THE Roseburg Review Is the leading newspaper and the best advertising medium in Southern Oregon. Subscribe now, Only $3.00 Per Annum. - J : Rosetar RosebuegJReview la just the paper fur you to lake to get al the local am general new. SUBSCRIBE NOW. nly&i.oo PerliGiBia. evieWo ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 1889. V0L.X1V. IT0.22 R SES la,. UESERAL DIRECTORY- Bksjavts Habbhos P. Mokios, ... James G. BtMNK... president . j .Vice President. ! . .Secretary of State ' r'" w Noble.. Secretary of the Interior.; .rV.VWK l Johv Wana-makkr ..Post Master General W. H. H. MittEK Attorney General, j W. Fuller . . ... .Chief STATU Or UKi!.ttvr.v 1 V llm.Plt. I U.S. Senators, j" r H. Mitchell J Bisuer Hebuaxs .Congressman. M w MrBaint Secretary of State, E.'Bl'fMokt.R.'.v'.'..:Sui;t. Pub. Instruction. FRASkBAM. Stste l nuter- G.W.Wene - . .State Treasurer. K. S. STRAHAN ' . . .Supreme Judges. VVM. P. LORIV . r air T r t?T S." Davis, Clerk, Board School Land Com'rs. j u.v..olvic , V. COLVIO, S - Robert Clow, Kauroau v 1. p. Faull, J . ,...M-... i ?: A WauCOSEK. Clerk OI tvaurowi , second judicial district. 1 C ttt iV. - " l" W- H a MiLTos.... Prosecuting Attorney. U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Oh as. W. Johnston... Register. A. C Jokes . Rece.ver SIGNAL SERVICE. Wm. Ukli .....Obsprvcr. HOUGLAS COUNTY. . C. Fi C. F.. Kickkr, Jas. Blpiw i.,V , K. E. Labrie, 1 O. A. Tavior...'. Bbn. C. Acer V. L. Arlington. Otis Hotchson. . Senator. .Kepres-ntatives. Clerk. Sheriff. !!!.'.'. .Treasurer. School Superintendent . . . Assessor. Jas. A. Sterling .... J. S. FmHCGH Lewis Ash Hiram Weatherly .. W.F.Brukjs Da. S. S. Marsters... Thos. Graham, M. V. . . .County Judge. :) Commissioners. . . .Surveyor. . ,1 M. K. C. S. .' County lliysician. THOS.SMn"'n'..'.". . . .Sheepnspector PRECINCT OFFICERS.) J. A. Rogers Justices. David Husth ) , ,. 11. S French Constable CITY OF nOSEBURU. L. F. Lane. ! John R-r, j J. GiLDERsikEvkV Trustees. UAVID MOORE, A. Parks. S. F. Floeu T. Ford Harry . Itecorder. i Marshal. . . . .Treasurer. - i LODGE OMF.i.TOKX PHILETAKIAN LOIKIF. ! K.k a. I. '! ! mtmSi u; o'dick. in their hull at K.elmrg Member vfthe orjer in gnud stiiiiUnir r i 'Tjil e ; attend. BKf the N. u. tnI0S ENCAMPMENT, No. 9, I. . O. F., n.ts toadFellows-Hllont.hefir3tndthit.lTtmrilsof j nh mrnith Vinitinw hretliren invitwl to attct. ti. A. Tavlor.C. P. C. A. SsuLSRr.Dt, Scribe. ..aaCJIPoa t HAPTEK. Si It, R. A. JI., hoU 5-j?5 tbeu itu'r &.iouiuui.tins ever lliird Tueainy in each ni.,mh. All raaeirtt nicmbers iu awd sundine will take due and iniely notice and govern themselves ai-ctrUinsly V miung couipaimuis are irivitcd to meet with the hauel wlii convenient. M. F. RAPP, H. P. SiaosC 8e-'v- pvnr.buiv , ! r.n tt,. o j. ... : regular nieetinya m the first and third Tlmredajs , iu ech nionth. Visiting members iu g.jd standing j ui urn' u, . ,ii,imdii v . v u l,f,lil their Me. Pi U.PRTOX, , Fuss JOI.NMa. I . .rt!i Matiw. ' .Secretary, r t:Al WKL LOIWF. A. r. M. WILL, 1I.1 ! Aty keach lull moon. N. P. Bi nsulu, W. M. Fare Jonssos.ssc. j v A. o. U.'W. , ,i From 1 to ?3 rw r dav. i " ROSF.BCRO LODOK No. 10, meets the eewmd and 1.1 lourth Mondavi of each month at 7.30 P. M. "i the : Frnv ! old Mawnio Hall. Memlr in go..d Itamlinc are ; SALEM - OREGON . . Inyited to attend . . D. 8. Wist, C. W. Johsstos, Recorder. Financier. PROFESSIONAL. L F. LANE, lOHS LANE LANE 4 LAKE, ATTORNEYS - A T Law, Main street, opposite Cosmo politan Hotel, Koseburg, Oregon. s. F. FLOED, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, , Review