Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, May 27, 1887, Image 2

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J. R. N BELL, - - Editor.
FRIDAY, MAY, 27, 1887.
The alarming frequency of railroad
horrors since the winter set in has pro
duced an unusual perturbation of the
public mind. Of the tjiree greatest of
these, the first was on the Baltimore fc
Ohio, near Republic in the State of
Ohio, w here a number of victims con
lined in overturned cars were roasted
alive. A few weeks later a similar ca
tastrophe of not less alarming propor
tions occured on the Vermont Central
This was followed, last week, by a
wholesale massacre on the Boston and
Providence railway, in which six crowd
ed passenger cars were hurled through
a bridge, a distance of thirty feet, kill
ing outright, it is said, over thirty and
injuring a hundred more. It is not
wonderful a public which is daily repre
sented on the various lines by tens of
thousand-, should indignantly demand
more attention to the safety of travel
ers. . It is insibtod that cars can be
wanned by methods that will obvjate
the danger of making a holocaustof pas
sengers in the event of being capsized
It is held also, that if there was less
watered stock on wliich dividends had
to le paid, there could easily be secured
road Ijetls, bridges and general pro
visions for public safety. We remem-
1er that when a catastrophe occured on
one of the lines of W. II. Vanderbilt,
he coasigned the indignant public to
Gehenna. We Itail as an indication of
of a more sensative conscience that Mr.
Garrett of the B. fe O. is so troubled
over the Republic disaster that he has
determined to sell and retire from the
railroad business, lie could serve his
country better by inaugurating an era
of railroad reform.
In glancing our eye along the columns
of our exchanges -we see that many dis
asters come from overworked men.
This is a ghastly error upon the part of
railroad managers to overwork their
employes. Especially, the engineers of
all others, and the firemen and con
ductors, and so on along down the line.
No engineer should be on duty more.
I than 8 to 10 hours out of every 21
They hold human existence in their
hands as no others do on the earth, ex
cept possibly the captain or pilot of a
steamship. "20 and 25 hours on duty,
one round trip, have not slept a wink.
could hardly keep my eyes open." Such
are the testimonies of some railroad cm
ploycs. No human life is safe in such
hands. Sometimes men are discharged
for drunkenness by the railroad manag
ers, this is certainly right, for a drunken
engineer or conductor should not be
allowed to hold a human life subject to
his drunken caprice. Now while this
is a correct course upon the part of the
railroad managers, in discharging drunk
en employes, yet this overwork business
is about as criminal in unfitting men
for their proper quota of labor for every
21 hours, as the stupor brought on by
inebriety. Both are highly censurable,
Henry Georgd indignantly denies
that he is organizing the labor party in
the interest of Blaine. The followin
letter ought to to be accepted as proo:
tint Mr. George is in earnest in his op.
position to the great republican pro
New York, October 12, 1886.
. I am a free trader, pure and abso
Jute, and regard protection as a fraud
on workingmen. If I were a citizen
of Connecticut I would sign your cir
cular or do anything I could to show
the workers how they are humbugged
by a tariff which, while protecting
favored capitalists and land-owners,
leaves them free to grind the faces of
their employes. Yours truly,
Peof. Crowiicrst, the lecturer on
intemperance has written a campaign
song. Two lines are;
"With our fortunes and our lives
We'll protect onr sons and wives."
Why not our daughters and husbands?
The exigencies of rhyme eometimes
play sad havoc with our sense. The
Professor would better stick to prose.
Beaton Leader.
Blaine will start June Sth on his
trip to Europe. He will return to
these ishoresjust prior to the meeting
of the national -republican convention
next year. It's no use, Mr Blaine.
Grant tried it and it was a 'miserable
failure. A blaze of glory will not
light up this continent on your return.
Albany Democrat.
The Weekly World published at
Portland Oregon is certainly a good
democratic weekly, and will dtaw a
large patronage. It is solid in its
views that the democratic party is the
party of the people.
"Temperance reform will come in
when the democrats go out," says a re
publican paper, luc democrats were
"out" quite a longtime and temper
a nee reform showed no particular symp
toms of coming in.
Mr. Uays has been offered the pi es-
idencv of an Ohio college. There are
probably fifteen trustees and they no
doubt stand 8 to 7.
Pacific Coast Mutual Endowment anil Vro-
tjctire Assotiation.
The Pacific Coast Mutual Endow
ment and Protective Association was
incorporated two and one half years m. Simpson oT Oakland Cal. was in
ago Theobject of the Association is townrecent, . :
to provide benefits to legatees of de
ceased members, or certificate-holders, Wm' Sweel and Ogden of Eugene
and endowments to the living, at the wcre ntown this week,
least possible cost The Association is Dr. Kuykendall's residence is being rapidly
conducted on the assessment plan, thus pushed forward to completion .
giving its members, or certificate hold- M. L. Miller of Corvallis, passed through
era, the advantage of seeming protec town on his way to Coos Bay, a few days ago.
tion at actual cost It is of Santa T r t- . r j
T. . .. .to? James Moore of Eugene spent a few days
Rosa inception, the officers and direc- tw c i c i -i -
, . r ',. , ln Dram, visiting Snowden Springs daily in
ors being amongst the leading and . . . , , f.
