Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, March 18, 1887, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MARCH, 18, 1887.
Notice to Tax-payers.
All persons who have not paid their taxes
miit pay them immediately or extra costs
will be incurred. Our books and returns
must be made out in a very short lime, hence
payment of taxes must not be delayed any
longer. B. C. Agf.E,
I lave for sale p black Stallion, The an is hands high, weighs I2JO pounds
will be six years old in June next, is full blood
Mokcan iS: MrssENGKR and is a fine roadster.
Parties xlesiring to purchase an animal of this
kind will please call on or address Jkssif.J.
Bakek, Camas Valley, Douglas Co. Or.
A Cr. H. Tarry will make you a nice
silk cap for wear in your offices weighing not
more than an ounce fir 50 cents. Go to 1'any
the capper. 1
. , .
A Hit; Dor;. Prof. Tininaa' blood hound
Brutus, is 7 feet from tip to tip, 30 inches
high, weighs 125 lbs and is iS months old.
This is the kind of dogs that will destroy the
School. 190 scholars in the Roseburg
public s.hools this week and more to ccmc
next week, m l we have no school house; not
enough teachers, and no money. What are
the directors to do therefore?
Drf.ssmakin;. Mrs. J. N. Barker
would announce to the public that she is
now engaged in the dressmaking business, and
wilt guarantee satisfaction in fitting, character
of work and prices as well. Rooms in the
Library building near City Bakery,
Teach f.r's Examination. The quar
terly examination of applicants for teacher's
certificates will be lield in Oakland on Friday
and Saturday, March 25th and 26th, 18S7.
(. B. Horner,
I F.L. Russell,
G.'T. Russell, Supt,
Com. of examination
iDkniisiRV. Goto Dr. Bonham of Rose-
burg to have your teeth extracted, his local
anaesthetic as a pain obtunder has no equal
applied to the gums five minutes renders ex
traction painless. Dentists not in Oregon
may secure the right to use the medicine from
Dr. Bonham the discoverer. Particular at.
tention paid to correcting irregularities in
childrcns tcc!h of diseased gams.
A Lot ok Fine Horse:;. Joe Stephens
left Roscburg last Wednesday for Arizona ia
Central Pacific R. R. 'With a lot of seventy
two fine horses, Wm. Carlon and B. Brock
way will go with Mr. Stephens to Montagu";
in Northern California at which place Mr.
Stephens will ship hia stock by rail to their
destination. This purchase of horses in Doug
las county has left us something over $10,000
in cash as a circulating medium among our
citizens. Joe must come back' again.
Convicted of Manslaughter. The
trial of E. W. James for the accidental shoot
mg of Mrs. Julia A. Newton, of Albina, Feb.
10 last was held before Judge Stearns Thurs
day. All there was in the evidence was that
James w as fooling with a rifle, didn't know it
was loaded, pointed it towards Mrs. Newton,
when it was accidentally discharged and
killed her. James was present in court with
his wife and child and fcia mother-in-law. He
was defended by John F. Copies, the prosecu-
lion being condncted by District Attorney
McGinn. The case was given to the jury at
5 o'clock, and . after a deliberation of twenty
minutes they came in with a verdict of guilty
A motion for a new trial was made.
Game Law Unchanged. There seems to
be an impression abroad that the last legisla
ture amended or repealed the game law. Such,
however, is not the case. A bill to repeal the
act protecting the Mongolian pheasants passed
the senate and another bill allowing deer to be
hunted with hounds and otherwise amending
the game law passed the house, but neither of
them passed both houses, and so neither be
came a law. It is sai l the great anxiety
evinced in some quarters to destroy the pheas
a, its arose from an idea that their skins would
sell we'd to milliners for ornamenting ladies
hits. A full grown pheasant would make a
fine large ornament, and if perched on the
crown of one of the tall hats now fashionable
woT give the wearer a decided pre-eminence
over less fortunate people who could only af
ford a duck or a bobtailed rooster.
Myrtle ireek Xews. '
The youngest child of II. A
Adams is very
sick . We hope it will recover under
skillful management of Dr. Whitimorc.
lion. Jhn Lano was in our town Sunday
nromenadina the r.treeU with Richard the
Wc are sorry to learn that Jasper Hall can
not be here to take, charge of our next school.
Edith we hope you'll come p.ny way.
The party at Gibbs hall given by Miss Lu
Werts last Friday night was well attended
We ail had a good soeicble time generally till
midnight when wc started home, but its hard
to tell whether every orie got home or not till
early in the morning. "I forgot to state that
Nate was there."
The Myrtle Creek musical Bociety meets
eyery Friday evening and no doubt but some
ol us will soon start out teaching music. We
are Sony that some of the band boys got of
fended because one of the n.embers of the
society objected to them coming in free, that's
wrong boys.
Mr. Stephens is stopping at the Overland
hotel this week enroute to Arizona with a band
of horses.
Dr. McCarty & Co. are making preparations
to begin work on their quartz mine located
on North Myrtle about fifteen miles from town.
We hope the time is not far distant when the
old hills of Douglas county will be made to
yield up their precious metals and the steam
whistles ol the quartz mills will be heard far
arid near.
.Young Sam Iladlcy contemplates taking a
trip to Los Angeles in the near future. I
heard her say
Sam don't forget your gum
And I'll always be your chum. Cornutt had the misfortune to have
her leg throwed out of place last Sunday by
being thrown from a horse.
Mr, Editor there is only one of me and not
two or three as I heard reported on the streets
the other day. I am no body but
JOHN 11. yates, of Batavia, N. V., says;
"I cheerfully commend
Your aromatic wine;
It did new life and vigor send
Through this weak frame of mine.
