ROSEBURG REVIEW! ISSUED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS to by , HIE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. 1 0f x xt thtt 1? A u I J. II. N. BELL, Editor .. TERMS. One Year - - -, - - - - - 52 oo SixMonthg - - - - - - - - l oo KPT Obitaarv notices of nv more than ten lines 1 v,i:w.i l , will to. hmnul fnr 1 at the raw often cents per 1, w. ly -ranDcnv nr pmi7 18SQ j.xxwx.., ., PRESIDES T HARR180S. To-dar Beniamm Harrison is Presx- dent of the United States. He - I . ... I man oi imegmy, anu ie sioii, QO uls ttuiy. it is our uusuiesa wj up- noia tne government oy .wnomSover i.t - i. i i aaministerea. iec ieace ana gooa will prevail. The inaugural addess was a good one, but that it was as vigorous, or in tact as sctioiariy, as Jir. v;ieveiana s, is uouuuuu iu w mo iO eXIMJCU XUUiO ttU mo liauus Ui u-. . .i . ii . t. i .e ii- TT--;eA- VA l,o fcr1 in fn last ... - 1 ixttmou... .v.. - tour years, in gooa government;, wiu not in oar omnion be realized. We A - believe Mr. Harrison will be hampered, Mr. Cleveland was not. Mr. Cleve land's, one-ideaedness cost him his re election, and Mr. Harrison's diffusive ness will , weaken hi3 administration politically. We are entirely safe how ever in tbo hands cf either, and rejoice mat nave SO goou a man ior jrresi- . . v 1 T : I dent" of the greatest country on the globe as we have in Benjamin Harri- son. The f ollowin2 are some of the 1 i it T "1 1 ,1J I cuiiiuieuia upuu lUC X ICSlllCUl O uuig. I President Harrison's inaugural ad- ftb1e nower. hnfc is noticeable for the sharp contrast of lis ideas throughout with thoe set forth in the public vtter-1 onees of Mr. Harmons predecessor. This address announces at once, by its tone, style and contents, tnat tne gov- DaenuaDS1(rreuiiw u C hands Of those who are devoted to Southern ideas and confederate politics to the keenini? cf those who nroclaim and uphold the great national ideas that are the outgrowth of Republican policy and Republican achievement, during thirty years past. Oregonian. Mr. Cleveland retires from the White House bearing the good-will and esteem of the people. S. F. Examiner. For the next year President Harri son will have more to fear from his friends than from his opponents. The country is safe, no matter who sits in the White House. Examiner. President Harrison's inaugural is just such an address .as might have been expected from such a man. Though dignified in tone, it is thor oughly partisan, and exhibits a tenden cy to cant in many places. Alta. . New York, March 4 . The Trib une this morning says: "The strong and patriotic appeal of the President . will go to the hearts and convictions of the American people and will pro duce results hereafter.' ' The Times finds nothing impressive in the remarks of Harrison, and thinks the tone and manner commonplace. The Herald regards it as the deliv erance of a sincere and extremely clear minded man, and says there will be no shilly shally fdrelgn policy. CHICAGO PRESS COMMENT. The Times says: "The President's address will entirely please his parly s and will not disappoint the opposition. Its form is admirable" The iTeios savs: "The address shows that the President has carefully weighed the leading questions of the day, and while standing with his party on all of them he is yet an American ". who has the good of the nation at heart ' and realizes that he is President of all the people, both North and South. The policy outlined ?s wise and patri otic" FOREIGN PRESS COMMENT. WHAT THE LONDON PAPERS SAY OF PRES IDFNT HARPvISON's ADDRESS. " London, March 5. The Morning 1'ost sxyR, concerning President Har rison's inaugural: , "President Harri son's address is marked by couimenda We absence of bombast, and if this marks the future tone of his national policy another element in the concord of the world will have been secured," The