ottice, Roseburg, Oregon. , JC. FULLERTON, ATTORNEY-AT-, Law, Office in Marks' brick, tip stairs, Roseburg, Oregon. CA. SEHLBREDE, ATTORN EY-AT-. Law and Notary Public. Dliice up stairs, Marks' liiick, Roseburg, Oregon. K. L. MILLMl., jL V j Surgeon. HoiiHEOpathic Physician. Office un stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. Dp M. M Murphy, Physician &. Surgeon;1 Office at the hte l4r. Hoover's office. ROSEBURG, - ! - OREGON W Calls day or night promptly attended. EDWARD J PAGE, ! SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, j OAKLAND - - - OREGON. Special attention to diseases of ; women. JAMES H. HAWKINS B. S.. M.D. OAKLAND - - - (UE:ON. Spe iid attention to lisenses of the EYE A-KIDNEYS. Calls promptly attended night or day. ; D M BROWEfl, M O Physician & Surgeon Culls proieptly answered flay or night. Orlice, on J.ickson St. near the liank Residence in North Roseburg near i Col. Lane's residence. DR.J. W.SHANGLEiHENIlY EASTON'S . Physician fc Surgeon. Office at Cam P.tos. residence on Jackson St. IlOSEBUllG ROSEBURG - - - - - OREnox' I Q i-sf Special ' attention given to diseases j jrxUUoJL7 010x61 ot tne skid. Pimples amf Freckles removed. J)R THOS till All AM Has estabhshed a dispensary in connection with his practice, where he has supplied rum Uwithall the latest applutnces to him to more successfully prosecute his profes- sion. DR. X.JT OZIAS, Physician & Surgeon HOURS: IO a. in. to 12 m "I OFFICE: 2te4anH8t09p.n1. Opr. Slocum's Hall, Sundays, 3 to 5 p. m.j Jackson Street. - . ROSEBURG, OREGON, HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- DEPOT HOTEL, OAKI.ANt. oRWios. Kletoarcl Thomas P-,, Firwt Cla SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. THE New York Coffee House M 1 i L Arm i ivstpt Mnon WJ w ' . zemling Check Restaurant in the City. JAMES HACKNEY, PROPRIETOR .- 132 .FIRST STREET, "' ' PORTLAND ORECOM fSTrlvate Rooms A '.ha Litest Designs for Ijulies OI'KN' I'AV AN'I SIGHT. .'. V. KSOVVI.KS CHARLES HOTEL ST. EUROPEAN PLAN C. W KN0V.1ES, Proprietor. FlliST CLASS IN EVEKV RESPECT. Good Restaurant Conroctcd With The Hou:e Ktre-proMf Itrti-ti lUiijtfiit lsu Uooms. In the Center of lite t-Uy. COR. FRONT ASP MORRISON STS., PORTLAND OAKLAND HOTEL Wm. II AUG AX Prop. MEALS -jr. CENTS. LODCUJU1 25 CENTS. BOARD AND0GG!3 PR WEEK $4. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS- Thorou''li satisfaction is guaranteed i . n n ml tii., ri.l.liik in tra mix ... ... s- ..v , S The table is sunplif.l wit.: the! ocst the Il.arKPl aiionis. OAKLAND - - - - OUF.;0 C. H. Monroe, l.:ite .f Ihe Monroe House. Proprietor Chemekete Hotel. ; r Da. .7. C. $3intBitrook J'ltMiCitni A" Surgeon. ROSEBl'RG, OREGON Tin: STATK A g r i ru It aval College, CORVALLIS, OREGON. Term Coiniucnocs Wednesdaj' i Keptembrr t i, 1HHH A hill corps of experienced IWeo and j foi'RSK OF STL'DV. ! Arranged expressly to meet the ami j needs of the farming interests cf the stale, j PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. ! For students over 1 5 years of age who desire I to enter ttie College hut are not prepared to renaretlto enter College classes ly examination. ; MILITARY TRAINING. j To the extent required by law. i nt'ILDlNGS. f Commodious ami well ventilated, i LOCATION. i In a cultivated and Christian community, and , oneExpEimlfNTM Circulars, containing matter full of interest to farmers, will he regularly issued anil copies mailed to each patrun of the College EXPENSES , Reduced to lowest figures. Two or more free scholarships from every county. Consult your County Superintendent. We confidently appeal to thr farmers and Granges of Oregon to patronize the only school established by Oregon for the pro motion ol her agricultural interests. For catalogue or other information, address, II. I ARNOLD, President, Corvalhs, Oregon. TIIK OLD RELTABLK On Jackson street, established in 1867. ! Also a new shop near tbe depot j established for the lne- i fit of bis many customers. Jacob Rizer rr constantly on hand V a full assortment (,f JL-0B.