RevieWo TV-rvo VOL. XI; KQSEMIRG; OR NO. 39. l! CttJIMT VOVKT DOCKET. January., loth 1887. Rosalia Pelland et at vs Thos Reilly et a' suit to quit title to Real property. I R Dawsrn assignee ol Arttauf . Bros v Maria & Co against J W Krewson et al ar cishee 'rVocetdings. .... VT Kertev v Hiram Allen John Reilly and W R Willis Garnishee Proceeding in aid of execution. '. ' A F Brown vs PatrieVarirJ Matrada Murphy Action at law to recover mooer. Constance A Dakyns vs John Jones et al Action to recover real property and damages. R Phipps et al vs Q-A Taylor et a I action to recover personal property arid damages. R Phipps vi John Reilly, foreclosure H C Flook vs John Bruckner, appeal front Justice Court. WmTrask vi Voltaire Gnrney, appeal from Justice Court. John S Miller et al vs O & C R R Co, action at "law to recover money . John Reilly vs Harrison Allen et al, fore closure. Catherine R Green vs J P Cooper aoW, ap peal from Probate Court . Krewson & Co vs J S Purdom and H C ' Slocam, action fordamage. Jaa Davlin vs H C. Simmcns, writ of review. D W Applegate vr B F Dowdr. suit in equity to determine roterest in real property. J C Fullerton vs V S and S F Hotchkiss, ac tion to recover real property and damages. Sol Abraham plff&' app. vs I R Baldwin deft & resp, appeal from Justice Court. , , Louisa Clark vsWm. Clark, Divorce. iVira Young vs W B Young, Divnrce. Lai four Guthrie & Co vs V F Owens, ac tion to recover money . ".runner aa 1 Buxton va W. P. Owcna and J. M. Oil lard, replevin. Allen et Lewis va W F Owen, met ion to recover money. - " BIbsea QueAmibusn and Co t R iPWpp 't al, action to recover money. R Phipps T Humphrey and Flint, injnuction. Allen and Lewis vi B C Agee and 8 C Miller, ac tion to recover personal property and damages. Hibson Ouackenbosh and Co va Wm R Willi, in junction. Knshland Bros v R phijns et al, the O B A, ac to recover money, fcarah Zigler vs D C McClalleu to recover money Nettie B Booth et al vs E E and T J LaDrie. par tition. Mary J Moore va Geo-Marrill et al, action for un lawful conversion and damages Inac Jonea vs Keury Oates, action torecever mon ey. ight Reed va R Pbrppn etel, to recover money. OWWanacott va O W Merrill etkl, to recover money: I. R Dawmn vs Caxu Bros, action to recover money ' . '.,.'.:" E. E. Hatfield va S. S. Marsters, appear from Jus tice court. Alteu & Lewis vs J as. L. Dillard, action to recover inonay. Edward Ruckles vs S. S. Marsters, appeal from Justice court. Nancy A. Gilmore vs S. S. Marsters, appeal from Justice court. Geo. W. Wonacott vs 8.8. Marster, appeal from Justice court. I. K. Dawson vs Caro Bros, acticn to recover money. en Attei' .ry, Plff. Reap, vs Wm. Trask, Deft, ft Appl., appeal from Justice court. S. Marks ft Co. va J. H. Flournoy, action to re cover money. B. A. Oweu Adair va Davis Lenox, action to re cover money. . B. .. Owens Adair va T. W. Hervey, action to recover money. B. A. Owen Adair va J. J. Whiteett, action to recover money. v AmaudaC. Vail etal s J. A Dallon, action to re wer nancy. . Jane Feigusou vs J. E. Pike etal, injunction. U. Tipton vs County of Douglas and W. J. Hughes, writ of Review. Mark ft Wollenberg vs Peter Fireman et al ac " tion to recover money . C. P. Brigs vs M. R. Howell, action to recover money. . ' ' Mar1" Wollenberg vs Wm. A. Webber et al, ac-tii".!- 10 recover money. ' Oregon & Boston Wool Co. vs N. A. ft J. V. Oil wore, Foreclosure. Wm. Wade vs Ellis Blakews'J, action to recover money. A. C. Marks vs Chase and Ford, action to recover money . ' J. C. Sheridan and A. C. Mrrk vs T. Ford, action to recover money. ' S. U Stone v Chase and Ford, action -to recover money. Hatwsman and )ieutadter ft Chase and Ford,ae- tiou to recover money. Weizinsk Bros, and Co. vs Chase and Ford, to recover money. action V 8ftibeahair, Mererlleld "and Co. v Chase and Ford, satieti to recover money. K. O.iHniky aud Co. v Chafe and Ford, action to recover money. Bernheim and Matner vs Chase and Ford, action to ruoover money. . . . W. M. and L.C. Wheeler vs John and Thou. Hat field, action to recover money. 