ROSEBURG REVIEW FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1886. EDITORIAL CORRESPOSDEXCE VOXT1SVED. In the midst of our labors at Marsh field we penned a fow jottings for last week's issue. We now take up the "thread of our discourse," and proceed to say that the following were elected and installed officers of Arago Chapter No. 22 R. A. M. W. H. S. Hjde, High driest; C. B. Golden, King; R. II. Rosa, Scribe; Walter Sinclair, O. II.j Andrew Nasburg, P. S.; Win. Mortis, R. A. C; J. P. Stemmler, 3J veil; Jas. Aiken, M. 2d veil. J. W. Hammerberg, M. 1st veil; J. B. Ligbtner, Sec.; A. G. Brown, Treas.; and W. O. Christensen, Sentinel This noble band of companions are far from being (Hyde) bound, but on tho con trary tneir nospiiaiuy is oi me ngnt sort to make one's heart palpitate with gladness and ' cause him to remember them in days to come. On Saturday night we im:t a good audience at the Baptist Church, where we were intro- 1 11 T it ? 1 aucea oy xro. vray we iniumaoic, ana we proceeded to talk to the people with our usual degree, of embarrassment. On Sunday we held forth at Empire City and was the guest of J. J. Lamb, the Co. clerk. "Hereby hangs a tale." Immediately after dinner the sheriff of Coos county took ua in charge and brought us in a very summary way back to Marsh field, but upon a writ of J habeas corpus we were taken from M. Herlocker and allowed to go at large. In the evening we met a very large nnrlinncn in the same church as the night before, and we proceeded to do liver another message to the psople The singing by Mrs. Dr. Tower de serves special mention. She was ably assisted by a competent choir. On Monday morning with many regrets we were compelled to say good bye hoping to return again at no distant day. That evening we were landed safely at Gardiner where we remained several hours, and was looked after by Dr. Mackey, Henry Wade, and several others. After supper at Mr. Wade's Hotel, Capt. Cornwall to whom we feel indebted for kindnesses extended, said, "all aboard for Scottsburg," and about 10 o'clock p. M. we arrived and was ensconced in W. P. Patterson s hotel. Next morning at half past two o'clock we were called to breakfast, preparatory to a stage ride of thirty-six miles. Think of a delicate constitu tion, rising at this untimely hour to face the frosty winds in all their mad ness, think of an individual borne down by the arduous labors of a week ago, think of unstrung nerves and de bilitated appetite, then dear friends with all your sympathy turn, and think of me. At Elkton we found Jimmy Sterling the indefatigable landlord at his post, anfl enough on the table in the best style of the art to satisfy .the most insatiate epicurt. Thence to Drain, -where wo met some of our best friends, and in a few hours thereafter we were at home. Of Gardiner, Scotts burg, Elkton and Drain you will have full particulars in the near future. Dr. Bunnell remained our faithful, friend. Editor, TJte South Looking Vp. The Pontotoc (Miss.) Observer gives us the very best of reasons for prophe symgthat the South will soon become tlie generous and yet formidable rival of the North in all industrial pursuits It says: In the old days, "befo' the wah," the white ooumcrn man who worked had no standing amoung his neighbors, but to-day the white man who docs not work is the tabooed one, This change did not follow the war closely; it is the result cf anew spirit that declared itself within the last half dozen years. Then "the last half dozen Tears have been very profitable ones. So long as the Republic rests on the broad shoulders of a people who are more proud of what they can do than of how much they can spend without doing anything it is safe. From the Gulf to the lakes we are a nation of toilers, md we boast of that fact We keep our eyes open and our hands busy, and success must be more slip pery than an eel if it gets away from us. lhe homes of the continent have no men in them after nine o'clock in the morning. They are all in shops, yards, factories and counting houses trying to make two dollars out of one. bo, as a people we , sleep well, because as a people we are prettjr well tuckered out by sundown. That's why the London Graphic says: "You cannot make a monkey look straight at you," and wonders why. The reason is plain enough. The monkey is meditating on the "De scent of Man," and is ashamed to ac knowledge his poor relations. N. Y. H. Nov. 7, 1886. The democrats