1 1 did for all my stomach ills
More than the doctor and his pills."
For sale at Marster's drug store.
Times are convalescent.
Bead our new ads this week.
Farmers arc speeding the plow.
The ploughman speeds his weary way.
Rohrcr the butcher keeps the best beef steak.
Kill the the coyotes, the pestiferous coyotes.
New goods arrived at M. Joseph son's this
week .
The Review one year and a good book
for $2.50.
Plated ware at greatly reduced rates at J.
The roads arc imprjving at a "rapid rate
of speed-"
Mr. Mcnsorand wife are vLtiing our city j
this week.
The spring term of our public school opened
last Monday.
A liberal indulgence in gardening is going
on at present.
Take advantage of our premium oiler and
subscribe now.
Bro. Bulletin both of us were perhaps a lit
tle off the track
Uncle Johnny Dillard gave us a pleasant
cUl last Tuesday.
Goods reduced to the lowest possible prices
at W. N. Moore s.
The sunshine and flowers are our inheri
tance at '.Lis time.
Come and sec what you can get at V. N.
Moore's for cash at cost.
The town has been flooded with drummers
lor the past week or two.
EJ. Sheridan is making some nice improve
ments abuut his residence. '
Croquet is the pastime now indulged in for
recreation by our townfwlk.
The county assessor is abroad in the land
so be on the look out for him.
A new lot of household goods just received
at J. Jaskulek's bargain store.
Will Howell has again resumed his old post
lion as clerk in Caro Bros, store.
The Oregon Bible Society has elected for
its president Rev. I . P. Driver
J. Jaskulek sells goods at prices thai aston
ish the oldest and best of buyers.
M. Josephson is building some additions to
lis already commodious residence.
Rev. J. R. N. Bell will preach at Riddle
next Sunday morning and evening.
Many of our citizens wore the shamrock and
green ye sterday in honor of St. Palnck.
The R. A. M. members wiil have an in
formal meeting in the new hall to-night.
Wild flowers are blooming, and arc di-stnb
tiling their delightful lragrancc everywhere.
A new lot of the latest stock of note papcr
and stationary just arrived at W. N. Moore's.
W. N. Moore will sell to anybody for cash
for thirty days groceries, and glass ware at cost.
Come with the cash and get goods at cost
atW. N. Moore's for the next thirty days
B. R. Mathews and wife left for Pendleton
last Tuesday. May joy and happiness attend
For all kind of job work neatly and
promptly executed call at The ' Review
An immense stock of goods j ust received at
Sheridan Bros. Their prices will astonish
The entertainment at the Wilt.ur Academy
next Wednesday evening promises to be a lit
erary treat.
Choice seed and cooking potatoes at R. M.
Howell's, Early Rose, Burbanks, Peerless and
The total interest bearing debt of the Uni"
led States on the 31st of December was $1,
I30.394.462. lion. II. Abraham of Portland was a much
appreciated visitor in our town this week for
a day er two.
Large galvanized pails 40 cts, spading forks
75 cts, hoes and rakes cheaper than ever at
Sheridan Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. Kremcr of Grant's Pass were
visiting at Mr. J. C. Aiken's in this city a day j
or two this week.
Buy your baking powder at W. N. Moore's
aid get a chance in a sewing machine and a
handsome card, free.
There will be two more new steamers put
on the route between Yaquina and San Fran
cisco about May first.
Hay is selling at $60 per ton in Montana,
and cattle skinning is said . to be the best
stock business at present.
Miss Inez Hamilton has been engaged to
teach the spring term of school in the district
just north of Myrtle Creek,
Ssme boys have been enjoying the sport of
flying kites from the summit of Mt. Nebo
just west of town for a few days.
Supt. Brandt and chief engineer Rondahl
with Messrs. Waite and Johnson came in on
an extra last Wednesday morning.
Messrs H. Gates and Geo. Learned left this
week for the Siuslaw country to look out a
location for some kind of enterprise.
(-.n. moke's n-itkalgia cuke is a positive
cure for Neuralgia in the face, side and stom
ach. For sale at Marster's drug store.
anson HOUGH, of Blackcrry, Ills., says he
owes ins me to unmorc s Magnetic jcnxir.
Try it. For sale at Marster's drug store.
Mintu e-A'f.d MEN" who lack vigor and
vitality can be cured by Gilmore's Aromatic
Wine. For ea'e at Marster's drug store.
NEKVF.-LII-E AND vigor restored in men
and women by useing Gilmore's Aromatic
Wine. For sale at Marster's drug store.
J. J. Cawlfield Esq. returned from his some
what protracted trip from the Coos Bay county
yesterday. He shows the effect of clam diet.
Rabbits are being killed by the thousand
cast of the mountains, and their scalps arc
presented to the county clerks for the bounty.
why will you suffer from Ague and
Malaria when Gilmore's Aromatic Wine will
cure you? For sale at Marster's drug store.
Fayette Owens left for Pendleton last Wed
nesday to be absent some lime. Success to
you Fayette, and may you return at an early
JAMES srtLlVAX of Salem, Oregon, says
he was cured of the Asthma by Gilmore s
Magnetic Elixir. For sale at Marster's drug
Joe Stephens took about 30 head of horses
out to Oak Grove last Saturday, which he has
bought to lake to California for the market
Our city put on quite a business air last
Saturday lrom the number of people that weTC
on the streets, it w ould seem that times were
MR. a. HIGGINS of Wyoming N. Y. says he
had the Tiles for nearly 40 years, was cured
bv usiiif Gilmore's Tile Specific. For sale at
Marster's drug store.
from female Weakness, will tin.