Daily News says:' "Gold had a more decisive influence on ihe late election than on any that has gone be fore. The rich on both sides virtually buy places in the administration by liberal donations to campaign funds. It is a form of the "purchase system which bodes no good to the senate, and shows that civil service reform must begin at the very apex of the pyramid. Washington, March 5. President Harrison to-day sent to the senate the following nominations: Secretary of State James G, Blaine of Matne Secietary cfthe Treasury William Windoni, of Minnesota. Secretary of War Red field Proctor, of Vermont. ; Secretary of the Navy Benjarrin F. Tracy, of New York. Secretary of he Interior John W. . Nobl, of Missouri, f Postmaster-General John Wana maker, of Pennsylvania Attorney-General W. H. H. Mil ler, of Indiana. - Secretary of Agriculture Jeremiah Rusk, of Wisconsin. We are willing to give bonds to do the entire clerical work cf the . next legislature, if we live bo long, for $9,00.0, instead of the $15,000 that was paid by the last assembly, and for the same work done. Children Cry for The kind hearted ness of "the paten was ishown last Monday by pretending its readers to clip a notice from the We$t Shore alxut the '-improvements" Roseburg, and yet "suppressed" the J following items as always: r' an nrn pleted the largest and finest church edifice in Southern Oregon. One of th a evidnres. nf orrowth ia the fact that Tnc "P woaIt. I " v v I to a semi-weekly paper, witn promise of becoming a daily as soon as the con- dition8 vMma mam favorable. An upward tendency in all classes of real estate is observable, and is the neces- . b ! orosneniv 01 ine town- fiiiac iuaii is uu uuiiuiiiuie uui- ua1 R . j tMngg jusJ. fiiE Salem Statesman say i that the nnv(ir. n nnril(,fmn nge we Tned over the keys to the legisiative commission." Now we sim- y m our dufc ag we unaerstood it, anj under the sam0 c rcUmstances we 1,1 rlrt fV,a camo orrin 'I'lia coma " viuu vvr vuw u"v u&umm wuv I , . ... . paper says "tnat ora Hen will not 1 hkey appointe(j cierk of the new commission," retening to the commis- son to be appointed by the Governor. Well, we neither would expect such an appointment, nor would we accept such an one, for many good reasons not nec essary at present to state. We might give a list of ; names that '.1.1 ilI l- .f wouiu ue or miurest 10 ino peopie 01 those who have paid their subscription to TuE Review' and ordcred discon- tinued but are, slA "vmg the paper to their wishes- v mjufuu, TT Jgya(J We challene tll0 above statement as bemS false m evei7 particular, and demand that the list be forthcoming, or eo to the wall as usual. Tub Oregonian thinks that Whit Secretary of the Navy under Cle- , will be the Democratic nomi- ' ; 100o xr. ,iCO iUl -uo i3iCuV Scott -thinks he will be stronger than Hill of New York. Either one will be elected, is the prophecy we make. The Oregonian suggests that since West Virginia has now three Gover nors, Goff, Carr and Wilson, that Ore gon! trade one of her three R. R. com missions for one of West Virginia's Governors, then a better equilibrium of things would be established. The bon ton girls of Salem received a - n -i ratner a nattering! notice at uie nanas of the Mercury last Sunday, and from , . , 1 .. 1 what we learn it was well and timely. Tho lad v cl.rk business of the last leer- . . 1 j - o isiature was a uuminsr disgrace 10 tne civilization of the present day. Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, .0 laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to ba most beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS AND TO Cleanse t3 System Effectually, 'SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu factured or.17 by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., San Francisco, C a l. LovtsvTM.T, Kv. New Yo?v, N. Y- "WTien Baby wan nick, wo .ivo br Castor!, When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, When sbo became Miss, sho clang to Castoria, Wbeu sbe bad Children, she gave them Castoria, Cry for PITCHER'S Health and Sleep without Morphine. Pitcher's Castoria; 'Sw 'fv ASJar W...ii.iiii.