-S.e j tfnrilitv. : canneo r'Kl.'lTs, tobacco and cioARS, ! cAX. j j Produce Bought i and int. ' HIGHEST ASH I'KK E PAID ! , , t.ive me a call and convince yourselves. j rrx'VPl' 1? A CfITT JlJljJSliX XA.!iUJX. ROSEBURG, - - OREGON. n ST THE BOOM HAS COME i i and " i II. Parry, tbe Tailor, Will make you the latest style suits. REMEMBER That one suit made to order will last as long as three "Buzzards." If you want to keep up with the times, call on II. Parry and order a suit that will make you look as if you belong to somebody. Roseourg Flounng Mills RA8T a CRITE8ER. This mill is turning out CHOICE FLOUR, and "Will furnish you everything in this line The best flour in the market is made at Roseburg Mills The highest market price paid for wheat. The Leading DRUG HOUSE W. S. Hamilton. Su Mur to S. Hamilton. RosEBURrt -------- Oregon P. BENEDICK. Undertaken ! 1ST K Cop. Oak &, Stephei.w. ROSEBURG, OREGON. Has on hand a full assortment of Caskets, Plain Coffins and Elegant Bur ial Suits. For olh male and females. l-f All kinds of Cabinet Work done at rea sonable prices. Call and examine my work liefore making your purchases. is M o K o w H f-i o fern mm: J. M. McFARLAND, ROSEBURO, OREGON. )AiN'TI.G, PAPER HANGING, KAL 1 simining, etc., promptly done. Iave order, at I lamtlton s. University of Oregon KUGENE CITY. Next session begins on Monday, the 1 of September, 1889. Free scholarships-from every county in the State. Apply to your County Superintendent, free tuition after January 1st, 1889. hour courses: Classical, Scientific, jy and a short English Course in wiiiuit tnere is no .Latin, ureeic, French or German. The English is lire-emmently a Business Course. For mtal J other inforTnaUon, ad- t w mnnsnM " . ..J..K,i,, President. - JElJ-TTjJElOJi-JD - Coffee House and Restaurant, F.OARD 5.50 PER WEEK. Regular Meals, SS Cts. Coffee and Cakes, 10 Cts. LUNCHES TO ORDER. Open at all Hours. F,. L. ROGERS, I'rop. L. AICFAIILAND, OAKLAND, OREGON. TJlsTIDIEJT.A.ICIEj'IR,, Wooden and Metallic fas Jcrts at Lowest Rates. TheToor Man's Friend. J. T. BRYAN PRACTICAL JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER. DEALER IS Watches, Clocks, Jewelry AT LOWEST LTVINO TRICES. All Work and, Goods Warranted ROSEBURG. OREGON. - COUNTY SURVE0YR, AND CIVIL ENGINEER. Address, -North Canyonville, -' Oregon. mmMm II i KiS . IV VnV Sl' 5 i COX BROS. We wish to announce that we nre opening a. Produce and Provision Store to be run in connection with our country store; and will always keep oii h:md Staple and Fancy Groceries, Canned goo Is, Nuts, Candies, Cigars ami Tobacco, Dried Fruit, Flour, Baron, Lard, Cheeao," Fresh Butter, Eggs and Chickens. Buying and selling farm produce a sftHH'iafy Give us a call, next door to City Bakery. Chas. E. Wolverton, President. J. V. Cusick, Treasurer. The Farmers and Merchants insurance Co CAPITAL STOCK $500,000 00. PAID UP IN CASH $00,000.00. ALBANY, WM. UI.RTCH. District Apent, MEDFOKD, OREGON'. PROSPERITY DOUGLAS COUNT 1', comprising an .iron of -1000 .Mj.inro railo-j, is within itsel. an Empire Wonderful Resources, Magnificent Climate, awl Agricultural, Mineral and Timler Wealth, an OFFERS THE GREATEST Inducements to Home-seekers That can