Aromatic Wine a positive Cure . F
Marster's drug store.
M. Josephson one of our leading mcrci...
has been quite sick for a few days, but is now
attending to business on the corner in S. Ham
ilton's brick as usual.
The loss of stock is reported quite heavy
from different parts of the country on account
of the farmers not being prepared for the
heavy storm in February.
Spring is upon us. Oregon is herself
ag:iin. Grass is growing, grain looks well,
and the prospect is bright, hence the pleasant
smile on the face of the farmer.
Anyone subscribing for The Review now
will receive as a premium a book of over so
p-g?s entitled "The complete Poultry Manual"
which every farmer should have.
"In the spring the young man's fancy light.
!y turns to thoughts of love." This accounts
for the dilapitaled gate posts and rickety fences
around some of our city residences,
nu. I REF.I.AND, of the m. E. church says
that two bottles of Gilmorcj? Aromatic Wine
cured his wife of Nervous Debility and sleep
lessness For sale at Marster's drug store'
Hon. W. F. Benjamin's card this week
shows that he means business. He is a relia
ble citizen, and will faithfully represent lands
and property put into his hands to sell.
Tn nltmit n lovc tilioridin Trnc will rp. I i
... . ..... -
ceive direct from factories an immense stock of
v incucstcr anu .iarnn rincs wuh.ii uie-y wm
sell cheaper than anyone in the state tor cash
only- hight, weighs 120 pounds; auburn hair and
There was a big fire in Walla Walla last dark eyes: birth-maik on right cheek; always
week in which three blocks were burned, and a smile when first spoken to; is a good con
two persons w ere burned to death. The loss is versalionalist; wore a fir cap and black cloak
estimated at $120,000 and was insured for
$40,000. I
Call at The Review office and get your
blank deeds and mortgages wirti the note
nrintpd in the ninrt"afre. All kinds of blanks I
I - ' a o-
on hand cheap. Call and see us before pur
chasing elsewhere.
We are pleased to learn of some spiritual
interest at the school house some three miles
west of this city. Four persons united with
the Methodist church last Sabbath and bap
tism administered to another.
Mr. Henry Gates, of this city is building a
dwelling at Siu .law and it is his intention to
have his family move thither this summer.
Mr. Gates has lived here during many years
and we shall be sorry to lose liim from our
, , .1
. , , . . , , , .-vil
c... u,s.i.., u . v,. - ,
land, Those desiring anything done in
, . l
11IS I
line will find him al the big show window in
Young & Hamitte's hardware store.
John Steele has been appointed deputy P.
M., vice-Bracken Dowdcn resignc.l. Mr.
Steele contemplates going into partnership
with Will Moore in the store soon. These
two young men arc full of business and de
serve success.
The new masonic hall in this city will be
ready for use at an early day. The furniture
is now in and all is receiving Us finishing
touches. The dedication will take pbee some
time in April, when the masonic fraternity
throughout the country will be invited to par
ticipate. An injunction prohibiting the sale of liquors
was recently granted against the saloonkeep
ers along the line of railroad between Tunnel
City and Seattle, W. T., it having been
shown by indisputable records that 30OO men
without whisky performed the same labor of
4000 men with whisky.
Within two months a hide dealer at Jack-
sonville purchased .S7S pounds of deer hides,
It would require about 1,300 pclt to reach
that w eight. Other parties in southern Ore-
gon have purchased as many more, showing
that in all about 2,600 deer had been killed for
their skins only. Times.
Correspondents writing upon the leading
subjects of the day should not write every
week, but give us a chance to take a long
breath, and digest their arguments. Every
other week is a good plan, and always have
that kind of correspondence to TiiF. Review
office by Monday evening.
A steamer was capsized at Portland last
week on which were a dozen passengers. AH
escaped from drowning but one man was
so badly injured that he died from the
effects of his wound. The steamer drifted
against a ferry cable and capsized and after
uniting Uown tnc river quite a distance 11
Mr. S. D. Chapman, who has been cm
ployed in the Roscburg flouring mill for the
past two or three years, quit last week on ac
count of there not being sufficient business at
present to warrant the owners in keeping a
hand employed. . Mr. Chapman was an effi
cient man in the mill and wc hope that busi
ness wiil so increase that he will soon be
recalled to his old position.
I'rindi Settlement Items.
More rain .
Roads muddy.
The plow boys arc busy.
Frank Critser is better.
Mrs. Ilarman Conn is very sick.
Willie Wright is visiting in Coles Yalley.
Mrs. John McCurdy is numbered with the
Jeff Hannan killed a huge panther last
Mr. John M. Wright was in Koscburg last
E. R. Hannan was visiting his brothers
Mr. Thomas of Coles Yalley spent Saturday
with us.
Mrs. G. J
Callahan has been sick for the
past week.
Miss Tandec Thompson was visiting here
last Sunday.
Mr. Joe Champagne made a flying trip t
Flournoy Valley. '
Mr. and Mrs. R, Dixon spent several days
visiting Mr. Champagne s family.
We understand John L Casebeer has been
employed to teach our school this sprivg.
L. S Wright made another trip to Coles
Valley Sunday. Wonder what attraction.
Mrs. Lewis presented her husband with a
fine baby irl last week. Mother and child
doing well. No hopes for Bud.
We were somewhat off our bangs when we
spoke of L. W. Dunham attending school at
Wilbur, since we have been informed different.
Willie Denning is convassing this settle
ment with John B. Gotigh's book, "The
riatform Echoes". It is a fine book and
should be in every household .
