ItOSEBUKG REVIEW ; " la ISSUED ' 4 FRIDAY MORNINGS THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. .T' R. N ' RF.T.T. - VAUnr ROSEBURG REVIEW HAS THE FINEST JOB OFFICE ; IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS And other Printing, Including Large and Heavy Posters and Showy Hand-Bills Keatly nd Eifeditiuusly executed AT PORTLAND PRICES. n eDurg;- One Yew.. - - - v - - - - - $2 50 Six Month - - - - - - 1 25 Tbre Months - - - - - 1 00 VOL. XL PiOSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2i, 1887. NO. 42. .Ros UE5EBAL DIRE0T0BY- Grovie Cuvklasd President. Thos. F. Batard Secretary of State DaviSA T. MAFKlxH,SecreUry of Treasury . L. VJ. U. LAMAR .secretary or ine interior. Wit. C. Kndicott . . .". Secretary o War W. C. Whitket. i . Secretary of Navy. W. T. Viias ....... .Post Master General . A. H. Gablawd.. ..... .Attorney General MoKRisoir R. Wait. Chief Justice. STATE OP OREGON. i' Vr' 5TBii ' ' ") U. S. Senators. J. II. Mitchell . . . . ) Binokb Hkrxan. . . Congressman. Z.F. Moody ... .......Governor. R. 1 Earhabt. ...Sccretaryof State. Edward Hibsch. .State Treasurer. E. B. McELBor....Supt. Pnb. Instruction. W. H. BtARS. . . . ... ..... State Printer. J. B. Waldo, C. J-, ) Wm. P. Lord, : V . . . .Suprem Judges. W. W. THAYER, J SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R. 8. B?.AX. .. ............ ...Judge. J. V Hamilton ....Prosecuting Attorney. DOUGLAS COUNTY. JoaK Emmitt, .. Senators. J. H. SnuPE. j Wm. Manning, Hbnrv Rogers, t R ntatives. G. W, ltlDDLB, 1 C. B. Wilcox, J Tiros. R. Sheridan Clerk. Be;. C. Aoee. . . . . Sheriff. D. S. West. -. Treasurer. G. T. Russell School Superintendent. J as. A. Sterling .Assessor. J. S. FrrzHtroH County Judge. .1. Hill.. f! A. M!Okf. Commissioners. N. E. Brit...... Surveyor. Dr. S. S. Mabsters. Corouer. Thos. Smith Sccep Inspector. precikct officers: T. L. Gannon.. . T .. ,ie Tas. Harpham...... J JU!Uccs- Peter Junker Constable CITY OF HOSEBURG. II. C Stantos, ! John Rast, I J. P. Sheridan, Trustees. O' L. Willis, P. Benkdict. T. Ford Recorder. John Howard Marshal. Will H. Fisher Treasurer. T7. S. LAND OFFICE ROSE BURG, Chab. W. Johnston.. .Register. A. C. Jones Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. B. S. Paoue Observer. PROFESSIONAL- h r. LANE, T ANE & LANE, JOHN LANE Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, upstairs. ( 1 B.i WILCOX, J. Attorney At Law . Office opposite E. G. Young & Co's. Oakland Oregon. Ej. v PAGE J" m Tt'r TCT A XT i vn CHOf frtV till oiviAii ii. lj junuuun. Oakland, Oregon. R. C. HUNTER M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. C INYOXTILLE OREtiOX K. L. MILLER, M. D Surgeon. Homoeopathic Phjsician. OfBice up stairs in the-old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chrouic diseases a speciality. W. L. FREEMAN M. D. OFFICE IN DR. HOOVER'S OLD Stand, where he may be found day or night when not professionally engaged. NTSPECIAL Attention Given to SURGERY and Diseases of Women. Dr. THOMAS GKAimi, A GRADUATE Of th Univertfty of Pa. t PhllaJetihia and of the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, aud ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND has located lor tha practice of his profession iu ROSEBURG - - OREGON. Office and residence, Washington street opposite the Catholic Church - F. G. (EHME, M. D. (Pronounced A ma.) HOM030PATHIC PHYSICIAN Sc Graduate Of The Of Leipzig Germany. Office & Residence at tbe house of Goo. W. Day, near R. R. track, Rose- burg. H. PARRY, Merchant Tailor. in the Red Front, next door to A. C . Marks .'. ' : ; More. Repairs aud Alterations neatly done. L. BELFILS I fMl onfldBt of giving satisfaction in nil work ntriHUd to cm ia watetwa, docks, and jrrelr. I atea repair masifal iBstrament, I I bars tbs Coanty aatant rieht for sale of Concreta Csdmdi Pip (or toBTerin water to any place de aired iaDvaghw County. , I will also teaek any kind of iustrumental music. Aml"' djsirtng innrnetiou wUl call on me at my waiarauklslnf saop. l, Bsltils. J. JSKXJJLEK. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler aud OptioiaD. ALL WOHK WAKU ANTED. Dealer ia AVutcltea, (;.cki, Jewelry, Spectacles ami Eyeglasses. A FULL LINE OF CI'JAHS, TOBACCO FANCY GOODa. THE ONLV RELI VBLE 01TOMER IN TOWN fur the pr.)HTaiIjiiHtmeiit of Hi-ctcles. Deiot of the Genuine Iirazilian Pebblu Sci:taclcs aud Eye glauues. omce in Hamilton's Brick Iilock. NEW YORK LUMBER & Wood Yard Go To n R. Howell's East side of track one Mock south of depot is where you will Hud number one dry lumber, Sugar pi no, Cedar, Fir, and all Dimention lumber for buildings, sawed and shaved cedar shiugles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Screen Doors, Mouldings, Wall and Stair railings, Balusters, Brackets, Newel posts, Ceiling, Rustic, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing lumber, sawed and split Cedar posts, 1J inch plank sawed expressly for sidewalks. I represent the Sugar Pine Door &, Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass Or. which from personal inspection I believe to ue- the finest establishment on (he Pa cific coast, it employes seventy wen. The Proprietors and Overseers are all Eastern men and experts in the busi ness, the machinery is new and put up in the best manner, ancj all under srtict discipline and order. Their work is oil done by number one me chanics and is equal to any work of the kind done in New Yoik or the East. Fruit boxes, Ticket fences and Gates complete. I also represent a number one mill at Yoncolla where I have sawed all Dimention lumber to order on short notice. All guatanteed as represented or no sale. Call and see stock and prices before purchasing. Stove wood constantly on hand at IIAKI TIME PRICES. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. Alid Connections. Fare from I'orflaud to San Francisco .J2; to Sacra mento $30. Close connections mode at Ashland with stages o tho California Oregon & Idaho Stajfe Company. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & - Hail Train . ASHLAND LEAVE. Portland 8.00A. M. RosebuRf C.25 P. M. Ashland 8.45 P. M. Koselmrg 5.13 A. JI. ARRIVE. Roseburg. , ..CIS P. M. Ashland . . . 4.00 A. M. RnMhurg. Portland.. .5.05 A. M. .3.45 P. M. Albany Ixpress Train LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland...'. ...4.0T r.M. Lclianon 9.20 P. M. Lebanon 4.45 A. M. Portland .... 10.05 P. M. PULMAN PALACE SLEEPING 0AES Ihiily between Portland and Ashland. The O. and C. R. R. Perry makes connection with all the regular trains on East Side ti v. from footof F St West Side Division, i BETWEEN PORTLAND & CORVALLIS Vail Tiain. LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Portland 7.30 A. M. Corvallis 12.25 P. SI. Corvallis 1.30 P. M. I'ortlaiid 6.15 P. II. At Corvallis co'mectjwith trains of Oregon Taciflc for Vaijuina Uay. Express Train. LEAVE. Portland 4.50 P. M. McMinnvilJe. ...5.45 A. M. ARRIVE. McMinnville.. 8.00 P. SI. Portland ...... 9.00 A. M. Local ticket 3 for sale and bajfgapfC checked at com pany's up town office, cor. Pino and Second streets. Tickets for principal points in California can only lie procured at company's office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. SI. on either the East or West Side liv. R. KOEIILER, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. C. F. & Pass Agent. D COTTAGE ORGAN Bm attained a standard of exocllenco which admits of no superior. It contains every improvement that Inventive genius, skill and money can produce. These Orprans are celebrated for vohime. beauty in finish, perfect construction, making mom me mwi ui-siraoio ciyuns ior uomes, schools, churches, lodges, fiocietiee, etc. ESTABLISHED BEPITTATION. CA'EqrAXED FACILITIES, SKIIXEO WOBKXEX, BEST MATERIAL, COMBINED, StAKB TBIS THE POPULAR