i T -j.- e il i ., 8 order to recuperate strength and health.
wealthiest citizens of that city. The
principal office, as set forth in the ar- The addlUon t0 lhe cottaSe of Mr- Garfield
tides of incorporation, is at Santa completed and adds much lotheaPPear-
Rosa. Since its organization it has ac- ance as weH as lhe convenience to the house,
quired a membership of over one thous Chas. Cary of the O. & C. R. R. Co, is
and, and 13 last growing m importance I
and membership. lhe association has 1
now over twenty agents, in various I
parts of the state. Any persons, male I
or female, between the ages of 16 to
70 years, ot good moral character and
temperate habits can become members
or certificate-holders provided the ap
plication is accepted by the ; Directory
or its authority. !
The membership is divided into two
classes: Class A and class B. Per-
sons btween the ages of 16 and 50
vennt of am arp members or rorr.ifin.-ita.
holders of -class A; those between 50
and i 0 years of age are members or
certihcate-holders of class B. Each
class pays its own losses and maturities,
The Endowment Fund is created by
assemeui ui vue ureiuwra ami a-iuu-
.i.i..u: x- ii . .... 1
cate-noiaers, w pay uie maturing cou-
pons, anu is pam to wmwi wiiM cou-
.u..v- "v o" "
interest per annum, xne notes taiten
fnr cnnli navmcnt. nrf nnt. I
and only used in liquidation of the
.nmnnh the AAritirm will in the fn.
fammm thfi memlr rrJvirKr the
RamP Death tienifits. in all cases, in
either class A or B, are paid to'the ex-
tent of one coupon (or one fifth of the
whole certificate) less any amount
which may have been paid and inter-
est thereon. An annual statement of
the receipts and disbursments of the
assessment funds are furnished to each
member of the Association. The or
ganization has been eminently success-
ful. Its growth, since the time of its
incorporation, bespeaks for it a place
among the leading associations of the
btate. lne louowing are the officers
and directors: Hon. A. P. Overton
(Mayor of Santa Rosa), President;
Ihomas J. .Brooke, Vice President;
oonn u. xvuuue, oecretary ana iian-
t m -n r-j;i t:
oiiuuii o I uj.. u.. uiutucai uirecior. i
Director: A. P. Overton, J. L. Biddle,
R Pnss Smith, Thos. J. Brooke, Gea
C. Jones; Noah A. Walker, and D. N.
This convention met in this citv last
Wednesday. A large crowd was pres
ent as lelgates from different parts of
the count v. Next November this
amendment, with two others will be 1
submitted to the votes of the people.
The grett stir will be in reference to
the prohibitory amendment. The oth
er two will likely to be lost Bight of to
a great extent. The advocates of this
cause asked bo heard through the
pres3 of the country. We think they
should be heard. While The Review
always favored local option and civil
damage bonds, as the best remedy, but
this is the only way we can express
our views at present on the temperance
question, and believing that the law.
if it carry, will operate as a local op
tion law in many localities, we there
fore favor the amendment
Tne Xew South.
The school district of Ft Smith Ar-
kansasis out of debt, and has available
f t,if m;n; rt ila,.o Tt.
noovvUi m. w unit ujuiivu v& uvuhiqi v
is the richest school district, per capita,
in the Union. The sale of lots this
week in the reserve was attended by
atout 1500 foreigners, and los sold
as hish as $7,000. " Other large sales
were made tncre last iionaay.
Among them 100 feet on Knox stre9t
at $15,700; 105 feet on Lawson avenue,
$12,000; one Garrison avenue lot 818,-
ooo; ,wc?J;Sve
jw, sti acres ueui iuwji ijuujuw, iuu
acres two miles out, $22,500; eighty
acres three miles out S10.000: half a
block on the Little Rock road $8,000.
We understand that a mare belong
ing to Will Bailey, in the east end of
this county, exhibited a remarkable an
very uncommon ireak ot nature a iew
m m m .
days ago . It is reported that she foa.ed
twins a mule and the other a horse
colt. They lived some hoars and then
died. That is just a little ahead oN
anvthing in the horse-ology that we
know of. Neosho Times,
The colored voters of Massachusetts
think they ought to be recognized in
the distribution of state offices. But
they won t De. Massacnuseus patriots
have not more than enough offices to
go round.
Sheriff Williams of Tt. Smith
Arkansas was bitten by a njad dog.
The mad stone adhered to the xwound
for twelve hours, and it is hoped that
his life is no longer in danger.
A sessiox of the legislature ever?
six years would be the correct thing
The people onghi to have time to learn
the provisions of the simplest laws be
fore they are changed.
A fire occurred at the Chautauqua
Assembly ground at Jamestown, New
York, a few days ago, that destroyed
80 buildings, valued at $100,000.
The recent frosts extended
as far
South as Opelousas, La., and it is feared
that the strawberry crop is injured.
Wedding in town Sunday.
