HDOUGLAS COUNTY Is Situated in Southern Oregon, and is a veriLible empire of 4,950 Square Miles, Wing larger than the Great State of Connecticut, Magnificent Climate. Wonderful Resources. Live Men Wanted. ' Tut Review is the Medium for our raisco : X L Ikus-oftA-CoX . One Year - - - -Six Months - - - - - - - $2 50 - 1 23 VOL. XII. ROSEBURG, OREGON FRIDAY, 'MAY, 27. 188T. NO. 8. Reaching thU Great Empiie. THE ROSEBDRG REVIEW V Has Pushed io tho Front and Has the Largest Circulation mid la acknowledged to be the X--st t Newspaper Ever Published in Douglas county. Subscribe Now. RevieWo GESEEAL DIRE0T0BY- Grovbr Cleveland. .... ... .. .Presale.it. Titos. F. Bayard Secretary oC sw Daniel T. MASSiNO.SecreUry of Treasury. L. Q. C. Lam ah .Secretary of the Interior. Wm. C. Endicott. ..... . .Secretary oW ar W. C Whitney Secretary of avy. VV T Vilas Post Master General . A.'n.' Garland Attorney General. Meanisos R. Waits ..Chief Justice. STATE OF OREGON. J.N Dolpii u.s. Seuators. I. II. Mitchell n 1 Binoer Hermann Congressman. Sylvester Tennoyer ... 0o.vrn!,r' Geo.-W. McBride Secretory of btate. G. V. Wehb .State Treasurer. E. B. McELROSPt. Pub. Instruction. Frank Baker.. 77TTr:Jto.Stote Printer. Wm. P. Lord, V ....Supreme JaAfefc W. W. Thayer, . ) SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R. S. Bkan Judc. J. W- Hamilton . ... Prosecuting Attorney. DOUGLAS COUNTY. J. It. RutrpB, John Emmitt, ) W.F.Besjamix Seuators. n T - f 1- Jas. Blundell, ( " ' .Reprcs ntotiven. ii. Mckenzie, j Thos. R. Sheridan .Clerk. Ben. C. Agek. Sheriff. D. S. West . ; . . . .Treasurer. G. T. Russeh. . . . .School Superintendent, Jas. A. Steeling Assessor. J. S. FrrzHUOH County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. McGeb, . . . .Commissioners. N. E. Britt .Surveyor. Dr. S. S. Marsters . . Coronsr. Thos. Smith Seccp Inspector. - PRECINCT officers: T. L. Gannon , Tas. Harpiiam. j J lusticcs. Peter Junger Constable CITY OF ROSEBURG. II. C. Stanton, ! John Rast, I J. P. Sheridan, Trustees, O L. Willis, V P. Benedict. ; T. Ford ; Recorder. John Howard Marshal. Will H. Fisher .Treasurer. U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Chas. W. Johkston Register. A. C. Jones Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. B. S. Paoub Observer. PROFESSIONAL- L P.. LANE, - .JOHN LANE JANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, up stairs. Ii. U. HUiNTEK M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CAXYOXYILLE OREGON VV. Fo WALKER, M. D. ROSEBURG, - OREGON. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE WITH J. M. Carl on Main Street, First Block North of the M. E. Church. K. L. MILLER, M. D SURGEOX. Honiojopathio Phjsician. Offiice up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. Dr. THOMAS G1MILOI, A GRADUATE Of the University of Pa. at Philadelphia and of the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SORGEONS. and ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND has located l Ui practice of his profession in ROSEBURG OREGON. fence and residence, Washington street opposite th Catholic Church F. G. (EHME, M. D. (Pronounced Ama.) HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & Graduate Of The UNIVERSITY Of Leipzig Germany. Office & Residence at the house of Geo. W. Day, near R, R. track, Rose burg. DaC-A-BONHAM RESIDKNT DENTIST Roseburg - - - Or, J lion as a Dentist isjbased on the merits of my j work. Prices reasonable and to suit the times. ' ffi.tjk nrm In Msrlr.' Iinil.llnn V. a-OOLD FILLING A BPECIALTY.