ROSEBURG REVIEW ISSUED FRIDAY MOBNING8 Bf THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. J. R. N BELL, - Editor - FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1887. "WE EXHORT TOV, SIR. The language above is from the Drain Echo bf last week and refers to uf The whole article breathes a doginati and dictatorial spirit. It says in sub stance that a man that does not take the same view of suppressing the whiskey traffic as he does, namely Pro hibition, that he is a purchaseable com modity at the hands of whiskey men, is a time server; that, if holding a politi cal office, he is not bis own on such questions; and he further intimates that all persons that do not vote as he would dictate are those who would "lead young men to be drunkards, and young ladies to be drunkards wives." Fur ther, he impugns motives, and arrogates to himself the officious positioa of be coming the monitor of all our conscien ces, and intelligence. Now young man permit a little fatherly advice. In the first place we have done as much for the temperance causo as yourself, and we will got to the polls on the 8th day of November as early as yourself, and rote as strongly for the amendment as yourself, as we have always said we would, and now we would kindly sug-' geat to your bump of dogmatism, of which we are quite tired, that any man or set of men that questions the mo tives of oth?r men upon the slightest pretexts, and then proceeds, as you have done, to stigmatize these same raens being dishonorable aud dishon est, simply because they do not agree with you is highly censurable, and shows the spirit that would character ize an inquisition, or that would say that an honest man wa3 dishonest, when you knew the facts in the case. The mau capable of attributing false motives to his brother, and flinging in sinuating inuendoes, such aswas done ast week by you, in our humble opin ion makes rather a poor "exhorlcr." But then you have said that we were an "Octopus." Well that "takes the cake." . We confess that this was a fi rial argument. "The last resort" in rhetoric is ridicule, and you make faces at us, and call us hard names, "Devil fish, Octopus," etc.' O shades of the i Drain State Normal school, to cast a shadosv without a veil upon such jour nalistic eruditim, honesty of argument, and love for humanity, as issues from those classic dells iveahbj1 is a marvel In order to make a' point, to denounce men who have been in the long fight for temperance at every turn in life, shows a species of arrogance that is wholly un-American, un-Democratic, and un Republican. Would you undertake to say that every man that votes against the amendment now pending is a ' vile sinner," (you did say it impliedly how ever, last week,) and is making "young men drunkards," and "young ladies drunkards wivesT' Even the "great Octopus" of The Review has a better opinion of you than that If it would not be invidious, we would "exhort" you sir,. that when you make your me dicinal decoctions, leave not a trace o: alcohol in the tincture, lest you arouse a sleeping appetite in your patient that will lead Him again (into a life of de bauchery. Our opinion is that the apothecary "mole" that is in thine eye, is more likely to do harm than the "pro-hibitioy"-fence rail that is in thy bro. ' therms (Octopus's) eye. No, brother, the evils of whiskey in this land are untold, and no one feels it more deeply than we, but the remedy, "there is the . rub." We may not make as much noise as the Drain Echo about this prohibi tion question but we venture our ex penditures in dollars and cents in the last twenty years to carry forward the great cause of temperance, has been five to his one. We expect to fight ttie battle to the end, yet w will concede that other people has some sense as well as eurselves. " We did not load for "bear" this week, only for mice, Is the Corvallis Gazette of last week 'appears the valedictory of Will H. Parry who has exhibited much enterprise in the management of that journal. Messrs. Craig & Conover are the new proprietors. The Gazelle is the oldest newspaper in Benton county and we wish it as