No services last Sunday as we expected,
our minister has dissappointcd us several diff- Some one (or ones) tolled the Old Town worthy, it must of necessity preserve its ve
erent times. Bro. Bel! can't you come out beil last Friday night, which was very insult- racily, otherwise it will not be considered re
and preach for lis "sometime, ara sure you will ing to the residents of Old town, besides liable. This is said in reference to the above
be welcome. Dt'DEE.
presentative Hermann leaves to-morrow
Baltimore, Boston and Canada, and hence
for Oregon. In calling to pay his parting re
spects to President Cleveland, he took occa
sion to speak of the disappointment of the
people of the Northwest over the failure of
the river and har1or bill to become a law.
The president replied, in substance, that in
his opinion there is as much money on hand
as can profitably be expended during the com
ing summer; that congress has grown extrava
gant in the matter ot appropriations for the
improvement of rivers and harbors, and that
for these aad other reasons he felt it to be his
duty not to sign the bill.
A Jtenton County Man Loses his Wife and
Chllil Description of the Woman.
V. C. Conley of Toledo, Benton county
writes to the Orcgonian under date of March 7
On Monday morning, February 27, I sent
my wife and child from Toledo to Corvallis,
there to wait until next day for me. My wife
was to write 111c in regard to Some business
was to attend to before joining her. Then
we were to go to Sacramento, Cal. I have
waited and looked for her letter, but not one
word have I received. I have written and
inquired, but no one having seen her, I can
not but think she has been foully dealt with.
i .
ior sne was a kina ana lovmc wi c. We never
had any fami, troublc to speak of anJ parted
uh all affection due husband and wife. She
jg of the blond typc stnnds $ feet 6 inches in
and dress; aged 28 years. The little boy was
dressed in navy blue, aged 7; looks like his
mother. Any information will be very thank
fully received, either through this paper or by
Time for Arguing the motion, for Ch'tnge
of Venue Set.
Albany, Or., March 24. W. W. Saun
ders, convicted for the murder of Charles
Campbell, was brought to this cily to-day,
from Salem, by Sheriff Minto, for trial. On
the convening of court, at one o'clock, the at
torneys for Saunders filed a motion for
change of venue, on the giound of existing
prejudice in Linn county. Saunders was
brought into court by Sheriff Smith. The
prisoner was dressd, as usual, scrupulously
neat. He wore a dark fashionably-cut suit,
with a white hat, and with a pair oleold
i . .... n :.;.: .i,
ituimcii cyeeiasses ulioii jus tisi, t.itmu itic
. . . " . .
bar sat his atlianccd, Miss Minnie Allison
and Mrs. R. S Slrahan. The council for the
state asked permission of the court to file
counter affidavits to the motion for a change
of venue. The time for arguing the motion
was set for nine o'clock in the morning.
.4 Railieny Colllion.
San Francisco, March 14. Dispalche
received in this city give the news that train:
seven and eight collided at Blue Canyon, on
the western slope of Sierra Nevadas, about
forty miles west from Truckee, California, this
morning. Both were double-headers. Four
locomotives and a number of cars were badly
wrecked. No one was hurt.
THROUGH A Hit 1DGE. Persona are Killed in Another
Railway Aecitlcnl.
Boston. March 14. A heavily loaded tas
S3nger train for Dedham, on a branch of the
Boston & Providence railroad, went through a
bridge at Rosindale, Mass., at 7 o'clock this
mc-rnimr. Five cars fell thrty feet, with a
terrible crash, and it is reported that thirty
two persons were killed and forty more in-
jured. Among these were many women,
The breaking of the bridge was the cause of
the accident.
chance of venue for SAUNOERs.
Albany, March 1 5. In the circuit court lo-
day W. W. Saunders was granted a change of
venue to Marion county, lobe tried at the
I term of court convening in Salem, June 30
Smith Bailey went to Roseburg Friday.
Wiley Pilkmgton has moved to Old town.
Mrs. E. J. Gallagher is visiting in Portland.
J. C. Hutchinson spent Sunday in Rose-
I knrg
Grandma Cannon is visiting relatives in
Prof. Edwards of Wilbur spent Saturday
with us.
Miss Saliie Hamb'in is visiting in East
Dr. Graham of It Ac-burg spent Monday
among us.
John Fryer Sr. has gune on a visit to friends
at Elkton.
Dr. Bradley made a Hying visit to Fair Oaks
Oliver Kincaid is ngain employed at the
depot hotel.
Phil. Pinkstou went to El!;ton Saturday re
turning Sunday.
Mrs. M. Tynan is visiting her daughter
Mollie in East Portland.
Geo. Stearns who has been sick for several
ayS ;s improving slowly.
I . -
1 vw TT,n. m mcli.ilin(T ni loc Qnmmpr
I residence in Shoe String for the present.
I am informed that one of our accomplished
young ladies will open a select school shortly.
The city was visited by a heavy wind storm
Thursday night, some of our good people got
There was a select supper given Thursday
evening at the residence of Mrs. Mahnda
Mrs. Jane Ferguson is having some 1111-
... .
provemcnts made to her family residence on
Bro. Bell preached here Sunday morning to
a large congregation. I always like to hear
our brother preach.
Frank J. Crouch was in town last week to
see to moving his foundry- to Eugene at which
place he has located
Stephen's Bros., who are buying horses to
take to Arizona, left here Friday with about
twenly-five head for Roseburg.
J. R. Dodge having purchased the I'ilking
ton property is having some improvements
made befre occupying it for his residence.
The "big starr" w hich shines over the Cala
pooia so brightly was visible t the naked eye
shining downward upon Poverty hill Saturday.
riof. Boggs has closed his six months term
of school at Old town and having given entire
satisfaction will on the first of April commence
teaching at Nonpanel.
