THE- liOSEBURG REVIEW .'... Has Pushed to the Front and Has the Largest Circulation and Is acknowlodged to be the B-sfc Newspaper Jtver r tiblislied in Douglas county. Subscribe Now. One Year '- - -' - - - - - $2 50 Six Moptha . - S- -r - - - - - 1 25 , , GEJJEEAli DIEE0T03Y. Guover Cleveland. ?resn.ent. Thos. F. Bayard Secretary of htate Chas. S. FAiRCHiLD.Secretary of. Treasury. T. n c T im lit Rfecretarv of the Interior. Wti r vMi-niT Secretary o War W. G. WurrsEY. . :. . . .Secretary of .Navy. VV. T. Vilas Post Master General . a it n.Mivi, Attorney General. .MnnEisns R. VVaite .Chief Justice. STATE OF OUEGON. J. N DoLPii. . I u s, Senators. J. II. Mitchell j ' Bi.vger Hermann Congressman. S r lvester Ten x oy ek G overuor. Geo. W. McBkide Secretary of State. G. W. Webb State Treasurer. E. B. MtELROY....Sui,t. Pub. Instruction. Fran k Bakeb. State Printer. R. S. Strauan,...) . Wm. P. Lord, ... .Supreme. Judges. W. W. Thayeb, ) SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R. S. Bkak. Judge. J. V Hamilton.... Prosecuting Attorney. DOUGLAS COUNTY. J. II. Sucpe, 1 Jons Emmitt, j . " " Senators. W.F. Benjamin - P. P. Palmer, f llepres ntatives. Ja?. Blcsdell, f ' H . Mckenzie, j . Taos. R. Sheridan :,V .5: Ben. C. Agee Sheriff. D. S. West ' Treasurer. G. T. Russell.'... '.School Superintendent. Jas. A. Sterling Assessor. J. S. 'Fitzhugu County Judge. J. Hall, C.A. McGee Commissioners. N. E. Beitt. Surveyor. Dr. S. S. Marsters Coroner. Thos. Graham, M. D. M. K. C. S. : . . County Pliysician. Tiios. Smith Sheep Inspector. rREciNCT officers; T. L. Gannon TiC HlCIH.l J i J usticcs . T'ft pr Titn'rer . . . . Constable CITY OF ROSEBURG. II. C Stanton,' ! John Rast, I v J. P. Sheridan, ) ...." Trustees. O L. Willis, V P. Benedict. ; , T. Ford Recorder. - w AI i t-clin 1 uur uywARi'i . Will II. Fisher. Treasurer. U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Chas. W. Johnston .Register. A. C. Jones ........... Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. B. S. Pague Observer. PROFESSIONAL. . F. LANE, JO" LANE JANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J. C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, up stair3. i R. C. HUNTER M. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CANYOXVILLE OREGON K. L. MILLER, M. D SUEGEOK. Homoeopathic Phj sician. Offiice up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. Dr TII0M1S CRA1UM, A GRADUATE Of the University "f Ta- at rhlla.lclj.l.ia and of tho ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, and ROAI. COLLEGE i OV 1'UYBICIANS. LONDON ESGLXSD has located for the practice of his j.rofcssion in ROSEBURG - OKEGOA Office and rcsidcuce, Wihiiiston street opposite the Catbolic Church F. G. (EHME, M. D. (Pronounced A ma.) HOMOZOPATHIC PHYSICIAN A: firadnalc Of Tlie UNIVERSITY Of Leipzig Germany. Office & Residence at the house of Geo. W. Day, near R. R. track, Rose burg. Dr. C-A- BONHAM RESIDENT DENTIST Roseburg - - - - Or Oflico overhead in Marks' builtUnv. My rcputa lion s a Dcntint is based on 'he merits ol my work. Prices reasonable and to euit the times. tjTGOLTjj FILL1SG A SPECIALTY.TEJk The Leading DRUG HOUSE W. S. Hamilton. Successor to S. Hanultou. Roseburg - - - Oregon. EDWARD J! PAGE, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, OAKLAND -Special attention OREGON, diseases of to women. THE OLD RELIABLE Established in 18G7, J Jacob Ritl zcr VOL. XII. J. JASKULEK. Tractlcal Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles and Eyeglasses. a full, line of CIUARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODj. THE ONLY RELIABLE OITOMER IS TOWN for tho proper adjustment of Spectacles. Depot of the Genuine Brazilian Pebble Spectacles and Eye glasses. Office in Hamilton's Brick Block. NEW YORK LUMBER & Wood Yard VoToH K. UowcU's East side of track otto block south of depot is where you wiTTfind number one dry lumber, Sugar pine, Cedar, Fir, and all Dimcntion lumber for buildings, sawed and shaved cedar shingles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Screen Doors, Mouldings, Wall and Stair railings, Balusters, Brackets, Newel