-E The Leading DRUG HOUSE W. S. Hamilton. Suec33ur to S. Hamilton. Rosbbcrc - - - Oregon. Obtained, and aU PaUnt Busineu in the n s Pent,5fflce atUnded to for MODERATE FEF?' Our office is opposite the U. 8. PaUnt Offlce and we can obtain Patents in less time than thoie mote from WASHINGTON re Snd MODSI- OB BEAWIXO. We adriss as to to,i ""f1"' advice. and referent wwto U"enUm fwo State or eonntv, n ,A.SXOW&CO., Opposite Pate Office,- WasbingtoB.D.c J. ja.skxjx.i:ic. . ; Practical VYaubniakrr, Jeweler and Optician. ALL, WORK WAUUAXTED. Dealer in - Watches, Cluck, Jewelry, Spectacles ami Eyeglasses. A FULL, IJNK OF CIOIARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODa. THE ONLY RELIABLE OPTOMEH IN TOWN for the priifwr adjustment I Sp-ctacles. Depot of the Centime Brazilian Pebble Spectacles Mid Ejo glasses. Office in Haniiltuu a Brick. Block. NEW YORK LUMBER 'rlWoodYard.,:,; Co To M , It Howell's East side of track one block south of depot is where you will find number otk dry 4nmbrSugartvpino;' Cedar, Fir, and all' Dimention lumber for buildings, sawed and shared cedar shingles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Screen Doors, Mouldings,7 Wall and Stair railings, Balusters, Brackets, Newel posts, Ceiling, Rustic, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing lumber, sawed and split Cedar posts, 1 inch plank sawed expressly for sidewalks. I represent the Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass Or. which from personal inspection I believe to be the finest establishment on the Pa cific coast, it employes -seventy men. The Proprietors and Overseers are all Eastern men and experts in the busi ness, the machinery is hew and put up in the best manner, and all under srtict discipline and order. Their work is all done by number one me chanics and is equal to any work of the kind done in New York or the East Fruit boxes, Picket fences and Gates complete. I also represent a number one mill at Yoncolla wliere I have sawed all Dimention lumber to order on short notice. All guaiantecd as represented or no sale. Call and see stock and prices before purchasing. Stove wood constantly on hand at HARD TIME PRICES. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA . VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. And Connections. Fare from Portland to San Francisco, Limited 30 Unlimited 36. Close connections made at Ashland with stages of the California, Oregon & Idaho Stage Company Only SO MUvs of Staging Time between Roseburg and San Francisco, 32 hours. CALIFORNIA KXPRKJJS TRAINS DAILY. South I From May 1, 1S37. I North. 4:00 r. x. I Leave Portland Arrive 1 10:10 A. M. 1:50 A. M. 1 Leave Rosehnnr Leave I 12:15 A. M. 9:00 a. ji. i Arrive Ashland Leave 5:00 r. x. PTJLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CAES Daily between Portland and Ashland. The O. and C. R. R. Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on East Side Di v. from footof F St. West Side Division. BETWEEN TORTLAND & CORVALLIS MAIL TRAIN DAILY (EXCKIT SIXDAT.) LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 7.30 A. M. Corvallis 12.25 P. M. Corvallia 1.30 P. M. Portland 6.15 P. SI. At Corvallia connect'with trains of Oregon Pacific for Taquina Bay. EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (EXCErt SUNDAY.) LEAVE. " I ARRIVE. Portland 4.50 P. M. McMinnville. . 8.00 P. M. McMinnville.... 5.45A.M. Portland 9.00A.M. Local tickets for sale and baggage checked at com pany's up town office, cor. Pine and Second streets. Tickets for principal points in California cau only be procured at company's office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. R. KOEHLER, E. P. KOGERSr Manager. G. F. & Pass Agent. McGregor's old stand, Jackson Street : Roseburg. W. B. Kolst cr, & Co HICHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES. THIS MARKET is always supplied with the choicest quality of Of all kinds, including beef, pork, veal and mutton; also, corn beef, sausage, lard, etc. The most favorable inducements offered to patrons, and no effort will be spared toward giving satisfaction. BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT BOWEN BROS. Having dissolved the copartnership exist ing between Bunnell & Bo wen Bros, and are now prepared to do all work in the line in a WORKMANLIKE MANNER, ASD AT REASONABLE RATES. CITY DRAYING DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON JOS. C.