J breaking open the door.
Wonder if Milt will follow?
Fayette Owens was in tow n Wednesday
on business.
Mrs. G. A. Taylor siKsnt several davs vis
iling here this we ek.
.Miss Mollie Abraham wasaruest of Mrs.
obt. Dear Saturday,
Claude Devore received a severe cut on
his right hand by an ax Tuesday.
Miss Myra Cathcart will leave for her
home in Cottage Grove Saturday.
II. B. Sacry and wife have moved to
town and will reside here f ir ihp nrf-srnt.
The Postal Telegraph Co. have opened
an office in Osiers drug store with M . Fickle
as manager.
J. II. St Lwarance the blind musician
showed at this place Tuesday evening to a
fair audience
Frank Garoulte left on Tuesday's train for
Washington Territory where he goes to visit
his sister Mrs. Adams.
Mr. Gi'pen and son left here for Montana
la,t week to attend court reirnrdintr some
cattle shipped from here.
If the good evenings last much longer a
carpenter will be called upon -o hang a gale
on the east end cf Locust St.
Geary Young and wife left here Monday
morning lor Portland whither he goes to
purchase his stock of spring goods.
J. R. N. Bell lestured in the Baptist
church Saturday night his subject was, "Man
is a Trichotomy" the audience were highly
pleased with the lecture, next time Bro.
Bell take for your subject "Smoking." That
will catch me. Ed.1
L'tnpuun I'irry Items.
March showers.
The grouse hootcth on the hills, hands
ye gory game butchers.
Mr, coyote had K'tter make himself scarce
around these "diggins" for the stock men have
set a price on his scalp, which, with the coun
ty bounty, amounts to $25.00. The nimrods
anticipate an e.trly fail of shekels.
The instructions in the Plaindealer last
week for poisoning coyotes is commendable for
its simplicity. First catch your coyote "ay
there's the rub" and poison its carcass and
place it where others may get it etc. Now if
somebody will tell 113 how to get one to start
with, we will try the experiment.
Our literary club continues to he a drawing
card. On Saturday eve, the hou.-e v.-as well
filled. The
event of the eve
ning was the debating of the dancing ques.
tion, which was shown up in all its different
lights, but once more progressive reasoning
triumphed and dancing was proved to be a
moral amusement and indulged in by the 1 est i
people. Mr. Lee Wright furnished the club
with some most excellent music on his clarionet
which was a great help in making the hours
slip pleasantly away.
Mr. G. W. Genger seems to think there is
an African in that prohibition wood pile. Go
in George and if you can smell him out boost
him, but I am afraid you will be with the si
lent minority next November. You must re
member that this is an age of progression and
these old whiskey drinking liberties will soon
be a thing of the past. This day and age can't
drag along with such relics of barbarism as
We cannol let this opportunity slip by with
out thanking Johnny Green for the liberal puff
4te gave us last week. We assure the public
that we did Johnny a single cent for
the snort skctcn he gave ot our lamily; he
wrote that prompted by his generous whole-
soulea niuurc Wilnout moncy anl without price.
Oh, John-i how can we thank thee enough.
He says we are the only individuals in this
section of the country that docs not break the
law. But John-i our extreme modesty forbids
us taking all this to ourselves, wc think if you
will canvass the couutry a little that you will
find somebody besides poor "we" that keep
the laws of their country inviolate. That is
drawing it lather strong to claim that w ith one
single exception everybody is a lawbreaker.
Johnny thinks I have him catalogued with
thieves and vagabonds." Nov Johnny read
that article again and see where you have put
yourself. It reads something like this, "and it
is to be regretted that respectable people give
it their sanction, thereby giving it a flavor of
,ecency wi,en ;t s,oul(i ue consigned to the
slnms among thieves and vagabonds where it
belongs." Now Johnny see where you have
put yourself. I can t quarrel with you on this
subject f&nA'OVL know best where you belong
Your thcorthat the old pioneers should not
be expected observe the law is too shallow
to discuss hciA They are not as a class the
violators of thisVaw and I don't think you
could find a dozenVif them that would be will
ing to have a law made for their late arrived
neighbor that they couldn't live under. No
foiinny this is not what is troubling you at
all. You have violated the law and are now-
trying to find some excuse for doing it but
there is none so you denounce me law. 11 is
an old saying that "No thief c're felt the hal
ter draw with rood opinion of the law." If
this county could import from Grant's Pass
that officer that has been working such
hardship among flic game butchers out , there
ne might exercise alutle wholesome law to
our violators.
If our next grand jury has nothing else to
do it might turn its attention this way.
X. X. X
IHliard Items.
Weather fine and farmers busy sowing grain
New buccy in town. Gel in cirls and
make a mash.
Also a first class artist. Dillard can have
pictures now.
There is to be a grand entertainment given
the last day of school.
We are having a good time now, no more
toothaches, dentist in town,
,f p Smith was here on a visit with
his brother and sister and old friend Harry
Section Foreman, come again. I wonder
where W. Smith and N. Sebcnng goes when
they cross the river so often.
Comma nieatel.
Look out for your honors, ye journals o
Roseburg. The Drain Echo is new the lead-
- pig newspaper of Douglas county. It con-
1 tains more general news than the Piaindealcr
and Review combined, which is an admitted
fact by all who read each; and the "Roseburg
Rummagings" contain more news of Roscburg
than the local papers themselves. This shows
that the Echo's correspondent is a genuine
1 RUmma"er. Observer.
Roseburg March 6 18S7.
r jhe above is from the Drain Echo and
I for a newspaper to lead or to become trust-
Rosedukg, Or. March 17th, 1SS7.
