ROSEBURG . REVIEW FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1886. MODOC REMIXISEXCES. Tlie Lara Beds, Etc. ,The Mpdoc war of 1872-3 is an in teresting part of oar national history. Notwithstanding the fact that the whites numbered twenty or thirty to each Indian, the killed were nearly all on the side of the whites. The reason of ttm was the very great advantage the Indians had in their extraordinary position, and their intimate knowledge of the fighting grounds which, it will he remembered, was in the "Lava beds" in Modoc county. To explore this region which has its peculiar attrac tions we secured the services of the original Modoc warrior, Wahwah-l'ye ax, as guide. This Indian is son of Chief Sconchion, who was hung, mid dle aged, (Indians don't know their ages,) an intelligent, shrewd fellow, and speaks fair English. Now the Northern shore of Tula Lake is the di viding lino between Oregon and Cal ifornia. This lake is nearly a square, and has an area of about - 400 square miles. The "Lava beds" lie immedi ately on the Southern shore, and in the distance have the appearance of low, rolling hills. There being no practical road to the scene. We crossed the lake from the North by boat, landing first at Gen. Gillams camp. This place is yet in the wilds, there being no inhabitants near. The grounds seemed to be just as they were left after the war. The breast-works and rifle-pits were made almost entire ly of rock. For miles almost every movable rock has been used as a means of defense. At first our guide seemed K ery much indisposed; but confidential argument reached his "Tum-tum" and had the desired effect. It was extreme ly interesting to hear this intellectual "Siwash" relate incidents of the war. lie took us first to the grave yard, which is inclosed by a rock fence, and tells in numbers for itself. The re mains have mostly been removed to Fort Klamath.- The signal station h lufty rock stand high on the side of moui'ain, jrst bick of the o d camp "round, and can be seen from all over o . . ... . the fighting grounds. Anoutone inin further on near the lake shore, and to ward the ".stronghold," is Gen. Canby's monument, which stands about ten feet high, based with a pyramid of rock, and the .inscription "Gen. Canby killed by the Modocs April 11, 1873." This is the place where it was agreed that a few whites and Indians should meet to council and make terms of peace. ,The conference was in session when, a3 a signal, Cajt. Jack fired killing Canby. The others then drew their hidden weapons. Dr. Thomas was killed. Meacham was stunned and half scalped, when Toby Mea cham's handsome "Pocahontas the second" exclaimed "Bostons coming." The Indians klatawasd. Agent Dyar's long legs suddenly became useful and took him to camp. Meacham recovered. We found this same Toby living on the Northern shore of the lake. About two miles farther on is the "Strong hold" proper. It is wonderful what nature has done here. Human intel lect could hardly devise a better moans nf nrntprdirm. Thouffh not of much elevation, thes "Lava beds" are very rough, having cliffs, capes, holes and cracks of all immaginable shapes and sizes. The Indians had every ad vantage. The whites were baffled on every attempt to approach. Our guide explained to our intense amusement how the Indians maneuvered, mey never fired twice iu succession from the same place. They would make sure aim, fire, and immediately, while the soldiers were firing at the smoke of the Indians gun, would run through the rock crevices and fire from another point It shooting from be hind bunches of sago, they would fire then roll quickly out of line, while the bullets would pepper tne gr where he was lying. They would put a hat on a stick and hold it above the recks for the soldiers to empty their guns at. At one time they pitched tents on open ground during the night, then