ilUolii U KU HE V iL VY FRIDAY, MARCH, 4, 1887. Continued .From First Paye. v-..ft i ... t ... iivh:, uiil vucu nuisuiiJ nuan nut in fringe upon the worship of others nor work injury to the body politic. The Typical American should sat his face against all seeming alliance of Church and State. We say to the IIolyFath er, live in peace. Stay in Rome. Lire on the banks of the Tiber. If you come here, you mast be an American citizen, rejecting your doctrine of tem poral power You may come and be naturalized aud be a voter, but w.e can jhave no temporal pojies here. Ap plause and laughter. So we say to our countrymen that come from clear old Ireland, the best country in the world to emigrate from, laughter, to the Italian, to the Spaniard, to the German, you may belong to the church of tlie spiritual pontiff but you must renounce all allegiance to temporal pontiffs. I- hold that under our laws of, naturalization, that it is tha duty of every cardinal, every archbishop, every bishop, and every priest, every monk, - Franciscan or Jesuit, , to solemnly re nounce before God and the holy an rels, all political allegiance to the Pope as a temporal prince, to-tlav is seeking to re-establish diplomatic relations with England and other European na tions in recognition of his temporal sovereignty. " And he is a truft American citizen, whether foreign-born or native born, who maintains as an American institu tion, the Holv Sabbath dav. He can calli it Simday, after the old pagan god, biitie must rest on the seventh day, rest from toil, rest in the interest of the dignity of labor, rest as a discount upon capital, rest for compensation, rest for domestic happiness, rest for pious culture. The seventh day of every week should 03 consecrated to cessation from labor and devoted to physical and mental repose. It should not be a dav of recognition to be spent in riotous livina and in brawls, but a day peaceful, in harmony with the in stitutions of religion and the dominant sentiment of the country. Our fathers consecrate 1 the Sabbath, and had you tho patience to hear and I the time to read from Franklin, from Jefferson, from Washinaton, touching the Sab bath, in recognition of it as indispen sable to the welfare of our loly politic you' would bo confirmed in this great truth. The danger to-day is that we loose from the Sabbath day as a day of rest &nd of worship. I cannot invoke the civil law .to say that it shall be a day of rest f cannot invoke the civil law to say that that man shall worship here or worship there, or worship at all, but I can invoke the civil law to say that it shall bg a non-secular day; not a day for the transaction of busi ness, but a day on which the laboring man shall walk out under God's free skies and say: This is my day, the day of a freeman. Applause. The ten dency is to transplant a European Sab ' bath here; the German with his lager, 'and the Frenchman with his wine, and the Irishmam with his shillalah. Laughter: No, no, gentleman, stay on the other side of the great deep. We don't want these things, or this y day, ' on this side of the broad Atlantic. There is another attribute that be longs to the true American citizen the recognition of. Christianity as the religion of our country. Webster, our grertest expounder of constitutional law, did not hesitate to declare that Christianity not Methodist Christian ity, not Roman Catholic Christianity, not Presbyterian Christianitv, but Christianity as taught by the four Evangelists, is the recognized religion of Upland. Recognized how farl S j far that its ethics shall be embodied in our constitutional and statutory law; so far that ita teachings of the brotherhood of mankind shall be ac cepted; so far that its lessons of frater nity, equality, justice; and mercy shall ba incorporated in tho law of society. Those beautiful moralities that fell from the lip3 of the divine Son of God have been incorporated in the laws of the land, and that with few exceptions. Our chaplains for the army and navy and for Congress are in recognition of this. On that sacred book the oath of the Presidential re sponsibility is taken. And this Thanksgiving Day, appointed by the President, is a monument of proof. These point to Christianity as the dominant religion of the landj not to the exclusion of ' tho J ew, not to the ( Greek, not the exclusion of the Mo hammedan, not to the exclusion of the Brahmin, but permeating society with its principles. Then, citizsnp, the clangor which . comes from this foreign population is to be met in this way, first, to hold that this country is for Americans who are lothed with thsso seven attri butes. I do not exaggerate the danger when I remind you that there are great movements among the peoples of the earth, as never before. Remember that the population of Europe has in creased twenty-seven millions from 1870 to 1880, and at this rate of in crease Europe can send to us two mil lions of immigrants a year for the next hundred