ROSEBURG REVIEW IS ISSLKD FRIDAY MORNINGS C BY - THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. J. 11. N, BELL, - - Editor. ROSEBURG" REYIKW HAS THE - FINEST JOB OFFICE IN DOUGLAS, COUNTY. CARDS, BILL HEADS, LEGAL BLANKS And other Printing, Including - Large and Heavy Posters and Showy Hand Billt Neatly nd Expeditiously executed One Year . -Six Months -Three Months $2 50 1 '25 1 00 VOL. XL ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 188G. NO. 3G AT PORTLAND PRICES. Roseburg. RevieWo UEflEBAL DIRE0T0BY- Gbovee Cleveland .President. Thos. F. Bayabd .Secretary of .Statu Daniel T. MANMNG.Secrctary of Treasury. L. Q. C. Lam Alt .Secretary of the Interior. Wm. C. Endicott. Secretary o War W. C. Whitney. Secretary of Navy. W. T. Vila Post Master General . A, H. Gaelakd Attorney General. Morrisox R. Waitk . .Chief Justice. STATE OF OHEGON. BrsoER Hermann Congressman. Z. F.- Moody Governor. R. P. Earhart Secrctaryof State. Edward Hirscii State Treasurer. E. B. McElroy ....Supt. Pub. Instruction. W. H. Byars State Printer. J. B. Waldo, C. J.,) Wm. P. Lord, Supreme Judges. W. W. TlIAYEK, ) SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. R. S. Bkax..... Jude. J. W- Hamilton... .Prosecuting Attorney. , - ? DOUGLAS COUNTY. John Emmitt, J. H. Shupe, j Wm. Massing, ' HESRy Rogers, I Q. W. Riddle, i .. Senators. . ..Representatives. G. B. Wilcox, ) Thos. R. Sheridan Clerk. Ben. C. Agee Sheriff. D. S. West , Treasurer. G. T Russell School Superintendent. Jas. A. Sterling Assessor. J. S. FiTZHi'GH County Judge. J. Hall, C. A. McGee Commissioners. N. E. Brit .. .Surveyor. Dr. S. S. Marster.s . . . .Coroner. THOS. Smith Seeep Inspector. PRECINCT OFFICERS: T. L. Gannon. I as. IIarpham Justices. 1'F.TER Jl'NOER Con-4al)le CITY OF KOSERURG. II. C Stantos, ' John Mast, I . . V. SHfcRIDAN, . . . Tnist i't O' L. Wilms. P. Krnkihct. , T. Ford Recorilur. Jons IIowaru Marshal. Will H. Fisher Treasurer. U. S. LAND OFFICE ROSEBURG, Ciias. W. Johnston Register. A. C. Joxes Receiver SIGNAL SERVICE. B. S. Pague Observer. PROFESSIONAL. L F. LANE. JOHX LANE J ANE & LANE, Attorneys at Law. Maiu street, opposite Cosmopolitan Hotel. J. C. FULLERTON, Attorney at Law. Office in Marks' brick, up stairs. f B. WILCOX, Attorkey At Law - Office opposite E. G. Young & Co's. Oakland Oregon. g J. PAGE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oakland, - - - Oregon- R. C. HUNTER M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. CAXYO&TILLE OREUOX " K. L.' MILLER, M. D Surgeon. Homoeopathic Physician. Olfiice up stairs in the old Sheridan Brick, on Jackson Street, Roseburg, Oregon. Chronic diseases a speciality. W. L. FREEMAN M. D. OFFICE IN DR. HOOVER'S OLD Stand, where he may le found day or night when not professionally engaged. WSl'ECIAL Attention Given to SURGERY ?nd Diseases of Women. Dr. THOMAS GRAHAM, A GRADUATE Of the t'mvenmy of Ta. at Philadelphia and ol the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, and ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, LONDON ENGLAND has located for the practice of his profession in ROSEBURG . ... - OREGON. Offlce")d residence, Washington stret opposite the Catholic Church F. G. (EHME, M. D. (Pronounced A una.) . HOMCEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN cV Graduate Of The UNIVERSITY Of Leipzig Germany. Office & Residence at the house of Geo. W. Day, near R. R. track, Rose burs. nFAKRY, Merchant Tailor. in the Red Front, next door to A. C. Marks Store. Repairs aud Alterations neatly done. L BELFILS Watohmakhr.' I feel confident of Riving satisfaction in nil work entrusted to me hi watches, clocks, and jewelry. I also repair musical instruments. - I hare the County patent rii;ht for gale of Concrete Cement Pipe for