&ISLOX. 0.3VC 2Z" TJJSTGr. WASHING & IRONING OPPOSITE CARLON'S UVERT STABLE. sxrnvE-sriKrcn My Charges For Surveying Will Be $3 A MILE; MILEAGE 6 A MILE Until June the 1st. all necessary help to be furnish ed by the employer I n.AVE a full set of plats, fieldnotes of all section nes and of over 100 donation?. . - . Wsi.TfJIEL, Oakland HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BAILEY'S HOTEL. Oakland, Oregon, Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, Aimiis house has lately changed hands and Is orouhly renovated and refurnished. The travel ng public will find the best of accommodations No CJiiuamcu mployod. BMP II BAILET. DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON.' Richard Thomas, Prop. JFirwt Class SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS, X . ... 4r-Am THE ... Table supplied will, the Best the Market affords Hotel a Jib Depot of the Railroad. Central Hotel ! ROSEBURG, OHEGOIV, OPPOSITE CARLON-S LIVERY STABLE. Boar.l and Lodging per day $i .00 " " week.... 5.00 " Without Lodging 4.00 Meals, 25 cents. Lodging, 25 cents- Thorough satisfaction is promised to travel ers and the public generally. MRS. E. GARRISON, Prop. No Chinese employed . NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON cern that I have appointed D. W. Steams of Calapooia Precinet, Inspec tor of Stock for said Precinct, Post office address, Oakland. Also Ralph Smith of Wilbur Precinct, Postofficu address, Wilbur and others will be" added as parties interested make their desires kaown to me. THOS. SMITH Inspector of Stock for Douglas Co. Or. Wilbur, Or, April 13tb, 1887. MGOKE'S RESTAURANT. (Principaal Business Street.) IS,ossoliiigf, Orc'uou MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. CIVIL 13EMD STORE V. ARRINGTON, DEALER IN Dry Goods Groceies etc All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO , OUEGON. NEW STORE AT MLLARD, OR. would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries Ueady-Made Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at fiist-class store. . Give him a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Produo Taken in Exchange for Goods. taAll orders promptly attendtd to. MRS. S. A. HUTCHIXSOX, MILLINERY STORE! Oakland, Oregon, t ADIES WILL P.KD MY STOCK LARGE AND V Complete. Prices moderate. Cr'iTH M 9 Call. Wbs. S. A. Hutchinson Malaussene and Clements New Furniture Store IN FLOED'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. A ny thin; repaired or made to order. CALL INSTAlTTEIt. IMSURASiTCE. GO TO Humphrey & Flint. And get your property insured, for they represent reliable companies, such as the ANGLO NEVADA Of California And LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION Humphrey & Flint tiAVixt; The Entire Stock of -o of o- L R. DAWSON At RIDDLE - OREGON Consisting of EOOIS, T ; I SHOES, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, I GROCERIES, j Etc. Etc Etc. Etc. Etc! Am now ulli'i ing the same At Prices That Defy Competition. -FOR CASH -At Riddle r- Oregon. F. Gornutt. A LL PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES IN JA. deh'cd to Noah Ornutt will plsase call at my onice at uiuuics at tno store ana sot tic at once. F. C'omutt. THE !RA1BE CURE. SAL-MUSCATELLE In America Wl'IHOUT THE EXPFNSE OF AN ETJEOPEAN JOTJfUJFY! The crrstalized salts, as obtained in a pure state from grapes and choice fruit, in a portable, palat able, simple form, are now presented to the public of America as the grandest resolvent of impure blood, corrector of the liver and