ROSEBURG REVIEW HAS THE FIIIBST JOD OFFICE : IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. - levieWo 3. uur- CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS And other Printing, Including Large and Heavf Posters and Showy Hand-Bills - fSS Neatly and Expeditiously executed ;" A 7 PORTLAND P RICES. VOL. XL ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRJDAY, JANUARY 14, 1887. NO. 41. Sam ROSEBURG "REVIEW - - IS 1SSVED F1UDAY MOBNIKGS BV THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. J. R; N. BELL, - - Editor, . e Oue Tur : - - - - - - $2 50 Six Month - - - - . - - - '- ' 1 23 Three Month. - - I .00 GENERAL DIBEOTOBY- , Groves Clcvelahd. ''resident. Thos . F. Bayard ....... Secretary of State DaxiKL T. MA!KiNO,Secretary of Treasury. L. Q. C. Lamar .Secretary of the Interior. Wil C. Ehdicott Secretary o War W. C. Whits ET . . . Secretary of Navy. W. T. Vilas..... . ..Post Master General. A. H. Garlasd.. ..... . .Attorney General. Mokrisok R. Wait. Chief Jnstico. STATE OF OREGON. t ' 2 S.LtH,i ' " I U.S. Senators. J. H, Mitchell........ .. J BltraKR Hbcmanb. Congressman. Z. F. Moonr.... . '.i. Governor. R. P. Eahhart.. ... ..;..Secretaryof State. Edward Hirscb.. ...... . State Treasurer. E. B- McElrot ....8nt, Pub. Instruction. W. H. Byars ...... C.StaU Printer. J. B.Waldo, C. J.,) Wm. P. Lord, V . 7. :Sapreme Judges. W. W. Thateis, . SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R. 8. Bkas... ...... ............ ...Judc. J. W Hamilton .... Prosecuting Attorney. DOUGLAS COUNTY. John Emmitt, Senators. J. Ht Shops, j Wm. Masniso, C. B. Wilcox, - Thos. R. Sheridan : Clerk. Ben. C. Agee. . Sheriff. D. S. West Treasurer. G. T. Russell, .. . .School Superintendent. Jas. A. Sterling .........Assessor. J. S. Fitzhooh .County Judge. t tt . - . . 1 r , 4. niLL. Vf. A. ;lUjrfcE, . . . . VOIIIIUJOOluiroia. N. E. Brit ...... ..Surveyor. Dr. S. S. Marster. .... Coroner. Thos. Smith . . .Seeep Inspector. PRECINCT OFFICERS: iX:::::;:::::::::: Peter Constable CITY OF ROSEBURG. Vt T C r . vrnw I John Rast, . I J. P. Shbridan, ........ Trustees. O E. Willis, , P. Benedict. ; T. Ford Recorder. John Howard .Marshal. Will II. Fisher Treasurer. TJ. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Chas."W. Johnston Register. A. C. Jones .Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. . B. S. Pagce . . . . Observer. PROFESSIONAL. L F. LAE, - JOHN LANE JANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Main street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. . Office in Marks' brick, np stairs. ( B. WILCOX, U. . AnonNfcr Ar Law Office opposite E. G. Young & Co's. Oakland,: Oregon. J. PAGE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oakland, - - - . Oregon. R. G. HUNTER M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CANYONYILLE OREUOX K. E. MILLER, M. D . Surgeon. Homoeopathic Physician. Offiice up stairs in the old Shoridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chrome diseases a speciality. W. L. FREEMAN M. D. OFFICE IN. DR. HOOVER'S OLD Stand, where he may le found day or night when not professionally engaged. Ws FECIAL Attention Given to SURGERY snd Diseases of Women. Dr. THOMAS GKAIlAH, A GRADUATE Of the University of Fa. t Philadelphia and of the ROTAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, and ROY A I. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND has located for the practice of bis vrofeseion in ROSEBURG OREGON. Offle and residence, Washington gtrct opposite the Catholia Church F. G. (EHME, M. 1). (Pronounced Ama.) HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN :& CJratlnatc Of The : UNIVERSITY Of Iicipzig Ocrmany. Office & Residence at tho house of Geo. W. Day, near R. JL track, Rose burg. H. fARRY, Mcrchaiit Tailor. ID the Red Front, next door to A. C. Marks : btoN. ; ; Repairs aud Alterations neatly done. L. BELFILS I feel oonfident of giving tisf action in all work otnteud to me iu watchen, clocks, and Jewelry. o repair nmiteai ineuumente. .! hart the County patent rlitht foi sale of Concrete i ,lpe ,,or onTeyin water to any place de sired In Douglas Comity. I.1ILI0 5h My k"tof Instrumental music tUH V?tlr,n 'natrutton wUl call on me at my atBiakis lp. L. fiunu, Practical Watebriiakt-r, Jeweler ami Optician. A LI WOWIv WAUItAXTED. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Speefctdew and Eyeglasses. . A tVLh LIS 8 OK', CI jAUs5, TOBACCO & FAXCY GOODa. rniiK oxi.y helhi:le oitomkr in town X f'r the priicra!justmcr,t of Sii'Hjlacles. Depot ufthe Ovniiiiie Ilrariii.-.n Tutililu Siwot.icles Wil Eye glutases. OtQce in llauii!Uu's Brick lSlot-k. NEW YORK LUMBER & Wood Yard (Jo'l'oS! It: Howell's East side of track ouo bhjek south of depot is where you will lind number one dry lumber, Sugar jmo, Ctxlar,' Fir, aud aU . Dinieiitiuu Xaiu&cr for buildings, sawed and shaved cellar shingles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Screen Door?, Mouldings, Wall and Stair railings, Balusters, Brackets, Newel rost3, Oeilinsj, Rustic, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing lumber, sawed and sjilit Cedar iosts, 1J inch plank sawed exjuessly for sidewalks. I represent the Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass Or. which from (tr-soiio-l insjKjction I believe to oe the finest establishment on the Pa cific coast, it employes seventy men. Tiie Proprietors and Overseers are - all Eastern men and experts in the busi ness, the machinery is new and put up in the best manner, and all under srtitt discipline and order. Their work is all done by number one me chanics aud is equal to any work of the kind done in New Yoik or the East. Fruit l.o.cs, Picket feuces and Gates complete. I also represent a number one mill at Yoncolla where I have sawed all Dimention lumber to ol der on short notice. All guaranteed as represented or no sale. Call and see stock and prices before purchasing. Stove wood constantly on hand at 1IAKI TIME PRICES. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. R. And Connections. rare from rortlund to San Francico 32; to Sacra mento $30. Clic connections lniuio at Ashland with staucs o the California Oregon & Idaho Stage Company. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & ASHLAND Mail Train LEAVE. Portland ...S.OOA. ST. KoebUR 6.i!rj P. M. AHhlaml ....8.45 I". M. Kosebura 5.15 A. M. ARRIVE. Uosclmrs....C.15 P. M. Ashland 4.00 A. M. Kosebnn;....0.05 A. M. Portland..... 3. 45 P. M. Albany Ixpress Train LEAVE. I ARKIVE. Portland.... -...4.0TP.M. Lehanon a.i!0 P. M. Lclinou 4.45 A.M. Portland 10.05 P. M. PULMAN PALACE SLEEPING UAES Daily between Portland and Ashland. The O. and C. U- U. Fcrrj- makes connoction with all the regular trains on East Side Uiv. from fwtof F St West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND CORYALLIS iVailTiain- LEAVE. I AltRIVE. Portland 7.30 A. M. j Corvallin 12.2.'j P.M. CurvaUu... ..1.30 P. M. J Portland 0.15 I. M. At Corvaliis coimectVUh trains of Oregon Pacific for Yaquina Bay. Express Train- LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4.50 P. M. McMinuville....5.4jA. M. .McMinnvillu. . 8.00 P. M. Portland D.0OA. M. Local tickets for Hale and liajjaRe checked at com pany's up townnffice, cor. Pino and Second streets. Tickets for principal points in California can only lie procured at company's office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Freight will not lie received for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on cither the East or West Side Liv. R. KOEHLEK, E. P. ROGEPvS, Manager. O. F. & Pass Agent. OH IO AC COTTAGE aGAiM Has attained a stAndard of excellence which droits of no superior. It contains every improvement that Inventive genius, skill and money can produce. OUB I EVEET ATTVT j Jr.- II WAS- IS 'J SAUTED m 1 EOS TO i i i FIVE EXCEL. YEAS? Ti f so Orjraas are celebrated for volume, Beauty in finish, perfect construction, making mem iuo most ucfiramo orfrans ior nomes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc ESTABLISHED REPUTATION. FACIULTIES, SKILLED TVORKMEX, BEST 1HATERIAE, COMBINED, UAKX TOTS THE POPULAB OEDAH Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogues and Prise lasts, oa appUcftUoa, raxa CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. fer. Randolph and Ann Sis., CHICA60, ILL CITY DRAYTNG DONE WITH DISPATCH. CALL ON JOS. CARLOS. I tASt are srr, mi thess irh writs t Sdumn k Co., Portland, Mhtni raeeiT 6m. fall IsforastieB aboot work which I thr can d, aed linal bome.tba wtU pr 'thcmfrtnS5lotKDerdar. 6om. bsTe eanMdOTVS50biadr. EKbei kx, yonn? or old. Capital BK raqoirtd. Yoa an started frw. Tbow who start at oao nsvttmtfnivUKUfcrfwnii AUkBiwj nniTi 1 1 1 i UUJUJJ HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS- BAILEY'S HOTEL. 0;kliiutl, Oregon. Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, JtiTTuia house has lately changed hands and Is oroushly renovated and refurnished. The travel ng public will find the best of accommodations rVo OlitiiidiKMi Employed. SMI1U BAILEY. ABSOLLTKLY ... , FlltSf CLASS M' KS. I). C. MiCLALLEN, rropnetor of the McCL ALLEN HOUSE. Tjarge Sample Kooms for Comtuerclal ' - Travelers . ' ' ' " . Cwaeh o aud frum the house Bajfltajje delivere free of charge. DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, ORfeGOK. r?iflmrl Tliomas:, Prop. S LEEPJ NG ACCOMODATIONS. AND TIIE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Hotel at' the Dc)pt of the Railroad. tMitral Hotel! ROSEBURG, OJ1EGON, OITOSITE CARLON'S LIVERY STABLE. Lolj;inqpcrday. ... $i .00 " " wtek 5.00 " NYithout Lodging 4.00 Meals, 25 cents. Lodging, 25. cents Thorough satisfaction is promised to travel ers and the public generally. MRS- JB- GARRISON, Prop. No Chinese employed . New Restaurant ! J. Clements I'roprictor. ROSEBURO OREGON. One door south of K.uton's grocery store. MEALS 25 cts. MOOUCS RESTAURANT. (Princinaal Business Street.) Itoselui'f, trojou MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keep the Best the Market Affords. CIVIL BEND STORE V. I. ARRINGTON, DEALER IN Dry Goods Groceies etc All Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEND, DOUU. CO., OREGON. AT IIL.I,A11I9 OK. Ilk P would respectfully iuform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of lry Woods, Groceries, Ready-Hade Clothing and in fact everything usually kept at a first-class store. Give him a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Prod uc Taken in Exchange for Goods. taJMl orders promptly attendtd to. MRS. S. A. UiTCIIIXSON, MILLINERY STORE! Oakland, Oregon. . ADIES WILL F.TSD MY STOCK LARGE AXD 9 Complete. Prices moderate. Oitm M Call. Mbs. S. A. Hutciiissos. TK Btm&RS OTJTDK is laaiiMl Sept. sutd Slarcfa, (cakcli ymmr JKg 319 pages. BXxll'si lncOiM,wlCh a-rer 3,500 UlurtnUons a Wbol PteUtM Ctallcsr. GIVES Wbolesmle Prloea dined to consumer a mil good tor pcnonal or fkmiljr use. Tells how to order, susd gives exact cost of every thing yoss sue, eat. drink, wear, or bar fan wltn. Tnese I3TVAXtJABUK BOOKS eomtatn Information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mall st copy FREE to any ad dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray expense of mailing. t hs hear from yon. ' Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO". 227 dc 229 VTahash Arcane, Chicago, 111. Malanssene and Clements New Furniture Store IN FLOED'S OLD STORK A full line of first class Furniture. Anything repaired or made to order. CALL IK STARTER, 11 1 vim; The Entire Sto.k of -of o- L R. DAWSON, -At- RIDDLE OREGON . -1 , ! Cotisistiog of " , , ' SHOES, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, j HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Etc. Etc. Etc. Ete Etc, I Am now otferiug the same At Prices That Defy Competition. : FOR CASH At Riddle r- - Oregon. F. Cornutt. ALL PERSONS KNOWING THEMSELVES IN delt'ed to Cornutt will laae call at my utiice at Kiddles at the store and Settle at once. F. Cornutt. TIIE OKAl'G VBE. SAL-MUSCATELLE In America WITHOUT THE EXPFN3 OF AN EUE0PAN JOUKNET! The crystal ized suits, as olituined in a pure state from grapes and choice fruit, in a mrtable, palat able, simple form, are now presented to the public of America as the grandest resolvent of impure blood, corrector of the liver and regulator of the bowels tho natuial promoter of HEALTH AND LONGEVITY.; Eminent physicians claim this achievement a new era in the allied science of medicine, as it furnishes the bloud with its natural salines that are lust or eliminated e cry day SAI -MUSI A TEL LI A POSITIVE, J? AT URAL SICK HEADACHE AND DYSPEPSIA CURE. Sal-Muscatelle is Natitrs's own product. It sup plies to the system the want of sound, rie irrapes and fruit; it is the simplest and best preventive aud cure for all functional dcranjroments of the liver and kindred ailments; prevents the absorption of mat tri al diseases fevers of all kinds; counteracts the ef fects of bad air, poor drainage and Impure waters-a. powerful oxydizer of the blood; s natural gpeciflo for all skin eruptions, sick headaches, biliousness, nervousness, mental degression, and will remove the effects of-accidental indigestion from excessive eat ing and drinking. Have it in your homes and on your travels. It is a specific for the fagged, weary and worn-out. Prepaircd by the Loxdox Sal-Mcscatelle. Co.. . ES0LAXB. Beware of imitations. The ttonuliie in "blue wrappers only." L ' aTSend for circulars O. EV NO VITCH, General American Manager, P. O Box 19C3, New York City. Mention this paper. For sale by 8. Ilam'lton Boss burg Oregon. TIIE New York Coffee House IlESTATTTJ A -IwrsTT" Leading Check Restaurant in the City. 8IFER0 HACKNEY, PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND - - -' ORECO'I " -. 