posts, Ceiling, Rustic, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing lumber, sawed and split Cedar posts, 1 1 inch plank sawed expressly for sidewalks. I represent the Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass Or. which from personal inspection I believe to be the finest establishment on the Pa cific coast, it employes seventy men. The Proprietors and Overseers are all Eastern men and experts in the busi ness, the machinery is new and put up in the best manner, and all under srtict discipline and order. Their work is all done by number one me chanics and is equal to any work of the kind done in New York or the East. Fruit boxes, Picket fences and Gates complete. I also represent a number one mill at Yoncolla where I haye sawed all Dimention lumber to order on short notice. All guaranteed as represented or no sale. Call and sec stock and prices before purchasing. Stove wood constantly on hand at II TIME PRICES. McGretror's old stand, Jackson Street : Roscburg. W. B. Kolirer, & Co HICHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES. millS MARKET is always supplied with ! the choicest quality of Of all kinds, including beef, pork, veal and mutton; also, corn beef, sausage, lard, etc. The most favorable inducements offered to patrons, and no effort will be spared toward giving satisfaction. BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT BOWEN BROS. Having dissolved the copartnership exist ing between Bunnell & Bowen Bros, and are now prepared to do all work in the line in a WORKMANLIKE MANSER, AXD AT REASONABLE KATES. CITY DRAYTNG DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON JOS. C AliLON. nRUIT sa TREES OR jJ r RUIT tsr I REES tS- OR INES , FKOM OF SOUTU UMPQUA MILLS. HE IS AGENT FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY FOR ta-THE CALIFORNIA NURSERY COMPANY, ot Nilcx, AlameUa county, California. A corpora tion liavingr 400 Acres set out in Mirscry. C1ALLOX ItlM.OR WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE ) Catalosne and prices to his address, Box 69, noscuuti;, ureson. WILLAMETTE tXIVEKSITY DEPARTMENTS. I Collcire of I iberal arts. II Collce of medicine. Dr. E. V. Frascr." dean. Ill Cnlleiro of law. Juilcc Wm. Ramsey, dean. IV Woman's colleire. Mrs. C. C. Hawlej-, dean. V Conservatory of music. Z. M. Parvin. director. i university acaaemy. VII Art department. Miss Marie Craig, iustructo J360 STUDENTS i 400 GRADUATES. I Thirty teachers. Day board for young men. $1.50 PER WEEK. Ladies' board in Woman's college ball. $2.50 with unfurnished room, 3.50 with nicely furnished room. rirsi term begins Septeinber 6. Catalogues aim uiiormaliou scut free. Address. Thos. VanScoy, l?rcfIcleii t, Salem, Oregon Douglas County Bank, HUMPHREY FLINT, Koseburg - Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING- BUSINESS! Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, Saa Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exchange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all accessablepoints at reasonable rates. ROS HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- DEPOT HOTEL, OARLAXK, OUEGON. ITii'Ht Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel a ho Depot of the Railroad. Central Hotel ! ROSEBUKG.OKEGON, OPPOSITE CARLO-VS L1VE11Y STABLE. . o . ' Coar.i and Lodging per day ;yA. . .00 JJ - ' . ' - VLl ... . ..... w ' Without Lodging .... .... 4.0c Meals, 25 cents. Lodging, 25 cents- Thorough satisfaction is promised to travel ers and the public generally. MRS- r. GARRISON, rnp. No Chinese employed , TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON cern that I have appointed D. W. Stearns of Calapooia Precinct, Inspec tor of Stock for said Precinct, Post office address, Oakland. Also Ralph Smith of Wilbur Precinct, Postoflieo address, Wilbnr and others will be added as parties interested make their desires known to me . TIIOS. SMITH Inspector of Stock fcr Douglas Co. Or. Wilbur, Or, April 13th, 1887. SIOOKE'S RESTAURANT. Principaal Business Street.) Roslin-g', Oregon MEALS 25"CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. q jyj BE1D STORE V. L. ARRINGTON, DEALER IN. Dry Goods Groceies etc : All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL UEh'D, DOUG. CO , OttEGOS. NEW STOR! AT- D II LARD .Arc would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a lino assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ready-Made Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a nrst-class store. Give him a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Produc Taken in Exchange for Goods. CiJlII orders promptly attended to MRS. S. A. ULTCIIISO., MILLINERY STOKE! Oakland, Oregon ADIES WILL FiYD 3IY STOCK LAKGE AXD 7 Complete. Prices moderate. 