regulator of the bowels the natural promoter of HEALTH AND LONGEVITY., Eminent physicians claim this achievement a new era in the allied science of medicine, as it furnishes the blood with its natural salines that are lost or eliminated c cry day , SAL-MUSCATELLl! A POSITIVE, NATURAL SICK HEADACHE A2?I DYSPEPSIA CURE. ! Sal-Muscatelle is Nature's own product. It sup plies to the system tho want of sound, ripe ((rapes and fruit; it is the simplest and best preventive and cure for all functional derangements of the liver and kindred ailments; prevents theabsorpt: mi of mal ari. at diseases fevers vt alL kinds: conutrract tho ; fecU of bad air, poor drainage and impure water; nil powerful oxydizer of the blood; a natural sj.if,c'j nervousness, mental depression, and will remove the effects of accidental indigestion from excessive scat ins and drinkincr. Have it in vour hnm ....1 your travels. It to speciflc for the fagged, wearr and wnrn-nnt 00 ' Prepaired by the London Sal-Mcscateile Co. LONDON, ES0LAND. Beware of imitotious. The genuine in wrappers only." "blue 3T3eud forcinmlars G. EV NOVITCH, General American Minagerr V. O Box 155, New Vurk citV Mention this piper. For sale by S. Ham Ron R,"c! bury Oregon. 1 -THE New York Coffee House ra. And Oyster Saloon!? Leading Chech Restaurant in the City. 8IF0RD 2 ftACKNEY, PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND ORECOH. "Private Rooms of the Latest Designs for Ladies OPEN DAY KSD MGUT. I FROM FJOSEOUPiG TOlEMPiRfOCITY. HATUS ' From Roseburg to Looking Glass . .$ L75 " j root of mountain. . .. 2.00 "' " i Dora 5.00 " i F&irview S 5 , " " j Sumner.. ... 6.50 ' j Marshficld 7.00 " j Empire City 7. so :: DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. For Particlars Inquire at the Tost Office. Jas C. MclULLOCU, Prop PAUL SCHLOSSER DaALEii In- STOVES, TINWARE AND Drain - Oreson. JrE EPS A FI LL STOCK OK NAILS, t'l'TLEUY L Shelf and ISuilders ll.inlwsirc. AIho Utvnlvers. Guns and Ammunition. All kinds of Tinware JIade ti Order. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE, The Red Corner Keeps Constantly on hand the Finest Cigars, Tobacco NUTS, TOYS, NOTION?, j and Everything usually kept in a FIRST CLASS Notion and Candy Store, j 6. A. TAYLOE 1 Will soil by the motto j "LIVE AITO LET LI YE" Call and Examine our Stock -Before- PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. THE OLD RELIABLE Established in 1867 j Jacob BitSzcr Douglas County Bank, HUMPHREY & FLINT, j ftosebnrg m m m m Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKINGJ3USINESS Sight Drafts Drawn cn Portland, Sau Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exchange on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived suhject to check. Collections made on all accessablcpoints at reasonable rates. MILLWOOD MILLS ON HUBBARD CREEK. CLARKE & BAKER, Proprietors. Wo are now prepared to furnish lumber o the best quality iu quantities to suit the purchase?, always having on hand the largest stock of any mil in Douglas County. j i i We will furnish lumber at our mill at the following I j PRICES. ; No 1 rough, lumber.. $3 to 10 M No, I flooring, 6 Inch D & M $16 M No. I flooring, 4 Inch D & M 813 H No. 1 finishing lumber..., $10 M I CLARKE & BAKER. fM BESLPiAHOS and ORGANS! JlNtjHRWORLDk j Are manufactured and sold for the least money - by CO id U Id SB ' Id a id Cd NQTOHrVrAf- (H COf N.V mrtnn tbm ruau . tM II II ) '1 i 1! 'I i IS If 11 .. c) Is - ' "rag N. P. BUNNELL, FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, Wagon Shop, Blacksmith Shop. CAN MAKK CASTINGS FKOM ONE ounnc to three tons weight. Small Cu pola for small castings. 