Prof. Booth is having his residence re-
spending a lew weeks vacation in Drain in
the endeavor to region his now failing health.
a large number of cattle, sheep and hegs
are beiner shinned from this dace. Our extra
shipping facilities render every convenience to
Our popular artist Robt. Lane is kept con
stantly busy, Surely Drain is one of the
neatest, most healthful and picturesque towns
in Oregon.
The society of our village Is in a bad state
demoralization, intact, almost upon the
verge of entire destruction. Yc regret to re-
cortl in,s '"E ' nevertheless it is true.
Revs. Dummill and Wilson returned from
Gardiner Tuesday. Their next meeting bc-
gins soon on the Siuslaw, at the last meeting
the Library society adjourned until nrat fall
r. r !, f. F,fr. n,.
.o.w.. v,...
next month) Ms gon Hcrirv .companies him.
They w;n res;de somewhere in that count
havine sold their farm on Thief creek to
rwifirs u.ii ,n,i :t,ri- rrni;rm;.
- ..... ...
thc D'& C' B- StaRe hne- Thls llne 15 now
undcr lhe management of two energetic, enter
Prkin2 and accommodating gentlemen and
wm aeyana M 1,0,11,1 retil,n the na,ne alrcady
Eaincd as the most mlai and eoyahle
,uulc 10 u,c ua cou""y
VTe are glad that our little hints and dabs
given at various times through thc columns of
this estimable paper have gone straight to the
mark, they have instituted wonderous reforms
where we thought reform impossible and we
go on our way rejoicing over our being thus
able to influence other lives for good. We
shall try again sometime, hoping to meet
with like success
THB opexiko aux.
The friends of the prohibitory
amendment opencd tbe campa
Douzlas county bv a permanent or-
w ...
ganization of their forces on Wednes-
day last, a full account of the procced-
ings can be found in another column.
In the evening,
after the work of or
ganization was completed a grand mass
meeting was held at the court house
which was filled to overflowing. The
Junior band was in attendance and as
usual furnished excellent music. The
waa called to order Hon
W. F. Benjamin, prayer was offered by
Rev. E. Gittens, who also delivered
the opening addres3, which was logical
and well timed, the Rev. J. W. Webb,
of Salem, then followed in one of his
masterly efforts, full of pathos, wit and
logic. His blows are powerful and
telling, and he heid the closest atten
tion of the audience. Miss Mamie
Jones, the universal favorite followed
in an appropriate recitation; and Floyd
Johnston, Douglas county's popular
youthful oraor closed with a ohcrt but
convincing speech. This is the first
gun of tbe regular campaign and the
friends of the amendment propose to
have a red-hot campaign.
MEMPnis, Tenn., is on a boom. A
balE mma don worUl of property
changed hands there in two weeks. .
When Bby was sick, we garo her Castoria,
"When lhe wm Child, she cried for Caatoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Caatoria,
When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria.
Grand Parade at ten o'clock led by the
who will furnish instrumental music
for the day.
by the Ladies Musical Society.
of Oregon's ablest speakers.
afternoon parade by the
Otation by the Hok. Bes Spoons) of
Moss suported by the Shepherds and
Cowboys Iwys of Douglas County,
with a remitting explosion of music by
tbe GrEAT Eastern Silver Corset
I TSivn
15 purse for race horses Entrauce3.
$10 " " saddle " " $2.50
$5 " ponies " " $1.50
Not less than three horses to start in
each race, committee reserving the right
to reject entries.
$10 For best lady rider.
45 Ladies foot race.
$2.50 For prettiest babe entered under
one year old.
Three of Mvnle Creek's Handsomest
old Bachelors.
erciscs to be held at the GfcOVE on John
V. Weaver's farm. Climbing liberty $6fi
Fat man's race, Wheel barrow race, Sack raci
Foot races, all to conclude with a
j and supper in the evening goo-.! floors and
j room f- 8 setts to dance
Come one
Conic all-
SO, 1887.
Memorial day will again be observed
in Roseburg next Monday with appro
priate exercises under the auspices of
Reno Post, G. A. Ii. and the Woman's
Reno Relief Corps. Everybody is re
quested to aid by their presence and ae
. . i i . ii.
uons in uie proper vuaeruce oi ine
day. All old soldierb are requested to
meet with the Post at the old Masonic
hall Monday at 9 J o'clock a. m. The
following programme has been pre
pared: 1st The exercises wiu commence
at Slocum's hall at 10:30 o'clock a. m.
by the Juvenile band with the piece
entitled "Grand Fantasia" of Gospel
Hymns. ;
2nd Song "America by the
3rd Prayer By Rev. John How
ard. 4th Son" "We were Comrades
Together inhe Days of the War" by
the young ladies.
5th Recitation "On This Memo
rial Dav" bv Bertha Bellows.
6th Song "The Glorious Chif,"
First part male quiirlette, second iart
mixed voices.
7th Oiation Jiy Hon. Dinger
Sth Song "The Falie-i Brave,'
Bv the Relief Corps.
9th Reci'atio'i - " Dtfcoralio i D ay"
Bv Bertha ItichatdsO'i
10 Solo "Tentinst lo-niht on the
Old Camp Ground" by Comrade Walsh.