0i7a Mi Call. Mbs. S. A. IIvicuixsos Malaussene and Clements New Furniture Store IN FLOED'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture, Anything repaired or maJo to order. CALL IXSTANTER. FROM SROSEBURB TO EMP1REHCITY. 3El..XZ3S From Rosebur? to Lookinj? Glass. . . .$ .75 " " Foot of mountain . . 2. CO .. 5.OO " ' Dora " " Fsirvicw " Sumner. " " Marshikld " " Emjiirc City S5o G.50 7.00 7.50 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. For Faniclars Inq -ire at the Tost Office. jas c Mcculloch, Prop. EUROPEAN PLAN. gSMOXD HOTEL, First Class In Every Particular, CosjiKR Frost ad Mokhisos Sis. PORTLAND, OREGON TuoMAS CnxRAS, Proprietor. DEI ROSEBURGr, OREGON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. H. 0. Stanton DEALER IN lllil GOODS! -OF THE BEST QUALITY. GENERAL FURNISHING, HOSIERY, TRIMMING Ac Boots & Shoes OFfTHE BEST QUALITY. a full -of GHOCSRIES! Wood And Willow WARE. CROCKERY i GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL BOOKS, AND STATIONARY. Subscription AGENCY. ubscription received for all Eastern and European Publications. Established 1352. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING OLQTOCIR, HOTTER AND OF OREGON. C. W. KNOWLES, ST, CHARLES HOTFL, EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire-proof Crick Building " 180 Room. In the Center of the City COR. FROST ASD MORRISOIT STS., PORTLAND DEPOT, HOTEL, ROSEBURG, OREGON. Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, 3TThis house has lately changed hailds and is oroughly renovated and refurnished. Tlie travel- ng public will find the best of accommodations IV o diiuameu Xhiiployecl. SMI1H BAILEY. H. TARRY, MerehaLt Tailor. in the Red Front, next door to A. C. Marks btorc. Repairs and Alterations neatly done. MAESTEES. Homeopathic and Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Satchet powder, Combs, Toilet articles, etc, etc; Stationery, ink spectacles, dusters, memoranda and school books, mucilage, pencil, erasers, shoulder braces, sponges, trusses, drug gist sundries, etc. DKUG--S And chemicals, paints, oils and var nishes, window : glass and putty, wall paper, cement, a full line of brushes. Perscriptions and family receipts care fully compounded. All of whicb, and much more san be found at our STOEE. MILLWOOD MILLS OX HUBBARD CREEK- CLARKE k BAKER, Proprietors. We are now prepared to furnish lumber o the best quality in quantities to suit tho purchasers. always having on hand the largest stock of any mil in Douglas County. We will furnish lumber at our mill at thcfoHowiny TRICES. No-1 rouh lumlicr $3 to tlO M No, 1 flooring, 6 inch D & M flS M No. 1 flooring, 4 inch D 4 M .18 M No. 1 SuUhing lumber $10 M CLARKE & BAKEB. INSURANCE. -co to II umphrey & ? Fant: Aul get your property insured, for they" represent reliable companies, such as the AIIGLO NEVADA Of California And LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION Humphrey Flint Levi tf rent Overland Haute TKEKCHTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD ONLY LINK KUSSIXO " Follinaa Palace Sleepia? Oars. idacnificent Day Coaches, and I Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Oars, -WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST. FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. Paul and Minneapolis. OMLY TRAMSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNING SPalace Dining Carsj; (Meals, 75 Cents) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE COAST '"''' OVER THE. ""I':'-" NORTHERN PACIhlC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council Bluffs, j St Josepb, Atchison, Lcavcnwortb, Kansas City, Burlington, Quincy, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, AND ALL 1'OIXTS ' o o KIT AND SOUTHEAST AND OOUTIIEASl Via St Paul and Minneapolis. Emigrant Sleeping Cars Are hauled on regular ltx lre88 Trains oyer the r "Ohitirc Length of TriE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Leave Portland at 3:00 p. M.,.daily; ar iiv at Minneapolis or SO. Panl 12;30 p M , third day. Connection made at Sc. Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South ant Southeast. PACIFIC DIVISION. 'rain leaves Portland daily at 11:45 A. M., arriving at New Tacoma at 6:30 p. it., connecting with O. R. fc N. Co's boats for all points on Puget Sound. j A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. Oregon "TXacific niy v l-'opuiar ' ver X icturesque A.V1 aiiroad oute i.angcs 225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Accommodations unsurpasacd for comfort and safety. Fares and Freights via Yanulua anu tne Orccou Development Co's Steamships much less than by any other route between all points in the Willamette Valley and San Francisco. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS. (Excepts Sundays.) SSlaSSWpS A ALnrU.i5amUrriyeYa1uina5.50pn. o.c. trains connect at Albany and Corvaiu.. Wsi. M. Hoao, C. C. IIooiB, Ccn. Manager. Acting G. F. & P. Agt. Corvallis, Oregon. OREGON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. First class Steamship Line between Yaquina and San Francisco connecting at Yaquina with the trains of the Oresron Pacific Railroad Company. . SAILING DATES. From Yaquina From Can Francisco Eastern Oregor Will Vallev. W eon, Tu Aug 30 E'stcni Or. Wed Sept svT Wed. Sept 7 I Wi'l. Val. Wed " 1 egon Mon 12 Eastern Or. Sun 1 Eastern Oregon Mon 12 Eastern Or. Sun " 18 YanniiM rstv. Thu. " 15 I Yaquina City Fri 23 Will. Valley Mou 8ept. 19 WU. valley rues " z r.rfm iwrrnn Rat. 94 I Eastern Or. Sat Oct 1 v.,r,in ritv Wed " 28 I Yaouina Citf Tu " i The Company reserves the right to change steam ers or sailimr dates. S. B. Tobt, Gen. rf Agt. 304 Jiontgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. OVERLAND TO CAL1FD VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. And Connections THE MT. ShASTA ROUTE. Close connections made at Ashland witn stages ot tlie California, Oregon & Idaho Stage Company Ouly SO Miles ofHtagring Time lictween Roseburg and Saa Francisco, 29 hours. California xxrnnss trais dailv. South From May 1, 1387. North. 4:00 r. M. I 1:45 A. M. 8:30 A. M. Leave Leave Arrive Portland Boseburg Ashland Arrive 10:40 A. M. Leave I 12:50 A. H. Leave 1 5:40 r. u. PULfdAN BUFFET SLEEPEES. Daily between Portland and Ashland. The 0. and C. R. R. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on East Side Di v. from lootot F St. West Side Division- BETWEEN rORTLAND & CORVALLIS VAIL TRADE BAILT (SXCKTT BV5DAT. Leave. i aektve. Portland 7.90 A. M. I Corvallis 12.25 P. M. Corvallis 1.30 P. M. Portland 6.15 P. M. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of urcgon racinc. '.' EXrHESa THAIS DA1LT (KXCEPT SISDAT.) LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 4.60 P. M. I McMiunviile.. 8.00 P. M. McMumville... .5.45 A.M. I Portland 9.00 A. M. For full information regarding rates, map, etc., call on company's agent. R.K0EULER. E. P. ROGERS. Manager. G. F. & Pass Agent. Brewster's Patent Beta Holder. , Tour lines are where you put them not unaer aoner reew wwafim.ioiuiiuw A dmvn. mm dpalpr sold 6 doz. la 15 dars. oamptes worm lw na nnKioivmni. . E, BXtWSTEBs Holly, Web. This paper is kept on file at E. C. Dake s advertising agency, 64 and 65 Merchants' Ex change, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts lor aaverusing can be made for it. eWo 1887. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity trcugth and who.esotueucss. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In com- petition with the multitude of low test, short weifc-ht alum or phosphate powders. Sold ouly In cans, royal bakixo powder co., 106 Wail St. N. Y. NOTICE Gf Bestoration ot Indemnity Lands of the 0- & 0- K- B. Company to the Public Domain- U. S. Land Office, Roseburg, Or. Sept. 16, 1SS7. rtrsuant to instructions or the Hon. secretary 01 I the interior, dated August 15th, is7, and under the direction ol the Hon. Commissioner ol theoeu- J era! Land Office. dated Anirust 31st. 1887. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE W1TH drawal of lauds tor indemnity purposes under the grant to the Oregon Central, now Oregon & Calforma Railroad Company by act of July 25th 16, has been revoked by the order of the Hon. Secretary of the Interior, to take effect from the ate of the order (August 15th, 1887.) And that all lands so withdrawn for indemnity purposes under said grant within th is, the Roseburg . V. S. lanil Tlictnot arc t-MlnMul tsi fflA nilhlif Hnm&in And opened to settlement under the general land laws, J approved by the commissioner of the General Land Office and the Secretary of the. Interior. And that on and after the 18th day of October 1887, said lands 0ml will lie fci irtj iiiiim aiiu viiK.j, .jppiiwH.uira 1111 T 1J.I for filings and entries on lands covered by unap- I the church. 1 never entertained COn proved selections will be received, noted and held I , ... .. . . . subject to the claim of the company, and when pre- j DUCDCe in the Sincerity Ol tlieir action, senKHi alleging upon sumcient pnmaiacie snowing i that the land is not subject to the company's right j ol selection, notice inereoi win oe given vne com pa i ny, and thirty days allowed within which to file ob- I iections, if no objections are filed such application I will be admitted, but if the company shall appear and show cause, an m-estigation will be ordered to 1 deteimiiic whether the land is subject to the com pany's right of selection. CIU8. Vt. JOUNSTOX, A. JONES, Register. Receiver. THE New York Coffee House t3L And Oyster Saloon Leading Check Restaurant In the City. SIFORD HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND - - - r " OREC0M !3TPri vat e Roomg of the Latest Designs for Ladies OPEN DAY AXD SIGHT. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, nPTV'nv COR ALLIS, OREGON rpiIE NEXT SESSION WILL REG IN J. on September Slh, with a full Faculty as ast year. 13. L. AKJi UL-U, l'res. SELLING OFF a AT COST ! ! FOR 60 DAYS! 60 THE ENTIRE -iaSTOCK OF'CJ- T. C. Sheridan's HARDWARE -CONSISTING OF Pitchforks, Barleu Forks. ' AxeSf Guns, Pistols f Cut- leryf Augers. Cross-cut Saws, Hand Saws, Planes Braces, Bitts, Squares, Hammers, Locks, Butts, Sirews, Files, Tinware, Stoveware, Etc, flia BEST PIANOS and ORGANS IN THE WORLD Are manufactured and sold for the least money i O 1. U "2 CO bl a. u Ixl Jf I- Ixi ca KEKTIOX TBU PATEK, H e- i ! .v NO. THE SIGHT HASP. Of iellowBhip Offered The Benton Leader -A Harney valley Boutnern neino dist Condemns the Action of his Brothers- Be Think There a Dark Horn n !o Could Rertrae the Action, if he Would - Some Words About Ilnrney Valley An Interesting Letter. Habxey Valley, Aug. 26, 1887. To toe Editor of the Leader: I desire to extend to you my right hand of fellowship in token of my pro found admiration, and of the good will of the people of Harney Valley toward you for the brave, diguified and persistent manner in which you have conducted the state rlaim to the absolute control of the Agricultural College. The state of Oregon cer- tainly should have exclusive control of her own institution. This has been my idea at all times, even while I was 1 in the membership of the church that i .... SO presiStently HOW contends I0r tlie control 0f tnia colWe. This little bit , of experience will teach the state Ot Q,.egon fc0 iot churches alone in the . .11 t -i. xi. luture in scnooi mauers. uei- me churches run their own school and if they are too weak for that purpose, then they had better let schooling alone. 