s ' ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, MARCH, 25, 18S7. jinn .lad roon. A ItrpJi. l nnnr i o En. Eeview. JH v surmise was J I - wise and beautiful arrangement, any great to see that reply to ray letter observing, thinking person can easily He starts out by quoting the subject see. Such a one can also see. that, of the great amount of happiness the until all men can 1)3 induced to live liquor manufacturer in the various kind according to the golden rule, there is of liquors will have by stopping their no possibility for a different order of business and breaking them up. If flnnoc Tf oil li friend Tavlor had a saloon lie coult were evenly distributed among the in- see the matter in a different light habitants thereof, no doubt each per- Not much happiness in that Mr. Tay- son would have a sufficiency of the lor. There is net much danger that w l - necessities of life: but tomorrow there we will havo any troubls in tin liw, would be found many who had already that will be ratified this fall for such squandered their portion, and others reasoning as Mr. T. gh e3 will i-ot re wbo having taken advantage of the ceive the approbation or. very many i ignorance and weakness of these mi- voters, he missed the inane very much provident ones, would have obtained when he said the laws v.ms p.issed i an undue proportion. They would be against the crime of murder and rich in the sense of the word as used thieves. Now that is right, Lut is of thoso described in the 5th chap, of there any law against a man buying James. And when men do learn to anv article of commerce ? The limior live according to the golden rule there manufacturers has as good a right by may still bo differences in their world- all laws to his business as the miller to ly estates. But there will be no bitter make flour aud he pays license to the envious thought in the heart of him U. S. government and county and city, who is poor in this world's goods. He Now if Mr. Taylor can't see a differ- wiU have sucli an abundance of the ence between the crimes of murder heavenly riches in his soul that he will and theft, I can't do him any good to be content in his lot. He will find write for hiui, but I would bo glad for fulfilled in himself the promise "all him to find the time ; when murderers - J:.:,... e , tMnira are vnnrs:" lie will enior tea I nud thieves over tOt 1 license for their UUilUltlUll JL Ulll VtUlVt O UCUIAUK - a f - w THAT VETO. At first blush wc thought that Mr. Cleveland was radically wrong in fail ing to sign tho river and harbor bill, but upon mstnrer reflection we find that Congress was wholly to blame and not the President. Moreover much has been said against President Cleve land by the press of tho Pacific coast for withholding his signature to the river and harbor appropriation bill. .Some have attributed his action to what was once a democratic doctrine, opposition to appi opriations f or inter nal improvements, a doctrine in its day that was cprrect, but this was not the cause of the objection of President Cleveland. Since the commerce of nation has extended from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast and passes through every port or harbor on both sides of the continent within the United States the nation in order to foster that com merce had lent its aid to the improve ment of harbors and rivers. Thi3 has passed from a political question to that of a commercial necessity and the Marshall, the discoverer of Jt ? i!t Coloma, Californiaj, is to have a LA" ument erected to jkis memory at that ,. L it. .11!: I piace ai mo jmotic expense. During the latter years of his life he was mis erably poor and little effort was made to give him rest ajd comfort in .Ida do dining years. If k quarter cf the mon ey to be expended; on a useless monu ment had been appropriated to keep life in the old man's boily, there would have been some humanity and practical good sense displayed. Children Cry for PITCHER'S natural aid. President Cleteland; signed the first rier and harbor ap propriation bill and would havo signed the bill "pocketed" had it been possible for him to have done it. No one will for a moment say that tho President should sign a bill without reading it. It is tho fact that this river and har bor bill passed the House at a very late hour, too late to be considered and so near the close of tho session that it was with great difficulty that is was enrolled before adjournment. The President was called upon in tho last moments of the session to sign the bill with no time to consider it. Theso are the facts of the case and wh?n his predecessor President Arthur was placed in tho same position he vetoed the river and hardor bill. Con- gresi should learn by experience that the President should have time to read and examine U13 bill he is called upon to sism.. When the facts are known President Cleveland will not