OBDAH Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogue aad Price Lists, on application, frs CHICAGO COnASE ORSAH CO. Sir. Randolph and Ann St.. CHICAGO. ILL CITY DRAYTNG DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON -JOS.. CARLOS. I lit . tot thoss wte wtttt U ISOiMOB Co., Porusnd, MUn.wiU reeetre frM, fall information about work which uity can da, as4 Un at home,tbat will pay 'XVra from S3 to SS per day. 6ome hTe earned enrtsn Sri dir. Either sex. rosnceield. Coital BotfMntrad. TaaarcMarted frM. tboMwbetUit St eoea art aBNisMf fin H f UWirtttM!AUii mik OTTO f EVEBT OBGA1T ATM J I WAS. IS 1 BANTED ! OB TO f i FIVE EXCEL. YEABS AT n HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BilLEY'S HOTEL. Oakland, Oregon. Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, 3TTliis house has lately changed hands and Is oroughly renovated and refurnished. The travel xi public will 6nd the best of accommodations i No Cliinnmen Employed. SMH II BAILEY. ABSOLUTELY KIKS r CLASS MRS. L. C. McCLALLEN, Proprietor of the McCLALLEN HOUSE. Large Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers, Coach " o and from the house Baggage delivcre free oi charge. DEPOT.--HOTEL, OAKLAND, OREGON. I?itli:ti-1 Thomns, l,i;p. SLEEPJ NO ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at the Depot of the Railroad. Central Hotel ! KOSK11UKG, OttKGOIN , OPPOSITE CARLOX'S LIVEItY STABLE. Boarl and Lotlng per day $i .00 week 5.00 " Without Lodging 4.00 Meals, 25 cents, Lodging, 25 cents - Thorouiih satisfaction is promised to travel ers and the public generally. No Chinese employed , New Restaurant ! J. Clements I'royrietor. ROSEDUUU OREGON. One door south of East'm's trroeery store. AIEALS 23 cts. (rrincijiaal Business Street.) lioselmr, Orogron MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS VVe Keep tho Best the Market Affords. CIVIL- BEND STORE V. I. AR.RINGTOIT, DEALER IX Dry Goods Grocsios to All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BKND, D0UO. CO., OUKGOX. NEW STORE AT EISfi,AIiS, OK. would respectfully inform tho public that he has ou hand a line assortment of Dry (oh!s, Groceries, Kcady-SIailc Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a iirst-claaa store. Uivc him a call. Goods at L.ovr Prices. All kinds of Produc Taken In Exchange for iootls. riLAH orders promptly attcudtd to. MRS. H. A. IIlTCmXSOX, MILLINERY STORE! Oakland, Oi-ofjoii. ADIES WILL F.SD MY STOCK LAKGE AND Complete. I'necs moderate. Oiva M Cull. Mi:s. S. A. HuTCUUSOR. Tb BXrKEOSI GUIDE ! Uaoed Sept. bd SIaroht 1 eswH jreanr. Ag 313 pget 8K x 11 lnche,wtm over ' 3.BOO Ulnstrationa whole Ptctw Gallery. GIVES Wholesale PrteM dire4 to conrumort on ai gooim for peMOBtl or fcmlljr nae. Trlls bow to order, and gtrtm exact cost of every thing you tue, eot, drink, wew, or " Iwtc fan with. XheM: IKVALVABLB BOOKS contain tnfbnnatlon gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mall a copy FREE to any ad dress) naon receipt of 10 eta. to defray expense of mailing. Let ns hear from yon. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 827 838 Wafcaab Avenue, Chicago, ill. Malausscne and Clements New Furniture Store IN FLOED'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. Anything repaired or made to order. CALL mSTANIER. IIAVIXU !TJltOII-A.SKL The Entire Slok of -o of 0- I. R. DAWSON, -At RIDDLE OREGON Coiisistiii" of ROOTS, shoes, clothing, dry goods, hardware, groceries, Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc Etc. Am now utlerin" tho same At Prices That Defy Competition. FOR CASH -At Oregon. . uornutt. ALM'EItSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES IS dvb'cil to Noah Curnutt will (ilsase call at my olliuc at KiUdlcs at tlie store and settle at once. , F. Cornutt. J THE "C1IUPE CURE. SAL-MUSOATELLE 7i America - WITHOUT TUB ElPf A3 OF AN KUR0PAN 30I3E5FY! The cryatalizod salts, as oblaiucd in