lay in ambush and waylayed the whites who undertook to approacn, The Indians were always scattered one or two in a place. If one got into a close place others would attract the attention of the whites from some other nuarte'r while he escaped We were in the caves where the Indians lived, and of course hunted for Capt. Jack's hidden treasures, viz., a hat full of gold and between one and two hundred guns. Jack's cave is a large, commo dious room, with entrance from the top. There is a small, rough, dark entrance into one side, but we didn't venture in. Our Modos friend tells us that they had plenty of beef, as one would judge from the great amount of bonc3 scattered about, and that they enjoyed themselves finely, having war dances every night; some of their war songs he sung and interpreted for us. We went with him to his father's quarters; here he seemed solemn, the only time he exhibited other than a joyous feeling. In order to see all, we were compelled to remain over night, during which, as a substitute for sleep, we pulled sagebrush to keep from freez ing. We took some views, gathered some relics and at dark launched our boat and pulled for the other shore. The Modoc tribe, claimed and lived in the Tnle lake and Lost river count try. They were transfered against their will to the Klamath reserve. They asked for and got permissioa to sro to Lost river fishing. They refused to return when the militia was sent after them. They answered the order to return by firing at the commanding officer, Then swam the river, killed all the whites they met Body and son amongst others, whom they tied behind their wood wagon, turned the horses loose, and the dead bodies were dragged home. Thev reached' the "Lava beds" in safety. There were forty Modocs, boys and all, able to carry arms, but twenty of whom were warriors. W rights company was all killed but two or four. Altogether the killed numbered about 200 whites, and but three Indians, Two Indian boys were killed by, trying to extract the powder from an unexploded bomb. The Indians were routed by bombs and captured by a company of Warm Spring Indians. Chief.. Sconchion, Capt Jack, Boston Charlie and Black Jim were hung at Fort Klamath, their graves and the scaffold from which they were hung can be seen at that place. About eighty Modocs are now in Indian Ty. A, few who did engage in the war are living quietly here. Chief Schonchion, brother of the one who was hung, is still living. The Indians think his age about 120 "snows" or years old. Democrat O. 0. M. Klamatii Agency. WAsmsGTOir letter Vashingtox D. C. Nov. 29th 1886. This is one of the busiest weeks of the year in Washington. Congress will be here in one week, and every body must be ready for it from the President to the boarding-house keeper. The President's message is receiving its last course of condensation and revision. Cabinet officers are performing similar work on their annual reports, and their Assistants of the First, Second, Third and Fourth degrees, with sever al hundred Bureau Chiefs, Comptroll ers, Auditors and officers too numerous to mention, are arranging their figures and plodding over long tables of statis tics. . The streets of the city are again alive with a busy, bustling throng and up at the long deserted Capitol, Chair man Randall, with a quorum of his. committee, has for a week been press ing work on Appropriation bills. He reports fine progress, and says Congress will not have to wait oa him for money bills. During the week he has had in sonsultation, the heads of different Bureaus and government establish ments, with regard to the needs of their respective departments for the next year. Among these were Prof. Baird of the National Museum, Smithsonian and Fish Commission; Supeiintendent Throne of the Coast Survey; Dr. God ding of the Government Insane Asy lum, Col. Wilson of PuMiu buildings and