bo blamed . f ov not sinins that bill. If there were features of the bill that were ob jectionable he has a right to know it and to have time to read it This right was denied him. It only shows the error of hasty consideration especially at the last moment. It reminds us of a case that came before the last lcgis- it are. On6 morning early a joint resolution wa3 introduced in the Sen ate instructing our senators to vote for the inter-state commerce bill at once that was then pending in the IT. S. Senate, This joint resolution p.issed both Houses and in fan hour was telegraphed to Washington. There tttrt-iiut a umm'uw ui ttie Oregon logis 1 iture at that tima whs could explain the inter-state commerce bill, nor is th re one who can do it now. It is now and has been since that bill p.issed, the business of railroad men t j devise some means under that bill t prevent freights to Oregon and the Pacific coast generally from going neighbors prosperity as well as his I business; if he can, 4i can teach me own. And he who has an abundance something new. Tho Cook of books e-this world's goods, being poor in j tells me what goeth in at the mouth spirit will reioics in possession of the deuleth not. but what cometh out. bo kingdom of God, set up in his heart, I want friend Taylor to please study and in his ability to distribute of his the ten commandments aud see if he worldly goods to every man about him can find where drinking shmulents is as he has need. Whilo christians joy- forbidden and please sou the text where fully anticipate such a state of things our Savior made that wine, it was not for the future, they do not forget to water, as vou say, but wine, and after T. ....... . !.!. j.ur.i.i. i? n estate craze all over the South and Southwestern States! such as 1ms not been scon in the his torv of the country, und .values have doubled, quadrupled and (uiintunl.id , , 4 1 within the past three months. At even' deal the purchaser is sure of his 100 -per cent. i Oregon T"-icitic T a u'.y l-opular o ver . X j icturesque X.V icitic n ailroau opular 1 oute ictiiresque X.V nScs Fast ti.ue! Sui connections! New equipments 225 miles shorter; 20 hours less time; accommoda tions unsurpassed fur comfort aud safety. Fares and Freight JH'CII LESS than bv any other route between ...int in Willamette V alley and San Francisco i Only Route via YAOUINA 1J.Y ; I to SAN VllAXCI.SCO. T!io Oregon Development Coinp.ini',j fine Steamships sail l roin Yaiiuiiia ' j From San Frami Health and Sleep witliout Morphine. It can Iiuulyb.) juv-isjd forcibly enough on tho attention of the stu dent that there is scarcely a natural phenomenon which tau lo fully and completely explained in all its circum stances without a union of several, 4-vm.li .1 xa sp .ill e-r.. . ... rt.n Til eke is a; couipii'iy in' San Fran cisco which has built up a big itusiness in running tlec'ric motors for the movement of machinery. Tlie coai paiy has :;t present 150 motors in op- craticn. j neii cnarsto ior running a piinting press is $2 per monlh. LEGAL ADVERT ISK.MLNTS In the Cucn'.t Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Donglas. Sol. Abrrtiiani, l'lamtlff va l Suit in eiiuitv to fore Ccoi.:c Tarrant and An- ("close a mortgage, na J. Tarrant. Det'ls. ) f"o ;L-i(rv;e Tarrant and Anna J. Tarrant, Jefen JL dants above n-mie-i, in the name of the stale of Orejfun: louate hereby rsijiured to appear and answer the emniilVuit lilo.i a '.tinst vou in the above entitled court and cause by the first day of the next regular term s;iia court," to-wit, the first Monday, l!ie 2nd day of M.i.v lis7. And vou will take notice that it' vnil i.'.il so to apocar aud answer said eoni plaint the plaintiff will atly to the court for. the renet uemaoilcU tliereiii, m wit: Thai tlie inortae mentioned in tho complaint upon the foHov.ii.jr pre;:ue -, to-wit: An undivided half interest in all thst portion of the northwest quarter of the north west quarter, the south ban' of the north west quar ter, and the south west quarter and the west half of bill practically cuts off the traffic of roads coming to Oregon and California. Oid the legislature intend to do this or did they want the bill to become a law and our people to be enshved to these railroads under the inter-state commerce bill and its long haul crush ing rate tax? We should look at the fire before we jump into it. If the inter state commerce bill is carried out in all its provisions our transcontinental rail roads cannot compete for traffic from tho Atlantic to the Pacific coast nor vice versa. It cuts off the lumber trade with the cast and cripples our own interests generally. Says the Loston Herald: "There was a limit to Bcechcr's influence which will be more and more apparent as time goes ou. He has left nothing which will enter as literature into the permanent thought of the time. His sermons have no vitality; his