ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, MARCH, 11, 1887. rniLETARIAN LODGE No. 8, I. O. O. P., meet on Saturday evoiiine of each week t 7 o'clock, in their hall t KoRvbtirt; Member v.ftho order in good standing axe jiivittd to Htteml. By order of the N. O. UNION ENCAMPMENT, No. 0, I. O. O. F., meet alUild Fellows' Hall on the finrtaiid third Tbumluysof caeh month. Visiting brethren invited to attend. J. JA3KULEK, C. 1'. Joiix Ciiask. Scrib. v A LACUEL LODGE A. F. M. WILL HOLD X? rt'!T'ar meetings on Wednesday on or l.-fore fteach. lull moon. : J , K. M. BELL, w. . J. P. Dtjbca5, 8sc v A. O. U. W. ROSEBURG LODGE No. 16. meets the second and fourth Mondays ol each month at 7.30 P. M. in the Odd Fellow Uall. Members in good standing are invited to attend. E. G. Hlbsh, T.Ford, Financier. Recorder.. -.UMPQUA CHAPTER, Nc II, R. A. M., hold Wi'U their regular coram animations every first ?CVw and third Tuesday in each month. All fc- members in trooU standing will take due and timely notice and govern themselves accordingly Visiting companions are invited to meet with the napei when convenient. N. P. BUSKJtl, II. 1 8W63 C'aho, Se"'. FOSEBURO CHAPTER No. 8 O. E. S. hold their regular meetings on the first and third Thursdays in each month. Visiting members in good standing are respectfully invited to attend . Mrs. Ji m Abraham, M. F. Rait, Worthy Matron. Secretary. FOR SALE. 1 have for sale a black STALUON, The an imal is l6j J hands high, weighs. 1 230 pounds will be six years old in June next, is full blood Morgan & Messenger and is a fine roadster. Parties desiring to purchase an animal of this kind will please call on or address Jessie J. Baker, Camas Valley, Douglas Co. Or. Dressmaking. Mrs. J. N. Barker would announce to the public . that she is now engaged in the dressmaking business, and will guarantee satisfaction ia fitting, character of work and prices ns wcil. Rooms in the Library building near City Hakery. , Teacher's ' Examination. The quar terly examination of applicants for teacher's certificates will be held in Oakland on Friday and Saturday, March 25th and 26th, 1S87. (J- B.1 f.l.: I.G. T. , IIORNEK, Coin, of Examination A F. L. Rcssell, Russell, Stipt. A Large School Board. Roseburg has the largest school board in the State including the school clerk. The combined weight is 86a lbs. Tones 218 lbs.. Gannon 2U lbs.. Bell 232 lbs., and Willis 160 lbs. -If any school board in the stale wants any fighting done, let them send for this board, this "heavy weight" board, and something win happen . Dentistry.. Go to Dr. Bonham of Rose burg to have your teetfc extracted, his local anaesthetic as a pain obtundcr has no equal applied to the gums five minutes renders ex' traction painless. Dentists not in Oregon may secure the right to use the medicine from Dr. Bonham the discoverer. Particular at. tention paid to correcting irregularities in uiiiiiiuua iceui ot uuicuscu guilts. -I'll - r ,? -j, ixeasant. ine entertainment exicnttcu to S. F. Flood, (the Guttenberg ol The Re view office) last evening at the ..residence of J. R. N. Bell in West Koeeburg was in keep ing wilh that gentleman's old-fashioned Yir cinia hospitality. A number of young folks " participated in this festive occasion, while Col. Fullerton was master of ceremonies- 'The newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ashworth were also present for a short time. The Big. Bore. W. S. Ladd's artesian well near Portland, is down about 1,850 feet, 1 and has passed through numerous different ' formations:" "Last WceKffie'"ornu"t)roli5rit ud some petrified specimens of tropical timber, among them being almond shells of. perfect form, and wood and bark" of the sawke species. Considering the great depth from which these specimens were brought, this is a very remark- 'able geological discovery. Married. The wedding of Mr. George Conn, of Paisley to Miss Maggie Sargent, of Linkville, took place at the residence of the . brides parents at Linkville on Sunday the 27th -nit. Mr. Conn is well known in southern Oregon, having held a high position under the .inln La line VuiArt mrtrcliond iLirtrf it iVlA above place. His bride is well known and respecled in this community; she was born near Phoenix, in this county and received a splendid education at the state university, at Eugene. We wish them much joy in their new life. Oregon Sentinel. 'The Annual School Meeting. The . school meeting was held in the old school building last Monday at I o'clock p. m when the clerk read his report, and showed the district in a fair condition under all the circumstances. George W. Jones (Shake- ' t..i. j: l - 1 T-t T Gan&on clerk. The meeting voted in an in formal way that the directors build a school house on the old site not exceeding $14000 in cost. They sbo voted to coiled one third this year as the law directs, and the remaining two thirds to be paid in 10 years. The contract for building the house ought not to be let for more than $12,000, reserving $2000 at least for unforeseen contingencies, fences, &c, &c. Harmony prevajj in the meeting. Lite tary Society. Last Friday evening the Adelphian Literary society gave an open meeting in the court house, at which time the following question was discussed: . "Resolved, That the mind of wonaeai - inferior to that of man," The speakers on the affirmative were Floyd Johnston, B. Dowden and L. Bclhlsf on the hegntive Misses Julia Hamilton, Pcrmelia Ford and Grace "Howard. After a lively discussion the question, was decided in favor of the negative. Then J. R. N Bell gave a short address on Hamlet. The house was crowded even to standing room, and all were pleased wilh the evenings entertainment which showed much efficient work on the part of the participants. These literary exercises should be encouraged, as much benefit is de rived from them. Roseburg Reform Club. Meeting called to order by Vice President Ramp, after prayer by Mr. Gaddis, and singing by the junior choir. Hon. W. F. Benjamin occupied the rostrum for over an hour ably discussing the liquor question and pending amendment pro and con, Mr. Benjamin is thoroughly in earnest in this work, and will use every honorable means to have the ammendment engrafted in the con stitution. Considerable discussion took place on the advisability