Benediction. : '
At l:oOo clock r. m. a'l are re-
quasted and especially all civic and
military organizations to assemble at
Slocnm's hall and form into pioces
sion for the march to the , Masonic
cemetery where the following exer
cises will take place:
1st Music "General Logan's Fu
neral March," by the band.
2nd Recitation "Unknown" by
Echo Gaddis.
3rd Duet "Cover them over with
flowers of May" by the Misses Her
mann and Odk( s.
4th Scattering of flowers under the
auspices of the Relief Corps.
Sth Address By Comrade U. W.
6th "Dean's Funeral Dirge" by
the band. -
7th Reading of original memorial
poem, composed for the occasion by
Rev. Fred Post
8th Quartette "It Them Rest
Sweetly Rest" by Mr. and Mrs Flint,
Mrs. II. McClellan and Homer Jones.
After which the procession will
move to the Odd Fellows cemetery and
bedeck the graves with flowers of re
membrance. The memorial sermon
will be preached at the Presbyterian
church, Sunday morning May 29th by
Rev. G. A. McKinley of Eugene city.
All Comrades and Sisters of the Re
lief Corps are requested to meet at the
old masonic hall Sunday morning at
10:30 o'clock.
Sheriff Sale.
In thc Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and
tor the countv of Douglas.
S. Marks & II Wollcnbcrg riaintiffs.
vs Kremontaml Peter Fireman, Moses Frea and
Abraham Headman trustees for New OdUesaa Com
munity and II. Wolleiibersr, Isador Wollenbenf and
Alfred WollenUerjr partners undcr the firm name of
WollenberR Bros, Defendants.
Suit to foreclosure a uiortsaire.
i.1 and by virtue of an execution and order of
sale issued out of the circuit court of thc state of
Oregon in and for Douglas county on the 17th day
or May ltw, on a luuynicnt and aecree ol iotccios
ure of a mortzaire dated March 9th. 1883, said judg
ment and decree was given ad entered of record
on the 3d day of May, 1887,' in favor of the above
named plaintiff, S. Marks and H Wollcnberjj and
asramst tne above nameu defenaants, tmnon ivre
mont and the hereinafter described mortcaced land
and premises directed and delivered to me ou the
17th day of May, 1887, commanding me to levy upon
and sell said mortgaged premises and out of the pro
ceeds of saidsalo to pay first the cost herein taxed at
874.45 and the expenses of this sale second to pay an
attorney fee of S100 aud third to apply in satisfaction
of the judgment in favor of plaintiffs herein amount
ing to Twenty Two Hundred and Seventy Six dol
lors and Eighty Four cents and the remainder if
any be paid on the mortgage of defendants, H. Wol
ienberg & Bros, in pursuance thereof I have levied
uimn and will on
between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p.
m. to-wit at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day
sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash
in hand at the court house door iu Rosebunr Doug
las county Oregon all the right title and interest the
said defendant Simon Kremont has in and to the
following mortgaged nremises to-wit: the west half
of the N w i s B J of s wi s w J of s w i and s w of
s w J of section 34 and s of s R J section 33 in Tp32
south of range 6 west and the w J of s B J s i of M t J
and e b p. J of section 4 and s w J of X w J K w i of
s wj x J of k w s Ej of sw J andM w J of it I J of sec
tion a in Tp 33 south of range 0 west of Willamette
Meridian in Douglas county Oregon containing
7tK).25 acres more or less. u. v. aqee,
in the circuit court of the State of Oregon iu
for the countv of Douslas.
W. 8. Humphrey and S, C. Flint partners under
thc IJrm name ol numpnrey s runi, piaimuia
. vs.
C. W. Johnston, admr. of the estate of W F.
Owens deceased, Nannie L. Owens, widow of VV. F.
Ovens deceased. Effie Owens, Lafayette Owens and
Esther Owens heirs at law of W. F. Owens deceased,
George Weaver admr. with will annexed of the es
tate ol Hans Weavor deoeased, 8. Williamson, A.
Guthrie, K. Balfou r and B. B. Foreman partners
under the nrm namo 01 Buuour, uumno as Co.
of an execution and order of sale issued out of
the circuit court of the state of Orcron for the
county of Douglas on the I2th day of May 1SS7 and
to me airecreu auu omiYoreu iu pursuance 01 a
Iniknnent and decree bv foreclosure made and en
tered in said circuit court on the 10th day of May
1557 in lavor ox ine aoovn uaiucu pnunbius,
Hnmnhrev and S. C. Flint partners as Humphrev
& Flint, plaintiffs ana against vne aoove namea ae
tendinis. C. W. Johnston admr. of estate of W. F,
Qwens deceased, Geoipe Weaver admr. of estate of
Hans Weaver aoceaseu, ana cme vwtm ana uuier
Owens and against the hereinafter described mort
gaged premises for the sum of 13,SC,M .together
wltn tne eost ana aisounuTO"v hi wu-wap i.vea
at I28.2S and the expenses of this sale wner said
execution commands me to lev r upon and sell ac
cording to law tne herein aesonoeu moruragea prem
ises and out of the proceeds of said sale I satisfy
the Judgment due said plaintiffs amounting to
$13,800.35 together with cost and disbursements
amounting to S2S.25 and accruiug cost on said sale
in nnrEit&nna uifireof. t nave jerrou upon ana win
on Thursday the Ifith day of uije 1S87 between the
hours of 9 o'clock si m. and 4 o'clock p. m. t6rtt at
the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day will sell
at public amnion to the highest bidder for cash in
nana at tne court nouse uuor iu tvoecuunr uoug
las eounty, Qrejon all 'he right title and Interest
that the said defendants has in ana to tne said
mortirrred premises described as follows towit:
That particular pieie of land in the city of Rose
burg Oregon conveved by Hester A. Wheeler to
W. F- Owens on the 21st day of March U83 the
deed for !ih U retarded in volume 16 on page 168
of the record ot deed. for Douglas county and de
scrihed as follows tow! Commencing at the
north westerly comer of Spruce and Oak streets the
same being the south easterly corner ol block No.