be found on the Pacific Coast. j ROSE BURG, the county seat of Douglas county, is located in the midst of thin rich agri cultural, fruit and stock raising district, and i. ariliriviug town of 1800 inhabitants. The prosperity and advancement of the county during the present year will be fur greater than ever before, and Home-seekers and Capitalists .should make their purchases NOW, Don't wait, but take advantage of the present low prices. To all interested parties we would say: HEN D K R I CS-Pv E VIE W - REAL ESTATE O'OMPAItfY -A.T THE "V X IuTnT OPP1CB ROSEBURG, OREGON, ' , Transacts a General Real Estate Business and takes pleasure in showing land to Intending Settlers. We buy and sell on commission, Farming Land, Stock Ranges, j Improved and Unimproved Land, City Property, Etc etc, ! Special attention given to the developing iTJMiglas County's industries, Agricultural, Me , chanieal and Milling interests, and imparting information to Capitalists as well as those seeking investments in Oregon lands. Eastern Manufacturers and Money lenders will find it to their ad vantage to confer with us, also all persons requiring information as to plants, for Foundries, Saw and Planing Mills, Canneries, Brick making, etc. etc. Correspon dence Solicited. We have for sale, among many othei choice bargains,; the following: FLOUR MILL FOR SALE. !i 1 A GREAT OFFFR. Doing a fine local and custom business 4 ('f a mile from town; between 50 and 75 acres of land, hog pen, slaughter and smoke house $3500. Also near the mill property, a nice residence and barn, with Slots, nice location, Fine property for sale, consisting of foun- dry building and machinery, with everything pertaining to a 6rst-class busines, together with land on Which the property stands. The whole property can be bought very low, or will sell half interest in the above to some re- sponsible party who wishes to engage in tbe manufacture of Agricultural Implements, the latter preferred . This we think one of the best locations in the state. Hendricks-Reivew Eeal Estate Company. S. B. HEIBEICKs, Manager. RUN THIS WAY, EVERYBODY. WHO WANTS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELKY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE WOULD-BE COMPETITORS "HOLLER" IT IS IMPOSSIiSl.E FOR ANY ONI TO SELL CHEAPER THAN TIIF.Y IX) BUT PEOPLE THAT COMPARE GOODS AND rKICES EXCLAIM t WE CAN ONLY FIND AT J. JaskulekY J. O. Wp.ismav, Vice- President. J. K. ELDEKKiN, Sec. and Manager. OREGON L. I) CARLE, Ux-al Apcol. KOSF.liUKG, OREGON. Fiue tract ol land conliisuh $(& acres half marsh and bottom. Dykes and levees com- plete. - Korty acres in cultivation. Good dwelling house, cheese house, barn and other out buildings. All fenced, with cross lenccs. 'seated cm .Smith river 0 m.'.f: from 1 .nMinor "ougias co-.m.y. iso jwi acres 01 who lan'1 H '1 ,'t',',w tbe aliove tract aml four miles front Gardiner. Offered very low- r'" further particulars enquire of Hendricks Review Ken! Estate (.0. I!. Hendricks, Manager, mmmlmmm mmammmm, 9 KtC. Bargain Store FOR HE BEATS Til EM ALL! RED FRONT Ciar Store! M. CARO, Manager. IN ROSEBURG. NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY" CON A cero that 1 have appointed D. W. Steams of Calapooia Precinct, "Post ofhee address, Oakland; Ralph South of Deer Creek Precinct, Postoffice ad dress, IRosebnrg, and A. J. Chapman of Wilbur Precinct, Postoffice address Wilbnr; Insitectors of Stock for said Precincts,: and others will be added as parties interested make their desires known to me. ( TIIOS. S.UITII Inspector of Stock fcr Douglas Co. Or. Wilbur, Or., April 13th, 