conveyin water to any place de aired in Douglas Couuty. I will also teach any kind of Instrumental music. Anyone desirfng instruction will call on me at my watchmaking shop. BK,ru,8. NEW. YORK LUMBER & Wood Yard o To M 11. Howell's East side of track one block "south of depot is where you will Hud number one dry lumber, Sugar pine, Cedar, Fir, and all Diincntion lumber for buildings, sawed and shaved cedar shingles, Sash Doors, Blinds, Screen Doors, Mouldings, Wall and Stair railings, Balusters, Brackets, Newel posts, Ceiling, Rustic, Flooring, and all kinds of Finishing lumber, sawed and split Cedar posts, H inch plank sawed expressly for sidewalks. I represent the Sugar Pine Door fc Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass Or. which from personal inspection I believe . to be the finest establishment on the Pa cific coast, it employes seventy men. The Proprietors and Overseers 'are all Eastern men and experts in the busi ness, the machinery is new aud put up in the best manner, and all under srtict discipline and order. Their work is all done by number one me chanics ami is equal to any work of the kind done in New Yoik or the East. Fruit boxes, Picket fences and Gates complete. 1 also represent a number one mill at Yoncolla where I have sawed all Dimention lumber to order on short notice. All guatanteed as represented or no sale. Call and see stock and prices before purchasing. Stove wood constantly on hand at Il.iKI) Tilli; I'KK'ES. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA OREGON AND CALIFORNIA R. P. Ami Connections. TIME, 2i HAYS. Karc fnm Portland to San Francisco .12; to Sacra mento 50. Close connections made at Ashland with stages o the California Oregon & Idaho Stajre Company. (DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND & ASHLAND Mail Train LEAVE. I AfUUVK. I'ortlaml S.0QA. M. RiMM-burg. . . .(US liosebur' fi.25 I". SI. Ashland 4.1X1 Ashlauil 8.43 1'. M. Itoselmrx o.O.'i Iloseburg 5.15 A.M. 1'ortland 3.l." Albany Express Train I.KAVE. I AltKIVE. Portland 4.CC r. M. I I.eb:inni n.-jo P. M. A. M. A. M. 1'. M. P. X. V. M. Lebanon 4.4SA. XI. I 1'ortland 10.05 PULMAN PALACE SLEEPING CAES Daily between I'ortlaud and Ashland. Tlie O. and C. K. R. Ferry makes connection with al tbe rojfular trains on East Side Div. from foot of F St West Side Division- BETWEEN FORTLAND & COR VAULTS If ail "f laiii. '"" t " LEAVE. I AKIUVE. Portland . . .7.30 A. M. i f... 1 1 :n ... nr n f Corvallis.. .1.30 P. M. Portland . 6.15 I. l! At Corvalli connctwith trains of Orejon Pacific lor "an,uiiia IJay. Express Train- LEAVE. A RIM VE. Portland..... '..4.50 P. M. Mi-Mimivillc. . 8.00 P. M. McMinnville 5.45 A. M. Portland U.OO A. M. Local tickets for sale and batrac cbecked al com pany's up town odlcc, cor. Pine and Second streets, rickets for principal Hintsiii California can only bo IirH:ured at company's ollicc. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Or. Frciv'bt will not be received for himcnt after 5 o'clock P. M. on either the East or West Side liv. It. KOK1ILEH, E. P. ROGERS. Manager. G. F. & Pass Aj:cnt. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN Has nttained a standard of excellence which admits or no suporior. Itcontains every improvement that inventive genius, skill aud money can produce. Theso Organs aro celebrated for volume, quality of ton quick; response, artistic dcBien, beauty in finish, perfect construction, making tliera tho most desirable or)ran9 for homes, Schools, churches, lodges, (societies, etc. ESTABLISHED REPUTATION. tJNEQrAEED FACILITIES, SKILLED WORKMEN. BEST MATERIAL, COMBINED, MAKE THIS THH POPULAR ORGAN Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogues and I'rioe Lists, on application, fbka CHICA60 COTTAGE ORGAN CO. . Cr. Randolph and Ann Sts.. CHICAGO. ILL MILLWOOD MILLS OX UUBBAKD CREEK. CLARKE it BAKER, Proprietors. IV- nM n..n. .c.iiit.l 4i Ittntib lotnbr n tile lcst quality in quantities to suit the purchasers, always having on hand the largest stock of any mil iu Douglas County. We will furnUh lumber at our mill at thefolUnuii!,' PRICES. No-1 roiili luuiher SS to $10 M No, 1 f)NrinK, G inch I i M 16 M So. 1 flooring, 4 inch l & M SIS M No. 1 fiiiishing luinKT $16 M CLARKE & BAKER. CITY DRAYING DONE WITH DISPATCH. (JALL OS JOS. CARLOS. OUR IS :.':i5?