-Siikii Children mm Dr. Hawkins octfnpieel Lis new office this week. " : R. S. P. Pear of Roseburg spent Sabbath in our aty. We axe obliged to mention the weather, it is delightful Affectation is a greater enemy to the face "P0- Elmer Palmer of Drain was visiting J Dodfre this week. Miss Emma Smith, oialem, was in ua- jand Wednesday. Rev. Father Clark spent severs! days in ! Oakland this week Mr. G Burchard of 'Gardiner was in our city on last Wednesday. T. A, Norton and Jack Wilson were in your city on last Tuesday. ;-; A. G. Iangdon of Elkton was in our city on last Saturday on business. : Rev. Mr. Sweney has changed his residence to the Manning house on Locust street. V.-'K. Bradford and Mrs. Sam Long, of Shoestring were in Oakland on Tuesday. .. Mr. and Mrs. Howard-Martin were trans n,nnH wndav. " .1 .-.l 11.- macin iinff I lie omvenca l'uiuujcl itu- 1 . " .. . . . .t. i ' I tured in the Baptist cnurcn on ueancsuay night S. B. Carr of Scotts valley was in Oakland on Wednesday looking after his business in? terests. Mrs. Julia Abraham and Albert Abraham were euests of Mrs. Richard Thomas on last Wednesday. . t B. S. Cook has returned from his trip to Portland where he has been attending a meet- inc of the Grand Army. A fnr rtf m . ndw at rencin!. and otherwise improving the lot whereon the Christian church is t0 be built, t frc Mvrtlp T?nvlf nnd Ti'r little son Clif- J ford of EUensburg W. T. are visiting her mother Mrs. J C. Hutchinson in this city. Jack Nye, the line man of the Western Un ion, and judging from his "yarns" a cousin to "Bill Nye," was in our ciiy on last Sunday Mr. A. G. Brown was in the city of New Orleans on the 4th day ot this month, basking in-the genial rays of a "bright Southern sun. Messrs. Ilogan and Guetry arrived here on Monday morning with their families Kentucky. The .will permanently from Kentucky. The7 .will permanently locate near -Oakland. Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. Gov. Chadwick and Mrs. Pitzer Smith, have returned from Elkton where they were attending their rela tive, the late J. L. Smith. Wm. Woodson from near Drain station in formed us yesterday that there are several cases of smallpox near that place. We hope the reports are exaggerated. The party given on Monday evening by Mrs. Hall in honor of her husband (C M. Hall's) 38th birthday was attended by a large number of invited guests, all of whom seemed to enjoy themselves very much. None can mm11 Mrs. Hall in mnkintr an evpnincr nlea. n " anttor guests. a letter irom riev. Air. ieonaru states mat wfw cr.iv fmm - . . . .. . . 1 since tneir return 10 Missouri, ineir menus . . . here will be pained to hear of this. From the tone of Bro. Leonard s letter, we know he ur4-viii4 Via rA tr Via in (rrrrn rriin AricA ye Baptists and call him back. Mr. Tosenh S. Wilson of Arlinrton Dakota died very suddenly near Oakland -on last Fri- . . .. . ... . . " aay nieni. lie was uurrieu in me iu a sonic cemetry on Sabbath afternoon, with Masonic honors, in the presence of a very large con course of sympathetic relatives and friends. Rev. Mr, Marcellus preached the funeral ser mon in the Baptist church. At our annual school meeting on last Mon day P. B. Beckley and Geo. J. Stearns were elected directors, and Hon. John H. Shupe clerk. G. T. Stearns was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of D. W. Stearns. We feel strongly inclined to publish verbatim et literatim the speeches made on this occasion by Judge J. T. Bloomfield and Hon. D. W. Stearns but we forbear this time. Bro. "Leon" of the Herald seems to "catch on" even