of changing the name of the club, finally a vote was taken resulting in recristening, the new name being the "Home r,r.i ,.., Turnip." The new officers are president, Hon, W. F. Benjamin; vice presi dents, Mr. Godfrey and Mr. Ramp; secretary Lee Bell; treasurer, Mr. W. B. Taylor; ways and mpnns com. Mr. Ramp, Mr. Gaddis and Mr. Bales, executive com. Mrs. A. Jones, Mrs. Gaddis and Mr. Mullen. Rev. Mr. Miiler of the Baptist church will address the club at its next meeting. W. Alexander, Sec LOCAL BREVITIES. Flowers. Sunshine. Fine spring weather. Times are getting better. Henry Ward Beechcr is dead. Our friend lea Rice was in town thiB week. Go to Cus. Taylor's quick he wants to bee yoa. ' , r Caro Bros, have resumed business at the old stand. Simon Caro returned from Portland last Tuesday. Plated ware at greatly reduced rales at J. Jaskulek's Cassius Gaddis of Oakland spent la:.t Sun day in our city. Goods reduced to the lowest possible prices at W. N. Moore's. Born to the wife of Harry Williams a daugh- I ter last Saturday Come and see what you can get at W. N. Moore's for cash at cost. David Hendricks of the Salem Statesman was to see us this week. Johnsons tomatoes canned, cheapest and best at Barker & Willis'. " The South Wales Echo of Feb. 9th, 1887, came to our tabic this week. Remember that $2.50 wI get a pair ot boots, at 11. C. btanton s. A new lot of household goods just received at J. Jaskulek's bargain stored Martin Partin of Oakland called this w eek and made ye editor feel happy, Mrs. E. G. Hursh returned from Portland and Salem last Tuesday evening. Observe the lettering at the post office when you pass by. Bro. Foster did it. 504 children in Roscburn district brtween the ages of four and twenty years. J. Jaskulek sells goods at prices lhat aston ish the oldest and best of buyers. Rev. J. R. N Bell will preach at Oakland next Sunday morning and evening, Mrs. G. W. Cartwright of Yoncolla gave us a pleasant interview last Wednesday, A new lot of the latest stock of note paper and stationary just arrived at W. N. Moore e. I W. N. Moore will sell to anybody for cash for thirty days groceries, and glass w are at cost. Come with the cash and get goods at cost atW. N. Moore's for the next thirty days only. Edward Snooks who has been very unwell for some tune is improving slowly we are glad to say. W. B. Drake from Myrtle Creek gave us a call last Saturday that made us fell good. Come again Choice seed and cooking potatoes at R. M. Howell's, Early Rose, Burbanks, Peerless and GarnetcbillL impotency in man or woman cured by flilmore'a Aromatio Wine. For sale atMars ter's drug store. Buy your baking powder at W, N. Moore's a id get a chance in a sewing machine and a handsome card, free. The youngest son of Andrew Jones had his hand very badly cut this week in playing with a feed chopper. , , , ... . . . w 1 bathatu oclocka. m. No service at French ( school house that day.-v fi we warrant Gilmore s Magnetic Elixir to relieve the Asthma in one miutitu. For sale at luarstcrsuruji store. Miss Nichols, wh has been teaching in ourj public school left for her home near Canyon ville yesterday evenihe, Nearly $2300 has been returned to Doug las county by the state lor over paid taxes, and one thirg and" another, Read Dr. Walker's card this week. This gentleman hails from a first class college, and we wish him much success. T. 11. Williams of Drain gave us a very profitable call this week. Come aain and we will profit by your presence. Jas. A. Sterling, the indefatigable county assessor, is abroad in tne land, we saw nis slender frame in our city this week. ladies ia life and health worth prcserv- ng! If you think so, use Gilmore's Aro matic W ine. For sale at Marstcrs drug tore. Prof. G. T. Russell, our county school superintendent was in Roseburg a day or two thts week, on business connected with his office. E. H. Kilman representing J. K. Gill & Co, wholesale booksellers and stationers in Port land, was in Roseburg this week soliciting orders. Ihe signal service observer reports 1.24 in- dies rainfall for March to date (loth.) The temperature for March to date has been above the normal. give your children for coughs and colds croup, whooping cough and hoarseness Gil more's Magnetic Elixir. For sale at Mars ters drug store. Farmers should remember that the place to get a good meal when yon come to town is at Clements restaurant. Try it and be convin ced that it is so. Just received a fine assortment of ginghams and spring dress goods, also an extensive lot of summer hats for men, youth and children at II. C. Stanton's. r. e. caRR, of Daggetts Mills Pa., says he saved the life of his child with croup by nsinsr Gilmore's Magnetic Elixir. For sale at Marster's drug store. iiev. e, j. whitney of Clarkson N. Y says Gilmore's Aromantic Wine for female weakness, stands without a rival. For sale at Marster's drug store. We are promised an article from the tren chant pen of S. F. Floed on the prohibition amendment for next week's issue. Look out, the fui will begin to fly soon. There has beeri a report afloat that Mrs. Culp was dead. This is not true. Mrs. J. J. Farquar received a letter from her this week dated at Livermore, Colorado. WILLIS L. CCLVER of Pavilion, N. Y say that Gilmore's Magnetic Elixir cured him of a long standing Throat and Long trouble. For sale at Marsters drug store. A fine stock of choice cigars just received at Taylor's Red Front, direct trom Key Wrest . Come running, but don't fall and try them He makes a speciality in candies also. ' Rev. E. G. Michael presiding elder of the M. E. Church South, while here holding quarterly coherence si oaturuay ano ounoay , 1 t . . r- , , . c , preacneu two or tnrce excellent sermons. Waif, mean j anything found, or without an owner, that which comes along, as it were, by chance. A child without known parents, or a child not taken care of by its parents. Prof. Haskell gave another of his beauti- fully illustrated lectures on astronomy in the Presbyterian church last Monday evening which was much chioved bv those present. eev; w. F., Baptist church, Aurora 111., says that Gilmore's Aromatic Wine is a household remedy an that no family should be without it For sale at Marstcrs drug store, REv. h., u. kwell, of Pavilion, N. Y. says or uiimores Aromatic Wint.: "I De- lieve it to be a most desirable remedy to be placed in every family." - For sale at Mar- stcrs drug storo. Members of Roseburg Lodge No. 16, A. O. U. W. are requested to be at their hall Mon day night when business of importance will be iraubucicu. 