-u EVE BY t I1'' " !'i' OBGAK I II WAB- 18 T BANTED FOB TO B h i " FIVE SXCEXj. ,t YEAB9 Lv, Li- HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS BMLEY'S HOTEL Oakland, Oivsoii. Board $1 per Day; Single Meals, 25 cents, sTTiiig house has lately changed bands and Is oroughly renovated and refurnished. The travel- nj; public will And the best f accommodations . No Clduamou Iinploj'ed, SMITH BAILEV. ABSOLUTELY FIRS1' t'l.ASS M' RS. D.C. McCLALLEX, Proprietor of the McCLALLEN HOUSE. rarge Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Coach o and from the house Bjjkc dclivere free of charge. DEPOT HOTEL, OAKLAND, OKKCON. I.ioliiirl TIionui, I?i-o. SLEEPING ACCOMODATIONS. AND THE Table supplied with the Best the Market affords Kotul at tho Dopot of tho Ritilioad. Central Hotel ! io.sioi$uiso.oiji:ooin, OPPOSITE OAULON S LIVEKY STAISi.E. lJunrihiml Lmlint; pcnlay $1.00 ' " wedi 5.00 " Willumt Lodtjiu"; 4.00 Meals,. 25 centSi Lodging, 25 cents Thorutih satisfaction i promised to travel ers and the putilic (jcnerallv. MRS- GARRISON, In... No Chinese employeil. New Restaurant ! .1. I'U'iiM'iils I'roirietor. IiO.SEUUUli ORECON. One li"i wulli .ii i: 1 -t in ' srw :'v bti)i v. MEALS '.: cla. MOORES RESTAURANT. (Princljiaal Eusincas Street.) .i. MEALS 25 CENTS LODGING 25 CENTS We Keen the Best tho Market Affords. CIVIL DEND STORE V. Ii. ARRINGTON, DEALKK IX Dry Goods Groceies etc Ml Kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange CIVIL BEN 1), DOUG. CO., OHEGON". NEW STORE AT 1ILLAR1-, OK. would respectfully inform the public that he haa 011 hand a line assortment of Wry iSoods, Groceries Rea1y-3Ialc Clothing aud in fact everything naually kept at a tirst-claas store. Uivo him a call. Goods at Low Prices. All kinds of Produc Taken in Exchange for Uoods. 13.A11 orders promptly attended to. MRS. S. A. HI Tt'IIISSOX, -MILLINERY STORE! Oalflaml, On-fjon. tAOIES WILL V.SD MY STOCK LARGE ASD Cumplcte. rriccs niiKltTutc. C.iiH M" CU. Mks. S. A. IIitchi.nson. Brewster's Tatent Rein Holder. Tonr lines are whore yoa put them not under uorses' reeu une asent soiu is qoz. a 5 days, one dealer sold O Asm. in 15 days. Samples worth $U50 fees. Write tor terms. . E. JJKEWSTEB, DoUy, Kich. THE New York Coffee House HESTATJI?,A.rT SAnd Oyster Saloon,! Leading Checli llc&tanrant in the City. SIFERD HACKNEY. PROPRIETORS 132 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND OREGON, tSTTn vat c Rooms of the Latest Designs for Ladies OPEN DAY A"D MGHT. imvix; PURCHASED The Entire StOL-k of i3:x3xc.cxz.zrxxs3a. -o of O- I. R, DAWSON, At RIDDLE -OREGON Consisting of ROOTS, SHOES, CLOTIllN(!, DRV coons, hardware, croceries, Etc. lite. Etc. Etc. Etc. Am now t-tl'i'i iti 1 h(; saino At Prices That Defy Competition. FOR- CASH At- Oregon. F. Oornutt. ALL PERSONS. KNOWING THEMSELVES l.V deh'cri to Ninth Cornutt will call at my :flce t uidxiles at the store and settle at once. THE GRAPE CURE. SAL-MUSCATELLE In America WITHOUT THE EXPfxl3 OF AN ETJB0PAN J0T3 EN FY! The cTjstaliied Siilts, us ubtaincd in a pure state from Kr:i!S and choice fruit, in a portable, palat able, simple ! Tin, are now presented to the public of America as the grandest resolvent of