without a detective. - We did not know our style was peculiar, only for our awk ward blundering way. We have no objec tions to being known. We simply use "our nom de plume in obedience to a law of cus' torn. We are well acquainted with "Leon' but will not mention his profession in order to assist the "curious" in finding out who he is. CalUn and see us "Leon" you will always find us at our desk, or elsewhere as duty calls us. Shake t3T tw . ROXANA. -NEW TO DAY. Roseburg Fence Works, : Manufactuiers of the Celebrated : UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FENCE. FOR Farms, Iianchcs, Orchards, Gardens and Lawns, Xcat, Durable, Cheap ami Strong. H. B. REED, DENTISTRY!. Drs. Hunt and Leggo of Chicago, have located in Rof.churg and are prepared to do FIRST CLASS DENTISTRY at moderate prices. Gold and Rubber Plates, GOLD AND PORCELAIN CROWNS ' . AND . - TEETH WITHOUT PLATE. Teeth extracted without pain and all work guaranteed. Call and have your teeth examine!. Suite 9, McClallen House, Consumption Surely Cured To the Editor Please inform your read ers that I have .- a positive remedy (or the above named disease. Uy its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permaoi nenuy cured. - I shall be elad,to send iwr bottles of my remedy free to any of you readers wno cave consumption it tney win send me their express and post office address. Respectfully, : ' , -i. T. A. SLOCUM.M.C.lSl Pearl St., N. Y. A NEW INVENTION. THE Folding Sawing Machine, Exactly what every Farmer and Wood - chopper should have. xnis is inc.. rosiest ; Running . ana x asiesi Cutting Sawing Machine ever invented; Call and examine one at The ke- view office. Requirements of a Stenographer. Tn Succeed as a stenographer, one must De ac I U curate In ahorttuuad, skilled in type writing', a gooa penman, a competent respondent. In the Shorthand Department of the I PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE THOROUGH TEACHING in shorthand, DAILY PRAOTICi in type-writing, careful instruction m penman ship and abundant drill in correspondence afnplj qualify students lor positions always openioinos . . . .. . - . . . lully prepaxea to nil them., oena lorcaiaiuc. j a. P. Armstrong, Prin.,- Portland, UREcor Mc GREGOR & SHAW. WHOLESALE- BUTCHERS - No292 First Street".: PORTLAND - - - - . OREGON. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR LIVESTOCK IN HOSElBXJIlGr, 3" - .- - - -. Sheep A Speciality FOR 1889 ! THE SAN FRANCISCO Weekly Examiner The Monarch Weekly To Keen Posted on the News of the Entire World, Subscribe for the $1.5OEXAMlmER$1.50 No weekly naDer -tmblished in the United States contains as much or as great a variety of good reading mat J ter as the Weekly Examiner. The coming year promises to be crowded with stirring events. In the United States the entrance of new issues into the polidcal arena has been followed by a change of Administration, cut tne great economic questbn on which the campaign turned is still unsettled, and its solution is now committed to a Congress almost equally di I vided between the tw great parties. v.,,- ; . mn. Armv mm natrol the frontiers, and millions of men await the 1 signal lor the most manic war ever seen, The Examiner's news-gathering machin- erv is uneaualled. Its correspondents dot the 1 . . .. . . -.t .1 I naDitabie PlODe. JNOinine can es.cayc ureu v,giiance, and no expense is spared in spread I ing the results ot their enorts Dei ore tne tx I AMXXILR. S XLuTS . , -nntrihute to the Weekly Examiner. I T"t, . Mr. HnfA1 m.i ..rj -f irw in tnp Tules Verne. Robert Louis Stevenson, Rider V. . , - I "fggam ana Anna nc oreen, uuvc I all wrttlen stories for the Weekly Exam- INER, and will do so inlhe future. - The Weekly Examiner has established an Agricultural Department, in charge of a practical agriculturalist, who is the best writer mine unueu oiaies on agm.uuuiuisuujci.i3. This department will contain sensible discus sions of leading topics of interest to vineynrd istsorchardists and farmers generally. The Examiner's Commercial News is compiled by experienced men who carefully guard the producer's interests. . TJie Weekly Examiner. (By Mail, Postage Prepaid.) Daily, per year $G.TO Sunday, ptryear, ; . . . .