general writings, though often finely expressed, are nothing but the swift utterance of the moment, without a thought be yond the ending of it as soon as possi He; and all the circumstances of his life were against the permanent ex pression of his strength. He was the man for action, not for speculation, not for the closet, not for stiencth of thought." A very good definition of his intellectual limitations. ook at the beauty of God's arrange- they had well drunken tlu-y said v- meat even now. They see that if all was the best of wine at the last of the wore on an equality there would be feast. Settle the matter with the bible no chance for the manifestation of that not with m-. Now the next thing is Christian love which is tho salvation shall the manufacture of liquor be of the world. Where men are tound stopped, and the millions of money in total ignorance of Christ, their spir- that the government gets by the liquors itual degradation is so great that they be got direct from other ways, and are aro incapable of embracing any just the voters ready to pay all damages ideas of the character of God. Their that the bill will cost, of course t!i ;y natures are sensual, thev "w&lk after know that will have to be done. No the Uesh," their immortal spirits are one that votes for that amendment will dead within them and they cannot sec think for a moment to sell the liquors, the glory of God manifest in the phy- my fuend Taylor will not want to sAl sical universe, nor hear the voices of it but turn it out ou the streets, but ever revolving days and nights which not until all damngo is paid. Oh, shame declare the wisdom of God. They are on the man that will compare liquors in the frigid zone so to speak. Tho tociime. Why St. Paul commanded beams of the Sun of Righteousness do Timothy to take wine for the stomachs not fall upon them with sufficient sake, and the use of wine is as old as foice to warm their hearts or make the bible, the best men of old dinnk them, open their eyes to light and life, and it was counted no crime, old father The rays of the light that "lighteth Noah in Gcncsi.s 0th chapter, 21th every man that cometh into the world" verso and Noah awoke from his wine, must be gathered together in the focus etc., 2 Samuels, 6th chapter, 10th verse of sanctified human love and sympathy king David dealt out a flagon of wine in order to reach and warm them into to a whole multitude, women and all, ljjtt. The happiest soul in Christendom father Lot got drunk and he was isTahe one who has been able to gather warned by the angels out of Sodom. and dispense the most of this light of The best man in the city got drunk, tho knowhidgr; o-lorv rjf fiti in Twarir. itnilfivnn I T nr-vnv thg filCO Of -JW'VgutT''Bu.A.Vfe'' ttio 1 J ulun ui w.i y mi m; i JOOft OUt how many thousands of piole have been saved from death by alcohol. Now I have this to say, don't rob us of our liberty and equalize us to criminals because some men get to much of a good thing, and then it is a bad thing. Some men get too much money and use it for bad purposes. We arc told that the love of money is the root of all evil but my prohi friends would make us believe it is liquors is the root of all evil. Liquor does some larm, I will admit but how many more docs it benefit in the way of medicine? They tell you, oh you can have it for medicine; how is jthat, if they wont allow it "made, bought or sold? That is the truth and there is no mistake in that, if you can't buy it or make it, that will stop it unless they run the business without ony one knowing any thing of the business, that will be done the samdas the game law is trespassed. My letter is getting too long, I mus.t add this. I dont pretend to be so very good neither too wise, but I think I can meet my friend Taylor and tlobate the question orally for I think what we both know would make a small book but what wo dont know would make a very large book. With kind regards, G. W. Gfngf.r. Tnu Ueocher monument fund, started by his Brook! yu tabernacie C01l'Tre-o-ation does llOt "i OW as ranidlv 11,0 southeast quarter of section number four (i) i.uii.,ii0.iuut', uues uu .rt.uv as i.iiuiy i t.)W11.,tlii, tbirih-threo south, of raiu-o six ss his iiicnds anticipated have elapsed since his death and only 63,000 have been collected The cry vf peace still iej'unls through Enroix', but it is a peace that hangs over this raggo .1 udgu of war. light of thft world and his glory fills the hearts of all those who fully accept him. They are commanded to arise and shine. But how? The poor man who has this treasure shows that the excellency of the power is of God, by carefully re deeming his time, by being content in his state, by cheerfully struggling on , . i t ii i ii I tmuuiu an uia 11 lino ivuaio tuab ins uvu around bv the Jst.hmns nr liv thn wav v r,i n -r, -r m i rn. neighbors cannot conceive of) by calm