1 believe in state schools, and also strictly denominational schools, but a , . , . . , ....i;- ;tU,,tmn kind of an hcrmapbrodite institution , . n..;1.1lAl. l i or rliu,.cl, js "Lit IS IKlthei State nor CI1UIL11, ! AX ABOMIMATIOX. and a disgrace to the civilization of our apre. 1 am not, at all surprised at the action of the members of the confer- ence of the M. E. Church, South. I was surpnssd at their action whlCn 1 prof essedl V seereffated 1 U8 SCQOOl tfOm , , - . ... . for I have beard a prominent minister , ., .. ,,t. ask the question ore than Once, DO . xi. you Suppose we are going to let tlie ..,. ,., ii tl T.:TJ oursin There is a dark horse in that conference who is how playing as a silent partner, ho could step out on the conference floor and with his voice reverse the action of that whole body in their present course. I am pained at my heart to hear the ugly names flung at the M. E. Church, South, by the different newspapers of our state, based as they are, on the action or a tew men wno maiung ior themselves an unenviable reputation. I hold credentials from- that church; I dedicated my children to God at the hands of her ministry; my mother's sainted soul went to God from the Virtnnm nf that nliiirch. nd for mo to .fn,.fftJ an, other irt-mt than . .. j j 1 r .1. gratitude and profound regard for the church as an evangelical body of the u 1 .1 1 i. Christian family would be the basest treachery. So what I say is only in harmonv with what I believe to be harmony ithw bat 1 believeto be consistent with the strictest principles e ... j Ti.xt.--i- e of reititude. Let the citizens of old T,. ... ... ,. Benton, of Corvallis, yes, of the state , 1 - xi 11 .1 ' push the claims of the state until COMPLETE VICTORY is gained m the states behalf, then . . .. in. from that time on and forever let there be no more appropriations of state funds to aid church school, be they Methodist, Catholic or Universalists. The above paragraph we Learti,y endorse, and is to our mind the truth exactlv. We have the lushest regard for the Southern Methodist F.niTOR TJeview.1 Church. -m- , j , , . " .1 I p. nr Innonno- anrl lonL-inrr fnr tliol t, f , . . . idly settling up. If the abomniable and thieving wagon road company and ( t v. j t 4,i .i ,' i au-amn antrple nan IrpnT. T.hAir hamk nftl ... ii 111 1 . bins vvuuii y iu rt uum ut t c wcu tai 111 advance of its present status. This present administration, state and na tional, seem to be honestly endeavor i ing to extricate this country from its I - I the thought, but it 13 a fact; almost I every man connectjd with the 3wamp I steals are democrats, but they "got in . , ,. . ?, ..... . lAir wort" Ihmiion roniiiliron arlnun. istraiions, especially wuu uio iormer Y. . 1 T t . . xwiauvi n vviiu xmuu vum uj idtiu lici o and Secretaries of the Interior. We have no politics out here now, only we will stand by the men and the party that will crush out the frauds of land monopolists. While you of Corvallis have your church scamps to handle, we have another set of fellows who are not quite so conscientious the land grab bers. Let me in conclusion give THREE ClIEERS FOR THE BENTOS LEADER, t -tj- e xi. ?x x 1 t the new building of the Ste Agncul. tural College, and for the Constitu- tional Amendment prohibiting the sale 01 intoxicaung nquors: aiso ior tne r .1 xf x , utti ui me uuier i o smenamenis to be voted on the 8th day of November nexL 3 v f. -1 , Let no man write inquiries of Have you churches and school houses in Harney Valley, or are there any or- t. j a . , . . ' . 7 chards theref As tlw Almighty was not disposed to start any other new country by first establishing these DOUGLAS COUNTY Is Situated in Southern Oregon, and is a veritable cmpire"of 4,950 Square Miles, being larger than ' the Great State of Connecticut. Magnificent Climate. Wonderful Resources. Live Men Wanted. The Review is the Medium for Reaching this Great Empire. stitutions -before settlement, I Buppose He thought it would be partiality to ' give Harney Valley that kind of a send off. So we ate rather left on this line at present. If any of your readers want to sit around and wait until this country is all taken up and all the in- . stitutious of our civilization are estab lished,without enduring the privations of pioneers, my advice to them, is to ; stay where they are, and in a few years they will wake up some beautiful morning and discover bow they missed their opportunity. Yours