1887. Executor's ' Notice. Notkr i hereby glvea that the nndnugnd bat Umii dul appointcJ Execuwruf tbe last wUl and losUmenl of Willisui J. Oeblert, deceased. All peranna having claims airsinst said estate wUI pra eut theni, property verified, to said Executor at ln residence In Gardiner, Douglas county, Oregon, within auniontbs from date hereof, to-trit: Juna 6th las' I. run VAaaBLKasff, Executor afonaaid. By Luii A Laaa.his Attorneys, t PROSPERITY 360 acres cho'ce farming and fruit lands within half a mile of shipping point on O. & C. railroad. Good dwelling, fair barn and orchard of' learing fruit trees, consisting of apples, pears, plums and peaches, too acres arable, balance fine timber and pasture, all suitable for fruits. Easy terms. Fine farm in Tehama county, California, containing 360 acres of very productive land, 200 acres of which is level plow land, lalance timlicred and table land suitable for pasture. Located 12 miles from Corning on railroad . Stage passes the place daily. Buildings fair and within a quarter o( a mile of school. C W. PARKS & CO. CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Freshest Staple and Fancy Groceries, Choice Confectioneries Cigars ami Tobacco, Ever Brought to Roseburg. LOWEST PRICES! BEST GOODS! Country P roauce BougHt- BUICK BENJAMIN REAL ESTATE AGENCY, i REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Roseburg, - Oregon. tarfiay and gell Real Estate on CommlMion. Loan ,r:r;:rur8m.-,T.o, . culuinl, Cruiny aivd Timber IaihU and City Froperty , Cor rep onanc bohciumi. D S. K. BL'ICK, Haawrar. CITY DRAYING OOXE WITH DISPATCH. t CALL ON JOS. CARLO. ' LRpYALSff,1lj l Absolutely Pure. This powder neTer ariea. A imrvel of poritT strength and wholesomene llore econoniial tikaa the ordinary kinda.end cenhot beeuld iu com petition with the multitude of low tret, abort weight alum or phosphate powder. S..1J .,nlv In cane. ROY At BAK1NO PUWKER Co., to W I Great English Remedy Murray's Specific. A guaranteed cars for all nervous disease, such as wiak aiuoar, toss . or IRA ix powaa, Hyttaria, Uead : ache, ri.a i ths aara, starocs .' rRonrsiTioK, waaan-Lsaas, Lsicoa : atos4. csivissiL lusitvoi, ssai : wejaxaas, Imputegeeaod general D T-liii ' ,0 or power ot tbe UeneraUTe 1 orgamK-la etther lei, caused by Indiscretion or over exertion, and which ttltimata lj lead to raaaarcaa olb aaa, ix aurrrand eomjurTjoa'. Sl.oo a box or six boaea for SS 00. bent by mail oa receipt of price. Full particulars In pamphlet, sent free to every applicant. Wa Cnarantaa Sin Rnvpa to cur any csae. For every ti 00 niter I iKIBJ. order received, we send six boxes, with a written guarantee to refund the money if our specific does not effect a cure. AddreMallcommanicatiorst.'tbe Sole Manufacturers, tux at-aaAt aabit iNs co. Kansas City, Mo. if Sold in Roseburjr by W. S. Hamilton. OKEGON Twenty ninth annual exhibition Salem, Oregon, at COMMENCINS MONDAY, SEP. 16, Continuing one week under the man agenien. of the Oregon State Hoard of Agriculture. OVER $15,000 Iu Cusli Premiums Offercxl lor agriculluial, stock, dairy, and mectianiul exhibits, (or works ol art and ancy work, an-l for trials ol speed. j Running and - Trotting Races Each Day. Important improvements made in the pre j iniumlist. ; Reduced rates for fare-, and freights on alt transportation lilies to and from the lair. I?rices of -A.dmis.sion: Men's day ticket Women's day ticket Men's season ticket Women's season ticket. . 50c . . ..25c ...$2 50 ...