much pros perity, as any paper conducted in the interests of the Republican party de- server. Telegraph dispatches: 15th David 13. lull is a candidate tor the presi dency; 17 David B. Hill has cap tured the deligation and will lje, a can didate;this kills Cleveland's chances 18th David B, Hill positively says that he will not be a candidate, but tbaf he will work for the renomination of Cleveland. Oh! It is a fine thing to get the dispatches. Ve were asked the other day w hy we would vote for prohibition when we did not believe it was the best remedy for intemperance. We answer, simply ltccause it is the only thing left, an we prefer a "half loaf to no bread at alL" Why did the Drain Echo dodge the question last week? Everybody could see that it did. THE PROHIBITION COLUMN. 8TEA M CI VI LIZ A Tl OX. "I don't care what you say, there is not the fuss made in the Bible against a drop of drink, as there is by you Pro- hibitionhts. The Jews had laws enough for any nation, but there were no wholesale ones against lutoxicants of all kinds." So spoke my ingenious I in young friend, True, but they were not confident a very good drink even then, for the lest men were forbidden them, the Levites and all who were i round the temple service. The Nazar- ites with their holy vows, and accord-1 ing to the preacher" they were not fit for princes and those who had to gov- J em, only good for the pojr and I wretched to steep their misery in ob- livion. "Why on earth do you say est thenl Do you suppose folks I wereu't as good in those days as now; J besides I thought the Bible was writ- J ten for all time. My young friend I did not ask questions like the loy of I five just to hear himself talk; he wanted I them answered and was a capital list- J nor, so I thought ho would not mind a j good dose on the subject especially as 1 1 knew that life was real aud earnest I with him, although he had not been in the way of having much put into it as I yet as to knowledge and experience. I So "my dear fellow" said I, "you know a great part of the Bible is mere narrative, telling us what folks did and I how they lived aud what they said to I each other, and what Coil camo dowa and said to them in those days. W e iiave not to copy antidcluviau lif?, nor 1 eel the patriarchal good as, it was of I its kind. Every now and then t!i.ere I was a word or two let fall to them con-1 cer'ning this life of ouib, for instance, I "many shall run to and fro in the earth and knowledge .shall be increased, Perhaps the old seer got a kind of in- stautapeous picture vision of our steam J engiues and the crowds starling on our I excursion trains, or of our gigantic I steam presses, dealing out knowledge I for the million. Our telegraphs and I cablegrahs and telephones have got be-1 vond the "running to and fto," such I things could never have entered into i a dream ever. Bui it is these things mat nave maue such changes in trei changes t.e very same world in which those earli-J est inhabitants lived and died. Think ti,, -..i,Qic f i;f. llv " Dlv " J VUU UI, 1U I I moved. Young or rather old Jacob watching sheep for seven years for Ins w I wife, and then another seven years for I fhp ricrht nnf Whv fmii-loen venra rather tells on a young woman s age i Ti iL i j nowadays. It was the isolation and stagnation of their lives that helped the body last out so many years. It tl,uo a, the noet Thevlive istiueas tne poet sajs, mey me longest who think the most," and ac- a . . i hth rw- .1 ...i ... i IOlI"Cl 11HH1 iUCHlllillCII. o you oppose mac wu.sKy ccn u it had been discovered then, would ' have had the same effect upon those pniegmatic ota men content to sit and i, .. . . ;t i:i, i.: uf oak. as it has unon us to-dav. with all our vivacity, activity and throbbing life! Don t you believe it! Just occa- sienally yon come across a phleg- matie temperament nowadays, handed down by the old stock, and you may remark on him that he can ply whisky for forty years, when it would kill one of us high strung fellows in about four, And it is just this perpetual "running to and fro 'of this generation that tcllS' The rustling round to get on