Roseburg review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1885-1920, March 04, 1887, Image 2

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FRIDAY, MARCH, 4, 1887.
the texas roon.
Every now aitd then a stragler comes
through Roseburg wid wants to injure
our property or lives, or they have
great things, or they say they possess
Snow disappearing rapidly. i
Our batcher shop closed sgain.
; Soveial cases of sore throat in town.
Dr. C. P. Devore is the father of a
girl. ., '
Smith Bailey lost a valuable cow
Thursday, i
It, is rumored that the rooms will
noon be closed.
1 t - t i
unchairtab and unjust, but it is mali- wards if they are not purchased by the fcunaay neing a nice uay our town
cioas and veaotnotis. Of all the unfor- citrus of this city. Now this is all folks enjoyed themselves m the sun.
... 1 1 I M 1 if noAn A I i'JUO. VJCl T "uun "JClviv iij ill
nln-avs thoufflit tliosn who allow their I want to buv. but when the citizens of
prejudices to so distort their mental our town arc decried and spoken Saturday
The amimadversions of the Plain- some pent up eloquence that will sur-
dealer, ia its last issue, upon president pass the oratory of Cicero, and eclipse
Cleveland for vetoing the bill passed that of a Demosthenes as to elomlion-
by congress "for the benefit of the suf- ary merit, or some new patent that
- - mS mm. 'mm
ferer3 bvSrought in Texas," is not only will soon cause the world to go bacfc
visit with her brother to Cottage Grove
A Steam Cooker suitable for private
families or hotels, cooking all kinds of
meats, vegetable?, fruits, puddings e'c
retaining all that is : usually lost bv
evaporation and avoiding any offensive
mell in tho room while cooking onionss
krout etc. j
Manufactured and for sale by "
G. V. J oiixsox, Roseburg, Or. j
Or p
Mr. Jones of Iowa has moved
one of Fen. Sutherlins houses on
eity Hill.
Frank Dodge of Walla Walla spent
several days visiting his parents here
this week.
Dr. Osier has opened a drug store
in the building just vacated by the
post office.
Wallace Whitmore of San' Francisco,
a brother of Mrs. Geary Young, spent
Sunday here.
Dr. Haskell lectured in Brown's
hall Wednesday evening ou astronomy
; to a fair audience. '
. Antone Lau, our old jeweller, has
vision, as that they become so gan- against, and are called "stupid and un
greened with hatred and ill will that cultivated" and need a "fifteen inch
they can see but one side of a question gun to wake them up," all because they
at a tune and see no good in anyone do not patronize unmitigated cormor
not of their -faith or of their way of ants, going about seeking whom they
thinking. Now, had the president may devour, is more than we propose
sigued or approved this Texas benefit to submit to without being heard from.
bill what a "hue and cry" the Plain- A comparative stranger may come to
dealer would have raised over the mat- this town and begin a tirade on some
ter and have characterized it as "aid for of its best citizens, (and yet sorry to
the ex rebels," or "food for the enemies say some of us will either join them,
of the government" kc, but the bill be- or remain in a state of criminal quie
ir.g vetoed, it now commiserates the tude) and abuse us for not buying
- poor Texans and villifics the president what they have to sell. Fulsome praise
of its adopted country. Many men in will not be our stock in trade in the f u
this world of ours are quite proficient ture, but "war to the knife" against in
in condemning supposed faidts in others trudeis. Wo bslisve that the citizens of again opened up a shop in tho brick;
but are too thorougly imbued with the Roseburg will compare favorably with ww W,BU Aumv
spirit -"of fanaticism or with aa "I'm any town of its dimensions in the James Ohenoweth received from D.
more loval than thou policy." that thev state, for culture, refinement, liberality. H- Loney Jefferson by Tuesday's
don't care to ask for, or enquire into morality aud eeneral intelligence. frei8bt a fine Jeraey cow'
the "wherefores" but condemn without Now wo extend a cordial greeting 0. Davis of Texas has been in
investigation. We take it that in this I to everyone desirim? to benefit them- town 80VCl'al daJ8 looking for a place
matter of tho president's veto, he prob selves and the community and if anv to Pen ul grocery store.