a pure statu from gr.irK!s and choice fruit, i n a portable, palat able, simple form, are now presented to the public of America as the grandest resolvent of impure blood, corrector of the liver and regulator of tho bowels tbc natural promoter of , HEALTH AND LONGEVITY., Eminent physicians claim this achievement a new era in the allied science of medicine, as it furnishes the blood with its natural salines that are lost or eliminated e cry day . - SAL-IlUSCATELlill A POSITIVE, NATURAL SICK IIBADAC1IB AND DYSPEPSIA CUItE. Sal-Muscatclle is Nature's own product. It sup plies to the system the want of sound, ripe grapes and fruit: it is the simplest and best preventive and cure for all functional derangements of the liver and kindred ailments; prevents thoabsnrptiou of inal ari al diseases fevers f all kinds; counteract the ef fects of bad air, poor drainage and impure water; a powcrf ul oxydiicr of the blood; a natural specific for all skin eruptions, sick headaches, biliousness, nervousness, mental depression, and will remove the effects of accidental indigestion from excessive eat ing and drinkiii!!. Have it in your homes and on your travels. It is a specific for the fagged, weary and worn-out. Prepaired by the London Sal-Mcscatelle Co. LONDON, ENGLAND. Beware of imitations. The ifenuine in 'blue wrappers only." a-Sc'id for circulars O. EV NOVITCU, General American Manager, P. O Box 1SW3, New York City. Mcution this paier. For sale by S. llam'Hon Rose burg Oregon. THE New York Coffee House X3L as-- And Oyster Saloon Til Leading Check Restaurant in the City. SIFERD & HACKNEY, PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND - - - - - - - ORECOM, 0PrivateIlooms of the Latest Designl for Ladies OPEN DAY AXD SIGHT. . I j COMPARATIVE WORTH ( EOT AL (Absolutely Pure).. Rii'.'-ft 'VSS?. j GBANrS (Alum Towder) . ET!T!n!' j EUMFOED'S, when freau.; E V ' ! ; HANFOED'S, tvhea fresh. . . BEDHEAD'S. EE p C1IABM AIam Powder) ... I AMAZON (Alum Powder) . E!T - I CLEYIILAN'D'S,hortwtjoz.)E: TIONEEB (Saa Francisco)... C iCZAE.... DB. TBICE'S . .. .. c SNOW FLAKE (Grofi's) . .. E ;LEWIS... E PEABL (Andrews & Co.). . . . . . t- 'W.,..B OILLET'S... SISIPI1M i ANDREW8&C0.'RcgarG2a i Milwaukee, (Cwtaioa Alum.) BULK (Powder cold loose). . . . EUMFOED'S, whcnnotfrcsli ' REPORTS OF GOVERNMENT CHEMISTS As to Purity andWholcsdmcncss of the Royal BalvinsPowclcr. "I have tested a package of Royal Baking Towder, which I purchased In the open market, and find it composed Of pure and wholesome ingredients. It Is a cream of tartar powder of a burn degree of merit, and does not contain either alum or phosphates, or other Injurious substances. K. G. Love, Ph.D." It U a scientific fact that the Royal Baking Towder ia absolutely pure. ' "1L A. Mott, Ph.D.' "I have examined a package of Royal Baking Powder, purchased by myself in the market. I find it entirely froe from alum, terra alba, or any other injurious sub stance. IIenby Morton, TIlD., President of Stevens Institute of Technology." I have analyzed a package of Royal Bakinjr Towder. The materials of vhieh It is compoeed are puro and wholesome. S. Dama Hayes, State Assayer, Mate." Tho Royal Baking Towder received the highest award over all competitors at the Vienna World's Exposition, IHTi ; ut the Centennial, Philadelphia, 1871S ; at tho American Institute, New York, and at State Fairs throughout the country. No other article of human food has ever received such high, emphatic, and uni versal endorsement from eminent chemists, physicians, scientists, and Boards of Health all over the world. Note The above Diagram illustrates the comparative worth of various Bakin" Powders, as shown by Chemical Analy &is and experiments made by Trot Scbedlcr. A pound ctn of each powder was taken, tho total lcaveuing power or volume in each can calculated, the result bciug us indicated. This practical test for worth by