S3 in the citv cf Roseburg, Oregon running thence
westerly along the line of said block to the prem
ises of W. F. Owens thence northerly along the line
of said premises to the premises or aoi Aoranam
Hwn rtrlv alonT the same to Spruce street
them unntheriv aloim said street to tbe place of
beginning containing one acre more or less excepting-
therefrom the foflowlniir described strip or par
cel of land one hundred ana sixty-four feet and five
inch Inner hv slvtv fAt wr'ule in aaiJ block 33 Com
mencing at the south east corner of W, Owens
premises on Oak street running thence easterly ; six
ty iet inence nortneriy one nunareu l j -
fair rcet and five inches thence westerly sixiy reel
.1 the premises of W. F. Owens thence southerly
e nunareu ana sixtv lour reel ana , unw w
place of beginning now ownnd sad occupied bv
. Francis Aiken, also that eertaiu Leasehold es
known as the Floed warUiousr property recent
ly Dy r . P. Hosran Executor of M last wmana
ment of J. C. Floed deceMed U 6aro Bros, and
ia caro Bros. go!d in said W. . uwens,
-v.i..Kmd Vare &9TII8 niSniertr l tmii near aTtil
on the west side of the O C R R track north cf
and near the depot of said Railroad Company In
Roseburg Oregon. Also a certain Lease hold Estate
known as the Orange or Granger ware house and
business property situated near and on tbe west of
the O V K traoa uonn v i- ikh mm ww w
n.ilrnaA Comnanv in Kosebnnr Orason adjoin
ing and immediately north of the Floed ware house
' v 0, ponyUB Cpuut,
The Empire Steel Frcnie Foloing Binder can be folded in a moment to pas-
through a ttin foot gate, the only Under that can be raised or lowered bodily
while the machine i in ruction. The Studebsiker Steel Skein wagon, the
Bisscl Chilled plow, the Acme Pulverizing hai row, in fact a full line of agri-
culture goods.
Bladder, Vn-.ary a:;:l I.'.vcr VtxaX3. Iro;s i
Gravel, end ria'ictr;, tre cured by
? ' i r j i s. i s $ h ks a
,' v'.c..".-". or Ivin-Ketc ii
in H -j I'at i, I'lns, or EMe
cures luteniperanec, Ncrvoa3 Discaacs, General
Do'oility, Female Weakness, and Excesses. j
cures BiUousiiMs, Hoadacl.c, Jaundice, Gour
Stomach, r'spop;'a. CanstipBiign and TilcT. j
ACTS AT ONCE on thc Kidneys, U vcr,
and Bowels, rcstoriiig thc:n to a hralth.v
action, and CL'IIES wlicn all other medii-inos
faiL Kundrcds have Wri tavod who hae Vcc'i
given up 1 1 uu by fr.cnrij and pliysicia-is. i
Scud for paniphlct to j
I'rovidencfo, It. I
Cry for j
Health and Sleep without;
i Morphine. i
P.lonay To Loan.
Money to loan on improved
farms, enquire of B. Gold-
smitli. 111 First street, Porlanu
Notice For rubHcalion. !
Land Office at Rnseburs, Or. May. 21, 18S7.
Xi lowiug-nanicd settler has filed notice of his
Intention to make final proof iu support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before the
Kegistcr or Keceiver ot tne u. a. uxan omce ai
Roeebur?, Or., on Wednesday, July S)th, lH87f viz:
Gkokok Wilson i
HomeBtoad entry No. 3491 for the S 1 ot S W . Sec.
10Tp28 SR 8 WostW. M. Ho names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resiilenco up
on aml cultiratii n of, said land, viz: E. llariliiir..n,
F. M. Wooden, Arthur H. W'Knien, Robert Smith,
all of Looking Glass, Douglas C . Or., ;
Unas. v 'on:-foN,
IXoticc of Final Account
In the countv court of the State of Oregon for the
eountv of Douglas in tbo malter of the estate of
Charles Applegate deceased.
W may concern that John Applcgale a;lministn.
tor of the estate of Charles Apple?ato deceased has
filed in tbe county court of Douglas county Oregon,
his final account of the cdndnistraliou of said fstatc
and the csurt by its order duly entered the roin ou
the 2nd day of May 1S87, sci Tuejday the Sth day
of July 1887, at 10 o'clock a. m. of Slid day at tiie
court room of said court in the court house in
Roseburfr, a tune and plaoo for hoartn,' objections
if any there be to the allowance ofsaid account and
the disehareo of said administrator. This uotice
is published by order of said curt. )
JOll.f ArPlB'MTB, J. 8- iTZliro.i,
Adminigrator. Judtfo.