ably never did a wiser thing. In the do not like our way of doing business, truMlma Owens who Las been visit
iiist place, there had alreadv been made in the lansuajre of the irreat ad im. ing her daughter, Mrs. Owen Adair m
an appropriation of $100,000 to be dis- mortal poet, "let him sit un and sit." Portland returned Saturday.
bursed by the agricultural bureau in " Mrs. Stites (a Bister ot Mrs. Hender
inst such n-atters as this Texas demand mm?Ww son) and Mrs. Dr. Hill of Albany is
foi seed A'c Then why the necessity The Governor cf Oregon has covered I visiting our barber, E. II. Henderson
for a special appropriation of $10,000? himself all over with glory by the ap- Grandpa and Grandma Taylor who
The representatives from Texas make pointment of Sigliu as Brig. Gen. f have been living near Comstocks came
-Im.twn in ihn nmniiosmiipr nf am-iniil Oregon Militia. This is peculiarly I up by Monday's train and will locate
turc the demands of their constituents gratifying to the nation in view of the here.
and should their quota of supplus be unsatisfactory condition of our coast John Fryer Sr. who has been visiting
exhausted before the demand is satisfied, i defenses and the exposure of Empire his daughter Sarah, at Jefferson for the
thfn of ionise the renrpsentativps from I City to the cannon of foreign ships, past two months returned homo this
other portions of the country, where Ifc wil1 als0 tave an important bearing week. J
comparatively no demand existe, re- on tue aaa troubles anu tue tnreat- Mr. J ones and family of Dcs Moines
spond with their share. The president encd war ln nrope. Our militia iowa a cou8iu of James Chenowetli
clearly comprehending the situation, should be thoroughly organized at once,
and appreciating as he should have and t,iat nob,e vch which has been
done the danger of the precedent, for bg around our wharves, known as
who can tell where it would end re- the Russian gun boat, should have an
turned the bill without his approval, appropriation fioni Congress and be
No chief magistrate of our country, put in good condition. If Scott's old
since the foundation of it, has held the duck at could be purchased it would
scales of justice with such perfect equi- Put tho naAT iu 0oos Ba7 on footing
m mi -x m m . tin r l t liA finot - r r nnffln A n 4 1. An
na hna Mr. p.vp sni am hn. ""s " l luo uaiwn. "o iu
One Small Farm for sale containing
230 acres, 60 acres good farming land.
into The balance good timber and tastnre
Fov- well watered and all fenced. For
ticulars enquire of
F. Cokxctt, Ridilles, Oregon
' par-
Ph "
P - :
W -3
. O
Fast time! Sui connccttuns! New equi)uteuts
tlj miles ithortcr; 20 hours less time; accommoda
tions unsurpasHod fur comfort and safety. Fares
and Freight MUCH LESS than by any other route
Detwcen ooinU ill Willamette Valley and San
Only lloule
VAiUISA 15 a Y
The Oregon Ievcloiuicnt C'miikui 's
flue Stt'iiu)iis sail
From Yaiiuina From Kan Fraucisco
Yatiuina City Tucs Feb UiYamiina City Tlni Feb 10
Santa Maria Mou Feb 21uSauta Mari.i Sat Feb 12
Yaquina City Sun Feb 27! Vaniiina OitvTucS Fob 22
Santa Marin Sut Mar ft'Santa Maria Moii Feb 23
Yatiuina City Fri Mur lliYaiiuina City Suni Mar 6
Santa Maria Thur Mar 17;Santa Maria Sat Mar 12
aouiua City Wed Mar 2.M! Vauuina City Fri Mar 18
Daily paiwcnytir trains cxccit Sundays.
11. O'M ALLEY,
Propiietor of the
Aud Deakr in
Shop Rear of Uogan'sSire.
Cry for
cause they can find no "spot or blem- could def7 Canadian codfish and they
ish" in him ac which to peck, republi
can editors all over the country are
would not dare come into our harbor
to molest our clams. The military
arrived here on Friday's train and will
reside here.
A petition was in circulation this
week to raise money to have Rev.
Kicuarclson to reside, permanently at
this p'ace.
Phil. Pinkston has had his horse
shod and intends using him on his
numerous travels lietwecn Oakland
and Elkton.