and make dollars, the bustling and the hustling up against many minds, in tho smart trading and eager commercial enter. prises, to say nothing of tho myriad newspapers that have to le read and then discussed. Why our very chris tiauity bustles us on, instead of w or sniping on tne lone mountain top. See our huge city congregations, in which heart inspires heart to fervor and enthusiasm. Now all tbi3 has made the good old, -crawling, phlogmatic temperament a rare thing, it has developed the highly st rung rTor vous organization, with which whisky plays the devil in double quick time. n.;A.i:r, ...... n .... i. it i :t :.. .uv u, u,u mat i, more particularly ueveioped in these temierate zones, and especially m these western states of North America. And furthermore, with this develop- - u.i : mtjuh bLjy,v italic in uaiiu vuc lUIIUUCSS for whiskey and the curse it bring?. Uunous tact, isn t ill that east of the Mississippi tho average is ono Kilonn to every 107 voters. Near the Rocky o mountains cast, the number of saloons ACTA ai-.f.niAH ... iai states the increase is more. In Oregon there are only 08 voters to each saloon " wouiu swem mac in cms western mountainous region mens nerves are of the fine texture, that, snffoii t j i , V from depressed moments, seek the ex- citement of the class, with it eome? tk j;i : i , the correspondingly increased wear and tear to the system with which thp drink serves the finely organized This goes on at an increased rate in each successive generation. To prove this. I cive von Ihft fSninM nf tho crnv. ' -o" emmeilt Othcial renorfc. Dnrin the x o last lotty years oeer unnKiug lias in m f t 1 cieasea i,no jer cent, wine iuu per cent and ardent spirits 200 iter cent; and tins taking the increase of pnpula- ,. , . . . WOU liny iicvuunu it uoesi not now ever take into account the great! v increased number of total abstainers. Clearly cording to . I osmh Mrong he is not Colm.eti F01,ie declare their children They area positive cure for Dyspepsia, In sure that Abraham Lincoln did not shall be admitted. The city of 7000 digestion. Flatulency and Constipation. those who drink, do it with a venjrence I without considering nature's vengence J to be reaped in due time. It is with-1 in these last forty years that all these I steam powers have been at work brin-1 ing tho life energy and excitement up J to boiling point itself. This left to I itself seems to have a natural affinity I for ardent sprits. What's to be done I about it my man? We have the law 1 our own hands this time. We are I not sending up a . set of meu to the Legislature now to make our law for I usi and very badly to make some of I them too. There's the resulatin-? kind I - been tried all over the civilized world I long enough, and there's nothing good 1 the civilized world can show for it. In Euroie tho increase figures are pretty much as they are here, due too to the steam civilization, I supiose. To tax it higher puts only more polit ical itowcr into the hands of the traffic. for there will be that much roorp money wrapped up in it, besides high license does not decrease the quantity J druuk by a suigle gallon even should it close some saloons. Why, don't you know what the great liquor associa- tions are doing back East! Just paying the heavy license fees themselves and engaging their own saloon men to take their own particular wares only. This is a trick borrowed from the old coun- try where you sea perhaps "Barclay & Perkins' Entire" blazoning in big letters over the pictured lion over the "public house." Weil, what I say are we to do about it? Easy of solution doaway xc'tth it. If this civilization of our's does not do away with it, a few years from now it will do away with our civilization. You've got your vote ni your hand, I've got my vote in mine w ill vota it down. I say this to every voter in Oregon, and our votes it is that will do it, and the hand that votes will be stiong enough to see that it is done too. My youug man, proud that he had arrived at the voting age, and uncertain how to cat his vote,- said nothing at tho moment, b.ut I could that like the Irishman's