years. Our foreign-bom pop ulation is said to be millions, and their children of the first generatioi would make fifty millions. In I8S2 immigra tion reached J the enormous figure of eight hundred thousand, and at the present rate of immigration it is said there will be in the year 1900, fourteen . years from now, nineteen millions of persons of foreign birth, and with their children of the first generation there will be forty-threomillions in this land of foreign born. Now the question, and a serious one, is, Who are those that come? 1 have .siid some are nc ble, some are true, pome easily trans formed into the Typical American. Bat then we are to remember that most of the foreigners who come here are twelve times as much disposed to crime as are the native stock. Our population of foreign extraction i3 sadly conspicuous in our criminal records. This element constituted, in 1870, 20 per cent of the population of New England, and furnished 75 per cent of the crime. The Howard bo ciety of London reports that 74 per cent, of the Irish discharged convicts have come to the United States. I hold in my hand the anaual rum bill of this country for the last year. It is nine nundred millions of dollars! 1 ask myself, Who drinks this rum? Native Americans? Some! Laughter Some drink a good deal. Renewed laughter. But let ns see the danger that comes to us from inebriecy am Dng our foreign population. The wholesale dealers in liquor are estimated at sixty-five per cent foreign born, and the brewers seventy-five per cent. Let us take Philadelphia, that old Quaker city, the City of Brotherly JLove, that city that seems to be par excellence the city of the world, and here are the figures: There were 8,034 persons in the l am traffic, and who were tbeys Chinamen, 2; Jews, 2; Italians, 18; Spaniards, 140; Welsh, 1G0; French, 285; Scotch, 497; English, 568: Germans, 2.179; Irish, 3,041; Af ricans, 265; American, 205. I suppose we will have to mix the. Africans with the Americans, and the total would be 470 Americans, an d then there were persons of unknown nationality in the rum traffic, 672; the sum total being 8,034. Of this number 3,696 were females, buf out of the 3,696 all were rorcigners out one. mere was one American woman in the mm business, and I blush for my country. Yet there were 1,104 German women, and 2,548 Irish, and of the whole nunber of tho 8,034 engaged in the liquor traf fic of that city, 6,418 bad been arrested for some crime. Applause. We are bound to look at these facts. Are we a nation of foreign drunkards? Then there is another danger the tendency of emigrant colonization. suppose it is known to yon that New Mexico is in the hands of foreigners in the hands of the Catholic Church. It is also a fact of Congressional report that 20,557,000 acres of land are in the possession of swenty-nine alien cor- poiations ana individuals, an area greater than the whole of Iveland. 1 would have no part of this country subject to any church., 1 would have no foreign language taught in the pub lie scuoois to tne exclusion ot or in preferenca t.0 the English language. I would have no laws published in a foreign language, whether for the French of Louisiana or the Germans of Cincinnatti. Loud applause. would utter my solemn protest, and that in the hearing of all politicians, especially those men who want to be Presidents and cannot bo Presidents and those who hope to be ere long I would utter my solemn protest to day against what is known as the "Irish vote and the "German vote, Applause. we do not want any 'foreign vot; Down with the poll tician that would seek an "Irish vote, or "German vote." Great applause. All we want here is an American vote. I would not vote for any man for Pres ident who would stoop so low as to bid for the German vote or the Irish vote. Continued applause The other safe guard is an extension of the term of residence required for naturalization. Some say make the term twenty-one years. What is the term now 1 Five years. I read from "Revised Statutes," section 216o and 2174, that a person applying for citizenship must be a resi dent of the United States at least five Years, and one year within the State or Territory wherein the application, is made, and that during that term ( wish I had all the judges here to -day) and that during that term he is to give satisfactory assurance to the court that he has behaved as a man of good mora character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States. and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the same. "A man of good moral character !" what a sublime utterance, and how indefinite. would be glad to know what judge takes the pains, when a hundred of these foreigners apply just on the eve of the election, that they may qualify themselves to vote, what judge in quires whether tuey are men ot good moral character 1 Yet such is the pro vision of the law of the land. We have assumed the authority to limit suffrage. We say that women