1. R. DiwsiinTS C imu and Ford, action to recover money. r -i An.ol.l Pallok and Co. vs Chase and Ford, action to recover' 'aony. " F. TuVlas va Jas. C. Oibbs. actien to recover money. S. C. Flint vs Louie Belal. action to reoovef real propert y and damages. . . O. W. Kenrtee vs Ham M-irka and Asher Marks, suit to foreclose mechanics lei n. H. C. White vs J. H. Ray, action to re xvr mon ey. Marks and Wollenberg vs Wm. Unveil et al, con firmation. , K. Trace y vs Thos. Applegate et al. confirma tion. W. 8. Humphrey vs Al Lanrenberg, conflrmvinn, I R Dawson vs J M DMlai to recover money. I R Dawson vs John and J M Dillard, to recover money. T A Davis et al vs H C White et al, confirmation. A FetfMffbfe Mriltml TrraNxe. s The edition for 1887 ol the sterling Med ical Annual, known as Hostetter.s Almanac, is now readyand may be obtained, free of cost, ot druggists and general conniry dealer in all parts of the United States, Mexico, and indeed in every civilized portion of the West ern Hemisphere. This Almanac has been issued regularly at the commencement of every year for over one. fifth of a century. It com bines, with the soundest practical advice for the preservation and restoration of health, a large amount of interesting and amusing' light reading, and the calendar, astronomical calcu lations, cnronoiogicai items, sc., are pre pared with great care, and will be found en tirely accurate. The issue of HbstWter Al manac for 1887 will probably be the largest edition of a medical work ever pub lished m anv country. .The , Dronnetors. Messrs. Host-tier & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., nj receipt r a two cent stamp, will torwara a copy by mail to any person who cannot pro cure one in his neighborhood. Cure for Pllnm. Filea are frequently prece.iedby a sen as of weight iu the back, loins aud lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to sup pose he has affection of the kidneys or neigh boring organs. At times, symptoms of in dices tion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture, like pers piration, producing a very disagreeable itch ing, after getting warm, is a common attend, ant. Blind, Blending and Itching Piles yield at once to the application of Dr. Boaanco'a Pil remedy, which acts directly upon the parts effected, absorbine the to mora, allaying; the intense itching, and ef fecting a permanent cure. Price 50 cents. Address, The Dr. Bosanoo Medicine Co., Piqna, 0. Sold by Dr. S. Hamilton. Thfi itniy I'rrfrrt Rrmedy. For habitual constipation, dyspepsia, and kindred ills, is the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs. It strengthens as well as cleanses the system, it is easily taken, ariJ perfectly harmless. For sale by V. 8. Hamilton. Hyrup of Fig. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrnp Co. San Kranciaco Cal . is Nature Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of Lr 8. Hamilton at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the moKt pleasant, prompt and effective remody known, to cleanse toe system; to act on the Liver, Kidney and Bowels gen tly bat thoroughly; to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation Indignation and kindred il'a. An BUyttni Subatitttte for oils, salts, pills, and all kinds of bitters nauseous medicines is the very agreeable fruit remedy. Syrup of Figs. Kecommeded by leading physicians. Manufactured ohly by the California Fig Syrup Co., San Fran cises, CaL For sale by S. Hamilton, Rose burg. vta 1 Ce.rjaaa. SaBMLwhl was, fail lafiaiafa sasat wsrft wl taey aasa.aa4 Mvaalsiaii.anlwUI isms west IS sar aav. mm sniaaae. Klllm n ssssssrele. lanamHiw. rHaswaaiai aaraef SBagUsUs hrfaiM, Ail ti new. GILD Mr. D. I. Wilcoasou, "f Hf Cav-'. Ky., ay a he was,' for j-e.ri, k id I'y-afflicted with Phtllieiu. ait Ittaccrrs: ftn tntiiiw Here aimost uneudur ! aud w-mlil intiiiua i almost throw fmr. into t-iiivuiaitia. He tried Klecrric - Umela mid- yr-relief -frorii tint bottle and f"-r akiu six i.Ditli-, vs , entirely crl, aud Inv gatm-il in. fleati t eighteen pounds. a he -'itively leiiee he wootd liave died, hl it'iii't I -en fr the j relief Affordtxt liy Klw;trictiirem. !old at! fifty cents a, bottle y MarstV pt A Co. Don't " Ejrprrtm'-Ht. J You c-aiiuot stf.