Editor Roselurg Review: By your
permission I will notice briefly some of the
arguments in your last week's issue under the
healing of the "Deer Creek Letter." Mr.
Ger.ger asserts that the amendment is uncon
stitutional, he quotes a line from the Declar
ation of Independence, I will quote a few
more lines as it may be of some interest to
the reader. "We hold these truths to be self
evident; that all men are created equal, that
they arc endowed by their Creator with cer
tain inalienable rights, that among these arc
life, liberty an I the pursuits of h.i;pine?s."
Mr. Genger, no man has a right to do wrong;
it is the right of the true American citizen to
do good to all men a'nd mankind, and as little
harm as possible. L.t universal justice be
emblazoned on our baiyiers and teach the peo
ple to distinguish thef means by which the
most happiness may be procured to the great
est, number, and in proportion as the mass of
the people become enhghted in truthful prin
ciples; they will be capable of solving all ques
tions that relate to our happiness and interest.
You say the amendment takes away your
rights. Wc arc supposed to be a republican
government in form, if that is true, we have a
right to vo'.c on this amendment and if it car
ries, it's the voica of the people and no good
American citizen will say a word against it,
but will do all in his power to help enforce it,
and if we prolns lose, with all our faults, will
not say you are taking our rights away. How
is it that the legislature has passed a law to
prohibit people from murdering? They are
taking away your rights. Why do they leg
islate against thieves and everything that is
morally wrong? They ought not to for it is
taking away the rights of the American peo
p!e. ; I am glad that the people are waking up
and are not afraid to discuss this important
question, for free discussion is the strong
est scepter against error and despot
ism. Theraare many sides to this question;
what will convince -one person will have no
effect on others, but there is something that
will convince every person that the use of
liquor as a beverage is not right or just
when the right time comes. You say intoxi
cants came into use at a very early period, that
is true and has failed to be of any benefit to
mankind, and has been the cause directly or
indirectly of half the crimes that are commit -ted.
S would it not be wise in a nation to
try and progress out of such unhappy condi
tions? If a drunkard reforms no man will
diibt but what he is a better man than he
in his fallen slate. Well my friend it Is
ilv; same with a nal ion, let U3 !rivc liquor out
of 'our land for one generation, and no man
would want it back. You say the preachers
ai:d the gospel have failed to reform the world.
They have their part of the work, but have
failed to reach such men as you, bul prohibi-
tba will catchjyou. You say people nowa-
days are better than our Savior; would just
say that anyone that lias sacrificed everything
tliat is good,' just and holy to a pcrversed ap
petite is not capable of judging a moral ques
tion, I am glad that the world has found out
that people gH funny on the wme that Christ
made. Would say by way of ' encouragement
to you that no person will ever object to your
drinking wine that is made out of water alone;
so drink it and realize that temperance is the
straight and narrow way that leads to all men
tal happincs and that they who act thr jugh
principle, feel God in the form of truth and
justice in their souls and can never be con
quered. Wj B. Taylor.
An Impressive Scene.
.... ! ".
Eosebu kg, March 14.
Hearing there was to be a burial service
performed in the graveyard over the hill this
mnrning, I took this, my first; opportunity of
witnessing such a scene in this country. It
was a very touching sight. The subject was
child about fifteen months old, it was put in
a casket covered with blue velvet attached
with plated nails, the lids beiug fixed on by
thumscrews. The parents having experienced
much trouble, three or four men undertook to
lig the grave gratis thus expressing their sym
pathy. The corpse and mourners were con.
veyed to the place in two wagons, the minis
ter following on foot, as they reached the
grayeyird they alighted and assembled around
the grave. Two chairs were brought from a
neighboring house and placed to receive the
little casket which was then taken fr m the
w agon and laced thereon. The lid was un
screwed and slipped far enough back to ex
pose the little wax like face, a piece of muslin
which had lain over it was . tenderly drawn
back by the gentle hand of some sympathetic
friend. The mother supported by her hus
band, approached, bent over and imprinted
the last fond kiss on its cold unfeeling brow
and was led back to a scat overwhelmed with
grief at her loss. The muslin was again re
placed by the same gentle hand, the lid
slipped in its place and screwed on, the minis
ter then announced the name and age of the
child, stating the day hour and minute of its
decease, a few verses were then read from the
fourth chapter of Paul's first epistle to the
Thcssalonians, which was followed by an ap
propriate and earnest address, a hymn and
prayer, the casket was then lowered into the
grave and covered in, another hymn "The
Sweet Bye and Bye," was then sung, the ben
ediction followed which closed the solemn and
impressive scene. j II. V.
l'mltiia I'erry Xotes.
Farmers arc again speeding the plow.
Rumor says Calapooia is; to have tw-o wed
dings In the near future. I
Miss Jessie Clayton was visiting at Mrs.
Woodruffs of Cleveland, during last week.
Mr. Geo. Shambrook sold one of his fine
mares to Mr. A. Bucll of Looking Glass this
week. j
The Lower Calapooia school opened on
Monday last with Mr. Jesse M. Ilockett of
Wilbur as teacher. j
Miss Ida Clarke of Millwood, spent last
week visiting friends on the Calapooia, guest
of Miss Maggie Mires. j
Is there any danger of our friends X'. .X. X.
and Johnny Green getting into war? Will
some one please look after theni a little ?
I nc people 01 Coles valley have lormcil a
coyote club, so now Mr. : Coyote had better
look sharp while feasting off the flocks of our
shepherds. j
Lettuce, onions, radishes, etc., are growing
at a "rapid rate of speed in the Umpqua gar
dens and we hope to soon find our tables dec
orated with those vegetables. Come down
Mr. Editor ?nd enjoy the fruit of the garden
with us..