shall not vote, which is a great mis take. Sensation. You are not up to that. Laughter.! My wife is as com potent to vote as 1. On all moral questions, especially the temperance question, I would trust the women ten times before I would the men. It is an abuse of tho very genius of our Government to proscribe the Chinese. We sav the negro may vote because his skin is black. We say the Dutch man, the Irishman, the Italian may vote, because his skin ought to be white, but the Chinese cannot vote be cause his skin is yellow. The word "white" is used in the statute of limi tation. We3ay to the young Ameri- can who graduates with the highest honors at eighteen, you must wait three years longer before you can stand with the Irishman with his brogans and the Teuton with his lager and vote for the rulers of your native land. I would have the term of naturalization exten ded, some say till the foreigner has been here twenty-one years. Extendi the term to ten years, fifteen years. Say to all persons who come to this country from foreign lands, that after 1890 they shall remain here fifteen years to become indoctrinated in our free institutions, learn the seven attri butes of the American citizen, and then be prepared to love America for Amer ica's sake. Applause. Thus protected we can look forward to a glorioui future, and the eye of prophecy can sweep the horizon of a deathless hope. Look forward to the time when our place among the nations shall be the umpire of the world. When England and Germany and France shall refer their international questions to us for adjudication which otherwise would be adjusted on the field of caniage; when we shall dictate to the world by moral 3uasion, what shall be the rights of citizens and what shall be the duty of the government over them. The proud position of my ctuitry looms up before me. England may plant commercial colonies around the globe, and so may Germany and so may France, but let it be the mission of this country to plant colonies of moral ideas wherever the sun shines, and transform the political sentiments of the world until all men shall be recognized as created free and equal by the Father Almighty. Let this be our proud po sition. Then it shall never be said that I the ocean was dug for America's grave, that the winds were woven for her winding sheet, that the mountains were reared for her tombstone But rather we shall live on, and gifted with im mortal youth, America shall ascend the mountain tops of the oncoming cen turies with the old flag in her ban'', symbol of universal liberty, tho light of whose stars shall blend their radiance with the dawn of the millennium. Sarcasticus heard this week that his wife was about to elope with J ones, his red headed neighbor He said nothing but sent Jones a verified copy of his wife's latest millinery bill. Mrs. Sai casticus still remains athome. St. Paul Herald . - INJUSTICE CORRECTED. Convincing VcrlBcatlon of Widscast rub- lie Statements. To Our Readers: In common with many publishers and editors, we have been accustomed to look upon certain statements which we have seen in our columns as merely adroit advertising. Conseauent v we feel lustihed in taxing the liberty of printing a few points from a private letter recently received from one of our largest patrons, as a sort of confession of faith to our readers. We quote: " We have convinced oc.-.rselves that by telling what we know to be true, we have produced at last a permanent con- fiction in the public mind. fc?even years ago we stated what the national disease of this country was, and that it was rapidly increasing. Three years ago we stated that a-marked check nad Decn given it. " The statistics of one ol the largest life insurance companies of this country shows that in 1833 and 18S4, the mor tality from kidney disorders did not in crease over the previous years: other companies stated the same thing. It is not presumptuous for us to claim credit for checking these ravages. " iseven years ago we stated that the condition of the kidneys was the key to the condition of health ; within the past hve years all careful life insurance com pame3 have conceded the truth of this statement, for, whereas, ten years ago, chemical analysis to determine the con dition of the kidneys was not required, to-day millions of dollars in risks are re fused, because chemical examination discovers unsuspected diseases of the kidneys. " seven vears ago we stated that the ravages of Bright's Disease were insig nificant compared with other unsuspected disorders of the kidneys of many mis leading names; that ninety-three per cent, of human ailments are attributable to deranged kidneys, which fills the blood with uric acid, or kidney poison, which causes these many fatal diseases "The uric acid, or kidney poison, is the real cause of the majority of cases of paralysis, apoplexy, heart disease, con vulsions, pneumonia, consumption, and insanity: over half the victims oi con sumption are