impure blood, corrector of the liver and regulator of the bowels the Mat ill al pnnnotcr of HE ALT II AND LONGEVITY., Kniineut physicians claim tliis achievement a new era in the allied science of medicine, as it furnishes the bliMHl with its natural saline that aro lost or eliminated ci cry day SAL-M USC ATELLIU A POSITIVE, NATURAL SICK JIB AD AC JIB A2fJ DYSPEPSIA CUIIE. Sal-Muscatelle is Nature's own product. It sup plies to the system the want of sound, ripe (trap0 and fruit; it fs the simplest and host preventive aud cure for all functional derangements of the liver and kindred ailments prevents the absorption of ma! ari al diseases fevers cf all kinds; counteracts the ef fects of had air. poor tlrainairc and impure watnr; a powerful oxydizcr of the hloixl; a natural specific for all skin eruptions, sick headaches, biliousness, nervousness, mental depression, and will remove the effects of accidental indigestion from excessive eat ing and drinking. Have it in your homes and on your travels. It is a specific for the iHjcd, weary and worn-out. Prepaired by the Loxdon Sal-Mcscatelle Co. LONDOX, EXOtiXD. Beware of iniiUtioii3. The genuine in "blue wrapenj only." t3Scid forclrculari G. EV NOVITCH, General American Manager, P. O Box V.m, New York City. Mention this paper. Fur sale by S. Ham lton Rose burg Oregon. The BUYERS' GODK la luml HrnL. And March, 1 8 x 11 iaeoetWua ui" '3,SOO UlnstrmUons a rnole Picture Gallery. flivo Wltoleaale Price am II foods for personal or family ne. Tells bow to order, and giTe exact cost of every thing yon use, eat, drink, -wear, or hare fun with. These I3rVAMJABIE BOOKS contain Information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a copy FREE to any ad dres upon receipt of 10 Ct. to defray cxpcnM of maUlns. lt ns hear from yoa. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 827 dc 22 Wakash Aveaae, Chicago, 111. This paper is kept on file at E. C. Dake s advertising agency, 64 and 65 Merchants' Ex change, San Francisco, Cal where contracts for advertising can be made for it. EVERY rARMER HIS OWN hi-, ' : MTLLER. j The Youna America Feed Mill is a mill that every farmer ctm afford to bujrj i durable, easy controlled; any boy ,aUo to drive a learn can handlu it; 1 S;rlufs'fint; br ootirof. Tin t Tif T7i nds corn with or withoutrob, oats, rye etc., corn tncal for house tiso. SlIEIilPAN HliOS. A "flit. O.P TOMPKINS. COMMISSION I PURCHASING Agent of AIL KINDS OF MAW A., onlerj fruiu Hit- country filled ti sliort inti-e from Every Class or Kind of (Jootls from Fiiht-t.'lass Stock. AIMtliitely no tliares or foiimii.ssion. will !; cliared lillin orders. OFFICE: 107 fmist stiiket, At l. W. I'kknii. k's l'..rtl.iml,Or Obtained, and all Palcnt MtKiitcsg in the I". S. 1'atent, uillco attended to for MOOEKATK FlilOS. Ourotll'TC is '0)HMitc ths V. S. Patent Olllee, an 1 wc can obtain Patent in less time than those re mote troin WASHINGTON .s;iid MODKLOIt KKAWIXG. We adise as to atcntability free of oliaro; and o make No I'll Alio K I NLKNS WE OHTA1X l'ATKST. We refer litre to the Postmaster, tlieSiiit. of tl.e .Money Order Div., and to ollicials of the l;. S. Pat ent Office. Kor circular, advice, terms and referen ces to actual clients in your own State or county, write to i A.SXOW&CO.. Oliisite IMent Ollice,- Washington, 1). C. Henry Uaston 's lOSEBUUO GROCERY S''OUE. K EErSCONSTAIfTLY on hand a full assortment of . GROCERIES' Of AHifitids! f Ouaranteai to be of thet qualily; FRUIT JAKS, CANNED FRUITS, I i . TOBACCO and CIGARS, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR, A SPECIALTY, CANDIES and CAKES. Produce 13ouglit AND THE Highest CASH PUICk Paid' Givo me a call and eoiiiuce yourselves. GOODS delivered anywhere in the til.v Limits free of