3Ioney refunded if work is not satisfactory. Portland prices ! Save telegrams and expresaage. Established ISii A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING QLQimm mum . ASD OP OREGON. C. W. KNOWLES, ST, CHARLES HOTEL, EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. tIEST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire proof Brick Building 180 Rooms. In the Center of the City COU. FRONT ASD MORRISON STS., PORTLAND W- F- BENJAMIN f) EAL ESTATE, It Translcrrini;, Collectinj INSURANCE, and Purchasing Agent. Correspondence Solicited. H. PARRY, MirchaLt Tailor. in the Red Front, next door to A. C. Marks Store. Repairs aiul Alterations neatly done. MABSTEBS. Hoineopathic and Patent Medicines, Perfumes, Satchet powder, Combs, Toilet articles, etc. etc: Stauonprr. ink spectucles, dtisters, memoranda and school hooks, mucilage, pencils, erasers, shoulder braces, sponges, trusses, drug- gist sunt' ries, etc. DBUG--S And chemicals, paints, oils and var nishes, window glass and putty, wall paper, cement, a full line of brushes. Perscriptions and family receipts care fully compounded. All of which, and much more can be found at our STOBE. Brewster's Potent Re In Holder. Yonr lines are where jtm put them not nndcr horses' feet. One aEent sold 1 Act. In A daV. nnA riff1P mnlA R Arvm In t W.h Samples worth M rsia Write for terms. E. Eo EREWSTEE, Holly, Mich. 1000 REWARD Will he given any man who w ill nroduce a i-i. HUQHStD BY W, ( 'RACTlCAUYi cntist of large experi ence, and widely known to he an honerahlc man, who Will assert that re fiued cast zinc is not im. of the most enduring .f an known materials to withstand the actions of the wnather. V eVEr DETROIT BRONZE CO., Detroit, Mich J1ALCardwellt Agent, - Hold on There, Where are you Going? T am Going Young 1 AT Wish to Announce that they have just received the Finest Stock - OF ' - Hardware Stoves Tinware A i.d are Prepareil to Give Customers SUCH BARGAINS AS DEFY COMPETITION. mm : Absolutely Pure, . Tliis powder never varies. A marvel of r.uritv trencth and who.esomeneas. ifora economical man the ordinary kinds, and eanitut be sold In com petition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold ouly in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 108 Wall SLN.Y. H. C. Stanton DEALER . IN STAPLE DRV GOODS! OF THE BEST QUALITY. GENERAL FURNISHING, HOSIERY, TRIMMING Jbc. Boots & Shoes OFTHE BEST QUALITY, a full of GROCERIES ! Wood And Willow WARE CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL BOOKS, ' AND STATIONARY. Subscription- AGENCY. Subscription received for all Eastern and European Publications. L. BELFILS WATOHMA TTT1H, I feel Confident rf rrtx-srr ttiofnAIAn in .11 entrusted to me iu watches, clocks, and Wclrr 1 also reair musical instruments. I have the Pnnn - i . r. . K ,toT oonejm water to any place de sired in Douglas Couuty; !lacn.an' mstrumenUl music. slrf"K mstrucUon wiM call on me at my watchmaking shop. - L. Bklfos? WHITE BRONZE STATUARY .nu rv i Were awarded -GOLD MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR, New Obleakb, 1 8 8.4 . S esigijsai7i Jacksonville, Oregon to Say That Hammitte x . TSUPtRlOFlTa COM MI VITICJL TJOX. : V a-hixgton, May 8th, IS67. The event of the past week was the visit to Washington of ihe Queen of the Sandwich Islands and her suite. All sorts of obsequious attentions were naid to hcv mawsiv at. r.liA fQniti-l nf this great Republic, for although Ko piolani has the 'complexion of a mulat to and the Egyptian cast of feature, she is a royal personage, and there is only one way to treat visiting royalty in this country s well a3 in any ether. The Queen first called at the White House, and her visit was returned by Mrs. Cleveland and the ladies of the Cabinet in legs than two hours, accord ing to the royal etiquette. Then fol lowed a good deal of sightseeing around the city under the pilotage of a committee frecention, a dinner at the Hawaiian Legation, a review and and parade of troops in her