of California elct the governor, secretary of state, con troller, treasurer, attorney general, clerk supreme court, and superinten dent public schools; the republicans elect the lieutenant governor, surveyor general and the two supreme Judges. Better. M. Blaine has come to the conclusion that it is a very difficult thing to carry out his little game in New York. Mr. Blaine is right, and it is a great deal better for him to be right than to be President Election Bg States. Should a labor candidate and a pro hibition one, or both ran for president in 1888 and carry enough electoral -J votes to prevent an election of either a democrat or republican by the elec toral college it will then devolve upon the House of Representatives to elect. In such an election however the vote of each State is by the majority of the congressman of that State. In case of a party tie, as in New Hamp shire now, the State can cast no vote. Leaving New Hampshire alone, there fore, out of the calculation and figuro- iag on a House count by States in a straight fight between the two great parties, the result would place a re publican in the white house by the fol owing vote: Republican California, Colorado, Illinois Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Wisconsin. 20. Democratic Alabama, Arkansas, Connec ticut, Deleware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, North, Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, West Vir ginia. 17 No distinction is recognized in a count by the House. Pocket bor oughs like Delaware Rhode Island and Nevad-t are allowed precisely the same voice as the great States of New York and Pennsylvania one vote. Evening Democrat. . Custom House Xtedeil. We sincerely hope that Congressman Herman and Senators Dolpli and Mitchell will secure an appropriation sufficient to build a commodious cus tom house in'Roseburtt for the land office department Post Office and for all other necessities that arise for the accomodation of government officers, prominent among which is the United States Signal Service at this place. If Congress would give just a little less for some expenditures that we might mention and erect this building, much more service would be realized. Our citizens should meet at an early day and hold a public meeting at the Court House, and memorialize Congress to this effect. When shall tho meeting be called! We wait for an answer. Some republican organs delight themselves with the supposition that President Cleveland "backed down" in the Benton case. He did nothing of the kind, says the St. Louis Republi can, but evinced the same courage of conviction that has always character ized him. The reinstatement of Col Benton was the right tiling in the right place. It showed that the president has the qualities of the genuine demo cratic mekory. which bends easiest when it is hardest to brake. The press of the country are every where praising Col, Vilas in his posta' management, especially his triumph over that subsidized ocean mail steam I ship line whereby he saved an immense sum for Uncle Sam and made the sub sidy fellows very docile. Mr. Cleveland may make mistakes herd and there, but he is a great bi man, and in him is comprehended demo cratic hope and democratic assurance for 1888. Atlana Consitution. O.IKLASD ITEMS. City election Monday. Old Town all quiet again. Thanksgiving passed off quietly indeed. Fen Sutherlin goes north to spend the win ter. Prof. Tapp and family are vising in Eugene. relatives T. R, Dodge made a flying trip to Portland this week. The Enterprise speaks of "cement oar, won der what it is? J. 61. Long (the coflceaml spice man) has moved to Salem. Mrs. Mollie Fay of Rosc'uurg spent Thanks giving at this place. V . H. oung has a fine supply of Christ mas goods on hand. For a square meal none can be better served than at the Bailey House. Mrs, Moore of Eugene is visiting Mrs. Smith Bailey at this place. Mrs. Jas. Young who has been quite sick for several days is improving. The reading room will prove a success un der the charge of F. J. Crouch. Bro. Richardson is holding a protracted meeting in the Baptist church. E.J. Fields M. D. of Bunch Grass has just opened an office at Old Town. John Canady has just returned from a whaling expedition on Cabin Creek. Mrs. S, A. Hutchinson went to Portland Monday to lay in a supply of goods. The Oakland Dramatic Troupe are reheasr ing East Lynnc which they propose to play shortly. Fen