Charge. Henry Baston Jackson Street, JASKULEK, f racllcnl Vattliinak-r, Jeweler ami Opticiau. - ALL WOUK WARRANTED. Dealer iu Watches, Clock?, Jewelry, Spectacles aud Eyeglassea. A FULL LINK OF CIUARS, TOBACCO & FANCY GOODo. THK ONLY RHLIVBLE OITOMEK IN' TOWN for the proper adjustment of Sp 'circles. Pvpot of the Genuine Itrazilian Pebble Spectacles and Eye glasses, oince in iiamlltou s iirick uiock. JOSEPH SIITNDLER. PROPRIET 0 R Of The CITY BAKERY AND KEEPSi CONSTANTLY ON HANI) A full stock of Bread, Cakes, Ties, Plain and Fancy Crackers, etc. Also a fine selection of French and American Candies ami Choc late Goods FROM ROSEBURG TO EMPIRE. CITY. From Kostburg q LooTHng Glass ......$ .75 " ' " Foot of mountain. .. . 2.00 " " Dora 5.00 " Fuitview 5.50 " " ' .Sumner , ... 6.50 ' ' Marshfield 7.00 " Empire City 7.50 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. For I'arliclar3 Inquire at the Post Office. Jas C aicCWLLOCII, Prop. fl.ldi tn KiiNi M thaw ko writ ! BUnwn Ca.PoHUnd, Mala, will raecir fr, fall tafomutioa .boat work which th.r ea do. and Ht M bom,Uit will pj Ibam from tS to IK Mr dT. Bom bra mrw4 Tr $0 in r. Either Mi.yoos; or old. CUj potrqlrd. YoatraMart fr. Tboboirl ooo n TROYAL M&'.lt JXi XI Wit : IS m Absolutely Pure. This powilcr never vaiieg. A marvel of furitv trcuth and wliolesomciicss. More economical than tlie ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in com H.'tition with the multitude of low test, short weight alutii or ihofliatc m,h dcrs. .Sold ouly iu cans. ROYAL DAKINC TOWDKIt CO., 10C Wall St. N. Y. Look Sharp Now! IF YOU IIAVE (UJXS Or Sewing Machines (iMiiythinf-else that n-u.l.s liEL'All' IN!, stud it to CAliL AVlilBKK, M HOSEliUJMJ, Shop on Main St. .SATIS FA CT1 ON G U A I J A N T E E I) Douglas County Bank, IIUMPllliEY Jk FLINT, Roboburc - - . Oregon- TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKINGJBUSINESS Siglit Drafts Drawn on Portland, Sau Fraucisco, New York and oilier points. Pills of tAL-liango on the principal cities of Europe. Deposits re ceived subject to check. Collections made ou all aeecssablepoiuts at reasonable rates. OREGON PACIFIC R.R Willamette Vallejr to San Francisco Via. Taqnina- I DAILY TRAINS, TRAINS LEAVE COHVALLIS Daily, except Sundays, at l.fji V. S. LEAVE VAjriN. Uailj, except Sundays, at 7.;5'J A. M. The Company rcsene the riht to 1 ban ye sailing days. Fares ami Freight at re lin ed ami moderate rates Kiver Boats on lh-j Willam ;tto i-.mneclin Corvallis. J. C. SHERIDAN i?iSiicccssor to jt-f 11 8 a J. C SHERIDAN DEALER IN- - HARDWARE Stoves ami Tiinviire, THE undersigned takec pleasure in an nouncing to the public that he se'Jing everything iu his liuc at prices that DEFY COMPETITION! IF YOU WANT STOVES, AGEI0ULTUK4.L TOOLS IRON, STEJjL, NAILS. HO ESS HOES, TINWARE, CUTLERY Or anything in my line, call aad examine my stock and learn prices before purchasing else where, as I am selling lower than ever. J C. SHERIDAN niilXS MAKIXU. I AM PHEPARED TO DO FIRST CLASS w o k in this line, aud ask a share of the jatroiiagc 01 noseuurr ana vicinity. ELMIN. V CKCMP Next door to L. &dfi,ls JnUrj Store, Uoseburj Oregon This paper is kept on Die at the o(9ee of iYERoSOK DVERTISINq GENTS TIMES BU1LD1NQ gSSjJ PHlUDrlPrHIL teTIUlTCC FuBTOIBl loraTisiic CBCC to 1 1MAI LO at Lowest Cash Rates 1 ntC iAYER & SON'S MANUAL MARRIAGE GUIDE 260 PAGES. Illwtrcted, in CMh and Gilt Bindir.e.MT vmatj or vtunpt. Bnw. ppr cover, use. Thu Boof eon '?''" th tutiont, doubtful or inquiiitiTc vantlo know, rullpf Ttry iDtrrttinr ami Talutble informition HKiLTN IlllirjT .4 HAPPIKEHg ur pronMte.1 by iU .d2Jh5 may Myrry, who not. why: Mediral Aid whm "tZcZZ, to lift. Youoe or old, marrird or.injl,. t.t or well ihond tttdit 6nt mI.1 by DR. WHITTIER. S. L..:1 aaJJ FARM FOR SAIX. One Small Fai nt for sale containtnt; 230 acres, CO acres good farming land. The balance good timber and pasture well watered and all fenced. For par ticulars enquire of F. Corsutt, Riddles, Oregon. 