Prof . Scbedlcr only proves what every observant consumer of the Royal Baking Powder knows by practical experience, that, while it costs a few cents per pound moro than ordinary lands, it U far more economical, and, besides, affords the advan tage of better work. A single trial of ti c Royal Bilking Towder will convince any foU-mindcd person of these facts. While the diagram shows some of the alum powders to bo of a higher degreo of strength than other powders ranked below them, it is not to be taken as indicat ing that they have any value. All alum powders, uo matter how high their strength, jo to be avoided as dangerous. J. 0. SHERIDAN j j "tSkSucccssor to li.JS k J. C SHERIDAN j DEALER IN-- HAHDWAHB V t j ....... Stoves ami Timvarc, ; '; Koseburg, Oregon rpiIE -undersigned takee pleasure in an lt inaunulng to the public that he selling everything in his line at prices that iXHSFy competition: i :'L -: IF YOU WAST STOVES, : AGEIOULTUKAL TUOLS M IRON. STEEL, NAILS, aOUSS H0E3, TINWAEE, OUTLEfiY 0l anything in my line, call and examine my stock and learn prices before purchasing else where, as I am selling low'er than ever. I I .1 C. SHERIDAN EVERY FARMER HIS OWN MILLER. Tho Young America FceJ Mill is a mill that every farmer can afford to buy; ia durable, easy controlled; any bov able to drive a leant cati bundle it; grinds fine or course, as desired; grinds corn with or without cob, oat?:, rye etc., com meal for house use. i ' . SiiEKiDA.v Bno:. A stent. THE OLD RELIABLE SUTGHBE BIO?. Established in 16G7. Douglas .County Bank, HUMPHREY & FLINT, Roaebnrg " ' Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING- BUSINESS Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, Sau Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exhango on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all accessablcpoints at reasonable rates. MILLWOOD LULLS ON UUISIMEiD CREEK. CLARKE & BAKER, ..Proprietors. We are now prepared to furnish lumber i the best quality in quantities to suit tlie uix-hascrs, always having on lianit the largest st nek of any mil in Douglas Connty. ! - We will furnish lumber at our mill at tlie following , PRICES. No-1 rough lumber PS to JIG M Ko, I flooring, 6 inch D 4 SI ?1 M No. 1 flooriiiif, 4 inch U & M ..18 M So, 1 Bnighinj lumber S10 M ' ! ' . CLARUK & BAKER, of BAKING POWDERS. E3 1, X FARM FOR SALS. One Small Farm for sale containing 230 acres, 60 acres good farming land. The balance good, timber and pasture well watered and all fenced. For par ticulars enquire of . F. Coknutt, Riddles, Oregon, Great Overland Route THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD -OXLY LINE RUNHIHC- - Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Magnificent Day Ooaches, and .Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Oars, WITH CERTHS FREE OF COST- FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. Paul ami 31 fnncapolis- ONLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNING PALACE DINING CARS. (Meals, 75 Cents.) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE COAST OVER THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD To Hioux City, St. Joseph, Atchison, LejivcwVfOrth,' E;uisiis City, Kiii-liastoji, Quicicy, S.St.Louis, S Chicago,S -AND ALL POiNTS- O- 1 ASrjl AND QOUTHEASrp J i?l AiI JUU 1 llt-AS J o- o Via St. iau! aiul Minneapolis. Are haule d n regular Ex press Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Leave Portland at 3:00 p. m., daily; ar rive s-.t Minneapolis or St Paul 12:30 r. m., third day. Connection made at St. Paul and Minneapolis to all points Eaat, South and Southeast. PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 11:45 A. M., arriving at New Tacoma 6:30 p. m., connecting with O. K. fc N. Co.'s boats for all points ou Puget Sound. A. D. Charltox, General Western Passenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. This pajcr is kept