreled gun and you can,
without movin', kill either summer or winter
game, jest as you will." "What have you
ever tried it?" "Tried it, ofteu and should
have done pretty well but for one thing.''
"Well, what was thatf" "I wanted a dog
that would stand both climates. The last
dog I had fio?e off his lad - while pimin' t-r.
the summer side. He didn't get entirety out
ol the winter side, you see. Trew as you
live. Goo-d, I sloped. F.x.
to a a re moxf r.
Altratw Patronise the tending Runea
e will call special attention to ihe I line
display adv. of J. F. Barker in this issue of
The Review. Mr. Barker i the pioneer
groceryman of Roseburg and keeps a large
and well selected slock ol staple ami tancy
groceries always on hand, which lie sellsj for
the very lowest prices. Do. not fail to jive
him a call and inspect his fine stock.
Wlm Baby wm aiek, wa (are ber Caatorlaj
Whan al waa a Child, aha eried fur Cantoris,
Wbea aha liecaaM Miaa, ab clonr, tu Caaloria,
Wttoa oho had CbUdraa, ah gar Lara CaataTia,
The Hmttetter Stomach Bitter reople Scon
Another Point. . (
In theJUnited States Circuit Court for the
Southern District of New York, Judge Ship
man handed down an opinion a few dap ago
in the suit ot Ihe owners of the trade marks
covering Hostettet's Stomach Bitters against
Arnold Theller, the compounders located on
Vessey street. New York Cily, in which it
was decided that, although the defendants
made use ol their own names on the labels
affixed to the IxittUs containing bitters pre
pared by them, yet as they were evidently de
signed to imitate the Hosteller .labels, ihey
were infringers, and a perpetual injunction
was granted and an accounting of damages
ordered, together with the costs of the suit.
It is the evident intentiou of the Hosletter
people to protect their valuable trade mark
against, all infimgers.
. .
RosEBl'RC, OK. Month of Aug. 1889.
Mean Actual Barometer 30.632
Highest Barometer
Lowest Barometer. : ,
Monthly Range of Barometer ...... .
Mean Tenieraturc
Highest Temperature
Lowest Temperature.
Monthly Range Temperature
Greatest Daily Range of Temp.
Least Daily Range of Temp
Mean Daily Range of Temp
Mean Ihiily Dew-point
Mean Daily Relative Humidity
Prevailing Dir. of Wind..
. 90.0
- 45 9
- 45f
. . 11.0
. . 30. o
.. 48.0
. . 61.0
Total Movement of Wind . . ,
Highest Veioc. Wind & Dir.
2741 Miles.
22MiIe- N W
Total Precipitation 0.45
Nov of days Which Rain or Snow Feii 2..
No, of Foggy ' ay o.
4 "Fair " .. ..
" "Cloudy " ......
- f Light .
Dates of Frosts
c tir -m-a X
r Uike pleasure in announcine to oioVeauV rX0'
n m rc iiiui v,u.f 111 aan rranci-VO, rv-"
53J! nare jusi puutisnea in book lorm a work A-
r. .. 1 iiva
aranee uuen "i ne Jjving Worl.l," which is excltink ,Jf Sf
f ' . . 1 'a 1 ,ts I v . ... . . - . I l.v I.
j('mv 1 a n ren I deal nf interna in Yitnnr o,'n-t irk
V Killing i.
' -Observer, ;
Signal Corps.:
Two ami one half miles north of Wi !.-:.
30oacres. 140 acres tillable land, good f x
fruit or grain, 160 acres timber and gri .;?
land. I'ieruy of water. 000 Ijearir" Itsit
i trees, consisting of apple, pears, jiUimn,
prunes, peaches, cherries and (juinces, also
; guo:eiicme, currants, blackberries, laspber
iries and prapes,' together with one hantltel
; ..''! blooded sheep, thirteen head of caitle,
twonoTsvN35 swine, with farm machinery,
wagons and tools and household furniture.
Everything must be seen 10 he appreciated.
For furthnr particulars enquire U F.
CIIADW ICK, at the place.'ottbe Hendricks
-Review Real Estate Ca, Koselnitfe.
', ' . A BARB BARQAIK. ."
For thirty days we will offer 249 acres of
land, with some improvements and fruits for
the very low price, of three dollrrs per acre..
Hendricks Review Real EsuteXu.
Notice to Hunters.
We, the undersigned land holders, of Nurih
Deer creek, forbid any and all persons hutt
ing or otherwise tresspassing on our lamli.
Dated Aug. 5, 1889. Mrs. W. A." Willi-,
L. M. Parrott, James Cox,
John Stradei Sr., Hugh Fenton,
A.M.Brown, R. B. Dixon, 7
E. P. Anderson, John Caselieer.
Sugar Pine Door and tuitther T
Our Mill and Factories are now in full .op
eraiion and we are prepared to fill orders .a '
Lumber, Doors, Windows, Frames, Casings,
Moulding, Brackets, Turned work, Laths
Pickets and fence work better than ever be- i
fore. We make a specially of House Finish- -
ing Materia, Counter Fittings, Church Prwa,' J
Pulpits and finish in natural &iij.liQi.$-
of all kinds furnished. tfiort'rto4ice.'B1:aia- f
logues-motflding sheets and prices furnished . f
on application . . : f
Sooar Pie Door and Lumber Co. '.