parrot "he thought the more." I was right for presently he did say "I guess it's so." L. "E take the following from the -" vinvtiui, ami prim, it, ioi mu Albany Democrat, and print it for the 801,5 benefit of the Sakm Statesman. Our readers have not forgotten what I I 1 1 i. Jl. . U I i: I ttJiuiaiui iiroui me neuuuiiran 1 1 1 I AVrrano cnntn ii-no It a o rrr ti- I in it xirlir xmrne I XZZZ 777 7 "6 3, 3 mixed schools was pending in Georgia, O.UV"ll CIO 1CHU VU1 KJ WlTUb I Now then a regular war of races on I the mixed SCllOOl question is going on at Fort Scott, in Kansas a state, of ,. :' .. . . T I others, where it might be expected, j un2 fl0m the protestations of the people, that the color lino could not es- ist- The Republican directors of the schools of that city have ordered that i.:t...,i no. c " l iw u J JVlvwiu - - , . --- I ji.i.:.. : t f,.. f r.r. IIIIUIUIMUIO W iwv ,,v.,v.i K'-- I rnrnforonrp nl.out the matter. Now " i " nA w c 4 . '-- '7 I rvli is wiv nn not tlifl regular orirans I lliaueluch a howl about the .i... .... . ....... .i Glenn oi.l wake up and tell their reau-1 Urs a limit t his lion ihle nreiudice 1 aSinst people of color among the Re- jT ,s a little remarkable that the Drain Echo was loud in praise of the I Ucpublican party until last week, and then abandons it, for "a greater work," Perhaps the nuts we gave them to crack were too hard, ami they adopted this I rase in order to escape unseen. We Lever knew before there was anything sunerior to the RenuBrrtan party, as 0ne said to us a short tunc since, ' Re- I puhlicanisiu is religion enough for me." Til eke is an increasing financial stringency. The New York Wot it ot Wednesday last prints inlcniews with a large number of bankers aud mer chants to the ellecl that a reduction of taxes to stop the accumulated money in the treasury imperative. Call the troops; rebellion is ram- nant: the country is in danger: Mrs. Cleveland refused to speak to Mrs. F k d Hepublican news- papers regard this atrocious crime as a national calamity. , Bucklcns Arnica Salve The Best Salve in the world for I Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever bore, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Conis, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, I r. j to cive 1(C1fect satisf iction. or manev refunded Price 2i cts box F(W salcbV Marsiees & Co r.W f tlie 6 tngs of vvl life are sorrowfully this let .lone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will core Dyspepsia. S!V; Maritt.r-S ,ra-r srore. "W r-vv o r that are fretful, peevish iuVT9 cross, or troubled with Windy Colic. Teething Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother, it contains no Opium or Morphine. hence is safe. Price 25 cents, gold bv at Marstcr s tiriij store. Notice for luhlicatioit. luiiil at R.welmr. Or., Ort. tl. iss;. -VroTK E IS HEREBV OlVKN THAT THE KOL- il l"inu- iianlttlrlia(ileaiioti.-el liisin- l i-., .n..f :.. ... l.:. i- v. ... IIIMnt. fllH,, 111 9it., n vi iiiaviaini, aii'l that said ir.if ill be made the Register r Receiver rf 1". S. Land trtice at Kowlmrj', Or, in Saturtiaj, XuV. l!)th, lsST, viz: ii .mestead Entrv x. . 37 r. 7 West w. m. He nan A1.RAHAM E. SU1.EK. M for the E ! .f X E 1. X ut i! W See. H Til. 23 S. names the fullo iitir u jtneKfies iiTtne nis cniiiinuou rrvmeiiee uiviii ami eillll.a l, s8id land, viz: E. A. XeGee. It. M. Cranfill, t;e., nd. Dinidaaiinontv. or. CHAS, W-, JOHNSTON", Jtejfieter, tlme sce the Salem States- UMn cast a Br 0,1 Douglas county, claiming it to be debt ridden, etc, Tne same escaped our attention at the timei but the charge is totally untrue, Douglas county is out of debt, has money m its treasnry, $20,000 worth of improvements under headway, and has Just ,et a contract for a steel bridge, 10 cost $v00, much finer, better and Iu0re substantial than the Salem bridge. w"ich ws only secured by a co-part- nership between Polk and Marion counties and the 3ity of balem by means of infinite screeihinz on the - Part tlie Statesman, brass bands, etc - No, thank you, Mr. .Statesman, Pve are doing quite well up here build ing bridges, raising prunes, (8 