o: the Canadian Pacific railroad. The i . . . . . . . ' Is his note, which we print 31r. Carlisle, secietary of the board oi immigration, falls to meet the charge of 3Ir. E. G. Hughes. The charge is a direct one, and it cannot be dis proved by any showing of statistics as to the work ot the board, lhe ques tion is, are certain documents in the immigration office genuine or forged? Mr. Hughes asserts that they are forged, and by Mr. Carlisle. Ore ronian. He that is indifferent to the welfare of others will have but few claims of charity obtruded upon l is notice but no truly charitable spirit need ever be at a lo3S, in such a world as this. fo occasions to do good, and we may be sure of our unfaithfulness if we are ignorant of them. resigning himself to God's will, whatever that may be. Ho doe3 not question the ways of God, though his neighbor who is rich in tbi3 world's goods may not regard his sufferings, le does not call on man in his extrem ity. He knows that the ears of God are open to his cry, and that in God's own good time, when patience, has had her perfect woik in his soul and all things are ready that he will be called to his mansion in dory. How many have thu? endured to the end and passed from hovels where they had been clothed in rars and disease to i peaceful rest in Abraham's bosom. And the rich man who has In3 vessel filled with this heavenly light, how it beams from his eye in kindlv glances upon his humbler neighbor and flows from his lips in words of sympa thy and comfort to all around him, when he sets himself to deal his bread to the hungry, to satisfy the afllicted soul. How gloriously does his lio-ht w v o break forth as the morning. His righteousness goes before him, and the glory of the Lord is his rearward. Mrs. H. M. Hansen, Oakland, Or., March 13, 1887. NiXE-TEvriis of the male applicants for relief at the London workhouses are, it is asserted, unmarried. This is a moral lesson for foolish men who try to support themselves. We fear that Senator Sherman's Southern trip, in the interest of a Presidential nomination, will be one of those things which the dude calls :fntile dalliance." The President is still hammerinc away at the Railway Commission There are so many people to choose from that it has now got to be a mere question of taste. Tiieke is to be no more capital pun ishment in Maine, a bill having be come a law substituting imprisonment for life. D&ATii is busy with llu this year. 1 1 is certainly an "oli" year with them as well as in politics. The best way to make a clothes pretty an-1 nioi is to p if. girl in them VhvHiimtisui- (Ifltl AtllKfllll VHt'Ct? M i tUxjx. Tlie InuiaiiA Chemical Co. h.ivi; (U.-CLivcrcd a compound which acts with truly marvelous r.ipiiliiy in the cure of Khcuntaiism and Neu ralgia. Wc guarantee it lo cure any anil eycry case of acute Inflammatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia in 2 DAYS, ami to give iui mcdiatc relief in chronic cases and effect a speedy cure. On receipt of 30 cents, in two cent stamps, we will send to any address the prescription for this wonderful compound, which can he filled by your home druggist a small cost. We lake this meana of giving our discovery t j the public instead of putting it out as a patent medicine, it being much less expensive. We will gladly refund money if satisfaction is not ' piven. . " '; MARKET REPORT. Tw; v.-rfd-e (") tt'est b'ii;'' south f the line of the traes of the viuoii o. utiiortii.t luiluo;iu eoiii'any coitimiiiiip; tjjo a"res more or less. Also tus west nasi m tlie nortii west ouarterof section Ihiitv-oneCiDin town thirty-two (x;) smith of range six (ii) westctmtuiiiiiij; lUa.Oi acres. The c:tst half of the south west quar ter ami south cist oaarter of section thirty one (.11) the north half of the south wet quarter and :oulh east quarter of south west quarter of section iiiim her thiity-t n (3'J) south of ranye six (o) wet: con tain St;o aeies. Also the south west quarter of the south west quarter, the north cast quarter of tlie south west quarter, the south west quarter of the north ast quarter ami the east half of the north ..... : ... . 1 . i. . if . . f .1... , . . 1 c-i-b iu.o bui 01 auction Loice v-'i toe e k ll.lll Ol Irl.C .ijiuii.ui:i3 west half of section ton in town. No thirty-three (.'