The band Iwys played several pieces
Health and Sleep without
dying 'of inertitude.
spirit of this county is thoroughly from on the hill just north of town
roused and on every side can bo heard Sunday afternoon, the town should aid
the exclamation; "Zwei glass larger tl,e J8 financially.
Tho Stale papers are generally quite beer to go and fight mit Siglin!" The Quite a number of our young folks
unanimous on one thing the death of I uen. has gone east to confer, with the I assemuleu; at the residence of Mr. anu
The Hate Hoard of Immigration, Dead.
TS TWO doors above the hardware atorW'of 3. C
J. Sheridan, where he is p repa red to;,do fh-gt-elass
wura. - viive uuu a vaiu . .. , u .
In the I'll cuit Court of the State of Oroaou fur
the County of Douglas.
Sol. Abraham. I'l.iintiff
vs Suit in equity to fore
Uoor.'e J itrr-nt anil An- f clobc a mortuam.
na.l. Tarrant. iDefls. I
file George Tarrant and Anna J. Tarrant, defeu
X dants above named, in the Maine of the 6tate ol
Orison: You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you in tho above
vutiLicti .;turt aim cause oy ine ursi uaj u toe nev
reg-uiiir tenn nf "cuu ci.urt, to-wit. the ttnl Jlomlav
ttie 2nd day of Jiay 187. And you will Uko notice
mat it you fail so to aj;;.car and answer saii com
plaint the plaintiff will ap.ily to the court for the
relief demanded therein, to wit: That the ninrtirair
mentioned in the complaint upon the followh.j;
premise', to-wlt: An undivided half interest in all
thrt portion of the northwest quarter of the north
west quarter, the south half of the n irlh west uuar-
tcr, and the south west quarter and tiie west half of
tno south cast quarter of section number four (4)
in township thirth throe (:I3) fouth. of ran.' e six
(C) west lyins south .f the line of the track of the
urefron a California liailroud Comiiany containui;
330 acrc3 more or less. Also the west half of the
north west ouartcrof section town
thirty-two (32) south of range six (() westcontniiiini;
105.114 acres. The cast half of the south west quar
ter and south east quarter of section thirty-one (lil)
the north half of the south wcstqm.rter and south
easi quarter oi soutn west quarter of scctiou mini
ter tiurty-iwo Csil south of rauirc six (0) west con
taing S0 aeies. Also the south west quarter of the
south west quarter, tho north cast quarter of the
south west quarter, the south west quarter of the
norm east quarter and the cast half of the north
east quarter of section three (3), the we t half of the
west half of section ten in town. No thiitv-threc
(,TJ) south of ratlins six ((!) west containing 3T.1.21
acres. Also toe north west quarter, the west half of
the north east quarter, the cast hulf of the south
wesi quarter and west half of south east uuarter
section two (2) in town, thirty-three (M) south
ranae six f(Si west contaimn? 40t.3-2 aires. Also
south east quarter of tho north west quarter, tl
norm east quarter or the south west quarter and
north half of south cat quarter of section five in
town, thirty three (&f) south, of range six wes
containincr 160 acres. Also lot nuuilier unt of Bra
tion eight (8) and lots three and four and the south
west quarter of the north west, quarter of section
nine (9) in townshin thirtv-threc l.'t.'tl south of i-an"i
six (6) W03t containing KM. 71 acres. Also lots one
and two and south half of the north east quarter
section (5) in township thirty-three (3o) south oi
ranseait (m west containing 160.95 acres. AIho the
nonn nairol south east quarter, the south east quarter
oi toe iion.ii wesi uuarter anu tne north ouartnr
the south nest uuarter of section nine ii tow
thirty-three (33) south of ranitesix (ti) west contaii
uig aoo aoroa. Also all tiiat portion oi the north
west quarter of the north west quarter of section
four iu town, thirty-three (S3) south of raniro six (I
west lyinsr north of the track of the Ormji.n & Cal'
ifornia Railroad company con taininir thirty (30) acres
more or lew. ! And also all that part of the north
east quarter ot the north west quarter of section four
in tow u. vioriy uiree yiuj souin oi ranre six () west
i iiiauivvwv menuiau iviinr ana neinir aoucn or inn
line of tho track of the Oregon Jb California Kail road
the State Board of Immigration, - The
Albany Democrat says of it; "The Im
migration Board died a dishonorable
death on account of the lack of an ap
propriation. Served it right Now,
as a matter of fact, had the Board had
the light kind of a man for Secretary
there would never have been the
amount of kicking there has been from
the cow counties." Albany Democrat.
secretary of war, Bismark, J ohn L.