1. rwu, ; T V 1 Recorder. New goods. Parry the tailor has just re ceived a fine lot o cloth from Frisco, First class goods, latest styles and a nobby work man .who will fit you "like the paper on the vail rail." Call and see for yourself. 'rof. M . F. Jones returned home from his trip to Washington territory last Saturday 1 X . lie has (been absent several weeks and was mot at thtrtrain by the Junior band, , who went to welcome their teacher home. Kcait the article "Hearts ana lianas in this issue, j It is well composed and takes us along the pathway of ordinaiy life, and then to a place where rough hands and aching hearts, will have all been made well. Yes, James Washington Leslie, we, J, Ri N. Bell, are vour veritable cousin, son of i c . . EH,bclh We expect dear cousin to see you before the next yule log is consumed upon your hearthstone. Mrs. Dr.r Graham returned to this city from Louisville, i Ky., last Monday evening. We gladly hail Mrs. Graham on her return to her fui about what they tell, and not tell a false home in this city, and hope that she mav 1 ,i r. iv ,.r ,;;r,,T th dinmrti.r " " J I nave many pleasant associations to surround I.,- :.. 1 r a-1 I tiw 111 iivi itti on iiuiijc . 1 A lady in Sharon, W isconsin writes us that sue has solved t!ie "prisoner's puzzle," but she goes out of cell A and returns to it. not going through the cell noxt to it, which is not me corKUtion of tnc puzzle, lo save anv further brain ' work on this cannot be done. matter, we ray It I On last Tuesday two ol Roscburg's fairest young ladies were out enjoying the pleasant sunshine, when they fioatcd into The Review office like a gentle zephyr on the evening I breeze, and cave us a pop call Come again I ladies and give us another pop call for we are always glad lo sec you uur oiu menu casaraitan came in upon us like a Kansas cyclone last Saturday and shook us up in a way that made us feel good . We are always glad to see you Casaraltan, but not having seen or heard from you for so long before we were not sure that you slill lived, moved and had a being. The Junior band had their pictures taken yes terday morning after which they played several pieces on the street. 1 hey came t. .1 T- m . . . arounu 10 tnc rvtvitw oince ana pinyea two lvs i,:i.i.. .':.a u ... .. , ! , 1, .1 . v. r -w llnr. fl,-vil anfl nil Ihi vnnut Prrf Innpc under whose cuidance the band has made such rapid progress, will leave Roseburg in the near future. He will be missed by the boys, and by many others as well. use mo wonvs. In promulgating esoteric cogitations or ar- ticulating superficial sentimentalities and phil - osophical or psychological observations, be- ware of platitudinous ponderosity . . , 1 , ... Let your statements possess a ciariiied conciseness, compacted comDrchcnsiblencss. coalesccnt consis,ency aml a conccntrated cogency. Cs- chew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, eicunc babblement and asinineaffectalions. In trying to impress, upon others the superiority ol Langenberg s boots and shoes, and why you and so many others use them, it is not neccssar y to use-jaw breakers. Let your ex temporaneousElcscantings and unpremeditated expatiatons- have intelligibility and veracious vivacity, without rhodoniontade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysllabic profundity, psittaceous vacuity, vcntriloqual verbosity and vandiloquent vapidity; shun double entendrcs, prurient jocosity and pestif- erous profanity, obscurent or apparent. In other words, talk plainly, naturally, sensibly, and truthfully say. that The Roseburg Review is the leading paper in Southern Oregon. Subscribe now and that ends it. Doer Creek Letter. Er. Review. Vour paper's name is Re view, and 1 wish to investigate the two bills that passed the legislature. The first bill and the worst one is the prohibition bill, that bill is in opposition to the t-onslitutun of the United States, guarantees life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Now if that bill don't stop the commercial business of thou sands of men, deprive them of their property, make them unhappy, I don't know what sort shed. Mr. II. feels the heavy loss very keen of a law would, and I can't see where the I lv as it leaves his stock exposed to the cold liberty would come in if the slate can say you shan't make wine or beer or whiskey, the lib- erty is goneand the men that manufactured the liquor is ruined, his business is broken up, his distillery useless, his building useless, and the hired help out of work. I think their happiness would be gone, the vineyards would be in the same fix, hundreds of men ruined, li that thc kind of happiness they are to re- ccivc at the hands of our law makers ? If it i 1 don t want 111cm lo make lhat kind lor me or any body else. 1 hat kind ol liberty or happiness don't suit a vast army of the Amer ican people. 1 think the voter had better study well both sides of the bill before they voteforit. .. You can't get a jug of bourbon any more for any purpose. You have lost your liberty all the same with prohi . bills. Away goes our liberties. Intoxicants came in the world at a very early day, and has been in use from the commencement of our hLtory lAit now the people have come to the conclusion that the preaching of thc gospel has failed to reform mankind. They have failed, now the law-makers will fix it for them, they will make the people good, they are better now than our aavior was, ne macie wine and ho beat the jews making good wine and they got funny on me wine. ur. i,unn says the greatest blessing handed down by God to man is stim- ulants, and the very best b our common whis- key. row we are to be robbed of that bless- S by those good laws that we are to have next November at the expens c of $40,000 or $50,000 to much of a hurry to wait for the general election and for a blind the legislature had two other bills coupled wilh the prohi bill. They want to get their salaries raised, and the constitution won I allow it, so they want a chance to