1 fSTPrivateltooins of the Latest Designs for LadKs OPEX DAT AND IflCflT. J .----.JF J. C. SHERIDAN ' .; ZaJSacoessor tojg$ R. S& J. C SHERIDAN ' . deXleuin- ' 8toTesand Tiawarr, j Rosehur, Oregon THE. undersigned takeo pleasure in an nouncing to the public that he Bi'llii) e?erythinp in his Jin at prices that DEFS" COMPETITION! 1- IF YOU WANT STOVES, AGEI0ULTUH4L TOOLS i I IEOH. STEEL, NAILS, JEWESS H0E3, TIN W ABE, 0UTLEEY t . . ..- O. anvthin V ill mv linp.. -nll Ami rYAiinnn inv ktock and learn prices before purchasing else. tjWherc, sis I am soiling locr than ever. EVERY FARMER HIS OWN MILLER. The Young America Feed Mill is a mill that every farmer ctn afford U bny; is durublp, easy controlled; nm boy able to drive a toam can haiulli! it; grinds fine or course, as desired; grinds corn with or without cob, oats, rvoetc, corn meal for house use. Sheridan Bkos. Agf-nt. O.P -TOMPKINS. COMMISSION. & PURCHASING Agent of I.LKINDSOF MEFCHANDISL! A., orders from the country filled on short notice from Every Class or Kind of Goods from - First-Cla8s Stock. Absolutely no charges or commission, j will be charged fur filling order. OFFICE: '--,107 first street, At D. W. Prentice's Tortland.Or THE OLD RELIABLE Established in 1867. Jacob Bittzci JOSEPH SHINDLER. PROP M ET 0 R -Of The City b a k uy AND TEEPS constantly on hand a IX full stock of Bread, Cakes, Pies, Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection oj- French and American Candies and Choc lale Goods FROM j ROSEBURG TO EMPIRHiCITY. Tom Roseburg to Looking Glass $ .75 Foot of mountain .... 2.00 " " Dora 5.00 " Fairview 5.50 " Sumner 6.50 At Marshfield .....7.00 " Empire City 7.50 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I For Partklar Inquire at the Post Office. ! Jas 'C. BIcVVLLOCn, Prop. Douglas County Bank, I HUMPHREY & FLINT, ! Rosebnre - - Oregon I TRANSACT A GENERAL BAITSIIiq BUSINESS ' Sight Drafts Drawn on Portland, San Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of "exchango on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made on all accessablepoints at reasonable rates. MILLWOOD MILLS l ON IIUDBA1U) CREEK. CLARKE Si BAKER, Proprietor, Ws are now prepared to furnish lumber o the best quality in quantities to suit the purchasers, always having on hand the largevt stock of any mil is Dnuglaa County. We will furnish lumber at our mill at the fl!owi ng ' PRICES. No' I roujeh lumlcr.. $s to 810 M No, I flooring, C Inch D 4 M ,.fl6 M Nfclfloormjr,4inch V&H ............18 X No. 1 finiahinj lumber.. 16 M I .: RCLARKE & BAKER. UAbGc!uteIy--Rure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity treugth and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sol J in com petition with tho multitude of low test, short weight alum ur pliospkato Kwdere. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER -Co, 106 Wall St. N. T. Obtained, and all Patent Dusinewi in the L". 8. Patent. llce attended to for MODERATE FEES. Our olHee is oppoaits the U. S. Patent Oifice, and we can obtain PatenU in less time than those re motetmm WAHHINCTON Send MOD rX Oil DRAWING. We advise as to patentability free of charo; aud we make NO CHARGE UNLESS WE OliTAIN PATENT. We refer here to tho Postmaster, theKupt. of the Money Order Div., and to officials of the V. S. Pat ent 1 illicc. Korcircular, advice, terms and refcrcu roa u actual clients in your own State or county, write to I', A. SXOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office,- Washington, D. C. DRESS MAKim I AM PREPARED TO DO FIRST CLASS w b bin this line, and ask a share of the patronage of Koscbur? and vicinity. ELMINA V. CRUMP NutduortoL. BjIHU Jewelry Store, Roseburg Oregon FARM FOR SALE. One Small Farm for sale containin 230 acres, 60 acres good farming land. The balance good timber and pasture well watered and all fenced. For par ticulars enquire of F. Cornutt, Riddles, Oregon. Great Overland Route! THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD OKLY LINE RUNNING - Pullman Palace Bleeping Oars, Magnificent Day Coaches, and , Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Oars, -WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST- FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. Paul ami Slinncapolis- OHLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RUNNING PALACE DINING CARS. (Meals, 75 Cents.) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE COAST OVER THE CIT NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council Bluffy St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Burlington, $iiineyL St.Louis, S Chicago,!! AND ALL P01NTS- O O EASril AND rjOUTHEASm ASl AND OOUT1IEAS J O- -o Via St. Paul and Minneapolis. Are hauled n regular Ex press Train over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD- Leave Portland at 3:00 P. m., daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or St. Paul 12:30 p. M., third da 7. Connection made at St. Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South and Southeast. PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 11:45 A. M., arriving at New Tacoma 6:30 p. M., connecting with O. R. & N. Co.'s boats for all points on Puget Sound. A. D. CllABLTOS, General Western Pussenger Agent, No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. This paper is kept on file at E. C. Dake 8 advertising agency, 64 and 5 Merchants' Ex change, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts for ad vertising can be made for it. SOMETHING NEW. A Steam Cooker suitable for piivate families or hotels, cooking all kinds of meats, vegetable, fruits, puddings elc. BY STEAM retaining all that is usually lost Jy evaporation and avoiding any offensive mell in the room while cooking onionss kroutetc. Manufactured and for sale by G. V. Jouiesojr, Roseburg, Or. LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN. A HISTORICAL BATTLE GROUND NOW POURING FORTH A STREAM. The Dltcovery of the Water Made by a Party While Exploring a Cave la the Mountain Illumination of the Subter ranean Chamber. It will be remembered that the discov ery of the water was made by a party which explored the large cave, which is entered near tho water's edge near the Nashville & Chattanooga bridge. This party, by dint of crawling and creeping on all fours through ditches, pulleys, and over streams, along fathomless abysses and near yawning chasms, entered a gigan tic dome-shaped chamber, from the roof of which poured, with a roar like thun der, a mountain stream, ice cold and clear as crystal. By original experiments with lighted balloons, the altitude of the cham ber ascertained and the stream was lo cated. The surface of the mountain was then cross-sectioned, levels run, and finally a spot was located under which the engineers stated the -stream would be The surface of the mountain at that point is solid limestone, hard as adamant and perfectly compact. Undeterred by such obstacles, the work was begun, and day by day the shaft went lower until it had been sunk about forty feet, it was then the patient toil was rewarded and the gushing fountain in the bowels of tho mountain was reached. The water was found to be in evei larger quantity than was anticipated, and the work of utilizing it began. Jt was decided to drive a tunnel from the bottom of the shaft in a notheast erly direction to the surface of the moun tain. Tho length of the tunnel is perhaps 200 feet. It is about six feet high and five to eight feet broad. It is cut through solid stone. The shaft leads forty feet in a direct vertical line from above to a double drift which opens int5 tho mouth of the cham ber into which the stream pours and con nects, in a direct line with the flow of the stream, with the tunnel of stone, which opens on the face of the mountain about fifty feet below the top of the shaft Im agine a mighty inverted "x" and you have a general aspect of tho work. The leg is the shaft; at the point where the leg inter sects the arm is the roof of the chamber, into which the stream pours; the left arm represents the natural flow of the stream from the bowels of the mountain, and the right arm represents the tunnel into which tho water will be conducted. The water is aslear as any mountain