grounds and others. The i.njiiovtd conditio!i of tin; gov- Crniiic nt .sen ice iindur tlennx-ratic a 1 ministration lias been mentioned re peatedly, but new instances of reform aro continually making themselves felt which deserve especial notice. The President probably nevei made a hap pier stroke of public policy than when he called Mr. Benedict here to the Public Printer. In the period of three months the notoriously demoralized government printing office has been put in such order that about one third more work is now being done with the same amount of money, and the press room which three months ago had 400 forms waiting for the press is now clear, having "caught up." It is too bad the president cannot be left in peace and quiet with his mod est little country home. As soon as the real estate dealers of ' Washington knew of his intention to buy this place they secured as much ground in the vicinity as possible and ever since they have been using the president's name in the most liberal manner in connec tion with all sorts of schemes they have organized for improvements at the pub lic expense Of course the president has been in no way concerned in these maneuvers, but rumors to that effect cannot but be annoying to him. Almost every day the President or Col. Lamont'is forced to sav there is not a word of truth in somo report about the president. The Colonel's latest denial, which is very emphatic, is in regard to an investigation which it is alleged the President is conducting by means of a private detective to find out if any of the District Commis sioners arc interested in real estate along the line of the proposed exten Bion of Massachusetts Avenue. The Secretary adds that the President had his hands full of his own legitimate duties and did not care to interfere with outside matters. Some of the statements telegraphed from this city in connection with the police scandal alleging demoralization and rottenness in District affairs and universal dissatisfaction with the com- missionership form of Government, are quite untrue. The people of the Dis trict feel that the present Commis sioners are honest and reliable, and that any errors they may commit are purely those of judgement The tax paying people especially know when they are well off, and they have no de sire to exchange the present govern ment rule and government backing in District expenses for the boon of suf frage. Speaking of the Police Scandal, cer tain members of Congress have ex pressed their opinion that Congress will not ask to have the matter inves tigated. "We can take no notice of it officially," said Representative Sowden, "for no Congressman has been individ ually aspersed or injured, and whoever demanded an investigation would be considered as putting himself on the defensive and confessing his guilt" But now since so many police officers have been punished and dismissed it is said they will appeal for redress to the President, and in case he declines to give the subject attention, they will ask Cong res 3 to help them. Congress would not give any more publicity to the subject but would dive into it secretly through the Appropri ations Committee when the question of appropriating money for the District would come up. The Congressmen who were to have been subjected to police espionage would not then be publicly avrayed, and yet the investi gation could be as thorough as necessa- j rv. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. H. C. Stanton DEALER IN STAPH DM GOODS! OF THE BEST QUALITY. GENERAL FURNISHING, HOSIERY, TRIMMING ic. Boots & Shoes OFjTHE BEST QUALITY, a full of GROCERIES ! Wood And Willow WARE. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, ELECTRIC LAMPS, SCHOOL BOOKS, AND STATIONARY. Subscription AGENCY. Subscription received for all Eastern and European Publication! THE OLD RELIABLE Est-sblishd in 1867. Jacob Zlu Q'SA'f T. I.. Gax'xox, (.'