$2.00 All Postmasters are Agents. TP. It. HEARST, Editor and Proprietor. OAKLAND HOTEL Wm. 11 "AUG AN Prop. MEALS 25 CENTS. . LODGING 25 CENTS. BOARD AriD LODGING PR WEEK $4. FIKST-0LASS ACCOMMODATIONS. Thorough satisfaction is guaranteed to travelers and the public in general. fJgT The table is supplied with the! best the market atlords. OAKLAND -r - - - - OREGON, NEW TO-DAY Roseburg, Ogn. NEW STORE AT BIL.I,AilIa OR. J 0 OsWO J 0034sSL would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries Ready-JIade Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a first-class store. Uive him a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. tAU orders promptly attended to. Douglas County Bank, FLINT, & TAYLOR, Rosebnre - - - - Oregon TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING- BUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, Sau Francisco, . New York and other poiuts. Bills of exchange on the nriiininal cities of Euroue. Denosits re ceived subiect to check. Collections made on all accessible points at reasonable rates McGregor's old stand, Jackson Street : Roscburg. W. B. KOBIREI1. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES. THIS MARKET 13 always supplied with the choicest quality of Of all kinds, including beef, pork, veal Snd mutton; also, corn beef, sausage, lard, etc. The most favorable inducements offered to patrons, and no effort will be spared toward giving satisfaction. MRS. S. A. HUTCHINSON, MILLINERY STORES Oakland, Oioroii, LADIES WILL F.f D MY STOCK LARGE AND Complete. Prices moderate. Give M nail." Mbs. S. A. Hutchinson. I FROM ROSEBURG TO EMPIRE CITY. From Roseburgto Looking, Glass $ .75 r oot ot mountain .... 2.00 Dora " 5.00 Fairview 5.50 I tl CI ( Sumner 6.50 Marshfield ; .. 7.00 Empire City.... .... 7.50 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. For Particulars Inquire at the Post Office. Jas C. McClJLLOCH, Prop The Leading it DRUG HOUSE W. S. Hamilton. Successor to 8. Hamilton. Roseburg ------- Oregon Established 1852. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING yOTWCIfV HOTTER - AND OF OREGON. INSURANCE. GO TO Flint & Taylor And get your property insured, for they represent reliable companies, such ftS lxG ANGLO NEVADA Ot Calif ornia Ami LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION Flint & Taylor. D- T- PRITCHABD"' AND SHOP ON JACKSON STREET, OrrO site Sheridan Bros, hardware store. ROSEBURG - - - - - OREGON. YUNG TOWN The Chinese '3Ierchant KceDS all kinds of Chinese fancy-work. Ladies underwear, Ladies ties. Silk handkerchiefs and fans of every description. Give him a call. O" Opposite Carlons livery stable. ROSEBURG, - - OREGON. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA. VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY'S . LIKE, THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. Time between Roseburg and San Francisco, 29 hours. CAMFORS1A KXPRRSS TRAINS RtN DAILY. Between Portland and San Francisco. . ,-. South North. 4:00 p. M. 2:00 A. M. 7:45 A. )f. Lv Lv Ar Portland Hosebur San Franisco Ar Lv Lv 10:45 A. M. 12:30 A M. 7:00 p. m. LOCAL rASSBNGER TRAINS DAILT (EXCE1 T St'NDAV.) 8:00 a. H. Lv 12:40 P. m. I Lv 2:40 p. M. I Ar Portland Albany Eug-ene Ac Lv Lv 3:45 p. m. 11:35 A. M. 9:00 a. m PtJLMAH BUFFET SLEEPEBS. Tourist Sleeping" Cars, For accommodation ol Second Class Passengers, attached to Express Trains. Tho S. P. Co'g. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on Eat Side Di v. f rom foot of V St. Portland. West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALL1S MAH.