$IOO Send to the secretary at Salem for a pre mium list. J. T. APFERSON, President. J. T. GREGO, Secretary. MILLWOOD MILLS ON lU BCAKI) CREEK. CLARKE & BAKER, Proprietors. We are now prepared to fumiah lumber of the beet quality in quantities to ult the pun-liuera, always having on band the largest stock of any mill lu Pnuglsa County. We will rumhh lumber at ourm'dl at. tbe following PRICES. No-1 rough lumber tS to S10 II Ho. 1 flooring, 6 inch UtU ..... l! M No. 1 flooring, 4 Inch 111)1 ..I8 11 No. 1 flnieliing lumber (is M CLARKE a BAKER. Notice. U. S. I.mJ Olfice, Rntehnrg, Or., June, 17, IBS9. Complaint having been entered at this ffice by Daniel B. Hall against Ueorge I'ecar lor slnndun Ing ills liomesleod Klltrv No. :U2. dated Feb. 1. u, upon me e. , or B E J nl SecU,m la, T 2i,8 R S West in Douglae county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: the said )arties are hereby summoned to appeai it this lBce entlie 12th day of August, ISM), at o'clock a. a. to re spond and fwruieh testimony concern ina said al leged alnndoiimrnt. CHAS. W. JOHNSTON, A. C. JONES. KemMer. Receiver. . C?asii-, AND WOPOLITAM nOlL ; ROSEBURG, OREGON. Mrs. A. E. Cox Prop. Best nusc in th 1 CLEAN, NEAT, FIRST-CLASS. O DR. JORDAN'S "1 ' Al. A... ' L 1 liiustb ur XaiAiuanr. ril ,751 MARKET 8TREET N SAN TR.AK CISCO. VI I WPOAHl) LEARN IOW TO AVOID vJR.A' VJ diataae, and bow wonderful!) yon an sada. Private otflc, in Ceary Btreei. Consul tation oa lost nauhood and all diseases of men. 8md for Books. TMi, awaaataesv XATIOSAX. .JtSD roKEtas. Politics are getting warm in the new states. It is rumored in New York ' that Henry Villaid has purchased the Ore gon Transcontinental. 150,000 laborers of London are on a strike and business is much injured throughout the) kingdom. President Harrison id considering the calling of an extra session of Con gress. Congressman McKinley favors it Tbe Woman's National Relief Corps has elected Mi Ana Wittenmeyer, of Philadelphia,, president for the ensuing year. John L. Sullivan's mother died last week at Boston. The big prize fighter was overcome with grief and wppt like a child. The Victoria vchooner J utiiat.t was siezed in Alaskan waters last week by the Rusk The Black Diuinond has dgain saile-1 for the Behrins sea. All of the Cronin murderers wiil be tried together except Frank Woodruff who will be given a seiiarate trial Their counsel took exceptions to this ruling. , Oliver Wendell Holmes, the cele brated poet, passed his 80th birthday very quietly last Thursday at Beverly farm near Boston. Presents and let ters of congratulation were ifceived from all over the country. On the Westchester track at Whits Plains, N. Y. last Saturday the two year old Ed Dio Rey run three quar ters of a mile in I'll completely smashing all records. - He is said to be the best horse alive to-day. A conflict occurred Sunday morning at Gonldriboro, La. between the whites and negroes. An excursion train loaded with blacks rnn into town, and a negro who had a disagreement with a white man opened the firing.' Five huudred shots were fired in all and many rersons were wounded. At the meeting of the .National Press Association in Detroit on the 29th ult, Col. Shepherd of the New York Mail A- Express made h'msplf obnoxious to the Southern members by questioning the loyalty of the ex-con-fetlerak'S. Southern editors threat ened to leave the association if Shep herd was allowed to address the meet ing. . Jack lenipsey was knocked out Tuesihiv in San Francisco bv La t Blanche in the 32d round. Up to i that round Dempsey seemed to have the advantage in tbe fight, but "the marine" sjot in a chance blow on his j tlmt W Um tr0IU ' ramirTip4 ti.ue Dempsey la the champion light j weight of