The Literary society of this place is becom
ing more and more interesting with each
meeting. The debate is a lively feature and
one in w hich all are glad to take part. "Ter
severance will conquer all things," so says
Wm. Johnson who has lieen repeating to him
self for a year past those true and well known
lines: j
If at first you don't succeed try, try again,
Time will bring you your reward try, try again.
. ' V'ida Teresa.
To the School Superintendent of Douglas
county, State of Oregon. I herewith trans
mit to you (as required by law) the annual re
port of the schools in district No. 4 in your
county for the year ending the first Monday
in March 18S7.
Male Female Total
io persona between 1 & 20 j r 242 202
2'o pupils enrolled in public m-liool 20C 171
Avera daily attendance
No teachers employed
No teachers employed first grade
No teachers holding socoad grade
No pupils enrolled in private
No children not alien lin any
No teacher employed in pmatu
schools 3
No months public school
tauhgt 9
No months private school
taught g
Estimate value of school
house including grounds, but
is not considered safe and is
not used at present $io,ooo.oo
Lt i mate value of school furni
ture 1 ,000.00
Estimate of apparatus includ
ing maps and etc. 10.00
Average amount paid male
teachers per month during
the year I2S.P6
Average amount of salary
paid female teachers per
nunth during the year '33-334
Is your school furnished with
suitable record books? Ills.
Is your school furnished with
Websters Unabridged die
tionary? It is.
No of legal orders in the dis
trict 1S8
Amount of school funds on
hand when I took the office
Dec. 27, 18S6 1238.00
Ain't received on district tax 440.09
Ain't received from all other
sources 37-97
Total am I scho .1 fund icc'd
by me 1720.06
Am'tpd. out by me for teach
ers 716.66
Ain't pd. out by me for re
pairs 3.75
Ain't pd. out for fuel and in
cidentals 25.35
Am't pd. out for other school
purposes 49.90
Tolal ain'l pd. out by mc for '
school purposes
Am't of school funds on hand
at the ti ne of making this re
Tins report was made out Feb. 26, lSS7
in case any funds should be receivd or dis
bursed between this date and March 7, 1SS7,
they will be added to or deducted from the
balance on hand as given in this report.
Since the above report I ree'd $3.60
And pd . out in the same time $395- 37
Tiios. L. Gannon,
March 7, 1S87. Dist. School Clerk
Jildtle It ems..
Since ttie fine weather commenced, Rid
dle's has taken on quite a different appear
ance and farmers are pushing their work
wiih great seal. . . -.--'v '. '
Mr. J. C. Robertson of Turner has organ
ized a singing class here of about 30 pupils
and we believe it will bo a success.
Miss Millie Nichols has been engaged to
teach the school at this place, and school
will commence soon.
Mr. Nash the gentleman who bought the
farm from John Catching has arrived from
California and will rcma-'n permanently
among us. .
Will Webber returned home from Portland
where he has been under the care of Dr. Jones
for s-jine time, and we are glad to say ho is
looking some better.
J. B. Riddle of Mcdford is in our town
cn business.
Mrs. Dor.ia Catching returned Tuesday
evening from a visit to Dillards Station where
she has been visiting her sister Mrs. B. F.
The loss of stock in this yicinity during
the snow was very light. Sheep in the
mountains did very well without fecdng.
Miss Sarah Rice and the Misses Winston
of Civil Bend were visiting relatives in our
valley Saturday and Sunday. XXX.
I X ME 31 OR TA X.
Died March 6th, 1SS7, Sally G. Stephens
of Douglas county Oregon, daughter of Jcptha
ani .Martha K. ihornton, aged 44 years 4
months ami 19 days. Her disease was con
sumption together with the turn of life. She
muiigrated to Oregon from Missouri with her
parents in the year 1S65 and was united in
marriage with Wm. R. Stephens of Yamhill
county Oregon the nth day of November,
1S66. She united with the regular Baptist
church, called the Oak Creek church Douglas
county Oregon Saturday before the 1st Sunday
in June 18S0 having professed a hope in Christ
several years previous. She lived a worthy
member in the Oak Creek church until her
death. She was much beloved bv all who
knew her. She was sound in the faith of the
primitive Baptist 'salvation by crarj- and ciace
alone, consistent and orderly in her walk, leav
ing an evidence that there is a divine reality
in the religion of Jesus Christ. She leaves an
afilicted husband (subjee to asthma) and four
children father and mother brothers and sisters
to mourn their loss, but we do not mourn as
those that have no hope for we believe that
our loss is her eternal gain. She was sensible
to the last bidding her husband and children
farewell, her faith that had braced her up
throught her religious life did not forsake her
in death. She died in full assurance of heaven
and immortal glory, niiy we all be prepared to
die the death of the righteous. Her body was
laid in the graveyard on Oak Creek there to
await the judgment day.
Jeptha Thornton.
.1 Genial Restoratire.
Hostctler's Stomach Bitters are emphatically
a genial restorative. The changes which this
great liotanic remedy produces in the disord
cred organization are always agreeably, though
surely progressive, never abrupt and violent .
On this account it is admirably adapted to per
sons of delicate constitution and weak nerves,
to whom the powerful mineral drugs are posi'
lively injurious. That it initiates those proces'
ses which result in the re-cstablishment of
healthful vigor is conspicuously shown in cases
where it is taken to overcome that fruitful cause
of debility, indigention, coupled, as it usually
is, with uiaousness ana constipation.