on file at E. C. Dake s advertising agency, 64 and 65 Merchants' Ex change, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts for advertising can be made for it. SOMETHING NEW. A Steam Cooker suitable for private families or hotels, cooking all kinds of meats, vegetable, fruits, puddings eic. ! BY STEAM retaining all that is usually lost by evaporation and avoiding any offensive mell in the room while cooking onionss kroutetc. Manufactured and for bale by O. V. Johssok, Roseburg, Or. Night In a. City Hospital. I went the other night to see an old friend who was dying in one of our great hospitals. His messenger came to me late, and midnight was at hand when we rang the bell iu the black cavern of a doorway a bell with a deep, eeriousl one, that sounded most appropriately like a knelL The deserted corridors were lighted with thin flames of gas, that nickered as if afraid of the shadows, and the echoes of the tiled floors were startlingly Intense under our hurrying feet. In a dark corner of every floor a watchman sat, wakeful and as silent as a phantom. Through a closed door as we passed came a muffled cry, but otherwise no human noise troubled our progress, save those created by ourselves. Well up toward the roof my guide opened a door, and we were in one of the common wards, at the further end of which was the private room of the man we were visiting. Tho lights were down, and wandering moonbeams flecked the floor through the long, latticed shut ters of tho tall windows. On either hand the row of cots went down the walls. The room was so lofty thqt its dim celling was scarcely visible in the subdued light, and so spacious that the vast, polished floor was like a black pool - into which we had to wade at unknown depths. The moment the door opened, a simul taneous movement, like a shudder, ran through the lines of cots. Every man in them had been roused from his light sleep by our almost noiseless entrance, and In the vague gloom we went as softly as we could between two lines of burning eyes. There wa3 no sound, no breath nor sigh, though there were cruelly mangled and tortured bodies all around us. Only those hot, piercing eyes, fixed on us with what fierce envy and devouring yearning of our own health and freedom was not difficult to imagine. It gave me a' cold shudder, just as when, lying by a Texan camp-fire, I had shuddered at the lambent eyes of the coyotes that circled us in a greedy and cowardly ring. New York News "Babble." Vegetable Growth of Southern California. ' It was very difficult for me, when I first came to the coast, to realize the rapidity of the growth of vegetation, until I began to reflect that these valleys are alluvial deposits of comparatively recent date of wonderfully fertile soil, in many places hundreds of feet in depth, bathed with an almost endless sunshine and quick ened with the distributed waters of these mountain canyons, with little or no frost to retard the ever-growing season then it was that I could begin to account for the size of an eucalyptus tree," which stands within ten feet of where I am writ ing, eight years from the seed and meas ures eight feet and eight inches in circum ference, two feet above the ground; it is estimated to be at least seventy-five feet in hlght. I have asked many a recent ar rival to guess its age, with answers rang ing from thirty to fifty years. The rapid growing eucalyptus is no doubt going to solve the fuel problem of this part of the country, where we pay f 10 per cord for wood, and not an eastern cord at that, getting ninety-eight feet instead of 128. There have been many eucalyptus forests planted here within the last ten years, which are -yielding a handsome profit to the owners. The trees are cut off anywhere from ten to twenty feet above the ground and then start out anew for another growth. It seems to be a habit that seeds have in this country of