Sutherlin is making some improve ments to one of his houses in the outskirts of "Poverty Hill." Supt. Brandt and manager Kochler of the O. & C. laid over Monday night here as rumored to accept the taring of the new wa ter pipe, The "scrub dance" given here Thanksgiv ing for the benefit of the Union was not a success, the town should be divided in two divisions, some being much stifferthan others. The water pipe which has been laid from Thomas' hotel to the Calapooia for the pur pose of supplying the R. R. tank with water was dug up on Sunday by a gang of celes tials for the purpose of coaltaring it to make it more durable. The editor of the Enterprise was a little off ast we-k, he said I was scarce of items the week before and had to draw on my imagina- ' tion, such is not the case, for items were plentiful, and if Mr. Enterprise you wish some to fill out your columns more fully, can spare you some, and as to confining myself to facts in the future I hardly think I can any nearer than I did in the item referred to by you. To Regulate THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY wamated not to contain si ne'e par ti cie of Mcrcurr or anv injurious sub stance, but la purely vegetable.- It will Cure all Disease on ed by Derangement of tne fcer. Kidneys and Stomach. , If your Liver is out of order, then your . whole system is deranged. The blood is impure, the breath offensive; you have headache, feel languid, dispirited and nervous. To prevent a more serious con- muon, take at once Simmons LIVER REGULATOR. If von lead a sedentary life, or surfer with I Kidney Affections, avoid stimulants and take Simmons Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or seel heavy after meals or sleepless at night, take a dose and you will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly.. If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness, seek relief at once in Simmons Liver Regulator. It does not require continual dosing, and costs but a trifle. It will cure you. If you wake up in the morning with a bitter, bad taste in your mouth, R A XTTt Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor I II l( I", sects the Bilious Stomach, sweetens A UsVmJ the Breath, and cleanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need some safe Cathar tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness. Simmons Liver Regulator will relieve Colic, Head ache Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any time you feel your system needs cleansing, toning, regulating without violent purging, or stimulating without intoxi cating, take J.H.ZEIUMf-.CO.,Ph;iade!phialPa. Children Cry for PITCHER'S Health and Sleep without Morphine. SHERIFF SALE- In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for the County of Douglas. George Weaver administrator of the estate of nana t eaver aeeeaseu with will annexed, plaintiff. v J. D. Spaur and Sarah Spaur defendants. TVrcmCEIS HEREBY UIVEN THAT BY VIRTUE of an execution duly issued out of the Circuit oun 01 tne aiate oi uregon in and for the county of Douglas on a judgment and decree of foreclosure 01 a mortgage recovered in said Circuit Court on 21, day of October 1886 in favor of the above named plaintiff George Weaveradministrator of the estate of Hans Weaver deceased with will annexed and against the above named defendants J. B. Spaurand Sarah Siwur and the hereinafter described mort gaged land and premises directed and delivered to me on tne aa tay of Hot. 1886, commanding me to levy upon and soil according to law said moi tsf&tjed premises, and out of the proceeds arising from said sale, first to satisfy the cobts and expenses of said foreclosure and sale and attorney fee of $50 second in payment and satL-faction of the judgment in favor of said plaintiff amounting to the sum of flftyseven hundred and twenty-nine dollars and sixteen cents with interest from Oct. 7, 1836, in pursuance of said foreoloAire and order of said gale I have levied upon and will on MON DAY, the 27tb dav of Decern ber 1886, at the hour of 1 o'clock f. k. of tho said day sell at public auction in front of the court house door ii Koseburg Douglas Co. Or. to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the riht title and interest which the said defendants J, B. Spaurand Sarah Spaur has in and to the following described mortgaged premises situated in Douglas county Oregon to -wit; the N i of section 15 and NW (of.NW ) o) section 21 in T 28 S K0 West Willamette meridian containing 360 acres also the following described premises to-wit; commencing at the quarter post on line between sections 10 and 15 in T 23 SK6W, thence running North SOchtjiis thence East 20 chains thence North 10 chains theuce East 40 chains thence South) chains thence West 60 chains to the placo of beginning con taining 160 acres. B. C. Aokk, Sheriff of Douglas county Oregon. SHERIFF SALE la the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon iu so for Douglas county . T, A. Davis, (i. W, Saell and F. K Arnold plaintiffs, II. C. White, Nancy E. White, It, Doty, S. J. Doty, C L. Morris and P. M. Morris de fendants. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY 11 virtue oi an execution duly issued out ot the Circuit Court of the state of Ore con for Douglas county on a judnmeut recovered in said Circuit (Jourt by forecloses re of a mortgage at the regular October term 1836 in favor of the above nitmsd plain. tujfc T. A. Davis, G. W. 8nU and F. K. Arnold and against the above named defendants JI. C, White, Nancy K While, It. Doty S. J Doty C, L. Morris and V. M. Morns aud the here- ;n after described mortgaged laud aud prein ues directed and delivered to me on the 22d day of November commanding me to levy upon and sell said mortgaged premises and out of the proceeds arising frqrn said sale first to pay costs and expenses of said fore closure and sale second in payment of an at torney tee ot S7o third in payment and sat isfaction of the indgmeut in favor of the said plaintiffs amounting to 6ix hundred & eighty dollars and in pursuance of said forecloaeure aud order of Bate I have levied upon and will on TUESDAY, the ?Sth day of December 1SS6 at 2 o'clook P. M. of said day yell at public auction ui irons oi tac court noasc aoor in Roscbarg Douglas county Oregon to the highest bidder for cash in hand all the right title and interest which the defendants H. C. White, Nancy E. White, K. Doty, S. J, Doty, C. L. Morris and P. M. Morris has in and to the following described mortgaged laud and premises to-wit; lot JSo 3 in the northwest quarter of tha southwest quarter of section lb township 2a south range 4 west of the Willamette meridian situated in Doug las county Oregon. H, V, AO EE, ohenlf of Douglas county Oregon, ssssigiieo "Notice. In the matter of the assignment of Caro Brothers. VfOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN THAT 1 the undersigned has been dullvauno in- ted and qualified as assignee of the estate of Isidor Caro and Simon Caro partners as Caro Bros, insolvent debtors. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present th same, under oath, to said assignee within three months after the first publication of this notice. - JOHN liANE, Assignee estate of Caro Bros. Insolvent debtors: Rosebnrg, Or., Nov, 9, J88. . Notice For Publication Lar.d Office at Ruseonrg Or. Nov. 24, 1336, TOnCE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL X lowing named settler has Bled notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his elaim, and that said vrnuf will be made before the Register or Receiver of the h. 8. 1,3 nd Office at Roseburg Or., on Monday Jan. 3d, 1336, iz; G EORGE W. ALdERSOK homestead entry No. 371S for tbe lots 4 and 6 and SW(o(S, E. I section 24 T 26 8 R 7 West W.Jf. He names tbt following witnesses to prove his continuous residence unci., and cultivation of said fend, viz: Daniel O. HcBctb, I. C. CburchiU, Geo. Johnson, LtfiKd Bateuian, all of Cleveland DojU. taa coum vi, yam. v. rfOM.Mtros, rejisierj LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFF SALE. In the Circuit Court of the Sta e of Oregon for the County of Douglas. C. E. Tracy Plaintiff. v Tnomas Appleirate, Ilortcnsc Applegatc and Benia- ua.a umiHUIUII tTIB..Us.lllS. suit in equity to foreclose a mortgage . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VIETITE of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Doug las county on a judgment and decree of foreclosure of a mortgage dated January 14th, 18S1, (riven and entered therein on the 19th day of October 18S6 iu favor of the above named plaintiff, C. E. Tracy and against the above named defendants, Thomas Apple gate, Hortense Applcgate and Benjamin Huntington and t he herein after described mortgaged land and premises, directed and delivered to me on the 6th day of November 1886 commanding me to levy upon aud sell said mortgaged premises and out of the proceeds of said sale to pay first costs and expenses ot said foreclosure and sale, second an attorney's fee of 875, third the judgment of the plaintiff amounting to the sum of seven hundred and fourteen dollars and seventy one cents with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 14th day of January 1884 I have levied upon and will on SATURDAY, the 18th, day of December 1S8C, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. ii of said day sell at nublie auction in front of the court house door in Koseburg, Douglas county Oregon to tho highest bidder for cash in band all the right title and inter, est which the defendants Thomas Applcgate, Hor tense Applcgate and Benjamin Uuntingtun or either of them had or on n CiVin the 14th day of January 1&4 or have since acqt ired by operation of law or other wise in or to the folio wingdescribedlandsand premise to wit; the east half of the Charles Applcgate dona tion claim No 87 in sections 27, 23, 33 and 34, in T 22 8. K. 5 W. and claim No 48 in sections S aud 4 T. 23 S. R. 5 W. excepting about 30 acres therefrom conveyed to Milton appleirate the part remaining being 290 acres, also Lindscy Applegate's donation claim No 42 in sections 2 aud 3 in T 23 S. 11. 5 W, containing 640 acres. The E- L. Applegate dona tion claim No 41 sections 85 and SOT. 22 S. R. 5 W. and claim No 49 in sections No 1 and 2 T 23 S. R. 5 W. containing 320 acres, the S. W J, section 35 T. 22 8. R. 5 W. containing 160 acres. The lots 2 and 3 section 2 T. 23 8. K. 5 W. and containing 40.16 aores and the fractional H. E. 1 of section 34 T. 22 S. R. 5 W That certain tract of 160 acres beginning at a point 72 links 8. and 3 chains and 81 links east from the quarter section post on the west line of section 17 T. 22 8. R. 4 W. running thence south 23 chains, thence east 16 chains, thence south 31 chains, thence west 36.50 chains, thence N. 64.20 chains, thence cast 20.50 chains to the place of bc-'innin-also the fractional N. E. J of N. E. 1 section 19 T 22 S. R.4W. containing 40.90 aires, the lot 1 sec tion 17 with 33.62 acres and the lot No 2 section .19 with 30.50 acres, and the lot No 1 and S E 1 of N. E. J, section 18 with 47.20 acres and the Wi ot N. W. i and N. E. 1 of N. W. section 17 contain itur 120 acres and the lot No 2 of section 17 contain ing 7.33 acres and all being in T. 22 H. U. 4 W also the lot No 1 section 2 and lot 1 section 3' con tianing 28.77 acres, and the S. J of N. W. i and lots 2 and 3 section 1 containing ltiti.82 acres, and the S W. I of the N. V. I of section 12, and lot No 2 set tion 11 containing 55.42 acres, aud the 8. E. 1 of the N. W. J section 12 and the N. E. $ of 8. W. I section 12 containing SOacres and tho W. J of S. W. 1 sec tion 1 and N. W. t of N. W. I section 12 and frac tional N. E. J of N. E. i section U and fractional S. E. of 8. E.J of Hcction 2contitiiii 146,00 acres and tho E. ) of S. W 1 section 1 and N. E. of N. W. J N. W, J of N. E. J section 12 containing loo acres and the lot 4 section 6 containing 33,88 acres and the S. W. of tlic N. W. J and N. fc. ot X. E. and S. E.J of N. E, t section 1 containing 120 acres andall being in T. 23S. R. 5 W.,also the E. lof S V land lots 1,2, 3, of section 36 T. 22 S. H. 5 W. containing 141.08 acres.the part of the dotation claim No 37'T. 22 S R 4 W. lying west of tho present county road containing 21 acres, also town lots No 1 aud 10 block No 13 in the town of Yoncolla Oregon excepting from all the foregoing ttat certain tract crnveyed to Mrs. Caroline Cowan as follows: The fractional E. i of the n t of section 11 ami s w ) of section 12 and 8 w of section 1 lying south east of county road from Longs to Scotts valley and all in T 23 S R 5 W, said road crossing tlie east boundary of donation land claim of Robert Cowan 71 chains S3 chains to a point 1J chains g'.uth of the center of section 1 in the above named township and contain. ing 270 acres, also excepting 107 acres lying south of aline of said road beginning at a point 25 chains and 84 links south of the w corner of the donation land elaim of John M. Scott described as claim no 37 T 22 and 23 8 R 4 w, running thence south 17 de grees W 7 chains and 12 links; thence south 43 de grees w, 81 chains and 40 links, thence south 57 de grees w, 13 chains and also excepting in. section 1 T238R5W20 acres. All sant lund am .iumti in Douglas countyOregon, and tho interest of the defendants being an undivided Interest in the whole 01 Baiu lanos. ji. C. AOEli, Sheriff of Doa-rTas County Oregon, SHERIFF SALE. In Circuit Court, Douglas County, Stat of Oreg. S. Marks & H. Woolenburg, Plaintiffs, vs. Win. Linville. Christian B. Linvillc. fhriatmn n Linvillo admr. in Estate of Iah Linville deceased, Wm. Linville Jr. Sarah Merrill, O.G. McClain and siary Lady aeirs at la - of Leah Linville deceased, Defendants. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VIRTUE 01 an execution issued out of the above eiitniea t;ourt oil the 3rd, da of November 1000, ana 10 me directed and delivered in pursuance of a Judgment and decree made in sSM Court on the 20th, day of October 1886, in favor of the above named Plaintiffs and against the above uuiucu ueicnoania ior tne sum of 812i6.3S costs & ex penses, and for the sale of the mortgaged premises to satisfy the said Judgment and costs, and whereas said execution commands me that out of said mort gaged premises for the sale of which said Judgment and decree was recovered, I satisfy first ths osta and expenses of said foreclosure and sale, Second the Judgment in favor of the ahnv name.) i.lui.,t;(T .,,.1 in pursuance of said foreclosure and order of sale. 1 . u iv'svs uiiuii nuu wm on SATURDAY, the 11th day of December 1SS6, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. to-wit, at the hour of two o'clock P. M. sell at public auction to me nignest bidder cash in hand at the Court House door in Roseburg, Oregon, all the right title u..ncinui vnu Kiiuueienuanis in and to the fol lowing descrioed real nmnert v tn.u-it- ,..,,.,..;.. at the North-east corner a point 16.40 chains West of the corner of Sections 2, 3. 10 & 11 in township 30 South of Range 4 west Will. Mor. tbeuce South 20.10 chains, thunce West 42.50 chains, thence North 20C10 chains, thence East 42,50 chains to the plice of bo gimng containing 80 acres more or less, the same 1-c-ingSOacresoff the Donation claim No. 43 of An drew Thomas and wife, of Ton-.whi,. .! ,., also the following described premises to-wit; Be ginning at the Northwest corner of the donation caim No. 49 of F. 0. Worley in said township and range running thence West to the land entered by C. W. Johnson as s nre-emntinn nkim in town ship and range thence So utli to the north line of donation claim of Andrew Thomas No. 43 thence oast to the West line of the donation claim of F. O. Wor ley No. 49 in said Township and range, thence north to tne nortnwest corner of said donation claim, t he plaofl of beginning, containing seven acres more or less, together will) the tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto bel ouging or in any wise appurtaining. ' ' Witness my hand t!is 3rd day of N v. 1SJ3. B, C- AGEK Sheriff of Dou. Co. Slate of Or, Administrators Final Xoticc Notice is hereby given to whom it nuy concern that the undcrsigncJ administratrix of the estate 01 street nice neceai-cd, ha filed his final accounts as administrator of said estate, and the eouuty Jujyu ot Douglas Couutv Orron. has llxed Janu ary )v? at tiu hour or 10 o clock a. m. of said day at the Count v CMurt h jus in said County and State as the time and place 'fo the bearim; of any and all objections to said final account, and the settlement thereof. Mart Ricr Administratrix of said estate. II Circuit Court of thuftLltu of flm-r-oo in n.I ior me couniv 01 Ifo'J-'Ias. 11.. -v.: 1 nr...... J.uung VfUllllllf vs W, n. Yonng Deft. Suit in equity for divorea. 10 it. 1 ounir tne anovti namcii iJ.-fiii!Lot in the name of the State of Oreeon. V011 are huri'liv re quired to appearand answer the complaint of plaint iff filed against you in the above entitled suit on or be fore Tuesday January 4th 1887, tbe first day of the next term of said Court and if you fail to so appear iiu answer, piMinun will apply to tne court for the relief demanded in said complaint to-wit: a dissolu tion of the marriage contract existing between piainug ana ueienuant and for her costs and dis bursements in this siit. This summons is published aaieu novemoer tin isao. J. tr, vulikrlon. Attorney for Plaintiff, Siunuioiis. Iu the Circuit Court of the State of Om .,. the County of Douglas. Amanda C. Vail, Charles Wm. Vail andTaunie Dear ft IHUllDI. rs J. A. Dallon Dpfcn&iijt. Action at law to recover montv To J, A. Dallon defendant in the name nf .1.1. u, irmxun, juu are nereDy requirod to apiicar and answer complaint filed airainst vou in th j 1 .I.9MW titled action, by the above named