set their own figures, if the vcters give them the whip in their own hands they will put the price on their business, N. It. voters, look out for the welfare of roiir 1 ' tWt humbuged, never let any set nf the to ... th.Ir on their work after it is done. The best way is to know how much their salaries will be. Be fore giving, give them the benifit of that bill, it might cost the tax payers a great sum of J money. Now I will ask the Review to give this letter a place if it don t meet your ap proval. I want our liberties, as when I wis I boy 4 G. W Genger. ,. , Myrtle Creek .. - Nate has discovered a new remedy for the toothache. Francis says it's a sure cure. The Hon. D. S. K. Buick of the Plain- dealcr is in Myrtle Creek, we presume on busi ness. 1 MrsJjeslin Brewer is visiting in Myrtle to day. We wish her much joy and a long ana happy life. Traveler says that he contemplates travel ing some th-s summer. He is stopping m Myrtle Creek at present where he has been holdl forth for lhe w ei,hteen months . " " Joe Bird, proprietor of the Roaring Gimlet has just received fifteen hundred cigars and is prepared to sell anything from a cigar clear down to a glass of lemonade with a stick fin it. W. Bean closed his school last Friday and bids . farewell, to Myrtle Creek to-morrow morning. Jasper Hall will take charge, ol our next school, and we are glad to learn that Miss Edith Callahan is his assistant. t 'We think Owle is mistaken about the Old Maid wearing sideburns, we were informed that she wears whiskee all over her face, and when she somes to, the store after eggs she brings a basket to get them in, Pansy puts the eggs in the basl:cl for her and she gives Pansy some money for them and goes home. - We understand some one from here went to Roberts creek a few weeks ago and tried to circulate a scandalous report on a young lady of this place, and we should like for the people of Roberts creek and yicinity to know through the columns of The Review that the report is a positive falsehood and should not be credited. People should always be very care; 14 IV) tilt. VI IUIU1I1,. a-saw of a respectable Ctrl A . - r 11 1 r u ... 1 i certain lcuow suiricu uuiu licit mi; (sometimes she stops up South Myrtle with hr -nA untWid.- tn rnnn n W across. the boominii turbid waters of Myrtle creek and iwAn. Uf nki riUr iiU htAA gnil Inmlilml tn anil wk r.irrird down the stream about a quarter of a mile over boul- dcrs and log?, and finally drifted ashore just opposite Joe Cornelisons's. .' He got up shook himself ami crawled out upon the bank and sat . down in the sun to meditate upon the events of the past and the prospects of the future. He says the events of the past were pretty cold, and the prospects ut the future arc colder, "for Joe seen him." "... llOLELO. 31 1. Srolt lU-ilH. Miss Lydia Welker we understand is m very poor health and has been all winter- . Mr. Joseph Tipton has a fine new boy at his house some 3 or 4 weeks old. More anon. The roof of Squire Clifton's blacksmith shop we understand, was broken in aud the horn ofl broken ofr. ' Mr. Win. Stephens s wife, daughter of Rev. I ICUllia Xliuilliwil Ti(W mi.v.. ut -.vMn xs.iwfi I J r i ury'n8 Brount' lne 7tu ' l's month. .Stock is doing very well lor tne pa-.t week or s0 bul rePrt says lhete ,,as 0001:1 conswet- ble loss m Ucatns since me snow storm set in Mr. Sam Cameron has his mill tn -running order, and is now sawing the lumber for the I erection of a new school house in tlistrict No. 163. The annual school meeting : of district No. 68 was held on the 7th of this month - and everything wont off smoothly. I. F. Thom ason was elected director and J. , W Wright district clerk. . - - - Mr. J. W. Wright killed a couple . of fine venisons a few days since, wftsetv were very palatable or so - says your' Col respondent, from the fact thai he tried his own teeth upon the toothsome meet . Mr. W. A. Smith's brother from Indiana has arnyed, and says he has 'come to slay. They are very intelligent, energetic and pleasant young gentlemen, and we would be pleased to sec more such citizens come lo our I-01" "" "- 'J . Mr. Samuel Brill s dogs ran a deer into the river just above the place of holding school meeting which was immediately dispatched by the said Samuel and his Winchester, to the delight of the voters present. Sara is the boss hunter of this vicinity. - We are reliaWy informed that the Cox Bros, intend building a store, and establishing a P. O. at Oak creek in the near future, and will run a delivery wagon throughout the surrounding country, buying cges, chickens, butter, etc. of the farmers, which will greatly assist .the farmers, financially. Reports of quite a numlxjr of house roofs being broken in with the heavy fall of snow has reached your reporter. "Among the;n W. J Hughes' wood shed, barn and wagon spring rains, which are very, hard on the ani- mals after the severe snow storm they have passed through. Mr. II. intends erecting more I substantial buildings in the future. X. Y. Z. i'ft'Hci Nrtlleineitt tlcuts: Beautiful weather. . ,." Just heard of a wedding. -Everylnxly on the sick list. L. S. Wright has returned fiom Coles Val ley. L. W. Dunham is attending school at Wil bur. e are sorrry to say Anna C liamnagne is worse. Mrs. White has returned to her home in Oakland- - 1 - W. T. Wright sicnt last Sunday with his family here. j. We were pleased to meet the sinilms face 0 J J oncs- Messrs. Jim and Connor Denning were ing friends here last week. ; j I ' Mrs. J. L. Casebeerand Mrs. llannan iare recovering from their late illness. William and Miss Edith Callahan and Jim Denninr scent several davs in Garden Vatlev. iaSt wecc Billy got left. j Calvin Wright of Looking Glass was visit ing in this settlement last week and while tere purchased a tine hound. Come again Cat . Dudee. Grant Vast Election. ' Grant's Pass, March 7. The vote on the Grant's Pass charter to-day resulted in a com plete victory for the charter, and the entire charter ticket, wilh the exception of marshal The ticket elected is F. W. Vandyke, mayor: H. C. Kinney, T. P. Judson, Joseph Moss and D. W. Harden, aldermen; John Goodsell recorder; J. F. But Ucs, treasurer, and J. H Colby, marshal. ! Jt DGE ArrOINTED. Salem, March 7. G W. Walker, of Pen J dleton, was to-night appointed