Thorough digestion, regular evacuation and
abundant secretion, are results which promptly
and invariably attend its systematic use. It is,
besides, the he protective against malaria, and
I a first rate diuretic
We have a city marshall here
With a star upon his breast,
And when a rough gets full of beer,
He'll take him to his rest.
And when he collects the taxes,
From residents of this town,
lie curious questions asks
What every one doth own.
And when a drunk on sidewalk sleeps,
His eyes are quick and sure,
He slyly to his prey creeps
And puts him through the door."
And if a fellow shows fight you bet
Our marshal will be on it;
He makes his prisoners soon to fret,
For he'll hit him on bis bonnet.
And when at night the citizens sleep,
All in their downy cots,
He may be in snow ten feet deep,
A looking out for sals.
Or if a fire breaks out you know
He'll loudly ring the bell ;
Or if a gale should begin to blow.
And it happens a sign has fell
I le'U break the news next morning,
To the man that owns that sign
And he, all expenses scorning.
Will ask him to etay and dine.
And when election hot is held.
In city precinct gay,
You'll see many an opponent felled
On next election day.
Success to wearer of Star and Slick
That walks about so freely,
If he ever should get sick,
He'll die like Horace Grcely,
And then he'll go away above
Where no criminals wages war,
And where no person they e'er shove,
The victims of a star.
II. II. W.
A Xote.
Editor Review: In your issue 04 March
4th, your Oakland correspondent "Duplex"
did me a great injustice by stating that the
company which assembled at the residence of
Mr. John Bccklcy to pay mc a visit before I
returned to Elkton, spent the evening in card-
playing, eating popcorn, apples etc. I wish
it ditlinctly understood that I do not indulge
in card playing: nor was card playing indulged
in by the company on the occasion refered to
by your correspondent.
Maggie Beckley.
A well improved farm consisting of 290
acres most all under fence. A good dwelling
house, barn, a dry house and dryer, about 175
acres plough land and balance pasture. Sit
uated about 4 miles west ol Wilbur on iho
Calapooia and between two good schools.
For full particulars address,
Jas. M. Ellison,
Oakland, Or.
Rheumatism rf Xiriiralaia, en veil tn
It Hays.
The Indiana Chemical Co. have discovered
a compound which acts with truly marvelous
rapidity in the cure of Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia, We guarantee it to cure; any .and
eyery case of acute Inflammatory Rheumatism
and Neuralgia in 2 DAYS, and to give im
mediate relief in chronic cases and effect a
speedy cure. On. reccipt'of 30 cents, in two
cent stamps, we will senvVto any ddjegs.thjt
prescription for this wonderful compound,
w hich can be filled by your home druggist a
small cost. We take this means of giving our '
discovery to the public instead of putting it -out
as a patent medicine, it being much less
expensive. We will gladly refund money if
satisfaction is not given.
The Indiana Chemical Co.,
Crawfordsville, Ind.
syrup of trigs.
Manufactured only by the California Fig
Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Nature
Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid
fruit remedy may be had of l3r S. Hamilton
at fifty cents or one dollar Tier bottle. Jt is
the most pleasant, prompt and effective
reniady known, to clcanso tne svFteni; to
act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gen
tly but thoroughly; to dispel Headaches,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation
Indigestion and kindred ills.
An End to Rone Scraping.
Edward Shepard, of Harrisburg, III,, says:
Having received so mech benefit from Elec-.
trie Bitters, I leel it my duty to let suffering
humanity know it. Have had a running
sore on my leg for eight years; my doctors told
me I would have to have the bone scraped or
leg amputated. I used instead, three bottles
of Elcdtric Bitters and seven boxes Bucklen's
Arnica Salve, and my leg is now sound and
well." .
Electric Bitters are sold al 30 cents abottfe
and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at 25ccnls per box
by Marster's & Co.
Good Results in Eoe-ry Cuse.
D. A. Bradford, w hoslesale paper dealer ol
Chattanooga, Tenn., writes, that he was se
riously afflicted with a severe cold that settled
on his lungs: had tried many remedies with
out benefit. Being induced to try Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, did so and
was entirely cured by use of a few bottles.
Since which time he has used it in his family-
for all Coughs and Colils with best results.
This is the experience of thousands whose lives
have leen saved by this Wonderful Discovery.
Tnal Bottles tree at A. Marsters cc Co s.
Drug Store. .
m 9 .
Cure Jor Piles.
Piles are frequently preceded by a Senas
of weight in the back, loins and lower part
of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup
pose he has affection of the kidneys or neigh
boring Organs. At times, symptoms of in
digestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness
of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like pers
piration, producing a very disagreeable itch
ing, after getting warm, is a common attend
ant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles
yield at once to the application of Dr.
Bosanco's Pile remedy, which acts directly
upon the parts effected, absorbing the tu.
mors, allaying the intense itching, and ef
fecting a permanent cure. Price 50 cents;
Address, The Dr. Bosanoo Medicine Co.,
Piqua, O. Sold by Dr. & Hamilton.
Just Wliat They All Say.
Hon. D. D. Haynie of Salem, Ills, says he
uses Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup in
his family with the most satisfactory results,
in all cases of Coughs, Colds and Croup, and
recommends it in particular for the little ones.
Sample bottle 5 cents at W. S. Hamiltons.
Lieer Pills.
Use Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills for
Sallow Complexion, Pimples on Ihe face and
Biliousness. Never sickens or gripes. Only
one lor a dose. Samples free at W. S. Ham
Ihe Perfection
Of the age in the medical line is the liquid
fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured
only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San
Francisco, Cal. It is agreeable to the taste,
acceptable to the Stomach, harmless in its na
ture, painless yet prompt and thorough in its
action. For sale by W. S. Hamilton.