Smlivan and other noted military men.
Coos Bay Mail.
The Democrats and Washington.
Tho Oregonian wonders that Dem
ocrats always celebrate the birthday
of Washington. This is because the
Ofe.iimi.lan editor never iliri. nrwl imiVir..
T canrno l,. ll 1, C ll. I J '
1 1 I Ipsa iinvpr will. iinflrrsl.n.nrl vhnf.mon
Cl.i. .1 1 i. " ""v
ctaie rejoice in tue uemise oi tins
Board. Something must have been
wrong. The Lance in its last issue by
a correspondent, and letters wo have
received indicate, that the exhibit car
sent East last year in charge of Mess.'s.
Buick and "Pretty nian has achieved
but little glory or good for our state.
We suggest that the present Board or
der a few copies of The Review, hol
iday number, and the immigrants will
get the facts in the
case if
ner of man Washington was. Wash-
) ington was a patriot. Not that kind
of patriotism which causes a man to
love one part of one country an(J toLn( family
no" ucojjiou uuuiuur jiaiv wttu
more unrelenting hatred than he does
a foreign enemy, as is the case with
the editor of the Oregonian who hates
the South and her people with a more
bitter haired than he does the ''rod
coats" of England, but the kind of pa
triotism that will lead any man to
Gov. Penxovek's refusal to recor
nize a claim to a parcel of swamp
land in Southern Oregon, based on one
of lien. Owen's alleged titles, shows
that this administration is doius the
work of honesty that ought to have
been undertaken eight years ago and
pursued ever since. The governors's
letter is sufficiently explicit and deci
si ve. Oreconian.
The State Insurance.
We have but a few words to say in
reference to this company, and they
are as follows; we have to some extent
examined into the ability of the com
pany to pay all contingent losses, and
find them amply able to discharge every
accruing liability. Further they . are
a safe and cheap company to do busi
ness with. Again this is a heme com
pany, and all things being equal, they
should be patronized. Also we know
more than half the men who are direct
ing thi3 business, and can say that they
are men of integrity, financial ability,
and honest men. We do cheerfully
recommend the Slate Insurance Com
pany to any licrson who desiies to safe
ly insure his property.
Bolwrts Creek Reform t'lnb.
it is almost useless to try to tell of the
great amount of interest that is taken, in the
meetings, of this club, the house being
crowded to overflowing at all times. Last
Saturday night the room was entirely too
small for the number that was in attendance.
They generally have a vety entertaining pro
gramme of literary and musical exercises, be
side the best temperance speakers that are
attainable. The members one and all extend
a cordial invitation to everybody, to come and
see for themselves, and earnestly request
their assistance in this, the gTeat issue of the
present day. Their next meeting will be
held at south Deer creek. March.
W m mn. 'mm
ssin. Joun uecKiey, Monday evening
to visit Miss Maggie Beckley who left
for her home at Elkton Tuesday, the
evening was spent in card playing
eating popcorn, apples etc.
Our railroad agent, Martin has been
transferred from this place to Olendale
station, M. F. Itandsaker of Glendalc
will hold foith here. Mr. Martin,
while here has formed the acquaintance
oi a large numoer ot menus, also as
to business qualities nothing can be
said against him, wo wish. Mr. Marlin
a .Imli,l4nn4E CS n IW f 1 ii company. All said lands and premises are situated
y Mvt-a i iuSb8 com.ty, jOregwi and cantata in H Two
fir r . ri.-, d... i : .-!"""" huuuto uumi.r acres more or
v.uo.j ,.. y. ..7 fs urwiess ana enmrace their Interest in the heretofore un
DottKlas County estate of W. D. Bhelton deceased, .sold town property t the town of Julia, sometimes
-lif OTICE IS UEItEB V GIVEN THAT THE UN- called Gie.ldaleTand ato the saw ninsKd a?
l dersigned administrator of the above entitled that place. Together with the tenements, heredit-
csiAie nas men ins nuai kvciiu iu ecu rumens oi imrnta ami
said estate in t!ii above entitled court and the said
court by order duly made has fixed Holiday, the th
57 for Hearing oDjections if any there
day of Anril 1387
be to sanl nnal account anu to
said estate, luted at Roeburgr,
day of March in;.