. Grants Pass, Or. -
The Ashland State Normal school nieis
the public every advantage that is given by all A
practical institutions of learning, in addi-
lion to the usual ad vantages-of a good school
it has a model training school in wii-ch ike
student teacher is required .to work, under e
skillful direction. Ashland also has the - !
est climate in lhe Slatertor health and 1
ort. Its pure cold water frem the moi.n
its white sulphur ami soda spring, are .;
igbt to the health seeker. We rhotdd I
d to receive students from all paru'ivf '-
trie ftate. Ask you
tltTve lor a (rceschol
A j.s.
1 Ashland, Oregon.
your Senator or.Rpnen-
scholarship, or address,
SWEET A. M. lies
The Blockade liaised.
The long needed want of lumlier in Rime-;
burg is now supplied at the New York Luui
ber Yard by M. R. Howell, iron two larg.
No. t steam mills located on railrccd. '
flood Bye Lew Water mn Bm4 Rood 4
I have now on band the largest am) liijd
stock of lumber ever in Roseburg I
furnish you a good house in 4S hours. Co
and see me, I will save you money.
M. R, Howr-i.i
Fruit Imxes of all kinds made from
thoroughly seasoned pine, furnished on short
ice at lowest rates by :
S"t'o.R PtxK Door and Li'URER Co.'. ; ;
Grants Pass, Ore-jm. ' .
I hereby give my son Edward Bet! man,
aged 19 years his time and will not claim any I
of his earnings, nor will be responsil4e .-foe I
any of his debts. ; . ... . J
tiiAs. Reals a. w
To Rent. A neat small bmue lo
near ;he denot. Good yfcgll and all nece
ou'&Ultlinsppty" tot lie Tlend ritV
view Real 'istate company for particular ,.
Waste. Two or ihree good men 10
solicit orders for standard works, salary
plan. Apply to J. P., Hill at .Myrtle. Creek
Oregon. j " -
Cily laws must I e paid immediately rr ihey
will lie declared dcinijiieiii. T. Forti,
; Maralut.
All persons are hereby warned ir.-iina
huntinv on my premise in Odes valley.
Cumiu Sll AvtnKon..
Xotice For Publifation.
Land Office at Roaehurr, Or., Aar. iClSut.
lowing named act iter haa Sled nuuee ot Ina
intention t make anal pnivf in support of hn
claim, and that a&id protf will he made lief ore the
Reeister or Keceii er ,4 V. 8. Land Ortioe at Hat
bunt, Oregon, on Thumlav, Oet.-)th, 1!S8, iaj
HnmeatMul Entry No. Ui tor tbe K U , seiinn su,
TpSi,S Re Weat WM. - Ha namaa tha ta-uwi
wltnenaea to prove.hta eontianoua reaMenee upoa
and cullivatioB nt id la-Hl, via.- C S. U,s,nll li,
P. totlen, Chas. Anderaonanil Joaeph A Hen,
all of Glendate, Doulaa et.nntvOreeon.
nypepi and MAoer Complaint.
Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents
lo free yoursell of every symptom ol iltrsc dis
tresaing complaints, il you think so ealt si our
store and get a liottle of ShilidYs Vitali;ee
Every bottle has.a pnnteil guarantee on it,
use accordingly, and if it does you no tjoo
it will cst you nothing. Sold by W. n,
Oh, What A Cough.
Wilt you heed the warning. The signal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more ter
rible disease, Oi.sumplion. Ask T"""T)yE '
if you can afford lor the sake of saving 50 cut.
to run the risk and do nothing for it. We
know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will
Cure your Cough. It never fails. This ex
plains why more than a Million Bottles were
sold the last year. It releives Croup and
Whooping Cough at once. Mothers do not
be without it. I 'm I.ame hack, Side or Chet
se Shiloh's I'ornuv Plaster. Sdd ty- W. S.
Hamilton. ';
We have a speedy ana positive Cure for
Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Momh, tori
REMEDY. A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle. Use it if you desire health and sweet
breath. I "rice 50 cents." Sold by W. S.
Used Up,"
- Tired Out," So Energy." and aiml
lar expressions, whenever heard. Indi
cate a lack o( vital force, which, If nor.
remedied iu time, may lead to eom
pte.te physical and nervous prostration
.Ayer's Saraaparilla in the best roedj -cine
to vitalize the blood, bolld np the
tissnea, ami make the weak strong.
" For nearly three months I was con
flned to the house. One of tha moat
celebrated physicians of Philadelphia
failed to dis. -over the ean of my
tronble or afford relief, I continued in
a bad way until about a month afro
when I iH-gau to take Aver'a tsanupa
rilla. it acted like a r.-harrn. I -bava
(tamed flesh and strength and feel ever
no much iK-tn-r. Hhail continue iisins:
tlie Sitrsnparllla until completely cured.'
John . Craven, Saleui, N. J.
"I And A tit's Barsanarilla to be an
J admirable remedy (or the cure of blood
j diseases. I prescribe it, and it does tha
I work every time." E. I- Pater, M. !.,
! Manhttttuii, Kiiumu, -.
1 He tnrt itd auk for
I Ayer's Srccri::.:.
Dr. 4. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, ' ..ts.
Prkcfl; aixbotlls,tS. Wortk i s VaiCa,
... " -V ...