!;) south of ranee six (() west containing 3H1.21 acres. Also the north wet quarter, the west half of tlie north east nuarler. the east half of the south west quarter awl went half of south east quarter of sect1 on two (2) in town, thirty-three (3 i) south of . t 1 v yjj c-L coi!.4ii!ili fV.'t.o .icio. niav g't l S I sou;h east qua. ter .if the north west quarter, the noi tii cast qm -icr 01 tue s.iutn west dUai ier aim til! north h:ilf 01" ,liuI!i east imartcr of section five in loan, tliirty-turee (3:1) south, of ran ire six (1.) west containing iu acre. Aiso lot number one 01 sio Hon eii;'it (S) and lots three ami fuur ami the south west qn trier of the north west quarter of section nine (') ill to vnsoin thirtr-'hree (Zj) south ot ran six id) west i.'onlaiuin-' l0.7l aeres. Also lots one ami two ami south half oi the nortii eat quarter n se"lio:i (.1) in township tliirty-thre (3!) south o ruiiesix (d) wet containing lMl.u.i acre. Also tnc north h::!iof south cast quarter, the south e-ist quarter of the north west quartet ami the north e.isl quarter of the south west quarter of se-tion nine i i town, thirty-three (33) south of rancsix ('! west contain inir lot) acie. Also all that portion oi the north west quarter of the north w est quarter of M-tion four in town, thirty-three (3:1) south of ranire six (C) westlyimr north 01 the traik of the Oregon & Cal ifornia Railroad couoiany rout anting thirty (30) acres inure or lew. And also ail that part of the north east quarter of the norih wet quarter of sec tion four in town, thirty three (33) south of ran;e bix (!) west Willamette Meridian lyinif and bc'in;,' south of the line of the track of UiJoioiaA- California Hailroa-I company. AINaid land-, aud premises are sit 11:1 Wl in Douglas county, Oregon and contain in all Two Thousand three hundred and forty acres more or less and embrace their interest in the heretofore un sold town property at the town of Julia, somtlimcs called Olendale, and also tho saw mill situated at that place. Together with the tenements, htredit- anienW anil appurtenances thereunto liclotiiriiitf or in tnv wise appertainiic. JIavlie foreclosed aiid the said premi es ordered to he sold and the pnieecds Yaquina City Tues ! b l: Yaqnina Cilv Tim !'e! ant 1 id ana lion Ki h "1 S.iuta Vavi.i Sat IV!: Yaquiua C ity Su;i Keh 27; Yaqnina CiU Tues Ki t Santa iiaria Sat Mar ft Santa Maria Mon Keh Yaquiua City Kri Mar 11: Yauuina 1'itv Sun Mar .Santa Maria Thnr liar lTiSanta Mari.t :t .Mar 12 1 aquina City V ed Mar 23; Yauuina City Fri M ir is i i 1 aily pasoCiier traiim except Sund vi s.' Leaves Yaiiuina 6. 20 a m I Leaves Alhaiiv 13. 40 i 111 Arrive C'o. vullis 10.:u a 111 ; Arrive llorvallis 1.22 p m Arrive Alhany 11.20 a 111 ; Arrive Vaquina 5. l."i p iu Oreifua i: California West Side trains coin-iet at Albany and Cnrrallis.i: 1 The Company reserves the ril.t to change sailing days. Fares, hetweeii Corvailis and San Francisco, Fares Rail & Cabin tjl l, Uai Steeragt .S8. I'm fuilhcr iuforination apply to C, C. Moitue A. U. F. & 1'. Au't., Corvailis. Hold on There, Where are you Going? - I am Going to Say That Hammitte T C7 AT hiu i mi 11 11 111 11 1 1 1 11 11 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 7 ANTON LAU, Watch-MakcT Jeweler and Optician. DEALER IX ' t - v WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWLLRY, SPECTACLES AND OAKLAND 1 " I OlUXiOX. 'Wish to Announo-3 that they have just received the Finest Stock . OF - ardware Stoves Tinware . A.d are Prepared to Give Custoajm SUCH BARGAINS AS DEFY COMPETITION. If you .wish to buy Good White Ov Colored Shirts, Ash-fo V the It now sitcras likely that tins Jsoi th em Pacific vil build a line down tlie northern bank of the Columbi a to the vicinity of Portland. Su:h a road would probably cioss the Columbia neap Vancouver or La Camas, and connect with Albina, Its completion would open an extensive and valuable region to railroad traffic and assist in building up a number of small towns along the line. j The annual spring freshets have al ready begun their regular work of devastation throughout that unfortu nate region east of the Rockies, and tales of death and disaster for the next two months, or until the cyclone sea son sets in. RosEiiuno Market. Wheat, t1' lm . . . .' O4C L!urr Flour, sack $1.00 Kullcr Flour evl.25 Kuans, V B... : '. ,, 4c IJuttcr, l lb 25c Cheese, t? U. ...... : 25c Kggs, V !.,z...; ioc Lard, I'll) IOC Oatmealt'Mti.... Sc Cornmcal, I' h 3c Crackcl Wheat. I? 11. ' 6c I'utatocs, t' lm $1.00 Oats, l lm 50c Hay, V l-m , $i5ii iS Wool, lb 22c I lam and liacon, t' 11. . . fl ioc Dried Apples i lh fl be " Peaches . ice " Plums ioc " Prunes ice Bran,-1? ton $20 Chickens, i? -Auz: $2.25 aoplicd to tlio payment f 3 ti.l debt to-w it, Fojirteen. Tliousaml Dollr.M ti'eUioi with intircst n thirty (Itc hundred ilollant thrcif f.-nu the 22nd ijay if January lbSO tnul on two tUuusuiid dollar froin" the to"a?it .IMylXlT, and mTtuiuo'tTiuusiUia olln from the 22nd day ot January Hi" nd plaintiffs dstBaiiddijihiirseiiicnUin this suit. And that plain tifT havo Judgment 'against the dufondant Jlc.ir(.'0 Tarrant f.ir any bilanue that may remain ifnnaid and that he have executi n th.rcfor. This sinn mons is published by tho ord;rif Hun. It. r". Hrati, Jude of the above entitled cm it niaile and ; dated the 12th day of i'ebru iry 1SS7. W.m. H. Wili.ih, Attorr.vy for I'l.iintiff. of t OPTICAL COODH A SPECIALTY. ALL WOltK WAIUIANTED. - i I SliEKBFF SALS- in Ih'j C:rult Court if the state t-f .'rc;;tin f"ir Dniiglas county. JiarUs, A. Mark, W. I. FricdLindcr under the linn name 1 f S. Maiks & Co. llopoiidi;iits. - . v H. U.t'row ami '.. .1. Crow Appe!lant.