J. V. fftl.RKTOX,
Attr. for Aduir.
the settlement of
Oregon, the 4tb
fl, Lau aVt,
curttif tn
and Xeuralgia
ft days.
The Indiana Chemical Co. have discovered
a compound which acts with truly marvelous
rapidity in the cure of Khcumatism and Neu
ralgia. We guarantee it to cure any and
every case of acute Inflammatory Rheumatism execution, and apply the proceeds arising f
l 1 . i ... e ttr I , t . . . . . . . iwtwiuiM payment oi tne cost of sucli
his tarewell address to know no South, memiue reuei in cnronic cases and ctlect a
no North, no East, no West. But the ,Peca' cure' un .rcce,ln or 3 nt, in two
cem Mumps, we win send to any a duress inc
nrescrintion for this wnndrrfnl romnnnnd.
i.l... . ... ... I cs. '
10 nate it anrt everything: appertaining which can be filled bv vour home drnprist at and airainst n. o. crow amounti nor to 7 IT. 20 with
iea interest tnercon rroni the linn day of reontary
lttott. (4) in payment of the costs ami disbuiscnients
of this appeal allowod and taxed at $75.05. (ft) that
In the Circuit Court of tlie state of roson ttr
D"i'glas county.
S. Marks, A. "Marks,- W. I. Friedlamler under the
fiiT.i name cf S. Mai ks & Co.' Respondents.
It. f!,(.'ro- and E. .1. Cniw Appellants.
X by virtue of an execution issued ou of the
Circuit court i f tho state of Oreirou in and for Doug
las county on the 21th day of February 1887 and to
inc delivered in the above entitled court and cause
in pursuance of a decree recovered in tho Supreme
court of the state of Orciron on the 14th dav of Jan
uary 18S7 and entered upon the mandate of the said
Supreme court in the resources of the aid Circuit
court on the 24th day of February 1837 in
favor of the above named RcsoudcntB, 8. Marks &
Co., and against the above named Appellant, If.
O. Crow and E. .1. Crow, commanding me to sell the
nereinafter described real procrty in the niaunor
provideit by law for the sale of real property under
from sucn
sale and
the costs and disbuiscincnts of this cause in the
court below amounting to $244.02, with legal inter
est thereon from the 19th day of February 18tsfl.
(2) in jiaynient of the judgment in favor of E. J
Crow and against H. G. Crow amounting to $1035.30
with interest thereon at the rate of one er cent per
month from the liHh day of February 1SS9. (3) in
payment of tne judgment pi favor of S. Marks Co.
to it. 1 he Oregonian editor has but J small cost. We take this means of giving our
one little place in his little heart for 1 discovery to the public instead of putting it
a little part of his cf untry. Al. Dem
ocrat. We endorse the above to a let-
ter. Ed. ,
A Cehtais editor f a weekly news
paper made a practice of stopping the
press "to announce," if he had nothing
more important to announce than a
dog-fight. One week everything was
as dull as a patent office report; but
out as a patent medicine, it being much less
expensive. We will gladly refund money if
satisfaction is not given.
The Indiana Chemical Co.,
Crawfordsvillf, Ixd.
A well improved farm consisting of 290
acres most all under fence, A rjood dwelling
house, barn, a dry house and dryer, about 175
acres plough land and balance pasture.
uated about 4 miles west ol Willxir on the
the ruling passion cropped out as fol- J Calapooia and between two rood schools.
lows: I For full particulars. address,
We stop the press to announce that noth
ing lias occured since we went to press of suffi
cient interest to induce us to stop the press to
announce it."
Jas. M. Em.isok,
Oakland, Or.
William T. Coleman.
A denial Jlcstnrattre.
Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters are emphatically
a genial restorative. The changes which this
The mention of the name of our diS' Urcat botanic remcJv produces in the disord-
tingnished and pubUc-spiriied fellow- erad Son are always agreeably, though
r f . surely progressive, never abrupt and violent,
citizen, William T. Coleman m con- 0n this account it is admirably adapted to per-
nection with the Democratic nomina- sons of delicate constitution and weak nerves,
tion for the Presidency in 1888, saeins J to whom the powerful mineral drugs arc posi-
to have been received at the east with Uve,y "ni""- That it initiates those proces
much favor. In the larga commercial
cities which havo extensite trade con
nections with San Francisco, the pre
ference for Mr. Coleman announced
by the New York Sun attracts marked
attention and calls forth strong com
mendations in the public press. As
a sample of these indorsements we
give in another column of to-day's Ex
aminer a communication published in
the New Yoik World. It was evi
dently written by one thoroughly fa
miliar with the great executive ability
and fine business qualities of Mr. Cole
man, and will bo read with interest by
all Californians. S. F. Examiner.
ses which result in the re-establishment of
healthful vigor is conspicuously shown in cases
where it is taken to overcome that fruitful cause
of debility, indigention, coupled, as it usually
is, with billiousness and constipation.
Thorough digestion, regular evacuation and
abundant secretion, are results which promptly
and invariably attend its systematic use. It is,
besides, the best protective against malaria, and
a firs! rate diuretic.
"WTien Baby wii tick, we gave her Caatorta,
When she waa a Child, she cried, for Castoria,
VThen she became Miaa, she clang to Castoria,
"When ahe bad Children, she gave them Caitoria,
the remainder it anv. be naid to Defendant E. J.
Crow. Whereas said execution commands me that
out of the proceeds of said sale I satisfy tho above
claims together with interest in pursuance thereof I
will on -MOXDAY
tho 4th day of April 1S87.
at the hour of (1) o'clock p. m.of said day sell at pub
lic auctlun in front of the court house door in Kose
burg Douglas county Oregon to tho highest biddef
for cash in hand the following described real prop
erty towit; S K of section 3.-, T 27 S It 7 West also
lot No. (l)and the c&at half of lot No-(3) in block
No. J) and block Nos. two and lour In thp town of
Looking Glass, also the Ambrose Nowton Initiation
land claim No. (53) in scctiou (2ft) and (2i) lu said
township, also lots No. (4) and (5) and the N W J of
the 8 W I of section (20) and lots No. 1) (2) and (3)
and the N W I of section (2il) and the S W 4 of the
S W J of sei-tioii (20) and lots No. (3) (4) (5) aud (0)
in section (28) and lt (1) of the N E j of section (32)
anu tne n j or tne n e: tot gwUQn (311 in said town
ship, also the undivided one sixth Intercut in the
8. D. Evans donation land claim in section (0) of
township (20) S U (G) west and the W 1 of the 8 W 4
of section f) and the N W of the NW of section
(7) T (28) SK(!)W aud the N E t of the N E 4 of
section (12) T (28 S K (e) W all the aforesaid prem
ises lying and being in Douglas rountv Oregon
B. C. Aokr, 6
gheriff of Douglas county Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the St itc of fr
Douglas county. s
Nettie B. Booth, Amy L. Booth and John M
Booth, infants, by John O. Booth, their guardian
tljti ti tiffin
E. E. Labrie and T. 1. Labrie, Defend ants.
Suit in equity for partition or real property
of adecree and order of the above named Circuit
Court duly made and entered of record in the ahovA
entitled suit on the Sth .lay of Keb. 1887, thatihe
following described lands, to-wit: The north h ill
of the west half of the donation land claim of Soil,
menFitzhugh and wife, and situated in Donriaa
county Oregon, be partitioned between the above
named plaintiffs Nettie B. Booth, Amy L. Booth
and John M. Booth and the defendants, tenants in
common therein, the three twenty-flrsU thereof to
the plaintiffs being one-twentvfirst to each of the
said p.aintiffs and the eighteen-twentyfirsta to the
defendants being n:ne-twentyfirsts to each of tin.
said defendant, and for the purpose of suchnarti
tion that the said lands bo ail sold bv the rcfereT
and appointing the undersigned refe'reo to make
such sale I will on -c
MONDA Y. 23th day or March, 18S7,
between the hours of o a. tn. and 1 o'clock n m
to-wit: at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m of said dav'
sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash
in hand, (unless party entitled to a share in said
property becomes a purchaser, and in that case I
wil' take his receipt for go much of the proceeds of
the sale as belongs to him,) at the court bouse door
in Roseburg, Douglas county state ol Oregon all
the right title and interest of the said plain tiffs
Nettie B. S mth. Amy L. Booth and John M. Booth
and of the said defendants E. E. Labrie and T 1
Labrie in and to all the aboe described lauds ami
Witness my hand this 23d day of Feb. 1887.