. A. Hlacksian CARRIAGE, WAGON, AND BLACKSMITH SH0PI; J Alamn 8 Old Stand. Jackson Street. MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES, HACKS, BUGGIES! All KiutU of Repairing Done, Terras ar Reasonable. Gannon & Blackmas. M. JOSEPHSON . IIW YOBS CASH.. Keeps a full line of Dress Goods of every variety and Shade. A full lino of Silks. A full line of Satins, Brocades and Velvets. A full line of Fancy Dress Goods. A full line of Hosiery. A full line of Clothing. CD A f-.ill line of Furnishing Goods. A full line of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes: A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and Tobaccos A full line of Crockery and Glassware. - An d last, but not least, a full line kinds of Indies Hat Trimmings and -COIVCXI A.JSI X SBB JXK.U m .tosephson. All Kinds Of Fancy Groceries, Stationary Photograph and . Perfumery, Autograph albums'! Crockery and Stand, Hand, and Queens Ware, Hanging Lamps", TABLE CUTLERY AND SILVER WARE, and TEN THOUSAND OTHER THINGS TO NUMEROUS TO MENTION Call And See Me At The Post Office Stand. : BUTTER AND EGGS BOUGHT. W- IXT'IHoore GEO.M. PRIOR Camas Valley. Win. FERGUSON, Camas Valley, MOAttllB. 3SBB.StS WsaHJl.i3 LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CONSTANTLY ON HAND and furnished on short Notice and at the LOWEST GOING PRICES. RUSTIC AND FLOORING A SPECIALTY. Emm mm mmm. Mmm ramsMo Furnished in any Dimensions, to Order Address, PRIOR & FERGUSON, Camaa Valley, Douglas County. Or to, F. P. McDEVITT, Roseburg.. SHERIDAN Roseburg, -o O They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the largest stocks of - General hardware, etc. Ever Brought to Douglas, and, when added to their Stoves of all Patterns and Ready-made Tinwar They are prepared to declare they have tie beat supply in their line of.aoy house in Southern Oregon, which they propose selling Cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere In the shape of BUILDING MATERIALS, in the way ol Locks, Botts, etc., we can offer superior inducements to purchasers. Try ns. j We can give you bargains in the following brands of STOVES not equaled elsewhere: BUCK'S BONANZA, FARMER'S UTILITY, DEXTER, PACIFIC, i WIDE WEST, CLARENDON, OCCIDENT, IRON KING, EMPIBE CJTT And other Sioves and Ranges. The best of workmen are constantly employed in the manufacture of our TINWAR and buyers should learn our prices. We have also bargains to offer in GUNS, snch as Winchester, Sharp and other Rifloe, as well as Shotguns and Pistols. We are also Agents for the White, Peerless and New Home SEWINU MACHINES, which we sell at the lowest rates and warrant as complete in every respect ' We can also supply Averill and BuVber Paints. The best n the market, at lowest rates. Give ns a call, inspect our stock; inquire as to ' rices, and we promise to suit yon if any one can. MISCELLANEOUS : UBNJl URE PALAGF, UNCLE JOHN GILDERSLEEVE Has the finest stock of furniture south of Portland which be sells aa cheap as it can be bought in he State. The new tangled DO UBLE BED LOUNGE. AND " PATENT CORNICES. Also has on band a full assortment of beds and bed ding, chain, tables, BUREAUS AND COMMODES, And ail kinds of Cliildrens Chairs, etc. J. GILDERSLEEVE. The Leading DRUG HOUSE W. S. Hamilton. Sucoejsur to S. Hamilton. . Roseburg - - - Oregon. N. P. BUNNELL, FOUNDRY, Machine Shop, ' Wagon Shop, Blacksmith Shop. CAN MAKE CASTINGS FROM ONE ounne to three tons weight. Small Cu pola for small castings. Money refunded if work is not satisfactory. Portland prices ! Save telegrams and expressage. LANGENBEEG'S Scot and) Shoe, Store, Jackson Strcet.Oppositc Post Office, EoseTmrg, Oregon. KEEPS OX HAND THE LARGEST AND BEST assortment of K;lsl am ami 4mi Fnimwn ii4 other makes of BOUTS, HUOKS, GAITERS, 8LIP PKUS ami everything in the 13. ml an J Shoe line, and SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Ikxta and Shoes Made to Order, and Perfect Fit G uarautecd. I use the Best of Leather aDd Warrant all my work. Repairing Neatly Done, on Short Notice, Also a full stock of TOYS, NOTIONS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and VIOLIN STRINGS. LOUIS LANOENBEUCt. O W CD CO 0 of Ostrich Plumes and Tips, with all Hat Shapes of latest pattern. F. P. McDEVITT, Roseburs;. BROTHERS, regoii, o Samuel Marks, S. MARKS &; Co. -DEALERS IN- HillM, I HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND GwHiiii, Day goods, Gmsm Crockery, Glassware, Provisions, Cigars, Boots and Shoes. Wool and Produce of every Descrip tion Bought AND THE VERY HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR THEM. S. MAKKN & CO JKosolmrtr, Or. v -FrmMsm9s Mime Makes The Very Best Lumber. ROUGH per M .$9.00 RUSTIC per M ; f 17.00 FLOORING per M $17.00. Camebox A Co. Managers. Situated 15 miles from Rosobnrg on North Umpqua. Qootl roads in Summer. ackam nailed to pa- MiUalarsraDrooartit J r Tan Thnu ill Trim! 4. of whom took a f nl 1 lM.ti a - s PRO SEtilXAL ranoraa toneaitn or 4ARRI1 dlaAwdUeii..Taatei (orEigEt Yean In they I Work, or too fna Indolaaaoa, wa Ovar-Brais. foor nam with statement of roar trouble, tod asoora XSIAL PACKAGE FREE, with IUoet'd PanpUeCta - BUPTURED PERSONS an nav FREI thataan Bail n. ITCH ment and wars But before you do that come 'round to W. G. WOODWARD'S Ul A iu l IT I ft MIL -AND- ' Buy a New Set of Harness OR A SADDLE One of the Biggest and Bent Stock of Goods ever Brought to Town. 1 use nothing but tho best leather, and have got EVERYTHING IN THIS LINE. DON'T FAIL TO CALL ON ME W. G. Woodward Roseburg. jzjk rtvi SUCCESSOR TO Ateaham, Wheeler Ik Cf, -DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ' - , - Eoseburc;. Oregon. Has on hand .constantly a large and complete assortment of General Merchandise and will be pleased to see his old friends aud patrons, as well as new ones, who in co nsideration ofthe scarcity of money and tlie present depression in business, will study their own interests by calling on lrin and examining Before purchasing elsewhere. I do not claim to sell goods at cost, or less than cost, but will assure all who patronize mc ttat thoy will get .their goods At The Lowest Living Profit. Produce Of All Kinds Taken At Market Price. Sol. Abraham. Drain & o,f Drain. Douglas Co,, Oregon, GENERAL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. Teas- Hardware, o- -O- &ATS, CAPS, BOOTS ANJD SHOES. ers will find our stock complete, comprising many articles it is im posjible here to enumerate. Would respectfully invite an examination of stock believing a'l can be satisfied that it is for their interest to make purchases here as we buy and sell for cash only. M'ARLIN tar lam or made. Perfect Meaner guaranteed all alnlL all WPfffMa. PrWa rariiuvii. f 'B' i T T OMerr, gportioc and t till .la r- II II bnt ihUii. fcnnin ? " - I.,. i mi" nmi- ijpi.ii in UMiu-"--"-.' "' -jumwimh rSjorTiffir . MARLIJ FIRE JLRIS CO., IEI HAYEH, COD. Asiier Marks si tt.aJ Avoid Cta tmponlioa oi nratentioua reme- JUkn. Um traooiea, and all Qnaoka. wuuas vuy mq g w oiaro tueirTlov xate a bu Hit KuiBt that HAS 1 " , " .i a mm I IIK I m a - -- or lntimi .aulenoi in any wtr. founded a wnenttfle medical prinetpfai. By direct Citation lo the aaat ofdlaiaw iu (pacific of the hjmiaa otraMni reetored. The '"f fimmm ofUM an (iron beck, tb patient TBEATMEKT. to Itott, 93. TnltBLlS. tint, W HARRIS REMEDY CO., Un Chemists, Trial of ou Appllanooi A)k for Term! UP! U! mi rrti Crockery, mull ram made In S calibre, 40 gralni powder ; 38 eaL 1 TBWuT7N 1" "S?! 65eTln!lflr! snrT!nm!a&caL70nd 86 mini. The atronrr ahoottng rtfla and tba only absolutely fe Tito made. All atylea, Target Rlflea, world reBowneThettandard for hndiiu MllerlM. All calibres from to . PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS C. W. KNOWLES, ST. CHARLES HOTEL, (EUROPEAN PLAN.) C. W KNOWLES, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY BESPECT. Good Restaurant Connected With The House Fire proof Brick Building 180 Room. In the Center of the City COR. FRONT AND MORR180N STS., POHTLAKD rpHE ST. CIIAELES RESTAURANT. Charles Heilmax, Proirielor. Tho very best in the Market is set before you. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Cor. Third and E Streets. Portland, Oregon. REDUCED BATES, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME " THIS LARGE AND WELL-APPOINTED HOUSE offers auixrior accomodations at popular prices. MeaU S5c, Rooms 25c and 50c. Only three blocks Irora all Depots and Steamer tendings. Free Buss to and from the Hotel No Qkinese servants. No overcharges or deviation rom regular rates of tl.00 per bay. MarfMt E. LEWISTON. PropV. Established 1832. J A. ROBERTS, Corner First and Alder Street Portland, Or. THE LEADING QLQTOtERa HOTTER AND MmisQ&AmT TAILOR OF OREGON. lTTHE PLACE TO BUY.J J B CONGLE ' Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer I SADDLES, HARNESS, tiLEATHER AND SADDLERT UaEDWARK 103 aud 110 Fruut Street PORTLAND OREGON Malanssene and Clements New Furniture Store IN FLOED'S OLD STORE. A full line of first class Furniture. Anything; repaired or made to order. CALL IXSTANTER. DR. JORDAN'S Museum of Ana tomv. 751 Market Street SAN FRANCISCO. O AND LEARN HOW TO AVOID disease, and how wonderfully ott are made. Private Office, 211 Gear? Street Consultation on lost manhood aud all ditcatcs men. Send for Books. Great Overland Route I THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD ONLY LINE RUNNING - Pullman Ealace Sleeping Oars, Magnificent Day Coaches, and Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Oars, -WITH BERTHS FREE OF COST FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON TO THE EAST Via St. Paul and Sliniicapolis- 0NLY TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE RONNINC PALACE DINING CARS. (Meals, 75 Cents.) FASTEST TIME EVER MADE FROM THE COAST OYER THE CT NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD To Sioux City, Council Bluffs, St Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Burlington, Quincy, 27 ( Stlouis, S Chicago -AND ALL POINTS- EAsrn and rfOUTHELsm AS1 AND OOUTHEASj Via St. Paul and Miuncapolis. -SLEEPING CAJZSjBf- j Arc hauled on regular Ex ' press Trains over the Entire Length of THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD- Leave Portland at 3:00 P. M., daily; ar rive at Minneapolis or St Paul 12:30 p. M., third day. Connection made at SL Paul and Minneapolis to all points East, South ana Southeast PACIFIC DIVISION. Train leaves Portland daily at 11:45 a. M., arriving at JNew Tacoma 6:30 p. m., connecting with O. K. fe N. Co. s boats for all points on Puget Sound. A. D. -Chaeltok, General Western Passenger Agent, ISO. 2 Washington St., 4 Portland, Oregon, T II. O'M ALLEY, J. Propiit-tor of ilie ROSEBUKO , JIAIIKLE WORKS. Auil Dealfr iu T1)MESTONKS, TAIXK1S, ElO. Shop Rwr ff Hocau's Sti u. McGregor's old TtarJ, Jackson Street : Hseburg. W. II. Kohrcr, & Cos HICHEST MARKET PRICE PAI3 FOR HIDES. THIS MARKET is always supplied with the choicest quality of Of all kinds, including beef, pork veal and mutton; also, corn beef, sausage, lard, . etc. The most favorable inducements offered to patrons, and no effort will be Ijiarecf toward giving satisfaction. BLACKSMITH HHP WHEELWRIGHT B0 WEN BROS. Having dissolved the copartnership exist ing between Bunnell & Bowcn Bros, and are now prepared to do all work in the line in a WORKMANLIKE MAKNEP., AND AT REASONABLE RATES O. CtJ IE.. XiX'lSLJS. . A Kull Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Glassware. Crockery Queensware, to. Goods Delivered anywhere in the City limits, Free of Charge. BARKER &WJLL!!S, DEALERS IN