Notice For Publication.
Land Office at Rnscbtirir, Or., Jlay 3d, 1837.
lowinjr named settler ha filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will he made before the
Register or Receiver uf L", 8. I Ottiee t RoWJ
burg Or., oq Sionilaj', inm wt(i, iss7, vis:
Homestead Entry No 8S21 f or thc E J of 8 E S W
1 of 8 E 4 and S K 1 of S W J, Sec 0 Tj 27 3 K 3
West W M.
He names the following witncssoi to provo his
continuous residence upon, and cultivaton of, said
land, viz: Polk Martin, Richard Cannon, Isaac
Matthews, John Durham, nil of Rosebunr, Douglas
eounty Oregon. Chas. W. Jon nktos,
In the Oiroult Court of the state of Qregon in and
for the county of Douglas.
Sylvester Pennyer, GeorJ McBride and G. W.
Webb, commissioners lor tha sale of school lanls
and the management rf the common school funds of
thc state of Oregon l'laiotilts.
Daniel MeBeath and Amanda StcBcath Defendants.
JLl tue of an execution issued out of the above
entitled court and cause on the 17th day of Slay
1SS7 and to me directed and delivered in pursu ranee
of a Judgment recovered in said circuit court on the
4th day of May 1887, by foreclosure of a mortjpie
bearing date of September 21th 1883 in favor of the
above named plaintiff Sylvester Pennoyer, George
McBride and O. W. Webb commissioners, etc., and
against the above named defendants, Daniel 51c
Beath and Amanda MeBeath, for thc sum of 297.
16 and attorney fees and costs and for the sale of
the moitzaod premises to satisfy the said judtr
ments and costs whereas said execution commands
me that out of the said mortgaged premises for the
foreclosure and sale of which said judgment was
recovered that I satisfy the said cost taxed at 27.00
2nd attorney fee 40 and third the judgmeut in
favor of the plaintiffs herein amounting to two
hundred and ninety seven dollars and sixteen
cents in pursuance thereof 1 have levied ujon and
will on
rttrssoAT TiiE23DiuroFjrfBls37
Between the hours of 9 o'clock a. in. aud 4 o'clock
D. m. to-wit: at 1 o'clock n. m. of said day sell to
tbe highest bidder for eat-h in hand at tha oeurt hon
door in Rosebunr Uongias eounty Oregon all the
right title and interest of thc said defendants in
and to the said mortgaged premises described as
follows to-wit; the K w J of the s w I of sec 24 T 20
at w containing 40aores also s w 1 of 8 w 4 of Neo
ridv and the s i l of the S 1 of see 14 and X B 4 of
the K i of sea 23 T 20 s ft 7 m in all containing 100
acres. v. AOEE,
Sheriff of Doulai Coi
wi LA
Z. I CATTLE, Afjeitt.
SH.-ial iittention
diseases of
iiSSjil'i mm
VM!.l riruNisM vur tiik nrjT anm fine.t
(i- o !s iii tli market. I.;ilics V.', LacJ-s
The .lfcoiisirikiu,; tlepaitmcnt is in skillful
hands, an. I under the itninvdiaU siipiuvision
of Mrs. Iiotcliki.j.
Oregon i.:ii;c T :
nly I Popular
vcr J ittiircs'juc
f a.lruail
225MiLEHiioi: rt::t, iouuL ns less time.
AcooMuii.Hl.itiniis uiijurpissci fur comfort and
btifoty. Kaivs.nid Freilita via Vauiua and the
dream I)avcliiniaiit Co's Stuamsliips much less
than by any other route between all points in thc
Willamette Valley and S in Francisco.
(Excepts Sundays )
Leaves Yaiinina ft. 20 a m Leaves AUkiiiv 12. 40 p m
Arrive t'orvali is 10.:i!iaui j Arrive Corvallis 1.22 p m
Arr'ne Alhasiy 11.20 a iu I Arrive Yaiiina 5. 45 p m
O.i C. trains comic at Albany and Corvallis.
"Faro betxvctn Corvallis and Albany and Sail
Francisco. Rail an 1 Ca'mi 11, Rail and steeigc
Wm. M. HoAii, C. C. Hooi'K,
Gen. 3fana0'er. ActiuC.-F. & V. Agt.
Corvallis, Oregon.
r'irst class Steaiiisiiip Lino between Y'aquiita and
San Francisco connecting at Ywjuina with the
trai.isof tha Orejju Pa;:ifio Railr.iad Company.
From Ya-iuina From an Francisco
W ilValii v sat May 21 I Wil Valley M m Slay 10
Eastern Or Tue " ai Kastcrn Or fue ' 21
VVil Valley ml June 4 I Wil Valley wit " 2S
Fnstcrn Or " 11 1 Eastern Or sun .'line 5
Wil valley Tim " lti I Wil Valley Tim " t
Eastern Or Fri " 24 Eastern Or Fri " 17
Wil Vallcv Tue " 2S I Wil Valley Tise " 21
EiiStcrn OrWed July 6 I Eastern Or Wed " 2!)