bushels to the tree,) and enjoying the rich ben efits of Democratic county, state and national administrations. ISCOXSiSTEXT "And now in the face of. ail this The Review has the ellrontviy to sty the Republican party is anti-temper. ancc I'laaui cuter last week. In the Stato of New York tho Re publicans did vole "anti-lempcrancu" two ycais ago; and the fttate of Oregon wit'i its 3000 Republican majority must carrv the amendment in Novem ber, or else the Republican party, in Oregon t least, "is anti-lemicmure.' This wiU S6 do ri" but you will have to endure ouo of two alternatives, coine down from your lofty perch, wherein ou claim all yo-nl inheres in tho O. O. P., or cany the prohibitory amendment at all hazaids Thomas (J. Stevenson post i. A. R , of Boston, recently rejected a highly respectable colored man who applied to it tor uirmlersliii. 1 his lust is named after ('en. Thomas tl. Steven son, kilkd at Spottsylvania, who, when Gen. Hunter announced the intention to cnIist yack irwv-f Jocla.ed that h "had rather be- whipped with '-white men than conquer with black men." Gen. Hunter put him under arrest, and Stevenson subsequently tiled written apology for his language with the war office at Washington before he could gel continued oy lee senate as The G. A. R. jt that bears his name evidently inher- ite(, h;3 tobl. m.0jud;ec.t,,., It has always been our motto in htt . .in to make tUe best mat we coui'i oi every . . - . . thlnS and we c0l,Ja not 1 J)e J 1 At i 1 J. tnen taKU U1C C,CVCO. VccXx "3 tvonnda finfterinff from Asthma. Con. uousanas sunermg irom &sim sumption, Coughs, etc. Did you Acker's Eneush Remedy? It is ever try the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, at Maister s drug store, Ti? would enjoy your dinner J and are presented by Dys- TwnDlO Tl KM ATURT H IvHlMTINIlIi I M. IJIK LB. We euarantee tnem. ano uv cents. at .Masslcr s itrug store. d the Children. They are es- cvxvt 1, liable to sudden . - r. n s r. v It5 'AffittS . - - " ... t. Remedy a positive cure. ii saves Hours Oi anxious wuivmuij, Sold by M Mawtcr's drug store W XXXlZtfXtTJr CONN :OFFEi:S: KOI SALE .'MF. C1IOR Spanish MerinO BUCkS Can le scm at mv residence in Frcmli Settlement A.Jre,a UKNKY CONN, Kojeliiir, Oregon. "TRY HIM 1" ' Jf. GAB BERT OF- Myrtle Creek liaa on Hand A full line of Groceries, Staph, Fancy and Dry Goods, Cents Fnrnishin Goods, Hats and Caps, Roots and Shoes Tobbacco and fine Cigars, Notions, and Perfumery, Tin and Hardware, Ram Goods etc. He will kcijp on hand full supply ofjevery thing kept in first-class store, and at living prices. GIVE IXXIVC -A. Ca.X.Xj 1000 SHEEP o-:ron sale: o- BY F, B. WAITE ! These are fine Stock sheep, and in good order. Will sell, the w hole hand or in lots to suit the purchaser. For Particulars address, F. IV WAITF, Roseburg, Or DR. JORDAN'S Muskl'm of Axatomv 751 MARKET STREET SAN FRSHVC!T.vryn HO AND LEAItN HOW To AV.'iin " I disease, and how winderfull you are made, l'rivatts office, 211 Geary Street Cuiisulutii.n 011 l.jst matibuud ami all diseases ot men, Send lor Book. 1" c: s PI m CD Ul CD U2 Ul CO m CO Q ZD o o o El o Q in o 5 P o. in W o Ul CD CD 02 O r-rj o W a in m w O O CD Q Ul W o 8 CD 21 .n u O cr- CD Ul m - M ri r" F,.'. ' ' : ii , LST I -i-. ' .,., -: t ii Bui i.i.iiiini " 1 ' j I i-Mn'in- M "- tTH, I. I o Q o XJ1 M Ul ct- P CfQ O b Q o o & ui u CD 02 02 o o o pi 02 Q ct- P 0Q bd o o 02 2? U 0 02 0 O FT pTTA vr-.t ..v:v-i- r 'j-'T.- 1-:.: " 3s 02 CD P ct- P h3 - nrrrn .mm fc''M'i'''m'''' y.l I H II Mill f ' I K'?w.5rrn IK-Al: j r.,v?---Ai? jifia ii'imi rtf "'Jrwl'MM'fc4ii6 L.UIU,. Ui C"u 'V. , .. J i-rmniirp-iiiiHipf11'""1 "' 'l"l"'ti""' " Jill' 1HIH. J ' 'Hju-upju pnt.r,. --rir-Jirj-'' -'-ar'rtai.iiiiii ..i """IzziZI i i cm V BMW t m , -i i - -i nil , , I f d H 13 31 03 0 M o 9 B o B O CO CO -n ,.,l & CD 02 0 ct- o O P I? 0 02 0 O P- 2 c c 0 P ct- O P o ct I o 0Q 0 P 0 -i P 13 ct O ct- P 0 S9 o -i a r-t-O O &. 3 O es o P 0Q P O - ct 02 o O a o 13 C c cr- 8 3 on o o cr? o 5 o p -s Si o O O 8- P4 P o p o p pi 0 Pi ct- o 0 o o S o a o -5 t o c ct 0 Q 0 P 0 P L.i I 0 3) O P- P P Pi i- 02 CP td P 02 P 0 2 S