1 lm f m 1 A NOTED FUNNY MAN SAYS FOLKS ARE OVER-STOCKED WITH HUMOROUS MATTER. A Humorist Found ou AUnosSt Every Paper The Work Done by Local Funny Man Twain, Cbl, Jtye, Kilcy andM. juad TlrcrfOufc iV "The humorous pariers, as. a class, don't hold the distinctive place they did a few years ago," said Iloljcrt J. Bnrdette, iu a conversation at the Monongahela house the other afternoon. "What I mean," he continued, "is that nearly every - paper of any size in the country has discovered that it has one or two men who write creditable humor. They may not make a department of it, or the man my-utt foe &v-lea fanny nirvti ont yoa can sec Jt cropping ont au tDrii;h the paper. Yon" will find in the citj de partment reports with touches of bright ana original humor which would do credit to a professional. You will And it in the editorial department aud the paragraphs, and even in the head lines of the telegraph editor. Then, too, most papers have adopted a department of clipped humor. This effect has been produced on tho daily and weekly newspapers by the humorous papers, and while it has brightened up tlie former considerably, it has, to some extent, hurt tho humorous papers, as it furnishes aliout all that sort of matter that most people care to read," The conversation running upon the lec ture platform, the humorist was asked if ho had met the Bill Xye and Whitconib Kiley combination. "No, I have not," he replied, "but I un derstand they are very successful. Tliat rarely happens, when two lecturers travel together. I dou"t think it would be possi ble for two humorists to make a successful combination. The similarity would sur feit an audience. "Now Mark Twain and Cable were two of the 1est combinations I ever knew. One could hardly conceive of two more op posite, in manner, taste, style, and every thing else, than these two. Mr. Cable is a small, refined, scholarly man, very quiet, almost effeminate in look and manner, and Twain, tall, ungainly, with a sort of west ern dash about him. They alwayg act as a foil to each other, and an audience never tires of them." UE GETS T1IJED OUT AT LAST. "What has become of your Railroad Passenger1" was asked. "Oh, I get tired of running it. I never could keep up a line of sketches of any sort. They make mc tired. The only man who can do that sort of thincr. and da it well for so long a period, is C. B. Lewis, of The Detroit Free Press. Year in and year out he goes on grinding out that Limekiln Club and the Central Police Court, and I can't see but what it is as bright and quaint as it was at first. It is a wonder to me how he does it. I can not do it. and if I try it I get bo disgusted with the subject, that I wouldn't write it for $100 a column. I am getting tired of writing any way. Next summer I am going to take a tent and go up In the mountains and camp out for four mouths, clear away from every one. I think it will be a relief to the public as well as my self." "When Is that new book of yours coming out?" "Well, now, I've heard of that book. The newspapers flash it up about as often as they do my discoverer. According to the newspapers, Frank llatton discovered me, and brought me before a king-suffering Worl'V Phocian Howard also dtagged mo out of my rural nonenlty to the pitying azes of tho public, and some twenty-five other newspaper men claim tho distin guished honor of boosting me np among the pinnacles of fame. I am going to call a convention of my discoverers, or else send out circulars asking for a loan from each of