by the govern - or to the second judge-ship in the sixth judi a cal district, created by an act of the last legis Ilaluie. .1 JRVVLT TO JT. X. X Umpqua Ferry, March 7, 1S87. Mr. Editor: :-. WjU you please allow me a small space, in one of your' very valuable col umns that I may say a few words in regard to X X, X.'g nrticle that appeared in the last weeks REVfEiv upon the violators of law in Coles Valley? Mr. Editor did not X, X. X. put it rather strong in his "article? What are the rights of the people in this case? X. X. X's father and mother belonged to the noble, brave, and time honored band of Pioneers who blazed the way to Umpqua Valley, now the garden spot of Oregon; and many oi the readers ofTiiE Review have heard them re- latcvthe history of an early day upon the Ump-1 qua when , they had to fort at night lor pro- cations were unanimously sustained, by the teclion against the hostile Indians. , They following church court; M, Dean, "Wm. Ledg Were among the number who gazed upon the erwood, VV. A. Willis,' Henry Wiley, J. II. Umpqua valley was houseless and un- Whitsett, with Rev. L. Gi Michael P. E. in inhabited by civilized man. Yes, they for the chair,; Many other charges could have years bravely fought the wolf from the door; been brought against this consummate impos Jiving upon wild meat alone for days and tor. but these were sufficient. This man Mr. jweeks at a time. Sorry to say those cruel Culp signed a bill of sale for a piece of prop Indians finally succeeded in taking the life of cr'y la this city, and received moBey thereon, his father, thereby working a greater hardship when the property was not his to sell. We upon his noble mother. And now Mr. Edi-1 tor, X. X. X. rises up in his youth and man-1 hood with his much loyalty and says to that feeble but good old mother, "I can't kill you a nice deer that you may have a fresh tender steak or a nice dish of soup which her weak appetite could relish for fear there wouldn't be enough left for the boys (his chums up at Portland, Spokane and other cities) and I when we go out in July to have a lime." And if some sypathizing friend of this Martha Washington mother of his see fit to do what we think he should do, furnish her with a ven-1 ison now and then, he questions their gentle 1 manship and classes them with thieves and vagabonds. ' I take the authority to sav. that there is net a single "game butcher in Coles - 4 . . valley, -, No one here kills deer for their hides or horns. But there is not a man in this val- ley (except X. X. X.) that will not kill one if he lias a chance for table use. Do you not suppose Mr. Editor that X. X. X feels very much humiliated tjr haying his lot cast in the midst of such a lawless and thievish communi-1 tv? I nof ' ask the manv : readers of The Review whether or not the old pioneers (I am not one) of Oregon who have gone through the fircv furnace have col a belter rirdiMn thai portion ol game in Oregon that their wants demand, than X. X. X. or future pos. terity? i Johnie Green X-reiM Hneua Heta. Poena Vista. Mar. 2. 18S7. Editor Rev iew: We have just returned irom Salein. at which place the legislature his been attracting our attention, It is a hard matter, Mr. editor, for a person to depart from the numerous good citizens of Salem after he once becomes acquainted with them, and es- pec;ally was this lhe case with your corrcspon- dent. During our slay there we were regular attendants at the Salvation Army, that good division which , is rushing down like a mighly torrent upon Satan's strong hold, flanking him and driving him from his quar-1 ters. The Salvanon Army is a Cood reeiment. and we are its staunch supporters. " kews JNOTES."' It is still snowing here, and stock is begin - ning to suStr. A dramatical entertainment is among the events of the future nt this place. Inlerestinn. revival meelinrr n,n IwinT tu-1,1 auhis place, and much :good will probacy be arr.mir.lkr.ed. Th eeirr. li ducted by Revs. Beauchamp andMrariing, of - fc the Evancelical church. . - . .1 ...... i . Ilk A VI li:i UCiU llitd I Oil bCYl'lfll VUIUUOIU horses by some trintf disease. , He has. another which is badly affected with the disease. "Ano Domini." Oak Grore Items. Mr. Geo. Stephenson our old friend and neighbor has left us and has engaged in the hotel business in Myrtle Creek. William and John VanBuren of Roseburg have moved to the groye and arc farming Success to you young gentlemen. Farmers in our section are plying their cner gies on the farm. There will be a good deal of gram sown in pur vicinity this year. And now Bro. Bell I close by asking you to do two things for us, tell some good school teacher lhat one is wanted at thc crove, and second come out yourself and preach for us. J. M. Hutson will take charge of his fathers valuable ranch near Oak Grove next week, we welcome you back Jame to thc old home stead. The ex-eovcrnor will move back to Myrtle Creek. . Mr. Editor: As we have not seen any items from our cily for some time we ven lure to pen you a few ' scattering items from this part of the vineyard. Our school meeting passed off quietly with the following results. For directors G. W. Wonacolt and Mr. Lamnkin; lor clerk our interesting and ever faithful clerk J. D.Bur nett ' was re-elected. We will say that Mr. Burnett has made us an efficient clerk and hope that he may ever sway the scepter. The people of Oak Grove were favored last Sunday with a lecture by Prof. Conley on As tronomy, The lecture was good and entertain- ng ipse dixit dltissimamplanctam tergemmino obscrmte. Look out for some oi the boys the last they were seen was on top of Neptune and was heard to say mirdtHc diet it etc transit gloria mundi. ; ! X. X. . OanUner Items. The saw mill is running time, on account of its wharf which is blocked with lumber. There are three schooners that are on their ( 1 way for this port, lhe Laura Madson, the Ncp tune, and the J. B. Leeds, all of which have been due for sometime. The rain in Gardiner is very heavy. The Smith river boom is m tianger, tne river is so high that they expect to see boom, logs 'and every thing else come down. The buckwhcalers say lhat it has been hard on stock this winter. Blackwell on Smith river has lost forty or fifty head of cattle, Peter Blake on Schoficld has lost