B. C. Aon, Before .
appurtenances thereuiito behmirinir or
in any wise appertaining. XI ay bo foreclosed and tlie
said premises ordered to be sold and the proceeds
aoplied to the payment of 8 lid debt to-w it, Fourteen
inousanu miliar logetnci wiui interest on thirty
five hundred dollars thereof from tlm 2in,l i!:lv n
January 1S8C and on two thousand dollars from' the
22nd dav of May 188fi, and ou three thousand dollars
from the 2iid day of January 1337 and plaintiffs
wissisaiiutusnurKemcmsin tnis suit. Ami that plain
tin Havo Judgment against tho defendant George
Tarrant for any bdance that may remain umiaid
ana mat lie nave cxoetiti in therefor. This sum
Bions is published by the order of Hon. R. S. Bean
Judge of Hie aliove entitled court made and dated
me ism day of t obruiry 18S7. vim. R. Wilms.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Leaves Yaiiuina 0. 20 a m
Arrive C'orval I is 10.38am
Arrive Albany 11.20 a m
Leaves Allianv 12, 40 p m
Arrive Gorvallis 1.22 p m
Arrive Yaquina 5, 45 p iu
Oregon & California West Side trains totii'tct at
Albany and Corvallis.
The Coniuuy reserve, the right to change sailing
days. Fares, between Corvailis and San Francisco,
Fares Rail & Cabin $14, Rail k Steerage ?i).S8.
For further information apply
C". C. Hoguo
A. 0. F. & P. Ag't., Corvallis.
has this space for Hardware
etc. etc. Corner First and Lo
cust streets, Oakland Oregon.
Roseburg Flouring Mills
This mill is turning but
will kcc that von are satisfied.
. Uet your Ijikcuic Hour at llie
Roseburg Mills.
market price paid for
The Bed Corner
Keeps Constantly on hand
Finest Cigars, Tobacco
Everything usually ..kepi in a I
(JLASto Notion and Candy Store
Will sell by the motto
IT. S. Land Ofliec Roseburg, December. 21, lASfi.
J.1 Adanis and Harvey S. Drown, Trustee, both
of Oakland, Alameda county, Cal., tliroiiKli their
attorney in faet Will Q. Drown wliosc P. i). address
is Riddle, Doiujlas county, Or., havo this day filed
their application for a patent for tlieOakland Placer
Siokel & Chrome niiiiini.' claim, emhrairitiv ihn
S. W. Sec. 17, Tp. 30, S. K. West, W. M., con
taiuing one hundred andvixty acres, situate iu Ex
celsior llinintf District, Douglas Co. , Or., and desig
nated by the field notes and official plat on file hi
this office, as Lot No. 3S. The location of this mine
is recorded in tho Count Clerk 'g office at Rosebud,
DouirlasCo., Or. in Dock 2, page 700, Mining Records
of said Douglas Co. Any and all persons claiming
adversely miv portion ot said Oakland Placer Nickel
k Chrome mining claim above described are re
quired to file their adverse claims with the Register
of theU. S. L.uid Office, at Hosebnrg, Or., dumur
the sixty drfyh period of publication hereof, or they
will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the
statute. Ciias. W. Johnston,
Call and Examine our
V. S. Land Office, Roseburg, Or., Dec. 81, l.8fi.
Adams and Harvey S. Drown, Trustee, both of
Oakland, Alameda county, Cal. through their at
torney in fact Will Q. Brown, whose P. O. address is
Kiddie, Douglas 2uuty, Or., have this day filed
their application for a patent for the Noumcile
Placer Nickel 4s Chrome mining claim, embracing
the 8. E. J, Sec. 17, Tp. 30, S. R. 6 West. W. M.
containing one hundred and sixty acres, situate in
Excelsior Mining District, Douglas count r. Or. and
designated by the field notos and official pW on file
in this office, as Lot No. !?. 1:he location' of this
mino is recorded in the County Cierk's office, at
Roseburg, Douglas Co., Or., in Rook 2, page 759,
Mining Hecords of aaid Douglas Co. Any and all
persons claiming adversely any portion of said Nou
meite Placer Nickel & Chromo mining claim above
described, are required to file their adverse claims
with the Register of the U.S. Land Office, at Rose
burg, Or., duriiigtlic sixty days period of publica
tion hereof, or they a il I bo barred by virtue of the
provisions of the statute Ciias. W. Jouxstox, .