first the victims of diseased kidneys. " When the recent death of an honored ex-official of the United States was an nounced, his physician said that although he was suflering from Unght s Disease, that was not the cuuse of death. lie was not frank enough to admit that the apo plexy which overtook him in has bed, was the fatal effect of the kidney poison in the blood, which had eaten away the substance of the arteries and brain ; nor was Logan's physician honest enough to state that his fatal rheumatism was caused by kidney acid in the blood. " If the doctors would state in official reports the original cause of death, the people of this country would he alarmed, yea, nearly panic stricken, at the fearful mortality from kidney disorders." The WTiters of the above letter give these facts to the public simply to justify the claims that they have made, that " if the kidneys and liver are kept in healthy condition by the use of Warner's safe cure, which hundreds of thousands have proved to be a specific, when all other remedies failed, and that has re ceived the endorsement of the highest medical talent in Europe. Australasia and America, many a life would be pro longed and the happiness of the people preserved. It is successful with so many different diseases because it, and it alone can remove the uric acid from the blood through the kidneys." Our readers are familiar with the preparation named. Commendation thereoi has oiten ap peared in our columns. We believe it to be one of the best, not the best, ever manufactured. We know the proprietors are men of charao ter and influence. We are certain they have awakened a widespread interest in the public mind concerning the importance of the kid neys. We believe with them that they are the key to health, and that for their restoration from disease and maintenance in health there is nothing equal to thK great remedy. The proprietors say they "do ivi glory in this universal prevalence of dis ease, but having started out with the purpose of spreading the merits of War ner's safe cure before the world, because it cured our senior proprietor, who was given up by doctors as incurable, we feel it our duty to state the facts and leave the public to its own inferences. We poin to our claims, and to their public anti universal verification with pride, and if tbt public does not believe what we nay, we tell them to ask their friends and neigh bors what they think about our prepara tions." - As stated above, we most cordially commend the perusal of this correspond ence by our readers, believing that in bp doing we are fulfilling a simple pubu obligation. Bucklens Arnica Salve- The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It i3 guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 2o cts "fit box. Far saleby Marsters & Co always hare Acker's Baby Soother at hand. It is the only safe medicine ret made that will remove all infantile disorders. It contains no Opium or Morphine, but gives the child natural ease from, pain. iTice 35 cents. Bold by A. C. Marsters. trifle with any Throat or Lunar Disease. If you Lave a Congli or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Conch. use Acker's English Remedy and prevent farther trouble. It is a positive cure,' and we guarantee it.t Price 10 and 50c A. C. Marsters. fa warranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will posi tively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds op the constitution. Bemember, we guarantee it. For sale at Marster's drug store. : fV A" and reliable Medicines are the best VJ VVX to depend upon. Acker's Blood El ixir has been prescribed for years for all im puritiesoftheBlood. In every formof Scrof ulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, it is invaluable. For Rheumatism! has noequaL' For sale at Marster's drugstore. Blood Elixir is the only Blood Remedy guaran teed. It is a positive core for Ulcers, Erup tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. For sale at Marster's drug store. This paper is kept en file at the office ef YERSGN DVERTISIHG AGENTS TIMES BUilPlNB g'Ssu PHMSElPHtt. ! ESTIMATES Itliira.8 FREE eBl&ta jVCD D CflH'C Pl Villi loop for HI til H WWil t? kiAttUftL DR. JORDAN'S ; Museum ofAnatomv 751 Market Street SAN FRANCISCO. GO AND LEARN HOW TO ' AVOID disease, and how ou are made. Private Office. 