the world, has fought 60 odd battles and this is the first he has lost . Tbe National Encampment of the G. A. R. was held at Milwaukee last week. Corporal Tanner was severely criticised, but his course wns finally sustained by a vote of the encampment. Tbe Naval battle on Lake Michigan was a rand" success. Fully a tiuarter of ftmillion jieople occupied the beach, and the vast amphitheater on the hill side of Lake Shore park was packed with Grand Arniv men and tlieir wives, these seats being leserved for them. The latttle was a splendid spec tacle, being participated in by alout 300C infantrymen and artillerymen. There were fi.ed "000 rounds of mns- ketry, 3000 shells, fi'iOO rockets and 20, 000 pounds of tiieworks wereexploded. Th Boy ITfco Say Be." A Don't laugh at the boy who magni fies his place. You may see him coin ing from the jiostoffice with a big bun dle of his employee's letters, which he displays with as much pride as if they were his own. He feels important, and he looks it. But he is proud of bis place. He is attending to business. He likes to have the world know that he is at work for a busy concern. One of the Lawrences of Boston once said, "I would not) give much for a boy who does not say 'we' before he is with us a fortnight." The boy who says "we" i identifies, himself with the concern, j Its interests : are his. He sticks np j for its credit and reputation. He j takes pleasure iu his work, and hopes to say "we in earnest Mm loy will reap what be sows if he keeps hU grit and sticks to bis job. You may take off your hat to him as one of the future solid men of the town. Let his em ployer do the right thing by him, check him kindly if lie shows signs of being too big for his place, counsel him as to his habits and associates, and oc casionally abow him a pleasant pros pect of an advancement. A little pramc does an honest boy a heap ot ; good, "we." Good luck to the boy who says -Springfield Union. The Boitoii Herald of leoent date states that a company has lieen char tered in Portland, Me., under the name ot the Harris Palatial Car com pany, capital, 9 1,000,000 divided into 10,000 shares of a par value of ?100 each . It is authorized to build cars under a jwtent sjranted to Louis J, Harris and Arthur W. Cressbey, of Boston, the first named being the in ventor.. The invention consints of a combination of sleejiing car and fiailor car, the berths being, in the daytime located in iiockets under the floor, Ti ; i . i , while at night they are quickly raised into position, the chairs taking their place in tlio pocket under the berth, Children Cry for , OIIOOV WAMBtXBTQX. Over 2000 labonr. re eng.d U, re-buildinSeatile. " ' , ' There is talk of a, newspaper at CVn tral Point, Jackson county. ' Tacoma had a $40,000 fire Tbnri.r last. It produced great scare.- V The Republican county conven. tiona are being held tbronghont Wast, ingtoa Oscar Ganiard is to erect a fine In ick opera boose at Ashland, so says the Accord of that city. . The Sontlierit Oregon distn.-t fir will commence at Central Point. J, k tvn county, Sept 23rd. The Portland WtH Shore will ,.,. ly become an illustrated weekly TLi, shows enterprise and pluck on rt f llr. Samuets. W are reliably informed thu :WH) bushels of wheat er recently i,J i Uerniaforri cent , hM.S. lem Democrat. Rev: F. B. Titt nor. the minister, and Ira PheTpVh,, 4 u JTV job oflx-e at Medford, Lave put in anX' Army press Bftj on the first Wedoest day m.