honor, a re ception of masons at her hotel (King Kalakaua, the Queen's husband, is a member of the fraternity) a visit to the circus, another to the races, a trip to the tomb of Washington on the U. S. Dispatch escorted by an impos ing company of foreign Diplomats and representatives of our own Govern. ; mcnt,and a banquet at the Whit House. . The conjunction of royalty and dem ocracy was especially interesting as pre sented at lhe State dinner. The presi dent of nearly sixty millions of free men led out the queen consort, Kapi olani, of little more than sixty-thou sand people, and sat at one end of his uoara witn tne dusky lined queen on his right and the dusky prin cess accomnanvin'r her on f.ia loft m o w va For once, at least, since the besinninw of his Administration, Mr. Cleveland found himself flanked by two women who could not talk back to him. Nei ther of them had sufficient command of English for general conversation. At tho other end of tho table sat Mrs. Cleveland and Minister Carter, who represents tho little kingdom in the Pacifis ocean to this Government. Mrs. Cleveland laughed gaylv as she talked to her escort and was evidently enjoying the President's situation while she was concealed from his view by large floral decoration in the pen. ter of the table. The banquet was a most elaboratn atTair and in perfection of every detail was thought to excel any entertain ment given at the Execative Manslnn during Mr. t Cleveland's ; occupancy. The State apartments were nrr.fnl, decorated with flowers, among which the Hawaiian colors were prominent, and the East Room euriiassed the oc. casion of the President's wedding, not in number, perhaps, but in the selec. tion of the flowers used. When visiting the Treasury Depart ment Kapiolani was taken down into the subterranean vaults vbm ilm money is kept, and seemed to take . deep interest in the loads of gold and silver stored away there. When told how much money she stood in the midst of, she was filled with wonder. She left the. capital delighted with her visit, and thinking that this is a great people, and that they Lave a big Navy, apd immense dinners, Rnd big taffy mines and liandsome President's wives. But let it bo said of Hawiiag Queen that notwithstanding the fact that hers is only a little kingdom and that her skin is colored brown, royalty of the highest degree could not. have do ported itself with more becoming lady ike grace than she exhibited during her visit to Washington. She showed herself to be a Ionian of J good sense and good manners. She was unob strusive modest, self-poised, dignified and even stately. Not speaking En glish she was at a disadvantage, but she was intelligent looking and appar antly quick-witted. Probably the silliest of all tho silly stories that have been told of Secret ry Lamar was that one to the effect that ho would not attend the State dinner given to the Queen of tha Sandwich Islands on account of hex color. It seems lediculous to take time to contradict so preposterous a report, were it not for the ftet lhat so:i-. people mi-ht lo jlIst silly cnoiiHi to U-SIhVff it. Th. was ;..ti;'n..-.l to hticlf.nxo b,- s-ickm-s il -liiii". n I ti:i-u-iHr,4iu-i t t-MH H I Miu-r tin (!;e al ovtt intn- li -II il .1 c.ti.. uax MtlliliUtHbh to tll -t l ull f : l:lt'. Bucklens Arnica Salve The Best Salve in th w.n ii r...- Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Suit Rheum, Fever Soros, Tetter, ChapiHjd lianas, tJlulDlains, Corns, and all akin Eruptions, and positive!? cures Piles. or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or mane? reiunaetr irnce 20 eta "t box. Fw saleby Marsteb & Co f This paper is kept on file at E. C Met atlvertising agency, 64 and 65 Merchants' Ex change, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts for advertising can bn made for iu