511 c. . umcvi Consultation on lost manhood and oil liji,Mu men. Send for hunks. Established 1352. A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street PorttonH n.. ... vl, THE LEADING AND OF OREGON. N. P. BUNNELL, ! FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, Wagon Shop,- Ulacksmitli Sbop. pAN MAKffi CASTINUS FKOM ONK J oune to three tons wmVhf. sha1i o " v u- pola for small castings. Money refunded if worn 8 uos siiusiautory. I'ortlaud prices ! Save telegrams aud expressaKO. w v.ui vim mim luuiiu liitu m 1 Wfiv Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN Lumber. Sug-ai Pine, Yellow Pine, Fir and Oak, Well Sea soned in Our DRY HOUSE When Deseed. ALSO MauulacturcrsofSafth & Doors in all Sizes and Quantities. Our Factory is uow iu full operation aud we can offer as a specialty all kinds of Store aud Offich Fittings, and Scuoll work at lowest figures. We solicit correspon dence which is assured prompt attention. Sugar Pink D;or & Lumjicii Co. Grants Pass, Oregon. " " DliVORE & ELLIOTT '-.Successors to PAGE $ DIM MICK o-a-xcixsrx - - - ' - - oxiegoih: V DEALERS IN DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, JEWELRY, .: WATCHES, . w PUTTY, COatBS, ; El C, ETC. We expect to do a strictly cash business, and will udivor to make it to tho interest of nil to deal with us. We also invite a continuation of tlio pat ronnge of all former patrons, and solicit new ones. GIVE US A CALL.J33 GEO. M. PRIOR Camas Vullev. T UMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CONSTANTLY ON HAND and furnished on short Notice and at the LOWEST GOING PRICES. HUBf IC AND FLOORING A SPECIALTY. Furnished in any Dfuiensions, to Order Address, PRIOR & FERGUSON, Camas Valley, Douglas County. Or to, F. P. McDEVITT, Rosuburg. All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationary Photograph and x Perfumery, Autograph albums' Crockery and ; Stand, Hand, and Queens Ware, Hanging Lamps TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER WARE, and TEN THOUSAND OTHER THINGS T0 NUMEROUS TO MENTION CallAnd See Me At The . Post Office Stand. BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. Importers and Dealers in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, "Champion Mowers, Rcapcn and Binders. Vonnsr Amerii-a Feed Mills, Onus, Pistols and the largest st k-1c of Hardware ot all doscriplUmj, Stoves and Cheap Tinware to be found in Oregon. AUlTMAN & TAYLOR THRESHERS. THE STAR CHILLED PLOWS. "AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED BY ANY ONE." WE CAN NOT AND W ILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. I THE INTERNATIONAL Cor. Third and E Streets. Portland, Oregon. REDUCED HATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME THIa LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE offers superior accomodations at popular prices. Meals 2ftc, Rooms 25c nd 00c Only three blocks rom all Depots and Steamer landings, Free Buss to aud from the Hotel No Chinese servants. Mo overcharges or deviation rora regalur rates of $1.00 per bav. Burt-tf : 27. LEWISTON. PropT. C. W. KNOWLES, ST. CHARLES HOTEL, EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. FUIST CLASS IN every respect. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire-proof Biidi IUulilin;.' ISO itooir.s. In the Center of the City COii. 1-HONT AND MOKKISOX STS., POKTLAND JOSEPH S111NDL12U. P HO P R LET O R J -Of Tho CITY li A K RY AND KKKPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A full stuck of IS read, Cakes, Ties, l'lain and fancy Crackers, etc. Alio a line selection of French and American Candies and Choc- j late Goods : ? it nn i ii ii i iiiij I Wm. FERGUSON, . ; F. 1. McDEVITT, '-.Camas; Valley, j Ttoseburjr. Samuel Marks, S. MARKS & Co. DEALERS IN- EBKBAL - IIIOIAIBIS: HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND-- Clothing iTIIIYJl RY li; i mi Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Boots and Shoes. Wool and Produce of every Descrip tion Bough! AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. . 3XAJ.tlH & CO - noMoburt;, Or. Makes The Very Best Lumber. ROUGH ioi M .....9.00 RUSTIC icr M ............ . .17.00 FLOORING jK.r M .'$17.00. Cameron & Co. Managers. Situated 15 miles from Roseburg 0.1 North Unipqua. Good roads in Summer. MITCH But before you do W. G. WOODWARD'S -AND- Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE One of the biggest and Best Stock of Goods ever Brought to Town. 1 use nothing but the best leather, and Lav! got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME W. r. Woodward9 Moseburg. SUCCESSOR TO Abraham, Whaeley -DEALERS IN- GENERAL Oregon. Has on hand coastantly a large and complete assortment of General Merchandise arid will be pleased to see his old friends and patrons, as well as new ones, who in co nsideration ofthe scarcity of money and the- present depression in business, will study their. own interests by calling ou h;m and examining GaQBS MLB Before purchasing elsewhere, I do not claim to sell goods at cost, or less than cost, but will assure all who patronize me ttat thoy will get their goods At The Lowest living Profit. Produce Of All Kinds Tafccn At Market Price, Sol. Abraham. Drain & o Drain. Douglas Co,, Oregon, GENERAL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. Hardware, Crockery, o O 0 HATS, CAPS, BOOTS SHOES. crs will find our stock complete, comprising many articles it is im possible here Would respectfully invito an examination of stock believing all can be satisGed that it is tor their interest to make purchases here as we buy and sell for cash only. M. JOSEPHSON. II