GBOOEBIES, PROVISIOIS'H, NOTIONS, CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. ETC. A SPECIALTY. Produce bought and the highest cash price paid. ROSEBURG OREGON. New Stage Line. ROSEBURG TO CAMAS VALLEY Leaves Rosubnrg, Moiidnys, Wednes diys, Fridays, and returns Tuesdays, llmrsdaya, and SatuVilajs. Time of 1 -aving both terminal poiuts 6 o'clock A m. and ariives at ench point at 6 o clock P. M. Rout, T. McCullocu, Proi. EUKOI'EAS PLAN. jgSMOXl HOTEL, ' First Class In Every Particular, Corse Frost aku JIukrioos St ' PORTLAND, OUEGOI? Tuomas Gi inbas, Frotrittir. IKS H 11 Kb A RISKY Strbet Sis Frascisoo Cal. Ncrroua Dobilitv. Seminal Weoknea. ICxhantiail Vitality, Saermntorrhaja, LOST MANHOOD, Imno tcticy. Paralysis, ProsUtotrhooa, and all tho terrible cffccU of ScU-abuse, and excess in maturer rears, snch aa Loss of Memory, Lassitude; Koctnrnal Emis sions, aversion to society, dimness of vision. Noises in the bead, the vital fluid iiassiwr unobserved ia the urine, and many other diseases that lead to In sanity aud death. OUSG MEN , Sufferinjr from any of the above svmntoms. should commit us at once. The drain can be stopped, vital ity restored, and life mar be again'pleasant Instead of a burden. There may be MIDDLE-AGED MEN who are troubled with too frequent evacuaiion of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation, and a weakening ofthe system in a manner they cannot account for, Ropy sedi ment in the urine cb. Many d ie of this difficulty ignorant of thecajta6. which is the second stage of seminal weakness Cl'RM Gl'ARAKTKRD TS ALL Sl'OH CASKS. Cosscxtatios Frkb. Thorough examination and advice, Lncludinit chemical analysis and micro scopic examination of the urine, 6. An honest opinion given in every case. The followins Medici ne supplied at the prires named: Bill ASIIjY UUOFtB, VITAL KESTOK.A.TIVE, t3 a bottle, or four tmes the quantity, 910. . OAJarLE BUTTLE r KEK. Sent to any one annlvinar bv letter, statins svmn- toms, sex and age. Strict secrecy iu regard to all ousiness transactions. The Celebrated Kidxit Hum. NErnRlTlCUM- for all kinds of kidney and bladder complaints, gon orrhoea, gleet, leucorrhcea. etc For sale bv all drus- gists; tl a bottle, cr 6 bottles for 95.00. The English DANDELION, LIVER AND DYS PEPSIA PILL is the best in the market. For sals by all druggists; price 50 cta. a b-jttle. Address ENGLISH MEDICAL DISPENSARY, SO. 11 KlAftXIY Strkkt, Sas Feascibco, Ct DO, LIEBIS'S WONDERFUL Sf German Invigorator Men who are suffering . Disease and H'MknM, Im on by early itnprudedce or debility, premature decay, lost manhood, etc., hav cure immediately DU. LIEBIG'S 1NV1GORATOR THE DOCTOR will agree to forfeit 1,000 . or MM nnirtalffll Wtnt mtTtA TKa mMnm aUe many cftiinot get cured of weftknesi mnd tbbrT TOHKHEA with Hypenratbeis. wbicb requires seeeul treatment. TiR I.TRRin'S TW'ir.APiTAn J-. - - vw. ungcr u wMce and tpeciai treUnent,li tb oniy tfositirecur DR. LIEB1G A CO. for the past nineteen years have made anexdiijilrA mvwinlt nf v ....... - - t -j m. . ..nwl, u diseases of men. c U pimples appear on the face. If you become list less and despondent, look out for the complication with Kemin&l Wakn.M mnA tm i v:..i:. i asProetatorrhea. Hundreds of lives have been lost iu unnimui hjsi ineir property and pleasure in life from iu effects, Varicocele; or wormy veins of the scrotum, often the unsuspected cause of Lost Manhood. Thil it w of. A 1 1 u i irntniD ' - - -wuutu o j ii . IE orator, j,o. 2, is the only known remed yfor th Wi Z JVM if HEALTH iy rp " ' "nu r,rec aim permanen cure will be guaranteed in all case undertaken una der our special advice and treatment. Most powerful electric belts free to our patients prore the wonderful power of the 1NYIGORA TOR, A $2 BOTTLE GIVEN FREE. M Call or address, . - - . . . Dr- tieale & Co' Private Dlspcnaar OOlGeary St. Sao Fnacijco Cat,