-nl to .it- lin:r in eXj-en- J ruoutiug when your lutis re' iu danger, j Consumption al way seems at tirxt. only a ' cold. Do not permit any de.ilt-r to impose j upon yon with some ohei iinittttinu of lr. Kind's New Discbvrrv fur Consumption, j Coughs aud Colds, but be sure you get the genuine. Rt-eauye hec-io luakv inum pntit he may tell yu he baa miiiHthiiig jititt a good, or juar the same. Don't deceived, bat insist nni getting Dr. Kiug'aKew Dis X:ovry, which is guarantewl to give'relief it -11 Throat, Lun and Cheat atfeotn-ns. Trial tattled free at Marster'a Oo's. drag store. Cirf far Hiwrfortr. ! For proof that Dr. Cttn's Improved Liver I Pills cures Sick lleadclie, ask your ,lruggist j for a free trial package. t.mly one for a dose. I Kegular sir lxxes 25 cents, hold by V. is. I Hamilton. Mnrtlin Hut True. Wills Point, Texas, December 1, 1S85. After suffering for more than three years with disease of the throat and lungs, I got so low last spring 1 was entirely unable to do anything, aud my cough was so Uid I scarcely slept any at night. My Druggist, Mr. H. F. Goodnight, enl ine a trial bottle of DR. BOSANKO'S COUGH AND LUNG SYR UP. I found relief, and after using six $1.00 bottles. I was . entirely., cured. .J.M. V EL DEN'. "Sample bottle 5 cents at NV. S. Hamiltons. 0; regon Licinc R anroad oute nly 'opular er X icturesque anges Fast time! Kut conneetiona! Near equipment!) 225 miles shorter; .0 hHir ls time; accouiiuoila tions unsurpassed f r umifort and safety. Fare and Freight MUCH LESS than bv any other route between twinti in Willamette Vallei and San Franciso Only Route via YAVlMSA BaT to SAN FRANCISCO. Dally passenger trains except Sundays. Leave CorvalUs st 2 I. M. L'r. Yaquiuaat 7.10 A. M. Oregon & California West Side train connect at Corvallis. The Oregon Development Company's fine A 1 Steamship "Yaquiaa Oit)"saia. From Taquina From San Francisco 8undav, Dec. Fridar, Jan. Sundav, " Mondav, " 26, I Tuesday Dec. 21, 7, I Sunday, Jaa. 2, 1, I Fridav, " , 14. M, Wednesday, ' 2. The Company reserves the right to change sailing days. Fares, beta two Corvailisand San Fnnvisco, Fares Rail ft Cabin 14, Rail ft steerage W.8S ; For further information apply to v C. 0. Mogue A. 0. F. ft P. Agt., Corvallis. Suiunions. In the Circuit Court of the Sute of Oregon for tne ur,iniy 01 uougiaa. Amanda C.Vail, lharle Wm. Vail andFannie Dna Plaintiffs. vs J. A. Dal Ion Defendant. Action at law to renovar dmimt. To J. A. Dallon defendant in the name of the state ot uregoa, you are hereby required to appear and answer complaint filed against yo in the above en titled action, by the above named plaintiffs, Amanda C. Vail, Charles Wm. Vail and Fannie Dear, on or Defers the first day of the next term of said Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the county bf laoug laa, to-wit; the 4th day of January A. D. 1S87. And if yon faif to appear and answer said complaint, the paiuUffa will take judgement against you for want ot aa answer, and will apply to the court for the reu oeinanaea in sua complaint to-wlt: to revive the judgement of Charles Vail agamst yea in thefr name for the sum of one hundred and arty-four dollars and thirty-six cents with accrumr Interest and costs and disbursements and tor leave to issue execution thereon.. Thai summons ispuhHahed by order of Hon. R. 8. Bean, Jadge of said CtrcaM Court, dated November 18th, 1886. C. Bau,. Attorney fur the plaintifU. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS tli. fr publication Land offii-e a Koaeburr 6r. 'o-. SO, land. NOTICE is HKKkBY GIVEN THAT THK T)l. lowing uamt.'d settler has filed uotice of h intention to hjika di-iftnilitatiou Itm4 in son port or hi clainyand that said proof will he matt beftfta the Keiriiiter or Keceiver of V. 8. Land omoe at Koeehura. vr. , on IHMirthir Jan: 8th. lsT, w ; Prraa Bvsca, HoniHotil Entry K 40t tor the t! of K C and S W i of a K 1 Xec 88 Ti. tt B7 West. W M. H- names the following' witnesses to piot, his continuous reaidsAre aiB, and-esutHratioa o t, ssul Und. vis: Millard F. Callahan, Wm. Callaftan. David Beasley,' Ed wars) Caldwell clrveisnd D oinfles county Oregon. Chas. W. Jouasroa, Rests ter. Notice For Publication l,u d (Hce at Unaeourg Or. Nov. U, IHM, V'lri'F. 1 HKKEBY GIVEN' THAT THK FiL Xt lowing named settler has filed notiet olUi In tention to make filial proof in support of bin claim and that said proaf