spring, absolutely, transparent, and icy cold. It flows quite rapidly, the dimensions being about four inches in depth and two and one-half to four feet in width. It de scribes a semi-circle at the foot of the shaft and then pours into the mighty chamber. ILLCMIXATIXG THE CHAMBER. The scene is one of surpassing grandeur and was beautifully illuminated by Mr. Anderson with saturated cotton balls and colored lights. The chamber is dome shaped, fully 330 feet in depth. A huge bowlder was pitched into the inky black ness into which the stream poured and seven seconds elapsed before it struck bottom. It fell with a thud that was dis tinctly audible above. - Mr. Anderson sus pended burning cotton balls in this cham ber, and it was lighted up brilliantly near the top, but all was inky black' in the fathomless depths below. The stream seems to flow tardily before it reaches this mighty subterranean precipice as if in horror and then dashes over the well-worn rocks, gurgling, hissing, and seething, and i3 lost in darkness. Explorers who have visited the cave and observed all this state that tho water is partially dissipated into mist before it reaches the bottom. One of the flaming balls was dropped into the chamber. It flared up the ceilings be spangled with diamonds, the walls which supported the mighty pillars and gigantic columns were visible for a half second, and down, down went the flaming torch, hiss ing in the mist of the waterfall, turning and twisting In its terrible descent, until it was again lost in darkness. An expert in water-works, who thor oughly understands its volume and veloc ity, 6tates that the flow of water from that stream alone will exceed 1,500,000 gallons every twenty-four hours. Some little dis tance from the main stream another stream has been discovered. It is the in tention of Mr. Anderson to tunnel to tho second stream and unite it with the main body of water. He says it is fully one third as large as the main stream, and. ac cording to the estimate of the expert, that would increase the total flow to 2.000.000 gallons daily. Steps will be at once taken to unite the streams. The tunnel will be enlarged and cemented, and the flow of water diverted from its old channel into the mouth of the tunnel, and a reservoir with 5,000,000 or 6,000,000 capacity will be created. The Water will be conducted from the cave through twenty-inch mains to the city. Chattanooga Times. Tho Brooklyn Bridge After Dark. The best evening's exercise I know of for a man who likes to walk is a stroll across tho Brooklyn bridco and back. There is oztono enough in the trip to insure anyone a healthy sleep and an appetite for brqakfast. It Is about two miles over and back, with a superb track to walk on, and half the distance is a magnificent pano rama. The river above the bridge, with its wharf and ferry lights in all colors, clust ering as close as fireflies, is like Venice at carnival time. The black harbor below the bridge, with Its glimmering ship's light here and there, Is a mine of roman tic mystery. New York itself, with the ghostly flimmer of the electrlp light light ing the sky over it, is another picture to remain long in the memory. Still another memorable, one is the perspective of the bridge itself, from tower to tower, with the huge cables and the interlacing sup ports and guy wires, all sharply outlined In white against the black sky, converg ing to the point of sight like an immense spider's web. New York News "Babble." No Slugger, Bat a Sprinter. One day recently gentleman stepped into a Cincinnati hotel to make a call. lie placed his umbrella In the rack before he went up to the hotel parlor, but being of a facetious turn of mind he pinned a card on the umbrella, which read: "This umbrella belongs to a man who can hit a 230 pound blow. Will return in ten minutes." He made his call, and when he returned his umbrella, lo, it was gone. But in its place found a neat card, upon which was written: "This card was left by a man who walks twenty miles an hour. Will not return." Cincinnati Times-Star. Over 22,000,000 lobsters were captured and canne 1 on Prince Edward's islanl last year. . TUj ptpft kept e fil tt tbfi affiet tf J DYERTISU3 ) -j W A?! IIMES BU1L0IN3 STsfH PMim PrTL ESTIMATES K HSIiTSHPKSS FRFF r- H u I sQt 1 1 Mit nihil U WWtl LtArtVAk TlfEf'STAROF OREGOX." , Ilt-rbrrt llotrv Jtaturoft'g JIUlory Orrtjoii, J7341X48. . When. Oregon