them." Pittsburg Dispatch Inter view, rcriodical Plagues of Mire. At intervals of a few years, the Brazil ian colony of Lourenco suffers from a re markable visitation of field mice, tlie latest of which, in 1876, has just been described Dr. II. Yon Hiring. These creatures, ordin arily not numerous, appeared in enormous quantities, and iu a few days destroyed the fields of corn, potatoes, clover, oats, barley, gourds, pumpkins, and even weeds, actually damaging houses to a considerable extent and ruining furniture and cloth ing. The periodical occurrences of these plagues seems to be due to the chief food supply of the mice, the seeds ttf the bamboo-grass, which at regular Intervals of six to thirty yearn, matures over a large territory, and then disappears. The field mice increase so rapidly that, if all the conditions which keep them in check were removed, a single pair would bear a progeny of 33,0uo individuals in a single Kiimmer, and every living thing upon the earth would be consumed in a half-dozen years. Arkansaw Traveler. Acres for England's Laboring C'tttmes. The question of allotment of ground to the laboring classes In England, and on which the Tory government was defeated, has been solved in a very practical man ner by Sir George Wombwell. On his es states In Yorkshire, comprising 13,t)00 acres, nearly all the cottages in the Im portant villages have three acres of grass let with them some have more and to every cottage is attached n cowhouse, pig gery, and garden of good size adjoining the cottage. The rent of cottage and garden is 4 to 5, and foyeowgate of three acres 6. Tho present system of allotments on this estate has been in existence more than fifty years, and the owner increases the number of these bandings at ever oppor tunity, as in practice they answer welL San Francisco Chronicle. Amateur Medical Treatment in Italy. A living scorpion Ls dropped into a wide necked glass bottle, which contains a few drops of olive oil of the finest quality. More oil is toured on instantly, until the bottle is filled and the scorpion dead. In its struggles to free itself it ejects all its poison into the oil, and this poisoned oil forms a sovereign remedy for the sting of a scorpion. There is no doubt as to its efficacy, and it is probably a remedy which homeopathists would approve of on very rational grounds. London Society, The Terror of the Meadow. Mama When poor Christian was walk ing through this rally he met a horrible monster with great glaring eyes like coals of fire, and the monster had a voice like rolling thunder, and he breathed smoke tmcl flame from his terrible notl'us. Who was it? Irnia, who szhi last summer in the country Oh, Thaina, I know! A cow! Burdette p Brooklyn Eagle. There is only one linen mill now In pefatioti in the United States, ad it is making only the coirsest kind of crash toweling. Bucklen s Arnica Salve The Best Salve in tho world for Cuts, Bruisc3, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 2o cts i box. Fr stleuy Marsters & Co H A S U1XGTOX LKITE JJJ Washington, Nov. 23, 1886. Yesterday was the day of ex-President Arthur's funeral, and all of the Executive Departments were closed and tbe clerks bad holiday. The Uni- ted States "Supreme Court adjourned from Friday until Tuesday for the same reason. All of the public buildingB in "Washington are draped in black for the dea l ex President and flags are displayed at half mast. President Cle veland aud Congress was represented by a committea of Senators and Repre sentatives. &iSce ilw black dratiHiw Lave been Luug on tbo front portico of the White House, the President and Mrs. Cleve land take their carriage at the south entrance when they go out for a drive. and all the projected gnyeties at the