will be made before the Beffaitw or Keceiver oi the U. S, Land Office at Koeburi or.. on Monday Jan. sd, tHWr, vts: -" UK KUK W. ALDERtM)N homestead entry No. 371 for the lots i .and S and 8 W of K. K. t section WTMfif Wee W. M He names the following witneiues tu vr eve his coutitMteus restdMice upon, end cultivation' of said land, via: Daniel G. McBeth, D. V. t'hurvliill ie. Johnson, Leonard Batoman, all nf Cleveland, lnif laa county Hr. KUAH. W. Johxstom, HeijiMor .OTH E OF COXTKSI. i U. S. Laud Omce. Kosebuir. Or. bee. 22. t UMFI.AINT having- beea made and filed in this othVe oy Jacob W. Joues, euote4aat suamst Wm. K. Fiukatou for abandonment of hi Homestead en try No. 3871 maue Jut 10. tsst for the N. W. i ml i S. W. J and Lota 15, 16, 17, and U of fec ii. and iaks liana 11 01 sec. -zo, lp. so, o. K. o W. in lVMurlas county, Vr., with a viewto the tenctUatioa of the said Hoineatead Entrj. The said William R. Ptukston i- hereby sumaioned to be and ajfear be fore the Register and Kecei ver of the ir. 8. Land otnue at their oiBce in Uoseburs; Oregowon (he iSth ca ii( January 18S7 at 10 o'clock a. aa., then and there to respond and furnish testimonv eouccruiuf the alleged abandonment, and you are further noti fied tliat hsniHr and trial' wf said -eonteat will be had by aud UJre tb Keistor-.aad- Maeeiver at ibeir Mtid otficc on the 4th day of February 1887 at 10 o'clock a. m upon the evidences taken ' ana sub mittetl. Published by order of Xegister and Ra ceKer. Cuas. W. Johxston, ttegiKter. A. C. Joaas, Keceiver. MIN NS APPLICATION NO. 47. V. S. Land Ofllce, koseburg. Or., Doc. 21, 1886. Notice is hereby i;iven that edson J.1 Adams ana Harvey eV. Brown, Trustee, both of I'aklanU. Alameda county, Cal. through their at tonixy in fat Will Brown, whose P. O. address ir Kiddle, Douglas aouitty, Or., have this day filed their application for a t atent for the Noumeile f lacer Nickel ft Chrome mining claim, embracing the S. E. J, Sec. 17, '1. 80, 8. R. 6 West, W. M. containing one hundrtd eno sixty acres, situate ia ExceUior Mining District, Douglas county. Or. and designated by the field untes and official plat on file in this office, as Lot No. 37.. The location ot this mine is recorded in the County Clerk's office, at Kdeeburg, Douglas Co.. Or., in Book 2, page 759, Mining Records of said Douglas Co. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said Nou meite Placer Niokel ft Chromo mining claim above described, are' required to file their adverse claims with the Register of the U. J. Land Office, at Rose burg, Or., duringtLe sixty days period nf publica tion hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute Chas. W. Johkstoh, Kegiater. MIXING APPLICATION NO. 48. tT. 8. Land Office Roeeburg, December, 21, 1S8C. . . ..n ii .a .aKnnnv ......... -, vmn ia unui THAT JcDoON Adams and Harvsv 8. Brown. Tmitu - kou. of Oakland, Alameda count v. Cal.. thmnirh tluir aUomey in fact Will Q. Brown whose P. O. address is Riddle, Douglas county, Or., have this day filed their application for a patent, for the Oakland Placer Nickel ft Chrome mining claim, embracing the 8. W.4. Sec. 17, Tp. JO, 8. R. 6 West, W. M." coo taining one hundred and sixty acres, situate in Ex celsior Mining District, Douglas Co., Or., and desig nated by the held notes and official plat on file la this office, as Lot No. 38. The location of this mine la recorded in the County Clerk's office at Roseburg, Douglas Co.. Or. in Book J, page 760, Mining Record of said Douglas Co. Any and all persons claiming adversely any portion of said Oakland Placer Nickel ft Chrome Mining claim sNive daecribed are re quired to file tneir adverse claims with the Register of ths V. 8. Land Office, at Roseburg, Or., during the sixty dys period of publication hereof, or they will he barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. . Caaa. W, JoaasToa, ' Register. Booklen Arnica Salve The Birr Salve in the world for Cut, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sorea. Tetter. PhuntKwl Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptipns, and positively cures Piles. or "no pay. required. It ia guarantee!. to give perfect satisfaction, or maner refunded' Price 25 eta box. Fwr saiebr Makstk&s & Co