-. OTICE IS HEKEBVUU KN THAT l.MEH AN II I'V virtue ot 1111 execution issued o"i . . '.. Circuit ci.urtif the state of Oregon in and feir Donjf- - las county 011 the 'J4th day of February ls7 and to me delivered in the above entitled court and cause in pursuance of a dcrrce recovered iu the Supreme court of the state of Oregon mi the 11th day of Jan uary lssJ and entered Uk hi the mandate of the said Supreme court in the record.) of the .-"aid Circuit court on the 21lh day of February 1 as" in favor of the above named Respondents, lj. Marks & Co., and airahist tho above named Appellants; II. G. Crow and K. .1. tVow, commanding me to sell the hereinafur described real property iu the manner provided by law for the sale of real property under execution, and apply the proceeds arising from sucli Kale (I) in the payment of t!.e eit of such snle and t.. : costs and dHbiliSeinents of this cause in the cuurt below amounting to .244.02, with leal intcr e t therein from the I'.llh day oi February 1-iS. "- I'aviiient of the in.lirmePt in fav.n-,,f K. J I ron- and a.-int II. C. Crow amouiitiii t. sloiri.30 with interest the re.i at the rate of o:ie per cent ier month U':n the l:)tli day of February lsli. CI) in .amcnt 01 the judgment in favor of S. Marks & Co. and against It. li. Crnv amounting to 747.2.1 i.ith Ic.'a! interest t!erein fnun the l'.ithday of Fi bruary ls&O. ( ') in laynicilt of the costs and di.sb;!Tsci,i:its of this appeal allowed and t;iNcd at i".r.0."i. (a) that the reinai'ider u any, be paid to licf'indni.t K. J. Crow. Whereas mi 1 exceut'u 11 toinr.iaud-: me that out of the proceeds of said sale I satisfy the above claims together with interoft in puryuaiice thereof 1 will 011 1 MONDAY tlie 4lh day of April ls7. at the hour of (I; o'clock p. 111. of saiil dayseii at pub lie suction in front of the court house door in liose bur' Iiii;ras county Oregon to the highest bidder for cash iu hand the following described real prop erty tmvit: SKj of section a.". T 27 fc It 7 West also lot No. (1) a lid the enst half of lot No. (3) In block No. (1) and block N"s. two and four in the town of Looking Glass, als, the Ambrose Newton Donation land claim Ko. (M) in sectiong (28) and 2!') in sahl township, also lots No. (1) and (f) and the N W of tho ii W t of section (20) and lots No. l) () and () anil thn N W I of section (2f) and the S W of the S V of section (2U)and lots No. (;)) (.) und (1:) in section (ii) and lot (I) of the N K J of section(3i) and the W J of the N E 1 of section (31) in said town diip, also the undivided one sixth interest in the S. 1). Kvans donation land claim in section (i;) of township (2i) S It () west aud the W i d the S W j of section (C) and the N V J of the N V of section (7) T (2s) S It (7) W and the N K of the N E of section (12) T (2) $ K (i) W all the aforesaid prem ises Iving o-ntl being in Douylas county Oregon. IS. C AKK, Sheriff of I'ouirlas county Oregon. ST A 1ST DA RID 000- Fou a Good Pair ok Ovkhalus, Ask for tiik Bass of the Road and takt; 110 others. To i h 1 1 of all ii r st clxa dealers rei'tin i-i.W VIUl Will be given .my uvn who will produce a sti entist of larc cxpcii cmsj, and widely knowu to le an honorable man, who Will assert tint re- ' .... k..- .. Ill s.' l'ttroit, Mkh" 1 . - . ?!:-&f;, Fneeg on. MONUMENTS . WHITE BRONZE AND STATUARY T t . I -GOLD MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR, New Ouleass, 1 8 8 4-5 J. A. Caniwell, Agent, - Jacksonville, Oregon" This ! spac8 is reserved for CVWW of tl10 tLingsof tltis mviVVjife are B0rr0Wfully let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipation; sold oa a positive guarantee at 25 and 00 cents, by A. C. Master j. rV p C ia' aro fretful, peevisli, AJVJ,V crosS( or troubed witll Windy Colic, Teetliing Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Jlorphinc, hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold br A. C. Marstcrs. . vVp the Children. They are es--'-r' pecially liable to sudden Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. We guarantee Acker's English Remedy a positive euro. It saves hoars of anxious watching. Sold by A. C. Marster. fw would enjoy your dinner 3 jVJ v" and are prevented by Dys pepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, In digestion, Flatulency and Constipation. We guarantee them. 85 and CO cents. A. C. Marstersi Sg&!l3 thousands suffering from Asthma, Con sumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's Englisti ltemedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, Bold oa a positive guarantee at 10c, 50c A. C. Mirs'.ers. It is not libelous to call a man a liar if he be one. To pall sucli a per son "truthful" would be to disguise htm, and that is against tlie l:iw. It is reported that Governor For"- aker of Ohio aspires to be the tail end of Mr. BlaiAe's presidential kite. When Baby wu rick, we gave her Caatoria, When lhe was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became iliss, she clung to Castoria, When ehe had Children, ehe ga-re them Castoria. W F-lBENJAMIN, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, Transferring, Collecting and Purchasing Agent. j CorresjiOiidence Solicited. Not ice j For Publication Lar.d Office at UiiscDiug Or. Feb. 2J, 1SS7. -VfOTlCE 13 HEREBY Gl VEX THAT THE FOL Xl lovinir named settlor has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in stipixt of bia claim and that saiil proof will be made before tlie Re-'iater or Rccsivcr t tlie U. S. Land Cttioe at Rosobimr Oregon, on Tliursday April U,1SS7, viz: W. Britt, Homestead Entry No. 3212 for the S j of S E 1 S W i of S E ( and 8Ef8 W J, section lo, Tp.2 S K 3 west. He names the following witnesses to prove hu oontii.uiuis residence upon, and cnltiva tion of said land, vir.: Hiram Sartor, TJiog. Siirnm, Win, J. Clifton, J, Barker, all of Roebnrz P. O Cousrlas comity Or, Chis. W. Jou nhto.v, ' Register, In the Circuit Court oftln.' St.U Lfor the iMunly of I)oi;"Li. S. M:ul.s nn.l II. Wollfiil'cri; I'l.uuti f Simon Krciiiunt ari'.l IVicr 1 irwvtn, 1'rce anil Ahraliam Ileiulnmn, Tru-tdes of New Oilcssa Comniunily. H. VVollcnimrg, Isailor Wullenberg ami Alfrcl Wollcnlicrg partners uniler the firm name of II. W'oilen bcrg & Bros. Defemlants. J Suit in enuity lo foreclose a niortgaget Simon Kremon!, IVtcr Fireman, Ioses J l ree anil Abraham Jleadman the hb.ive named ilcfendanls, in the name of the Slate of Oregon you anil each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 11 day of the next regular term of the Circuit court of the stale of Oregon ior Douglas county lu-wii: Monday the 2d day of May, 1SS7, and if you fail so to appear and answer the plaintiff-; will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint (o-wit: that the mortgage described in suid complaint be foreclosed and the real property therein described be sold to-wil: the W j of thc,N V 14, S E of S V H , N W )i of S v 14 and S Y of S Y of section 34 and 8 )i of 5 E '4 section 33 in tow nship 32 south of range 6 West and the W of N E E.Jj of N Y. i and E of S E '4 of section 4 and S W )l of N W ' N W '4 of S W ' N Yt of N W 4 s E of N W and N V )i of N Y.Y of sec ion 3 in township 33 south of range 6 West of Wilieamtte Mcridan in Douglas county Oregon and containing 760.25 acres more or less with the tenements hereditaments and appurten enccs thereunto belonging or in anywise ap pertaining. j That tlie proceeils of said sale be ajiplied to the payment of the costs and expense of slid foreclosure and sale, to the payment of such a sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as attorneys fees in this suit, and to the pay ment of two thousard two hundred and forty eight and thirty -fiva one hundredths dollars due from the defendant Simon Kreinont to plaintiffs with inlciest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 15U1 day of March, 1SS7, and for lhe costs and dis bursements of this suit. That the said defen dants and each of them be forever barred and foreclosed of all right anil equity of redemp tion in and to the said mortgaged preiis or any part thereof, ami if the proceeds jof said sale be insuftic:nt to pay the co's sn lexpen ses anil the amount due ' plaint ills as aforea"il that plaintfii's have judgement against the said defendant Simon Kremont for .my deficiency so remaining, and that they hire execution there for. This Summons is published by order of IIon.lt. S. Ican Judge ot the above entitled court made .March idtli, IM7. J. C. l'ri.T.FKTON, Jkiiy. for i'lainifls. 1 1 Administrators Final Notice. ! In the cimity court of the state of Origin for Dotiitla county estate of A. I. Jones deccad. roriCEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIKV.V Ll dcrsi;rncj wlmiiiinrator the above wiititled estate ha fileJ Mslnat aunnt m the settlement of said estate In thoabove entitled court and the said court by ordor duly made has fixed Tuesday, the Sth day of July, ljT, for hearing ohjnotioiis if any tliere lie to said final aeeount and to the settlement of said estate. Iat;d at K isebur, Orcifin, tho 25, dnv of March 115". J. H. Sill i-K, Administrator. KKFEREK SILK in the Circuit Court of t'.ic Stitoof Oro jiifor Iiou-las enmity. Xeltie II. liooth, Amy L. R00U1 and John M. 1'Mioth, iufiiuts, by John O. Booth, their guardian i'lainlitfs. vs. E. E. labile ami T, J. f.;brie, DufeudaitUi. Suit 111 equity- for partition of real property. NOTICE IS HEKKIiY GIVEN THAT UY ViltTl'E of adeiree and order of the above named Circuit Court duly made and entered of rec-ord in the above entitled suit 011 the