for the right, T. V. 13. Embree. In Benton Leader. Most Hideous Industry in America. The most bideoua industry in this country is a enake farm near Galton, III. The proprietor raises snakes of various kinds, bmtnakes a sjieciality of rattlesnakes. A firm in Philadel- phia has given a standing order for all the rattlesnakes the farm can producs. They are worth $2.25 each when they attain a length of four feet. These pnakes are bought to be stewed into an oil which if advertised to cure rheuma tism. Christian Advocate (Nashville.) Why, Dr. Fitzgerald ! You, or your associate, must have been napping when that article was penned. We can assure you the whisky is the most hid eous industry, by all odds, in this land. , It can manufacture more snakes in a man's boots in one day than were ever raised on that farm in a wholo year. It bites and kills more men in a single year than were ever bitten 1y rattle snakes in a whole century. As for its medicinal virtues, jf we are to believe those engaged in the industry, it eclipses rattlesnake oil ninety-nine per cent That is good only for rheuma tism, while whisky is good for nearly every ill to which flesh is heir. It heats yon in winter and cools you in summer; it puts you to sleep at one time, and arouses and stimulates you when you-aie dull and drowsy; a cer tain quantity puts the devil in, your head, murder in your heart, and metal in your fists and feet. Repeat the dose, . and it trips you up and makes you as helpless as a child. .As a poison it can take the blue ribbon from the rat tlesnake at any county fair. As proof, if a rattlesnake bites you, jost take a pint of this "blue ruin," and it kills the rattlesnake poison bo dead you never feel it3 effects again. Hence, it is the king of poisons, and the most hideous industry in our land. Vo ytra give it up, Doctor? Western Recorder (Baptist.) COSSACK HOUSE 31 AS SHIP, A St Petersburg correspondent writ- in? to the London Standard, says , . . ' wrondcr- a ful display of horsemanshni . '. . lt took Plain the Petrofisky Park m thePlC3ence of tIie Grand Nichoksandmostof the fore; Here nd Duke , . , cers, the regiment of Cossack Guards ' . ,. .. . went tlirougn an extraordinary series ot . ? . , . , , . " exercises which threw the most daring .... . . m ,x ,,, ; I , 1 , 1 loose order, with many of the men ....... standmS pngbt m their aaddotben r,on,tlieir hewh wltk thoir m tlie. a,r many leal'mS the -FOmvl and en into me 8aacuo again a, lu.i speeu 1 VKKm3 nP swnes nom tnc S and yet regaining their seat. W bile performing these feats all were bind- Lsliin2 their sabres and firing their pis- o a i I tols, throwing their carbines into the air catt,llinr tLem ing like maniacs. Sonio men went past in iwiirs, standing with a leg on ' I vOvU VU1U O UA9vi UUb Tllvl ICli" ried off another dressed as a woman." The effect of the scene was absolutely bewildering, and it seemed as if the j whole regiment had gone ; mad. Upon a signal being given the regiment divi- I tinn TTt-rt nil i.f. (Inn vri aH- fhrm , , , ' : ' ,. V halted and made their horses lie down on the ground beside them, waiting ns in wo. 4lia anrilvMri t f Via mimi- I The other section of the regiment then I xi - . . , ... IvIWllkVU UV " 1 C1UU 111 dl 1 Xll'VXlv vIVl V horse was on his feet, every rider in his saddle, and with a wild yell they rode at their supposed enemy. When the manoeuvres were over the regiment rode past singing, and uncommenly well together, a military chorus. Al together it was a marvelous exhibition of horsemanship, and one hardly knew. whether to admire the docility and mettle of the steeds or tlie skill and courajie of the riders. All the foreSem , . , , officers and guests were no less aston. X ocC C EUxbr is the only ae - us . , ... , s"" teed. It is positive cure for Ulcers, Erup- woMoreypimmcFoisoiimg. It purifies the k.0188. and fliishesallElieumatio a4 Keuialgio pains. We guarantee it. r or sale at Marsters drugstore. me. . .,w. VLVXSOVV Elixir & VMwated. is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will posi- Uvely cure all Blood Diseases, purifies tho in.For itk at Mania's drug store .