-nii,g in September will UUnch "The Semi WeeUy JVr," t that Place, to be six columns, four page. It will be independent in politic, muH J. D. Whitman will aee that the paper -has no erroneous, agricultural itm This connty has only been able to sup port w eekly papers before this venture.' Ahland Reord. Last Thursday evening a lot of peo ple owning property in the town of old La Grande, retired to the'reaei voir of the city water works and den.oli.hed " it in a very few moments,' urs the Weston Lender. They then began tearing out the pipe, blowing out fire- . plugs and in short, disabled the .wiie system. This action on the part ol the citizens is to be commended, simyt the water company had the cheek tdeou.4 in and steal their water right, o" the water throngh tba city in the new town, and absolute them of their drinking wa were placed under l.onds of $.V which was promptly fnrnisheJ, they wentlck ctntinuing the wt. of unearthing tie pipe. Theyexide.t ly think "possession nine poin law." Home afTkrrr I.Uermrg H ' Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett lives in Washington where her hus band is a well-known physician. Their'' house is on K. street, near Farragnt" square, and its furnishings are lnkti liotis aud artist ic. The "den," as ; " novelist styles the room in which a jdoes her writing, is a front room 1 ; in tue colors of the nasturtium, fromUi jf maroon to pale yellow. A haipier family circle than that of the Burnetts could not be foi.nd. Another of the literary lionsof Washington, is Colonel : John Hay, who was Pieaident Lin coln's private secretary, and who is " now writing his l.fe. Colonel Hay married the daughter of a; Cleveland millionaire, and his residence m odi .f the most elegant and imjsiug at t he capital. " : Mrs. Mary Mapea l6dge, editor f . St Nicholas, occupies an elegantly fur nished flat in Fihy-ninth street Her dutiesare exacting and take fuiuh of tier time, but she finds leisure fre-. quently to dispense the hospitalities cf a gracious and generous bostei, and invitations to her receptions ara" mmh sought afteri France . Courtney Baylor, whose success has been as .prompt and un doubted as that of Page, live at Win chester, Va., in a home that 'is relic of the vanished days when the slave holders of the south were an untitled but powerful nobility. By the people of her mountain home Xlisa Baylor is looked upon as a star of tbe first mag- ; nitnd. Many a man has deserted Christian ity who has not yet been deserted by Christisnity. Christian princijdes which he imbilied in chilbhoodL char- . acter formed by years of Christian in. struct ion and associations abide with him and give a strength and beanty to his life .vhich ought to be ascribed to the former presence of faith, not to the absence of it now. No of character developed amid the in fluence of Christian aociety, even if the subject of it baa always beep as ui.le liever, can ever lie justly adduced an proof that the like character could lr grown and preet rvrd werg Chi wttaiiny clean . J'riJ". E. ftefjamln Ai,. j drew, I.. L. 1). Said Rev. P. S. llenson to the Rich mend Theological Seminary students: "When I was a atndent at Richmond College forty years agi, there weee ( some boys a; the college who would lie : down on the green grass and look np - - into the bright Hfavens and the fleecy clouds and ttlk dreamily of their -sspir- X ations. They were all the while build- --"- , ing air caitles. They aspired Until they expired. Like Paul, ywo roust press y the mark if you do any tiling in this great world.r Riehmtnul 1,'t. .'iV Hertl. ' " ; . Jm j, ope tne nolM bank roblr 1 , , .i . i .. was rel.Ktsed from the Auburn, N. Y ! ' j P' at 10 o'clock a. in., and left f r Ne York t 10:45. ' Pitcher's Caster! -1 af