plaintiffs, Amanda C. Vail, Charles Wm. Vail and Fannie Dear, on or before the first day of the next term of said Circuit Court of the state of Oregon for the eountv of 1 muz las, to-wit; the 4th day of January A. D. iv7 And if you fail to appear and answer said complaint the p'aintig will take judgement against you for want of au answer, and will apply to the court f(,r the relief demanded in said oomplaint to-wit: to revive the judgement of Charles Vail against you in their name for the sum of one hundred and fifty-four dollars and thirty -six cents with aecniin" interest and costs and disbursements and forteave to issue axecution thereon. This summons Is published to order of lion. R. S. Bean, Judge of said ir....ft Court, dated 'ovewber 18th, 1S80. C. Ball AHorny to the plaintifls. Notice For Publication. Land Office st Rosebunr. Or. Nov. 11 -VTOT1CE IS UERKBY GIVEs THAT THEFOL i.1 lowiiig-oamed settler ba Clo.l intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ard that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver M tbe V. S. Land office at Roseburg, Or. Saturday, Dec. 1Mb, 18S8 v,r KOC PtCHETTS - Homestead Entry xo 4540 for the w I ot x 1 19, Tp. 25 a a, 6 west w M aud k i of 1 1, .Ji. 24 tp 25, j a 7 west w H.O : He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upvn, snd cultiVitioA of said land, .via: Hugh C6le, JosepVRera. David Shom brook, Ant wine Mtlvy, all o Lmiqi Ferry 1 -12$ fouoty. Or. ' T Cuas. W; Jo'ixsTos, lieisttf. TO' THE My Fall Stock is now all in, and not boing of the bragging kind 1 would respectfully ask the Ladies to call and see for Themselves if it is not the Largest Stock in Lverj Department, that ever caine to Rosebnrg. M. JOSEPHSON. Consult your own Interest and Examine my Stock before Send ing off for your Fine Dress Goods or Anything of the Latest Styles of Wraps, such as Jerseys, of Which I have Twenty Different Styles, Call and le Convinced. M.JOSEPHSQN, The Fiuest Assortment of Silks in all Colors' Silk Plushes, in all CoIoih, Silk VelveiB in all Colors, The Finest of Bro- . caded cut Velvets just Arrived, all of which I Guarantee to b Cheaper than can j. ' . be i;ot at any place in Or. M. JOSEPHSON- Towels! Towels! Napkins!! The largest, best assorted and cheapest ever found anywhere, housekeepers will do well to call aud examine. CURTAINS! CURT AINS! Fine Lace Curtains'. Fiue Linen Lace Curtains. Nottingham Curtains, very desirable at CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! For Ladies! for Misses' for . CHILDREN'-ALL iSTYLESi' -CHEAP AT M. JOSEPHSOFS, HATS! HATS! Ladies Hals, Ladies Hat Frames, and Hat air of the latest iStyles, Ostrich Plumes, . Ostrich tips, of every, shade and color. Milliners will do well to call and examine my stock- M. JOSEPHSON. Laces! Laces Large assortment Silk Laces, while and colored, Large assortment of Thread Lace, Large assortment of Linen Lace, Wool Lace, Flounc iugs in all colors, also Silk Lace Flouncing. THE JERSEY HE J.) Is lhe lariii best J hor. Can be fattened r at i err C jiil 011 or Address, J. E. Jcnks, Tangent Linn Co. Or. MARRIAGE GUIDE 260 PAGES. , lliuttrmtca, in Cloth and Oilt Binding, Mc. n toner or rudh. Hunt, nttvr mvr 9v Thi. nv f LL ? eonon. doutxf ul or ingumtiv w lotto know. OK COO- IllpfvtrT interning nd nimble information. HliLTH. BKil'TT u4 lUPriff K8S art promrted bj itt driwho nu Marry, who not, whr: Medical Aid, whrn nrcnaatr. brought home to jon. 0 WowierM PKM PICTC RIS, trii 10 life. Young or old, married or tingle, tick or well.abould read it Berrtaeated br DR. WHtTTIPR. RLI !!Tu TU18 OCT AMU Utno WITH OUtMIHI FARM FOR SALE, One Small Farm for sale containing 230 acres, 60 acres gooJ farming laud. The balance gooi timber and pasture well watered and all fenced. For par ticulars enqnire p f. CyijSCTT, Riddles, Oregon. Aftw Forty mi xpcnoDc in tbe preparation tf mora Uian On Hiainai ThouMad applicatlona for patents ln th United Slatea and Foreign on tin a trie, to publiahera of th Scientiflo American oontinna w act aa aoiicitora for patanta, oaroata, trade-marks, copy rivhta. ato- for the United St&toa m.nA Xo obtain patepta in Oanada. England. Franca, OenBaBy; and alt ather ooantrie. Thelt ezperiT 00a u Bae)aaia aa loeir uoaiui ar vamuc pitaaa. ! ! yaua-- trrairlnga and (rpaeiOeatloni pNparcd and fllad in the PateDt Offlca on abort notioa. Tenna rare raaaonabla. Ko eharge (or azamiQation ot aaedols or drawinc. Adriea br mail froa. PaMota obtained