fifteen or twenty head, A. W. Reed ol Gardiner has lost seventy- five or one hundred head. Mr. Reed has the moststock of any one in this section of coun try, so his loss has been very great, in everv one that has stock has lost more or W ' 1 Lazy Bee. CARD OE T1IAXKS. . . Myself and family take this method of re turning our thanks and most sincere gratitude to thc many friends here, for their kindness tn ministering to our wants during our pro- traded illness and oUr earnest desire and player is, that each and all may receive reward promised in our Lords gospel by Matthew, chapter 25th verse 40. S. KiandE. T. Raymond. Oakland, Oregon, March, 1887. In all the history' of this country, no man perhaps, ever abused the confidence and sym pathy of the people as much as the man, whose name beads this article, j Last Saturday the Quarterly conference of the Roseburg circuit Columbia Annual conference M. E. Church Sou th unanimously 'deposed this man from the ministry, and absolutely expelled him from the church upon the following charge and specifications. Charge; gross imorality, speci fication 1st, adultery; specification 2d, con cealing and abetting an abortion performed in his pwa house; specification 3d, blackmailing Dr. E. J. Page for the purpose of obtaining money under false pretenses. These specifi- ak learn that he did receive money from two parties at Myrtle Creek for the same piece of wprk when he should have received pay but once. The circumstances and facts show that while he was here, and since he left, that he, Mr. Culp, was and is the most plausible and unmitigated falsifier of truth that it .was ever this community's misfortune to endure. This article is written and published by the direction of the members of the Quarterly conference. The reason we have said nothing before is be cause we did not desire to prejudice the trial but since it is over we now haye a right to protect the public against such a dangerous Per&on. hue pretending to conciliate some little domestic inlelicitics in one of the best families in Oregon; he, Culp, was all the while bemeaning the husband and fostering the smiles of the w,'e ullUl s,le was alienated from her husband and children, as they, the woman and Culp, were guilty of the first specification above mentioned, that of adultery. I lis history from I Walla Walla via Albany, Independence, Tan- Cent untu ne reached Roseburg was one of almost continuous trouble. 'His hand was "Samst every man, aud every man's hand against him. His very nature was that of concentrated meanness. He was a man of ft001 ability in the pulpit, fine address, always neat a ' 'new P!n" rltne" proud, and withal 1 the most jealous mimlcu, and vindictive indi vidual we ever met . We, might enumerate in I ,.r t., p...., r 1.1 liail UUkll WU1U1III13 VJl A 11 c. ututt) 01 well sustained statements in reference lo his misdoings, but we forbear; and thank the pa- pcrs of Oregon for treating the question so fairly, except one, which said, "the members of the church will get together, whitewash him, and let him s,o." No Mr. Bulletin, not much whitewashing in this case, yet a fair and impartial trial was given! him after the evi 1 dence was in, not before, as is the custom of soiue'newspapers in deciding upon the guilt or innocence of the accused. Men are many a I time guilty, but our observation is that church courts -af generally rightj and nearly without 1 an exception honest and fair, and do about as I little whitewashing as any ' set of men we ever (knew; We are sorry to be compelled to chronicle such unhappy events, yet so it has been from the beginning; and will be so to the end. ' One word, of 'advice, do not treat every stranger as a rogue, yet "be sure that rour commence is not mispiacea, ociore you ' J fl 3 t f W0 U your sympathy upon him. A stranger it he is worthy will be willing to abide 1 . . i . . 10 VW n yot.r aiiecuons, 11 r a-uu? uij u siwipmu uuny w gsi I mere. ; -iuoiuer tuing 11 a uusoana ana wne cannot settle their difficulties, ho third party in heaven, earth or hell can do it, for the Di vine ligature that bound them together has been severed, and nothing short of the infinite power of God can retore it, and He only, by thc consent of the estranged . Let no man or woman undertake to cure : domestic infelicity. Never enter the sacred precincts of the home circle to meddle with tender and sensitive wounds made by coniujral infidelity. The marital relation is as dear 'as the apple of the eye, therefore no priest or prelate, preacher or potentate should intrude himself there. We now let the curtain fall, hoping that all may profit by this unhappy lesson. Elkton Kote: The hoot of the grouse is heard in the land. I. L. Smith went to Roseburg on bu .iness last week. Jack Wilson left for San Francisco a couple of weeks ago. 1 Farmers are all busy speeding the plow ex cept when it rams too hard . 1 Haight Matoon is now stage driver between here and Scot tsburg. . Rev. Win. Wells preached in the church last Sunday and' lectured in the evening at the same place. j Edward Smith lost about 100 head ol sheep during thc late snow storm, and others have lost a good many . Several horses in this yicinity have lately been afflicted with blind staggers and a few have died from that causci A literary society was i organized here last Thursday evening and the Chinese question will be discussed at the meeting next Friday evening, Our worthy assessor, Jimmy Sterling, com menced business on March 1st, and will wor southward on ths west side of the county, and return on the cast side. Mr. Lord who lives ; below here lost his cabin and all its contents by fire abo.ut the time of the recent snow storm and his stable fell from the weight of tie snow and killed 1 three horses. J At the regular school meeting in district No. - 1 66 A. W eatherly was elected director and Ira W imberly elected clerk; and these gentlemen toccther with P. W. Rhodes and Darius Wells constitute the school board in that dis tnct In district Jio. 34 11. Bcckley was elected director and G. W. Benedict re-elected clerk, and these gentlemen together with J. M, Stark and B. Hardcnbrook are the board in lhat district. ! It. E. Porter, JiheHmnlism ami Xeuraiain cured in J dags. The Indiana Chemical Co. have discovered firt I a compound which acts with truly marvelous rapiaiiy W me cure oi tsneuniaii... auu xu I ... ... r t.1 1 I 1 . .