-T&AIX tAILT (BXCSPT BrSDAT.) 70 A. M. 12:25 P. M. Lv Ar Portland Corvallis Ar Lv I 6:20 P. M. ! 1:30 P. m . At AlljaJiy and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. EXPRESS TRAI5 DAILT (EXCBPT SUSDAT.) 4:50 P. x. 8:00 P. m. Lv Ar Portland McMinnville Ar Lv 9:00 A. M. 5:45 a. M. Tlirotigli Tickets to all points Sontli and lilfist -via, Oalifornin,. For full iuformation regarding rates, maps, etc. call on company's agent at Rose burg, B, KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G. F, & Pass Agt. i. o. ia iY MANAGEE; ENDEICIS-EEVIEW REAL M -at REVIEW EOSEBUEG COMPANY Transact a General REAL ESTATE Business. Buy and sell on commission, Farming Land, Stock Ranges, Improved and Unim proved Land, City Prop erty, Etc. Etc. Etc. Will take pleasure Intending Special attention given to the developing of Douglas CountyTs industries, Agricultural, Mechanical and Milling interests, and imparting information to Capitalists as well as those seeking in- n rr rrri Ion Ha lenders will find it to their advantage to confer with us, also all persons requiring information as to plants for Foundries, Saw' and Planing Mills, Canneries, Brick making, etc. etc. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Doing a fine local and custom business 3-4 of a mile from town; between 50 and 75 acres of land, hog pen, slaughter and smoke house $3500. Also near the mill property, a nice residence and barn, with 5 lots, nice location. Cheap , Fine property for sale, consisting of foundry building and ma chinery, with everything pertaining to a first-class business, to gether with land on which the property standi- The whole property can be bought very low, or will sell half interest in the above to some responsible party who wishes to engage in the This we think one of the best locations in the State. Fine tarm in Telwima county, California, containing 360 acres of very pro ductive land, 200 acres of which is A 1 level plow land, balance timbered and table land suitable for pasture. Located 12 miles from Corning on railroad. Stage passes the place daily. Buildings fair and within a quarter of a mile of school. For further particulars enquire of S. B. Hendricks, Manager, ITendricks-Review Keal Estate Co. ' Roseburg, Oregon. 360 acres choice farming and fruit lands within half a mile of shipping point on U. cv; U. K. K. Uood dwelling, fair barn and orchard of bearing fruit-trees, consising of apples, pears, plums and peaches 100 acres arable, balance fine timber and pasture; all suitable for fruits. Easy terms- . l Fine tract of land containing 5 68 acres half marsh and bottom. Dykes and levees complete. Forty acres in cultivation, . Good dwelling house, cheese house, barn and other out buildings AH fenced, with cross fences- Located on Smith River six miles from Gardiner in Douglas county, Also 500 acres of wild land lying two miles below the above tract and four miles from Gardiner, Oflercd vtrv low. For particulars inauire of S. BARGAIIS! BABGAINS!! Having determined to retire from mercantile business, I offer my entire stock of : At greatly reduced prices. And invite all in search of Bargains to call and secure them at my store in Boseburg, Oregon. ; , Sol - AbFaEiaiin. 1EW6E0CEET STOBE" WlfLLER ACEE, Having: Just opened a new business In Koseburg and are now selling at very low prices a complete line of the Choicest Staple and Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, Flour. Notions Candies, Cigars and Tobacco, In Fact very tiling- found in any city Grocery Store. Produce of'nll Kinds taken in Xibcclian&e for Goods. i . 1 . t2T Call and see our stock, Moore's building- next door to Stanton s. Everything U isirriJLu jl ESTATE the: OFFICE. OREGON. in showing Lands to Settlers. ISMTIOSf! Hendricks-Review Real Estate Co. B. Hendricks, Mgr.