was " held by tho United States and England accordinsr ' to a treaty of joinjt occupancy, much . rivalry and hard feeling existed be tween the American settlers and the Hudson Lay company people. Con sequently, when in 1840 a party of i-ight young Americans concluded to build a-schooner-, for the purpose of emigrating to California, being anxious to leave a couutry where there were no young white women td marry, they did not acquaint the company with their plan, fearing- that he English might suspevt some sinister design in their schooner enterprise. But, the Hudson Bay Company store nt Fort Vancouver was-4.heonly iacwj where v certain uecess.vy- luaicriai fc'.ild What! aud therefore the ship builders in pro curing. thtir ii on and spikes pretended that thee articles weio wanted for' it ferry boat to bo u,sed on the -tWilLtin ette. To obtain corditge they induced the French settlers to buy it for them ostensibly for the manufacture of these rude farm . harnesses. Governor McLaughlin lcanie aware of the un derhanded proceedings and refused fur ther supplies, one of the voting Amer icans, Henry Wood, remonstrated with the old gentleman, who told him, that without papers ho was liable to be captured as a pirate, adding "and how do I knew that you do not intend, td become one? "Well, Governor" re plied Wood in much excitemtnt, "you may keep yotit petty rigging. But -remember, sir, I havo an uncle in the states, whom I expect here shortly, rich enough to buy vou out and send you all packing." It was now McLaughlin's turn to become excited in which condition lie ajn ays stam mered or repeated rapidly .'the same word "I am glad to hear so rich a. mau as your uncle is coming to this country. Who is it, Mr. Wood 1 What's his name, Mr. Wood 1 : I ' should like to know him, Mr. Wood." "His name is Uncle Sam, and I hope you will know him?" retorted Wood as he withdrew. Fortunately there was present at that time in Oregon a U. S. exploring expedition undet Lieu tenant Wilkes. .The latter invesli- baicu matter ana -fc-ausbed McLaughlin of the harm less charaoter of the schooner's business, whereupon the young men received the requisite stores, chains, anchors and ri"rinra complete their vessel to which they gave ine name of "Star of Oregon." Wilkes gave them a sea-letter anrl the first American vessel built of Oregon timW made a successful voyage to UirT Bay of San Francisco. Here she was sold and tho proceeds invested in cattle which were driven to Oregon the next year by those- of the navigators, who had decided to return to the Willam ette val'ey for pern.aueut settlement." Saturday Night. JtEST. "Now faJca the ffliraiierinj lnndsca e on the ljih" And all the air a solemn stillness holds Save whero tl: beetle wheels his droning flight Aud drowey tinkling lulls the diUnt fold" - When Thomas Gray wrote those lines he was thinkiug of rest, but : he was by no means resting, what would have been rest to him at that time, would not be rest lo many of us who foil in forest and Geld; citdoor exercise is rest to the pale student, to sink into an easy chair on Saturday evening is rest to the plowman, the woodman r miner; rest to a great extent depends on our avocation in lift:; some of us. go on excursions to the sea, and find it a pleasaut vacation from our toils, while- others find a sweeter repose at home the while; an ocean voyage is a restful respito to many who dwell on shore, while tho very repose, that circum scribes their rme clad homes iti an is land vale, is the siilora fondest dream. Do you know that rest often emanates ftom the samo source as toil? do you know that some branches of stud? are burdensome for some student, while the same studies are but recreation for others! it is a fact. A providenec of an infinite nature that all should drink from the fountain of repose, no not ai' . - j. for there are a few who know not rest Byron says: "there are wanderers o'er Eternity, whose bark drives on and on and anchored ne'er shall be." Rest was the text from which the Rev. Mr Campbell preached in July, I thought then as I think now, 'tis a pleasant theme for a short es3ay for Saturday Sbt. LoDi; Bucklen s Arnica Salve- -' -The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chappei Hands,' Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or tnaney refunded Price 25 cts t box. Fr saleby Marsteks & Co - : ........ t V 1"