The Company reserves the rLjht to I'lians s'.aam-
crs or sailinif dates, S. 11. Tory, Gen. F & I' A;,!.
004 Kontomery St., San Fr.mcis.-o, Cal.
Notice For rublicatioa
Land Oltlcc at Roseburg Or. A)r. 20, liS7.
i lowing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his,
and that said proof will be made before the Register
or Receiver of the U. S. Laud Office at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Saturday May, 28th, lsS7. viz.
HENllY 1 JOtl.NSO.N.
Homestead Entry No. 312U for tho N. V. i fee. 32
Tp. 2S S. K. Swest W. M. lie names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, said land, viz, Abraham Thrush,
G. M. Prior. Frank McDevitt, George Fordney All of
Camas valley Douglas Co., Or.
111-43. V.. JOMXSTOX.
In the (.' .u.ity Court, Douglas county, iu the
Sitato of Oregon.
To FcnJal -uthcrliu, Samp3in Sutherlin, Thomas
Sutherlin, Malinda CroiKli.Janc Ferguson, Serena
Adams, V m. Batty Feudal Batty, Etfie Batty,
John F. Levins, Thomas F. Levins, Jas. S. Levins,
Jano Schad, W. II. levins, Cyrus Ixsviiis, John
son Levin?, Sampson Levins, Lucy Taylor, Owen
Sutherlin, Joseph E. Sutherlin, Masgic May
itutherliu, Annie Maud Sutherlin James F. Sulher-.
liu, John C. Sutherlin, Mubel D. Sutherlin, devi
sees aud all persons interested in thc estate of
John F. Sutherlin, deceased.
WIIEUEASv On the 5th day of May 1SS7, C. A.
Suhlhrcdc ailuiiuiftraUir of the above named estate,
filed hissworu petition iu this court praying for an
order to authorize him to sell tho following real
property uescrib.-d us follows to-wit: Tho S YV of
the S F."J - f Sec. 'J Tp 2S S U 5 V, the S W J of Sec.
25 Tp rt K h VY, the E J of E J of N. E. I of Sec 35
Tp 27 S R 5 V. the S E I of Sec 10 T '24 S R 5 W,
S II Sec 22 3 W Sec i3 V of S E of See 23 F.
of "S E of Sec 21 and S E 1 of N K of See Vi Tp
24 S 11 ti V. Lots and J block 11 and lots 2, 3, 6,
7 and fiaetbn of lot 8 block 13 in the R R addition
to the town of Oakland. Also ot 3 in block 2 and
lots 1, 4, anJ S J lot 5 in block 11, lots 7 and 8 in
block 8, lot 1 in block 3, lot 2 in fractional block 12
ill thc town oi Oakland. All that piece or parcel of
land in'.ional block 12 in to:i of Oakland Or.,
descibed as follows: commencing at the N V corner
of lot 3 thence 120 feet south, B3J deg west thonce
running 4 feet southwest and parallel with tbe
front of raid lots 3 and 4 thence. K to a point on
Baiii parallel line, Bald point beim; 90 feet from the
place of beginning, thence N W and parallel with
tha fioot of said lota 3 and 4 to plavd of beginning,
and WuMH.vs, It was order by the court that a
oitation issue to Fcndal Sutherlin, Sampson Suth
erlin, Tbetuas Sutherlin Malinda Crouch, Jane
Ferguson, Serena Adams, Wm. Batty, Fcndal Batty,
Elfie Batty, John F. Levins. Thomas F. Levins, Jas.
S. Levins, Jane Schad, W. II. -Levins, Cyrus Lev
ins Johnscn Levins, Sampson Levins, Luuy Taylor,
Owen Sutherlin, Joseph E. Sathcrland, Maggie
JUv Suthcrllu, Annie Matid Sutherlin, Jamas F.
Sutherlin, John C. Sutherlin, Mable D. Sutherlin,
heirs devisees and all persons interested in said
estate, to be and appear in tho above entitled
court, on Tuesday, at ten o'clock a, m. on
JULY 5,1887.
To show the cause if any there lie, why an order of
this court should not bo made for the sale of said
proiierty as prayed for in said petition. Therefore
you and each of you are hereby cited to apjiear in
this court at said time, to show the cause, if anv
you have, whj such an order of said court should
not be made.
Witneei the Hon. J. 8. Fitzhugh. judec of said
court, my hand and seal of said e ourt this 5th day
of May A. D. 18s7. T. R. Sueridax.
. . Countv Clerk.
seal Ey Vi. T. Wright.
. ' Deputy Clerk.
Adm'r. Sale of Ileal Esta'tc.
Roseburg, Or., May 12, 1887.
By order of the honorable countv court of Doug
las county, state of Oregon made May 2nd, 1887 I
will on Saturday June 11th, 1887, between thc
hours of nine o clock a. m. and four o'clock r. m
seli at public auction to tho hiirhcst bidder all thc
interest of W. F. Owens deceased under and by
virtue of a certain bond for title, executed by S.