w 101 Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of every variety and Shade. A foil line of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. . A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full lino of Hosiery. A full line of Clothing. ft O A ft 32 0 b A fall line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. H A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos - .A full line of Crockery and Glassware. And last, but not least, a full line kinds of Ladies Hat Trimmings and -003VEX3 7JX S3E3X3XTVTT1- M JOSEPHSON. Asiier Makes HOODS, GlKieitllS UP! that come 'round to in CHARJDISE, to enumerate. I 0 o CO o of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, with all Hat Shapes of latest pattern. m Co, McGregor's old etnnd, Jackson Street : Rosebiirg. W. . B.v&ebEircr, & Co HIGHEST MflSKcT PSIGc PAID FOR RiDES. millS MARKET is always supplied with X the choicest qnality of Of all kiiul)., inchiclintj beef, pork, veal and mutton; also, corn beef, sausage, lard, etc. The most favorable inducements offered to patrons, and no efiiirt will le spared toward giving satisfaction. ' . BLACKSMITH AND WKfELWRIGHT BO WEN BROS. Having dissolved the copartnership exist ing between Bunnell & Kewen lros. and are now prepared to do all work in the line in a WORKMANLIKE MAKSEK, .lNi AT IiE..SONABLK RATES O. Cfc H. "Et2?l.S A Full Line of Staple and Fancy; Groceries, Table and Pocket Cutlerv, Glassware, Crockery. Qnecnswaroi Etc. ' GfJods Delivered anywhere in the City limits, Free of Charge. BARKER & WILLIS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. . A SPECIALTY. ! Produce bought and tho highest cash price paid. ! ROSEBTJRG OREGON. ew Stage Line. ROSEEURG TO CAMAS VALLEY Leaves Roseburg, Mondays, Wednes d "ys, Fridays, and returns Tuesdays, lhursdays, and Saturdays. Time of 1-avitfgboth terminal points 6 o'clock A si. and arrives at each point at 6 o clock p. m7 Roijt, T. McCulloch, Prop. EUHOI'EAN PLAN. JjJSMOXD HOTEL, First C!as3 In Every Particular, ' Cosjiga Front and Uu&hisos Sts POKTLAND, OKEGON TuoMAg Gcikkak, Proprietor. Y u H 11 Kearx&t Street Sak Faiscrsco Cai,. Ntrroua Debility, Seminal Wcikua?, ferihiMtted Yitalitr, SpernisOirtThjn, LOST MANHOOD, Impo tcuer, Paralysis, Prostatotrhces, and all the terrible effects of Self-abuse, and excess In inattirer rears, such as Loss of Memory, Lassitude; Nocturnal Emis sions, aversion to society, dimnrss of Tision, Noises in the head, the vital fluid passing nnobserred Hi the urine, and many other diseases fliat lead to in sanity and death. touxa MEN Suffering from any of theaboTe symptoms, should consult us at once. The drain can be stopped, vital ity restored, and life may be again pleasant Instead of a burdon. There may be . , MIDDLE-AGED MEN who are troubled with too frequent evacuation of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight mnarthur or burning sensation, and a weakening ofthe system in a manner they cannot account for. Ropy sedi ment In the urine, etc Many die of this difficulty ijrnorant of the cause, which is the seennd stage of seminal weakness. . Cfres Cuahaxtheo nt aia Spct! atma. COXBL1.TAT10M Fbkb. Thorough eaanrfnaUon and advice, including chemical analysis and micro scopic examination of the urine, fc. Aa honest opinion given in every case. The following Medicine supplied at the prta named SIR ASTLT COOPER VITAL R F.STO H AM V F ' $3 a bottle, or four times the quantity, $10. ' oAjiriii. uui i t KtS. Sent to any one applying by letter, stating srmp turns, sex and age. Strict secrecy in regard to all business transactions. The Celebrated Kidkkt Kbmtot, NEPHRITICUM, for all kinds of kidney and bladder eomnlalnN ran. orrhcea, gleet, leucorrhrr a, etc. For sale by all drug gists; 1 a bottle, cr 0 bottles for $5,00. ine r.iignsn baaukliok, LIVER AND DYS PEPSIA PILL is the best in the market. For sale by all druggists; price M cts. a bottle. Address ENGLISH MEDICAL DISPENSARY, No. 1 1 Kzarxet Street, Sah FaASCloco, Cai, LAETGENBERG'S BfcQt .atidl gho Store, Jackson Street,OprOblte Post Office, Roaeburg, Oregon. KEEPS ON HAND THE LARQBST AND BEST assortment of Eastern and Sao Francisco and "'her makes of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITEKS, SUP PEBS and everything in the Boot and Shoe line, aud SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Boota and Sboes Ma.!e to Orde-r, and Perfect Fit Guaranteed. I use the Best of Leather and Warrant all my -work. Repairing Neatly Done, on ihort Notice, Ala a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTCfJJJKNTS and VIOLIN STEINGH. LOUIS Z.ANQENBEBQ. FUItmi USE PA LA CP, UNCLE JOHN CILDERSLEEVE . Has the ftnest stock ol furniture south ot Portland which he sells as cheap as it oao be bought . in he State. The new tangled DOUBLE BED LOUNGE. ' AND . " PATENT CORNICES. Also has on hand a full assortment of bed and bed . ding, chain, tables, . BUB3CATJS AND COMMODES, And all kladi of ChilJrena Gbaa. etc. J. GOKSfiLST.