' RcL'lstcr.
Administrators Notice.
dorsigucd has been duly nppointed by the or
der of the County Court of Douglas couiitv Oregon
Administrator of the estate of J. J. Whitsctt de
ceased, and that tie hs duly qualified as such Ad
ministrator. All persons holding claims against the
deceased are required to present them to said Ad
ministrator duly verified as by law required at his
residence in DecrCreck precimt,DouglascountvOre
gon within six months from the date of this notice
or the first publication thereof. And all persons
knowing themselves indebted to the deceased are
notified to make immodiate payment to said admin
irtrator. Dated Jan. 22, 18S7.
J. 1. Wiirrstrrr C. Bali
Administraur Atty. for estate.
Notice For Publication
Lar.d Office at Roscourg Or. Fell. 21, 1SS7.
lowiug nanifdettlor has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in snpfsirt of bis claim,
and that said proof will be made before the Register
or Recsiver of the V. 8, Land Office at Roseburjr
Oregon, ni Thursday April 14, lSS7,vix:
Wjs. Britt,
Homestead EWttIo. 3241 for the N J of S E J, S W
1 of 8 El; and 8 El of S Wf, section 10, Tp.2,S
R s west. He names the following witnesses to
prove hie continuous residence upou, and cultiva
tion of caid land, vix: Hiram Barker, Thos. Shrum,
Wm. i. Clifton, J. F Barker, all of Roseburg P. O
Dousrlas county Or. Cu as, W. Joh xstox.
Xl lease or sell the Stexm Saw Mill known as J. 3.
Whitoett's mill on Deer creek Douglas County, Qre
gon. For further panic-ultra enquire of
3. H. WuitsKrr,
Adtniaintratv .
I feel confident of L'lviuir satisfaction nt all work
entrusted to me iu watches, clocks, and jewelry
I also repair musical instruments.
I have the Comity patent riirht for sale of Concrete
Cement Pijie for enuveyin water to any place de
sirou in Douglas Couuty.
I will also teach an v kind of instrumental nimue.
Anyone desirfng instruction will call on mo at my
watchmaking shop. L, DKims,
Merchant Tailor
in the Red Front, next door to A. C . Marks
Repairs aivi Ater.i'rjc$ neatly done
Yoimo Haminitte
Tlie Lightest RtuiLins and most Powerful Windmill now Ix-fore the Public
Needs no attention, and lasts for years.
oCered for sale represented
as good as the Famous
An like all Counterfeits lack tna
Remarkable LASTIXO QaaUUe
yv on rjLcn
ind Insist
vita 3CTrt cnmxinf
PatOcU SO , 188S.
raanulactnrea OKLT hy
Disolution Xolfco
TtTtice i hereby given that the copartnership
J.1 heretofore e list ine between Thontaa Criteser
and Henry Oaten baa by the mutual content of the
parties been diaolved, and all persons knowing them
selves ip Jel.tcd to the firm will call and settle the
sm3 al the Kojeburg flouring mills of Criteser &
K; it, Thomas CtirtgRa,
Himi Gauss.
T. h AC 4 V. 1019
These Mills are the Best,
Cheapest, Strongest
and Lightest,
Manufacturing Co.
934 & 936 MISSION ST., S: F.
10-ft. MILLS $50
Order through The Review office and save extra charge.
iiVn v J I
mJ.t : - If
Will he given any man
alio will produce a sci
entist of lariro cxeri
ence, and widely known
to be an honerable man,
who Will assort that re
fiued cast zine is not one
of the most enduring of
all known inatcrialg to
withstand the actions of
the waathef.
Detroit, Mich
yricea or
Were awarded
New Oiiabam, .
1 S 8 4 - S
J. A. Cardwell, Agent, - Jacksonville, Oregon
This space is reserved for