growing right along after having been once planted. Barley will produce two and even three crops from one sowing. I have seen as fine watermelons and tomatoes on vines two years old as one would wish to eat. Pasadena Cor. Detroit Tree Press. Different Processes of Treating Ores. The trouble with nine-tenths of the fail ures in mining is not the lack of ore or its poor quality, but its character. That is where the great mistake Is made. Ore has to be treated to so many and to so greatly different processes. An inexperi enced miner, such as most of the Investors are, does a little developing, gets a few pieces of ore, takes them to some one who is alleged to know something about it, and is told that that the ere is free milling. He puts up a mill-on that basis, and when he comes to work it he finds his ore is not free milling, and that his mill is totally unfit for the work for which it was intended. Then a tearing down and building up, over and over again, begins, to suit the mill and the process to the ore, and finally the whole enterprise Is dropped, the investor being disgusted and crippled by his losses. ' One thing should always be kept in mind ore differs as much as night and day. Within three feet you may find free milling ore and the hardest and most stubborn ore to treat. ' You may have some next to a wall that will respond easily to your process, and next to it may be a piece that you can not possibly mas ter. The only thing to do is to have a mill to suit your ore as nearly as possible, and then sort the ore piece by piece, send inc part of it to mill and part to the smelter. It that one plain was kept stead ily in view there would be a great many more successes than there are. Mining Expert in Globe-Democrat How Spontaneous Combustion Occurs. An insurance man, in speaking of mys terious fires, says that many can be at tributed to natural agencies. Said he: "Linseed oil and cotton are liable at any time to produce spontaneous combustion. Especially is this true when the cotton is tightly wadded, as it generally is when used in rubbing and polishing furniture. A great many mysterious fires may be traced to this cause. Workmen use a wad of cotton or cotton rags in rubbing oil on furniture, and when they get through they throw it into a rubbish heap in some corner, and the building is locked up. The heat that is generated by the contact of the cotton and oil produces spontaneous combustion, and the rubbish catches fire. The losers attribute it to incendiarism, when the origin of the fire might be easily traced directly to- this chemical phenom enon. Atlanta Constitution. He Found Appreciation at Last. The Ed Stokes plan of calling attention to a gilded saloon, by filling it full of rare paintings and articles of virtu, may do for New York, but it doesn't strike St. Louis taste right. I fitted up a place of that sort a few years ago, and put in one painting that cost me $1,600. A few people looked at it and walked off without expressing any opinion at alL One day a rather intellectual-looking old gentleman In a Prince Albert stopped in front of it, and studied it for a longtime from different lights and angles. I felt glad. I thought I had found appreciation at last. Then he said, reflectivity, "Singular how the art of lithography has advanced of late." After that I took the picture down and sold the Btatuettea.