-I- . 4 . . 1 rauna. we cuaramec 11 10 cure any anu I eyery case of acute Inflammatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia in 2 DAYS, and to give im mediate relief in chronic cases and effect a speedy cure. On receipt of 30 cents, in two cent stamps, we will send' to any address the prescription for this wonderful compound, I which can be filled by your home druggist at small cost. We take this means of giving our discovery ta the public instead of putting it the j out as a patent medicine, it being much less St. j expensive. We will gladly refund money satisfaction is not given. J Tnc Indiana Chemical Co., 1 - Cravfords ville, Ixd. IIAPl'Y BELLS, WJEDD1SQ BELLS. . At the brides residence in this city on last Wednesday evening March 9U1, 1S87, Robert T. Ashworth and Miss Ella-Ragoo were uni ted in the bonds of holy matrimony, Rev. J. R. N. Bell officiating. A few minutes past S o'clock the beautiful and hamdsomely dressed bride, gently leaning upon the arm of him who is to protect and)rovide, in the presence of a num ber of Tnvitel guests, were asked the usual questions, all of which being answered by both parties in the affirmative, they were then and there in the most solemn manner pronounced husband and wife. The groom is a gentle man of noble hearing, steady, industrious hab its, and one who will make life a success. The bride is a lady of fine education, excellent j talents and highly respected by all in this com munity where she has resided for eleven years. The bridal costume was rich and of a lan color, while the groom wore the conven tional black. The refreshments were profuse and delicious, the music good, and the enter tainment complete. The Junior band gave the evening serenade just after the marriage, and all went merry as a marriage bell to the hours when all said, "blessing upon you" and good night. Mr. and Mrs. Ashworth left for their home in Berkeley, Cal. this morning. It was trying to give Ella a farewell, when she was loved and respected by all. . She-will be missed in Roseburg society. The best wishes of The Review go with you. Cards and cake received. DRAIN ITEMS. Miss Mary Farmer returned home Friday morning. 11. M. Call well the groccryman has failed. The interior of the New Hotel has been re modeled. Miss Cora Stark left for her home at Elkton Wednesday morning. The saw mill has been shut down. Mr. Palmer has removed his workmen to the Com stock's mill. One should never lose their temper under any provocation. Remember that a "soft answer turneth away wrath." Mrs. J. II. Underbill who has been quite ill with inflammatory rheumatism for some time is now almost entirely well: Mrs. W. F. Benjamin, who has been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Benson at this place returned to her home in Roseburg Tuesday evening. Thos. J. Nelson of Portland, one of Gov. Whitteaker's able and efficient officers passed through Drain This week enroute to Coos bay. Mr. Nelson came from our early home in the buckeye state. A beautiful sofa of foot cushion, may be made in the following manner. Make the cushion of ticking and fill it with feathers, the cover of plush, whatever color desired, should be ornamented with a design of flowers embroidered in Kensington stitch in one cor ner, the edge fringed with worsted tressel fringe. . ' Orsini. HARRIED. WILCOX, LAWRENCE. In Moscow, I. T., in the Barton house parlors, on Febru ary 22d, by Rey. A. Adair, Miss Mary C. Lawrence, of Salem, to Mr. C. B. Wilcox, of Pullman, W. T. Your many friends in Rose burg Charles unite' in wishing you a long life of happiness and prosperity. .'. JOHNSON, HOWARD. At the "resi dence os the bride, last Wednesday evening by Rev. John Howard, John E. Johnson to Mrs. M. E. Howard at 8 o'clock p. m. The few invited guests were well and highly en tertaiued, the -ceremony impressive, --the viands bountiful and delicious, and altogether it was a happy occasion. The many friends of Mr and Mrs. Johnson wish them a happy oyage down the stream of time, and a safe landing on the other side. We acknowledge supply of the finest cake, and consumed it ith a voracity characteristic of the inmates of a printing office, including the "deviL" Here are our best wishes. IS ME3IOBIA3I. Fredie Oren Genger was born the 20th day of April 1SS4 and died Feb. 17th, 18S7 at the the age of 2 years 9 months and 2 days. Little snow-white hands are folded, On the silent breast; Little voice is hushed forever, - Little feet are now at rest; Vanished are the little playthings, 1 No wee footsteps in the hall, All is silent and so lonely, For he's gone our joy, oar all. . How we miss our little darling, He was our pride and joy, Angels took him o'er the river, To their home beyond the tide. Softly was ihe sun ascending, From the eastern sky of morn, When our little treasure, From our arms was rudely torn. -Wilh a smile he whispered softly, Papa, mamma kiss goodbye; Then the angels' bore in triumph, Him to resteyond the sky. L. E. G. Deer Creek, Mar. 22d, 1887. XECItOLOGY. STEPHENS On the East Umpqua Sat urday, March 6lh, 1S87, Mrs. Wm. R. Stephens died after a lingering illness. She was buried Monday at the Oak Creek ceme tery, a number of relatives and friends being in attendance. She has been a member of the Baptist church for a number of years, and died in the full christian faith. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her loss, but they hope to again meet her in that better home beyond where parting, pain and death, can never come. May she rest in peace. A Genial Restoratlee. . - Hosteller's Stomach Bitters are emphatically a genial restorative. The changes which this great botanic remedy produces in the disord ered organization are always agreeably, though surely progressive, never abrupt and violent. On this account it is admirably adapted to per sons of delicate constitution and weak nerves, to whom the powerful mineral drugs are posi tively injurious. That it initiates those proces ses which result in the re-establishment of healthful vigor is conspicuously shown in cases where it is taken to overcome that fruitful cause of debility, indigention, coupled, as it usually is, wilh billiousness and constipation Thorough digestion, regular evacuation and abundant secretion, are results which promptly and invariably attend its systematic use. It is, besides, the best protective against malaria, and a first rate diuretic. A Luxury and Seeessity. For rich and poor whe wish to enjoy food if health, and who do not wish to resort to bitter nauseous liver medicines and cathartics, is the rrtnrflntnlAl fnlifnrniil Itniliil friiif nml. Syrup of Figs. 50c. and $ I bottles for sale by W. a. Hamilton - ALA MODE JE B VTCUES. Old Eohrer was a butcher bold, ' . " And lived in Roseburg town He never would be undersold. And his meat was fat and brown. He killed the fatted calves some days ' For many prodigal sons. His countenance hath a beaming ray, A nice meat market. runs, He sells the mutton chops so fi ne, And deals in prime lambs fry That when you sit down to dine You cry, Portland is all my eye! - " His shop is clean and neat yoa know. He can slice a steak from the rump. His sausages are not bow wow . In fact Rohrerisa trump. His employees are courteous sure . Quite ia a "business manner. His lard and tallow are very pure And his pigs feet deserve the banner Down weight he gives don't you forget And suet he ll throw in. . The cash he takes that you mar bet By fair dealing he will win Tender lob is Rohrer's forte He'll give it if yon ask, In fact hell give you any sort And think it a gracious task. He totes rucat round to city folks With a bland' and genial smile His corn-beef in brine he soaks, His joints are cut in style. . So snccuess to all the butchers here. That live in Roseburg city, . . Rivals they will never lear When they pcrusc'this ditty, . - 11. il w. FOR SALE. A well improved farm consisting of 290 acres most all under fence. A rjood dwelling house, barn, a dry house and dryer, about 175 acres plough land and balance pasture. Sit uated about 4 miles west oi Wilbur on the Calapooia and between two good schools. For full particulars address, Jas. M. Ellisox, Oakland, Or. MARKET REPORT. Roseburg Market. Wheat, 0 bu V...... Burr Flour, sack Roller Flour . Beans, t? lb... Butter, tftt Cheese', ft Eggs, I? doz.... i Lard, $ lb Oatmeal lb...... . . 64c $1.00 &1.25 4C 30C 25c 20c IOC 8c" 3C 6c $1.00 Cornmeal, tflb,. Cracked Wheat ft. Potatoes, tfbu....' Oats, tfbu. ,50c Hay, V ton.... $i5ig Wool, P ft. 22C 9 10c Sc IOC IOC IOC $20 $2.25 Ham and Bacon, t? lb. . . . . Dried Apples I? ft. ... . .' .Peaches.... Plams " Prunes............. Bran, ton. ...... . ... Chickens, doz ........ . ' . Safe Ihshp ante, Messrs W. B. and C. Wv Pallett Gen. Agts. of the Western Mutual Life Insurance'' and Investment Co., of Beatrice, Kcb., are here with a view ot presenting to the residents of our town and county some 0 the advantages and profits that may be drived from an invest ment with their company and owing to the unquestionable and unimpeachable character of their credentials fai regard to themselves and company they are enabled to establish their company in advance showing that they are wor - - thy of the confidence and patronage of our pco pie whom they propose calling on and having a personal interview with. ... ; nyrvp 9f lrigs. Manufactured only by the California Fie Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Nature Own True Laxative. This pleasant I10 a id fruit remedy may be had of Dr S. Hamilton at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remady known, to cleanse tue system: to act on the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gen tly but thoroughly; to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers; to care Constipation Indigestion and kindred ils. . A Captain's fortunate Discovery. Capt. Coleman, schr." Weymouth, plying between Atlantic City and N. Y., had been troubled with a cough so that he was unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr.'Kny; New Discovery for Consumption. It not only gave him instant relief, but allayed the extreme soreness in his breast. His children were sim ilarly affected and a single dose had the same happy effect. - Dr. King's New Discovery is now the standard remedy in the Coleman household and on board the schooner. Free Trial Bottles of this Standard Remedy A. -C. Marsters Drug Store. Renmum Her Youth. Mrs. Phoebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells the -following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the resi dents of the town: "1 am 63 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and Lam. ness for many years; could not dress my self without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe. my thanks to Elec tric Bitters for having renewed my youth, and removed completely all desease and pain. ' Try a bottle, only 50c, at Marten & Cos. drugstore. .', Curs or Files, r Piles are frequently preccdedbv a Senas of weight ia the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to sap pose he has affection of the kidneys or neigh boring organs. At times, symptoms of In digestion axe present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like pen piration, producing a very disagreeable itch - ing, after getting warm, is a common attend ant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Boaanco s I lia remedy, which acts directly upon the parts effected, absorbing th tn. mors, allaying1 the intense itching, and ef fecting a permanent cure; Price 50 cents. Address, The Dr. Bosanoo Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by Dr. S. Hamilton. . ; ' 1 . Xw Hat Fa Uk. I had been troubled all winter with cold and pain in the chest and got no relief from reme dies reccommended bydniggistsand physicians. At tne same tune 1 was advertising Dr. Bo sanko's Cough and Lung Syrup. I had little laith, but thought to try it as a last resort, now I believe even mor; than they tell me of its curative qualities. From The News, Eiizabetntown, Ky.J bample bottle 5 cents atW. S. Hamilton Dr. Gunn's Improved lArer Pills. Removes constipation,- prevents malaria cures dyspepsia, and gives new life to the sys tem. Only one lor a dose. Free samnles at W. S. Hamilton's. Call at The Review office and get your blank deeds and mortgages with the note printed ia the mortgage. All kinds of blanks rm rA .tA.n .1 t f . I" "'. wu ix uu set ua vciuic ynt chasing elsewhwe.