fc'.h day of K0j. 1s!j7, that the following dexcribud limits, to-wit: The north half of the West half of the donation laud claim of Solo men l'itzhu;:h and wile, and situated in Douglas county Oregon, be partitioned between the above named piaintifN Nettie Ii. Uooth, Amy I,, linoth and John M. llouth and the defendants, tenants in eoiiiinon therein, the thrcc-twenty-firsts thereof to the plaintiris belli;: one-tweiilyrtrst to each of tho paid plaintiffs mid the eiyliteen-twentynrsts to the defendants huinj;: niiic-tweiitynrstn to each of the Kaid defendants, and for the purpose of such parti tion that the said lands be all sold by tho referee, and appointing the underpinned referee to make such sale I will on MONDAY, 29th day of March, 157, between the hours of ti a. in. and t o'clock p. 111. to-wit: at tlia hoar f 1 o'clock p. m of said day, sell at public auction ti the Inchest bidder, for cash iu hand, (unless a party entitled to a share in said property becomes a purchaser, and in that case I wil take his receipt for so much of the proceeds of the sale as bklonys to him,) at tho court house door in Koseburjr, Douglas county state of Oregon, nil the right title and interest of the said plaintiffs Nettie It. Hootb, Amy L. liooth and John M. liooth and of the said defendant E. E. I.atiric and T. J. habrio iu and ta all the abo.e described laittls and appurtenances. . j Witness my harid this 2Ud day of Feb. 1S57. I II. C. Aose, Kefero . Administrators Final Xolicc 1 In tho county court of the state ot On-goti for Doula? county e'tatc if Henry Wagoner dc cased. VTOT1CKIS HEitERV CltEN THAT THE UN xi dersiifned administrator of the absye entitled estate has filed his ftnal account hi the FeUlemcnt of Raid ent ate in the above entitled conrt and the raid court by order duly made has fixed Tuesday the 5th day of Jul;- 1SST. for hcarinjr objections if any there be to said fin ii account and to the cettle mentof (aid estate. Dated at Koscbure, Oregon the 25tlj, dav of March lis". J. H. Siu rK, ' Administrator. HULK IFF SALE.' In the Circuit Co ot of the state of Oregon iu and for Doiigias county. Amanda C Vail, Charles AVm. Vail and Finnic Dear Mlis. 1 I vs J. A. Dallon VdU "fJOTICK IS 1IEREKY CIVEX THAT CXDER Vi and by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit court of the state of Oregon forthe coun ty of Douglas on the 17th dav of March 1SS7, am) to me 'delivered in pursuance of" a judnfent recovered iu said Circu't court oa the 21 st dav of Oetobcr 1B75 in favor of Chaa. Vail now decoawd and again nt the above named defendant, J. A. Dallon and against the here in after described real property whereas said execution commands me to sell said deacrilied real property and out vl the prxeds arising from said sule I satisfy lhe balance duo on said judgment of record amounting to S154.3 together with S-.'8.S0 c it, and the erst and expeiieea of sa;d alo. Thr fore i.i .ursiiaute oi aid execution 1 haie levied Uk!1 and will ei( 1 " ' . S.V1CHDAY, the 2:"trd day of April, 1887. a t the hour of I o'clock p. m. of a;iid day sell at pub lic auetioo In front of the Court Houe Door in R.isebmg, Dougi is county, Or., to the highest bid der for eush in hand, all the right title and interest the said defendant has in and to the following de Scribed, renl property to-wit: The fractional SWj of tho S W of Sec. 9 an 1 tiie S E t of the 3 E i of Sec. :,n and the N W of the NW( of See. 32 and the X V. I of X K 1 of fiec. 31 all fta T, ? fwuth of Kane West oj Wlllanictw uieriillan In Douglas CoUnlv, Oreaon. i B. C. Agke, Dated March 17, 18S7. Sheriff. Administrators Final Jfoticc In County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas Coiuitv estate of W. 1). f-'helton deceased. -i OTICE IS liEKEBY GIVEN THAT THE VS i.1 ilerslgted adminitrator of the above entitled estate has filed his final account in settlement of said estate in the above entitled court and the said court by order duly made has fixed Monday, the th day of April 1S7 for hearing objections if any there ne'to said final account and to the settlement of said estate. Dated at Rosebu'B, Oregon, the 4th day of March 1S5-7. J. C. Fl LLKKTON, X. I.AHAl T, Attr. for Adfhr. Administrator TO Z.EASK Oli SELL "VTOTICE 13 nEREDY CIVEX TTIAT 1 WILL IN lcae or sWI the Steam Saw Mill known as J. J. W hitsett's mill on Deer creek Douglas County, Qre jfou. For further particulars enquire of J. II. WiiiTse-rr, ' Adiniuistratu. CARO BROS The Lightest liunnino; aipl most Powerful Windmill now before the rublie Needs no attention, and lasts for yoars. These Mills are the Best, Cheapest, Strongest and lightest, AND ARE - SELF-KEGULATOKS- Pacific Manufacturing 934 & 936 MISSION ST., S. F. Go. 12-a U-ft. 16-ft, DON'T FORGET THE PRICES. MILLS "A" MILLS to 90 lG-ft, 18-ft. 20-ft. MILLS - eno 125 150 10-ft. MILLS ?50 Order tluougU The Review office and save extra charge.