-T. T. Bleyer in Globe-Democrat. We can at least feci grateful that Eve didn't wear eye-glasses and call Adam "Chawles." Chicago Ledger. This is kept on file al the ofilce of YERlCSjQH DVERTISINq TIMES BUILDIWa ggg&g PrmicaPHin ctiu irre f imrim idtertwwb rpre to I IfeiA I CO at Lowest Cash Rate rhtt MM I IA 1 unu 1 on. ia stamM fvr ayer a i:mxi wvtKAi, aisDg of uiels. Un tbi most mtei it:npj topic we give the 0 ,,viiivc,a iw our young men readers. . . . A good girl to Lave Sal Vation. A disagreeable girl Annie Mosity.. A lighting girl Hittie Maginn. isot a Christian girl Hetty Roxody. A sweet girl Carrie Mel. A very j.leasant girl-Jennie Rosily.' A Summer gii 1 Helen Blaws. A sick girl Sallie Yate. A smooth girl Amelia Ration. A seedy girl Cora Ander. Qne of the Lest girls Ella Cant A clear case of girl E. Lucy date. A geometral girl Polly Gon. A flower girl Rhoda Dendron. A musical girl Sarah Nade. A profound giil-Mettie Phys:cs. A star girl Meta One ' A clinging girl Jessia TVI n - A neryoiis girl Hestetlcal A muscular giil-Callio StheUc. A lively gul Annie Malion An uncertain girl Eva Nesct nt. A sad girl Ella G. , A serene girl Molly Flv A great big girl Ellie PLant. A warlike girl Millie Tarv The best girl of all- Your o wn. Merchant Ti aVe!er . The Old Itcrr. -r A lion li li . .. Ilc r.i 1 , luunnan at the Jackson C ub Liquet talks out ia hnnVf .i' :-". "r .iue emooiatic U,; " Treni0tC.St ot the the permanence of our libe.ty and of free institutions. Vt ; I j . i " 3 HUlliltfMllV The thought expressed by so distin guished a riti;,. r.t .. . "tsuu i; ; 1 M """ Ui l" ureat Kepub- 11 arouse the American oplto an important invest in mrtv Al?tl Will narl tr. " tb.pPn.-r,. t regulation I iue j. artv 11 uihim. e ..,:n 1 .- - , j ua maice everv wiiiio will then uienn 'm f:lct a , ,J of the county-Eve. Den,. Germany sent more iieon!i.(un during the year IB86 than any other county Htr total wa, nearly 90,000. England was next, with about 00,000; then Ireland with 55 rmn Sweden and Norway with nearly 50, 000; then Russia with.over 30,000' and than Italy with neat ly 30,000. Scot land sent stbnnf- innA t 1 '"iwv. ireiana. used to send nianv mom fl, ' -p land and Scotland together; but now ngiana and Scotland together; send 50 per cent more than Ireland. And besides, of English and Scotch, many more come into the United States from Canada or through Canada. The Breckixkidge bill to a).!;!. a lot of useless and expensive houses is certainly in the right diree. tion. Any one who will fae the trouble to go over the "custom-house list" can readily perceive that nl half can be dispensed with. But Con- gross is not likely to pass the bill at this session. Such reforms as this work slowly. " . Thomas Edison, tho father of 'the inventor livctsat Iluronia Beach, Mich, a man of eighty -two years. He has six children, three by his first and three by hia present wife, and the in ventor has a brother only four years of ae. A good man is tlio best friend, and therelore soonest to be chosen, longest to be retained, and indeed never to be parted with, unless he ceases to be that for which ho was chosen. Jeremy Tavlor. Tlie newest device at charily fairs is for pretty girls to sell cigars at 50 cents apiece, with the ends on. If the pretty gfrl3 bite the euds off. the cigars Iheyare worth a dollar, Generally tho dollar cigars are held to bo the best. Mi . Lorenzo B. Austin of Detroit Mich., left by his will bequests of 18,000 to a numler of educational and benevolent association, mostly connected with the Baptist Church. The smallest accident intervening often produces such changes that a wise man is often as much in doubt of events as the most ignorant and inexperienced. Swift. ' It is a slander to say women cannot keepseciets. If they could not and did not, many men in the world who pose as saints would be known to bo very mean ami black-hearted. Rev. James C. Beecher, a brother of Henry Ward Beecher killed himself with a rifle at Ehmra, N. Y., Aug. 25. He was demented. I Jt is a carious fact that tho sun never bhmes so hot on the base ball grounds as ii dees on the harvest' field. " , Euoklens Arnica Salv6 The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappei Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin, Frnntions. and positively cures Piles. or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or mney vAfnndpd' Price 25 cts r box. f musk. & c