Marks & Co. on June 3f. IrtSfi. in and to a certain
tract of land known as the donation land claim of
John Leiser, containing S20.97 acres and nein?
parts of sections 13, 14, 23, and 24, in Township 2
o. mx. o est, Hooplas county, or., aisoau m
torest of the said W. F. Owens under and by viitue
of a verbal contract made with J. R. K. B-jll, In
and to a certain tract of land situated just west ot
the South Umpqus River and near tbe corporate
limits of the towo ofltocebuif, in Douglas county,
Or. containins time aero.
Particulars can be learned ot me before sal
which wUl take place on premises. Tc miMoatt.
Just Head This!
Ri ifak You hnntr what notnl fnotls ure'
You knoiv what
You want to save
To the public generally.
In order to meet the first
payment arising; from the set
tlement of our late trouble, we
will oflfer9 during the nest 30
days, without reserve, all of
our splendid stock of goods at
Prices LOWER than You Can
Get m San Francisco. Come
and price the goods & proveifc.
May 13, 1887. CARO BROS.
rs a gj:xuixi:
Oilers the following bargains in Heal Estate.
Two Lots Sox no, with i story house, fruil trees and ornamental shrubbery, .
cn corner of Jackson and Lane strcets-a very desirable location.
" One Lot 40x110, with rhotogiaph Gallery, on Jackson street,
1 nnnQ A-crcs adjoining the city of Roseburg with living spring of pure water that
V'iUvU 0"ican be conducted over the larger part of ihe tract a most lovely place for
a residence and fruit growing.
.nrir OOI Acres of giKxl farming land wiihinone mile of the City of Roseburg
VtUUU 06L4 cash balance on time.
Sfifi A-crcson Hays creek. 30 acres under plow, adjoining good stock range,
UU""iUUa comfortable dwelling, very cheap.
Crvrvrv Lols H 12 in block 57 in
J)JUUU frame house.
$1200- Five lots and a g.l dwelling on J.tckson, north of Douglas street. Very cheap for
cash. ;
$15000 -2500 acres six miles irom Koseburg, goixl house, barns, all fenced, a lrg part in
cultivation, a decided bargain. )i cash balance on long time if desired.
$1600 A ncU collage, barn, fruit trees and
out.ide the city corporation; a very
$1500 160 acres, all fenced, near school, good
$Scoo 560 acres, 300 undcr thc plow, well
mile irom school house, well watered,
grain and slock farm.
$6000640 acres, 220 undcr plow, house, barn
Living water on it.
$4500 642 acres, 60 under plow, house, fence
- 160 acres all fenced, 2 houses, 3 barns,
Glass, living water, part of it in town
small means.
$10,000 1100 acres, 150 acres plow
good orchard, vinjard, living water, one of the best s-ock tarona in
the county.
A lot 80x100 ft. on Cass between Jackson and Main streets. This is
very cheap property, as the city is fast building up near it This a
good ir vestment even if not desired for business purposes.
$1100 A house, barn, wagon house
A good well of water, bouse mostly new, 7 rooms, a good fireptoce m
one. This is decidedly a cheap piece of property.
$1,500 280 Acres, a Custom flour mill
flour and one chopping bur, two small dwellings, chicken an-i smoice
house and fine garden lands, cold spring, 180 acres fenced, timlier,
pasture and 100 acres tillable land adjoining. Excellent place to fat
ten stock. Piesent owner, is no miller or farmer. At these figures till
July 1st proximo, title first rate. This property U very cheap either
for use or as an investment .
muxL ismiiiiD iflLissr Hennas-
The largest 1 lard ware house in Oregon is now prepared to recieve you with open arms,
can offer you "Big Bargains in
Champion Steel Mowers a
The best in the world-Light Reapers, steel Harvesters & Binders.
The Champion Steel Binder is a, "daisy" Look at it and weep you
mossbacks of ether machines To see is to buy.
We Defy the world to produce its equal, .
Superior Stoves and Ranges-Firebacks warranted for 15
. years-Cant be beat.
Lansing Steel Skein Wagons-Look at them and tell us what you
think oHhcm. White, New Home and Domestic Sewing Ma-
" chines. Everybody knows them.
Plows, Cultivators, Aultman Taylor threshers, Hardware of every discription.
Tinware till yotr can't rest. If it isa't cheap enough we will give it to you.
Dont forget that we can Bell you cheaper than any one in the State Orly
14. Write for prices. We tavo a Store, Cellar and warehouse full of goods
and we must sell. If you want bargains come and see us. If you can't come
write and we will pave you some money.
a bnrjain is?
lots of money?.
Roseburg, good neighborhood.
A good new
ornamental shrubbery in North Roseburg just
cheap piece ol property.
house, lxirn, 60 acres undcr plow.
improved, all fenced, house, barn, orchard i
al:out 7 miles Irom county seat. An excellent
and new fence, near post office and school.
and a good "outlet" for stock.
all plow land adjoining the town of Looking
lots. This is a decided bargain for a man of
land nearly all fenced, dwelling, 4arn,
and acres of ground in north Roscb'g-
and water piivilega'noar Itosoburg, two