throagb Mann &04.trBoiiead inh SCIENTIFIC AMERICA!", which haa tba largaateironUtion aad ia the moat inaential bawapapar of lt kind, pabliabad la tba world, Tba adrantaf M ot Mh notice trarr pataau tin 'lam aiiua. - ' . . Tbia large and gptwididry flltutatd BMrtnaMt ll 1 published ymKKlrf 3.0oanar, asTi admitted to be tba beat paper derated to soienee. meohanica, inrentlona, entinaeriac worka, aad other department of lndostrial progrese, pub lished in any country. It oontaina the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented each. week. Try .ft font month lor one dollar. Sold by ail newsdealers. k- If yon tiara an invention to tatent write to Mann OUf pnblishera of Boientifla American, til Broadway, 9 a Tort 7 t.toi?ltayMafatdfr, Will i f ill 3 LADIES Trimmings Fine young stock of differ ent ages for sale at inoder ale prices. Oregon TTXacific TS 1 nly l-'opular Ifc ver X icturesque XV 1 ailroad oute Langes Fast time! Sui connecliuns! New equtpinenU 22i miles shorter; 20 hour lest time; accommoda tions unsurpassed for comfort and safety. Fares and Freight MUCH LESS than by any other mute between point in Willamette Valley and 8an Francisco Only Route via YAQUINA Ba to SAN FRANCISCO. Daily passenger trains except Sundays. Leave Corvailis at 8 P. Jf . Lr. Taquina at 7.10 A. If. Oregon & California West Side trains connect at Corvailis. ?he Orejrqn Developmept Cympiny's fine A 1 Steamship "Taqnlna City" sails From Taquina From San Francisco Saturday, Thursday, Tuesday, Sunday, Friday, Nov. Dec. Jan. 27. , 21, V Saturday, Dec. Thursday, Tuesday, " Sunday, Jan. Friday, 16, 28, The Company reserves the right to change soiling days, fares, between Corvailis and San Francisco, Fares Rail & Cabin $14, Rail k Steerage 0.8. Ftr further information apply to C C. Hoguo ' A. O. F. P. Apt, Corvailis. For. Sale. Tx)U 3, 4, 5, and 6, of Block 41 of City of Roseburg, Oregon, known as the Hging fopriy" wil bg f fered for sale at public auction at the Court House at 2 o'clock p. m. on Saturday Dec. 4, 1886. - - , - TERMS OF SALE ' One half cash, balance on time pay able within one year. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Notions, e Fancy Goods, Millinery, & Grroceries, Crockery 8s Glassware, Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc, ON TUESDAY NOV. 16TH. I will open the sfore lately occupied by CARO BROS. at Roseburg Oregon and sell the stock at about ONE HALF ITS O IGIXTAL COST. This is the best opportunity ever offered in Oregon. JOIIX LINE, CI IAS. M. HALL o.scx.3arx - - - ornioou lliflc8 Shotguns. Amunition, Staple k Fancy Cutlery, Fishing Tackel "AGENT For the "White" Sewing Machines, Mitchell Wagons. AND 13- AI. Osburn's liarveytiiiar Macliiiiery. DEVORE Successors to PAGE DIMM1QK DEALERS IN DRUGS, GLASS, PAINTS, JEWELRY, PUTTY, We export to do a Btrictly cash business, and will endeavor to mike it to .uBiui u loueai witn us. We ronnrrn nf nil fnmni. t i t . o - iuuuB, ana solicit 1ST GIVE US DOOR Wholesale DEALERS IN, Lumber. Sugar Pine, Yellow Pine, Fir and Oak, Well Sea sonedlnOur DRY HOUSE When Desired, ALSO Manufacturers of Sash & Doors in nil Sizes and Quantities. Oar Factory ia now in full operation and we can oftr as a specialty all kinds of Store and Offic Fittings, Torino, and Scroli, work at lowest flgures. W. solicit correspon dence wlich ia assured prompt attention. Sugar Pink Dcor & Lumber Co. " Grants Pass, Oregon. mm t)Ba flOOO REWARD Will be given any aian who vill traduce a sci entist of large experi ence, and widely knnwn to be an honerable man. who Will assert that re flued cast zinc is not one of the most enduring of all known materials to withstand the actions of - B1IIW lint lf .r'Vwl'wua.T.f tbe waather. DETBOIT BRONZE CO., Detroit, Mich MONUMENTS J. A. CardweU, Agent, jj ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC THAT HE IS NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EVIilRYXIIlNGIIIV HIS LlPilC Having ately fitted up a new STEAM SAW 311 LL on South Deer creek, is prepared to furnish lumber of all kinds on sliort notice at Hard Time Prices. ': Barn lumbar and fencing f urnisbwPon short notice, J. J. whitsetp. r tri i rj .& ELLIOTT onaca-ojstr. OILS, WATOHES, COMBS, EIC. ETC. also invite a continuation of the pat new ones. A CALL. AfU LI1RRI1 and Retail WHITE tROXIEl 3101 JIENTS STA.TUARY Were awarded the -Q3LD MEDAL- AT WORLD'S FAIR, . Niw Orlsass, 1 8 8 45 vDcsisanj; Prices oh - Jacksonville, Oregon!