Executive Mansion will bo postponed for the thirty days of mourning. Then the black bounthig will bo taken down and folded up and laid away to do ser vice again at the death of the next high official or cx-officia! of the Govern ment, and the gay social season will besin. The cus'om of shutting down on pub lic work, and turning fifteen thousand employes loose whenever a President, ex-President, a' Cabinet officer or ex- Cabinet officer happens to die, is a questionable way of showing resecttO the distinguished dead. It is a pic-nic for the clerks and a time for congratu. lation and they would be glad to multi ply by a hundred fold the occasions of public sorrow that ive them a day off and out. Theie is no doubt that the custom would bo more honored in ths breach than iu the observance but il is one of those that a long line of precedent has establisted and it would be difficult to decide where or with whose demise it should end. President Cleveland has ben much aispicaseu at ellorts to get. Lim to in .1 . M . . terfere in the new widely, discussed Washington Police scandal. He does not feel, in the present condition of aflairs, that he would be warranted in taking hold of the matter, although tlie titao may come when he may be called upon to take some action. The President is 1ppiW ntuuivVicl wSti. I J 1VII 1, t'.vi'uiauuu ui-.,iih- iueFsage,--arra a( though he is subjected to some un avoidable interruptions, the approaches to him are closely guarded. The Presidant'3 appointment of Mr. Fulton as Paymaster General of the Navy was very gratifying to naval officers and his appointment of Col. Moore as Surgeon General of the'' Army was received with satisfaction among officers of the array. Tito regular Army officers who haye 1., : 11 . v;ii .-..iiiiiiiiii!7 inn militia nf tho States and Territories have repotted, commending the efficiency of the re spective organizations. They think, however, that the armed militia of the country would be doubled if Congress would appropriate annually a much larger sum to bo distributed anions tbe States for improved arms and ac coutrements. In the latter case it is estimated that the militia would con sist of 300,000 well drilled men, who could be called into active service at a moment's notice, and who woidd be almost as effective at the outset of a war, as tho regular Army. Many conventions and associations more than ever before want to come to Washington during the next year. The National GraDge has de cided to hold all future meetings of that order in Washington, and a com mittee has been appointed to take measures for the erection of a suitable building here for its officers m its ses. sions. Soon after Congress meets tbero will b3 a large gathering of notabilities here to discuss the proposed Exposi. tion at Washington in 18S9 and 92. And later there is to be a convention of an educational character which will attract a good many people. It will be in the interest of Federal aid to common schools and will be composed t r.i 1 .L uuuaoiawaiiuu ieniLOIlcs. It has been proposed that each state- of the Union shall erect in this city a handsome building to ba used as a state "headquarters, and perhaps as a- residence for tho Senators of the rep resentative states. The plan, which is likely to be carried out some time, would prove a great convenience to eacu state, auu would add ninch to tho grandeur of the National Capital. o Till Then. Mr. Blaine has shaken the demo cratic dust of this city from his feet and is speeding toward Maine. We fear that his political aspirations were rather chilled by onr col I "Novem ber breezes. When a hen can produce a brood of chickens by Betting on por celain eggs, in that year New York will give her majority to Mr. Blaine,